The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, June 20, 1900, Page 9, Image 9

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ONlONS—Egyptian, $3.00®3.25 per sa k; crate *.1.50; New Orleans, $:.75 sack (70 pounds). BEANS—Navy or peas. $2 25@2.M per bushel. Early Vegetable*. IRISH POTATOES-New, No. 1, $1.30® ■ 00 per barrel; No. 2, 75c@51.00. !NAP BEANS—Round, 25c crate; flat, c; wax. 25e. 'CUCUMBERS—Per crate, 50c&$! 00. EGG PLANT—Haif barrel, crates, slso® 2,00. CABBAGE—Per barrel crate, sl7s® 2. DO. STRAWBERRIES—LocaI stock, S@loc oer quart. ISreudHtiitls, liny and Grain. FLOUR —Market higher ur.d advancing; Itent, $4.35; straight, $4.05; fancy, $;;.S); rally, $3.60. MEAL—Piarl. per barrel. $2.65; rer sack, .20; city meal, per sack, bolted, $1.15® .20; water ground, $1.17H@1.20; city grist', "Scks, $1.20; pearl grits, Hudnuts’, per barrel, $2.75; per sack, $1.25; sundry brands. $1.20 sack. CORN—Market firm; white, job lots. 62c; carload lots. 00c; mixed corn, job lots, 61c; carload lots, 59c. RlCE—Market Steady, demand fair. Prime 5 Good 4H@4% Fair 4 @4*4 Common 3(6 OATS—No. 2 mixed, carload, 36c; job lots 38c; white, clipped (37 to 42 pounds) 38c cars; 40c job. BRAN—Job lots, 97(4c; carload lots 92'4c. HAY—Market strong; Western, job lota, 97c; carload lots, 92i£c. Ilacun, Hums and Lara. BACON—Market firm; smoked clear sides, B%c; dry salted clear sides, Sc; b- 1- lies, B%c. HAMS-Sugar cured, 12%31314e. , LARD—Market firm; pure, in Uercea, SHc; 50-pound tins, 8 3 c; compound, in pierces, 6%c; 50-pound .Ins. 7c. sujjur and lofier, (. SUGAR—Board of Trane quotations: iui loaf 6.38 Diamond A 5 9 pushed 6. 8 Confectioners' A.5.72 ifowd red 6 08 White ext:a C.,.5.5; XXXX, powd’td 6 08jExtra C 53t Rtad. granulati d5. 8 Golden C SS, Cubes 4.13 YeLows 5/ 3 Mould A 6.83'i _ COFFEE—Board of Trade quotations: JVlocha 26c |Prime, No. 3 ~..10%c Java 26c .Good, No. 4 ....lO^c JPeaberry 13c iFair, No. 5 10c Fancy, No. l....ll%c;Ordinary, No. 6 . 9'„c Choice, No. 2—ll'AclCommon. No. 7.. 9c Hardware and Huildiuu Supplies. LIME. CALCIUM, PLASTER AND CEMENT—Alabama and Georgia lime in fair demand and sell at 80c a barrel; spe cial calcined plaster. ST -->er barrel; hair. 4'asc. Rosedale . cement $1.204t1.20; car load lots, special: Portland cement, re tail. $2.23; carl ad tots, $2.00@2-20. LUMBER, F. O. B. VESSEL SAVAN NAH—Minimum yard sizes, SI3.K/ 4.0 1; car sills, $14.00®16.00; difficult sizes, $16.50 ®25.00; ship stock, $25.(j0'027.n0; sawn iks, sl3 .OCKTiII-50; hewn ties, 33@36c. Ollp—Market steady; demand fair; sig nal. 45@50c; West Virginia, black. 9®l2c; lard, 58c; neatstoct, 6C(u7oc: machinery, IS .@2sc;" linseed oil, raw. 70; boiled, 72; ker osene prime white, 15c; water white, lie; Pratt's astral, 15c; deujJorlzeU stove gas oline. drums, 12%c. Empty oil barrels, de livered, 85c. GUN POWDER—Per keg, Austin crack shot. "$4.00; half kegs. $2.25; quarter kegs, 21.25; champion ducking, quarter kegs. $2.25; Dupont and Hazard smokeless, half kegs, $11.35; quarter kegs. fy.7o; 1-pouiul canister, sl.'o; less 25 per cent.; Troisdorf smokeless p.,wder, 1-pound cans, $1.00; 10- tpounu cans, 90c pound. SHOT—Drop, $1.50; B B and large, $1.75; ’chilled, $1.75. ■ IRON—Market very steady; Swrde, f/A. NAILiVCuI, $2.60 base; wire, $2.85 , ase BARBED WIRE—S3.SO per 100 pounds. rrotlst and Nuts. PEACHES—Six-basket carriers 30j@yi.25 per qarrer. PI. TSAPRLES <3.00*3.50 per standard eratt. ( LEMONS—Market strong and advanc ing, at 54.5<Xg5.00. '.ORANGES —California seedlings, J.X75. '.NUTS— Almonds, Tarragona, 10c; Ivicas. 56c; walnuts. French. 12c: Naples, 12c; pc cars. 12c; Brazils, 7c; filberts. 13c: assort ed nuts. 50-pound and 25-pound boxes. 10c. PEANUTS—AmpIe stock, fair demand: market firm; fancy hand-picked, Virginia, jer pound; 4V 4 c; hand-picked. V glnia. extras. ; N. C -ced peanuts, 4c HaISINS—L. L.. $2: imperial cah'nets, 1t.25: loose. 50-pound boxes. S'jiS'bc pound. brU'il auil btuiiorated Fruit*. Evaporated, 7%SSc; sun-dried, ja ;PEACHEP— Evaporated, pealed. 17%o; vJt&peaied, !>Vs@loc. "EARS- Evaporated. 12%c. i'RICOTS —Evaporated, lac pound; nec .lnes, 10%c. Cult, Hides nuit Wool, dSALT—Demand is fair and the market .steady; ce-ioad tuts, luO-pouna burlap sacks, 44c; lOu pound cotton sacks, 4Go; i25-pound burlap sacks. 54%c: 125-pound cotton sacks, 55/-C, 200-pound uurlap sacks, lac. ■HlDES—Market firm; dry flint, 14%c; dry salt. 1214 c; green salted, 6’,4c. WOOL—Nominal; prime Georgia, free of sand, bur sand black iv ol 7)c hlack, lie; burry, ltXttUC. Wax, 25c; tallow, *O. Seer sk ns. 200 Coituu Hugging; and Ties. BAGGING —Market firm; Jute, 214- pound. ol4c large iots, 9%c small lots; 2-pound, B%@9c. cC pound. Sladjsiric; aea lsla and barging, 12%c. TlES—Standard, 45-pound, arrow, large lots, $1.40; small low X 1.50. lllMccllaneoaß. FlSH—Mackerel, half-barrels, No. 1, 19.50; No. 2 sß.uo; No. 3, J 6.50; kit?, No. 1, }1.40; No. 2. $1.25; No. 3,85 c. Cdd h. j-pound bricks, 6%c; 2-pound bricks. 6c. xiunoked hearing, per box. 20c. Dutch hur ling, In kegs, $1.10; new mullet, haif-bar -ftl, $3.50. SYRUP—Market quiet: Georgia and Florida syrup, buying at 2S@3oc; selling at U&3sc; sugar hous- at 10p 15c; selling at straight goods. 23@30c; sugar house mo tasses. 15@20e. HONEY—Fair demand; strained, In bar rels, Ss@6oc gw lion. High win- basis, $1.23. orets ntivrGHTs. COTTON—Savannah to Bo?!nn, pet Bale. $1.25: to New York, per bale, $1.00: o Philadelphia, per hale, $1.00; to Balil more, per bale, $1.00; via New York— Bremen, 50c; Genoa, 60c; Liverpool, 45c, Reval. 70o: direct, Bremen, 42c. LUMBER—By Sail—Fr ighis du'l; ,to Baltlrro e and eastward $1.50 to .'ti.Ou er M, Portia:id. LtJMUI R—By St a' —Sa annah 10 Hal • ■ nore. $0.50, .0 Philudeiph.u, . ■ t 0 New Yo.k, $6.00; to dock $0.75. ilehteied-to n oCo I;. $5.25. NAVAL STORES—The market Is firm, medium size vessels. Rosin—t'oilt for or ders. 3s per barrel of 310 pounds and 5 per cent, primage. Spirits. 4s 2d per 40 gallons gross and 5 per cent, primage. Larger vesse.s, rosin, 2s 9d; spirits. 4s. Steam, lie per 100 pounds or, ros.n; 2!%c on spirits, Savannah ><. Bosb n and 9%c 0.1 lOsin, and 19c on spirtts to New York. GRAINS, rUiiTMO\S. ETC. New York. June 19.—Flour still quiet, with buyeis and reliefs 15 to 20 cents apart on spring patents and 10 cents on winter straight.-. Winter patents, s3.tfM.l6; win ter stiaighls, $3.654t2,80; Minnesota patent. $4.1064.40. Rye (lour steady. Cord meal dull. Rye quiet. Bariev steady; malting, 49%@52t\ Barley malt nominal. Wheat—Spot, easy; No. 2 red, 88%c. Op tion* opened weak under foreign selling and unsatisfactory cables, lallltd on cov ering and Northwest crop news, but l.ner broke ugtsln under general ouiMde unload, ing, supplemented l>y rumor of more i -new wheat arrivals at St. Louis and .good rains in tile Northwest. Cl s- i w. dc . ijjllio net decline. July closed at 82c; tlep ',temUer at 83c. Corp—Spot, easy; No. 2. 47c. Options wet£ generally weak all day, with wheat iIH under free offerings of long corn for vhlch there was no dtmnnd. Closed easy at '4'nViC net decline. July closed at 45V; Oja cm Nr n‘ 45 T c. Obis—Spot, quiet; No. 2. 27%r. Options dull and 111010 or less nomiunl. Reef quiet. Lard steady; Western steamed, $6.87%. F.cfined quiet; compound 644 c; continent, c iOc; South America. 7.60 c, Fork dull. Southern Railway. Trains Arrive and Depart Savannah on 90th Meridian Time - One Hour Slower Than City Time. Schedules in Effect Sunday, June 10, 1900. READ~DOWN|| TO TH E~East! || RPADUPr N0,34 I No. 36 j| |: No. 36 N0.33 - I I! (Central Time.) |j | 12 20pm 12 20am Lv , Savannah Ar|| 5 lOamj 335 pm l II (Eastern Time.) ' i 4 21pm 4 2Sam Ar Blackville Lv j 3 OOam! 1 07pm 6 05pm 6 10am Ar Crlumbia Lv i 1 25am 11 25am 9 10pm 9 45am Ar Charlotte Lvi) 9 55pm 8 10am 11 44pm 12j2pm Ar Greensboro Lv;| 7 10pm; 5 48am 8 25am; ijAr .TNorfolk Lv||., T.| 8 35pm •- Siam 1 38pm Ar .7.7 .7. Danville 77 Lv|| 5 40pm! 4 28am 6 00am; 6 25pm Ar Richmond Lv|jl2 01pm|U .Opm 2 Flam 343 pm Ar Lynchburg Lvll 352 pm 2 50am 4 35am 5 35pm Ar Chat o tesville Lv, 2 (16pm 12 5 pm 7 35am S s>;>m Ar W i h.tigton Lv’Tl 15am 9 50. m 9 15am 11 35pm Ar B dtimore... Lv 8 22am 8 27pm 11 35am; 2 56am Ar Philaielphia Lv 3 50ami 6 <spm 2 03pm; 6 23am Ar New York Lv|l2 10am! 325 pm 6 3upm 3 OOpm Ar Boston Lv|| 5 05pmil0 10am N0.36 ; TO THE NORTH AND WEST. || N0.35 12 20am Lv Savannah Ar i 5 10am |J ' (Bas era Time.) j| 9 30anv Lv Columbia Lv u 1 25am 6 30am Lv Spartanburg Lv; 6 15pm 12 10pm, Ar A h-ville Lv; 305 pm 4 02pm Ar \ Hot Springs Lv; 11 45am 7 20pm Ar Knoxville Lv, 8 :sam 5 10am Ar Le iagton Lvi 10 30pm 7 45am Ar Cl cinnati Lv 8 00/m 7 50am Ar lou sville Lvjj 7 45pm 6 00pm Ar St. Louis Lvjj 8 04am All trains arrive and depart from the Plant System Station, THROUGH CAR SERVICE, ETC. TRAINS 33 AND 34 DAILY, NEW YORK AND FLORIDA EXPRESS Vesti kuled limited trains, with Pulima.i Dt- w r.g Room Sleeping Cars between Savan nah and New York. Connects at Washington with Colonial Express for Boston. Pullman Sleeping Cars b tween eh rot and Richmond and Charlotte and Nor folk. Dining Cars si rve all meals te ween Savannah and Washington. TRAINS 35 AND 36 DAILY, THE UNI FED STATES FAST MAIL Vestibuled limited trains, carrying Pullman Draw ng Room Sleeping Cars between Savannah and New York. Dining Cars serve all meals between Savannah and Washington Also Pullman Drawing Room Sle ph g Cars between Savannah and Cincinnati, through Asheville and “The Land of he Sky.” For complete information as to rat s, schedules, etc., apply to G. GROOVER. Ticket Agent, Plant Sy*m S'ation. JAMES FREEMAN, C. P. and T. A.. 141 Bull street. Telephones-Bell, 850; Georgia. 850. RANDALL CLIFTON, District Passenger Agent, No. 141 Bull street. MURPHY & CO., INC., Board of Trade Building. Savannah. Private leased wires direct to New York, ' blcago and New Orleans. COTTON, STOCKS AND GRAIN. New York office. No. 61 Broadway. Offices in principal cities throogtiout ths South. Write for our Market Manual and uook containing instructions for traders. Tallow dull and easy. Petroleum weak. Rosin dull. Turpentine quiet. Rice firm. Butter steady; creamery extras, 16@19c; factory, 13K.c@16c; dairy, Cheese strong; large white, 9 T 4c; large olored, 9V310c, small wnite and colored, %®9%e. Eggs firm; state and Pennsylvania, 14® sc; Western at mark, 10S|14o. Potatoes steady; Southern prime, $1.50® -.2d. Cabbage steady; Florida, per crate, $1.25 @1.75. coivon by steam to Liverpool, 20c. Coffee—Spot Rio, easy; mild, quiet.. The marKet for coffee futures opened teady wiih prices unchanged to 10 points .ower. and ruled quiet most of the t>es •ion with a weak undertone fo.lowing se ious declines in European and Brazilian narkets; heavy Brazi. an receipts, urn of the spot maiket in the absence jf speculative support. Buying on the re i non theory caused a par iil rally, but general feeling was weak. The close was ,~.eady at net unchanged pr es to 10 points ecline; sales. 14,750 bags, including July, August, 7.15 c; October, 7.20 c. Sugar, raw, film; refined, steady. New York, June 19.—Bradstreet'a week ly statement of the visible supply of rain, which is usually issued on Tues lays, has been delayed, and will not ap pear until to-morrow. New Y'ork. June 19.—Cot on seed ol ,c lectcd nd not i al, wi h a w ak un Prime cude, ba els 33. n mi al; pr me summer eli w. 35<g50 -y, ff ■ummer yellow', 34 1 / iC'3o, nominal; buter ?iad s n-mi al; pnme winter ytllow, 39, minal; prime Wide, 38y39, nominal; prime meal, $25. CHICAGO MARKETS. C icage, June 19.—Wh at was nervous to-c ay and under rea'iz tig sales by small er hold r., toge her wi.h s me Scalping by the big ones cl.sed IF'c : i lower ban esLrday. Corn clo el : .s@U and oa,s Vs own. 1 revisions at the close were 2Vi<4 3 depressed. 1 he leading futures ranged as follows: Highest. Lowest. Closing. Wheat No. 2- June •••• 76% July 78% 79%. 77% 78% Aug 79% 80% 78 78T* Corn, No. 2 June 39 :i i 4104 39%t&39% 39% July 39%@59% 40Vs 39Vi39% 39% Aug 40’ 1 40% 40@40% 40% Oats. No. 2 June 23% 23% 23 23% July 23% \ 23%©23% 73% Aug 23 23% 22% 23 Mes Pork, ber barrel— July .sll 50 sll 52% sll 42% sll 47% Sept. 11 70 11 70 11 60 11 65 Lard, per 100 pounds— July . 670 6 70 ,6 62% 6 62% Sept. 680 680 6 72% 675 Oct. . 680 680 675 6 7i% Short Ribs, per 100 pounds— July . 6 72% 675 6 67% *1 67% Sept. 680 6 82% 6 72% 675 Cash quotations weie as foil vs: l 1 our steady; No. 3 spring wheat. 72675 c; No. 2 red. $0681c; No. 2 corn. 40@40%c: No. 2 outs. 2384 c; No. 2 white, 25V; No. 3 white, 22Lit36c; No. 2 .nicy, 3Sc; No. 3. 41@42c; No” 1 flax seed, $1.80; prime timothy seed, JFdt; mess pork, per barrel, $10.35610,50, lard, per 100 pounds, $6.52%@6.55; short ribs skies (loose). $6.55@6.55; dry salted shoulders, (boxed), 6%0; short clear sides, (boxed), $7.15; whisky, distillers’ ft niched goods, per gallon', $1.23; sugar, cut loaf, 11. hanged; clover. $7.7597.80. MARINE INTI.LI.IGEYCE. tcli.f l.ljglilkfilp at Mart In's Indus try I’roves Deceptive. The Martins’ Industry lightship was ciken off recently by the Lighthouae Board for repairs, and the relief ship put 111 its place was token from the Rattie uako light station near Charleston. No trouble has been taken 10 obscure the large "Rattlesnake” on her aides, and ns a result, masters of Incoming vessels, who were unaware of the change, have been very much puzzled at what seemed at first to them, to be on error In their navigation. The appearance of the Rat tlesnake lightship made Hum think thev were oft Charleston, when their calcula tions told, them they were off Savannah. No mishaps have occurred on this account, how ever. The British schooner Wanola arrived yesterday from Bristol via New York. British schooners are a rare sight In this port, and the Wanola attracted some ni ton tlon on this account. She Is a trim Hide -raft of 272 tons burden, and her build Is -ueh ns 10 enable her to carry 1 good load for her tonnage. She will load lumber lor Hirsch A Cos. The Blanche Hopkins has completed her cargo of lumber, and will sail for Balti more In 0 day or two. The cargo In by Dixon, .Mitchell & C'o.. with the exception of a portion by the Georgia Lumber Com puny. The Hopkins has hnJ an unusually long stay In port, having to take her car go as she could gel i. on account of the dullness In lumber freights. The schooner Luther T. GarreUon, espt. Green, arrived from Baltimore yesterday with oil for the Standard Oil and Dlxio THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20, 1900. Companies, and coal for the Savannah. Florida and Western Railway. She will load lumber for Wylly & Cos. The tug Sampson arrived yesterday' from Baltimore, and will take the bark Oracle in tow for Baltimore In n day or two. The bark lias been purchased by the American Towing and Lighterage 'Company of Baltimore, and will be con verted into a barge. A telegram received by Secretary W. F. McCauley, of the Propeller Towboat Com pany, from President Jacob Paulsen at Camden, N. J., announces that the trial sea trip of the Abram Minis, the new tug just completed there by Dialogue & Sons, for the company, was a corpplete success. The tug maintained a speed of fifteen knots for four consecutive hours, or just one knot per hour more than the contract speed. Capt. Paiilsen is expected back in a day or two. The Minis w? expected to arrive here about July 1. The schooner Annie T. Bailey. Cap*. Findley, completed loading yesterday with 329,031 feet of lumber, by J. A. Calhoun, for Philadelphia. The British bark Carl Von Capt. Williams, previously reported being defaineti at the Delaware break water. through her crew having refused duty, sailed at midnight, June 15. for Sa vannah in tow, having secured anew crew. As the result of the difficulty which the off. ials of the treasury department have experienced in deciding upon a course of action with regard to the immigrants brought to New York on the Spanish • ramp steamship Gran Antilla, it has been decided to issue an order fixing a date in the future, after which no aliens arriving In the United States on tramp steamships will be allowed to land. There was recently launched at New Castle. England, a tank steamship built for the American and East India oil trade, named the Bulysses. which is third of a irio of the largest oil carrying vessels in the world, and whose capacity is about 2.000000 gallons. She is owned by the Shell Transport and Trading Company, and Is built of steel In accordance with Lloyd's highest classification require ments. Her dimensions are: Length, 42C feet; beam, 52 feet; depth of hold. 33 feet 9 inches. She will make eleven knots an hour and her total dead weight capacity will be 8,700 tons. The Bulysses is fitted with machinery of the three cylinder triple expansion type, and works at a pressure of 180 pounds. Her boilers are so arranged as to burn either coal or liquid fuel. Passenger* hr Steamships Passengers by steamship Chattahoochee for New York. June 19.—R. F. Williams. Harry Lyons and wife. (Mrs. J. Rohan. Miss May Ronan. Dr. W. J. Tucker. Mrs. Alice Tucker. Miss Emmeison, Miss Raker. Miss Spear, Mrs. and Miss Moore, Miss D. Burbage. Mrs. Alfred. J. C. R. Cox, R. H. Butler, L. Daman, T. J. Sweeney, Mr. arid Mrs. A. A. Zelmor. Mr. and Mrs. W. C Offutt, Miss E. R. Griffin, Mrs. A. K Virgil. Robt. Murray, Mr. and Mrs. 1,. F. Dommiek, I. A. and M. E Bush. Mr. Conanl. Mrs. William Kennedy, Mrs. Brandon, Rev. L. A. Aus tin. Mrs. Menendez and friend. Miss Eu bank, Mrs. Ray, M. W. Gallup. .Mrs. J, S Daly and child, E. J. Seymour, W. B. Willingham, M. S. Payne, Jr., W. Mayer, Fannie Golden, colored nurse, Mrs. Golden, Dianna Mitchell. Hattie Mitchell. R. W Hanson and wife. C. Alexander, Mrs. MeQund and daughter, Mrs. Ander son, Miss Emma Fahman, A. Holetead, Joseph Morrell. S. Hotchkiss, Mr. Meincke, Frank Brown, D. John, J. W. Stringer, W. M. White. Passengers per steamship Alleghany, sailing to Baltimore, June 19 M Gr 1- ham, Mrs. Cole, E. Reed. B. Smith. F. Nichole. E. Thomas, Mrs. Glenn, J. C. Campbell. W M lnosh Theo Campbell. H L. Scott. R RuffVvd. L Blzrard A. Cnckrer W Zahm H. Williams Gcor vln Was b’pp'on. Mrs Payne. J C. Stew art. L. M German Mrs German J C. Melrtzer Airs .'felntzer. Mis* Ncbllng. Miss Stoffel. A. Quinn, W. Quinn. C. B. Quinn. Mies Quinn. R N Menefee, J'ohn McCreary, W T. McCreary. E A. Sheri don. Miss McCreary. Miss Shcrldon, Miss Brown. Mm Brown. J. K. Culver, G. P. Maggloni, Miss Anderson, W W. Thom son. A. Porter, Mrs. O'Brien. Miss O'Brien. Miss Simpson, R. E. Sherldon, A. Ford. Snvnnnnli Almanac. Sun rises at 4:52 a. m. and seta 7:11 p. m. F.A.Rogers&Co.,inc. Hankers, Brokers sad Dealer* In ! Stocks, Cotton, Grain and Provisions FOR CASH OR MARGIN. I Prompt Service,-Liberal Treatment. Writ*for term*, special quotation service and booklet I** Safety and Certainty in Speculation M ! 38 WALT* KTRKET, NEW YORK. Wool, Hides Wax, Hurs, Honey, Highest market prices paid. Georgia Syrup for sale. A. EHRLICH & BRO, Wholesale Grocers and Liquor Dealer* All, Ul, U Bay street, west. Florida Central •&K and Peninsular R. Central or 90th Meridian Time. TIME TABLE EFFt C.IVE JUNE 2, 1900. All trains daily. Tralna operated by 90th meridian time—one hour slower than city time. NORTH AND EXST. NORTH AND NORTHWEST. Lv Savannah 7.7. ... 12 B*.piu spj Lv Savannah 7 11 ;*p a £ 4 airrax 2 15p| 1 f>4a| Ar Columbia 456 i Ar Denmark 300,) 2 12a. Ar Asheville 1 4up a oi gUSLA 9 > 55a Ar Knoxville 7& p a urnl:,ia 4 58p 4 6a: Ar Lexington 5 0i Ar Asheville | 1 k'pj Ar Cincinnati 7 5a a 9 05f> 9 20a Ar Louisville 7 601 a 2? u h i ll Wpill 55a< Ar Chicago 5 Sip a ‘r ichmond i 5 l*>al 5 40p' Ar Detroit 4 00p Ar Norfolk 1 7 3Sa| | Ar Cleveland | 2 si Ar Portsmouth j 7 25a' Ar Indianapolis I 40a Ar \\ ashing on 845 ~ 9 30p| Ar Columbus ‘ll .i Ar Baltimore 10 06a 11 35p| i Ar Philadelphia li So,, • 56., SOUTH AND FLORIDA POINTS Ar New York j 3 03p' 6 13aj.'. ) , 31 Ar Boston j 9 oot> 3 caj-j . - . • DIVISION AND N. O. Ar Darien I 30p 6 OOp ~~1 3J 1 —27~ Ar Everett 6 50jj > 10p Lv Savannah ‘ “ Ar Brunswick ! 8 0-a 6 .5p Lv JacksonviiiA ? 07:> 0 1 Ar Fernandina j 9 30\l 9 06p A? Live, - 5P 11 Ar St. Augustine 1 . 30a| Ar Madrion 12 4> Ar Waldo Vi .19 4 p A? Ounce <•• 2S * Ar Ocala lOp 115a Ar ?rj 4 .9p Ar Wildwood ?. 32p| .* 40|> Ar PensacoVr 3 Ar Kpw 0r,7 3Cl * Ar Flint City 4 I4 P J. Ar New Orleana 7oa Ar Tampa .a t , a Trains arrive at Savannah trom North and zi. a. ■■ P '*™' Northwest—No. 27. 5 a. m.; trom Florida points, Brunswi, k in,l Darien —No. 44. 12:27 p. m.; No. 66, 11:50 p. ni. Trains 31 and 44 carry through Pullman sleeper and day coach to New York, including dining car. Ttalns 27 and 66 dairy through Pullman sleeper to New York and day coaches to Washington. For full Information apply to F. V. PETERSON. T. P. A., t Bull and Bryan streets, opposite Pu ri n . ®CRUGGS, P. & T A., j laski and Screven H dels. D. C. ALLEN, c. T. A.. F4u!l ;rd L her ty streets. ci>[tt.sit'* I> Soto 11 tel. n. R McINTYRE. D T. A West Bro ad and Liberty -Lets. A. O. MACDONELL. G. P. A.. L. A 8 HIPMAN. A G. P A Tack-orvllla Trains leave from union depot, corneV West Broad and Liberty stret ta. High water at Tybee to-dey at 1:12 a. m. and 1:47 p. m. High water ut Savan nah one hour later. Phancii of (lie Moon for .June. D. li. M. First quarter 5 0 5.S morn. Full moon 12 9 38 eve. Last quarter 19 6 57 eve. ARRIVALS AND DEFAHTI RES. Veasel* Arrived Yenferdny. Steamship City of Birmingham, Burg, Nexv York.—Ocean Steamship Company. Schooner Luther T. Garretson, Green, Philadelphia. Schooner Horace G. Moise, Higbee, New York—C. W. Howard & Cos. British schooner Wanola, Wagner, Bal timore.—Hirsch & Cos. Vessel* Cleared Yesterday. Schooner bark Solid, Weden, Glasgow. Ves-ls Went to Sph. Steamship Alleghany. Billups, Balti more. Sitamship Chattahoochee, Lewis, Now York. Arrive*! From Savannah. Schooner Humarock. Campbell, Phila delphia, June 17, lumber. Freights and Charters. Schooner Alice McDonald. 624 tons, Brunswick to Santa Cruz. $11; schooner Lucy A. Davit. 536 tons, Savannah to New York. $5; schooner Chas. K. Schull, . 527 ton?. Brunswick to New York,, 14c; schooner Maud H. Dudley, 324 tons, same $5.25. Shippluit Memoranda. Carrabelle. Fla , June 19.—Cleared, schooner Gen. E. S'. Greeley, Risky, New York. Cleared hark G. P. Harbiiz (Nor), Dahl, Harlingen. Charleston. S. C., June 19. ArriV4d, schooners Annie C. Grace, Smith, New York; J. Manchester Haynes, Matthews, Boston. Sailed, steamer Carib. Ingram, Bruns wick. Baltimore, June 19.—Arrived, steamship Itasca, Savannah. Sailed, tug S. O. No. 7, with barg* l No. 57. for Savannah; steamer rv. H. Miller, Savannah. Port Tampa, Fie.. June 19.—Arrived, steamer Olivette. Smith. Havana, via Key West; tug Guillermo Lopez with two barges, Havana. Notice to Mnrlncm. Pilot charts and all hydrographic Infer motion will bo furnish'd macturs of ves sels free of charge in United States hy drographic office in Custom House. Cap tains are requested to call at the offi - Reports of wrecks and derelicts received for transmission to the navy department Coastwise Exports. Per steamship Naeoochee for New York. —67 bales upland cotton. 300 bales sea (eland cotton 503 bales domestics. 86 .1 . sweepings, 585 barrels rosin, 133 barrels turpentine, 186.783 feet lumber. 488 bi : 1 hides, 11 turtle*, 60 eases cigars. 25 bar rels fruit, 1.478 boxes fruit. 180 barrels veg etables, 1,977 crates vegetables. 17.01 J melons. 40 boxee tobacco. 20 barrels rosin oil, 95 bales waste, 70 barrels lamp black, 561 packages mdse. Per steamship Alleghany for Baltimore —7OO bales upland cotton, 3.020 barr -Is rosin, 48.448 feet lumber, 106 crates pine apples. 165 crates vegetables. 73 barrels vegetables, 11 barrels roein oil. 60 barrels cotton seed oil, 132 packages mdse. ISS package* domestics and yarns. 336 bales hides and wool, 206 barrels pitch. RESULTS OS THE DIAMOND. Chicago 1, Pittsburg O After Four teen Inning*. Chicago, June 19.—T0 day's camp be tw. e Pittsburg and Chic, g wa poi ably he gn atet • b ion o 1 vn pitching five fielding and -ra I- o n pla tf the It nut eas n ih s y ar u twelve hi s w r na c t, h Uti > 1 lnn'rg and only wo nns l.y- h ex ct sa‘ le, marred tl e sharp fleidl ,g At tend*! ce. 1.200. Score; R )| ]■; Chicago 0000000 000 0 0 0 I—l 7 1 P ttsburg ...0 000000 000 0 0 0 0-0 1 ! Batteries—Griffith and Nichols; Wad dell and Schriver. Brooklyn Wine From Boston. Bouton, June 19.—Brooklyn outpayel Boston to-day at a 1 points and won easily, maki g It four straight. Attend ance, 2,500, Store; r h E Boston 0 00202000—493 Brooklyn 6 0 0 0 1 2 0 2 o—lo 11 3 Batteries-Willis and Clements; Kltson and McGuire. Cincinnati Beat St. Louis, St. Louis, June 19.—Cincinnati ma 'e I* four straight to-day. St. Louis Is now In last place. Attendance. 700. H ore: R.H.Iv Bt. Louis ...A 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 o—3 12 1 Clnclnuall . 0 1 0 3 0 2 0 0 I—7 13 2 Batieiies—Weyhlng and Roblneon; Ila 11 and Reitz. Ho tv Philadelphia Lost. Philadelphia, June }9.—Philadelphia wax unable to lilt Mercer to any advantage. Oi the other hand riait gave hit- bases on balls In the Inning In which New York did Its hitting. Attendance. 4,106, S > r,-; rt.ii e. New York ..0 3 2 0 0 2 0 1 0-3 10 3 Philadelphia 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0-1 10 1 Batteries—Mercer and Warner; I'latt Conn, Douglass and McFarland. Othrr Baseball Games. At Worcester; Worcester, 9; Toronto, 1. At Springfield: Springfield, 6; Syra cuse, 5. A t Hartford: Hartford. 3; Rochester, 1. A Providence: Providence, 8; M : treal, 3. Second game: Providence. 5; Mon treal. i. At Detroit: Cleveland, 4; Detroit. 3. At Chicago: Chicago, 5; Milwaukee, 3. At Indianapolis: Builalo, 2, Indlamipu lis, 0. At Minneapolis: Kansas City, 13; Min neapolis, 2. STFLL JNM’i ( ( JON Till H. Producers and Purchasers Mill Agree on a Basis. New York, June 19.—The officials of th< Federal Steel Company have just return ed from their regular annual tour of in speciion. President L. fl. Gary fm: he found all the properties in got>d condi lion. “The mills and transportation companie are reasonably busy,” said Preside :r Gary. “The former are mining and ship ping a materially larger tonnage man la, , year at the same time. “it is believed the producers and pur chasers will agree within the next two o three months u, on a satisfactory ba L and that (his will result in the sale oi large quantities of steel and iron. "I do not see ary great reason for dk couiagement In the bus.ness prosper! y o this country.” Left Him Family A gal n. Atlanta, June 19.—Charles Going, after being twice arrested for de: rkng his wife and children, and who promised f return to the family fold and providi therefor. Is again being sought by ihe of ticers of the law, as he has aga n lef his family in the lurch'. It 1h -aid tha 1 Going is bewitched with a cous.n of his ( h’rloMi Thief Killed. Canal Dover 0.. m e P —Phil p S • It zenbflch. a a r 1 v g nea • e e it t p with a vlv a ed a o gun i cet i 'he o her ul.o ad e n i tin ’is e i ken 1 s . ' i m mine Pal e Ecker , off and t .r yar , f hi tj wa io ri at t e oo w h h s h a b • wn off. ii ifii lor 101 l 1 Coii!. lan-1 Ave j j At la a, Apr. I .Vh, ' j < t-ru* 1 •n .j.iu y. ba <la. enUerru 11 gi < t ftp tsrur# to j [ ! eirtily rf ‘*J fi- L*‘ri n- | I Powdei o ) u 1 ai liar li< 11 coincidence comiecu-l wuh u j the Co‘t n Stat a and Inter- I rational F was j>reen el I with a little l x of this* powder, und I j was sg p'.ea and with it ihat i W'aa ex- I j ree-iinr yUI 10 *to get mo e u* <>n j looking a the box I found nt ! j : but Savannah. On., no oihei id re>u j ; I have wished 1 knew where ] |to ypi it. This morning's mdi b o r t your circular with en 1 s <1 aampJe. i ] j imniedlately referrtd *o my box. and i ! found it whs the ‘ Infan:-Friend Pow- j der.” It iri without doubt the best I powder I have ever uperi. Kespc :-t fully. MitS. Wm, ICING. For sale fry ail Druggists. Manufactured by COLUMBIA DRUG COMPANY, Savannah, Ga. in infnrtf 5 LIPPMAN BROS.. Proprietors, >ugglsts, Ltp.unan's Block. SAVANNAH. G ISPS CHICHtSTSR , ENGLISH Pennyroyal pills ■ OHalnnl miff Only Ibniilnu. l 4( t t ( MK HKNTF.K'S l:\Gl 1-11 ' n HI l an>! (iold !•*%.llu* >•<>!• 1 %rd ’bi bine ribbon. Tkt* mo other. H< fns W I*unff‘r>us ■*ul**tll uilooe Mud Imilu- I (rf tlon. Hur of Tour l>rtijt*i.t, or wilt If. in iU. Jf f' ■*' • lArtb>H<ar, Tc•llmunlwls \ XT* and “RrllrfTor by fF. L' turn Mull. 1 0.000 Toatitii p.i . avid by V> ~—— I si] lirucr Chlphritw* Hcp'l' hI t*riton nii r*i r MadUnn FHibA.. IM. iold by L. BrauAwlg 4 ( 0., Mboi. bun Uilohua. opiuST Morphine and Cocaine habits cured paln essly tn 10 to 20 days. The only guaran teed painless cure. No cure no pay. Address, DR. J. H. HEFLIN, Locust Grove, Ga. Plant System. ■ I Hi ■——— of Railways. Traln Operated by Doth Mercian Tima—One Hour Slower Than City Tima. OWN | Etteciive May 27, IM9. || READ UP. T ,! - i' 78 North on,l .Souifl. 23 | 35 j fa | #l3 | *l7 . J f;: 1 ' .'/ • '•* it'7. Lv ....S"v7 nnah.77 Ar l ogai 7 55a7Tli)piu Wa Jl 30p, *- ■ ’U,.I .i-., ip. 10 36.,| ■ 6, \, ...Ch lesion.... Lv ,11 15p; 5 50a| 316 p 7 41a 8 <M> - v Ar ..Washington... Lv'; 4 30a 307 p ' •••’•*i 1 J 'o.i Ar . .1 h ladelphia.. Lv, 12 20p,U 33p I I 1 * Ar .. N'fW York. .. Lv., 9 25p, 8 soa I o ton .. .. la-. I 00p 12 n't , A , 34 I' 32 1 C" I’ * s u; ' ' - ! ‘-v ....S.i.amah.. . Ar I 45a 12 10ajl2"l0p li KOajlO 16a t :; t . , ' v :’ ' ‘ ‘ • •• • • W.> : .*> .. L\ 1 Gsp; 9 55p| 956 9 35a: 7)• °’ l ' ,' : " i ’ 1 1 • < Ac ...Ja. kiOfivlUe.. Lvi 8 30pI 8 OOp 8 00a Ujm 5 00* 'i Pala ka Lvj 2 40p 5 OOp] 4 05a 4 06a - . Suin', rd. ... l.v 12 tp | 1 0)a 1 00a I j I,' f . ' |' ; l'!.*r t),min Lv 1 40p : ' v Ar St IV tersbiirg Lv 6 00* - mpn Lv |7OO . 7 00a| 7Hp 7 35p j 1 1 ■ IM 1 ,o .i ,\r Punt;, Gord.i.. LV I ~..| 4 36p 4 26p " ! St A ignt i.v t; :n p 6Bp | l.v 10 ISatU 10a |.......L..E^ S,, T 1 ,9a * p'■ l l Ar II ir | A jn : i 0 OSp’ I NORTH. WEST AN D SOUTH WEST. VU jvaup. ii 46 j„6 li Si Via' M | *”* ; 1 : " V - . ■ i.v S.ivaui,:ih"”Ar:|io" 15a 12'JOa ‘ ' ' ' "V ' 1 > -'ll Ar Tho’svllle Lv|j3 25a 4 20p ■' ‘ •' , |l , k - •• I' 811,1 92tlp A.r M’tgomery Lv|l 7 45p 8 20a “■; 1 •>' 1 1 1 ' • V is. 6.VU \r N ash villa l.v 9 nOa 2 !la ? t'i - -l. , ‘'• >• l-J -,p Ar la.ui.-v,He Lv 2 55a '.trip '. * ' . I . n ' {" '' ' l 1 •'* '• ” Ar rtnclnnall Lv ll OOP 5 45p l * ' V : J" 1 • •■> 7 2(>.i 7 16; Ar St. Louis Lv 3 sop 8 28a ■•> ■' "Op Ar. Lou s l.v Ii:, x (~ *m v L 1 “’ 1 ■’ '' IP? 1 8 30p| 9 OOp 7 22a] Ar St. Loula Lv 8 OOp 40a| 4 JopllLv. Btl in: I VI 10 35p|1l SOa || (M. & O.) S o’.pi 7 1 I \t M ,!• I. , 9 09.,' 9 tsp Ar Ohlcanto .Lv I 7 OOp I sop \ r 1 - 1 * r ‘ 4 I"; 3 a;-1 Ar MphllVT ..Lv]l2 58pj12 S ni' - > uaily. x 7 (On Ar N Orleans l.v | 7 55a{ 7 45p ISundav * onlv Su: ‘ :ay ’ • ,H ‘ 1 ,Lv v innalTAr'iiO ljl® J; ‘ Ital 2 3-p Ar... Tifton ...Lv||2lsa 5 20p Tlu-nti* *’ll i' <n i irg Car - 23P Ar Albany ..Lv; l 2 01a 3 46 p •* “ r 1 1 1 • l ! V\ -t ind. : ',r \ \ ... 5 20p Ar Columbus Lv | j 10 00a PLAN'i othalTshTp link - '!•. Tliui di \ . Sat , ll i- ,>m* Lv Port Tampa Ar 330 pm. Tus. Thum., Sun. Tut ; , i ii.. dun., ;> ll i \r Ky \V i Lv 1! CO pm. Mon., Wed.', Sa/ 1 . I’u - , Fid., Sun, 9 1 • nru I KyW • t At 10 00 pm. Mon , W*d.[ Sat. \\ and., Sn , M .ii imi,\ r Havana **2 30 pm. Mon., Wed,,’ Sal. ••Havana lime. J. H. r<* h*-rriiF. T P \ ; A. A t n.l City Ticket Agt.. IX* Soto Hotel. Phono"7l B W WRENN. I‘i nger Traffic Manager, Savannah, Ga. Georgia esi Alabama Railway, PasAcnger BchcTales effective dune 17,1900- i'jt ruttd (*. . i ia* .vj-.iit it mi - -one hour Siuvvt u tnau City Time. ~ ii REAirr W>VTN j| UP ,\e NO 26 • • • > .r.nah 7. Ar.j 8 2ftp|' 8 4*>a ’ D • \r Oi Lv ! 7 4Bp'i Ts7* A'' fl.ut i uro Lv 5 15pi and €OA ’ ■ Lvjj 6 I9pi ohA ... Lvj | 4 08p>j 4 Ml -.4 ’! Ar . r M v Lv jll • > ' A: • i•' i Lvjl 7 oOajlO 45p M i 1 iAr C.i 111 ~ri >< >,'a Lvjj 3 0&al C OCp - •• '2 Ar A.ih*v file Lvfj 8 I|>J • 8 T3p vr ... i't ■:• a a.d Lv 12 sopj., ! 4', Ar cordeli- Lvjj 2 10y>j....... .... 3Ft A r Am in Lv||l2 45pj ......i 3 2*>p Sr \lbany Lvjj 12 00nj. Lvjj 8 20aj I I2ji 3 osa .'vr M'<H>ile Lv f1230n4:|;....^ a 30p : 7 loa A.r , N\ tv OrT ms Lvjj 7 43pf r . 1 \ i ‘ . ( ill- innati Lv|j j 8 20a *1 7 Ar S Luis ... Lvjj j 8 55p All tr.iins :'un d;>iiy. \ Ms.yriificvi • buftet .nrlor care on ftaung 17 and 18. CONXE riONR. . * AT CTWIjFTt with Savunnah and Hi c boro Railway. Yi i'• LLi A s w> vii- i Also with • 'oldns and Keidsvtll® RallroaVl AT HTTHA'A tvl-h Southern Railway. •• - • 1 AT C< vJIHd \ iCi a i oiiib ift irnt Florida Hallway; also wKh Aibdtijr n l Northern Rod way. .* at rtcitlAnd wl b Colotnbu® Division. V M '.VI • <>: ? \K I h . . . I I Nashville’ .md Mobile and Ohio Rail ads. For rates or any other Information call on or addresa * * \V. I'. Si'lMTifjH, c. F and T A . Bui! wild Bryan streets, F. V. ITTI’Ur’OV, T. 1’ A., Hull and Bryan rftreete. A. F’Ul'F. fi< r< a! Fn -.-rger Agent. ‘ ' ' A ■' | CECIL GARRETT. Vice president and General Manager. T'lcLiUAUllid & bAI.LAM i.\C, *aT Iron l~ouncer ~is achin.sts a 8 iitutkauilUu, Uwbvruioti* ii u>< n> murpni if hliiUun \ r mill t'snalilt l-wgii a Vrnleal unl lo|i I'.uuninu Fai Uilia srt (If imJ l‘n 'tu I'ln/ l'u)ir>a. rte. TELEPHOiiE NO. .23, Ik I NFU, J T’ M I .|,4 wo. 5 Preifldi* *. v Vine! r % luj; { lii .Miv ili.rr* Jr . w ei y uu i Ireaa KEAL-liILLAKI) CO. UmltHb, basil, Doors an,l Blink, | Paints, Oils, Varnis is, (.lass anJ Brushes, | EULCERS' liAfitiWAHE, | Lime, Cement anti Piaster. u.j .ad Vhinkn ltru J ■AVAASAM. £_ JBUP V X ’,3 yf/ Cmfe if T-ibletvS ' ! 'J r*tlnre D HJj ’ to \wm£fr '*t •fleet a permanent euro. tw rornote the Appetite ]7 exrvd Put Flesh or\ Thin B / Prnnlp All i * ••rtoftlioM'.niaeh * i I f rcopie. ~ . ; J 1 116#. Koat corr-rn'-i. ran •• ' *rriel in tii* pock- B I ot V At i •: t* B LOJ Bunn ft CO , Oloomlopion, ill, g COMFORT For your aiovk The lly beaifon la now on us and the time to Uh© Tough on Flies, a lotion when applied will prevent your horses and cattle ficm being pe-steied. Try It ind be convinced. HAY. GRAIN, KHAN, COW FEED CHICKEN FEED, etc. T. J. DAVIS. Phene Lay street, wftflt apfslH A safe and [xiwcrful remedy for functional troubles, delay, pain, and irregularities, is ATMOLIN E • rCHAPOTEAUT) Sticcrmfullv prescribed hy Sprdallats for Dis eases of Women. Price SI.OO of all Druggists, or by mall. P. O. Box zoSi, N. Y. WsK IvCtEORGIA ' jCvJt'yeaV Sfdi<i!uTe Effective June 10, 1900. Xiaius arrive ai and depart from Cetitrai Station, West Broad, Foot ot Liberty utreet. Wth Meridian Time -One hour slower than city time. I Wf r Arrive Savannah: Savannah: Macon. Atlanta, CovtaJg-| ■■ •: llkim ton Millcdgevllle and all|*6 OQpm uitcrm. ilace points. j Millcn. Augusta and In-] 8 45am iiTm -tllale points. |) OOpin (Augusta, M:iconT Mont-i '* emery, Atlanta, Athens,| •9 00pm Columbus, oOaia Amerlcus. Eufaula andl ITfojr. | T bee Sreclal from Au-|' I 13pm gu-i i .Surniay only. f|lo 26am • Dover Accommodation. |f7 4sam Guyton limner Train, IftHMI •Fa lv tExcepr Sunday* only. BETWEEN SAVANNAH AND TYBEE. 751 h meridian or Savannah city time. LEAVE SAVANNAH. Week Days—6:2o a. m., 10 05 a m , 3:38 n, m. 5 25 p. m . 6:50 p, m.. 8:35 p. m. Sundays—7:4S a. in., 10:05 a. m., 12:06 p. m.. 3:35 p. m., v:25 p. m., 6:50 p, m., BJS p. m. LEAVE TYREE. Week Days—6:oo a. m.. 8:00 a. m 11-W a. rn.. 6:15 r>. rn., 7:40 p. m.. 10:10 pm Sundays—6:oo a. m.. 8:35 am., 11:16,a. m , 1:00 p. m., 5:50 p. m.. 7:40 p. ra., 10:16 p. m. ronnertioiv made at terminal points with all trains Northwest, West and Southwest. Sleeping cars on night trains between Savannah and Augusta, Macon, Atlanta and Birmingham. parlor cars on day trslna between Sa vannah, Macon and Atlanta. For complete Information, schedules, ran** and connections, apply to. w. G. BREWER, City Ticket and Pass er rer Agent. 107 Bull street. \V. R. MrINTYRE. Depot Ticket Agent. ,1 C HAIL* General Passenger Agent E. H HINTON Traffl- Manager. THEO. D. KUNE. Gen. Superintendent. r. #i M. O MARA & CO., Late ot O'Mara Foundry and Machine Cot, Brass Founders, OIIMMI sueci. uu rsi.j wts SKAUa AND RKUNZB CASTL\CSA, CAR BRASSES a j SCRAP BRASS WANTED, 9