The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, June 22, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 CRAMER KILLED HIMSELF. COMMITTKD 91IOIDE AFTER DIS MISSAL FROM ARMY. Ur Wn* an Officer In (hr Philippine* Bnt Was Conrttnnrllalrd and Dl mlnnl-Hr Wa* Well Known lu hrorgl* flat Ins Been In the Sen■*- pnper Bnnlnenn lu Georvia —Mnn- ner of Hl* Death Wa* Not Stated. Atlanta, June 21.—A letter received in the city by O. I* Qresham from Mal.tbon. Philippine Islands, reports the death of Robert B. Cramer, formerly of Atlanta. The letter is from Calvin Holmes, an Atlanta boy who is a member of the Twenty-ninth Rrglment. Holmes saya that Kramer killed himself soon after he was and smiss and from the army after a trial by courtmartial Cramer teas formerly on the Atlanta Constitution, and was well known In At lanta. The communication was dated May 7, but did not state the time nor manner of Cramer's death. NAKED MAN nCNMN'G LOOSE. Hr Wa* Caught and Jailed by a Youds Negro Preacher. Colquitt. Ga., June 21.—0n Tuesday last a negro found a naked whit© man. about SO years of ege, roaming over the woeids in the southern part of this county, alone. The negro was frightened, and would not approach him. He Informed the ne groes what h ehad discovered. They all thought It must be a "hard." Parties of whites and blacks have searched for him until to-day he was captured by Thomas Toung. a negro preacher. Young found bim naked and crazy, not even knowing his name nor where he was from. Young gave him some old clothes, shoes and an old hat and brought him to Col quitt, where he delivered him to the au thorities. He is about four feet ten inches in htght. weighing about 122 pounds, has very long red hair and red beard of about two or three months - growth. He will not talk, but mutters, sits and stands very erect, with head thrown back, has large sparkling eves and remains quiet all the time. He was placed in jail by the sher iff this afternoon, where he will remain until some action can be taken as to his disposition. YOI'NG BAPTISTS' OFFICERS. Convention Decided to Meet Neat In Rome and Not Savannah. Atlanta. June 21.—The Baptist Young People's Convention to-day elected the fol lowing officers: President. M. L. Brittain, Atlanta; first vice president, George W. Macoh, Macon; second vice president, Chas. H. Davis, Columbus; third vice president. A. A. Meyer. Savannah; secre tary. W. W. Orr, Atlanta; treasurer. J. M. Moore. Macon. Executive Committee, Dr. R. Vandeventer, Savannah; J. J. Whitfield. Hawklnevllle; W. W. Gaines, Atlanta; J. \V. Little, Atlanta; J. J. Ben nett, Atlanta; J. W. Graham, Macon; P. H. Itichol, Griffin. Chairman Gilmore, of the committee on time and place to select the next meeting place of the union, reported in favor of Savannah, but the convention by, 107 to *O, substituted Rome. CHESTNUT TRIED FOR MI'RDER. Charged With Killing; Will Walsh. His lloon Companion. Columbus, Ga., June 21.—The case of the state against Fred Chestnut, charged with the murder of Will Walsh, which has been on trial in the Superior Court for the past three days, was given to the jury at 7 o'clock 10-nlght, and at a late hour no verdict had been rendered. Chest nut and Walsh were boon companions and shortly after taking a drink together rne night a few weeks ago, Walsh was shot and killed by Chestnut, who pleads arif defense. The feature of the testimony ■ n the part of the state was to prove Walsh was left handed, whereas the knife was found in his right hand as he lay deid, the theory of the state being that the knife was placed in Walsh's hand after he had been killed. GOING TO KANSAS CITY. Miot Georgia Democrats Will At tend the Convention. Atlanta, June 21.—A1l arrangements have been made for the Georgia delegation to go to the Kansas City Convention. The trip will be over the Western and Atlantic, Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Goals, Louisville and Nashville, and Burlington route. The train will leave Atlanta Sun day night, July 1. al 8:30 o'clock. Prominent Democrats from Macon, Au gusta, Savannah, Columbus. Albany, Gainesville and other point* will Join the Atlanta delegation here. It is expected that 100 Democrats, Including delegates, will go from this state. MOTORS! A N WAS ARRESTED. He Ran the Car Which Struck and injured Dr. Broughton. Atlanta, June 21.—W. H. Haney, the mo torman of the car which waa responsible for the injuries of Rev. Len G. Brough ton, was arrested to-day. The charges against Haney is entered on the police blotter. "Reckless running of a trolley car." Dr. Broughton was in • carriage with Miss Kate Irby on the evening of June 18, driving along Whitehall. In front of No. 403 the carriage was struck by a trolley car and Dr. Broughton and MIS3 Irby were thrown out. Dr. Broughton be ing painfully hurt. DID NOT EAT TOADSTOOLS. Report Srnt Out About Sf mitor 11a raa fl Crrontog*. Macon. Ga . June 21—The dispatch re cently sent out to the effect that Senator Bacon had been poisoned, and made ill by eating toadstools, mistaking them for mushrooms. Is without foundation. Sen ator Bacon was then absent from home, and has just returned. With the excep tion of his accident In Washington last winter, he has not been ill from any cause in years, and was never In better health than at present. hoaro'a Body Fonnil. Columbus, Ga . June 21 —The headWss body of a negro was found In the river this afternoon just above the city. The body contained many bullet holes. It was that of the negro caught In the room of Mr. Hug-no Almonds’ daughter two weeks ago. The prisoner was taken away from an officer by a mob and hit body sunk in the river. Columbus Conning Factory. Cdumbus. Ga., June 21.—The Williams Manufacturing Company will put a can nery In cpera’ion here In two weeks wt h a capacity of a thousand bushels of fruit dally. The compmy propjses to build sev eral large canneries by another season and make Columbus a canning center to rival Baltimore. Woman’s Preu Club. Atlanta. June 21.—The Woman's Pre Club elected the following officers to-day: President, Mrs. William King; first vice president Miss Rosa Wojrjberry; second vice president. Miss Mary E. Bryan: sec eefary, Mis. Carrie S. Muhony; treasurer, Mrt. A. p. Penn: corresponding secretary, Miss Junla .McKinley, Editor Fatally Slabbed. 4 ~T o* *e. Ga.. June 21.—Editor Focrtpr of P?* T°'>°* Record, was fatally rM*>bed Local Editor Saftord thie tnorrlnM A STRIKE IS THREATENED. Longshoremen at Darien Are De manding More Wage*. Darien, Ga., June 21.—The timbermen of Darien are threatened with a strike which may assume large proportions. The longshoremen employed in loading vessels at Sop,do Island, have been notified by, the colored laborers working under them, (hat the latter will demand an Increase in wages, which amounts to over 30 per cent. The men are paid now from J 2 to It for a day of ten hours. The new demand is for 13 to $5 for a day of eight hours. There are about 300 of these hands, and it appears that they have formed some kind of a union, whether ono' of the na tional unions or not, no one seems to know. The Increase asked for is consid ered outrageous by the timber merchants, and they deelare that they are not eon sidering the proposition with any view of meeting the demands of the men. The sailings vessels In port, and soon to arrive, can he loaded with the help of the. sailors. The steamships, however, will be harder to handle, and unless out side labor can be procured, they may be delayed until the strike can lie settled. The census enumerators for :hie county have about completed their work, but us they are not allowed to give any informa tion to the public, no idea of the popula tion has been given out. The Darien Golf Club has a membership of about twenty-five. The committee is doing its work well and the. links are now in very good shape. A club house will be built end everything will soon be tn shipshape for the reception of the Savannah Club It is the Intention of the Darien golfeiß to have the Savannah boys with them as ear ly as possible. The entertainment given under the au>* pices and for the benefit of the King a Daughters at the Courthouse Tuesday night was wet! attended. The evening was greatly enjoyed by the audience and a neat sum was realized from the admis sion fees and sale of refreshments. The handsome new Presbyterian Church will be completed within tha next few weeks. The Presbyterians have been without a house of worship since last July, when the church was destroyed by fire. They are using the Methodist Church until their new edifice Is completed. COTTON SPINNERS* ACTION. They Will Try to Check the Recent Decline In Price*. Charlotte. N. C.. June 21.—A meeting of the Board of Governors of the Southern Cotton Spinners’ Association was held here to-day. The. following resolutions were unanimously adopted; ■'The Board of Governors of the South ern Cotton Spinners’ Association having duly considered the present condition of the market, and having been Informed from reliable sources that thire is no glut in the market, in fact from the best tn formadon obtainable that there Is only one month's supply cf production upon the market, can see no reason for the unusual decline in prices offered for yarn produc tion. “The Board of Governors are of the opinion that this great and sudden de cline In prices is unwarranted and not justified by the present condition of trade. Yout board ot governors are of the opin ion that the only way to meet and contend successfully with such a condition is by a thorough organization among yourselves for the mutual protection of your several interests. They would further recommend that you take Into serious consideration the advisability of establishing houses in the prtnclual cities, under your own man agement, for the purpose of handling your production and thus do away with the ne cessity of the middlemen who at present not only handle the productions of your mills, but fix the prices and make yarn contracts. “That a commllttee of five be appointed to consider what measures are necessary to carry this recommendation into effect and report to a subsequent meeting of the Board of Governors.” HANDLEY'S WILL HOLDS GOOD. Cousins Contested It Rut Did Not Get the Money. Philadelphia, June 21.—Judge Gray, In the United States Circuit Court of Ap peals, to-day affirmed the deolsio of the lower court sustaining the will of the late Judge John Handley, the Scranton, Pa., millionaire. He was the owner of considerable rea estate In Scranton and coal and timber lands in the South. He was ariached to the city of Winchester, Va„ near Welch place he fought many battles in the Civil War. He left 1250,000 for a public libra y for that city, and several other bequests In and around Scranton. The residue of his estate he left to the city of Winchester for twenty years, the Income to be paid out and expended in that city for the erection of schoolhousos for the education of the poor. This re siduary involved about 8500,010 Judge Handley left no relatives nearer than first cousins, who lived in various parts of the United States and Ireland. By them the will was contested. It was urged for them that the residuary clause Is invalid, because the city of Winchester, a municipal corporation, has not the legal capacity to take, the estate, because the beneficiary and the objects and purpe ea of the trust are uncertain, and because the subject of th# residuary bequest is also uncertain. YALE 15j HARVARD 5. Great College Game Not tu Doubt After Fifth Inning. Cambridge, Mass., June 21—Ten thous and people saw Harvard defeated by Yale an Soldiers' field in a bail game which war never in doubt after the fifth inning The Y'ale team batted two Harvard pitchers out of the box and played much better in the field than their opponents. The Harv vard team seemed to lack spirit from the moment Yale scored her first run. Score: It H E. Yale .4 1 0 0 2 3 5 0 o—ls 18 4 Harvard 0 03110000-575 Batterles-eßobertson and Hlrsch; Still man, Kenian, McDonald, Reid and Milne, Liverpool Cotton Statistics. Liverpool, June 22.—Weekly cotton sta tistics: Total sales of nil kinds, 51,000; sales, American, 44.000. English spinners takings, 55,000. Total export. 12,000, Im port of all kinds. 19.000; Import, American, 12.000. Stock of all kinds. 484,000; Ameri can, 360.000; quantity afloat, all kinds. 49,- 090; American. 43,00). Total sales on spec ulation 400. Total sales to exporters 1,500. ■ l Salt Against Flagler Went Over. New York, June 21.—The hearing in the West Chester County Supreme Court at White Pla'ns In the suit of JohnjH. Mal den against Henry M. Flagler, of the Standard Oil Company, lo recover $18,968, out of which sum he c alms he was dr f auded in a sale if standard ell stick, was postponed until to-morrow. Homeopathists Meet, Washington. June 21.—The American In stliute of Homeopathy this forenoon se lected Niagara Falls as the place for the next meeting. Dr. H R. Stout of Jack sonville, Fla., was appointed chairman of the section of sanitary science for the en suing year. Tonight Just before retiring. If your liver ii sluggish, out of tune and you feel dull, bilious, constipated, take a dose ot Hood’s Pills And you’ll be U right In the morning. THE MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY. JUNE 22. 1900. LANE HAS WITHDRAWN. •Convention - * Arflon Nullifies Hl* Candidacy. Huntsville, Ala., June 21—The section of the Republican National Credentials Com mittee. in making William Vaughan chair man of the Alabama Executive Committee over the contest of Julian Bingham nulli fies the state ticket headed by Charles T. Lane of this city, recently nominated by the Bingham faction. Mr. Lane, who was the candidate for Governor consequently withdrew this evening. The Best Prescription for Malaria, Chills and Fever, is a bottle of Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is simply Iron and quinine In a tasteless form. No' cure —no pay. Price 60c —ad. rENKRAI. INVITATIONS. '"sTRICKLAND-The Relatives and friends of 11. O. Strickland and Z. L. Strickland and family are respectfully in vited to attend the funeral of the for mer, from 309 Henry street, west, at 4 o’clock this (Friday) afternoon. ■FECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE ROBS, All petit Jurors are hereby discharged until Monday morning next. By order of His Honor Judge Falligant. JAMES K. P. CARR, Clerk S. C„ C. C. C„ Ga. DIVIDEND NOTICE. Savannah Bank and Trust Cos., Savannah, Ga., June 21, 1900. A semi-annual dividend of 13.00 per share has been declared on the capital stock of this bank, payable on and after July 2. 1900. to stockholders as of record this date. The transfer books are closed until July 2. D. C. CARSON, Assistant Cashier. DIVIDEND NO. 21. The Germania Bank. Savannah. Ga., June 21, 1900. The directors of the Germania Bank have this day declared a semi-annual dividend of three dollars per share, paya ble on and after July 2. JOHN M. HOGAN, Cashier. DIVIDEND NOTICE. Georgia Investment Company, Savannah, Ga., June 21, 1900. A dividend of 6 per cent., that is to say 13 per share, on stock of this company, has been declared this day by the Board of Directors of Georgia Investment Company to stockholders of this date, payable at the office of the Treasurer on and after July 1. 1900. Transfer books of said company will be closed until July 1, 1900. R VAN WAGENEN. Treasurer, No. 18 Bryan street, east. TABLE D’HOTE. 50c—DINNER—50c Dinner 1 to 3 and 6 to 9, Friday, June 22. Claret Wine. SOUP. Crab Chowder. FISH. Red snapper ala Genoise. Potatoes ala Parisienne. Sliced Tomatoes. Queen Olives. Chow Chow, Mixed Pickles. BOILED. Fresh Corn Beef and Cabbage. ROASTED. Ribs of Baltimore Beef, au Jus. ENTREES. Crabs Croquettes. Boston Baked Beans. VEGETABLES. New Potatoees, Mashed Squashes. Boiled Roasting Ears, Rice. Stewed Tomatoes. PASTRY AND DESSERT. Peach Pie, Assorted Cakes. Cheese, Crackers. Fruits. Sago Pudding. Wine Sauce. French Coffee. At LEVAN'S CAFE RESTAURANT, 111 Congress street, west. MALT MEAD. The newest and most nutritious drink, no alcohol nor drugs, simply a refresh ing, nourishing beverage, ice cold by the • glass at CONIDA'S LIQt OR LICENSE. City of Savannah. Office Clerk of Council, Savannah, Ga.. June 21, 1900. The following applications to retail liquor during the year 1900 were read at meeting of Council June 13, 1900. and re ferred to Committee of the Whole. W. P. BAILEY, Clerk of Council. Henry WoMJen, to reall liquor on Ogeechee road, near Charleston and Sa vannah Railway, from July 1. J. O. Bewan, to retail liquor at the cor ner of Bull and Best streets, from July 1. John H. A. Bohn, to transfer his liquor license from the corner of Alice and West Broad streets to the corner of Barnard and First streets. T. E. McAlpin, to transfer his liquor license from Bay lane and Houston street, to the southeast corner of Trice and Congress streets. NOTICE. For sale, bark Chipman, slightly dam aged recently by lightning on top deck ftom mainmast forward. Hull first-class condition, braced with Iron knees In per fect order, metal sheathed and bolted. Can be readily repaired or converted Into a barge. Parties interested In the purchase of this vessel apply METZGER BROS., Mobile, Ala. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY’. We buy and sell real estate, collect rents and negotiate loans on same at 5 per cent. Represent the Travelers' Insurance Com pany. accident and liability departments Represent the New York Underwriters Fire Insurance Agency and the Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Company. All business entrusted to us will be ap preciated and will receive prompt and careful attention. No. 27 Bay, east. Telephones 3tß. w. c. FRirr & co. SVYVANEE SPRINGS HOTEL, Snnanee, Fla. Situated on the banks of the buwanno river Climate unequaled. No malaria. No mosqtil toes. Cool nights Most healthful and delight ful resort In the f-owh. Water cures every known elsease Board 810 per week. Special rate for commercial men of 82 per day, which Includes transfer Table ami acoommoda lions strictly first class. For Illustrated pam phlet address Suwanee Springs Cos Suwanee Spring!. Ila ANDREW HANLEY, Mgr PLANTER ER S’ AND MASONS* SUP PLIES, Cement, Lime. Plaster. Hair and Rlvar Sand. Prompt delivery. Reasonable price. SAVANNAH BUILDING SUPPLY CO„ Corner Drayton and Congreaat Pbona 519. FOR SALE, Retail Grocery Store, with bar-attached, doing only a cash busineas. Net income 88,500 per year. Satisfactory reasons for sailing. Small stock, which can be bought on easy terms. W. C. FRIPF & CO. c KSh to Ball J 1 s'**<& Supplies, fefc jT -jj £2, of! Prices quoted on Base Ball Uniforms. mm m f ail üb> WE ARE ABLE & READY TO PLEASE YOU. Savannah Steam Laundry Eo„ II Congress Street, West, Phone 333. Harris Lithia Water KODAKS contains more Lithia than any waier 20 PER CENT. OFF. k ™ wn- Graphophones Sc Records SPECTACLES Allgretti Creams. which we charge SI.OO others charge -vr „ff, T j,_ $2.50. We save you from $2.00 to $5.00 INUnnaiiy allay on Eyeglass prescriptions. jlj FRESH EVERY OTHER DAY. If you want something that will positively cure Rheumatism use FRANK’S RHEUMATIC CURE. Livingston’s Pharmacies, BULL AND CONGRESS AND 399 BULL STREET. SPECIAL -NOTICES. R - HAM COUNTY COURT HOUSE BONDS. Office Comm ssioners of Chatham county and ex-offleio judges, Savannah, Ga., June I>, 1990.—Notice is hereby given that the fc llowing Chatham county Court House bonds, amounting to five thous nl dollars ($5,000) of par values designated by tl.eir numbers and denominations, which have been determined by the Commis skners of t’haiham county'and ex-offi ia judges, by lot from the whole number of outstar.di; g bonds, to wit: Numbers two (2), fifty-nine (59 and a.xty (60) for one thousand ($1(00) each; numbers one (1), thirty-three (83), sixty-four (64), seventy-three (73) for five hundred dollars each, are called In for redemption on and after July 1,190 J, after which day interest shall cease upon the said bonds ro called in and not pre sented. The bonds above numbered and denominated must be presented to the county treasurer at his office in the Court House for redemption. J. J. DALE. C. C. C. F. S. LATHROP, C. C. C. W. D. SIMKINS, C. C. C. E. A. WEIL, C C. C. Attest: Jr,o. R. Dillon, Clerk. OFFICE COMMISSIONERS’ PUBLIC PRINTING. Atlanta, Ga.. June 1, 1900. Sealed proposals for doing the public printing (as prescribed in Section 1070 to 1078, inclusive, of Volume, 1, Code 1895.) for the next ensuing two years will be received at the office of the Secretary of State In Atlanta. Ga., for thirty days from this date. All necessary forms and blanks for making bids will be furnished upon application to the Secretary of State, Atlanta, Ga. PHILIP COOK, Secretary of State. WM. A. WRIGHT, Controller General. W. J. SPEER, State Treasurer. Printing Commissioners. A GREAT BARGAIN IN LAUNDRY’ SCATS. 10 CAKES FOR 25c. This soap Is made by Armstrong, Is of excellent quality and very cheap. Also a Green Soap at 14 cakes for 25c. Money saved to those who purchase these soaps. A. M. & C. W. WEST. SPECIAL NOTICE. For the next sixty days at Mark Ap ple's repository will be 6old a full and complete line of all kinds of vehicles at a reduced price. I ask the public to call and Inspect my stork. I am the agent for some of the highest grade Buggies, Car riages, Phaetons, Stanhopes and Runa bouts. Don't miss this opportunity, for this is no humbug. Also a full line of De livery Wagons and Harness. 320 Broughton street, west Phone 778. LARGE WAREHOUSE AND OFFICE to rent, located head of Broughion street, on West Broad, now occu pied by the Savannah Carriage and Wagon Cos. As they will give up bualnese in the city on June 1, 1 oiler it for rent from that date H P. SMART. THE WAY TO CLEAN CARPETS. The only way tc get your carpets prop erly taken up, cleaned and taken care of for the summer is to turp the Job over to the District Messenger and Delivery Cos., telephone 2. or call at 32 Montgomery street, and they will make you an esti mate on the coat of the work. Pricaa reasonable They also pack, move and •tore furniture and pianos. C. H MULLOCK. Supt and Mgr. , SPECIAL NOTICES. BIY ONLY THE REST "GINGER ALE. The best Is the Wheeler Brand of Bel fast Ginger Ale, made by Wheeler & Cos., of Belfast, Ireland, from the celebrated Cromau springs of mat city, bltese springs are the property of Wheeler & Cos., hence no other Ginger Ale manufac turer In Ireland has those waters but themselves. The Wheeler Ginger Ale Is made from pure Jamaica Ginger Root and not from Red Pepper, as others are; one is deleterious—the other is a tonic. For Healthfulness and Purity the cele brated Wheeler brand of Belfast Ginger Ale is the best. LIPPMAN BROTHERS, Sole Southern Agents. Savannah, Ga. SPARKLETS. Just the thing for picnics, maroons, excursions, and summer. A glass of the finest and purest soda water can be made in one minute. A full supply at SOLOMONS COMPANY, Congress street and Bull Street Branch Store. FOR SALE, Two new beautiful launche*. One 16-foot 1-horse power, seats 8 per sons—s2so. One 25-foot 4-horse power, seats 16 per sons—s6so. These are the "Ideal’’ gentleman's launch, built by the Racine Boat Cos. of Racine, (V is., aha usea at ad me tatra and exhibitions in the Western states. Starts in a minute. No fire, no smoke, no dirt, and full trial given on these handsome launches. Apply ro LIPPMAN BROTHERS, Wholesale Druggists, Agents for Racine Boats. A CARD TO THE PUBLIC. Mr. Andrew Hanley will be pleased to have any person afflicted with Bright's Disease, Diabetes, or any form cf Kid ey or Bladder trouble: Rheumatism, Gout, and Dyspepsia, call at his office, Whitaker and York streets, between the hours of 12 m. and 2 p. m. and 5 and 7 p. m dally, when he will explain why and how they can be permanently cured in from three to six weeks by either visiting Suwanee Springs or drinking the water at home. TO RENT UNTIL sept, or oct.” A cool, desirable, fuily-furnlshed apart ment, in one of the pleasantest locators in New Y’ork city. Convenient to eleva ted and surface roads. Seven (7) all light rooms and bath, modern conve niences, silver, linen, china, etc., $50.i0 per month. References exchanged Answer, Wallis, No. 38 Burling slip, New York city. $25,000. One of our clients has placed in our hand* $26,000 to loan on good Savannah real estate at reasonable rates of Interest. BECKETT & BECKETT, BONDS EXECUTED By (he American Bonding and Trust Cora pony of Baltimore. We arc authorized to execute locally (Immediately upon appli cation), all bonds in Judicial proceedings in either the state or United States courts, and of administrators and guardians. , BEARING & HULL, Agents. Telephone 324. Provident Budding. DH. H. 11. MARTIN, 7 Jones Street, West. / Practice limited to diseases of eye, ear nose and throat. Hours—3 to 1, 4 lo 5, and by appoint menl. SPECIAL NOTICE. Ail bills against the Italian bark Con qulstatore must be presented at our office before 12 o'clock m. this (lay, or payment thereof will be*debarrcd. STRACHAN & CO., Consignees. Savannah, Ga., June 22, ion YOU $125 166 pairs of odds and ends —but all good reliable wear ing shoes, the regular “Byck” kind. None of them sold for less than $2.00, and quite a few retailed as high as $4.00. DON’T WAIT TOO LONG! ** fOOTCQVEJfERS twMANHMIk Wtk Tom Keene Up' W ENJOYMENT \ QUALITY \ SMOKERS l GUARANTEED. 206 Bay Street, West. Savannah, Ga. MDI J IffiKK Makers, New York. BUSINESS NOTICES. FAXCV FRESH FBI ITS. Xow coiucn the time when yon enn live upon fresh fruits. We are netting better stock every day di rect from the orchard** where they are A&rovvn. Fine Inrue Ivy Watermelon*. Sweet Cantaloupes. Fine Large Pcnclies, Fresh Pineapples. (allforniu Ormiftes. Fancy Femons. Florida Limes. At JOH.V T. EVA\ S A CO.’S, Congress and liarnard Streets. Fones 2ML. i Ml f oils That keep time enn be easily answered by looking over our stock. The lower priced as well as the higher priced quality. We have the famous Boston movement—not to be - found elsewhere. The best clock for the family in the world. flock repairing- to make the clock keep time. Theus Bros FOR SALE, / 7 Owe lot I*Oxl*s on Tenth Mtreet near Jeffernon. One ioi >0x125 on Modi street, ueur Jefferson. Prices lower than anything else in the neighborhood, and terms verj easy. Both lots near the Eighth Street School. C. H. DOII SETT. in Newspaper mm. For sale, a Forsaith Newspaper Folder; will fold sheet 21x42. It Is In good order. Price *IOO. It cost originally 21,100, but we have no use for It and want the room It occupies.* It will be an Invaluable adjunct to any newspaper office. , Address MORNING NEWS, Savannah, Ga. THE GERMANIA BANK oA \ AiNAAh, GA. i; fl P lta * 00,0 Undivided profits ao.oou This nans .Is at-r.i ea to corpora tions, merchants and individuals. Has authority to act as executor, ad ministrator, guardian, eto. Issues drafts on the pilnctpal cities la Great Britain and Ireland and on the Continent. Interest paid or compounded quarterly cn deposits In the Saving Department. Safety Boxes for ent. HENRY Rr.UN. GEO, W TIEDKMAN. Vice President. JOHN M. HOGAN Cashier. WALTER F. HOGAN, Ass't Cashier. IF YOU WANT GOOD MATERIAL and work, order your lithographed and printed stationery and blank books from Morning News, Savannah, Ga. LEOPOLD ADLER. c. 8. ELLIS. President. vice President. W. S. M'CAtJLFT, Cashier. THkGHATHAM BANK SAVANNAH. Will be pleased to receive the account* of Merchants, Firms, Individuals, BanlUk end Corporations. IJberal favors extended. Unsurpassed collection facilities. Insur ing prompt returns. Sep rate Swines D nr artmenL IXTKKES r fO.UiMit.\i)fc;i> 14 1) an_ tehlv on deposit* Safety Deposit Boxes and Vaults rat j rc-t <~nrrprpnndenc solicited. Tils Citizens Bank J 01 avaah. CAPITAL 8500*000. uakiug Business. Solicits Accounts Of Individuals, Merchants, Banjos anil other Corpo ra tions. Collections handled with aafet r, economy and ill.patcli. Interest compounded quarterly allowed an deposit. In onr Savinas Department Safety Deposit Boxes and Sloraga Vault*. BRANTLEY A. DENMARK. President. 91 ILLS B. LANE, Nice President. GEORGE C. FREEM AN, Cashier. GORDON 1.. GHOOVEn. Asst. Cashier. SOUTHERN BANK 01 the 6.ate of Georg.a. Capital l&O.vO) Surplus and undivided profits—.. .—5358.000 Oh.uouvili ut lug, oTATE >ji GEORGIA. Superior facilities tor uausactlng a General Hanging —usUies* Collections made on all point* accessible through uaima and bankers Accounts of ..aitKtt, i.a,.ke,8, Merchant* and otheiß soiicilctL Safe Deposit Box** for rent. Department of Savings, interest payable quarterly. Sells Stearllng Exchange on London t$ ■nd upwards. JOHN FLANNERY. President. HORACE A. CRANK, Vice President. JAMES SUL* TVAN -'aah'er DIRECTORS: JNO. FLANNERY. V\ fu tv. GORDON. E. A. WEIL. W. W. GORDON, Jr. H A. CRANE. JOHN M. EGAN. LEE ROY MYERS. JOSEPH FERST. H P. SMART. CHARLES ELLIS. EDWARD KELLY. JOHN J. KIRBY. iaililiil CAPITAL *350,000. Account* of bank*, merchants, corpora tions and individual* solicited. Savings Department, interest paid quarterly. Safety Boxes and Storage Vault* for rent. Collections made on all point* at rea sonable rates. Draft* sold on all th* chief cltle* of U>* world. # Correspondence Invited. JOSEPH D. WEED, President. JOHN C. ROWLAND. Vice President No. Kilo. Chartered, ISM THE IHlIi MM it OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL. $300,C00. SURPLUS. SIOO,OOO. LfSiiiuD ,11 AXES De-PObiTOKY. J. A. U. CARSON, President. BEIRNE GORDON, Vice President. W. M. DAVANT, Cashier. Account* of banka and banker*, mer chants and corporations received upca the most favorable terms sonslateot with •ate and conservative banking.