The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, June 23, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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TOURNAMENTS FOR MEDALS. S-VVAVN'AH GOLF CU B TO IWIGI RATE SERIES OF HANDICAPS. The First Event Will Probably fome Off Thin Afternoon—Will Be Play ed Weekly or Bi-Weekly Haring the Summer—Golf Club# Spriuging Ip All Over the South and Inter state Too moments a Feature of Next Season— Many Southerners on Northern Finks. If the weather permits and the number of entries is sufficiently large, the Savan nah Golf Club will inaugurate this after noon a series of handicap tournaments, the winner in each to receive a nedal offered by the club. It Is the intention of the club to hold these tournaments weekly or bi-weekly, and to offer a simple medal, of a design hereafter to be selected, for each event. In case the winner of one of the tourna ments should win on another occasion, he will receive a bar instead of another medal. The bars will be attached to the medal after the manner pursued by the national and state government in the dec oration of sharpshooters, the number of bars to be given being limited only by the number of tournaments a member is able to win. The presence of the summer has driven many of the more enthusiastic golfiacs to Northern links, where they may pursue the wiley sphere which causes so much trouble and heart-burning unscorched of ffoi’s too ardent caresses. For this rea son the Green Committee fear there will not me entries enough to warrant them in inaugurating the series of tournaments and it is possible that that cheduled for this, afternoon will have to be postponed. As if to add compliJation to annoyance, the recent rainy weather has prevented that diligent attention to practice which is essential to good play, and some of those who woud otherwise enter may re frain from doing so because of the fear that they are not in their accustomed form and don’t care to make a record poorer than that which has been theirs. The golf fever is spreading rapidly over the South. Among the recent organiza tions. is that of the Darien Golf Club, the nucleus of which has been formed by the English and Scotch lovers of the game who are engaged in the lumber business at Darien. The links there are soon to be in shape and some fine scores from •ome of the old players are predicted. NOT TO BUILD AT PRESET. President Egan Says Shipping Ma terial In Too High. The Kansas City, which is now being given an overhauling in New' York, is •greeted to resume her place on the Sa vannah line about July 3, She will be gucoeeded by the Chattahoochee, which is Wow taking the run of the Kansas City. The Chattahoochee is expected to re fnain on the ways only a short time, as only some slight repairs to her engines and boilers are required. President Egan of the Ocean Steamship Company said yesterday that there is no Intention of building anew steamship at present to replace the Gate City, which went ashore off East Moriches. L. 1., last winter. All shipbuilding materials are very high at present, even should the company feel disposed to contract for a new ship, which Mr. Egan did not say it the case, and the shipyards at the North are pretty well stocked with or ders, anyway. There was no insurance upon the Gate City, the company carrying its own in surance and setting aside a certain per ccntage of the earnings of the vessels • o a fund for this account. This fund It said to be quite a healthy one at pres ent. It has been some years now since there were any additions to the Ocean Steamship Company’s fleet, and as the business handled is very large, a couple 01 new liners would appear to be in order early in the coming century. POLICE HAD A LIVELY DAY. Plfnly of Prisoner* on a Variety or t'lia rgF. The police sent in a number of pris oners yesterday, but none on very se rious charges. John McGriff, colored, was arrested by Officer Russell for gam bling in a house in Perry lane. A white boy, 10 years old, was arrested by the same officer for climbing a tree on Oglethrope avenue, west. A number of boys in the neighborhood of Oglethrope avenue and Montgomery street have greatly damaged the crepe myrtle trees recently set out there by climbing tip to pick the blossoms. The police have de termined to stop these depredations. The first boy was arrested yesterday, but there will be others unless the practice i3 stopped. A bunch of youthful miscreants, con sisting of three small colored girls and a boy, were sent in by Officer Woods, who found them in swimming in Musgrove creek. George Tolbert, white, a veteran of Ray's Imtnunes, tanked up list night and went to sleep in Colonial Park When waked up by Officer M. Davis and re quested to move on he became so abusive that he was sent in to the lock-up. SOW ASKS A TOTAL DIVORCE. Mr*. House, l n*atisllt-d With Ali mony, Wants Perfect Freedom. A suit for total divorce was filed in the Superior Court yesterday by Mrs. Geor gia Irene House against Samuel House, h*r husband. The suit is based on the s atutory ground of adultery, the defend ant being charged with having commit ted this offense with C’onsuelo Davenport, a notorious woman of the town, on divers occasions A petition for temporary and perma nent alimony and attorney’s fees was tiled by the same plaintiff against ihe same and f-rdant some weeks ago, alleging the same grounds of action. In that case Judge Falligant granted an order, direct ing the payment of a small sum weekly by the defendant to the plainiiff, and also the payment of the fees of her atioin y and the costs of court. Inforumtiuu Desired. Kdttor Savannah Morning News: In an old history of Georgia mention is made of silk worms being Introduced and silk spun ill Savannah in Oglethorpe's time by an Indian family named Eamuse. Tho trustees of the village, in response to Inquiries from abroad concerning it, gave out that the small silk venture wap very successful, and (hat both black and white mulberry trees grow around Sa vannah In abundance. A colebraled botanist of that lime, Robert Millar, stat ed that indigo would grow In Georgia in four months, sown and raised, while in other places the climate was not proper for it over three months. It was dis covered at the same time that cotton would thrive very well first planted upon the Island of St. Simon. The same au thor sail, that the valuable cochineal fly was very common In Georgia upon tho prickly pear shrub. One not over fa miliar with the subsequent history of Georgia would be Interested to know if lute ivcs made of all (his seemingly valu able information at that time or to the present time. Cotton is the only indus try brought prominently to notice. Mary E. Dunavon. Plnißile* mul Freckle* wu Face. Your druggist will refund your money if Paso Ointment tails to cure you. 60c. -tul The Quakers Are Honest People, tThe Quaker Her! Tonic le not only a blood purifier, but a Blood maker foe Pale, Weak and De bilitated people who have not strength nor blood. It acts aa a tonic, it regulates digestion, cures dys pepsia and lends strength and tone to ' X -A IT. I the nervous system. It is a medicine for weak women. It is a purely vegetable medicine and can be : taken by the most delicate. Kidney Dis eases, Rheumatism and all diseases of the Blood, Stomach and nerves eoon succumb to its wonderful effects upon the human system. Thousands of people In Georgia j recommend it. Price SI.OO. QUAKER PAIN BALM is the medlcire that the Quaker Doctor made all of his wonderful quick cures with. It’* anew and wonderful medicine for Neuralgia, Toothache. Backache. Rheumatism, Sprains, Pain in Bowels; in fact, all pain cau be relieved by it. Price 25c and 50c. QUAKER WHITE WONDER SOAP, a medicated soap for the skin, scalp and complexion, price 10c a cake. QUAKER HEALING SALVE, a vege table ointment for the cure of tetter, ec zema and eruptions of the akin. Prtca 10c a box. FOR SALE RY ALL DRUGQIST9. HE OWNED THE STREET. A Midnight Rounder's Ride Across Squares and Sidewalks. People who were on Bull street, any where between the Pulaski House and the De Soto, about midnight last night avore given a lively experience. The chief actor was driving a buggy somewhere in the neighborhood of the De Soto, when he. decided to get a gait on him, and whipping his horse into a run, he started northward on Bull street, through Chippewa and Wright Squares. When State street was reached he chang ed his mind, and wheeling the horse, started back toward the De Soto at the same furious gait. This was kept up until the vehicle which was being driven too near the west curbing, came to a sud den standstill near Jones’ Pharmacy, and its sudden stopping sent the driver flying over the dashboard. He got up. and climbing into the buggy, decided to try his luck at the other end of the street, so for the second time s4arted northward. When he reached Broughton street he swung the team up on the east sidewalk of Bull street, and still at full speed, went careening toward Congress. A num ber of men were sitting on the sidewalk in front of the Screven House, and they had barely time to jump to the open doors or scurry for the street before the team was upon them. It flew by and went on around Johnson Square, but when the circuit had been made the driver without any let-up in speed, stag ed over the same course down the side walk. When he had completed it for the second time, the team disap|>eered around Bull and State streets, and the crowd was ;ust beginning to reassemble, w r hen, with a dash, tne horse and driver were semi coming down the line on the third trip over the sidewalk. This time the driver’s skill was beginning to desert him, and he failed to steer clear of the chairs on the hidewnlk. and striking two, made kindling wood out of them. Before he could re cover himself for another dash, he was l iken from the buggy by some of his friends and tarried into the Screven House, where he was kept until the no lice, who had been attracted by the hub hub, could be bluffed off. The buggy wa9 taken in charge and driven away by u friends, and after matters had been quiet ed down, the driver was taken home. DESERTED TWO YEARS AGO. Wronged Wife Wont* Husband to Support Herself and Children. Judge Falligant passed an order in the Superior Court yesterday, requiring West ley Phillips to show cause on June ?0 why he should not be required to p>ay tempor ary alimony for the support of his wife, Georgians Phillips, and the two minor children of their marriage, whom he is said to have deserted two years ago. The wife has tiled a petition for perma nent alimony in the Superior Court, through her attorney. Mr. James F. Ev ans. in which it is alleged that since his desertion of her and the children Phillips has made some casual and oc asionai con tribution to their support, but has failed to provide for them in a proper and suit able manner and in accordance with his ability. The order to show cause granted by Judge Falligant directs the defendunt to explain why he should not pay also at torney’s fees and the court costs of the alimony proceedings. MISSIONARY KING SAFE. Rescued From the Chinese by n Gun boat. In the press dispatches this morning from the seat of the Boxer trouble in China it is stated that in the bombard ment of Tien Tsin Missionaries Hopkins, Brown and King were saved by a gunboat. It is pretty certain that the King re ferred to is Rev. W. D. King of this city, who is a missionary to China, and an ac ,-cnint of whose views and fears regarding the present trouble was published in the Morning News of Thursday. Mr. King is known to have been in the Shantung province in which Tien Tsin is located, and his relatives in this city are reasonably sure that it is he that is re ferred to, and they are relieved to be as sured of his safety. THE CAVEAT WAS DISMISSED. Judge Ferrill Admitted to Probate the Will of Susan Ann Sheftnll. Judge Ferrill. in the Court of Ordinary yesterday rendered a decision in the mat* , r of the probate in solemn form of the last will and testament cf Su-an Ann Sh- ftall, to which a caveat had be n filed by some of the heirs of the estate. Judg > Ferrill decides that the instrti me t n writirg offer'd by .Solomon Brown j'- the last will and testament of the tes tatrix, is her will and testament in truth and deed An order was granted admit tb g it to probate in solemn form and to record. The <a\eit and the several grounds of caveat w re dismissed. USED HOSE INSTEAD OF lIRtSH. (■eorgln A Alabama. Terminal Build- Ings Painted by Steam. The main Ge rga an I Alabama builling on Hut hinson’s Is ar,d. to be used for • erminal offices and warerooms, was paintrd yesterday. The work was done by a i ew piocess, and one wh ch observers from this side could not understand. By the aid cf a steam apparatus the painter applies the faini from th** nozzle of a rose, and not with the ld time brush. The entire building was g >ne over by one or two men during the day. Barbers Go to Beaufort. The local urdrn of journeym* n barbers will give an excursion to Beaufort on the steamer Clifton m-morrow. The steamer will leav- the loot of Whitaker str ei at •J o’clt ck sharp. The excursion is intended to swell the funds in the treasury of the union. THE MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY, JUNE 23, 1900. THE WEATHER. Forecast for Saturday and Sunday: Georgia: Showers Saturday and Sun day; fresh south to southeast winds. Eastern Florida: Local rains Saturday and Sunday; fresh to brisk southerly winds. Western Florida; Local rains and cooler Saturday; brisk southerly, shifting to northerly, winds. Sunday showers. South Carolina; Showers Saturday; fresh south to southeast winds; Sunday fair. Yesterday’s Weather at Savannah- Maximum temperature noon 83 degrees Minimum temperature 2 a. m. 70 degrees Mean temperature 76 degree* Normal temperature 81 degrees Deficiency of temperature 5 degrees Accumulated deficiency since •J urw 1 34 degrees Accumulated deficiency since Jon. 1 ......193 degrees Rainfall 12 Inch Normal 23 inch Deficiency since June 1 1.35 inches Deficiency since Jan. 1 37 inch River Report—The hight of the Savan nah river at Augusta, at 8 a. m. (75th me ridian lime) yesterday, was 9.5 feet, a fall of 1.8 feet during the preceding twenty four hours. Cotton region bulletin. Savannah. Ga., for the twenty-four hours ending at 8 a. m., 75th meridian time, June 22, 1900. Stations of |Max.j~Mln.|Rala Savannah district. |Tem.|Tem.j falL •Alapaha, Ga., cloudy | 82 j 67 95 “ Albany, clear | 81 j 71 j .12 Americus, cloudy j 72 | 65 .11 Bainbridge, raining | SO | 69 1.10 Kastman, cloudy | 80 | 68 j .00 Fort Gaines, cloudy j 79 | 68 1.30 Gainesville. Fla., ralningj S7 | 72 j .30 Millen, Ga., cloudy | 84 | 63 (?) Quitman, raining 85 | 67 "2.56 Savannah, cloudy 81 j 70 | .JO Thomasville, raining .... 82 | 69 |2.97 Waycross, cloudy 84 | 64 | .01 •Received too laic for telegraph means. No rain in Texas. Heavy Rains.—Evergreen. Ala., 1.80; Mobile, Ala.. 2.04; Eufaula. Ain.. 1.60; Thomasviile, Ga., 2.97; Quitman, Ga., 2.56. IjDlst. Averages. No. | 1 i Sta-IMax.l Mln.lßala Centra] Stations. |tions Tem.|Tera.| fall. Atlanta " 110j76 |62 | ,38~ Augusta jll 80 ; 6-1 .23 Charleston I 5 j 82 j 66 | .18 Galveston j 30 | 92 j 68 : .0) Little Rock | 12 | 86 | 68 | T Memphis ]l6 78 |66 .<M Mobile '...! 7 76 ;68 j .90 Montgomery | 7 1 72 ! 6’> i .91 New Orleans It j 88 j 6! j .04 Savannah j 12 j 81 1 68 i .87 Vicksburg | 10 I 8! | 06 j ,0t Wilmington j 9 j 80 | 64 j .20 Remarks—Slightly warmer over the Ntw Orleans, l.ittle Rock and Galveston dls.rlcts. aid cool, r over Mississippi. Ala bama and Western portion of Tennessee. No rain in Texas and practically none over Arkansas; rain elsewhere, having been copious over Alabama and South Georgia. Observations taken at the same moment of time at all stations. June 22. 19)0, 8 p. m., 75th meridian time. Names of Stations! ~J T| *V |Ftadn! Boston, raining .".77777. 66 6 . 32” New York city, clear .... 76 14 .03 Philadelphia, clear 76 6 .00 Washington city, clear .. 72 8 .00 Norfolk, cloudy 72 6 T Hatteras, cloudy 72 10 .08 Wilmington, cloudy 76 ! 8 .04 Charlotte, raining 70 j L .34 Raleigh, cloudy 70 ! L .16 Charleston, cloudy 76 | 14 2.44 Atlanta, cloudy 74 j 6 ji.l4 Augusta, cloudy j 78 | L j .16 Savannah, partly cloudy ) 76 | 12 j .01 Jacksonville, cloudy j 72 I 30 1.00 Jupiter, cloudy ! St I 6 j .38 Key West, partly cloudy j 82 I 8 i .03 Tampa, cloudy | 76 | 6 j .14 Mobile, clear i 82 j 10 • 04 Montgomery, clear j 82 j 6 1 .01 Vicksburg, cloudy ! 82 | L j .00 New Orleans, clear 84 I 6 JO Galveston, clear 82 | 14 .00 Corpus Christi. clear .... 86 | 14 .00 Palestine, partly cloudy 86 | 8 .00 Memphis, clear 76 \ 12 .14 Cincinnati, partly cloudy 68 j L .08 Pittsburg, cloudy 80 I 6 .00 Buffalo, raining 66 i 8 ! .08 Detroit, cloudy 68 j 10 j .01 Chicago, partly cloudy .. 38 j 18 j T Marquette, clear 58 j 6 .60 St. Paul, clear 76 i 10 .00 Davenport, cloudy 68 j 8 .01 St. Louis, partly Cloudy 70 | 14 .14 Kansas City, partly cidy 76 \ 12 .00 Oklahoma, clear 82 j 14 .(O Dodge City, clear 82 ! 8 .00 North Platie, clear 84 | 10 .00 T. for temperature; V. for velocity. H. B. Boyer, Weather Bureau. LOCAI, PERSONAL. ■ Mr. W. G. Keen of Atlanta is at the Pulaski. Mr. S. C. Yeamans of Atlanta Is at the De Soto. Mr. H. R. Brown of Macon is register ed at the Pulaski. "dr. J. K. Matter of Garnett Is regis tered at the Pulaski. Mr. J. W. Mallett of Leighton ia Ihe guest of the Pulaski. Mr. J. F. Minis left via the Central last night for Clarksville. Mr. B. H. Fletcher of Columbus is the guest of the Pulaski. Col. A. R. Lawton left via the Central last night for Atlanta. Mr. W. J. Dempsey of Port Tampa is <he guest of the Puiaskl. Mr. W. M. Whlteiey of Winston is reg istered at the De Soto. Miss) Maggie Young of Atlanta register ed at the De Soto yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Fudge of Atlanta are the guests of the De Soto. Mr. D. E. Williams, Jr., of Jackson ville, was in the city yesterday. Mr. T. B. Twltty of Camilla was yes terday the guest of the Pulaski. Mr. W. A. Susong left last noght for hts summer home at Greeneville, Tcnn. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. H. Davis and chil dren are the guests of the Screven. Mr. J. C. Hunter of Ailama was among yesterday’s arrivals at the De Soto. Mr. R. Ward of Beaufort was among the arrivals ot the Pulaski yesterday. Mr. G. Holmes of Winston was tn the city yesterday, ihe gues: of the De Soto. Mrs. J. M. Snavely was a passenger of the Southern yesterday for Springfield, O. Mr. Jacob Cohen leftron the Plant Sys tem yesterday for Suwannee Springs, Fla. Mr. George Ketchum of Macon was among yesterday's arrivals at the Pulaa cy. Mr. Leon A. Camp. Jr., of Columbus, was among the visitors to Savannah yes terday. Mr. W. P. Campbell was among the passengers of the Central yesterday for Opelika. Mrs. L. W. Haskell was among the pas sengers of the Central last night for Clarksville. Mr. R. M. Butler and family left ye- THE CHEESMAN Roller Cotton Gin is built upon anew principle, and IS GUARANTEED TO DO MORE AND BETTER W’ORK than any other roller cotton gin In the world. We do not ask you to buy without our guarantee. We want a trial test In YOUR GIN HOUSE. THE ONLY CONDITION Is that you purchase It, if it meets our i-lolms. Write for lull particulars to THE CHEESMAN COTTON GIN CO., sn William street, New York. To Keep the Cook Cool and save money, put a Wickless Blue Flame Oil Stove in the kitchen. The kitchen will be more comfortable, and the fuel bills lighter. Wickless FLME I Oil Stoves Are the newest idea in hot weather cooking. Bums the same oil as In your lamp. Absolutely sale. No smoke. No smell. 5 Sold If vour , nrr —l ' dealer does " U ru\ or |i i not have them, stoves a® |j|i j A write to the • irc „i y't Standard Sold. 1 Company. Tli© above Move* are on exhibit at the rooms of the A1 vertlslng anti Exhibiting Company, No. IMMi Hull street, Savannah, Ga. Tle attendant In charge \sill take pleasure in demonsf ra 11 hk and explain ing to prospective purchaser*. lor sale by Limlfcii* V Morgan and Win. V 11. 11. La 111 inure. terday via the Southern for Asheville, where they will spend the summer. Mrs. F. K. Drees© leaves to-day via the Plant System for Grehamville. where she will spend several we ks with friend*?. Mr Rufus Richards, who w•- recently graduated from the Law School of the University of Georgia, has returned to the city. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Nunez of Waycross were in the city yesterday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Nunez's father, Mr. J. Kline. Mr. Chas. Marks and Mr. J/mis Levy have returned from Suwannee Springs af ter a stay of three weeks and are greatly benefited from their trip. Capt. W. D. Dixon and Mrs. W. T. Dixon returned yesterday from Suwannee Springs after a most delightful trip of three- weeks. Capt. Dixon was veiy much benefited from his stay at the Springs.. READV FOR < II tI.I.ENGEiS. llattery ("* Ball Team Want* to Try Savannah Players. Battery C, Second Artillery, baseball team, stationed at Fort Screven, is ready to play any baseball team in Savannah, barring none, the Savannahs, Y. M. C. A.’s, C. L. A.’s or the Y. M. H. A.’s preferred. The personnel of the team is as follows: Dobson, pitcher; Bogman, firs* base; Watson, catcher; Yantln©, third base; Dawkins, center field; Ghent, left field; McKorell, right field; McDonough, shortstop; Wisnesky, second base. Sergt. William Kuton is .manager of the team and is ready to receive chal lenges. CTTY BREVITIES. The Wilson photograph prize at Barbee &. Bandy’s last night was won by Miss Jane Lawton on a guess of 163. N-xt Tuesday night of goods from the Met ropolitan Clothing Company will be offer ed as a gentleman’s prize. SURNAMES AND THEIR CHANGES. Some Strange Tru iisforinn lions of Names Among Immigrants. From the Baltimore Sun. Among the multitude of English sur names, which number about 30,000, none Is more common than that of Smith, with its variation of Smeeth, Smyth, and Scnythe. Its popularity, no doubt, is partly owing to the fact that the word, which Is de rived from the Anglo- Saxon Smitan, to strike, was originally applied to any work er in wood, clay, stone or metal. Sur names were most frequently Liken from occupations and pursuits, such, for in stance. as Miller, Tailior, Carpenter, Car ter, Fisher, (Fowler. Hunter. t . A writer of English nomenclature ob serves of those who bear the-e names: “It is not to be doubted that their ancestoia have first gotten them by using such trades, and the children of such parent J contented to adopt them.” Names of this description, with “smith” added, are now notable in th© highest classes of so ciety, as Arrowsmilh, Goldsmith, etc. The names of Collier and Colter although re minding of menial occupations, which, in the middle ages, were mostly followed by bondmen and slaves, are now found in the British peerage. And now Prof. John Pentland Mahaf fy of Dublin University, the archaeologist, adds new splenk>r to the most largely pre vailing of all English surnames by show ing that the name “Smith” was already known to the ancient Egyptians. In an article in the London Anthenaeum he states that in a list of persons occupied in the brewing of beer, which was a favor ite beverage with the inhabitants of the iand of the Pharaohs,tlie name of Smith regularly appeared in the same form in one of the unpublished papyri that was le cently unearthed by M. Petrie. Whether his brewage was of the bright Pilstner or ihe dark Kulmbacher kind—for both the light and the dark beers were known io the people of the Nil© d©ltu long b-*for<* our era—is not mentioned. On© thing, how ever, is sure, says Prof. Mahaffy, and that is the fa©t that*in the twentieth year of tlie third Ptolemy, or 227 B. there lived a man in Egypt who went by ih© name of “Smith” and brewe ’ and sold beer. “I there any other English name who © age can be compared with this?” a-ks the Dublin scholar. The Germans, of course, hove at ones claimed the Egyptian brewer as on** of their own. They contend tint the nine of the famous brewer of ancient Egypt was “Sohmied.” Maybe, they argue, the brewer of this glorious surname, like so in my German ©migrants of our days, to please their new countrymen, changed Sohmied or Hehmldt into Smith. There are thousands of Eng lish and American “Srrd.hs the fore fathers of whom spelled their name Sohmied. The Baltimore cl/y directory re cords many of these, and hundreds of German family name- appear changed In it. Baseker becomes Baker; Fischer, Fisher; Koch. Cook; Mueller, Miller; Gaertner, Gardner; Albnch, Albaugh; Schneider. Snyder or Taylor; Zlmmer mann, Zimmerman or Carpenter; Gruen baum, Grecntree; Gutmann. Goodman, etc. There occurred \vithin the re* <Election of this century in our midst the remark able example of a change, or rather changes, in the name of a family whose first representatives emigrated from Ger many to Pennsylvania and called them selves Klein. Of three brothers, one re tained the German name, another, who left for the West, came buck as Mr. Lit tle; the third translated his name Into Small, and part of the descendants of the first now* spell their name (’line. Apropos of Jewish nomenclature in this country, the American Hebrew remarks* that at pr< ent it is very difficult to point with accurate certainty to Jewish mer chants in 4 mercantile directory or on business signs displayed over stores. The large immigration of the last seven years has had much to do with this. The Rus sians, in ' particular, with their unpro nounceable names, have found It desirable for one reason or another to abbreviate or alter these to such an extent that their origin is veiled to the searcher. The Juedlseho Tageblatt brings the fol lowing amusing account of a change in the name of a Russian) Jew whose good old Semitic name. Jacob, was *ransmuted into “John Kelly,” while still another, "Isaac,” became “Hitchcock.” it hap pened in New York, which, next to Rus sia. harbors tin* largest number of Jews of any country or city on the globe. Tiie Hebrew for Jacob is Ya’okob. The second letter is given a nasal twist so that the name becomes Yangkol, the di minutive for which is Ynnkele. Now it came to pass *hat Yankele, who started as a peddler, aimed to branch forth into a fullfledged merchant, and, therefor©, visited a jobbing house, where he made considerable purchases. The jobber in question on wishing 10 make out th© bill, inquired after his name. “Yankele” was the reply. After several repetitions of th* name by Ya’a.kob, or Yankele, and efforts to pronounce it on *he part <>f the jobber, who was not of “our people,” the clerk got it “Yon Kely,” and, concluding that "Yon” was “John.” accordingly made out the bill to “John Kely.” This was followed by the sign painter, who im proved upon the clerk’s spelling and, in true Celtic fashion, made it, John Kelly upon show window and sign, and John Kelly is *he Jewish peddler’s name to this day. As to his brother, Isaac, In Hebrew •*:Yizhak,” his name, b ya similar pro cess of development, became Hitchcock. Kelly and Hitchcock will, of course, go down to posterity as the bona fide names of two Russian families of the same line- To (lie Mountains. In the nick of time. Just when you are yawning and fueling tired out and broken down, a bottle of Graybeard is better than a trip to the mountains. Are you constipated? Take Graybeard pills. LJltle treasures—2sc th© box. Res pess Drug Go., Proprietors.—ad. French olive Oil. The best olive oil In the world Is made by Marcus Alioih of Bordeaux, France, wno is known ah making ihe only finest grade of oiive oil, pressed from selected olives. Lippman Brothers are agents for this house, and carry this olive oil in bottles and cans —ad. 1, 1. Xi. OF HOPE IT AND C. BS. RT. 6CIIKDI LB For Isle of Hope. Morrtgomery, Thunder bolt, Cattle Park and West End. Daily except Sundays. Subject to change without notice. ISLE OF HOPE. Lv. City for I. of H.| Lv. — Isle of Hope. 630 am from Tcmh | 600 am for Holton 7 39 am from Tenth | 600 am for Tenth 830 am from Tenth | 700 am for Tenth 9 15 am from Bolton j 8 00 am for Tenth 10 30 am from T.-ntli |lO 00 am for Tenth 12 00 n'n from Tenth 111 00 am for Bolton 1 15 pm from Bolton ill 30 am for Tenth 230 pm from Temh | 2 00 pm' for Tenth 330 pm from Tenth | 240 pm for Bolion 430 pm from Tenth | 300 ptn for Tenth 530 pm from Tenth j 400 pm for Tenth 630 pm from Tenth | 6 W pm for Tenth 730 pm from Tenth j 700 pm for Tenth 830 pm from Tenth | 8 00 pm for Tenth 930 pm from Tenth | 900 pm for Tenth 10 30 pm from Tenth |lO 00 pm for Tenih |ll 00 pm for Tenth MONTGO.MEKY. Lv city for Mong’ry. | Lv. Montgomery. 830 am from Tenth | 715 am for Tenth 230 pm from Tenth | 1 15 pm for Tenth 630 pm from Tenth | 600 pm for Tenth CATTLE‘PARK: “ Lv city for Cat.l’arkj Lv. Cattle Park? 630 am from Bolton 700 am for Bolton 7 30 ;im from Bolton I 8 00 am for Bolton 1 00 pm from Bolton I 1 31) prti for Bolton 2 30 pm from Bolton | 30() pm for Bolton 7 '<> pin from Ilolton 730 pm for Bolton 800 pm from Bolton ! 830 pm for Ilolton THUNDERBOLT. Car leaves Bolton street Junction 5:30 a. m. and every thirty minutes thereafter until 11:30 p. m. Car leaves Thunderbolt at 6:00 a. m. and every thirty minutes thereafter until 12:00 midnight, for Bolton street Junc tion. FREIGHT AND PARCEL CAR. ~ Tills car carries trailer for passengers on all trips and leaves west side of city market for Isle of Hope, Thunderliolt and all Intermediate ikdiits at 9:00 a. m., 1:00 p. m., 5:00 p. in. Leaves Isle of Hope for Thunderbolt, City Market and all Intermediate points at 6:00 a. rri., 11:00 a. m., 2:10 p. in. " WEST END CART “ Car leaves w. st side of city market for West End 6:00 a. rn. and every 40 minutes thereafter during the day until 11:30 p. m. Leaves West End it 6:21 a. m. and ev ery 4o minutes thereafter during tho day until 12;t0 o’clock midnight. 11. M. LOFTON, Gen. Mgr. PACKER’S OJjhc iiJflj HAIR DALSAM ÜBißySi MBf ClfATiset *R(I L'-at.t flr the ht!r. Wjjyflßr* 'IMI PrumoUt ft laiumiil growth. IMcEtR m' a- Ni vor Falla to ltostore Orar iHQivk ut'w to ita Youthful Color. Cum waip (linfMrt Ji hair fa.lmg. KIHL m-" af fi f IMMII MN III* ‘ HI CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. FBEIONii* “HAIR'* AND make th© hair becoming, pretty and youthful; Emile's hair tonic stops prema ture baldness and eradicates dandruffs— not sticky— not greasy; will not discolor the most delicate tint of hair; 50c per bot tle; no branches, no agents; sold only 2% East Broughton street, hair, jewelry and shaving supply house; the place lor fin* switches, bangs, toupees, wigs, shampoo ing and singeing; combings made up into any kind of hair w'ork from k switch to a beautiful birthday hair watch chain. COLEUS. CHRYBANTHB MUM flowers, palms, floral designs, leave your orders at Gardner’s Bazaar, agent for Oelschlg’s Nursery. CLAM CHOWDER ~A9 USIJAL TO nlght, at George Schwarz, proprietor Ger mania House. F INK It 1C EFI ELD LAMB AT “BA ker’s,” every day; best of all other m ats in market. IT AMi\l OF KS. 11A M M OCR 9~~ < HEAP; nice ones; tine ones; closing them out cheap this week. C. L\ Miller, Agent, 207 Broughton, west. UASH BUYERS’ PICNI this week; our largo stock must be re dueed, and we will exchange it cheap for cash. C. I*. Miller, Agent, 207 Broughton, west. 'RING* UP H 464 IF~ YOU WANT TO have your furniture moved or packed for shipment or storage; I guarantee price# the same as 1 !o the work that's given to me. A. S. Griffin, 314 Broughton street, west; mattresses made to order. “IF ITS RUGS YOU WANT. YOU~CAN gei them cheaper from McGtills. GARDEN TILES, DOMESTIC TWO cents. English six cents each, at Gard ner’# Bazaar. 'BALDWIN DRY AIK RFFRIGKRA tors, still in the lead; also full line of ice boxes, from $3 up. C. P. Miller. Agent, 2(17 Broughton, west. MILLEK’vS \WNINGS GIVE SATI9- fc.ction; you had better get our estimate and let us put you up one at once. C. P. Miller, Agent, 207 Broughton, west. ‘WATER COOLERS. ALL SIZES, FROM SI.OO up. C. P. Miller, Agent, 207 Brough lon. west. 'M’GILLIS SELIMS SIXTY-TNnCH RUGS —Smyrna patterns—for 99 cents. "wedding PRESENTS. "SCHOOL presents, presents of all kinds; large va rieties at low prices. C. P. Miller, agent, 207 Broughton, west. M'GILLIS IS CHEAP ON RUGS. NETS. la< o curtains, hammocks, water coolers, pillows, pictures, stoves, bedroom suites, and furniture of ©very description. MOSQUITO NETS, 9S CENTS. AND up; all grades of American imported lave with best fixtures, at reasonable prices. C. P. Miller, Agent, 207 Broughton, west. PULLEY BELT RUCKLES AND rings, aluminum shirt sets, beauty pins, side and tu< king combs at Gardner's Ba zaar. M’GILLIS’ LACE CURTAINS WILL beautify your parlor. WHEN YOU SEE M’GTLLIS’ SIXTY~- inch 99 cents rugs, you will buy them. Just can’t help it; will sell in any quan tity. “FURNITURE MOVED WITH CARR,” is a specialty with McGilHa. mct lets MOVES, PACKS, SHIPS and stores pianos and furniture; best work only; no “Cheop-John” prices—no “Cheap- John” jobs. MEDICAL. HOW ARE YOUR FEET? IF YOUR feet are troubling you. cull on me and I will give you relief; I cure ingrowing nail#, corns and all diseases of the without pain; charges reasonable; ran give tha beet references in the city; patients treat ed at residence#; orders can b© left at Liv ingston’s drug etore. Bull and Congress streets; telephone 293. I> m Davis, sur geon ©hfronodlst HELP WAAIKD-MALB. SALESMEN TO HANDLE AN AR tlcle used in every household; quick sales; large profits. Write for particulars, Ed ward Gales, Mackinac Island, Michigan. ~WA N T ED, * FI ttST-P LA 88 FA R M hand, who can milk and rats© vegetables i>. B. Letter. WANTED, FIRST-CLASS CARRIAGE painter and letter* r. Apply I*. O’Connor, 27 East Broad street. SALESMAN WITH ESTABLISHED trade wanted by a Northern pharmami il al house. Literal offer to the man. “23.” News office. Hi: I, I* W% A TED— FK M A LE. woman to ilo house work, and look after 5-months old infant. D. G. Crenshaw. Lynne, Fla. WANTED. GOOD COOK, COLORED, settled woman preferred, to to Guyton for summer; nice healthy place. Apply 310 Whitaker street. WANTET>. NBAT. GOOD COOK FOR general house work, for two In a flat; j?as stove. Apply at once, 14 Harris street, west. ■ ■— AtiKKTM WANTED. 150.00 PBR MONTH DURING CAVL paign and permanent position after; man or lady. Ziegler Company, 217 Locust street. Philadelphia. EMPLOYMENT WANTED. or bookkeeper In grocery, hardware or furniture store in city, or country, or manager in mill, or other business, by white man, 43 years old; have had years of experience. Addiess E. L* e. Sill more, Ga. WANTED— MISt KLLANEOLS. "Te^yo?Pwant'XTla^^ earth, dirt, uand, manure, etc., free of charge, Just at city limits, hauling over hard road, write or telephone Brown Bros , corner Anderson and East Broad streets. IF YOU HAV E AN Y WANTS IN THE real estate line see the Savannah Real Es tate Exchange, 27 East Hay. EARTH, SAND, MANURE; PARTIES making excavations and other having eirth, sand, manure, etc., can find a place to haul and dump it within city limits; (good hard road to ihe. place), by addressing or calling on Brown Bros., corner Anderson and East Broad streets; tel* phone HOT roll KENT—STORES. #^Fo7T > I?ENTr > T^^ Nos. 11l and 115 State street, west, and No. 114 President street, west, near new p4>stoffl ©. Good location for small re tail stores, or for offices. Apply W. M. & W. E. Coney. FOR RENT, THAT DESIRABLE store and warehouse formerly occupied by Georg© W. Tied©man & Hro., corner Bay and Montgomery street; in perfect order and condition; right rent to right tenant; possession can be iately. Est. Salomon Cohen, rorner West Broad and Broughton streets. 1 1 ' ' FOR IIENT— ROOMS. ©rn exposure, in private family. 224 East St. Julian street. FOR RENT, SEVERAL DESIRABLE fiats. 215 Liberty street, west; possession immediately. Apply A. VVylly, 12 Bryun, east. FO H 1i E N T-M1 YCELLAJf EOL Ji. FLAT CONNECTING ROOMS. FIRST floor; large hall third floor, suitable for any purpose. John Lyon* FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE. FOR BALE. THOSE LOTS ON NINTH street, near East Broad, have only been sold to first-class parties, who will maks good neighbors; and none other can buy. The terms are vary easy, and they ara ch- aper than any other In tha vicinity. C. H. Dorsett. >OR SALE. LOTS ON NINTH STREET near East Broad, no city taxes, at s2o# each; twenty-five dollars cash, and easy monthly payments. C. H. Dorsett. FOR SALE, LOTS ON NINTH, NEAR East Broad, at S2OO each; will soon ba advanced to $225; when a lot has been paid for I can arrange to get a homo built. C. II Dorsett. FOR SALE AT AUCTION. SOME’OF the most beautiful lots in CoUtn*vl!le will be wold at auction Tuesday, July 3, at 5 o’clock p. m. Term#, $25 00 cash, #5.00 a month. 6 per cent, interest. Also nice res idences, $50.00 cash. $25.00 a month, 6 rr cent. John L. Archer, Auctioneer. “FOR SALE OR RENT—A COTTAGE at Point Station, Tybee. Apply to G. M. Ryals. RF.siDENGe¥ A'n:rTBUILDINO LOTS for sale all over the city. Robert H. Ta*em, real estate dealer, No. 7 York street, west. FOR SARK AT AUCTION SOME OP Ihe most bountiful lots In Collinsville will be soM at auction Tuesday, July-3. 6t 5 o'clock p m. Terms. $25.00 cash, $5.00 a month, 6 per cent, interest. Also nice res idences, $50.00 cash, $25.90 a month, 6 per cent. John D. Archer, Auctioneer. WEI,I, I.OCATKD STORK AND RESl donee on West Broad street, not far from Union Depot, tin excellent stand for busi ness; only $2,000. to quick buyer. Youmana & Demmond. SEVERAI, CHOICE AND WELL LO. CATED RESIDENCES; owners are com pelled to reulize on them at once: they will 60 cheap. Youmans & Demmond. FOR sake at auction, somb'op the most beautiful lots In Collinsville will be ts.ld at unction Tuesday. July 8. ot 5 o'clock p m. Terms, $25.00 cash, $5.00 a month, 6 per cent. Interest. Also nice res idences, $50.00 cash, $25.00 i month, 6 per cent. John U Archer, Auctioneer. LUTS WHICH YOU CAN IMPROVE anil make from fifteen to twenty per cent, on outlay; call for particulars. Youmans & Demmond. FOR SALE. A LOT FOR TWO HT7N dned dollar,; easy terms, on Nlntb itiMl, near East Broad; no city taxation. C. H. Dorsett. FOli SALb—.UiatkLbASEOtll. two"T fret and one 3-feet, upright show cases, and several four and live feet low cases; ' cry cheap and in quantities desired, at I“< case's Di-tit? Stores, corner Henry and Alwrcorn and corner Whitaker and Tay lor streets. ’ WILL SELL EITHER HALF INTER! cst or the whole of a saw mill, with tim ber to rim It ten years. Write Box 16, Cordrle. Ga. A STRICTLY FIRE-PROOF SAFE, combination lock. weight 1,200 to 1,500 pounds; price one half of original cost. T. F. Johnson. FINE HORSE, SUITABLE FOB ANY? kind of work. Apply 2108 Bull street. SEED ~ PEAS; GROCERIES AND grain. The Tletjen Grocery, Congress find Jefferson streets. FOR SALE. SMALL - DRUO STORE, on n good corner, on reasonable terms. Address Clifton, Morning News. ASII \\'|> CYPRESS LUMBER FOR .-ole 150.000 feet of ash suitable for wheel wrights. carriage makers, car works and interior house finish. Also cypress lumber of ull sizes. We have resumed cutting our famous brands of cypress shingles and will -0011 have a full line of them for sale. Vale Royal Manufacturing Company. LAUNCHES FOR SALE. BIZB )• feet, and 25 feet, ond SO feet, with plieea that will be stme to please you. Th egenctes for these fine launches haa baa* established with us. Lippman Brothaca. Wholesale Druggists. Llppman's Black, Savannah. Ga, 1 FIRE PROOF SAFES FOR SALE AT low price; ail in atock 10 five hundred to Pvo thousand pounds. Apply LJpputata Bros. FOR SALE. AN ELEGANT PHAETOW end large carriage, eecond-hand; will ha sold chest*: one Is by Brewafar and tha other by Silver,, noth the best makers It* the Untied States. Lippman Bros., wltola, sate druggists. Savannah. Ga. LOST AND FOUND. 'l / BcTl'dlrJO LD WEDT>I NffRfNG. on 111* way to Hotel Tybee via Duffy car. Very liberal reward if returned to 301 Park avenue, west. LOST, DIAMOND STUD. REWARD tf returned to Samuel Reyonlds, 10 Abcr corn. SUMMER RESORTS. tains. G. G. Weaver, Tryon, N. C. SWANNANOA, WESTERN NORTH Carolina, near Asheville; excellent board and comfortable rooms $4 and $5 per week. Address Mont Vale Cottage. LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDIT ORS. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY.— Notice is hereby given to all persons hav ing demands against D. C. Bacon, lata of said county, deceased, to present them to us, properly mode out, within the time prescribed by luw, so as to show their character ami amount; and all persons in debted to said deceased, are required to make Immediate payment to us. H. P. SMART, A. 8. BACON, B. A. DENMARK. Executors of D. C. Bacon's will. Offlca; The citizens' Bank Building. Savannah, Ga., May 15, 1900. Charles D. Blake vs. Lula Blake. Libel for Divorce. In the Superior Court of Chatham county, March term. 1900. To the defendant. Lula Blake: You are here by required to be and appear at the Su perior Court of Chatham county, to b held on the first Monday in December, 1900, then and there to answer the plain tiff, Charles D. Blake. In a libel for di vorce. JAMES K. P. CARR. May 8, 1900. Clerk S. C.. C. C.. Ga. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDIT ORS. GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY— Notice Is hereby given to all persons hav ing demands against Margaret Reardon, late of said County, deceased, to preaent them to me, properly made out, within tha time prescribed by law, so as to show thetr character and nmount: and all per sons Indebted to said deceased are required to make Immediate payment to me. JAMES LEONARD, Administrator. Savannah, flu., June 5, 1900. GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY— Whereas George T. Cann has applied to Court of Ordinary for letters of adminis tration on tho estate of William G. Cann, deceased. These are, therefore! to cite and admon ish all whom It may concern to be and appear before said court to make objec tion (if any they have) on or before tho tirvt Monday In July, 1900, otherwise said letters will t> granted. Witness, the Honorable Hampton L. Ferrill. ordinary for Chatham county, this the Sth day of June. 1900. FRANK F>. KEILBACH, Clerk C. 0., C. C.l > V HOOLS AND OOLLTOM. CHENOWETH ~ 1342 Vermont ave. and lowa Clrclo, Washington, D. C. Boarding School for young iadlea. Send for catalogue. Miss Mary Davenport 1 Chenoweth, Mrs. Elizabeth C. Sloan. 3