The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, June 24, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 WILL COME TO SAVANNAH. JEVT EP WORTH LEACI'B CONVEN TION TO MEET HERE. Invitation Was Presented by Rev. Ed. E. Cook—Savannah Won Easily Over Athena and Bruntwlelt—Leon P. Smith of LnGrongc, Elected President Other Officers Chosen. Contention Will Conclude Its la bors To-day. Rome, Ga., June 23.—This morning Sa vannah won easily in getting the Georgia Epworth League'Convention for next year. This was predicted in these dlspotchea yesterday. Two other places which ex tended invitations were Athens and Brunswick. Rev. Ed. F. Cook presented Savannah's claims in a strong and elo quent manner, and the committee on the next meeting place also recommended it. Savannah won by a unanimous vote. This afternoon the annual election was held and resulted as follows: President, Leon P. Smith. LaGrange; first vice pres ident. M. iV. Howard, Bainbridge; second vice president, Miss Mamie McKenzie, Amertcus; third vice president. Mrs. T. E. Patterson, Griffin; fourth vice presi dent, Mrs. W. T. Gautiere. Columbus; treasurer. T. J. Mattson, Rome; secretary, V. L. Arnold, Savannah. The pulpiis of the city churches will be occupied by the visitors to-morrow. Tile convention will adjourn with a love feast to-morrow night. The wealher to-day has been dreadful, and a pouring rain was failing continously up to 2 o’clock. i. * i FACTS FROM FITZGEIt ALO. Surveying the Waycrosa Air l,lne. Ollier Matters of Interest. Fitzgerald, Ga., June 23,—Surveyors on the Waycross Air Line Railway have been here all this week laying out the depot •ite and surveying a line out of the city towards Cordele. The depot site will be on Ocmulge* street, between Grant and Main streets, with an enirance from Sixth street. The promoters of the road claim they will be here with trains on Oct. 1. With prospects for the Augusta and Tal lahassee road this winter, Fitzgerald will put on city airs with her four railroads. Hinton's sawmill, southwest of town, was burned to the ground on Thursday night The loss is estimated at $1,500, with a small amount of insurance. A carload of plums left here Friday for New York. Good prices are expected, as they are of an exceptional fine quality. John Seanor and A. T. Curry, who have been connected with the bank here for the past two years, have resigned their posi tions. G. W. Smith has purchased the ice plant of the Florida Brewing Company and is in charge. Cotton is doing rather poorly on ac count of the rain Corn, however, is doing fine as is also ail garden truck. New residences are going up in all parts of the city. N'o less than twenty are in the course of construction. Chas. Dunn, a former Fitzgerald boy. has been appointed as a second lieutenant In the regular army. W. C. Thompson has been appointed chief of the Fitzgera.d fire department. CHARLESTON'S EXPOSITION. Elaborate Preparations Are Being Made for the Great Show. Charleston, S. C., June 23 —The perma nent organization of the Exposition Com pany by the election of a board of direc tors at the stockholders' meeting Thurs day night, has been the leading topic of conversation here for the last two days. It is universally agreed that the board is the best one that could possibly have been selected. It is composed as has al ready teen announced of Messrs. F. W. W'agene.r, J. C. Hemphill, J. L. David. J. F. Fincken, F. C. Carey of Baltimore, Wllie Jones of Columbia, C. S. Gadsden, Samuel Lapham and W. H. Welch, all of whom have been prominent in making the ex; osltlon a success. The Charleston membtrs are the leading business men and finanei rs of the communi y, and the publ c las Implicit confidence In ihelr ability to carry the great enterprise to a successful conclusion. It has been practically determined that the exposition will b - located at the Wash- Irgt on race course, ihe property recently given to the Charleston Library by the old South Carolina Jockey Club. The people of Charleston are just now In a p rfect f ver of preparation for the 30 000 people who are expee'ed to vi-it the city early next month, when ihe Nat onal Educational Association helds its annual convention here. NO MONEY FOR ENCAMPMENT. Gov. Candler Will Not Recommend It to the Legislature. Atlanta, June 23.—Gov. Candler says he will not recommend to the Legislature to appropriate any money at the coming ses sion' for expenses of a state encampment of Georgia troops. The Governor said at present the stole was doing the best it could for the soldier boys. L’nder the present plant the state Is giving so much per year for company expenses, ihe idea being, the Governor says, to build up the companies instead of regiments as here tofore. The Governor to-day. appointed H. I. Gear solicitor of the County Court of Mil ler county. RAINS ARE MOST SEVERE. Frnlt and Other Crops Badly Dam aged Near GrlfUn. Griffin. Ga., June 23.—The hardest rains In many years have been those of to-day. More tain has fallen in the last twenty four hours than 111 two weeks during the present rainy season. The farmers are very much discouraged, claiming their lands have been so badly washed it will take many months to rebuild them, and their crops are being ruined on account of grass. Wheat is almost a total loss in this section, which means much, for a large crop was planted. Fruit is rot ting in abundance. Hibli County Cotton Growers. Macon, June 23.—The Bibb County Cot ton Growers organized to-day with a large membership. President Harvie Jor dan of the state association was present. The following officers were elected; Pres ident, Thomas R. Ayer; vice president. J. B. Willis; secretary, C. W. Howard; treasurer, J. F. Heard. Ocmulgee on a Rampage. Macon, June 23 —The Ocmulgee river Is again on the rampage, large crews being used to prevent drift from washing away the Fifth street bridge. It is said wash outs are occurring on the Southcrn.Rall road above Macon, but will be repaired In time for schedules. Bought by the L. and X. Tallahassee, Fla., June 23 lnformation hj>6 reached here that the Louisville and Nashville Railroad has bought the Talla hassee Southeastern road, and will com plete it to some deepwater port on the Gulf coast In South Florida The pur chased line is already completed iwenty one miles from this city. Tried to Commit SuL-idr. Macon, June 23.—Mrs. Lela Hartnon, married, and who has three children, took three ounce* of laudanum to-night. Trou ble* with relatlvee were given ms the She will perhaps recover, as med ical help aoon reached her. "Every Well Man Hath His El Day." A doctor’s examination might show that kidneys, liver and stomach are normal, but the doctor cannot analyze the blood upon which these organs depend. Hood's Sarsaparilla purifies, vitalize* and enriches the blooa. It cures you when “a bit off” or when seriously afflicted. It never dirappotnts. Dyspepsia " My husband had dyspep •la and Hood’* Sarsaparilla cured him Our little boy was nervous and the baby had ulcerous sores. It cured both.” Mas. Emma Bib*. Portage, Pa. Indigestion- ” I could not eat for some months on account of distress and Indiges tion. Hood's Sarsaparilla cured me so that I can eat and sleep well.” M*s. G. A. Gusto, Taylor and Walnut Sts., Wilmington, Del. Hood' Pills cure liver Ills: the non-irrltatlng am* enly" cathartic to take with flood’s Sarsaparilla, SPECIAL NOTICES. DO VOL WANT TO BE IN' IT at 15 Cent* Per Share f You will have to decide very quickly, because the first allotment which ta to go at 15 cents Is being underwritten very fast, and you cannot afford to lose this grand opportunity. Our mines are at Yankee, the celebrated county of Clear Creek. Colo. Stock SI.OO par value. Non-assessable. Order to-day. don’t wait Send for our prospectus at once. Deal di rect with the company. THE YANKEE CftNWu jr-• - MIN ING. MILLING AjND TUNNELING COMPANY, Office, Equitable Building, Denver, Colo. Please mention the News. NOTICE. Savannah, Ga.. June 22, 1900. On and after July Ist. 1900. the Georgia and Alabama Railway and the Florida. Central and Peninsular Ral road, will dis continue the uee of the warehouse, tracks and terminals of the Central of Georgia Railway Company, and ihe Ocean Steam ship Company, except the Central of Geor gia Railway Company's passenger depot, and will hondle ail Ideal and through traffic on the Georgia and Alabama Rail way Hutchinson Island Terminals, ex cepting freight traffic to be delivered in carload lots to drays; this traffic will be placed on tracks of this company located south of the Louisville road and west of West Boundary street. Allfreight for Savannah proper delivery and that received for forwarding at Sa vannah will be handled at company’s warehouses located at the junction of West Broad and River streets. (Signed) CECIL GABBETT. Vice President and General Manager. FOR SALE, YACHT DRAGOON'. This splendid yacht for sale, with all of her belongings. She was the champion for five year?, having won twenty-one first prizes in one season. She baa 6,000 pounds of lead on her keel, worth at the least S4BO. She is f ’ly equipped with everything necessary for such a yacht. And has three full suits of sails, a full set of light eulls, ahd several extra satla. Two anchors and cables, awning, mat tresses, binnacle, and all lights necessary for a sailing yacht. Enclose any bids to Julian Schley, Secretary and Treasurer, Savannah, Ga., to reach him by or before Saturday, June 30. DIVIDEND NO. 27. Office of Edison Electric Illuminating Cos., of Savannah. June 22, 1900. The hoard of directors of this company have this day declared a semi-annual div idend of ($3.00) three dollars per share up on the capital stock of the company, pay able on and after July 2, 1900, to stock holders of record June 25. 1900. GEO. J. BAUiWIN, President. DIVIDEND NOTICE. Savannah Bank and Trust Cos., Savannah. Ga., June 21, 1900. A semi-annual dividend of $3.00 per share has been declared on the capital stock of this bank, payable on and after July 2, 1900, to stockholders as of record this date. The transfer books are closed until July 2. D. C. CARSON, Assistant Cashier. MESSRS. \\ 1 LSON A GANNON' will open a summer school on Monday, July 16. Subjects to be taught: Mathe matics, English, Latin and French. Terms Si a month for students In classes, and special rates to those requiring in dividual instruction. Either tnstrueior may be seen for further particulars at the High School. POSITION NVANTE.D by first-class lumber Inspector. Best ref erence. Address LUMBER INSPECTOR, Box 66, Zoar, Ga. ATLANTA COLLEGE OP PHARMACY. Well equipped laboratories, excellent teachers. A free dispensary where hun dreds of prescriptions by the best physi cians are compounded daily by the stu dents. Students obtain first-class practical instruellon as well as that of a theoretical nature. There Is a greater demand for our graduates than we can supply. Address Dr. George F. Payne. Dean, 43'/4 White hall street, Atlanta, Ga. NOTICE. Neither the master nor consignees of the British steamship Arlington, Knowles, will be responsible for any debts contrac ted by crew of said vessel. J. F. MINIS & CO., Consignees. BATH MITTS AND FLESH BELTS. lard In the bath and as a flesh brash. Feeding Cups for Invalids, a va riety of styles. True Dalmatian Powder. It Is not gcnernllj known that a small quantity burned In the rooms will keep nut Piles und Mosquitoes. Just received n fresli supply. SOLOMONS CO. MALT AIEAD. Family orders supplied with the new summer drink; $1.20 per case, two dozen. Half your money back for the empties re. turned. HARDEE * MARSHALL. MUSICAL AND DRAMATIC RECITAL at Lawton Memorial Tuesday, June 36. at 8:50 o'clock, under the direction of Miss Margaret May Nicholson, Prof. Wlegand, Mr. H. C. McCardel Mr. Walter Cler, Mrs. E. E. Rollins, (Mr. A. B. Greer, and Mr. J. Norton Oemler Tickets 600, at Jones' Pharmacy and De Soto Hotel. THE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY. JUNE 24. 1900. n.IEKAL INVITATION*. Donouti street, east. June 20. 1900, Rev. Alexander Ellis, D. D. His friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend his funeral from Beth-Eden Bap tist Church. Lincoln and Gordon streets, at U o’clock this (Sunday) morning. (Boston, Mass., New York, and King ston. Jamaica. West Inldes, papers pleace copy.' LENTZ—The friends and acquaintances of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Julius Lenlz, Mrs. J. Sinclair, B. A. Sinclair, Joseph P. Sinclair and M. W. Taylor are Invited to attend the funeral of the former at Bona venture Cemetery at 5 o’clock this (Sun day) afternoon. MEETINGS. NOTICE TO THE MEMBERS OF HID TON LODGE NO. 2, F. A. M. You are summoned to meet at lodge room this (Sunday) morning at 9:30 o'clock, to pay the last tribute of respect to our deceased brother, Rev. A. Ellis. Sister lodges and transient brothers are fraternally Invited. G. M. W. E. Terry will officiate. By order of M. G. ROBERTSON, W. M. S. G. WEBSTER, Secretary. •FECIAL NOTICE*. MALT MEAD. (PATENTED.) NO ALCOHOL. NO DRAGS. Analysis of Malt Mead made at the University of Georgia shows that It con tains almost four per cent. Maltose and Dextrine, the vial nourishing elemtn of malted barley, and no alcohol, drugs, nor hurtfult acids of any kind. Malt Mead has not been polished up nor fixed to please the eye and taste and fool the stomach. It's just the other way. A taste once acquired for Malt Mead after a fair trial trill convince you that it Is one drink now on the market which meets all hu man requirements and can be used by young and old without fear of becoming habituated to it. Lok around you in this paper and see and learn more of it. Malt Mead stands as y’et alone in its original field and as a pioneer points the way as the Twentieth Century Family Beverage. A trial solicited; 5c at retail everywhere; $1.20 per case, two dozen pints; 60 cents refunded you for empties returned. Respeclfully, GEORGE METTER, Tel. No. 20. 1001 Henry St., East. PRESERVE YOt'B SIGHT By wearing glasses that not alone enable you to see, but correct every defect that may exist. There is no guesswork In our methods- We have tho Istest and roost approved scientific apparatus for accurate eye test ing. We make no charge for consulta tion or examination, and should you need the services of a physician we will frank ly tell you so. Our crystal lenses are perfect In every respect, being ground under our own su pervision. They cannot be compared in value to the kind offered as cheap by the so-called opticians or Jewelers who han dle inferior glasses as a side line. DR. M. SCHWAB & SON, Exclusive Opticians, 47 Bull Street. N. B.—Oculist prescriptions filled same day received. Repairing done at short notice. ANNUAL PICNIC —of— SAVANNAH COUNCIL NO. 1. ORDEH OF AMERICAN FIREMEN, For Benefit of Endowment Fund, -at— HOTEL TYBEE, TUESDAY. JULY 17. 1900. Whole Tickets 50e | Halves 25c COMMITTEE: M. J. Brignoni, Chalrman;A. J. Toshieh, Secretary; A. P. McFarland, C. O. God frey, W. Pringle, W. H. Williams, J. O'Leary, W. D. Claiborne, D. T. Brunson, James Larkin, W. M. Clark. BEAUFORT, BEAUFORT. REPUBLICAN BLUES' EXCURSION THURSDAY'. JUNE 28. 9 A. M. Steamer Clifton leaves wharf foot of Whitaker street. MUSIC AND DANCING ON BOARD. Fully five hours will be spent at Beau fort, S. C. Bathing, boating, fishing and base ball. A pleasant sail and a gtand time for all. Tickets 50c and 25c. Will slop at U. S. Naval Station. FIRST LIEUT. JOS. M. DREYER, Chairman. WNOI NUEMEN I. I beg to announce to the public and my many friends lhat I am now connected with the Cohen-Kulman Carriage and Wagon Company, Broughton and West Broad sts., where I will be pleased to see them and show our large and complete stock of fine Vehicles and Harness. We have the agency for the Babcock Buggies and "Auburn" Wagons. Respectfully, CHARLES BRANT. Savannah. Ga.. June 23, 1960 mil I NITER STATUS I AM ALTA COMPANY, one of the best accident insurance com panies, Is represented by Mr. I. D. La- Roche, who will take pleasure In writing you a policy. Cost the same a* other good companies. THUNDERBOLT STABLE*. I have reopened my stables at Thunder bolt Driving Park, and will be pleased to receive a limited number of boarders. Having enlarged and improved quarters, splendid pasture and competent help un der my personal supervision and direction, first-class board and the best attention is guaranteed. Terms on application. A, P. DOYLE. SI AVANEE SPRINGS HOTEL, • Suvvanee, Fla. Situated on the tanks of Ihe huwsnno river Climate unequnled No malaria. No mosqui toes. Cool nights Most healthful and delight fut resort in the South. Water cures every known disease Board (10 per week, special rate for commercial men of 12 per day, wb cb Includes transfer Tattle and accommoda tions strictly first class For Illustrated pam phlet address Suwnnee Springs Cos Suwanee Springs, Fla. ANDREW HANLEY, Mgr. MESS u. Ball __ r| ; £- c*' * Supplies. [t r | o r Prices quoted on . ZXZ Base Ball Uniforms. iiOi. ll GEORGIA SYRUP. The kind that makes your breakfast a morning delight and your supper an evening benediction. BOTTLED HOT On the plantation, so that all the flavor of the cane is retained. In pint and MUNSTER’S, Phones 55L DUFFY AND DRAYTON. Pd Smokers the quality of Keene! ICAR. >od” our motto. TION ASSURED J. PINKUBSOIN * C 0„ 206 Bay Street, West. Savannah, Ga. MulSi Makers, New York. Capacity Unlimited. \(C fff /atntf/v.'f Office 3()7 Ball Street. Those 700. KLnigHt’s Pharmacy SELLS IT FO 3 LESS. Elastic or Steel Trusses 50c Sassafras and Sarsaparilla Cos . . 75c Fever Thermometers 50c , Simmons' Liver Medicine ."lOa Roach Food ..... 10c i One Gold Dollar (come earlv) 50c Beef, Wine and Iron 76c K. R. C. (guaramesd Rheumatic Cure) $1 Talcum Powder 5c , 100 Empty Capsules 5 C We buy tn large, quantities, sell for small profit and save our customers money. Try us. No fake*; everything fresh and genuine. Mail orders solicited. KNIGHT'S PHARMACY. SPECIAL NOTICES. TABLE D'HOTE. 50c—DINNER—50c Dinner 6 to 9, Sunday, June 24. Claret Wine. SOUP. Green Turtle. FISH. Smill Fillets of Bass, Tartar Sauce. Potatoes ala Marchale. Sliced Tomatoes, with French Dressing. Queen Olives, Chow Chow, Mixed Pickles. ROASTED. Ribs of Baltimore Beef, au Jus. Stuffed Spring Chicken, with Panama Dressing. ENTREES. Hari ot of I.amb ala Bourgeolse. Spaghetti ala Palermetane. VEGETABLES. New Potatoes. Mashed Squashes. Butter Beans, Boiled Roasting Eara. Stewed Tomatoes, Rice. PASTRY AND DESSERT. Huckleberry Pie, Assorted Cakes. Cheese, Crackers, Fruit. Lemon Sherbet. French Coffee. At LEVAN’S CAFE RESTAURANT, 111 Congress street, west. SPLENDID STORE BUILDING FOR RENT. The handsome and commodious double stores known as the Whitfield building, situate corner Whitaker, Slate and Pres ident streets, now occupied by Messrs. Lindsay & Morgan, can be rented In whole or In part from Oct. 1. This building is in the center of a growing business neighborhood and opposite the new United Stales Court House and Post office, and Is a splendid stand for any business. Apply. W. M. & W E. CONEY. TO RENT UNTIL SEPT. OR OCT., A cool, desirable, fully-furnished apart ment, In one of the pleasantest locat.ors in New York city. Convenient to eleva ted and surface roads. Seven (7) all light rooms and bath, modern conve niences, silver, linen, china, eic., $50.00 per month. References exchanged Answer, Weills, No. 38 Burling slip, New York city. FOR RENT, That desirable store 126 Bryan street, west, formerly occupied by P. H. Ward. Reasonable to right parties. Apply R. . OLAGHORN, UO Bryan, east. BUSINESS NOTICES. ixils 1 sell For $2,500. A two-story double cottage on a cor ner. A one-story cottage on a corner, and a lot sixty feet front by one hundred and seventeen fee deep, with two wide streets and a Jane. So anxious are the owners to sell that they will take a part cash and give long time on the balance at a low rate of in tere,t - C. H. DORSETT. Need Glasses? One of our SPECIALTIES Is Eye Glasses—The finest lenses—Frames of various kinds—Eyes tested by an expert—A fit and satisfaction guaranteed. Also Opera Glasses, Field Glasses, Lorgnettes, etc. As in ether lines, we are saving peo ple money in fine glasses. Hunter & Van Keuren, Jewelers, 143 Bull Street. - Riwnroaiiijsw— ' CONIDA'S. CONIDA'S, CON IDA'S. That is all you hear everywhere. Condla's Palace for Ice Cream, Sherbets, Soda Water, new drinks, Chocolates and Bon Bong. His place is popular, because he serves the best of everything in that line. Fifteen hundred dally customers will tell you that Is so. Peach Sherbet, Peach Ice Cream always on hand. SPECIAL NOTICES. FOR RENT, From Sept. 1, 177 Congress street, now occupied by M. Dryfos. Apply to B. H. Levy A Bro., Broughton street. E CPERIENCE tHas taught that the very best of Leather made into Men’s Shoes that have style, comfort and wear-worth, must cost a little more than cheap shoes. Any cheap shoe may possess quite as much “look”—the look is in the finish, the wear is in the shoe itself. Our "NASSAU” SHOE Is the real true perfection —so satisfactory in every re spect that to sell them once means to sell them again. This accompanying picture illustrates our new iSlioe so very much in favor —Black or Colored Leather., \ fOQrCOYZXEftS TomiMaNK/N&. In Excellent Shape Once Morn TO DO FINE LAUNDRY WORK. Savannah Steam Laundry Cos. II Congress Street, West. Phone 383, Harris Ltthia Water KODAKS contains more Lithia than any water 20 PER CENT. OFF. Graphophones & Records SPECTACLES Allgretti Creams, we $25 Normally Candy on Eyeglass prescriptions. FRESH EVERY' OTHER DAY. If you want something that will positively cure Rheumatism use FRANK'S RHEUMATIC CURE. Livingston’s Pharmacies, BULL AND CONGRESS AND 309 BULL STREET. THE ONLY Exclusive Family liquor Store TN THE CITY. TRY OUR FAMOU! imperial Nectar Pure Rye Whiskey Foil Quarts, SJ; four bottles, containing foil Gallon, $3.5C RFISINRFR & RO PL L 0 IllULtl Qu UU| FULL line of claret wines. LADEYEZES Wall Mouldings, • Artists’ Materials IP PICTURE i Stationery, Portraits. II FRAME Savannah Views on China H FACTORY itf ware - Photographic Papers Pfk * M Mounts, etc. First=class work at lowes p r j ces , 105 TO 100 CONGRESS STREET, WEST. BUSINESS NOTICES. Nothing Better For a graduating gift than a Chatelain Watch. We have them in charming variety. An elegant lot of Pearl as wcilasgold and Enameled Brooches, very stylish. The famous Patek-Phillipe Watch, made In Geneva, the standard of excel lence. Toilet and Manicure pieces in sets of various combina* tions, very practical. THEUS BROS. OKARMA, Shoe Manufacturer. Daily Production 30 Pairs. To keep our plant moving we reduced prices on all graces. Come and see how we make them. 111 Broughton. East. AN EXAMPLE WILL DO MORE THAN COLUMNS OF TALK. Here's an example: WIRE NAILS 3Vic pound SCREEN WIRE 2c foot FISHING TACKLE 20 per cent discount. R. L CLANCY & CO., 113 Whitaker Street, OLD NEWSPAPERS, SOO for 2$ cants, it Business Office Horn inn News. BUSINESS NOTICES. A. L. Desbouillom We have 18 and 22-karat plain Gold Rin; for wedding rings In the latest shapes. Also a large assortment of Diamot Jewelry at the old price of Diamonds i long as they last.' A. L DESBOULLLONS. 43 Bull Street. FOR SALE. One lot on Tenth atree near Jvfferaon. One tot -lOiiaS on Ninth atree near Jefferson. Price* lower than anything el In the neighborhood, and terina vej easy. ISoth lota near the Eighth Stre School. C. n. DOHSBTT. I id mm iiS For sale, a Forsalth Newspaper FoldJ will fold sheet 27xL. It Is In good ordJ Price 8100. It cost originally $l,lOO, bl ws have nu use for It and want the rocl It occupies. I It will be an invaluable adjunct to a| newspaper -dice. Address | MORNING NEWS, J Snvunnali, Ga- 1 I SPECIAL NOTICES. A card to the public. Mr. Andrew Hanley will be pleased have any person aflllcted with Brtgh' Disease, Diabetes, or any form of Kid < or Bladder trouble; Rheumatism, Got and Dyspepsia, eall at his office, Whtiaki und York streets, between the hours of m. and 2 p. m. and 5 and 7 p. m. dull when ha will explain why and how the can be permanently cured in from th i to six weeks hy either visiting Suwai Springs or drinking the water at home.;