The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, June 24, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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EMPLOYMENT WASTED. ''youncTXian! EXPERIENCED in mercantile business and In office work de sires position. Address E. S. M. r care the Morning News. 'TRAINED NURSES AND mTdwiVES at ‘MeKane Hospital. Sixth and Florence. •Phone 985. “MARY E? DUNAVON, AFTER JULY 1 will do substitute work for organists dur ing the summer. 120 Hull street, west. wanted" position as“ book keeper by young Westerner desiring to come to Savannah; sober, reliable. Ad dress Hookkeeper, 18 Broughton, west. "competent SERVANT DESIRES situation as nurse. 537 Little Jones street. "GENTLEMAN WANTS POSITION With either wholesale or commission house, with chance to advance; best ref erences. Address 213 Gordon street, west. “STENOGRAPHER AND TYPEWRIT er, male, desires situation, four years ex perience. Address “25,” News. 'WANTED? A POSITION BY Re spectable colored man as coachman or butler; good references. Apply 44 Jones street lane, east. WANTEd7POSITION AS SA LESMAN or bookkeeper in grocery, hardware or furniture store in city, or country, or manager in mill, or other business, by white man, 43 years old; have had years of experience. Address E. Lee, Stiilmore, Oft- any FAMILY OR'GENTLEMEN DE siring a good washer and ironer apply to 668 Roberts. 'holses~\vanted. six rooms and bath; north of Jones street, between Habersham, east, and Jefferson, west. Address X. Y., this office. ”WANTED?fO LEASE FROM OCT.“I, six or seven-room house in good location. Address R. N. A., care Morning News. "HOT'SE, IN GOOD LOCALITY’, CON taimng 6 or 7 rooms, for occupancy, Oct. 1; give location and rent. W. D. sB., care Morning News. ROOMS WANTED. or small cottage, from July first; must be cheap. Address J. L. L., care News office. “wanted Two - unfurnished rooms at Tybee Island for first two weeks In July. Address A. J. W., this office. COUPLE DESIRE FIRST OR SECOND flat of four rooms from Oetotfcr. “Refin ed,” Morning News. WA!TEO-)IIBCGLLIXGOUi. pox s i7u'3Ti , X}rrv'TO take charge of furnished home until Oct. 1, and board a gentleman in exchange for rent. Address, Dean, care News. “WANTED, WORKING INTEREST AS general manager naval stores business in Georgia or Florida, or will buy second hand place and work it out of debt; lift time experience; willing to pay big inter est. Address W. W., care Morning News. “wanted; SMALL SECOND-HAND card printing lever press. Address E., this office. WANTED, A SECOND-HAND SAFE; state size inside, make and price; must be low in price Quick Buyer. "IVPANTED, .AI.L SORTS OF'TRUNK repairing, and sample cases and tine trunks made to order at lowest price; we have the best workman in the South; see us before you have your job done. Southern Trunk Factory, 420, 422, 424, 426 Bay, east. "WANTED, TO“IXVEST T\VO”THOUS and dollars or more in business or other wise. Investor, News office. 1 "can oivE YOU NON-CONTESTABLE accident insurance policy, the ilnest writ ten. I. D. La Roche. -WANTKDr' TO “ PURE HASE gentle horse, that a lady can drive, and that stall stand without being lied; state lowest cash price. K. Y. Z., Morning News. PARTIES NEEDING FIRE, LIFE, Ac cident or liability insurance, desiring to buy or sell real estate, or to have their rents collected, or to negotiate loans on real estate, to call on W. C. Fripp & Cos. LADIES TO CALL FOR MANICURING, massage and shampooing; complexion beautified and hair dyed and bleached; scalp treatment for falling hair; also my celebrated vapor massage bath; consulta tion free; ladles treated at home. Mra. Smith, 104 Harris, east. "W AN T E I), 1.000 FULL-QUART whisky bottles. Robert Remler, Drayton and Liberty streets. WANTED?TO RENT OP?BUY. SMALL place. 546 Broughton street, east. 'EVERYBODY TO KNOW THAT WE have the choicest line of real estate offer ings. We collect rents manage estates, and negotiate loans at live per cent, int r at and upward. Youmans & Demmond. _I 'IF~VOU WANT A PLACE TO DUMP earth, dirt, sand, manure, etc., free ot charge, just at city limits, hauling over hard road, write or telephone Brown Bros., corner Anderson and East Broad streets. WANTEiX YOUfc PROPERTY TO tell, and your rents to collect; satisfaction guaranteed. I. D. Laßoche. GET YOUR PEARBARRELS READY. Apply 312 State stree4, jvest. "WANTED TO EXCHANGE FINE draught horse for buggy horse; will pay ary reasonable difference, or will sell cheap. Address "Horse,*' dare Morning News. "wanted; ORDINARY SIZE SEC ond-hand safe, flrst-clasa condition, cheap for cash; also second-hand pony planer, rip saw and cut-off saw, in first class condition. Southern Trunk Factory, 420 and 426 Bay, east. *TO EXCHANGE FOUR YOUNG grey foxes for fox hounds or offers. J. IS. Mitchell, Hawkinsvilie, Ga. ~ “iF YOirHAVE ANY WANTS IN THE real estate line see the Savannah Real Es tate Exchange, 27 East Bay. ICARTH, SAND, MANURE; PARTIES making excavations and other having earth, sand, manure, etc., can find a place to haul and dump it wilhin city llmttB; (good hard road to the place), by addressing or calling on Brown Bros., corner Anderson and East Broad streets; telephone 1103. MONEY TO LOAN. city property; one to five years; low rale of Interest. J. E. Fulton & Son. "LOANS NEGOTIATED AT FIVE PER cent, and upward. If you are carrying a large loan at a high rate of Interest, si e us; wo cart save you money. Youmans & Demmond. "hO.OOO TO LEND UPON CITY REAL estate at lowest rates, amounts to suit borrowers. Flatshck & Cos., 110 Bryan, east/ MONEY TO LOAN ON CITY IM proved property. I. D. Laßoche. MONEY TO LOAN AT 6 PER CENT, interest. W. C. Fripp & Cos. Foil HEST-ItUOIIS. ern exposure, in private family. 224 East St. Julian street. 11l WEST BOLTON. UPPER FLAT. Apply on premises or W. B. Sturtevant, 11 Congress, west. TWO CONNECTING ROOMS. PARLOR floor, sulluble for light housekeeping; also delightful cool south room, suitable for one gentleman. 211 Jones, west. PARLOR-FLAT. NEW HOUSE, OCCU pancy now or Oct. 1. Apply on premises, 417 Whitaker street. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS, DE llghtfully situated, m Drayton street. ►’OR RENT—ROOMS. FORK CON sistlng of four rooms. 303 East Henrv street. NICELY ‘ FURNISHED" FLAT?"BATH aII conveniences; gas stove; will rent one j ™°m. Bull and Charlton. FOR rent; to OENTLEMAN~DB- I s!rab ! e room - 22 Oglethorpe avenue, cast, one door from Drayton. Z OR J^!! T ’ SEVERA L DESIRABLE flats, 206 Liberty street, west; possession immediately. Appl? A. Wylly, 13 Bryan i east. TO RENT, DOUBLE PARLORS FOR light housekeeping to party without chil dren; use of hath; large yard; $5 per month O. K., care News. FOR RENT, TWO NICELY FURNISH or front rooms, southern exposure, facing park. 212 Oglethorpe avenue, east. FOR RENT, PARLOR FLAT, 605 BAR nard street. Apply to G. C. Mathews, 3CS West York. FOR RENT, FLATONFTRST FLOOR, 121 Harris street, east. Prendergast & Ganahl, 6 Bryan street, east. TWO NICE ROOMS AND BATH; good location; partly furnished or unfur nished. 442 Drayton. FOUR-ROOM PARLOR - FLAT? ALL modern conveniences; nice neighborhood; no children in house. 207 Eighth street, west. NEATLY FURNISHED SINGLE room, cheap, for a gentleman; bath privi leges. 121 East Congress. FOR RENT, TWO CONNECTING rooms, suitable for doctor’s office or den tist parlors. 24 Broughton street, east. "~FOR RENT TWO - FURNISHED rooms, 303 President, west; all conveni ences; 31.00 per week. NICELY” FI ’R NISH ED SOUTHERN room, to gentlemen only, private family. 122 West Taylor street. FOR RENT, DESIRABLE FLAT; southern exposure; 222 Duffy street, west; sls per month. J. E. 'Fulton & Son. FOR RENT, - MODERN FLAT, 207 Broughton street, east; separate bath and kitchen. J. E. Fulton & Son. FOR' RENT, 'FLAT 214 BROUGHTON street, east; $13.50 per month. J. E. Ful ton & Son. HANDSOMELY FURNTSHED"ROOMS for gentlemen only; every convenience. Mrs. Smith, 104 Harris, east. “FURNISHED~SOUTH'"ROOM, CHEAP rent; also room for storage. Apply 130 Jones street, west. “NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS ON parlor flobr, every convenience. 25 Haber sham street, corner St. Julian. ONE NICELY " FURNTSHED, COOL room, suitable for two men. 304 Ogle thorpe avenue, west. FIVE-ROOM FLAT COOL AND clean. 102 Harris street, east. PARLOR' FLAT"COMPLETELY FUR nished, for housekeeping; possession Ist July. 102 Harris street, eas4. “TO ADULTS, SOUTHERN - "ROOMS, furnished, facing park; also south base ment rooms for doctor's office. 10S Gas ton, east. FOR RENTTaTROOM IN A COTTAGE at Tybee. 23 West Charlton street. TO RENT, “ large - FURNISHED southern room; bath same floor. Apply 20 Harris, west. "TO RENT. I'ROM"OCT 1, FLAT“OF five rooms and bath. Apply 20 Harris, west. — FOR RENT, NEATLY FURNISHED front and back parlor, with gas; con venient to bath, to one or two gentlemen, or couple without children. 305 Liberty street, eas4. "PA RLOR"■ FLAT FOR RENT. 214 West Huntingdon; ten fifty. “FIVER OOMS, " GOOD LOCATION. cheap, for summer months. Apply 503 West Anderson. "FOR'RENT,“TWO LARGE-'UNFUR nished rooms; also one furnished, room. No. 235 Jefferson street, corner Perry. FOR RENT, FLAT: ALL CONVElN iences. 107 West Duffy street. “FLAT OF “FOUR' CONNECTING rooms; with private bath and connections for gas stove. 132 Lincoln street. FOR “ RENT,"" SMALL BUT VEfJY comfortable fiat during summer; outside rooms; furnished or unfurnished; cheap to right party. 22 East Henry street. “NICE'NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM for rent: every convenience, Including ho* and cold bath. 16 West Oglethorpe. FOR r.EIT- HOUSES. HOUSE BISMARCK near Burroughs street; $7.50 per month. S. Mendel, 202 Bay, west. “NO. 4C9~JONES STREET,“EAST;'TEN dollars per month. S. Mendel, 202 Bay, west. FOR”RENT,“COMMODIOUS 3-STORY' dwelling corner Henry and Lincoln; all conveniences. Apply on premises. FORT”RENT. IMMEDIATE POSSES sion, nice house, for small family. 303 YVald’ourg, west. J. E. Fulton & Son. FOR RENT,“DWELLING 628 MONT gomery, near Huntingdon; also 515 and 517 Bay, east. G. 11. Remshart. THUNDERBOLT, DESIRABLY SlTU ated house on river front; also small house. Inquire 214 Bryan street. FOR RENT, SMALL HOUSE, 904 WEST Broad street. Prendergast & Ganahl, 6 Bryan street, east. FOR RENT, 41 EAST BROAD street; rent cheap. Prendergast & Ganahl, 6 Bryan street, east. FOR RENT, 619 MONTGOMERY street. Prendergast & Ganahl, 6 Bryan street, east. FOR RENT 910 WEST BROAD street. Prendergast & Ganahl, 6 Bryan street, east. FOR” RENT,"SIX HOUSES ABOUT completed, Abercorn street, between Sec ond and Third. Prendergast & Ganahl, 6 Bryan street, east. __ FOR RENT?""CHEAP, TO RIGHT party, delightful located 9-room house. Ap ply 401 Waldburg, west. COTTAGE FOR RENT AT TYBEE. Apply at Tybee Bakery. C. A. Bart. FOR rent; REASONABLE. NEAR Park Extension, south front dwelling. 114 West Duffy. Purse, printer. FOR RENT, RESIDENCE "til* JEF ferson street; seven rooms and bath; S2O per month.* J. E. Fulton & Son. FOR - RENT, “FROM OCT I,"“HOUSE 304 Park avenue, west; $22.50 per month. J. E. Fulton & Son. NO. 811 LINCOLN STREET, NEAR Gwinnett, for rent from Oct. 1. J. E. Fulton & Son._ "FOR'RLNT. FROM OCT. 1, 309 BOL ton street, east; large residence; S3O per month. J. E. Fulton & Son. ~FOR”~RENT'"RESIDENCE 209 HALL street, west; possession Oct. 1. J. E. I* ul ton & Son. FOR RENT, FROM OCT. 1, DESIRA bIe residence, 103 Jones street, east; all conveniences. J. E. Fulton & Son. LARGE RESIDENCE. 113 LIBERTY slreet, west; for rent from Oct. 1; out buildings and stables. 4. E. Fulton & Son. "FOR RENT, RESIDENCE U 0 DUFFY street, west; possession Oet. 1. J. E. Fulton & Son. FOR RENT, HOUSE 706 MONTGOM ery street, near Hall; $lO per month. J. E. Fulton & Son. “foH RRNT, RESIDENCE H3 DUFFY slreet, west; all conveniences; large yard; $22.50 per month. J. E. Fulton & Son. FOR RENT. NEW RESIDENCE."COR ner Second avenue and Abercorn; all mod ern Improvements. J. E. Fulton & Son. FOB RENT. THAT DESIRABLE REv idence, 120 Henry slreet, west; large yard; moderate rental. J. E. Fulton & Son. THE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY, JUNE 24, 1900. FOR REXT—HOUSES FOR RENT, THAT DESIRABLE RES idence, 127 Gordon street, east, facing square. J. E. Fulton, & Son. FOR RENTTRESIDENCE - 205 JONES street, west; out building and stables; rent reduced. J. E. Fulton & Son. FOR RENT'' TWO-STORY SIX-ROOM house, 410 Price street; hath and all con veniences; sl7 per month; possession July L J. B. Fulton & Son. FOR RENT, NICE HOUSE, CHEAP est in the city; finely located. See it. D. B. Lester. FOR RENRESIDENCE 7C9H ABER sham stieet; eight rooms; hot and cold water; immediate possession. Apply W. W. Swinton, 2 6 Eighth street, east! FOR RENT, 6-P.OOM RESIDENCE, with bath, on Tenth, near Montgomery, Just completed; sl6 per month. W. J. Miscally, Jr. 515 AND 519 DUFFY, WEST, 6 ROOMS and bath; good neighborhood; sls per month. W. J. Miscally, Jr., 20 ISryan east. LARGE HOUSE ON FIRST - NI4AR Habersham, only $12.50. Savannah Real Estate Exchange. LOVELY HOME IN THE SOUTHERN part of the city, either with parlor furni ture or without; nil modern conveniences. Savannnh Real Estate Exchange. COTTAGES ON TWELFTH STREET, near West Broad, only $6; cool and com fortable. Savannah Real Estate Ex change. 210 NINTH, WEST; twenty dollars. 314 Montgomery; excellent location for board ing house. 1014 Park avenue, ; twenty dollars per month. 003 Eighth, west: fif teen dollars. 201 and 203 Perry, west; very convenient to downtown. Two new houses Bay and Price, only fourteen dollars. 608 Tattnall street, twenty-six dollars. Also 100 Henry, east. Youmans & Demmond. ~FOR~ RENT~ TYBEE COTTAGE, partly furnished, screened, water up and down stairs. Apply to R. P. Lovell, 113 Broughton street, west. WHITE BLUFF RESIDENCE, FUR* nished, on river bank, facing south. Ap ply 108 Gaston, east. TO RENT, CHEAP, ABOUT H ALF price, seven-room house, furnished or un furnished, from July 1; nice location. Ap ply 216 Waldburg street, west. FOR RENt7~FOUR VERY DESIRA bIe new houses, Jones and Abercorn, with all conveniences; immediate posses sion. Apply R. S. Claghorn, 110 Bryan, east. “FOR - R ENT, COTTAGE 113 WALD burg, east, cheap, to Oct. 1; furnished if desired. “fORTrENT, A VERY NICE MODERN built residence; every convenience; rent reasonable. Peter Reilly. FOR RENT. TWO-STORY RESf dence; seven rooms; large yard; conveni ent to Central depot; twelve fifty; also three-story brick residence; same loca tion; eighteen dollars. Peter Reilly. FO R~ R ENT, _ A VERY - DESIRABLE two-story residence;modern conveniences; choice locality; SIB.OO. Peter Reilly. FOR - RENT - -THREE - TWO-STORY cottages, Abercorn and Lincoln streets, near Park avenue; eight dollars. Peter Reilly. L A"RG E HOUSE, SUITABLE FOR boarding house, near Central road, for rent. A. S. Cohen; telephone 68. TO RENT. JULY 1. 1012 JEFFERSON street, eight rooms; all conveniences. Ap ply 201 Waldburg street, west. i 5 R HOUSE OX ELEVENTH street, near Bull street. Apply to Wal thour & Rivers, Drayton and St. Julian streets. "FOR REN T. NO" 701 BA RN AR D street, corner Hall; will be thoroughly renovated. Apply to Walthour & Rivers, Drayton and St. Julian streets. FOR RENT, BRICK HOUSE 207 GOR don. west, $25.00; store Jones Lane and Tattnall, $15.00. W. H. Connerat. FOR RENT, NO. 512 BARNARD street. Apply to Walthour & Rivers, Drayton and St. Julian streets. FOK KENT. NO. 405 PARK AVENUE, wrest. Apply to Walthour & Rivers, Dray ton and St. Julian streets. “FOR RENT, NO! 906 BARNARD street; immediate possession. W. C. Fripp & Cos. FOR RENT, no! 526“ PRICE STREET; immediate possessions. W. C. Fripp & Cos. nice! TWO-STORY HOUSE, 122 Habersham, corner State. Apply 124 Hab ersham. FOR RENT, SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE, next corner Henry and Wes 4 Broad. Ap ply 401 Anderson, east. FOR BEST-STORES. ferson and Berriem, with or without, 3- room house. Apply 107 Broughton street, west. FOR RENT.' MAGNIFICENT STORE, centrally located, near the market. Rea sonable rental. D. B. Lester. STORE ANI> RESIDENCE”“SOUTH east corner Houston and Perry; special concessions to Oct. 1. W. J. Miscally, Jr. f "foiTrentTstore”WlTH - ROOMS above; good stand; cheap rent to gooi party. Prendergast & Ganahl, 6 Bryan street, east. FOR~RENT,”THE” REAR HALF OF store No. 17, Congress street, west. Ap ply at front store. 'FOR “"rent; THAT DESIRABLE store and warehouse formerly occupied by George W. Tiedeman & Bro., corner Bay and Montgomery street; in perfect order and condition; right rent to right tenant; possession can be given immedi ately. Est. Salomon Cohen, corner West Broad and Broughton streets. FOIi KE.XT-ÜBCELLAItEOUI. floor; large hall third floor, suitable for any purpose. John Lyons. Full SAI.i:—HEM, ESTATE. ner Tenth, lot 49 by 110, the prettiest on the market. C. H. Dorsett. 'FOR TWO THOUSAND - DOLLARS, residence on the northeast comer of Price and Hartridge street. C. H. Dorsett. FOR SALE ONE OF THE FINEST lots offered, a northwest corner 40 by 133 for 11,400. C; H. Dorsett. “A SPLENDID BULL STREET LOT, between Third and Fourth streets for fl.SCfti ti H. Dorsett. “AN"ELEGANT LOT, 30 by"l22“ ON Fifth near Barnard, SICO cash, and ten per montli. C. H. l'orsen. ' FOR FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS, A lot 30 by 117 on Tenth, near Montgomery, on very easy terms. C. H. Dorsett. ONE OF THE BEST CORNERS. BAR nard and Tenth, 52 by 100, very cheap. C. H. Doisett. LOT 62 BY' 117?F7IGHTITAND MONT gomery, opposite the S,H>OOO school, and cornering cn Wills Square; nothing like li In the southern sictlon; btautifu ly paved. C. H. Dorsett. FOUR BEAUTIFUL "CORNERS ON Seventh and lilrhth, and Barnard and Whitaker. C. H. Dorsett. CHOICELOTS BETYVEEN BULL AND Drayton on Tenth; only a few left. C. H. Dorsett. TWO HOUSES FOR TWO THOPSAND dollars; rent S2O per month on WeH Broad street;'gr. at bargain. C. H. Dorsett. THREE TWO-STORY HOUSES ON two corne s, tine location for thrre thou sand dollars to a quick buyer. C. H. Dor seti. FIRST-CLASS LOCATION. LOT 60- feet, comfortable residence on Htnry near Bull; desirable In every respect. C. H. Dorsett. run SALE—ItKAL ESTATE. LOT 00 BY 6) HUN T f NgTmjn""aND Abcr.crn, must fro*t north with improve ments. C. H. Dorse.t. NO - BETTER BUILDING SITID~TN town than on corner Lincoln and Hall, for sa’e by C. H. Dcrsett. WELL KSTABLISHED STORE! AND two two-story residences; all lenling at 570 per m< nth; can be bought at price that will yield large percentage. C. H. Dor sett. FOR ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS, two houses and a lot, bringing good rent; will lend S7OO if buyer cannot pay all cash. C. H. Dorset t. SEVENTH STREET LOTS“ONLY $150; ten dollars cash, five dollars per month; they are now worth double and are bound to increase. Youmans & Demmond. FOR SALE, TWO LARGE BESl dences, Anderson street, near Barnard; rental S4SO per annum; four thousand dol lars, J. E. Fulton & Son. FOR SALE! AN IDEAL HOME ON Second avenue, near Abercorn; easy terms. J. K. Fulton & Son. FOR SALE, LARGE BRICK-RESl debee. Drayton street, facing Forsyth Bark. J. K. Fulton & Son. FOR SALE, BRICK RESIDENCE, Barnard street, near Gaston; two stories on basement; rental $216 per annum; sev enteen hundred and fifty dollars. J. E. Fulton & Son. for SALE. THAT DESIRABLE“REB - No. 6 Bull street, east; opposite De' Soto Hotel. J. K. Fulton & Son. DESIRABLE LOTS, CONVENIENT LY located for Central Railroad employes, $l5O, at your own terms; electric car ser vice; don't miss this opportunity. You mans & Demmond. FOR SALE, PROPERTY NORTHEAST corner JefTerson and Hull; good location for business stand. W. J. Miscally, Jr. 643 FOURTH “STREET, - WEST, - 8- room residence, large lot; small cash pay ment; ba.ance, S2O per month; examine; will sell very cheap. W. J. Miscally, Jr. 3-STORY BRICK, ON BASEMENT, ON Jones, just east of Bull; all modern con veniences: an elegant home, or can he mode with small outlay, a flret-class in vestment. W. J. Miscally, Jr. SEVENTH STREET L< >TS ONLY $150; ten dollars cash, five dollars per month; they are now worth double and are bound to Increase. Youmans & Demmond. DON’T BE SLOW ALL YOUR“LrFE. nor he slow in looking at those 40x90- foot lots on King street for S3OO, which is hdlf their market value; they must be sold. Savannah Real Estate Exchange. BEAUTIFUL lUACRE TRACT. ONLY one mile from city limits; the finest tract for a surburban home and farm In Chat ham county; see us at once. Savannah Real Estate Exchange. HOMES iN EVERT SECTION OF the city; how would you like one on Henry, near Bull? Savannah Real Es tate Exchange. "WE HAVE PROPERTY"’TOO NUMER ous to mention; call at our office and get a home on easy terms. D ESIRAB LE LOTS? CONVENIENT- Iy located for Central Railroad employes, $l5O, at your own terms; electric car ser vice; don't miss this opportunity. You mans & Demmond. TWO NICE DWELLINGS ON DUFFY street, near Abercorn. I. D. Laßorhe. 2 LARGE LOTS "ON ANDERSON, near Price; aho 2 larg° lots on Eleventh street, near Bull street; price cheap; terms easy. I. D. Laßoche. BRICK STORE AND RESIDENCE! southwest corner Gaston and Price street fine business location. I. D. Laßoche. LARGE BUILDING SOUTHEIABT corner Lumber and Bay streets; pays nine Per cent, net on price asked. I. D. La- Roche. 86 ACRES ON "LOUISVILLE ROAD; Ps> acres on Augusta road; both contain some fine timber; price t:n dollars per acre. I. D. Laßoche. FOUR HUNDRED ACRES OF LAND with jiew dwelling, artesian well, fruit, ovsters, fish, shrimp, etc., In abtmdan e; also an is and near Thunderbolt; large river front, planted with oysters. I. D. I.aßoche. 41$ HENRY, EAST; TEN ROOMS: DE cidedly attractive; a marvel of conveni ence and dream of loveliness; cheap ond easy terms. Youmans & Demmond. BEAUTIFUL AND PRACTICALLY new house; Park avenue, east; seven rooms with every possible convenience; only twenty-two hundred to quick buyer! The house is now rented for twenty dollars per month. Anybody that can afford to pay twenty-five dollars rent can afford to buy this home. Youmans & Demmond. TW o“STORES AND TEN ROOMS above on southeast corner of Price and York; only twenty-five hundred if sold at once. This property will pay handsom ly. Youmans & Demond. FOURTEEN NEW HOUSES IN ONE of the best renting sections; never idle; pays fourteen per cent, on price asked. A capital investment. Youmans & Dem mond. EIGHT HOUSES NOW RENTING FOR forty dollartoper month, only three thous and if sold this week. Youmans & Dem mond. “M AN Y“DESIRABLE “AND BEAUTT fuIIy located lots at less than their value, and on easy terms. Now is the time to buy. Youmans & Demmond. “LOT ON’ WHITAKER. NEAR English, only one thousand dollars; don’t miss this opportunity. Y’oumans & Dem mond. 300 HBN RY,~ EAST, ' A LA ROR LOT and substantial residence. You can by it way below actual value, and with a lit tle improvement, will have a desirable and decidedly attractive home. Youmans & Demmond. - LOVELY HOME”ON NINTH STREET; only twenty-five hundred, easy terms; if you see it you will by It. Youmans & Demmond. * "FOI-r”NEW” HOITSEfC NORTHWEST corner Henry and Whitaker, at a price which will interest you; If you want a first-class investment here it is. Youmans & Demmond. IF YOU WANT A HOME; A LOT OR paying investment see us or send* for copy of our bulletin. We cannot advertise all our offerings. We negotiate loans at five per cent, interest and upward, accord ing to security. We also collect rents and manage estates. Ninety-nine per cent, of the houses we have are rented and owners pleased with returns. Youmans & Demmond. SIX HOUSES ON ANDERSON. BB- Iween Abercorn and Lincoln, only forty five hundred. They are dirt cheap. You mans A Demmond. FOR SALE. I.OT 47 " 8Y~97. — SOUTH,- east corner Sixth and Whitaker. Price $1,400, a daisy! Flatshck A Cos. "7 : i ill SALE. LOT 30 BY 94, ON BEAU tlful terrace, southw< st corner Lincoln and Ninth. Price $650; a regular gift! Flatshck & Cos. FOR HALE TWO FINE THREE etnry dwellings, thoroughly up-io-date; Jusi what you want for a home; we ask $3,500 each. IU! will take bid! Come for particulars. I'latshek & Cos. FOR SALK, ELEGANT I.OT, 30 BY 150, rorthwest corn r Sixth and Whitaker. Price $1,600; a bargain! Platshek A Cos. FOR BALE. THAT HANDSOME BRAN l ew cottage on Eighth street, east, near Free; terms $l5O rash, balance SIS month at six per cent. Interest. Platshek & Cos. FOR SALE, 631 NINTH. WEST, TWO story dwelling large rooms; largo lot. Price $1,150 and easy terms. Platshek A Cc. FOR SALE. THAT CHOICE LOT, SD by'94. on uthelde Ninth sir et, third cast rf Hal e-sham, only $3 0 cash, for this we k. Piatsh k & Cos. FOR RALE, WELL SITUATED HOME, 316 Harris, east; two-*tery brick dwelling; lot 30 by 100 Prlca $2,250. and give you oaay let ms. F.utshek & Cos. FOli SALE— RRAL ESTATE. FOR SALE. 646 BISMARCK STREET, 4-room house; lot 25 foot front. 60-foot rear lot, 150 feet deep. Price $390 this w ok. A cinch! Plat-hek & Cos., 110 Bryan, east. FO R" SA T. E ? 214 ~D UFF V, ~ W EST ; COM fortabla home, large lot. Price $3,1C0. Plut stiek & Cos. FOR SALE, THAT ELEGANT LOT 30 by 24, routlnast comer Ninth and Aber corn, already paved. Price S9OO, owner bas ordered nrice advanced If not sold thts w. ek. Plat-hek & Cos. FOR SALE, THAT FINE' LOT, 30~BY 95 on Eighth atreei. third west of Dray ton. Price $900; terms $l5O cash, balance long lime. Platshek & Cos. FOR SALE, ONE-HALF BLOCK OP fine renting property, that pays net 11 per cent S( e us at once for particulars. Platshek & Cos. FOR SALE, TWO - ACRES ON LOUTS vil’e read front (paved), one and a half miles from city. Price S2OO, a great snap! Platshek & Cos. FOR SALE, ALL THOSE REMAINING el glide lots in Teynac Gardens” (Eighth street, east), at very low prices and ex traordinary eisy terms. Platshek & Cos. SEVENTH STREET LOTS ONLY $150; ten dollars cash, five dollars per month; they are now* worth double and are bound to increase. Youmans & Demmond. FOR SALE, BLOCK OF NINE LOTS on Abercorn, First and Anderson. E. G. •Black, 6 Bryan street, east. FOR SALE, SOUTHWEST - CORNER Barnard and Hall streets, two four-story brick houses; one or both. E. G. Black 6 Brian street, east. FOR SALE, SOUTHEAST - CORNER Fifth and Habersham streets; store and three dwellings. E. G. Black, 6 Bryan street, east. FOR SALE, NO. 107 TAYLOR STREET east, second east of Drayton; small cash payment; balance, 7 per cent. E. G. Black, 6 Bryan street, east. FOR SALE, 106 HULL “STREET? west, between Whitaker and Barnard, e! G. Black, 6 Bryan street, east. FOR SALE, CORNER LOT,-ATLAN tic and Henry streets. |E. G. Black, 6 Bryan street, east. FOR SALE, TEN - LOTS - ON - BULL, between First and Anderson streets. E. G, Black, 6 Bryan street, east. FOR SALE, SMALL HOUSE ON large lot, east of Waters road, on Gwin nett; small cash payment; balance 7 per cent. E. G. Black, 6 Bryan street, east. FOR SALE, 120 BRYAN STREET, west, between Barnard and Whitaker streets. E, G. Black, 6 Bryan street, east. FOR SALE, A LIBERTY STREET residence, west of Bull. E. G. Black, 6 Bryan street, east. FOR SALE, LARGE - RESIDENCE ON Charlton street, between Price and Hab ersham streets; 60 feet lot. E. (1. Black, 6 Bryan street, east. DESIRABLE LOTS, CONVENIENT- Iy located for Central Railroad employes, $l5O, at your own terms; electric car ser vice; don’t miss this opportunity, You mans & Demmond. FOR SALE—WE HAVE MANY DE slrable homes for sale, varying In price from $2 0 0 up, but you know that false pride so many persons have—namelv— they do not care to have their homes ad vertised; yet they expect us to s 11 them. We want you to come up and let us tell you about, some of these-—and the chances are that we have what you want. Same idea applies to building lo s. and iruesi ment properties. We are always glad to talk with you about those matters and will appreciate your visit. W. C. Fripp & Cos. FOR SALE! THIRTY-FOOT LOT, facing west, Whitaker, between Eighth and Ninth streets. W. C. Fripp & Cos. FOR SALE?6O-FOOT LOT, BULL? BE tween Ninth and Tenth. W. C. Fripp & Cos. FOR SALE, NO! 122 EAST!" DUFFY, northwest corner of Abercorn; a bargain, W. C. Fripp & Cos. FOR“SALE,“ DESIRABLE“HOME — AT Willie Bluff, cheap. W. C. Fripp & Cos. FOR SALETdESIRABLE HOME. ISLE of Hope, cheap. W. C. Fripp & Cos. FOR SALE, FOUR HOUSES ON Purse street; a good investment. W. C. Fripp & Cos. FOR SALE! BRICK - BUILDING ON large lot on Bay street, west; suitable for wholesale business or good site for bak ery. W. C. Fripp & Cos. "FOR SALE, NUMEROUS PIECES“dF real estate that we are not authorized to advertise, which consist of nice lots all over the city; small and large investment property, and nice residences. W. C. Fripp & Cos. FOR HALE, ONE OF THE MOST I)B --strable residences in the viclnty of Gwin nett and Whitaker streets. W. C. Fripp & Cos. FOR - RALE!"THIRTY (30) !FObT“I,OT on Gwinnett, between Abercorn and Lin coln streets; Is a bargain. W. C. Fripp & Cos. "FOR SALE, EiGHTEENIIi) LOTS ¥n Gwinnett street, east; good investment. W. C. Fripp & Cos. FOR SALE,'"LITTLE HOME, CHEAP, on easy terms; Park avenue, west. W. C. Fripp & Cos, FOR BALE! FINE BRICK RESl dence on Jones, between Drayton and Abercorn streets. W. C. Fripp & Cos. AT A SACRIFICE, 30-FOOT LOT ON Gwinnett street, east of Savannah, Flor ida and Western Railway. W. C. Fripp & Cos. "TWO-STORY,' SEVEN-ROOM FRAME house, 215 Tenth street, near Barnard, cheap. W. C. Fripp & Cos. “DESIRABLE - BUILDING lot on Brady street. W. C. Fripp & Cos. DESIRABLE LITTLE HOME, NINTH street, west of West Broad. W. C. Fripp & Cos. ' SEVENTH St6eET“LoTS“ONLY $150; ten dollars cash, five dollars per month; they are now worth double and are bound to increase. Youmans & Demmond. "FOR SALE, THOSE LOTS ON NINTH street, near East Broad, have only been ■old to first-class parties, who will make gf od neighbors; and none other can buy. The terms are very easy, and they are cheaper than eny other in the vicinity. C. H. Dorsett. FOR SALE, i!f>TS ON "NINTH STREET near East Br ad, no city taxes, at s2o# each; tw nly-five jlrfflars cash, and easy monthly paymrnts. C. H. Dorsett. “F"R SALE, LOTS ON NINTH, NEAR East Broad, at S2OO each; will soon be advanced to $225; when a lot has been paid for I can arrange to get a home built. C. H. Dorsett. FOR SALE AT AUCTION. ROME OF the most beautiful lots In Collinsville will be eold at auction Tuesday, July 3, at 5 o’clock p. m. Terms, $25 00 cash, s:> 00 a month, 6 per cent. Interest. Also nice res idences, $50.00 cash, $25.00 a month, 6 per cent. John L. Archer, Auctioneer. FOR SALE OR RENT-A COTTAGE at Point Station, Tybee. Apply to G. M. Ryals. FOR SALE, ON EAST TERMS, MOD ern ten-room house; all rooms connect and all separate; three large halls; bath room, etc., 418 Henry street, east. Apply at Launey Studio, 21 Broughton, west. “FOR ' SALE, LOT 30X125, FACING south on Eleventh street, near Barnard. S. Mendel, 202 Bay, west. DESIRABLE LOTS, CONVENIENT- Iy located for Central Railroad employes, $l5O, at your own terms; electric car ser vice; don’t miss this opportunity. You mans & Demmond. FOR SALE AT AUCTION - ROME OF the most beautiful lots in Collinsville will I>o sold at auction Tuesday, July 3, at 5 o'clock p. m. Terms, $35,00 cash, $5 00 a month, 6 per cent, interest. Also nice res idences, $50.00 cash, $25.00 a month, 6 per cent. John L. Archer, Auctioneer, FOII SALE—REAL ESTATE. XiESHiABLE LANDS! PART OF Twickenham plantation, east of Bilbo canal and adjoining property of Plant Systfm. also several acres on the bluff, north of Tybee Railroad and adjoining LePag ville. Geo. S. H ines, 19 Bay s'reet, east. FOR SALE. THOSE tWoSPLEN’ DID lots corner Whitaker and Eleventh and Whitaker and Twelfth, Whitaker street continued, 32x90 feet each. G. 11. Rems hart, 16 Bryan, east. FOR SALE OR LEASE ON EASY term-, my home at Plm-ora, Ga. 8. C. Elkins, 421 Congress street. FOR SALE AT AUCTION - SOME OF the most beautiful lots In Collinsville will be eold at auction Tuesday, July 3, nt 5 o'clock p. m. Terms, $25.00 cash. $5.00 a month. 6 per cent, interest. Also nice res idences, $50.00 cash, $25.00 a month, 6 per cent. John L. Archer, Auctioneer. FOR SALE, A LOT FOR Two HUN tired dollars; easy terras, on Ninth street, near East Broad; no city taxation. C. H. Dorsett. FOII SALE—OHbCULLAAEOI'S, FOR SALE, TWO 8-FEET, TWO 4- foet aiul one 3-feet, upright show cases, and several four and live feet low cases; very cheap and in quantities desired, at Ik rsse's Drug Stores, corner Henry and Abercorn and corner Whitaker and Tay lor streets. DRUG STORE FOR SALK ON A good corner on reasonable terms; small stock. Address Baby, Morning News. FOR SALE, A GOOD PIANO! AND new furniture. 222 Huntingdon, east. for sale, Mahogany bedstead and mattress, new stiver tea-set, sewing machine, korotsone stove, wood .stove; olso a large horse to sell or exchange; will sell cheap for cauh. Address 24 Barrington street. FOR SALE CHEAP! PIANO IN GOOD condition. Apply 3os Hall street, east. FOR SALE, a FINE hreu party; ony lady can drive her; paces very fast and perfectly sound; can he seen at Thunderbolt race truck. Information ut 126 Jefferson street. FOR SALE, AT AUCTION? AT Younglove & Sipple's Stables, June 26, at 11 a. vn., one young Jersey cow and calf. FOR SALE, (BY THE YEAR) M\- nure from one of the largest sta bles lit the city. Apply Fox, this offi.V, a nice Extension top surrey, rubber tires and set double harness. Ap ply Thomas Nugent, 310 Bryan street, we*t, A RARE OPPORTUNITY FOR ANY one wishing to Invest a small sum In a paying little drug store, located In a thickly settled part of the city, doing a strictly cash business, with little or no expense; satisfactory reason given for selling. Ad dress Salol, care Morning News. SEVERAL GAS STOVES IN FlßST class condition, for sale or exchange for other stoves; I also have an excellent line of coal and wood stoves for sale on easy terms or lo exchange. D. N. Thom ason, agent, 116 West Ilroad. FOR SALE, THE SAILBOAT MB leor; 18x7; In good condition; cheap. 47 Bull street. FOR SALE! NEAT R ETONDGLAND bar fixtures; also beer cooler. Theo, Groot, Liberty and Jefferson streets. ■REMINGTON TYPEWRITER NO! 2; Just about as good as new; if you need this machine at fifty dollars cull or ad dress 8 Jones street, east. FOR ' SALE, ONE OF THE REST paying groceries and bars, owing To ill health owner ordered to leave town; big bargain for somebody. Answer quick "43,” care News. FOR SALE,“sTYLIRIr HORSE, NEW buggy and harness; also Jersey cow. Bar gain, News office. ODDS AND ENDS FOR LESS THAN cost; $3 razors for $1; SIOO brass canopy bed for SSO; 8 floors and one warehouse full of goods; will be sold at slaughtering prices, at the Old Reliable, established since 1883. M. Nathan, 224 and 226 Con gress street, west. BELGIAN HARKS OF THE RIGHT kind; imported and domestic; strictly pure; pedigree guaranteed; prices reason able; write for free illustrated catalogue. Petaluma Incubator Cos., Petaluma, Cal. WE BUY AND SELL REAL ESTATE, negotiate loans on same at. 5 per cent. collee4 rents, sell liability, fire, accident and life Insurance for the leading com panies of the world. W. C. Fripp & Cos. ! 088 STEAMER AND THREE schooners for sale Suitable for carrying on eons Ing trade; all In first-class condi tion. Frr further patliculars, upr-ly to Stone, Rourk & Cos., Wilmington, N. C. “ FINE' HORSE, SUITABLE FOR - ANY kind o Apply 2108 Bull street. ASII AND CYPRESS LUMBER EOi't sale—lso,ooo feet of ash suitable for wheel wrights. carriage makers, car works and Interior house finish. Also cypress lumber of all sizes. We have resumed cutting our famous brands of cypress shingles and will soon have a full line of them for sale. Vale Roy a I Manufacturing Company. LAUNCHES FOR BALE, SIZE IS feel, and 36 feet, ond feet, with prices that will be sura to please you. The agencies for these fine launches has been established with us. Llppman Brothers Wholesale Druggists. Lippmen's Block' Savannah. Ga. ' FIRE i'itOOF SAFES FOR SaLr \T low price; all in stock in five bundled n> five thousand pounds. Apply Llppiuaa Bros. FOR SALK, AN ELEGANT PHAETON! "nd larr '•arrlsße, second-hand; will b •old <-hsn; one le by Brewster nd the other bV Silver.• Doth th beat maker* lo the United btatre. Ltppman Bros wtfole ■ele drußtrlsts. Savennah, Ga. LOST AMJ Pjl\b. LOST, ON LAST SUNDAY MORNING, a pearl breastpin. Reward If returned to 103 Gordon street, west. LOST, ON ABERCORN STREET. BE tween Gordon and Gaston streets, a pack age of gloves. Kindly return Immediate ly to Mills & Cos., 206 Broughton street, eas't. Howard. LOUT, MOCKING” BIRD; LIBERAL reward It returned to 27 West Charlton street. LOSTraOLITBROOCH; DAISY, WITH pearl in oenter. Reward if sent to 319 Abercorn. "LOST, OPEN-FACE,' sttan da rd railroad Elgin movement watch, with black silk fob, between Plant System and Tj bee depots. Reward by returning to S. B. Kennedy, Tybco depot. FOGN D A RING, WITH SET, LAST Monday; owner can have by Identifying. Call at 310 East Park avenue. arm trim. py, 2 months old, answers to nnme "Jjrownle." Reward If returned to No. 10 Second street, east. HBWAHD. lTTe <vard for return of ring taken from 17 Gor don street. , SUMMER RESORTS. ALExTnDEIL ON THE railroad ten miles north of Asheville, N. C Famous for variety of good food, ex cellent water, pleuwint, well furnished rooms, good beds. Five hundred feet of cool varandas, and shaded grounds, add to the attractions. Circulars furnisued; terms moderate. Mrs. R. B. & J. N. Vance. PRIVATE BOARD 65 COLLEGE street, Asheville. N. C„ centrally located, on car line; pleasant and homelike; excel lent table; rales $1.50 per day; 17.00 to $lO per week. Mrs. Minnie C. Greenlee. SIMMER RESORTS. June 6, Just the place to spend the ho months; pure mountain air fresl fruits and vegetables right ofT th la-m four miles from Tallulah Faiia. tw and a half to Turnersvlllo. the postoffle and station; daily mail; all parties met ci short notice; mineral wa'cr and ice eo. water Address W. G. Davidson, Tui nersvlUe, Ga. “5 EAST FORTY-FIRST STREET summer prices, first-class board; trai stent, by day or week; reference. Jam -51. 8011, 35 Nasau street, New York. FRANKLIN SPRING HOTEL, ROY ton, Ga., situated boiween Toccoa and 1 berton, Ga., open June 15. Adults, $: children and servants, sl6 per month. BOARD. AT SALUDA, N. C . FOR TH summer, Mrs. T. J. Young ran acoomm date ■ t-w select ;“ople Gcod fare, go breis and reasonable rates. 'PRIVATE “p.i lAKD," MBS. j! A Cook, 158 Chestnut street, Asheville. C Newly furnish-d rooms and excelF.. table. Terms reasonable. BOARDERS, NEW YORK, FORT fifih street, IS west, near Fifth avem r>oms with board; Southerners; ref., encew. SWANNANOA? WESTERN NOR"’ Carolina, near Ashevllt- ; excellent be and comfortable ro< ms $1 and $5 tier So Address Mont Yale Collage. UIUIIUIBD, TWO G IvN TLEMEN ROOM MAI can secure front room nnd good board private family, 424 Barnard street, Ch ■ ham Square. ENTI.EMKN BOARDERS" WANTI private, family; home comforts. 412 P., . avenue, wist, DELIGHTFULLY LOCATED ’FRO room, with hoard. For particulars ap. 1 to 612 East Forsyth Park. BOARD. WITH LARGE NICELY FT nished rooms; all conveniences, ut 23 1 ry street, west. BOARD, FRONT SOUTH ROOMS F' ", gentlemen; also table- board. 212 W Jones street. GOOD TABLE BOARD? U OGLi: thorpo avenue, west. BOARD AND RESIDENCE- VET ' central; new house. 18 Oglethorpe, wee- WANTED, REGULAR AND TAB, boarders; good table, pleasant rooms. Duffy, east. PLEASANT SOUTH ROOM, WIT board; mst desirable location in ci 118 Liberty, west. A COUPLE OR SINGLE GENTI man can obtain board at the Isle of H In a private family. Address D., Isle Hope, Ga. A FEW MORE BOARDERS CAN 1 ' nicely aooommiKluted ut 123 Gor 1 street, west. EDCCATIOXAI. MR. W. tT! BAKER V\to!T7o7mTn~ summer school on July 2, ut 612 Dra; street. Bt.-dNKvSS CHANCES. RESPONSIBLE CHICAGO HOF desires trustworthy man competent to lablish and carry on branch business; per month and exp uses with share of . returns; liberal conditions; must furt $1,660 cash toward carrying necesi-. stock of goods. Wm, Johnson, 114 Dc born- street, Chicago. INVEST IN OIL STOCKS SELL 7 now at 60c i>er share on monthly } meats; one man- Inverted' $12.50 tier m for 8 months and cleared $1,400; fa' Impossible under our system; Lime fi the greatest In the world; best of r< cnees, particulars free. Union Oil C pany, Lima, O. "MAKE YOUR MONEY EARN YO ' salary." SIOO Invested by my “Safe S, ulatlon Plan," In grain or stocks, ' made- more money in 30 day* than- a chanlc earns in sixty; send for free 1 Oculars, customer nnd bank referee. Richard Jones, Investment Broker, 40 change Place, New York. MISCELLANEOUS. " PLATED WARE OF ALL KINDS coat. Koch & Sylvan's, 46 Whitaker. FOR RANGES AND STOVES? GO '. Cornwell & Chlpman. ‘THB MOST UP-TO-DATE! WORK > being turned out by Forest City Laun 'Phone 1575. all paper-Hanging and pat? i Ing guaranteed; only union men emi*' ed. Interior Decorating Cos., 113 St west. M A TTRKSSES RENOVATED A~ worked over thoroughly; best moss 1 tresses made lo order. David Clark, Jefferson. A BOTTLE OF - FINE OLD CRI >' will be the thing these cold days; n so pure as at Wm. Dlers, West Broad t. . Liberty. IT DOES NOT PAY TO IIAVB TE dirt pressed In, or gasoline smeared o fine ciothes; get them thoroughly cleai and disinfected by the Resorcin© anils tic process. New York Steam Dye WOl Whitaker-State streets. J.A Dl ES AND GENTLEMEN, j ready with spring stock of umbrellas, p asols repaired and recovered; locks 1 keys. M. Dorninitz. Corner Oglethor. Barnard. Ga. Phone 105*. "SILVER BRACELETS and“ladii slurl waist set pins. Koch & Sylvan 44 Whitaker. “FOR FISHING TACKLE?NETS, ET . go to Cornwell & Chipman. “’PHONE" 1575 FOR ’ laundry. They will call for your lire. Immediately. SEE US BEFORE YOU" LET~YO! " nn<J pwintirfi;; we save y money. Interior Decorating; Cos. UPHOLSTERING DONE IN BE** * style ami in best workman-like mann< price reasonable. David Clark, 141 Je£(i son. “step - !NTO M*Y"store AND GETT".' bottle of fine old Lewis ’66; 1b '66, and not some other brand; O f Crow is great try It. William Diers. Wc Proad and Liberty. % "LET I S CLEAN YOUR CLOTHES it ’ Rosorclne antiseptic process. New Yo- Steam Dye Works. Whitaker-State street WEDDING PRESENTS AT “KOCH . Sylvan’s, 46 Whltnker street. FOR HARDWARE AND ' TOOLS?"(. to Cornwell & Chipman's. WE GIVE YOU EITIIFR"dOMEST * or gloss finish; perfect work. Forest C.. Laundry, Park avenue. WE HAVE JUST RECFIVETTa - NF lot of varnish, lead and colors; see before ordering. Interior Decorating * SOLID SILVER SUGAR SPOONS A! butter knives, $2 up. Koch & Sylvai. . 46 Whitaker. FOR MANTELS! TILING A. grates, go to Cornwell & Chlpman. I ( GoqdPositions ; f-'^^c=e c 'd5 ECURED 1 B/acfiVe.Widtwra' §f ; MU|YOUN6MEI. lIPIIg^WOMEN L ■ (odrse ’ OICHMONQV j j BUSINESS l COLLEGES.I srnd for Catalogue' 5