The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, June 25, 1900, Image 1

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Established 1150. - Incorporated 18SS
J. H. ESTILL. President.
Thirty-five People Killed In an Awful Wreck on the
Southern Railway.
Cars Smashed Into Kindling Wood, and the
Wreck Caught Fire.
Washout Which Wbi Near Mcllonouitli, Probably Canard by a Cloudburst
• Few Houra Before the Train Beached It—Only Those In the Pull
man Car Saved—All Other* Were Probably Instantly Killed
and Fire Completed What the Smaslinp Failed to Do.
Atlanta, June 34.—A passenger train on the Macon branch of the Southern Rail
way ran Into a washout one and a half miles north of McDonough, Ga., last night
and was completely wrecked.
T?he wreck caught fire and the entire train, with the exception of the sleeper,
was destroyed. ,
Every person on the train, except the occupants of the Pullman car, perished.
Not a member of the train crew escaped.
Thirty-five people in all were killed. Following Is a list of the dead:
William A. Barclay, conductor, Atlanta.
J. E. Wood, conductor, Atlanta.
J. H. Hunnlcutt, conductor, Atlanta.
J. T. Sullivan, engineer, Atlanta. r
JV. W. Bennett, baggagemaster, Atlanta.
T F. Maddox, cotton buyer, Atlanta.
W. J. Pate, Atlanta,
Twelve-year-old son of W. J. Pate, Atlanta. '"
H. R. Cressman, Pullman conductor.
George W. Flourney, Atlanta.
D. C. Hightower, Stockbridge, Ga. /
W- W. Ipark, Macon, Ga.
Elder Henson, travelingman, supposed to have been from Florida.
J. R, Florida, Nashville,. Tenn.
W. O. Ellis, bridgeman, Stockbridge, Ga.
D. T. Griffith, supervisor.
J. H. Rhodes, flagman.
John Brantley, white, fireman.
Will Green, extra fireman.
W. L Morrisett, pumper.
W. R. Lawrence, foreman extra gang.
Ed Byrd, colored, fireman, Atlanta, “ |
Robert Spencer, train porter. <
Four bodies yet unidentified.
Eight negro section hands. >
The following passengers were rescued without serious injuries: Jesse L. Rahe.
Baltimore; Walter Pope, Atlanta; Miss Mary B. Merritt. Boston. Mass.; Mias Clara
Alden, Boston. Mass; J. C. Flynn, Atlanta; E. Bchrynr, Chattanooga, Tenn.; E.
X- Mack, Chatlaneoga, Tenn.; J. J. Wuinlin, flagman; T. C. Carter, Pullman por
ter. and Handy Tomlinson. '
Went to Death Without Warning.
The train left Macon at 7:10, and was due In Atlanta at 9:45 last night. Mc-
Donough was reached on time. At this point, connection is made for Colum
bus, Ga., and here every night the Columbus train Is coupled on and hauled
through to Atlanta. *
Last night, however, for the first time in many months, the Columbus train
was reported two hours late on account of the washout on that branch, and the
Macon train started on to Atlanta without its Colurhbus connection.
Tremendous rains, of daily occurrence for the past two weeks, have swollen
all streams in this part of the South, and several washouts have been reported on
the different roads. Camp's creek, which runs into the Ocmulgee, was over Its
banks, and its waters had spread to all the lowlapds through which it runs.
About a mile and a half north of McDonough, the creek comes somewhat
near the Southern's tracks, and running alongside it for some distance, finally
passes away under the road by a heavy stone culvert.
A cloudburst broke over that section of the country about 6 o'clock last
night, and, presumably, shortly after dark, washed out a section of the track,
nearly 1(0 feet in length. Into this the swiftly moving train plunged.
There was not a note of warning. The storm was still ragging, and all the
windows were closed. The passengers, secure they thought, and sheltered com
fortably from the Inclement weather, went to death without an instant’s warn
Sins* of Wreckage Caught Fire.
The train, consisting of a baggage car, second class coach, first class coach,
and a Pullman sleeper, was knocked into kindling wood by the fall. The wreck
caught fire a few minutes after (he fall and all the coaches were burned except the
Pullman car. J
Every person on the train except the occupants of the Pullman car perished In
the disaster.
There was no escape, as the heavy Pullman car weighted down the others and
the few alive in the sleeper were unable to render assistance to their fellow pas
For a brief time there was s'lence. Then the occupants of the Pullman recov
ered from their bewilderment, and after hard word managed to get out of their car
and found themselves on the track in the pouring rein. The extent of the catas
trophe was quickly apparent. j
Flames were already seen coming from that part of the wreckage, not covered
by the water. As the wreck began to go to pieces under the destructive work of
both fire and flood human bodies floated out from the mass and were carried down
stream by the swift current. |
The storm did not-abate in fury. Flashes of lightning added to the steady
glow of the burning train, and they lighted up the scene with fearful distinct
assistance Was Sent for.
Flagman Qulnlln, who was one of the first to get out. at once started for
the nearest telegraph station. Making his way as rapidly as possible In the
face of the blinding storm, he stumbled Into the office at McDonough, and after
telling the night operator of the wreck, fell fainting to the floor. Word was quick
ly sent to both Macon and Atlanta, but no assistance was to be had, except from
the latter place, as the interrupted track prevented the arrival of any train from
Nearly the entire male population of McDonough went to the scene to ren
der assistance, but little could be done by the rescuers, as the Are kept them
at a distance. At daylight the bodies that had floated from the gorge were
gathered up. One body was found a mile from the wreck, and many were seen
along its banks.
A wrecking train was started our from Atlanta at midnight, but owing to
the burning wreckage, nothing could be done until morning. A special train at 6
this morning took doctors, minister, railroad officials and helpers to the scene,
but nothing could be done, save to gather up the bodies.
Dead Were Taken to tlrDnnongh.
As the dead were found they wers removed to McDonough. There are two
undertakers there. Both establishments were soon full of the mangled remains
of the passengers. Some bf the bodies were terribly burned, while others were
crushed beyond recognition.
The only means of identification In the majority of the cases were letters and
papers In the pockets of the victims In the catastrophe.
The bodies were prepared for burial as rapidly as possible. Some may be
burled at McDonough. Others will be sent to their homes as fast as the proper ad
dresses con be ascertained.
Only three, ladles were on the train. Two escaped. It is presumed that the
other perished, but the body has not been foufid.
Besides the regular crew of the train, several conductors and other employes
were en route to Atlanta to spend Sunday. All were killed. Conductor W. A.
Barclay was in charge of the train.
A section boss with a gang of eight gggroes occupied seats In the second-class
coach. They were on their way to repair a washout on the Georgia Midland and
Gulf Road. Not one escaped when the car went down.
Continued op Fifth Page.
Jlato&tttt&l) Mbfmx® ■
Gen. MacArthnr Answers Leader*
Who Submitted Them.
Manila, June 21, 10:35 p. m.—Gen. Mae-
Arthur has given formal answer to the
Filipino leaders, who, last Thursday, sub
mitted to him peace proposals that had
been approved earlier In the day by a
meeting of representative insurgents.
In his reply he assured them that all
personal rights under the United States
constitution, except trial by Jury and
the right to bear arms, would be guar
anteed them.
The promoters of the peace movement
are now engaged In reconstructing the
draft of the seven clauses submitted to
Gen. Mae Arthur in such a way as to ren
der It acceptable to both sides.
The seventh clause, providing for the
oxpulslon of the friars, Gen. Mae Arthur
rejected on the ground that the settle
ment of this question rests with the com
mission headed by Judge Taft.
That portion of the Forty-third Infan
try which formerly garrisoned the Island
of Samar will proceed to the Island of
Leyte, giving the garrison there the need
ed reinforcement.
The battalion of the Twenty-ninth In
fantry, which was sent yesterday to Sa
mar will act as the garrison there.
Supplies Collected and Advance Be
gun Yesterday.
Prahsu, Saturday, June 23—Sufficient
supplies have at last been collected, and
the final advance to open communications
with Kumassi will begin to-morrow (Sun
On the road from Ashtuiti to Kwahou
are three villages where are gathered
some 2.000 fighting men, who have prac
ticed the rites of fetish w’orship and
pledged themselves to help the Ashantis.
Old Woman the I,ending Spirit of the
Ashanti Rebellion,
London, June 25.—A dispatch to the Ex
press from Prahsu. dated Saturday, says:
“The brain and Inspiration of the
Ashanti rebellion is the aged Queen' of
Ofesu. Although old, she Is full of phys
ical energy. She curries a gun herself
and personally leads 1,000 picked hunt
"Her principal confederate Is the old
blind crafty King of the Adansts.
"Coblna Foil, heir to the Adansl stool,
is a prisoner of the British. He professes
loyalty. The revolt, he says, has been
simmering for a year. All the tribes, ex
cept the Bekwais, according to his ac
count, object to paying British taxes. He
says the golden stool Is made of wood,
covered with thin gold plates.”
Vigorous Note Sent Insisting on Pay
ment of Indemnity.
Constantinople, Saturday, June 23.
Lloyd C. Griscom, United States charge
d’affaires, to-day presented a fresh note
to the Ottoman government, insisting
upon the immediate reply to the demand
of the United States for a settlement of
the • indemnity in connection with the
losses of Americans at the time of the
Aryienian massacres.
Although vigorously phrased, the note
is not an ultimatum. It Is said, how
ever, to have been a disagreeable sur
prise to the Porte, testifying as it does
to the intention of the United States gov
ernment to pursue this matter of indem
niy to the end.
Killed Two Men ns Soon as He Got
Out of the Asylum.
New Orleans, June 24.—William H. Rob
inson, a man recently discharge.! from the
state insane asylum, to-day deliberately
murdered William S. SteesseJ in his own
A crowd pursued him, threatening
lynching, ar.d he killed a young man
named Whiiaker, one of his pursuers, and
shot a policeman.
After running a mile he found refuge
in the parish prison, where the sheriff and
his men kept the crowd at—bay with
Winchesters until Robinson was locked
Uncertainty nf Chinese Sltnntlon
Wns a Heavy Weight.
Berlin, June 24.—The uncertainly of the
Chinese situation was a heavy weight up
on the Bourse last week, reducing trans
actions to the minimum. Heretofore China
had scarcely affected the general trade
of Germany, but the weakness In cotton
goods may be attributed lo that cause.
German trade circles at Shanghai cable
that business Is at a standstill. The re
ports from the American Iron market
have had a further Influence In checking
operations on the Bourse.
Three Men Were Killed and Two
Fatally Injured.
Guthrie. O. TANARUS., June 21.—A cyaione
passed over Beaver county, formerly
known as No Man's Land, last night.
Henry Bardwell, Steve Bird and Abe
Welghtman were killed and William Ham
berger and Paul Rhodes fatally Injured.
The storm swept the country for sixty
miles. Thousands of cattle were stamped
ed and many killed and Injured.
One house was carried 30D yards and six
teen ranchmen who were taking refuge in
the house were injured.
Has Not Derided What Hr Will Do
It Hr Is Not Nominated.
Duluth, Minn., June 24—Charles A.
Towne takes exception to the inference
drawn In a dispatch from Austin, Tex.,
yesterday that he would withdraw from
the vice presidential race if not nominat
ed at Kansas City. He says that he
expects to receive the nomination, and If
not nominated It will be time enough
then to consider his course.
Col. Bryan Brfnsrd to Talk After It
Was Concluded.
'Chicago, June 21.—William J. Bryan, be
fore leaving Chicago to-night, held a con
ference with William R. Hearet of New
York; Sam B. Cook, candidate for secre
tary of state of Missouri, and J. G. John
son, chairman of the Democratic National
Executive Committee. After the confer
ence Mr. Bryan refused to he Interviewed
TACK WERE :mh>. r
Chinese Av Snld to Have Lout 4,000
Killed at Tien Teln and 2,.M00 at
the Takn Fort~\n ten ull * h Com
mander Killed—\o Donbt That Im
perial Chinese Troops Are Oppon
ln the Advance of the Intrrnn
ttnnnl Forces.
L/ondon, June 25, 3 a m.-The position
of the international forces in the section
of Northern China, where 10,000 men are
striving to keejf a footing and to succor
the legations in Pekin, appears to increase
in peril with every fresh dispatch.
Pekin has not been heard from direct
for fourteen days. The last dispatch was
one imploring aid. Admiral Seymour’s
column of 20 0 wa? last hoard fioni
twelve days ago. At that time it was
surrounded midway between Pekin and
Tien Tsin. Possibly now it has reached
Pekin. /
The 3.000 internationals at Tien Tsin
were hard pressed and fighting for their
lives on Thursday and a relieving force
of less than 1,000 had been beaten back
to Taku Friday. Observ. rs on the spot
think that 100,000 men would not be too
many tfi grasp China firmly.
The admiralty has received the follow
ing from the Brl'ish rear admiral at
"Che Foo, June 23.—0n1y one runner
has got through from Tien Tsin for five
days. No information could be obtained,
except that the foreign settlement had
been almost entirely destroyed and that
our people were fighting hard. |
"News is received as this telegram Is
dispatched that an attempt to relieve Tien
Tsin on June 22 was repulsed, with some
loss "
The telegram also said:
"The allied Admirals are working in
perfect accord, with <he Russian Vice Ad
miral as senior officer."
The Hattie at Tien Tsin.
A press dispatch from Shanghai, dated
yesterday, at 4 p. m., embodies some laier
information. It says:
"Official Japanese telegrams confirm the
reports of a defeat of allied forces at Ti*n
Tsin. The foreigners there are now plac
ed in a most desperate situation. The Rus
sian Admiral Hillebrandt yesterday
a mixed force of 4,MX) from Taku to at
tempt the relief of Tien Tsin. Nearly half
of the force consisted of Japanese. The
remainder was made up of contingents
representing the other nations.
"The guns of the Chinese around Tien
Tsin are superior to anything the defend
ing European force has or is likely to
have for some time.
"The bombardment of Tien Tsin con
tin u Friday. Bomb shelters were hast
ily erected by the foreign troops, largely
constructed of wetted piece goods. The
food supplier are insufficient and the con
tinued shelling is reported to be telling ter
Among those killed of the relief forte
Friday was the commander of H. M. S.
Barfleur. The foreign casualties were 300.
"Japan is making every effort. Her
troops are new arriving at Taku in large
number*. The Chinese troops in the
province of Chi 'LI Include 60,000 auxil
iaries, who have been drilled by Russian
and German officers.”
Capt. Beatty and Lieut. Wright. Brit
ish, have been severely wounded at Tien
Tsin, according to. a Shanghai dispatch
to the Daily Express, dated Saturday.
The information was brought there by tlie
British cruiser Orlando from Che Foo.
The losses of the Russians have been
Thousands of Chinese Dead.
It was reported from Shanghai last
evening that the allied forces had blown
up the Taku forts and that every available
man had been sent to the relief of Tien
Tsin. Two thousand and three hundred
Chinese bodies are alleged to have been
cremated at Taku, and more than 4,00)
Chinese are said to have been killed at
Tien Tslh.
Chinese runners who have arrived at
Taku report that a foreign force was en
gaged several days ago with an over
whelming body of Chinese forty miles cast
of Tien Tsin. At Shanghai it Is assumed
that this force was Admiral Seymour's.
The Shanghai correspondent of the Dally
Express aays:
"I learn from a mandarin, who stealth
ily left Pekin on June 16, and who suc
ceeded at great hazard in getting clear,
that the Boxers are massed around Pekin,
and that more than half of the northern
and western portions of the city, in
cluding the foreign settlement, were
aflame nvhen the mandarin left. He
could tell me nothing as to the fate of
the foreigners, nor much as to the gen
eral situation; but he had heard that the
Empress Dowager was preparing to go to
the province of Shan SI.”
Allies Wise in Retreating.
A Che Foo dispatch to the Dally Moil,
dated yesterday, says:
"The attack on Ihe Tien Tsin relief force
was made by 20,000 Chinese, using ma
chine guns and modern field pieces. The
allies were wise In retreating. Forward
ing detachments in this manner is sui
cidal, and tho defeats of the foreigners,
even though ',n small v force, greatly aids
the movements of the Boxers, which is
gaining enormously through the inability
of the foreigners to make head against it.
"Practically the whole of Northern
China is ablaze. Hostilities are now con
ducted on an extended scale, due to dlr*et
orders from Pekin. Gen. Yann Shi Kal
governor of Shnn Tung, commands 11.000
foreign drilled trops, organized lo a high
pitch of excellence and equipped with
Mausers. It was in Ihe plana that these
troops should go to Taku, hut the seizure
of the forts was effected before they
could get tehre."
Some of the special dispatches from
Shanghai describe the great Southern
provinces of China as still quiet, but oth
ers assert that the news from the north
Is exciting the Southerners too and ingero"*
hlght of feeling, and that millions may
rise any day.
Chinese Navy at Shanghai.
Shanghai Is quiet, but there are fears
of a rising. The action of the consuls in
asking for the departure of the six Chin
ese cruisers was objected to by the senior
naval officer, who Informed them that he
had at his disposal a force sufficient to
compel them to Rave It they objected to
the presence of the fleet. The Chinese
cruisers are heavier armed than the ves
sels of the allies, among whose six vessels
is the United States gunboat Caatlne.
The Powers aro said to have fatally un
derestimated the numbers, desperation and
armament of the Chinese.
The 9t. Petersburg correspondent of the
Daily Telegraph, in a dispatch daed Sat
urday, sends a long statement embodying
the views of the Russian Foreign Office,
prepared by permission of the late Cos nt
Muravieff and embodying not only his
views, but those of his successor. Count
Uainsdorff. Thltf statement holds that a
s ate of war does net exist under inter
national law, and hence it is^possible to
assume that the order for active military
operations at Taku originated with the
provincial authoriti s, and net with the
imperial at Pekin.
"Like, other nations." says the state
ment. "Russia is pursuing humanitarian
alms and it can be categorically slated
that Japan is following the same correct
ar.d pacific aims as the other powers.
Past experience shows ihat the Chinese
do not {.eisDt in fighting. Probably they
will soon change their attitude to one of
complete submission."-
They Call on Followers to Kill All
the Foreigner*.
London. June 25.—At Canton the Boxers
are posting inflammatory placards, of
which the following is a sample:
‘Kill nil Germans, French, Americans
and English. To have peace prevail in
the hearts of the people all foreigners
should be driven out. This end can he
attained in a few days if we unite our
The Brifish admiralty has ordered five
more cruisers to go to China. This rep
resents an additional 50,000 tons, the crews
aggregating 3,000.
Ilut on June 20 Nearly All the Lega
tions llnl Been Burned.
London, June 23.—The Shanghai corre
spondent of the Times says:
"Sheng, director of telegraphs, declares
that information was received to-day
(Friday, June 22) to the effect that the
foreigners in Pekin were safe on
Wednesday, June 2(, hut that all the lega
tions had been burned except the British,
Austrian and Belgian."
America and England In Accord on
tlilnrsc Question.
London, June 25.—United States Am
bassador Choate in his long conference
with Lord Salisbury Saturday is under
s ood to have Lund that the governments
of the United Slates and of Great Bri ain
are generally in agreement as to their
views regarding the Chinese situation.
The two governments will probably be
found following the same broad lines of
I olicy in the far Fast.
Tnong LI Ynmeu Disposed to Give
Them to tlic >1 In In t era.
London, Juno 23.—A disp t h from
Shanghai dated yesterday says:
"Sheng eys he has news from Pekin
by courier to Shan Tung that the foreign
ministers in P**Jun are demanding th?ir
passports and Mi it the Tsung Li Yatncvi
isst+h<Fe**f*d to comp y with theft* request.*.*’
If this news be true it would imply iho
correctness of the reports of the arrival of
Admiral Seymour at Pekin.
Itnd Impression Caused by Efforts
of tin 1 Ruslan Press.
Berlin, June 2K—An unfavorable im
pression is caused here by the attempts
of the Russian press to create distrust of
Germany in connection with the Chinese
questioni Tlie inspire 1 German organs
insist that Berlin does not oppose the
plans of St. Petersburg in the Chinese em
pire and that the future wlil clearly dem
onstrate Germany's perfect aacord with
Russia in Asia.
Ilnrrett Say* Ameritt Must See to Its
Cincinnati, June 24. —Hon. John Barrett,
ex-minister lo Siam, was here to-day. Be
fore leaving for Cleveland he said:
“In re*storing peace in China the United
Stales should be the principal influence to
determine the future and the fate of China.
It is America's influence only that can
successfully solve this problem and keep
China from an Impending break-up.
America must stand for the integrity of
the Chinese Empire, for we have every-
Uiing lo lose and nothing to gain by her
partition among the European Powers.
"On the other hand, if America allows
China to be divided the expansion of our
commerce and the extent of our moral in
fluence will be atisolutely limited by the
attitude and policy of European nations.
"Another interesting point is this: The
United States is the only Power whose
leadership ami dictation of policy Kusela
would accept.”
Dr. Leonard Wan Not Cabled of the
Death of Missionaries. \
Delaware, 0., June 24,—Dr. Leonard,
missionary secretary of the Methodist
Episcopal Church, denies that the report
ed cablegram from Frederick Brown at
Che Foo concerning the alleged murder
of American missionaries, Ihe l’ykes and
Haynes, was received by him. He says:
"I have no reason to believe that any
of our missionaries in China have been
murdered, and I shall continue to believe
that all are alive until I receive positive
Information io the contrary."
Efford Took Two Lives and Then
Killed Himself.
Cedar Rapids, la., June 24.—Charles M.
F.fford, a maniac, this morning killed
James Fitzsimmons, fatally injured Mrs.
James Fitzsimmons, slightly Injured Miss
Kate Fitzsimmons, and then ended his
own life.
Meflord was 27 years old, and had been
insane a number of years. Two years
ago he was in the asylum for a short
time, but escaped and was never returned.
He was not generally considered danger
Saturday night about 10 o'clock, while
clad in nothing but a shirt, he darted out
of his home a raving maniac. He was
seen two or three times between then and
midnight, but the police failed to find him
until he had run his murderous course.'
They Were Ambushed and Shot to Death by Chinese
Soldiers Near Tien Tsin.
Preparations Being Made for Immediate
Dispatch of Troops.
Seven American* Wounded In the Same Affair—War Department I* Pr*.
paring for Any Eventuality In the Far Fast—Plans Are Carefully
Guarded but They Are Snlil to lie on an Immense Soule—OlH- f
elnls Mncll Stirred l'p Over the Turn Affair* Have Taken.
Washington, June 2t.—The navy department, at 1 o'clock this afternoon, issued
the following bulletin:
“A cablegram from Admiral Kempff, dated Che Foo. June 24. says:
“ 'ln ambuscade near Tien Tein, on the 21st, four of Waller's command kilted
and seven wounded. Names will be furnished as soon as recelced. Force of 2,000
going to relieve Tien Tsin to-day. (Signed) Kempff.'
“The Secretary of the Navy has ordered Admiral Remey to go with the Brook
lyn to Taku and to tender to Gen. Mae Arthur conveyance of any army of troops
which the Brooklyn can carry."
Admiral Kempff's dispatch, giving the first definite news of the shedding of
American blood on Chinese soil came early this morning, and was turned over to
Secretary Long ns soon as he arrived at the department. With Admiral CrtMfnlri
shieid, the Secretary carried the dispatch to Ihe White House, where, on the Fresi.
dent's return from church it was laid before him.
The determination thereupon was reached to order Admiral Itemey, In com
mand of the Asiatic squadron, from Manila to Taku, on board of the armored
cruiser Brooklyn. The Secretary and Admiral Crown in shield returned to the navy
department, where the necessary orders were dispatched to Admiral Remey. The
effect of this transfer is to make Taku the headquarters of the Asiatic squadron.
The Brooklyn is expected to mill at once, to-day if possible, as the orders sent
contemplate getting the admiral on the scene at the earliest moment. The advan
tage of this, it was officially stated, is not so much the strength of the Brooklyn to
the fleet already there, as the fleet is considered by Secretary Long to be quite ad
equate, as it is in allowing the authorities here to deal directly with the situation
hi China instead of through the circuitous communications by way of Manila.
If the Brooklyn starts to-day, as expected, it will take her fully a week to
reach Taku, as Ihe trip is 2,000 miles and typhoons are raging. The determination
to carry some of Gen. MacArihur's troops on a flagship shows the emergency of the
si tun lion The troops are believed to fee ready to move, but some delay may ba
claused in getting on board sufficient supplies for a large body of men for a Nveek.
Report Caaseil Great Concern.
Admiral Kempff's report that four Americans were killed and seven wounded In
the ambuscade of Waller's force, caused the gravest concern among official*, but
the chief fear was as to the outcome of the second attack, which the admiral re
ported would begin to-day. This Is littleshort of the dimensions of a battle, and
Its results may be decisive, rot only to the immediate force employed, but in de
termining the fate of the legations and foreign settlements at Tien Tsin and also
whether the issue is or is not to be war with China.
Word reached the navy department to-day that the battleship Oregon got away
from Hong Kong last night, hound for Taku. This is two days ahead of her ex
pected start. She took on 164 sailors and marines, brought to Hong Kong by tha
Zafiro. The big ship now may have a chance to repeat her celebrated perform
ance "around the horn,” as she Is being crowd' and for a fast run lo the scene of BO*
lion. The distance is about 1,590 miles, and if she makes her record time she will
be at Taku in six days, about the same time that the Brooklyn arrives from Ma
nila. These ships oiul the Monad nock are the only ones going to China.
Admiral Crownlnshield pronounces untrue the report that the gunboats Ma
rietta, Princeton and several other ships at Manila have been ordered to Taku.
There Is fell to he no need for them, and, moreover, with the ships now under
orders lo sail, Admiral Remey will have a force which is considered abundantly
ulilo to meet every possible requirement. The Monadnock has a large comple
ment of men, who can be used as a landing party, and it Is this, rather than her
armatpent, which makes her so available at this time.
W c \re Preparing for the Worst.
The war branch of the government is preparing for any eventuality that may
arise out of the Chinese situation. As staled by one of the highest officers of
the army, the scale of preparation Is of a magnitude which would both interest
and surprise the public. But. he added, the Information would be of even
greater interest and service to any foreign foe which the United States may bs
called upon to face within the next few weeks or months, and for that reason, thers
is no purpose 4o divulge the complete preparations making to meet whatever Is
sue arises. All that the officials will say Is that both the srmy and the navy,
if the occasion arises, will give a good account of themselves.
Adjt. Gen. Corbin was at his desk during the morning, and after going over
the dispatches, went 4o the While House. The President was about to start for
church, so that there was time for only a brief consultation. Gen. Corbin said
nothing had been received up to that hour from Gen. MacArihur, as to the Phll
llppines or Chinese situation.
As to the preparations for Chinn, Gen. Corbin refused to say anything except
that tlie report of a brig-ado being ordered-there was purely speculative.
While the Berlin re|>orle as to the safety of Baron von Kelteler and the legations
at Pekin appear to dispose of one of the most alarming stories of the crisis. Minister
Conger at Pokln is still cut off ft om communication here, and there Is no direct
and official assurance of the safely of the ministers ami legations, nor is there m
word of the relief force, including the Americans, which sought to break through
tb Pekin. •
Secretary Long returned from an outing at Bingham, Mass., last night, and to
day resumed charge of affairs, relieving Assistant Secretary Hacked The secretary
looks greatly refreshed. About the first news that reached hlmon his arrival
was the fighting and bloodshed of the American marine forces near Tien Tsin.
Later in the day Ihe order conlemi lai ing the sending of the monitor Monadnock
to Taku was countermanded. Admiral Remey reported that ihe vessel had been
stripped of her officers, presumably for duties on the other vessels and for this and
otehr reasons It was not deemed advbabe to send her. Chief among these reasons Is
tlie fact that the typhoons now raging in the Eastern seas would make a voyage sf
such a vessel as the Monadnock. with her low free board, very uncertain.
Secretary Long sad he expected thit Admiral Remey, with the flagship Brook
lyn, would get away from Manila promptly for China, probably to-night.
Chinese Want Landing of Troops Stopped.
The Chinese officials, according to advices received here, are apprehensive at
to the possible effect of the landing cf foreign troops on their territory. Minister
Wu's advices show this to be the rase and they are using every effort to avert
such action, because of the effect It may have on the people.
To-day the minister received a dispatch from the Viceroy of Hunan and Hop*,
central provinces In China, on this subject. The Viceroy had been in consulta
tion with other high officials of the empire, as a result of which they communi
cated with the Chinese representatives in this and European countries, directing
them to request the governments interested not to send further troops do Tien
Tsin. while the government is making every e.ffort to suppress the operations of
the Boxers, because of the suspicions and excitement which such steps would
cause among the natives, The cablegrams said the authorities fear the conse
quences of the introduction of the large bodies of foreign soldiers, and hopo
that it may be stopped. Minister Wu laid the matter before the Secretary of
State, and It will receive the attention of this government.
Minister Wu characterizes as ridiculous the report that the Empress Dowager
had decreed the extermination of all the foreigners in China.
"II is not true,” he said. 'T will bet my life on It. She is too sensible a wo
man to do sueh a mad and foolish thing as that."
Just now there uppears to be ■ lack of Information among the foreign embas
sies and legations in Washington as to the affairs in China. Their home governments,
like our own, ore without news of a definite character from Pekin and tha official*
here are almost entirely dependent on the newspapers for what they may learn re
specting affairs in the East.
The Sixth Regiment ofj Cavalry, which will sail from Ban Franclaco shortly, will
not go directly to Manila, but will be taken to Nagasaki, where ordera wIU tie aent,
based on the developments in the Chinese situation.