The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, June 26, 1900, Image 1
THE MORNING NEWS. Established ISSO .- - Incorporated ISSB J. H. ESTILL. President. TIEN TSIN RELIEVED. FOREIGN TROOPS ENTERED IT WITH SMALL LOSS. REPORT SENT BY KEMPFF. ttISSIAN FORCES ARE SAID TO HAVE LOST HEAVILY. tfear Still Felt for Seymour an.l the Legation*—Chinese Troop* Massing Around Pekin—There Are Said to Be 360,000 ot Them With Plenty ot Arms and Ammnnltlon, hut Poorly Dleeiiplined—Plans of the Pnirers. Che IFoo, Tuesday, June 26.—Rear Ad •nlral Kempff reports, by a Japanese tor pedo boat, that the combined forces en tente red Tien Tsin on Saturday, June 23, Sustaining small lo6s. They started on Sunday to relieve the force which left Tien Tsin on June 10, and Which is believed to be surrounded near t'ekin. According to Japanese reports, Admiral Seymour has been captured and the min isters have left Pekin, guarded by Chinese eoldlers. Their whereabouts Is unknown. Tsing Tau, June 24, 8 p. m —Eight thou sand allied troops have landed at Taku, Including 1,200 Germans. A French officer, who has succeeded in getting through from Tien Tsin to Taku, Bays that the Russians alone have lost (SO killed and 300 wounded. The German gunboat litis, up the Pet tio or Tien Tsin river reports that masses Ot Chinese are nearing Tonk Ku and that gn immediate attack is expected. Troop* Were Reinforced. London, June 26, 3:35 a. m.—The British (Cruiser Terrible has arrived at Che Foo from Taku with the latest news, which is as follows: "Eight hundred Sikhs and 200 Welsh ►"uslllers have effected a junction, with the American, German and Russian forces Which had been cut off by the Chinese about nine miles from Tien Tsin. It was proposed to deliver an assault upon, the Chinese forces at Tien TSin last night (Sunday night).’’ It is not clear what forces united. It Would seem that one relieving force, cut pff, hod been relieved by another. At any (rate, It is apparently certain that the al lies arrived in sufficient force at Tien Tsin Sunday to attack the besieging Chinese. "Foreign official opinions here,” says a Ulspatch from Shanghai to the Daily Ex press dated yesterday, "inclines to be lieve that the worst has happened to the legations at Pekin, and to Admiral Sey mour as well. Even if the legations were Bafe on June 19, there is no guarantee that they are safe now. "The situation, in fact, grows more and more gloomy.. The entire absence of re liable news from the capital seems to Justify the worst construction which can be put upon it. "Bad news comes from Nanking, where Ihe unrest is said lo be growing hourly. Viceroy Liu Kin Till has telegraphed the British authorities that he has ordered the five Chinese cruisers which have been lying off the harbor here to proceed to Nanking.” Movements of Chinese Army. •'Gen. Mas' army,” says a correspondent at Shan Hal, "consisting of 4,000 men, left a week ago for Pekin and Gen. Bung Ching's forces, numbering 2,500, left (or the same place on June. 15. "A careful estimate of the number and armament of the Chinese troops around Pekin puts the total at 360,000, and it Is calculated that these troops possess 227- centimetre Creusot guns, eighteen Krupp guns and 150 Maxims. "Their supply of ammunition is practi cally inexhaustible. It has been plainly supplied by a German firm Bt Carlowitz. Fully three-fourths of the Chinese forces are badly drilled, Wholly undisciplined and quite unfamiliar With modern, weapons.” Another Shanghai dispatch says: "LA Ping Heng, former governor of Bhan Tung, who is intensely anti-foreign, has gone to the Kiang Yin forts on the Y’ang Tee. He has declared his intention of resisting the landing of British forces In that region.” According to a Hong Kong dispatch dat ed yesterday, strong reinforcements of Indian police with three Maxims, have been sent to Kow Loon, on the mainland. A Che Foo message of Monday's dat , says: “Four cannon have been added lo the west fort here, whore there are now 1.000 soldiers permanently encamped, a further force having arrived from Ning Hal Chou. There Is an uneasy feeling prevailing here, and an attack Is generally anticipated. Chinese merchants are closing their of fices and preparing to leave the port. All business is at a standstill.” Preparations of the Allies. Extensive preparations by the allies are going forward. The first regiment of Brit ish India, 1,090 men, embarked at Calcutta yesterday, and 833 more marines received orders to go out from English ports. The British war office, in anticipation of a pro longed campaign, Is contracting for win ter clothing and fur caps. The Amur army corps, ordered out by Russia, numbers 52,100 men with eighty four guns. Japan purposes to land 15.000 men on Chinese territory within a fort night. Among the minor military preparations the Portuguese governor of Macao, Island of Macao, at the southwest entrance of Canton river. Is sending arms to the Portuguese In Canton. The Germans in Hong Kong have cabled Emperor William to ask. If they may active In the local forces In defense of Hong Kong. A mil lion rounds left Hong Kong yesterday for Taku by the British steamer Halloong. The Shanghai correspondent of the Times sends the following under yester day's date: "A military correspondent at Taku says (that the operations of the allies are suf |aaJnc from tbe want of a recognised J Jiatmimaj) burning head, defective organization, and the lack of transport.” Mr. Kinder, the noted engineer, has ar rived at Che Poo. ASKED for an armistice. Minister Wn Wanted the American Troop* Held Off. Washington, June 25.—The chief devel opment to-day in the Chinese situation was the effort of the Chinese minister, Wu Ting Fang, to secure an armistice in the operation of American troops un til IA Hung Chang could reach Pekin and bring about a cessation of the disor der. The proposition is rather a novel one, and Is based upon the representations of the Viceroys of the important provinces of the Yang-tse-Kiang valley that they can maintain order without the aid of foreign troops, and that the presence of the foreigners would act merely as an incentive to disorder. Minister Wu brought these representa tions to the attention of Secretary Hay, who consulted the President. The lat ter’s decision, as subsequently conveyed to the minister, was that while the as surances of the Viceroys for continued quiet was fully appreciated, the United States could not bind Itself not to send its forces to points’ where disorder actu ally existed and where the safety of our officials and citizens was endangered. Technically speaking, in the absence of a state of war, this was not a proposition of armistice, but high government offi cials said it amounted practically to an offer of armistice and the refusal on the part of the United States to make the arrangement. Nothing' Heard Ffom Kempff. Secretary Hong said at 4 o’clock p. m., when he left the Navy Departm’ent for the day, that nothing had come from Admiral Kempff on the casualties of the first engagement of the American ma rines with the Chinese, or on the out come of the second engagement, which was to have occurred yesterday or Sat urday. The only dispatch received by the Secretary was a belated one from Kempff, asking for instructions ns to whether he should co-operate with the other naval forces In taking the Taku forts. This must have been sent some days ago, as the Taku forts were taken the middle of last week. Under the cir cumstances, there was no occasion for answering the Admiral’s request, as he already had been advised of the general purpose of this government to act con currently with the other Powers in the protection of American interests. The State Department remained throughout the day without information from Minister Conger or any other source, thev only dispatch received being from Consul John Goodnow, at Shanghai, say ing he had heard nothing from Pekin since the 14th instant. On the whole, the day was one of anxiety and a lack of definite information on the main points. MANY FALSE DISPATCHES. Chinese Minister Say a, Empress Can not Re Deposed. Berlin, June 25.—The Kreuz Zeitung warns the public against crediting dis patches from Chinese officials, especially those from Sheng, director general of rail ways and telegraphs. The recent opti mistic utterances of the French foreign minister, M. Delcasse. were founded upon one of Sheng’s cablegrams that has since been proved false. The paper further complains that all recent Russian communications continue to place the facts ift a false light, and it instances a statemcnt’by the Official Mes senger of St. Petersburg which represents the Boxer? ns the only disturbers and the Chinese government as innocent. The views criti< ised do not prevail 4n German official circles. The Chinese min ister here, Lu Hai Houan. in the course of an interview to-day, said: "The EYnprcss cannot be deposed. Chi nese piety Would not permit dethrone ment. But perhaps i would be possible through friendly means to intimate to the old Empress that she thou Id abdicate af ter having ruled so long. An experiment could be made with the Emperor, sur rounding him with competent counsellors, of whom there is no lack to-day among the Chinese.” Germany will send to China all available vessels besides those already there. FIGHTING FOR ITS LIFE. \ttnck on Tien Tsin Led to the Seizure of Tttkn Forts. London, June 25.—The admiralty has re ceived the following dispatch from Rear Admiral Bruce dated Taku via Che Foo, June 24: “The total force which left Tien Tsn with the commander-in-chief for Pekin was al out 2.000, composed of detachments from the allied ships. No action could possibly to relieve the command er-in-chief because it was only known that he was cut off by Tien Tsin being invested. “Ten Tsin lias been fighting for its life ever since. It was on receipt of in formation that the Chinese army had or dered trains for attacking Tim Tsin, that they were ravaging Tong Ku and rein forcing Taku as well as mining the mouth of the Pei-Ko. that it was promptly de termined to seize Taku. Since then every effort has been made to relieve Tien Tsin. I have commandeered a small coasting steamer for taking troops and sick and wounded across the hay to Wei-Hai-Wei, where I intend making a temj>orary base hospital and asylum for refugees.” MORE TROOPS REACH TAKU. No Later Information of thr Opera tions t Tlcn Tsin. London, June 25.—1n the House of Com mons to-day, referring to the failure of the Ameilean and Russian forces to reach Tien Tsin, June 21, the parliamentary sec retary of the foreign office, William St. John Brod riclj, said that since then British troops from Hong Kong had ar rived at Taku and it was believed that three thousand Japanese, one thousand German and two thousand French troops had also arrived there. But fce added, the government had no information regarding the later operations. THE FORCES SENT TO PEKIN. Admiral Kempff Has Heard Nothing From Them Since June 12. Chee Foo, June 26, via Shanghai.— United States Consul John Fowfier has re ceived the following from Rear Admiral Kempff: “Only one communication from Pekin has reached ipe since copimunications were interrupted on June 10. It was Continued on jjfUU I Fa ge.j SAVANNAH. GA.. TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 1900. TUMBLE IN COTTON. BI(,LS UNLOADED AND IT WENT DOWN THIRTY POINTS, SHORTS WERE ROUNDED UP. SUSPENSION OK DENNIS PERKINS A CO. WAS ANNOUNCED. Prlras Climbed Upward Darina tbe Morning bat thr Unlandtnar Cnnsed a Hi* Drop—C ulmination of a Sen sntlonnt flull Movement Which Has lice n in Progress Srvrral Da,,. Day’s Tran.actions Estimated to Have Been 1,000,600 Itnles. New York, June 25.—The sensational bull movement begun nome ten days ago, culminated on the New York Cotton Ex change this morning when prices fell some thirty points under a terrific drive of bulls to unload a glut of long cotton purchased on the advance. It has been many months since the shorts here, in the South and abroad, have been to effectually rounded up, but inas much as the primary cause for the cov erings were bona fide Influences and not manipulation, the uplift was scored with comparative ease. For several weeks bad crop reports have been pouring in from nearly all parts of the belt, and the European bear faction has been restless. The public manifested an inclination to buy and leading opera tors here finally made a bold stand on the bull side. Day after day prices climbed upward with a dizzy rush. This morning exceptionally strong Eng lish cables and particularly had crop re ports sent prices on first sales 25 to 30 points upward and forced the few re maining bears to seek safer ground. Tne rise proved too fast for one house—Den nis Perkins & Co.—and at midday its suspension was reported from the ros trum. Dtstrnst In Bull Rnnlcs. The announcement at once created dis trust in the bull ranks. It being feared other concerns might be involved and a frantic effort to unload prices were pound ed down 31 points before the final gong sounded. Whereas the West, the South, Wall street and Europe had bought on the opening rise, representatives of all these interests w’ere heavy sellers on the break. Once more jubilant bears hammered the entire list and called attention to better weather prospects and good crop raports from Texas. A tumble of four cents In wheat also operated as a stimulant upon the selling movement. Conservative estimates of the day’s transactions placed the amount at considerably over 1.000,000 bales, the trades made in many instances reaching thou sands of bales In a single operation. The feeling after the close of the ex change was weak, the crowd anticipating a bull panic in Liverpool to-morrow and a less bullish weekly government report at noon Tuesday than heretofore antici pated GEN. GROSVEXOR REPLIES. Planks Left Out of the Platform by Secretary Rut Bit. Washington, June 25.—The Post to-mor row will print an authorized statement from Representative Grosvenor of Ohio, in reply to the statement of Mr. Quigg. the New York member of the Resolutions Committee of the Republican National Convention, denying certain allegations of Mr. Grosvenor of mutilation of the Re publican platform by Mr. Quigg. Mr. Grosvenor says: “I have read Mr. Quigg’s statement. 1 hold in my hand the original document which was handed over to him with cer tain interlineations of no very material importance, but which required the re drafting of one entire page and a part of another. Otherwise it was the platform agreed upon by the committee and the sub-committee. It contains interlineations in the handwriting of Senator Foraker and others. It contains the extract from tlto message of the President of the United States proclaiming the policy of the Re publican party in the matter of the gov ernment of the Islands. It contains a plank distinctly proclaiming the policy of the Republican party in the matter of leg islation in reference to our island posses sions in the words I gave In my letter to the New York Journal. “It contains a direct approval of the policy of legislation In favor of the mer chant marine of the country, all of which is omitted from Mr. Quigg's platform. "I refer to one single statement of Mr. Quigg. and that was that the platform was considered to be too long. The plat form as handed over to Mr. Quigg con tained 2,000 words; the platform adopted as written by Mr. Quigg contains 2,343 words." GALLINGER’B VERSION OF IT. “Isthmian” W am Acceptable to Plat form Committee. Concord, N. H., June 25.—Senator Galllr.- ger, a member ot the cub-commltteo on platform of the Republican Convention, said Postmaster General Smith's draft of a platform was submitted to the commit tee by Senator Foraker. "When the draft was read to the com mittee objection was made by several members that It was In the nature of a political essay, rather than an incisive dec laration of principles, and after some dis cussion a sub-committee was appointed, of which I was a member. "As to the canal proposition I cannot now recall the words used In the original draft made by Postmaster General Smith and submitted to us by Senator Foraker. I recall very distinctly that several mem bers of the committee suggested that the phrase ‘lsthmian’ was preferable to 'Nica ragua' and to this proposition there pas no opposition,” MADDEN MADE THE CHANGE. Substituted “lathmlnn” for Nica ragua” In the Platform. Chicago, June 25.—Martin B. Madden of Chicago, who was a member of the Com mittee on ResolutlC'.' At the Philadelphia convention, to-day Mid that It was he and not Lemuel E. Quigg, who substituted the word “IsthmlanF for the word “Nica ragua” in the national plat form. . .. Mr. MaddeW N>lts that he alone Is respoigßfcKOT h change in the canal pH^'*j#BßD|justice to Mr. Quigg, ano. the Committee on Resolutions, has been charged With eliminating th ipeciflc term "Nlw gagua.’' STRIKERS AWE ENJOINED. They Are Forbidden to Interfere With Street Mali ( am. St. Louis, June 25.—1n the United States Circuit Court to-day Judge Elmer B. Ad ams issued a tempoiary injunction re straining William D. Mahon, president of the Amalgamated Association of Street Car Employes of America and others from interfering with the operation of the mails over the lines of the St. Louis Transit Company. The injunction names over 100 men, most of whom are piembers of the asso ciation over which Mr. Mahon presides. This decision was reached after listen ing to the arguments of counsel for the strikers and United States District Attor ney Rosier and the reading of numerous affidavits submitted by both sides. None of the defendants were present. They were represented by counsel, who declared that it was not shown that any of the defendants named had been guilty of lawlessness. Judge Adams, in rendering his decis ion, said: “The question is whether the defendants* have been shown by the affidavits to have been interfering with the instrumentali ties and the agencies of the federal gov ernment . “It is admitted that the mail cars were interfered with, and their promised oper ations at times rendered impossible. “The defendants and those who have acted in concert with them ordered the strike. From this it follows that whether they ore guilty of lawlessness or not as complained of, they must be held ac countable for the necessary consequences of their acts. “If it is true, end I hope it is, that none of the defendants have been guilty of interfering with the mail cars, th&ii the injunction can certainly lo no harm.” Result of ln<|iieNtN. The coroner’s jury sitting in the in quests on the bodies of Edjvard Thomas, George Rine and Edward Burkhardt. strikers, who were shot and killed on Sunday, June 10, in a riot in front of the barracks of the posse comic at us, return ed verdicts to-day to the effect that Thom as was killed by deputies in the discharge of their duties and that the other two men were killed without justification by parties unknown to the Jury. The verdict is of homicide in all oases, but no persons were held responsible. Gradually the mysiery of the numerous dynamite explosions under cars of the St. Louis Transit Company and the al leged plot to blow up the bridge of the company over the river des Peres is be ing unraveled. The police believe that by following certain clues given by Nathan J. Far rand, a Transit Company detective, they may be able to prove that at least some of the actual dynamiting was done by persons in the employ of the company, not at the instance of the company, but in order to enhance the reputation of the Transit detectives by giving them op portunities to ferret out the dynamiters. WILL BE A FIGHT OVF.R HILL. Arkanna* Democrat* Will Try to In struct for Him. Little Rock, Ark., June 25.—An effort will be made in the Democratic state con vention tomorrow to instruct for D. B. Hill of New York for Vice President. The movement will be led by Representative Parker. Chairman Jones of the National Commit tee is a delegate to the convention, and he probably will favor an uninstructed dele gation on the vice presidential question. Attorney General Jeff Davis will be nom inated for governor by acclamation, and will also be 6ent to the Kansas City con vention as a delegate-at-large. Congressman Mcßae announced to-day that he would not be n candidate to suc ceed himself as national committeeman, thuii giving a clear field to ex-Governor James P. Clark. This is considered a de feat for -Senator Janies K. Jones, chair man of the Democratic National Com mittee, who favored Mcßae. Clark is generally understood to be a candidate for United States Senator two years hence against Senator Jones. Mr. Parker is confident the convention will adopt a Hill resolution. The conven tion will instruct for Bryan for President and .the indications to-night are that the Parker resolution will be adopted, despite the strong opposition of several party leaders. HILD IS NOT A CANDIDATE. Would Imlrr no Connlderntlon Ac cept Vice Presidency. Albany, N. Y., June 25.—Frank Camp bell, chairman of the Democratic State Committee, came to town yester-lay and spent the morning in close conference with ex-Unlted States Senator David B. Hill at the latter's horn, at Woifert's Roost. Speaking of the possible selection of Senator Hill as 'temporary chairman of the Democratic National Convention to be held at Kansas City July 4, Mr. Camp bell said he knew nothing about any such arrangement and did not think it would be proppr to barter the chairmanship for any valuable concession that might be secured In formulating the platform. Mr. Campbell further stated that the New York state delegation would earnest ly advocate a modification of the plank which calls for the free coinage of silver at 16 to 1. Mr. Campbell is authority for the state ment that Senator Hill Is not a candidate for the vice presidency on the Democratic ticket and -would not accept the honor un der any consideration. CARTER WANTS REHEARING. May Try to Go Hefore Civil Court on Habeas Corpus Writ. Chicago, June 25.—A special to the Record from Leavenworth, Kas., says: Another effort will shortly be made to obtain a rehearing of the famous Carter case. The plan Is to try and bring him before a civil court on a writ of habeas corpus and then have the case tried upon Its merits. Carter was recently visited by a wealthy uncle from New York, and the two held a long conference. Before leav ing the uncle stated to the warden that he would soon return, accompanied by two of the best attorneys In New York. LYNCHING NEAR LIVE OAK. Negro Aasnllant Taken From Sheriff and Hanged to a Tree. O’Brien, Fla., June 25—Jack Thomafe, a negro who attempt! and an assault on Mrs. Keene, a widow, 1 vlng In Suwannee coun ty, Friday night, was taken from the sheriff by a mob near Live Oak to-day, hanged to a tree and riddled with bullets, tie made a full confession. ’a. A I MUST BE SILVER MAN. fill YA VS VIEWS ON VICE PRESI DENTIAL CANDIDATE. MUST STAND ON PLATFORM. NEBRASKAN DOES NOT BELIEVE IN ANY COMPROMISE. Snji the Chicago Platform Will He Reaffirmed and a Stand Taken ou Nexx lfiueN—The Vice Presidential Candidate Must Relieve In and lie In Accord With the Whole Thing. Assert* He Has Made no Plans of Cn m pa tgu, Lincoln, Neb.. June 25.—William Jennings Bryan returned to-day from his Wiscon sin fishing trip and will remain here until ofter the Democrat id National conven tion. He said he had been placed In a wrong position by someone who had presumed to outline his plan of campaign. “Any statements made by anybody in re gard tt> campaign plans are without foun dation or authority," he added.. “No plans have been made by me or by anyone for me and no plans will be made until after the convention has been held.” Mr. Bryan was asked whether he could say anything in regard to the platform to be adopted at Kansas City. He replied: "No one, of course, can say what lan guage will be used in setting forth the party principles. Rut some idea can be obtained as to the general tenor of the platform from the platforms adopted in the state conventions. Asa large major iiy of the delegates have been elected by conventions which reaffirmed the Chicago p'atform, it is safe to assume that the Kansas City platform will reaffirm the Chicago platform, and It will contain nothing which ran be construed as a sur render or modification of the platform on the old issues. “It is equally certain that there will be a strong and definite plank against im perialism. which will be clear and ex plicit. Militarism will bo denounced and sympathy expressed for the Boers. This much is evident from what has already taken place.” Asked if there was any truth in the rumors thar a vice presidential candidate will be chosen whose views on the money questions will he attractive \o those who opposed the ticket in 18%, Mr. Bryan replied: The Aloe Presidency. *T do not care to discuss the vice presi dency now. further than to say that I assume that the candidate nominated for President will he in harmony with the, platform. The Vice Pr sident not only presides over the Senate while the Presi dent is alive, but assumes the office*of President in case of th• President's death, and it is hardly probable that delegates to a national convention would write a platform and then select for cither placv on a ticket a man who would repudiate the platform. No man worthy to be con sidered for such an office would accept a nomination upon a platform repugnant to his views on any present issue. In every campaign men support a ticket without ■approving all of the platform* but no on can defend and platform unless he believes in it. Many tariff reform gold Democrats supported the Republican ticket four years ago. although they dissented from the protection plank. But the Republican convention would not have nominated a tariff reformer upon a protection plat form. There is som times a joint debate between candidates on opposing tickets, but not between candidates on the same ticket.” \\ anti-impeiii\iaisT rviiTV. It* Formation Will l>*|enl nil I lie \Hion nt Known* < ity. N< w* York, Jurve 25.—Anti-imprrialistß to the nimiborof thirty-five, coming from thr principal cition of the country, met to <!ay at the Plaza Hotel. The meeting hvoh for the purpose of de termining what action the followers of this line of national policy will take in the coming presidential campaign, and as n result of the conference it may be that anew party will l>e formed, the member** of which will vote Independently of both the Republican and Democratic parties. A resolution was unanimously passed directing the Executive Committee of the anti-imperialists' League,, under the au spices of which to-day's meeting was held. to call a general conference, or conven tion, of anti-imperialists for the purpose of considering a plan of campaign. This * all will not be Issue*! until after the National Democratic Convention at Kan sas (Tty, and when issued will probably b+* for a date early in August. The resolution states that the call is 10 bo issued to "the end that w* may carry into effect our condemnation of the im perialistic policy of th'* present adminis tration.'* Speaking of the conference and Its re sult, or probable result. Chairman Smith of Chicago sai l to-night that it had been the sense of the meeting that no state mem be made public as to the definite plan* of the kague members. "We do not want to form an independ ent party. ’ he said, "unless the action of the Kansas City convention makes it ne cessary. Until the convention at Philadel phia the Republican party had never made a party stand on the issue of im perialism. "When they adopted their platform we saw at a glance that we had nothing to hope for from that party. We have no wif*h to take hasty action or go off half cocked, consequently we will not call our general conference or convention until af ter we see what the Democrat* will do at Kansas City. There are many who hope that they will give us a broad, liberal plnnk on the question of imperialism. If such action Is taken then our general con ference will probably do nothing more than ratify that plank. Otherwise we will have to do something ourselves. If no favor is shown the anti-imperialistic idea by the Democrats then definite action will very probably be token and an inde pendent pnrty be formed to conduct a campaign along these lines.*' Among those, present were Senator Wel lington of Maryland and Congressman Fleming of Georgia. PROHIBITIONISTS TO MEET. Chairman Stewart Says They Will Get .'IOO,OOO Votes. Chicago. June 25.—" There will be polled not fewer than 300,000 votes for the Prohi bition national ticket this full. The vote 1 four years ago was approximately 130,000, a loss of nearly 150,000 from the vote of 1892. This lons was due to the money raised in the lust campaign and will be be regained with, perhaps, an increase this year.’ ' With the National Prohibition conven tion one day distant, Chairman Oliver W. Stewart of the National Executive Com mittee of the Prohibition party, made the foregoing statement to-night. According to the same, authority the Pro hibitionists in convention this year will leave the solution of economic problems, except those which, in their opinion, can be solved by the abolition of the liquor traffic, to the other political parties. John G. Woolley and Hale Johnson, both of Illinois, are strong favorites for the presidential nomination. Those who claim to be well acquainted with the situation say Mr. Woolley will get the support of the New England states, Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, Kan sas and Tennessee, while Mr. Johnson will look for his strength to Minnesota, North and South Dakota, Montana, North Carolina, Virginia and Arkansas. The selection of a vice presidential nom inee will depend largely upon what sec tion of the country the presidential choice comes from. Among the candi dates are Isaac W. Funk of New York, Walter B. Hill of Georgia and T. R. Carskmlon of West Virginia. LIST OF DEAD THIRTY-SEVEN. Three More Bodies Token Out of the Southern Wreck. Atlanta, June 25.—Thirty-seven bodies have been recovered from the wreckage of the Southern train which went into a washout one mile and a half from Mc- Donough Saturday night. Three bodies were found to-day. They were: D. A’. Griffith, supervisor. W. L. Morisette, superintendent of pumping station. J. 11. Hunnicutt, freight conductor. The charred pieces of two other bodies were found. Ilie injured who were sent to McDon ough. Macon, and brought here, have left for their homes. Many bodies of the dead have not been identified and th*se remain at the undertaking establishments waiting to bo claimed by relatives or friends. The latter are principally bodies of negro sec tion hands who wt re killed. The number in the gang, which was making its way to do repair work on the Georgiti Midland and Gulf Road, i not known. All of them perished. It is sup posed to have numbered about fifteen, which will make the total casualties about forty. It is believed that some bodies still remain under the debris, which will be thoroughly cleared away by to-morrow. Traffic will likely be resumed in twelve hours. Trains from Macon to Atlanta ore now operating over the Georgia Midland and Gulf Railroad. During the recent heavy rains vigilance has been exercised by railroad officials In watching the roadbed and it iw said that the culvert over (’amp creek, where the wreck occurred, was Inspected and re ported “O. K.” thirty minutes before the train ran into the gulch. The culvert over Camp creek gave way because the water rose to a height sufficient to get in between the abutment walls and the earthen em bankment. It was constructed of stone and brick. The embankment is about fifty feet high :t (his point ami quit*- long. A dispatch from McDonough to-night “ays one of the unidentified bodies is be lieved lo be that of W. if. Hensen, Sr., of Sugar Post office, Salt Lake county, l Rah. 4 ”oI it in Ini it Mini Wn* Killed. Columbus, Ga., June 25.—.1t was learned to-day that Will H. Green, a Columbus man, was kid and in Saturday night's wrfck on Hie Southern. Green was raised in Mus cogee and left his home lure a short time igo to accept a place as fireman. He was a nephew ot Mr. Abe Gammcl, one of the most prominent citizens of the county, and was only 23 years old. It ATIIBONK NOW REMOVED. Former Director General’* Su*pen hloii >I dr Permanent. Washington, June 25.—The Postmaster General has issued an order removing from office Estes G. Itathbone, who bad been suspended by a former order* from the position of direc tor general of po-ts of Cuba, and detailing Martin C. Fosnes, an inspector in the postal service, to per form the dutle.<fe of director general of posts until further orders. Fourth As.-lstant Postmaster General Bristow has been relieved from further work in Cuba, and lias sailed for heme. To-day’s action In removing Rath bone, Postmaster Gen* ral Smith said to-night, was not taken because of any fresh de velopments in the Cuban postal frauds affecting the deposed director. When Mr. Bristow, who has been conducting the investigation, left the island, he desig nated Mr. Fosnes as acting director, and to simplify the matter and avoid a make shift arrangement, Mr. Smith decided to appoint Mr. Fosnes as dire* tor. his ten ure to l>c “until otherwise ordered.” Mr. S/nith was not prepared nt this time to say how long the new appoint ment would lost. The appointee is said to i>e well qualified for the position, hav ing been in charge of the post office in spection work in Philadelphia, and was one of Mr. Bristow’s principal assistants during his work In Cuba. The suggestion has been made that Mr. Bristow will visit the island again later on to see that matters are working smoothly, although if he does go it will be mainly in a supervisory capacity. Mr. Hmith was not prepared to say whether or not former Director Rath bone would he arrested for any connection he may have had with the existing condi tion of affairs in the Cuban postal depart ment. The determination of that question, he said, would be left entirely with Gen. Wood, the military governor of the island, who would be guided by the developments shown by the investigation concluded by Mr. Bristow. Mr. Rathbone, Mr. Smith said, would not leave the, Island as he would be wanted as a witness In the cases of the other offi cials against whom charges have been preferred. CONSPIRACY BASE DISMISSED. Officer* of American Ice Company Were Not Held. New York, June 25.—The grand Jury made a report to Judge McMahon In Part I of General Sessions this afternoon, In which they dismissed the cases of con spiracy against the offleen of the Ameri can Ice Company. DAILY. *8 A YEAR. 5 CENTS A COPY. WEEKLY 2-TIMES-A-WEEK.II A TEAR WIDESPREAD DAMAGE. HEAVY RAINS CAUSE DFJSTRUCTIO!* OF JIASY CROPS. MANY BRIDGES WASHED AWAY. STItKAMS IN ALL SECTIONS ARE OUT OF THEIR RANKS, River, at Home, Colombo., West Point, anti Other Place. Are I nnsnnlly Hitch—Crops In tbe Lo.v In mis Have neon Entirely Dr atroyed—So vnnnah River Up to Thirty Fret nt Aognsta—Cyrlnnea iii A lit lm mu. Atlanta, June 25.—Reports received here from many points in Georgia and por tions of Alabama and South Carolina show that the recent heavy rains have enormous damage to bridges and farming properties. Crops, Including cotton, corn and espe cially fruit, which was nearing maturity when the wet season began, have been greatly injured and caused a loss of a vaat amount to the farmers of the Southeast ern States. The rainfall has been unprecedented. All the streams are out of their banks and carrying away bridges and ferries in large numbers. The sub-structure of the handsome new bridge over the Ocmulgea river at Macon was carried away to-day. Reports say the Savannah river at Au gusta was 29 feet at noon and rising two inches per hour. The mills there are closed down on account of back water in the canal. At Home, Ga.. the river is eighteen feet above low water mark and rising one inch per hour. At West Point, Ga., the Chattahoochee river reached twenty feet above low water to-day. A tornado was leported near Huntaville, Ala , sweeping the country but no lose of life is known. The lowlands have been devastated and only tiie higher farming lands are un touched. Indications are for a cessation *** the rain which will cause the streams to*Ksil rapidly. MANY HOI MBA WERE WRECKED, Cyclone* nml Ruins Are l’laylng llnvoe In Alabama. Birmingham, Ala., June 25.—A cyclone which originated near ißlossburg, Jefferson county to-day, swept the country for fif teen miles westward into Walker county. its path was a quarter of a mile wtds and tlie greatest damage resulted around Democrat, where h score of houses were wrecked and a number of people injur*!, but none seriously. Crop** were ruined and hundreds of trees uprooted. The heavy rains throughout the state continue to work havoc. The Black War rior river has overflowed its banka in Walker county and hundreds of acres of cotton and corn lands are inundated. Many cattle have been drowned and great dam age wrought. Near Demopoiis both tha Warrior and Tomiilgbeo have left their banks and people are moving out of tha lowlands* * l II ATT A HOOCH RE'S HIGH RISE. Farmers anrl Mill Mon Heavy Losers Irom tlio Unfits. Columbus, (la., June 25.—The Chatta -0 hooohee river shows .< rise of thirty-two feel at this point and bottom lands south of hero are under water, the loss to far mers being considerable. All the notion mills slopped to-day on account of high water und the coffer dams of the Columbus Rower Company were washed away, the loss to contrac tors being about S4,IKK). Farmers in this section are greatly alt er uraßr and on account of rain, Cotton Is off al Past thirty-five per cent. The peraeh crop will be cut short one-half If the ralna continue another week RIVER HONK TO THIRTY FEET. l-'finna Flooded but lugtiata Waa Not Overflowed. Augusta, June 23.—The Ravannah rive* rose to-day to approximately thirty feet, as the result or the continued rain*. Tha mil!* were closed down, hut no other in convenience or damage resulted to the city. Hlnee the streets and river front have la-, n raised it takes thirty-six feet to get Into the city, but the prrs< nt depth over flowed many of the river plantations be low the city and Injured crops between Augusta and Savannah. At little below thirty feet the river came to a standstill, and no further In jury Is apprehended. CYCLONE IN ALABAMA. (in. Chnreh Demolished and Othe# Building* Damaged. Montgomery, Ala., June 25.—A cyclone passed ver Eutaw, Ala., yesterday and did a great deal of damage. The Bap tist Church was demolished and the Pres byterlan Church and Female Academy were badly yvrecked. 1 e ■ FOLLOWED BY DETECTIVES. Two Are Watching Taylor While Two Are Guarding Him. Philadelphia. June 25 — Broken In health and spirit. ex-Qov. William S. Taylor of Kentucky, started for Niagara Falla to night. He was accompanied by Mrs. Taylor, and four detectives followed close at that# heels. Two of the officers represent the state of Kentucky, and bear warrants for the arrest of Mr. Taylor upon charges growing out of the assassination of Qov. Goebel. The. other two are employed by Mr. Taylor to guard his person. The strain l* telling on both Mr. and Mrs. Taylor. All the time that they were In the. city Ihelr rooms were closely guarded, and Mrs. Taylor personally an swered every rap upon the door. She denied herself lo all cnllcrs, and was on the verge of collapse several times. It Is understood that Mr. Taylor will not be surrendered to the Kentucky au thorities by Gov. Roosevelt, and that ha will be immune from arrest until he shall return to Indiana, where he la now mak ing his home, or until such time as he shell return to Kentucky of hie own 1 volition.