The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, June 26, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 CANDLER GRANTS PARDONS. TWO OF THE 1,1 fKY ONES WERE SENT IP FOR ARSON. Caur of Tonnji Froiu Folk County Was l niqne—Had Itftn Sent I t> for Life for Trying to Dorn a Hole In the Jail—Ulanrork Citlaena Peti tioned for Witcher's Pardon—The Other Case Win From Riehmond County. Atlanta, June 25—Gov. Candler Issued three pardcns to-day, two of the prisoners being charged with arson, and the third George Taylor, a white man from Rtch mon county being charged with assault with intent to murder. The two arson prisoners were Ltge Young, sent up for life from Polk county, and Warren Witcher sent up in 1891, for twenty years, from Glascock. The case of the Polk county negro is unique. In ISBI he was confined In the Polk jail awaiting trial for larceny. At the instigation of a white prisoner he burned a hole in the jail in order to escape. The gTand jury indicted him for arson and toe was giv?n a life sentence. A few weeks ago the negro on his own motion wrote a letter to Judge Turner, chairman of the prison board, reciting these facts. The judge said if they were true he should be released for the Su preme Court had ruled prior to this man's conviction that an attempt to burn out of jail was not arson but simply an attempt to escape. The investigation was made, and the Polk county authorities substantiated the negro's story and the board recommended a pardon, which the Governor granted this afternoon, there being no petition, no lawyers, nothing ex cept the letter of the prisoner and a state ment from the Polk county officers veri fying what he said. Walden, the Populist member of the Legislature from Glascock, was the pros ecutor in the other arson case, and asked the Governor to notify him when the case would be heard. The Governor no tified Col. Walden several days ago that the papers were before him, and be would be glad to hear from him. incidentally telling him that 500 white citizens of his county had petitioned for the negro's re lease Walden refused to appear before the Governor, saying that If his neigh bors wanted to turn loose a red-handed arson fiend on the country, he would have nothing more to say. The pardon was granted. STATE TREASU RY AT LOW EBB. Available Fund Will Be Small Until Fall Taxes Come in. Atlanta, June 25—Funds in the state treasury will be low till the fall taxes come in. A statement Issued by Treas urer Speer showed then a cash balance on hand of 5147.506.05. From June 15 till June 23 there has been received 555.550.57, the disbursement for that period being, leaving a balance in the treas ury of 5501.437.81. On July 1 there must he paid $155,000 for the semi-annual ihterest. and already there has been paid S3S.iXM) for the ex penses of the state government The SIOO.OOO sinking fund is embraced In this half-million balance, but cannot be touch ed. There will only be available about 1200.000 cash in the treasury- Ail the railroads, except the Plant S\s tem and the Georgia Southern and Flor ida, have filed satisfactory returns with Controller General Wright. The differ ence in the figures demanded by Co'. Wright and those offered by the Plant System Is a half million. The Controller says the railroad assessment w: 1 r a h J 45.000.000 this year, an increase of $2,000- 000 over last year. Insurance taxes are coming in rapidly now, as the limit expires July 1. They will reach $60,000, in round numbers, $25,- 000 of which has been paid. FIXED FOR SELLING LIQI OR. Women Who Ron Disorderly Houses AVere Indicted. Atlanta. June 25.—1n order to stop com petition to the saloon*, the Board of Police Commissioners had fifteen of the proprie tors of disreputable houses indicted by the grand jury for selling whiskey, so that these cases would come before Judge Candler. Judge Candler surprised the prosecutors •nd public to-day when he announced in sentencing five of the women that he hop ed the grand jury would indict the owners of* the houses who rented them to the women at high rates and collected the rents every Saturday night. He said the/ ought not to escape unpunished, and that many of them were prominent citizens. Jle a'so called upon the grand jury to Indict ihe patrons of the joints. The sentences imposed this af'ernoon were in five cases in which pleas of guilty had been entered. The fines amounted to 1500. One of the defendants was given u jail sentence also. Of the fifteen women who were indicted ten failed to appear in court. There seem ed to be an epidemic of illness among them. REWARD WAS PAID TO BOND. He Proved He Was the Captor of Edward Delegal. Atlanta. June 23.—Gov. Candler to-day paid 10 Joseph I. Bond of Savannah the reward of 1200, offered for the capture of Edward Delegal at Darien some time ago. Bond claimed to have been the captor, but there was some doubt about the mat ter, and he was requested to furnish proof, which he did, Lieut Leonard sub mitting an affidavit that Bond made the capture and turned the prisoner over to him. SOME GEORGIANS FAVOR HILL. He Will Have Supporters From Del egation to Kansas City. Atlanta. June 25 —Among representatives of the Democracy of Georgia who will loave for Kansas City Sunday to attend the national convention, the. mention of D. B. Hill as Bryan's running mate, has been received with great favor. • Elliott Dartforth of New' York. Amos Cummings of New York and ex-Congress man Shively of Indiana will alio not he wit jut supporters In the Georgia dle>- p on. Gov. Bloxham In Atlanta. Atlanta. June 25.—Gov. W. D. Bloxham of Florida was a caller at the Governor's office to-day, hut his visit was timed in opportunely, as the Governor was ab sent at the time. Gov. Bloxham has been spending a few days at Llthla Springs. Sclmnn Gets Commission. Atlanta, June 25.—Acting Adjutant Gen eral Byrd to-day commissioned Rudolph Schwarz of Savannah first lieutenant and battalion adjutant of the First Regiment. Eat-Well Extracts don’t cost any MORE than OTHERS, and they ARE THE BEST. 44 The \Best is the Cheapest , Experience teaches that good clothes ‘wear longest, good food gives best nutrition, and a good medicine that cures disease is naturally the best and cheapest. Hood’s Sarsaparilla is the best medi cine money can buy, because it cures when all others fail. Poor Health —"Had poor health for years, pains in shoulders, back and hips, with constant headache, nervousness and no appetite. Used Hood's Sarsaparilla, gained strength and can work hard all day: eat heartily and sleep welt. I took it because it helped my husband to whon it gave strength." Mrs. E. J. Oiffels. Moose Lake. Minn. Jfccd’i Sa Uafmuffa Hood * Pllli cur liver Ills the non irritating and ttaly ,Ctturtlc to uks with Hood’iT'StrsftoaHji* DEATH OF DR. HENRV HIC KS. He Wan Formerly Hepreaentatl % e for Jolinnon County. Dublin. Ga., June 25.—Dr. Henry Hicks of Wrightsville died last night, at ihe home of his son. Mr. T. B. Hicks, of this city. For several months Dr. Hicks has been in feeblo health, and about two months ago came heret to try the medical effects of Dublin's water. The disease had taken too firm a hold upon him, how ever. and he gradually lost his strength, death coming a* 9 p. m. yesterday. La.u Thursday Dr. Hicks was thought to be dying, but rallied. He informed his loved ones then that he would not die until Sunday. Dr. Hicks was a native of Johnson coun ty and represented that county in the Legislature some years ago. In his early life- he practiced medicine, hut discon tinued it some years ago. Although a citizen of Johnson, he had considerable money invested in Dublin, being the sen ior member of the large drug firm of H Hicks & Cos. Mayor James B. Hicks and Mr. T. B. Hicks of this city are sons of Dr. Hicks. He leaves two other sons, besides these. Messrs. Talmadge and Joseph Hicks, and two dauehters. Mrs. Ben Wort her of Washington county and Mrs. Lee Ken nedy of Johnson county. His brothers are Dr. Chas. HUks and Mr. W. P. Hicks, of Dublin; Capt. James Hicks of Fitzgerald, and Dr R. L. Hicks of Bainbridge. Mrs. Elizabeth Hightower. Mrs. C A. Moore and Mrs Martha Linder o? Johnson county, were sisters of Dr. Hicks. The remains of Dr. Hicks were carried to Wrightsville this morning for interment James McCall, a young negro, who about eighteen months ago was sent to the house of correction in Baltimore for rob bing the stamp drawer of the Dublin postoffice end who while there contra :ed consumption and was pardoned by the President, died Saturday afternoon last. While passing through Ma on upon his return home, McCall was robbed of 85 A r.egro by the rime of John Fa n was arrested, by tho Macon police, charged with the robbery, and was to have been brought to Dublin Saturday afternoon for identification, but McCalls death put a stop to it. BRISSWICK'S BIG CARNIVAL. Sneees. of the Project Seem. Vow Fully Assured. Brunswick. Ga . June 25 —The success of the Mid-Summer Fair and Carnival is assured by the large crowds arriving on every train. To-night's Southern and riant System trains brought extra coaches parked and the passenger men report large sales of tickets all along the line. Doubts as to the weather have been and spel'ed by clear skies, and the opening exercises to-morrow morning promise to be under mos* auspicious circumstances. There will be a grand street parade of ail the civic and other organizations, with R. R. Hopkins marshal of the day. The opening address will be delivered by President Butts. .Senator A. S. Clay will arrive Thursday and be given unusual honors. All Brunswick colored organizations met to-night and decided to unite on a mon ster parade Saturday. The fair move ment has taken a tremendous boom and financial success is assured beyond all question. The list of free and other at tractions is enormous for this time of the year. WASHIVGTOY AND AA ILKES. 'lan's Eye Injured—County 'lakes >t Large Wheat Crop. Washington, Ga., June 25.—0n the re : turn of the Charleston excursion as the train left Camak, some miscreant threw a beer bottle through the rear window The glass shattered in all directions and struck Mr. Gus Smith, of Washington, in the eye. The railroad detective is work- I'S on the case, but It Is hardly likely he will be able to discover anything about It, though the man throwing ihe bottle was seen, and several shots fired at him Mrs. Emma Stephens died here at the home of her brother Dr. R A. Simpson, and was buried on Sunday. During the term of Gov. Alexander Stephens. Mrs. Stephens was the lady of the governor's mansion, as her husband was Gov. Steph ens' nephew. The Teacher's Instliute of Wilkes coun ty holds its annual session here this week Prof H. J. Gaertner Is the expert. He officiated last year and won golden opin ions from the commissioner and teach ers It Is said that more wheat has been made in the counties than Is necessary for home consuntpiion. but some of It has probably been Injured by the continual rains. rREPAniAG FOR THE DUES. Beaufort Naval Reserves Will Enter tain Their Friend*. Beaufort. S. C, June 25.—The Beaufort Naval Reserves are making preparations to entertain their friends, the Republi can Blues, next Friday in a manner that the latter organization will long remem ber with pleasure. No pains are being spared o make the occasion, which Is the annual celebration of the organiza tion of the Beaufort Volunteer Artillery more than a century ago. a fitting one. —oth officers and men lake a genuine pride In the present flourishing condition of our division of Naval Reserves, and nothing affords them greater pleasure than to be able to return :he hospitality which was extended to them by the Re publican Blues on the occasion of their visit to Savannah o participate In the Dewey celebration. The Naval Reserve baseball team prac tices every afternoon on the diamond near the National Cemetery, and the boys will put up a good game, which their friends from the Forest City will huve to play ball to win. THE MORNING NEWS: TUESDAY. JUNE 26. 1900. AtGI'STA'S no %T PARADE. Society People Turn Out to Vien the lirilllnnt Spectacle. Augusta, June 25.—Next to Augusta's floral parade in Merry-makers’ Week, her most picturesque outdoor society event is the parade of decorated and illuminated boats at the annual regatta of the Lakeside Bodt Club at Lake Olm sted. All of the society people in town go out to Lakeview Fark either as spectators or participants. The boat clubhouse and dancing pavil ion are brilliantly illuminated with elec tric lights, and all the boas taking part in the parade on the lake are decorated with scores of rolored Chinese lanterns. A steam launch heads the processions and tows the long string of boats, a quarter of a mile long, the towline connecting them ont to the other at equal distances. Deploying over the lake, while their young men and lady occupants discharge Roman candles into the air. which are reflected in the water, the long line of •>oats, with their many colored lights, makes a picturesque panorama, which is viewed and applauded by the thousands on the galleries of the clubhouse and the shore of the lake. To-night's celebration was the most suc cessful the club has ever given After the boat parade, dancing was enjoyed at the clubhouse for several hours. ST%TESBORO SEWS. Mail* Delayed by n Wn shout—s ns peeled Rurglnrs Arrested. Statesboro. Ga.. June 25 —The mail from Savannah failed *o reach here yesterday on account of a washout in the track of the Savannah and Statesboro Road The damage to the track was not serious, an J wes repaired by last night. Heavy rains have fallen in this section within the pas. ten days. The prospect for a good cotton crop is gloomy. Four white men and one negro man were arraigned here to-day before Judge J. W. Rountree charged with burglarys The store of J. A Brannen at Las:on. ten mile*? from here, was burglarized one do c last week while the family was at dinner bv prying open a window The panics arrested were suspected by having goods supposed to have been taker, from Bran n-en's store in their possession The inves tigation of matter was continued until next Saturday. Mot Machines Shut Ip. Augusta. June 25.—Seme weeks ago Judge Eve of the City Court hai all the slot machine* in Augusta up A lest case was made by J Henry Meyer, in which the others united. He was arres ted and prosecuted and to-day Judge Eve rendered his decision of guilty. Tr.e case will co io the Supreme Court Marriiue at Brighton. S. C. Harnett. S. C June 2" Miss Josephine B. Long of Columbus. Ga. was married to Mr. Frank L Sixgue of Philadelphia by the Rev. W c Kirkland. pas*or of the Methodist Churches of Garnett and Brighton, at the home" of Mr. Goodwin, June 23. at 5:30 p. m. DEPORTED FEMA> RAVE. They Object to Leaving the Country and Are Violent. From the .New York Tribune. Joseph Mullett, “the Dwarf. ' and James F.'zharris. better known as “Skin the Goat.’’ whose complicity in the Phoenix F *.rk murders has resulted in the refusal f the geverr men* to perm* them T o land in this country, were deported yesterday. T eir departure was marked by several stirring in idents. which served to show whr<t a spe tale high strung nerves and unstrung tongues are capable of produc- The two men had been detained nt Ell - Island sir. e he:r arrival in por:. while their case was being considered by the federal authorities. They were taken yesterday to the barge office ard placed n the deporting pen. While there wait ing for the wagon, which was to take them to the steamer. they indulged in a tirade upon the Anglo-Saxon race in gen eral, arid their own bad luck in particu lar. ' Skin the Goat" became particu larly demonstrative and endeavored to convince another unfortunate, who was also awaiting (Uporta*ion, that the case of the three men was us unjust as that of Shidrach. Meshach and Abednego, af ter Nebuchadnezzar had ordered them bound for the fiery furnace. At the end of the tirade “the Dwarf" added, by way of explanation, that Shadrach was As syrian for Shamrock. After hurling sev eral diatribes at ihe officials by whom he was guarded, “the Dwarf’ shouted in a high-pitched voice: “Me and me pard bees a-getting it worser than what the lowest down in the worstest of English prisons gets.’’ “And right under the Statue of Lib erty. oo.’’ exclaimed the more intellect ual Fitzharris, leaping to his feet. “Oh, sit down. Jim,” remarked “the Dwarf,” with a shrug. “The thing's hol lo w-y” A roar of laughter follow'ed this sally, and several babies who had feared ’o cry during the speech of “Skin the Goat" now broke out toge her in cne tumultuous yell. But in spite of the government of th* United States the two F niin< were to obtain one glimpse of their forbidden Ca naan. although only a glim; se. and in stead of a Mount Pisgah their view was from the top of an express wagon, under the guardianship of several government officers. Having mounted the wagon ‘ Skin ihe Goat" made a leap for the seat The officers thought this a dash tor lib erty and caught* his outflying coat tails. “I only wanted to pay my respect to the country," he said, and therewith he took off his dark gretn ha* and mad * a low bow' in the direction of the Produce Exchange "And wat bees you a-doing?" asked “The Dwarf.” “Shut up, you guy!” was the answer. “That’s tHe parliament building.” The crowd which had surrounded the wagon raised a great shout as it rolled away. The trip up Broadway to Twenty founh stre t. proved uneventful. Officers Webber, Herrick and Falder guarded well the two Irishmen, along with six others who were also to he deported. From Broadway the wagon went to the, pier of the Anchor line, whore one of the men was put aboard the Furnessia. The two “invincible®" were then hurried to Cunard steamship Serv;a and put In the steerage. It is customary for persons who are be ing dep rtei to be lo ked up on board ship until the sailing of the vessel. Ac cordingly Mullet and Fitzharris were tak en to the steerag hasp tal and the bolts n the > or* --ufSiio There was a moment of absolute silence within, and the officers of the ship who had the Fen ians under surveillance congratulated themselves on the docility of their cap tives. A moment later, a fat negro, blowing and puffing, came up the hatchway. Miss ing the last step, he rolled over in a heap on the deck. It proved to be one of the stewards. “Oh! Blessed Lawd! Whew! whew' De> # s a-breakin*' down de do'! Whew! whew! whew! Dey's roarin' an' swearin’ down dare like as de wild beasts, dey are! Whew !” A sound of cracking panels was enough to corroborate the story. The officials succeeded in reaching the swaying door before its hinges had been torn off, and held it shut. Just at this moment “Skin the Goat" attempted to plunge his head out of the porthole and draw out the rest o? ilia body by ;j series of violent contortions. The captive’s face was white with rage, and after an original epilogue he yelled as a reminder of the fiery fur nace of old: “Stop, you Britishers. You are worse than the Americans. W* are not pris- ‘ A d Smokers the quality of Keene :ICAR. >od” our motto. TION ASSURED j. ran * co„ 206 Bay Street, West. Savannah, Gi Indy i lederer, Makers, New \ork. In Excellent Shape Once More TO DO FINE LAUNDRY WORK. Savannah Steam Laundry Go,, II Congress Street, West. Phene 383. oners. This is hell in here. Let us out. we re smothering." Mullet!, in the meantime, was batter ing the door like a catapult, and at in tervals he flung some heavy iron missile against the panels. Friends of the two men at las* inter posed. and on the promise of "Skin the Goat" that he would not attempt to es cape, he and his comrade were permitted to go on the steerage deck. As this was the only triumph they had achieved since coming to this shore, the two Fenians held a levee among their fellow passengers and fr ends Among the latter were Maj. Roan ree. Edward L. Carey. O'Donovan Rcssa. Capt, J 'hn Ker w.n and Mrs. Lillian Bren and. the daugh ter of Capt. Led wall, who was warden of Mount Joy prison when Mullett and Fitzharris were there. Jus* before the vessel sailed they made the following parting statement: We have been treated shamefully here. The government has treated us badly, and the press has been against us. I say to you that you are bough* by English gold, and the sooner the British flag is hoisted at Washington the better it will be." As the vessel pulled out into the stream neither of the men appeared at the rail. Files Cured Without the Knife. Itching, blind, bleeding or protruding piles. No cure, no pay All druggists are authorized by the manufacturers of Pazo Pile Ointment to refund the money where it fails to cure any case of piles, no matter of how long sending. Cures ordinary cases In six days; the worst cases in fourteen days. One application gives ease and rest. Relieves itching in stantly. This is anew discovery, and Is the only pile remedy so i on a positive guarantee, no cure, no pay. Price. fAc. If your druggist don’t k'-ep it in stock, send us 50c in pos:age stamp? and we will forward same by mail. Manufac tured by Paris Medicine Company, St. Louis. Mo., manufacturers of Laxative Eromo-Quir.ine amd Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic.—ad. DEATHS. WYLLiY—Died at Saratoga. N. Y , Sun day. June 24. Dr K ng Wylly. The funeral notice will be published later. FI.AEKAL IRYITATIOSS. BOLTON—The fri nds of Mrs. S. A\ Bolton aie invited to attend tile funeral of her daughter, Lenorah. from her res ituce, 1211 Abercom street, this morning at IS o'clock- FTcAY'.—The relatives and friends of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Peay are Invited to attend the funeral of their Infant daugh ter from their residence. l>sd Habersham street, this afternoon, at 4 o'clock. MEETIAGS. ANCIEVr LAADJIAItK LODGE NO. 231, F. A A. M. A regular communication will be a held at Masonic Temp.e this (Tut*- YY davi even.r* at S:3*> o'Lock. The M M Degree will be conferred. Members of sister lodges are invited to attend. ROBT. M HITCH. W. M. JNO. S HALVES. Secretary. DE K ALB LODCE 50. , I. O. O. F. A regular meeting of the lodge will be held this evening at 330 o'clock at Met ropolitan Hall. Visiting brethren ar*J members of sis ter lodges are cordially invited to attend. C. H. DORSETT, N. G. W. W. GROSS. Secretary. THE CONFEDERATE VETERANS’ ASSOCIATION. will meet this evening at S:3f> o'clock, for the purpose of arranging to ate and the bj -ade reun on at Wayeross, Ga., on the Fourth of July. ROBERT FALLIGANT, .President JAS. W. McINTYRE, Secretary. ■ FECIAL NOTICE*. NOTICE. Savannah. Ga June 22. lSflrt. On and after July Ist, 190,, the Georgia and Alabama Railway and the Florida. Central and Peninsular Rafroad. will dis continue the use of the warehouse, tracks and terminals of the Central of Georgia Railway Company, and the Ocean Steam ship Company except the Central of Geor gia Railway Company's passenger depot, and will handle all local nr.d through traffic on the Georgia and Alabama Rail way Hutchinson Island Terminals, ex cepting freight traffic to be delivered in carload lots to drays; this train- will be placed on tracks of this company located south of the Louisville road and we3t of West Boundary street. Allfrelght for Savannah proper delivery and that received for forwarding at Sa vannah will be handled at company'! warehouses located at the Junction of West Broad and River streets. (Signedt CECIL GABBETT. Vice President and General Manager. LAUNCHES FOR RENT. For five people 31 per hour; 35 per day. For ten people $2 per hour; $S per day. All extra passengers proportionately. city phone 589. or 752. S-;aloard Club, Thunderbolt. LAI NCHE9. Leave Thunderbolt for Wilmington Island and return daily at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m Four trips dally on Sundaya, APECIAL -VOTICES. ta^le'Tthotiel 50c—DINNER—50c Dinner 1 to 3 and 6 to 9, Tuesday, June 25. Claret Wine. SOUP. Turtle. FISH. Mackinaw Parsley. Potatoes ala Ga'st emme. Sliced Tomatoes, Queen Olives. Chow Chow, Mixed Pickles. ROASTED. Ribs of Baltimore Beef, Dish Gravy. Stuffed Loin of Veal, Tomato Sauce. ENTREES. Fresh Crabs ala Newburgh Boston Baked Bean©. VEGETABLES. New Potatoes. Mashed Squashes. Boiled Roasting Ears. Rice. Stewed Tomatoes. PASTRY AND DESSERT. Vanila Custard Pie. Assorted Cakes. Cheese. Crackers, Fruits. Peach Fruit Cream. French Coffee. At LEVAN'S CAFE RESTAURANT, 111 Congress street, west. SIMIIER DRINKS. Vartray Ginger Ale. Cantrell & Cochrene’s Ale.’ Ginger Ale. Vartray Sarsaparilla. Vartray Plain Soda. Claret Shrub. Lime Jnice. Pineapple Syrup. Raspberry Syrup. Strawberry Syrup. —at— A. M. & C. W. WESTS. YOt’LL SAVE AND PROFIT by the misfortune of others. We have a full Lea Top Buggy, rubber, used thcee times, cost 3145, for ea.e $&5. 1 Pneumatic Tired Wire Wheels Run about, one of the finest, cost j;iv, g:od a new, for $l3O. 2 second-hand Ruggies, 1 open, 1 top for sale cheap for cash. If you want bargains call early *r. the week. We will sell to the first caUer. COHEN-KULMAN CARRIAGE AND WAGON COM PAN Y, Brough'on and Wee Broad a-reef*. BIY’ ONLY' THE BEST GINGER ALE. The best is the Wheeler Brar-d of Bel fast Ginger Aie, made by Wheeler A Cos of, Ire.ana, from toe oe-eorateo Croma*. fiprir.g- ot mat c.t> Jcei springs are the p.-aperty of Wheeler A Cos., hence r.o other Ginger A.e inAoUfa--- n,rer In Ireland chose water* ■>.i themeeives. The Wheeler G.r.ger Aie is maoe froth pure Jamio <, G.nger Root and not from Red Pepper, at otr-eri are, one is deleterious—the tuner ;t a (o:.:- For Hea.t fc ness end Pur-ty tr.e cele brated brand of Be.las; Ginger Ale is the beat. LIPPMAN P.ROTHERB, _ Sole Southern Agen's. Savannah. Ga. PROPOSAL* W ANTED. City of Savanna-, rpt.Director of Public Work; Sa. .: r a . -Ga J .oe 2 1309.—Sealed propc.ra- v. , 3 this offl e -.. ’ Sato * due „, c e . .. at 12 o'clock r . \rj : _rr.i h the city ol Sa; anna: v. -, > * - until July 31. Ga All pro;.. -a.t i tl oe i • on offi ial forms wl. o i- >*- ~ .i, L a this office on ar.d after i ; - da(> Envelope-* to be raarv.ed "Pro.uo-a * for Supplies." Toe <:ty roe.-..., tr.< right t > reject ar.y or ai! U > io be opened in the presence of bldd< GEO. 51 GADSDEN. Director. BIDS H ANTED. City of Savannah Office Ditector of Public Works Savannah. Ga.. June 25. IftM.— Bids will be rec<- v<d at this offic until Saturday, June 30. 1900 at 12 o’clock noon, city time, for furnishing feed as follows: No. 1 timothy hay, per IPO pounds; best quality feed bran, per 100 pounds; best quali'y corn, per bushel; cost quai.iy nixed oats; to be weighed at the city lot Rnve.opes to be marked "Bids for Feel." Tie city letervt# the right to reject any or all bids. Bids to be opened in tie pretence of bidders. GEO. M. GADSDEN, Director. SITuITVDID STORE BUILDING FDR RENT. The handsome and commodious double store* K.riown as the Whitfield building, situate etTner Whitaker, S: ite and Pres ident st.w-cts, now occupied by Messrs. Lindsay i£- Morgan, can be rented In whole or in pari from Oct. 1. This bulling u> in ihe center of a growing business neighborhood and opposite the new United States Court House and Poet - office, and h- a splendid stand for any business. Apply. W. M. & W. E. CONEY, DIVIAEXD NOTICE. Savannah'Bsnk and Truss Cos., SavgnnxiitkGa., June 21. 1900. A semi-annual ,llvfd>hd of 33 00 per share has been Ig’lred on the capital stock of this ha (Ik. payable on And after July 2. 1900. to aiocl.’bolders as of record this date. The tram-if books are closed until July 3 D. C. CARSON. Assistant Caahier. We carry in stock all the latest end prettiest patterns in Builders’ Hardware. Call and see our Ball Bearing Sash Pul leys and Door Butts. Palmer Hardwire Company, BAY AND JEFFERSON STREETS. BUSINESS NOTICES. ' durincTthe HOT WEATHER You wish nice, light, crisp cakes for lunch, dessert and tea. Our ASSORTED CAKES Strike the spot precisely. Ali kinds. Get them mixed if you wish. 25c pound. There isn’t anything better for dinner than the celebrated Huntly & Palmer’s English Dinner Biscuit, 35c pound. We have also all of the special ties of the National Biscuit Cos., in 1-lb. tins. IK S. V. BUM a, Corner Broughton and Whitaker. These Showery Days Must certainly suggest um brellas. And ones good taste must as certainly suggest buy ing a first-class article. Our UMBRELLAS are ALL NEW STOCK, with beautiful handles; silver mounted, or plain. The prices are very reas onable. Step in and see. Hunter & Van Keuren, Jewelers, 143 Bui! Street. ANXIOUS TO SELL For $2,500. A two-story double cottage on a cor ner. A one-story cottage on a corner, and a lot sixty feet front by one hundred and seventeen fee deep, with two wide streets and a lane. So anxious are the owners to sell that they will take a part cash and give long time on the balance at a low rate of in i’: . C. H. DORSETT. CAPACITY UNLIMITED. W 1 Bull Sin Mt. 700 SPicCIAt, NOTICES. A CARD TO THE PUBLIC. Mr Andrew Hanley will be pleased to have ar.y person afflicted with Bright's HAease, Diabetes, or any form of Kidney or Bladder trouble; 'Rheumatism, Gout, and Dyspepsia, call at his office. Whitaker and York streets, between the hours of 12 m. ar.d 2 p. m. and 5 and 7 p. in dally, when he will explain why and how they an be permanently cured in from three to six weeks by either visiting Suwanee Springs or drinking the water ai home. Till NDERBOLT STABLES. I have rfopened my stables at Thunder bolt Driving Park, and will be pleased to receive a limited number of boarders. Having enlarged and improved quarters, splendid pasture and competent help un der my personal supervision and and reet on. first-class board and the brst attention is guaranteed. Terms on application. A. P. DOYUD. TUB WAY TO CLKAIS CARPETS. The only way tc get your carpet, prop erly taken up, cleaned and taken care of for the summer is to turn the job over to the District Messenger and Delivery Cos., telephone 2, or call at 32 Montgomery street, and they will make you ao esti mate on the cost of the work. Pries reasonable.' They also pack, move and ■tore furniture and piano.. C. H. MEDLOCK, Supt. and Mgr. WHY SOT USE ORIGINAL ANNISTON I.IVIEf lll. hr. t Grade, Each barrel contains sufficient quantity and quality to make It MONEY-SAVING. A. HANLEY COMPANY. Sole Agents, Phone lot*. FANCY AND HE.PRIUIEO BRICK. We mariHfactirre and sell all kinds of fancy and re-preeeed brick, paving and building bricks Our common brick are the best for building purposes, being larger than other kilns make, and cheaper, bee samples and prices. SAVANNAH BUILDING SUPPLY CO.. Congress and Drayton streets. BONUS EXECUTED By the American Bonding and Trust Com pany of Bahimore. We are authorized to execute locally (immediately upon appli cation). all bonds In Judicial proceedings in either the state or United States courts. and of administrator, and guardians. BEARING A HULL. Agent* Telephone 324. Provident Building. LEOPOLD ADLER. c. 8. Htr.r. T . Preeident. Vice Prertdent^ w. F. M’CAULET. Cashier. THEGHfITHfIMBfINK SAVANNAH. Will be pleased to receive the account. Of Merchants, Firms, Individual., Rr.s. and Corporations. Liberal favors extended. Unsurpassed collection faclllUe* -—r Ine prompt returns Sep rate Savings Department INTEREST lOilTilbNpgo am,. TEHLY ON DEPOSITS. Safety Deposit Boxm and Vault, tm T*r* r-nrrespondence solicited. The Citizens Bank j.i i a.. ggl. CAPITAL $500,000. II (Min css. Solicits Accounts f individual*, Merchants, Bunks and other Cor pa. rations. Collections handle* with economy and dispatch. Interest compounded quarterly allowed on deposits In oar Barlafi Department. Safety Deposit Boxes and Storua Vault*. BR ANTLEY A. DENMARK., BULLS B. LANE, Vice Frealde.t. GEORGE C. FREEMAN. Cashier. GORDON L. GROOVER. Aeet. Cashier. SOUTHERN “Ink oi the S.aie of Georg*.. Capital WAIAi Surplus and undivided profit.— PilrUbiiUkl or lilt. oi'AlA '!' GEORGIA. Superior facilities lor .. ...sacting a be .crai mnxiii, ouenu, ‘-directions made on ali points * accessible tnrough <.at K 7 ~nd bankers. act.uui.b oi ..auks, i.a .ke.s, Merchants and otheia solicited. Bale Deposit Box*, lor rent. Department of Savings, interest payable quarterly. Bells Stearllng Exchange on London R and upwards. JOHN FLANNERY Preeident. HORACE A. CRANE. Vloe President. 'AMFS ST’!,' IVAN c„h' f . DIRECTORS: JNO. FLANNERY. V\ 4J W GORDON. E. A. WEIL. W. W GORDON. Jr. H A. CRANE JOHN M. EGAN. LEE ROY MYERS. JOSEPH FERST. H P. SMART. CHARLES ELLIS, EDWARD KELLY. JOHN J. KIRBY. Sill ill iBl CAPITAL 8350,000. Accounts of banks, merchant*, corpora* tlons and individuals solicited. Savings Department, interest paid uuarterly. Safety Boxes and Storage Vault, for rent. Collections made on all point, at rea sonable rates. Draft, sold on all the chief cltle. of the world. Correspondence Invited. JOSEPH D. WEED. President. JOHN C. ROWLAND, Vice President No. lfte. Chartered, UN* THE Hit lid it OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL. 3500,(00. SURPLUS, SIOO,OOO. UNTIED STATES DEPOSITORY. J. A. G. CARSON, President BKIRNE GORDON, Vic* President. W. M. DAVAN’T, Cashier. Accounts of banka and bankers, taw chants and corporations received uga the most favorable term, consistent with safe and conservative banking. THE GERMANIA BANK oA V ANN A Yd, GA. Capital 3300,00* Undivided profits *O,OOO This rant ,ta io corpora tions, merchants and Individuals. Has authority to act aa executor, ad ministrator, cuardlan, etc. Issues drafts cn the principal eltletl IN Great Britain and Ireland and on the Continent. Interest paid or compounded quarterly on deposits In the Bavlng Department cafety Boxes for rent. HENRY BLUN, President. GEO. W TIEDEMAN. Vie* President. JOHN M HOGAN. Caahier. WALTER F. HOGAN. Ass t Cashier. BI'UBKSS NOTICE*. FiSfllite For sale, a Forsaith Newspaper Folder; will fold sheet 27x43. It Is in good order. Price 3100. It cost originally 31,100, but we have no use for it and want the room It occupies. It will be an Invaluable adjunct to any newspaper office. Address MORNING NEWS, Savannah, Ga. gPECLAL XUTICBg. BATH MITTS AND FLESH BELTS. Feed In the bath and a. a flesh brash. Feeding Cop* for invalid*, a va riety ol styles. True Dalmatian Powder. It 4* not generally known that a small quantity horned In the room* will keep out Flies and Moeqnltoea. Jnat received a fresh supply, SOLOMONS CO, LARGE WAREHOUSE AND OFFICE to rent, located head of Broughton afreet, on West Broad, now oocap pled by the Savannah Carriage and Wagon Cos. As they will give up business in the oily on June 1, I offer It for rent from that data. H. P SMART._ *33,000. One of our clients has placed In °° r hands *35,000 to loan on good Savannah real estate at reasonable rates of Interest BECKETT & BECKETT. B President street, seel.