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The Went her.
The indications for Georgia to-day are
for fair weather, and fresh southerly
winds; and for Eastern Florida, fair
weather, with variable winds.
In Geneseo, 111., a man who got mad
With the town authorities, deliberately
tried to lake small-pox, so that he mighi
distribute it among his neighbors. He has
been caught and locked up.
It is understood that peach growing
upon a somewhat extended scale will be
attempted in Cuba next year of the year
following. Heretofore peaches have not
done well In that island, but anew peach
called the “pinto,” brought from China,
lias been found to flourish in Cuban soil.
A limited number of trees of this va
riety in Cuba will bear this year. If the
fruit is good, operations in them will be
extended next year.
An unreasonable story comes by cable
to the effect that the Boers know nothing
of the uprising in China, the British hav
ing suppressed all mention of It In South
Africa. The probabilities, however, are
that Oom Paul knows quite as much about
the Chinese affair as anybody else out
side of Pekin and Tien Tsln. The Boers
have shrewd agents in all parts of the
world, and it may be depended upon that
they have found a means to get through
to their President all news that is of a
nature to encourage the lighting burghers
The voters of Rhode Island will, in the
November election, vote upon the ques
tion of abolishing the co-capital system
and making Providenee the exclusive leg
islative capital of the state, as it has for
years been the center of population, in
dustry and commerce. It has been re
called, as illustrating a peculiarity of
early government in this country, that
originally Rhode Island had live capitals—
one In each of ner five counties. The
five, indeed, were continued to a date as
late as 1884, when the number was limited
to two by a constitutional amendment.
In the New York Court of Appeals the
other day there come out a story of how
a man who began life as a poor clerk
Anally arose to the possession of $7,000,000,
It was not altogether through his flnan
cial ability, but rather through his abil
ity as a love-maker, that he achieved tils
Buecess. His first wife died and left him
an estate of $1,000,000. He married a sec
ond time, and wife No. 2 died and left
him $6,000 000. For the third time he mar
rled The family of No. 3 was rich, but
Ms mother-in-law, in whom the property
was vested, declined to contribute to the
still further enrichment of her eon-tn-law
through his wives, and left a will divert
ing the property In another channel.
The information that the Chinese here
a pretty considerable army of well-drilled
troops, armed with rifles and cannon that
ore an improvement upon the arms of the
Europeans who are now operating against
the Boxers, comes as a matter of some
surprise. It tins heretofore been the com
mon belief that the Chinese army was
little better than an undisciplined rabble,
armed with rifles end cannon that were
obsolete. If it Is true that the forelr u
drilled Chinese have been brought to ha
high pitch of excellence'' and that one
commander has not less than 11. COO of
them under him, the prospects are goed
tor some serious lighting before the situ
ation has been cleared up. While the
Chinese may lack that dash and spirit
■which characterises white-skinned soldiers
1 they are Indifferent to death and are eap-
abls of making a dogg-d and wearying
The gravity of the situation in China
can hardly be overestimated. It causes
intense anxiety at Washington, and in
all of the. capitate of Europe. The Wash
ington dispatches say that the prepara
tions that are being made by our gov
ernment to meet the conditions which
have developed in China are upon a scale
that would surprise the country if they
should be made public. It Is known, of
course, that most of the warships at Ma
nila and all the troop* that can be spared
by Gen. MacArthur have been ordered
to the scene of the trouble in China.
What makes the situation so grave is
the fact that the Imperial army of China
participated in the attacks upon foreign
ers and upon the consulates. It may be
that the Chinese army was not ordered
to take this course by the government at
Pekin. Nothing has been heard from the
Chinese capital for several days. It is
presumed, however, that the Chinese sol
diers acted on orders from the Pekin gov
ernment. The government is responsible
for their action, whether they acted with
out ils authority or not. If the govern
ment Is back of the. army, then China is
at war with the whole civilized world.
Thus far the Powers of Europe and this
country have been acting together in per
fect harmony. They have appeared to
have but one purpose In view, namely,
to rescue the foreigners whose lives are
in danger. All of them are Increasing
their war forces in China as rapidly as
they can. It will not be very long, per
haps, before they will be able to com
mand the situation. It is not reasonable
to suppose that China will undertake to
defy all of the Powers.
But after the trouble Is quieted, what
then? That is the question that is caus
ing uneasiness in the cabinets of all of
the Powers which have interests in China.
Russia is anxious to grab the northern
part of China. Germany is looking for
a chance to extend her commerce. Her
Emperor seems to be anxious for an op
portunity to employ his army and his
navy. France Is an ally of Russia, though
In this Chinese trouble she seems to be
anxious to restore the situation ns It was
before the outrages of the Boxers began.
England is not seeking territory iu China.
She is concerned only about maintaining
her commercial prominence there. This
country occupies a position that does not
arouse the Jealousy of any of the other
Powers, but the time may come when It
will have to use force to retain the com
mercial advantages there which it now
If the Powers will agree to seek no po
litical or individual advantages, but will
work together in good faith to restore
the situation to what it was before it
was disturbed by the Boxer movement,
it will not be very long before the Chi
nese trouble will be over, but there is
ground for apprehension that they will
do nothing of the kind. If any one of
them adopts a land-grabbing or com
merce-monopolizing policy, China may
become a battlefield for the nations of
Europe, and this country, notwithstand
ing its policy to avoid becoming involved
in political questions in which the gov
ernments of Europe are concerned, may
he forced to become a party <o the con
It seems that the wheat farmers and
millers of Kansas, Oklahoma and North
ern Texas are thinking about the advisa
bility of holding on lo the wheat of their
respective sections until they can make
their own price for it. In the sections
mentioned there Is a splendid crop of the
very finest kind of wheat. The yield is
large and Ihe quality is fine. They have
about the only wheat tn the country that
is fit to make flour for export. In most
of the Northwest the wheat crop is a fail
ure. There has been very little rain in
Minnesota and the Dakotas einee last
August. On the greater wheat farms of
that section there will not be enough
wheat raised from the spring sowing, it
reports are correct, for seeding next sea
son .
The price of wheat has been advancing
rapidly for more than two weeks. It is
22 cenis a bushel higher than it was two
weeks ago. It is said that the shrewd
buslnes® men of the Northwest have been
buying wheat futures very heavily, and
that many of them have made fortunes.
They knew that the crop was a failure
days before It was known in other parts
of the country, and they have made
money out of their knowledge. It is not
at all improbable that the price of wheat
will reach 31 a bushel within a very short
It wilt not be surprising if the Repub
licans claim that the rise in the price of
wheat Is due to the fact that they have
control ot the government. It may be
that they will advance an argument to
Ihe effect that the rise is due to the
Dlngley tariff. They claimed the credit
for the advance tn the price of wheat the
last time it brought $1 a bushel. Some
of the Republican newspapers have de
clared that the advance in the price of
cotton was brought about by Republican
policies. The people are not likely to be
greatly misled by such arguments. They
understand, or ought to, that prices of
farm products are controlled by supply
and demand. A short crop of wheat or
cotton means that the prices of these
article® will advance in proportion to the
According to current gossip in London,
Prince George of Greece had been wooing
Princes® Victoria of Wales for fifteen
years before she recently consented to
marry him. Meanwhile the Princess at
one time wanted to marry a young lieu
tenant In the army, who was sent away
to India, and at another time she thought
that the only man who could make her
happy was a rich and elderly London
banker, who was as objectionable to the
royal match-makers as the young lieu
tenant had been. Prince George, however,
never wavered in his devotion, and regu
larly once a year, when the young people
met in Copenhagen, he would repeat his
proposal. The Prince, who Is 30 year~ old,
is one year the Junior of his bride-to-be.
It the story recounted above is true,
George roust have begun his courtship
white he was yet of tender years,
John W. Gates, the steel and wire mag
nate who recently iui down several of
his mills and let* Xndreda of working
people to starve, • "Ige t along the beet
way they could, i* in Paris, where lie is
“going the pace." It Is said that In a
gambling room the other night he lost 350,-
000 at baccarat in one silting—a sum
equal to the annual salary of the Presi
dent ot the Untied State®.
Atlanta is having trouble with her elec
tric lighting and electric transportation
companies. It is a long continued trouble.
There are two afreet car companies, and
one of them is seeking from the City
Council concessions which the other Is op
posing. The one that Is seeking conee~
slons has practically a monopoly of the
electric lighting business, and the one
that has practically a monopoly of the
street railway business is seeking n char
ter from the city to do an electric light
ing business. Each company seems to have
its supporters Ui the council. The council
is advised to consider only the interest
of the people, and tt is told that the in
terests of the people will be served if tho
concessions which each company wants
are granted. But a? a matter of fact, will
The mistake which most cities make
is in granting all the privileges asked
for. YVouid it not be better, for instance,
tor Atlanta lo have one street railway
company and one electric lighting com
pany, and for tho city to retain the right
to tix the price of transportation on the
street railway and the price of electricity
for lighting purposes? Competition sounds
well, but it is not always the best thing
for the people. Competition these days, in
many instances, means ruin to the stock
holders in competing companies. Rather
than suffer the loss of iheir property
stockholders will either combine and form
one great monopoly, or else the stronger
will become the purchaser of the tveaker.
The oldest of the street car lines in At
lanta is composed of a number of lines
that were once independent. The chance*
are that if what is asked for by the
younger line is granted the two lines,
sooner or later, will he consolidated, and
there will be less consideration for the
interests fo the people than there Is now.
The same thing is likely to happen if an
other electric lighting company Is char
The thing for a city to do is to say
to an existing corporation that the people
want certain things done and that they
must be done or else a rival corporation
will lie chartered. If that course were pur
sued the people would get about every
thing they wanted that was within the
bounds of reason. And they would not be
annoyed by the contentions of rival com
panies cr the exactions of monopolies.
The threat to charter competing compa
nies would be sufficient to compel the
granting of every reasonable demand of
the people.
The Republican papers—at lpast some
of them—are engaged in a hot discussion
of the question as to how a plank that
was in the platform as it was originally
drafted by Ihe President and some of his
advisers came to be left out ck the plat
form that was adopted. It contained an
assertion that '‘Congress has full legis
lative power over territory belonging to
the United States, subject only to the
fundamental safeguards of liberty, justice
and personal rights."
Representative Grosvenor of Ohio as
serts (hat Representative Quigg of New
York, who was the secretary o€ the Plat
form Committee, is responsible for the
loss of this plank. Speaking of It Mr.
Grosvenor says; ’ This plank, straight
forward, intelligent and written in good
English, agreed upon by the President
himself, and afterward by the sub-com
mittee, was dr,veiled out by the driveller
from New York, who had charge of that
branch of the work. Upon the greatest
question of the hour, upon which the Re
publicans in Congress fought and won
the driveller performed this act.”
Mr. Quigg, of coprse, denies that he
“drivelled" anything out of the platform
He assorts that the sub-committee left
the plank in question out because it in
volved a matter upon which Ihe Supreme
Court was likely to pass at any time, and
that the Republican party would be in a
rather bad box if that court should de
cide against the position taken by it.
The question as to whether the consti
tution follows the flag or whether Con
gress has full legislative power over ter
ritory belonging to the United States
came up during the discussion of the
Porto Rican tariff bill, and was, of course,
decided as Mr. Grosvenor says it was.
The Republicans had ihe majority and
decided it as they pleased. The question
premises to play an important part In the
campaign and the President and his im
mediate advisers wanted the position tak
en by the Republicans in Congress reas
serted in the Republican platform.
Naturally there Is a good deal of Indig
nation felt by Republicans who think that
the President’s wish in respect to the
matter ought to have been respected. Ac
cording to Senator Fairbanks, however,
Mr. Quigg is not to blame for the omis
sion of the plank in question. He was the
chairman of the platform committee. He
says that the statement of Mr. Grosvenor,
that a plank agreed upon by the commit
tee was not inserted in the platform is
undoubtedly based upon what he believes
to be correct information, but it Is abso
lutely without any foundation in fact.
So it seems that the committee look the
liberty of cutting out the plank Ihat The
President and Mr. Grosvenor and some
of the oiher
kitchen cabinet thought ought to be a
part of the Republican parly’s declara
tion of principles. Before the campaign
is over the President and his platform
advisers may have cause to be glad that
ihe plank did not get into the platform.
The Republicans will have enough to
occupy their time without having to de
fend the omitted plank.
Adolph Rothstein. a Russian banker and
financier who came to this country re
cently to study American financial meth
ods, expresses surprise at the ease and
facility with which great money transac.
tions are made here. The operations of
New York financiers he eharaterizes as<
"marvelous." He was prepared to find
the transactions large, but he was not j
prepared to see two or three millions
handled each day by one bank with ns
much unconcern as if the amounts were
merely thousands.
Candidate Town*, the Republican who
is running for Vice President on a Popu
list ticket, and who hopes for Democratic
endorsement, docs not like to have people
forecasting his action w ith respect to his
possible withdrawal. Whether or not he
will withdraw, he Bays, is a matter of the
future. Nevertheless, Mr. Towne would
probably do well to consider Ihe question
seriously. The chances that the Kansas
I"City Convention will not take him up are
\About sixteen to on*
The railway disaster near McDonough,
with its shocking loss of life, was no
doubt an accident, pure and simple. But,
Is It not within the scope of human In
genuity to prevent the occurrence of su< h
accidents? Camp* Creek, it seems, runs
aionpreki© the railroad track for eome dis
tance. nnd then turns and goes under the
railroad through a culvert The position
was one which, it would seem, might be
viewed with suspicion by experienced rail
road men after an exceptionally heavy
rain and when the creek was out of its
banks. If it had been the policy of the
rood to h ive the train stopped, under such
circumstances, and an examination made
of the condition of the suspicion* point,
the probabilities are that tho 100 feet
of washed-out track would have been dis
covered and the catastrophe averted. It
would take time, of course, to make an
inspection of bridges, culverts and other
points of possible danger before attempt
ing to cross them, and schedule* between
cities mis-ht be considerab’v disjointed in
taking such precaution; but there is o
doubt that passengers would cheerfully
impend the extra time - on the road, when
they understood the purpose of the delay.
The old joke turning upon the spanking
school teacher and the small hoy with
torpedoes in his pocket, was really enact
ed in a B nghamton, N. Y . school the
other day. The boy was gathering fire
works for the Fourth of July, and on his
way to school had bought several giant
torpedots. which he stored away in the
back pocku of his trousers until he could
get the opportunity to add them to his
supply in magazine. During school the
boy whispered of his torpedoes to a com
panion. The teacher saw the whispering
and called the young chap up. The boy
was rather curt in his replies, and the
teacher swung him across his knee. Be
fore the boy could protest or explain the,
teacher’s hand descended and there was
an explbslon which shattered the hand
so badly that it had to be amputated.
Oddly enough the boy was not injured
in the least.
“One cf the most artistic things in
connection with the Paris fair.” says the
Philadelphia Ledger, “is the deftness
with which eighteen American commis
sioners draw’ $3.C<K> each for doing 1 noth
—Judge Roger A. Pryor of New York
claims the distinction of being as home
ly as Lincoln. He is not yet very old,
but is subject to attacks of nervous
prostration and these have given him a
venerable look.
—Most persons acquainted with him be
lieved hat James M. Cons ble of New
York died a millionaire, but his will,
just probated, shows an estate valued at
but $450,000. He was long a member of
the firm of Arnold, Constable & Cos.
—Senator Cafifery’s Invariable summer
rig is a suit of linen homespun, topped
off with a manila hat. the whole shaded
by a huge white umbreili. green lined.
Thus arrayed the Louisiana statesman’s
squat, fag figure presents a somawhax
amusing appearance.
—Edward K. Lowry, a young Philadel
phian mining engin**er. has been at work
for several months in th**- great mining
districts north of Peklr? ni much con
cern for his safety Is felt by his -arents.
living in Philadelphia. Lowry won for
merly second secretary of the Untiled
States legation.
—The Rev. Dr. Aruthr H. Smith who is
one of the missionaries ir> peril from the
Boxers in China, is a Chicago man. For
over a quarter of a century he has be n
connected with the work of the American
Board of Foreign Missions in Oi na. Re
cently he has been stationed at the C:n~
glmillnnal Hospital at Shan-Tung, n f ar
—A Family Affair—"No, Mr. Home
wood,” said Miss Eeachwood, firmly, but
kindly, “I cannot be your wife, but I will
be a sister to you." "Very well,” said
the young man resignedly, “will you as
sume my name or shall I take yours?"—
Pittsburg Chronicle-Telegraph.
—Content, at Any Rats—" Why, Dolly,
where’s Marie? I thought you were play
ing circus." "Well, she got mad and went
home 'cause I wouldn't give her eny pea
nuts. I was the monkey and she was the
tiger, and tigers don't eat peanuts.’’—Har
per's Bazar.
—The following notice was lately affixed
to a church door In Hertfordshire, and
read in the church: "This is to give notice
that no person is to be buried in this
churchyard but those living in ihe parish;
and those who wished to be buried are
desired to apply to the parish clerk.”—Tit-
—And Fool the Flie - —“I wish," said the
Infant Frodlgy, “that I was a s:lf-mado
man. like Uncle Henry." “Why?” asked
•be Person who is always playing second
fiddle in th: conversational orchestra.
“Because 1 would have left my head bald,
too. It is tor much trouble to comb it."—
Baltimore American.
—Visitor—“And how is the restoration
fund going on, Mrs. Lychgate?" The Rec
tor’s Wife—“l’m sorry to say it’s going
on most unsatisfactorily. We’ve tried
every conceivable means of getting the
money honestly, and failed; and now the
rector says we must try what a bazaar
will do.” —Punch.
The Springfield (Mass.) Republican
(Tnd.) says: “The Kansas City convention,
if it wishes to make a sharp issue between
Ihe platforms, has only to demand that
the United States treat the Filipinos as It
Is pledged to treat the Cubans. Let the
convention draw ns sharply as possible
the contrast between the conditions in Ihe
two places, as resulting directly from the
opposite polivle® in the administration's
peace treaty—in Cuba, whose sover
esgnty was not taken, peace and progress;
In the Philippines, whose sovereignty was
violently seized upon, war and anarchy
and the bitterest hatred of all things
Discussing the cotton situation, the New
Orleans Picayune (Pern.) says: "With but
a poor promise of o large yield this year,
the small supplies of cotton in stock and
in spinners’ hands acquire additional force
as stimulating Influences In the market.
People who looked for materially lower
prices for the crowing crop are now aban
doning extreme views, and the opinion is
becoming dally more prevalent that the
coming season will see a talrly high level
of values for cotton."
Tlte Chicago Journal (Ind.) says: "Let
us devoutly hope that no American soldier
man will be so reckless as to raise the
old flag over a Chinese village. In that
event every nmn Jack of us would have
to advocate keeping It flying or he liable
to prosecution for treason."
The Memphis Commercial-Appeal (Den )
says: "The Democrats of New York
ought to fw>ld a aeries of prayer meetings
and pray that the Republican* will noml
teatc Tim Woodruff for governor,”;
Accidental Vaccination.
A large red nose, to which a very' <*e
lapidated hobo was attached, slid cau
tiously into view ntound the door casing
of a St. Charles street railroad office yes
terday afternoon, says the New Orleans
Times-Democrat. ’Say. Cap’n,” begarV
ihe owner of (he proboscis, “could >ou *'
“No. 1 couldn’t,” interrupted the man
U the nearest roll top desk, “not while
you ‘carry such a headlight as that in
front of your countenance. (4o and get
a job as a sign for some distillery.”
“You wrong me, boss.” said the hobo
with dignity; “this Cyrano souvenir of
mine is not a whisky nose, but the result
of an unfortunate accident.”
’Somebody thought it was a radish and
tried to pull it. I suppose,” sneered the
railroad man.
“No, sir,’’ said the visitor, sighing, *T
am the victim of an accidental inocula
“Accidental inoculation! What the dick
ens do you mean?”
“I will explain. Six months ago, sir, I
was prosperous and happy. I had a
good position, the respect and confidence
of the community, and a nose of perfect
normal proportions. My modest home ”
“Cut about your modest home, and
get fo the point,” said the listener, impa
“I am coming to it. sir. Small-pox ap
peared in the little town at which I lived,
and never having been vaccinated 1 con
.uded to take that precaution. The day
was warm when I visited the doctor’s
office, ahd flies were plentiful. One lit
on my nose, and carelessly picking up
what I supposed to be a quill toothpick,
I made a swipe at the annoying insect.
I missed the fly, but tfie quill slightly
punctured the skin. Without knowing
it. I had vaccinated myself on the nose."
“Great Scott!” exclaimed the railroad
man. “what did you do?"
"What could I do? The vaccination
took beautifully, and my nose became the
size and color of a toy balloon. Of course,
nobody believed my story, but attributed
lry condition to erysipelas, superinduced
l>y secret boozing—otherwise dipsomania.
After taking one look at my nose most
people declared that my breath made
them drunk. The natural consequence
was that I lost my jol?, and ”
“That will do,” interrupted the railroad
man, who has recently been vaccinated
himself and has a tender feeling for other
sufferers. “I think you are a gorgeous
liar, but that story is worth two bits.
Here’s the raony. Go and redecorate your
Lord Robert* ami tbc Cat.
"A cat may look at a king,” says the old
provt rb, but there are men of less than
royal rank who object to being looked at
by a cat, rays the Youth’s Companion.
Dord Roberts is one of them. He did not,
in India, falter when called upon to pene
trate the jungle lair of that most terrific
of felin beasts the tiger; but he hat*s
ca s. He may not be afraid of pussy, but
he avoids her.
I.ike other people with special antipa
thies. he is peculiarly sensitive to Ihe
pres nee of the hattd object. One evening
when he had gone out to dine, he had
scarcely greeted his hostess before he
asked, “Will you please send away the
“There is no cat here.” the lady assured
him. “We do not keep cats.”
But he knew better, and was so mani
festly convinced that a search was Insti
tuted. and an intruding tabby was routed
out from beneath a piece of furniture and
ignomlniously expelled.
A hero-worshipping American girl who
stayed at a country house where Lord
Roberts was later a guest, had long eag
erly anticipatfd his arrival. He came, and
she first saw him passing down the cor
ridor jusr in front of her, presenting only
his back to her view.
She gazed intently, knowing he must
presently turn to descend the stairs—
when, suddenly, what was her surprise \o
behold the great little man skip nimbly
into the air with an exclamation that was
almcst a cry of terror, then leap several
stairs at a bound, clutch the balusters to
recover his balance and stare back over
his shoulder with a face of disgust and
Avery small black kitten was lying on
the top step. The girl promptly picked It
up and carried it back to the kitchen
whence it had escaped; but Ix>rd Roberts,
so he told her afterward, would no more
have touched it than if it had been a
Two Little Fables.
Charles and William were partners in
a small way tn the commission business.
*avs Life. When the war broke out Wil
liam went to the front, but as Charles had
an uißie who was congressman he went
to Washington and did important work
for some contractors.
After the war William came home in
dusty blue clothe® and was a hero, al
though he was $6 in debt. He found
Charles not only engaged to the prettiest
girl in the place, but with his pockets
full of ready money.
It is pleasant to know that republics
are not always ungrateful.
David was a fine old merchant. He was
a ,)eaeon, a solid man, and universally
respected. The civic reform club urged
upon him to run for mayor, and the com
mittee informed him that he would be
pretty nearly unanimously elected. He
weakly consented, and the respectable ele
ment was delighted.
They’ ran against him an unknown per
son named Michael, a retired saloon-keep
er. He was an ignorant man, but he knew
a good deal about machines.
When they counted the ballots it was
by a majority of 2,293 to 158.
David felt very sore and is still wonder
ing how It happened.
Stories like this should demonstrate that
success consists in knowing how to sue
\Ylint She Wanted.
A fair young girl, perplexity written
on her countenance, confronted the pale
young mail, says the Baltimore Ameri
can. He returned her gaze with the im
passive stare of one who had never seen
her before. Had he? Listen. What is
she saying to him?
In a low. well modulated voice, without
the slightest trace of emotion or excite
ment, she says:
“I want you, dear heart. I love you,
my honey. Come back, tny baby. Why
did you throw me. down? The latch
string’s always hanging out for you. I've
shook that other man. You’re the only
one I love. I don’t like no cheap man.
I ain't seen no messenger boy. Oh, prom
ise me, and I’ll be true to you."
Was he moved? No. His face took on
a broad expression, and in a careless tone
he asked:
"Is that all?”
"Yes?” she half whispered.
"Two dollars and ttjn cents, please. We
are having a special sale of sheet music
to-day, ond they are reduced in price.
Thank you.”
Then they drifted apart, she to practice
rag time and he to flit from Beethoven to
Williams-and-Walker all for the some
salary per week.
The Release of the Rose.
From Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly.
The rose, once Queen of a fair demesne—
Breathing of love and trust—
Is drooping how from her darkened
In Ihe prison bonds of dust.
Her fragile red, whence the dew has fled,
Is tilled with a nameless pain:
In yearning leaves how her spirit grieves
For the swift release of rain!
A sudden stir of the clouds for her.
With the thunder’s martial boom—
The lightning's flash, and the tain’s soft
Unlocking the gates of bloom!
The rose Is bright with a new-born light,
And the Joy of danger past—
She lifts her head from the garden bed
Like a queen re-crowned at last.
'-William Hamilton Stayne.
—Corks which hav® slipped Inside bot
tles can be easily extracted by a newly
designed Implement. which has two
handles pivoted together to control a pair
of elongated jaws. which are made of
strong steel and are narrow enough to
pass through the neck and catch .the
—Advices from, the Columbia river sal
mon packing Industries indicate the prob
ability of a deficiency in the total pack.
The scarcity of fish now in the river is
pronounced abnormal by all engaged in
the spring and summer season. The one
redeeming feature is the fine quality and
size of the catch.
—The waterways of the Chinese empire
are Infested with pirates and banditti who
swoop down upon inoffensive merchant
men. kill and plunder and hie themselves
back Into the mountain fastnesses. These
gangs exist throughout China, and their
practices are winked at by the local offi
cials, who profit by the crimes.
—Year by year the rustic population of
England is gradually decreasing. This ie
closely depicted by the custom observed
tn Lincolnshire of hiring servants and
farm hands to serve for a year. On this
Occasion the hiring fair has revealed that
whereas a few years ago milkmaids were
plentiful they are now practically un
—Dr. Budge, the Egyptologist of the
British Museum, went to Egypt recently
on behalf of that institution and pur
chased a quantity of native cigars. The
case in which the cigars had been packed
was delivered at the museum in due time,
but when opened it was found (h it seven
of the boxes had teen cleverly emptied
of their cigars and fliied with the beans
of castor oil plants.
—lnspector Primrose of the Canadian
Northwest mounted police has submitted
his report respecting the census of Yukon
to the Canadian government. The result
discloses a much larger percentage of
British subjects than had been suspected.
Of the total of 5,404, those of British alle
giance are 1.752 In number, although citi
zens of the United States still predominate
with 3,361. The remainder are eitizens of
other countries.
—The Pan-African congress, to be held
in London in July, will assemble delegates
not only from all the civilized districts of
Africa, but from both Americas, the West
Indies and, perhaps, a representative or
two from the sparse and scattered negro
population of Australasia. It will, in fact,
take in negro representation all around
the globe and give the black man anew
notion of his importance and of his social
and Industrial-progress wherever his sur
rounding circumstances are favorable. In
recent periods everybody has treated him
pretty" well except the Boers and the white
inhabitants of some of our Southern
States, the oppressive powers of the for
mer now undergoing a process of limita
tion to end in their extinction altogether.
—BiJlrr Chandri Pal, an East Indian tee
totaler, was one of the speakers at the re
cent Temperance congress in London,
showing a zeal in the cause in which no
traces of Oriental languor were apparent.
His countrymen are an abstinent people
through the force of circumstances, being
too poor to afford even the cheapest stim
ulating beverages, and most of them live
and die faithful in practice to Ihe teeto
taler’s code. Bijirr Chandri’s apostolate
Is evidently in the interest of the outside
pagan rather than his own people, the for
mer being a sad tippler, as the goings to
and fro in the earth of the Oriental re
former have assured him, England being
one of the best fields anywhere to be found
for the study of the natural history of the
—“Never tell me that a cat has no rea
soning powers,” said a man from Cincin
nati at the Waldorf the other day, ac
cording to the New York Mail and Ex
press. “I was out on a farm near my city
recently and there saw a huge cat that
actually drove the cows home when he
got hungry in order to get one of the
farm boys to milk a few streams into his
mouth. The cat in question was so fond of
milk that it went with the boys every
night to get the cows, frolicking and mew
ing on the way. One night the boys were
too busy to get the cows at the regular
hour, and so the cat went alone. Imagine
the astonishment of the farmers when
they saw the cow coming in from pas
ture with the cat mewing in pursuit. It
was looked upon as a coincidence tho first
night, but when, night after night, the
performance was repeated, they decided
that the cat was a thinker, and so Mr.
Thomas Cat has all the milk he can drink
at that farm now.”
—ln a paper on political reform in the
Century, Gov. lloosevelt advises reform
ers to disregard fanatics: It is vital that
every man who is in politics, as a man
ought to be, with a disinterested purpose
to serve the public, should strive steadily
for retotm; that he shou’d have the high
est ideals. He must lead, only he must
lead in the right direction, and normally
he must be in sight of his followers. Cyn
icism in public life is a curse, and when
a man has lost the power ot enthusiasm
for righteousness. It will be better for
him and the country if he abandon pub
lic life. Above all, the political reformer
must not permit hims If to be driven from
his duty of supporting what is right by
any irritation at the men who, while
nominally supporting the same objects,
and even ridiculing him as a backslider
or an “opportunist,” yet by their levity
or fanaticism do damage to the cause
which he really serves, and which they
profess to serve. Let him disregard Ihem;
for though they are, according to their
ability, the foes of decent politics, yet
after all. they are but weaklings, and the
real and dangerous enemies of the cause
he holds dear are those sinister beings
who batten on the evil of our political
system, and both profit by its existence,
and by their own existence tend to per
petuate and increase it. We must not be
diverttd from our warfare with these pow
erful and efficient corruptionists by irri
tation at .the vain prattlers who think
they are at The head of the reform forces,
where as they are really wandering in
bypaths in the rear.
—ln etonta the sapphire is the most
fashionable,* says the New York World.
Its popularity started in Paris, crossed to
New York, and has now reached London.
It used to be suptwsed that a perfect
sapphire must be of a dark, rich blue tint.
Now the discovery of anew sapphire mine
In the Rocky mountains, where stonea
were found varying in their shades oi
color from a light steel blue to ihe deep
blue tint and again from a lovely ame
thyst to a ruby red. has changed all that.
These new sapphires have become tho
rage. They touched the whole color s ale
of blue, red and purple. By artificial light
these sapphires shine resplendent. The
newest ornament® ate made of these many
colored sapphires. In a half-moon brooch
the stones shade from palest blue to deep
•nauve, enhanced by an Inner row of
diamonds. Anew thing in watches
shows the back thickly set with light blue
sapphires. It is 3Upended from a scroll
brooch Intrusted with mauve and ame
thyst stones and is connected with double
looped chains of single dark blue sap
phires to a graceful tie brooch set with
pale blue stones. A beautiful hair orna
ment consists of three curling feathers,
the cenicr one of sparkling stones, the
other of brilliant light blue. They arc
fled together by a bow of old-fashioned
blue sapphires and their beauty Intensi
fied by fronds of large single diamonds.
A circular brooch Is •'ompoe<l of many
rows of these stones. The ouler row la of
light blue arxi the color* darken unlll the
deep blue Is reached; then Ihe circle runs
through mauve and amethyst down to the
center, which is a high itone el a deep
rich red.
Jos. A. Magnus & Cos.,
Hotel Gerard,
44th St., Near Broadway, New York.
ern nnl luxurious in all Its appoint*
ments. Centrally located. Cool And
comfortable in summer.
(Under New Management).
J. P. HAMBLEN’S SONS, Proprietors.
Avon Inn and Cottages,
Most select resort on New Jersey coast.
Bend for particular®.
Located in the liveliest and most inter
esting part ot the city; twenty principal
places ot amusement within five minuted
walk of the hotel
Summer Resort—Ocean Hotel, A i bury
Park, N. J. GEO. L. ATKINS & SONS;
Summit of Blue Ridge, 4,340 feet. Scen
ery and climate unsurpassed, so say globe
trotters. Hotel first-class in every respect.
Only house on mountain with plastered
walls; excellent livery; 4o miles turnpike
roads on top of ridge; large -ball room,
band and other Postofflcd
and telegraph in hotel. Opens July L
Write for leaflet and rates to
Green Park Hotel Cos., Green Park, N. C.
Hotel American-AdelDhi.
Finest Location in
Near Mineral Springs and Batbi,
GKO. A. FAR!*HAM, Prop.
White Sulphur Springs Hotel,
50 acres beautifully shaded lawn, wonder
ful mountain views, cool nights, freeston*
iron and noted sulphur springs. Fine or
chestra daily. House remodeled and newly
furnished this season.
COL. F. A. LINCOLN, Proprietor.
This well-known and popular resort it now
open. All modern equipment. Cuisine and
service unexcelled. Write for illustrated
pamphlet. JAS. E. HICKEY, PTopr.
Also Kimball House, Atlanta, Ga.
OPENS JUNK 25. under entirely new manage
ment; newly furnished and renovated through
out: tabic and service first-class; near lake
and Hotel Ampersand; golf, tennis, billiards,
boating, fishing driving and bicycling; livery.
For booklet address J. HENRY OTIS, Sara
nac Lake. N. Y.
July daily rate $3. Unsurpassed scen
ery. Railway fare reduced. Stations, Otis
Summit and Kaotcrskill.
CHAS. & GIRO. H. BEACH. Mgr®.,
' Catsklll, N. Y.
Stanly County, N. C.,
Open June 1.
Finest mineral water. Table supplied
with the best. Band of musie. Dally
mull. ’Phone connections with ell adjoin
ing towns. Climate unsurpassed. Tcuriat
rates Southern Railway and its branches,
and Atlantic Coast Line. Write for cir
cular. Address R. B. Beckwith, M. D. (
Silver, Stanly county, North Carolina.
Greenbrier \\ lilte Snlphur Sprlsg,,
YVest Virginia.
Representative resort of the South. Open
June 15. $40,000 in improvements. New
sewerage, plumbing, iights, private baths
and toilets. Orchestra of IS pieces. Fam
ous Sulphur baths. New 9-hole golf
course. 2,700 yards. Professional in charge.
Write for illustrated booklet. HARRING
TON MILLS, Manager.
Beach House, right on the beach. Al
ways cool. Fine accommodations. Dining
room service tirst-class. Rates reasons,
ble. Send for booklet. Sea Girt Is the
first stop made on the coast by express
trains from Philadelphia to Asbury Park
and Long Branch. COAST COMPANY.
On Knoxville and Bristol Railroad, flva
miles west ot Tate’s, at the base ot Clinch
mountains; one of the most delightful re
sorts of East Tennessee. Lithia, sulphur
and chalybeate water. Reasonable rates.
Address Miss C. CROZIER, .Lithia, Grain
ger county, Tennessee.
Virginia avo and Beach. Atlantic City.N.J.
sth year. Most central location; highest
elevation, overlooking ocean; 35u beautiful
rooms, many with baths. The terms are
reasonable. Write for booklet. Hotel coach
es meet ail trains. CHARLES E. COPE.
Avenue, corner 2811 ®t. Rooms with or
without board. Rooms with board $7 per
week: $1.25 per day and upwards. Send for
Paints, Oils and Glass, sash. Doors, Blind*
and Builder®’ Supplies, Plain and Decora
tive Wall Paper, Foreign ami Domearie
Cements, Lime, Plaster end Hair. Solo
Agent for Abe.tlne Cold Water Paint.
20 Congress street, west, and If SL Julian
struct. wast.
M Morphine and Whiskey hate
its Healed without peii- or
confinement. Cure guaraa>
teed or no pay. B H. VKAL,
ktan’gr I.lthlia Springs ken
itanuan Box 3. Austell, Ga