Newspaper Page Text
(Continued from Eighth Page.)
tallowing prompted bears to take a less
esslmistlc view of the market with the
result that covering dwindled away
sharply with some of the more courage
ous bears later manifesting a disposition
Ito prepare for a slump. Mixed laie crop
advices kept the crowd in a turmoil
throughout the last hour, and the market
experienced alternative periods of
strength and weakness as buyers and
sel.ers gained control, though finally suc
cumbing to enormous liquidation.
Allowances were made for an unfavor
-1 able wes}tly crop and weather, which is
• expected from Washington to-morrow, and
lr£ serious decrease in the crop condition
r was reckoned in the July government re
i port. The closest attention was given to
weather changes and predictions South.
tbougt l these were to ome extent confus
ing. The marked closed easy 1 point high
i er to 12 points lower
| New Tork. June 25—Cotton futures
Igpened steady and closed easy. Prices as
f follows:.
I | Open.| High.| Low. ;Close.
January I 8.5$ \ 8.55 j 8.24 | 8.24
February ...-1 8.57 b ! 8.57 I 8.31 j 8.28
March 1 8.62 b | 8.62 j 8.29 1 8 .9
April | 8.40 | .... I I $.31
[■May .....| 8.49 b i .... | .... | 8.31
uhe 1.'.. -| 915 I 9.11 |. 9.11 | 8. 8
. ,uiy | 9.17 b I 9.30 I 9.(6 | 9.00
august. ....; I 9.10 I 9.15 | 8.84 ] 8.85
-sptember ...| 8.76 | 8.78 | 8.54 1 8..i5
-JCtober 8.62 ! 8.70 ! 5..19 [ 8.38
.November 1 8.54 j 8.54 | 8.28 | 8.27
l December ....| 8.49 | 8.53 j 8.24 [ 8.21
Dennis Perkins A Cos. Fail.
New York, June 26.—The failure of
Dennis Perkins & Cos., of 125 South street,
wss announced on the Cotton Exchange
shortly after noon to-day. The failuie
Is a small one, and had little effect on the
Liverpool, June 25, 4 p. no.—Cor ton:
Spot fair demand; prices higher; Amer
ican’middling, fair, 5 25-32d; good mid
dling, 5%d; middling, 5 U-32d; low mid
dling, 6 7-32d; good ordinary, 5 3-32d; or
dlnarv, 4 29-32d. The sales of the day
were 10.000 bales, of which 500 were for
speculation and export, and included 9,300
American; receipts, 6,000, including 5,400
Futures opened firm and closed steady;
American middling, low middling clause:
June' S.l9d sellers; June-July, 5.16d sellers;
'July-August, 5.13d sellers; August-Sep
t ember, 5.04d sellers; September-Oc{ober.
4 58®4.54d value; October-November, 4.43
ifi 44d buyers; November-December, 4.380>
• 39d sellers; December-January, 4.36d
sellers; January-February, 4.34d sellers;
February-March. 4.33®4.34d |buyers;
March-Aprll, 4.33®4.84d buyers.
New Orleans, June 25.—Cotton futures
j une 9.40 bid (November ..8.0208.01
July 9.4509.50; December ..8.02416.03
August ... .8.9108.93 January ... .8.03478.04
September .B.4l®S.42jFebruary ...8.C508.C7
October ... 8.13(68.14 March 8.0808.09
..New York. June 25.—Hubbard Bros &
: Cos. say; Excited markets abroad, due
largely to buying orders from America,
gave our markee a wild opening this
morning, with widely different prices paid
on opposite sides of the room on the call.
Heavy rains fell on Saturday and Sunday
over Alabama and the South Atlantic
States, to be followed, according to
weather predictions by clearing weather.
This advance has eliminated a very large
short interest, made on the expectation
of a large crop. A somewhat smaller
.long interest has been created on the
crop damage reports. Weather conditions
, wtU goyern crop accounts, and. therefore,
the market will be controlled day by day
by hese reports, together with the gov
ernment predictions. Local operators ap
pear to be. tracing for the day, only
awaiting further advices and the effect
of changing weather.
New York, June 25.—Murphy & Cos. say:
Cotton in Liverpool advanced 3-32d; sales.
19,0(0 .bales. Futures opened about 6-61d
dearer on old and about 8-64d up on new
Crop; closed about 8-64d on former and
Sc-64d pn.Jatter above Saturday’s close.
market . opened feverish at 13® 39
points advance, but on heavy' general
realizing sales, went off 20 points in one
hour, and 10 points additional later, ow
ing to failure here of Dennis, Perkins &
Cos. This was followed by an advance of
13 points or. new buying, owing to re
ports of further heavy rains in the wet
districts. It has been a very active and
erratic market all day. A moderate crop
can only be made now, if weather im
•■Nbw York, June 25.—The dry goods mar
ket eominues inactive in all lines of sta
ple cottons, but the downward tendency
of prlfres is cheoked by the strength of
the market for raw cotton. Buyers tak
ing small quantities for quick delivery
and doing very little in forward contracts.
Print cloths Idle throughout, prices nom
inally unchanged. Prints In moderate de
mand for staples, fancies quiet. No
change in woolens or worsted goods.
... Monday, June ?4.
ftfr turjntlne opened firm to-day at tS'j
cents, with sales of 340 casks. The closing
was firm and unchanged, with further
sales of 140 casks. The situation seems to
be well supported by conditions. Factors
see in the present spell of rough weath
er an early shrinkage in receipts, and are
'not inolined on this account to make very
liberal concessions in prices. The demand
was only fair to-day. The receipts were
4.512 casks, sales 4SO, and the exports
ROSINS.—The rosin market closed firm
and unchanged to-day. The demand was
light, and as a consequence no transac
tions were reported. The receipts were 3,-
443. sales none, and the exports 2,419. The
quotations were as follows:
At B. C $1 15 I *1 55
D 1 15 K 1 5
Hi 1 20 M 1 SO
r 1 25 N .. 2 15
til V 1 45 W W 250
Spirits Rosin.
rtral Railroad 222 315
F. A W. Ry SlO 1.331
r . C. A P. Ry 179 847
ieorgia and Alabama Ry .. 331 430
Naval Stores Statement—
j iii ">• Spirits. Rosin,
•took on hand April 1...... 2.197 142,:06
Receipts to-day 1.543 3.443
Received previously 100,979 193.503
■potel 104 718 339,4.2
Shipment* to-day 14.891 2.419
Shipments since April 1 76 875 220,712
Total since April 91.766 223.131
Stock on hand to-day 12.952 116,331
Same day last year 35,634 120,727
Charleston, S. C.. June 25.-Turpentine
market nominal: nothing doing; quota,
tlons omitted.
Rosin firm and unchanged; sales, none.
MONET—The demand keeps fairly up
with the supply.
eady. The commercial demand. J 4 86'<4;
ty days, 34.84; ninety days. 44.83;
ncs, Paris and Havre, sixty days,
Swiss. Sixty days, 6 25'k; marks,
Oily days. 94 6-16; ninety days, 9315-16.
' lanks are buying at par. and selling as
fellows: Amounts to and Including 2 5
©erta premium; *25 to 350. 15 cents: 31 0
o 3200, 26 cents; 3200 to 31.M0, 4 premium;
verTIOOO. 31 per thousand
SECURITIES—The market is fairly
eady, but dull and inactive. Quotations
dined to be nominal.
ugusta and Savannah R R- ...111 112
Atlanta A West Point 128 126
do < s. c, certifs 105 106
Southern Railway.
Trains Arrive and Depart Savannah on 90 th Meridian Time One Hour Slower
Than City Time.
, Schedules In Effect Sunday. June 10, 1900.
N0.34 I No. sTif - - 1 II No. S*|
J II (Central Time.) ij |
12 20pm 12 20am Lv Savannah Ar|| 5 10am| 316 pm
, I, _ (Eastern Time.) ii I
;. spm5 pm 1 -sam Ar Blackvllle Lv;i 3 00amj 1 07pm
ti Ooprn b 10am Ar Columbia Lv 1 25am 11 25am
11 l?H tn , ni Ar Charlotte Lv : 9 55pm B’.oam
11 ttpm 12 23pm lAr Greensboro Lvjj 7 10pm| & 48am
.* 25am Ar ....7..‘.Norfolk ~Lv|| - I 8 35pm
12 Siam 138 pm Ar Danville Lv[| 5 40pm 4 3Sam
- 1X1:1 m 6 25pm Ar Richm0nd..................... Lv| 12 Olpmdl lOpm
2 40am, 343 pm Ar Lynchburg Lv H3~s2pm 2 50am
4 .Wm 5 ppm Ar Charlottesville Lv|i 2 CCpm 12 s'pm
. loam 8 50pm Ar W.irh.ngton Lv 11 15am 9 fOpm
Lam 11 35pm Ar Baltimore Lv: 8 22am 8 27pm
“ “? am i 2 sSam An Philadelphia Lvl| 350 am! 6 (6pm
7 03pm! 6 23am Ar New York Lvj|l2 10am| 325 pm
8 30pmI 300 pm Ar Boston Lv|| 5 00pm|10 10am
ll_ (Central Time.) ||
12 20am! Lv Savannah Ar|] 5 10am
U (Eas ern Time.) |
SoOanv.Lv ; Columbia Lv'j 1 25ara
6 30am Lv Spartanburg Lv 6 15pm
12 10pm Ar A heville Lv|| 3 06pcn
4 02pm Ar Hot Springs Lv 11 45am
7 .opm Ar f Knoxville Lv;l 8 25am
olOam Ar Le i gton Lv||lo 30pm
7 45am Ar Cl cinnati Lvij 8 00pm
7 50am Ar .lousville •• Lv)j 7 45pm
6 00pm Ar st. Louis Lvij 8 06am
All trains arrive and depart from the Plant System Station.
buled limited trains, with Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars between Savan
nah and New York. Connects at Washington with Colonial Express for Boston.
Pullman Sleeping Cars between Ch iro t and Richmond and Charlotte and Nor
folk. Dining Cars serve all meals he ween Savannah and Washington.
limited trains, carrying Pullman Draw ng Room Sleeping Cars between Savanngh
and New Y'ork. Dining Cars serve all meals between Savannah and Washin ton.
Also Pullman Drawing Room Sle pirg Cars between Savannah and Cincinnati,
through Asheville and “The Land of he Sky.”
For complete information as to rat s. schedules, etc., apply to
G. GROOVER. Ticket Agent, Plant System Station.
JAMES FREEMAN, C. P. and T. A., 141 Bull street. Telephones-Bell, 850;
Georgia, 850.
RANDALL CLIFTON, District Passenger Agent, No. 141 Bull street.
Board of Trade Building, Savannah.
Private lease.) wires direct to New Tor*.
Chicago and New Orleana.
New York office. No. 61 Broadway.
Offices in principal cities ihro'gtiout the
6ouih. Write for our Market Manual ano
book containing instructions for traders.
Augusta Factory 85 90
Citizens Bank 130 131
Chatham Bank 11l 11.%
Chatham R. E. &I. Cos., A 57 5o
do uo B 56 57
Eagle & Phoenix Mi'g. Cos 103 105
Edison Electric lilum 04 IC6
'Enterprise Mfg. Cos 10) lc3
Germania Bank 131 1.2
Georgia & Alabama 29 30
Georgia Railroad, common 210 211
Graniteville Mfg. Cos 165 170
J. P. King Mfg. Cos 106 107
Langley Mfg. Cos 115 120
Merchants National Bank 112 113
National Bank of Savannah —ls) 155
Oglethorpe Savings & Trust —ll2 113
People's Savings & If an 101 IC6
Southwestern Railroad Cos 11l 112
Savannah Gas Light 21% 26%
Souihern Bank 158 160
Satannah Bank & Trust 121 122 .
Sibley Mfg. Cos., Augusta 90 9j
Savannah Brewing 10° I° 2
Bid. A?k.
Char., Col. & Aug. Ist ss, 1909—106 107
Atlanta city', 4%5, 1922 11l U 2
Augusta city, 4s. 1927 105 .106
do 4Us, 1925 111 112
do 7s, 1903 107 109
do 6s. 1913 v 1
Ala. Mid. ns, Ind’d. 1928, M. & N.IOO 101
Augusta Factory. 6 per cent., 1915.110 111
Brunswick & Western 4s, 1938... S3 84
C. R. R. & Banking, collateral ss. 921-2 93(4
Ci of G. Ist ss. 50-year gold, 1945.
ii 118 l‘v
C. of Ga. com os'/1945, M. & N.. 90 91
C. of Ga. Ist incomes. 1345 41 4-
do 2nd incomes, 1945 H 12
do 3d incomes, 1945 •> 6
C. of G. (M. G. & A. Div.) ss,
1947, J. & J 97 98
C of G. (Eatonton Branch), os
19°6 J & J 97 98
City ’& Surburban R. R. Ist 75..109% lWs
Columbus city, 6s, 1909 10b 1
Charleston city. 4s. 1945 J™
Nagle - Phenix Mills 6s, 1928...108 109
Edison Electric Illuminating 6s 104 100
Enterprise Mfg. 6s, 19u3 101 1 -
Georgia Railroad 6s, 1910 Ho ...
G S & F., 1945, J. & J
Georgia & Alabama Ist ss, 1945..105 107
do consolidated ss. 191a 9® 99
Georgia State 3%5, 1930, J. &. J---W6
do wfc M ;. S*
Macon'city '6s, 1910, J. & J jj 9 jj 9
do 41,is. 1326, Jan. quar. WS liu
Ocean Steamship ss, 1926 ...106,2 108
Savannah city, ss. quar., July,
AGIO 11,5
do ss, quar., August, 1909 Ill**
South Carolina state 4145,* 119
Sibley Mfg Cos. ss, 1903 I® 2 ,
South Bound 5s vilE'' 9 ‘ 2
a ■p &\V cen. ml bs, 1934.. 1-3 !-■*
Vlo do lst 5s gold, 1934 110*4 112*
do (St Johns Div.) Ist is. I® 3 *- - 9 < 96
New York, June 25.-Money on call easy,
ii-rail- per cent.; last loan,l 1 .- per cent.,
prime mercantile paper, SV4C4V4 per cent
Sterling exchange . weak, ““J
business In bankers' bills, at *4.8h*g4.86 4
for demand and at for sixty
davs- posted rates. *4.85®4.87>4 and *4.88,
commercial bills, *4 82%'d4.83%. Bar 11-
Wi%c; silver certificates, bOgbl%e;
Mexican dollars. 47%c. Government bonds
weak; state bonds Inactive; railroad bonds
Fluctuations in Price. Wide and
New York, June 25.-There was consid
erable speculative activity in the stock
market to-day and the fluctuations In
prices were quite wfde and frequent. The
net Changes are mostly small, so that the
result of the day's trading Is not conclu
sive as to the turn In prices.
The market was exceedingly Irregular
all dav and at times much confused. The
depression in sympathy with Lo n ’
don? where the Chinese outbreak had on
unfavorable effect, was generally over
come Prices then broke with some vio
lence the hear attack being decided, and
especially against Baltimore ard Ohio
Pressure was In evidence also aK^n* 1
Brooklyn Transit. Baltimore and Ohio is
mie of those stocks which has been moat
advanced In price on predictions of • divi
dend disbursement and whispers were cur
rent to-day that (he declaration of a div
idend would be at least deferred. The stock
suffered! to the extent of 4 per cent, at the
lowest level. Brooklyn Transit sold to ,9.
which wae 2% below Saturday's level. In
sympathy with this acute weakness the
w : hole market sold off and apparently the
liquidation of last week was renewed in
force; but the market gave evidence later
of being oversold and the bears began t®
absorb stocks to cover their short con
tracts. The result was a general recovery
of the earlier losses.
But there was nothing like demoranza
tion amongst the bea a, the covering move
ment being conducted In a. well ordered
manner. The bulls attempted to extend
the advance, but prices had not risen more
than a fraction above Saturday's level ex
cept In Brooklyn Transit, when the de
mand from the shorts diminished to ul
most nothing. The dribble of liquidation
was sufficient to turn prices downward
again and they were only partly arrested
at About last night's level, where tne
movement became very irregular at the
closing. The principal influence in caus
ing the doubtful mood amongst the pro
fessional bears was the sharp break In
wheat. The fact that the break was large
ly due to technical causes and to a pres
sure to realize on the part of an over
extended long interest, did not seem to
lessen its effect, In spite of the continued
reports of the damage to crops in the
Northwest. The stock market was appar
ently as much oversold as the wheat mar
ket tvas overbought and professional real
izing caused the reaction in both cases.
The apprehension caueed by the Satur
day bank statement w-as also soothed to
some extent. The conviction gained ground
that the sharp decline in cash reserves
was due to preparation for the withdraw
al of government deposits and possibly
to the placing of bids for the New York
City stocks, Which was awarded to-day
to the amount of over *3,000,000. The ap
parent clearing of the money situation
abroad was a source of relief to specula
tive depression.
The bond market was not very active
and price changes irregular. Sales, par
value, *1,185,000.
United States 3s and new 4s declined
% in the bid price.
The total stock sales 40-day were 542 -
400 shares, including the following: Atchi
son preferred, 33,880; Baltimore and Ohio,
37,070; Chicago, Burlington and Quincy,
35,750; Chicago. Rock Island and Pacific,
100,000; Louisville and Nashville, 7,385; Man
hattan, 5.580; Missouri Pacific, 9,795;
Northern Pacific, 29,973; Pennsylvania, 5,-
270, St. Paul, 21.350; I'nion Pacific, 18,70),
.Southern Pacific, 7,850; American Steel
and Wire, 11,150; American Tobacco, 20,-
890; Brooklyn Transit, 81,197; Federal
Steel, 9,480; People's Gas, 15,000; Sugar,
New Y’ork Stock List.
Atchison 24i4|U. Pacific 48%
do pref 70%1 do do pref .... 70%
B. & Ohio 71%!Wabash 7
Can. Pacific ... 86 | do pref 1374
Can. South .... 48 |Wheel. & L. E. 8
C. & Ohio 24',41 do do 2nd pref. 21%
Chi. Gt. West.. 10%!Wis. Central ... 13
C„ B. &- Q ....122%:Third Avenue ..108
Chi., Ind. & L.. 18 (Adams Ex 117
do do pref .... 48 |Am. Express ..150
Chi. E. 11l 95 ju. S. Express... 45
Chi. & Northw.ls2%| W.-F. Ex 120
C„ R. I. & P..103%!Am. Cot. Oil ... 30%
C. C. C. & St. L. 55%j do do pref .... 88
Coi. South 6 [Am. Malting ... 274
do Ist pref ... 39 j do do pref ~..18
do 2nd pref ... 15%iAm. S. & R ... 3574
Del. & Hudson.llo | do do pref .... 86%
D. L. & W —17574!Am. Spirits .... 1%
Den. & R. G .. 16%| do do pref .... 17
do do pref .... 64% Am. S. H 17
Erie 10%] do do pref .... 65%
do Ist pref ... 31%|Am. S. & Wire. 29%
Gt. North, pref.l49 | do do pref .... 70
Hock. Coal .... n%|Am. Tin Plate... 18%
Hook. Valley . 32%i do do pref 71%
111. Central 110%!Am. Tobacco .. 86
low-a Central ..18 j do do pref ....129
do do pref 42 !Ana. Min. C 0... 39
K. C., P. & G.. 1474! Brook. R. T.. .. 52%
L. E. & West... 27 |Col. F. & Iron. 29%
do do pref 92 jCon. Tobacco .. 22%
L. Shore 206%l do do pref .... 7574
L. & N 74 | Fled. Steel 2974
Man. L 85 | do do pref 63%
Met. St. Ry ...147 |Gen. Electric ..126%
Mex. Central .. ll%|Glucose Sugar . 4574
Minn. & St. L. 45741 do do pref .... 96
do do pref .... 87 |lnt’n’l Paper .. 2174
Mo. Pacific .... 47%| do do prof .... 6374
M. & Ohio 34 ILadede Gas ... 69
M. K. & T 9%(Not. Biscuit ... 28%
do do pref 29 | do do pref .... 7974
N. J. Central..l23 |Nat. Lead 19
N. Y. Central..l277ll do do pref .... 95
Nor. & West... 3074! Nat. Steel | 21%
do do pref .... 74 | do do pref .... 80%
N. Pacific 49% N. Y. Air B ...127
do pref 70 |N. American .. 14%
Ont. & West ... 18% P. Coast 4974
Ore. R. & N .. 42 | do Ist pref ... 80
do do pref .... 76 j do 2nd pref ... 58%
Pennsylvania ..126 |Paclfic Mall .... 26%
Reading IS (People's Gas ... 94%
do Ist pref ... 56%jp. Steel Car .... 42%
do 2nd pref ..27 | do do pref 70
Rio G. West... 65 | Pull. T*al. Car.l76
do do pref 87%|8. Rope & T... 5
Si. L. & S. F.. B%t Suga/r H 2%
do do Ist pref. 65 | do prej 114
Baokeri, Broken and Dealer! in
| Stocks, Cotton, Grain and
I Prompt Service. Liberal Treatment. Writefor
[ terms, special quotation service and booklet
| “Sefetv end Certainty in Speculatloa" #
Wool, Hides Wax,
Furs, Honey,
Highest market prlcea paid. Georgia
Syrup for aale.
Waoieestl* Qr<xr and Laquor Dealer*,
111, UI, UI Bar ureei. wwt
White. In bain or mmcUm, free from
harry, 22c.
Buyer of OM Kali*. Scrap Iron A Metala,
' 417 to 421 St. Julian street, *i%
Florida Central
and Peninsular R.
Central or 90th Meridian Time.
All trains daily.
Trains operated by 90th meridian time—one hour slower than city time.
I 44 | 66 1 f66 ~
Lv Savannah 12 35p 11 59p Lv Savannah i'll 59p
Ar Fairfax | 2 15p 1 54a Ar Columbia :4 36a
Ar* Denmark | 3 OOp 2 42a Ar Asheville j 1 40p
Ar Augusta | 9 45pi 6 55a Ar Knoxville | 7 30p
Ar Columbia 4 38p 4 36a Ar Lexington 5 10a
Ar Asheville | | 1 40p Ar Cincinnati 7 45a
Ar Hamiet | 9 oop 9 2t)a Ar Louisville 7 50a
Ar Raleigh (11 40p;il 55a Ar Chicago 5 55p
Ar Richmond | 5 10a 5 40p Ar Detroit 4 00p
Ar Norfolk | 7 38a ~ jvr Cleveland 1 2 55p
Ar Portsmouth \ 7 25a Ar Indianapolis 11 40a
Ar Washington j 8 45aj 9 30p Ar Columbus ....11l 30a
Ar Baltimore jlO 08a,ll 35p qoi’Tir a\TI ft ORin\ POINT*-
Ar Philadelphia 12 30pi 2 56a 801 rH A>lD tL(IBIDA POINTS.
Ar New Y'ork 3 OSpj 6 13a j 27 | 31
Ar Boston 1 9 OOpj 3 3ftp Lv Savannah T7| 5 08a| 307 p
WEST DIVISION AND N O Ar Darien 1 12 30p| 6 OOp
—-——— I Ar Everett j 6 50a 1 5 lOp
I 31 j r_ Ar Brunswick | 8 05a | 6 25p
Lv Savannah ( 307 p 5 OSa Ar Fernandina |9 30a|9 05p
Lv Jacksonville j 7 45p 9 20a Ar Jacksonville : 9 10a; 7 40p
Ar Lake City j 9 35p 11 28a Ar St. Augustine |lO 30a[
Ar Live Oak |lO 30p|12 18p Ar Waldo JU 26aj10 4lp
Ar Madison | 2 30a; I 19p Ar Gainesville |l2 oin(
Ar Montieello 4 40a ! 320 p Ar Cedar Key ! 6 35p
Ar Tallahassee i 6 00al 338 pAr Ocala | 1 40p I 15a
Ar Quincy : 8 25a 4 39p Ar Wildwood I 2 32p 2 40p
Ar River Junction j 9 40aj 5 25p Ar Leesburg | 310 pi 4 30a
Ar Pensacola | |ll OOp Ar Orlando | 5 OOp; 8 20a
Ar Mobile | ( 3 05a Ar Plant City I 4 44p| 5 2Sa
Ar New Orleans j | 7 40a Ar Tampa. 5 JOp 6 80a
Trains arrive at Savannah from North and East—No. 27. 5:00 a. m.; No. 31, 2:57
p. m.: from Northwest—No. 27. 5 a. m.; from Florida points, Brunswick and Darien
—No. 44, 12:27 p. m : No. 66. 11:50 p. m.
Trains 31 and 44 carry through Pullman sleeper and day coach to New York,
Including dining car.
Trains 27 and 66 carry through Pullman sleeper to New York and day coaches
to Washington.
For full information, apply to
F. V. PETERSON, T. P. A , | Bull and Bryan streets, opposite Pu-
W. P. SCRUGGS, P. & T. A . | laskl and Screven Howls.
D. C. ALLEN. C. T. A., Bull and Liberty streets, opposite De Solo Hotel.
W R McINTYRE D T. A.. West Broad and Liberty streets.
A. O. MACDONELL. G. P. A.. L. A. SHIPMAN. A. G. P. A.. Jacksonville.
Tralps leave from union depot, corner Wen Broad and Liberty streets.
do do 2nd pref. 31V- Tenn. C. & Iron. 62% !
St. L., Southw. B%|U. S. Leather . 7%
do'do pref .... 22% do do pref 65
Bt. Paul 109%;U. S. Rubber... 25
do pref 170-%! do do pref 92
St. P. & O ....118 W. Union 78%
S. Pacific 31%|R. I. & S 9
S. Railway 11 | do do prf .... 50%
do do pref .... 50 (P. C. C. & St. L. 60
T. & Pacific .. 13%!
B d-.
V. S. 2s,ref reg.l)2 s i |Mo.. K. & T. _ I
do cou 103%. 2nds , J
do 2s, reg. ..10) M., K. & T. 4s . 88%
do 3s. r?g ...108%|M & O. 4s 85
do ?s, cou. ...108% N. Y. C. Ist* .111
do new 45,reg.13l |N. J. C gen.55.!22
do new 45.c0u.134 (No. Pa. 3s 66%
do old 4s, rrg.llt (No. Pa 4s 103%
do old 4s, c0u.115 |N. Y.. C. & St.
do ss, reg 113 j L. 4s .... 16
ao ss, cou. ..113 |N. & W. con- 4s. 95%
D. of C. 3 65s ...123 |Ore. Nav. lets .19
Atch. gen. 4s ..100% Ore. Nav. 4s .. JO
Atch. adjt. 45.. 82% Ore. S. L. 6s ...127%
Can. So. 2nds ..107 |Ore. S. L. c0n.55.1! %
C of G. con.Ss. 90 Read. Gen 4s .. 87%
do Ist Inc 42 !R. G. W. lsts . 99%
do 2nds Inc. .. 1' % St. L. & lr. M.
C. & O. 4'sS ... 9872! con ® s 119
C. & O. 5s 116 St. L. & S. F.
C. & Nw. C. 75.140 | gen. 6s 125
C & Nw. S.F. St. P. cons. ...169
Deb. 5s 117%;5t. F.. C. & Pa.
Chi. Term. 4s .. 96%| lsts 89/4
Col. So. 4s 84-% Si. P., C. & P.
D & R. G. lsts.loi%| 5s U 9%
D. & R. G. 4s .. 98% | So. Pa. 4s 75
E. TANARUS., V. &G. (So. Ry. 5s 1107-4
lsts 103% S. Rop & T. 6s, 70
Erie Gen. 4s ... 69%,T. & Pa. lets -l l9 *
FW.&D. C. IT. & Pa. 2nds .. 66
jgts 72 jun. Pa. 4s 1057*
Gen. Elec.' 5s ..117% Wabash lsts ....114%
lowa Cen. lsts .112%’, Wabash 2nds ..100
K C p& G. |West Shore 45..113%
L & N. Uni.45.100% Va Centuries .92%
New York, June 25.—Standard Oil, 626@
jgota—These quotations arc revised
dallv, and are kept as near as possible
;n accord with the prevailing wholesale
price” Official quotations are not used
when they disagree with he prices whole
salers ask.
Country and Northern Produce.
POULTRY—The market Is steady. Quo
tations: Half-grown, 35'gS0c per pair;
three-quarters grown. 55®60c per pa r;
full-grown fowls (hens), 6g7oc per pair;
roosters. B>c por pair; turkeys, out of sea
son; ducks. 50®65c per pair.
EGGS—In demand at 13@14c.
BUTTER—The tone of the market is
steady. Quotations: Extra dairies. 20c;
extra Elgins. 23%c.
CHEESE—Market firm ; fancy full
cream cheese, 12013 c for 25-pound over
age. ,
CIIONS— Egyptian, ppr pack;
crate, $1.50; New Orleans, sack
(70 pounds).
BEANS— Navy or peas, $2.26(§2.50 per
bushel; demand light.
Early Vegetable*.
IRISH POTATOES—New, No. 1, $1.50@
225 per barrel; No. 2, 75c<fi$1.00.
EGG PEANT—HaIf barrel crates, sl.sot£r
o oo
CABBAGE—Per barrel crate, *1.75©
2.00. .
BreailstutTs, Hoy and Grain.
FLOUR—Market firm and advancing;
patent, *4.75; straight, *4.40; fancy, *4.15;
family. *3.90.
MEAL—Pearl, per barrel, *2.65; per sack,
*1.25; city meal, per sack, bolted. $1.15®
1.20; water ground, *1.20; city grist,
sacks. *120; pearl grits, Hudnuts’. per
harrel, *2.75; per sack, *1.30; sundry
brands, *1.20 sack.
CORN—Market firm; white, job lots,
62c; carload lots, 60c; mixed corn, Job lots,
61c; carload lots, 59c.
RlCE—Market steady, demand fair.
Prime 5
Fair * S 4 *
Common 3 ‘^
OATS—No. 2 mixed, carload, 35c; Job
lots, 37c; white, clipped (37 to 42 pounds)
3Sc cars; 40c Job.
BRAN—Job lots, 97%c; carload lots 92%c.
HAY—Market strong; Western Job lots,
97c; carload lots. 92%c.
Bacon, Hams and Lard.
BACON—Market firm; smoaked clear
sides. B%c; dry salted clear sides, 8c; bel
lies. B %c.
HAMS—Sugar cured, 12%®13%c.
Sugar and Coffee.
SUGAR—Board of Trade quotations:
."rushed 6.3B|Dtamond A 5.98
jut Loaf 6.3BConfeotioners' A .5.78
Powdered 6.oSWhite extra C 5.53
XXXX. powd'rd,.6.oß Extra C 5.33
?tan. granulated.sl9B|3oldeti C 5.33
Jubes 6.l3!irellows 5-23
ilould A 6-B*l
COFFER—Board of Trade quotations:
Uocha. 26c jPrlme, No. 3.....‘10%c
[ ava 26c jlood. No. 4 10%c
Peaberry 13c |Elr. No. 5 10.
Fancy. No. 1 ....ll%cjrdtnary, No. 6.. %c
rholce. No. 2....n%c,:0mm0n, No. 7.. 9c
Hardware anti Building Supplies.
CEMENT—Alabama and Georgia lime In
fair demand and sell at 80c a barrel; spe
cial calcined plaster, tt.W per barrel; hair,
4@sc. Rosedale cement, *1.20® 1.25; carload
lots, special; Portland cement, retail, *2.35;
carload lots, *2 00®2.20.
NAH—Minimum yard sizes, *13.0.. „; 14.00;
car sills, *14.00® 16.00; difficult sizes, *16.50
625.00; ship stock, *25.(J0®27.50; sawn lies,
*11.00011.50; hewn ties, 3S®36c.
OlL—Market steady; demand fair; sig
nal, 45050 c; West Virginia, black, 9®>l2e';
lard, 68c: neatsfoot. 60070 c; machinery. 16
i&2sci linseed oil, laff, 70c; boiled, 72c; ker
osene. prim** white. 15c; water white, 14c;
Pratt’s astral, 15c; deodorized stove
gasoline, drums, 1214 c; empty oil barrels,
delivered, 85c.
GUN POWDER—Per keg. Austin crack
shot, $4.00; half kegs. $2.25; quarter kegs,
$125; champion ducking, quarter kfg‘
$2.25; Dupont and Hazard smokeless, hal
keg®. $1135; quarter kegs. $5.75; 1-pound
canister. $1.00; less 25 per cent.; Trolsdorf
smokeless powder, 1-pound cane, $1.00; 10-
pound cans, 90c pound.
SHOT—Drop, $1.60; B B and large, $175,
chilled, $1.75.
IRON—Market very steady; Swede, 5V6-
NAILS—i ui, s2.6<* bue; wll e. $8.86 b**<
BARBED WlßE*— per 100 pounds.
Fruits and Nuts.
MELONS—SB.OO<§ 12.50 per 100. Demanc.
PEACHES—Six-basket carriers, 50c@51.25
por carrier.
PIN E APPLE'S—S2.SO(g3.OO per standard
LEMONS—Market strong and advancing.
at $4.5C-$5.00.
ORANGES California seedlings. $3.75d
NUTS—Almonds, Tarragona, 10c; Ivicai,
16c; walnuts, French, 12s; Naples, 12c; pe
cans, 12cBrails, 7c; filberts, 13c; assort
ed nuts, 50-pound and 25-pound boxes. 10c
PEANUTS-Ample stock, fair demand;
market firm; fancy hand-picked, Virginia
per pound hand-picked. Virginia, ex
tras, 3 3 4<b4c; N. C. seed peanuts. 4c.
RAISINS—L. L.. $2.00; imperial cabinets.
$2.25; loose, 50-pound boxes, W&SVfcc pound
Dried and Evaporated Fruit*.
APPLES—Evaporated, 7Vfcftßc; sun-dried,
6 *%c.
PEACHES—Evaporated, pealed, 17Tie;
un pea led, 9%&10c.
PEARS— Evaporated. 12%e.
APRlCOTS—Evaporated, 15c pound; nec
tarines, 1074 c.
halt, lllde* and Wool.
SALT—Demand is fair and the market
steady; carload lots, 100-pound burlap
sacks, 44c; 100-pound cotton sacks, 45c;
125-pound burlap sacks. 5474 c; 125-pound
Icotton sacks, 5572 c; 200-pound burlap sacks,
HIDES— I Market firm; dry flint, 1474 c;
dry salt, 1274 c; green salted, 674 -
WOOL—Nominal; prime Georgia, free
of sand, burrs and black wool, 21c; black,
18c; burry, Wax, 25c; tallow. 4c.
Deer skins, 20c.
Cotton nagging and Ties.
BAGGING—Market firm; Jute. 2%-
pound, 9%c; large lots, 9%c; small lots.
2-pound, B%®9c; 1%-pound, B*4@B>%c; sea
island bagging, 12%c.
TlES—Standard. 45-pound, arrow, large
lots. *1.40; small lots, *1.50.
FlSH—Mackerel, half-barrels. No. 1,
*9.50; No. 2, *8.00; No. 3, *6.50; kits, No. i.
*1.40; No. 2, *1.25; No. 385 c. Codfish,
1-pound bricks, 6%c; 2-pound bricks, 6e.
Smoked herring, per box, 20c. Dutch her
ring, in kegs, *1.10; new mulle(s, half-bar
rel, *3.50.
SYRUP—Market quiet; Georgia and
Florida syrup, buying at 28a30c; selling at
32@35c; sugar house at l#@lsc; selling a;
straight goods, 23030 c; -sugar house mo
lasses, 16020 c.
HONEY—Fair demand; strained, in bar
rels, 55®600 gallon.
High, wine basis, *1.23.
COTTON—Savannah 40 Boston. per
bale, 25c; <o New York, 20c; to Philadel
phia, per bale, *1.00; to Baltimore, per
bole, *1.00; via New York—Bremen. 60c;
Genoa, 43c; Liverpool. 40c; Reval. 60c; di
rect. Bremen, 42c.
LUMBER—By Sail—Fre4ghts dull; to
Baltimore and eastward, $4.50 to *6.00 per
M, including Portland.
LUMBER—By Steam—Savannah to Bal
timore. *6.50; to Philadelphia, *8.00; to New
York, *6.00; to dock. *6.75; lightered—to
Boston, to dock, *8 00.
NAVAL STORES—The market Is firm;
medium size vessels. Rosin—Cork for or
ders, 3s per barrel of 310 pounds and 5 per
cent, primage. Spirits, 4s 3d per 40 gallons
gross and 5 per cent, primage. Larger
vessels, rosin. 2s 9d; spirits. 4s. Steam,
lie per 100 pounds on rosin; 21 %c. on spirits,
Savannah to Boston and 9%c on rosin,
and 190 on spirits to New York.
New York, June 25.—Flour unsettled
and dull, with buyers and sellers fur
ther apart than ever. Winter patent*,
Rye flour firm. Cornmeal steady; yel
low Western, 950. Rye nominal; No. 2,
Western, 69c. Barley malt, nominal.
Wheat—Spot, firm; No. 2 red, 94%c. Op
tions opened excited and a cent below
Saturday's late curb prices, being influ
enced by foreign selling‘and unsatisfac
tory English cables. A sharp rally on
covering was followed by later afternoon
break under predictions of showers In the
Northwest and heavy unloading. Closed
firm on final covering, with last prices %0
1% under Saturday’s official close. July
closed 91%c; September, 91 %c. December.
.Corn— Spot, easy; No. 2, 48%c. Options
opened weak and ruled heavy most of the
day. under large profit-taking sales, weak
cables and liberal country acceptances.
Closed easy at %c nat decline. July
closed 46%c; September, 47%c.
Oats—Spot, closed easy; No. t, 29%®29%e.
Options dull and barely steady.
Beef steady. Cut meata steady; pic
kled bellies, B's®9c; pickled shoulders, 6%c;
hams, 9%®10%c.
Lard weak; Western steamed, *7.15; re
fined weak; continent, *7.30; South Amer
ica, *9.00.
Pork quieS.
Rutter firm; creamer)), eatraa, 16019 c;
state dairy, 16®18%c. Cheese unsettled;
large white, 9',4c; small white, 9'*a2sc.
Plant System.
of Railways.
ralns by 90th Meridian Time—One Hour Slower Than City Tima.
; READ DOWN. Effective June 17. 900 READ UP
->l!* i I~ 32 '"7 16 7S North ~and~ Son; ; 23 ; 35~~ t 5 | jit \ jlf
6 4op. 6 20a, 12 lOp 545 2 loa Lv ....Savannah Ar | 1 50aI 7 55a! 6 lop]ll lOajll 30p
1- lt>a 11 50a; 4 19p 10 30a; 6 28a Ar ...Charleston Lv,Jll 15p 5 60al 3 lOpj 7 41a* 8 OOp
1 3 23a 7 2,'ip Ar ....Richmond... Lvj 9 05a: 6 48p( ...|
I I 7 01a 11 20| Ar ..Washington... Lv|| 4 30a( 307 p; [
I s 3>.i | l 03a Ar Baltimore.... Lv| 2 55aj 1 4fip
i 10 35a 3 50a Ar ....Philadelphia.. Lv|l2 20p 11 33p
I I 1 15p 7 iWa Ar New York Lvj 9 25p' 8 55a| .|
' 1 OOpljAr ... .Boston .. i.v i Or,, lgOOntj I
- BoutfT , 73 i 36 ; 34 j 2 I 16
S Oftp, 325 p s o:,a 5 201,2 1541 Lv - . 7S:TvannahTT .. Ar 1 45a12'10a.|12 10p|ll foa|M lZ*
8 05p( 8 45p 10 50a: 7 35:i 4 50a Ar . .Waycroaa.... I.v 10 5Sp 9 55p 9 55a 1 9 30a: 700
12 50a| 9 30p 2 l.Sp 2 15;> 2 15, Ar ...Thomasvlll.- . l.\ 7 oApI 7 00p| 5 45a| S4M 3 36a
10 80p| 7 40p 12 50a 9 25a 7 30a Ar ....Jacksonville.. I.v 8 Slip. 8 00p| 8 00a| 7 SOal 5 00a.
I I : 2 20p 2 20p Ar ...Gainesville. .. Lv | 2 40p'
t ii 316 p 316 pAr Ccala T-v , 1 40pj
1 1 10 50p!10 s,ip Ar .St. Petersburg . Lvt| j 6 00a|
i 8 10a|10 30p 10 :2>p 10 30p Ar Port Tampa.. Lv 6 25aj 6 25ai 7 OOp 7 OOp
1 1 10a; 1 ltXi 1 10a |Ar ...Pun<a tlorda.. Lv ’ ] | 486 p 4 36p
i 5 OOp 2 15a 375 p 5 20a Lv .. Savannah. “ Lv 10 l.',a 12 10a;‘.
I 6 45p, 3 47a 4 50p 64 a Ar Jesup Lv 8 20a'10 50p|
i 8 35pj 7 lfla: 6 25p 8 OSa Ar Brunswick Lv 6 40a| 9 06pj -
| i _ _ v ld jseui'. ii 16 : ;* 1., , %la M.mtg..tnery.,| .16 7 ST*
5 00pi 5 20a||Lv Savannah Arllio'lsa*l3 Toa' .. oop "t>a Lv Savannah Ar!|l6 15a 12 lftn
6 46p| 6 40a; jA r ...Jeaup.. Lv|| 8 20ajl0 50p 8 10a| 9 20pl|Ar M'tgomery Lv|| 7 4f>p t 30a
3 00a) 1 16p Ar.. Macon ..Lv 1 00a 2 30p 7 10p 6 50a Ar Nashville Lvji 9 OOa 2 21*
5 20a) 3 50p| j Ar.. Atlanta .. Lv, jlO 45p 12 05p 2 30a 12 25pj jAr Ixmleville Lv ( 2 65a 9 138
9 45a s 40p, | Ar Cha’nooga Lv 6 05p 6 45a 7 05a: 4 05p jAr Cincinnati Lv |ll OOP (4*9
7 30pj 7 50ajjAr. Louisville Lv 7 45a. 7I P 7 20a'| 7 16p||Ar St. Louis Lv 3 sop 3 23a
7 30p 7 45a, Ar Cinclcnati Lv j 8 30a 7 dtp | j| (L. 81 N.)
7 04aj 6 OOp Ar. St. Louis Lv j 9 15pj 8 OSa 7 32a| |(Ar St. Louis Lv 8 OOp
7 15a| S lOp jAr.. Chicago .Lvj 8 30pj 9 OOp j |j (Jl & O.)
5 40a| 4 lop Lv. Atlanta Ar, 10 35p 11 30a 3 oa| 9 15p||Ar.. Chicago Lv 7 OOp 1 50p
8 Oopj 7 15a: Ar. Memphns L\ 8 2na 9 OOp
9 45a: 7 lua Ar KansasCttyLv | 6 30p 945 p 4 12p| 3 05a||Ar.. Mobile . .Lv 12 68p U 20a
■■ . --r- . , , 8 30pj 7 40a Ar N. Orleans Lv 7 55a 7 45p
• (and unmarked trains) daily.
t Dally except Sunday. j’s 00p| 5 20aj|Lv Savannah Ar||lo 15a 13 10a
jSundays only. | 1 45a l 2 30p: Ar.. Tlfton ...Lv 2 16a 5 30p
Through Pullman Sleeping Car Service! 3 45u t 2 10p: Ar.. Albany ..Lv 12 01a 346 p
to North. East and West, and to Florida. | 5 20p !Ar Columbus Lv It OOa
Mon.. Thursday. Sat.. 11 00pm Lv Port Tampa Ar|j 330 pin. Tues. Thura., Bun.
Tues., Kri., Sun., 300 pm Ar Key West Lv |U 00 pm. Mon., Wed.. Sag
Tues . Frl.. Sun . 900 pm I.v Key West Ar 10 (10 pm. Mon.. Wed.. Sat.
Wed., Sat.. Mon., 6 (X) amjjAr Havana Lv|j—2 30 pm. Mon., Wed., Sat.
••Havana time.
J. H. Poihemus, T TV A.; E. A Arinand, City Ticket Apt , De Soto Hotel. Phone 71
B. W. WRENN. Passenger Traffic Manager, Savannah. Ga.
Georgia and Alabama Railway^
Passenger Selie Jutes effective June 17, 1900.
Trains operated by 9vth meridian time—one hour slower than City Time.
HEAD |{ ~~ | “ READ
DOWN || 1 UF
N<>!l9,No.l7[ 7_ ||No.U|No.J4
6 3op 7 25a Lv Savannah Ar | I 25p| I 40*
7 lop, 8 06a', Ar Cu'yler Lv j 7 4*pj 7 67*
9 ISp 9 4.,a Ar S..u lx>ro Lv j 5 16pj * 00*
S 46pj 9 45a Ar Cdliins Lv j 6 o*p| 6 25*
10 oopjll 4.,a Ar Helena Lv | 4 05p 4 40*
3 03a j 4 15p Ar Macon Lv| 11 20ai13 55nt
5 20aj 7 35p Ar Atlanta Lv I 7 50a 10 45p
9 45a 1 OOa Ar Chattanooga Lv j 3 06a 6 06p
i 8 03p Ar Fiizgoraid Lv jl2 56p
j 1 40p Ar Cordele Lv | 2 lOp
| 2 20p Ar Albany Lv|!l2 OOn
7 40p Ar Montgomery Lvl| 8 20a
n 35a11225 m Ar Birmingham Lv|| 4 40p
4 12p| 3 06a Ar Mobile Lv||l22oM
8 30p 7 40a|iAr New Orleans Lv|j 7 46p>
7 30p 4 05p Ar Cincinnati Lv|l 3 30a
7 90* 7Up Ar .. 8] l. "ns Lv||
All trains run dally.
Magnificent buffet parlor cars on trains 17 and 18.
AT CUYLER with Savannah and Stateslioro Railway.
AT COLLINS with Stlllmore Air Line, Also with Collins and Reldavllie Railroad
AT HELENA with Southern Railway.
AT CORDELE with Georgia Southern and Florida Railway; also with Albany
and Northern Railway.
AT RICHLAND with Columbus Division.
AT MONTGOMERY with Louisville and Nashville and JJoblle end Ohio Rail
roads. „ ..
For rates or onv other information call on or address
W P SCRTJGGS. C. P. and T. A , Bull and Bryan street . j
F. V. PETERSON, T. P. A.. Bull and Bryan street*.
A POPE, General Passenger Agent.
CECIL OABBETT. Vice President and General Manager.
McDonough & ballantyne, y
Iron Founders, Machinists,
Ulaakamllha Bolleriuali-rs. wanufa vt arers of Statio*.
trr nod Portable Ke*loea Vertical and Top Itunolaa
Vara Mill., Sagas Ulll nail Pa... SballluK., l-atleya, ala.
TELEPHONE NO. 123. * ■
Tallow dull. Petroleum steady. Rosin
steady. Turpentine easy; 45®48%c. Rice
firm Molasses steady.
Coffee—Firm; Rio, No. 7, invoice. B%c;
mild market quiet; Cordova, 9%®13%e.
The market for coffee futures opened
steady, s®lo points higher on firm Eu
ropean cables, light Brazilian receipts;
demand trom shorts and Investment sup
port. After the call continued to Im
,,rova on buying for bmh accounts and
the scarcltv of sellers. The sleuation in
(he cash market also slightly Improve.!,
though business was slack. The close
was steady, with prices 10020 points net
higher. Total sales, 11,750 bags. Includ
ing July, 7.1007.15 c; August, 7.20 c; Sep
tember, 7.25@7.30c.
Sugar, raw. strong; fair refining, 4 3-16 c;
centrifugal. 96-test, 4 11-I6c; molasses
sugar, 35-16 c; refined firm.
Eggs easy; state and Pennsylvania, at
mark, 13%615c; Western ungraded, at
mark, 10®12%c.
Potatoes steady. Cabbage steady; Flor
ida, per crate, *1.2501.75. Cotton by
gleam to Liverpool. 20c.
New York. June 25.—Cotton seed oil dull
and nominally easier. Prime crude, bar
rels, 33c, nominal; prime aummer yeilow,
36c; off summer yellow, 35%c; butter
grades nominal; prime winter yellow, 390
40c, nominal; prime white, 39c, nominal;
prime meal, *25.00.
Chicago, June 25.—Wheat broke nearly
5 cents to-day under heavy liquidation,
but closed steady at a decline of 2c from
Saturday's close. Corn closed steady 1®
l%e. down, oats %c. higher, and provision*
from 17%e to 20c reduced In ribs to 32Vic
lower for pork.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Opening. Highest. Lowest, dost rig.
Wheat No. 2-
June •••• ••••
July .....86%®58 88% 63%
Aug 88%®59% 89' j 84% 87%
Corn No. 2
June ~..t1%®42 42(4642% 40% 41%
July 41%®42 42%®12% 40% 41%
Aug. 42%®42% 43 41% 42(4
Oats No. 2
July 25% 36% 24% 25%
Aug 26% 26% 25% 36
Mess pork, per barrel—
July .*l2 50 *l2 55 *l2 12% *l2 32%
Sept. 12 70 13 80 13 32% 12 55
Lard, per 100 pounds—
July . 695 700 685 6 87%
Sept. 7 12% 7 12% 695 7 02%
Oct. .7 15 715 '7 05 705
Short Ribs, per 100 pounds—
July . 705 7 07% 6 9314 6 97(4
Sept. 7 12% 725 7 02% 7 07%
Cash quotation* were as follows: Flour
steady; No, 2 spring wheat. 82%®82%c;
No. 2 rad, 8*%087(4o.; No. 2 corn. 4164 c; No.
2 y*llow corn, 42%c; No. 2 o*ts, 26%026%c;
No. 2 white, 3814029 c; No. 3 white, 27%@
28%c; barley, fair to choice malting, 46c;
NO. 1 flax *eed, *1.80; No. 1 Northwestern,
*1.80; prime tlmothv seed, *3.00; mess pork,
per barrel. *11.20012.35; lord, per 100
pounds, *6.750 6.87%; short ribs sides (loose)
*6.8607.10; dry salted shoulder* (boxed),
*6.7507.00; short clear sides (boxed)
*7.40067.60; whisky, basis of high whies,
U. 23, sugar, clover, contract grade, Bc.
Schedules Effective Jura 10, 190 ft,
Traina arrive at and depart from
Central Station, West Broad, Foot el
Liberty street.
loth Meridian Time—One hour slower uwq
city time.
!-<*•ve Arrive '
Savannah: Savannahs
IMacon, Atlanta, Coving- 1 ‘
*8 46am |ton. Mllledgavllle and alljH OOpoS
(Intermediate points. (
IMlllen. Augusta and ln-|
t 8 tsam|termedlate points. |tft 00pm
I Augusta, Maconj Mont-
Igomery, Atlanta, Athena,
*9 00pm|Columbua, Birmingham, M OOani
[Amertcus. Eufaula and
ITybee Special from Au
{6 I '.pm gust a Sunday only. ||lo Kent
16 00pm| Dover Accommodation. Iff'tSam
42 00pm| Guyton Dinner TratnT Ftt 50pm
•Dallv tKxrept Sunday. {Sunday only.
75th meridian or Savannah city time.
Week Days—6:2o a. m,1006 a. m., >:M p.
m., 6:26 p. m., 6:50 p. m.. I;J6 p. m.
Bundaye—7:4s a. rn.. 10:05 am., 12:08 p.
m.. 3:35 p. m., 0:25 p. m, 6:50 p. m., s2f
p. m.
Week Days—6:oo a. m., 3:00 a. m.. U.ld
a. m. 5:15 p m.. 7:40 p. m , 10:10 p. m.
Sundays—6.oo a. m, 6:35 a. m., 1I: *,
m . 1:00 p. m.. 6:60 p. tn.. T:4O p. m.. 10:10
p. m.
Connection* made at terminal points
with all traina Northwest, West w*
Sleeping cars on night traina between
Savannah and Auguata, Macon, Allan tn
and Birmingham.
Parlor can on day traina betwaen Ba
vannah. Macon and Atlanta.
For complete Information, achsdules,
rates and connections, apply lot
W. o. BREWER, City Ticket and Paaa>
er*er Agent. 107 Bull street.
W. R. McINTYRE, Depot Ticket Agent.
J. C. HAILE General Passenger Agent.
E. H. HINTON. Traffic Manager
THEO. D. KLINE, Gen. Superintendent.
SavenneH ft*.
Empty Hogsheads.
Empty .Molasses Hogsheads (eg
sale by