The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, June 27, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 SUICIDE OF A YOUNG GIRL. DESPONDENCY LED HER TO TAKE HER OWN LIFE. Ella Wllbnnka. hot Sixteen Ttnn Old, Shot and Killed Hrnilf In the Telephone Exchange at Gainea \ilie—Wrote a Letter Saying She War Despondent and Was Griev ing for ••Will”—Her Mother Lives In Greenville, S. C. Gainesville, Ga., June I?.—To-night at 7 o'clock Etta Wilbanks, a .young white girl about sixteen years old, shot and killed herself In ihe Central office of the Gainesville Telephone Exchange. Two balls from a 3S-ca)ibre pistol pene trated her body, going in centrally be tween the bust. She died in a few mo ments, and there Is nothing left to tel! why she committed the deed unless it be be despondency over her condition. She was a daughter of Mrs. Laura Wil banks of Greenville, 8. C.. and has lived in Gainesville about one year with her grandfather, J. C. Sisk. She has beeen employed she came here •t the Telephone Exchange. Before committing the rash act she wrote a letter to her cousin. Miss Etta Sisk of Atlanta, in which she stated that she was despondent and she was grieving after "Will,” to whom the lat ter must convey her love. She stated In the letter also tfiat before it reached its destination she would be cold in death. Giving the letter to a boy whom she had called she closed the door and before he had hardly left the building she put the pistol to her breast and fired the shots which so quickly ended her life. Mr. D. E. Evans and others ran tip stairs to the exchange and found her ly ing across the bed in her room in the last throes of death. Her mother has been telegraphed at Granville and Is expect ed to arrive to-omorrow morning. Coro ner Dorsey summoned a Jury and held an Inquest to-night over the body. OPENED W ITH A RUSH. The Fair at Brunswick Began Very Successfully. Brunswick, Ga., June 26.—The fair opened to-day with a rush and, a good crowd attending. The parade this morn ing was lengthy and drew the people. In the racing this afternoon Flora won, with Major, of Brunswick, second. In the three-quarter running race, Em merette. entered by Holder of Valdosta, won. Bay View, entered by Fleming of Brunswick, ran second. To-morrow's events consist of running solely. Kernandlna and Brunswick crossed bats this afternoon in the first of a series of games, Fernandina winning by a score of 10 to 1. The Gun Club contest is one of the most Interesting ever held. Jeffords of Charles ton won first money to-day with Col. du- Bignon of Brunswick second. To-night's attractions at the grounds have drawn a big crowd, and the down-town attractions are doing a rushing business. Brunswick. Ga.. June 26.—Maj. Dart of the Military Committee received teh'grams to-night announcing that the following teams would oe here for the big cavalry flit Thursday: Three teams of the Liberty Troop, one team of Liberty Guards, one team of the Georgia Hussars, and one team of the Wayne Troop. WREC K ON SEABOARD AIR LINE. Engineer Neol Badly Injured in a Head-End Collision. Elberton, Ga., June 26 —A head-end col lision on the Seaboard Air Line occurred at Oglesby, six miles from here, this af ternoon. A work train ran into a northbound freight on the main line at the station waiting for the work train to take the siding. Engineer Neal was badly Injured by steam. He remained wedged in be tween the two engines twenty minu'es before he oould be cut out. One engine was almost totally wrecked. All trains were delayed two hours. The Beat Prescription for Malaria, Chills and Fever, is a bottle of Grove's Tasteless Chili Tonic. It is simply Iron and quinine tn a tasteless form. No edre —no pay. Price 60c—ad. SPECIAL NOTICES. WHY AND HOW NYWANEE SPRINGS' WATER CURES. There is but one cardinal reason: The Water le e natural diuretic. Get hold of thet phrase in its full meaning, if you please. Turn to Abernethy. 'Nature's way of cure of disease is by free diuresis." And Avenbrugger: “Nature cares for the kidneys. That is health.” And Bichat: “Health is impossible If the diuretics be neglected.” Put it In this way: The Water has n •elective action on the kidneys. The ex crerion of the solid matters—the urea, uric acid, end extractive matters—is in creased by it. In other words, it causes the elimination of the products of the increased metamorphosis of tissue. And yet, notice that this is done without any Impairment of tha quality of the blood, or any lowering of the forces of the organ ism. It le better that patients go to the Spring ♦o take the Water, for the reason that the psychic influences of change of scene, as sociations and climate are very large fae tors concerned tn the results of treatment. Go to the Spring, if you can. It means much more than you can dream of. You want the Water as Nature hands ii forth. Rut if you cannot go for any reason, you may rest assured that it Is the same Water, whether taken at the Spring or hundreds of miles from there, and that the results ere the same wherever it is taken. There are two or three points to be not ed Suwanee Water is prompt In its action. It acts the same day that it is taken. The effecs are immediate. The effects are continuous. That is, the results, which are early accomplished, are continued. For descriptive pamphlets with testi monials address SUWANEE SPRING CO. Suwanee Fla. ANDREW HANLEY, President and General Manager. LAUNCHES FOR RENT. For five people 11 per hour; J 5 per day. For ten people $2 per hour; IS per day. All extra passengers proportionately. City phone 588, or 762, Seaboard Club, Thunderbolt. THE WAY TO CLEAN CARPETS. The only way tc get your carpets prop erly taken up. cleaned and taken care of for the summer is to turn the Job over to the District Measengei and Delivery Cos., telephone 2, or call at *2 Montgomery Street, and they will make you an ani mate or, the coat of tha work. Prlcon reasonable Tney also pack, move and •tors furniture and planoo. C. H. MEDLOCK. Sup Land Mgr. BARGAINS. 20 110 volt. Strndard Dayton Fans, in stalled. al 122.35. 25 500 volt Standard Dayton Fans, In stall'd, at >28.50. Wa have other makoe squally as cheap. ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO., 1 '• „ Vl2 Dravtoo street MuHYoira I will guarantee that tr,y Kidney Curt will cure 80 per cen* of ell forms of kidney •jPjr HQ complaint and In rnj .JPTvS many lnatancea the Wf tfßKF’jMkif moat serious forms of V “ wßm Bright’s disease. If A -/the disease is com V plicated send a four ounce rial of urine. "*■ will analyse it and advlae you free At all drogglata. 200. a dal Oulde to Health KIDNEYCURE SPECIAL NOTH Eg. ’ tamleTthote! 60c—DINNER—60c Dinner 1 to 3 and 6 to 9, Wednesday, June 27. Claret Wine. SOUP. Brown Vegetables. FISH. Baked Bass ala Getievoise. Potatoes ala Julienne. BOILED. Freeh Corned Beef and Cabbage. Sliced Tomatoes, wleh French Dressing. Queen Olives, Chow Chow, Mixed Pickles. ROASTED. Ribs of Baltimore Beef, Dish Gravy. ENTREES. Braised Breast of Lamb ala Bourgeoise. Spaghetti au Gretin. VEGETABLES. New Potatoes, String Beans. Boiled Roasting Ears, Rice. Stewed Tomatoes. PASTRY AND DESSERT. Huckleberry Pie, Assorted Cakes. Cheese, Crackers, Fruits. Ice Cold Watermelon. French Coffee. At LEVAN'S CAFB RESTAURANT. 11l Congress street, west. SPECIAL NOTICE TO EXECUTORS, ADMINISTRATORS. GUARDIANS and trustees. Ordinary’s Office, Chatham County.— You are hereby notified to file your annua! returns in this office on or before the first Monday in July next, to wit: on July 2, 1900. in compliance with the law. Those not complying with the require ment forfeit commissions and are liable to be removed from their trust. HAMPTON L. FERRILL. June 26. 1980. Ordinary C. C., Ga. DIVIDE* D NO. 37. Office of Edison Electric Illuminating Cos., of Savannah. June 22, 1900. The board of directors of this company have this day declared a semi-annual div idend of ($3.00) three dollars per share up on the capital stock of the company, pay able on and after July 2, 1900, to stock holders of record June 25. 1900. GEO. J. BALDWIN, President. THE CHATHAM HHI, ESTATE AND IM PROV DM ENT CO MPANY. June 26, 1900. The Board of Directors have this day declared a dividend of One 50-100 (51.50) per share, payable on and after July 5 next. Books of transfer will be closed until after that date. M. J. SOLOMONS, Sec’y and Treas. SPLENDID BUSINESS STAND FOR BEST. The large double store* known as the Whitfield building, located corner of Stae, President and Whitaker streets. These splendid stores are now occupied by Messrs. Lindsay ft. Morgan, and cart be rented in whole or in part from Oct. 1 This location is steadily growing in popu larity, being opposite the new United Slates Court House and Postoffice, and is well adapted for anv business. Apply W. M. & W. E. CONEY. WANTED. A young man. sixteen- or seventeen years old. in a prominent retail store, one will ing to learn the business and build himseif up In it. Address Z. Y., this office. NOTICE. AU bills against the Italian steamship Citta di Messina, Mursardo. master, must be presented at our office by or before 12 m. this day, June 27, or payment thereof will be debarred. J. F. MINIS & CO., Consignees. PROPOSALS WANTED. City of Savannah, Office Director of Public Works, Savannah, Ga., June 2i. 1900.—Sealed proposals will be received at this office until Saturday, June 30, 1900, at 12 o'clock noon, city time, to furnish the city of Savannah with supplies until July 31. 1900. Ail proposals must be made on official forms, which can be secured *t this office on and after this date. Envelopes to be marked "Proposals for Supplies.” The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Bide to be opened in the presence of bidders. GEO. M. GADSDEN. Director. BIDS WANTED. City of Savannah. Office Director of Public Works, Savannah, Ga., June 25. 1900—Bids will be received at this office until Saturday, June 30, 1900, at 12 o'clock noon, city time, for furnishing feed as follows: No. 1 timothy hay. per 100 pounds; best quality feed bran, per 100 pound.-; beet quality corn, per bushel; best quality mixed oats; to be weighed at the city lot. Envelopes to lie marked "Bids for Feed.” The city reserves the right to reject any or ail bids. Bids to be opened in tr e presence of bidders. GEO. M. GADSDEN, Director. BATH MITTS AND FLESH BELTS. lard In the bath and as a flesh brnah. Feeding Cnps for Invalide, a va riety of styles. True Dalmatia <i render. It Is not generally kuom that a small qnantlty burned In the rooms will keep out Flics and Mosquitoes. Just received a fresh supply. SOLOMONS CO. LARGE W AREHOUSE AND ~ OFFICE to rent, located head of Broughton street, on West Broad, now occu pied by the Savannah Carriage and Wagon Cos. As they will give up business tn the city on June 1, I offer it for rent from that dal*. H P SMART._ ,23,000. One of our clients has placed in our hands $25,000 to loan on good Savannah real estata at teasonabis rates of Interest BECKETT A BECKETT. *4 President .treat, east. THE MORNIKG NEWS: WEDNESDAY. JUNE 27. 1000. • I NEK AL INtITATIONS. ROBBINS,—The relutives and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Ge rge D. Robbins and families are respectfully invited o a tend the funeral of Mrs George D. Robbins from 1701 Ogeechce Road at 4 o'clock this (Wednesday) afternoon. Interment at Laurel Grove Cemetery. SIPrLE.—The relatives and friends of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Sipple are respectful ly invi ed to attend the funeral of their son, Julian, from residence, 307 Duffy street, west, this afternoon at 5 o'clock. WYLLY—The relatives and friends of Dr. and Mrs. King Wylly, and Mr. end Mrs. George W. Wylly and family, ore respectfully invited to attend the funeral of Dr. King Wylly, at the family vault. Laurel Grove Cemetery at 11 o’clock this Wednesday morning. MEETINGS. SOLOMON'S LODGE SO. 1, F. A A. M. A special communication of this A lodge will be held at Masonic Tem- xy pie 10 o'clock this (Wednesday) '”' morning, for the purpose of paying a last tribute to our deceased brother, Post master King Wylly . Members of other lodges and visiting brethren Invited to meet with us. By or der JNO. W. PARKER, W. M. JAS. R. CAIN, Secretary. CLINTON LODGE NO. 04, F. A A. SI. A regular communication of this Jk lodge will be held at Masonic Kjf Temple this (Wednesday) evening at 8:15 o'clock. Members of sister lodges and visiting brethren are cordially invited to meet with us. A. S. COHEN. .W. M. WARING RUSSELL, JR., Secretary. GEORGIA MEDICAL SOCIETY. The members of the Georgia Medical Society are requested to be present at the funeral ceremonies of their late brother member, Dr. King Wylly, which will take place et Laurel Grove Cemetery this (Wednesday) morning, 27th June, 1900. By order of T. P. WAKING, M. D. President. CHAS B. LANNEAU, M. D.. Rec. Sec. _ SPECIAL NOTICES^ FOR SALE, YACHT DRAGOON. This splendid yacht for sale, with all of her belongings. She was the champion for five years, having won twenty-one first prizes In one season. She has 6.(00 pounds of lead oil her keel, worth at the least S4BO. She Is fully equipped with everything necessary for such a yacht. And has three full suits of sails, a full set of light sails, and several extra sails. Two anchors and cables, awning, mat tresses, binnacle, and all lights necessary for a sailing yacht. Enclose any bids to Julian Schley, Secretary and Treasurer, Savannah, Ga., to reach him by or before Saturday. June 30. SPECIAL NOTICE. For Ihe next sixty days at Mark Ap ple's repository will, be sold a full and complete line of all kind 6 of vehicles at a reduced price. I ask the public to call and Inspect my stock. I am the agent for some of the highest grade Buggies, Car riages, Phaetons. Stanhopes and Buna, bouts. Don't miss this opportunity, for this is no humbug. Also a full line of De livery Wagons and Harness. 320 Broughton street, west. Phone 778. REAL- ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY. We buy and pell real estate, collect rents and negotiate loans on same at 5 per cent. Represent the Travelers’ Insurance Com pany, accident and liability departments Represent the New York Underwriters Fire Insurance Agency and the Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Company. All business entrusted to us will be ap preciated and will receive prompt and careful attention. No. 27 Bay. east. Telephones 348. W. C. FRIPP & CO. NATIONAL MATTRESS AND RENO VATING CO. AU kinds mattresses made to order. Fine curled moss mattresses a special ty. Our medicated steam renovating pro cess of hair, feathers, moss, etc., is en dorsed by our local physicians as being the best germ desticyer in use. Your old mat tresses or feather beds made new at reas onable prices. We carry a full line of tick ings, hair, feathers and moss. Call and in spect our methods. JAS. R. DOONER, Prop., Bell Phone 1136. 331 Drayton street. WILSON WHISKEY. Wilson Whiskey SI.OO per bottle at REMLER'S. The Cabinet Beer drawn from the wood. Drayton and Liberty sts. TRY HISD HEART. It is the beer to drink. Ask for It and you will be delighted with it. By Jung Brewing Company. Branch, Bull and River streets. WM. M. BRICKEN, Manager. Phone 915 IF IT'S NICE, WE HAVE IT. Raspberry Vinegar, Lime Juice, Lemon, Raspberry, Orange and Pineapple Syrup. Imported and Domestic Ginger Ale, Sar saparilla and Club Soda. HARDEE & MARSHALL. Phone 955. GREENE A CO„ 13S Whitaker. Picture Frame Factory. Room Mnnldiugs. Artist materials. Pho tographs enlarged. Wall paper. Old stock sold cheap, THE NEATEST, Cleanest, qulest place In town is Helm ken’s Cafe. One block from De Soto. Phone 616. AT GARDNER’S. Spring Chicken. Spring Lamb. Spring Vegetables, Spring Fruits. All fresh and fine. <Your choice when you order early. M. S. GARDNER, Phones 575. Wayne and Whitaker. LOOK. • The finest line of Mantels, Tiling and Grates in the city. Prices rock bottom. Save money by seeing our goods before purchasing elsewhere. SAVANNAH BUILDING SUPPLY CO., Corner Congress and Drayton. Phone 519. LAUNCHES. Leave Thunderbolt for Wilmington Island and return dally at 7 a. m and 7 p. tn. Four trips dally on Sundays. j ®u~ Bise Ball .Jl Supplies. ZZ. 0 F" Prices quoted on ~ Base Ball Uniforms. mu. sin imJm GEORGIA SYRUP. .** The Kind that makes your breakfast a morning delight and your supper an evening benediction. BOTTLED HOT On the plantation, so that all the flavor of the cane is retained. In pint and MUNSTER’S, DUFFY AND DRAYTON. Knight’s Pharmacy SELLS IT FOR LESS. Elastic or Steel Trusses 50c Sassafras and Sarsaparilla Cos 75c Fever Thermometers 50c Simmons’ Liver Medicine 10c Roach Food 10c One Go’.d Dollar (come early) ...50c Beef, Wine and Iron 75c K R. C. (guaranteed Rheumatic Cure) $1 Talcum Powder 5c 100 Empty Capsules 5 C We buy in large quantities, sell for small profit and save our customers money. Try us. No fakes; everything fresh and genuine. Mail orders solicited. KNIGHT'S PHARMACY. •FECIAL NOTICES. “A SURE CURE.’* Have you indigestion f If you have xve will guarantee relief, and If oar directions are followed, will guarantee u cure or no pay. Ask your drngglst for a bottle of Stoat's Vegetable Bitters at once. Why sutler when you can get relief? Sloat's Vegetable Bitters will make your children strong and healthy. PAULDING OF LONG ISLAND CELE. lIRATED PIPPIN APPLE CIDER. This pure cider is served on steamers on the American line, and at the Waldorf-As toria and leading family grocers in New Yo;k city. Paulding s Pippin cider is made from the pure Juice of hand picked apples from his own mill on the premises. It is abso lutely pure apple Juice, and all the effer vescence is natural, and we guarantee N to be the choicest cider in the world. Leading physicians in New York and Brooklyn recommend this cider to their patients, its perfect purity is guaranteed. In Paulding's Pippin cider, only Long Is ! land Newton’s Pippins are used The ap ples are left on the trees until late in Oc ' tober when they are hand picked and placed in a dry room to ripen. Paulding says "the apples are thorough ly crushed in his own mill and the juice pressed out and run into sweet clean casks.” The difference between crushing and grinding apples is very great. You will know the difference between cn shed app es and ground apples If you take some stems and chew them, you will find that bitter taste which is not with Paulding's crushed apples. This cider has not the extreme swee ness of the Russet cider, and everyone will find the Pauld *ng's Pippin cider just right to take with dinner. LIPPMAN BROS., Sole Agents in Savannah. SAVANNAH FOUNDRY AND MACHINE COMPANY, Builders of Marine and Stationery Boilers, will furnish estimates on new work in competition with Northern and Western manufacturers. Repair work on Engines and Boilere. BONDS EXECUTED By the American Bonding and Trust Com pany of Baltimore. We are authorized off execute locally (immediately upon appli cation), all bonds in judicial proceedings in either the state or United States courts. and of administrators and guardians. BEARING A HULL, Agents. Telephone 324. Provident Butk-Ing. FINE MEATS AS USUAL At my stalls In the City Market. Spec's! facilities for supplying families at the different resorts with the very best. To-day: Prime Beef. Mutton and Veal, Spring Lamb, Matchless Corned Beef, and all the delicacies. JOHN FUNK, Phones 557. City Market. r.IRK AVENUE PHARMACY. Prescriptions filled at any hour day or night. The only lit a drug store in south ern section of Savannah. PARK AVENUE PHARMACY, J. L. BRANAN, Proprietor, Corner Park avenue and Barnard St. TRU'LA' WONDERFUL. WATER COLD-WATER p alnt A BubtiliUic ior oil, paint ond white wash. Fire-proof ond weather-proof. An excellent disinfectant. Can ba applied by any one to any kind of surface with any kind of brush. ANDREW HANLEY CO., Sole Agents. BUSINESS NOTICES. The BestVel! A Lot tor a Homo, or for a "Spec.!" A Better Investment Than a Savings Bank Account or a Lift Insnrance Policy. TIIE OLD AND RELIABLE CHATHAM REAL ESTATE AND IM PROVEMENT COMPANY Offers for sale lots PRICE. PLANT, ST. MICHAEL, ST. JOHN’S, ST. NICOLAS AND ST. PAUL STREETS, A Plat of which will appear in flie MORNING NEWS on SUNDAY NEXT, JULY 1. This property is offered on terms which can not be equaled by any person, syndicate or corporation in tbi* or elsewhere. Not only will the company sell lota on the liberal trcms set forth below, biit when the payments are sufficient to guarantee it a loun will be made so that the buyer can build a house. Note How Easy it is to Pay ior a Lot! S2O CASH! 3-rid $2,00 ci mOiitii ON UNPAID PIIU H USK MONEY, with 0 per cent, interest. Tills means practically that YOU RECEIVE IN TWtFST at the rate of PSJR CEXT. l>er annum OX KYIvHY DOLLAR you l>y iu from the time you pay it un til you make the last payment! Xewv system of house drainage through this property. Anderson Street Seliool nearby. SALE OX PREMISES Tuesday, July JO, J9OO, G O’CLOCK P. M. By order of the Board of Directors, C. H. DORSETT, Auctioneer. Nothing Better For a graduating gift than aChatelain Watch. We have them in charming variety. An elrjrant lot of Pearl as weil as gold and tin-mule.! Brooches, very Stylish. The famous Patek-Phillipe Watch, made in Geneva, the standard of excel lence. Toilet and Manicure pieces in sets of various combina= tions, very practical. THEUS BROS. WISE MEN SMOKE LE PANTO CIGARS Few men are insensible BLACK to the witchery of a KID pretty woman’s foot, ~~ quickened by clever BROWN shoemaking and KID when the latter 6. —- comes from PATENT our stock, LEATHER long famous for the most VICI extensive variety KID of really attractive - OXFORDS, they RUSSIA are regular true winners CALF PRICE Jshy/tf $2.00 „ Bnos. roorcovEFF/fs^^MiNjam In Excellent Shape Once More TO DO FINE LAUNDRY WORK. Savannah Steam Laundry Cos„ II Congress Street, West, Phone 383, 7 ' THE ONLY Exclusive Family Liquor Store IN THE CITY. TRY OUR FAMOUS Imperial Nectar Pure Rye Whiskey. Fall Quarts, $1; four bottles, containing full Gallon, $3.50. BE! SINGER &GO Meprcprie --AB 3 “ strMl ULLuIII ULII Cw UUlf FULL LINE OF CLARET WINES. Harris Lithia Water KODAKS contains more Lithialthan any water 20 PER CEXT. OFF. _ k lT n Graphophones & Records Allgretti Creams. which we charge SI.OO others charge J„ $2.50. We save you from $2.00 to $5.00 INUlUiaiiy U^anOy on Eyeglass prescriptions. FRESH EVERY OTHER DAY. If you want something that will positively cure Rheumatism use FRANK’S RHEUMATIC CURE. Livingston’s Pharmacies, BULL AND CONGRESS AND 309 BULL STREET. SOUTHERN BANK 01 the a*ai ut Georgia. Capital lo.e. Surplus and undivided profits—...—lJsSuOO Ui.iv/OnuKl or ini aI'ATK Uf GEORGIA. Superior facilities tor ... anaactlng a General uanglag dusiness Collections made on ail points accessible through banks and bankers Accoui.ia oi 1.01.10), . a..nfe. a. Merchants and otheia solicited. Safe Deposit Boxes lor rent. Department of Bavinca, interest payable Quarterly. Sells Stearltn* Exchange on London <3 and upward*. JOHN FLANNERY, President. HORACE A. CRANE. Vloe President JAMES SULLIVAN. Cashier. DIRECTORS: JNO. FLANNERY. VVAI. W. GORDON. E. A. WEIL W. W. GORDON. Jr. H. A. CRANE JOHN Vl. EGAN. LEE ROY MYERS. JOSEPH FER3T. H. P. SMART. CHARLES ELLUL EDWARD KELLY. JOHN J. KIRBY. THE GERMANIA BANK rA LAN A AH, GA. Capital *200,0u Undivided profits 60.000 This Lank om_rs to corpora ticns, merchants and individuals. lias authority to act as executor, ad cinlstrator, guardian, etc. Issues drafts on the pilnc'pal cities la Great Britain and Ireland and on the Continent. Interest paid or compounded quarterly on deposits in the Savin* Department. Safety Poxes for rent, HENRY BLUN. President. GEO. \Y. TIED KM AN. Vice President JOHN M. HOGAN. Cashier. WALTER F HOGAN. Ass t Cashier. BUSINESS NOTICES. ANXIOUS TO SELL For, $2,500. A two-story double cottage on a cor ner. A one-story cottage on a corner, and a lot sixty feet from by one hundred and seventeen fee deep, with two wide streets and a lane. So anxious are the owners to sell that they will take a part cash and give long time on the balance at a low rate of In- C. H, DORSETT. ii liw Piste For sale, a Forsaith Newspaper Folder will fold sheet 21 xL. It Is in good order. Price *IOO. It cost originally *l,lOO, but we have no uee for It and want the room It occupies. It will be an invaluable adjunct to any newspaper odlce. Address MORNING NEWS, Savannah, Ga. T T °.F W , A - NT GOOD MATERIAL and work, order your lithographed and printed stationery and blank book* from Morning New*, Savannah. Ga. LEOPOLD ADLER. c. 8. ELLUL President. Vie* President. W. F. M’CAULET. Cashier. THE CHATHAM BANK SAVANNAH. VTiU be pleased to receive the account* of Merchants, Firm*, Individual*, •nd Corporation*. Liberal favors extended. Unsurpassed collection faoiUUa* lim ins prompt returns. Sep rate Savings Department. IXTEKEbT COAU'OtMjhU qiua. TEHLI on deposit^ Safety Deposit Bores and Vaults fas rent Correspondence solicited. Tiis Citizens Bank u * J-4 * „ CAPITAL, 5500,00a 1Au..... ucac, .IdUhli, Business. Solicits Accounts st Individuals, Merchants, Uttnks and ethsi Corye, rations. Collections handled with safety, economy and dispatch. Interest compounded quarterly allowed on deposits in oar taring* Department. Safety Deposit Boxes and Storam Vaults. BRANTLEY A. DENMARK, President, MILLS B. LANE, Vice President, GEORGE C. freeman. Cashier. GORDON L. GROOVER. Asst. CaaUoM, MfillM CAPITAL *350,000, Account* of bank*, merchant*, corpora tions and Individuals solicited. Savings Department, interest j—i-t Quarterly. Safety Boxes and Btorag* Vault* fat rent Collections made on all point* at rea sonable rates. Draft* sold on all the chief cities of the world. Correspondence Invited. JOSEPH D. WEED, President JOHN C. ROWLAND. Vloe President No. line. Chartered, Ull Hi 111 in II OF SAVANNAH. capital, *joo,<ioo. surplus. *ioo,ou LIStIDD oIATES DivPOdiTORT. i\.^V CAiißoN * X’fnkident BEIKNE GORDON. Vice Preeldeol. W. M. DAVANT. cashier. Accounts of banka and bankers, enanu and corporations received upon the most favorable terms consistent wlUl snf* and conservatlvn banking.