The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, June 28, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 WANTS THE STATE TO BUILD. FTJLTOS fOl-STT THINKS IT 91101 LD BO GIVE* A RErOHMATOUV. HtTrairal Ha* La( Bren on Foot to Establish • Vkonl of Rrforna- Conmlatlflarri De •lM Tktf WraU Aik the tint* to Erect le—Tbey Claim Bor• From All Over H* State Wml4 Tie It In Any Event. Atlanta. Ga.. June 27.—A proposition to •stabllab a etale echos! of reformation In Atlanta, trill, in all probability, be In troduced at the next meeting of the Leg islature. It now appears fhat the move meat which hat been on foot here for many month! to build a Fulton county re formatory la aboiut to be aide-tracked In thle manner. County Comtaiaalonera Walter It. Brown. Clifford L. Anderaon and H. E. W FaJmer appeared before the trend jury to-day and suggested that the mat ter be dlapoeed of for the present by a recommendation to the Legislature that a atote Inatltutton be esiahllahed. They ebok the posltied that Fulton county la In no chape financially, to support such a wheel without an extra tax levy, to erhleh they were all opposed. Then. too. they aaid. should Fulton bulM a reform atory, It would really bo made to take care of the criminally-inclined young sters from all parts of the state. For this re-aeon, they think It should be supported by the elate. DECIDED rom THE WIDOW. •ft Dtssasel Dasbaad'a Predltroa Cwwld Not Touch Her reticle.. Atlanta. Ga, Juno 27 —An Interesting insurance decision was rendered to-day By Judge Lumpkin. Gtorge W. Brooke nought to restrain Mrs. Vic-torla A. Uor rls from collecting Insurance pollelea on the If# of her hueltend. deceased. The ctaMn* held by the plaintiffs were a* fol lows: George W. Brooke. s7f6 7s; Lows Gompany. sl2l <7, and Awtry Grear, I* id. The policies Were **,NlO In the Northwest ern and 16 wn in the Mutual Reserve Fund. The Northwestern had paid the amount of I'* policy Into court and was dlsmlse ad. The plaintiffs dismissed the suit as to tha Mutual Reserve Fund, leaving the contest to be waged over the M.OflO which Was paid Into court In a former suit Hied against Mrs. Mor ris by Barry Dodd, trusts* in bankruptcy far the creditors of Mr. Morrla. the *u gtrefne Court had decided In her favor. In anew proceeding, however, creditor* claimed that they were In a different po sition from that of the trustee. They claimed they had eatended Credit to Mor rla on the strength of hia having tho two polioies of Insurance payable to his es tate. The policies were subsequently traneferred to his wife. The creditors claimed the transfer* ought not to oper ate against them. Tho court decided In fbvor of Mrs. Morris. The creditors will probably take the ease ta the Supreme Court. Judge Lump kin has ordered $1,006 of the fund In court to be held until June $n to allow time for a Mil of exceptions to be filed. NANDEVaLB-WIIUAM*. Nftlsr Voting People Wedded Last Evening at Jeeap. Jesup. Ga., June 37—Mr. H. B. Mandc- VHIa and Mis* Elite Williams were mar ried rtifs afternoon at o'clock at tho resl- Aaoce ad the bride's parents. On account of tba illness of the bride s sister. Mrs. F. Y. Breen, Ibo ceremony sms very quiet and waa witnessed by only a few friends of the bride and groom. The bride is the daughter of Mr. J. H. Williams of this city and has a host of friends who ore sorry to lose her from Jesup. The groom Is a teacher of music and resides at Way cross. Refreshments were served to the Quests after the ceremony, which was per formed by Rev. Dr. Scruggs of Wsycrors Th* bride and groom left on the T o'clock train for Wgycfoss. which city will be rhetr home In the future. They carry with them th* best wishes of ihelr many Blends In Jesup. ■ ■ •' WONT SELL TO NEGROES. ll ri of a C oneregntloa Ohjerte It Their Church Itelnar field. Atlanta, Gi., June *7.—'The congregation of tht fifth Baptist Church hat been *pHt BiM tola faction* by a preposition to aell he AtiUMh ta negroes. Ae a result, a hill of inlufirtton baa been filed hr one of (be faction* to prevent the sale. The congregation te untied on the Idee that 0 fid# Church shall he built on another to . hut sine* many Of them live near the old ohurch. they Ao not wish negrote to war- Alp In that locality. Judge Uumpkln to-day granted a tem porary retraining order, and ret Friday as a gat* for heartng the application for • permanent receiver. AW IKIDtHTiriCD BODY. Tllcea from (he McDaaoagh Wreck Ml the another* to Atlanta. Atlanta.. June 27.—f)ne body, the last of tea unidentified from the MoDonough Wreck, it at an undertaking aatablirhmont in tMa *My. When It reach*) Atlanta It era* marked Oder W. H. Jensen of the Merman Church In Utah, but nobody claimed the body. To-day a Mormon eMfif. paawfng through Atlanta sold tha body might be that of CVisr Bennlaon of QMttanddg*. The body is that of a roan .18 year* of age .dark and brown mutUehe. The Body will he held several days, AfrOIISTBD TO THE POUT. William f oarers file of farteravllle Complimented by Isaater Bacon. Atlanta, June 27.—William Canyera Fite af flartaravllle. a ton of Judge A. W. file, ha* been given an appointment ta the West Point Military Academy by Sena tor Bacon. Young Fite was graduated this year from Cmory. end although he was the youngest man in his class, he took • high stand fie ta quite an ath lete aa WeM as a scholar. He will go at once le Highland Falla, N Y . where he will prepare for tha eaamlnatlon. which IN win have to undergo In Auguat. pk wesKiao Mun mods. gldrew Bray, a itrgro. Baa Been ar rests* la Atlanta. Atlanta Oe , June tf.—Andrew Gray, a Attend negro, was arrenter) today by Faataißce inspector Barry, charged anti aperating a green goods swindle. II u alleged that (fray has been using the United htates metis te further a fraud'i- Jswt bust nee* Particular* are withheld by the authorities. Sent use they say they •Xpert to caidi others believed to have b*ca implicated with Gray. ■nil Par Kseelvsrs. Atlanea. O*. June B —By order of the eourt. T. J. Rlplsy, receiver of the Slate Raving* Rank, must pay to James A. Aft tl ereon and M. A. O'Byrne, rcctlvera of the eouthsm Mutual Pulldlng and l-oan tha dividend on a deposit of watch hag bc n reads m tha name *7. <• *fi*B Bpeelal." The depoMt U ■oclatloaf* V * ** ,B ***• •* th* •- ** It is an 111 Wind K That Blows Nobody Good.** That small ache or pain or •weakness is the "ill wind” that directs your attention to the necessity of purifying your blood by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. Then your whole body receives good, for the purified blood goes tingling to every organ. It is the great remedy for all ages and both sexes. Dytptptia " Complicated vdtH Over and kidney trouble. I suffered for years from dysptpsi a, voith severe pains. Hood ’s Sarsaparilla made me strong and Hearty/" •}. B. Emerton, Auburn. Me. jipgdi SoUa/xUi/fy 004 . run cam liver 111*: shs aea-lrrmuie# qe soft mdwrwi to l*i with Tf*o4> sarisy.r'iiFs TENOSA-YOINC NIPTIALi. Brilliant Wedding Took Pine* Loot Night at Valdosta. Valdosta, Ga . June 37 —One of the mo*t brilliant wedding* of the season took placo at the First Baptist Church to night. th* contracting parties being Capt. W. B Fender and Mias Coma Toung, eldest daughter of Mrs. Renter Toung and ■later of Mr. John R. Toung of Savannah, who gave the bride In marriage. Th* church waa handsomely decorated and presented a brilliant icene during th* ceremony, which was performed by Rev. Carl Minor. Th* attendants were Mis* M. Toung. maid Or honor; Misses Nila Fender and Aline Peeples of Atlanta, bridesmaids; Mr. J Y. Bilteh was beat man and Messrs. E. W. Lane. J. Randall Walker, Frank Thomas, Dr. Spence. D. A. Denmark and C. L. Smith were th* groomsmen. Immediately after th# ceremony a bril liant reception was tendered In honor of th* happy couple at the residence Of Mr. W. ft. Fender. Mr. snd Mr*. Fender left to-night for a two months’ trip to Sara toga, Niagara Falls and other places of Interest They were recipients of the larg est and handsomest array of wedding presents ever seen her*. News reached the city about dark this evening of the death of Mr. L. M Ayers, one of the most prominent citizens of the Hahlra district. Th* deceased wss 76 year* old, and had lived in this county for many years. Though coming to this section as a poor boy. he had amassed a considerable fortune and had much valuable property In this City. PISTOL PLAYED A PART. IP, Tlbuley Shot Constable Janes Dead a* Barantan. Albany. Ga.. June 27—News reached hers to-dsy of tha killing at Baconton, a town sixteen mllea below Albany, on th* T. 9, A F. W. Road, of Constable John Jone*. by Dr. Oscar Tinsley. It seems that Dr. Tinsley was arrested yeaterday, charged with having shot some hags belonging to a Mr. Cochran The latter told Tinsley that he had no desire to carry the matter Into the court*, and would drop It if Tinsley would pay for the hogs. The proposition was ac cepted. Dr. Tinsley paying to Mr. Coch ran the sum agreed upon As the transaction was being closed up. however, Dr. Tinsley Is wild to have re marked that Constable John Jones had stolen a bridle from him, and he proposed lo get back ll* value In money. The re mark. it aeems. woe repeated to Jones, and this morning when he met Dr. Tlns lay. an altercation took place between them. They quickly* came to blows, and before they could be separated Tinsley had drawn a revolver and shot Jones dead. It is stated that at the time the fatal shot was Tired Jones was beating hi* an tagonist shout the head and body with a •tout stick. It wan further reported that Jone* was about to draw his own pistol, having his hand upon it when killed The affair is greatly regretted in Bacon ion and throughout Marshall county, where both Jones nnd Tinsley had many friends. Dr. Tinsley lost his wife only a short time ago, and his residence wa* recently burned. PEAR 9 AND PEACHES MOVING. Thoaaas foamy Started the Firm Elhertn. to Market. Thomasvllle. Ga.. June 37.—W. E. Coch ran. of this oily, returned Monday from a trip to tha Weft, bringing hla Wife with him. He was married June 2ff. to miss May Teichman, In Gender Springs. Kan. Le Conte pear shipment* have begun from this point. The first shipment of Siberia peaches from Georgia for the season was made Monday, by W. B Roddenberry of th a county. J. W. Peacock and W. E. Barnet have formed a partnership under the Arm name of Peacock A Barnes. ToqJr business w ill be manufacturing and flailing In yellow pine lumber, with office in this city. WAS DEATH TO THE DOG. Bnt Emanuel County Farmer* Avenged Rla Leas. Gertman, Ga.. June 27.—A dog was bit ten by a large rattlesnake near here Mon day. The dog lived only a short time af ter balng bitten. Some of the farmers de cided yesterday to make a search for the snake. It was only a few minutes before tney found If The snake waa nearly live feet long. Old Clitlaeua say that a snake will remain In the eom* place twelve hours after biting an animal Thera are hun dred* of the poisonous reptiles in Em.m uel county. MOB AVENGED A MYfIDCR. tea Smith. Colored. Shot t* Death for Killing Joe Hragrleks. White. Mulberry, Fl* . June 37.—Word ha* Juet been received her* that Joe Hendricks, white, was killed by Nam Smith, colored, at Ktngsford on Monday night. Smith commit**] the crime with an axe, almost severing Hendrick*' head from ha body. The negro at once took to the wools, with a sheriff's posse after him He was captured late tha e.imc night, Nut a mob took the prlaoneir from th* officers and shot him to death. A. J. JEHNIGAN DEAD. ■ ■ Highly Neipseled fltlsea of Leals vlll* Died After a Long 1 1 lares. Louisville, On.. June 27 —Mr. A. J. Jer nlgan. on* of Louisville's highly raapaeied citizen*, died at hla home her* this even ing after an Illness of several months, a* the ag* af 67. He ant horn In Dangers villa, Ga . and was a resident of that pMc* until about two years ago whan he moved to Louis vine A wife and twe **ll dren gvmvs him HU rttßMnd will be carried to Sandrsv|||s tor InttrmtnL THE MORNING NEWS: THURSDAY. *JUNE 28. 1900. EXPANSION AT DCBLIN. Another Factory to Be Erected—Cor poration Taxes Collected. Dublin, Qd, June 27 —Dublin Is shortly to have another manufacturing plant. Yesterday Messrs. O. G. Sparks and S. D. Jones of Macon purchased from Dr. R. H. Hightower the plot of ground Just above the river bridge and will at on<* begin the erection of a stave factory. They will work from thirty to forty hands. Yesterday afternoon Tax Collector F. M. Daniel collected from th* Western L'nlon Telegraph Company ten y<are' back taxes upon that company’s property In this county. Mr. Daniel Is seeking to col lect back taxes from th* mill railroads which run into this county from Cox and Kastman, and has askel the advice of Comptroller General Wright. Postmaster Clark Grier has rrcetred no tice from tho Postoffice Department that commencing on July 1 his allowance for clerk hire will be doubled. His allowance for rent*, water and lights has also .been Increased. Beginning next Monday two additional mall clerks will be put upon th# Wrights vllle and Tennllle and run through from Tennlllo t* Hawklnsvllle. Heretofore only one clerk has been upon the road between Dublin and Tennllle. The brick stores now Wing erected on Jackson street, west, by Mr. W. W. Rob inson, arc nearing completion. When ready for occupany one will be occupied by the Robinson Hardware Company and the other by the Smith Furniture Com pany. Mr. A B Jones has been elected a di rector of the Dublin Banking Company to take the place of Capt. R. C. Henry, who recently died. At a recent mealing of th* Board of Directors of tho Wrlghtsvllle and Ten nlll* Railroad. Maj. .J. F. Hanson of Ma/Con. was elected a dlerctor to All the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. C. R. rrlhgie of Sandersvllle. Or Monday next the annual election of mayor and couttcilmen of Dublin will o-- eur. but e* the recent primary settled the metier only on* ticket will be voted for a follows: Ma>or, Jas. B Hicks; coun cilman. A. T. Summerlin. F. H. Bow*. E R. Orr. J. H. Jackson and A. R. Arnau. On Saturday the Populism of Laurens County will elect five delegates from ea th mllttia district who will meet In Dublin, July 7. for the purpose of nomlnat ng a ticket for county office*. Arrangements have been made by the Wrlghtsvllle and TSnntlls Railroad with the (Southern for the u*e of the bridge across the Ocmulgeo river at Hawklnsvllle. Thle puts the Wrightsvllie and Tennllle Into Hawklnsvllle, and makes the extension from that place to Grova nla a possibility. A Joint agency at Hawklnsvllle will be maintained by th* two roads. The last Issue of the Tennille New* Intl msted that the Southern Road was aft*r the Wrightavltle and Tennllle. Railroad officials In Dublin laugh at th# statement It is hardly probable that the majority stock In the Wrtghtsvill* and Tennille could be purchased at any price. Last night Dr. E L. Baker, who some month* ago was elected capta'n rt the Dublin Guards, but who did not quallfy for th* position, announced that he would decline the office. C. A. Wedd ngton, Btq , was selected a* th* successor of Dr. Ba ker and will b? formally elected when order* are received from the office of the Adjutant general to till the vacancy. HI All 19 SOLD AT AVCTION. Pries Paid by tbs Charleston 9yndl ente hot Made Known. Charleston, S. C„ June 27.—The yacht Marl*, which recently captured the Inter state challenge cup for the Carolina Tacht Club from Savannah, was put up at audion and cold this afternoon Th* price paid for her has not been stated. She was bought in by a syndicate of Yacht Club members, among whom are E. W. Hughes, Edward Simona, William B. Huger, R. See Lobby, W D. Porcher, H. M. Tucker and other*. The annual r'gatta of th* Carolina club will lake place to-morrow. It had been hoped that several Savannah boat* would come he - * to participate in th* race#, but fo far th# Hornet only has arrived. She ha* on board Messrs. Lloyd Gwens. Louis Haekeil, Clarence Connerat and Harry Daniels. HERE UK# AT C6LQITYT. Mr. Roberts and Miss Franklin ol dearborn Were Mnd One. Colquitt, Ga., Juna n —Mr. Drew Rob ert* of Colquitt and Mis* Bessie Franklin of Scarhoro# Ga. were married Sunday evening last at the residence of Dr. and Mrs. E R. Hush. Dr. K B. Bush, who wa* elected a dele g4>* to the Demccratle Convention, will leave short y for Atlanta, where he will Join the Georgia dcl’gatlcn to Kansas City. DEATH AX EXPLO9ION. Two Men Ware Killed and Tbwee Frobnbly Fatally InJared. Columbia. 6. C., June 27—By the ex plosion of the boiler of a threshing ma chine at CrOFShill. Wm. P. Fuller, a young graduate of Clemsen College, and Mar shall Owen were instantly killed James D Wltherr>oen, nephew Of Judge With erspoon of York, and two laborer* were probably fatally Injured. Mr*. J. ft. Bhea Dead. Griffin, G*.. June 27.—Mr*. J. G. Rhea, wife of Cashier J. G Rhea of the City National Bank of this city, died dt her home on Seventh #tre*t this afternoon at 4 O'clock, from consumption. Mr*. Rh<a had been In 111 health for several months, and for the last three week*, has he<n sinking gradually. She leaves a husband ■nd one child, Mlse Mary Belle Rhea, who have the heartfelt sympathy of th* entire community. til'-01.11. 1 "! '■ II mi'll.! m, I —sun s •FECIAL 90TICKS. PRESERVE YOUR SIGHT By wearing glasses that not alona enable you to see, but correet every defect that may exist. There la no guesswork la our methods W# have the latest and moat approved aelentifle apparatus for accural* eye test ing. We make no charge for consult*- tlan or examination, and should you need the service* of a physician wa will frank ly tell you so. Our crystal tense* are perfect lo every respect, being ground under our own su pervision. They cannot be compared in value to th* kind offered as cheap by th* so-called optician* or Jewelers who han dle Inferior glasses a# a sl4* liaa. DR. M SCHWAB A SON. Exclusive Opticians, 47 Bull Btroat N. B.—Oculist prescriptions filled same day received. Repairing dona at short notice. DIVIDRXD MITK*. ~ Savannah Rank and True* Cos., Savannah, Ga.. June 21. IW> A aeml-annoal dividend of 13.0n per share ha* been declared on the capita] stock of tltta hank, payable on and after July I, 1100. to stockholder* as *f record at* data Th* transfer book* are closed until July 2 D C. CARSON 4*l*t4At Cashier. •JEMANO POND’S XXTRACT. * AVOIO JB Ull Van ALL PAIN |||j|pj3 Rheumatism ’UitH'mrS’ Bruises Catarrh use ?r POND’S EXTRACT ' It will Ouro. MEETINGS. SPECIAL NOTICE. Isle of Hope. Ga., June 28. 19. All members of (he Isl* of Hop* Yacht Club are requested to be present at Ist* of Hope this night, June 28, a* this meet ing depend* largely with th* race* to be given on July 4 THIS 19 IMPORTANT. W. W. FRETWELU Secretary. Savannah lodge no. lisn. b. p. g. ELKS. Savannah. Ga.. June 28. I*o. A special meeting of this lodge will be held to-night 8:30 o'clock. Object: Visit of Savannah Dodge to Grand Lodge meeting Atlantic City. J. J. KIRBY. E. R- L. J. MAXWELL. Secretary. •FECIAL NOTICES. TABLE D'HOTE. Kte—DINNER—Mo Dinner l to 3 and 8 to 9. Thursday. June 28. Claret Wine. SOUP. Scottleh Barley Broth. FISH. Red Snapper ala Hoilendalee. Potatoes a l'Atgerlenne. Sliced Tomatoes, w-ith French Dressing Queen Olives, Chow Chow, Mixed Pickles. ROASTED. Ribs of Baltimore Beef. Dish Gravy. Stuffed Spring Chickens, with Currant Jelly. ENTREES. Braised Tongue ala Flanders Compote of Bananas ala Richelieu. VEGETA BLEB. New Potatoes, Mashed Squashes, Boiled Roasting Ears. S;ewed Tomatoes Rice. Pastry and dessert. Potato Custard Pi*. Assorted Cakes Cheese. Crackers. Fruits. Watermelon. French Coffee. A* LEVAN 6 CAFE RE3TAURANT, HI Congress street, west. the Chatham real f.*tatk aid IMPROVEMENT COMPANY. June 26. 1900. The Board of Directors have this day declared a dividend of one 50-100 (11.50) per share, payable on and afier July 6 next. Book# of transfer will be closed until after that date. M. J. SOLOMONS. Sec'y and Treas. DIVIDEND NOTICE. The Citizen# Bank t>f Savannah. Savannah. Ga.. June 27, 1900. A dividend of three dollar* per share has heen declared by the Director* of The CltlSen* Bank of Savannah, PAYABLE ON DEMAND to Mockholdef* of record this date. GEO. C. FREEMAN, Cashier: THE CHATHAM BANK Savannah. GO.. June 27. 1900. The Board of Directors of this bank have this day declared a semi-annual dividend of three (1800) dollar* per share upon the fptl*l stock of this bank, psynhl* on and after July 2, 1900, to stockholder** of record this day. The books of transfer will be closed un til'* fter July 2. 1900. BARRON CARTER. Assistant Cashier. FDR SALE, YACHT DHAGOON. This splendid yacht for sal#, with all of her belongings. She waa the champion for five years, having won twenty-one first prize# tn one season. 8h has 6/00 pounds of lead on her keel, worth at the least 6480. She i* fully equipped with everything necessary for euch a yacht And ha* three full suits of sail*, a full set of light sails, and several extra sails. Two anchors and cables owning, mat ures#*, binnacle, and alt light* necessary for a sailing yacht. Enclose any bids to Julian ftrhley. Secretary and Treasurer. Povanrah, Ga., to reach him by or before Saturday. June SO. BIGHT BEAVTirtL LOT* Ordered 9oid lo nose gradient*. I am instructed to *#ll AT ONCE: 3 lots fronting on Wells square, each being 11x110 feet, with alley In the rear Also 6 lots fronting on Eighth street, each 30x130, with alley In the rear. Terms—l2s cash. 15 per month, interest at 6 per cent per annum. Will sell one lot or more to suit pur cbaser?. C. H. PORSETT. YOl 'LL 9AVE AND PROFIT by th* misfortune of other* We have a lull Lea Top Buggy, rubber tired, used three limes, cost 1145, for sale I9S. 1 Pneumatic Tired Wire Wheels Run about, one of the finest, cost 1190. good a* new. for $l3O 2 Second-hand Buggies. 1 open, 1 top, for sal# cheap for cash. If you want bargains call early In the week. Wa will sell to the first caJlar. cohen-kvlman carriage and WAGON COMPANY. Broughton and Wes! Broad afreets. 'I ML WAY TO CLEAN CARI'CT. Tits only nay ic get your carpel* prop arly taken up. cleaned and taken car* and for th* summer i* to turn tha job over la th* District Messenger and Delivery Cos, telephone 2, or call at J 2 Montgomery •treat, and thay will tnaka you on esti mate on the cost of the work. Prices reasonable. They also pack, move aad •tors furniture sad piano*. C H MEDLOCK. Bur*, and Mgr. PL ASTER Eft S' AND W A9OX9* 91 P- P1.1F.9. Cement. Lime. Plaster, Hair and River Band. Prompt delivery. Rearonable price. A VANN AH BUILDING •UPrL.Y CO.. Corner Drayioa add Cougra#* Phone sl% , Png Cigar. liters are dally ap ie aroma and High found only In the KEENE.. i in i go.. DISTRIBUTORS, 206 Bay Street, We*t. SaYaooab, Ga. Wuifi Makers, New York. In Excellent Shape Once More TO DO FINE LAUNDRY WORK. Savannah Steam Laundry Go., II Congress Street, West. Phone 383, i harvard! Pure Beer,Ale andPorter.JHß HENRY SOLOMON & SON, Eg|| Brewer’s Agents, Savannah, Ga. ftprhgai •FECIAL NOTICES. G 9' AVATER (TRES, There i* but on# cardinal reason: The Water Is a natural diuretic. Get hold of that phrase in its full meaning. If you please. Turn to Abernethy. "Nature's way of cure of disease Is by free diuresis." And Avenbrugger: "Nature cares for he kidneys. That is health.” And Bichat: “Health Is impossible If the diuretics be neglected Put It In this way: The Water ha# a selective action on the kidneys. The ex cretion of the eolld matters—the urea, uric acid, and extractive matters—is In creased by it. In other words. It causes the elimination of the products of the Increased metamorphosis of tissue. And yet. notice that this is done without any Impairment of the quality of the blood, or any lowering of the forces of the organ ism. It fa better tha* patients go to the Spring to take the Water, for the reason that th* psychic Influence# of change of scene, as sociations and climate are very large fac tors concerned in the results of treatment. Go to the Sprirfg, If you can. It mean* much more than you can dream of. You want the Water as Nature hands it forth. But If you cannot go for any reason, you may rest assured that it is the same Water, whether taken at the Spring or hundreds of miles from there, end that the reeults are the same wherever it Is taken. There are two or three points to be not ed. Sutvanee Water 1* prompt in its action. It acts the same day that it Is taken. The offers are Immediate. The effect* are continuous. That is, the results, which are early accomplished, are continued. For descriptive pamphlets with testi monials address SUWANkB SPRING CO., Suwanee Fla. ANDREW HANLEY, President and General Manager. proposals wanted. City of Savannah. Office Director of Public Works. 6avannah, Ga.. June 25, 1900. -Sealed proposal# will be received at this office until Saturday. June 30, 190). at 12 o'clock noon, ehy time, to furni-h the city of Savannah with supplies until July 31. 1900. AH proposals must be male on official forms which can be se-ured at this office on and after this dale. Envelopes to be marked "Proposals for Supplies." The city reserve* the right to reject any Or all bids. Bids to be opened In the presence of bidders GEO, M. GADSDEN, Director. BIO* XX ANTED. City of Savannah. Office Director of Public Works, SaVannSh, Ga., June 25, I9oo.—Bids will be received at this office until Saturday, June 30, 1900 at 12 o'clock noon. City time, for furnishing Mod as follows: No. 1 timothy b*y. per 100 pounds, best quality feed bran, per 100 pound#.; beat quality corn, r>*r bushel; lest quelliy mixed oats; to be weighed at the city lot Envelopes to be marked "Bids fo r Feed." The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Bids to be opened in Y~e presence of bidders. GEO. M. GADSDEN. Director. 81Y ONLY THE BGIT GINGER ALE. The best la the Whel*r Brand of Bel fast Ginger Ale, made by Wheeler A Cos, of Belfast, Ireland, from the celebrate,! Cromau Springs of ib&t oily. Ihes# spring* •#* tha property of Wheeler A Cos, hence no other Ginger Ale manufao turer In Ireland those waters but thanwelvei. Th* Wheeler Ginger Ale Is made from pur* Jamaica Ginger Root and not from Red Pepper, as other* are; one la deleterious—the other i* a tonic. For Heallhfulnesa and Purity th# cel*, brated Wheeler brand of Bellaat (linear Ala la the best. LIPPMAN BROTHERS. __ Rule Southern Agents, Savannah. G*. large tREIIOLSK AND OFFICE to rent, located bead of Broughton street, on West Broad, now occu pied by tha Savannah Carriage and Wagon Cos. As thay will g|v* „„ buainesa In (he cliy on June j, j offer It tor rant from that data , H. P SMART. •SS.OOO. Oo* of our ruenta has placed In oui band* $25.00* to loan on good Savannah real eatat* at roasorusM* rates of Interest BECKETT A BECKETT. H Proaident street, east. XVIIV NOT I'9e"" ' ORIGINAL ANNISTON LIMKf Hlnbest Grade, Each barrel contain* sufficient quantit) and quality to make it MONEY-RavINO A. HAN LET COMPANY, do)* Agents. Phone l*s. BUSINESS NOTICES, HAVE YOU TRIED DIAMOND B HAM? If not, you have yet to taste the most delicious hnm In the market. FOR BOILING IT HAS NO EQUAL. Follow the directions, and you will have the tendereSt, sweetest, Juicest slice that ever tickled your palate. In this ham you buy quality, not name. The S. W. Branch Cos., Corner Broughton and Whitaker. I Ml milt MS In the window are only an earn est of the nice and stylish things inside. A thousand article# suited for prizes or gifts, and all at low prices considering the quality. Hunter & Van Keuren, Jeweler*. HI Bun street. CAPACITY UNLIMITED. V*-- at Sail StfML T.J,ph.,n. T,v frKCIAia XOTlCEfca 9PLENDIII R191NE99 STAND FOR RENT. The large double stores known as the Whitfield building, located corner of fcta'e, President and Whitaker streets. These eplendid stores are now occupied by Messrs. Llhdsay * Morgan, and can be rented In whole or In part from Oct. : This location is steadily growing In popu larity, being opposite the hew United Staten Court House and Postoftlee, and is well adapted for any- business. Apply W. M. A w. E. CONEY. NATIONAL MATTREsi” AND RENO VATIN'G CO. All kinds malirease* made to order Fme curled hair and moss mattresses spam*,, ty. Our medicated steam renovating pro cess of hair, ft ethers, mosa, etc, la en dorsed by Our local physicians as being the beat germ destu yer in uae. YOur old mat tresses or leather beds made new at reas onable price*. W# carry a full line of tick ings, hair, fenthers and moss. Call and in spect our methods. b „ JA S. R ' Prop, Bell Phone 1186. 33i Drayton street. IIO.NOS EXECUTED By the American Bonding and Trust Com lny or Baltimore, w* are authorised t* (immediately upon appll #s* °l?w *** bonds in Judicial proceedings In either the state or United States courts, and of administrators and guardians. _ . . DEARINO * HULL. Agents. Telephone 324. Provident Building. LAUNCHES FOR RENT. For five people i per hour; $5 per day. For ten people f2 per hour; U per day. AH axtra passengers proportionately. City phone jss, or 762, Btabowg Club, thunderbolt, LEOPOLD ADLER. c. a ■**•% PromdenL Tie* FtmMhL W. I. M'CAULET. Cashier. TH&GHfITHfIMBfINK SAVANNAH. Will be pleased to receive th* accounts of Merchants, Firms, Individuals, Banka and Corporation*. Liberal favora aatswdad. Unsurpassed collection facUlU** fa f tng prompt returns. Sep rate Sarinis Derartoeal INTEREST OOMPOL'RDKD gCAB. TERLY OR deposit* Safety Deposit Boms sad TMMr tm rsnt Correspondence solicited. The Citizens Bank US •lIAx.tAH. CAPITAL *500,000, 1rxi,...,. - Uv H ,, n , U.xkllg Baalness. Solicit! Aecsaat! *i Merchant!, Banks aa4 *tk* C!rgs> rations. Colleetioas k*i<M with sa(St|L scanomy sad dlipstek. Interest compounded gsaHHlp •Hewed *a deposits In swr firligg Department. ■ntety Deposit Boars and fttiigi Tanlts. BRANTLEY A. DENMARK. FrostdSa* MILLS B. LANE, vies President. GEORGE C. FREEMAN, Cnshisr. GORDON L. GROOVER, Asst. Casklss* CAPITAL 0350,000, Accounts of Banks, merchants, inr>ait_ tlons and individuals solicited. Savings Department, [surest paid quarterly. Safety Boxes and Storegs Vaults tm lent. Colleotisna mad* on all points at he •enable rates. Draft* sold on Ml tba chief cities af IM world. Correspondence Invited. JOSEPH. D. WEED. President. JOHN C. ROWLAND. Vic* President SOUTHERN BANK at ins B.ats of Georgia. Capital Surplus and undivided proffls— ...-4MMM bkrUSi’iUKl or XltJt STATE UV GEORGIA. Superior facilities tor transacting a “ YisuVrai Banking cualnean. Collections made on all points ' ~ 1 accessiblYThrough nsnxa and banker# At.oui t. ut UaYPiLa.~~Z~ariM*ia, AAetrlimiM and oth*ra soUatUd. Safa Ltpodt MM for rent Depanmaat af Bavlnga, tntsrsst psfdkM quarterly. Sells Btearllng Exchange on T inlM 4 nnd upwards. JOHN FLANNERY, President. HORACE A. CRANE, Vlas Fl tslilMl JAMES SULLIVAN. Cashier. DIRECTORS: JNO. FLANNERY. WM W. GORDOH. E. A. WEIL W. W. GORDON, R H A. CRANK JOHN If. EGA M. LEE ROY MYERS. JOSEPH FSBBT. H. P. SMART. CHARLES BLUB. EDWARD KELLT. JOHN J. KIRBY. THE GERMANIA BANK bAVANNAH, GA. Capital .... ••• oeeeettsetMiseluffssemUm Undivided profits IMM This bank ou.ra iU service* lo oorporl*. tione, merchants and individuals. Haa authority to act aa executor, ag* mlnlstrater, guardian, ate. Issued drafts cn th* p<tbclpn< dtlss Great Britain and Ireland and on I tm Continent. Interest paid or compounded quartstW an deposits In th* Saving Department, Safety Box** for rent. HENRY BI.ITN. President. GEO. w TIEDFMAN. Vie# PrsaMasL JOHN M. HOGAN. Cashier. WALTER F HOGAN. Ass t Cash!**. NO. IMS. ensnared, ISB THE Hills ini w OF SAVANNAH. capital, surplub. fioo.sw L'MTLD STATES DEPOSITORY. J. A. G. LARSON. President BURNS GORDON, Vic* Preaid ML W. M. DAVANT. Cashier. Accounts of banka and bankers, gMN chants and corporations received a pan the most favorable terms consistent With sat* and conservative banking. tDilltil 90T1CBS. anxiousYolell For $2,500. A two-*tory double cot tag* on a ear* n*r. A one-siory cottage on a corner, and a lot sixty feet from by one hundred nd seventeen f*e detp. with two Wide Kreetl and a lane. So anxious are the owner* to neil (hat they will lake a part cash and fiv* long time on th* balance at a low rite of Jn t*r*K, C H. TO NewSDflDer MM. For rale, a rerealth Newspaper FMddri win fold sheet 17*42. It u m goad after. Price 1100. It cost originally ti.lOO, But we have no use for It ana want U rasM It occupies. It will be an invnluMe adjunct M daw newspaper olot. Address MORNING NEWS, gnvaanwb, Os. gPECIAL XO-i ic Ka. " BATH MITTS AND FLESH BELT*, iseg in tba bath and Sa • Seek brash. Feeding Caps far Inrnllda, a yg> riety of styles. True Dalmatian Powder. It to lint nenerall* known that a small quantity homed la the room* o*lll keep out Fils* and Nssgeltsfl. JIM received n freak enpjtly. •OLOvfOXd CO,