The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, June 28, 1900, Page 9, Image 9

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TELEGRAPHIC MARKETS. i (Continued from Eighth Page.) pit with crop calamity dispatches, laying ■ore particular strees upon yes<e day e X - tach rainfall ■ Mbblle. But as there were no short a to speak of to be stampeded and *e the outside public seemed afraid to ac cumulate additional lines of long stuff un &the circumstances. ou r response to the Hsh bulge was but 6 to 9 points. Meagre offerings and foreign deman i in creased the rise Immediately after the ca;l to tb* matter of r to 11 points, but later the market slid off quite rapidly under sale* for profita by commission houses and room traders. While not positively bear ish, sentiment in the pit was stubbornly •pposw) ta a further advance for the pres ent and selling became active on all the steadier intervals following a f re est for generally clear weather over that portion Of the belt which has suffered so much tut late from excessive rair.e. The ex tremely sensational tenor of China re ports naturally checked bull enthusiasm at did the appearance of several crop dis patch** from Texas. The summer months developed surprising strength in the early atternbon and continued Arm during the late Session on support from the South. JnalCly spot cotton Interests, and a singu lar absence of sellers. The later deliver ies responded indifferently to the In July and August and much of the time trere neglected. The market closed steady at a nei rise of 1 to 11 points. - - fIScISSHoas la future*. New York, June 27.—Cotton futures opened firm and closed steady. Prices as folthoa: • . _! Open.] HigTTT Low. : (hose! iimwary | 8.47 j 8.48 j' 8.36~ fMO ’ebruary | 8.50 j 8.45 j 8.4.1 j 8.42 March j 8.51 | 8.52 | 8.42 ] 845 April | 5.40 | .... | .... | 847 May i S.Ssb I .... | .... I 8.4* funa I 5.25 I . | 8.27 j 9.28 July } 8.27 | 8.81 j 821 j 828 August | 9.10 | 9.12 | 900 | 9.08 •sptembtr ....| 8.74 | 8.73 j 8.09 | B.TO October I B.<d j B.a> | ssi | 85s November ....| 848 | 8.49 | 838 ! 848 December ....| 8.48 j 849 j B*l | s.ll tjfverpoST, “Juba" H.—Cotton, spol, good Mutineer dene: prices higher; American middling fair, 5%d; good middling. 5 19-32d; middlin#, 57-18d; lew middling. 5 8-nM. *Oad ordinary. 5 8-lM; dndlirtrv, od. The sale* Of th* day wer4 18,000 bales, of Which 1,000 were for speculation and ex port, afid Included 16,500 American. Ro- Ceipt*. 8.800 bales, all American. Futures opened firm and closed steady. American middling. low middling clause. June. R22#6.23d sellers; June-July, S.l9d buyer*; July-August, S.lOd buyers; Au gust-gept ember. 5.07d buyers; Beptember- Octoher. 4.57d buyers; October-November. 4.47d buyers; November-December, 4.41 '<i 4s2d buyersi Deeember-January, 4 32d buyers; Jafiuary-FCbrutry. 4.37d buyers; Fshruaty-March. 437 4 sellers; M arch- April, 4 BVff4 87.4 buyers. New Orleans. June 27.-Gotten tuturr* closed uteady. .......Nominal November .il.HigH.22 f*y 9.BgS.7B;D#cmtwr . kvtam 8.22g9 JijTanuary ....*21®.22 .8.91*9*.81 February ..5.22g*.25 October ....*,3o®* SI March s.SbgS.SS COTTON LETTERS. New Tofk, June 27.—Hubbard * Cos. xay: Liverpool was the strongest market this morning, closing steady at fivg points advgitoe, due lt> American buying orders. Our market opened with a good demand, which wa supplied by yesterday’s buy dr* and prices slowly receded until the entire advance had been lost. In the local ttttfket the short Interest appears to have been liquidated and a demand has not been so sharp. The weather uondi 4Mta# In Mississippi are still unfavorable, many complaints comtng from the Mem phis district. Fluctuations are not so sharp as yesterday and the volume of trade Is •mailer. Trade conditions are put one aide and tu Interest centers on the weath er. With such a market raptd changes may be expected from time to time based antirely upon the Changes in weather con ditions. The crop now needs dry favora ble weather in the Mississippi Valley and Alabama with shower# in Texas. New York. June 12.—Murphy A Cos. say: Cotton advanced In Liverpool 1-lSd On dpots. S7-I*d, sales IS.fldd. Futures ad vanced 7-S*d, reached and closed S to i-94d higher, whieh was considered bull ish. hence this market opened 6 to 10 point# higher, which caused heavy south ern selling. The Liverpool bought both ♦ld and new crops With the weather un favorable reports tram Mississippi, Ala toatna and Georgia, influenced some fresh fcuythg, but longs sell freely on firm Spots fearing any improvement In weather ♦endltions would cause a downward re aotlon 1n price*. Notwithstanding th un favorable crop reports the South aeems go bear the market. imv ooom. New York, June 27 —The market for all descriptions of cotton good# continues vary tjuiet. The advance in raw cotloh is fiOW stlmualting buyers, but make* eom" seller* snore cartful. No business reportst in print cloth# si yesterday * redißtlou mrch e wear woolen* ana worsted, slow and Irregular. Drer* goods dull and gm orally lti favor of Buyer*. NAVAL STORE*. ■Wednesday. June 57. SPIRITS TUftPENTiN£.-it was *vi gent tediy that the market for turpen tine was very Arm at 42-94 Cent*, paid and bid. Factors believe that condition* war* root them in holding for better prices, and they are holding back enough to give the market a stronger tone and keep the priest moving OlCadlly upward As long as tk* present weather conditions lan, there 1* no probability of the market being fluffM with offering* ror le*s than a •light advance on quotations. The te- Oelpts to-dav Wert 1.272. and the sales 417, arM ifle expert* none. ROSINS—The rosin market closed Arm •nd unchanged, with no transactions rc- Borted for the day. Stock* have been firmly held einCe the recent advance On >ll and the slownek* of factor* to ■elf iodteite* that they look for the Weather to have the same effect on rosin* •a they do Id the turpentine market. The feeclpt* were 2.044, sales none, and the ex port* 2,940. Th* following were the quo tations: A, B, C 1 20 I *10) f>... 1 30 K 1 70 * 1 25 M 1 ss F 1 Ho N 2 2o G 1 4fl W G 2So if.,...,.,, ..I*o W TV 2 55 fteeeipt* To-d*y> Spirit*. Rcaln, Central Railroad IS* 17(1 8.. r, A W Ry I.l** 1.1.-d F. t. * P. fty. 10* 112 •eargla and Alabama Ry. ... 192 lilt Naval Stores Statement. Spirit*, ftoslrt. track on hand April 1 2,i M 2,506 ftgeelpt* to-da.v 1.872 2,044 Received prevloasly 104.677 201,881 Total 105,546 249.111 Shipment to-day t# Shipment* since April 1. .... *2.029 223,:‘9t’. Total a Inca April 1 92.029 225.6.16 Slack *n hand to-day 19.5i7 119,777 Stma day las* year n.Oio m.isi Cbifleaton, June 27.—Turpentine market firm at D\ sale*, non*. Rln firm and unchanged; sale*, none. W|tmlngton. N. C.. June 27.—Spirit* tur •amlna steady at 4l‘i*-*ac; receipt*. 122. ROaln Arm at ll.OGftl.tO; receipts. 21*. Crude turpentine quiet. 11.9045 2 60; rt eefpls. *4. tar steady at 31 40: receipts. 72. . , FINANCIAL. MONEY—The demand keeps fairly tip phAMON SXCHANGE—Market la weak. The commercial demand, 24*84; Southern Railway. Trains Arrive and Depart Savannah on 90th Meridian Time-One Hour Siowr Than City Time Schedules In Effect Sunday. June 10. 1900. ■ fi READ tf&. No.B*jNor#r]j ~ brersTwar ——J— ... 11 (Central Time.) 1 1 12 20pm 12 20am Lv Af || | 10 am| J lipm 4 at.n.l l a..J . • (Eastern Time.) { 6 05pm 1 loam Ar B i" c , kVl ' l I e Lv 3 1 7lpm 9 10pm' 9 45am 4 ‘ -Columbia Lv;: im 11 25am 11 44pm 1! eanm .Charlotte Lv!; 9 55pmI 8 10am —f Greensboro Lv 7 l<H>m| 5 4*am ETsiain' i """• ,-Norfolk Lvj| I 8 85pm Tin - Danville Lv]| 5 40pm 4 ream 4 Kami 5 Lv 382 pm 2 80am 7 3km 1 3 wi,m ! *r Charlottesville Lv]l 2 08pm'12 s*im 9 15am 11 ™>m *e Washington I.v'jil i.tun 9 30,>m 11 Kami * staSiae --Baltimore LiV|| 8 22am 8 27pm 2 03nm ‘ 6 Phllalelphia Lvj| 3 50am| 6 (6pm _g 30pm 3 OQpcn Ar Bo<tton Lvj] 5 OOpmjlO 10am N036 ,. TO THE NORTH AND WEST. " 1] N0.35 .- '1 (Central Time.) || 12 20am!| Lv ..Savannah.. . Ar,| 5 10am 9 viim it(Easier n Time.) r£ i Columbia Lv,' l 25am 00pm Ar Si, LOUIS Lvj| 8 (Ram All trains arrive and depart from the Plant System Station. THROUGH CAR SERVICE, ETC. N '. D 34 , NOW J ORK ANTD FLORIDA EXPRESS Vestl ??L , I l m ’! e<l 'rl n *. with Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Car* between Savatt ei* W , Y Connect * t Washington with Colonial Express for Boston. tAit Tvi ep J nß . C4r * M,weert Char’.oite and Richmond and Charlotta and Nor f 1 < i ars 4,1 between Savannah and Washington. . AND f THE UNITED STATES FAST MAIL Vestibule* iTa t? ,r4 * nß - c fb>'lo Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Car* between Savannah ni'VV i6 /n dining cars serve all Meals between Savannah and Washington fit*, betwe * n Savannah and Cincinnati, through Asheville and "The Land of the Sky.” P° r complete information as to rates, schedule*, etc abnlv ta O. GRtSoVER, Ticket Agent, Plant System Station. t>orgia S B.W REBMAN ' C ' P ‘ * n<l T ' A " 141 Bull s,r ** t - Tel*phone*-B*ll, 85; RANDALL CLIFTON. District Fasten ger Agent. No. 141 Bull street. MURPHY & CO., INC., Board of Trade Building, Savanna A Private leased wires direct to Hew Tori, Chicago and New Orleans. COTTON, STOCKS AND GRAIN. New York office. No. 0 Broadway. Offices In principal cities throughout the ■oath. IVrlte for our Market Manual and book containing instructions for tradera. sixty days. niney days, M.B2H; francs. Paris and Havre, sixty days, 5.2f>; Swiss, sixty days. 5 2494; marks, sixty days, 94 3-16; ninety days 93 7 4c. DOMESTIC EXCHANGE - Steady; banks are buying at par. and selling as follows: Amounts to and Including $:5, 10 cents premium: }25 to SSO. IS cents; tiro to S2OO, 25 cents; S2OO to *I.OW, H premium; over *I,CWO, $1 per thousand. SECURITIES—The market Is fairly steady, but- dull and inactive. Quotations Inclined to be nominal. stock*. Augusta and Savannah R. R. ...11l llj Allan'a & West Point ..125 126 do 6 p. c. certifs 105 106 Augusta Factory 85 9o Cltlxens Bank * ISO 131 Chatham Bank 11l 11214 Chatham R. E. &I. Cos., A ..,.. 67 63 do do B 66 67 v Eagle A Phoenix Mfg. Cos 104 166 FkMSOh Electric Ilium 181 ICB Enterprise Mfg. C0..101 103 Germania Bank 131 132 Georgia & Alabama 28 30 Georgia Railroad, common 210 211 Granlteville Mfg. Cos 165 170 J. P. King Mfg. Cos 105 107 Langley Mfg. Cos. 199 125 Merchants National Bank 112 113 National Bank of Savannah ....139 IK Oglethorpe Savtngs & Trust —ll2 112 People’s Sax-ing & Loan 103 105 Southwestern Railroad Cos 11l 112 Savannah Gas Light 24*4 75'i Southern Bank 168 160 Savannah Bank & Trust 121 122 Sibley Mfg. Cos., August 88 92 Savannah Brewing 100 iW Bond*. Bid. Ask. Char., Col. & Aug. Ist ss, 1909—106 107 Atlanta city, tie*. 1922 11l R 2 Augusta city, 4s, 1927 105 106 do 4'ys. 1925 HI J' 2 do 7s, 1903 ,0? WO do 6s. I&3 v llß 119 Ala. Mid. ss. ind’d. 1928. M. & N.IOO 101 Augusta Factory, 6 per Cent-. 1915.110 111 Brunswick & Western 4*. 1938... $3 84 O. R. R. & Banking, collateral S. 92'4 9sVi C. Of G. 16t 3*. 50-year gold, 1945. j,* ~,US 119 C. of Ga. con. 55, 1945, M. ft N.. 90 91 C. of Ga. let incomes, 1948 41 42 do 2nd income*, 1945 l2 do 3d incomes, 1945 .......... 5 6 C. of G. (M. G. A A. Dlv.l ss. 1947, J. A J •• w C. of <}. (Eatonton Branch). 5* liroi 7 &J IT 9* City & Surburban R. TV I*4 75..1<)54 11014 Columbus city. ss. 1909 109 108 Charleston city. 45,J915 ••■•••“r Eagle - Plienix His 9s, 1928...109 109 Edison Electric tiraminatlng 5*.104 105 Enterprise Mfg. 9s. 1903 101 102 Georgia Railroad 9s. 1910 1L ••• G. S. & F., 1945, .T. & J NO Georgia A Alabama Ist Ss, 1945.. 109 107 do consolidated 6*. 1915 ••••** Jr Georgia State 3<4s, 1920. J. A J•••'** *O7 do 3*4#, 1915. M. A N 101 109 do 445. 1915 JJJ4 Macon city 9s, 1910. J A J )’* }}* do 4*4*. 1929. Jan. quar 103 *l° Ocean Steamship s*. 1929 10954 108 Savannah city. s*. quar., July, I'M* 113 do ss, quar.. August. 19n9 ......JM* JJi'i South Carolina state 4>4*. 1933 ..117*4 Jl* Sibley Mfg. Cos. s*. 1903 ' ” , i* ’2L Bouh Bounfl 5s * J 8 e FAY’, gen. mt'gC 9*. 1931.1-8 1.4 do do Ist 7s, gold. 1931 110*4 112*4 do (St. Johns Div.) Is) 4S, 1934.. 94 99 New York. June 29-Money on call easy at 1 to I*4 per cent; lost loan I*4 per cent, prime mercantile paper. per; sterling exchange firmer with actual bus iness in bankers bills at 94 98'*4.8S>a for demand, and at $4.15'4'8'4.83 5 * for sixty ,lays; posted rates. *4.35 and 34.87*4 and $4.88. Commercial bill*, 4.88*4*94.84; bar *lli ver Bi*(.c; silver certificates, 61861 V. Mexican dollars. 48c. Government bond* firm; S’ ate bonds Inactive; railroad bonds Irregular. New York. June 27,-Money on call easy at ILB2 per cent.; last loan at 14 per cent, rrlme mercantile paper. it cent, Sterling exchange Jfregular with actual business In banker* bills at 4.M 4.89*4 for demand, and at 34.*£*•}■*'*£ for ulttv day*; rtw, H W ? *14.88. Commercial bids. s<B2i®4_B3; bar Silver. 9144 c; Silver certificates, 91*4S3#. Mexican dollars. 4S>ac. Government bonds steady; statn bonds inactive; ribrOad bonds firmer. STOCKS AND BONDS. Values Fall nn.l Average Falla Be low Yesterday’#. New York. June 27.—Brices failed to hold In to-day’s stock market and after an early period of advance turned generally downwards until the average level had fallen to below that of last night. There was some irregularity In the movement S* among the Industrials and railroads, but the tone of the market during the lat ter part of the day was undeniably heavy. The Irregularity consisted In the better resistance to the depression offered hy sonic stocks. This was true of the steel stocks and of the coalers, the Utter be ing affected by a good showing of ##r !£, for May by th* Brie and th* Redding companies by gnnouncm*** of THE MORNING NEWS: THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1900. vance in the price of coal by the Reading company and by report* that other com panies would follow sui. some of th* soft coal roads were also strong on <h# good conditions In that trade. But the railroad list as a whole gravitated downwards quite heavily. The buying demand which was in evidence yesterday and the day be fore and from which much had been hoped in rallying prices, showed Increas ing indifference and lassitude at the high er level attained. The course of the mar ket was a striking testimony of the dom inance crop prospects as an Influence on prices. m London and the European bourses were all higher on the reports published abroad of the rescue of the foreign legation* by Admiral Seymour’* force at Pekin and the opening here was efrong in sympathy. But this and th* growing need of money did not avail to hold price* in face of the rally in the wheat market which was ac cepted as a plain Intimation that the re action in that market was purely tech nical in Its causes and that there was no subsidence of apprehension of extensive damage to the crop. The May statement Of net earnlrtigs of the St. Paul company had a cumulative effect on sentiment In connection with the crop damage reports and all of the grain carrying road* fared badly. Northern Pacific was most affect ed and showed an extreme decline of nearly i points. Gr*at Northern preferred lost I'j n*4. St. Paul’s increase In operat ing expense* for May Of over 27 per cent, was a discouraging evidence Of the In road* made by higher pricea of material upon the cost of operating railroads. The growing ease of the money market in face of the pending July 1 settlements is an agreeable surprise to the specula tive W’orid. Not only do call loans con tinue easy, bu* time loan rates were guot ably lower to-day, notwithstanding the fact that the sub-ireasury ha* absorbed nearly $2,000.0 from the market since last Friday and that the dividend and In terest and disbursements which must be arranged for at the beginning Of the fis cal year approaching ar* the largest In the history of the country’. The total is estimated at over $100,000,009. The course Of the exchange market in dicate* the presence In the market of large available supplies of bills of ex change. and uneasiness over the course Of foreign money markets is corresponding ly diminished. Business in bond* was small, but price* were much better held relatively than in stocks. Total sales par value $1,0*0,000. United §tte* bonds were unchanged in the bid quotation*. To-day’a total stock sales were 256,300 share*, including Atchison preferred. 1?,- 175; B. & 0., 18,853; C. B. A Q . 15.280; Missouri Pacific, 6,805: Northern Pacific, 26,495; Pennsylvania, 5,620; St. Paul, 9,920; Union Pacific, 5.820; Brooklyn Transit. 31,770; Sugar. 17,850. New York Stock List. Atchison J44i|Unlon Pacific . 49t4 do pref .7*l4] do pref 71 * Bal. A Ohio .. fi9v,:\Vbash 7 Gan. Pacific ... 88%; do pref i?i Can. South. 49 jtV. & L. £ Bli Ches. & Ohio .. 317,: do 2nd pref .. 23 Chicago G. TV. 10*4AVI*. Central ... 13*4 C , B. & Q 122* Third Avenue .109 C.. X. & L 18 | Adams Ex ...116 do pref 48 |Amer. Ex 150 C & E 1 95 |l7. S. Ex 45 C. * North .151 iTVells Fargo Ex. 120 C.. R I. & P..lOStFAmer. Cot. Oil.. 39 C. C. C. A St. L 55*4(1 do pref 8* Col. SOUth .‘>74Amer. Malting .. S do Ist pref .49 | do pref 18 do 2nd rref . lYi Am. Smelt. A R. 55*4 Del & Hudson.llo | do pref SO, D. L. A W 177 S.mer. Spirit* ... 114 Denver A R <3. 17141 do pref 17 do pref dy* ■ f.m Steel Hoop. 13 Erie 11 | do pref 45 do Ist prof . TS'sjk.m. stcei TVs 8n G. Ncr h. pref. .144 j do pref 69*/, Hocking C'** l •• lß**Bn. Tin Plate .181', Hocking Val ... 31 i do pref 72 111. Central ....Uol4|Am. Tohacco ..86 la Cepiral 1741 do pref 179 do pref 43 Anaconda M Cos. 89*i K. C.. P AG. 14 IBroklyn R T S4 L. E. A TV.... 2614C01. F. A 1 80* do prof 88 |Con. Tobacco .. 22*4 Lake Shore ....398*4: do pref 75t F.A.Rogers&Co.,inc. Bankers, Broken and Dealers la Stocks, Cotton, Grain and Provisions FOR CASH DR MARGIN, i prompt Sertiee.Llber*! Treatment . Write for term*. *peci*l quotation aervlce *nn booklet I•• Safety end Certainty la Ssecstatioa " r , 38 WALL STREET* NEW YORK. Wool, Hides Wax, Furs, Honey, Highest market prices paid. OtwrgU Syrup for sal*. A, EHRLICH & BRO, Wholesale Grocer* tad Liquer Daaltra. in m in Bay street, wash WOOL WANTED. While. *n balsa or sacks, free from berry. Vie. R. KIRKLAND, Buyer df Old R*U. Iron 5b Metal*. 417 t 4a Bs. Julian etrttf, wk Florida Central and Pen insular R. R.^|P^ Central or 90th Meridian Time. TIME TABLE EFFECTtVE JUNE 2, 1900. All train* dally. Trains operated by *oth meridian time—one hour slower than city time. north and eabt] Sorth^aßd - noßTHwest! ■ I ' I * \~*T Vi SavahnOh 12 35p 11 59p Tlv Savannah ill 59p Ar Fairfax ; 2 15pj 1 54a Ar Columbia 4 36a Ar Denmark | 3 COpj 2 42a Ar Asheville 1 40p Ar Augusta j 9 45p 6 55a Ar Knoxville 7 30p Ar Columbia 4 38p 4 Sfia Ar Lexington 5 10a ?! Asheville ] ] 1 40p Ar Cincinnati 7 45a Ar Hamlet 9 lpt 9 20a Ar Ldulsvil'.e 7 50a A f Raleigh 11 40p ll 55a Ar Chicago i 55p Ar Richmond ] 5 10a 5 40p Ar Detroit ! j 4 OOp A* Norfolk | 7 3ja nr Cleveland 2 55p Ar Portsmouth ; 7 23a| Ar Indianapoll* 1140a Ar TT ashltigton 8 450 9 30p Ar Columbus 11l 30a Ar Baltimore oSa 11 35r> Ar Philadelphia cIiJKd 2Ma SOUTH AND FLORIDA POINTS Ar New York 303 p: 6 13a j |SJ j "il™ Ar Boston 1 9 Qop| 380 p fjv Bavahfiah . sta 8 07p WEST DIVISION AND N. O. Ar Darien jl2 30p 6 OOp " ——r—4j—I—— Ar Everett j 6 50a | 5 lOp V — - r ..—— 5 . Ar Brunswick j 8 OSa 6 25p Lv Savannah I 307 p 5 08a Ar Femandtn* 9 30*| 9 06p Lv Jacksonville • 45 P s 2p a Ar Jacksonville 9 10* 7 40p Ar Lake City 9 35p 11 28a Ar St. Augustine 10 30b Ar ,' V * .° ,k 10 90p 12 lip Ar Waldo 11 25a 10 41p Ar Madison 2 30* llp Ar Gainesville 12 Oln Ar Monticello 4 40a J JOp , Ar Cedar Key 6 86p Ar Tallahassee 6 (to* S 38p Ar Ocala 1 40p 1 15a Ar Quincy 825 4 39p Ar Wildwood 2 32p: 2 40p Ar River Junction 9 40* 5 25p Ar Leesburg 8 10p : 4 30* Af Pensacola ...7...|11 00p Ar Orlando 5 OOp 8 20a Ar Mobile | 1 3 03* Ar riant City 4 44pj 5 28a Ar New Orleans | | 7 40* Ar Tampa 5 30p fi 30a Trains arrive at Savannah from Nort It and East—No. 27. 5:00 a. m ; No. 31. 2:57 p. m.; from Northwest—No. 27. 6 a. m.; from Florida points, Brunswick and Darien -No. 44. 12:27 p. m.; No. 66. 11:50 p. m. Train* 81 and 44 carry through Pullman sleeper and day ooach to New York, Including dining car. Train* 27 and 66 carry through Pullman sleeper to New York and day coaches to Washington. For full information, apply to F. V. PETERSON. T. P. A., I Bull and Bryan street*, opposite Pu- W. P. SCRUGGS. P. A T. A.. | laskl and Screven Hotels D. C. ALLEN. C T. A . Bull and Liberty streets, opposite De Soto Hotel. W. R MCINTYRE. D. T. A., West B road and Liberty street*. A. O. MACDONELL. G. P. A., L. A. S HIPMAN. A. G. P A . Jacksonville. Train* leave from union depot, corn er West Broad and Liberty street*. L. & N 7444 Fed. Steel 30i Manhattan L... 86V,: do pref 62 Met St. Ry ....141 Gen. Electric .127 Mexican Cen ... 12-HGluCose Sugar . 46 Minn. A St L.. 451x1 do pref 97 do pref 83 In. Paper 22*4 Ml*. Pacific .... 47*/,j do pref 64*4 Mobile A Ohio.. 36 iLfteleOe Gas . 70 M. K. A T.... 974 National Biscuit 2* do pref 2Hi| do pref 79*4 N. J. Central ~l22H:Matlonal Lead .. 19*4 N Y. Central..l27 ] do pref 95 Nor. * West... 317t:Natlonal Steel . 22 do pref 75*4 do pref 80*4 North. Pacific.. 49*4 N. I'. Air Brake.l22 do pref 709,’North Amer .... 14*4 Ontario & TV.. 1876 Pacific Coast . . .50 Ore. Ry. A N.. 42 | do Ist pref ... 80 do pref 76 | do 2nd pref .. (0 Pennsylvania ..i2s'4|P*eiflc Mall 26*4 Reading 16 ;People'* Ga* .. 9Mi do l*t pref .... 55-14 Pressed 8. Car . 42*4 do 2nd pref ... 27 j do pref 73 R. G. TV 59ViiPullman P. Car.l76 do pref 87*4 Stand. Rope & T 4*4 tv. L. A s. F.. 9 ;Sugar 112 do Ist prof ... 65 1 do pref 114 do 2nd pref ... 3.\ Ttnrt. C. A I— 61 St. L. South.... 9Vi|t’. S Leather .. B*4 do pref 33141 do pref 68 Si. Paul 109*41'. S. Rubber .. 25 ilO pref .......1701sj d° Pref 92 St. P. A O 113 |We*tern Unlcn.. 78% South) Pacific.. 31%|R. 1. A S 9% Southern Ry ..11 j do pref "014 do fref MKIP. C. C. A St. L. (0 Texas A Pacific. 13% Bonds U. 3. rer. 2s L. AN. U. 4s ..100*4 regd 102*1;M.. K. * T. 2d.. 66*4 do coup 10314! do 4s 89 do 2*. reg ...100 M. A O. 4* M do 3*. reg. ... 109*4!N. Y. C. Ist ....111*4 do 3s. coup. .109 |N. J. C. G. ss. 122 do new 4s, reg.l34 !North. Pac. 3s 66*; do new 4S, C'p.l34 do 4* 103 T i do old 4s, reg. 111 |N. Y., C. A St. dO old 4s, C’p .115 | LOUIS 4s 106 do ss, reg. ...113 N. & W. Con. 4*95*4 do s*. C’p 113 lOre. Nav. Ist ...109 D. or C. 3 65* . 123 j do ts 102 Atch.. gen. 45...100' l i :Gre. S. L. 6s ...127% do adjt. 4s 82*,l do con. 5s 11314 Can. Sou. 2d ...107 jßead. Gen. 4s ..88 C. Of Ga.. con. ]R. G. W. Ist 99*4 5* 90 |Bt. L. & I. M. do Ist 4tic 35 j con. 5S 11) do 2d me. bid. 10*4 St. L. A S. F. C. A Ohio 4*4.. 98*4! g* n * s 125 do 5s 115*4181. Paul eon. ...16974 C. A Nw. C. 7s.MO |St. P., C. A P. e. A Nw. S. V. | Ist 119*4 Deb. 5s 130 jSt. P., C. A P. Chi. Ter. 4* .... 95 j 5s 119*4 Col. SOU. 4s .... 84*4 Sou. Pac. 4* ... 78% D A R. G- lst lOltiSou. Ry. 5s ....119*4 do 4s 99*4 B R. A T 6*. . 70 E T , V. A G. |T. A Pac. Ist ..lio*, Ist 103*4 do M 57 Erie Gen. 4s .70 Union Pac. 4s ..105G F TV. A D. C. |Wabash l*t ....114*4 Ist 70 | do 2d 100 Gen. Elec. 5s ..117% West Shore 4s ..1137, lowa Cen. Ist .112 :Wls. Cen. Ist .. 9h K C., P. A G. ]Vir. Cent 91% Ist 06 | New York, June 27.—Standard Oil, 5148 818. VIIBCfcLI.ANEOIS MARKETS. Note.— These quotation* ar* r*vi*ed datly, and are kept a* near a* possible In accord with the prevailing wholesal prices. Official quotation* are not used when they disagree with <he prices whole saler* nek. Country and Northern Produce. POuLTRY-The market is steady. Quo tations: Half-grown, SiHiA per pair; three-quarter* grown. &s<fißoc per pair; full grown foiw* (hens). Bog*6c per pair; roosters. 40c per pair; turkeys, out of sea son; ducks. 56895 c per pair. EGOS-Steady at lfflSc. BUTTER—The tone of the market l* Viesdy. Quotations: Extra dairies, 191ja)c; extra Elgin*, 22'4c. CHEESE}— Market firm ; fancy full cream chee*e. ID’S 12c for 25-pound aver age. OlGNS—Egyptian. $2.75fi3.nn per sack: crate, SI 50; New Orleans, $1.5061.75 *aek (70 pounda). BEANS—Nnvy Or peas, 82.252,50 per bushel; demand light. Fnrly Vegetables. IRISH POTATOES—New, No, 1. SISOO 2.25 per barrel; No. 2, 75ef*$1.00. EGG PLANT—Ha f barrel crates, $1 sog 2.00. CABBAGE-Per barrel crate. $1.75® 2.00. Breadataffe. Hay and Grnln. FIGUR— Market firm and advancing; patent, $4 75; ttralght, $4,15; fancy, $4.30; family, S4OO. MEAL— Pearl, per barrel, $2 85; per sack, $125; city meal, per sack, bolted, $1.15® 1.20; water ground, $1.20; city grlet, aacks. $120; pearl grits. Hudnut*’, per barrel. $2.75; per sack, $1.80; sundry brands, $1.20 *ek. CORN—Market firm; white. Job tot*. 82c; carload lot*. *oc; mixed corn, job lot*, 81c; carload lots. 59c. RlCE—Market steady, demand Tair. Prime -...8 Good 4>*<Mi Fair ®4t4 Common 3 H OATS—No. 2 mixed, carload. 3*c; job lot*. 37c; while, clipped 437 to 42 pound*) 88c cart; 40c job. BRAN—Job lota. *7He; Carload lot# *2'K HAY—Market strong; Western Job lot*, 87c; carload lot*. MH* - . nnron. Hame and Lard. BACON—tMarket firm; D. 8. C. R. aide*. IQc; D. P. belles, B%c; smoked C. R, •Idea. 89ic. HAMS— Sugar cured. 12H6 2V.C. Sugar and l offer. ■VOAR—Board of Trd* quotations: Cut loaf 4 45|Dlamond A 8.41 Cruhd t.4*| Conf4ctlonr’t A.5 38 Powdered 6 lßiWhlte extra C 5.63 XXXX powd'd,6.lß| Extra C 5.43 Stad. gr’nulated 6.08| Golden C 5.43 Cubes 6.23 Yellows 5.33 Mould A 6.33! COFFEE-Board of Trade quotations: Mocha 260 IPflme. No. 3 I®%C lava 26C LTood. No 4 lo%c Pcaberry 18c jFalr, No. 6 10c Fancy. No. 1 ....llV'irdtnary, no. 9>ic Choice. No. 2....11%ci'0mm0n, No. 7.. 9c Hnrdnnrr and Building guppllea. LIME. CALCIUM. PLASTER AND CEMENT—Alabama and Georgia lime in fair demand and sell at 80c a barrel; spe cial caldlned plaster. SI.OO per barrel; hair. 4@se. RoSedale cement, $12(V5(1.25; carload lota, special; Portland cement, retail. $2.25; carload lots. $2.00(52.20. LUMBER. F. O. B VESSEL SAVAN NAH—Minimum yard sizes. $13.00(8'14 CO; car sills, $14.00®16 09: difficult si*#s. $16.50 ®25.00: ship stock, $25.00(f127.50; sawn lies, $1100®U.50; hewn ties. 3336 c. OlL—Market steady: demand fair; sig nal. 45fi50c; Weal Virginia, black. 9®l2c'; lard, 38c; nsatsfoot, <*H7n.'; machinery. 16 ®2sc; linseed oil, raw. 70c; boiled. 72c; ker osene. prime white, 15c; water white. 14C; Pratt’s iittral, 15c; deodorised stove gasoline, drums, !t%c; empty oil barrels, delivered. 85c. GUN POWDER—Per keg, Austin Crack shot. $4.00; half kege. $2.25; quarter kegs. $1.26; chempion ducking, quarter kegs. $2.25; Dupont and Hazard smokeless, half kegs. $11.35; quarter kegs, $5.75; 1-pOund canister. $1.00; less 25 per cent.; Trotsdorf smokeless powder, 1-pouiid cans, $1.00; 10- pOtind cans, 90c pound. SHOT—Drop, $1.50; B B and large, $175; chilled, $1.75. IRON—Market very steady; Swede. 5*4 NAILS—Cut, $2.60 base; wife. $2.85 base BARBED WIRE—S3.SO per 100 pounds. Fruits and Nuts. MELONS—S 6to $12.50 per 100. Demand good. PEACHES-Six-basket carriers. 75c 4? $1.59 per carrier. PI N EAPPLBS—S2.SO® 3.00 per standard crate. LEMONS—Market strong and advancing, at $4.50®5.00. ORANGES - California seedlings, $3.75® 4.00. NUTS—Almonds, Tarrigono. 16c; Ivtras, 16c; walnuts, French, 12a, Naples. 12c; pe cans, 12c, Brazil*. 7t; filberts. 13c; assort ed nuts, 50-pound and 25-pound boxes, 10c PEANUTS—Ampie stock, fair demand; market firm; fancy hand-picked, Virginia, per pound. 4*4c; hand-picked, Virginia, ex tras, 39;®40; N. C. seed peanuts, 4c. RAISINS—L. L.. $2.00; imperial cabinet*. $2.25; loose, 50-pound boxes, B®s%c pound Dried l Bvaponiril Fruit*. APPLES—Evaporated, 7%®Be; sun-dried. 6%c. PKACHftS—Kvaporated. pealed. 17%c; unpealed, 9%®10c. PEARS -Evaporated. 12%c. APRlCOTS— Evaporated, 15c pound; nec tarines, 10%e. Salt. Hldea and 11 eel. SALT—Demand is fair and the market Steady; carload lots, 100-pound burlap sacks. 44C; ICO-pound cotton sacks, 45c; 125-pOund burlap sack*. 64%c; 125-pounl cotton sacks, 55Vjc; 200-pound burlap sacks. 85c. HlDES—Matke# firm: dry flint, 14%o; dry salt. 12%e; green salted 61ic. WOOL—Nominal; prime Georgia, free of sand, burr* and bla> k wool, 21c; Mack. 18c; burry, 10®13c. Wax, 25c; tallow, 4c. Deer skins. 20c. rollon llngainig and Ties. BAGGING—Market firm; Jute. 2%- pound, 9%c: large lots. 9%c; small lots. 2-pound. B%®c; 111-pound, **4oß%c; sea island banging. 12%c. TlES—Standard, 45-pound, arrow, large lots, $1 40; small lots. $1 50. VIIS4 F.LLANEDI S. FlSH—Mackerel, half-barrel*. No. 1, $9.80; No. 2, 35.00; No. .9, $9.50; kits. No. $1.40; No. 2, $1.25; No. 385 c. Codfleh, 1-pouYtd brick*. B>ic; 2-pound bricks, 8c Smoked herring, per box, 20c. Dutch h*r rh.g, in kegs, 81.10; new mullets, half-bar rel. $3.50. SYRUP—Market quiet; Georgia and Florida syrup, buying al 28.iSue, selling it 32®33c; Sugar bouse at 10®15c; staling a; straight goods. 23630 c; sugar house mo lasses. 15® 20c. HONEY—Fair demand, strained, in bar rel*. 55®90e gallon. High wine basis. $1 23. OCK AN KH F.Kilf T 9. COTTON—Savannah to Bceton. per bale. 25c; io New York. 20c; to Philadel phia, iter bale, $1,00; to Baltimore, per hole. $1.00; via New York—Bremen. 50c; Genoa, 43c; Liverpool, tae; Revel, 90c; di rect. Bremen, 4fe. LUMBER—By 9all-Frelght dull; to Baltimore and eastward. $4 50 to $8 00 per M, Including rartland. LUMBER—By filsam—Savannah to Bal timore. $8 50; to Philadelphia, $8 Oit; io New York, $9.00; Io dock. $6 75; lightered— to Boston, to dock, $8 on NAVAL filV)REB—The market la firm; medium size vessel* Rosin-Cork for or ders. 8 per barrel of 810 pound* and 5 per cent, primage Spirit*, 4a Al per 40 gallon# gross and 5 per cent, primage, larger vessel*, rosin. 2* 9d; spirits, 4s. ilun, 11c per 100 pounds on rosin; 2154 c on spirit*, ftavannah to Boston and 95*c on rOain, and 19c on spirit* I* New York GRAINS, FROVIBIOXB. ETC. New York, June 27 —Four quirt; buy ers refusing to meet the high asking rm* Winter straight*. $3 006 420 Rye flour, firm. Corn meal, quiet. Rye, quiet. Rir ley, dull. Barley map. anil Sly ntm'n* . Wheat—g;iot. firm; N". 2 ted. ot llone opened weak under foreign •F,i„ < but prompty raided and were firm to strong all day with an active general trad*. Tha Improvement we# baaed on Lta irngth In English market*, a re- Plant System. of Railways. Trains Opera4ed by 90th Meridian Tim*—One Hour Slower Than City Time in; ad ’DQvgN! 1 Err. ; ctTvT~ju^a'iT.-906. || Read t'r 7 —I 22 Il6| 78 North and South. 23 |2sj +5 ; >l3 | jtfT 15 ifiL’i? ** l5 *i 6 * fia i lea ILV ... .Savannah. .At 1 509 7 58a | 6 Idpll 10a 11 89 1* lea 11 eOa; 4 19p 10 80a! 6 28a,.Ar ...Charleston.. Lv ill 15p 5 SOai 3 10p| 7 4ia| 8 OOp I? 1 "' JOppAr ..Washington... Lv/ 4 BQa 3 07p] j.. 8 List | 1 03ai Ar ... Baltimore Lv; 2 55a 1 46p | i : I i s|> I 7 ttOa Ar ....Kew York ... Lvji 9 23p 8 Gte ) I !i s 3 "l > 3 pop Ar Boston I,\ 1 OOpi'llOOntl I - . M 2 \ 53 ~23 1 j South. ~pM — I - ** - ~1~ .'oop 3 2pi 8 , H a 3 2)a 2 15a. Lv ...'Savannah.... At 1 45* 12 Kht 12 lOpliraOnllO 16 1? rn*. 1 f 10 ' ) ®“l 7 35,1 ' s, Ar ...Way cross.... Lv lit 55p 9 5Sp 9 55al 9 30s! 7 Ooa !! * *®*! * }*P! 2 lap] 2 15|>j Ar ...Thomosvllle t, v 7 cOp| 7 00p! 5 45a. 5 (Da 3 25a 10 30P| 7 40p;12 50n 9 35a 7 30a Ar Jacksonville.. Lv 8 30|> 8 OOp 8 0011 7 80a| 5 00a I " u “°' 0 40 P! I Ar Sanford Lv 12 05p: : 1 OOaj 1 00a I | 2 JOp; 2 20p Ar ...Gainesville.... Lv 2 40p i..L | I ! 316 p 316 pAr Coala Lv:j 1 40p! - 'lO MpjlO s)p:jAr .St. Petersburg.. Lv i | 6 09nj I 7 30a; 10 OOp] 19 OOp: 10 00p Ar Tampa Lv 7 Ida 7 (Mai 7 3Sp 7 35p I 8 10tt F. 30p Ift 30p 10 SOp Ar .. ..Port Tampa.. I.v 1 0 25a 6 2oa| 7 OOp 7 OOp I I 1 10| 1 108; 1 10a jAr ...Pun<a Oordn.. Lv | f 4 35p 4 36p I I IIP 45a; 10 45a Ar . .St. Augustine. Lv|| 6 2Jp| 6 20p| I 6 Sp| s 47*1 4 SOp. 6 40a Ar Jesup Lv 1 , 8 20a 10 SOp' | ......■[ 8 35pj 7 10a| 6 25p' 8 051 Ar —Brunswick... Lvj 6 40a| 9 05p| j NORTH, WEST AND SoV'THWEST. 18 I 68 H J “ !u r- || 46 I 36 15 I 35 ||Vl* Montgomery.|| 14 | K SOOpißiOa. Lv Savannah Ar lTljia 13 10a, 5 oSpHTuSuLv Savannah 6 45p| 6 40a||Ar .. Jesup.. Lv| 8 20ail0 50p 8 10a| 9 20p'|Ar M’tgomery Lv|| J 45p (19® SS’’ 1 l r " . M ? oon ’’ Lv 'l 1 °° a l 2 ;,o,> 7 10p! 6 50a Ar Nashville Lv|| 9 00a 2 21a 6 2°a 350 pAr At anta ..Lv 10 4.5p j 12 05p 2 12 25p : :Ar la>ulsville Lvl|2 55a 9 13p !S"I SS l> ' ;r Cha noeiga Lv 603 p 6 45a 7 05a 4 05p Ar Cincinnati Lv]i 11 OOP 9 48p l *®l 7 WOiiAr. Louisville Lv 7 45a[ 7 45p 7 20a| 7 16p|jAr St. Louis Lv 3op S 29a 7 30p; I 4oa Ar Clncicnoll Lv; 8 30ai 7 dip | (L. & n.) 8 ' „ i r - 0,1,s IjV i 9Up 8 08a 7 82a |iAr St. LOuls Lv 8 OOp 7 15a| 5 IQpllAr.. Chicago Lv| 8 30p| 9 OOp, '( (jj *q j ToaTTlsp iLv.. Atlanta ..Ar 10 Sip iTsoa 3 09a 9 15p||Ar Chicago .Lv|| 7 OOp 1 lOp 8 OSpI 7 15a Ar. Memphns .Lv 1 8 2C*aj 9 OOp —• —s-se -9 45aj 7 lOal'Ar KansasCltyLv]| 6 30p| 9 (5p 4 12p! 3 053 Ar.. Mobile ..Lv||l2 88p|12 20a "• (An^'unmarked trains) daily. JJHHL 7 40 * ;Ar N ° rll, * n * Lvil 7 “* 7 t Dally except Sunday. 5 dOp| 6 30a||Lv Savannah Arltio 18* 12 lta {Sundays only. 1 43a; 12 SOp Ar. Tlfton ...Lv||2 15a 6 20p Through Pullman Sleeping Car Service 3 45a; 2 lOp Ar.. Albany ..Lvj 13 Ola iffy to North, East and West, and to Florida i 5 20p Ar Columbus Lv|| 10 00a ■■■ ■i:: 1 ,," .- - ~ - •’■l'. —— -■—.. ■ V-.^.... . PLANT STEAMSHIP LINE Mon . Thutsday. Sat , 11 Oflpm; I.v Port Tampa Ar|! 330 pm. fuel." Thurt . tiia. Tue., Fri., Sun., 300 pmNAr Key West I.v 11 00 pm. Mon, Wed., Salt Tues., Frl.. Sun., 900 pm I.v Key West At 10 on pm Mon., Wed., Mt. Wed,, Sot.. Mon., 600 am|lAr Havana Lvj **2 30 pm. Mon., Wad., tec ♦♦Havana time. J. H. Polhemus, T. P. A ; E. A. Armandj ’lty Ticket Agt., De goto Hotel. Phono It B. W. WRENN, Passenger Tra file Manager, Savannah, Ga. Georgia and Alabama Railway. Passenger Schedules effective June 17, 1900. Trains operated by 90ili meridian time—One hour slower than City Time. wEAjf) n ■ ■ ~ irßSAir* dow N II ■ || UP No.lßjNo.lf'j * NOTBTRTT 9 Sopff 35a I Lv Savannah Ar|| 8 2Bp| 8 dOta 7 10p, 8 (iSa .Ar Cuyler Lv|| 7 4lp| 7 IfTn 9 18p| 9 45a| Ar Bialesbort* Lv| 5 I6p| 9 U 8 49p| 9 45aj:Ar Collins Lv|| < Mpi Mb 10 50p ll 47a Ar Helena Lv|| 4 09p' 4 (Ow 3 03a| 4 17p ; Ar MaCoh Lv||ll 20a|U stß 5 20a| 7 35pj|Ar Atlanta l.v, 7 Ton 10 45p 9 45aj 1 00a lAr Chattanooga I.v 3 OT.a 9 09p I 8 (Bp Ar Flixgerald Lv||l2 K>| | 1 40p;iAr Cordele Lv|! 2 lfip ....... j 8 10p| Ar Amerlcua Lv hit 45p| I 5 20pi|Ar ’ Columbus Lv| 10 00a| | S 20p||Ar Altwiny IA ;12 00h|....... I 7 40p;iAr Montgomery LvJ| 8 20a 11 35a|1225ntj i Ar Birmingham Lvj| 4 tap 4*l2p| 3 06a Ar Mobile Lvj|l22ont 8 30pj 7 4<ta Ar New Orleans Lv|| 7 45p ....... 7 3np| 4 05p|IAr Cincinnati Lv||....... 8 20a 7 20a| 7 19p|iAr SI. Louis Lvj| 8 55p AH trains run dally. Magnificent buffet parlor cars on trains 17 and 18. CONNECTIONS. J AT CUYLER with Savnnnah and Statesboro Railway. . . AT COLLIN’S with Silllmore Air Line. Also with Colllna and Reldavllle Rallroqß AT HELENA with Soutjiern Railway. AT CORDELE with Georgia Southern and Florida Railway; alto with Albany and Northern Railway. AT RICHLAND with Columbus Division. AT MONTGOMERY with Louisville and Nashville and Mobile atld Ohio Rail, roads. For rates or flnv other Information cull on or address W, P. SCRUGGS, C. P. and T. A., Bull and Bryan street* F. V. PETERSON, T P. A., Bull and Bryan street*. * A. POPE. General Passenger Agent. CECIL GABBETT. Vice president and General Manager. _______ McDonough & ballantyne, w" Iron Founders, Machinists, UlavkautUhs, Hot ter make r , •lamli rlnrrri of llntlni. •r, end Portable Ksalsra. Vrr-leal uu.l l.i|. Itunalag Cara Uilla, l„ £1 , Mill end Pans, Sbs fling:. Pollers, etc. TELEPHONE NO. 123. ■ ■ covery In the Northwest, the Jump In corn, less favorable crop new* aid sp , il lative buying. Closed firm at I%®lV. net advance; July clos’d •; September, 89*4C; December 90c. Corn—Spct, etrong; No. 2. 50c; op Ims strong and active all day on high*’ cables, light country offering* tenetv.vl Ca*h demand and llleial covering by shorts. Closed strong at t'4c. tel higher. July closed 48tvc; Sep ember. 48’4c. Oats—Siv>t. firmer; No 2, 80?; options quiet but firm. Tallpw—firmer: city. 4>4c, asked. Petroleum, quiet. ROstn, s<eady. Turpentine, easy, I.>®4r*jo. Rice, quiet. Molasses. Steady. Cut meats, steady. Beef, steady. Lard, wrong; Went era 3/25, re fined, s'rora; continent, gf.lfl; Igouth American. 38.(8). Pork, str.uig: family, 918.7,'4114.150; short, cleay. 313.00r18.25; mess. slg.yVQ 18.75. Binter. firm; creamery, 171120 ■; state dairy. l.VfilSc. Cheese, weak, large white, 95a'59',4"; small white, #*4®9t4c. Kegs, Irreguiar; state and at mark, ISVfil.’c. Potatoes, steady; old common, 757t$).iV) Peanut*, steady. Cabbage, steady; Florida, per crate $1.25 C 1.75. Colton, by storm to Liverpool 20c. The markei for cotton futire* open* l steady, wl.h price* 5 to It) points h ghcr and further Improved on active general buying, prompted by light Hraxlllan re ceipts, reports of 25 new p’agu# case* an 1 12 death* at Rio, itror.g European e.ibles, and the belter feeling In the spot depart ment. ih* market partially react#! under rfallxlng. w< akress In Brazilian markets and the lull In covering process though ruling general'y steady. The Vloec woe firm, with prtces 5 to 29 point < net higher. Total rales, 23,C0 bags. In cluding July. 47.1'4j7,25; August, $7.55; Sep-, (ember, $7.45(07 50. S|>ot RIO. steady; No 7 Invoice, 89jc; mild, quiet; Cordova >*4QMl6c. Sugar, raw, strong, refined, strong. Cotton Seed Oil Active and Firm. New York. June 27.—Cotton seed oil mere active and dimer. Lard refiner* and f ,reign hou e* have shown Home buying Intereet at and tar Man f prime summer y ||,.w have been made recently at 3 %tf 30c. Prime crude barrel* Mfi3.'4c; summer yellow. Hlgo; but tr grade i nom inal: off summer yellow, 25 v j1)81c; pr me winter yellow. 40fr41, nominal; prime white, 4rtc; prime meal, $.5, entirely nom inal. Wheat Closed at Advance. Chicago, June 27.—Wheat ws* active and firm, closing lHc over yesterday. The re covery was due p-tnclpal y to ace sat on of llnuldatlrn. A Mg cash hue res* h lpd coin future*, Ju'y c'cslng l%c Imtmed. Oat i dosed a ihade higher auel provis ions strong; July pork. 72'c, July isrd, a*4c. and July riba, 22He better. The leading future# ranged as follow*; Continued on Sevtntb Page.) Vgeorgia %^R'YCftV Bchednles Effrcllve June IflL 19ta. Trains arrive at and depart from , Central filaiion. VYeet Broad, foot #f Liberty street 90ih Meridian Time—Gne hquf alowe than city time. Leave ArrlV# ~ Savannah: Savannaht Macon. Atlanta. Cdvlhg- 1 •9 45am ton. Mlllcdgevtlle and alli*s Wfilß [lntel mediate point*. | Mlllen, Augusta and ln-[ t 8 47am termediate iiotnts. !t* SOpta Augusta. Mae-oh, Ment-| ebniery. Atlanta, Athens,! •9 Oflpm Ceilumbu*. Blrming’ianl *5 SMB Amerlcua. Eufaula antlj |Thoy. Tybee Special from Au-| J 9 15pm gueta Sunday only. ']IF ) t 8 ot)pm| Dover Accommodation. |l7 48am t 2 OOpml Guyton Dinner Train. |l4 BfiRHI •Dally. tExcept Sunday. (Sunday only. BETWEEN SAVANNAH AND TYBfft. 75th meridian or Savannah city time. LEAVE SAVANNAH Week Day*—B:2o a. m , 10:07 a. m.. 8 85 p. m . 5:25 p. m . 8:50 !>. *.. 1:85 p. 18. Sundays—7:4s a. m., 10:05 am., 12:58 p m , 3:35 p. m., 6:25 p. m., 9:50 p. In., I;K p. m. • _ LEAVE TYBEE. Week Day*—9:o9 a. m , 5:00 a m.. llttb a m.. 5:15 p m . 7:40 p m., 10:lfi p rt. Sundays—B:oo a. m . 8:35 a. m.. 11:10 a m, 1:00 p m , 5:50 p. m., 7:46 p. fit.. 1*:10 p. m. Connection* made at terminal points with all tralna Northwest, West and Southwest. Sleeping car* on flight train* between Savannah and Augusta. Macon, Atlanta and Birmingham. Parlor car* on day train* between Sa vannah. Macon and Atlanta. For complete Information, schedule*, rates and connectlone, apply to W. O. BREWER. City Ticket and PiMw enger Agent. 107 Bull street. W. R McINTYRE, Depot Ticket AgtSnt. J. C HAILE. General Passenger Agent. K H. HINTON. Traffic Manager. THEO. D. KLINE. Gen. Superintendent. Savannah, 6k. IF YOU WANT GOOD MATERIAL and work, order your lithographed end printed atationery and blank book! from Morning Newt, Savannah, G* 9