The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, July 03, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 BROWN SUCCEEDS TRAMMELL APPOINTED % MKMIIKR OF" THE RAILROAD COMMISSION. The Governor's Choice of Brown Op ens ion r and no Surprise—Mr. Ilrown V 8 111 Take the Ontli of Office To day—The Acceptance Does Not Dis qualify Hint for the Race for Gov ernor—Chairman of the Commis sion to lie Chosen Saturday. Atlanta, July 2.—Gov. Candler to-day appointed J. Pope Brown of Pulaski county Railroad Commissioner, to suc ceed Col. JL. M. Trammell, deceased. The appointment caused no surprise, since the Governor had signified his Intention of naming a farmer, and his warm friend ship for Mr. Brown was well known. Mr. Brown has been notified of his ap pointment and will accept. He will come to Atlanta to-morrow to take the oath of office, and will assume his duties at once. The appointment of Mr. Brown will lie until the meeting of the general assem- bly, in October, when he will again be appointed by the Governor, and his name sent to he Senate for approval. Mr. Brown will fill the unexpired term of the late Col. Trammell, which Is for five years. The salary of the office is $2,500 per annum. There were numerous applicants for the place. A number of politicians were in the city this morning to call on the Gov ernor and urge the appointment of their friends, bu the Governor left on an early train for Marlettu, for he had issued the order appointing Mr. Brown. Since the appointment of Mr. Brown there now arises the question as to (he next chairman of the board. This is left entirely with the members of lhe com mission. The next meeting of the com missioners will be on Saturday, at which time the election will probably take place. Judge Spencer R. Atkinson will in all probability be elected chairman. He is a Oandtdare for the honor. The belief obtains among some politi cians that one of the reasons for Mr. Brown's appointment was the fact that It might remove him from the race for Gevernor two years hence, Governor Can dler being, It is generally believed, a sup porter of Clark Howell in that race. This belief has little, if any, foundation. Mr. Brown stattd to a close personal friend that the place was tendered him uncondi tionally. He was asked but one question, “Would he accept?” Mr. Brown has no intention of abandon ing his desire to be governor. He may make the race while holding the rail read commissionershlp. Judge Atkinson set a precedent two years ago, when he ran against Candler and Berner. Hon. J. Pope Brown came into general attention as president of the Wire Grass Exposition, held at Hawkinsvllle in 1888. He next attracted attention as the chair man of the Committee on Agriculture in the House of Representatives, where he exerted a very strong influence and di rected the attention of the public to the urgent need of special education in agri culture. Asa result of his interest in ed ucation. he was last year elected by the Slate Baptist convention to the position cf trustees for Mercer University, Mr. Brown is more identified with the farm ing interest than any other, and he has been especially prominent and active as president of the State Agricultural Soci ety. of which he has been the official head for four years. PARDEE'S DECISION. Order leaned In Case Against the In terstate B. and L. Association. Atlanta, July 2—Judge Don A. Pardee, In the United States Court to-day, issued the following order in the case of Y. B. Martin et al. against the Interstate Building and Loan Association, asking for the appointment of a receiver: “The above stated cause, this date, coming on to be heard as the bill and answer, and the solicitors for the com plainants having stated in open court that the report of the expert accountant show ed the condition of the defendant asso ciation to be auch that the complainants do not desire to press their application for injunction and receiver and ask leave of the court to withdraw the same. It is, therefore, ordered that leave is hereby granted to the complainants to withdraw their said application for injunction and receiver, and the temporary restraining order heretofore granted in this cause is hereby dissolved, and the rule issued against the defendant to show cause why • n Injunction should be granted and re ceiver appointed is hereby discharged.” MEET AT WARM STRINGS. liwj*r From All Oifr the State Will Gather There. Atlanta, July 2.—Tha Supreme Court ad journ*) this afternoon for the two week*, in order to attend the meeting of the Bar Association, which convenes at Warm Springs. Attorney General Terrell will attend the meeting in company with the members of the Court The meeting of the Georgia Bar Associ ation next Wednesday, Thursday and Fri day will probably he more largely at tended than any of its previous meetings. The railroads have given a rate of one fare for the round trip. Mr. Burton Smith, the chairman of the Executive Committee of the Association, has had several meetings of that committee, and the Association has been brought very prominently before the lawyers of the state, quite a number of whom will take their families. SIMS CASE Cl* TO-DAY. Rincon Yolnnteera Presented With a Tletnre of Geltysboru. Macon, July 2.—The bankruptcy peti tion against Roff Sims was not heard to day, the respondent asking for more time to examine hie books. The case will come up in the United States Courts to-morrow morning. The court room was packed to-day at the hour which had been set for tha hearing. The Macon Volunteers to-night cele brated the anniversary of the battle of Gettysburg, in which they were well rep resented. W. W. Wrlgley, one of the war member*, presented them with a steel engraving of the battle. The local horae races, which were to have been held here on the Fourth of July, have been called off. Ron Over n Negro. Athens, Ga., July 2.—The body of Watt Glenn, colored, was found last night be side the Seaboard Air Line track, three miles from Athens, horribly mutilated. The coroner’* Jury reported the death caused by passenger train No. 28 run ning over the negro, who was intoxicated. No blame is attached to the road. Commission Meets To-day. Atlanta, July 2 —The Prison Oommio tion will meet to-morrow at the state prison farm at Mllledgeville for the pur pose of inspection. The members of the Commission meet ut the farm every month. Want o Dissolution. New York, July 2.—President Henry Brown of the National Wall Paper Com pany announced to-day that the director* of that company favor a dissolution. The company has not earned the prollU an ticipated “'Brevity is the Soul of Wit/’ Wit is ‘wisdom. Blood is life. Impure blood is living death. Health depends on good blood. Disease is due to bad blood. The blood can be purified. Legions say Hood's Sarsaparilla, Amer ica’s Greatest Blood Medicine, purifies it. A brief story but it tells the tale. Jiccd^SoUapa^Ka Never GRANTED A FR Will ISIS. Bnt Hnrftt Connldem It Hn* Too Many Con riltiniift. Atlanta, Ga., July 2.—The Council (hi* afternon granted a lighting franchise to the Atlanta Railway Company, but it I so weighted down with conditions that Joel Hurt and Ernest Woodruff say the company cannot accept or build under it. They wont to build a lighting plant, they say, to compete with the Georgia Electric Light Company, thereby creating compe tition. yet their principal objection to the franchise given them Is an amendment in the ordinance offered by Aledman John son, and adopted by the committee, hav ing for its object, seemingly, the insurance of perpetual competition in lighting. This amendment provides that of the Hurt )>©:>- ple ever combine with or buy out or sell out to tiie Atkinson interests, the city of Atlanta shall have the right to step in and fix for herself the price she *hall pay for lights, as the city I* the largest consumer of lights. Such a clause in the franchise, the Hurt people say. would be ruinous to their interests. The Hurt interests w*re argued fer hours to-day before the Uoun cil Committee, but the committee Insisted on the conditions outlined and Council unanimously adopted the report of the committee. So the Atkinson inrereaia have Bcoied another body blow in the City Council against those of Hurt. Thi.- is the lort of the franchise pending in the City Council and Atlanta may now xpcct a rest from franchise fights until the next city election at least. > i FISCAL YEAR’S STATEMENT. Receipts Government $,*118,1188,8481 Expenditures $487,758,171. Washington, July 2.—Government re ceipts for the twelve months of the fiscal year 1800 just closed aomunt to $M!5,588,948. and the expenditures $487,759,171. mwktng a surplus for the year of $81,229,777. The receipts for the fiscal year have been derived from the following sources: Customs. $233,857,958. an increase over the fiscal year 1899 of $28,729,777; internal revenue, $298,299,388. an Increase as com pared with th* former fiscal year of 22,- 552.227: miscellaneous, $38,831,601. an In crease over the year ended June 30, 1899, of $2,400,000. The expenditures for the last fls'.)l year were $118,313,008 less than for the fis cal year of 1899. The expenditures of the year by items are given as follows: Civil and miscellaneous. $106,790,753, ns against $119,191,255 for 1899; war, $184,(53.- 998. as against $229,841,254; navy, $50,089,982, as against $03,942,104; Indians, $10,106,132, r* against $12,805,711; pensions, $140,875,992, ns against $139,394,929; Interest. $40,176,313, os against $39,896,925. LICENSES FOR KHBBI.MF.R9. The Law Relative to the Profession Is Sow Operative. Atlanta. Ga.. July 2 —The new law which requires embalmcrs In Georgia to have a license from 4he State Board of Exam iners. went into effect yesterday, and here after all embalmers doing business with out a license will be violating the law. So tar two examinations have been held by the state board, one. at Macon and the o4her In Savannah. As soon as there ore a sufficient number of applications, an other examination will be ordered. The intention of the hoard Is to hold two examinations each year, unless there are men who are anxious to practice. There were a number who failed in the examinations recently held, biw they will be given another opportunity when the next examination is held. THE I\TKHKSTS OK FARMERS. Will lie Sought at n Meeting to Be Held In Montgomery. Montgomery, Ala., July 2.—State Com missioner of Agriculture Culver has Is sued a call for a conference of bankers, warehousemen, commission men and planters to nxet in Montgomery, July 18. The object is 1o protect the interests of producers of farm products generally by united action. Wheeler and llreekenrldge. Atlanta, Ga., July 2 —Gen. Joe Wheeler and Gen. J. C. Breckenridge have written to T. H. Martin, to say they will probably attend the big reunion of the Blue and Grey, to be held here July 29. A (Inaranlrrd Cure for ril-a. Itching, blind, bleeding or protruding piles. No cure, no pay. All druggist* are authortied by the manufacturers of Paro ."t’e Ointment to refund the money where It fa sto cure nv rase of piles, no njatter of how long standing Cures ordinary cases In tlx days; the worst cases In fourteen days. One application gives ease and rest. Relieves itching instantly. Th! Is anew discovery and ts the only Pile remedy sold on a positive guarantee no cure no pav Price 50c If vour druggist don’t keep It in stock, send us 50c In postage stamps and we will forward same by mail. Manufactured by Paris Medlclue Cos.. St. Louis. Mo Menufac turers of Laxative Bromo Quinine and Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonlo.—ad. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS. City Treasurer's Office Savannah. Ga.. July 1. 1900. The following taxes are now due: Real estate, second quarter 1900. Stock in trade, second quarter 1900. Forntture, etc., second quarter 1900. Money, mortgagee, etc., second quarter 1900. Also water rents In advance for six months ending Jan. 1, 1901. A discount of 10 per cent, will be allow ed upon all of the above If payment Is made within fifteen days after July 1. C. 3. HARDEE, City Treasurer. BONDS EXECUTED By th* American Bondtng and Trust Com pany of Baltimore. .We are authevrUed to execute locally (Immediately upon appli cation). all bonds in Judicial proceedings In either th* state or United States courts, and of administrators ond guardians DEARING A HULL. Agentg Telephone 324. Provident Bulkilng. WALL PAPER, rAPER HANGING. We carry complete assortment of latmi style papers, and employ only best ertistg Bee our goods and cet our estimate be fore giving out your work. Our prices the very lowest. SAVANNAH BUILDING SUPPLY CO., Corner Drayton and Congress. Phone 519. 92.1,000. One of our clients has placed In our hands $33,000 to loan on good Bavanneb real estate at reasonable rates of Interest BECKETT A BECKETT, *4 President street, east. THE MORNING NEWS: TUESDAY, JULY 3. 1900. PTSKRAL IN TSTATIONS. <’OLEMAN. —The friends and acquain tance?* of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Coleman, of William and Nathan Coleman, of Mrs. A Gardner, and of Mr. Jacob Gardner, are Invited to attend the funeral of Mr. Henry Coleman, from his late residence, 114 Park avenue, east, this afternoon at S o’clock. Interment, Laurel Grove. NORTON.—The relatives and friend* of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Norton and family are Invited to artend the funeral of the’r daughter, Eva J. Norton, from their res idence, 214 Liberty street, east, at 5 o’clock this afternoon. WAY—The relatives and friends of Col. and Mrs. Charlton H. Way are respect fully invited to attend the funeral of the former at I-aurel Grove this (Tuesday) morning, at 9 o’clock. MEETI.NGS. terihhaSi^^ A. M. A special communication of this ja Ijodge will be held this (Tuesday) afternoon at 4:30 o’clock, for the pur pose of paying th© last tribute of respecet to Brother Henry Cojcman. Members of sister lodges and transient brethren are fraternally invited to with us. PLEASANT A. STOVALL* W. M. J. A. HERSCHBACH, Secretary. C DE KALB LODGE HO. f, I. O. O. F. A regular meeting of the lodge will he held this evening at 1:90 o'clock at ropelttan Hail. Visiting brethren en<l membera of lis ter lodges are cordially Invited to attend. C. H. DORSETT. N. G. W. W. GROSS, Secretary. Favannan lodge no. I*3, b. p, x ELKS. A regular meeting of thle lodge will be held this (Tuesday) evening at S:3O o'clock at Elks' Hall Vlaltlng brothera ara cor dially Invited to at lend. J. J. KIRBY, E. R. L. 3. MAXWELL. Secretary. THE t()NFEDERBTE VETERANS AS SOCIATION Will attend regular monthly meeting at their hall at 8:20 this evening ROBERT FALLIGANT, president. James W. McINTIRE, Secretary. •FECIAL NOTICED KoTTrE to roTiTf .11 ROIIS. The twenty-tour Jurors below named will appear in Court on Tuesday, 3rd Inst., all othera are discharged until Thursday, sth: Lowenthal, Davidson. Woodbrldge. Cooper, Moses, Bulken, Barbour, Weasels, McCarthy, Stelnbaoh, Driscoll. Berg, En nis, Walsh, Behr, Fulton, Barthelmess, Wlthington, Almar. Truchlet, Cope, Ken nlckle, Morris, Adams. 1 By order of His Honor Judge l’alligant. JAMES K. P. CARR. Clerk S. C„ C. C. AUCTION SALE TO-DAY. The. sale of lots at auction, Collinsville, begins to-day at 5 o'clock. Some of the best lots *t $25.00 cash, $5,00 a month. Good houses $50.00 bash, $25.00 a month. Don't fail to attend this sale. It begins corner Waldburg and Ott at five o'clock. JOHN L. ARCHER. MALT MEAD. The new and delicious Summer Drink, at W. C. CLEVELAND'S PHARMACY, Bull and Ninth Streets. Ol ll FINE BITTF.II AT 25 CENTS PER POUND. Is dainty and sweet. Our Bonelert Btrips with a nice fresh egg and a cup of our choice Java and Mocha will be a good foundation for breakfast. A. M A C. W. WEST. PAULDING OP 1,0.XG ISLAND CELE. URATED PIPPIN APPLE CIDER. This pur* cider is served on steamere on th* American line, and at th* Waldor(-As lot la and leading family gTocera In New Yoik city. Paulding* Pippin cld*r Is made from the pure Juice at hand picked apples from his own. mill on th* premises. It 1* abso lutely pur* sppl* Juice, and all (h effer vescence I* natural, and w* guarantea I* to be the choicest cider in the world. Leading phyeiclans in New York and Brooklyn recommend this cider to their patients fts perfect purity Is guaranteed. In rauldlng's Pippin cider, only Long Is land Newton's Pippins are used. The ap ples are left on the trees until lat* in Oo tober when they ar* hand picked and placed In a dry room to ripen. Paulding says "the apples ar* thorough ly crushed In hla own mill and the Juice pressed out and run Into sweet clean casks” Th* difference between crushing and grinding apples Is very great You will know the difference between crushed opp ea and ground apples It you take some stems and chew them, you will find that bitter fast* which Is not with Paulding'* crushed apples. This cider ha* not th* extrtm* sweetness of th* Russet elder, and everyone will find th* Pauld ing* rippin elder Just right to tak* with dinner. LIPPMAN BROS , I . Bole Agent* in Savannah. Used over half a century, I Refreshing and invigorat- jjL 'jjh,” A ing. for the toilet or after g shaving. Immediate relief to eyes irritated by wind or dust. \ Asa Remedy, it controls pain, bleeding and inflammation, • Used internally and Externally CAUTION. — Witch Hazel is NOT Pond’s Extract, and cannot be used for it. Ordinary Witch Hazel is sold in U Bu'h, diluted, easily turn; sour, and generally contains " wood alcohol, ” ‘which is an irritant externally and, taken Jgi? internally is a deadly poison. Pond's extras* is sold ONLY in SEALED bottles enclosed in buff wrapper. A Pond's Extract Cos., 76, Fifth Avc„ New York. POND'S EXTRACT OINTMENT cures Itching or Bleeding Piles, however severe. It is a specific in all skin diseases. HSil BRTDIni zum.aj. .111.1—j In Excellent Shape Once More TO DO FINE LAUNDRY WORK. Savannah Steam Laundry Go,, II Congress Street, West, Phone 383. SPECIAL \ OTIC Eft. And oil t-o-called "eligible and beauti fully lo.titf'd” lots are not eligible or beau tiful! Buyers are sometimes carried away by the name of a street and don’t realize bow far away their lots are from the reat city until a day or so after they have bought. Jones street, for instance, a mile east of the Shell Road Toll Gate, is not as eligible as a lot on Jones street, near Bull street, hut still people fool them selves that lots on far-off Jones street .ire worth buying! All of this preamble is to call attention to the fact that the lots that are to he sold by the Chatham Real Estate and Improve ment Company on Price, Plant. St. Michael and other streets, on Tuesday next. Will- Inst., at 6 p. m.. are all WEST of East Broad street and north of Fifth street! Just ‘round the corner from the Anderson Street Public School, and acoefii ble by #h© Habersham and Aberoorn street cars! They ore real city lots! Then the terms! Any one who can raise S2O con become a real estate owner, and s2.{o per month, or B’a cents a day. will pay th© deferred payments. These lots are to be sold "regardless of cost.’’ as the dry goods men have it. to (dose the estate account of Series A of the Chatham Real Estate and Improvement Company. Re member the Jocatlon. the day and the terms, and he sure to attend the sale. C. H. DORSETT, Auctioneer. CENTRAL OF GEOIU.It RY. CO. OCEAN STEAMSHIP CO. July 4th being a legal holiday the offices and warehouses of these Companies will be closed, with the exception of the Wadley Street Warehouse, and the Ocean Steam ship Company’s delivering shed, which will r<mairi open until 9 a. m., Standard Time, for the delivery of perishable freight. R. G. TREZEVAXT, Agent. SPECIAL NOTICE. Central of Georgia Railway Company, Tybee Division. Savqnnah, July 2. 1900. On Wednesday. July 4, no freight will be received for shipment to Tybee except beer, ice and perishable articles, and these should he at Tybee depot before 10 o'clock, city time, to ensure shipment on that day. CLEMENT S A USSY. Supt. NOTICE OF D1 ft SO LI TION. Savannah. Ga.. June 30, 1900. The law firm of Charlton. Mackall & Anderson Is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Either member of the firm will sign in liquidation. Mr. Charlton will associate with him his son. Mr. Richard Malcolm Charlton, and will temporarily retain ids present office. Mr. Mackall and Mr. Anderson will continue to practice !aw under the firm name of Mackall & Anderson, with office* in the Sorrel building. WALTER G. CHARLTON. WM. W. MACKALL. J. RANDOLPH ANDERSON. SPECIAL NOTICE. Savannah, Ga., July 2, 1900. A co-partnership for the practice of law, under the firm name of Charlton & Charl ton, has this day been formed between the undersigned. Office temporarily corner of Bull and Bay streets. WALTER G. CHARLTON. RICHARD M. CHARLTON. LAUNCHES FOR RENT. For five people $1 per hour; $5 per day. For ten people $2 per hour; $8 per day. All extra passengers proportionately. City phone 589, or 752, S-atoard Club, Thunderbolt. DIVIDEND NO. 27. The National Bank of Savannah. June 30, 1900. The directors have declared a dividend of three dollars and a half ($3.50) per share, from the earnings of the past six months, payable on demand to stockholders of re cord this date. F. D. BLOODWORTH. Cashier. THE MERCHANTS NATIONAL IIANK OF SAVANNAH. Dividend No. 63, Savannah. Ga., June 29. 1900. The Board of Directors have declared a dividend of three dollars per share from the earnings of the bank for the past six months, payable on and after Tuesday, July 3. 1900, to stockholders of record this date. W. M. DAVANT. Cashier. DIVIDEND NOTICE. Office of Augusta and Savannah R’y Cos, Savannah. Ga.. June 30, 1900. A dividend of 2'j per cent, has been de clared upon the capital stock of the Au gusta and Savannah Railroad Company, payable on and after July 5, at the office of Hull & Lathrop, Savannah, Ga., lo stockholders of record this day. Tho transfer books of the company will be closed until July 5. JOSEPH D. WEED. President. LARGE WAREHOUSE AND OFFICE to rent, located head of Broughton • tree!, on West Broad, now occu pied by the Savannah Carriage and Wagon Cos. As they will give up business In the city on June l, I otter it for rent from that date. H. P. SMART. MANTELS, GRATES AM) TILING. We have the largest stock, prettiest de signs, lowest prices. Coll and examine ours before buying. Beautify your ikw house with pretty mantels. ANDREW HANLEY COMPANY. SPECIAL -NOTICES. HAW COUNTY COURT HOUSE BONDS. Office Comm'ssioners of Chatham county and ex-officio judges. Savannah, Ga , June I>, 1900.—Notice is hereby given that the following Chatham county Court House bonds, amounting to five thousand dollars ($3,000) of par value.s designated by their numbers and denominations, which have been determined by the Commis sicneis of Chatham county and cx-offlcio judges, by lot from the whole number of outstardlug bonds, to wit: Numbers two (2). fifty-ninv* (59) and sixty (00) for one thousand ($1.(00) each; numbers one (1). thirty-three (33), sixty-four (64), seventy-three (73) for five hundrrd dollars each. are called in for ndemptlon on and after July 1, 190), a / ,rr Hay interest shall cease upon tite said bonds ro called in and not pre sented. The bonds above numbered and denominated must be presented to the county treasurer at his office in the Court House for redemption. J. J. DALE, C. C. C. F. S. LATH HOP, C. C. C. W. D. SIMKINS, C. C. C. E. A. WEIL. C C. C. Attest: Jno. R. Dillon. Clerk. WHY AND HOW SI WAN EE SPRINGS’ WATER Cl RES. There is but one cardinal reason: The Water is a natural diuretic. Get hold of Hot phrase in its full meaning, if you please. Turn to Abernethy. ‘Nature's way of cure of disease is by free diuresis." And Avenbrugger: "Nature cares for the kidneys. That is health." And Bichat: "Health is impossible if the diuretics be neglected.” Ihit it in this way: The Water has a selective action on the kidneys. The ex cretion of the solid matters—the urea, uric acid, and extractive matters—is In creased by it. In other words, it causes the elimination of the products of the Increased metamorphosis of tissue. And y t, notice that this is done without anv impairment of the quality of the blood, or any lowering of the forces of the organ ism. It is better that patients go to the Spring to take the Water, for the reason that the pj-.\ chic influence*?; of change of scene, as sociations and climate are very large fac tors concerned in the results of treatment. Go to the Spring, if you can. It mean* much more than you can dream of. You want the Water as Nature hand* it forth. But if you cannot go for any reason, you may rest assured that it Is the sam. vV a ter. whether taken at the Spring or hundreds of miles from there, and that the results are the same wherever it is taken. There are two or threo points to be not ed. Suwanee Water is prempt in its action. It acts the same day fhat it is taken. Tim effect are immediate. Ihe effects are continuous. That Is, the results, which are early accomplished] arc continued. For descriptive pamphlets with testi monials address SUWANEE SPRING CO.. Suwanee Fla. ANDREW HANLEY, President and General Manager. TABLE D’HOTE. 50c—DINNER—50c Dinner 1 to 3 and 6 to 9, Tuesday, July 3. Claret Wine. SOUP. Vegetable. FISH. Small Fdets of Red snapper, Tomato Sauce Potatoes ala Julienne. Sliced Tomatoes, Queen Olives. Chow Chow, Mixed Pickles. ROASTED. Ribs of Baltlm<)re. Beef, Dish Gravy. Rlccfield Lamb, Mint Sauce. ENTREES. Fresh Levelled Crabs, d'Orleans. Boston Baked Beans. VEGETABLES. New Potatoes. Rice Stewed Tomatoes. Succotash. Mashed Squashes. PASTRY AND DESSERT. Lemon Custard Pie. Assorted Cakes. Cheese. Crackers. Fruits. Peach Sherbert. French Coffee. At LEVAN'S CAFE RESTAURANT, 111 Congress street, west. MALT MEAD. Cool and refreshing, by the glass, at LIVINGSTON'S PHARMACY. SPLENDID IK SINE** STAND FOR RENT. The large double siores known as the Whitfield building, located corner of Stote, President and Whitaker streets. These splendid stores are now occupied by- Messrs. Lindsay K Morgan, nnd cun bo rented In whole or In part from Oct. 1. This location Is steadily growing In i*>pu larity, being opposite the new United States Court House and Postoffice. and Is well adapted for any business. Apply ,W. M. & W. E. CONEY. We carry in stock all the latest and prettiest patterns in Builders’ Hardware. Ca’.l and see our 801 l Bearing Sash Pul leys and Door Butts. Palmer Hardwire Company, BAY AND JEFFERSON STREETS. BUSINESS NOTICES. IFOR YOUNG CHILDREN In Summer I There is nothing better J and few things so good | as i Cream ot Wheat. This is a STERILIZED food, I prei>ared from the choicest select- I ed spring wheal. It is less hcat- I ing and more nourishing than I hominy. For weak stomach it is I especially recommended. Many j Savannah families are using it, ] with good resuits, for small chil | dren. The S. W. Branch Cos., , Corner Broughton and Whitaker. “THE TALK 04' THE TOWN." The many .stylish ami seasonable ve hicles Been on the roads these pleasant afternoons are the latest styles brought to Savannah and purchased of us by ihe appreciative ridinp public. When you *■£.© a team looking like this illustration you can depend upon it that it is from us. Call ajid examine the largest stock South. COHEN-KI’LMAN CARRIAGE AN’D WAGON COMPANY. Broughton and West Broad streets, Babcock’s Sole Representatives. NEGLIGEE COSTUMES As well as others, must have BUT TONS AND PINS. We are show ing the s wed lest line of SUMMER JEWELRY, in Silver, Gold und Gems, to be found In a day’s travel. Have you seen those beautiful I Leather Goods? Pocketnooks, Toilet I Cases, Purses, etc. Hunter & Van Keuren, Jewelers, 143 Bull Street. H Ring Up 222 F ° r M HARVARD |H BEER. = Ipiy John Lyons & Go. ORDERS FILLED PROMPTLY We Have an Agent UT HOTEL TYBEE. office 207 Bull Street. Telephone TOO. •FECIAL NOTICES. TUE WAV TO CLEAN CARPETS. The only way tc get your carpets prop, erly taken up. cleaned and taken care of for the summer is to turn the Job over to the District Messenger and Delivery Cos., telephone 2, or call at 32 Montgomery street, and they will make you an esti mate on the cost of the work. Prices reasonable. They also pack, movo and •tore furniture and pianos. C. H. MEDLOCK. Sunt. and Mgr. NATION AL MATTRESS iMI RENO VATING CO. All kinds mot D ee*' a made to order. Kino our bl hair and moss mattresses a special ty. Uur medicated steam renovating pro cess of hair, feathers, moss, etc., is en dorsed l>y our 10. :il physicians as being the best germ desticyer In use. Your old mat. tresses or fealher beds made new at reas onable prices. We carry a full Hue of tick ing*. hair, feathers and moss. Call und in spect our methods. JAS. R. noONER, Prop., Bell Phone 1136. 331 Drayton si reel. LEOPOLD ADLER. C. S. ELLIS. President. Vice President. BARRON CARTER. Assistant Cashier. The Chatham Bank SAVANNAH. Will be pleased to receive the accounts of Merchants, Firms, Individuals, Banks, and Corporations. Liberal favor* extended. Unsurpassed collection facilities, inour ing prompt returns. Separate Savings Department. INTEREST ( OMPOI'VDFJ) QUAR TERLY OX DEPOSITS. Safety Deposit Boxes and Vaults for rent. Correspondence solicited. The Citizens Bank UP 3.VV A.iXAU. CAPITAL $500,00a uvMCtMi iiuuklug Ratines*. Solicits Accounts of Individuals. Merchants, Hanks and other Corpo rations. Collections handled with safety, economy and dispatch. Interest compoanded quarterly allowed on deposits fn oar Savings Deportment. Safety Deposit Boxes and Storage Vaults. BRANTLEY A. DENMARK, President. MILLS B. LANE, Vice President. GEORGE C. FREEMAN, Cashier. GORDON L. GROOVER. Asst. Cashflow, SillilMCt CAPITAL $350,000. Accounts of banka, merchants, corpora tions and individuals solicited. Savings Department, interest paid quarterly. Safety Boxes and Storage Vault* for rent. Collection, mad, on all points at rea* ronable rates. Drafts sold on all th, chief cltlea of the world. Correspondence Invited. JOSEPH D. WEED. President. JOHN C. ROWLAND, Vice President. SOUTHERN BANK oi ihe o.aie o/ Georgia. Ca P IUU IFfl.Ob) Surplus and undivided profits— ...—S3SB,OOO LEi UU IVKY US' flit oTAi'ki y GEORGIA. Superior facilities lur transacting a ueuerai ..nsiii, Collections made on ah points * accessible ihruugn wnxs and bankers. Accounts or Lanka. Rankers, Merchants and othera solicited. Safe Deposit Box*, lor rent. Department of Bavin,a, interest payable quarterly. Sells Stearlln, Exchange on London a and upwards. JOHN FLANNERY. President. HORACE A. CRANE. Vice President. JAMES SULLIVAN. Cashier. DIRECTORS: JNO. FLANNERY. WM W. GORDON. E. A. WEIL. W. W. GORDON, Jr. H A. CRANE. JOHN M. EGAN. LEE ROY MYERS. JOSEPH FERST. H. P. SMART. CHARLES ELLIS, EDWARD KELLY. JOHN J. KIRBY. THE GERMANIA BANK SAVANNAH, GA. Capital tSfiO.Ot* Undivided profits oO.OW This bank its services to corpora tions, merchants and individuals. Ha* authority tc act as executor, ad ministrator, guardian, etc. Issues drafts cn the piine'Dal cities 1, Great Britain and Ireland and on the Continent. Interest paid or compounded quarterly or. deposits In the Saving Department. Pafetv Boxes for rent. HENRY BI.UN. President. GEO. W TIEDEMAN, Vic. President, JOHN M. HOGAN. Cashier. WALTER F. HOGAN. Ass t Cashier. No. ICMk Chartered, 186* THE nils Hi it OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL. $500.C09. SURPLUS. SIOO,OOO. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. J. A. G. CARSON, President. BEIRNE GORDON, Vice President. W. M. DAVANT, Cashier. Accounts of banks and bankers, mer chants and corporations received upon th* most favorable terms consistent with safe and conservative banking. UISIVL.VX .NOTICES. ANXiOUS TO SELL For $2,500. A two-story double cottage on a cor ner. A one-siory cottage on a corner, and a lot sixty feet front, by one hundred and seventeen fee deep, with two wide streets and a lane. So anxious are the owners to sell that they will take a part cash and give long time on the balance at u low rate of In terest. C. H. DORSETT. To Ham Pill For sale, a Forsalth Newspaper Folder; will fold sheet 27x45. It Is In good order. Price SIOO. It cost originally $l,lOO, but we have no uee for It and want the room It occupies. It will be an Invaluable adjunct to any newspaper office. . Address MORNING NEWS, Savannah. Go. SFECTAL .YOTIGEL BATH MITTS A.\D FLESH BELTS. Ifl in the* bath find an a !I©li brtiNli. r< p<linu 4 up* for Invulida, va riety of t True l)it I inn Hun I'ondrr. I* •* not geiiersll, known Hint n mnnlt quantity linrneil In the rooms *!•• keep out File* and Mosqoltors. Just received n fresh supply. WOI.OMOK, CO,