The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, July 06, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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BRYAN WAS CHOSEN UNANIMOUSLY. Continued from First Page. Into the contest for the rescue of the re public. "Realizing that imperialism, like the fa bled Artaeus. was born of ear n, aid that contended with upon the selfisa worldly alane of greed and gold, it was of giant itrengtb, and if thrown down would rire igatn refreshed from contact with j 1 mother element, he, like the mighty Hercules, raised it above the sordid tphere from which its strength was Irawn and on a plane of lofty patriotism se strangled it. "With the issues now clearly drawn, no Joubt remains as to the name of our can didate. On that question we are a re united democracy. "Already worthy allies differing from ua rather in name than faith, have shout ed for our gallant leader again, and entry state and territory has instructed its dele gates lo this convention to vote for him here. So it only remains for Nebraska to pronounce the name that has t . a thundered forth from the foot of Bunker Hill, and echoed back from Sierra's sunset Slope, and that reverberates among tho pine-clad snow-capped hills of the North, and rises up from the slumbering fiower seented savannahs of the South; and ihat name is the name of William Jennings Bryan, her best-ioved son.” Then Came the Fireworks. Mr. Oldham delivered his eulogy of Mr. Bryan with impassioned fervor. As he approached the close of his address, he raised both hands high over his h ad and spoke slowly and with an energy that caused his voke to penetrate imo every corner of the hall. "And—that man—is William—Jennings —Bryan,” he concluded, bringing his hands lower with each word until the last had been uttered, when he brought them up with a sweep, but quicker than his mo tion was the answering cheer that swept across the convention. It was a simul taneour roar from all parts of the hall. Up went the delegates on their chairs, over their heads went the flags, and cheers' for Bryan. The band loj’ally above them all soared and rang the performed ils share, but ils noise was but a drop in the torrent. The men from, the etate of Nebraska flung up a largo ban ner bearing a likeness of Mr. Brynn on. one side, and on the other, “Nebraska. ' and a smaller portrait of Mr. Bryan en closed in a star of blue. Whatever may have been the difference of delegates over the plßtform, they seem ed to have forgotten them, and all were as one in favor o fthe man. New York vied with Nebraska and Kansas in vent- WILLIS D. OLDHAM NOMINATING WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN FOR THE PRESIDENCY AT KANSAS CITY. tng Its enthusiasm. Richard Croker on a chair, both arms aloft, a fta? in 1 is right hand, which ho waved vigorously. Mill was not behind his in his show oi‘ loy alty to the nominee, and raising h - arms, h let forth a scries of cheers equalled those uttered by any man on the floor. Over in Illinois, Ohio and Indiana, where 16 to 1 is not popular, there was no hesitation now. Round the hall started the Nebraska men with their huge banner, and catch ing up their state emblems, the other delegations took up the march, waving flags and hats and cheering it the tops Of their voices without cessation, save for the breath necessary to a fresh out burat. The two women delegates from Utah Joined in the parade, one of them carrying a small silk banner of while upon which was Inscribed "Greeting to William Jennings Bryan, from the Demo cratic women of Utah." Brave Pounded the Snnaw, As the women passed along the aisle in front of the New York delegation, one Of the enthusiastic Tammany braves turn ed loose a war-whoop *hat rivaled any previously tittered on this continent, and pounded one of the women over the head with his small flag a- a token o'' n ’ elation. Far from resenting (hr i>lnw, tha woman smiled and rirou-■•ted through the aisle formed of shouting men. Senator Clark of Montana, accompanied by a lady, both waving 11 gs with ini nse energy, called forth t iritv iiqdau is they passed around the hall. Next car e Texas witli its long i> le unmount and by a steer’s horns, nnl further bat some of the New York del ration. cir ylrg their little flog bearing th words' f> n’t think thetv art no # York." Round and round thn hall went the marching column between two walls of ehraring men. who Flood beneath a cloud of fluttering flags, it was a 'em net i tton fully equal in f that had preceded it yesterday or In-d-\ when the platform wi>* read. Whin the enthusiasm had run I ml a half minutes, Chairman T:i< hard on earn raeneed to pound vigor, urly fur order. He was loet beyon l all pow r of h. • rin>’ for several minutes, and It wa no l until twenty-seven minutes hod elapsed from theirs ant that Mr. Old! am hi 1 in nth n ad the word "1! yan’ ’ti nt the tin ring had subsided and the convention was In order ongo more. rerUlns Seconded It. Once more the exotted and perspiring crowd got Into a state of quietude, suc cumbing bemuse of Yatlgui rather than obeying the gavel. The . lolly 4- mol- Ished slate standards were pm bi k In thara places, and panting and exhausted, th* delegates prepared for the seconding of the nomination, In the midst of that peculiar convention hum that seems to cams from nowhere. Arkansaa yielded to Texas and Mr. Perkins began a speech seconding Mr. Bryan. He lauded the and said some oiber pertinent things, but the audience's .appetite had been whetted for the nomination, and his tone was hardly distinguishable above the sirong hum of conversation and the rus tling of moving bodies. Mr. K. B. Perkins, of Dallas, Tex., in seconding Mr. Bryan’s nomination for 1 * 1 suient. surd in part: ••The Democracy of Texas c< mis to this convention, desiring one thing onlv-the ejection of William J. Bryan to the' pres i'.eney In November. To tncim this seems re one supreme importance. Bui to-day the issues for the campaign of 1900 are made up. The platform adopted at Phila d phia and Kansas City cannot change t.irm To meet and act upon the issues " hic-h exist, and which are coming re quires true grea jness. For that, genuine. i*ue, open, honest, courageous manhood is the on ly foundation. Without it there nay be superiority, but no greatness. We know he man we advocate. He came end minprw with my people. They have .‘■• did him—watched him in the various r I t ons of life. They found that he was endowed wi li manhood in a high degree. Had they not, r.o Texas vote would have iHcn for him. They are old-fashioned, a i make this the first, but not the only test. They found also that, in intellectual culture; in the profound knowledge of Hie ihr ary of government, and of the de tails cf its administration; in love for his people and patriotic devotion to his coun try, this man was the peer of the great est statesman of the best days of tho republic. They dp not indulge in hero worship. The hero's claim to greatness r -ts i pot) past achievements. He may or may not deserve the honor. Bes dew, ! exans follow not those who tlaunc their own deeds before the eyes of the world, and strut the platform for applause. But the manly man. who comes forth to light the present and coming battles of the people, him they honor, and him they trust. The hour has come when such an one is needed. For now, the theory of the Re public is called in Question. Individual liberty and local self-government are* gravely challenged. Not ao much by words as by deeds. Ho favored honest, straightforward dealings with the people of the Philippine Islands, such as was used by the great admiral while he held the chief command. It blundered and blustered and bullied, un til it showed the world the spectacle of tho great American nation engaged in a conflict with a lot of misguided and half armed natives, who courted a soldier’s death, because they classed us with the blood-stained tyrant Spain. “He has continued to demand, in the name of right and Justice, that they should be told that we tender them the blessings of peace nnd freedom. It has answered this demand by continuing its policy, and by Cabling home the sad and silent death rolls of the boys In blue. “He has always advocated reliance upon the local constabulary in time of pence, and upon the volunteer soldiers in time of War. It, following the lead of the military-ridden countries of the Old World, has demanded a large increase In the standing army. "Ho Insists that the letter and spirit of our proclamation of intervention in be half of the Cubans must be honestly and faithfully kept. It has tarnished the glory of that proclamation by commissioning, in some instances, small politicians to teach that people self-government, who have even fallen so low as to filch postage stamps. "He favors saying to the foreign world that when America is compelled to don the habiliments of war, her soldiers and sailors will ever stand for the rights of oppressed and outraged humanity as an nounced in the Declaration of Independ ence, and guaranteed by the constitution. “It has encouraged and fostered the epirit of imperial dominion, by force, on land and sea, although this means death to the constitution and vassalage to free people, "He declares that freedom follows the flag. • It declares that trade follows (he flag. "Thus the Issues culminate. "Bryan, and the republic. "McKinley and a governmental trust. “Let those who love their country choose. For me. and fop the unwavering Democracy of the state of Texas, which I have the honor to represent, we do now, and will in November, stand for William J. Bryan for the constitution, and follow the flag, the emblem of liberty.” Cries Were for Hill. His finish was applauded, and then tt*e voice of the clerk calling the roll was drowned out by vociferous cries for "Hill," "Hill." Ex-Senator White of Cal ifornia got the platform, however, and his stentorian tones soon demanded attention, and by his decided deilverty he kepi the convention somewhat In order. Colorado gave way to Illinois, and Judge Thompson took the, platform, while the audience again cried for "Hill*" He be gan In n tumult, but soon received alten iton and secondsd the nominr.tlon in "be half of his stale. Judge Thompson did not take the ten minutes allotted him, and when lie finished. Connect** in yielded lor David B. Hill. Even as live state yielded- Ihe convention took up tho cry which had hern on its longue for tv.o days Flags waved anti the delegates nose and cheered wifli the audience. The mien in New York wearing the Tammanjr badges were the only delegates who kept thetr seats. Ex-Senator Hill forced bis way to the platform and waved, his hand for silence. When the clieera 'an* crlee of "Hill!” THE MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY, JUDY 6, 1900. “Hill!” had concluded, and the vast audi ence was seated, he began to speak slow ly, but clearly, and the attention given him was remarkable. The vast hall wa almott perfectly silent. HU laudation ol Bryan was received with applause and cheers. Hut when he said “Bryan will received the support of a united party,” the crcwd went wild, and the band had to play ‘America’’ to s<ill the tumult. “His integrity has never been question ed.” asserted Mr, Hill, and tin: audience • His explanation of his position on the platform and his acquiescence with th will of the majority called for heartier applause than had been evident befor , .and the good offices of the band were again necessary to get attention for him. “This nomination will meet the approval of the Fast,” he said, and enthused bis andirons. Jn closing, he said: “New York expects to join with you with her thirty-six electoral votes,” and then as he stepped down from the platform tho convention became a bedlam again. “Hill for Vice President,” was one of the cries raised, and delegates all over the hall were on their feet, except the Tammany men. Ex-Senator Murphy, as Hill passed to his seat, gmsped his hand and shook it heartily. Tfc* n Mr. Shea of Brooklyn did the same and others in the row, but Mr. Croker sat immobile, and Hill passed him without salutation. The applause for Sen ator Hill continued for some minutes. When order was restored, the secretary of the convention proceeded with the call of states. Tennant Bomax of Alabama briefly seconded the nomination of Mr. Bryan. During his speeJh the vast au dience grew restless. So much confusion existed that it was extremely difficult to hear the speaker’s words. Moore of North Cnrolinn. W B. Moore of North Carolina follow ed Mr. Lomax with a brief eulogy of Mr. Bryan. During his speech, hundreds of people left the hall, the lateness of the hour and their inability to hear being tho motive. Georgia Colled for Daniel. In the midst of the confusion at the conclusion of Mr. Moore’s address n Georgia delegate arose and, on behalf of the South, requested “that the petivss leader and orator of Virginia, John W. Daniel, be called upon to address the con vention.” Senator Daniel was escorted to the plat form, and as he appeared at the front of the chairman's desk, attired in a conven tional black broadcloth coat anti trousers and his usual white tie, facing the great audience, he looked ’'the statesmen and orator that he is. He was accorded an onihusiastio reception. His speech wis a brilliant and eloquent eulogy of Mr. Bryan. When he said: “I second the nomina- lion of one who would rather bo rignt than be President," a perfect storm of cheers swept over the audience, and when he added: "He is right by hie noble and discern ing nature, and he will soon be Presi dent," the thousands present rose from their seats, and amid tho waving of hun dreds of flags, cheered for almost a min ute. The congratulations! received by Senator Daniel a; the close of his speech amounted to a distinct ovation. "Mr. President and gem lemon of the National Democratic Convention," said the Senator. "I have but few words to say and ( hail detain you tut a few mo ments from the most pleasing duty, the crowning evfpt of this wonderful conven tion. On behalf of the unanimous delega tion from Virginia and by command of the sovereign people cf that : to to, f sec ond the nomination of ono who would rather be right hui be President. (Great applause). One who is now right by the instinctive virtues of his own ennobling, discerning nature and who will soon he President by tho manly virtues of the American people. (Wild ap'iausc and cheering). "Let me remind you. my countrymen, that the present condition of our country is a vindication and lllut-ration of the fundamental financial doctrine which we taught four years ago, which’then was the voice of a divided Democracy, but w hich is now the voice of their union; (Renewed and furious applause ned cheering.) the doctrine that (he price* of all property were regulated by Ibe volume pf money. And we have witnessed by the naked eye the prices of produ, • increasing In this country as new coinage flow 1 , and into our own mint and a • netv paper v u printed, so Jim;. In the fundamental tchory upoh which we stand, w witness tho inert a-e of industry in this lan I as Us vindication. "The Republican party of this country met not long since in the sight and un der the shatiow of oitl Independence Hall, but no voice fell from the lips of the Re publican party while they sat within i(i portal that would remind the country of where they were, or that they hud any memory, of the great struggle that made us free" (Great applause and cheering.) It was but natural, for they could not hive repga.eJ a . ingle sentence from the constitution of the United Stfttc* with re spect to their present conduct—no, thev could not have read the D< and eration of Independence without everybody suppos ing that a satirist had gotten within them to disturb or break up the meeting. (Laughter and npplaune.i "This day, my countrymen, marks a rew rich, n 1 ordy in the history of the Democratic par y, but a ri w .po h In the hbtory o' America. It turns rvi r an w p gc in the hlsb ry o' the world arid r ro elalrrs Democracy ns the gr>a st of all world powers fur the proclamation and steady deCen* of tl bt<troJk PCtae.pJdf of American liberty and independence. (Applause). “I second the nomination of a man who is a faiihlul, m ble, clear expositor of :h© American t'onsitu‘ion—-a man who is honest in all that he has done and io all that he will do. We n.m.nate a man who has no sense of fear of the derision of others who may point at him the finger of sc rn, for he knows that he is th r M armed wha hath his quarrel Just, that his Ftrc gth is as ihe strength of ten because his heart is pure. (Applause).” Vote Hum I, itanfniouM. Seconding speeches were also made M John Haiwocd of Kan as ,H. 1,. Fuqua of Louisiana; Blair of Maryland, Thomas E. Bark worth of Michigan, W C. Baker of Ohio, Robert E. Patison of Pennsylvania, Gov. McMi.l n of T*nnes sce, J. W. Maloney of Vermont. H f G. B hmrich of Wisconsin, John H. Wise of Hawaii, and Mrs. Cohen of Utah. Mrs. Cohen’s speech concluded the nom inating speeches, and the secretary be gan to call the roll of states on the ballot lor me presidential nomination. As the rdl call proceeded the shouts of approval of the unanimity of the vote seemed to increase. All of the large states were cheered heartily as one after another they cast votes for Mr. Bryan. Georgia. In diana, lliinois, Kentucky, Massachusetts were, cheered cordially, but when Mis souri. and a minute later Nebraska, were called, the convention fairly palpitated with enthusiasm. So it was, too, when the state of New’ York was called, the convention rising to its feet and cheering. Te list of stages and territories was com pleted with the calling of the territory of Hawaii. The announcement by Chairman Rich ardson that Mr. Bryan had been nomi nated for President of the United Stales unanimously, wa. u received with great ap plause, but it did not compare with the previous demonstrations during the day. The huge flag suspended from the roof which had played its part earlier in the session was again lowered, the band play ed and people cheered. Standing on their sears, some of the delegates waved flags or standards, but the enthusiasm did not run at high tide. As the people already were leaving the hall. Chairman Rich ardson announced at 8:35 p. m., that tho convention was adjourned until 10:30 to morrow morning. THE MORNING SESSION. Men and Mean are* That Occnpled the Convention. Convention Hall. Kansas City, July Convention Hall was again besieged to day by eager and excited thousands, and long before the time set for opening the second day’s proceeding of the convention ail the streets approaching the building were solidly massed with humanity, mov ing forward to the many entrances. Ex pectancy was at a high pitch, as It was universally felt that the day had in store the great events of the Convention. Ry 10 o’clock, thirty minutes before the time set for th© opening of the conven tion, neatly every seat In the galleries was occupied. t The erotvd was anxious to see Senator Kill, and on two occasions when a bald headed man came through the door lead ing to the delegates’ seat, they set up the cry of “Hill,” which had proved so sen sational a feature at both sessions yes terday. The Senator, however, was one of the last of the New York delegation to arrive. The police arrangements of the hail were a decided improvement ovhr those that characterised the opening of the conven tion yesterday. At the sessions on Wed nesday dense crowds of spectators were allowed to cbngregate in front of the speaker’s stand, in front of th* press seats, and up and down tha aisles. These were at times so densely packed that it was impossible to pass through them. These people were largely responsible for the confusion that made It utterly impossi ble, during the greater part of the ses sions yesterday, for the voice of any man to he heard ten feet from the rostrum. To-day a swarm of the local police was on hand and they started in well by promptly hustling down the passagew r ays ail persons who were not decorated with the proper credentials in the shape of badges. Once the delegates began to put In an appearance they same In streams, and the space reserved for them filled up with great rapidity. At 10:30, the time set for the opening of the convention, two-thirds of them were seated and the remainder were In the hall or crowding through the doora. The arrival of Richard Croker called forth a few cneers from the galleries, aid us usual, when a Tanimany man shows up, there was the cry for "Hill,” Just to remind him that "there are others." The audience began to manifest signs of impatience as the time went by for calling tiie convention to order, and tlie ofiVTo's made no motion to recess. The hum of the multitude increased into a dull roar. The rlsle- were Jammed and the area, in fiont of the. platform was choked with a shuffling mess of delegates, offi cial* and subordinates. Many of the welU known leaders went to the platform to confer on the ataiua gl tUy ce&ycflUaps The absolutely pure BAKING POWDER ROYAL —the most celebrated of all the baking powders in the world—cele brated for its great leav ening strength and purity. It makes your cakes, bis- mm n cuit, bread, etc., health ful, it assures you against gp alum and all forms of adulteration that go with ||l, business, among them White of Califor nia, Slayden of Texas, Cable of Illinois, and McCreary of Kentucky. A fine hand labored Incessantly to offset the con fusion. and the patriotic airs served to keep the crowd in good humor and main tain the patriotic fervor. When the Texans raised to the top of their standard the huge horns of a Texas steer surmounted by the legend, "Texas gives 200,000 majority," there was a roar and shout and enthusiastic tribute to Texas’ democracy. Gov. Beckham of Kentucky was given an enthusiastic reception as he came in, a large number of delegates crowding around to shake him by the hand. At 11 o'clock the slender figure of Chair man Richardson loomed up above the platform assemblage. He swung the gavel lustily, and above the din faintly could be heard his calls for order. Slow ly quiet was brought out of the con fusion and the chairman presented Rev. John J. Glennan for the opening Invoca tion, the entire audience, delegates and spertators standing with bowed heads, while the words of the prayer echoed through the building. Itew. Mr. Glennnn'a Prayer. The Rt. Rev. J. J. Glennon, bishop co adjutator of Kansas City diocese and pas tor of the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, offered prayer, as follows: "O Almighty Eternal Ood, our Creator and Father, we invoke Thy protection and guidance. We pray Thee so to guide Thy people here assembled that In all things they may consult the welfare of humanity and Thy glory. May Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heav en. "Thou art infinitely Just. Grant that jus tice and equity may find expression In all our efforts: that defining and defending out own rights, ‘we may cautiously ab stain from violating the rights of others. Thou art father of the poor and oppress--d. We, Thy children, then must look upon the poor as our friends and the oppressed wherever they be as claimants on our pro tection. Thou art tho Supreme Ruler of nations. Teach us how to make our na tion truly great and good; drive from our hearts the lust of power and the greed of gain. Teach us to bo strong and, at the same time humble, that thus our destiny may not be marred by pharlsulsm or de cadence. "Grant us unity, peace ond stability, that our country, so favoed by Thee may grow In all goodness, struggling for every noble cause, fostering the sisterhood of nations, the inculcation of all rights and above all. Thy fatherhood. To Thee be glory, honor and power forever and ever.” With conclusion of the prayer. Chair man Richardson made an earnest appeal to ehe delegates and spectators to pre serve order, so that the work of the con vention might proceed without undue In terruption. Mr. Richardson now announced that the Platform Committee was not ready to re port, anil pending word from them, he Invited to the platform ex-Gov. Hogg of Texas to address the convention. The giant form of the Texan advanced to the front and was greeted enthusiastically. Possessing a good voice, Ills words re verberated through the hall. No gar render, filly* Hogg, When he declared that the party did not propose to surrender one iota of its alti tude In 1*99. as promulgated by the Chica go convention there was round after round of appluase. But this broke into a whirl wind of approving shouts when the Gov ernor asserted that the party’s platform must contain an unequivocal and specific declaration for 1 to 1. Ii was noticeable that the delegates Joined with the body of spectators in iho tribute to the 18 o 1 idea. Gov. Hogg arraigned the policy of the present adimlnatrution In the Philippines ami on foreign affairs generally and its subserviency to trusts. He closed with a prediction that a platform appealing to the people for a correction of existing evils would bring victory In November. Wanted Hill. Lot Dockery, At the termination of Gov. Hogg’s ad dress Chairman Richardson stepped for ward to ssy a few words to Hergeant-at- Arms Martin and the crowd took adv in take of the opportunity to start the cry of "Hill.” It came from ail quarters of the galleries, but practically llttio of it from the delegates. Mingled with the calia were hisses. Chairman Richardson wielded his gavel vigorously and when order was restored in some degree, announced: "Gentlemen, I have the honor to intro duce to you Hon. A. M. Dockery, Mis souri's favorite Bon." Mr. Dockery was tvarm.y received and his prompt attack u(*on the conduct of the Republican administration for its management of the Philippine question i\ns *tth tbs usual demonetra Alum baking powders are low priced, as alum costs but two cents a pound ; but alum is h corrosive poison and it renders the baking powder dangerous to use in food. ROYAL BAKINO POWDER CO., 100 WILLIAM ST., NEW YORK. tiers of airplnusc. His assurances that Bryan would be the next President of the United States, and hie condemnation of any alliance between this country and England, brought the sum* nthuiodic reception, and cries of "Hurrah for Dock ery!” from the Missouri delegation. Ills appeal for harmony "along the fun dnmental principles," met with a cheer, and when a minute inter, he said: "Gen tlemen, get onto the platform whatever it may be," a ye'J went up chiefly from tho silver delegations. "Talk this way a little," shouted a Georgia delegate. "! can’t talk every way," replied the streak er. "Then talk this way a little," shout ed tho Georgian. Xo Applause for Dewey. The first mention of Dewey’s namo since the opening of the convention was made by Mr Dockery, while discussing the Philippine question, but the name of the famous Admiral was received without a ripple of applause. He closed Ills remark* with the assurance of Democratic success, and the celebration of the centennial of Jefferson’s nomination next November. At the conclusion of the speech of Mr. Dockery, Mayor D. 8. Rose of Milwau kee, was called to the platform to address the convention. He made a fine impre slop Instantly. Attired in a black su't and standing easily and speaking (luentsy he soon stirred the audience. His vol. e was clear anil ringing, and penetrated to the uttermost parts of the hail. Wisconsin May He Won. Speaking of Wisconsin he said that nl- Ihiwgh it had given a majority ngaiu-d Mr. Bryan in '99 it could be brought this yeur into the Democratic column by a proper platform and a suitable running mate for Mr. Bryan. He said the Democ racy q£ the United States was In the sad dle to fight fer tin.* principles enunciated by Thomas Jefferson, who. In the present day. was personified by William J, Bryan. Mayor Roec made a strong arP i al to the convention to remtmbor the great a my of German voters throughout the United States. Those voters, he declared, held the ietloii i' of |w>w“r betwiin the Demo cratic uhd Republican parlies, "we believe that we can secure their co-operation,” he said with earnestness, "and tills con vention ought to hold out to them every inducement to sfarid by us.” The fight of the approaching campaign was to be made, he maintained, east of (lie Mississippi river and north of the Ohio and he warned the convention that unless the Democratic party could curry some of those states, victory would scarcely be possible. This statement was relived with cheers from not only tlie audience, but from the delegates. Hill, "Hill," came the cry again as Mr. Rose concluded, but the New Yorker was not present, and the band broke out with the. "Star Spangled Banner." The pattiotio strain® had no sooner subsided than another I fill” wave passed over the assemblage. Both Chairman Richardson and Si r gfant-at-Arms Marlin moved up and down the tront of tiie platform, ge-tim -I'itlng wildly and making pantomime ap peals for order. When the Hill demon.iir.i tlon hid calmed hi chairman introduci 1 J. E. McCullough of Indianapolis, for an other spe ch on current pub ic questions. 1!" Akl* inly a fiw words and then, p r ceivlrg George Fred Williams on tho stand In whisper and conf rence with the chairman, the audience y lied wildly for the loader from the Old Bay state, wbl'c another element continued tite demand for Hill. A Conference Committee. When quiet was partially secured ihi FRENCII CLARET WINES, and GERMAN RHINE and MOSELLE WINES and FRENCH COGNAC BRANDIES. All these fine Wines ami Liquors are Imported by us In glass direct from the growers In Europe. Our St. Jullen Claret Wine from Everest, Dupont & Cos of Bordeaux. France, Is one of their spcclulUei. end one at extremely low prto*. The Chateaux Leovillt, one of their superior Claret Wine#, well known ail over the United States. We also carry in b"nd Claret Wlnas from this celebrated firm In caeks. Our Rhino and Moteiie Wine# are Imputed from Martin DeuU, /'rank fort. Germany, are tiie best that com* to tbs United States. BODENHKIM Is very fin*- and chsip. NIKRI3TEIN also very good. RUPESHEIM very choice. RAUBNTHAL. selected grapes, very elegant. LIEBFRANMILCH, quite eslebr ited. MARCOBRUNNER CABINET, i ligatit and rars. TOHANNI3BURQER Is pe:f ctlon. SPARKLING HOCK SPARKLING MOSWt.I.R. SPARKLING MUSCA TELLE. and FINE FRENCH COGNAC BRANDIES. Special Brandies are imported direct from Fiance by us, In cases and caskA t LIPPMAN BROTHERS. chair re gu.ii and Mr. Williams, who sub mlttcd a rcaoluilon reciting: "’I bat a committee of nine delegates bo, appointed I y the cba.r for the purpose rf confining with the Sliver Republican and tho Populist parties now gathered In Kansas City." Bliouis of “No," “No," followed, but the r million war put to a vote and amid i nur h oonfiirion on the ficor was declared ! adopted. Congr ssman James Williams of Illinois i then introduced by Chairman Rich-- .i- ln u lie . p. tu and ids remarks by an np p oi to nil Demon at r. to stand together on: one platform, wlii h he declared would be broad i iii,ugh to boil ih m all He spoke briefly and was frequently applauded. Ovation fur llrelthnnt. As Mr. Williams took his seat Chair-Jj man Richardson announced “We will now be addres.-cd ly Gov. J. C. W. B ckham of Kentucky.” Instantly there was a roar of applause and dili ;.iti - anil erects tors spr.nglng upon tii-i!’ chairs to get a better view off the youn . Governor of Kentucky waved: tit Ir huts handkerchltfh frantically. The Kin tin , won a tilting counterpart to the ivciu.tlon given to Gov. Taylor of Kentucky in Philadelphia. When Gov.): Ucckham reached the stand whore all', could see him lie was given a' reception} u ei.r u, if 11 as any extended by the' ii'l'gates to any speaker who has thus 1 far addressed ~The convention. I lu> gril! rl s i j lit not respend with the same heartiness. the young Governor of Kentucky Is a man of five fee nine or ten. slender and clean shaven. 11c was dressed in a modest black suit of ige, and spike slowly and wl h di ilberut o , i Vldenily weighing his woids carefully. Hl* first assertion, that In I’D i pinlni ihi n hustustc reception exun d'it to him was due not to personal, " but to, the "outraged Democracy" of his. ante, < illcil fortti another roar of ap ld iiiso wh ch was equalled a moment later) whin h promised that Kentucky would, be dirtied eufeiy for the Democratic ty. His remark tha* of late there had been a liable ixi ilus of criminals from:, his stale evokr i In ughtrr and applause.) and a f*w cr.cs of "Taylor." “V.'e have had such a. dose of Republi- * cun rule," said the speaker, “that Ken tucky is prepared to accept any platform} which the Democratic party will promo*, f. No matter what the platform may be. Kf mucky will stand upon tl end win through its principles.” He ii:ii I to have the eland and was met with loud cries of "Go on!” hot 'lie young Governor only bowed and left tha, platform. 1| After the cheers with which Gov. Beck-L' ham's speech was received had one of the delegates in Montana started tin old song, -My Old Kentucky Home,"* and one vi tae of it was sung with vigor., I tiie eing'.ng being followed by great cheer-- lug as the young Governor resumed hia Must, ■! Chairman Richardson, at tho concluslotki of the demonstration, introduced Hon.<| J. W. Miles of Maryland, who addressed*-" tiie convention lu support of conservative* action upon the platform. While the rural democracy of his sAate, he said, would and by that great tribune of the peo ple, William Jennings Bryan; he begged, I, tiie convention that it take no action that would imperii the chances of victory Mr. Bryan. His heart was beating, htv said, in time with every principle Of thr Uhl. go platform, but he felt that suchlf friend! of Bryan as Senator John WJf Daniel of Virginia, whose fealty was be* (Continued on Sixth Page)- 5