The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, July 06, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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6 BRYAN WAS CHOSEN UNANIMOUSLY. (Continued from Fifth Page.) yond question, ought to be listened to by those who had any desire of carrying such states as New York, Indiana, Illinois and West Virginia. “In the name of God,” he shouted, warmly, “if the men in these states who stood by Mr. Bryan In 18% are not his friends, where are his friends to be found?” Adjournment Till 3.30. As Mr. Mills concluded. Chairman Rich ardson announced that he had been in formed that the Platform Committee would be ready to report at 2:30 o’clock. Thereupon a motion was agreed to to adjourn until that hour and the vast au dience tiled out of ;he building amid en thusiastic shouts for the favorite leaders and the enlivening mun of the orches tra. SESSION I\ Til 10 AFTERNOON. \Ym Marked by a Saccitaion of Frantic Demon at rat lon a. Convention Hall. Kansas City, July 5 Although the time between the adjourn ment of the morning cession and that set for the opening of the afternoon was over two hours, at no time were the galleries of the greet hall more than one-third emp tied. Thousands of people sat out the adjournment, being determined to miss no part of the excitement By 3:30 o’clock nearly all of the delegates were ready for business and waiting the arrival of Chairman Richardson, who was a trifle slow in making his appearance. The delegates seemed anxious to get to work end complete the business of the convention, and when, at 3:38 o’clock, the chairman made his appearadnoe. inert was a rippie of applause. Many of the dele gates had come prepar*d for the nomina tion of Mr. Bryan. Dozens of them car ried small flag's* and numerous- plumes of bright colored pampas grass were visible on various parts of the floor. The crowd by 3:40 o’clock was the great est that had attended any session of the convention. The gatekeepers were for oncte rather lax in denying admission to people, and there were hundreds who had no tickets of admission who were allowed to enter the building. They swarmed in upon the floor until it seemed impossible that there could be room for one more. At 3:46 o’clock Senator Hill of New York, who had been absent from the two preced ing sessions, came through the delegates* door by himself. He was not recognised at first and had nearly reached his seat when the ory of “Hill!” “Hill!” broke forth. It was coupled with considerable applause, but the demonstration in honor of the Senator when present lacked several degrees the warmth shown yesterday af ternoon and this morning when he was ab sent. Jones Presented Platform. It wa* not untij 4 o’clock that Chair man Richardson, turn ng from a confer ence with Gov. McMillan and Senator White, picked up the gavel and brought the convention to order. The platform committee, headed by Senator Jones, I). J. Oampau, Senator Tillman and Judge Van Wyck. had Just pushed their wav through the dense throng and had taken seats flanking the platform. Mr. Richard son appealed long and vainly for order. The portly form of Senator sil ver-haired and serious, advanced to the front of the*. He he'd a roll of man uscript In his hands. But it was useless to talk against such a tumult, and he dropped back in his sea’ until order was being restorod. At last the noise subsided and Mr. Jones, in a ckar voice, announc ed: “I am authoriz'd by the Committee on Resolutions to present the platform agreed upon, and I will yield to the Senator from South Carolina, Mr. Tillman, to read the document.” Was Head by Tillman. Mr. Tillman now stepped to the front and was greeted with a cheer. He read the platform in a full, round voice, easily heard throughout the hall. As he proceeded, each plank was greet ed with applause. The Senator accompan ied his reading with emphatic gestures, striding up and down the platform, turn ing this way and that, after his manner in the Senate. There was a howl of ap proval as he clem tied his fi*t and fiercely arraigned the course l of the administration in Cuba. But it remained for his reading of the declaration that “imperialism is the para mount issue of this campaign” to evoke a storm of applause. The delegates sf**ang 4o their feet, standing on their chairs, waving hats, handkerchiefs, umbrellas, flags, while the galleries took up the cho rus and carried it along for many min utes. Senator Hill coukl be seen marshal ing the hosts to cheer. He held a fan high above his head and added his voice to the shouting. * ■ eo ? na tlm e Senator Tillman read this declaration 11 and now even u greater demonstration than before carried the convention off us feet. Suddenly, hum dreds then thousands, of miniature American flags were passed among the delegates, and the whole floor of the vast structure became a sea of flags. An in stant later the flags swept over the gal leries like a mass of flame. Bundles of them were tossed upon the seats and dis tributed. The scene was magnificently Inspiring, and the great audience whh worked up to a fever heat. On each flag was the device. "The Constitution and the flag are inseparable, now and for ever. The flag of the republic forever of an empire never.” Was a Great Ormonatratlon. While the demonstration was at 1-s bight, the band sent another thrill through the audience by playing "Dixie” ard a medley of patriotic airs. State standards were again torn from their sockets, banners were raised and a tri umphal procession of the delegates marched about the hall. Now the strains of the band turned to "My Country, 'Tis of Thee,” at which the entire audience, as with a single voice, joined in a mights' and swelling chorus. Amid the billow ing flags could be seen a tall standard bearing the inscription, "Forcible annex ation would be criminal aggression, Wil liam McKinley.” It was ai this Juncture that the climax was sprung upon the great assembly. A huge flag had been flung across the roof between two trusses, end as the signal was given, the corus were cut and slow y it unrolled its white and crimson fell* as 1’ fell graceful y and swung over the plat form slightly to the rear and south of the Speaker’s desk. The banner was an enor mous affair, being fully fifty feet long an 1 about ore-half as wide. T’pon the white alripes were the printed sentences in large lett< rs of blue: “Constitutional governments derive their Just powers from the consent of the governed." t “The constitution and the flag, one and Inseparable, now and forever.” "The flag of a republic forever, of an empire, never.” "A republic can have no colonies." To the vast majority of those In the hall the flag was an unexpected Incident, and It: apparanre was the signal for a frantic roar which caused everything that had gone before It to eink Into Ins'gni'Jl cance For full two minutes the cords of the fl-'g caught and would not permit It to fall to Its full length. It was causlit tip Just enough to prevent the convention from reading th" Inscriptions upon the banner, nd until they were released and the banner swung free, the enthusiasm Increased every second. When finally eveiy word was visible, there was a cl,- mx of cheers that were deafening. “Hell HroUen boose.” Tillman stood surveying the Hferm and nwaiting an opportunity to The chapman pounded hit gavel and appealed for ord* r. But the march of the delegates', bearing their standards and banners, ran on uninterruptedly for twenty-two minutes. As Senator Tillman was about to resume, he remarked that the thread of his discourse had been brok en, and that down .South they were in the habit of saying. “Hell has broken loose in Georgia. And,” added the Senator, vociferously, “if Mark Henna had been here o tew minutes ago. he would have thought hell had broken loose in Mis souri.” There were cries of “Good, Good,” when the trust plank was read. When the Sen ator leached the reaffirmation of ihe Chi cago platform, with the declaration for free silver coinage at a ratio of 16 to 1, pandemonium broke Bu* the demon stration was faint in comparison to what had just occurred when imperialism was announced as “the paramount issue.” Many' of the delegates stood on their chairs and waved flags and cheered, but a very considerable number-mop than half—held their seats. Senator Hill was among those who maintained quiet, while Mr. Croker waved a flag until h hr k . and George Fred Wil lams led the M tssa chusetts cont.ngent in salvos of cheers. One of the New York delegates raised a standard bearing the inscription: “Don’t think there are no 16 to l’ers in New York.” The demonstration lasted four and one half minutes. There was intense scorn in the Sena tor’s voice as he read Ihe platform ar raignment of the Hay-Pauncefote treaty, evoking mingled laughter and applause. The Boer plank brought another cheer, and the Senator received a round of ap plause as he closed. Adopted ly Acclamation. When the applause had subsided, Chair man Jones of the Platform Committee s.iii he had been instructed to move that the platform be adopted by the conven tion by acclamation. The motion was put, and amid a roar of cheers, the plat form was adopted without a word of dis sent. The announcement of Chairman Richardson of the adoption of the plat form was followed by a stunning shout. ELLIOT DANFORTS. A Possibility in tle Vice I'resldential Content. which mode the* building ring from one cr.d to the other. Then followed a stirring and dramatic scene The plank in the platform denounc ing England’s policy toward the Boers had called out immense applause, but when it was announced by Chairman Richard son that the convention would be address ed by Hon. Webster Davis, former assist ant Secretary of the Interior, the crowd manifested its enthusiasm by cheering for two minutes. Then the former Republican leader ast'ended the platform and stood facing the thousands of spectators. The speech of Mr. Davis was arranged in order to enable him to announce his allegiance to the Democratic party and the platform and to the ticket of the con vention. Webster Davis for Iloers. In dramatic style and with all the force and magnetism of a fine orator. Mr. Davis began his address. He denounced as "a malicious lie” the statement that he had been forced to leave his office in the pres ent national administration. He pictured in brilliant and flaming sentences the •‘cruelties” and aggressions practiced by Great Britain upon the Boers of South Africa. He expressed his intense satis faction that the Democratic party had In corporated In the platform a plank so cor dially and enthusiastically indorsing the cause of the Boers, which was the cause of liberty and justice. As he felt, he said, that this great re public should not chain itself to the char iot wheels of the empire that was crush ing liberty to death in South Africa, he believed it to be his duly to ally himself with the Democratic party. His account with the Republican party he regarded as fully balanced. He owed It no further obligations. These sentiments met with much applause. In conclusion, in announcing his inten tion of supporting the Democratic party, and Its ticket, Mr. Davis said with great emphasis: ”1 stand upon this platform and shall support W. J. Brenninge.” It was a curious and laughable confus ion of the syllable? of Bryan’s name. But the crowd knew what he meant and cheer ed him wildly. As Mr. Davis concluded, the bond struck up "Hail to the Chief.” and while it rendering the air. he held on informal re ception upon the platform. Chairman Richardson was the first to grasp his hand as he concluded, then Senator .1 K. Jones and others crowded around him un til he had gnat difficulty in retaining his feet. He left the platform as soon os he was able, hut on the way to his s. at he war given ahouto of approval hy tho-o whom he passed. The band passed from ”Hsll to the Chief.” to "America." an t the convention sung It until the bond would play no more. The chairman rose to his reel and wav ed desperately for silence When :t few degrees of confusion had been eliminated, he said: “The next business before the convention Is the nomination of a candi date foi the presidency of the Vnlttd States. The secretary will call the roll of slates." Kefore doing so the secretary rend the names of the members of the committee appointed by the chair to confer with the Silver Republicans and Populists lit ac cordance with the resolutions Introduced by George Fred Williams of Massachu setts o.t the morning session. They are: George Fred Williams. Massachusetts: ,T. C. Berry, Arkansas; W. H. Thompson. Nebraska: Charles Thomas, Colorado: .1. S Rose, Wisconsin; Thomas H, Martin, Virginia; J. C. McGuire, California; B. R. Tillman, South Carolina; Carter H. Har rison, Illinois, THE MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY, JULY 6. 190a IMPERIALISM THE LEADING ISSUE. Continued from First Page* national hank currency, w? 'un 1 by gov ernment bonus, mu.-t have e j>ermanout debt to rest upon and if the bank cur rency is to Increase with population and business, the debt must also increase. The Republican currency scheme is therefore a erne for fastening upon the taxpayers a jerp*tijal an<J glowing <i- bt, for the benefit of the banks. We are op posed to this pri.ate corporation paper circulated as mo; < y, but without tender qualities. , :vl demand the retire ment of the national banknotes as fast as this govern men. paper or silver certifi cates can be,substituted for them. Idiccliun iff Senator*. We favor an amendment to the Federal' constitution providing for the election of United Slates senators by i direct sore of the i copb- and direc t legislation wherever practicable. Labor Question*. We are opposed to government by in junctlon; we denounce the* black list and favor arbitration a? a means of settling disputes between corporations and their employes. In the interest of American labo r and the uplifting of trie workingman, as the corn* ret one of the prosperity of our coun try. we recommend that Congress create a department of labor, in charge of a sec retary. with a seat in the cabinet, believ ing that the elevati >n of the American la borer will *bring increased prosperity to our country ut home and our commerce abroad. t Liberal Pension* Favored. We arc proud of the courage and fidelity of the American soldiers and sailors in ail our wars; we favor liberal pensions, and we reiterate the position taken in the Chicago platform in 1896. that the fact of enlistment and service shall be deemed conclusive evlden. <■ against disease and disability before enlistment. The Cnnnl Plank.\ We favor the immediate construction, ownership and control of the Nicaragua Canal by the United States, and we de nounce the insincerity of the plank in the national .publican i! 'form for an Lsth mian canal in the l'.ice of ihe failure of the Republican majority to pass the bill pending in Congress. We condemn the Hay-Pauncefote treaty as a surrender of American rights and interests not to be tolerated by the Ameri can pe<- pie. The Territories. We denounce the failure of the Repub lican party to carry out its pledget* to grant statehood to the territories of Ari zona, New' Mexico and Oklahoma, and we promise the j> opi of the.-* 1 territories im mediate statehood and home rule during their condition as territories, and we favor home rule and u territorial form of gov ernment for Alaska and Porto Rico. We favor an intelligent system of im proving the arid lands of the West, stor ing the waters for purposes of irrigation and the holding of su h lands for actual settlers. Wo favor the continuance and strict en forcement of tiie Chinese exclusion law BENJAMIN F. SHIVEI’V Who Says tic Is Not a Candidate for the Vice Presidential Nomination. and its application to the same classes of all Asiatic rar-es. Jefferson said: “Peace, commerce and honest friendship with all nations; en tangling aliiar.< <** w ith none." We ap prove this wholesome doctrine and ear nestly protest against the Republican de jwiture which has involved us in so-called world politics, including the diplomacy of 2£urope and the intrigue and land-grab bing of Asia, and we especially condemn the ill-concealed Republican alliance with England which must mean discrimination again, t other friendly nations and which has already stifled the nation’** voice, while liberty is being strangled in Africa. The lloer Republic*. Believing in the principles of self-govern ment. and i-jectlnsr. as did our forefath ers, the claim of monarchy, we view with indignation the purpose of England to overwhelm with force the South African republics. Speaking, as we do, for the entire American nation, except iis Repub lican officeholders, and for ail free men everywhere, we extend our symi>athi€*H to the heroic burghers in their unequal struggle to maintain their liberty and in dependence. We denounce the lavish appropriations of recent Republican Congresses vrhi h have kept taxes high and which threaten the perpetuation of the oppressive war levies. Nliwcellnneou*. We oppose the accumulation of a sur plus to be squandered in such barefaced frauds upon the taxpayers as the shipping subsidy bill, which, under the false pre tense of prospering American shipping, would put unearned millions into the pock et.- of favorite contributors to the Repub lican campaign fund. We favor the reduction and speedy re peal of the war taxes and a return to the time-honored Democratic policy of strict economy in governmental expendi tures. Believing that our most cherished in stitutions are in great peril; that the very existence of our constitutional re public is at stake, and that the decision now to be rendered will determine whether or not our children are to enjoy those blessed privileges of free government which have made the United States great, prosperous and honored, we earnestly ask for the foregoing declaration of principles the hearty support of he liberty-loving American people, regardless of previous party affiliations. THE VOTE FOR 1 TO 1. llovr the States Balloted for the Hnch-DiKeti*ed Plank. Kansas City, July s. —The Resolutions Committee early this morning decided for one explicit declaration for silver coinage at 16 to 1. The vote stood as follows on a resolution to substitute a 16 to 1 declara tion for a simple r< affirmation of the Chi* ago platform: Ayes: Alabama. Arkansas, Colorado. Delaware Idaho, lowa, Kansas, Ken tucky, Maine, Masse husetts, Missouri, Nebra ka. Nevada. Nt w Hampshire. North Dakota, Oregon, South Carolina. Tennes a e, Vermont, Washington, Wyoming, Ari zona. Oklahoma, Indian Territory, New Mt x: CO, Ha wa i i—26. Noes: California, Connecticut. Florida. Georgia, Illinois,. Indiana, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan. Minnesota. Missis sippi. New Jersey, New York. Nor.h Car olina. Ohio Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, ■ outh Dakota, Texas, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Alaska—24. Senator Money presented a tabulated statement showing* that the vote cast for -he rafio represented only 171 out of 930 - votes in the convention. HEARD TOVVNE’B CLAIMS. iie Committees Heard Why He Should lli* Vice President. Kansas City. July 6.—The committee ap ointed by' the Democrats, the Populists 1 the Stiver Republicans to confer upon nomination of a vice presidential can .idate, held their first conference to-night it 9 o’clock. The entire meeting was ievoted to a representation to the Dem ratic re preset! tat ives by the other con ferees of the availability of Mr. Towne as a candidate. Senator Tillman was satisfied with the representations, and said he would sup port Towne. Senator Martin said he had been very ( favorably impressed, but com mitted himself no further. S!LVEH II Kl*l HMCANS. Convention Spent the Day in Wait ing for a Report. Kansas City, July s.—The Silver Repub lican National Convention spent all of to day in waitu g for the report of the Com mittee on Resolutions. Differences devel oped over the attitude of iht party cn ex pansion. A p ank denouncing imperialism was finally adopted and in this shape the platform will be presented to-morrow. Uni ss the un xpcct and happens, the con vention will reach linal adjournment to morrow aternoon. It is planned to nomi nate both Brian and Towne by acclama tion. Extended Condolence. Washington, July 5. —The President has sent the following message to the Em peror of Germany: “Washington, July’ 3, 1900.—His Imperial and Royal Majesty, William 11. Berlin: The confirmation of the murder of Your Majesty’s minister to Pekin leads me to tender to Your Majesty and to the family of Baron von Kettek-.r my sorrowful con dolence and those of the American peo ple. William McKinley.” ADLAI STEVENSON. HE WILL COME NEAR A MAJORITY FOR VICE PRESIDEVr. DAVID B. HILL IS FOR HIM. OTHERS ARE FIGHTING FOR DAN FORTH AND FOR TOWNE. Nomination for Nice President Will Re Made To-daj— It Is on the Pro gramme for McDonald of Florida to Nominate Dunforth—Convention Shown Ip AVell for Hill, Bat He Doesn't Want the domination. Tilman for Towne. Kansas City, July s.—The most impor tant development in the vice presidential situation to-night was the announcement that when the roll of states is called to morrow’ for the nomination of candidates for Vice President. Alabama will yield to Florida, and Hon. R. D. McDonald of thrft state will place Elliott F. Danforth of New York in nomination. This pro gramme became known during the ses sion of the convention to-night and was discussed by quite a number of the lead ing men in different delegations. Hill is Popular. Another development was the unques tioned popularity of David B. Hill for the place as manifested in the convention, and the desire expressed in many quarters for hie selection. The selection, however, is complicated by the fact that New York stands in the way of the selection of either Hill or Dan forth. Hill doee not want the nomination, and will take measures to prevent his ee- f 1 I fi i// s: wf^Jf| WILLIAM SULZER. Mentioned In Connection AAlth the Vice Presidential Aominntion. lection. Danforth does w r ant it, and would be nominated if New' York would present him. But the convention will not for.-e a candidate upon New York, against the will of the delegation from that state. This probably will prevent the movement for Danforth from amounting to very much. It ia pretty generally felt that this* movement was inaugurated for the purpose of complimenting Hill and rebuk ing Croker, for the manner in which H’ll and his candidate, Danforth, were treat ed under the direction of Mr. Croker. But the large state delegations will not 1 nd themselves to any such proposition, for they are se king a New York candi date whom New York will present with seriousness and who will strengthen the t eke t | The past two days have been so occu pi and with the platform that little or no :pr gress has been made by the candidates for Vice President. So much interest de ■ eloped in the contest over the silver plank that delegates did not have time to consider the matter. The Stevenson Boom. Meanwhile, there has been a develop ment of the Stevenson boom. It Is, however, of a passive character, the be- Icif being general tha.t he would make a safe candidate, and that he Is the only man who can beat Towne. The demand for a Democrat on the ticket is still strong, arid Towne’s candidacy is ham pered by reason of his professed poli tics. Still, the friends of Towne are work ing very hard, and hope that the peculiar situation regarding the other candidates may yet give him the nomination. That the Democratic Coirven ion Is tak ing the matter into consideration is shown by the adoption to-day of a resolution for a commit ee on conference. It was well understood that the conference with the Populists meant but one thing, that they would insist upon Towne and would a'-tree to no other candidate. M< n like O ergo l 7 red Williams and Senator Tillman, who were among the victors in securing the 16 to 1 plank in the platform, are doing all they can to bring about the nomination of Towne by the convention. 'Want. Hill’s Help. Senator Hill had many conferences in his rooms during the evening. A dele gation from Illinois called on him at 11 o'clock and asked him to support Mr. Stevenson for the vice presidency. It is understood he promised the delegation tliat what strength he had with delegates outside New York he would lend to that purpose. Rater, Mr. Danforth called, and State Committee Chairman Campbell, Eugene Wood. Frederick Schraub and John Car lisle urged that he withdraw. Mr. Dan forth's position was a rather curious one. He claimed he could get the votes of Virginia, Florida and Alabama, and that there was a possibility ot securing the voles of Newr York He was told that Mr. Kellar had New York, California and Roulslnne, und a prospect of more, and a defeat was liable to place him In a bad position. Mr. Hill was urged to take up Mr. pan forth's cause, but up to the hour of mid night he had not agreed to do so. In fact, he said that he believed Mr. Steven son would be the nominee of the conven tion. Mr. Stevenson is the candidate of the conservative element, repreaennd by Mr. Hill. It Is generally conceded that Mr. Stevenson will come near getting the wajoniy oX the vote* HE LIKES THE PLATFORM. ltryan Saye It 1* All Clear and Ex plicit on Every Qncntlou. Lincoln, Ncib., July s,—William J. Bry an to-night gave out a statement on the Kansas City platform, in which he says: “I am very much gratified to learn of the adoption of a platform which is clear and explicit on every question. The con troversy over the silver plank was not -m controversy between men who differed in principle, but rather a difference of opin ion as to the best method of stating the question. If we only had Democrats to deal with, simple reaffirmation would have been sufficient, but we have to d* a I with Republicans as well os Democrats, and some of the Republicans would mis construe a reaffirmation and endeavor to twfist it into an evasion or abandonment of the silver question. “Our platform deals honestly and fear lessly with ever question before the pub lic.” COL. tOWARDIN DEAD. Editor und Publisher of tlie Rich mond Dispatch Paitsed Away. Richmond, Va., July 5.—C01. Charles O’B. Cowardln, editor in chief of the Richmond Dispatch and president of the Dispatch Publishing Company, died at his home here th s afternoon cf typho I fever. Cos!. Cowardin was b rn in this city, an 1 was in the 49th year of his a&e. His early education was received in Richmond schools, and after the war between the states he was graduated from George town Colleg . He was the younge t son of the late James A. Cowardin, the .found er cf the Dispatch, and entering tlxc ser vice of the p per as a clerk he rose rapid ly to the position of its head and ani mating spirit. Though one of tne most popular men in the community, he persistently refused io accept public office, save that of chief of staff to the Governor, commencing with the administration of Gov. Lee. He held that position under three Governors, and during the Spanish-Ameriean war was acting adjutant genera! of Virginia, dis charging the duties of that office with S' cat 2 eat, and in the most satisfaiory manner. Col. Cowardin wns one of the most pub lic spirited of citizens, and a leader in all that contributed to Richmond's advance ment. He had been twice married. His first wife was Alisa Knte S-rxkswood Evans of Richmond, who was survived by twu SOPS and one daughter, oil still living. His second wife n is Miss Anna .Moale of Bal timore, Md., who with one child, a son, survives him. Y\ ashirgton, July s.—The news of the death of Col. Cowardin was received in Washington witli many expressions of sor row. He was well known here and had hosts of friends, who deeply regret his untimely end. Col. Cowardin numbered his friends among ail classes at the ttv>- ital, and whenever he came to the city he was the recipient of much attention At Georgetown University deep sorrow Wa u ,he rr<l of •> career of such brilliance and- promise. COTTOY MILL MIJ\ met. Considered Advisability of 10ln K Awnv With Middlemen. Philadelphia. July 5- A committee from the Southern Cot on Spinners’ Associa tion, which has its headquarters a. char lotte, N. C , met here to-day to consider (he great and sudden 'decline In prices of cotten yarn and the advPab llty of s ah llshlng houses In the principal chlrs, un der the Southern Spinners’ own manage, ment. for the purpose of handling their production, thus doing away with the ne cessity of the mldd eman "Tie committee met txhinl clcsed do us andits tmmbem sold thy could not talk for publication of the proc edlngs. The spinners now here are all from North Carolina. R or.a'd Pauls n, wHo repre en's inter ests In New Yoi k, Philadelphia and Chi cago. was before the commit t* to-day, as was Arnold B. Sanford, pr sl l, nt of the American Yarn Ex. h ngc of Boston. Hr. .Johnson safe. Now York. July s.—The Preshyterl ii hoard received a cablegram front Charles F. Johnson, M. I>„ of the Ichow Fu sta tion, stating Ilia: iip was safe a* Tsing Tan. Ichow Fu U 150 miles southeast of Che Foo. Beside Dr. Johnson, the mis sionaries there at I ist accounts, were Rev. nnd Mrs. VV. 3. Furls and Miss E Flemming. M. D. The missionaries named have. It Is presumed, made their way to Tslng Tan safely under the German flag. Case Postponed. Chicago, July s.—The case of the Inter Ocean Publishing Company again t the Associated Press of New York, which was scheduled to come up In the 1 Tilted States Circuit Court to-day, on n motion to remand to the stale courts, has been postponed Indefinitely by nn agreement of counsel. Oregon (inline To Rnre. Washington, July s.—The Navy Depart ment this afternoon received Ihe follow ing cablegram; ”Cho Foo.— Secretary of the Navy, Washington: Wilde announced Oregon floated this afternoon. Pumps control water. Goes Kura dock yard; Inland ***• Rogers.” Ocean Steamen!d Go. —FOR- Wew York, Boston —AND— THE EAST, Unsurpassed cabin accommodations. AU the comforts of a modern hotel. K.eotrla lights. Unexcelled table. Tickets Incited* meals and bertha aboard ship. Passenger Lares iroin bavannalL TO NEW YORK—FIRST CABIN. J2O - CABIN ROUND TRIP. *32; IN TERMEDIATE CABIN, |ls; INTERME DIATE CABIN ROUND TRIP. 12*. eXEERAGE. |lO. TO BOSTON FIRST CABIN, J 22- FIRST CABIN ROUND TRIP, 136. IN: TERMEDIATE CABIN, 317; INTERME DIATE CABIN ROUND TRIP, $28.(10. STEERAGE. 111.75. The express steamship, of this line art appointed to mil from Savannah, Central (&oth) meridian time, as follows 1 8A VA.Y.VAH TO KEW YORK. NACOOCHEE, Capt. Smith. FRIDAY July 6. at 11:30 a. m. KANSAS CITY Capt. Fisher, SATUR DAY', July 7, at 12:30 p. m. CITY OF BIRMINGHAM. Capt. Bure MONDAY, July 9, at 2 p .m. TALLAHASSEE, Capt. Askins, TUES DAY, July 10, at 3 p. m. CIIY OP' AUGUSTA, Capt. Daggett. FRIDAY', July 13. at 5 a. m. NACOOCHEE. Capt. Smith, SATURDAY July 14, at 6 p. m. KANSAS CITY’, ('apt. Fisher, MONDAY, July IC. at 8 p. m. CITY OP' BIRMINGHAM, Capt. Bure TUESDAY’, July 17, at 8 p. m. TABLAHASSEE, Capt. Askins, FRIDAY July 20, at 11:20 a. m. CIT) OF AUGUSTA, Capt. Daggett SATURDAY, July 21. at 12 noon. NACOOCHEE, Capt. Smith, MONDAY July 23. at 2:30 p. rn. KANSAS CITY, Capt. Fisher, TUESDAY, July 24. a: 3 p. m. CITY' OF BIRMINGHAM. Capt. Bure FRIDAY, July 27 .at 5 a. m. TALLAHASSEE, Capt. Askins, SATUR DAY, July 28 at 6 p. m. CITY OP AUGUSTA, Capt. Daggett MONDAY, July 30, at 7 p.m. NACOOCHEE, Capt. Smith, TUESDAY July 31. t 8 p. m. * STEW YORK TO BOSTON. CHATTAHOOCHEE, Capt. Lewis, FRI DAY, July 6. 12:00 noon. CITY OP MAt ON. Capt. Savage WEDNESDAY. July 11, 12:00 noon CITY OF MACON. Capt. Savage MONDAY, July 16, 12:00 noon ’ CITY OF MACON, Capt. Savage. FRIDAY. July 20. 12:00 noon. CITY OF MACON, Capt, Savage WEDNESDAY, July 25, 12:00 noon CITY OF MACON. Capt. Savage. MONDAY’, July 30, 12:00 noon. This company reserves the right t„ change its sailings without notice and without liability or accountability there for. Sailings New York for Savannah dally except Sundays. Mondays and Thursdays. 6:00 p. m. * W. G. BREWER. City Ticket and Paee eeger Agent, 107 Bull street. Savannah, Ga. E. W. SMITH. Contracting Freight Agent. Savannah. Oa. R. G. TREZEVANT, Agent, Savannah. Ga WALTER HAWKINS. General Agent Trulf;- Dep’t. 224 YV. Bay street, Jack sonville, Fla. E. H. HINTON. Traffic Manager, B*. vennah. Ga. P. F T.E FTPVRF. Fnnern**Mpet New pier 35. North River. New York. N. T. MERCHANT'S AND MINERS TRANSPORTATION CO. STEAMSHIP LIVES. SAVANNAH TO BALTIMORE. Tickets on sale at company’s offices to the following points at very low rates: ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. BALTIMORE, MD. BUFFALO, N. Y. BOSTON, MASS. CHICAGO, ILL. CLEVELAND, O. ERIE, PA. HAGERSTOWN. HARRISBURG, FA. HALIFAX, N. S. NIAGARA P'ALLS. NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA. PITTSBURG. PROVIDENCE. ROCHESTER. TRENTON. WILMINGTON. WASHINGTON. First-class tickets include meals and state room berth. Savannah to Baltimore. Accommodations and cuisine unequaled. P’reight capacity unlimited; careful han dling and quick dispatch. The steamships of this company are ap pointed to sail from Savannah to Balti more as follows ("standard • me): ALLEGHANY, Capt Billups, SATUR DAY. July 7, 12 noon. TFXAS. Capt. Foster, TUESDAY, July 10, 3 i> m. D. H. MILLER. Capt. Peters, THURS DAY, July 12, 4 p. m. ITASCA, Capt. Diggs, SATURDAY, July 14, 5 p. m. ALLEGHANY, (’.apt. Billups, TUES DAY’. July 17. 6 p. m. TEXAS, Capt. Foster, THURSDAY, July io, il a. m. D. H. MILLER. Capt. Peters, SATUR DAY’, July 21, 12 noon. ITASCA, Capt. Diggs, TUESDAY, July -24, 2 p. m. And from Baltimore Tuesdays, Thurs days and Saturdays at 4:00 p. m. Ticket Office, 39 Bull street. NEWCOMB COHEN, Trav. Agent. J. J. CAROL AN, Agent, Savannah, Ga. W. P. TURNER, G. P. A A. !'. STEBBINS. A. T. M. J. C. WHITNEY, Traffic Manager. General Offices, Baltimore, Md. FP’NRH LINE. COME GENERIIt MlllWlNl DIREi T LINK TO HAVRE~PARIS (Franca) Sailing every Thursday at 10 a. rn. From Pier No. 42, North River, foot Morton at La Gascogne Julv 12 L Aquitaino. Au?. 2 I.a Bretagne July ly La Touraine, Autr. 9 La Champagne J uly 26 jLa Bretagne. • Aug. 16 Paris hotel accommodations reserved for company’s passengers upon application General Agency. 32 Broadway New York. Messrs. Wilder & Cos. 1 1 Spels I list ! 480 Court land Ave., Atlanta, Ga., April 26th, 1900 Columbia Drug Company, Savannah* Ga.: Gentlemen—lt gives me pleasure to heartily recommend "Infant-Friend Powder/' and to give to you a slngu lar little coincidence connected with it. Du ring the Cot ton oSt a teg and Intjpr- Irational Exposition I wan presented with a little box of (hi* powder, and was ao pleased with it that I was ex ceedingly anxious to get more, but on looking at the box I found nothing but Savannah, Ga., no other address. I have often wished I know where to get it. This morning’s mall brought your circular wUh enclosed sample. I Immediately referred to my box. and found it woe the "Infant-Friend Pow der." It t* without doubt the l>est powder I have ever used. Respectfully, MRS. VVm. KING. For sale hy nil Druggists. Manufaeturt-d by COLUMBIA DRUG COM2PANT. Savannah. Ga.