The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, July 07, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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4 §% Pofniitg fscto^ Horning News Building Savannah, Grv gATIRDAY, JtliY 7, IWKI. Registered at the Postcffice in Savannah. The MORNING NEWS is published every day in the year, and is served to subscribers in the city, or sent by mail, at 70c a month. *4.00 for six months, and $6.00 for one year. The MORNING NEWS, by mall, six times a week (without Sunday issue), three months. $1.50; six months $3.00; one year, $6.00. The WEEKLY NEWS, 2 issues a week Monday and Thursday, by mail, one year, SI.OO. Subscriptions payable in advance. Re mit by postal order, check or registered letter. Currency sent by mail at risk of senders. Transient advertisements, other than special column, local or reading notices, amusements end cheap or want column, 10 cents a line. Fourteen lines of agate type—equal to one inch square In depu te the standard of measurement. Contract rates and discount made known on appli cation at business office. Orders for delivery of the MORNING KBWS to either residence or place of business may be made by postal card or through telephone No. 230. Any irregular ity in delivery should be immediately re ported to the office of publication. Letters and telegrams should be ad dressed “MORNING NEWS,” Savannah, Ga~ EASTERN OFFICE. 23 Park Row, New York city, H. C. Faulkner. Manager. INDEX 10 KEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Special Notices—Single Lot or a Black, C. H. Dorsett, Auctioneer; Floral De signs, George Wagner; Fruits. Vegeta bles. Groceries, Drayton Grocery Com pany; Smoomuskeet ant Melderma, Solo mons Cos.; John Funk, City Market; Levan’s Table d'Hote; At Joyce's; At Gardner’s; The National Mattress and Renovator Company. Business Notices—The Ticket, Hunter * Van Keuren, Jewelers; Peaches To-day, the S. W. Branch Company. Corsets—Thomson’s Glove-Fitting Cor sets. Hosiery and Underwear—At the Bee Hive. Imported Delicacies—At Munster’s. Grape-Nut Food and Postum Coffee— Postum Cereal Company. Financial—Report of Condition of the Chatham Bank, Educational—Elizabeth College, Char lotte, N. C. Legal Notices—Notice to Debtors and Creditors, Estate London H. Houston, De ceased. Cheroots—Old Virginia Cheroots. Steamship Schedule—Ocean Steamship Company. Salt—The Favorite Table Salt. Mineral Water—Apollinaris. Medical—Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills; Hood’s Sarsaparilla; Woman's Friend; Lydia Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. Cheap' Column Advertisements—Help Wanted; Employment Wanted; For Rent; For Sale; Lost: Personal; Miscellaneous. The Heather. The indications for Georgia to-day are continued warm and partly cloudy weath er. with light to fresh westerly winds; and for Eastern Florida generally fair weath er, with light to fresh southeasterly winds. The scientist who says that no satisfac tory determination has been made of the reason why people wink probably never patronized a soda fountain In a prohibi- ; tlon town. In Delaware a young man committed suicide because a fortune-telier. who had “cast his horoscope," predicted for him a gloomy future. The future of tho fortune- ' teller ought to be made as gloomy as the j inside of a jail cell. ——. e ■ - t Church property is exempt from taxa tion in Kansas. At Chlpman a preacher refuses to pay taxes on his dog, on the ground that th dog watches faithfully about the sanctuary and therefore is church property and exempt from taxa tion. When McKinley was nominated at Phil adelphia the demonstration lasted just ten minutes. The demonstration for Bry an at Kansas City lasted twenty-seven minute*. Three incidents may indicate in comparison the affection which each par- | ty has for its leader. The spontaneous and persistent demon strations for David B. Hill in the Kansas City Convention formed a very notable feature of’that gathering. They showed that the New Yorker was still very pop ular with the masses. Hill may on.'e again be a power in national politics. Th're sere thne candidates for the Re publican nomination for Governor of Michigan, all millionaires. It is alleged that each spent SIOI,OOO in his campaign. Republican poll lea In Michigan must be about as profitable to the heelers as D:m ocratic politics Is In Moniana. The Montgomery Advertiser says a re cent table shows that six slave states were the birthplaces of more citizens of Kansas than all of New England. This is difficult to believe. If there were so large a p*#c 'Mage of Southern blood in Kansas, she would never have been so cranky. The citizens of Atlanta are sending out handsome Invitations for the forthcoming celebration of the thiity-sixth anniversary of the bullies around Atlanta. The fea tures of (he occasion will he a reunion of the Blue and the Grey, and an old-fash ioned barbecue in the trenches around the city where thirty-six years ago the Blue and the Grey met in life and death strug gle. The occasion promises to be one of great Interest and much genuine enjoy ment. The Rhode Island Supreme Court holds that a law forbidding the giving of "trad ing stamps” with purchases is unconsti tutional. It Is held that the Legislature cannot prevent a merchant from giving prizes to his cusomers, either in person or through an agent. Originally the mer chant gave the prize himself, but it was afterword* found more convenient to give the purchaser a stamp which would be redeemed by an agent who k<yt the prizes THE NOMISUIS FOR VICE PRESI DENT. The thought of Adlal Ewing Stevenson for the nomination for Vice President was a happy one. It offered a way cut of w'hat was a rather complicated, and, what might have bee me. a troublesome situa tion. The Populists and Silver Republicans were pressing the nomination of Mr. Towne, an admirable man from some points of view, but entirely unsuited for the position of nominee for Vice President on the Democratic ticket. He is a Silver Republican in name, but a Populist in fact. He is at the h ad of the Silver Re publican organization, and is the nominee of the Populists for Vice President. It would never have done for the iremo rats to nominate for Vice President a man with such political affiliations. Asa mat ter of fact Mr. Bryan represents all the Populism with which the Democratic par ty desires to have any connection. The nomination of former Senator Hill would not have been w ise. Mr. Bryan did not want h m as an associate on the tick et, not because he has anything person ally against him, but because they are not in sympathy on tlie money question. Mr. Hill is mot a 16 to 1 man, and with him on the ticket, Mr. Bryan would have bef-n handicapped. He would have found it difficult to explain why it was that a man hostile to the 16 to 1 idea was placed on the ticket with him. Mr. Hill realized ihat it would not be advisable for him to be the nominee. That was the main reason probably why he declared that he would not accept the nomination. His record would not permit him to stand on a IS to 1 platform. He would have been glad to have the nomination for President, and during the second day of the convention the demonstrations in his favor seemed to indicate that if there were a fight over the platform, and the opponents of a de claration for silver won, he would be the candidate for President. The other candidates for Vice President made no impression on the convention. This was the situation when Mr. Steven son w’as suggested. He was Vice President during Mr. Cleveland's second term, and has an excellent iecord. He is in sympa thy with his party on all public questions and has considerable popularity in the West. While he will not add any great amount of strength to the ticket he will not be a weight upon it. He is a con servative and safe man. and if tlie Demo crats should be successful he would be an admirable presiding officer in the Senate. It is a question whether a vice presiden tial nomination could have been made that would have strengthened the ticket. Mr. Bryan is practically the whole ticket, and would have been if any other man had been nominated for Vice President except Mr. Hill, who, as already sated, while he might have helped the ticket in the East would have hurt it in the West. GOLD STANDARD AND FAILURES. The Republicans are in the habit of claiming for their party credit for the bounty of nature and the benificence of Providence. They have pointed to $1 wheat and 8-cent cotton as an example of what the Republican party can do for the farming clement. Gov. Rooeeevelt of New York, Republican candidate for Vice President, is now in tho West, tell ing the farmers that, with their ■ good crops, he cannot see why there should be any desire for a change in the govern ment. Because a Republican government and prosperity are co-existent, the claim is made that tlie former is the cause of the latter. if the Republicans are going to take credit to themselves for all that is good in the situation, they must, also assume responsibility for all that is bad. It has been pointed out by Mr. John A. Moran, ex-state assessor of New York and long connected with the New York Slate Democratic Executive Commit tee, that the uumber of com mercial failures since the passage of the gold standard law "has been greater than ever before at the same season of the year.” The statistics of the commercial agencies, he says, will bear out the as sertion. Counting from the first of Jan uary, the number of failures has been comparatively small, but counting only since the middle of March, the time when the new gold standard bill became effec tive, it will be seen that the failures were excessively numerous. Mr. Moran does not charge that the gold standard is directly responsible for the failure*. But he applies precisely the some logic that the Republicans apply with respect to good crops arid good prices for them. Here, he says, you have a re cently enacted law making gold the single money standard. Immediately following the enactment of that law you have a heavy comparative increase in the num ber of failures. Is it not more reasonable to assert that those failures were occa sioned by Ihat law than to claim that the advance In the price of wheat, cotton and other commodities following the election of a Republican administration was occa sioned by that election? The simple truth of tile matter probably Is that a number of small dealers, and some large ones, overstocked themselvs on the boom which began some two years ago, and that they have been the first victims, during the past three months, of the reaction which about everybody has been looking for ever since the, boom ap proached its climax. Meanwhile, the Re publican administration, the new gold law and the increased failures are eo-existent. ~*~ | Should authentic news come from China to the effect that Minister Conger, his family, his guards and a number of American missionaries had been butch ered by the Boxers, it would be very dif ficult to restrain the lighting spirit of the United States. The murder of Minister von Ketteler has set Ihe phlegmatic Uer ( mans afire, and the American people are ! much more emotional than the Germans. 1 Already one may hear among the young j men expressions of a desire to volunteer j for service In China if the Americans there have been murdered. The first woman who ever voted direct ly for a Candidate for President of the United States was Mrs, Joseph M. Cohen of Utah, who was a member of the Kan sas City Convention. Airs. Cohen had been selected as an altetwete to the con vention, but the man for whom she was an alternate was taken side and could not attend, so Mrs. Cohen became a full* fledged delegate. She is described as o handsome bruuelie. a little above medium hl*ht, mid with splendid gray eyes and THE MORNING NEWS; SATURDAY, JULY 7. 1900. DOMINATED BY HH. BRYAN. It cannot be said of Mr. B*yan that he is lacking in backbone. He dominated the Kansas City Convention completely from the time it assembled until U ad journed. If it had not been for his influ ence there would be no specific declara tion in the platform for silver. There is no doubt that the great majority of the convention believed that It would be good polities to practically sidetrack the silver question. According to a tabulated state ment made by Senator Money of Missis sippi. a member of the Platform Commit tee, the members of that committee who voted for the silver declaration which ap pears in the platform, represented only 171 ofit of the 930 delegates in the convention. They had a majority of two, however, and so the convention ratified the action of the committee. The convention would not have ac cepted the platform presented by the com mittee if Mr. Bryan had not insisted upon i. It was said that unless the 16-to-l idea were clearly stated tn the platform he would not accept the nomination. That was a bold stand to take, but It is prob able that he was very much in earnest in taking it. Besides, he was pretty well satisfied that the convention would do what he wanted done. It had no other andidate in view, and it would have been a difficult matter for it to agree upon another candidate. More than two-thirds of its members were instructed for him and he was the nominee of the Populist party. He was in a position, therefore, to take a firm stand In behalf of a dis tinct declaration in favor of the free coinage of silver. There was a strong sentiment in the convention in favor of nominating former Senator Hill of New York for Vice Pres ident. It is true that Mr. Hill did not want the nomination, and had said that he would not accept it. But it is not certain that Jje would have refused it if it had been offered to him with anything like unanimity. According to the dis patches, however, Mr. Bryan, using the long-distance telephone, told the mana gers of the convention that it would not be advisable to nominate Mr. Hill. The convention permitted itself to be domi nated by Mr. Bryan, and Mr. Stevenson was nominated, Mr. Bryan knew jus* what he wanted before the convention met and he Insisted upon having his way. He controlled the convention Just as completely as Mr. Han na controlled the Philadelphia Conven tion. And, all things considered, it is probable that the ticket will poll a larger vote than it would if Mr. Bryan's wishes had been ignored. The silver declaration will cause the party to lose some Demo cratic votes, but It would lose a great many more If the platform contained no such a declaration, because the Populists and Silver Republicans would have nam ed a ticket of their own. The nomi nation of Mr. Hill for Vice President would have caused the Populists to keep Mr, Towne on their ticket. They would not have supported Mr. Hill. The domi nation of the convention by Mr. Bryan was, therefore, in the interest of the par ty, and was productive of results that will contribute greatly to the success of the ticket. DISSATISFIED WITH THE COMMIS SION MEN. A committee of the Southern Cotton Spinners’ Association is now visiting Phil adelphia, and will visit New York and Boston, for the purpose of Investigating thoroughly the question of the remarkable decline in the price of cotton yarn. There has been a decline of 30 to 40 per cent. Such a decline as that means the loss of all profits to manufacturer* of yarn. There has been no decline in the price of cotton. On the contrary,.the price of cotton is higher now than when yarn was bringing a very satisfactory price. The spinners are inclined to find fault with the commission men. They are not prepared to say that the commission men <k> not ileal fairly with them, but they think that the middle men get too much for what they do. The committee has not decided upon its line of action, and will not until It ho* made a much more thor ough investigation. It is thought the Southern Cotton Spinners' Associa tion will establish agencies in the leading cities for the handling of Its goods. It has the money to carry Into effect such a plan. In fact. It i6 able financially, to adopt whatever plan will prove to be for the best interests of its members. Of course the commission men have their side of the story, which is that more yarn has been forced on the market than there is a demand for. and (hat, in consequence of the greet supply, and the decline in the demand, prices have fallen. If this is the true condition of affairs it is probable that tile yarn manufacturers will have to wait awhile for better prices. The probability is that with the opening of the fall trade Ihe demand for yam will again Increase, end prices will go back to where they were a few months ago. Another thing in which the cotton mill men of the South are deeply interested, is the condition of affairs in China. That country is a big market for the products of the cotton mills of the South. If there should be a long war In China the South ern cotton manufacturer* would feel the effects of it keenly. The Chinese market tor cotton gpods would be closed prat, tically as long as the war continued. J[ is to the interest of Southern cotton mills therefore, that the troubles in China shall be brought to an end as quickly as possible. Already there are ’lndications of a dis cord in the concert of the Powers In China. Japan’s good intentions, it is In dicated, have been or will be paralyzed by the jealousy of Russia. A few days ago it was intimated that Japan might be shen a free hand to go In and finish up the work that. Russia prevented her from doing in 1494. There stems now lo be some doubt that Russia would agree to any such thing. Japanese preponder ance in China m ght Interfere with some of ihe plans that Russia has laid down for herself. The little island empire would want an indemnity, of course, fer its work, and the eonctas.cns it would ask would probably be Port Arthur, which it once fairly captured, and other ter ritory that is wanted by Russia. At all events, James Hamilton Lewis will have the satisfaction of adding to his autobiography the fact that he was mentioned on the floor of the National Democratic Convention of 1900 for nomi nation for the vice presidency of ihe United States. The probabilities are that that Is all Maj. Lewis was after, any- Private Brenner, of the Forty-sixth Reg iment of Volunteer*, In the Philippine*, writes to the Philadelphia Press to protest against the liberal giving of American money to Lily Langtry and others for the benefit of British soldiers in South Af rica, while there are so many American soldiers in the Philippines who would the more appreciate attention from Americans, and to whom American attention is more due. We confess to a sympathy with Pri vate Brenner’s '‘kick.’’ There isn't any good reason why the people of this coun try should raise a hospital or any other fund for the British soldiers. Great Bri tain is amply, able, and Is quite willing, to do all that is needful for "Tommy At kins." Those Americans who have made themselves most prominent in working for British soldiers, and contributing to funds for them, are probably angiomaniacs and toadies woo worship the Prince of Wales from a distance, and were willing to give their money to Mrs. Langtry because it is known that she is in favor with His Royal Highness. It is a noteworthy fact that no collections have been taken tip in Great Britain for our soldier boys, nor has England ever fitted out any hospital ship for their benefit. Probably the death of no other newspa per man in the South would cause more universal regret than lias that of Col. Charles O'Brien Cowardln, editor of the Richmond Dispatch. He was, in the truest sense of the expression, a genial gentleman; lovable in all his moods, in teresting in conversation, courteous in manner, and at heart kindness itself. With these qualities, he was neverthe less a man of decided opinions, and firm in maintaining that which he thought to be right. Asa humorist of that gentle sort which delights to amuse, entertain and instruct, but never wounds, he will be remembered in'Virginia. Only one of his kind is produced in a generation. In the newspaper associations of which Col. Cowardin was a member, and of which he was the happiest spirit, his place will never be filled, and for years to come his absence will cause a sigh to arise from the hearts of those who knew him best and appreciated him for his sterling worth. German officers were among those who dril'ei the Chinese and taught them the use of modern arms Geiman officers drew plans last for resisting an in vasion of the Chinese Vy sea. And now German soldiers are to go against those G rman-taught Chinese and attempt to defeat the German-made p ans of cam paign which the Chinese will follow’. It was in Germany, too, that so many Mau ser iiflcs with 1,000 rounds of ammun t on for each, were purchased by the Chinese. Agulnaldo evidently dots not agree with Gen. Oils that the Philippine war is over. Some recently discovered insurgent docu ments show that Agutnaldo is still issuing manifestoes uiglng his people to tight on, assuring them that victory can yet be achieved. For some perverse reason "Ag gie" declines to get killed, to die natur ally or to quit fighting. BRIGHT BITS. —That Is Different—" Love laughs at locksmiths." quoted the minister’s wife. “But not at wedlockemiths,” amended the minister.—Pittsburg Chronicle Telegraph. —ln Chicago—" Mrs. Porkchops—"Omar Khayyam? Why, he is one of those for eign literary persons?" Mrs. Stockyard— "Oh, to be sure! I suppose that, sooner or later, he’ll come to this country to lec ture.”—Brooklyn Life. —Applied Externally—" The first Board of Education, I presume,” observed the professor, "was really a shingle, and when needed for educational purposes was usual ly wielded. T dare say, by the mother." — Chicago Tribune. —"I wonder W’hat the Chinese Empress would say if she had 10 quit Pekin?” "I know what her last words would be." "What?” "Is my haitee on s:laight?' ’’— Cleveland Plain Dealer. —Husband—What! No ice this swelter ing weather? Didn't the ice-man leave any? Wife—He left plenty, but that new girl has been k eping the r fr gerator op n all day to cool off the kitchen.—New York Weekly. —No Money in It—“I am in favor of the election of United Saps Senators by pop ular vote,” he announced emphatically. The Montana legislator looked at him suspiciously. "What grudge have you against us?" he asked —Chicago Evening Post. CURRENT COMMENT. The Norfolk (Va.) Landmark (Dem.) nays: "We wish that Admiral Dewey were in Chinese waters to-day. Undigni fied and even ridiculous as his conduct has been in some respects since he got on land, there is no doubt that in his ele ment he is an extremely able man. It is only as a sailor that he is a states man, but he Is a statesman of large cal ibre (lien. If he were In Chinese waters now he would rank all the foreign naval officers there, we think, and tvould com mand the entire fleet In case of trouble. He would in all probability have made hi* mark several times. Possibly he would have been able to avert some of Ihe trou bles thm has come upon the Caucasians under their present leadership. Certain ly the people of the United States will expect from Admiral Kempff a better explanation than they have yet had of his motives in not permitting the Moooea y to return the fire of the Chinese forts." The Charleston News and Courier (Dem ) says: “Such a platform could have no better exponent than William Jenning Bryan, who was nominated without oppo sition by the Democratic Convention last night. He has made a hard, consistent, effective fight for 'the paramount Issue of the ’campaign.’ and with a strong party behind him and a sure goal in front of him, he will win if the people are true to themselves and true to their country.” The Columbia (S. C.) State (Dem,) says; “We venture to believe that the Demo cratic party will make Republicans dread fully sick of the Declaration of Independ ence before the campaign ends. That im mortal instrument his ever been obnox ious to tyrants, ami compound doses of it are calculated to bring even hardened imperialists to a condition of flaccid hope lessness." The Birmingham Age-Herald fDem ) says; "The man Is pitted against the dol lar, and Mr. Bryan stands for (he man and Mr. McKinley for the dollar, including jof course all sorts of privilege from a Dinglsy tariff and ship subsidies to re sultant combinations and troops enough to protect them at all hazards.” The Macon (da.) New 1 * (Dem.) says; "The Georgia delegates held strictly to the letter of their instruction''. Mr. Garrard in voting for the reaffirmation of the Chi cago platform instead of a specific deeln j ration in favor of 36 lo 1, was justified by * . - #Vt Oln Contention Stories. The real purpose of the cyclone sifters that are a feature of the barrooms here developed to-day, says the New York Sun's special from Kansas City. The Sun has told something about the sifters themselves. They are holes in the floor, covered with ornamental open iron work. They look like Immense hoi sir registers. Out of them come great drafts of air. Ev erybody who goes into a barroom walks across a sifler to get his drink. The blasts of air blow his coat up almost to his shoulders, and the watchful eye of the house detective .discovers immediately what sort of weapons he carries in his hip pocket and can be prepared accordingly. At lesst this is what the reporter was told to-day. The cyclone sifters provide considerable amusement as well as serving the useful purpose described. To-day the Hon. Jim Ham Lewis stod ove one. The blast was strong. It lifted the Hon. Jim Ham’s pink whiskers up over his face; it lifted the hair on the hack of his head, and the Hon. Jim Ham looked for all the world like a sunflower with pink petals. The Hon. Jim Ham's whiskers, together with the whiskers of William A . Clark, the millionaire delegate from Montana, at tracted particular attention to-day from a!l the New Yorkers. They declared that in only one other place on earth could such whiskers be seen and that was in Albany. The whiskers there, they said, were possessed by the deputy state treas urer of New York, Bernard Davis. Whisk ers of this style are spoken of here as chimpanzee, whiskers by some and as Plain pampas grass by others. James Coogan, president of the borough of Manhattan. Is here, says the Tribune’s special. Mrs. Coogan is traveling witt* him, and they iutend to visit California before returning to New York. Mr. Coo gan was walking slowly down Main street to-day when he was accosted by a long, lean, bewhiskered individual wearing an Arkansas badge. "Excuse me, partner,” said the Arkansas visitor, "but I don’t recollect ever seeing a hat like that be fore. Would you mind telling me where you got it?” The hat In question was a line, flexible, snow white Panama. “That, my friend,” said Mr. Coogan, “is not an\ American hat; I bought it in London." “I reckoned you did,” said the Arkansas man, as he squirted a stream of tobacco juice into the gutter. “But would you mind telling me what a hat like that cost, brother?" "That hat," said Coogan, as he took it off to mop his forehead, "coat me seven pounds ten.” "Seven pounds ten?” said the Arkansas man, "seven pounds of what? Tobacco?" Mr. Coogan says it took him an hour to initiate his in terlocutor into the mysteries of English finance. "Bathhouse" John Coughlin has a plank which he Insists must go in the Democratic platform, soys the Sun's spe cial. It is against sumptuary legislation. Sumptuary legislation, according to "Bath house.” "Hinky-Dink" and their friends, is legislation tending to suppress and in terfere with gambling houses, all-night saloons and other places that are publicly approved in Chicago, "Bathhouse" says that that one plank, if he can get it in the platform, will carry Chicago for Bry an. He says the peopie don’t care much about silver, they don’t care much about imperialism, or any other things of minor importance, but when it comes to sump tuary legislation they are hot against it. He is going to have the Illinois member of the Committee on Resolutions make a fight for the plank before the Committee on Resolutions. Every day brings new proofs of the sur prising enterprise displayed by Kansas City in taking advantage of the conven tion as a business brlnger, says the Chi cago Tribune special. Even Ihe boarding house keepers are not satisfied with flam ing advertisements in the newspapers and on the dead walls, but personally go out and solicit business. Late in the evening, for instance, a vig orous woman of perhaps 4h walked into a storeroom temporarily occupied by out of-town people for business purposes and announced herself by inquiring, in a loud tor.*, whether there were "any boarders in the party.” h or a moment her meaning was not un derstood. Then, when light dawned, one of the men attempted to„be facetious at the expense of the woman. "No," he said; "we never eat." "You look like it,” snapped the woman, quick as a flash. "Come over and take hoard whh me at $4 a week and I’ll put a lit;is flesh on your bones before the con vention is over." That portion of the delegation from Montana which represents the interests of the Daly contest was horror-stricken lo discover that the man who had paint ed ihe banner pointing out their head quarters at the Mid and here spelled It "Montanna.” Martin Moglnnis. who sit* and writes at the little uask in the room, was re minded of a story when he learned of the mistake. "A Missourian once came to Montana," said he, "and, finding himself in difficul ties, consulted cne of our prominent law yers. Asa preface he asked of the lawyer: ‘Can you read writin’?’ ’No,’ the lawyer answered. ’I can’t even read readln’.’ I don’t think your artist out here,” sal I Mr. Maginnis, "can paint paintin’.” The Montana men got anew banner at onte. "Fierce” is the word used by the Tam many men to express their opinion of this place, says the New York Times’ special. They admit that the builders have achiev ed wonders in overcoming the difficulties cf hill and valley, but they can't under stand why the pioneers deliberately lick ed out such a forbidding site. "Fierce” they call the climate, "fierce” the food, and "fierce" ihe transportation facliilles. The latt r they cannot comprehend at all. They cannot understand why they do not S t hacks or cabs at call. "All out?” they incredulously repeat to the livery agent. “The hacks or cabs of Nfw York are never all out. You can get what you want at any stand or any stable " They cannot compr< hend why catrlages do not appear from the ground as if by magic at the touch of a hutton, hut there are no cabs; tile "kopjes” do not permit of them. Of public carriages ihere are only a few hundnd, for the reason that so many p ople in this hilly country own convey ances Not only have all the public car r ages byn in constant use since Satur day, l ut'many private ones as well. Some cf the former we e engaged In advanca for a week. Tills ha* left the strwet cara us the only other means of locomotion. Ii is hard lo make a New Yorker under stand thi* situation. Many of them pre fer to believe that there Is seme conspi racy against them on tile part of the tia kmcn. It Is really the topography that is to blame, l,ut when this explanation was made to a man from the Twenty fourth Assembly District, he bit his cigar a little tighter and said: "Well, can't the police stop that?” The Democratic National Convention has attracted to Kansas City 4he queerest lot of "fakirs” In the country, says the Tribune’s special. There is not a mining camp in this country that can show a strangei assortment of men from all parts of the world. One might easily draw the cocci jslon that Cape Nome was Kansas City's next door neighbor, for the motley crowd, and every one jit the world were a "Reuben" who wanted to be sep arated from ills change as soon as possl tile. The utility of everything for sale these days seem* to be gauged by the service which it may render its owner at the convention. Talk about the mining camps of the West! Kansas Cily is the clearing house for them ail. One "fa on South Main street, not far from the convention, to-day. After letting out a nerve-lifting yell, auch as would put a I Comanche Indian to shame, and attract ing a crowd, he said: "Here’s juat the 1 thing you want to take to the conven- I tfcm. gents—my celebrated medicated ; handkerchiefs, which wiil cure colds and sore throata. You will want to yell, gen tlemen. when Bryan ia nominated, and remember the glorious Fourth—in fact, the moat glorious Fourth in the history of this grand republic since George Wash ington was a baby la coming, and you will all want to yell your loudest. All you've got to do is to tie one of these yere handkerchiefs around your throat and the medicine begins to work." ITEMS OF INTEREST. —The faculty of Tqfts College has re jected a proposition submitted by the students that all violators of college rules should be tried by a student jury, which should look to the president for guidance. —According to a military paper publlsli* ed in London the uniforms of English privates cost the taxpayers about us fol lows: Line infantry, $15.50; artillery. 122.50; hussars. 122.50; kilted highlanders. $18; un mounted engineers, s2l; mounted engin eers, $33; life guards, $35. —The Supreme Court of New Jersey says it is not required that the railway companies give audible warning ct ibe ap proach of their cars to children playing on the sidewalk. It Is enough if the motor man makes every effort to arrest the mo tion of the car when such children rush from the sidewalk and run directly in front of the car. —Elementary courses in agriculture are to be introduced into the public schools of Illinois at the beginning of the next school year. With the primary purpose of interesting country boys in what may be their life work, the course will be adaot ed especially to the country schools, but it will he Introduced into tcffvn and city classes in a modlrted form. -An Italian military journal gives an account of a perfected automatic rifle ln vnted by a captain of the Italian army. The chief feature of the weapon is the employment of part of the gas generated by the discharge of each cartridge in working a rotary cylinder which extracts the empty cartiidge case and automatic ally recharges the weapon from the maga zine. * —ln New South Wales anew use for the phonograph has been found. A candi date who found it impossible to visit all parts of the sparsely settled region he wished to repres nl in the Legisla'ure die tated his speech Into an Instrument and sent a number of copies about for his constituents to hear, a large picture of hlrmelf he pug the voters to know whom they were voting for, —James W. Davidson, United States consul at Tamsui, Formosa, writes that Formosa now controls the camphor pro duct of the world. The Japanese annual production has dwindled to 300,000 pounds, the Chinese yield has never exceeded 220,- COO pounds, while the Formosan supply, increasing yearly, reached 7,000,000 pounds in 1895, and the yield for the last four years has ranged over 6,000,000 pounds. —According to a French newspaper, a German surgeon, whose man-servant lost both arms and legs and part of his face by the explosion of a shell, has calculated the cost of manufacturing an artificial arm. A pair of arms, with hands, joints, etc., complete, would cost about $150; a pair of legs, about $140; a false nose in metal—lndistiguishable from the real arti cle—costs SBO to SIOO, and for sllO a pair of ears, perfectly natural In appearance and furnished with artificial drums, can be produced. A complete set of teeth would cost S4O to s.">, and a pair of glass eyes, S3O. Thus the total cost of supply ing deficiencies to a man who has lost all his limbs and the major portion of his face is SSOO to S6OO. —The manufacture of silk has for sev eral centuries been the chief business of Lyons, France. The Romans established works there in the third century A. D. for the manufacture of cloth of gold and sil ver, but every vestige of these wa* swept away by northern invasions. The pres ent silk industry was taken therw from Italy and Spain and the Levant about the year 1466, under the fostering care of Louis XI. He imported machinery and weavers, with the expressed purpose of diminishing the stream of gold then flow ing into foreign countries. It Is recorded that flvk aunes of silk aX that time cost from 300 to 400 francs, or from 48 to 60 francs ($9.26 to $11.58) a yard, money then being worth about four times its present value. —A French explorer has Jus-t discovered the vainest people in the world, says the New York Herald. By a curious coinci dence they happen to be also the ugliest. They are the Pahoulns, a savage tribe of the western coaet of Africa. Like all savages, the Pahouins hunt, fish, and wage war on their neighbors. Neverthe less, their main occupation is in the adorn ment of their persons. As the Pahouin s clothing is of so light a character as not to incommode him, he bestows a good share of his thought upon the adornment of hie body, which he tattoos in elaborate designs done in red or blue. Or a more fanciful effect is obtained by tattooing in relief by injecting underneath the skin the Juice of a plant which produces a perma nent swelling Sometimes tfie face anl body are also tinted with a dye, red being the color most in demand. The same method was used in adorning the face, especial attention being given to the nose. Many of the Pahottins, after tattooing or painting their noses, pierce them with long, slender bones; others, after piercing the nose, attach to it a string of colored pearls. Both men and women concentrate (heir efforts on their hair. Their inge nuity, which is shown in Ihe construction of scores of different headdresses of bone and metal for the men of the tribe, chiefly the warriors, is illustrated in a far greater degree by the coiffures of the women. The extreme of simplicity in the Pahouin wo men's methods of making themselves beautiful is to shave the head till it is smooth and round as a Drill, and then to color It with a dye. —The Dowager Empress and Li Hung Chang have worked together for many year*, says the London Telegraph, and If gratitude be a Chinese quality, which the missionaries deny, she probably feels grateful to him for hi* untiring service. Anyhow, in spite of the Japanese War, he baa received many marks of Imperial fa vor* during Ihe last four years. He is at this moment viceroy of tile two great provinces of the West river, Kwangsi ard Kwanglung. and lives at the Capital City of Southern China. Primarily lie was sent to Canton to put down the piracy of the water ways with a strong hand and to re store order to the turbulent districts of Ihe interior. To friendly diplomatists it was whispered that he was specially Instruct ed to oppose French aggression on the Tonkinese frontier. He was to be the strong man at the helm. All things In China are what they call on the Bunds ■•show-plggin.” and it Is probable that the real and governing reason for Li's removal from the-capllal to the far aouth of the empire was to nullify his personal influ ence with the Dowager Empress, and to give a tree hand to the ancient intriguers who are always competing for her favor. That Li will deal effectively with the pi rates of the West river la possible, but that with hi* record lie will set the ndtnm istratlon of the two Kwangs on a satisfac tory fooling passes belief. All that w ill happen is that when the tnd comes Li will be a richer man than ever and the pirates will have had to disgorge sonic of their plunder. Canton, however, re quires a strong hand, even if it he not over-dean, and that important trading center will be in a atate of greuter atjeur- Jtr for hi. n0w,!,,! n,...n„. The Quakers Are Honest People. tThe Quaker Rerl Tonic is not only blocd purifier, but a Blood maker fo, Pale, Weak and De. bilitated pecp, e who • not strength nor Hood It acts , a tonic, it regulates digestion, cures dys. pepsia and lends strength and tore to 'A 2.1 the nervous system. It is a medicine for weak women. It is a purely vegetable medicine and can be taken by the most delicate. Kidney Dls eases, Rheumatism and all diseases of the Blood, Stomach and nervea soon succumb to its wonderful effects upon the human system. Thousands of people in Georgia recommend it. Price SI.OO. QUAKER PAIN BALM is the medicic* that the Quaker Doctor made all of his wonderful quick cures with. It’s anew and wonderful medicine tor Neuralgia, Toothache, Backache, Rheumatism, Sprains, Pain in Bowels; m fact, all pain can be relieved by it. Price 25c and 50c. QUAKER WHITE WONDER SOAP, a medicated soap for the skin, scalp and complexion. Price ]oc a cake. QUAKER HEALING SALVE, a vege table ointment for the cure of tetter, ec zema and eruptions of tho skin. Pries 10c a box. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. SUMMER RESORTS. ~~ MOTEL NORMANDjIT attUADWAi 38TH STS., NEW YORK, ABSOLUTELY FIRE PROOF. EUROPEAN PLAN. COOLEST HOTEL IN 'TEW YORK CITY Located in the liveliest and most inter esting part of the city; twenty principal places of amusement within five minute* walk of the hotel CHARLES A. ATKINS & CO. Summer Resort—Ocean Kotel, Asbury Park, N. J. GEO. L. ATKINS & SONS. BLOWING ROtst. GREEN PARK HOTEL Suimnu of B<ue Kiuge, 4,340 feei. Scen ery and climate unsurpassed, so say glow trotlers. Hotel first-class in every respect. Only house on mountain with plastered walls; excellent livery; 45 miles turnpike roads on top of ridge; large ball room, band and other amusements. Postoffic* and telegraph in hotel. Opens July i Write for leaflet and rates to Green Park Hotel Cos., Green Fark, N. C. White Sulphur Springs Hotel, \vaym:syille, n. c. 50 acres beautifully shaded lawn, wonder ful mountain views, cool nights, frees.on* iron and noted sulphur springs. Pine or chestra daily. House remodeled and newlj furnished this season. COL. F. A. LINCOLN, Proprietor. ROCKY IUVER SPRINGS, Stanly County, N. C., Open June 1. Finest mineral water. Table supplied with the best. Band of music. Dally mail. ’Phone connections with ell adjoin* ing towns. Climate unsurpassed. TYuiisi rates Southern Railway and its branches, and Atlantic Coast Line. Write for cir cular. Address R. B. * Beckwith, M. D., Silver, Stanly county, Nortn Carolina. SWEETWATER PARK HOTEL AND BATHS, LITHIA SPRINGS, QK This well-known and popular resort is no* open. Ail modern equipment. Cuisine and service unexcelled. Write for illustrated pamphlet. JAS. E. HICKBY, Propr. Also Kimball House. Atlanta, Ga. IX THE GREAT NORTH WOODS. HOTEL DEL MONTE, SYHAX AC L AKE, X. Y. OPENS JUNE 2'u under entirely new manage ment ; newly furnished anu renovated through out; tabic and service first-class; near lak and Hotel Ampersand; golf, tennis, billiard*, boating, fishing, driving and bicycling; livery. For booklet address J. HENRY OTIS, Sara nac Lake. N V. _ CATSKILL MOUNTAIN HOUSE. July daily rate $3. Unsurpassed scen ery. Railway fare reduced. Stations, Otu Summit and Ivaatei skill. CHAS. & GEO. H. BEACH, Mgrs.. Catskill, N. Y. REA GIRT, \E\V JERSEY. Beach House, right on the beach. Al ways cool. Fine accommodations. Dining room service flrsi-class. Rates reasona. ble. Send for booklet. Sea Girt is th* firt stop made on the coast by express trains from Philadelphia to Asbury lark and Long Branch. COAST COMPANY. AVOXDA L B SPR | XGS. On Knoxville and Bristol Railroad, fivi miles west of Tate's, at the base of Clinch mountains; one of the most delightful re. sorts of East Tennessee. Lithia, sulphui and ehaivbeate water. Reasonable rates. Address Mis* C. CROZIER, Lithia, Grain* ger county, Tennessee. GIIAXD ATLANTIC HOTEL, Virginia ave and Beach,Atlantic Ciiy.N./ sth year. Most central location; higiMil elevation, overlooking ocean; 350 beautiful rooms, many with baths. The terms an reasonable. Write for l*ooklet. Hotel coach es meet nil trains. CHARLES E. COPE. MELROSE, NEW YORK.-78 Madison Avenue, corner ?Bth et. Rooms wi!h ot without board! Rooms wiih board $T r** week; $1.25 per day and upwards. Send fot circular. The Singer Piano of Chicago, 111* This SINGER PIANO is sold by many of the leading dealers In the States, such as Wm. Steinert Sons Co* who have the largest establishments Boston, New Haven and Providence Also the' SINGER PIANO is sold by Wm. Knabe Cos., having the leading houses in Boston. Baltimore, Washington and N €W York city. There arc a large number ° leading houses handling SINGER PIANO, too numerous to mention. . The SINGER PIANO is evidently one oi tho t>€st pianos in the market, or U wou not be sold by these leading houses. It has an elegant singing tone, rouen finer than most pianos, and about one-nan the price of other instruments. n Call and see, and examine the SINGEn PIANO and save a good deal of money o*> your purchase. Same guarantee is tended for the SINGER PIANO as any oi the leading pianos of the day, and a sat isfactory price will be given to all on ap plication. LIPPMAN BROTHERS. Wholesale Agents, Wholesale Druggist*' Barnard and Congress Streets. Savannah, Ga. _ COMFORT For your stock The fly season is now ** us and the time to use Tough on Flies, a lotion when applied will prevent horses and cattie Ircm being pestered It and be convinced. HAY. GRAIN, BRAN. COW FLEW, CHICKEN FEED. etc. T. J. DAVIS. tia liav t^ee, '—