The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, July 08, 1900, Image 11

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pakt two. WHITE MOURNING FOR UNMARRIED WOMEN. This Is a Novelty of the Present Season and These Costumes Are Made of White Eta mine, Crepe, Eusterless Taffeta, Etc. Three Imminently Smart White Toilet* for Watering Place Wear That Suggest Clever Ideas, for I.ntc Sommer Dressmaking-A New French doth Similar to That Worn by Matron. Coder the Roman Em pire-Grey Silk Hose, Peppered With Chenille Dot.. Worn With Grey Glace Kid Slipper. Arc the Most Effec tive Footgear ThU Year. New York, July 6.—'The woman in white Is eimply übiquitous, for the sex "that druses elaborately and thereby makes the biggest fly wheels of commerce go round, Is about to deal with weather that Rives ter the greatest charm of appearance and comfort when she ts arrayed in swan-like raiment. A greater number of yards of white organdie have been sold for this season's wear than in a half a dozen pre- (a) Irish Green Hose With White Panne Slippers, lb) Black Pan-ne Dancing Slippers. ■- 1 Grey Hose and Grey Slippers. vious springtimes, says the dealers in dry G ooo *. and the dressmakers corroborate Jhe assertion. One needle artiste willing* ly displayed to privileged eyes some won drously filmy, flouncy things that were in process of packing for forwarding to a *roup of debutantes at New York. ! ' rybody this season, with just the necessary number of exceptions to prove thf rule,” explained the dressmaker, "is "earing pure white for morning; pure "fi'" lawn and organdie touched with nln k panne or velvet ribbon is in the c °de fashionable for church going, and all our smart summer coaching, automobil es anl picnic suits are cut from white • mich linen or drap de Nimes. U'-re is a study for 11 o’clock service 011 a bright hot Sunday," and there was H'' ad forth a lovely double flounced cloud organdie made light as 6oapsuds In as- Pc* by the vertical insertions of white a , n.'iennes threading the two very full "alarums at intervals of two inches. All fluttering daintiness was dropped up on a foundation of pure white silk that comes from Japan, Is very crispy, but thin •Iniott as muslin, and is called in the trajf* messme silk, because the grils in the smart set of Tokio use it as a lining for tn*ir immer kimonos. I: ‘* waist of the organdie was lined *uh Ldlk only as high as the bust in order the fair wearer’s white chest and •Moulders shine softly through o high col yoke made of alternating bands of transparent goods and lace Insertion. A * bertha of organdie and lace dropped • bout the shoulders, and these were lace rimmed scarfs of the material wafted to • knees from a knot of black wired parn< on t^e breast. full rucked r (randie sleeves and a belt and bow fn *, frl strap of panne completed this pretty ’ excepting the hat. which was a , lff brimmed affair, made wholly of • i f<l organ ide, banded broadly with k panne on the crown, which was pH w "ifh masses of marguerites. 'When my lady comes at lost Timid and stepping fast.’ " . f ‘* n you picture anything more sweet . :1 - ive than this at the church gate?" 'Kjircd the maker of gowns, "and we a\r. turned out dozens already for the and) ‘ ni ' Purpose, never adopting an involved as fancy frocks ore not the thing ' r <'hureh going. What we do do, how is to use a good deal of simple, In ' naive lace, und to give the expansive l r , p 7' t to the foot of skirts by gathering r bounces just as full al the thread Cjn pull (he goods. 1 " r (ieorge and Chicago. • hff 1 m ® “bow y°u a most attractive nl < mohair suit that Is about to set ■ W Ml UXt'a work la the wardrobe §dtmnnal) Morning iXVtoe. w Of a slim, pretty creature at Lake George. It is what I would call an ideal boating and picnic dress,” and so it was. With geometric nicety the skirt was laid from waist to below ,he knees in front in tucks placed close together and of a narrowness that forced them to stand out straight , rom 11*6 surface of the goods. The tuck , in g grew shorter a< the rear of the Jupo . and thus created a full flounce-like efTect 1 abou * foot. With this skirt was worn a captivating shirt waist of finest white linen, relieving with polka dots of zinc blue and a collar, tie and broad girdle of plain white linen. Over the shirt was drawn a bolero Jacket of tucked mohair bound with n band of white embroidery about all its edges, garnished with five little bullet shaped mohair buttons on either side A Newport flown for 11 o'clock Sunday Service. A Cloud of Organdy Touched With Black. and coquettlshTy finished with sleeves that drew a few inches beyond the el bow and broadened at the end in order to give the shirt's sleeves the effect of an under sleeve. To finish all this ofT went a hat In sailor shape of stitched white mohair with a big bow of dotted linen In the front, and with righteous pride the composer of the gown viewed her handiwork. “I've got another rather smart little composition here In white drap de Nimes,” she volunteered. "Tbs* > • MF SAVANNAH, GA., SUNDAY, JULY 8, 1900. light wool goods that has been In vogue these three months In Paris, and the weave of the goods is said to be just the same as that of the stuff of which fashionable Roman ladies made their costumes in the days when Nlmes was a Roman city. The dress of which I speak Is going to a lakeside resort not far from Chicago, and it will be used for going to call and to teas in a smart automobile. As you the effect aimed at is the ever popular princess mode, and this broad, horizontal tucking on the skirt and waist is the latest popularity for slim, well figured women. Down the front from throat to toes the continuous panel is outlined by bands of heavy cream guipure on the wool, and hand some wheels of guipure set at intervals down the center of the panel harmonize with the lace efTect, repeated in epaulettes on the collar and at the cuffs. The one touch of color is a strap and bow of pastel yellow taffeta at the waist line. If I do say it myself, that is a quite perfect A White Mohair Suit, an Ideal Boating and Picnic Costume for Lake George. suit, and I have bought to go with It a pastel yelow silk parasol having a white handle and a flaring pompadour hat of pastel yellow straw with a huge cabbage of white silk at one side. A Novelty in Moarning. ‘‘Here you will see something quite new this season,” continued the modiste with agreeable garrulity. "The v/hite mourn ing-only the unmarried women wear It so far, and we don’t consider anything but white etamtne, crepe, lusterlees taffeta, India lawn, etc., as strictly mourning, and we trim, with dead surface, taffeta ribbon and white velvet a good deal. One of the sweetest suits I have made this season Is a pure white etamlne trimmed with white crepe, and the hat was a white mohair shape, set off with white crepe folds and bows and a few clusters of white pearl de jardin rosea so arranged that no foliage showed. A dull white taf feta parasol and white shoes made this one of the most becoming and suitable driving or church dresses I have turned out of my work-Tooms in six months. New Dancing in Footgenr. "But before you go do let me show you some of the newest ideas In dancing foot gear that have Just this week been put on the market. You know, when we mo distes take an order for a frock nowa l A Small Automobile Dress of Drap de Nlmes for Calls and Afternoon Teas. days tve contract to provide the toilet with or without furnishings. That means with or without the gloves, shoes, hose, hat, parasol, hair ornament, handkerchief and fan, or whatever Is necessary to make It a rounded out costume. Fsually with hall dresses we supply the slippers an.l lisle or silk stockings, and the smartest bit of smartness Just now Is steel grey lace kid slippers, embroidered on the toes In grey chenille and steel or Jet beads Grey silk hose go with these, and they are peppered over with black chenille dots and steel points. "Just as new, but not yet quite so pop ular, are absolutely undecoraled dancing sandals of black or white panne worn with very gay hosiery. For example, with one pair of black panne shoes I sent a pair of white lisle hose having a won drous broad zig-zag line embroidered in Mark directly down the front of tne leg. With a pair of white slipper* I sold pure Irish green silk hose, elaborately open worked up the front of the ankle to show the pale pink of the dainty foot beneath.” At this Juncture there was a violent ringing at the telephone In the dressmak er’s sanctum and a voice In squeaky, but peremptory tones vibrating through the receiver, sent the mistrees of the robes off In * iiurry to less congenial tasks than the tale of her triumphs in the designing and execution ot masterly frocks. ...Alary Dean. Men’s Summer Shoes, In both hiffh and low cut, with soft Vicl uppers, black and colors, at SI. 98. Avery extensive assortment of this very desirable and seasonable FURNITURE to be sold at MID SUMMER PRICES to reduce stock, so as to enable us to purchase a larger selection of Fall varieties. A few specimens these: Hot Weather Goods. English Long Cloths, 12 yds in piece, and worth $1.75; per piece 01-Zu Sheets, ready for use, large enough for double CQ beds, each Dull Yard-wide Bleached Shirt ing, regular price C ft DC Yard-wide Fruit of Loom Shirting, regular P3n price U4u Printed Challies, ) Shirting Calicos, [ R n ?ij! a E f Q3P 30-In. Whit* India l POW st, u4U Lawn ; Solid Color Black Lawn p Solid Color Bine Lawn I ft Solid Color Nile Green h Solid Color Crepons II . Solid Color Challies U U 40-inch White Victoria Lawns, 7| regular price | 2u Satin Striped India Lawns, |fl n very sheer, 15c quality.. lull 68-inch White French Organ- QQ dies, sold the world .nL. oub 48-inch French Nainsook QQn reduced to Juu Sheer White India Lawn, regu- m n nlar price 15c lUu White Corded Pique, and White India Lawn, satin stripes, regular Q n price 12j4c Du Large size Turkish Bath in* Towels, 15c valne lUu 54-inch Half-Bleached All Linen 7Cn Damask, 50c valne Ouu 5-8 Damask Napkins, $1.25c QCp. value, dozen dull Summer Black Goods 30-inch Black French Organdies, sold all over the oily at 39c 25c 36-lnch Black Mohair Brllllantlne, spe cial for bathing suits and skirts 29c All-wool Black Challies 35c 36-lnch all-wool Black Albatross. Pit 36-inch all-wool Nuns Veiling ... LI 111 36-lnch all-wool Tamlse !|| II 36-lnch all-wool Henrietta UUU Special 45-inch 911 k and Wool G10ria...,50c All thin summer weights. Gentlemen, Keep Cool. Screven Pattern Drawers 60c *I.OO Stiff Bosom Shirts, with separate eufle, to close S9c Bnlbrlggan Underwear, per suit 600 Men’s Fine Percale Negligee Shirts, collars arid cuffs attached, guaran teed fast colors, perfect fitting, worth *I.OO, at 49c Men's Fine Silk Bosom Negligee Shirts bosom made from genuine wash silk, with fine cool cambric bodies, In blues and pinks, former price, *!, at..59c Men's Fine Cambric Night Shirts, with fancy trimmed fronts, full lengths and full bodies, worth 75c, at 39c For this week we wi'.l eeil genuine Ma dras Pajamas, worth *1.60, at 9Sc Men s genuine Peppereil Jeans Draw ers, (B. V. D. pattern), with string or elastic bottoms, all waist meas urements and lengths, worth 50c, at. 39c A big lot of Men's Washable String and Bond Bows, worth 25c each, at 10c, 3 for 25c Basement Bargains. gellzo, the best scouring soap 2c Enamellne Stove Polish 3c Fly Traps, any size 10c Ice Picks, worth 10c, at 5c *I.OO Hammocks at 50c *3.00 Hammocks at sl-50 *3.00 Hammocks at *2.19 *4.00 Hammocks at *2.98 K 00 Hammocks at *3.98 Small Wares Pins, full count, paper Hooks and Eyes, card A Worsted Braid, roll . , English Tape, roll I m 1 Belt Pins, each I I Dressmakers’ Needles, paper II . Darblng Cotton, card II j Hat Pins, extra long, each .. 11 Pulley Belt Rings, each Ladies’ Ribbed Vests. Ladles’ White Ribbed Vests 3c Ladles' Striped Ribbed Vests 6c Ladles' Pink and Blue Ribbed Vests..loc Ladles’ Lists Thread Ribbed Vests 150 Silk Lisle Lactwork Vests. 50c quality..36o Children's Ribbed Vests, all sizes, wing sleeves To Mid=Summer Furniture Sale. . The new improved Baby Carriage and Go-Cart has merits superior to any placed on the market. Extra double braced and scroll spring gear' ing. No nuts to loose, Handle bars guaranteed never to pull off, and patent foot-brake. Rubber tires that are good tires. Parasol can be put in any position. They are strong A slate colored Covert Cloth upholstered, oak flnlA pongee silk adjustable parasol. Regular price 110.00, This Sale, $6.48. A red Turkish cloth, reed body, red allesia parasol, ruffled sflg% 1 , wood wheels. Regualr price *12.00, This Sale, $7.50. A brown oorded cloth, reed body, oak finished, porsaol * matcly A Regular price *14.00, „ , This Sale, $9.50. A Heywood Carriage, Willow body, olive green figured voleuf v, lace covered parasol. Regular price $15.00, This Sale, $9.75. An English gear carriage, upholstered in crlmeon ▼♦lour, ntH * flgpred, silk ruffled parasols to match. Regular price sll®s. f This Sale, $12.50. A dainty beauty In baby blue, oak finished, read body, wood . * wheels, lace oovered parasol. Regular price *20.00t This Sale, $14.50. A reed body Go-Carl, strong as the best. Regular price *4 00, This Sale, $2.65. A Go-Cart, reed body, large dash board. Regular price *5.00, This Sale, $3.25. A Go-Cart, fancy reed body and larga splasher front, rubber tires. Regular price *7.50, This Sale, $4.85. An oak phaeton Go-Cart, golden oak finish, wood wheele, rubber tires. Regular price *8.60, This Sale, $5.50. A sleeper Go-Cart, can be used by Infant; rubber tlrea. Regular price *9.60, This Sale, $5,98. A sleeper Go-Cart, strong, well-made, any color parasol, rubber tires. Regular price *ll.OO, This Sale, $6,98. bThe North Star Refriger ators and Ice Boxes were se lected by us because we be workm.mship and arrange ment of construction, being less, and have galvanized steel North Star Ice Boxes, to hold 50 pounds Ice, regular price *6.00. This Sale. .* 3.98 North Star Ice Boxes, to hod 75 pounds Ice, regular price *B.OO. This sale.. 6.48 Nonh Star Ice Boxes, to hold 100 pounds Ice, regular price *IO.OO. This sale.. 8.60 North Star Ice Boxes, to hold 150 pounds Tee, regular price *14.00. This sale.. 11 00 North Star Ice Boxes, to hold 250 pounds Ice, regular price *IB.OO. This sale.. 13.60 North Star Refrigerators, to hold 40 lbs Ice, regular price *14.60. This sale .. 9.98 North Star Refrigerators, to hold 60 lbs Ice, regular price *16.60. This sole.. 12 98 North Star Refrigerators, to hold 100 lbs Ice, regular price *22.00. This sale 15.98 North Star Refrigerators, to hold 125 lbs Ice, regular price *25.00. This sals .. 19.60 iA . , ~ , tn __ jl Come to us for a lU piCCCS Ollly liu./a. saving ot 20 to 40 per cent. Double width White Enamel (3 coats baked on), beds bras# trim med, extra heavy, with an all-lion spring; regular price *10.50. This sale *6.95 Rich Golden Oak Dresser, long French Bevst Mirror, hand somely carved, something new and stylish, three deep drawers, brass trimmed; regular price *l2 50. This sale. *7.75. Mortis I ha'.rs for the piazza, with real to put In any position, Regular price *2.50. This eale *1.48. A fine A1 Moss Ms it reel, full, size, 40 pounds, best A. C. A. ticking, guaranteed. Regular price *7.60. This sale *4.75. A fine A1 all genuine Black Hair Mattress, full size, 40 pounds. best A. C, A. ticking. Regular price *18.50. This Sale *12.50. Beautiful I<a<ilea’ Fancy Willow Rockers. Regular price *3.50. ■ his sale *2.48 Velour GoOches, any color. Regular price *IO.OO. This sale *6.50. Large seat Cane Dining or Bedroom Chairs, Golden Oak, fine finish. Regular price *1.25. This sale 690 This sale limited. Large Arm Leather 6<at Rockets, In Golden Oak or Cherry. Regular price *4.50. This sale *2.69. Fine Golden Oak Wardrobe, double doors, complete, with wardrobe hooks and castors. Regular price *l2.6<f. This sale J 7.95. Large Fine Assortment of Pic t ires, framed in white, gold and oak. Regular price *1.75. Thl* sale 9Sc. * Anew Golden Oak 10-piece Bedroom Suit, dresser with large French Bevel Mirror, nicely carved, wash stand, high bed. ■■ 4, four cane chairs, one cane rocker, towel rack and center table. ►. . Regular price *30.00. This eale . *l9 71, • • • *■* -•- PAGES II TO 20. Your Choice Of onr $15.00 and $17.50 Ladies’ Fine Tailor-made Salts, this season’s styles and shades, 59.76. jSpecials! Kid Cambric Rem nants, yard j(j Val Laces, dozen 16c Embroideries, White and Colors jy 100 Umbrellas, for QQ Men and Women udC Children’s Parasols <)C n reduced to ZDC Black and Colored Velvet Ribbons, all widths, C|| per yard Jy No. 22 and 40 Taffeta and Fancy Ribbons, |r ft worth 35c luu All-Overs for yokes, QTn big line DOG FANCY GOODS IISIIH PRICES. Irish Point Squares SBo Pillow Shams, ready stamped, pair 190 Bmbtoldery Cotton In red fast color, dozen skeins 10a Sllkallne, all color*, yard 7^*o Cotton Ball Fringe, In all different shades, yard 5c Stamped Duck Tray Covers 100 Stamped Ituck Bureau Scarfs T6o Linen Center Pieces, large size, nlamped 100 Sofa Pillow Tops, each 120 Ready-Made Sofa Pillows 250 Gold and Sliver Paper. Sheet 60 Soaps and Toilet Articles At prices which prove we undersell all. Wltchhnzel, large bottle 10a Bradley’s Perfumed Ammonia 100 Menen's Rotate.l Talcum Powder 13c Roger & Gnllat's Rice Powder 12c Roger & Gatlst’s Fine Soap 12c Cradook’e Medicated Soap 100 Amolln Powder 190 Antiseptic Tooth Powder 60 Prophylactic Tooth Bruehea 350 Dental Plate Brush for Artificial Teeth 350 lairge Bath Sponges 260 Hair Brushes a Specialty, Special Bargains. 50c Ladies’ Muslin 'ICn Drawers 75c Ladies’ White Mus- 4Of* lin skirts, wide ruffles $2.50 Ladies’ Duck and Den im Blazer Suits, to (T j O£T SI.OO Ladies’ Lawn Pique and Percale Shirt Waists, White and colored, CA/ one-half price uvw $2.00 and $2.25 Fine White Shirt Waists. They fff AA must go kj)I.UU 50c and 75c Ladies’ Colored Tucked Shirt Waists QCn reduced to JtA vAYAER q q 22-Inch DRESS SUIT CASES, Ollv* Rubber Cloth, linen lined, only TRAVELING TRUNKS, brasi boun* heavy clamps and Zlata, strong hinges and handles, hat box and tray, 30 Inches, *3.41; 34 Inches, 54.48. STEAMER TRUNKS. 28 Inches, only $1.76.