The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, July 08, 1900, Page 12, Image 12

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12 if ini • * * * • Tuesday vs as children's afternoon at Hotel Tybee and the ball which had been so carefully planned for them by some of the ladirs wa* really a delightful af fair, almost as much enjoyed by the old er people as by :he children themselves. Theee happy little folks in their dainty' dresses and fluttering ribbons made a vary charming sight as they thronged the floor of lie pavilun. The fancy dances by Miss Mamie Martin and Miss Margue rite Stults were especially attractive fea tures of the afternoon. Miss Stults, who was beautifully dressed in white lace over pink silk, gave a skirt dance with her usual ease and skill, and Miss Martin, who wore a lovely little gown of aceord ton-plaited lavender sal in, delighted every one with her grace. After the dance the children trooped to the dining-room where generous refreshments had been thoughtfully provided for them by Mrs. Graham, and ice cream, cake and many other good things were enjoyed to the utmost by the merry little people. Among those who took part in (he afternoon’s gayety were Mies Charlotte Bcker of At lanta. M.'6S Margery Wright, of Atlanta, Miss Eunice Lippman, Miss Gladys Llpp man, Miss Doris Lippman, Miss Con stance Chesnutt, Miss Inez Tiedeman. Miss Bessie Dixon. Miss Bessie Murphree of Troy. Ala., Miss Angus a Wood, Miss Gena Ferat, Miss Hannah Ferst, Miss Rita Weil, Miss Birdie Van Keuren, Miss Rosalind Wood. Miss Helen Dixon, Miss Cora Martin, Miss Norma Derby, Miss Gertrude Grantham, the Misses Lindsay, Master Ralph Allmayer of Macon, Master Moses Ferst, Master Alan McDonald, Master Rayford Wood, Master Irwin Wood, and Master Merritt Dixon, Jr. In the evening after the supper little Miss Stults danced the bolero oh the pa vilion for the grown people. A large party, chap?roned by Dr. and Mrs. D. R. Hqpps and by Mrs. Guy Howard, enjoyed the Tuesday evening dance at Tybee. They were Miss Carrie IjOU Meldrim. Miss Fanny Meldrim, Miss Mary Hopps, Miss Marion Maclean. Miss Cornelia Maclean, Miss Ethel Mclntire, Miss Angie • Cubbedgc, Mr. Edward Thompson. Mr. Joe Heyward, Mr. Walter Heyward. Mr. Lawrence Ixe, Mr. Berrien Glover, Mr. Stephen Heyward, Mr. Ben Yancey, Mr. Aleck Hull, Mr. James Mc lntire, Mr. Thomas Harper, Mr. Charles Kdmonston, Mr. Siaker of Tennessee, Mr. Gordon Holms. Mr. Sidney Stubbs, Mr. Daniel Clinton Betjeman. Mr. Frank Hey ward, Mr. Montague Boyd. Mr. Tracy Hunter. Jr., Mr. Robert Waller and Mr. Clayton Purse. Mrs. Edward Habersham chaperoned another party in which were Miss Pritch ard. Miss K.ghton Habersham, Miss Maud Williams, Mr. Colter Carmichael, Mr. Clarence Connerat. Mr. William Simpson, Mr. Butterfield, Mr. George Heyward, Mr. David Barrow and Mr. Horace Hun v r. One of the pleasantest affairs of the season was the euchre party given M n day nig hi at Hotel Tybee. The ladies’ prize, a very handsome vase, was won by Miss Diille Hirsch of Columbus, and the. gentlemen's prixr. a silver-mounded whisk by Mr. Seisel of Macon. The other players were Mr. and Mrs. W. Wolff, and Mr. and Mrs. S. Alt rnayer of Macon. Mrs. Jacob Llppman, Mrs. Max Jackson of Macon, Mrs. Cohen of Macon. Mrs. William Watson, Miss Sadie Loeb and Miss Nellie Loeb of Co lumbus. Dr. Farmer, Mr. Ralph Altmayer of Mfc:cn. The regatta at Isle of Hope Wednesday afternoon was an occasion of much inter est and numbers of people witnessed the exciting races. In one of the parties were Mrs. Homer Hopkins, Ml*s Bower, Miss Culter, Mr. Palmer Axson, Mr. Edward Demere and Mr. John Culter. The most important social event of this week will be the marriage of Miss Annie Comer to Mr. (Mark Howell of Atlanta. The wedding will take place Thursday evening at half past nine, at the home of ihe bride’s moth er, Mrs. Hugh M. Comer. The only at tendants will he the Misses Mary and Dll la. Comer and Mr. Howell’s best man, Mr. Thomas Egleston of Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Remshart are en tertaining a home party at their summer home, at White Bluff. In the party are Miss Gretta Horner of Charleston, Miss George Ashley of Trenton, Miss Nina Cnne. Mi>ses Alice and Marie Remshart, Messrs. Fred Hovt, James Dean of Wav cross. Pilcher Cheatham and William Remshart of Nashville. Tenn. Mrs. Lewis Haskell has returned from a visit to Mr. and Mrs. ,1. Florance Minis at their ooun-trj* home in North Georgia. Miss Clifford Munnerlyn and Miss Jeanie Haines spent the Fourth of July with Mi** Leonora Gabbett ai Isle of Hope. Miss Emma Hopkins Is visiting Miss Maude Heyward. Mr. Arthur J. O’Hara is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McDonough at their Tybee cottage. Mr. Shelby Myrlck left for New York yesterday. The initial trip of the Neva S.. former ly the Viking, under her new title, was made Wednesday morning when Mr. \Y W. Starr, Mr. Merritt Dixon and Mr. J. J. Kirby, brought a large and merry par ty from Tybee to Savannah, then to the Yacht Club, returning lo the Atlantic Club for dinner in the evening. An elab orate luncheon wan served on hoard the launch, and the trip proved delightful in every way. Among those who took part in the christening ceremony, were Mr. and Mrs. John T. Evans, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Merkle, Miss Mollie Collins. Miss Jutnonville of New Orleans aucl Mr. John McLaughlin. Mr. E. L. Tesaier of Charleston is spend ing some time in Savannah. Shortly after leaving here Ite will aail for Europe, stop ping in Scotland, and then going to Paris and oth r points on the continent. Mrs. A R Lawton, who has been ve rting Mr. and Mrs J. F. Minis, was joined this week by Mr. Lawton and Mr. A. R. Lawton. Jr . and went with them to Warm Sulphur Spring*, where Col. Law ton ate and and the State Bar Association. Miss A. M. Barnard left Tuesday with Mr*. Pope and Miss Pape for Lake Chau tauqua. New York. Miss Helen Vaughn is visiting friends In Charleston, where she will attend the sessions of the National Educational As solution Mrs. N. A Pape and Miss Pape saikd Tuesday night for New York, on their way to Chautauqua, and later to the moun tains. Mr. oiul Mr.-, if. M Stoddard and Miss Mabel Stoddard left Thursday to spend the summer at Highlands. N. C. Mr*. Arthur B. M. Glbbes and her two Utile daughters returned to the city on Monday, after a pleasant three weeks’ play at Hotel Tybee. Mis. Gibbet und the children left Monda> night for Asheville, where Mr. Gltbes will Join them later. Mrs. W. W. Chisholm and Miss Eh:a Chisholm returned this week from North Carolina, where they have been spending the last two months. Tuesday morning Miss Jeannette Weil gave n delightful breakfast at Bannon Lodge. Thunderbolt. Her guests were Mrs. Joseph Hirsch, Miss Rosalind Rich, Miss Bickett. and Miss Rosenbaum of Atlanta, Miss Flore:te Seisel of Macon. Mr. J. M. Barnard has gone North to spend the season ot his summer home on the Massachusetts coast. Mr. Henry McAlpin returned Tuesday from the Thousand Islands. Miss Doris and Miss Gladys Llppman are visiting Mrs. Jacob Llppman at Ty bee. Mr. and Mrs. Louis M. LeHardy, Miss Julia LeHardy, and Master Frank Miller LeHardy, returned to the city Friday, after spending several weeks very pleas antly at their cottage at Tybee. Mrs. LeHardy and the children will go to Au gusta this week, to visit Mrs. Frank. Mil ler at the Hill, and after a brief stay there, they will spend the latter part of the season in' the mountains of North Carolina. On the Fourth, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. W ilson gave a launch party to their guest, Miss Lily Anderson. The others in the party were Mr. Warde Motte, Mr A. B. M. Gibbes. Mr. George F. Tennille and Mr. Clarence Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Billington will leave to-morrow to visit Mr. and Mrs. Weed at their summer home in Noroton, Conn. Mr. J. W. Schley has gone to New' York, from where ho will sail this week for Eu rope, to visit the Paris Exposition, and probably to make on extended European tour. Mrs. Charles Ellis and the Misses Helen and Margaret Ellis went this week to Dau fuskie lo visit Mr. Albert Stoddard. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Steele and Master Henry Steele, Jr., hove returned from Ty bee where they spent the month of June. Mrs. J. S. How kins and her two boys left Friday to spend the rest of the sea son nt their cottage at Tybee. Mrs. Hauers returned this week from a visit to Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Minis, and left Saturday for St. Catherine’s Island. Mrs. T M. Cunningham will leave to morrow' for Saratoga. Mrs. W. W. Owens end Master Duncan Owens have gone to Bluffton, S. C., for July and August. Miss Eliza Chisholm spent a fewr days with Miss Frances Charlton during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Ralston Wylly spent the Fourth of July with Miss Nona Wylly at Isle of Hope. Mrs. Julian Schley and her family are at Highland Falls on the Hudson, near West Point, where her oldest son, Mr. Julian Schley, Jr., has Just completed his flr<t year’s course at the Military Academy. Mr. Schley made a remarkable record, standing eixth in his class of one hundred and twenty-seven, and third in mathe matics. He has been made a drill master of the plebs, and has received i.-e appoint ment of corporal, and his popularity with hi classmates as well is shown by his election to the honorable office of Hop and Social leader. Mrs. John Hopkins left Saturday to Join Mrs. M. M. Hopkins at Asheville. Mrs. Isaac Minis, Miss Minis, Miss Re becca Minis, and Masters Isaac and Car roll Minis, went to New' York Tuesday on their way to Martha’ Vineyard for the rummer. Miss Baker of New Orleans, who has been studying in the Johns Hopkins Training School, is visiting her sister. Mrs. Corson. Mrs. J. M. Guerard and Miss Lucille Guerard went North last Monday. Mrs. Joseph Hirsch of Atlanta, is visit ing at Tybee. Misti Morris of Atlanta, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McDonough at Ty bee. Miss Ethel Walker left Monday to visit friends in Charleston. Mr. James H. Stacy went to New York last Tuesday. Miss Martha G. Backus has gone to Lake Chautauqua. After staying there a few weeks she will visit Mrs. Parker at Perth Amboy, going later in the season to Col. Huae’s at Highland Falls, N. Y. Mr. T. Mayhew Cunningham. Jr., left this week to attend the meeting of the State Bar Association at Warm Sulphur Springs. Mrs. P. W. Meldrim and the Misses Mel drim left Friday night for their summer home at White Sulphur Springs, Ga. Miss Estelle Heyward, who lias been spending a few' days with Miss Elizabeth Heyward, returned to Bluffton last Tues day. The Mieses Stiles have been entertain ing a house party at Green Island. Their guests were Miss Annie Maclean. Miss Phoebe Elliot, Mr. Erl ward S. Elliot and Mr. Hampton Wade. Miss Irene Withers returned Friday from Tybee. where she has been visiting Mrs. J. S. Wood. Miss Cornelia E. Lee. who has been the guest of Mrs. Roaz in Charleston, re turned Friday after a delightful visit. Master Charles Mills, who has been spending the month of July at Montgom- “cA Perfect Food" ' * 'Preserves Health ’' * ‘ 'Prolongs Life *' BAKER’S BREAKFAST COCOA t“ Known the world over. . . . Kecelved tlie highest in dorsement, from the medical practitioner, the nurse, and the intelligent housekeeper and caterer.'’ —Dietetic and Hygienic Gazette. Walter Baker & Cos. Ltd. DORCHESTER, MASS. f ride-war* on Every Fickigt Established 17s*. THE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY. JULY 8, 1900. J 4 Broughton Street, West. Ladies’ Furnishings. Everything in Summer Apparel AT COOLING PRICES. Tvbee Breeze Corsets 50c Summer Weight in Batiste Corsets SI.OO ■ Summer Comforts in Light*Weight Underwear, Lisle. Silk, Cotton Vests and Drawers; also the latest in Combination Suits. Clearing Sale of Ladies’ Bathing Suits, Shoes, Hose and Capes. The Choicest Patterns in Foulard, sl-00 quality, at 73c. cry. left Thursday to visit his aunt, Mrs. Malcolm Maclean in Griffin. Avery charming party from Troy. Ala., spending the past ten days at Tybee con sisted of Mr. and Mrs. James Murphree, Miss Minnie Gill Murphree, Miss Bessie Murphree, Mrs, Fox Henderson, Gussie Henderson. Miss Loulic Wilkerson and Mr. Josh Copeland. They left Sat urday, to the great regret of their many friends at the hotel, to whom Mrs. Mur phree, especially, with her beautiful daughter as accompanist, has given so much pleasure by her exquisite singing. Mr. and Mrs. Wolff, who have been vis iting at Tybee, returned yesterday, to their home In Macon. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Clay left Tuesday night for Martha’s Vineyard. Later they will visit Nantucket and other New Eng land coast resorts. Mrs. F. V. Walker of Bluffton, who spent a few days in Savannah last week with Miss McAlpin, left Tuesday to visit relatives In Albany, N. Y., from where she will go to the Thousand Islands to stay with Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Wilbur, at Sport Island, Alexandria Bay. Thursday morning the launch Neva S. brought a very pleasant party from Ty bee to Savannah. A delightful luncheon had been provided, and the little journey to town was a very enjoyable one. Those who made it were Mrs. J. E. Grady, Miss Jumonville of New Orleans Miss Lizzie Kirbv, Miss Miss Margaret G. McCrohan, Miss Norma O’Connor, Mr. John W. Golden and Mr. John Brennan. Mrs. P. J. O’Connor and family are spending the season at the Atlanta club house. Mr. and Mrs. William L. Clay returned Wednesday from Tybee. Miss A. V. Bourquin sailed for New York Tuesday to spend two or three months at the North. Mr. T. S. Lucas went to Charleston Fri day to attend the convention of the Na tional Educational Association. Miss Georgia Hull McATpln, who has been traveling in Europe during the past year, arrived in New York on the Fourth of July by the Oceanic. Mrs. Malcolm Maclean, the Misses Mac lean and Masters Malcolm, George and Charles Maclean left Thursday for Cher ry Hill, their summer home. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Ashmore will leave for Charleston Tuesday' afternoon, to be present at the National Educational As sociation Convention, which will be held this week in that city, and which will be attended by the mos* prominent educa tors in <he country. Mr. Ashmore will take an important part in the exercises, speaking at the Friday afternoon session of the department of elementary' schools on a subject assigned to him by the com mittee, “Should the Grammar School Be Eliminated?” Mr. J. D. Weed left Friday for his sum mer home at Noroton, Conn. Mr. and Mrs. S. Binsw r anger left during the w'eek to spend the summer North. The Terpsichorean Club, which has given so many delightful dances during the past year, has disbanded for the sum mer. Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Readi will arrive this week from Green Cove Springs, to make a short stay in Savannah. Miss J. <’. Purse and Miss Margaret Furse will leave to-morrow to attend the National Educational Association Con vention in Charleston. Miss Cec lie Woods wMll go to M*<on Tuesday to spend a few weeks with friends. Miss Julia T. Hunter will leave Tues day with her grandmother, Mrs. George L. Dope, to spend a month in Griffin with Mrs. Thomas R. Mills. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Jones, Miss Ger trude Jones and Master Oatesby Jones left Friday night for Blowing Rock, where they expect to spend the summer. Miss Hada Hunter will go to Griffin next Tuesday to visit Mrs. Thomas R. Mills. Miss Susie Olmstead and Miss Florence Olmstead sailed for New York Saturday. Mr. Roy M. Bailey returned Frid y from Lexington, where he has been attending the Virginia. Military Institute. He will spend the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Bailey, at the Inlet Club, Tybee. Mrs. Kline, Miss Helen Kline and Mas ter Frank Kline have gone North for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. James E. Grady and Miss Marie Grady will spend the rest of THE BEE HIVE N. SCHU7Z, St. Julian and Whitaker Streets. Money-Saving Frices On Standard, Reliable First Class Goods. Japanese Paper Kan* lc Japanese Folding Fans :’<* Palmetto Fans 1* English Pins, polished needle points, 400 pins on i>aper . lo Goldeye Needles, a puper 1c Safety Pins, a dozen 2c Black Jet Head Steel Pin*, best quality. u box Be Stockinet Dre.** Shields 60 Featherweight Drrs* Shlleds. washable 14c R ack Dress Shields. Nainsook covered,.lsc Ladles’ While Leather Belts 10<* Ladies’ Satin Ribbon Pulley Belts, nil colors 13.• PF LLBY BELT AND STOCK COL LAR RINGS. BLACK VELVET RIBBONS, all widths. Mail Orders Receive Prompt Attention. the season at Montgomery White Sur phur Springs, Va. Mr. and Mrs. J. Glennan Grady left Thursday to spend the summer at Cataw ba Springs. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Gilbert, Miss Eliza beth, Miss Mabel Gilbert and Master Harry J. Gilbert went North Friday. The Misses Landershine have gone to Charleston for the convention of the Na tional Educational Association. Miss Annie B. Bell is visiting her cous in, Mrs. Black, on Rutledge avenue. Charleston. Miss Bell expects to attend the sessions of the National Educational Association this week. Miss Maud C. Williams left Thursday to spend the summer at her home in Pennsylvania. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Well, Miss Jean nette Weil and Miss Rita Well will leave to-morrow for Northern cummer re sorts. Mr. George M. Gadsden returned this week from New York, where he spent the past fortnight. Miss Mustin sailed Thursday on the Na cooohee to spend two or three months at the North. Mrs. E. Schuster and Miss Elspeth Schuster will leave to-morrow for New York. Mr. W. F. Constantine returned lest week from White Springs. ■Miss Annie McGuire, who has spent the past fortnight in Brunswick with her friend, Miss Wcnz, expects to return to day. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Ransford, Mas ter Noel and Master Henry Ransford came back to the city yesterday, after spending a month at the Atlantic Club House, Miss Annie McGuire and Miss Garity will go to Tybee to-morrow for a two weeks' stay at the Atlantic Clubhouse. Miss Cora Johnson is the guest of Miss Alma Lindsay at Hotel Tybee. Mr. and Mrs. Savage Lynah and family left Tuesday for Bluffton, S. C. Miss Eunice Lippman was the guest of Mrs. Jacob Lippaipn at Tybee last week. Miss Marie Wheless, who has been vis iting her brother, Mr. J. P. Wheless, left Thursday for Augusta. Mr. George W. Beckett went to New York yesterday. Dr. and Mrs. Ward of Selma. (Ala., with their two children, are staying at Hotel Tybee. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Altmayer of Macon leave to-day after a week's visit at Tybee. Miss Lillie Hirsch of Columbus is at Ho tel Tybee. where her musical talents add much to the pleasure of the guests. Mr. J. E. Grady sailed for New York last Monday. Mr. A. H. Kelley has returned from West Point, Va., where his family is spending the summer. Mrs. Frank L. Pickering went North yesterday to visit her sister, Mrs. Edward Randall, at Bayonne, N. J. Mr. Robert Cannon left for New York Friday. Mrs. J. C. Puder and Miss Eleanor Pu der have gone North to spend the summer. Mrs. Emma C. Carter has issued invita tions to the marriage of her daughter, Caroline Anne, to Mr. Arthur Douglass Strobhar. The, wedding will take place at the Christian Church, Thursday evening. July 19, at 8 o'clock. Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Strobhar will begin the short wedding trip that they contemplate. After July 26 they will he at home at 220 Peachtree street, Atlanta, in which city Mr. Strobhar now resides. He holds a responsible position there with the Virginia-Carolina Chemical Company. Roth the young people are well known in Savannah, where Mr. Strobhar lived until the removal of the offices of the Virginia- Carolina Company from this city to At lanta. In a sailing party on Friday evening on tin Ecie R. were Miss McKindsey, Mss Murphy, Miss Nelle Reynolds, Miss Ecie Reynolds, Miss Gertrude Reynolds, Judge S. Reynolds, Messrs. Dietz Clark, Jack Murphy, Herbert Freeman, Joseph McGov ern. Amonk the delightful entertainments of the week was the informal luncheon given Thursday by Mrs. Robert Benjamin Hu bert at Sand Drift Cottage. Tybee. The guests were Mrs. J. Quincy Hodges. Mrs. Charles W. West. Misses Edith Stillwell, Lula and Ella Morgan. Meta Kenipe. Marlon Cooper. Emily Crawford, Messrs. Tarleton Garrett Brown of Denver, D. P. Woodward, W. B. Hamilton, Robert Mc- Toilet Soaps lc Tar Soap 3c Transparent Glycerine Soap 3c Pear’s Soap .... 11c 4711 White Rose Glycerine Soap 14c Backer’s Tar Soap 17c Colgate’s Cnsnmere Bouquet Soap 1 small cakes) 15c Cuiloura Soap ... % l#e Buttermilk Soap 8c Talcum Toilet Baby Powder (per fumed) 4c Complexion Powder, pink anil white .... 4c f3 st Fuellsh White Pearl Shirt But tons. four holes 6c Rolled Plate Cellar Button*, lever pa lent 1c Fancy Garter Elastic, a strip 2c Black Garter Elastic, a yard 4c “ Ts $2.48 1 9 Wcst Broughton St. m „,,„ L Great Midsummer Sale of Hot Weather Goods. — — 1 Special WASH GOODS Attraction for the Coming Week: • 4 10c Corded Lawn Dimities and Ba tiste, worth 15c. 1214 c Printed India Linens, Organ- BIG EMBROIDERY TUMBLE. 200 pieces of fine Embroideries, in Cambric, Nainsook, Swiss and Mull Sensational Sale of Tailor-made Shirt Waists, Linen, Crash and Pique Skirts. I Linen Crash Skirts, worth SI.OO, at 50c. ► ' Pique Skirts, worth $1.50, at 69c. ► [ Bicycle Covert Cloth Skirts, worth J $2.50, at $1.98 ► ► [HOUSEKEEPING AND I WHITE GOODS. ► , 30c Fancy Pique, now 19c ► i ► 33c Sheer finished India Linen, now 19c ► ► [ Extra large double Bed Sheets 43c ► [ Fine English Nainsook at (apiece) $1.39 ► [ 72-inch Bleached Damask, SI.OO kind ► [ at 88c. [ 25c Cotton Bath Towels now 19c ► [ Large, all Linen Doilies now 6c > 18c White Lawn, 40 inches wide... ,12'-c ► Ix'od. John Meredith of North Carolina, Robert B. Hubert and John Quirn-y Hodges, Jr. Mrw. A. B. Lawton, Miss Bessie Lawton, Miss Cornelia I-awion. .Miss Janie Law ton, and Mr. Asbury Lawton, left Tues day, the 3rd, for Bluffton, S. C., and ex pect to be away until October. Miss Nellie Harty has returned to Sa vannah after an absence of a year, dur ing which time she lias been a pupil of Virgil in New' York. Miss Margaret Macdonald of Atlanta will bo the guest of the Misses Lyons, on Mon terey Square, for the next two weeks. , In a naphtha launch party on the, Helen D. on the Fourih were Mr. and Mrs. H.T. \\ iison, Mr. and Airs. J. J. Pow'ors, Miss Mamie O’Neill, Miss Gertrud e Reynolds, Messrs. John O'Neill and Will Ray. Mrs. Dunbar and her daughters, Mrs. Martin and Miss Dunbar, of Augusta, who have been guests at Hotel Tybee, left for home yesterday. Miss Pearl Bonny of Norfolk is the guest of her sister, Mrs, W. V. Davis, at Isle of Hope. Miss Annie Werner left last week to spend the summer with her aunt, Mrs. Charles Salyer, of Butier, Ga. Mr. Felix Parsons is visiting his mother, Airs. C. A Parsons, No. 1 Perry street, east. He is accompanied by his wife and son. Felix Nicholson Parsons. Aiiss Aiarie Antoinette Valleau will leave on Tuesday for Valdosta, to be one of the guests at a house party, given by Aiiss friends in Asheville, where she will spend some time. Aiiss Alice Richardson is visiting rela tives and friends in AJilledgeville, Ga. Miss Florence Hardee ieft yesterday for Hardeeville, to visit her aunt, Mrs. j. H. Hardee. Later she will visit relatives and friends in Asheville. Air. J J. Cnrolan and family have re turned from Baltimore. Aiiss Carolyn Gray Hill, who is now the guest of Col. and Aiiss Frances Hogood, in Charleston, will arrive next week, to be the guests of Aiiss Nellie Reynolds on Gaston street. Aiiss Lonie ATcKindsey leaves on Tues day for a lengthy stay at Northern points. Atiss Eva Smith loaves on Friday for New Y’ork. Alts. A. B. Connolly of Atlanta is spend ing the summer at Tybee. the guest of her father, Air. John G. Butler. Air. Horry G. Butler has returned from school and it: enjoying his vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Butler, at their cottage at Tybee. Miss Lillian Hirsc’li returned Tuesday to lur home in St. Augustine, after a most enjoyable visit to Miss Lelia Oliveros. Tuesday evening at Tybee Mrs. VV. G. Cooper chaperoned a party in which were Miss Katie Dreese, Miss Marie Dreese, Miss Bessie Cooper. Mr. Percy Inabnctt, Mr. Woodrow, Mr. William Donlan, Mr. Sidney Cooper, and Mr. Sigmtmd Berg. Miss Lily Anderson, who has been vis iting Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Wilson at Ty bee Is the guest of Miss Lina Huger at Bluff on. Mrs. Guy Howard will bav© as her guest tilts week, Miss Addie Walker of Macon. Miss Estelle Gallagher who has been visiting Miss Home in Milledgeville re turned home last evening. Mr. John D. t’arswel is at Bannon Ledge for a stay of some weeks. Mr. Louis Warfield went to St. Cather ine’s Island yesterday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Hauers. Miss Hartrldge leaves to-day for Now York and will spend the summer at the Nor. 11 returning In time to re-open her school Oct. 3. on the coiner of Gaston and Habersham streets. Cards are out announcing the marriage Thursday. June 12, at noon, of Mr. Ar thur H. Neeson and Miss Kosa L. Stokev both of this city. The marriage will take place at the r sitlenee of the hride's moth er, Mrs. Emma C. Stokes, at 124 Gas on street, west. Both young people are well known in Savannah and held in high esteem by large circles of fritnds. The bride is a member of an old South Caro lina family. The groom holds a responsi ble position with a well known business lirm on the Bay. Mrs. Eldred Simklns left Saturday to spend the next two or three months In Woodsto k, Va. Mr. Sidney Stubbs, who lias been at tending tin Military Academy. Pennsyl vania. lias come boro© fer the holidays. Miss Lula Davit, who has been visiting In Way cross, returned last week. Mrs. George C. Heyward. Master Ar thur Heyward and Mlt Bessie Heyward dies and Madras, worth 19c. I7c Printed India Linens, Mulls and Hemstitched Batiste, worth 25c. Edgings and Insertions, elaborate de signs, worth all the way from 15c to 30c; they go this week at 11c yd. AT 75°. Handsome tailor-made Shirt Waists. Percale, Madras and Batiste, in white and colored, cut down from $1.25. AT 99 r . Extra fine imported wash materials, made in the latest cut, tucked, corded and insertion effects, formerly sold at $1.75. AT $1.25. All our $2.00 and $2.30 Shirt Waists, handsomest and daintiest lot of styles and colorings produced this season. HOSIERY. NOTIONS. TOILET ARTICLES. Ladies’ Lisle Thread Hose, in drop stitch and plain, small and large rib 25c Menen’s Talcum Powder 13c Good Hair Brushes 25c And Your Cold Stove L |Pi f||j|| g Heating Only the Spot (i? |jll ffpll "g Where Heat is Wanted. Hjg jiplH 3 No waste for your poeketbook. . The ONI.Y STOVK for hot weather. 25 per cent of temperature saved In your YOUR HOUSE MADE COOLER J There ranges are large enough for any - Only $1 a month rental. IjGAS LIGHT COMPANY, kjjjjjP^ Elizabeth College, Charlotte, N* C. High gtahn col.ege for women. Experience.! teachers from noted foreign and American universities and conservatories. FINEST Ml'9lo AIM'D ART CONSER VATORIES IN THE SOUTH. Fire-proof building. Healthfully located 20 acres beautiful campus, on the hights one-half mile ftom the city. Catalogue free. A<i dress CHARLES H. KINO. President. are spending the summer at Bluffton, S. C. Miss Eleanor Howell of Atlanta is vis iting Dr. and Mrs. T. J. Charlton. Mrs. Spaulding of Athens, who has been the guest of her brother. Mr. Pope Bar row. left last week for Darien. Miss Eileen Hunter is visiting in Arner icus. Mr. Paul T. Haskell. Jr., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Hauers, at Green Island. Miss Lucille Hunter will spend the sum mer at the North with her sister, Mrs. Bayly Hlpkins. Miss Bower of Bainbridge, who has been visiting Miss Bay Culter, will return, to her home to-morrow. The Misses Hill are. ©pending the sum mer at their home, Eagle's Nest, Grove town, Ga. Miss Belie Daniel Is with Mrs. Anderson Carmichael, at Clarkesvllle, for the bum mer. Mrs. Max Hlrsch has returned front New York. An elaborate entertainment was given during the week by Miss Ellen O’Mara in honor of tie graduating class of St. Vin cent'© Academy. The table was beautifully decorated in purple and red. the class col ors, crimson roses, heliotropes and ferns being used in profusion. Those present were Mrs. Brennan, Misses Mary Chris tian, Annie Houston. Nellie Lyons, Julia Boyle, May Kennedy. Veva Gaudry, Ma rie P.ourke, Lillie Boyle, Mamie O'Neill. Edytho Vaughn. Marie McMahon, Hannah McCarthy. Messrs John Black. Garry Boyle. Jaudon, Mux Neuberger. Hogan, McMahon, Lagan, Mallory, McCarthy! and William Boyle. Another pleasant supper given to the graduating class took pluce Monday even ing, w lien Mis-s May Kennedy was hostess. Her guests were Misses Julia Boyle, Annlo Houston, Ella O'Mara. Mary Christian and Nellie Lyons. The other guests were Misses Katie Blun, May Ho gan. Marie McMahon and Veva Gaudry. Mrs. Homer Hopkins. Miss Ruby Hop kins are the guests of Mrs. Hulph Hast ings Culter. Mrs. R. A. Heislnger left during the week lo ©pend the rest of the season at her cottage, at Tybee. Mrs. Frank Worm and Mr. U. p, Wcrm Isc Printed Hemstitched French Tam bour, always sold at 50c. Val. Laces and Insertion, a new’ line' Just received, from 25c to 75c apiece, 25c handsome lot of Embroidered and I,aco edge Linen Hand’kfs, worth 40c < Fine Dressing Combs < Large Cake Turkish Bath Soap... 5 C < 30c Japanese Kans j c ] 15c Japanese Fans J 23c Japanese Fans 1 New line of Pulley Belts. < BLACK DRESS GOODS & SILKS.; Black and Colored Silks, all Silk- < Figured Taffetas, worth SI.OO, 0t....75 C ! Perspiration proof Black Foulard. ! worth $1.25. at J Fine Silk Crepe de Chine, suitable for J street find evening costumes, very J handsome colorings jq 25 J 40-inch, all wool French Batiste at 50c J 40-inch silk and woo! real Lansdowne, ] worth $2.00, at sl.2* J < 40-inch wool Poplin, worth 75c, at 50c < 4 45-inch extra heavy all wool French < Whip Cord, worth 89c, at 55c < 1900 styles, fine French imported Cre- ] pon Silk and Mohair, worth $2, at $1.39 J left for New York on the Nacoochse •• spend the summer at Lenox, Mass. Mrs. I*. Brennan and Miss Nellie Bren nan will leave Wednesday for Waynes ville. Mrs. Frank Jeite arid family. Miss Mar garet Connors and Mrs. J. J. Carolan ex pect to go to Blowing Hock Tuesday. Miss Fannie Harmon is visiting Mist Adams, in Guyton. Miss Rosalind Hick of AHanla was guest of honor at an entertainment given Wednesday evening by Miss Mamie Smith. The others present were Miss Bessie Lillenthul. Miss Freda Traub, Mist Viola Eckstein, Miss Floretto Cecil. Mist Edith Rosenbaum, Miss Carrie Bicker!, Miss Mamie Engel, Miss Norma Eckstein, Miss Jeannette Well, Miss Lillie Traub, Mr. Frank Happ, Mr. Gillespie, Mr. Ros enheim, Mr. Herbert KHyton, Mr. Mag nus Haas, Mr. Max Leiller and Mr. Hiram Wltcover. Mrs. William Clifton and children, of Darien, who have been visiting Mrs. Ra i fael Salas, returned homo last week. Mr. Edward J. Haslam sailed yester day for New York. Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Frank and ,h * Misses Frank will leave Tuesday for S ar * aloga. Mis© Kate Farreil. who has been visit ing Mis© Helen O'Connor, has returned iter home in Blackwell, accompanied . Miss O’Connor. Cords are out for the wedding ©f v!,.* Dora Perllnskl and Mr. Arthur MeV© • who will lie married Wednesday at the home of the bride's parents, • • and Mrs, J. Perllnskl. 231) Bull street. I wedding la anticipated with much tnl ' cst. It will he followed by r a large rec r Hon. Mr. T. J. Daniels, Jr., went lo New York lost week. Mr. ami Mrs. Charles Seiler will next week for New York, from when 11 will tflke a trip to Saratoga, the ( - ,M I/aKCHj atui the. Thousand Isles. Mrs. E. E. Jclkft of Macon, Miss men l£l lino re and Miss UHa are pending n week with Mr- ' i,K * * Amfiew la. Farle t Tybee. In a merry party at Tybee Tlnir^*^ Continue# on Seventeenth