The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, July 08, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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THE CHINEE IS PECULIAR. S( mi; of the ways of the odd ORIENTALS. jj o ,v Prisoner® Are Slaughtered judicially—'The Executioner Does ilie Work With a Brond-hladed Knife, n Single Stroke Severing the Head From the llody-Hobber* Treated Somewhat differently. Tlie Manner In Which Court* Are t od ucted—The Prisoner Ha* No Opportunity to Plead Personally or Through a Counsel, and the Mo*t Atrocious Tortures Are lu tlicted— The Fpod—Agriculture In die Immense Empire. From Ihe Boston Herald. Ch.n"' onc °* the most interesting countries in the world, aside from the fa t that international complications have , :o >v fastened the world’s attention upon it . wirhin the next century the ancient empire will probably become so far mod ernized as to lose much of the pictur fsqueness which belongs to its antiquity. The traveler who visits the Middle King dom at the present time is taken back, in effect, many thousands of years in the history of the world; he sees things as they were ages ago—the manners, customs ar.d ways of living that belong to a vanished people. For example, what is there in the world more strange than the famous road to the Ming tombs-the burial places of the Ming emperors, who were the last native rulers of hina? This family governed the em pire from 1368 to 1644 A. D., and the ave nue leading to their private cemetery may fairly be regarded as one of the wonders of the world, being lined on eith er side with statuary, the like of which 1§ not to be found anywhere else—a series of colossal figures of human beings and enlmals sculptured in gray granite. The avenue, proceeding from one of the gates of Nanking, is a mile in length, and ends at a marble gate, which is by far the meet stately and beautiful structure of i;. kind in all China. The statues comprise a pair of elephants standing and a pair kneeling, four pairs of ivilians and two pairs of warriors, a pair of horses erect and two lying down; also camels, lions, and tigers in pairs. They are arranged at. intervals on oppo site sides of a paved, but neglected and grass-grown, road, leading from the gate to the tombs. They bear witness to the glory of e dynasty under which China was 'ar greater and more powerful than: she Is to-day. Passers-by throw a pebble at each elephant; if it lodges on the back of the sculptured beast, good luck is in dicted. The elephants in thin series are really admirable works of art, with no suggestion of the grotesque treatment so commonly exhibited in Chinese sculpture. Decapitating; Hebei*. About 80.000 rebels were condemned to death and disposed of by thesummarypro ess of decapitation ot the close of the last great revolutionary movement. When prisoners in China are to be judicially slaughtered, they are fetched to the kill ing place, and a list of their names is read aloud and compared with tickets at tached to the victims. The hands of the latter are pinioned and they are obliged to kneel on the ground to receive the blow of the executioner, which is* delivered with a broad-bladed knife like a cleaver, a single stroke severing the head from the body. The headless bodies are usually left where they have fallen until night, when, if their friends do not remove them, the Authorities take them away and bury them i the puiblic cost. When notorious robbers are executed it is a common thing to cut out the gall-bladder, an organ in which, according to the Chinese belief, the cour age of a man resides—and to sell it, the purchaser imagining that in this way he e quires t' ** quality in question. In a Chinese court the magistrate sits behind a desk, on which are writing ma terials, the official seal and cups con taining tallies, which are thrown down to Indicate the number of blows ordered for culprit. On either side are secretaries, and one or more assistants aro present with Instruments of torture. Inscriptions are hung on the walls, one of which ex horts the judge to be merciful. The ac ‘used kneel in front of the tribunal. It is to be feared that there is little Justice to be had in Chinese courts, tfie prisoner hav ing no opportunity to plead either person ally or through counsel, while the most Atrocious tortures are inflicted even upon witnesses to compel confessions. As might be Imagined, the jails nre horrible. One of the most common of criminal punishments in China consists in fasten ing about the neck of the offender a square frame made of boards, which has a hole through the middle of it for the purpose. This is called a “cangue;” it weighs from twenty to thirty pounds, and the name, re s i.-fence and crime of the delinquent are written upon it in large characters for the information of passers-by. The dis ttvsS suffered by the wearer is much more p-vere than would be supposed at first glance, for he cannot feed himself or even drink a cup of water. He cannot scratch bi* own nose or drive away the flies, and Sometimes his face is smeared with sweet *n*d water to attract Insects. Sleep is al mosf out of the question. A soldier is al s put on guard over a victim of this hnioiw form of cruelty, who may starve t" 'loath or die of thirst if the myrmidon the law refuses to permit the man’s fnends to help him. Women, when con demned to the cangue. are nearly always linked together by twos or threes in a frame. Food of the Chinese. 1 '’nfrary to the popular supposition in 'his country, rice is not the chief diet of the poorer classes in China; it is a luxury t ,ini their point of view, because too ' R t!y for everyday eonsump ion. They 'ai much pork, which costs little, for h'‘Rs of razor-back breed are plentiful e erj where, and the pig is the domestic primal par excellence. She sleeps in the ‘* vl, ig room, recognizes her tvaino and ® R I lays in her intelligence ihe. inherited results of centuries of training'. She lit ters twice a year, and of her offsprings the males are fattened while the females •'"f sold or kept for breeding. The house hold porker Is a pet; she Is foil at every 'real of the family, foraging for herself “t other times in the streeis and fields. And it should he remembered that the pig decidedly a clean animal when proper ly kept. The Rev. Dr. Williams, in his “Middle Kingdom,” says that the Chinese in the y or Canton, from whom are re cruited nearly all of the plgstaiUd immi grants to this country, have a remarkable appetite for rats. One frequently sees pussies hanging nicely dressed In the hatchers' windows, the meat looking so "hlte and clean as to be almost aupeiiz b K They are kepi alive In the sheps, too, cages ready for killing. Because the. e so pro iflc and find so much of their °"n food, they can be raised profitably. at's eyes are considered a great de'leacy by the rich, those of black cats being re garded as choicest and commanding the highest eriep. Rats and into are seldom ' ben. except in case of famine; they ar ,n '* hard to catch to hr cheap. Hut among H e Chlmse there Is an old joke about an Imaginary and sh eallrd “honey und squeak" made by Inclosing a live moose In a piece of honeycomb. Agriculture In China has not progressed I' 1 Its methods since the taming of the hrst water-buffalo for farming purposes < lime so far buck as to antedate his torical records. The farming tco's are of a most primitive description, though Ainey can hoes and spades are beginning * 1 tind a sale in parts of die Interior, and *’l die vast quanthy of rice grown in ' h " empire is threshed by beating bunches •I the grain-bearing stalks upon a wood - ' y Worth heading. "You will find enclosed thirty-one one-cent stamps for one of Dr. Pierce’s Medical Advisers, cloth bound," writes James E. Crampton, Esq., of Sharps burg, Washington Cos., Md. " This book is for a friend of mine who is using your ‘ Golden Medical Discovery, ’ and I cannot praise your medicine too highly. I was in business in Baltimore and had rheumatism for three months ; couldn’t walk at all. I tried the best doctors I could get, but they did me no good. I took three bottles of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and it cured me sound. I came home to Sharpsburg, and there were three cases of different diseases. I advised the patients to use Dr. Pierce’s medicines, which they did, and all were cured.” "Golden Medical Discovery” contains no alcohol, cocaine, nor other narcotic. Free. Dr. Pierce’s Common Sense Medical Adviser, 1008 pages, is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Send 21 one-cent stamps for the book bound in paper, or 31 'Stamps for cloth binding, to Dr. R. V. Pie*ce, Buffalo, N. Y. contrivance that looks like a cross be tween a ladder and a washboard. Fortune Teller’s Shop. One of the accompanying illustrations shows a scene in a fortune teller’s shop. In China, fortune telling is a recegn zed profession, and at Foochow one finds a whole street tilled with their places of business. One can get a different •fortune in each, in Chintse cities the professions and arts locate themselves in particular quarters; there are streets of curio deal ers of silk merchants, of silversmiths, of jade polishers, of ink grinders, of fan makers, etc. There are orly a very few actresses in China, fen ale parts on the stage being aken usually by boys, who assume them with a cleverness that is really wonderful, a I the little subtleties and refinements of a lady’s dress, carriage, and deportment beirg counterfeited to perfection. All imi tations in make-up are disdained; the embroidery on the dresses is of the finest, and no tinsel is employed. On the other hand, the acting is altogether artificial. When a man appears on the stage with a spear in his hand, he is understood to be on horseback; with a banner, he is a company of soldiers; with a fan. he is a general, and so on. Not many perma nent buildings for theaters are to be found in the empire, and the players are mostly members of strolling bands whose ser vices may be hi ed when wanted. A t m porary playhouse b’g enough to hold 2 - 00) pecple can be run op in a day, cone! t ing merely of a framework covered with m'ts. A play asts thiee days usually; the acting is chiefly pantomime,and the scen- is painted on mats at the back and sides of the stage. The Chinese are fond of pets or all sorts, and. in the cities persons are often seen going about with finches or canaries, which ore allowed to fly about for exer cise, being secured to the hand of the owner by a long thread attached to one leg This is called “giving the bird a chance to breathe.” An extremely small beast of canine persuasion, known as a ’’sleeve dog,” Is carried in the wide sleeve of its proprietor. The slant-eyed Celes tials use chairs,* tables anil bedsteads quite like our own, but their furniture is very solid, being made to last forever, and the chairs frequently have stone seats. Of discourse on the eubject of Chinese oddities there can. be no end. The bell* in the temples are made exactly on the pattern of great sleigh-bells, though some of them are as much as two feet in diam eter. It would never occur to us to wash our tea* before brewing the infusion, but that is what those Orientals do, and per haps they have some good reason for it. But how funny does appear the method adopted by their candy dealers, who go through the streets shaking a number of straws of different lengths in a cylindrical box like an elongated dice-box! The straws are kept shaken continually, and presently along comes a boy who wonts a piece of taffy. Instead of paying a cop per, as an American boy would do. he draws a straw from the box. If he pulls a long straw, he gets hie candy for noth ing; if a short one, he pays double price; and there are intermediate lengths which split the difference. The Miracle of the Monsoon. From the London Mall. The Viceroy of India has telegraphed to the Secretary of State for India, that the monsoon is setting in on the Malabar coast. We append a description of the annual arrival of the rains—rains which this year, it is hoped will terminate In- dia’s grievous famine—written by a cor respondent at Cannanore, a military can tonment on the Malabar or western coast of India, 400 miles south of Bombay: "Cannanore, May 20.—1n another two weeks, or three, <he monsoon will be here, and we shall witness that great annual miracle with delight which nothing can destroy. “For he bursting of the rain clouds millions are praying before many altars and to gods of many creeds back In In dia They supplicate for copious showers to turn the burnt wilderness into fruit ful fields. In Malabar we shall see the change wrought before our eyes, as it has been worked every year unfailingly. It Is a sight marvelous to behold. "Scientists will t*ll you that the mon soon Is n wind current which, rising among tin- mountains of the moon In the heart of Africa, below the equator, crosses the Indian ocean In increasing force gathering rain clouds as it goes. It strikes the toe of India, and there splits in two The larger section travels along the western coast, watering Malabar and Mysore. Bombay and Ouzerat and Cen- Jrri India' the smaller section swoops np the Bov Of Bengal and hrougli the val ley of the Manges, and other large riv ers On the borders of the Punjab the two currents reunite, and finally lose themselves in a drizzle and mist among the vallevs of the Himalayas or in the rugged passes of Afghanistan. “ 'Tilt- Monsoon has hurst here.’ The news Is < legraphetl from Colombo: the same news a day or two later comeH from ouilon from Trnvancore; then from Co chin ion miles to the south of us. Now the fishermen will tell you the exact hour of It-, arrival here. The morning dawns brightly. The air is hot. heavy, as It has been for we- Its _ B( j r .spite of thunderstorms, the level retches between the hills, where the palm groves urn} pepper gardens are. re main bare brown soli. "That is in the morning. At noon a mutter of thunder Is heard to the south west A w ill of dark cloud rises above horizon, tjvlckly It turns Into a cave of pnrpl. ' gloom: where lightnings play an ,l thunders growl louder and louder. The sea grows gray, and hurls with wild i age its sorrowful waters on reef and idiors. A wind springs up—a gracious THE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY. JULY 8. 1000. nreeze, soft, damp, and, oh, so refresh ing! After the wind cornea the rain, a gray cataract of blending waters. "in that one hour the seasons have cnanged, utterly and completely. The hot weather Is dead, with its sleepless nliD-ts and Us ttnture of prickly heat. The rains—the blessed cool rainy season—has tf gun. Now, behold the greatest miracle with in the space of a day; the hare earth is clother in verdure—a gossamer garment on the first day; on the second day the texture is closer and thicker, and on the third the whole landscape is a vista of fairest green. Every wall, aye..and every stone, become a clump of maidenhair.” IFECUL NOTICES. COLD AND COPPER Is what w-e have at our mines at Yankee, Clear Creek county, Colorado. The affairs of the company are conducted strictly on business principles, and with the greatest economy in all departments. We court investigation. Order your stock to-day, also ask for our prospectus. FIFTEEN (15) CENTS PER SHARE. Par value SI.OO, stock non-assessable. If you buy now you are 85 centa ahead on every- share of stock. By waiting you w-Yl lose money, because the price cannot re main at this figure much longer. THE YANKEE CONSOLIDATED MIN ING. MILLING & TUNNELLING CO., Equitable Building, Denver, Col. Please mention News. TABLE D’HOTE. 50c—DINNER-60C Dinner 6 to 9 p. m., Sunday-, July 8. Claret Wine. SOUP. Diamond Back Terrapin. FISH. Small Filets of Grouper ala Geneolae. Potatoes ala Marechale. Sliced Tomatoes, with French Dressing. Queen Olives, Chow Chow. Mixed Pickles. ROASTED. Ribs of Baltimore Beef, Dish Gravy. Spring Chicken, with Dressing, ENTREES. Beet and Green Peas ala Sarque. Spanish Fritters, Rum Sauce. VEGETABLES. Mashed Potatoes, Boiled Roasting Ears. Rice, Stewed Tomatoes, Boiled Okra. PASTRY AND DESSERT. Lemon Custard Pie, Asorted Cakes. Cheese, Crackers, Fruits. Peach Fruit Cream. French Coffee. At LEVAN’S CAFE RESTAURANT. 11l Congress street, west. MOSQUITOES will nof trouble jon If yon nse SHOO MI’SHEET, It Is a pleasant perfnme. MELD EIIMA Is a toilet powder that tnatnntly dis pel* the dlsotrreenble odors arising from perspiration. OLD STYLE COLD CREAM gives quirk relief for snn burns and skin troubles. SOLOMONS CO. unm DISCOUNT HOTICR. TOP WILL IAVB TGI PER CEBIT. By paying your hill® on or bo* foro the 13th Inst. B. H. LEVT * DRO. NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS. City Treasurer's Office Savannah, Ga., July 1, 1300. The following taxes are now due: Real estate, second quarter 1900. Stock in trade, second quarter 1900. Furniture, etc., second quarter 1900. Money, mortgages, etc., second quarter 1900. Also water rents in advance for six months ending Jan. 1, 1901. A discount of 10 per cent, will be allow ed upon all of the above if payment is made within, iifteen days after July 1. C. S. HARDEE, City Treasurer. WANTED, Wanted, every house owner to know my business Is the absolute collection of rents. Long experience brings me new customers dally. My specialty, "Satis factory ah'! quick returns.” Call or write R. S. CLAGHORN, 110 Bryan, East. SPECIAL NOTICE. All persons are warned not to harbor or trust any of the crew of the Norwe gian bark Papa, T. F. Svendsen, mas ter. as neither the master nor consignees will be responsible for any debts contrac ted by said crew. PATERSON-DOWNING CO., Consignees. ' moonlight excursion. tinder the auspices of Ilia INDEPENDENT SOCIETY WEDNESDAY, JULY 11. Steamer Alpha leaves foot of Whitaker street at 8 o'clock. Music and refresh ments. Tickets 25c. For sale at Solomon's Drug Store and at boat. HEAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY. We buy and sell real estate, collect rents and negotiate loans on same at s'per cent. Represent the Travelers' Insurance Com pany, accident and liability departments. Represent the New York Underwriters Fite Insurance Agency and the Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Company. All business entrusted to us will be ap preciated and will receive prompt and careful attention. No 27 Bay, east. Telephones 348. W. C. FRIPP & CO. WILSON WHISKEY. Wilson Whiskey SI.OO per bottle at RKMLER'S. The Cabinet Beer drawn from the wood. Drayton and Liberty sts. A RARE BUSINESS CHANCE. for druggists or physician. An old estab lish* and corner drug store, complete stock and line prescription trade. Pays an nually 40 p a r cent, net profit on invest ment. Books open for inspection if you mean business. Particulars given on ap plication to LIPPMAN BROS.. Savannah, Ga. BARGAINS. 20 110 volt. Str ndard Dayton Fans, In stalled, al $22.35. 25 500 volt Standard Dayton Fans, In stalled, at $28.50. We have other mukes equally as cheap. ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO„ Phone 62. 412 Drayton street. Seasonable Clothing and Other Cool Things Just Off the Ice. days is to dress in accordance. There's nothing cooler in 'SBSjfl men s clothing than Serges. Serge Suits at $7.50 to $lB. You should see them. But look at the cut, look at the way the collar tits, the button holes, the sew-* ing, the way the lining is put in and the way the house that sells the clothes stands back of its promises. The bargain suits are still here in tine, almost unbroken, assortment, in Fancy Worsteds, Cassimeres, Cheviots, Etc. It’s a rare opportunity. Such splendid values are offered nowhere else for so little money. $ 5.62 for Suits worth $ 7.50 9.00 “ “ “ 12.00 11.25 “ “ “ 15.00 Liltlit an<l dark colon, pcrfcct-flltlng, splendidly nindc Suits, guarautcid pure wool or uoralcd—anil your money buck if you’d rather have if. MEN’S* TROUSERS, In Worsted*, Cheviot* and Canal mere*, a very flue lot. An extra pair of (ronsers In alnays n desirable adjunct to a man*® wardrobe, no matter liow complete. We offer a splendid choice of all denlrable pattern* and coloring* at a reduction of Me off on the dollar. UNDERWEAR AND NtbLlbtt bHIKIb. Till, weather make* one think: of Nfgllffee Shirt* and thin I nderwear. We just opened an invoice of ('os- tom-made Negligee Shirts of .Scotch Madroa. all pxclu.lvc deign., at 92.50. Such Shirts cannot he found ready-made elsewhere. Our line of Madras Nrgllgro Shirt, at $1 earb 1. unsurpnMMed in the city. ... . . B .. We have done an enormous Belt hn.lnr.. thl. .canon, brran. we have ihonn an unsurpassed line of Leather Iteltw. They have style gOc BOc with any found elaewhere. YVe .how better good., better .tyie., bet- ter #it. expensive goods, hut we're partion- lnrly strong on s<>c Knlhrlggex Shirts and Drawers. One Price SPECIAL* NOTICES. WHY A!\ D HOW SIWANBK SPRINGS* WATER CUBES. There is but one cardinal reason: The Water i a natural diuretic. Get hold of that phrase in its full meaning, if you please. Turn to Abernf*hy. "Nature’s way of cure of disease is by free diuresis." And Avenbruggpr: "Nature cares for the kidneys. That is health." And Bichat: "Health is Impossible if the diuretics be neglected.” Put it in this way: The Water has a selective action on the kidneys. The ex cretion of the solid matters—the urea, uric acid, and extractive matters— is in creased by it. In other words, it causes the elimination of the products of the increased metamorphosis of tissue. And yet, notice that this is done without any Impairment of the quality of the blood, or any lowering of the forces of the organ ism. It is better that patients go to the Spring to take the Water, for the reason that the psychic influence!* of change of scene, as sociations and climate are very large fac tors concerned In the results of treatment. Go to the Spring, if you can. It means much more than you can dream of. You want the Water as Nature hands it forth. But if you cannot go for any reason, you may rest assured that it is the 6amc Water, whether taken at the Bpring or hundreds of miles from there, and that the results are the same wherever It Is taken. There are tw r o or threo points to be not ed. Suwanee Water is prompt in Ms action. It acts the same day that it Is taken. The effecs are Immediate. The effects are continuous. That is, the results, which are early accomplished, ore continued. For descriptive pamphlets with testi monials address SUWANEE SPRING CO.. Suwanee Fla. ANDREW HANLEY, President and General Manager. PRBSBRVB YOUR SIGHT By wearing glasses that not alone enable you to see, but correct every defect that may exist. There Is no guesswork In our methods. We have the latest and most approved scientific apparatus for accurate eye test ing We make no charge for conaulta- I tlon or examination, and should you need the services of a physician we will frank ly tell you so. Our crystal lenses are perfect In every respect, being ground under our own su pervision. They cannot be compared In value to the kind offered as cheap by the so-called opticians or Jewelers who han dle Inferior glasses as a side Una. DR. M. SCHWAB & SON, Exclusive Opticians, 47 Bull Street. N. B.—Oculist prescriptions filled same day received. Krpuirlng dons at short notice. SPECIAL NOTICE. On and after .Inly the Oth there will hr an additional rhsrgr fnr nil nark wanted within thlrty-sli hoars. % SAVA A A 111 STEAM LAUNDRY. GEORGIA STEAM L.U A Dll Y. E. A W. LAUNDRY. SUWANEE SPRINGS HOTEL, Sawnnee, Pin. Situated on the banks of the Suwanne river. Climate unequaled. No malaria. No mosqui toes. Cool nights Most healtbful and delight ful resort In the South. Water cures overv known dlseuso. Board AlO por week. Special rate for commercial men of t% per day, w hich Includes transfer. Table, and accommoda tions strictly nrst class Tor Illustrated oam Shlet address buwanee Springs Cos . Suwanee prlngs, Ela. ANDREW HANLEY, Mgr. BOYS' WASH SUITS. If you want n ood wn*b niiMh nt fair prlcfN, hore’s (lie plncr to buy. If yon vrant wnh ftiiitu that *v|ll fade and fear and rip, buy those about town for 2Se and Mb*. Oui* are $1 -$7. Wlirn w r find good cloth* * for Irm ave’ll aril them. Yachting Caps 25c, 50c to $1.50 Boys’ and Children’s Straw Hats at Half Price ‘ — SAVANNAH' — SPECIAL notices. MALT MEAD. (PATENTED.) NO ALCOHOL NO DRUGS. While Malt Meail Is good for ev erybody, it I* especially the poor man's friend. Its low price enables nil to enjoy the blessing of a per fect summer drink. Malt Mead does not lire yoa up. While It I® a highly nutrition* liq uid food, easily anslmtlated, it Is non-stimulant, giving yoa strength and buoyancy to stand off the hot weather. It cool®, mid keep® you cool, and once you acquire m taste for MIALT MEAD you will ®nve money and avoid physical discom fort. All the ladles and the little folks —nnd they are good Jndge® to de pend upon—love the twentieth Cen tury Family Beverage. Have yoa tried Itf GEO. MEYER, Telephone 20. 100 l Henry *t„ enst. CHOICE CREAM. The best Cream and Sherbets to day at . MASONIC TEMPLE PHARMACY. Send In your dinner order. WHITAKER AND LIBERTY. WALL PAPER, PAPER HANGING. We carty complete assortment of latest style papers, and employ only best artist* See our goods and get our estimate be fore giving out your work. Our prices the very lowest. SAVANNAH BUILDING SUPPLY CO„ Corner Drayton and Congress. Phone 519. THE NEATEST, Cleanest, quiest place In town Is Helm ken’s Cafe. One block from De Soto. Phone 646. GREENE A to., IflH Whitaker. New mouldings fur picture frames and ream*. Photographs enlarged. Artist materials. Vrtfstio Oak moulding* fur large frames. FRYERS, FRYERS. Get 4 fine Juicy pair al Gardner’s. Best in Savannah. ilcats—only the choicest. M. 0. GARDNER, Wayne and Whitaker, Phones 67* $13.50 for Suits worth $lB.OO 16.87 “ “ “ 22.50 18.75 “ “ “ 2 5.00 •FECIAL NOTICES. A SURE CURE." Have yon Indigestion f If you have we will guarantee relief, and If onr directions Are followed, will guarantee n cure nr no pay. Ask root druggist for n bottle of gloat's Vegetable Bitters at once. Why suffer when yon can get relief! Slnnt's Vegetable Ritters will make your children strong and healthy. • SPECIAL INDUCEMENT FOR 510 DAYS At Mark Apple's Repository can be found the largest assortment of fine ve hicles ever brought to this city. I invite the public to cell and inspect them before making a purchase. Runabouts and top buggies a specialty, with or without rubber tires. Take advantage of this opportunity. Also a full and complete line of grocery, dairy, express and baker wagons. Full and complete line of harnesa, etc. MARK APPLE?, Phone 778. 320 Broughton St., west. NOW IS THE TIME TO RENOVATE. We renovate and remake with hair ticking moss mattresses $4, hair and wool mattresses $6. We get the size of bedstead and make your mattress to order, without extra charge. Fine curled hair and moss mattresses a specialty. Our medicated steam renovator will purify and clean as well an increase in volume your feather beds and pillows. Renovation of feather beds $6, bolsters $1.60, pillows 76c, All work guaranteed first-class. NATIONAL MATTRESS A.ND RENO VATING CO., Bell Phone 1136. 331 Drayton street. SPECIAL NOTICE. I have Just built two more green houses and can now make n finer and larger flo ral deaign for less money than you pay elsewhere. Choice Cut Flowers daily on sale at store. Also line Rabbits for sale cheap. GEO. WAGNER, , No. 242 Bull street. IF IT'S NICE, WB HAVE IT. Try a can of Boston Baked Beans,with Tomato Sauce, or a can of Vienna Sau sage, with Tomato Sauce, at HARDEE A MARSHALL'S. Phone 955. FINE BLBKRTA9. Get them at Joyce's. Fine Cantaloupes—Get them at Joyce's. Fine Watermelons on Ice—Get them at Joyce's. Anything that, is fine In fruits or vege tables is at Joyce’s, if In town. Best meats brought to Savannah. Or ders tilled at any hour. Phones 197. JAMES J. JOYCE. GOOD - FARE At San Francisco Restaurant, 114 Dray ton Street. Meals served as you order them. Superior service. Good fare. JOE CHANG, Proprietor. vt CTION OF BICYCLE))! Every day next week my surplus stock of second-hand bicycles will be sold at aurtlon prices. If you have any money, It Is good for a wheel. All In good con dition. THOMAS' BICYCLE EMPORIUM. Al 4 Jefferson Street MEN'S SJRAW < 250 off on the dollar. It’, nbonf tlme I,ovr t*r your second straw bst and look at the saving l . It will ps? ( yon to examine one's before you* '*■ *H •'* sane. MEN’S LINEN COLLARS, TIVO-KIIH- .-QUARTER, High hands arc the most aeuslbl® .am.uer collar.. Few people ar. buying any other styles now. All nixes in live hights. —. * *-- '*>"• I>' k ■"* fall-fa,h -""" r f B "'" r ‘"'T" ,u * u,ap prlce olher maUem > .Oo np. __ __ /\ iN U P* a,n O •FECIAL NOTICES. FAIT.7)I \G OF LOMTTshASD'tBLfk lIRATED PIPPIN APPLE CIDER. This pure cider la served on steamers og the American line, and at the Waldorf-Aa' toria and leading family grocers in Men Yo. k city. Paulding a Pippin cider is tnada from the pure juice of hand picked apples from his own mill on the premises. It la abso lutely pure apple Juice, and all the effer vescence Is natural, and we guarantee tg to be the choicest cider In the world. Leading physicians In New York and Brooklyn recommend this cider to their patients Its perfect puilty is guaranteed. In I’aukling's Pippin elder, only Long Is land Newton’s Pippins ate used. The ap ples are left on the trees until late In Oc tober when they are hand picked and placed In a dry room to ripen. Paulding says "the apples are thorough ly crushed in his own mill and the Juice pressed out and run into sweet clean casks.” The difference between crushing and grinding apples Is very great. You will know fhe difference between crushed app es and ground apples If you take some stems and chew them, you will And that bitter taste which is not with Paulding’s crushed apples. This eldsr has not the extreme swee ness of the Russet cider, and everyone will And the Pauld 'ng's Pippin cider Just right to take with dinner. LIPPMAN BROS., Sole Agents in Savannah. RYAN’S BUSINESS COLLEGE, PROVIDENT HIT LIVING. ' DAY AND NIGHT SESSIONS. Stenography (Munson. Graham or Pit man), Typewriting, English Branches, Bookkeeping, Penmanship. The attention of those desiring thorough and practical preparation for business. Is called to the exceptional advantages offered by this college. Short, thorough, practical course*. Latest and best methods. Each depart, merit under tire persoral supervision o 4 the principal. Special attention given tl placing graduates. Special night cession for those who are -Anployed during tIM day. Send for catalogue. / m. e. Ryan, Principal. SAVANNAH FOUNDRY AND MACHINE COMPANY, Builders of Marins and Stationery OHsfR will furnish estimates on new work is competition with Northern acd Westers manufacturers Repair work on Engines and Boiler*, Jj LARGE WAREHOUSE AND OFFICE to rent, located head of Broughton street, on West Broad, now occu pied by the Savannah Carriage and Wagon Cos. As they will giva up business in the city on June 1, I offer It for rent from that date. H. P. SMART. uuMiti mticrrco By the American Bonding and Trust Conv pany of Baltimore. We aro authorized t< execute locally (Immediately upon appli cation), all bonds in Judicial proceeding! In either the state or United State* courts, and of administrators ana guardians. DEARINO * HULL, Agent*. Telephone 324. Provident Building. TUB WAV TO CLBAN CARPETiT* The 6nly way tc get your carpets prop, erly taken up, cleaned and taken care o* for the summer is to turn tha Job over t the District Messenger and Delivery Cos., telephone 2, or call at 32 Montgomery atreet. and they will make you an esti mate on the cost of the work. Pries* reasonable. They also pack, move and ■tore furniture end pianos. C. H. 11EDLOCK. Bupt and Mgr. *2.1,000. " One of our clients has placed la our hands 323,000 to loan on good Savanna* real estata at reasonable rates of Interest. -3ECKETT & BECKETT, ' 24 President street, east, j 3