The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, July 08, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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HEVr WASTED-MAie. ' circulars and samples; permanent nation: S 00 * 1 pay; Par'lculara for Dl&f. League, 49 West Twenty rtghtn street, New York. iu sell perfumes. e . A± ".Japs. He., to dealers; SIOO monthly jf'exuen***: experience unnecessary. Wuirber Ferfumery Cos., St. Louis. Mo. "tvANTED. MEN TO LEARN BARBER A- only S weeks required; special offer "■board tools, transportation and sehol ®‘ continued until August, on account * demand for our graduate*; splendid hance for applicants from distance; cat mailed free. Moler Barber Col- St. Louis, Mo. 'W ANTED, stenographers, book pJs. salesmen, druggists and teachers * *ri n g positions in Texas are Invited to ddreß the Texas Business Bureau. J. W Hudr.ail, I‘roprletor, Dallas, Tex. - HLU.f UtM t: D~I It A1 ALE. " , (0 pc North to cook for a small fam none need apply who cannot give riod references. Apply at once to 230 Oglethorpe avenue, east. 'experienced LAUNDRY HANDS rn *p P t employment at E. &W. Laundry, ... Anderson street, west. '\V ANTED]" A~WOMAN TO SEWBT jll9 day, one who can cut and fit. Apply © Bull street. "X'FIRST-CLA.SS COOK TO GO TO ] t le of Hope for summer. Leave address ,t Harty ft Apple’s office. ' W.A NTE D, WHITE GIRL; PERSIA „ent employment. Apply 322 Lincoln itreet. _ WANTED, A GENERAL SERVANT; mU 5t he able to cook. Apply 119 Drayton •treet, west. 'wanted, salesladies, who have worked In dry goods store and who ar e familiar with these departments; no ethers need apply; permanent position. The Bee Hive, 194 St. Julian street, west. WANTED, YOUNG LADY CASHIER, end who can assist doing some other work. The B*e Hive, 104 St. Julian, street, west. WANTED, A GOOD, RELIABLE washerwoman, to take family wash. Ap ply at 124 Hall street, west. WANTED, A GIRL FOR GENERAL house work; white preferred. Apply 226 West Broad street. 'house GIRL WANTED ~~AT 311 Jones, east. wanted] a ggod washerTapply Monday 21* Gwinnett, east. 'WANTED, A WOMAN TO COOK AND assist at housework. Apply Tuesday, 213 Gwinnett, east. 'WANTED, EXPERIENCED SALES ladles for our millinery' department; per manent position. Apply to Gutman's, 19 Broughton street, west. 'WANTED, A - COOK. APPLY 206 Eighth street, east. 'ANY LADY CAN'EASILY MAKE"*I* to $23 per week by representing us in her locality, and as the position is pleasant and profitable, I will gladly' send full pur tithilars to all; this is no deception, even your spare time is valuable. Address Mrs. ; Mary E. Wheeler, 87 Washington street, Chicago, 111. 'IA DIPS'I MAKE ”BIG''WAGES THE year round and you can readily' do the tame for the work is very pleasant and will easily pay sl* weekly'. 1 have often made $3 a day, and anyone who will work j can do as well. I speak from experience : and know that even, your spare time is valuable. This Is no deception. I want no money and will gladly send full particu lar? to nii sending 2c stamp. Address Mrs. A. H. Wiggins, Benton Harbor, Mich. 'wantedTiTladies'TO TRAVEL; salary, S7BO and expenses; absolutely no canvassing; permanent position; refer ence; inclose self-addressed stamped en velope. Colonial Company, 330 Dearborn street, Chicago. AGENTS WANTED. JSOO at marriage; agents everywhere; both sexes. Mrs. Carrie G. Hartman, Man ager. 611 Austell, Atlanta, Ga. $2,500 CAN BE MADE DURING"NEXT six months by- hustling agents handling our white and fancy Rubber Collars, Cuffs, Bosoms, Neckties, Patented, I guaranteed gootjls. Special plan for stamp, j M. ft. M, Mfg. Cos., Springfield, Mass. "S3O 00 PER MONTH DURING CAM- | paign and permanent position after; man j or lady. Ziegler Company, 217 Locust *’reet, Philadelphia. 'WANTED. AGENTS FOR~THE 'best , •slllng article on the market. Address 6ar.:tftry Glass Mold Ice Cream Freezer j Cos.. Jacksonville. Fla. AGENTS WANTED. TO BE"lNDE per.dent, learn tho grandest paying pro fession of the age. A beautiful book and information absolutely free. - nstitute of Science, Nevada, Mo. "agents, McKinley,' 'roosevelt, Bryan buttons, badges, jewlry, litho traphs, photographs, rabbit’s feet, old glories, souvenir spoons, trays; 100 as •orted sample buttons, $1.00; five samples, Bte; catalogue free. Miller, 2 Chambers •treet, New York. AGENTS ON SALARY OR OOMMT9- •h>n; the greatest agents’ seller ever pro duced; every user of pen and ink buys it on sight; 200 to 600 per cent, profit; one agents sales amounted to $620 in, six days; •bother $32 in two hours. Monroe Man ufacturing Company, X 45, La Crosse, At; KNTS WANTED—LEARN"A'PRO fession that will pay you $25.00 per day •he rest of your life; take our mail course ,n psychology, embracing hypnotism, mesmerism, mind reading, magnetic heal etc.; scientifically explaining all WYsterious phenomena; you can control Yourself and others and become a power "ntong men; agents making S3OO per month. Dr. Price’s School of Psychology, Atlanta, Ga. $ 00 MONTHLY'. NEW PATENT 5117- tallic bread boards; sample free. G. O. Forshce, Cincinnati, O. AGENTS, SEND STAMP FOR CATA loeue of household necessities that sell on •Ight; big money for live people. Npw '°rk Importing and Manufacturing Come f”' y, 333 Broadway, New York. AGENTS. SPECIALTY, RACKED'BY •sbsolute guarantee to straighten kinky r '*‘-ro hair. Nearly all profit anti sells on hgh:. Write Boston Chemical Compa ny. Richmond, Va., for territory and par ticulars. portrait 'agents, look,' cray •n w pnstells 70; write for full par ticulars. H. C. Hettinger, Art Company. Palmer, Tex. AGENTS 'WANTED; GET 'IN' THE Pmo. and get $3.50 machine free. Syra cisc Talking Machine Company, Syra pure, n. y. EMPLOYMENT WANTED. TRAINED NURSE'S AND MID WIVES '* 'lcKane Hospital, Sixth and Florence; Plain e 885. A YOUNG LAD"WIDLING”Tp" WORK Would like a position in an office; salary object. Address W. H. B„ care of Morning News. A BOY' OF ELEVEN YEARS WANTS* * position in an office or store; smart and otlve. Address E. R. M., S State, west. , pr> HITION WANTED AS BUTLER r family, office boy or delivery*; leave •tblress at 112 Jones streot, went. Roy WOULD 'LIKE WORK in OF mi write good hand. A. K.. New ofTi ce. A FIRST-CLASS WASH WOMAN wants washing. Arply 62 Gwinnett r et, we*t. EMPLOY MENT WANTED. or coachman. Call at 707 Barnard street. WANTED. WORKING INTEREST AS getteral manager naval stores business in ° r plorld ‘‘- or will buy second hand place and work it out of debi: life “r Wlllln * IO by big inter e-t. Address Y\ ,4\ „ care Morning News. ROOMS YVANTED. '^YVD^R nlshed preferred; centrally located; mod ern improvements; reference given if de slrei. Call or address D. M T no Broughton street, west. WANTED TO RENT]" SOUTHWEST room, between Bull and Jefferson and Bioughton and Harris streets, state price. Address R. & B„ 208 State street west. WANTED"at'tyBEE.“ FURNISHED room lor month July by gentleman who will be there at night only. Address Quick News office. BO ahiTw anted; YOUNG LADY DESIRES ROOM AND board at Tybee; state price. Address S. H., News office. WANTED— MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED, TO BORROW $7,000 ON long time at low rate Interest; security, well-located business property in city H aycross. Address Box 73, Way cross, Ga. W A NT E DrA''Go6Tj'GENTIiK~WO RK horse; must be cheap for cash. Apply 215 Tenth street, West. WANTED, A HORSE AND BUGGY for one week; best care. Call or write to Bernsteins, Bioughton and Jefferson streets. LADIES TO CALL'POR"mANICUR ing, massage and shampooing; scalp treat ed for falling hair and complexions treat ed for roughness; hair bleached and dyed; consultation free. Mrs. Smith, 104 Har ris street, east. WANTED, YOUR READ ESTATE for sale; I have inquiries I am unable to supply; your property might be the one, see. E. G. Black, the real estate man, 6 Bryan, east. WANTED, HORSE OR"mULE FOR his f-ed; good attention; light work. Ap ply 543 Brcugtiton street, east. WANTED, YOUR TRUNKS' M ADE TO order by experienced trunkmakers; we make a specialty of fine trunks, from five to forty dollars, made of veneer lumber and raw hide fibre; will also repair your trunks at short notice and low prices; soliciting your patronage. Southern Trunk Factory, 420 to 426 Bay, east; tele phone 1152. CASH PAID FOR ' 30,000 " CROCUS sacks. Apply 312 State street, west. IF YOU WANT A PLACE TO DUMP earth, dirt, sand, manure, etc., free ot charge, Just at city limits, hauling over hard road, write or telephone Brown Bros., corner Anderson and East Broad streets. 'parti es'n e EDI ngfire7li feTa c - cident or liability insurance, desiring to buy or sell real estate, or to have their rents collected, or to negotiate loans on real estate, to call on W. C. Fripp & Cos. 'WANTED CANE OR RATTAN couch cheap. Room 5, Southern Bank building. EARTH, SAND, MANURE; PARTIES making excavations and other having earth, sand, manure, etc., can find a place lo haul and dump It within city limits; (good hard road to the place), by addressing or calling on Brown Bros., corner Anderson ana East Broad streets; telephone 1103. MONEY TO LOAnT estate, at lowest rates, amounts to suit borrowers. Flatshek & Cos., 110 Bryan, east. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED city property; one to five years; low rate of interest. J. E. Fulton & Son. MONEY TO LOAN AT 5 PER CENT, interest. W. C. Fripp & Cos. FOR RENT—ROOMS. '7’LAT OF TWO CONNECTING rooms, one hall room and bath. 443 Price, corner lane, for rtnt. Apply as above. TWO* FURNISHED - ROOMS, SUITA bIe for gentlemen or couple, without children, with or without board; private family. 424 Barnard street. ~2II'WEST BOLTOn7~UPPER FLAT. Apply on premises or ML B. Sturtevant. 11 Congress, west. ">OR~RENT. T0 — GEXILFUX,'DE sirabIe room, 22 Oglethorpe avenue, east, one door from Drayton. FOR RENT. ROOM AT'TYBEBTfUR nished or unfurnished; beach side of track. Address S., Tybee P. O. 'flat "or" ROOMS" FURNISHED - iOR unfurnished; all conveniences; cheap. 438 Lincoln. 'FOR RENT FROM OCT. 1. DESIP.A ble flat of three rooms and front piazza; in modern house; centrally located; privi lege of bath; hot and cold water. Address E., Morning News. 'em RFA sox'A BLE TERMS] TWO pleasant southern rooms, at 222 Hunting don, east. With or without board. FLAT OF EIY'E ROOMS IN EXCEL lent location; all conveniences. Apply 503 West Anderson. TO rent; 'choice furnished rooms, large and medium, single or en suite; fronting square; delightful locality. Apply 132 Aberoorn street, Reynolds Square. FURNISHED ROOM FOR A GENTLE mau cheap for summer months. 206 Perry, west. COOL] DELIGHTFUL FURNISHED rooms with or without board in private family. 106 Anderson sireet, west. FOR"RENT, FROM OCT. 1, A DE lightfu! flat of five rooms and pantry in a desirable locality. 110 Duffy, cast. FLAT ROOMS SUITABLE FOR housekeeping, with bash; partly furnished or unfurnished. 442 Drayton. 207 HENRY, EAST, FROM OCT," 1, seven rooms. Apply 206 Henry, east. 'TWO FURNISHED ROOMS DE lightfully situated. 304 Drayton sireet, op posite Park. FURNISHEIX TWO DESIRABLE south rooms; bath same floor. 211 Jones, west. ~A'FURNISHED" FLAT OF POUR rooms; gas stove; all conveniences; nice location, sl2 to desirable parties. Z X, care News. _ _ TO RENT. FROM OCT. 1, FLAT 328 Barnard sireet; rooms, southern exposure, on long piazza. Foil RENT, FLAT OF 4 ROOMS, NO 116 Liberty siroet, west. Prendergast & Gnnahl,' 6 Bryan street, east. "DESIRABLE FLAT OF FOUR C’ON necting fiooms. with Improvements; pri vate family. I*2 Lincoln street. "FOR —R ENT, LA ROE, FURNISHED room, with southern exposure; ail con veniences. Apply 24 Harris street, west. 'WELL-FURNISHED SOUTH ROOMS, large and small, facing park. 108 Gas ton, east. . __ "nicely'furnished flat, pri vate bath; gas stove and all conveniences for housekeeping. Charlton and Bull. FLAT,“‘VERT DESIRABLE AND Cheap to right party. Apply 316 Brough lon, FOR" RENT. P BSC RAISE FLAT; southern exi'Orfure, 222 Duffy sireet, west; all conveniences; sl6 per mooth. J. L Fulton & Sons THE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY, JULY 8, 1900. FOR RESIT—ROOMS. FOR RENT. PLAT 214 BROUGHTON street, east, $13.50 per month. J. E. Ful ton & Son. FOR RENT, NICE LARGE FUR nished room, $1.25 per week. 320 Brough ton, east. large furnished front room. well ventilated, all conveniences; also one small room; one dollar week. 303 Presi dent, west. NICELY FURNISHED SOUTH rooms; nil conveniences. 308 Barnard street, near Liberty. FOR RENT, PARLOR."FLAT "ALSO other rooms with bath; southern exposure. Apply 415 Jones street, east. NICE, COOL ROOM, FURNISHED,' IN private family; conveniently located. One hundred one Perry street, west. NE W. CO M PLETE FL AT FRO M Oct. 1; ail modern conveniences. 105 Perry, east. FLAT "OF THREE ROOMS, FUR nished or unfurnished. 205 Perry, west. FOR RENT, FLAT, SOUTHERN Ex posure, all modern conveniences; ten dol lars. 216 Taylor, west. PARLOR FLAT AND"ROOMS" FOR young men for rent cheap until Oct. 1 at 115 East Jones, Apply on premises be tween 5 p. m. and S p. m. TO RENT, ONE NICELY~FURNISH ed room on first floor, cheap to right party. 149 Ylontgomery street. TWO LARGE CONNECTING ROOMS; also one nicely* furnished room, 235 Jef ferson, corner Perry. FLAT ~W EA ST BROUGHTON, 4 rooms, with use of bath. Apply In drug store. FOR RENT, A FLAT OF THREE OR four rooms; all conveniences. 27 Jones street, east. "for' RENT, FLAT'WITH ALL CON veniences for housekeeping. 806 Draylon street. FOR 13 JC AT—HOUSES. story brick residence, 312 Liberty street, east; 11 rooms wph all modern improve ments. Apply McDonough & Ballantyne s Foundry*. FOR RENT, PREMISES NO. 317 PB®- ry street, west, in perfect order and con dition; all conveniences; right rent to right tenant; possession can be given im mediately. Estate Salomon Cohen, West B;o?.d and Broughton streets. FOR RENT, NEW DWELLKfGTWITH all modern improvements, First street, second door west of Abercorn, from Oct. 1. Kolloek & Screven. FOR RENT, 313 OGLETHORPE'XVE nue, west, cheap until Oct. 1. M. S. Ba ker. agent. FOR RENT, FROM OCT. 1 NEXT, that desirable brick dwelling, No. 211 Charlton street, on a full lot. John Flan nery, Bay street. FOR RENT] DESIRABLE PWELL ing, with large yard, 291 Hall, east. Kol lodk & Screven. 'foiTrent, DWELLING IN~DESIR abIe locality. 212 Gaston, east. Kolloek & Screven. FOR RENTTIir’WALDBURG STREET, west; all conveniences. Apply 310 Brough ton, east. FOR RENT. CORNER JEFFERSON and l a. k avenu", sovrn rocm-, all conveni ences, SIB.OO. Also 1012 Jefferson, eight rooms, all convenience*. Apply 201 Wald burg, west. TO RENT] sfvf.n-room” HOUSE with bath. 515 Gwinnett street, easi. Ap ply at J. D. Harms, 624 Bolton, east. for"'rent — newly repair'ed house; excellent condition; $15.00; finely situated. D. B. Lester. FOR RENT, 1006 DRAYTON STREET, from Oct. 1; $36.50. D. B. Lester. 'fOR'RENT,"DWELLING 530 MONT gomery, corner Huntingdon; also 515 and 517 Baj', east. G, H. Remshart, 16 Bry an, east. FOR RENT. HOUSE 303 SECOND AV enue, east. Apply William Lynch, at this number. near Lincoln; will be thoroughly renovat ed! W'rite or apply to 913 Henry, east. "DON’T YOU"WANT TO RENT THE most delightfully located house in Sa vannah. If so, see 901 Whitaker street, corner Bolton, facing Park Extension, from which you get fine breeze, and have good view’; immediate possession at re duced rent. J. B. Fulton & Son. FOR :R]v.Tt]~ a very "desirable two-story residence: modern conveniences; choice location; eighteen dollars. Peter Reilly. 'for'r'hnt, a very nice modern built residence; every convenience; rent reasonable. Peter Reilly. FOR RENT, TWO-STORY RESl dence; seven, rooms; large yard; conveni ent to Central depot; twelve fifty; also three-etory brick residence; same loca tion; eighteen dollars. Peter Reilly. FOR RENT, THREE TWO-STORY cottages, Abercorn and Lincoln streets, near Park avenue; eight dollars. Peter Reilly. TO RENT,' RESIDENCES 7C7 AND 709 Habersham streets; eight rooms each; hot and cold water; immediate posses sion. Apply W. W. Swinton, 208 Eighth street, east. FOR RENT. 90S Wut Broad street. 5- room house; rent only $lO. Prendergast & Ganahl, 6 Bryan street, east. FOR RENT, 992 WEST "BROAD street; good house for small family. Preu dergast & Ganahl, 6 Bryan street, cast. FOR"RENT. 41-43 EAST BROAD street; 6-room houses, with all conven iences. Prendergast & Ganahl, 6 Bryan street, east. FOR RENT, FROM OCT I,'nENT, 1121 Harris street, west; elegant house; cen trally located. Prendergast & Ganahl, e Britan street, east. FOR RENT, FROM OCT.' 1, 124 HAR ris street, east; in flats or rrftire house; cheap rent to good party. Prendergast & Ganahl, 6 Bryan street, east. FOR RENT, LARGE AND'COMXiODI oua house, 106 Hull Street, wist; conven iently located and rent cheap. Prender gast & Gunahl, 6 Bryan street, east. THUNDERBOLT, DESIRABLY SlT uated house on river front; also small house. Inquire two fourteen Bryan sireet, east. Ft 'll ‘ RENT. ‘ 14-RIioS HOUSE ON Oct. 1. Apply at 317 East Henry street. 'FOR RENT. IMMEDIATELY, HOUSE, 424 Macon stret, cost; Hvo flats in same block. E. J. Kennedy. FOR RENT, BRICK HOUSE, 207 GOR don. west, nine room* $25.00; one on Herrls, 217, west. 7 rooms: store, Jones lane and Tattnall street. W. H. Uoinierat. FOR RENT.'DWKLLIG HOUSE." 120 Waldburg street, east; possession Aug. 1. Apply 113 Broughton street, west. LARGE HOUSE, FOURTEEN ROOMS, near Central road; all convenience*. Ap ply A. S. Cohen, River and Lincoln street*. THE FOLLOWING FOR IMMEDIATE po-setshn: Two tew housi* Bay and Price, fourteen dollars each. 603 Eighth, west; aevtli rooms, tool and airy, only fifteen dollar*. 698 Tattnall, very com fortable house with large lot, twenty alx dolla’S. 203 Perry, west; very convinlent to Central Railway and down town, Thir ty-five dollars. Two new houses Gwin nett S'reet, east of railroad, live rooms, ten do lars each. Youmana & Demmond FOR RENT. HOUSE ON ELEVENTH street, war Bull street. Apply to Wal thour & Itlvers, Drayton and St. Julian -streets. ron nrixT-Hoiskis '^THFTroLl^rm^ Oct. 1: 1 Duffy, west. $27.50; 7 Duffy, wnst, 523; 9 Duffy, west. s£>; 13 Duffy, west, $26; I’ll Waldburg-. east, $35; 303 Gwinnett, last, $lO. Youmans A Demraond. FOR RENT. NO. 701 BARNARD street, corner Hall: will be thoroughly renovated. Apply to WaWhour & Rivets, Drayton and St. Julian streets. FOR RENT. NO. sll PERRY STREET, wesi; suitable for boarding house. Apply to Walthour & Rivers, Drayton and St. Julian streets. FOR RENT, NO. Ml JONES STREET, fast: possession given Oct. 1. Apply to Walthour & Rivers, Drayton and St. Julian street. FOR RENT, NO. 19 GORDON STREET, w est, between Bull and Whitaker strrets; possession given Oct. 1. Walthour & Rivers. * ~FOR~REXT, "RESIDENCE 295' JONES street, west, out buildings and stables; rent reduced. J. B. Fulton & Son. FOR RENT, RESIDENCE 113 DUFFY street, west; all conveniences; large yard; $22.30 per month. J. E. Fulton & Son. FOR RENT, NIIW RESIDENCE NO. 202 Second avenue, corner Abercorn; all modern improvements. J. E. Fulton & Son. Ft 4R RkX T. T HAT DESIRABLE REv idence 120 Henry streel, west; southern exposure; large yard; $25 per month. J. E. Fulton & Son. ' Fort KENT] THAT SPLENDID'RESf deuce 127 Gordon street, east, facing square; large grounds; moderate rental. J. E. Fulton & Son. FOR RENT, FROM OCT. " 1." PESIRA bIe house, 113 Waldburg street, east; ail convnienees; $25 per month. J. E. Ful ton & Son. FOR - RENT, FROM OCT. L RESD denee 7 Second avenue, east; in first-class condition. J. B. Fulton & Son. NO. 120 TAYLOR STREET] WEST, for rent; possession Oct. 1. J. E. Fulton & Son. NO. I9OI~~W HIT AKER STREET, COR'- ner Bolton, for rent; possession Oct. !, or immediately. J. E. Fulton & Son. FOR RENT, DESIRABLE REST dence, 109 Jones street, east; possession Oct. 1. J. Id. Fulton & Son. ~FOR RENT. THAT DESIRABLE RES ideoce 113 State street, east; large grounds and out buildings; possession Oct. 1. J. E. Fulton & Son. FOR' RENT. FROM OCT]"I7 HOUSE 409 Congress street, west, $25 per month. J. E. Fulton & Son. “FOR."RENT,' RESIDENCE 209 HALL street, west, rear Barnard; possession Oct. 1. J. E. Fulton &’ Son. 'LARGE R ESI DEN CE, 113 LIBERTY street, west, for rent, from Oct. 1; out buildings and stables. J. F.. Fulton .4 Son. for Trent, RESIDENCE'ho']DTUFY street, west; possession Oct. 1. J. E. Fulton & Son. 'for runt, nice rtosidencto'TsTi Barnard street; all modern improvements. J B. Fulton & Son. "FOR RENT, FROM OCT."I]'THAT DK sirabla residence, 106 Bolton street, went, near Bark Extension; possession can be given ill once. J. E. Fulton & .Son. FOR' RENT] HOUSE 630 HARRIS street, east, $lO per month. J. E. Fulton & Son. 'for'RENT, 'RESIDENCE 'us C4WlN nett street, east; choice location; posses sion Oct. 1. J. E. Fulton & Son. FOR RENT. FROM OCT. 1. 118 DUFFY street, east: ell modern conveniences. J. E. Fulton & Son. FOR RE XT. DESIRABLB HOUSE. 1118 Jefferson street; seven rooms and bath; S2O per month. J. K. Fulton & Son. FOR RENT. TWO-STORY HOUSE: 229 New Houston street, west; seven rooms and bath; $lB per month. J. E. Fulton & Son. FOR RENT] FROM OCT." I."' RBSL denee 304 New Houston street, west; $22.6* per month. J. B. Fulton & Son. FOR RENT. FROM OCT. 1. LARGE residence. 309 Bolton street, east; S3O per month. J. E. Fulton & Son. FOr"RENT, NO.' 117 MADISON AY’- enue, four bedrooms, large yard, splendid three-stall stable, with servants’ quarters above. W. C. Fripp & t'.o. FOR RENT] NO] 906 BARNARD street; Imemdlate possession. W. C. Fripp & Cos. 'for' RENT, NO. 626 PRICE STREET; immediate possession. W. C. Fripp & Cos. TYBEeTcOTTAGE AND ROOMS FOR rent, opposite postoffice; also house 312 East Oglethorpe avenue, Oct. 1. Apply 310. 105 PERRY’, EAST. FROM OCT. FIRST; modern conveniences; reasonable rent. Apply on premises. "FOR RENT] 7-ROOM HOUSE, 414 Price street. Apply 310 Liberty street, east. 513 AND 515 DUFFY, WEST, 6 ROOMS and bath, 14 per month; locality first-class. W. J. Miscally, Jr. 205'PARK AVENUE]"EAST, - LARGE roomy house, with outhouse, $25 to Oct. 1. W. J. Miscally, Jr. RESIDENCE, TEXTII]"NEAR~MONT gomery, six rooms and bath, new. W. J. Miscally, Jr. OCT. 1, NO] 1213 WHITAKER street. Apply No. 104 West Henry street. FOR"RENT,' 6-ROOM ' HOUSE, 532 State street. east. Apply to Mrs. Byrnes, 509 Huntingdon streel. FOR RE XT—STORKS. STORE FOR RENT AT 117 BROUGH ton street, east; possession Immediately. Apply A. Wylly, 12 Bryan street, east. FOR RENT. FROM SEPT. 1, THAT desirable store und dwelling, northwest coiner Duffy ami Jefferson streets; now occupied by Mr. BenJ. Galls. J. E. Ful ton & Son. • FOR RENT, STORE"ANi>~FLAT OF 5 rooms, (will rent one or Congress and East Broad street. Prendergant & Genahl, 6 Bryan streel, cast. FOR RENT. STORE AND BASEMENT under Odd Fellows’ Hall, corner Slate and Barnard streets. Inquire Room 7, upstairs. FOR RENT. FROM SEPT. 1. STORE, 35 Whitaker streel; centrally located. D. B. Lester. FOR RENT, THAT DESIRABLE store and warehouse formerly occupied by George YV. Tledeman & Bro., corner Bay and Montgomery street; in perfect order and condition; right rent to right tenant; possession can be given, Immedi ately. Est. Salomon Cohen, corner West Broad and Broughton streets. FOR RENT-OFFICE*. nrolT~7{ENT] DENTIST "OFFICES over Knight's Pharmacy, Oglethorpe and Drayton. FOR RENT—MISCELLANEOUS, FLAT CONNECTING ROOMS, FIRST floor; large hall ihlrd floor, aultuble for any purpose. John Lyona. FOR SALE—HEAL ESTATE. FOR SALE. LOT 20x150, NORTHWEST corner Whitaker and Sixth; a gemi price $1,500. Platshek A Cos., HO Bryan, eaat. FOR SALE, LOT 30x95. NORTH SIDE Eightli sited, third west of Drayton; price S9OO, on very easy terms, l’latshek <fc Cos. FOR sXIE 631 NINTH. WEST, TWO story dwelling, large comfortable rooms; deep lot: price $1,150; on easy let uni. Plat *Jiek & Cos. FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE. "^FOITsALEr^rBLOCK7)iMMPROVED property in heart of city; pars eleven per cent, net; price $3,900; come see us quick! Platshek & Cos. FOR SALE. THAT ELEGANT - LOT southeast corner Ninth and Abercorn, al ready paved; price S9OO. on small, easy payments. Platshek & Cos. for sale] beauthfuiTlot SOUTH - west corner Lincoln and Ninth, on the "Terrace;” pri.q $660, on small payments. Platshek & Cos. FOR SALE, ALtt THOSE u.t.EO aNT dome sites in "Teymio Gardens,'* Eighth street, east; go look at them; prices $173 up, on easiest terms. Platshek & Cos. FOR'SALE. 646 BISMARCK STREET. 4-room bouse, \ery large lot. Just the in vestment for a young man wonting to make money; prlca $390; see us early! Plat shek & Cos. F<>R gALE] THAT WEI]I'RENTED PiOperty, tbx9o, southwest corner Y’ork mid Price streets; plenty room to build more houses; price SI,BOO, and we want a bid: 1 tatshek & Cos. FOR SALE, A T'OMPORTABLE 3- story house, lot 50x100, on Harris, between Bull and Abercorn, for $3,600; get further pal liculars. Platshek & Cos. * IF Y’OU ARE INTERESTED IN r< al estate, see our bulletin, w hich we issue monthly at great expense, but for the convenience of our patrons. It gives location*, descriptions and priors on more real esiate bargains than you can possi bly learn clsewh re. Onr July number is now being delivered. Youmans & llem mond. COUNTR Y LANDS NBA!t~8 A VAN nah. In quontllies to stilt everybody; how would you like a 11-acre farm, 1 mile from city limits? Its cheap. Savannah Real Eislato Exchange. WHY ‘WILL YOU HESITATE TO BUY a lot in tlv* growing section of Svann;ih; wo have them to suit tho most fastidious; here’s an especial sooti chance, 40x90 lot; no city tax ani near Bull street; only S3OO cash. Savannah Real Estate Exchange. “LOTS ON YOUR OWN TERMS, "in every section of the city; come an<i your pick. Savannah Real Estate Ex change. homes”in any ssenoN of sa vannah on easy monthly payment??; come up and make your selection. Savannah Real Estate Exchange. SPEENDID HOME ON HENRY streel, near Bull; easy terms. Savannah Real Estate Exchange. OUR REAR ESTATE BUTdVRTTN FOR July l now bi*lng delivered. If you do not rece ve a copy notify in. Youmans & Demmond. FOR SALB7~BOLTON STREET RESl donre, $4.f00; HcnrV street. 98,600; Hunt ingdon. $8,500; Jones street. $12,000; Oas ton, $9,000. and another nt twelve Charl ton, fifty-five hundred; Bull street, forty seven and fifty; First street, sixty-ttvo hundred; Hull etreet, forty-five hundred; Gwinnett, eleven thousand; come and sec me if you wlrih to buy; I have them every where. E. G. Black. FO R S A LE, GI VE M E AN OF FE R ON the 2 four-story bricks, corner Hall and Barnard; they must sell. E. G. Black, (J Bryan, east. FOR SATA:”NICE SMAET 7IOME. near Bull, on Eleventh, S3OO oafih, balance on time. E. G. Black. FOR SALE, ONE, OR ARE. OF BROCK of lots, between Abercorn and Elncoln, First and Anderson. E-. G. Black, No. 0 Bryan, east. For SAM-:. \v> m TAYtiOll, BAST, if not sold at private sale, will sell at auc tion, Aug. 7. E. G. Black. FOR SAFE NOT!* HFUE STREET, west, easy payment can be arranged. E. G. Black. FOR SALJ&, 10 LOfC BBTW2BUN Bull, Drayton, First street and Anderson; this the best block of lots left in the city; there is a future for them. E. G. Black. FOR S A EE, LARGE REg IDENCE ON Charlton, between Habersham’ and Pri \ 60 feet lot; terms attractive. E. G. Black. THREE-FOURTHS OF THE GREAT fortunes can be traced to Judicious real estate invrs ments. S e the many bar gains we hav'e to offer in our bulletin. Youmans & Demtnond. FORSAEE, AN ELEGANT RESl denee on Liberty street; De Soto Hotel. J. R. Fulton Son. FOR saei-;. AN IDEAL kOUBE ON Second avenue, near Abercorn; easy term?*. J. E. Fulton & Son. FOR SA EH, LARGE" BRICK REST dence, s-treet, focing Forsyth Park. J. H. Fulton & Son. FOR <9A LB. THAT ELEGANT RRS r dence 128 Taj'lor street, east, corner Aber corn. J. E. Fulton & Son. FOR SALE, TWO TWO-STORY houses. Henry street, near Wes* Broad; rental $234 per annum; will pay handsome ly on price asked. J. B. Fulton & Son. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN real estate, Fee our bulletin, which we Dsue monthly at great expense, but for the convenience of our patrons. it gives locatiors, descriptions and prices on more rwil esiate bargains than you can possi bly learn GseWhere. Our July number is now being delivered. Youmans & Dem mond. FOR SALE—WE HAVE MANY DE sirable homes for sale, varying in price from $2,000 up, but you know that false pride so many persons have—namely, they do no< care to have their homes ad vertised; yet they expect us to sell them; we want you to come up and let us tell you about some of these—and the chances are that we have what you want; same idea applies to building lois, and Invest ment properties; we are always glad to talk with you about those matters and will appreciate your visit. W. C. Fripp & Cos. 'FOR SALE] THIRTIIFOOT LOT, facing west, Whitaker, between Eighth and Ninth streets. W. C. Fripp A Cos. TOR SALE. 60-Foot LOT, nn,i,. liy;. tween Ninth and Tenth. W. C. Fripp & Cos. "TOR SALE, NO. 123 EA3T DtrFFY, northwest corner of Abercorn; a bargain. W. C. Fripp & Cos. F<>R SALE, DESIRABLE IK > MeTt White Bluff, cheap. W. C. Fripp & Cos. TOR HALE ttEHfUABLKIICI E, ISLE of Hope, cheap. W. C. Fripp Ai Cos. 'i'Oil'SA LE] FOUR"" HOI’S ES ON Purse street; a good Investment. W. C. Fripp & Cos. * 'for SALE, BRICK BUILDING ON large lot on Bay street, west; suitable for wholesale business or good site for bak ery. W. C. Fripp & Cos. FOR HALE. NUMEROUS PIECES OF real eslute that we are not authorized lo advertise, which consist of nice lots all over the city; small und large Investment property, and nice residences. W. C. Fripp & Cos. FOR*SALK - ONE OF THE MOST'S)E slrable residences In the vlelnty of Gwin nett and Whitaker streets. W. C. Fripp & Cos. ___ FOR SALE. THIRTY (30) FOOT LOT on Gwinnett, between Abercorn and Lin coln streets; is a bargain. W. O. Fripp ft Cos. "for SALE, EIGHTEEN (IS) LOTS ON Gwinnett street, fast; good Investment. W. C. Fripp & Cos. FOR HALE. LITTLE Home. CHEAP, on easy terms; Park avenue, wt. W. C. Fripp ft Cos. FOR SALE. FINE BRICK RESI - on Jones, between Draylon ami Abercorn streets. W. C. Fripp ft Cos. DESIRABLE BUILDING LOT ON Brady street. ,\V. C. Fripp & Cow FOR (iALE—REAL L9TATB. AT A SACRIFICE, 20-FOOT LOT ON Gwinnett street, east of Savannah, Flor ida and Western Railway. YV. G. Fripp •<- CO. TWO-STORYr SEVEN-ROOM FRAME house, 215 Tuith street, near Barnard, cheap. YV. C. Fripp & Cos. TSeSihable little home, ninth street, west of YY'est Broad. W. C. Fripp & Cos. OUR REAL ESTATE BULLETIN FOR July is now l> Ing delivered. Tf you do not receive a copy notify us. Youmana & Demmond. FOR SA IA:7m3 FOt T RTH STREET, west, 8 rooms, large yard, small cash pay ment, Ikilance S2O per month. \Y. J. Mls caliy, Jr. RESIDENCE <>N JONES, EAST Sl* Bull, 3-story brick on basement, with all conveniences and in first-class condition; as a residence or investment nothing bet ter to be had. YV. J. Miscally, Jr. NORTHEAST CORNER HULIT AND Jefferson; good business stand; present im provements pay good interest. YV. J. Mis cally, Jr. THREE-FOURTHS OF~TfIE GREAT fortunes can bo trac and lo judicious real estate investments. See the many bar gains we have to offer in our bulletin. Youmans Dmmond. ~FC) li SAI AC NO west; will be sold nt n bargain if closed at once; also 1307 West Broad, party leaves the city in a few days. C. H. Dor sett. FOR SALE. THOSE LOTS ON NINTH ptiret, i ear East Broad, have only been sold to first-class parties, who will make gvod neighbors, and none other can buy. The terms are very easy, and they are cheaper than any other In the vicinity. C. h. Dorset*. “FOR SALE, UOTSON“NINTH STREET near East Bread, no city taxes, at S2OO each; twtniy-llve dollars cash, and easy monthly payments C. H. Dorsett. FOR SALE, LOTS ON NINTH, NEAR East Broad, nt s2oo each; will soon be advanci and to $225; w hen a lot has been paid for 1 can arrange to f got a home built. C. II Dorsett. “if you “are INTERESTED IN Tval estate, see our bulletin, which we issuo monthly at great exp- nse, but for the convenience of our patrons. It give.** locations, descriptions and prices on more real estate bargains than you can possi bly barn elsewhere. Our July numb r is now being uellvered. Youmans & Dem mond. FIN I*7 O PPO RTUNITY >o R TH E right party, one fine bouse and 300 by 300 feet lot. in Southwest Georgia; town lo cated on tho best business street; also a tine stock of general merchandise of about ten thousand dollars; will sell cheap to gether, or separate; lor farther informa tion apply to 420 Bay, cast. DESIRABLE BUILDING LOTS AT Pooler, near station; wonty-flve dollars each. Apply to James Harkness, 512 YVest Henry street. FOR SALE, THOSE T\v> SPLENDID lots, corner Eleventh rind Whitaker ntid Twelfth and Whitaker; Whitaker street, continued, 32xfK) each. G. H. Remshart, 16 Bryan, east. OUR REAR ESTATE BUEEKTI'N FOR July is now being delivered. If you do not receive a copy notify us. Y’oumuiv® A Demmond. FOR $lO DOWN AND $6 MONTHLY, you can buy choice lots on Eleventh and Tenth streets, east, from Savannah Real Estate Exchange. FOR SALE, LOT 3o\'rj;,. FACING south oil Eleventh street, near Barnard. 9. Aier.dcl, 202 Bay, west. FOR SALE, ON EAST TEnMS7MOD eern ten-room house, all rooms connect and all separate; three large halls; bath room, etc., 418 Henry street, east. Apply ut Launey Studio, 21 Broughton, west. TIIREE-FOT T UTHS OF TI FE (GREAT fnr!gn<fl can be traced to Judicious rnal estate invesimenls. Heo the many bar gains we have to offer in 6ur bulletin. Youmans & Demmr.nd. FOR SALE. A LOT FOR TWO HUN dred dollars; easy term*, on Ninth *!ret, near East Broad; no city taxation. C. H. Dorset t. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. feet and one 3-feet, upright show case*, and several four and live feet low case*: very cheap and in quantities desired, at Prrsse’s Drug Stores, corner Hepry and Ab:rcorn and corner Whitaker and Tay lor streets. FOR BALE, SMALL SAIL' BOAT - 20- foot, very fast: cheap if bought at once. Special, care News. FOR BALE. GO-CART- GOOD AS new, cheap. Apply 1314 Abercorn street. FOR SALE, TYPEWRITER IN FlßST olass coeidltion; cosh or easy terms. Ap ply 8 Jones street, east. U N REDE E M E D JEWELRY, wa'thes, pistols, Iron safes, leather steamer trunk; clothing very cheap. Ar thur Dcutsch, Pawn Broker. "FOR SALE, FINE YOUNG COW AND calf. Apply at 7 Park avenue, west 'WANTED. TO SELL HALF INTER est or entire grocery and green grocery; fine stand. Address “Peter,” care News. "two" S EICON D-H AN D"GAS~STOV E S for sale, cheap. A. C. Price ft Cos., State and Jefferson streets. 'PEAS, PEAS, PEAS, CHEAP]"TOP. cow feed. Call on J. C. Slater, Congress and Jefferson streets. FOR BALE.ONE PARLOR SUITE.'AP pIy 240 Broughton, west. HORSE, WAGON AND HARNESS FOR sale cheap. Apply 413 Tattnall street. FOR'SALE. FINE CORNET, AND also square, piano, cheap. 012 Tattnall street. FOTt'SALE"TWO NEW' MOSS'mAT tresses, cheap. Apply 213 Tenth street, west. ’ FOR SALE GROCERY AND BAR. Call 554 Taylor sireet. COME AND SEE OCR $29 BUGGY. Oid ones taken In exchange; sacrificing sale in all our various lines; furniture and housefurnishing goods. M. Nathan, 224 atul 22i; Congress streel, west. For: SALE. SECOND HAND ELEC trie elevator machinery; good condition. Savannah Electric Company, 40 Drayton. ASH AND CYPRESS LUMBER FOR sale 150,000 feet of ash suitable fi r wheel wrights, carriage makers, ear work* and Intel lor house finish. Also cypress lumber of all sizes. We have resumed cutting onr famous brands of cypress shingles and will soon have a full line of them for sale. Vale Royal Manufacturing Company. FIRE PROOF BAFEH FOR SALE AT low pries; ail in stock in hva nuntliea t five thousand pounds. Apply Lippmaa Bros. FOR a ALE, AN ELEGANT PHAETON and large carriage, second-hand; will be sold cheep; on* Is bv Brewster ind the ether by Stivers- Doth the best makers in the United Slates. Llppman Bros, whole sale drugrlste, Savannah. G. LOST AM) FOUND. Pal Tty W Hcf"TOOK~BY MISTAKE lady’s Viking wheel, leaving their own w heel, an Acme Jewel, Instead, will please return to Gutman’s store. LOBT, ON THUNDERBOLT CAR leaving market yesterday morning, lady’s gold-tipped pooketbook, containing nine dollars. Finder will please return empty poclketbook to Hicks' restaurant. , "LOST] A~FBMALE COACH DOG; black and while spotted. Finder will please return to No. W 7 Park avenue, eaet. IXJBT. SILVER HHACKLET'AT TY hee pavilion. July 4, on lock E. A. Re turn to 503 Churlton, west; reward. lIUARUIiVO. home comforts, private family. 412 Park avenue, west. “2' SOUTH ROOMS WITH - BOARD FOR gentlemen. 212 Joties street, west. ~TA in .E~BOARDERS W'ANTED, AT 8 State street, west. MARRIED COUPLE OR OTHERS T>K siring t*oard, rates, in moat, deslifiblo locality in city, with private family, will do well to address American, New’s office. WAY G ENTLEMEN““OAN“ SECURE board, large room**, newly furnished. 14 Taylor, west, near Bull. GOOD BOARD $3% a weekTNoT226 Weit Broad street. SUMMER RESORTS. rnv YORE Southerners visiting New York uceommo dattfi with firs4-clas boitrd and airy, cool rooms in finely appointed house, located in best residential section, convenient to elevated railroad station. Central Park ami Riverside Drive; best of table and cultured Southern family. Address South erner, 150 VV'cs-t Ninety-fourth street. New' Y'ork city. 121-123 J: AST TV'ENTYGriaiiTH street. New Y'ork city; large, cool rooms, with or without excellent board; central; reasonable. NEW YORK.FORTY-FIFTH STREET. 18 West, near Filth avenue; rooms with board; Southerners. ROCK Y B< >TT( >M " OPENS June 6. Just Iho place to spend the hot months; pure mountain air fresh fruits and vegetables right off the fa i m four miles from Tallulah Fa la, two and a half to Turtieraville, the postoflloe and station; daily mail; all parties met on short notice; mineral water and ice cold water Address W. G. Davidson, Tur nersville, Ga. PERSONS DESIRING A HOMELIKE boarding house will find snmc nt 57 Cherry street, near postoglce a?id churches and convenient to car line; large, ehadv grounds; no consumptives taken; children full tales. Mrs. A. I*. La Bai be, 57 Cherry street. Asheville, N. C. RRI VAT E BO AR D, 65 COLLEGE street, Asheville, N. C., centrally located, on car line; pleasant and homelike; ex collen* table; rates, $1.50 per day; $7 to $lO per week. Mrs. Minnie C. Greenlee. “PRIVATE BOARD. LARGE SHADY lawn, pleasant roiwna, good table. For terms address, 9 Hiawassee Pluce Ash vllle, N. C. PRIVATE BOARD. MRS. Xi WT <"ook. 158 Chestnut street. Ashe\llle. N. C. Newly furnished rooms and excellent table. Terms reasonable.. PRIVATE BOARD;READY FOR boarders; terms apply to Mrs. A. B. Whaley, Saluda, N. C. EDUCATIONAL. open a summer school on Monday, July 16, in Prof. Morton’s school house, on Charl ton and Bull streta. Terms, five dollars per month. SUMMER SCHOOL AND PRIVATE instruct! n. Ormond B. Strong, 112 Gas ton, west, Georgia ’Phone 1168. 11l .B!MOHS ( IIAICBSr '^TaklTToiijilvion^^ salary;” SIUO Invested by my “Safe Spec ulation Plan” in grain or stocks has mado mote money in thirty days than a mechanic earns In sixty. Send for free particulars, customer und bank reference*. Richord Jones, Investment Broker, 40 Exchange Place, New York. MIHCELLANEOUS. "electric supplies, dynamos,- motors, fan#, beiis, lighte Installed. Sa vannah Electric Company, 40 Drayton. FOR RANGES AND STOVES, CJO "TO Cornwall & Chlpman. 'TH E MOST V P-TO-DATE WOSkT"IS being turned out by Forest City Laundry. ’Phone i57:. J[^t~rl<:c:BlVED. largE ASSORT ment of gentlemen’s and ludles’ gold chains and fobs; latoßt patterns. Koch tfe Sylvan’s. BEWARE OF STRi'TRT CO R N EPTcON"- tractors. There are few reliable painters here. Taylor is one of the few'. A fiOTTI.E OK KINK OUD CROW will be tlie thitiß the*e cold <lay; non* bo pure as at Wm. L/lerg, tVest Broad and Liberty. ’ UPHOLBTERINO DONE IN BBSRT 4tylo and in best workman-like manner! price reasonable. David Clark. 141 Jeffer- Bon. . LET U3 CI.EAN YStm"CLOTHEB BY negorcine antiseptic prix-esa. New York Steam Dye Works,Whitaker-State streets. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN.' I’M ready with spring stock of umbrella*, par asols repaired and recovered; locks and keys. M. Dominitz, Corner Oglethorpe liarnard. Ga. Phone 1059. FOR MANTKIJ9. TlONf? }OfD grates, go lo Corfiwell & Chlpman. ’PHONE 1.775' FOR FOREST CITY Laundry. They will call for your linen immediately. SPECTACLES, EYEGLASSES. GOLD, silver, aluminum; eyes tested free; satis faction guaranteed. Koch & Sylvan’s. 46 Whitaker. CHEAPNESS IN PAPER HANGING ami painting, Is Rotting skilled mechanics at fair prices. See Taylor, Knights of Pythias Hail. STEP INTO MY STORE AND OEt”A bottle of line old Lewis '66; remember it Is '66, and not some other brand; Old Crow Is great; try it. William Dlers, Wen Broad and Liberty. 31A TT R ESSES RENOVATED AND worked over thoroughly; best moss mat tresses mad* to order. David Clark, 141 Jefferson. IT DOES NOT PAT TO HAVE THE dirt pressed Ip, or gasoline smeared over line clothes; get them thoroughly cleaned and disinfected by the Resorcin* antisep tic process. New York Steam Dye Works, WMtaker-State streel*. FOR FISHING TAPKI.e] N’ETS.'kTc' go to Cornwell & Chlpman. WE GIVE YOU EITHER DOMESTIC or gloss finish; perfect work. Forest City Laundry, Park avenue. FINE WATCH REPAIRING A SPE cinity; all work guaranteed, at Koch & Sylvan’s, 46 Whitaker. BEWARE OF JACKLEGB! OUR prices loir; work satisfactory on paper hanging-painting. William Taylor. FOR HARDWARE AND TOOLS, GO to Cornwell & Chlpman’*. ELECTRO PLATING, ELECTRIC RE palrlng, contracting and construction. Sa vannah Electric Company, 49 Draylon. Good Positions U r^.^E c URE D laMil' Young Men ? Women ffqoioi\t:ourbfiicticil - Ij^v^Rusiriess (odrse oICHMQNqv I ‘•7;--^' Business { COLLEGES imd/drCaMcyu): . Mfa n<UiXc/l'!&a/ 5