The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, July 10, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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EDUCATORS gather, HOTET.S \RE CROWDED BY <lt |HBM IV CHARLESTON. PRIVATE homes are open. e t itiks already trying eoii FI the next convention. . no<ne Held Tl.elr Anle-Con -1 n ,lon Meetinne Yesterday—Pap ", uend Before the Educational „ Oreennootl on High 6®n hi * * school statistics— Hinsdale on Ed- lTo/eress - Convention .lied o Order This Afternoon. -tiurleston, S. C.. July 9.-Although the ;‘ ral Convention o£ the National Edu- Association will not be called to 81 utl til to-morrow afternoon, large pr^ ers of delegates have already arrived. % the Hotels aro crowded, and to-day's ' brought in many delegations from * rlouf p a rts of the country. The dele. ' .C and their friends are being well *arei tor ' ss Charleston, with the hoem l*v for which the city is noted, has ”‘‘ oßn • pen many of her private homes to accommodate the visitors. Thc . delegates spent the day in visiting Ih e many points of interest in the city, arid revelling in a temperature which is invigorating. The national council education, the department of Indian Vacation and the National Conference of j pdlpouf Education held brief sessions. Prof Nicholas Murray Butler called the I educational Council together, and in the | ft. ru r of President Sc Id an and Vice pr „,Brown. C. M. Jordan, euperin lende i < f the Minneapolis schools, pre rided Superintendent of Schools Aaron gov? of Denver opened the discussion with the realms of a paper on “Education lu j j :r jjew Possessions.” He favored the creation of a commission M - practical men to further the work of spreading education among the inhabi anl* of our new possessions to work in ! co-operation with the war dope runout. He believed the war department was the >n!y executive force which could carry jn this branch of educational work. Some High School Statistics,” was dis - listed by Superintendent J. M. Green wood of Kansas City. He said, in part: Greenwood on High Schools. "The methods of collecting and tabulat ng high school statistics are imperfect, inreiiable, unsystematic and contradictory. There is nothing to show the various novements in the school by masses or lasses in specific branches, or in depart nems of study out of which reliable in 'ormation can be obtained. A widespread K ]|ef exists that many first-year pupils piit high school during the first year be •ause they have to study algebra and jatin. Ttiis is assumption is too narrow. Replies received to a high school cir cular sent to sixty large cities show some - Curious facts as to the ehrollment ,v classes, ages of pupils, failure in lasses and quitting school. Statistics rum city reports and from state reports iffor.l interesting but unsatisfactory read ng Some very positive information ob mnd from the Kansas City high schools, i lulling enrollment by years and by ages, allures in class standing or withdrawals rom school and reasons therefore, to [ethet With reports from Cleveland, De rail. Se. Kouis, Philadelphia, New Bed ard Toledo, and Cambridge, leads to the conclusions: 1. That young children who eom ilMe the work in the grammar school and niter the high schools show the least >er cent of failures In class standing or withdrawals from school. That the older pupils who enter high chool are most likely to fail or quit dur ng the first year. That failures in class standing are :reate = • In mathematics, second in Eng- Ish. third in the ancient and modern lan- Nage-, fourth in the natural sciences, and Ifth in history. The work of the pupils j an be more sharply measured, in two of hese departments—mathematics and lan fuages, while the others afford a fine dp nttuaUy to talk about the subjects rath :t than to talk into them. 4. That in a seven-years' course of itudy from one-third to one-half more mpils will enter high school than when he course of study below the high school f eight or nine years, and that the pupils lie Just as well prepared if the entrance ign to the ward .schools 13 not under six 'ears. V That, if the pupil remains in high 1,'hoo! through the first and second years, :he fiances are slightly in favor of hts Tmplcting the course. That a i-ommittee should he appoint ■l for thc purpose of preparing and suh i ting to the Council at its next meet tr a uniform system of blanks for the C the high schools of the United Hates.'* A paper on "Educational Progress Dur rr tbr Year." was read t the night ses i:on hv President Hinsdale of the Uni versity of Michigan. EflacHtion** Progres*. in part Mr. Hinsdale said: ” In some if the principal states of Germany, where 1,8 Impulse that the reformation gave to ,1, ation had never been wholly lost, the Br ge outlines of state systems of in- i ruction could be distinctly discerned in AO! In these states elementary schools txlste] although they were far too few lo teach the children of all the people, lei were generally of an Inferior charac er Compulsory attendance ut>on such '■ hoolv which had been recommended by t.tither. pad early adopted by some >f the mailer states, had now been •eflnitlveiy enacted by Frederic the Great his kingdom of Prussia. Teachers' "'binaries, which date back to 1704. had iboheen taken under the patronage of the ' a,l> en.ightened monarch. The gymnasia ,l ’', 'ill moving on the traditional lines, >UI Francke tlie pietist nnd his tHscipies I,J sticcessfully introduced the Reallein p,r> s -bools before the middle of the pre dous century, thus paving the 1 way for •u development of tiie type of instruction tr,r| niental discipline that is furnished in T ”m„i, ■■ hy the Real School, the Real Jymnaalum and the Technical High !"bool Moreover, this movement also ied, ill to Important modifications in the ’bmentary schools and In the gymnasia, *td :o th admission to thc universities "' •dents with a preparation almost !, "TV modern. The universities them >ivrv delivered form the bondage of the led hv the University of Halle, ,*'l hcally won the libertas philosophan " *li II tlie rest, the Prussian gov ratnent !ia cl the Allgcmelne ror lrecht, which deviated: 'Schools and rivervTtit.s' are s t a t e institutions charged , ™ the instruction of youth In useful '■■o: nun ion and scientific knowledge, instruction may be provided only 1 Hie knowledge nnd consent of the All public schools and educational '“tc 1, ions axe under the supervision of ite, and. are at all limes subject to examination and Inspection.’ For (he ' perhaps, this decree was little more " leper document, but It was never “.'•alfci, on< j fl na ny became a living re- France, the situation was wholly m. Rousseau had put out the ■mil. |,i Hn( j op, Encyclopaedists " nplcted their work In 17t;.. What r ‘ sulta of the new movement towards i,Vp f,ani WOU U have baen—educational as *' "s other—provided the Issue hud been ■ fill one. is a vain 1 hough a curious Wculaiion. Tho Revolution swept the old^ educational regime away with all the Still, the rapid succession of rap ports and projects of laws re- U° educatl( >n that followed, while a i abOltiV<? ' bore testimony to the close affiliation of democratic ideas and national instruction. The traditions of the oid cul ture still remained, and Invigorated by the new spirit, were destined to be organized into a series of national educational insti tutions. The Imperial University was not founded until 1806, and even then no pro vision for the instruction pf the nation was made: while Guizot did not secure the passage of the law that bears hts name, or send out his equally famous circular on instruction until 1833. Still different had been the course of history in England. One hundred yea rs ago no other great dountry in the world had oeen so little stirred by the genius of universal education. All through the 18th century, such schools as those described by Shenstone, in "The Schoolmistress,” together with a few Sunday Schools at the last, furnished all the educational facili ties that the children of the poor enjoyed. Joseph Lancaster, born in the same year as Froebel’ had begun to tench some poor scholars in the shed back of his father's house in London, in 1796, and Dr. Bell had introduced the Madras system of educa tion into England in 1798. These were the headsprings of o movement that was soon to attract universal attention. "But England was bound fast to the Tory and High Church shackles. The French re volution sat upon her bosom like a night mar®- 11 is > in fact, almost impossible at tnls day to conceive the depths of in difference or hostility that the ruling .lass es felt for the enlightenment and eleva tion of the democracy. When the first educational bill ever before Parliament was voted down by the lords in 1807, Sir Samuel Romilly, who supported the meas ure In the Commons, wrote In his diary that a majority of hie fellow-members thought it desirable that the people should be kept in ignorance. In 1795 one of the bishops said, in the House of Lords, that he did not know what the mass of people in any country had to ho with the laws but to obey them, and as late as 1832, a lady of high social po sition demanded to know what difference :t made what the people thought if the army could be depended upon. "Black wood Magazine," a literary organ of con servatism, opposed the education Of the people cn the ground that it made them uneasy and restless, that ignorance was the parent of contentment, and that tlie only education which could safely be given them was a religious education that would "tender them pat ent, amiable and moral, and relieve the hardship of their present lot with the prospect of a bright eternity.” ' ith these facts before us. we are not surprised to find Sydney Smith as serting that there was no Proiestant country in the world where the education of th*? poor had been so grossly and in famously neglected as in England; or Malt bus asserting that it was a great na tional disgrace that (he education of the lower classes of the people should be left merely to a few Sunday schools; or. once more. Dean Alford writing in 1839: “Prus sia is before us, Switzerland is before us. France is before us; there is no record of any on earth so highly civilized, so abounding in arts and comforts, and so grossly generally ignorant as the Eng lish.’’ “In the United States the contrast be tween the beginning and the end of the century, all things considered, is more remarkable than that shown by any other country in the world. So far as quantity is concerned, education has certainly more than kept pace with the growth of the country, while quality has not lagged be hind. In 1801, a number of the states had assigned to schools a status in their con stitutions. Connecticut had founded her common school fund, and other states were preparing to emulate her example. “Thenationa! government had taken the first steps in that line of policy which has resulted in endowing education with a capital of about $800,000,000. “New York had chartered, in 1757, the regents of the State University. In 1801. there were twenty-*three colleges in the country, all but nine, of them founded since 1775, whereas w r e now have more than 400 west and south of the Hudson river, nor even the rudiments of a state system of public instruction existed, while the boasted New England system were but imperfectly developed and comparatively inefficient. Save alone the few New Eng land grammar schools, there were no pub lic high schools in the country, where we now have more than 5.000. “But few* of the state governments were doing anything whatever for elementary teaching. The first State Board of Edu cation and first state secretary, as we'i as the first local superintendent, were thirty-six years distant, and the first Ktate normal schools thirty-eight yearn distant. Horace Mann, four years of age was just beginning to braid straw in his native town of Franklin. Mass*., W'hile Henry Barnard was not born until 1811. More than twenty years were still to elapse before. George Ticknor would urge valua ble reforms in Harvard College, or Thom as Jefferson found the University of Vir ginia; while Francis Way land would not write his book on college education until 1842, or read tiis more famous report to thc trustees of Brown University until 1850. The state universities of the West were potent only In the implied promise of Congress, to endow them with two townships of wild land apiece.” OHicr Convention Mollrm, At Hie department of Indian education nieetiiiß. papr& on subjects of interest to teachers in Indian schools were read by Dr. Charles R. Dyke of Hampton, V.; Prof. A. J. standing- of Carlisle; Dr. C. C. Wainwright of San Jacinto, Cal.; Prof. F. K. Rogers and Miss Josephine Richards. The national conference of Religious Kducation held three sessions during the day at the Citadel Square Baptist Church. Papers were read by Dr. F. ii. Paimer, principal of the state normal schools of New York, on “The Principles and Meth ods of Bible Study," by Miss Ruford, on "The Bible as the Great Unifier of Thought,” "The College as an Agent of Biblical Instruction," prepared by Dr. W. \V. Foster, Jr., of Holly Springs, Miss. A lively contest Is already in full swing for next year’s convention. Five cities have entiled their claims—Cincinnati, De troit, Duluth, Boston and Buffalo. Tho Cincinnati delegation, headed by Dr. R. c Boone, has opened headquarters in the Charleston Hotel and is making a s'rong light. Detroit has made gioat headway during the day. and the choice is believed to lie between these two cities, with chances to-night favoring the Ohio metropolis. A preliminary meeting for the com pletion of ilie formation of the National j Grade Teachers’ Federation, which was ! inaugurated by Chicago teachers, was i started tins afternoon. It is expected a j ‘constitution of the new body will he adopted to-morrow. The purpose of this rational body will be to unite ail grade teachers in the country, looking to their common good. CATHOLIC I’HIKST WEDS. j || wnn a nnnaway Mntoli From Can ada to Worcester. Worcester, Maea, July 9,-Rev. J. M. Arthur Couttle, a priest of the Roman Catholic Church, and Miss Georgiana Per rier, formerly a school teacher In Ontario, Canada who eluded her parenls and came soo miles, were married by Rev. Arthur St. James in the Beacon Street French Baptist Church here to-night. A surging crowd filled the street and crowded the edifice during the ceremony. President Snrinlente. Norfolk, Vo.. July .-Tho Argentine 1 Republic training ship Presldente Bar- I minte passed In the capes late yesterday afternoon, and ran up to Fort Monroe and | bred a salute. She then anchored about i ,wo miles off Old I J oint Comfor* tJ ULi IT iOj X9oo* Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound cures the Ills peculiar to women . It tones up their general health r eases down overwrought nerves, cures those awful backaches and reg ulates menstruation . ft does this because It acts directly on the fe male organism and makes it healthy, relieving and curing all inflammation and displacements. Nothing else is Just as good and many things that may be suggested are dangerous . This great medicine has a constant record of cure . Thou sands of women testify tc Itm Read their letters con stantly appearing In this paper ItIIODKH K I\ THE HOt’SE. Announced to Member* thc f<ntet Xew* From Chinn. London. July 9.—ln (he House of Com mons to-day the parliamentary secretary of the foreign office, Mr. Brodrick, after confirming Japan’s agreement to increase i(F force in China, t* 20.000 men without delay, and the gallant defense of the lega tions up to July 3, added: “There are grounds for hoping that Prince Ching. the. lat# heed of the teung li-yamen, is exercising his influence to protect the legations against Prince Tuan and the Boxers. “Reports from Tien Tsin show further fighting may be expected there, but there is no doubt expressed that the allied forces will -be able to maintain their position. Japanese reinforcements are due at Taku immediately, and Indian troops will begin to arrive by the end of the week. Mat ters are quiet in the Yang-fse valley, but additional ships are going- there, so that we may take the necessary course to maintain order.” COAL AS THEIR CARGOES. * It I* Being Taken Abroad for he I tilted State* Norfolk, Va., July 9.—The United State,* collier Caesar, which has been anchqfed hero for several days awaiting orders, passed out the Capes last night. She had on board a cargo of 4,000 tons of Poca hontas coal. It is understood here that she sailed for Manila, but at Gibraltar she will find orders to take the coal to our warships in Chinese waters. The sailing collier St. Mark is expected to take a big cargo to-morrow and sail for the Philippines. The bark Essex passed out of the Capes to-day with a cargo of coal for the naval station at San Juan. DRV DOCK FOR THREE MONTHS. Will Take That Time to Make Re pair* on the Oregon. Washington, July 9.—The navy'depart ment to-day received from Capt. Rodgers of the Nashville, who made a flying trip yesterday from his station at Che Foo to the scene of ihe grounding of the Oregon, thirty-six miles northwest of the port, the following dispatch: “Che Foo, July 9.—Oregon starts for Kure dock, Japan, about 10th or 12th. stopping en route if weather is bad. All well on board Oregon. “Rodgers.” A rough estimate made at Ihe navy de partment consigns the Oregon to the dry deck for three months. STOPPED FOR FOUR WEEKS. Cotton Mill* at Full River Have Shut Down. Tall River. Mass., July 9.—ln compli ance with an agreement signed by repre sentatives of most of £he cot4on mills In Fall River, to curtail production for four weeks during the summer, several mills to-day suspended operations. All the mills represented on the Manufacturers’ Selling Committee have entered into an agree ment <o close for four weeks. When the curtailment is in full opera tion, nearly 20,000 employes will be af fected. The stoppage of machinery is due to the lack of demand for prist clothing. they ate toadstools. The Mistake Cost Mine Person* Their live*. Little Rock, Ark.. July 9—An entire family of nine persons died to-day near Calico Rock, Marion county, from eating poisonous toadstools, mistaking them for mushrooms. The victims were W. J. Kink, his wife and seven children. The family ate a hearty dinner, which Included the supposed mushrooms. Alf were taken violently 111 and none re>- covered. TENNIS EXPERTS PLAY. Championship Matcbe* on nt 'the Konuood Coart*. Chicago. July 9.—Tennis experts from all sections of the country participated in the second day’s competition for the Western tennis championship at the Kenwood Country Club court® to-day. The first round was finished. Vmong the players who arrived to-day was J. Parmly Caret, the Southern cham pion. Pa ret played in the second round, defeating Wherry 6-1, 6-3. ITTZ*I >1 MON* AND RI'IILIN. Will Fight, n* Jeffrie* and flu hi In Couldn't Agree. New York. July 9 —James J. JeffrJ.-e will not light Gus Ruhlin. This decision was reached to-day. Disagreement arose over the question of forfeit. Bob Fitz simmons. however, In willing to fight Ruh- I j,, rin ,i <o-morrow the men will meet and arrange the details. Fitzsimmons wants f hr event to occur the first week in Au gust. Wore Money Needed. Paris. July 9—The government nas an nounced that It will need anew credit of ! H.SOfl.Oon frajies for China, in addition to 1 ihe LeW.OOU francs already voted. CHING MAY BE HELPING. Continued from First Page. Pekin protecting thc legations against Prince Tuan, his army and the Boxers. AS VIEWED IN A\ ASUIM.TO*. Cabinet Officer* Consulted Over the Chinese Situation. Washington. July 9. —Developments in the Chinese situation were considered by members of the cabinet at a consultation held to-day. The participants explained their conference by saying that it was the hrst opoprtunliy that had occurred lately to gather as many as four or live of the cabinet members for consultation. Results followed in the shape of re newed activity in the dispatch of rein forcements to China. Admiral Kempff's cablegram giving his estimate of the amount of force he regarded ns necessary to represent the United States properly in the movement upon Pekin waa carefully considered. An agreement was reached <o say noth ing about the Admiral’s figures, on the ground that it would be impolitic to make our needs known to the Chinese In the first instance, and also because of- a de sire on the part of this government to avoid being put in the position of ap pearing to set up a standard for the other Powers In this matter. It is under stood, however, that the pith of Admiral Kempff's communication is the necessity for speedy reinforcements, if quick ac tion is desired, end on the latter point there is not a dissenting voice among the cabinet members. if reinforcements are to be got to China speedily, they cannot come from the Unit ed States. According to the schedule al ready in execution only one steamer, with two battalions of one regiment, has started from San Francisco, and the next steamer is not to start before the 15th of the present month. This is about the. best time that can be made with the present facilities, and at that rate, many weeks, and even months, must elapse before thc 6,000 additional troops ordered East Saturday can bo landed there. This state of affairs caused a revival to day of the report that Gen. MfioArthur is to be again- called upon to relieve the situation by dispatching from the Phil ippines at least two regiments, in addition to the Ninth Infantry already sent to Taku. It Is said that the cabinet officers considered this subject and decided to give the necessary orders looking to a replace merit of the troops withdrawn from Mac- Art bur’s command in the force going out .from the United States. None of the cab inet officers would admit or deny this, so it gained some measure of credence. Un less Japan is to be left to do all of the fighting in the immediate future, Gen. MacArthur must respond to this demand. By drawing upon the Philippine forces, at least a month could be saved in landing troops in China. Secretary Long this afternoon showed that the navy was responding to the call for reinforcements bv ordering 500 ma rines to be assembled from the several navy yards and hurried to China. It is significant that these are the first mili tary forces to be sent directly from the United States to China, without instruc tions to stop at Nagasaki for orders. The marines will make up a force of 750 men, as the department already has given or ders for the equipment of 250 marines for similar service. They will be aent out on the first army transport available for the service. The Russian and the French charges and the Chinese minister were among Secre tary Hay’s callers to-day. Save the Chi nese minster, they came, as they said, for information,.but it is surmised that their object was also to assure Secretary Hay as to the willingness of the governments of Russia and France to allow' Japan a free hand in the matter of landing troops to China to quell the Bocxer disturbance. There is a suggestion in the air that this perfect understanding, initiated by Sec retary Hay, has been brought about through the. quiet acceptance of at least one most important condition. What this condition is cannot be learned, though It is suspected to relate to territorial acqui sitions. WILL SEND MORE SHIPS. William I* Vlgoron*ly Pushing Hi* Prepa ration*. Berlin, July 9—Emperor William is or dering more and more vessels to get ready for China. The latest ordered to prepare are the small, but excellent, cruisers Ni obo. Sperber, Schwalbe, Bussard and See adler. A division of new 350-ton torpedo boats is also being prepared. They will make twenty-six knots an hour and are expected to arrive by the middle of August, before the troops, and will be used for river ser vice and communications between the largti vessels. POUND FOII THE CITY. Jmlgre Slmoutnn'v Decinion \Ya* Agalnnt <h > Southern Bell. Richmond, Va.. July 9 —Judge Simonton, in the United Stares Court of Appeal*, handed down an opinion affirming the Judgment of the United Slate* Cir cuit Court in the case of the. Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company against the city of Richmond. The decision uphold* Judge Goff's de cree dissolving the injunction originally awarded the company and dismissing the bill. The cause having been remanded by the Supreme Court to the Circuit Court, that court held that under the laws of Virginia and the ordinances of the city of Richmond, the Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Comimny has no right to use the streets of this city. For this reason it denied the relief asked, dissolved the injunction theretofore granted and dismissed the bill and the opinion to-day affirms this decision. ROAD ELECTED OFFICERS. Those Cho*en by the Virginia and in rolinn. Bristol, Tenn., July 9.—The directors of the Virginia and Carolina Railroad to-day elected the following officers: President and general manager. W. E. Mlngie; vice president and treasurer, G. F. Craig; secretary, F. B. Hurt; auditor. G. T. KoarsJey. Th*i general offices of Ihe road are at Abingdon. Va.. and the line is now in pro cess of construction from Abingdon to Damascus, Va. JOHN L. PENNINGTON DEAD. \\* Formerly Governor o-f Dakota Territory. Anniston, Ala., July 9.—Hon. John L. Pennington, Governor of Dakota territory frem 1874 to 1878, editor of the Alabama Home, this city, and for many years a prominent Republican, died to-day in Ox forc. Ho was 75 year* old. No Cooking In Hot Weather. Eat... Grape-Nuts ready cooked, crisp delicious and wonderfully Healthy. OPERATIONS I* AFRICA. Robert** Report* Show Reverse* for the lloer Forres. Ix>n<k>n. July 9.—The following dispatch from Lord Roberts has been received at the war office: “Pretoria. Sunday, July B.—-As the ene my, for some days, had been threatening our line of railway by trying to get abound our right flank. I dispatched Hutton, July 5. with mounted infantry to reinforce Mahon, and with orders to drive the Boers to the cast of Roenkerspruit. These or ders were effectually carried out during Friday and Saturday by Mahon, who was attacked by some 3.000 men with six guns and two Maxims. Our casualties were: “Wounded, two officers, including Uapt. Xelle*. of the Canadian Mounted Rifles, slightly, and twenty-six men. ' Steyn left Bethlehem on the night cf July 4. between Bethle hem and Ficivsburg, accompanied by Chris tian DeWet and other Free State com manders, with troops reported numbering 3,000 men. “Hanbury-Tracy, commanding at Rus tenburg, reports that a party of Boers, un der Llmmer, called on him yesterday to surrender the town and- garrison. Hnn bury-Tracy replied that he held Rusten burg for Her Majesty’** government and Intended to continue to ocfcupy it. The enemy then opened fire with artillery, and tried to take the hlghta commanding the town, but did not succeed, owing to the good arrangements made by Hanbury- Trnck and his officers. Eventually, they wett driven off with the assistance of Holds worth and his hussars, who made a rapid march of forty-eight miles from the neighborhood of Zeerust. with the Bushmen under Col. Alrio, on hearing Rus tenburg whs likely to bo threatened. “The. enemy suffered heavily, and five men were captured. Our casualties were two men killed and one officer and three men wounded.” PRf>Mi\Evr hours gave ip. Two Officer*. Reported Won ruled Were, on the I'ontrnry. Killed. London, July 9.—Lord Roberts tele graphs to the war office from Pretoria as follows: “Tho officer commanding at Heilbron reports that Sta’te Secretary* Biigtmut, State Attorney Dickson, and members of the council Van lander and Krupperver gen came in yesterday and surrendered. “Hutton was attacked yesterday in a position he was holding by a large, num ber of Boers. He cut them off without much difficulty, the five-inch guns with h.m being found most useful. Our only casualty was Lieut. Young, of thc First Canadian Mounted Troop—slight scalp wound. The enemy left several wounded on the ground and sent a flag of true with a request that they might be re ceived in our tfleld hospitals. “1 regret to say that Capt. Currie and Lieut. Kirk of the Imperial Light Horse, who were reported wounded in my tele gram of yesterday, wore both killed. One squadron of this distinguished corps pressed a very superior force of the ene my in a gallaJit attempt to carry off a wounded comrade, to which they attrib uted the heavy loss sustained. In addi tion to the officers, a farrier sergeant and three troopers were killed and the ser geant major, three sergeants and seven troopers wounded.” consul, nKCAi.i.F.n. Such n Report feme* of the Ameri can Representative. London, July 10.—A* Lord Roberts’ dis patches reveal, the Boers are unusually active, both in the Orange Colony and the no-called pacified Weaterpi Transvaal, but without producing any serious irn prew’nn uron th*-* British arms The bund leader* at the Cape are ext ncMrg their boycott cf British firms, and Dutch companies with £200,000 capital have been formed Passengers arriving at Lorenzo Marquez on July 9 from Middleburg say there has been severe fighting between th latter place and Machadodorp, in which the Boers were defeated and demoralized. The Lorenzo Marquez correspondent of the Daily Telegraph says, under date of July 9: “I understand that Mr. Hollis, the American consul here, has been recalled. He is a well known pro-Baer.” FIVE AFRIKANDERS. Try to linprfiK the Idea That tlie Public Want* Boer Liberty. London, July 10. —The five Afrikander leaders who arrived on Saturday last seek to impress the idea upon the English "that public opinion is favorable to Boer inde pendence. They have been asked to leave the hotel at which they arc stopping. Among them is Prof. Devos of the Stellen bosch Theological •Seminary and D. De- Wet, formerly a member of the Cape Col ony cabinet. Civil Mail* Sunpcnilecf. r/ondoo. July 10.—The Cape Town cor respondent of tho Standard says, under flate of July 9: “The pontofHce authorities have issued a notice that civil malls have been sus pended for Johannesburg. This, with, the fact that telegrams for Pretoria are re fused, causes uneasiness.” SPEAKS W ELL FOIt SPAIN. Dr. Arnnnd Say* She Will Come to the Front Among thc Nation*. Chicago, July 9.—Dr. Leopoldo Arnaud, Spanish consul In Chicago, who has ten dered his resignation, said to-day that he believed the work of reviving the commer cial Interests between the United States and Spain had been done well. “Spain Is to-day on the road to become one of the foremost Powers of Europe,” said Dr. Arnaud. “The people have come to realize that the war with the United States was a war of governments, and no animosity exista between the Inhabitants of the two countries. The war was a good thing for Spain. The nation had been given its best men and $100,000,000 annually to the wars in progress in the Philippines, Cuba and Porto Rico. Asa result of tlie conflict the power* of Spain are concen trated for the country's development and advancement. In ten years tho world will not recognize the nation.” WANT THEIR MONEY RACK. A Firm Relieve* Dalle* nnd f hnrgen Should lie Refunded. Washington, July 9.—110 Tung & Cos., .o-day filed a petition In the Court of Claims, asking the refunding of $32,945 paid import duties, port and other charges on two cargoes of American mer chandise shipped to Manila In Auguvt, I*9B. They base their claim on the Pres ident’!* proclamation of July 12, 1898, es tablishing tariff schedule for the Phil ippine*, and claim (hut it was not within the power of the President to enforce a tariff against American products. About North ( nroliiiM. Berlin, July 9.—A German pamphlet, tle ftcrlptive of North Carolina, printed at Leipzig, at the order of the authorities, is now being distributed in large num ber* throughout Germany. Jestfr I* on Trial. New London, Mo.. July 9 The trial of Alex Jester, charged with thc murder cf Gilbert W. twenty-nine year* ago, began here to-day# The Big Bargain Sensation of the Times IS NEARINC ITS END. We Must Soon Move to Our New Quarters. Great Final Cut in Prices. You save thc profit and part of thc cost. This week's value-giving will throw all past low price records into the shade. A REVOLUTION IN PRICES of all kinds of Summer Goods, including Silks, Dress Goods, Wash Goods, Lawns, Organdies, Dimities, White Goods, Hos iery, Knitted Underwear, Corsets, Para sols and Umbrellas, Laces, Embroideries, Gents' Furnishings, Towels, Table Lin ens and Napkins, Sheeting, Shirting, etc. A terrific and reckless reduction in Ladies' Ready-made Waists, Separate Skirts, Underskirts, Wrappers and Mus lin Uncfbrwear. Come early! Come late! Come Tues day! Come every day, but by all means come. It will pay you big interest on the saving of every purchase. It is a picnic for you, a funeral for us, THE GREAT REMOVAL SALE. Foye & Morrison XR W S \ O’l’Eß Fll o n W A YCR OSS. Charge* Against tlio Rifle* Will Be In \ emtign ted. Waycross, Ga., July 9.—T. R. Maury has started' a school about five miles east <>f town, near the residence of Dr. J. E. VT. Smith. He has an enrollment of 35 pupil*. It is called the Warren School. Timber cutters have been in their glee most of the time this summer. These men live all along the Satlila river, and for months the river has been full enough for them to successfully flout their raft*. They curly the togs to Burnt Fort, thirty or forty miles below here. The Waycross Rifles have determined to investigate the charges made by a Doug las paper and some of the citizens of that town. It seems when they were on their recent visit to Douglas and Gaskin Springs some of their number, according to the reports from Douglas, killed a farmer’s hog and otherwise made themselves rather obnoxious to Coffee county people. The Rifles deny the ('barges, and a committee has been appointed to Inquire further into tne matter. Tlie. committee consists of Lieut. J. P. Ulmer and Sergts. >V. 13. Fen ton end J. G. Bird. Mr. Fred W. Bibb left last night for Thomasvllle. where he was called by the illness of his mother. The. Waycross baseball team are con gratulating themselves upon the good re cord they made Saturday on the Brun swick diamond. It was their first trip out of town since their organization, and tho boys think they did well. The score was 4 to 3 in favor of Brunswick, four t en Innings. John. Stringfellow and family who moved some weeks ago to Dayton. Ohio, are to return to Waycross in the near fu ture. A force of hands went to work at Camp Perry this morning under Contractor J. I>. Weed, constructing quarantine housew for the United, States Marine Hospital Service. M<* MILL IN RETIRE*. A*kn That Hl* Name Re Not 1 *el In < nnncf'tinn With Se tin tornli 11. Nashville, Tenn., July 9.—Gov. Benton McMillln, at a late hour to-night, address ed an open letter to the Democracy of Tennessee, expressing the wish that hi* name be no longer used In connection with the contest for United States senator from Tenneawee. In his letter the Governor says he has frankly said to his friends that when op portunity offered he aspired to the high office of United States senator, but that though many representative* already c ect cd favor his election, h* does not consider | FINE GRADES OF WHISKIES. | WHISKIES. WHISKIES. ; The R. G. Whiskey gallon $ 2.00 ; Glendale Whiskey gallon $ 2.50 ; Crystal Spring Whiskey gallon $3.00 ; Gotden Wedding Whiskey gallon $3.50 : IN CASES OF \2 LARGE BOTTLES: ; The Antediluvian Whiskey bottled by Oeborne of New York llt.M The Peerle Wht.key bottled In bond In llendereon, Ky 812.00 | The Peoria Whlekey bottled In bond by Clark Brother* 818.00 Meredith Rye Whiskey, bottled at their distillery In Ohio 811.50 * Golden Wedding Whiskey, our bottling 80. M | LIPPMAN BROTHERS, \ Lippman Block, - - - Savannah, Ga. this tho proper timo. in his he goes on to say that the contest ha* tuused ill fee-ling in the Democratic party and has threatened its harmony. Tho elec tion this fall he regards, he says, a* th most important in the history of lha gov ernment. “No ambition, no success of any man shoud imperil the triumph of Democracy in November,” Is the Governor's declara tion, and in conclusion he requests that his friends no longer urge, his name for I lie senatorship. Thlfi leaves the contest between two avowed candidates, Con gressman E. W. Carmack of the Tent* district and David K. Snodgrass, chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Tenn essee. • Home Mnn* in Louisville. Louisville, Ky., July 9.—The Louis villi Horse Show Association was organized to-day with 100 members and a jfcild-up capital stock of SIO,OOO. The association will give annus I horse shows in Louis ville, the first one during the second week of October in the building erected for the Confederate reunion. (Jen. John B. Cas tleman is president and Brench Altshelei secretary of the association. Wlckofl* Were of Illinois. Reardstown, II!., July 9 —The Mlsset Grace and Gertie- Wiekoff, two of th Congregational missionaries massacred in Pekin, China, news of which has Just bees received in this country, tvere the twin daughters of Rev. Wiekoff, at one time pastor of the Congregational Church *il this place. The sisters went to China ten years ago as missionaries. For Famine NtifTerera. New York, July 9.—fn response* to ai urgent appeal from Rev. Mr. Freas, wh is treasurer of the Inter-Denominationai Missionary Relief Committee in India the Christian Herald has cabled a fur* ther remittance of SIOO,OOO from the rebel fund, to be expended in the famine dis tricts where in the committee’s judgment it 1s most needed. Alfortl Killed Overstreet. Harrodsburg, Ky., July 9.—Forest Ak ford shot and killed William Overstreet to-day at Mayo, this county. There ha 4 l>een trouble between the two men sinc last fall, when, it is alleged, Overstreet killed some of Alford's turkeys. Both met •re well known, farmer*. it Ik said Over street advanced upon Alford with an open knife, when Alford fired. >■. / -The Rev. J. M. Rodwell, who died re cently in England, was a distinguished Orientalist. He translated the Koran for ty years ago, arranging the Suras ii chronolcg cal order. He also published translations of the book of Job and o# Isaiah. 5