The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, July 12, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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10 WILL NOT BUY ARMY HOSPITAL CITY DECIDED THAT IT AVAS NOT BEST TO DO 80. Quefttion of Hoaipltal Appropriations Will Be Taken Ip at the Next Meeting:—Alderman Dixon May Be Actinit Major Thin So miner—An Ordinance Introduced to Regulate Wharf Extensions—T he Mclntyre Building to Come Before Council Again. The city will make no effort to purchase the government hospital buildings. At the meeting of Council yesterday afternoon Mayor Myers brought the matter to the Attention of the Committee of the Whole, together with the conclusions which he had reached after investigating the mat ter. The sentiment of the meeting was evidently against taking further steps and the matter was dismissed with only brief consideration. Mayor Myers said after the meeting that the serKe of the committee was that it was not desirable for the city to purchase the buildings. The matter of continuing the present hospital appropriations will be taken up at the next meeting of council. Alderman Thomas suggested privately to Mayor Myers durii g the meeting tl at it wou and be well to continue th se appropriations, but the Mayor was of the opinion ihat it would be just as well to postpone the matter un il the next meeting. When ask ed about th.s matter Mayor Myers said chat und rstanding was tha* the pie - eni arrang rr.ent wou and stand until fur ther actio by' Council. The me 10 whi h th ap t rop iaJons w re continued expired July 1. Alderman Dixon will be the ar'ing Mayor tils summer in case Mayor Myers and Chairman Tie Inman hou and bJth hatppen o!e tut f the c. yat the same tiime This is the r suit of a res lu ion in troduced by A;d rn an Schwarz io the ef fect that in the absence of Alderman Wells, the vice chairman, Alderman Dix on should act as v ce hairman, and that in th absence of ihe Ma.or an i the Chtai man of Counc 1 he s on and be the a t ing Mayor. A dr man Doyle wanted an e v panation of this, and seme of the oth r Aldermen set med at a loss to understand the object of the rest u io It was re c 11 and that a similar re o u ion constitut ing A derman Sch arz the acting Mayor under the circumstances nam and was ad pted abcut a y'car ago. Alderm n b'chwarz r marked that he had 100 man ma ters n \ and to sp re a 1 y ime for the Mayo ’s du is ad the reiO*ution was ur.animo ©ly a iopted. An ordinance of interest to property owners along the river front was intro duced by Alderman llorrigan It amends a previous ordinance to establish harbor lines and to regulate the building and repair of structures on the river by' pro viding that hereafter all bulkheads built in the Savannah river on either side thereof, between the cross tides above the city and the sea, shall be built not nearer than twenty feet or farther than thirty feet from the harbor lines established by the government, and after a compliance with the terms and conditions of the or dinance referred to. The ordinance was rood and went over to the next meeting. It is intended to put a stop to the irreg ular methods which prevail at present of extending wharf fronts to the harbor lines, which is giving th© river front such a ragged appearance. Mr. J. W. Mclntyre and his building in the rear of 218 Brough’on street, east, will again occupy th< attention of Coun cil at its next meetln. A resolution was adopted require Mclntyre to show cause at the n<. eting why the building referred to .Id not be re moved as unsafe and unsanitary, com plaints to this effect having been made by Supt. Maguire of the fire department and Mrs. Elen M. Oliveira. Alderman Wells’ ordinance fixing the width of Burroughs street, between An derson and Fifth streets, at forty feet, was read a second time and referred to the Committee of the Whole. Property owners on the portion of the street re ferred to have objected to the proposed decrease in width. By resolution of Alderman Dixon the Inspectors appointed by the Mayor for the house drainage system are required to perform service under the plumbing de partment or the department of public works as the Mayor may direct from time to time. The Police Committee was authorized to purchase four horses and to exchange three horses. On application of Super! tendent Screven of the police department on ap propriation of S2OO was made for the enter tainment of the visiting chiefs, sheriffs and marshals. Bills were reported correct by the Com mittee on Accounts and passed for pay ment to the amount of $22,383.09. The members of Council present were Hon. Herman Myers, Mayor, and Aider men Tiedeman, Dixon, Schwa rat Tho-mas, Mills, Doyle, Bacon and Horrigan. THOUGHT THEV HAD WHITE. Supposed Murderer of Daviil Ander son Still at I^irjtr. Detective J. J. Garrliy made a flying visit to Fernaniina yesterday to bring back, as he supposed, Louis White, alias “Taffy" a negro badly wanted here for the murder on Feb.,l2, of David Ander son, a Darien negro. The detectives have been on the 10-dc out for the man ever since the crime was commatud, so when they heard that he had been located in Darien they determin ed to make assurance doubly sure, so eeivt down one of their colored sleuths who was supposed to know the man wanted, and who they thought would be able to spot him, and have him arrest ed without trouble. The sleuth struck town all right and 'figuring out that the suspected darky was the right man, had him arrest'd. and notift'd the detectives to that effe t. But, alas! the best laid plans of mice and men "gang aft aglee,” and so it proved in this case, for when the detective reached Frrnandlna the prisoner not only denied that he was "White, but proved the fact, and was re leas'd. There Is an explanation coming from that trusty colored sleuth, but it has not put in an appearance yet. Mean time White, who is supposed to be lurking somewhere In this vicinity will doubt 1 ss take the hint and make h mself scarce. JASPER GREEKS AT WARSAW. Company Had a Gala Day on tlie Salta. Tho Irish ‘Jasper Greens held their an nual picnic at Warsaw yesterday and as is usual on all of their affairs had a large crowd and a large time. The Santee left the city at 8:30 o'clock In the morning, having on board t>etween six and seven hundred people. This crowd was further augmented by a number who got aboard at Thunderbolt. After an exceptionally pleasant day at the island the company and Its friends reached the city at 10:45 last night. For Kicking on Harbor Roles. Capt. Nicolaisln of the bark Pendleton was placed upon the information docket of the Police Court yesterday by Harbor master John Reilly, the charge being re fusing to obey orders of the harbormas ter relative to moving his vessel. Remember thle: No other medicine has .such a nectard of cures as Hood's Sarsa- When you want a good medicine, ■gel Hood's.—ad. ’NEATH A C ANOPY OF FLOWERS, Mr. Arthur MeYere and Mis* Dora Perllnwkl Were Wedded. One of the prettiest weddings of the season was that of Mr. Arthur MeYere and Miss Dora Perlinski which w'as cele brated at 8 o’clock last evening. Rev. I. P. Mendes performed the marriage cere mony at the home of the bride's parents on Chippewa Square, The rooms were elaborately decorated with ialms, ferns, and a profusion of w’hite roses. Smilax was draped about the window's and doors arid below the mantels, w'hich w'eie banked with white ibse sand maindenhair ferns. Between the long windows at the wstern end of the drawing room, and surrounded by palms, stood the canopy of sm.lax und white roses beneath which the ceremony was performed. The groom, with his best man, Mr. Jo seph Herzog, stood beneath the canopy and awaited the bride, who entered with her father at the first notes of the wed ding march from “Lohengrin.” Her beau tiful gown of white chiffon over taffeta was almost entirely covered with point duehesae, which had been her mothers wedding lace. The short French waist was of accordion-pleated chiffon with yoke and sleeves of the duchesse lace, while the skirt was made of a succession of tiny ruffles of chiffon beneath an overdress of the lace. H**r tulle veil was fastened with orange blossoms, and she carried a white and gold prayer book end a lovely shower bouquet of lilies of the valley. Only the immediate family was present at the ceremony, but from 9 to 11 o clock a reception wms held, and many friends called to extend their good wishes. Mr. and Mrs. MeYere left at midnight over the Seaboard Air Line for Asheville, ar.d other resorts in the North Carolina mountains, feeing later to the Northwest, probably as far as Michigan. After the middle of August they will go to Nash ville, Tenn.. which will be their home. Mrs. MeYere is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Perlinski. Sue is exceeding ly pretty, of the brunette type, tall and graceful, with a cordiality of manner that has won for her much admiration. It is a matter of deep regret to her num erous friends that she will no longer make her home in Savannah Though living now in Nashville. Mr. MeYere has a large circle of friends here, having formerly been located in this city as chief partner in the firm of MeYere & Franck. Many handsome wedding gifts were re ceived, comprising chiefly cut glass and silver, beautiful pictures and exquisite pieces of embroidery. COLLECTED It!.NTS V\D SKIPPED. Magistratr Reynold’, Defaulting Con.tniilc Captured. . George McDonald, alias "Red” McDon ald. formerly a constable for Magistrate Reynolds, was arrested at Port Royal on Monday on a charge of larceny after trust and was brought to Savannah last night by Detective Shea who was sent for him. ' The clrime with which McDonald Is charged look place on Jane 7. He had been employed in the office of Mr. Rey nolds for some time and had acquired a knowledge of the property for which Mr. Reynolds is Ihe agent and also of the tenants and the amounts of the rentals, i aking advantage of the Magistrate's ab sence from the city on the day of the crime he went to a number of the tenants and collected rents to the amount of JSO or over, and then quietly decamped. - Though McDonald did not appear at the office the next day nothing was thought f the matter, but his continued absence ind the tha. several of the tenants when approached for their rents stated that they had paid up finally aroused the suspicion of Mr. Reynolds and he made an xamlnation of the matter and discovered the theft of various amounts which ag gregate between SSO and S6O. A week or so after the money was ap propriated it was reported that McDonald was in hiding Just across the back river on the Carolina side, but he disappeared from that vicinity and was not heard of again until he was located at the Port Royal Naval Station a few days ago, A .telegram from Supt. Screven led to his ar rest w hich took place on Monday. He was placed in a Beaufort Jail to await the ar rival of an officer from Savannah. Ari’OI.NTED TO THE NAVY. Capt. Frank Avery, Lieutenant Com mander in Chnrge of the Wlutarln. Capt. Frank B. Avery has been ap pointed to the command of the United States buoy tender Wistaria. The ap pointment is under the navy and carries with it the rank of lieutenant com mander. Capt. Avery held this rank in the aux iliary navy during the Spanish-American War, having passed one of the best ex aminations on record. His present ap pointment is to succeed Capt. Brown, who has been in command of the Wistaria for years, and who has Just retired. The place pays SI,BOO a year and is a snug one, being for life. The Wistaria is a frequent visitor to Savannah, her head quarters being Charleston, which Is the headquarters of the Sixth Lighthouse dis trict. Capt. A>ery Is now at Camden, N. J., in charge of the steamer Abram Minis. It wms expected that he would have com mand of the new steamer on her arrival here. Should he accept the appointment to the Wistaria, however, the Towboat people will place another one of their masters in charge. KVILL BE ACCEPTED TO-DAY. Resignation of Capt. Dillon as Clerk of County Coramlsslonegs. The July meeting of the Board of Coun ty Commissioners will be held at the Court House this aJternoon. The princi pal business to be transacted will be the acceptance of the resignation of Capt. John R. Dillon, as clerk of the board, and the election of his successor. Capt. Dillon's resignation will take effect as soon as his successor can be elected and qualified, his duties as cashier of -the Chatham Bank beginning on July 16. Mr. G. Reuben Butler, the present clerk to the superintendent of public works and roads, and assistant to Capt. Dillon, will be elected clerk of the board, and will qualify etther to-morrow or Saturday. This will permit Capt. Dil lon to assume the discharge of his duties at the bank promptly on the day he has notified the bank's directors he will be gin. REFEREES WERE REAPPOINTED. Judge Speer Made no Change, In Bankruptcy Olllcera. Judge Speor has reappointed the follow ing referees in bankruptcy for a term of two years: Joseph Ganahl, Augusta; Shelby Myrlck, Amerlous; A. H. Mae Don - ell, Savannah; J. D. Harrell. Balnbrldge; A J. Crovatt, Brunswick. No changes were made in the number of referees for the Southern District of Georgia. Those who were re-appolnted were the same that already held office, and no new parties were appointed. The term of office Is for two years, and the bond to be given by the referee Is $5,000. Plerpont Company Incorporated. An order for the Incorporation of the Plerpont Manufacturing Company was granted by Judge Falllgant In the Supe rler Court yesterday. The company la to have a cash capita] actually paid In of $75,000 and will engage In the manufac ture of crates and packing material* gen erally. THE MORNING NEWS: THURSDAY, JULY 12, 1900. POWELL MADE PRESIDENT. COURT AND POLICE. OFFIC ERS REC OGNIZED HIS PAST SERVICES. AiMorintlon of Clerks, Sheriffs, Chiefs of Police noil Mambals Welcomed to Savannah by Mr. S. 11. Adams, City Attorney—Rev. Dr, W. C. Schaeffer Delivered the Invoca tion—President Dumpier Made His Ajonnal Report—Mr J. K. P. Carr ( boseu First \ Ice President of the Associa t ion—Trip on the River n New Experience to Some and Fan for All. The annual meeting of the Clerks, Sher iffs, Chiefs of Police and Marshals’ As sociation of the state was called to order yesterday by President C. Dampier in the Superior Court room. Rev. Dr. W. C. Schaeffer of the Luth eran Church of the Ascension delivered an eloquent and impressive prayer, in voking the Divine blessing upon the de liberations of the association and upon its members’ performance of the important duties committed to their care by the peo pfe“'of th© state. At the conclusion of Dr. Schaeffer’s prayer Clerk J. K. P. Carr introduced City Attorney S. B. Adams, who, on be half of th© Mayor and Aldermen of Sa vannah, welcomed the association to the city. After assuring the members that Savannah was always glad to open gates to the citizens of Georgia and that she was especially proud w’hen she was honored by the presence of those officers of the law to whom the state’s adminis trative functions were in large part com mitted. Mr. Adams turned to the discus sion of the importance of the association and the power for good it was in a po sition to exercise. Mr. Adams’s speech was received with applause by the members of the associa tion, w’hich interrupted his remarks fre quently and was redoubled as he took his seat. The response for the \association, was made by Mr. R. P. Hall, clerk of the Superior Court of Dougherty county. Mr. Hall thanked Mr. Adams for his courteous greeting and the local members of the as sociation for the warmth of their recep tion of the visitors. In making his report President Dampier alluded humorously to the trials of the po lice officers and sheriffs' of the state, in cluding their efforts to succeed themselves He sioke seriously of the fact that tom of the most dangerous duties that the sheriffs and their deputies have to per forui, must be performed entirely w.thou compensation from either the state o r county. He suggested that an effort be made to secure the enactment of a law that would remedy this stale of affairs. On© principal object of th© association said the president, was to bring into re lations of cordial harmony the various classes of officer© who compose its mem bership. It sometimes transpired that their was friction between the sheriff of a county and his deputies and the police of a city located in that county because of or concerning the arrest of Criminals It was his hope, said President Dampier, that all of these differences now existing might be reconciled and that the present and other meetings would serve so to bring th© members of the association together that no other differences would arise in the future. The president alluded also in his repor* to th© loss the as so- iation had sustained in the death, since the last meeting, of Sheriff John T. Ronan, of Chatham, “that veteran of our organization and grand old officer, w'hose fidelity to his people sets an example w'hich we would profit by imi tating.’’ Chief TVil*y Wil iams of Co’umbus moved that he chair arpoinf a commit* t oft I re .to prepare reso utions touch ing the de th of Sheriff Horan and to re p rt *o the as ocia in at the next ses lon The mo-ion was carried without di ' son and the chair appointed Mosers J. K. P. Carr, J. T. Hold r and B. E. Overby. Overby, of e introduced a re elution p OAidl-g for the preparation, pri tif g and distribution of an alpha! etf ca list of the criminals wont and by the authorities In ’he varlov® counties fHe slate. It was determined that the Legisla ture should be m ; mo ialized to enact such a law, the officers agreeing that scarce anyt! ing that could be done w nld bet ter facilitate the arrest of criminals at liberty. There were ether matters that it had been intended to discuss at the fi st ses sion, but some of the members were im patient ar and it was determined to post pone discussion and action upon these quest ons until to-d iy. After some desul tory argum nt, the flee ion of officers was announced as the next Older of business. There were iwo nominations for several of the offices, but those nominated, other than th se finally chosen, declin'd to p r mit the use of the r name* and the choice of the association was unanimously as follows: President—C. A. Powell, clerk of the Su perior Court of Macon county. First Vice President—James K. P. Carr, clerk of the Superior Court of Chatham county. Second Vice President—A. J. Conoly, sheriff of Brooks county. Secretary and Treasurer—H. E. Allen, deputy clerk of the Superior Court of Sumter county. Sergeant-at-Arms—C. R. Cooley, deputy sheriff of Muscogee county. President Powell has been secretary and treasurer of the association for five years and his election to the presidency is a well-deserved recognition by his asso ciates of his diligent and untiring services in their behalf. After his election he was escorted to the chair and presided over the remaining part of the session. During the meeting and after the re cess for the day had been taken refresh ments were served In the office of th© sheriff, and the. members of the associa tion did them full Justice. In dallying with the punch bowl and in swapping yarns, telling jokes and reviving old mem ories of former meetings, the officers pass ed the time until 2 o’clock. At that hour they marched from the Court House to the Whitaker street dock, where they boarded the steamer Alpha for a trip on the river. THE TRIP OX THE RIVER. The Oflleers Enjoyed a Sight of Terminals noil Old Orenn. The river trip was a pleasing experi ence to all who were of the merry party aboard the Alpha and a novel one to a number of the visitors, who had never had an opportunity to see the harbor of Savannah and the works of improvement, some of them recent, that line its shores. The Alpha steamed up the river as far as the Seaboard Air Line bridge. At this point the turn was made and the Al pha. retracing her course, proceeded out to sea, reaching and rounding the bell buoy at about 4:30 o'clock. The steamer reached the city dock In time to permit those of the visiting members of the as sociation who cared to do so to take Ihe 8.35 train for Tybee, where to-day's ses sions of the convention will be held. The trip on the river was a pleasant one. The visitors were out for a good time and the local members of the asso ciation saw that they had It. Those who had charge of the trip bore in mind the saying that on such occasion It Is wise to have "enough to eat and a little more than enough to drink, for thirst Is a dangerous thing.’’ Nobody suffered on yesterday. TO-DAY’S SESSION AT TYREE. Iluslne** of Convention Probably Wonnd Up Thin Afternoon. President Powell will call the association again to order at Hotel Tyoee, at 11 o’- clock this morning. This comparatively late hour has been selected because some of the members have remained over night in the city and it will b© impossible for them to reach the island much before the appointed time. It Is believed that the assoCtaition will conclude its business during to-day and that the adjournment will be taken this afternoon. A number of the members of the association, however, will remain over for several days, returning to their homes about the first of next week. The principal business to be transacted to-day will be the consideration of bills relating to matters of administration of the criminal laws, w’hich the association desires to have remedied. The next place of meeting will be chosen and resolutions of respect and sympathy will be passed in reference io the death of the late Sheriff John T. Ronan, who was one of the most active and enthusiastic members the association has ever had. COL. REILLY’S RETIREMENT. lt< solution** Adopted by His Brother OUlcers of the First Regiment. Col. Peter Reilly has just received from Capt. Waiter E. Coney a copy of the res olutions adopted by a committee of the board of officers of the First Regiment cf Infantry upon the occasion of his retire ment as lieutenant colonel of the regiment over two years ago. This was the first notice ever received by Col. Reilly of the action of hiss brother officers with whom he was so long and so honorably associ ated. Many of his friends thought it strange thai no notice was taken of the retirement of an officer who had been con nected with the regiment in. a high posi tion for so many years and Col. Reilly himself thought it strange that there had been no recognition. • apt. Coney’s letter explains the ep, ar f nt oversight. The resolutions were a opt ed in due time and were as compiim ntary Col. R illy ai.d tis f tends culd wih. The ianish-Ame ican war had just b- gun an Col. L .wion and his offic rs and men were l usily engaged in preparing to b> £r a.n ho.orabl part in the conflict. This doubt.<ss expains the oversight on the I art of the then adjutant Capt. Coney apokg z* s in his letter to Cos.. Re 11 y for the and lay ands ates tha •:* had just receiv and Com Cajt Gratz Myers. :he t rmer a jut nt now vi g 1 N w York, the and aft of he re ou ions ith the r ues vdt e tr n mlt them to <1 R illy, as he id not hnk the lai ler 1 ad ever b en presented with a copy, at t e s .m* t > <■ aj ooglzi. g for having ove lo.k and the m t r The connection. Oi Lieut. Col. Reilly, with the First Regiment, covers nearly the entire period of its existence, com mencing with his service In the Irish Jas per Green© in June, 1861, of the second ompany of which organization he was commissioned o second lieutenant in that ear this command being transferred to the Confederate states service in 1862. In 563 he became first lieutenant, and in March, 1865, adjutant of this regiment, the First Volunteer Regiment of Georgia. IJ.l J . A. C. S., as it was then called, which position he filled until the clote of the war. At the reorganization of the Irish Jasper Greens in May, 1871, he was elected first lieutenant, and from 1882 unt'.l his retirement, has been lieuierant colonel of the regiment, only physical dLablity forcing h.m to retire from a command which he had served faithfully and effi dently for nearly thirty-seven years. “It is with sincere regret,’’ states the resolutions, “that this board is obliged to lose the active co-operation of one, who, as a commander and brother officer, lias endeared himself to one and all. Hi3 who:e military career is a brilliant ex ample of self-sacrifice for the good of the volunteer service. His services were not solely confined to the duties of an officer of this regiment, but extended over the entire state. Asa member of the Georgia Legislature, to which body he was elected for three consecutive terms by his fellow-citizens, he devoted his en ergies to the welfare and progress of the state forces. He was one of the orig inators and promoters of the special leg slation enacted for the present organi zation of the Georgia volunteers, and as a member of the Military Advisory Beoard he worked unceasingly for the welfare of Georgia soldiers, always courteous and polite in his dealings with every member of the regimqnt, yet a rigid disciplinarian and Jealous of the good name and high reputation of the First Georgia. He re tires with the universal respect of the entire command, whose earnest prayers for the restoration of his health and its prolonged enjoyment follow him into his retirement. “As the originator of the Legislative act making the birthday of Gen. Robert E. Lee a legal holiday in Georgia (this state has taken the lead of the entire South in this movement) Col. Reilly has endeared himself to the people of Georgia and his name will ever be held in honorable re membrance by the First Regiment of In fantry, Georgia Volunteers.’’ The committee whicJh prepared the reso lutions consisted of Maj. Edward Karow, Maj. W. S. Rockwell, Capt. Henry Kol shorn, Capt. J. J. Gaudry, and Capt. T. <S. Lucas, all of whom, strange to say, have since ceased their connection with the regiment. Col. Reilly’s retirement was forced by his feeble health and this slat© of health continued until recently. His friends will be glad to know, however, that he is now Improving steadily and that he ha© been able to take short driven daily during the last week. FOR HEATING A CHILD. Colored Woman Arrested for Using Strap and Buckle. Ella Brown, colored, was arrested yes terday afternoon by Patrolman S. Davis on a charge of assaulting the child of Mr. W. W. Ferguson. The woman took a belt on which was a buckle and used it as a strap until she brought blood from her little victim. John Williams, a colored boy, was ar rested by Wacthman Skipper of the Cen tral Railroad on a charge of stealing Iron from the yard. Richard Palmer, colored, was taken in at the request of a man named Dunham, who asserts that he was assaulted by Palmer. According to the story of the witness. Palmer occupied a part of the premises at No. 1020 Joe street. Yester day, he being in arrears of his rent, hts furniture and property were levied on under a distress warrant, served by an officer of Magistrate Kline's court, bwt owing to the lateness of the serving of the paper, all of the goods could not be removed from the yard before night, so some were left there, it being the Inten tion of Durham to finish Ihe Job this morning. Palmer being acquainted with the condition of matters, took a dray last night, and attempted to remove the goods for his own purposes and uses, and when Durham objected, assaulted him. Three colored boys were sent In by Pa trolman Cronin for disorderly conduct near Henry and West Broad streets. Nothing can exceed the care with which Cook's Imperial Extra Dry Champagne is made.—ad. Sunday Trips m Brunswick Via Plant System 91.00. The Plant Sys'em will sell round-trip llck< ts to Brunswick on Sundays, limited to date of sale, at rate of SI.OO. Trains leave at 2:10 a. m. and 5:20 a. m —ad WILL GO DESPITE PROTEST. THAT’S WHAT ATLANTA’S RIFLE MEN SEEM DETERMINED TO DO. Alleged Member of the Georgia Team Declares the Action of the Team in Refusing to Shoot Again at Sea Girt, “Hardly Sportsmanlike.” Statement Excite* Indignation Here, Where It I* Regarded a* “Hardly Sane*’—Col. George T. Cana Say* He Will Exceedingly Regret the Consummation of the Plan. If an article In the Atlanta Journal re cently represents the attitude of Atlan tians, who are contemplating sending a team of marksmen to Sea Girt, the local members of th© Georgia team are agreed that Atlanta conception of what is or : not sportsmanlike is one of the wierdest products of the century’s latter end. “This action on Savannah’s part is hardly sportsmanlike,” says th© Journal story, referring to the protest ftied by the members of the team who have ll.ustrat ed Georgia for the past five years at Sea Girt, against a team being sent from ih. state after the manner in which the state was treated in the matter of the H1.t0., trophy, and quoting an Ailantian who fc> said to have been present on that occas ion. Then comes th© Atlanta interpretation of the code obtaining among 6portsmeil, upon which this statement is based. “The Georgians charged fraud in the target pit, and that there was fraud there would seem to be no room for doubt, but we do not believe that the Jerseymen, as an organization, were cognizant of the fraud “ Neither, by the same token, has Savan nah ever charged the Jerseymen with fraud. On the contrary, the officers of the team expressly repudiated the Idea of making any charges whatever against the association or tho range officers, di recting the evidence at their disposal, ana it was overwhelmingly abundant, at the markers in the pits. Their quarrel with the association under whose aus pices the matches at Sea Girt take place is founded on th© fact that their every effort to secure justice, from the time the first charge was made, was delayed, hin dered and finally denied. This in the face cf the fact, admitted by every unpreju dlce 1 observer from other states, and even by an Ailantian, quoted in the Journal, who was a member of ihe Georgia team, that “that there was fraud there would seem to be rio room for doubt ” The Journal article is unfortunately put. to say the least of it, and Savannah men were indignant when they read it. That the action of a dozen or more reputable citizens of Savannah, most of whom are officers in the state service, including the state inspector of rifle practice, men who enjoy the respect of every one here. whose acquaint ance with ihe ethics of rifle shoot ing and the laws of sport, as well as the code that obtains among gentlemen, can not be questioned, should be characterized by a member of the Georgia team as “hardly sportsmanlike” is not pleasing to them. Col. George T. Cann, state inspo tor gen eral of rifle practice and a leading member of the Georgia team at* Sea Girt for a number of years, when seen by a Morn ng News reporter expressed his regret at he appearance of the article. The team that lo©i the Hi t n it _ hrough unfair work in the j 1 s. r< pr. rented Georg.a In every sense of the term aid Col. Cann. “It was se.e.ted from i hose who went on to Sea Girt from vu rious points in thi6 state, after conic at the targets. Th© cor red mess of the position it assumed, the thoroughly court eous manner in which its contentions were the absolute lack of vituperation of the range officers or the New’ Jersej State Rifle Association and its conduct of the case throughout are approved by every man who is at once unprejudiced and familiar with the facts. The ev.denc© we offered was positive, direct and over whelming. We presented it in the assur ance that we would receive justice and when Jufi-tkte was denied us we determined not to appear again on the range. In this determination there is nothing unsports manlike, nor cafi it be made so by a mere assertion.” 'H we- er,” continued Col. Cnnn, “tha our ac.i n is unsportsmanlike is asserted by the X w Jersey officials in charge of the ranges at Sea Girt. That, of course is a ms:ter of op nlon and gto aphy, tut I should r gret exee dingly to s e the cid of Netij Jersey upheld and the side of Georgia besmirched and discredited by a team of Georgia men. When I o nader that ihis action was taken by us In con sidtratl n of what we esteemed a p.oosr regard for the dignity of the entire state, my surprise is increased; when I be.hlnk myself that the movement to stnd a team originates n a ci.y, one of whose citUens was debarred the range and absolutely attacked in his Integrity by the execu'.ve c mmit ee of the New Jersey State Rifle Association, I am amaz d." "I saw Capt. Hope, of the Governor’s Horse Guard, the organization that con templates sending the team to Sea Girt, when 'I was in Atlanta, a few days ago," said Col. Cann. "When he tod me what his troop thought of doing I endeavored to dissuade him, using arguments of which he admitted the justice. His only argument in reply was that the troop desired to defend the carbine trophy that it w n last year." "1 pointed out to Capt. Hope that if his team went to Sea Girt one of two things would happen. Either the New Jersey team would make no effort to win the Hilton trophy, saying they were willing Georgia should have It. and the victory, If won, would be a barron one, or else they would draw into their team marks men from anywhere and everywhere, whether they were members of the New Jersey National Guard or not. That they would do this in the future I am confi dent. because of what I know them to have done In the past. I also pointed out lo Capt. Hope that to discredit the aetjon of the Georgia team would be to aid the association that hod not given us Justice In discrediting the purpose of our protests and the purity of our motives." The article in the Journal says the At lanta team has about decided to go to Sea Girt, and that no attention will be paid to the protest of the Savannah team. In the team that shot for the Hilton trophy Savannah was represented by eleven men and Atlanta by one. Some Savannahlans are mean enough to say that the animus of the Atlanta project lies In the hope that with Savannah out of it, Atlanta will get a larger number of men on the teem and that to do this they are willing to dis credit last year's Georgia team or any body or anything else. If In Atlanta It Is consider red unsports manlike to refuse to abide a decision, holding that there was no fraud, when “that there was fraud there would seem to be no room for doubt," the local rifle shots think there must be o code of sporting ethics Issued exclusively and cir culated entirely In that enterprising city. It Is not known here. THINKS THEY SHOULD BE PnHPT. Taxpayers Filina Into the Tr. n.ur + r*a Offln* \on. The second quarter's taxes are now be ing paid at the city treasurer’s office. The taxes are not coming Is as rapidly as MaJ. Hardee and his assistants would like. The weather is very hot and they are anxious to avoid the usual rush at the close. As many of the taxpayers are business men and others having accounts with the hanks MaJ. Hardee sees no reason why this class of taxpayers should not send ’n their check* promptly without waiting until Monday, which la the last day. WILL BE ARGUED THIS MORNING. Case of Dr. Read A grain at City and Suburban Close* To-day. The case of Dr. James B. Read against the City and Suburban Railway Company was on trial in the City Court yesterday, and the introduction of evidence on behalf of both the plaintiff and defendant con tinued throughout the morning and after noon sessions of the court. The evidence introduced was exceedingly contradictory, the witnesses for the same side disputing the statements of each other. For the plaintiff It was testified by several witnesses that neither the mo torman nor conductor of the car that had been stopped by the drooping wire made any effort to warn Dr. Read or his driver of the impending danger, whle for the defendant it was testified with equal cer tainty, that ample and complete and ilmely warning had been given, to which Lloyd, the driver, had paid absolutely no attention. The plaintiff contends that unless such warning was given no negligence can be Imputed either to him or his driver, and that full blame for the resulting acc.dent must fall upon the railway. The ra.lw'ay ■ompany, however, cannot be Induced to take this view of the situation, and con tends that even without warning given to Dr. Read or the driver the accident could not have happened, if the occupants o he trap had taken ordinary and reason able precautions for their own safety. The Interrogatories of experts in the construct on of electrical reads and over head trolley system© were read to the jury in behalf of the company. This ev idence was to the effect that the system need by the City and Suburban Ral way Company was of modern construction and as safe as it could be made, only the be?t of materials, applian er- and workmanship being used in its instal ation. The evidence was completed before the iecess was taken, and the arguments will be made and the charge of the court de tivered this morning. It is probable that both Mr. O’Connor and Mr. Hartridge will speak for the plaintiff, while Mr. Os borne will make the argument for the railway. DRAGGED CALF BY HIS EARS. Cruel Treatment of Animal* on the Bull Street Dock. The surroundings at the w'harf foot of Bull street presented anything but an at tractive sight yesterday afternoon, a short time after ten calves shipped from Bluff ton had been dragged onto the wharf. The head of a society for the prevention of cruelty to animals would have had his hands full for a time, at least. Nine of the animals, w'hich were ship ped on the steamer Doretta for a Savan nah butcher, were strung to a post by small ropes not long enough to allow them to lie down without tightening the rope and choking them. These were able to w’aik after being released on the, but some two or three fell from exhaus .ion after being tied ashore. The tenth animal could not stand when released on the boat, and af ter resorting to many forms of excoriation, the men dragged it by <th© ears ashore, wh re it fell, and was loft King on the dock. During this time wag ons w'ere carelessly driven over the ani mal’s tail. , Policeman No. 16 was at the wharf dur ing the time, but did not see that the circumstances called for his attention. Section 143' of M tcDonell’s Code provides o penn’ty that covers cases of crueliy to animals. To BriinwvrlvW ami Return, 91.00 Via the Plan# Sypfetn, Sunday*. Tr a d'tlon to ihCharleston Surds’ excursions the P ant Syst m are s 11 g round-t:ip tickets to Brunswick, good or. .Sundays only, at rai© of $1 00 for the round trip. Tialns leave at 2:10 a. n. and 5:20 a. m —ad 919.48 to Cinciunati and Return Via Southern Railway. Account annual convention B. Y. F. U. of America. Through car service. Tickets on sale July 10. 11 and 12, final return limit July 18, 1900. James Freeman. City Pas senger and Ticket Agent, 141 Bull street.- ad. Pineapple, Ala., May 10. 1900—I do not hesitate to recommend Johnson’s Chill and Fever Tonic for Grip, and all forms of fever. I give it the highest possible In dorsement by using it in my own family. William H. Lloyd. Johnson’s Tonic doe© In a day what slow and uncertain quinine cannot do in ten days. It acts gently upon th© liver and sharpens the appetite. Use nothing else for fever.—ad. fhenp Excaraton Via 9. A. L. R>-. $5.00 to Jacksonville and return. Tickets will be sold July 14 and limited for return until July 29.—ad. To the Mountains. In the nick of time. Just when you are yawning and feeling tired out and broken down, a bottle of Graybeard is better than a trip to the mountains. Are you constipated? Take Graybeard pills. Little treasures—2sc 'be box. Ites pese Drug Cos.. Proprietor*.—ad. 91A.4R to Cluctnuati and Return Via Southern Hallway. Account annual convention B. Y. P. u. of America. Through car service. Tickets on sole July 10, 11 and 12, Anal return limit July 18, 1900. James Freeman, City Pas senger and Ticket Agent, 141 Bull street.— ad. American Whiskies. Llppman Brothers carry In stock ths most noted branda Antediluvian Is a celebrated whiskey, bottled by Osborne of New York, ana are safe In saying it la one of the best whiskies In the city. The Peoria Rye Whiskey, bottle In bond by Clark Bros, of Peoria, 111., la also a fine whiskey. The Peerless whiskey, bottled In bond at Hendersonville, Ky„ being under the su pervision of the United States government Insuring purity and strength. Llppman Bros are wholesale druggists, but they Intend to retail these An* whis kies .-ad. A Receiving Teller. A receiving teller at a good bank said that he was about to get sick. He felt tired all time; sleep did not refresh him; felt as If he ought to take vaeailon A pharmacist put him on Graybeard and two bottles complete.y overhaul.d him and made him about as good as new. Get Graybeard at all drug stores. Gray beard pills are treasures—2sc the box. Respesa Drug Cos., Proprietors.—ad. A Delicious Smolte. The Herbert Spencer Is an elegant cigar and Is truly a delightful enjoyment to inhale the fumes of this flna tobacco; It la exhilarating and delicious. See that tho name of Herbert Sper.cer Is on every wrapper of every cigar, with out which none are genuine. The Herbert Spencer cigars are only sold by the box of 50, Conchas at $3.50 and Perfectos, $4 50 at Llppman Bros., whole sale druggists. Barnard and Congress atreets, of this c'tv.-ad. “ -The Advertising Tralt.-"That actress' eyes are like diamonds." "Oh, no; she wouldn't want to lose them,"-Philadelphia 4* U 11*119 SUMMER HORSE CLOTHING. AH kinds of EAR NETS, SUN BONNETS FLY SHEETS, LAP DUSTERS, Congress and Wbihlpr Sts LEO FRANK. I. H l . 125 Cos urea Si, m. We handle the Yale & Towne Manufactur ing Company’s line of Builders’ Hardware. See these goods and get prices before plac ing your order else when Fishing Tackle, JAPANESE, tVOOD AND STEEL JOINTED RODS, REELS, LINES AND Hooks of All Kinds. EDVARD Ml’S SI. 113 BROUGHTON STREET. WEST LEMONS. ‘ Black Bye, and Cow Peas Potatoes, onion*. Peanuts, and all frufli and veg-etables In season Hay. Grain. Flour Feed Rice Straw Maelc Poultry and Stock Food. Our Owr T 213 and 215 BAT. WEST. W. D. SIMKINS & CO. BRENNAN BROS., WHOLESALB Fruit, Produce, Grain, Etc. >22 BAY STREET. Wilt. Telephone SS. COWSFORT For your stock The fly section Is now oa us and the time to use Tough on Flies, a lotion when applied %vlli prevent youi horses and cattle from being peaterad. Try It and be convlnoed. HAY, GRAIN. BRAN. COW CHICKEN FEED. etc. T. J. DAVIS. Phone 223. U 8 Bay street, west DUCRO’S E Alimentary LIXIR Is highly rtcommemled as a remedy for lung diseases and as a preventive for typhoid. malarial and all kinds of levers Asenta, K. FAugern A Cos., New York PROPOSALS WANTED. '^OVERNC^^lSLANDr^r^Y?irrJul>' 11, 1900.—Sealed proposals, in triplicate, for furnishing Forage and Straw required in Dept, of the East, during fiscal year ending June 30, 1901, will be received here and at places indicated in instructions is sued hereunder, until 12 m., Aug. 10, 1900. U. S. reserve® right to reject or accept any or nil proposals or any parts thereof. Information furnished on application. En velopes containing proposals will be In dorsed “Proposals for Forage and Straw at .” Jas. M. Moore, A. Q. M. G. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. 1342 Vermont ave. and lowa Circle, Washington, D. C. Boarding School for young ladles. Send for catalogue. Miss Mary Davenport Chenoweth, Mrs. Elizabeth C. Sloan. JOHN C. BUTLER, Faints, Oil* and Glass, sash. Doors, Blind* and Uulldera’ Supplies. Plain and Decora tive Wall Paper. Foreign and Cements, Lima. Plaster and Hair. Sot Agent for Abestlne Cold Water Paint. JO Congress street, west, and 1* SL Julia* struct. west. J. D. WEED * CO SAVANNAH, OA. Leather Belting, Steam Packing & Bos’- Agents for NEW YORK RUBBER BELTING AND PACKING COMPAN*-