The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, July 12, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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the CITY'S FINANCIAL STATUS. m \L STATEMENT OF EA- I'|;>DITIKES A (iOOD SHOWING. Expenditures* Hove Been Kept in pounds* During tlie First Six Months Honse Dralnaße find ponrd of Health Have Exceeded \p!ropr iations but With Good Henson— Strertu and Lane* and I’aving Apparently in Excess, hut l„rne Amounts* Due Both Accounts! for Street Inipro\emeutst and Side walk** the meeting of City Council yester ,]gl afternoon the second quarterly state ri,-;■.* of the year, showing the expendi t ( of the city departments for the six ni n s ending June 30, was submitted by ( l*rk of Council Bailey. The appropria (rk of Council Bailey. Th* showing is regarded as a very sat isfactory one, the number of appropria ton which are overdrawn being more than balanced by the number which are underdrawn. The house drainage account fhows the largest excess, the expenditures for this work bang $33.363.95, while the appropriation was only $75,000, showing d u excess of $18,303.05. This is due to the f (l rt that it was deemed advisable to push i c :,.use drainage work while all the con (]j;i r.s were favorable and the forces well organized rather than to leave the entire sy.'iem in an incomplete state. As matters ~ now nearly three-fourths of the sys tem is ready for use. Tli • appropriation for ihe streets and lanes is apparently overdrawn, but this is explained by the fact that $12,117.96 of :he amount represents expenditures for jch walks which amount is to be paid ba k into the city treasury. In the same manner the paving department appears to be overdrawn, but of the reported expen diture $16,897.38 represents assessments charged against abutting property own ers for street improvements which amount also to be repaid the city. The statement is as follows: j Appro- | Kxpen | priatlon] ditures. Hea1th........ $ 15 500 00|$ 55S 92 - • docks | 250 001 102 00 Colonial Park (deferred] payment and interest)) 1,150 00| 1,112 50 City lamp j 37,000 00] 18,127 07 Crematories j 6,009 00] 813 30 Dispensary | 5,800 00] 3,213 80 Drainage and dry cul ture ] 11.000 00 ] 3,494 17 Fire uniforms | 3,000 00; 1,243 35 Fire department, main-] tenance j 69,000 00 ! 36.175 51 Fire department, new] improvements i 4,00) 00j Fire department, de-| ferred payment, en-| gin© house, No. 2 j 2,307 17 ] 2,307 17 Harbor and wharves..j 750 00j 157 11 Hospitals j 10,80)00] 5,700 00 House drainage ] 75,000 0)j 93,303 95 House drainage, notes,| Rourke, M. ■& D | 6,586 60] 0,667 50 Incidentals | 4,000 00j 1,955 70 Interest, bonded debt..j 162,500 00j 63,146 15 Laurel Grove Cemetery| 5,500 00 ] 2,552 33 Market j 5,250 00] 2,553 17 Opening streets, includ-j ing deferred payments] 35,000 00] 26,128 29 Parks and squares | 8,000 00j 4,190 81 Paving streets | 20 000 001 28.320 28 Police | 82,000 00] 43,203 54 Police Court, refund-] ing tine, Eli Veruki,] no appropriation ] j 100 00 Police uniforms and] overcoats | 4,000 00] 2,635 40 Police reserve, appro-j priatlon white militia,] | including Third Divis-j ion Naval Battalion,) G. T ] 3,000 00} 1.500 00 Printing and stationery) 2,500 00‘ 1.622 6t Public buildings ] 1,500 00] 1,039 17 Quarantine, no appro! priatlon j ! ISO 00 Storm sew'ers j 5,000 00J 114 00 Salaries j 36.260 00] 21,449 88 Scavenger department.! 27,000 00! 12,90180 Sink department (O. E.l M.) | 7,000 00 ) 3.052 05 Sinking fund j 47.000 00] 23JJ64 00 Strelets end lanes | 57,500 00) Streets and lanes | j 21,422 17 Sidewalks J | 12,417 96 Taxes, no appropria-] rion , ( j 189 99 Water works j 30.000 001 13,658 13 Water mains extension) 3,500 00 1 Plumbing inspector,] special appropriation.] 200 00! 114 05 Entertainment Admiral] Dewey, special ap-j propriation | 663 451 663 45 City map (new), spe-j clal appropriation | 250 00] 250 00 It will be seen that the Board of Health appropriation is very heavily over drawn there only remaining $2,121.03 out rf an appropriation of $15,501. This, it will he easily understood, is due to the extra "xi enditures incurred by the city in the stepr taken by the health department to prevent the spread of smallpox during the recent epidemic and in caring for the pa tl nts who were taken to the pcs’house. The salary account apptars to bes ;me "lit: overdrawn also, there being only $14.810. 12 left out of an appropriation of $.'.6 2fo. IT I,AW OVER HIS TROUSERS. Tailor and Barber Made Fnn In a Magistrate** Conrt. A pair of patched trousers belonging to o colored barber, a dollar and a half bill for the repairs, and an irate tailor who rouldb’t collect, were the elements yester day in a magistrate's court of a first-class comedy that several times verged on the tragic. The tailor, the plaintiff, conducted his own case, which briefly stated, according to his side of the matter, was to the ef fect that a colored barber, the defendant, I ! brought to him to he patched, pressed " 1 otherwise renovated, a pair of trous ers which, when subsequently returned to him, he had kept for a length of time nnd 'hen disclaiming ownership had refuwed PJmen* for the work. The defendant averred that the trou "ts wore not his that he had not taken them to the tailor, and that he had at no ’hne promised to pay for them. Numerous wltnessts were put on the s'an.i by the defendant to prove that the Pursers belonged to one Jlnt Howard no : nger a resident of this city, and that ' -aid Howard had bought, paid fr, acd worn the trousers to a frazzle, of w hich the much discussed i atch in the r : ' was cited :n support. The court loom was crowded with spec tators, who derived no end of amusement Pent the plaintiff-lawyer’s cross examtna * e, of the witnesses, his appeals to the ft. the spectator*, nnd the jury, and J bitter invectives against the counsel the defendant, nil of which were to f'tp'd up together as to leave much room t”r doubt at times as to just what he was ’ liking about. But the crowning feature ' Pie performance came when the wlt for the plaintiff waa put on the "and It looked as though It would be a roiigfi house for some time, as the ques ' of the attorney as to the witnesses' ‘bihloyment brought forth an emphatic p cly that It waa none of his business, “ 1 upon the examination being continued 'he same line she first told the law p r that he was "sassy,” and then feeling ’ u an even stronger adjective was 'd'd to expiesa her feel asserted with flushing eyes ’bft he was ''cheeky.” This last epithet Sf med to strike her as being about the rl _' ,|i word with which to vent her Indlg- II Poti, for she retreated It several times v 1,1 growing emphasis, latter she hurl 'd 'ho lawyer the Information that * *** no gentleman, and tha If be con- “I’m Mirk* To jro anywhere with my face in this condition,” is the expression of a very natural feeling. To a beautiful woman an eruption on the face is the greatest of calamities, her very beauty seeming to increase the disfigurement. Ninety eight times in every hundred, eruptions are cured by Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery, and the skin recovers its maiden bloom and softness. " Golden Medical Discovery ” is a medicine which acts directly on the blood, purifying it, increasing its quantity and its rich ness. Eruptions, blotches, pimples, etc., are but surface signs of the corrupt blood current underneath. " Discovery” cleanses the blood, and so cleanses the skin. "For about one year and a half mv face was very badly broken out," writes Miss Carrie Adams, of n6 West Main St.. BaTtlecreek, Mich. "I spent a great deal of money with doctors and for different kinds of medicine, but received no benefit. At last I read one of your advertise ments. and obtained a bottle of Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery. Before I had taken one bottle of this medicine I noticed a change, and after taking three bottles I was entirely cured.” Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets keep the bowels in healthy condition. tinued to ask such questions she would come “down there and slap his face,” During this exchange of legal amenities the plaintiff took a wordy part, alternate ly upbraiding the lawyer, entreating the magistrate to put a stop to it, and com manding the witness not to answer. The lawyer and the spectators laughed out right, the magistrate and his officers pounded for order and the whole place was in an uproar. The trial lasted nearly two hours and a decision was finally rendered in favor of the defendant, the man who didn’t own the pants with the patch. THE WEATHER. Forecast for Thursday and Friday: Georgia and South Carolina: Partly cloudy Thursday and Friday; fresh southerly winds. Eastern Florida: Fair in eastern; local rains in western portion Thursday ajid Friday; fresh southerly winds. Western Florida: Partly cloudy Thurs day and Friday; fresh southerly winds. Yesterday’s Weather at Savannah- Maximum temperature,ll:lo am. 88 degrees Minimum temperature, 6 am... 76 degrees Mean temperature 82 degrees Normal temperature 81 degrees Excess of temperature 1 degree Accumulated excess since July 1 21 degrees Accumulated deficiency since Jan. 1 165 degrees Rainfall 00 inch Normal 17 inch Deficiency since July 1 1.25 inches Deficiency since Jan. 1 77 inch River Report.—The hight of the Savan nah river at Augusta ac 8 a. m., 75th me ridian time, j’esterday, was 8.5 feet, a rise of 0.3 foot during the preceding twen ty-four hours. Cotton Region Bulletin, Savannah, Ga., for the twenty-four hours ending ut 8 a. m.. 75th meridian time, July 11, 1900. Stations of Min. j Rain Savannah district. |Tem.|Tem.{ fall. Alapaha, Ga., clear ] 90 | 70 | .00 Albany, clear j 93 j 73 j .00 Americus, pt. cloudy ....] 91 j 73 ] .00 Bainbridge, clear | 95 ] 70 j .11 Eastman, clear j 92 j 72 j .00 Fort Gaines, clear j 92 j 73 j .00 Gainesville, Fla., clear ~| 100 j 75 | .00 Millen, Ga., pt. cloudy ..) 97 71 j .00 Quitman, pt. cloudy ....j 91 j 68 j .37 Savannah, pt. cloudy ....] 91 1 76 j .00 Thomasville, clear ] 91 ] 70 j .35 Waycross, clear | 97 | 71 | .00 Special Texas Rainfall Reports: Hous ton, TANARUS, Tyler, .06, Abilene, TANARUS, Palestine, .10. Missing Data: Gainesville, Fla., July 10, 97. 74 . 00; clear Heavy Rains—Brookhaven, Miss., 2.30. 1 (Dlst. Averages, | No. | ] 1 1 Bta-!Max.l Mln.|Rala Central Stations. |tionsjTem.|Tero.| fall. A tie nfa | 1 2 | "88 | 66~|"7r Augusta ! 11 j 92 | 70 | .00 Charleston | 5 | 90 | 72 | T Galveston | 29 j 94 | 70 j .01 Liltle Rock j 12 | 92 | 68 j .00 Memphis j 16 | 90 | 66 | .00 Mobile | 7 ] 90 j 72 | .00 Montgomery j 8 j 94 j 70 | T New Orleans j 14 j 92 | 70 | .22 Savannah | 12 | 93 | 72 j .07 Vicksburg | 11 [ 90 | 68 | .22 Wilmington | 10 88 | 70 | .00 Remarks—As a rule temperatures are in creasing again, while showers have oc curred In the Galveston, Vicksburg, New Orleans, Montgomery, Savannah and Charleston districts. Observations takfn at the same moment of time at all stations, July 11, 1900, 8 p. m., 75tli meridian time: Names of Stations. } T | *V jltaln. Boston, pt. cloudy | 74 | 12 | .00 New York city, clear ~..| 78 j 30 | .00 Philadelphia, clear | 80 | 18 | .00 IVashlngton city, clear ...| 82 | L j .00 Norfolk, pt. cloudy | 80 | 12 | .00 Hatteras, clear j 78 i 14 | .00 Wilmington, clear | 78 [ 12 | .00 Charlotte, cloudy | 82 | 12 | T Raleigh, pt. cloudy | 82 | 10 | .00 Charleston, cloudy | 80 | 14 f .03 Atlanta, cloudy | 76 j 8 | .10 Augusta, cloudy | 84 | 10 | .00 Savannah, pt. cloudy ....) 80 | L | .00 Jacksonville, cloudy j 80 | 6 | .00 Jupiter, cloudy | 82 | 14 | .00 Key West, Cloudy j 82 j 12 | .00 Tampa, raining | 74 | 14 | .24 Mobile, cloudy | 80 | 6 J T Montgomery, raining | 76 | 1- 1.46 Vicksburg, cloudy | 82 | 12 | .00 New Orleans, cloudy ...l 80 | 8 | .60 Galveston, pt. cloudy | 84 ] 8 j .00 Corpus Chris 1. clear | 82 j 18 j .22 Palestine, clear | 74 j 6 | .12 Memphis, cloudy | 76 |Calm| .00 C nclnnatl, cloudy | 84 | 8 | .00 Pittsburg, cloudy j 81 j 8 [ .to Buffalo, cloudy | 72 j 14 | .01 Detroit, clear | 66 | 12 | .06 Chicago, cl ar | 62 | IS | .0) Marquette, clear | 64 | 10 | .04 St. Paul, clear | 74 | L | .00 Davenport, clear | 72 ( L | .00 St. Louis, cloudy | 78 | 8 | .28 Kansas City, clear j 84 j 6 | .04 Oklahoma, pt. cloudy ....j 83 , 6 | .00 Dodge city, clear | 92 j 10 | .00 North Platte, clear | 81 | li | .00 T. for temperature; V. for velocity. 11. B. Boyer, Weather Bureau. Booker Washington's Visit. Booker T. Washington will arrive this morning from Charkstcn, and will speak at the Congregational Church at 10:30 o'clock, and at night at the Greene Square Church. Ills wife will address the women Ibis afternoon at one of the colored churches. THE MORNING NEWS: THURSDAY, JULY 12. 1000. STUART R. KNOTT IN DEMAND. HAS BETA EI.ECTF.n PRESIDENT OF THE KANSAS CITY SOITHEIIX. Mr. Knott Declined to Discus* the Matter I.ast Night—Report Appears to Come Tretty Straight Mr. Knott Only Has a Fe,v Days More to Spend in Savannah—Seoboar.l Officials Flense,l AVith Their In spection of Ihe System. Mr. Stuart R. Knott, whose resigna tion as vice president of the Plant Sys tem was recently announced, seems to be In demand in the railroad world. A dis patch to the Morning: News from Kansas City announces that he hits been elected president of the Kansas City Southern, with headquarters in that city. An As sociated Press dispatch states that it is rumored that President S. W. Fordice of the Kansas City Southern Jias resigned, and that Mr. Knott would be elected to fill the vacancy. Mr. Knott was called up by telephone last night, but declined to discuss the matter. Ho admitted that he had heard something of it, but declined to say any thing about the matter at all. As to how long he expected to remain in Savannah Mr. Knott said “several days.” “Will you leave on July 15?” he was asked. “No,” he replied. The Kansas City Southern was former ly the Kansas City. Pittsburg and Gulf. It recently passed through the hands of the court, Mr. Fordice being one of the receivers. It is 786 miles long, and runs from Kansas City to Port Arthur, being Known as the “Port Arthur Route.” It is understood to be a part of the Chicago and Alton in the recent consolidation. PLEASED WITH THEIR. TRIP. Seaboard Official* on Their Retqrn to PortMtnouth. Vice President St. John and party, who have been making a tour of the Seaboard System, passed through the city yester day morning en route to Portsmouth, hav ing completed their tour. They spent a couple of hours in the city, and reported themselves very much pleased with the condition of affairs which they found throughout the Georgia and Florida divis ions of the system. LOCAL PERSONAL,. Mr. J. W. Bigham of Atlanta is at the Pulaski. Mr. Thomas Egleston of Atlanta is at the De Soto. Mr. M- Patz of Bluffton is registered at the Pulaski. Mr. E. B. Cohen of Athens is registered at the PtTaski. Mr. John B. D. Paulk of Irwinton is the guest of the Pulaski. Mr. Harold Hirsch of Atlanta is regis tered at the Pulaski. Mr. A. C. McAlpin of Bluffton is the guest of the Pulaski. Mr. Warren Fletcher of Irwlnton is reg istered at the Pulaski. Mr. D. F. Crowell of Winston is reg istered at the De Soto. Mr. J. R. Emerson of Kirkwood is reg istered at the Pulaski. Hon. Henry G. Turner of Quitman was in the city yesterday. Mr. John D. Bradley of Hagan is reg istered at the Screven. Mrs. J. V. Perry of Waynesville is reg istered at the Screven. Mr. Tester Tittle left over the Southern yesterday for Washington. Mr. A. J. McArthur of Gainesville, Fla., is the guest of the Pulaski. Mrs. J. H. Rimer, Jr., of Union Springs, Ala., Is the guest of the De Soto Mr. E. A. Hawkins of Americus was registered at the Pulaski yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Bacon left via the Southern yesterday for Waynesville. Mrs. R. D. Thompson left yesterday for Thomasville, to visit relatives and friends. Mr. J. T. Holder of Bumpkin was among the arrivals at the Pulaski yester day. Mr. A. J. Conoley of Quitman was in Ihe city yesterday the guest of the Pu laski. Mr. S. H. Oohen, a well known citizen of Augusta, is spending a few days at Tybee. Mr. James B. Clements of Irwinton was among the arrivals at the Pulaski yes terday. Mr. T. R. Slappey of Hagan was in the city yesterday, the guest of the Screven. Mr. E. D. Graham of Mcßae passed through the city yesterday on his way to Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Meyere were among the passengers of the Southern yesterday for Oliver Springs, Tenn. Prof. Leo W. Mehrtens returned yester day from New York, where he went to arrange for the passage of Mrs. Mehr tens. who was to have sailed on the ill fated Bremen. The burning of the big ship made it difficult to obtain passage for Hamburg, but after some difficulty, Mrs. Mehrtens was booked for the Pho necia of the Hamburg-Bremen line, July 7. CITY BREVITIES. The children's cake u*lk and dance will be given at Hotel Tybee to-night. H. W. B. Glover, freight traffic mana ger of the Seaboard Air Line, with head quarters at Norfok was in the city yes terday. The July quarterly meeting of the Cam era Club was held last night. After the business meeting Mr. F\ M. Weller gave a demonstration of the use of Dixie paper. A good deal of attention was attracted last night by the handsome specimen of the night blooming cereus at J. H. Helm ken’s Cafe at Liberty and Whitaker streets. The plant which is several years old is about four feet high and had on it last night eight fully developed flowers. A large number of persons called during the evening to see it. The temperature was lower yesterday than it has been for some time, n change that was much appreciated. The maxi mum for the day was only 88 degrees, ar.d this hight was reached shortly after -11 o’clock. The minimum was 76 de grees, which occurred at 6 a. m. The state forecast for to day and to-morrow Is partly cloudy weather, with fresh south winds. A set line drifting astern from the pilot boat Estill, while lying off the bar buoy, the other night, caught a mammoth shark, measuring eleven fee-4 eight Inches, It required the use of capstan to get the fish aboard. An examination of the In terior of Its anatomy discovered no boots, tin pans, belaying pins or other articles which are supposed to find rest In that place. A couple of stone crabs were the only undigested material for a dinner. James S. Morel. Jt., was taken to the bariacks yesterday afternoon for safe keeping owing to an attack of dementis which threatened violent outbursts. His unfortunate condition wae discovered some months ago nnd he was sent to the state sanitarium. Recently he returned appar ently completely recovered, but within the last few days the old trouble returned. Pay before yesterday he eluded the mem bers of the household and disappeared, occasioning considerable alarm for his personal safety, *s when he was last seen he was on the Plant System tra.ks headed toward Southover Junction. The railroad watchmen and the police were notified to kelp * look out for blip. He The Salt that Never Sticks FAVORITE Table Salt Sold in air tight boxes by all grocers. Five and ten cent sizes. DIAMOND CRYSTAL SALT CO., St. Clair. Mich. HENRY SOLOMON * SON. Sole Distributing Ageita. was returned home uninjured, but yester day developed another and more violent attack, and as It was feared he might do violence an ambulance was sent for and he was taken, to the barracks. ORDERED OVER TO CHINA. I.teut . B. Pritchard. Jr, to Flub# the Mongol*. A part of the Ninth United States Cav alry has been ordered to China. Lieut. G. B. Pritchard, Jr., of Savannah, is a first lieutenant In the Ninth, and is now in Texas. Lieut. Pritchard failed to fret in the mix up during:’the Spanish-American war, but he stands a good chance now of winning: glory and promotion fighting: the heathen Chinee. For Attempt to Mar tier. Robert Grant, colored, was arrested last night by Patrolman Barrett on a charge of assault with intent to murder an un known colored woman, whom he is said to have attacked with a knife. PUT IN A BUSY DAY. Continued from First Page. black man training coupled with the high est intelligence, in agriculture, the trades, the domestic arts as a foundation for citi zenship Thee© will -constitute the ground work for higher and more important oc cupations as the world judges. “But we. as black people and you as white people,, should remember, that mere material, visible possessions, however im portant, will not alone solve our problem, and that education of both races will be a failure unless we keep constantly before u.s the fact, that the final aim of all edu cation, whether industrial or academic, is to produce goodness of heart, honesty of purpose and that generosity of soul which will make us seek the elevation and free dom of all men regardless of class or race. The South will prosper in proportion as with development In agriculture, in mines, domestic arts and manufacturing, there goes that education which brings respect for law, broadens the heart, sweetens the nature and makes us feel that we are our ‘‘brother’s keeper” whether that brother was born in England, Italy, Africa or the Islands of the Seas.” Otlirrs Were Heard. President Joseph Swain, University of Indiana, spoke on “The State University.” The committee on nom : nations, which wa-s announced by President Corson at the morning session, will meet to-morrow at noon to make 'the nominations of officers for the ensuing year. Their report will be submitted to the convention Friday. ‘Nearly all of the departments held meetings during the afternoon. The kin dergarten educators held their first ses sion in Hibernian Hall. After the wel coming addresses, papers were read by Mrs. Clarence E. Meleney of New York; Philander P. Claxton of the State Nor mal College at Greensboro, N. C.. ami Miss Harriet Niel. director of the Hearst Kin dergarten, Washington. The department of secondary education heard a paper on the extent the pupil in the high school should be allowed to choose his studies, by William J. S. Bry an, principal of the High School, St. Louis. Oliver S. Westcott, principal of Jhe North Division High School, Chicago, read a paper on teaching pupils the cor rect use of the English language. The papers were followed by discussions, In which a number of educators partici pated. There was a good attendance at the ses sion of the higher education department and several interesting papers were read. The first speaker was President Charles F. Thwing, Western Reserve University, Cleveland. His topic was ‘‘The Satisfac tion of Being a College President.” Bfvnln on State Aid. President Joseph Swain, Indiana Uni versity, read a paper on ''State Aid to Higher Education.” He said, in part: "These are essential not only to the prosperity but oven to the existence of a free state. “The ultimate control of and the re sponsibility for education must rest with the state. "It is the function of the statfe to pro vide educational opportunities limited only by the ability of its citizens to embrace these opportunities. Has the .skilled phy sician most benefited himself or the com munity? Has the teacher most benefited himself or his pupils? Graduates of uni versities could not, if they w-ould, ap propriate to themselves the fru ts of their university training. The university Is sometimes opposed on ihe ground that It Is unjust to tax men of modest means to support higher Instruction, as none but the wealthy can go to college. Statistics do not support such a view, as more than half of the students in many of our state institutions are sons and daughters of farmers and mechanics. 'Hie state insti tution furnishes a common meeting ground where the young men and young women of the state are free from any in fluence except those accepted by the state Itself. It becomes a forum where the rising young men and wo men of the whole state may know one another and value one, another rightly. Can we not depend on wealthy men wholly to furnish higher education? This would be un-American. Wealthy men might grade our roads, build our court houses, conduct our courts, do anything for the public good, if the state ehotiH neglect these matters, or turn them over to private hands. But this would not release the people from their duty In the mutter. The people have safety only in Independence. The state can secure unsectarian Instruction, unpartison Institutions only by providing these Itself. This does not in the least disl>arage the existence of private and denomentlonal Institutions, but Indicates that these alone are not sufficient. "The great problem of our day, scien tific, historical, political and industrial, can best bo settled by those who hove spe cial training for their work. We are liv ing in an age when there Is a demand for re-examination of all things. We are not satisfied simply because a belief or cus tom had the sanction of our lathers. We are not willing to say that anything Is true or that any method is the best method until all the facts available are examined by those who know how to estimate the value of data. The modem university is an Institution' where all sub jects are considered of equal value and the great ambition of the teacher of each subject Is first to gain a complete mast try of his subject, and then to assist his stu dent to such mastery: and In the second place to contribute something to the sum total of human knowledge In his own line of work. The university does not do Its duty to Ihe state If it does not In some de gree at least widen the field of human knowledge. It js chiefly through the dis coveries and contributions of original workers that those facts and principles are discovered through which the stale seeks a more advanced stage of civiliza tion and culture.” Other Speeches suit Tapers. There was considerable discussion par ticipated in, mainly by. Chancellor Kirk- land of Vanderbilt University. Nashville, and President Baker of the University of Colorado. Normal school problems of the South were discussed by the department of nor mal schools. Among the papers read were those by Prof. Frissell, presi dent of the Hampton (Va.) Normal; Charles P. Molver. presiden of the State Normal at Greensboro, N. C. Hon. G. R. Glenn, superintendent of education for Georgia, and Booker T. Washington participated briefly in the discussion. Much interest was shown in the papers read at the department of child study. Miss Marion Brown of New Orleans had for her topic “Is There a Nationality Problem In Our Public Schools?” For tlie Afflicted. The departmen4 of education for the deaf, blind and feeble-minded held their opening session during the afternoon. Af ter President Wilkin?on of California had read his annual address, papers were presented by j. n_ Dobvns of Jackson, Miss.; N. F. Walker, Spartanburg, S. C\; Mjss Mary S. Garrett. Philadelphia; Dr. F. W. Booth, editor of the Official Edu cators’ Paper, and Mary Foster Wash burn© of Chicago. The library department was addressed by Miss Mae Schreiber of Madison. Wis., on how to direct children’s reading. The department of Indian education, opened its session July 5, adjourn ed to-day. The meetings have been well attended. During the sessions practical papers upon topics concerning tin wel fare of the red man were, read, and ad dresses made by eminent educators who have made the study of the Indian prob lem their life work. The keynote of the entire meeting was that the Indian must he made to work, and more attention should he given to industrial training. THE NEWS IHO>l >1 AC’OX. Indications There Arc That Valdosta W ill Get tlie Fair. Macon, Ga., July 11.—Many delegates are gathering to-night for The Wheat Grow ers’ Convention to-morrow. President Pope Brown is here and will call the con vention together. Mayor Bi tdges Smith will deliver the addr. ss cf welcome. The Executive Committee of the State Agricultural Society is here, ami to-mor row at noon will meet a committee of re sponsible Valdosta citizens, who will make a bid for the state fair. The indi cations are that Valdosta will get what she asks, as the executive committeemen are very favorable to her. Additional counsel was employed to-day to assist Oily Attorney Mincer Wimberly in appealing from Judge Speer’s decision, which declared the paving ordinances en forced by the various cities of the stale as null and void, because unconstitution al. Rev. F. F. Reese of Christ Church To day announced his declination of the call that had been made to him to become rector of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church at Richmond, Va. John Cole, a negro wanted for murder at Fernandira, Fla ~ was captured here to-day by a decoy package in the South ern Express office. He is said to have fired into a room where some negroes were dancing and killed one. LEGAL. SALES. Sheriff’s Office, City Court of Savannah. Savannah. Ga., July 12, 1900. UNDER and by virtue of an execution issuing out of the City Court of Savannah in favor of the Standard Building and lioan Association of Montgomery', Ala., against James IMeGuire, I have this day levied upon the, following described prop erty us the property of defendant, to-wit: All that lot, tract, or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the county of Chatham, and state of Georgia, and In the city’ of Savannah, and known and des ignated on the map of the ©aid city os the northern half of lot nineteen. North Oglethorpe ward, having a front on Ol ive street of seventy’-three feet and nine inches and a rectangular depth, fronting on Farm street, of forty-eight feet and five inches, together with all and singular the hereditament© and appurtenance© therunto belonging or in anywise apper taining. And I will proceed to ofrer same for sale, at public outcry, on the first Tues day in August, 1900 (same being the 7th day of the month), during the and usual hours of sale, in front of the Court House door in Chatham county', to satis fy ©aid execution. Defendant notified of levy'. Property described In execution. Terms cash, pur chaser paying for titles. E. J. WHELAN, Sheriff C. C. S. j,i64t nomlss, OF CREDITORS.—In the District Court of the United States for the Southern Dis trict of Georgia, Eastern Division. In the matter of Joseph W. Williamson, Bankrupt. In Bankruptcy. To the Cred itors of Joseph W. Williamson, of Jerome. Ga., in the Comity of Bulloch, and district aforesaid, a bankrupt: Notice Is hereby given that on the 10th day of July, A. D, 1900, the said' Joseph W. Williamson waa duly adjudicated bankrupt; and that the first meeting of his creditors will be held at the office of the referee. No. 4 Bryan street, east, in Savannah, Ga.. on the 224 day of July. A. D. 1900, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, at which time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and transact such other business as many properly come before said meeting. A. H. MacDONKDU, Referee in Bankruptcy'. July 10. 1900. H. B. Strhnge, Attorney for Bankrupt. SUMMER RESORTS. PERSONS WANTING country in private family should address Mrs. J. H. Merchant, Dana, N. C. tllUAliOltl. PARTICULARS OK WILSON & GAN non's summer school ran be had at 13 Ma con street, east, between 9 and 11 a. m, "mARY"BaLDWIN SEMINARY, KOR young ladies; term begins Sept. 6, 1900; located In Shenandoah valley of Virginia; unsurpassed climate, beautiful grounds and modern appointments; 220 students past session from 27 states; terms mod erate; pupils enter any time; send for cat alogue. Miss K. C. Weimar, Principal, Staunton, Va. MISCELLANEOUS. "electric SUPPLIES, DYNAMOS, motors, fans, bells, lights insulted. Sa vannah Electric Company, 40 Drayton. ELECTRO PLATING, ELECTRIC Re pairing, contacting and construction. Sa vannah Electric Company. 40 Drayton. GoodPqsitions 4^^c^§ECURED Ip- ' B/AefiVeVide ayral^ femeUl Young Men Women gaiMK- practical > ' Business (odrse jj[CHMONo; 5 I **Y b *Sa { Gfawwu&tfa' CO LIE G ES .1 Stud for CataJogut- , {/fl/ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. PERSONAL tion when the sun is glaring and daz zling—eyes weaken, blinking, smarting and running water; tinted spectacle* will strengthen for outdoor work; white spec tacles to stop headaches for Inside work; in buying from the Fegeas retiring-out sale the price will not blind U; new screw or rivet replaced in old frames for 10r. 28 East Broughton. Hair, Jewelry and Shav ing Supply House. If YOU WANT BARGAINS IN FUR niture, attend the auction sale at 1011 West Broad street, 10 o'clock to-morrow. Youmans & Demmond, auctioneers ~FI .OR A L DESIGNS” FLOWERS A NTT plants, at Gardner’s Bazaar, agent Oel schig’s Nursery. ART METAL STOOLS. CHAIRS AND tables for up-to-date confectioners, drug stores and restaurants. C. P. Miller, Agi. ENGLISH FOLDING GO-CARTS, something now, for the babies; c*n l>e taken on street cars. C. P. Miller, Aff. HAMMOCKS, " HAMMOCK ST CHEAP ones; nice ones; fine ones; closing them out cheap this week. C. P. Miller, Agent, 207 Broughton, west. * "FINE RICHFIELD IAMB AT ”BA ker’s,” every day; best of all other moats in market. BERMUDA LAWN GRASS SEED, AT Giirdner’s Bazaar. CASH BUY KRS’ PICNIC* EVERY DAY thi week; our large stock must be re duced, and wo w ill exchange it cheap for cash. C. I*. Miller, Agent, 207 Broughton, west. RING UP 2464 IF YOU WANT TO have your furniture moved or packed for shipment or storage; 1 guarantee prices the same as I do the work that’s given to me. A. S. Griffin, 314 Broughton street, west - mattresses made to order. ~IF~ITS _ nrGS YOU WANT. YOU CANT get them cheaper from McGlllis. PULLEY BELT" RUCKLES. WORTH 50c, for 30c, ut Gardner’s Bazaar. BALDWIN DRY AIR REFRIGERA tors, stlil In the lead; also full line of ic© boxes, from $3 up. C. P. Miller, Agent, 207 Broughton, west. ‘'MILLER’S AWNINGS GIVE RATI9- faction; you had better get our estimate and let ns put you up one at once. C. P. Miller, Agent, 207 Broughton, west. u ITER COOLERS, A i.L SIXES. FROM SI.OO up. C. P. Miller, Agent, 207 Brough ton, west. M’GILLIfi SELLS SIXTY-INCH RUGS —Smyrna patterns—for 99 cents. "WEDDING PRESENTS, SCHOOL presents, presents of all kinds; large va rieties at low prices. C. P. Miller, ugent, 207 Broughton, wtst. BTGILLIB IS CHEAP ON RUGS, NETS, lace curtains, hammocks, water coolers, pillows, pictures, stoves, bedroom suites, and furniture of every descrijrtlon. ‘ MOSQUITO NETS. 98 CENTS. AND up; till grades of American imported lac# with best fixture©, at reasonable prices. C. I’. Miller, Agent, 207 Broughton, west. (' ROQITET SF.TS.~73c ~GROK INOLE, $1.25, at Gardner’s Bazaar. "MOILLLS- LACE CURTAINS “WILL beautify your parlor. WHEN YOU SEE~M’GTLLIS~SIXTY- Inch 99 cents rugs, you will buy them. Just can’t help it; will sell In any quan tity. “FURNITURE MOVED WITH CARE.” is a specialty with McQUJIe ‘m’otlltb moves, packs; BHIP3 and stores pianos and furniture; best work only'; no ”Cheap-John” prices—no “Cheap- John” Jol>s. MEDICAL. LADIES! CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH Pennyroyal Pills are the best. Safe, re liable, Take no other. Send 4c stamps fo® particulars. “Relief for Ladles,” In letter by return mail. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Cos., Phllada., Pa. ' HOW ARE TOUR FEET? IF YOUR feet are troubling you, call on me and I will give you relief; I cure ingrowing nails, corns and all diseases of the feet without pain; charges reasonable; can give the best references In the city; pa tients treated at residences; orders can be left at Livingston's drug store. Bull and Congress streets; telephone 293. Lem Davis, surgeon chiropodist. — —' i... HELP WASTED—MALE. FOR UNITED STATES army, able bodied unmarried men between ages of 21 and 33; citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. Recruits are specially desired for service in Philippines. For Informa tion apply to recruiting office, 303 Bull street, Savannah, Ga. WANTED,' COMPETENT MiAN _ TO take charge of bottling business. To go in country. Address "O,” care News. WANTED. GOOD STIRRING" PLAN- Ing mill man who understands Weslern business, married. Address Gress Lum ber Company, Kramer, Ga. 'WANT EdTtVVO boys F ROM 16 TO 19 years of age. who are willing to work and want io learn the trunk makers' trade. Apply Southern Trunk Factory, 422 Bay street, e'ast. ~\V A NTE I>. A~YOU NGM A N TO SERVE soda at Do Soto Phormacy. Apply there after 10 o'clock a. tn. HELP WANTED—FEMALE. ’ToSTpEimONUEUrnvuTf^^ can get employment at E. * W. Laun dry, 712 Anderson street, west. WOMEN TO DO PLAIN SEW INGAT horn". $1.60 per day; four months' work guaranteed; send stamepd addressed en velojie for particulars. R. w. Hutton & Cos., Dept. 0., Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED" A GOOD COOK. APPLY 207 Eighth street, east. AGENT* WANTED. '72jioircA?rTHi^MADfcrD^ six months by hustling agents handling our white and fancy Rubber Collars, Cuffs, Bosoms. Neckties, Patented, guaranteed goods. Special plan for stamp. M. &■ M. Mfg. Cos.. Springfield, Mass. ROOMS WANTED. COIL pie desire nice flat. A. F. 8., Morning News. TWO CONNECTING"ROOMS.' 1 'NFUR nlshed, by couple without children; cen tral location. Address "Herbert,” News office. "WANTED. FLAT THREE OR FOUR roe,ms. north of Duffy street, by Aug. 1. J. J., Morning News. ser L ™ K F(?m Y Gentlemen who have stout, fleshy feet we ask to kindlu call and examine our SDecialtu fop them. Why wear a clumsy looking shoe when we can dress uour feet In a neat, stultsh and same time com fortable shoe at as small a Drice as you pau for the or dinary kind? This is a special last and must be seen to be appreciated, No one else has it, Come to-day, GEIL 8c QUINT PHONE 62$ SOS BROUGHTON, WEST. board wanted. GENTLEMAN. WIFE AND ONB child, wants two rooms and board In pri vate family, by An*- 1, or three room*. L. L.. Morning News* H AKTED-MIMISLLL’VEOCS. sponsible prlvato party, small amount on diamonds; will pay reasonable interest. Address Ixwtn, care SawannaK Morntn* News. EVERYBODY W SEARCH OF BXIU (ruins to attend the auction sals Of furni ture and effects to-morrow. 10 o'clock at .No 1011 We*t Broad street, comer WaJd burg lane* Youmans & Deimmond, auo. tioneers. EARTH. BANd7~MANCRUT PARWS making excavations and other having earth, sand, manure, etc., can find a place to haul and dump it within city limits; (good hard road to tha place), by addressing or calling on Brown Bros., corner Anderson and East Broad street*; telephone 1103. "want to buy a second-hand safe, comb4nation lock, medium cheat*. Frankel, care Morning News. IF YOU WANT A PLACfe TO DUMP earth, dirt, sand, manure, etc., free of charge, Just at city limits, hauling over hard road, write or telephone Brown Bros., comer Andcreon and East Broad streets. FUR II Birr— ROOMS. TWO FURNISHED OR I’NFUR uished south rooms, with or without board, 16 Anderson street, cast, NICE FURNISHED SOUTH ROOMS; all conveniences. 308 Barnard street, near Liberty* g= ——ii . i ! i .M in ■■■■■ FOR r.l&m-Hi)ISEB. DWELLING. CORN ER WHITAKER and* Hull. Apply to Robert IL Tatem, Real Estate Dealer. FOR RUNT, OHEAp7 7-ROOM HOt’BB, 21 Waldbur*, west, fumiish**.!; immediate l>osscslf>ii; half price to October ffnst. Apply 305 Gwinnett, east. FOR RENT. DESIRABLE DWEI.LJNG with CHifluiilcliriKK ami stable, 312 Gaatoo, east. Koilock. & Screven. FOR RENT. tiHICK DWEEDING - IW good repair, with large yard, corner Hail and Abercorn turrets, Koilock & Screven, FOR RENT, FROM OCT. 1, THREE story brick residence.. 312 Ldberty street, rust; 11 rooma with all modern improve ments. Apply McDonough & Itailantyne a Foundry. FOR RENT. 1 1 1!EM rSES N0.~2T7 PER ry street, west, in |>erfect order and con dition; all convonletices; right rent to right tenant; possession can be given Im mediately. Estate Salomon Cohen, West Btoad and Broughton streets. roil ItK.Vr—STORKS. STORE Kim" ton street, east; possession immediately. Apply A. Wylly, 12 Bryan street, east. FOR RENT. STORE AND BASEMENT under Odd Fellows’ Hall, corner State and Barnard streets. Inquire Room 7. upstairs. f55 RENT, lIIAT DI'SIRABI.FI store and warehouse formerly occupied by George W. Tledeman & Bro., corner Bay and Montgomery street; in perfect order and condition; right rent to right tenant; possession can be given immedi ately. Est. Salomon Cohen, oorner West Broad and Broughton streets. FOR REST-OFFICES. FOR RENT, BASEMENT FOR Doc tor’s office. 535 Broughton, east. TWO" CON NEOTING ROOMS. STTTTA bIe for office or business, near Postoffices Apply 7 York street, west. FOR REIi T-HUCELUIIBOVI. FEAT CONNECTING ROOMS, FIRST floor; large hall third floor, aultable for any purpose. John I.yons. FOR A I.I.—HEAL ESTATE. FOR SALE. street, near East Broad, have only been sold to lirst-class parties, who will make good neighbors; and none other can buy. The terms are very easy, and they are cheaper than any other in the vicinity. C. H. Dorsett. FOR SATd:,"iJjTs''ON ninth"street near East Broad; no city taxes, at J 209 each; twenty-five dollars cash, and easy, monthly payments. C. H. Dorsett. FOR sale; "LOT.S - dN NINTH, NEAR East Broad, a* 1200 each; will soon be advanced to 2226; when a lot has been paid for 1 can arrange to get a home built. C. H. Dorsett. FOR SALE, A LOT FOR TWO HUN (lred dollars; easy terms, on Ninth street, near East Broad; no city taxation. C. H. Dorsett. RESIDENCES"AND BUILDING' LOTS for sale all over the city. Robert H. Tatern, real estate dealer, No. 7 York street, west. "FOtt' $lO DOWN AND $5 MONTHLY, you can buy choice lots on Eleventh and Tenth streets, east, from Savannah Real Estate Exchange. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS ’^FOiT^ALEr^TWO^BdeEETr^TWO^ feet and one 3-feet, upright show cases, and several four and five feet low cases; very cheap and In quantities desired, at rersse’s Drug Stores, comer Henry and Abercorn and corner Whitaker and Tay lor streets. "\TTHN n"AUCTION "SAL®~OF FUR nlture and household go )ds to-morrow at 10 o’clock. No. 1011 West Broad street, corner Waldburg lane. Youmans &. Detu mond, auctioneers. - FOR SALE, second"HAND ELEC trlc elevator machinery; good condition. Savannah Electric Company. 40 Drayton, "PARLOR, DINING ~~ ROOM AND kitchen furniture and effects to be sold at auction to-morrow at 10 a. m. No. 1011 West Broad street. Youmans & Dem mond, auctioneers. "ash AND CYPRESS"LUMBER FDR sale—lso,ooo feet of ash suitable for wheel wrights, carriage makers, car works and Interior house finish. Also cypress lumber of all sizes. We hove resumed cutting our famous brands of cypress shingles and will soon have a full line of them for sale. Vala Royal Manufacturing Company. OLD NEWSPAPERS. 200 for 25 cents,'at Pusinees Office Morning New*. STRAYED. cow. dark brown with white feet. Re ward If returned to Ft. G. Black, No. 118 Gwinnett street, west. 3