The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, July 12, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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lH \vrzrv to the committee. I), iiioiTittic Principle* Touched in Ilf* Acceptance. B wirk. Ga. July 11.—Congressman j , • . has returned to the after ~ j. r. Home time away for the benefit f , health, and on reaching his office, - i;n 1 his letter of nctificaii n in re , t L , the recent convention of Eleventh ~ , r , c Democrats, naming hm as his wn s jsscr. Congressman Brantley’s . of was mail cl to day, anl he has j .i the fol owi g correspondence on (tu . -'li ject, which explains itself: ross, Ga., June 7, 1900.—Hon W. G. r in; y. Brunswick, Ga.—Dear Sir: As , ommitiee appointed by the Eleventh ( ;1 r Democratic congressional coaven ,t, which assembled here to-day, it al u, t j’, ;s great pleasure to notify you that lU were nominated by acclamation to L; , fd yourself i&i Congress from this district. 1 convention, after nominating you, resolutions endorsing your record 4 curse as our representative in Con *•j, > md we beg to say that ench mem -1%, . , thie committe, for the convention all d themselves, entertains for you the hg st regard, and we most earnestly g S H that you signify your acceptance of this rt newed confidence expressed in you. Very truly yours, Vivian L. Stanley. N. J. Holton. William £. Moore. Mr. Brantley’s reply was as follows: ‘On'icmen: I have before me your courteous letter advising me that <he Democratic party of the Eleventh Con gr .onal district of Georgia, in regu lar onvention assembled, at Waycross, on .! ne 7, 1900, nominated my bv accla mation as their candidate for representa tive in the Fifty-seventh Congress, and pastel resolutions indorsing my course ai record in Congress, and I note your •cf,uest that I signify my acceptance of this reneweci expression of confidence in As thf recipient of this distinguished honor and consideration, it is a pleasing duty to me to make grateful acknowldge niei t of same and sincerely <hnnk the democracy of the district for this new evidence of their confidence and trust in me. Great as is the honor they confer and proud as any man may be to re ffive it, I again assure you that above pud beyond any pride or pleasure that it ■ an bring. I prize the esteem and confi dence of my fellow' Democrats that its bestowal manifests, and 1 pledge anew a;, earnest and faithful effort to justify nnd deserve i< ns far as in my power lies. T am aware in thus accepting the great trust reposed in my keeping that grave re •ponsibillties accompany it. and I am sen sibly and profoundly impressed therewith. These responsibilities are increased by the many perplexing V r< >hlems that now con front our government, and upon the prop er solution of which is involved not only the happiness and prosperity of our peo ple hm the integrity of the Republic itself. The.-e disturbing problems have arisen by reason of the unwise departure from the foundation principles- and traditional poli cies of our government by the present ad ministration. and. in my opinion, they can only be safely met and wisely solved by u return to these principles and policies. The true theory of government and the remedy for conditions existing and threat ening are admirably defined and set forth in the Kansas City National platform of •he Democratic Party, to which platform 1 subscribe my support and allegiance. I •• in vo in construing oui* constitution in the light of the Declaration of Independ n:< e, and in preserving and maintaining it in al its old time meaning and vigor. The precepts and admonitions of the fa 'h r* who founded our government are werthy yet to guide and direct us. We n,not better maintain th * honor and of our flag than by insisting that it s i dl *\r be ti e symbol of liberty to all '.v s that look upon it. I do not believe Giat the Congress of the United States has any pnwer nof derived from con stitution, and 1 abhor the propositi' 11 'that t ■ Congies* can exercise an arb trary unr* stained power anywhere as was in is eJ upon in the enactment of the late Porto R cat, legislation. To concede this proposition, is to destroy constitutional government. I view with unconcealed ; larm 1110 fact that imperialism and its twin evil, militarism, have found even a put al Ddgmenl in the free soil of Amer ica. and ail thoughtful patriots must agree that the time to rid ourselves of them is now in their incipiency and b:- foie they ha\e taken firm root and have fas en and themselves upon us. The rapid encroachment 'upon the rights of the individual by the trusts and monop olies of the? country demands legislative a don curbing and restraining them, or else competition and individual energy and effort will become things of the past. There should ever be held over them a power superior to theirs and a means by ■which that power may be legally and just Vv enforced. 1 am opposed to vesting this power exclusively in the Federal govern ment. The power of the state in its own domain should be supreme over every Oo mestic institution engaged in purely do mc-stic commerce, therein, while the Fed eral government should be supreme only in matters of interstate commerce. •he taxa ion imposed by the Spanish "a now long since ended, should be re \ised. remodelled, and, in many cases, en t ly removed, but, in sc king to mitigate •no bin dens of taxation, the tariff taxes. a 1 if| w imposed, press for attention also, 'ihrir props inequality and iniquitous tms'-l reeding character enta’ls more grievous wrongs u;>on the many In the interest of the few than any scheme of taxation yet devised, and, if they could h* adjusted that their burdens would i * l equitably upon all sections and all r ‘ * •• and be laid for governmental pur b ses oniy, ihe rell f that wou’d thereby 10 me would cmise many of the so-called wa " taxes to be easily and uncomplain iegl\ pdd. I know of no r ason why some • f the burdens of taxation should not be borne by the consumer of taw material • we.l as by the consumer of the manu -1 * tmed article, and. In as much as every ’•riff law necessarily carries with it an 1 1 and ntal prot cticn I likewise know’ of r,n reason why the producer of ihe raw material should not be on an equality in this regard with the manufacturer. 'l'he fairest and meet equitable tax y~t suggested is the income tax, and 1 earn- fly hope a way may yet be found by " bit h it can be imposed. The interest of the South in the build of the Nicaragua canal is equal to, 1 believe superior, to that of any " ~'r section, and I earnestly favor the b aiding of same. B is impossible within any reasonable !*rgth to discuss all of Ihe various qu s- T 'on? now claiming the attention of *he ‘ euntry and in which the people are vital concerned. I ran only tender the as irance that in the high office which 1 * ni P*mittcd by the favor of the people tr * assume. T shall in the future, ns in T^ f ( Past, be guided by Democratic* prin -1 ’ f s anl my conception of the dignitv honor of American instituiiona and • the real interests of our common coun -Ir>r> and the constituency honoring me. 1 am Indebted to you, gentlemen, for * kind and generous manner in which X °J have seen fit to inform me of the H ’ "n of the convention, and beg to cx r * my warm appreciailon of the senti fOUn 1 in your letter. With lift • r. respect and esteem for each fo you, 1 **m. y jurs truly, W. G. Brantley.” '■eat w ith hent UrotrrrK. Atlanta. July 11.—O. B. Stevens, Oom r oner of Agriculture, and J. Pope 1 "11 Railroad (’ommlsslonor and ps -1 ' M! of the State Agricultural Society. ’ attend the annual convention of ’' ‘•at growers in Macon to-morrow. ' Do you believe that Lusher really saw .■•erpent on his last yachting trip?” I have no doubt of it at all. I was v Idm when he was purchasing his iu Pl>lUa," —Chicago Evening Post. CASTORIA for infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always has borne the signa ture of Chas. H. Fletcher, and has been made under his personal supervision for over ;{() years. Allow no one to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and “Just-as-good ” are but Experiments, and endanger the health of Children—Experience against Experiment. The Kind Yon Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. ™c CINTAMR COMPIKY, -r MUBHT STHttT. NEW VQWK C'TV FLED WITH \ GIRL. TIIO Story of a Deception Practiced \ear Tift on. Tiflon. Ga., July 11.—A case for the whipping post occurred near Tifton this week, some of tlie parties being well known citizens of this section. It is not yet settled, but the parties most interest ed seem disposed to leave the guilty ones to be dealt with as the law' directs, so there will probably be no further trouble. For some time |>ast, a young man giving his name as J. W. Dorminy, and claiming to I>c from Fitzgerald, has been boarding with Mr. W. H. Bowt-n, a farmer who lives about fik- miles fotn Tifton. Dorminy was an employe of a sawmill firm near by, and hauled logs for them. Mr. Bowen has a Pretty daughter. Miss Docia, just bud ding into womanhood, and to this young lady, Dorminy soon began paying court. There seemed to be 110 objection to the young man. and for a while the course of true love ran- smooth; they became en gaged, and the day for the wedding was set. Last Saturday, Mr. Bowen took his daughter in the buggy with him and start ed to Tifton, where she was to make a few’ purchases to complete her wedding outfit. Ull the way, he was overtaken by Dorminy, also in a buggy. w r ho asked, that the young lady might ride wrti> him. At first Mr. Bowen refused, but later con sented, and the young couple soon dropped behind. Arriving at Tilfton, he waited awhile for them, ntul they failing to ap pear, he set out 10 search for them. They had not been seen at home, and he failed fo find any trace of them that day. lime next day. he fount! they had spent the night with a gentleman living a few miles south of Tifton. where they claimed to have been married. Mr. Bow’fn failed to find any one who had married them, or any one who had granted them a license. Later he found where they had boarded the southbound Georgia Southern train, and next day Mr. J. C. Young, a friend of the family, found -them in Yaldos<a. boarding with Mr. J. M. Jimerson, and claiming to be man and wife. Dorminy had obtained work ot a saw mill near town. When questioned, the young woman said, with a shower of tears, that they had nor been married; that Dorminy had asked her to elope with him to be mar ried that day; had claimed to be unable to find any one to perform the ceremony, and finally brought her to' Valdosta for the purpose of getting someone to marry them; that, arriving there, he first claim ed to be unable to find a minister o-r magistrate, and later put her off from day to day on first one excuse and then another, at last threatening to kill her if she told they were not married. Mr. Young had Dorminy arrested and lodged in jail, and brought the girl home to her parents. In the meantime, among Dorminy's efects, letters had been found from a woman claiming to be his wife, and begging him to return to her; also letters from a young woman, asking him how long before he would obtain his di vorce and marry her as he find promised. The case appears <0 be an aggravated one, and Mr. Bowen says he will prose cute the matter to tlie extent of the law. PRINCE. Tl AN, NIW OF DESTINY. Something About the “Alan on Horseback" of Middle Kingdom. From the New York World. On the blood-rod dawn that "comes up like thunder outer China 'crost the bay" there is one figure that looms into sud den direful prominence and another that shrinks into lamentable and mysterious nothingness. The first of these is Prince Tuan, head of the Boxer movement. The second is Kwang-Su, the boy Emperor of China. Who is Prince Tuan, and to what end is he the instrument of destiny? Where is the Emperor, and is he dead or alive? These are questions to which all Christen dom in arms awaits an answer. Prince Tuan is n newcomer on the stage of international affairs. He is a man of mystery. Recent terrible develop ments point to the conclusion that In China lie is "The Man on Horseback.’’ What manner of man is he* that com mands tiie hordes who have established a reign of terror in China? The very mys tery enveloping his personality, his ambi tion, his aims, his intellectual force, adds to the fascination and the terror that his name already inspires in the civilised world. Two things about him are certain, lie is of royal blood -and he would extermi nate foreigners. Beyond that ad is dark ness. Prince Tuan’s watchword or ihe watchword with which he inspires the fanatical hosts under him—is an inversion of the cry that thrilled California to riot a few year* ago. It is, "China for the Chinese!’’ That is the abstract idea. More specifically, the Boxer niot'o is, "Drive the foreign devils into the sea!" It is thus that Prince Tuan, brother of the late Emneror and uncle of the sickly young Emperor fare is in and >ub', spurs to de ds of barbaiity the hordes that Ir* has mustered under his bloody standard. But what end does he see? Docs he honestly b lleve that he can pre vail against the united Powers of Chris tendom? Is he really a blgoied tat riot fighting sincerely for a cause he be irves to be righteous? Or is he a scheming pre tender lusting for Ihe throne and igno rant of *he force which civilization can hr ng to b ar against him? These are things that Europe and America lave yet to be informed upon. They have no means of gauging Prince Tuan’s character, because until a month or two ago the man was unknown. He had done nothing to draw a lention to himself, nothing 10 indicate ihe poteniial iti s of m’sehief and rnurd r that lurk'd in his brain, nor the ambition that would held a horrified world at bay. Prince Tuan is the son of the fifth Prince Tim. cf the. House of Tuakwang He is about 40 years old. He Is the father of Pu-Chun. the boy of fourteen, who was i l: incd os si c-'sscr to the throne in the remarkable edict i sue) by the Emperor Kwang-Su uhi January. It was when that edict was cabled all over the world that the it ention of Uhristet dom vh* flist directed to Prin e Tuan. No small curiosity was felt in Ids personality, but not much could ke learn ed about him, rx.ept that he hated f r elgnc s It wft* interpret! as n bad THE MORNING NEWS: THURSDAY, JULY 12. 1900. omen that his ron, designated to become the next Emperor of Ohlra. was under the instruction and influence of two in tensely anii-foreign tutors. It was learned, furthermore, that Prince Tuan was the head of the great secret societies known as "The Grea* Sword" and "The Boxers,” which had been le sponsible for the murder of Mr. Brooks, the missionary, and the influence of which extended over the provinces of Chili, Shangtung and Honan. This was at a time when the Boxer anti foreign movement was first beginning to excite alarm. One thing more Christendom knows about Prince Tuan. He is an athlete. He vigor. He has been enthusiastic in tier vigor. He has ben enthusiastic in per suading the young men of China to fol low the same course. This in part ac counts for his influence. Beginning as an athletic leader, hr* became successively a political and martial leader. The Boxers were athletes before they became assas sins. As for the Emperor Kwang-Su, he has never at any time been more than a fig urehead on rhe throne, a puppet in the hands of the astute Dowager Empress. He is a son of the seventh prince Chung, of the house of Tuakwang, and therefore a nephew of the late Emperor. Tung- Chee. Tung-Chee was completely under the influence of his mother, the second slave-wife of the Emperor Heinfung, sev enth monarch in the present dynasty of Tsing. It is customary in China for an Emperor to name his successor. Tung Ohee toward the close of his short, wild life, named the Infant Kuang-Su. This was the Em press Dowager’s choice. She selected Kuang-Su as the youngest and sickliest of her nephews. She had ruled her hus band. she had ruled her son. she means to rule a third Emperor. The edict ot last January pointed to the conclusion that she was desirous of ruling a fourth, hut from what Prince Tuan has shown of his mettle it seems likely that if his son ever comes to the throne of China Prince Tuan will be desirous of doing some ruling on his own account. But then no one knows that he and the Emperor Dowager have not been p'aylng into each other’s hands. Kuang-Su, at all events, has led n mis erable life. He has bad no shadow of authority— not even of liberty. When he succeeded to the throne he was only 4 years old. From that moment he was a prisoner in the imperial palace at Pekin. The Empress Dowager administered the empire and moulded her nephew's charac ter to suit her own plans. It suited her that he should be sickly, self-indulgent, of feeble will, given over to gro.-s pleasures, timorous of responsibility, dependent upon her in everything. So she bent the twig, and so the tree grew. Th ■ Emperor of China was a mannikin. His aunt was the ruler of the empire. lie has been described as a small, deli cate, intellectual (poking youth, with larg black eyes and a thin, pale face. Ills grand tutor for many years was I’r.g Tung lino, a bigotfd Chinese mandarin, s rong ly opposed to foreigners and Western ways. His enforced redgrat'on two years ago was immediately followed by the p o ec ir'licn and flight of the 1 aders of ihe "Reformers,” who had prematurely hail ed with satisfaction some indications of Imperial intentions to we'eome European civilization. Kwang Su's marriage in lES9 was the first occasion of fatal variance between the young Emneror and his aunt the Dowager. He had chosen the daughter of a high Manchugmilitary officer, but the Empress Dowager had already made a match for him, having chosen her own niece for the honor, and her will prevail ed. The Errper. r submitt and. Jn the edict by which he appointed Prince Tung’s son his successoY the Em peror—assuming that he really signed it— r ( e rred to the fact that when he was ap pointed successor to Tung-Chi It was in the expectation that he would raise up heirs to that monarch. “New, because of ill health 1 am child less,’’ ihe edet continued, "and have found it necessary to appoint a success or. Most relu lan'tly and after much fo licltaticn on my part Empress Dow ager has acceded to my request.” MBIJMITY OF’ YOSEMITE. A Writer Who Talks About If* Won derful Heaa'.ien. From the Baltimore American. "The most gifted writers of the world,’’ writes Mr. Edward T. Parsons from riar. Francisco, to the executive officers of Ihe Mazama Club of this city, "have found language inadequate to depict and describe the wonders and beauties-of the Yosemtle valley; nor can words convey to those wtto have never seen it the charms, the mag nificence. the rhythm find the color tones of the ever-changing lights and shadow* on its wonder-pieces of rocks, domes, cas cades, waterfalls and Ihe panorama of ih higher Sierra, visible from its lofty view points—the Liberty Cap and the Sentinel Dome— both of which I climbed on a recent trip. "John Muir has described the fore-.s of the Yosomlte region, but one needs not to be a forester or mountain lover to enthuse over those nobles of the world’s coinfers, the yellow pine (pltiu* pondorosa) ami the sugar pine (pinus hinbertiana). which here attain their highest development in size, hight and beauty; the silver fir tables magnlfioa and aMes grandls), and the ce dar (llboeedru* decurrens), their compan ions. and, greatest of all. the sequoia gl g,intea. of the nearby Mariposa Grove most grandly beautiful of ail nature’s handiwork, which stood pillars of the tem ple not made Iry hand when ihe shepherd* wore following the Stir of Bethlehem; which were high in their rugged majesty when the pyramid# were building; which had se-n the suns of many' centuries when the Sphinx first looked out over Egypt, to puzzle Ihe truth-seeker of sub sequent ages. "To Mazama* and their friends who have enjoyed the pleasures and. Incident „|lvt Hie f atigues of the Rainier utiri Horseshoe Basin trips. I would say that greater and more beautiful waterfalls than w found on those occasion* are to ),♦• seen in an afternoon’s stroll from ihe center of Yosemite Park; more unique curious rock formation wall in the valley than we discovered on those ex cursion*. Especially would I mention the domes’ of granite, two of which I climbed and examined, and which could not fail to interest all mountain lovers, and I must particularize also those most beautiful views from the summits of Glacier Point. Sentinel Dome. Liberty Cap and Eagle Peak with their pano ramas of the valley and the high Sierra. " Tls true that we would miss the iso lated individuality, the grandeur and sol emn magnificence of the great snow-cap ped mountains of our Northwest—Rainier. Hood, St. Helens. Adams. Jefferson and Pitt, and here, in California, the chaste ly beautiful Shasta—but. as mountain eers and lovers of nature, we all ought to see this wonder-piece, with its myriad at tractions of the great and email bea*utl s and glories of natural scenery, all so gathered together that any one. although not perhaps so rugged as the members of our climbing fraternity, can take them in without undue fotigue, while to those of us who seek the higher altitude*", there are the Sierras of the back region, wait ing for our investigating footsteps, our cameras and our climbing expeditions, and which can be visited, one after an other. from the valley. "This region, surrounded the Yosemit". hut little known to the general public, iw filled with most unique and strange na tural wonders, craters, domes and can yons that rival the Yellowstone in every thing but size; lake* of purest water, alive with gamest trout, and gems of valleys unknown to tlx* world only by reason of the greater celebrity of the Yosenvite. Be lieving this region worthy of our atten tion. I have just returned from a weekV trip in the valley, during which 1 saw it iii sunshine and in stormy weather, and found it equally imposing in its smiling, a? well as in its frowning moods. "Going in by way of Ra\rriond and VVa wona, we entered the valley while its higher points were veiled In the clouds. The next day the peaks remained curtain ed from our gaze, fo we visited Vernal Falls, taking a four-mile tramp through the valley and up o grade over a fine trail, to and through its canon, up under the fall and to its Mge. where we could look upon its facs of misty fleeciness and down the canon the Merced river follows to the valley. "The next day our party tramped to Glacier Point, in the clouds, and 1 con tinued on to Sentinel Dome. 8.125 feet high, whech was reached in a driving snowstorm, after an hour’s hard climbing from Glacier Point, through soft snow' and open spaces in the forests. "The dome is a granite bubble, ot one time pushed up in plastic form; cooling, its face cracked in different directions, and while contracting, the surface scaled off in large, concav e shell® which have mostly disintegrated Into coarse granite sand, leaving the parent mass rounded and dome-shaped, as are nearly al) the so-call ed 'domes’ of this region. "I returned to Glacier Point, after half ap hour at the s'ummit, in time to enjoy a magnificent panorama of the higher peaks to the east —the North Dome, the Basket Dome. Mount Watkins, the Half Dome, Cloud’s Rest, Mount Gardiner and Mount Starr King. Below could be seen Nevada and Vernal Falls, sparkling In the momentary sunshine, as the cloud* broke away for half an hour or so. I reached the Sentinel Hotel in time for 6 o’clock dinner. From the floor of the valley, about 4.000 feet above the level of the sea. to Glacier Point, is >1 3.200-foot rise; from Glacier Point to Sentinel Dome, i>2s feet. "The following day. with a party of friends. I tramped past Vernal nnd Ne vada Falls again to the IJttle Yosemue Valley, rind from there climbed to the top of Liberty Cap. w th an altitude of 7.062 feet, from which we viewed the entire surrounding region. Especially interes:- mg did we And South, or Half Dome, juet north, towering above us to the hight of 5.523 feet, its south convex face showing veins and cracks, plainly to be seen through the binocular. "The summit of Liberty Cap is in itself a most interesting geological study. On the northeast side, going up. we found large scales or shells w’hich had been broken off in the process of cooling from the original igneous condition. Under one of these (at least six feet thick) was a cavern, in which a dozen people could have stood, and this shell was ot least fifty feet across and of an irregular contour. In another place was a piece of granite, of clam-shell shape, at least twenty-five feet across, and if placed concave side up. it would have held water enough for a small ‘wirrming bath. D'plntegration of the cap of the dome had split off several large boulders, and the surface was cracked. In places there were hole* about a foot deep, with granite sand bottoms and full of the finest drinking w’ater. Even on this bleak and uninviting summit a few moun tain pines had gained a foothold and were sturdily fighting for existence. Lower down from the summit of Liberty Cap the heather was in bloom, and many varieties of plant life gave promise of flowering later. From the top of Liberty Dojne the view of the Little Yosemite was mo4l com plete and entrancing. The only person who appears to have got any good out of the Pegleg wae j Mexican. hard-riding vaquero who punched cattle and herded horse* on War ner’s ranch fifteen or twenty years ago. This Mexican suddenly appeared with great wealth, wore gorgeous raiment, bucked every monte game between the Agua Calaiente and Ensenda. and lorded it over the dark-eyed damsels of his race. Whenever his funds ran low he left War ner's ranch alone and returned in two days with a few' thousand <Vollars in the burnt black gold of the Pegleg. which he deposited with tho store keeper at the ranch. Gold—that is, placer gold—has an Individuality of its own. and an experi enced miner can tell by looking at a nug get Just where it was found, provided, of course, that he has worked the same ground. And there is no mistaking the Pegleg gold, which, on top, where it has been exposed to the action of the sun. is as black as slag. Of course attempt* were made to folloxv the Mexican, but he rode the best horse in the South and at a certain point h!* pursuers always lost him. From this point he was invariably absent one day, so it is certain that the Pegleg Is half a day’s ride or less from the place where the. trail disappeared. lie did not live long to en joy his prosperity. A Mexican with whom he quarreled carved him with knife, and he never *poke afterward. He left $4,000 in nugget* and coarse gold at the ranch store, and the storekeeper spent years In a futile effort to relocate the lost bonanza. It was through him that many FEEDING FOR HEALTH. Directions by n Food Expert. A complete change in food makes m complete change in body. Therefore If you are ailing in anyway, the auresi road hack to health is to change your diet. Try the following breakfast for ten days and mark the result: Two soft boiled eggs. (If you have a weak stomach. >*>! the eggy as follow*: Tut two eggs into a pint tin cup of boiling water, cover and eet off the stove. Take out in nine minutes; the white* will he the eonslstency of crpam and partly di gested. Don’t change the directions In any j*rticular.) Some fruit, cooked or raw, cooked preferred, a slice of toost, a little butter, four heaping teaspoona of Grape-Nuts, with some cream, a cup of properly boiled Dostum Food Coffee. The Grape-Nuta breakfast food Is fully and scientifically rooked at the factory, and both that and the I'ostum Coffee have the diastase (that which digests the starchy part) developed in the manufact ure. Both the food and the coffee, therefore, are predigested and assist, In a natural %vay, to digest the balance of the Rod. Lunch noon, the'same. For dinner In the evening use meat and ope or two vegetables. Leave out the fancy desserts. Never over-eat. Better a little less than too much, If you ran tfie health as a means to gain success in busine** or in a profess ion. It is well worth the time and atten tion required to arrange your diet to ac complish the result HO. IHIO. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF The Merchants National Bank 01 Savannah, At Savannah, in the State of Georgia, a; the close of business June 29. 1900. RESOURCES. LIABILITIES. Loans and discounts $ 732.168 17 Cupi(:tl stock paid In $ SCO,OOO 00 Overdrafts, secured and unse- Surplus fund 100,000 00 cured 4 ; ; 6 Undivided profits, less expenses U. 9. bonds to secure circulation- 100,009 00 and taxes pnkl 25.591 26 U. S. bonds to secure U. 9. de- National hank notes outstarul pcisirs 127,000 00 ing 42.000 00 Premiums on U. S. bonds 4.177 50 Due to other national banks... 64,700*64 Stocks, securities, etc 33,092 49 Due to state bunks and bank- Banklng house, furniture atul ers 7,136 u 4 fixtures 52,QC0 00 Dividends unpaid 50 Due front national banks (net Individual deposits subject to reserve agents) 12.961 86 check 342.682 91 Due from state banks and bank- Certified checks 20 f.o Due from approved reserve Deposits of U. S. disbursing agents 76,375 56 I olfU'cra 37.707 73 Internal revenue stamps 11 00 Exchanges for clearing house.. 5.156 07 Notes of other national banks . l.Ouft 00 Fractional paper currency, nick els and cents 744 12 Lawful Money Reserve in Bank, viz: Specie $38,800 00 Legal tender note? 10,000 00— 48,800 00 Redemptton fund with U. S. TreasureY (T> per cent, of cir culation) 2.340 00 Due from U. 9. Treasurer oth- er than 3 per cent, redemption fund 2 50 Total $1,197,811 40 Total $1,197,811 40 STATE OR GEORGIA, COUNTY OF CHATHAM, ss:—l. W M. DAVANT. Cashier of the above-named hank, do solemnly swear that ihe above statement is tru< to the Ust of my knowledge and uebe'. \\. M. DAN ANT, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn (o before me this 11th day of July, 19h). TRACY G. HUNTER, Nov. Pub. O. Cos., Ga. Correct—Attest: J - *'• MINIS, IS* r H WOODS, 4* BEiRNK GORDON. Dlrectoi ?. S.. 1.81. Of HOPE R Y AND C. 8X RT SCHEDILK For Isle of Hope, Montgomery, Thunder bolt. Cattle Park and West End. Dally except Sundays. Subject to change without notice. ISLE OF - HOPE. Lv. City for T. of H.j Lv. Isle of Hope. 6 30 am from Truth 6 00 am for Melton 730 am from Tenth \ 690 am for Tenth 830 am from Tenth | 7 00 am for Tenth 9 15 am from Bolton | 8 00 am for Tenth 19 30 am from Tenth 'lO 09 am for Tenth 12 00 n’n from Tenth jll 00 am for Bolton 1 15 pm from Bokon jll 30 am for Tent!) 230 pm from Tenth [ 2 CO pm for Tenth 3 30 pm from Tenth | 240 prn for Bolion 430 pm from Tenth J 300 pm for Tenth 530 pm from Tmth | 4 00 pm for Tenth 630 pm from Tenth | 6GO pm for Tenth 730 pm from Tenth |7OO pm for Tenth 830 pm from Tenth | 8 00 prn for Tenth 930 pm from Tenth |9 00 pm for Tenth 10 30 pm from Tenth 110 00 pm for Tenth |ll 00 pm for Tenth MON’TGOM ERY. Lv city for Mong’ry. | Lv. Montgomery. 8 30 am from Tenth | 7 13 am for Tenth 2 30 pm from Tenth j 1 15 pm for Tenth 680 pm from Tenth J 600 pm for Tenth CATTLE PARK Lv city for Cat.Parkj Lv. i’at:ie Park. 6 30 am from Bolton j 7 00 am for Bolton 7 30 am from Bolton j 8 00 am for Bolton 1 00 pm from Bolton | 1 30 pm for Bolton 2 30 pm from Bolton | 3 00 pm for Bolton 7 00 pm from Bolton ! 7 30 pm for Bolton 800 pm from Bolton j 8 30 prn for Bolton ' m r t i *v. i\n r>r\t SR 'THUNDERBOLT Car leaves BoUon street Junction 5:3* a. m. and every thirty mlnules thereafter until 11:30 p. m. Car leaves Thunderbolt at 6:00 a. m. and every thirty minutes thereafter until 12 00 mldnlsht, for Bolton s4reet Junc tion. FREIGHT AND FARCED CAR. This ear carries trailer for passenger* on all trips and leaves west side of city market for Isle of Hope. Thunderbolt and all Intermediate points at 9:00 a. m., 1:00 p. m.. 6:00 p. m. Reaves Isle of Hope for Thunderbolt, City Marked and all intermediate points at 6:00 a. m.. 11:00 a. m.. 2:40 p. m. IVEST END - CAR. Car leaves west side of city market for West End 6 00 a tn. and every 40 minutes thereafter during the day unfit 11:50 p. m. Leaves West End at 6:20 a. m. and ev ery 40 minutes thereafter during the day until 12:00 o’clock midnight H. M. T.OFTON, Gen. Mgr. of these facts, now published for the flr t time, were obtained:. The storekeeper finally gave up the search, but otner men. le*a fortunate, have left their uones on the desert. One of these was Tom Cover, ex-sheriff of San Bernardino county, who started up canon on fool, leaving his companion to wait for him in a buck boa. I on the trail. Dead or alive. Cover was never seen agoln, though his friends or ganized searching parties and left no stone unturned In e vain effort to recover his body. To one who knows nothing of the coun try it would seem a simple matter to relocate the Pegleg But there arc hun dreds of square miles so broken that the prosper'tor cannot see fifty yards in any direction, end to lose hie bearings means death by thirst. It Is a volcanic region, broken nnd sown with eshes and lava; a gloomy waste where death and silence stand guard over the hill of gold. The Lee mine has a different history, though none the less tragic. Years ago 01.1 Man Leq came into Son Bernardino and recorded a quartz location, describing it as nearly hs he could In the absence of a survey, lie hired a man to help him develop Ihe ledge, and from that lime forward until his death mode periodical visits to town to buy supplies and ship the bullion that he brought in. for he reduced his own ore by means of an arastra. He was a eoclable man, had many friends, and mode no efforts to conceal the where abouts of his bonanza. There are men at 111 living In San Bernardino whom he invited to come out and look at the prop erty, for which he received numerous of fers. Ex-Gov. Waterman, who founded Julian, was eager to buy a half interest in the but Ihe owner gave It out pos itively that he would sell to no one. For that reason, and because the location was remote and difficult of access, no one ever went out there. One night Lee left San Bernardino to relurn to hi* mine, and was picked up next morning Just outside the town with a bullet lit Ills heart. The object of the murder was not robbery, ns sum of money and a valuable watch were found on the body. The assassin was never raugjit. I.ew had remarked In town that h4* employe at the mine was about out of supplies, so a party, Including the pub lic administrator, started at once for the mine. They failed to find It, nor has it been found to this day. In time the loca tion became void, and ex-Gov. W’aterman published a standing offer of ItO.ODO for a half Interest In the mine, without Investi gation. to he paid to any one who found It. llut mine, machinery, buildings and dumps have disappeared utterly, nor was the miner employed by Lee ever heard of again. It Is generally believed that when the old shaft Is relocated the skeleton of the miner will be found at Ihe bottom, one of those accidents tha constantly hap pen under ground having killed or crip pled him in Lee’s absence. Then there Is the old mine back from the Pot hole* In San Diego county that was worked by the Spaniards a century nnd more ago. When the Indians arose and killed their taskmasters they tilled In the shaft and obliterated the trail, but they know where It is to this flay. A few years ago n Yuma agreed to show the spot to Dr. De Courcey or Yum.i, but on the Journey he became frightened and turned back. There I* also n mire In the Glia Range that an Indian started to un cover to a white man recently, but he, too, yielded to his superstition on the rowd And could not be Induced to go on. OFFICIAL. 1900 LIQUOR UclNsisT~ SRC OX I) (it AKTERM STATKAIE AT. City of Savannah, Office Clerk of Council. Savannah. Ga.. July 11. 1900. The following alphabetical list of jer son* licensed to sell liquor at retail under provision of section 12 of tax ordinance for 1100. WILLIAM P. BAILEY. Clerk of Council. A. Asendorf. Fred, corner Jefferson end Alice street*. Anderson, Joseph N., 39 Randolph street. Able. Charles, Bay and Ahercorn street* A bra of, M. D., 42 Bull street. Anglin, Thomas, Bryan and Barnard streets. Alley & Kelly, Bay lane, near Bull street. B. Brodman, J. D., corner Bolton and Burroughs streets Barlow. Susan L., 211 Houston street. Baden hoop. J. H. & E. G., 523 West Broad street. Beckmann, George. 112 Whitaker street. Bernstein. J.. 214 St. Julian street. Hunger, H. H., Ogeechee road, near Sarah street. Belford, W r . T . 1523 Bull street. Brodman, O. D.. 234 Randolph street. Beytagh, Thomas F. t Harris and East Broad streets. Brlnkmann, H. C. t 226 St. Julian street, west. Bokelmann. D., Charlton and West Broad streets. Bohn, H. N. 0., 235 Kant Broad street. Blenges, Fred. 119 West Broad street. Buleken, John, agent, Taylor and Wait Broad streets. Bluesteln, J. A Cos., 221 Congress street, west. Book hoop, F. H., Bay street extended. Bohn, J. H. A., Alice and West Broad streets. Barbour, J. S. F.. Henry and West Broad street*. Brown Bros., Anderson and Ea-st Broad streets. Bouhan, William. 601 East Broad street. Brlckman, Charles, 34 West Boundary street. Holey* M., 129 Congress street, west. Buttimer, M. A., Randolph and Perry streets. Buttimer, Patrick, 613 McDonough street, < j ast. . Branch, 9. W. Cos., Broughton and Whitaker streets. Brown. W. 8., 238 Rrvan street, west. Bcwan. J. 0.. cor. Bull and Best sts. C. Connery, C. I*., 110 St. Julian street, west. Christopher, George, 102 West Broad street. Cain. Patrick, corner Bay and We.M Broad streets. Carr, John, corner Houston and Day streets. Clemens. H. K., corner West Broad and Henry streets. Cohen. M. G. A Cos.. 221 St. Julian street. Cooley, Thomas, corner River and West Broad streets. Corbett, W. F„ 23 West Broad street. Cooley, R.. 522 Harrison street. Cordes, John F., Montgomery street and Whatley avenue. Crohan, J. F„ Bryan and Whitaker streets. Champion A Evans. 426 West Broad street. Cott Ingham. John, southeast corner Drayton and Broughton streets. Cottlnghnm, John, 208 Broughton street, west. Cunningham. R. W. Mrs., Taylor and East Broad streets. n. Dailey A Cos.. No. 15 Farm street. Dlerks. A. J., corner Whitaker and Jones streets. Dreeson, H. E., Stewart and Wilson streets. Dlerks. W. C., 334 Whitaker street. Derst, George. 709 West Broad street. Delgnan. Daniel, 638 Indian street. Dlers. Wm., Liberty and W’est Broad afreets. Doyle. M J., Market square. Denmark, J. M , 147 Farm street. E. Ehrllcher, Max, 401 East Broad street. Eichliolz, S , 1012 Cemetery streets Eichholz, E.. Liberty and East Broad streets. Entelman. J F . 814 Liberty street, east. Elslnger, T , 41 Drayton street. Egan. J. J.. 341 West Broad street. EntHman. A. H.. 720 East Broad street. Easterling Whisky Company, Planters' Hotel Easterling Whisky Company, Liber’v and East Broad streets. W. H.. 440 West Brosd street. Khlers, George. 647 Indian street. Egan, M , 517 East Broad street. East End Grocery Company, Broughton and East Broad streets. Evans, John T. A Cos., lit Congress street. F. Freelong. F., 555 Bay street, east. Fitzgerald. Thos. E , 117 West Broad street Fischer, John F , River and Farm streets. Henry, 639 Bay street, a Gerker, L. C. Mrs., Price and Gwinnett streets. Grimm. Albert, Glllotl and Wo t Broad streets. Grimm, John H., President and Drayton streets. Geffken, H. H., Broughton and Price afreets. Gllden, Thomas, 625 Bay street, west. Glided, Nell, 124 Broughton street, west. Glides, Nell. 120 Broughton street, east. Ore we, F. W. E., Ogeechee road. Gerken, Henry, ag'.. 715 Wheaton street. (4root, Theodore, Jefferson and Liberty streets. Goodman, 8.. 43 Farm street. Galina. 1 Jos. A., 9 Drayton street Gsrtclmsn, W. H., Randolph and Ogle thorpe avenue. Oetsinger. M. A. A Cos., West Broad and Harris streets. Gaines, M . 124 Jefferson street. Graham, C. F., Pulaaki Houjre. 1 H. Heath, C P.. 335 Jcft*rto.n gtrs£t '“** OFFICIAL. streets. Hesse. Herman, 134 West Broad afreets. Heitman. J F . 634 President street, eagt. Heilman, C. H.. 25 East Broad. Herman A Berentheln, 16 Barngrd street. Harms. F. A . 444 Tattnall street. Hotchkiss A NtfVlU, 301 Broughton street, west. Heitman. A H . 319 Wear Broad street Harms. John D.. 634 Bolton street, east. Hart. Francis, tl Jefferson street. Hicks, R. M . 21 Congress street, west Helmken, J. H., Liberty and Whitaker streets. J. Jar-hens, F. H„ 655 Price street. Jackson. Andrew. 42 Whitaker street. Joyce. James J.. Kat*l Broad and Whtat ©n streets. Jernigam E. 0., Zubley and Lumber streets. Jones. George H., 139 West Proad street. K. Kaiser. J. T.. 1511 Bull street. Kuck, John. 412 Drayton street. Kuck. H. F.. Anderson and Abercorn st reets. Kracken, Cord, Bay and W’est Broad streets. Konemann, C. H.. 203 F’arm street. Kienc, Herman, 134 Bryan street, west. Kaln, M. U., West Broad and Rlveg streets. King, George F.. 216 Broughton street, west. L. Lang, Nicholas. 39 Barnard street. Linkcnaii. J. H.. Liberty and Randolph streets. Luerssen, C. F., Broughton and East Broad streets. Lange, Herman, 232 West Broad street Levan, Charles H.. 11l Congress street, wist. Lube. John K., coiner Liberty and Hab ersham street*. Lynch, John, Taylor and Whitaker streets. Lynch, W. T.. agent. Lumber and Bay si reets. Lane, James, Price and Oglethorpe ave nue. Lyons. John A Cos., Broughton and W'hlt •ker streets. M. Monsees, C. H, Hall and Jefferson streets. Meyer, J. U . 541 Sims street. Melncke, I\ A, corner Farm and Bryan streets Mendel, Carl, 66G Liberty street, east. Meyer, John, Randolph and Anderson slreet?. Mm ken, J. H., Bay and Farm streets. Murken John. Thunderbolt Road Meyer. J P., Farm and Bryan utreets. Manning. I\, 23 Bay street, east. Mullins, Jno, 620 Indian street. Morton, Peter, 212 Broughton street, east. Martin. A. A Mrs., President and Ran dolph streets. Morrison Sarah. 509 Oglethorpe avenue. • •ast. Mendel, A, 602 Liberty street, east. Me. McAlpin, T. E.. f*2 Price street. McCormick. Wm.. 625 Indian street. McGuire. Janies. 20 Farm street. Mcßride, T. F.. 525 Bay street, east. McGrath A Hansford, 37 Whitaker street. McCarthy, M F. and W’ H.. 319 Prlc© I street. O. O’Brien, C. A., 337 W’est Broad afreet. O’Byrne, James, Montgomery and Bay ’ streets. Ohsick, John, corner Bay and W* | Broad streets. Ohsick. Chas., 202 Reynolds street. Otr, P. J., 21 Broughton street, east. < O’Keefe, J Mgr, southwest comer Broughton and Drayton streets. P. Paulson, N., estate, corner Barnard and River streets. Peters, N. F, northeast cornar Bur roughs and Park avenue. Peterson. Peter. 617 Bay street, east. Pacetti, K. V.. 15 Broughton street, east. R. Remler, R.. Liberty and Drayton streets Remier, 8., 1019 Wheaton afreet. Rauaen, M., 424 Congress street, west. Ripke, John 229 Drayton street Raskin, S., 735 W’est Broad street. Ralntz, F. V.. H., Indian and Farm streets. Reilly. I*. Mrs.. 128 Bryan street, west. Rocker, John and Bro., 401 West Broad j street. Rocntsch. M. & Cos., 266 Broughto street, west Rouse A Harris, 49 Barnard street. Ray, W. H., agent. 218 Bryan tre4. west. S Schroder, Geo., 1002 West Broad street. Schroder. Henry. 401 Broughton arreot, ra*t. Slem. D., 539 Jones street, west. Sullivan. John J. 89 Bryan street, east. : Sanders, Philip. Bull and Best streets. 1 Stelljee, George. 502 Gordon street, east. Sietnman Bros.. 44 West Broad street. Silversteln, David, 232 St. Julian sir**, west. Schnaars, F., Anderson and Whitaker streets. Schuenemann, D. H., Piast Broad anA Bolton Greets. Stelljes. Henry. 301 Oglethorpe avenue. Schwarz, George, 315 Congress si rest, west. Slem. D . Second and Whitaker street*. Suiter. Henry, Montgomery and l iberty street*. Slater, J. C., Congrees and J offer on streets. Schultes, Gut*., corner Price aad York streets. Stahmer, John, corner Ann and Bryan streets. B<-hercr, J H., 127 West Broad street. Steffens. Henry, East Broad and Ogle thorpe avenue. Sc h lot tel berg, D.; Price and Hall streets. Stiles. Josephine K.. 601 Buy street, west. Speight. W. G., 1923 Bollun street, west. Slater, Jas. F.. No. 11 East Broad street. Seay. J. W . Agt., No. 339 West Broad street. Stelljes. A.. 215 Randolph street. Sampson, Peter, 302 Bryan street. Schwarz, Geo. C.. Congress and Whita ker. Smith, W. T. K.. 412 Congress street, west. Schnaars, If. J., Jones and Wilson streets. Savannah Liquor Company, 207 Congress street, west. Schwarz, Cassle. Anderson and Atlantis streets. Schurman, J. C., 617 Broughton st r eat east. Sttvarius, O. E.. 2120 Bull street. Sheftall. Solomon, 25 Barnard street. Henry, 2 East Broad street. Schiller, W., manager, 17 Bay streot, east. Sullivan. John. 15 Congress street, west. Smith, W. H., M 7 Liberty afreet, east. T Taylor, J. K., Price and Og’ethorpe ave nue. Treub, FI., West Broad and Orange streets. Tietjen, Jno. F.. 225 Wet Broad street* Tlenken. F J.. 638 Llperty street, east. Tholken, Geo. H., 172 Arnold street. Tousealnt, Chas., Price and Oglethorpg avenue. Travers, E., Screven House. V Vfrukl, K!t. 42 Barnard, Wm., West Broad and Taylor streets. W \Vllltams & Cirlce, 340 West Broad street. Weltz. 8.. 22i East Broad street. Winter. A.. 141 Barnard street. Wolf. Bout*. 423 Congress street, west. Wellbrork. J. F\, 524 JetTerson street. Wlilteman, Jos. E., 510 Oglethorpe ave nue. east. ; Wood, A. H.. 242 West Broad street. Watson & Powers. De Soto Hotel. Wade. John T.. Oglethorpe avenue and | Houston street. Woltera, H. J., 320 Broughton street. east. Wallace. W. M., No. 506 Stewart street T Ybanez, E. D.. 103 Bay street, <g.-t. Empty Hogsheads. Empty Molasses Hogsheads fag | sale by 0, M. GILBERT & CO. _ 7