Newspaper Page Text
the morning news.
Wished 1850- •- - Incorporated IBSS
E * J H. ESTILL, President.
driving the allies.
chiSE sb force them to con.
tract their tines.
guns sweep the streets.
heathen have mooted twelve
more to advantage.
(oD ,t„nt Fire Frota the Giino Hen-
Jer, Position After Position In
tenable— Cossack* Scored a Sue-
C e* hF Killing 8,000 Men and
Coiilnrlng Six Krupp Guns —No
y„, yet Front Pekin—Ll to Slay
j u ( anton.
London, July 14.—The scanty cable dis
patches received to-day odd nothing to the
knowledge in London of the Chinese situ
I( is stated positively from Canton that
1,1 Hung Chang will remain there until
the allied troops have defeated Prince
Tuan? forces, and then will go'north to
lend hi? powerful aid in arranging terms
of peace, co-operating with Prince Ching,
l ung I.u and the other pro-foreign vice
roys For the present, Li Hung Chang
considers that he can best control and
direct the viceroys from Canton and also
keep in check the turbulent province of
Kwang Tung.
All the foreigners and missionaries have
evacuated Wen Chau and have arrived at
King To. Large bodies of Boxers appear
ed at Wen Chau and threatened to exter
num te the foreigners and Christians.
They also distributed banners, badges and
Inflammatory anti-foreign appeals.
The Tien Tsin correspondent of the Ex
press. fejegraphing under date of July 9,
asserts that the Chinese are daily driving
in the allies. They ha,ve mounted, says
the correspondent, twelve fresh guns In
advantageous positions with which they
ar sweeping the streets of the foreign
settlement, the incessant fire rendering
position after position quite untenable.
The Daily Mail's St. Petersburg corre
spondent says that in the last six-hours'
battle outside of Tien Tsin, the Cossacks
captured six Krupp guns and killed num
bers of fleeing Boxers. The Chinese lost
3,000 killed, including Gen. Kek.
Dot What It Was Was Not Made
Known in London.
London, July 13.—1n the House of Com
mons to-day, replying to questions on the
subject. the parliamentary secretary of
the foreign office, Mr. Broderick, said that
little new? had been received from China.
Her Majesty’s government, he explain
ed, had been unable to communicate with
the British naval‘officers in China, as the
land lines between Che Foo and Shanghai
hid been cut. A dispatch, purporting to
have been sent from the Emperor of
China to Her Majesty's government, was
received yesterday, but the secretary said
he was unable to promise to make its
contents known.
LI Mnng Chang Respond* to an Im
perial Edict.
Berlin, July 13.—According to a semi
official telegram from Canton, dated
Thursday, July 12, Li Hung Chang, July C,
received a written imperial edict, dated
June 17. and sent overland, in which all
the governors were urged to dispatch
troops with the utmost speed to help
against the rebels, among whom Prince
Tuan was clearly indicated.
Acting on this edict, which is said to he
tin ii iilitedly genuine, Li Chung Chang is
sending some thousands of troops to Pe
kin. .ind the other governors are prob
ably doing the Jmme.
Report of nn Agency Says Foreign
er* Were Killed Then.
I-ondon, July 13.—A news agency re
port sirs that an official message receiv
ed In London states that nil foreigners
In Pekin were murdered July 6.
And Secretary l,nng Construed That
n* n Hopeful Sign.
Washington, July 13.—Secretary Long
stated nt a i a t e hour to-night that he had
bot received a word during the day or
evening from Admiral Remey, in command
~le Asiatic station, now in Chinese wa
,rr The fact hat the Admiral has pot
biad. any report of the conditions said to
<*iM In Pekin and the reported murder of
ta*- ministers. Secretary Long regards as
* hopeful sign, as he inclines to the opin
ion that had any finality occurred In the
J' a i’ l, some word or rumor of it might
bav; found its way to Tien Tsin or Taku.
' MESSAGE to conger.
N'" Gav e III* A**l*tniice In the Ef
fort to Communicate.
Washington, July 13.—The Chinese min-
’ ,,fr . Mr. Wu, has undertaken to get
through a cipher cable message from Sec-
Play to United States Minister
'ihgcr a t Pekin, and to deliver back the
P'PP to Minister Conger, If he be alive.
r 'V it forwarded the cipher dispatch,
r with gn extended explanatory
vssage of his own, on Wednesday, and
'' Uts are now being eagerly await
* '"SII hy Secretary Hay and the Chi
''ll ulster, although it is appreciated
, ‘ cue days must elapse before run
ii carry out this plan of opening
inirmnicatlon between the American
‘niment at Washington and the
. _ an minister at Pekin,
the " :,K soon Hf * er Minister Wu presented
,i ~xt of the edict Issued by the Chl
kv,',* mper * a ' S° vernmPn t that Mr. Hay
to m'" ' 1 lllm 10 Fet through a message
Mv '", ,lls *' r Conger. Since the Chinese
thro , n nt ha(l succeeded in getting
k! ’ 1 own communication from Pe
so- ; Hay W* that it was quite rea
k,. to ask that like communication
gnW'Ubd ''oiween our minister and the
' ii.msnt here. Mr. Wu readily assent
,M- r ’ l, Pfoposltlon.
orid i~y ~lereu pon wrote the message,
, 11 ,ra n*!ated into the official cl
,hr State Department. The con-
IV v" Pr * 1 not ma< l e known to Minister
0,1 * ln unintelligible cipher form,
Satuimval) JUnfninfj ?Crto,
it is intrusted to him to be placed in the
hands of Minister Conger at the earliest
possible moment.
Mr - Wu determined to act through' the
medium an influential imperial officer
at Shanghai, who by reason of his posi
tion. is better able than any one else in
China to execute such a mission. Be
sides forwarding the message to Minister
Conger, Mr. Wu sent to the Chinese offi
cial a detailed and urgent explanatory
message, in which was set forth the im
perative importance of performing this ser
vice for the American government. The
otfloial was urged to spare no effort or
expense in forwarding the message by
carriers, runners, or any other means,
into the hands of Minister Conger, and
to use like means in getting back the an
swer to the American government.
Two days have elapsed since the mes
sage to Mr. Conger went forward, and ii
is confidently believed that it is now on
its way from Shanghai to Pekin.
' —>
Slate Department Accept* the View
of Disaster in Pekin.
Washington, July 13.—The department of
state has received a dispatch from Con
sul General Goodnow at Shanghai, say
ing that the governor of Shang Tung
wires that the Boxets and soldiers were
bombarding the legations for a final at
tack upon July 7. He is extremely anxious
for the safety of the ministers and friend
ly Chinese in P. kin. The consul adds that
fears for the worst are generally enter
The state department has also received
a di patch fr. m Ccn-ul McWade at Can
ton, saying that the Vicetoy, Li Hung
Chang, has engaged quarters upon the
Chinese stiemer Anpi’-g, but that the date
of his departure for the north is, as yet,
Consul Genet al Goodnow s message ter
ribly depressed the ofllc als here. All along
they have suspected that the various c:m
munications received fr.m Chinese
sources in Shanghai have been preparing
the way for the announcement of the ex
termination of the foreign ministers and
their wiveS, attaches, dependents and
The consul general's message, it is un
derstood, is but a repetition of the latest
press reports from Shanghai, but the state
department has come to place a high esti
mate on Mr. Goodnow’s advices. It ap
preciates the fact that he does not send
every piece of unreliable gossip afloat in
the sensational news center where he is
stationed, but uses good judgment in sift
ing out the probable from the other kind
of news. Moreover, his advice this time
is from the Chinese government of the
province wherein Shanghai is situated, and
it is hard lo conceive of an adequate rea
son for the falsification of the facts by that
official in the direction of this particular
report. Therefore, the state department,
which has all Along been hopeful of the
ultimate rescue of the ministers at Pekin,
has now joined European chancelleries In
the belief that all have been killed.
Demanded, Too, That n Communi
cation Heaeh Her Minister.
Faris, July 13.—The Chinese minister
here has communicated to M. Delcasse,
.the minister of foreign affairs, an imperial
edicl, dated June 29.
To this, M. Delcasse has replied that,
since the Chinese government had the
means to communicate with its represen
tatives abroad, it ought to guarantee com
munications between the foreign Powers
and their representatives at Pekin, and he
lias therefore charged the Chinese minister
to transmit a telegram to M. Pichon, the
French minister to China.
Another Chinese Report of a Pro-
Foreign Stiree**.
Brussels, July 13.—M. deFabereau, min
ister of foreign affairs, has received a
telegram from \J- deCartier de March
lenne, secretary of the Belgian legation at
Pekin, dated at Shangtiat, stating on the
authority of a Chinese source, that troops
faithful to Gen. Neh f-i Chang had de
feated the rebels near Pekin and that they
recognized the authority of Prince Ching
and Gen. Yung Lu, who sirived to de
fend the Europeans.
But tlie Chinese Merchant Will Not
Allow It.
Shanghai, Thursday, July 12—The for
eign consuls are offering large sums for
the production of the letter which a Chi
nese merchant is said to have received
from Pekin, dated June 30, saying the le
gations were demolished and that the for
eigners had been killed. The merchant
declines to show it, alleging that he fears
punishment from the Chinese officials
Rioting is reported to have occurred at
Ning Po., but no confirmation of the re
pons has been received.
The Emperor Hnl Ordered Troop*
to Join the Boxer*.
St. Petersburg, July 13.—The latest offi
cial advices received here regarding the
spread of the revolutionary movements
in Manchuria add but little material in
formation. On June 24 an edict of the
Emperor of China was intercepted, or
dering the Chinese troops to unite with
the Boxers.
Subsequently, the Governor of Moukden
informed the chief engineers that the
railroad line must be handed over to the
Chinese and that nil Russians must per
manently leave Manchuria. The engi
neers’ protests and urgings that the Gov
ernor ask for the assistance of the Rus
sians at Port Arthur to annihilate the
Boxers did not avail, and the Chinese
trqops continued to mass until the rising
culminated in,the murders and attacks
on the railroad and town* already re
Berlin Organised a Society to Sap
ply Them in Chinn.
Berlin, July 13.—N0 Chinese advices
have been received at the foreign office to
day, which fact is interpreted by the
press as ominous of disastrous news In
a few days. It is said that a feeling of
unrest exists in Shang Tung because of
the withdrawal of a part of the German
treope from Taku to Tsin Tau.
The German military expedition will
carry one battery of 15-centlmeter Howit
zers for the siege of Pekin. The marine
ministry Intends to charter thlrry or *>r
*v vessels for China, many of them to be
used as supply ships.
At a meeting held here, at tvhich were
(Continued on Fifth Page).
Grosvenor Had a Good Thing: at
Philadelphia— He Will Xow Spend
His Earnings on n Trip to Europe.
Believes Republicans t on Push on
to Success Without Him—His Po
litical and Chinese Views—Wu’s
Position and Conger’s ( ontrasted.
Washington, L>. C., July 13.—Distress
ing rumors concerning the fate of foreign
ers in Pekin have been in circulation here
to-day. At the state department the only
official information received was a brief
dispatch from Consul General Goodnow
of Shanghai, stating that the Governor
of Shang Tung wires that the Boxers and
soldiers were bombarding the legations for
a final attack upon July 7. He is ex
tremely anxious for the safety of the
ministers and our Chinese friends in Pe
kin. The consul adds that fears of the
worst are generally entertained.
This dispatch, coupled with information
from London that all the Europeans in
Pekin were massacred July 6, had a very
depressing effect here. Department offi
cials have Jong suspected that the various
reports emanating from Shanghai, in each
cose from a Chinese source, have been
preparing the way for the formal an
nouncement of the extermination of the
foreign ministers, and oil the hapless peo
ple who were cooped up in Pekin.
The greatest anxiety prevails in diplo
matic circles concerning the latest re
port, and the representatives of China,
Japan, Russia and France were at the
state department to-day, seeking infor
mation. They wer§ shown the dispatch
of Consul Goodnow, which was not en
Representative Grosvenor of Ohio, ar
rived here to-day from home, on his way
to New York, to take a brief trip to
Europe. He says, while the preliminar
ies of the coming are
being arranged, he proposes to take
an. ocean voyage to rest up pre
paratory to engaging actively In the ap
proaching contest. He realized a snug sum
fro’m his journalistic and lUe*ry work
during the Philadelphia Convention, and
he proposes to spend it in a much-needed
sea trip. He might have continued his
journalistic course at Kansas City at the
rate of SIOO per day, but he declined the
proposition. He will be absent about
a month, and when he returns he expects
to have his predict*©** faculties in good
working orders for McKinley.
Gen. Grosvenor says the political out
look is not causing him as much concern
as the terrible conditions existing in
China. His personal association w r ith
Minister Conger and the dread that the
latler has met an untimely end at bar
barous hands is forced upon him by the
conflicting and unsatisfactory reports
coming from the Far East.
“I apprehend,” said Gen. Grosvenor,
“that Minister Conger and all the for
eigners in Pekin, have been put to death
by tl|is time. I cannot convince myself
that American Ingenuity, combined with
that of the representatives of the foreign
Powers, would fail to invent some means
of communication wWh ihe outside world
during this long period of silence If any
of them were alive. Necessity is the
mother of invention, and I cannot help be
lieving that our representatives and their
allies, if alive, would have found some
means of getting word to us at home. In
my judgment, this Chinese question is
more terrible to contemplate than any
other we have to deal with. Of course.
It can cut no figure in the coming po
litical campaign, except that It will con
tinue <o overshadow in the public interest
any subject that may be suggested by
either of the political parties. Even now
tidings from China are being discussed
throughout the land to the exclusion of
all other topics, and the newspapers are
relegating national politics to the back
pages to give the right-of-way to Chinese
*Tn this connection it was suggested to
Gen. Grosvenor that a striking and
startling contrast might be drawn be
tween the present personal surroundings
of Mr. Conger and the Chinese minister
to the United States. The Chinese minis
ter is daily seen riding through the
streets of the national capital on a bi
cycle. accompanied by his 10-year-old son
and several American children, residents
in the vicinity of the Chinese legation.
He enjoys the utmost freedom, receives
the kindest treatment and respect, offi
cially and socially, and is at liberty to
carry on unrestricted and uncensored
communication with all parts of the
On the other hand, no one seems pre
pared to state officially whot the fate of
Minister Conger has been, or whether at
this moment he is in existence. As Gen.
Grosvenor remarked, If Minister Conger
is Fill alive, the so-called Imperial edict
might have cleared up the mystery, and
there are numerous other ways by which
ihe anxiety of the civilized world may be
relieved by those ln authority at the Chi
nese capital.
Returning to the political situation,
Gen. Grosvenor says the plan of the cam
paign wiU he formed n once and the pre
liminary skirm'shing will be carried on all
along the line. The real fighting will come
later on when the weather Is o little cooler
and the rival leaders have organized their
The General says the situation in- Ohio
and other Western states Is entirely satis
factory to the Republicans, but in some
places there are indications of over confi
dence as to the result, and at other point*
there are disturbing signs of internal dis
sension over local issues.
Commenting upon tl\£ fact that qul'e a
large percentage of veteran Republican
members of the House are to be deprived
of a renomination this year, the General
said that it Is due to a peculiar system of
rotation which prevails in many congres
sional districts. In certain districts there
is an iron-clad rule to the efTect that no
man shall have more than two terms In
succession. In other district* the people
seem to realize that the longer a repre
ss native Is retained In Congress, the more
prominence he attains In Washington rnd
the more valuable he becomes to his con
stituents. The fact that many of 'he cld
members are to give way this year to new
aspirants for congressional honor* docs
not indicate that the Republicans for one
moment fear that they will loe con
trol of the House in the next Congress.
They realize that there will be a hard
tight all along the line, and they propose
to make the most vigorous and aggressive
campaign possible.
I £o far as the presidential contest Is con-
cernod, Gen. Grosvenor feels confident of
McKinley's re-election. He says in his
judgment, those Democrats who are oppos
ed to Bryan will not waste their sub
stance on a third ticket, hut will adopt
other methods calculated to defeat Mr.
Col. (nmphell Stated the Claims of
the Prosecution.
Georgetown. Ky., July 13.—The Jury was
completed in the Powers case to-day, and
the first evidence was heard.
Before the hearing of evidence began,
Col. Campbell stated the case for the pros
ecution. He reviewed the political events
of last fall, and especially the events fol
lowing the election and the Instituting of
contests by the Democratic candidates for
state officers.
He said that Caleb Powers was the most
aggressive among those who sought to set
tle the contest by violence, and that to
him largely was due importation to Frank
fort of the band of mountain men, 175 of
whom were retained in Frankfort regu
larly. He charged that a majority of
them had killed from one to several men
each. He claimed it will be put in evidence
that on Jan. 38, Mr. Powers made use of
a statement that "Goebel has not as many
days to live as 1 have fingers on my hand."
"He teviewed the facts in cot meet ion with
the assassination, and claimed that the
state house yard had been cleared in
furtherance of the conspiracy; cited the
cl sing of the executive building against
tne police officers, the calling out of troops
and o;her matters which have already
come out in the examining trials as fur
ther proof of the conspiracy.
D. Meade Woodson, ex-city engineer of
Frankfoit. who made the measurements
by whch the pr,s cuiion, through mathe
matical demonstrations, attenip.s to prove
that the shot was fired from Powers’ of
fice, was the first witness placed on the
During Surveyor Woodson's testimony,
he produced the chip cut from the hack
berry tree in the state house yard. The
chip contains the steel bullet which is
supposed to have passed through the
body of Mr. Goibel.
Illinois Central I-ost No Time In Se
curing Robbers.
Chicago, July 13.—" Three of the robbers,
who held up Illinois Central train No. 4
at Mayfield Creek, Ky., about ten miles
south of aClro, 1:30 a. m., 11th Inst., have
been arrested and imprisoned by special
agents in the employ of the company. We
also expect to get the other two robbers
in a short time.”
Vice President J. T. Harahan of the
Illinois Central, made the foregoing state
ment to-night. He said; "The first one
arrested was Michael Connelly, alias
Doyle, who claims to be. a resident of
Portland, Ore. He was caught at
Charleston, Mo., a small town on the
Iron Mountain Railway, about fifteen
miles from Oh fro, on the afternoon of the
11 instant, and Is now in Jail at Cairo.
"Jha second. ttuti. Mike Conian, was
arrested at or near Wickliff, Ky., yeater
dov, and is now in jail there.
"Another suspect has been arrested and
held in custody at Cairo, and information
has just been received from St. Louis,
that one of the robbers implicated in the
train robbery, has made a full confes
He. Fought Desperately and Avoided
St. Louis, July 13.—Charles W. Barnes
of this city, snpected of being one of the
robebrs who looted an express car on the
Illinois, Central Railway, was arrested at
his home to-day. John Nelson, Barnes’
alleged partner, escaped, leaving a trail of
blood. Forty shots were exchanged be
tween the fugitive and the officers who
pursued him to Van, Deventer station,
where he disappeared.
Special Agent George Murray of the Illi
nois Central Railway detective bureau,
was shot by Nelson, but will recover.
Barnes was taken without bloodshed.
Late this afternoon Barnes confessed to
Chief of Detective Desmond and Chief of
Police Campbell that he. together with
John Nelson and a man named Dyer, alias
Conley, committed the robbery.
Barnes stated that Dyer came from San
Francisco four months ago and that the
plot was all arranged in this city.
The Blanket Indians Growing
Troublesome in Minnesota.
Solway, Minn., July 13—The danger of
an outbreak by the Banket Indians on
Rid Lake is increasing. The Indian po
lice fiom the agency have gone over to
the point, where the Blanketfcrs are hold
ing their war dance, and It Is expected
trouble will ensue.
Twenty mounted men have left Solway
and will proceed to the agency and take
instructions from Indian Agent Mercer.
The men are all well armed and carry
each a thousand rounds of extra ammuni
tion, which will be distributed among the
s ttlers.
A petition will be sent to Gov. Lind to
morrow, asking that a detachment of
stale troops lie sent to Red Like ol once.
The Indians keep up their war dances,
and their shouts can be heard for three
miles at frequent intervals. They dis
charge their rifles in the air.
It is said that a large body of reds from
the northern part of the state has Joined
forces with the Blanketers, and small
bands of Indians are Joining the main
body hourly. Ibis estimated that the en
tire force numbers over 300 at present. The
squaws and papooses have been si tit
norih, and only the young bucks remain at
the point.
The white settlers at the point are pre
paring for an attack. The Indians at the
agency hove assured the whites of their
support, but it Is thought that many of
them are going over to the Bianketera.
Nothing has been heard from Capt. Mer
cer since his departure for the lake, and
fears are entertained for his safely.
When Papers In the Neely Case tre
Havana. July 13.—The Fiscal says that
ex-Director General of Posts Rathbone
wilt not be arrested until the papers In
the Neely case shall have been received
from Washington, and that the only abso
lute criminal charge certain is that of
the misapropriatlon of *l.OOO. He also
says that civil suit for more than *26,ox>
will be Instituted against Rathbone's
bondsmen; but, as Rathbone is already
held as a witness, he thinks It better to
await the developments of the Neely case.
In order to see If the claim of Deputy
Auditor Reeves, that Rathbone received
*15,000, can be ascertained.
Rudolph Says the Beach Is Pretty
Well Worked Out Only Place
Where Much Dust Is Found In
Completely Taken I p—Prices Arc
IIIrIi ou Everything Rudolph
Doesn't See How the People W ill
Get Away.
Washington, July 13.—The Secretary of
the Treasury has received a letter from
G. Rudolph, living at 826 Broadway,
Brooklyn. N. Y., on the situation at Cape
Nome, Alaska. The department sees no
reason to doubt the trustworthiness of the
story told by Mr. Rudolph and suggests
Its publication. It is becoming dally more
apparent to the % officials that the condi
tions in the new gold fields are almost
certain to result in great suffering during
the coming winter, especially as epidem
ics of small-pox and typoid fever are
threatened. The letter is as follows:
“On account of the terrible reports in
the newspapers concerning the conditions
at Cape Nome, I -take the liberty of send
ing you a few lines. I left Nome on
June 20, and being an old miner, I am
fully capable of sizing up n new mining
camp in a few days. I arrived at Nome
on June 12. I and my partner tried
working the beach for gold in several
places, and I personally saw others by
the hundred* do the same, but not in one
instance did we see a man take out
enough gold to pay for his grub. The
only place where any gold was being
taken out was between the beach and the
tundra. There they were only making
day’s wages of from $7 to $lO a day. This
place is only about three-quarters of a
mile long, and it is all taken up hy about
500 men. Like the beach, it is now nearly
all worked out.
“I, with thousands of others, had been
led to believe that after a winter or af
ter any storm, the beach would be Just
as good as it was originally. That is not.
so. When once worked out, the beach
there is done for. While at Nome I talk
ed with men who had come from points
as far as fifty miles below the camp.
They told me they had found nothing,
and they were going farther north. I
talked, too, with men who had come from
points far up the beach, but they declar
ed there was nothing up there, and they
were, going down the beach. So. if seems
that the whole stretch is nearly ell
worked out.
“No one estimates that more than 300
hands are at work on Anvil creek, with
as many more, each, on Snow. Glacier
and Dexter creeks—a total of perhaps
1,500 men. When I left. 20.000 men were
in the district, and the only work was
in unloading boats or putting up new
buildings. The former task kept about
500 men busy, and the buildings employed
about 300. When I left, on June 20. be
tween 500 and 1,000 were arriving daily. I
went up on the San Bias, which made a
trip on to St. Michael’s and brought down
300 men. The Aberdeen, on which T came
back, made two trips, and brought a few
over 500. Several other boats made one
or more trips to St. Michael’s and brought
"There are far more destitute people at
Nome than people on the outside know of.
I know that the San Bias had steerage
bunk* numbered up to 390. and over 101
were in the cabin, while there were also
about twenty stowaways. On the Aber
deen they told me that they had about
twenty stowaways, and no doubt every
boat had a great many stowaways. I
spoke to dozens of men. and they told me
that they had no food, but expected to
go to work when they reach Nome. A
meal costs $1 to $1.60, coffee and pie or
three crullers 25 cents; a bed from $2 tos3.
or when you furnish your own blankets,
from $1 to $1.50.
"The water well* I saw were from
twelve to fifteen feet deep, and are sure
to be contaminated by all of these people
being huddled together. When I left there
were tents twenty deep and about throe
miles long.
"Now you don’t want to forget that it
took more than fifty vessels to bring all
of these people to Nome, to soy nothing
of over 5,000 coming from the Yukon conn
try.* There are no inducements for the
steamship companies to send their vessels
back again for a busted mob. You may
think that I am a cold-foot miner, but
ask any miner who was In that country
whether he saw any gold dust In circula
tion. That is the way to tell a good camp.
In eight days I saw only one. man pay
for a purchase with dust. When asked
about it, he eaid that it was from the
He Says Taylor Wants to fttnnu
Trial, Too.
Indianapolis, Ind., July 13. Charles
Finley, ex-secretary of state of Ken
tucky, said Unlay that he intend* to go
back to Kentucky to stand trial for
complicity in the murder of W. E. Goe
"I should like to go next week,” ho
said. “My only plan for the future is io
return to Kentucky to go through tin
form of a trial. Just as soon as I am
satisfied that the rancor of our opponents
has died down, I shall return. I suppose
I shall have to be guided by general ob
servation ln deciding that, but. knowing
myself to be absolutely innocent, I can
not bear the thought of allowing such an
imputation as has been made against in,*
to stand. Gov. Taylor feels Just as I do."
A Paris Wat cli in ii n Overheard Its
Parish July 13.—Inquiries are being made
Into what may possibly turn out to be a
serious attempt to destroy the grand pal
ace of the Champs Ely sees, Wednesday
A watchman of cellars, which were filled
with packing cases and a large quantity
of other Inflammable, material, overheard
a conversation between two men leading
him to believe that a plot was on foot to
set fire to the building. The miscreants
fled upon his approach. A search the next
morning resulted In the discovery of two
hermetically sealed boxes filled with block
powder. The chemical properties of this
powder have not yet been dlscload by the
authorities.. -
Story of tlie Reverse to the British
nt Xitml'n \ek.
Pretoria. July 12.—C01. Mahon, reinforced
by Gen. French’s brigade yesterday, took
all the positions held by the Boers in the
neighborhood of Rieifontein. A number
of Boer dead were found. The British
casualties were trifling.
Details are now at hand regarding the
disaster to the Lincolnshire regiment on
Wednesday. It appears that five com
panies were ordered Tuesday to proceed
and hold the pass through Magalesburg
in the neighborhood of Daapoortfort. They
arrived at the pass in the afternoon, where
three companies, with- two guns, took up
a position and camped for the- night, leav
ing two companies on a plain south of the
The eastern hill was rugged, rocky and
inaccessible, but further east apparently
approachable from the main ridge. At
daybreak y esterday the Boers appeared on
the eastern kopje and opened a heavy Are.
Confusion ensued. The colonel ordered the
men to take up a position on a kopje west
of the gap. From this point a hot fire en
sued during the entire day.
Two guns, under the escort of the Scots
Greys, placed in advance of the main body,
were captured after a stout resistance.
Nearly every man was killed or wounded.
A Maxim gun- was brought into action
early in the day. *rhe fire was too hot
find the men were finally forced to retire.
A sergeant, aided by seven volunteers,
saved the gun.
There was a continuous fire ail along
the line, the Lincolnshire regiment men
vigorously replying. About 3 o’clock in
the. afternoon the Boers appeared, to the
left of the position occupied by the Brit
ish. An officer and fifteen men nttemptel
to charge them. Fourteen men were killed
or wounded ns the result of the charge.
Three companies were practically sur
rounded.but they kept up a steady fire un
waveringly until towards nightfall, when
their ammunition had been expended.
The latest arrival from the scene atates
that the moment of his escape the men
were taking n good position under cover,
and with fixed bayonets were awaiting the
approach of the Boers.
It is understood upon good authority,
that the. Boers have employed ormed na
tives. Two of the natives* leaped from
cover when a small party from the Lin
colnshire Regiment stepped up and de
manded their surrender. A soldier stepped
forward and shot both of the natives dead.
One oftkJer, who succeeded in making his
escape, had an encounter with an armed
It is feared that the losses of the British
were numerous. About thirty of the Brit
ish soldiers straggled back to camp to
day. According to all accounts, a great
force is being assembled to prevent fur
ther progress of the Boers.
Commandant Grobler, who commanded
the federate at Nltral’s Nek, had four
The General Mn<lr No Farther Re
port About HU Disaster.
London, July 14.—Lord Roberts has sent
nothing further concei the Ni ral’s
Nek affair. Pretoria dispatches, however,
show that the Lineolnahlres lost h3lf of
the r offle rs, including Col. Roberts, who
was wounded and taken prisoner. Btr*g
glers continue to arrive at the camp, but
few further details tan be gathered. The
Bri i h fought stubbornly until nightfall,
*vh n the cavalry itim'd their horses
The Boer report of ihe engagement
P a 'fs the British casualties at mer 100.
In the Derdepoort affair, mentioned in
Lord Roberts' dispatch, the mm in the
front rank of the Boers wore khaki uni
forms and helmets, and the Dragoons
passed them unsuspectingly, under the
impression that they w-ere Hussars. The
mistake was no-t discovered until the
Boers opened a heavy fire, when the Dra
goons were within 400 yards.
British prisoners who'have escaped to
Kroons iad t report that Gen. De Wet’s
force of 10,000 men, with ten guns, ex
pelled from Bethlehem by Gen. Clements
and Gen. Paget, have taken up a strong
position fifteen miles to the southward,
in the hills around Rcteif-Nek. President
Steyn is reported to be with them.
Another case of the Boers wearing
khaki is reported to have happened at
Lindley, on Juno 20, when they surprised
a picket of twenty-five men of the York
shire. Light Infantry, eighteen of whom
were killed or wounded.
Mounted Infantry Shelled n Ridge
They Occupied.
Witport, Transvaal, July 13.—Gen.
Clery’s column, which has moved easter
ly, is now camped h<re. During the
march the mounted Infantry engaged 200
Boers, shelling a ridge occupied by the
It is anticipated that this movement will
clear ihe country fnm Standerton to Poi
delberg, as ihe troops found but one re
maining laager, from which the Boers re
tired hurriedly.
He Is Outspoken on the .Subject Re
garding Cuba.
Washington, July 13.—Secretary Root to
day, in discussing the coming Constitu
tional Convention in Cuba, expressed him
self quite positively on the question of an
In reply to a question, he said that the
subject of annexation, or any other sub
ject, for that matter, might be brought
up before the convention, but that in his
own opinion Cuban annexation, if it came
at all, was not imminent Just now, Henald:
"My own experience in Cuba lead* me
to believe that the desire for independence
Is both strong and general among the
people. I do not think they want annex
ation, even supposing that we want them.
Under the congressional declaration we
are in honor bound to give them Independ
ence first. If, subsequently, they wish en-
that is a matter for them to de
termine. Bui it should be determined
when they re in a position absolutely in
dependent of us. Even then, as I have
suggested, i Is a case w here It takes two
to make a bargain."
find a Discussion About the Chinese
Washington, July 13.—Mr. Wollant, the
Russian charge of embassy, called at
the state department to-day to talk over
the Chinese situation with Secretary yy.
He stated that he had no advices from
his own government touching the latest
development at Pekin.
It is understood that the state depart
ment is basing its repeated affirmations of
the willingness of Russia to permit large
operations by Japan In a military sense
in China on repreaentation* made by Mr.
Prof. Glenn’* Snlijeet NVa* “AN lint
Manner of ( liilil Shall Till* Ref”
Mnrk of n Gootl Teaeher the De -
velopment of the \Vor*t, Not the
Ile*l, l*n|ill—Report of the Com
mittee on Itenolntl >ll* Wat for
Educational Improvement*.
Charleston, S. C.. July 13-The National
Educational Association dosed its con
venticn here (o-niKht. During the day
two s s ion* ct the general convention
were held, at which the following pipers
wee read:
"The Influence of Pcetry ln Educat'on
From (he Lasts of .Aesthetics," William
M. Birdshir, president lowa State Agri
cultural College.
' The Value of English Literature ln
Ethi al Training," Reuben Post Halleck,
Louisville, Ky.
Educational Ya ties in Literature,” Dr.
Marlin U. Brumbaugh, University of
Pennsylvania, recently chosen commis
sioner of education for Porto Rico.
"What Manner of Child Shall This Be?”
Hon. < i. H. Glenn, state superintendent
of public inslrttctl n for Georgia. Prof.
Glenn said, in part.
“If 1 were to ask what is to be account
ed the great ultsccv, ry of th s century, I
would puts by all the sph ndid achieve
ments that men hove wrought In wood
and stone and iron and brass, I would
i o. go to the volume that catalogues the
printing press, the loom, the steam en
gine, the steamship, Ihe ocean cable, the
telegraph, wireless telegraphy, the tele
phone, the phonograph 1 would not go
among the stars ami point to either one
of the planets that have been added to
our s lar syste'm. I wou.d not call for tha
Rhoentgcn ray that promises to revolu
tionize the study of the, human brain as
well as the human body. 1 would pat-s
over all the labor-saving machines and
devices by which the work erf the world
has heen marvelously mul (plied. Above
and beyond all tiles , the Inelex finger of
Ihe world's progress, in the match of
time, would p lnt unerringly to the Utile
child as the one great discovery pf the
century now speeding to Its ciose.
“If we pause for a mom tit to contrast
the condition of ihe child, even one hun
dred years ago, with ihe cend.tion of the
child that is horn to-day, wtr marvel at
whot God has wrought wlihiri a hundred
years. At the beginning cf this century
learning belonged to a limited oligarchy.
Education was the privilege of the lew,
and Ignorance the sodeltn herbage of the
benighted masses. With the beginning of
the c ntury few enly ef Ihe world’s term
leg millions could r ad and fewer slill
did the thinking for the "great unwash
ed." With the beginning of the twentieth
i entury the pubic sell ol is gens Into
every hamlet among the civilized races of
t!)e globe, and Us b nefle, nt lght is Illum
inating the derkett recesses of the
humblest home. Education Is no
longer the oxclufive privilege of an
autocratic -mtnerUy. U Is to-d*y the di
vine right of an all-powerful elemocratic
"If, at the beginning of the century, we
had alienation and separation, a great Im
passable gulf between the rich and the
poor, to-day we have union, strength and
life-, and millions of happy children of rUn
and poor alikt> marching under a banner on
which Is Inscribed 'Freedom of oppor
tunity for all.’ What this freedom of op
portunity means to every American child,
no man con estimate. What the American
child of the future Is to be, no man can
now prophesy. The tblde distribution of
human knowledge has brought him ln
touch with all mankind. He Is a neigh
bor to every possible achievement and his
splendid environments makes him a poten
tial factor for accomplishing every human
“Already we Americans have discovered
that the old eyslem of education will not
lit his ease. We have begun to shift anei
readjust the paths that lead to and from
Ihe school house. Wo have quit trying
to fit the boy do a system. We are now
trying to adjust a system to the boy. The
American boy is praying the prayer of the
Psalmist as he never prayed that prayer
before, 'Set thou my feet ln a large room.'
We American teachers are trying to obey
the command of the Great Teacher, when
he said at the grave of Lazarus, who
came up, bound hand and foot in his
grove clothes, ’Loose him and let him go."
if we might reverently change this com
mand to lit our day and time, the change
would be, ’I-oose him and let him grow.’
The demand of the hour Is that we shall
Hike away, not only the grave clothes,
but all deadly cerements from the minds
and bodies of our children.
"Even teaching power in the future
must be defined ln new terms. Here,
again, we must approach more nearly
to the mind and spirit of the Great
Master Teacher of the world. Time was
when the power of the teacher was meas
ured by what he could do with a bright
hoy or a bright girl. From the beginning
of this new century' the power of the
teacher will be measured by what he ia
able lo do with the dull boy, the defective
child. More than ever before In the his
tory of this world, the real test of teach
ing power will be not by what
can Vie done with the best, but by what
con be done with the worst boy ln the
school. The Great Teacher who began our
civilization came Into this world to seek
out and to save that which was lost.
“The new century will demand that the
stre** of all energy and the culmination
of all Intelligence shall be applied to re
deeming what has been going to waste.
We shall have anew psychology as well
as anew education, and the new psy
chology will be the psychology of the
prodigal son and the lost sheep. The great
rejoicings In American life will be when
we have so mastered our problems of
child study and so perfected our lines of
school growth that our American system
of education will touch and develop and
control every American boy. We shall
come Io our place of rejoicing when we
have saved every one of these American
children and made every one of them a
contributor to the wealth, to the Intelli
gence and *o the power of this great dem
ocratic government of ours.
“Men now demand that those who build
their machines shall build a machine that
shall do twice ihe work with an expendi
ture of half the fuel that a machine did
even ten years ago. A few afternoon*
since I was waiting for my train to leave
the station from the Capital City of the
slate. 1 saw a great company of people
gathered about an object at the end of
the station. In answer to an inquiry as
to the cause of the gathering of this great
UConttnued on Fifth Page.)