The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, July 16, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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THE WEATHER. for Monday and Tuesday— Dedal rains and thunderstorms generally fair Tuesday, except '* , lt c . n tile coast; light to fresh south westerly winds. r i nrn Florida and Western Florida: rains Monday and Tuesday; fresh rly * ~1 Carolina: Generally fair Monday; ’ „•> and cooler Tuesday; light to fresh southerly winds. v -ttiday's Weather at Savannah— Musinrum temperature, 3 pm.. 88 degrees Minimum temperature, 6am 7# degrees yp ~i temperature 79 degrees Normal temperature 83 degrees y of temperature 4 degrees excess since ‘ j'.ij. i 6 degrees i,-cumulated deficiency Since ‘ j,, n 180 degrees R : 11 inch Xorm-tl 17 inch nwh-iem-y since July 1 1.51 Inches i,. n .y since Jan. 1 1.03 inches Piter Report—The hight of the Savan ,-ivcr at Augusta, at 8 a. m., 75th ,n time, yesterday, was 9.3 feet, a of 0.7 feet during the preceding twen’v-four hours. Observations taken at the Same moment of tiinc at all stations, July 13, 1900, S p. m ; ■,i meridian time v .. . - ~r Stations- I T | V |Rain. p.-stoi, cloudy I 78 | 1. j .00 X a York cits', cloudy ~| 82 | 1-1 | .00 Philadelphia, clear | 81 j It) | .00 Washington city, clear ~| 86 j B | .00 N'.irfolk. partly cloudy ..| 84 j B j .00 Hauerae. t*lear ] 78 J 6 | .00 Wilmington, clear | 80 | L | .00 I'narlotie, clear | 86 | L ; .00 Rai.-iuh. clear I 86 | B j .00 ~.,s- ten. clear ] 82 | G j .00 At..:, t.i. dear | SO | L j .00 \ lyu.-ta. clear | 81 j L j .00 S ,v.- t :::..ih. clear | 80 | 6 | .(,0 Jacksonville. partly cldy | 78 | B j .00 Jupil'T. •..titling | 72 | B |1.38 K- Wes:, cloudy | 84 | 1, | .04 T imi'.i, loudy | 74 . L, | .04 jloiule. cloudy j 80 j B j .00 jion.gomery. clear j 80 | B j T \ • irs. cloudy fB4j L j T N.. nrieans, cloudy | 82 | 6 | .00 Galveston, cloudy [ 84 j 10 j .00 < ->r I'll - Christ!, cloudy 84 j 21 | .02 ! 1 1 stir,e, cloudy | SO j B | .12 Memphis, cloudy | 84 [ 8 | .00 fit 1 .: ati, clear j 90 j 10 | .00 Pittsburg, partly cloudy j 90 j 6 | .00 ); fl.iin, cloudy | 74 | 10 | .02 1 1 troil. clear j 81 | 10 j .00 Chicago, partly cloudy ..| SO | 36 | T Marquette, raining j 56 ] 6 | .26 Si. •'.ml. cloudy [ 66 | 6 | .80 B.iyi nport, cloudy f 78 | 14 j .44 f Ta • list, cloudy , 83 | 12 | T . Kansas City, partly cldy j 76 | 12 | T Oklahoma, partly cloudy | 82 j 24 | .01 Po go City, partly cldy ,| 90 j 24 | .00 North Platte, cloudy j 6S | 14 | .04 T. for temperature: V. for velocity. H. B. Boyer. Weather Bureau. LOCAL. PERSONAL. Mr. D. J. Bowles of Augusta Is at the Screven. Mi. S. 1.. Peterson of Wadley is a guest of the Pulaski. Mi. C. N. Bacot of Atlanta is registered at the Pulaski. Mr. J. Alexander of Atlanta was at the Screven yesterday. .Mr. T. J. Whitesides of Columbus is the guest of the Pulaski. .Mr W. A. Sullivan of Opelika is regis lered at the Pulaski. Mr. Charles Baker of Atlanta is the guest of the Pulaski. Mr. J C. McKie. of Columbus is regis ter; 1 .it the Screven. Mr. louis J. Osina of Charleston Is reg ie. ered at the Pulaski. Mr William C. Wolfe of Orangeburg is the guest of the Pulaski. Mr S. Bowman, Jr., of Charleston is registered at the Screven. Mrs M L. Myriek of Americus arrived at the Lie Soto yesterday. Mr R. o. Jones of Columbia was regis •ered at the Screven yesterday. Mr. T. E. Royal of Mt. Vernon was reg -!- re-1 a> the Screven yesterday. Mr H. M. Griffin of Hartwell was among yesterday’s arrivals at the Pulaski. Mr. G. C. Allen of Brunswick was among the guests of the Pulaski yesterday. Mr. F. M. Hawkins of Waycross was in the city yesterday at the De Soto. Mr C. Y. Smith of Tennille was among the arrivals at the Pulaski yesterday. Mr B c. Hayne of Augusta was among the arrivals at the De Soto yesterday. Mr. I. V. Darner of Millen was in the city yesterday, a guest of the De Soto. Mr, S. w. Allen of Waycross was in the city yesterday and stayed at the Screven. Mrs M. C. Browne of Florence 8. C., ®'as the guest of the Pulaski yesterday. Mr S. G. Bang of Sandeirsville was in the city yesterday, a guest of the Screven. Mr Edward Collins of Augusta was in the ' it;.- yesterday, a guest of the Screven. Mr. 11. C. McCraig of Gainesville was among jiguests of the Pulaski yesterday. Mr. i E. Rhodes of Macon was in the city yesterday the guest of the De Soto. Mr. E. S. Hubner of Athens was in the up yesterday the guest of the Pulaski. Mr. T P. Saffold of Griffin was in the °**> yesterday the guest of the Pulaski. Mr. '' Rodgers Jordan of Waycross was among the arrivals at the Pulaski yester day. Me Benjamin Sams of Gibson was onions the arrivals at the Pulaski yester day. Mrs. B. A. Strunk of Liberty City was mi iit; tin arrivals at the Screven yester day. M 1 t*. P. Harter of Orangeburg was in 1 ■by yesterday the guest of the Pu laski. Mi and Mrs. John R. Whitehurst and , 1 Idrt-n of Albany are registered at the Soto. A i !• r spending a few days in Savannah, :. H. Ruckwald and sons are now at Hote; Tylie-e. ;' Ir . 'Jeorge W. Tiedcman and family, !' y have been spending several weeks at ' Tybee, will return to ihcir city home to-day. Miss Amelia Stalp has returned from a "’’ weeks’ vlsij to friends in Charleston, *’ 11 with her uncle. Mr. Herman Win -1 nn t| le Thunderbolt toad. She is ac 'omiiuhlcd by her friend, Mrs. Katherine "alters. Earnings of the Central. 7 hi- earnings of the Centra! of Georgia hn ho,-it] f or the week ending the fourth of June were *134,509, against $116,- ' or the corresponding week lasi year, 774 from Jan. 1 to the end of , ' ;; week of June, against $2,613,642 'in corresponding period last year. u- work of removing the Lncknwan q' llon “nil Steel mills from nl n, Pa., to been be f.'" The mills employ 3,009 men and T .’ 1 mpany is capitalized at $25,000,000. inability to compete In the West, the . '" n ’ field of activity In the steel rail _ ls is accountable for the removal. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. Kind You Have Always Bought SOMA, THE Brain and Nerve Food, SOMA cures that tired feeling. SOMA cures loss of men%ory, confusion of thought, attacks of vertigo, despondency, softening of the brain. SOMA cures prematureness, weakness from debilitating losses, pain in the back. SOMA cures loss of appetite, dyspepsia and constipation. SOMA cures sick and nervouti head ache. SOMA cures banquet and club headache. SOMA is nature’s own remedy, distilled from the fresh Juices of the Giant Soma plant, found in Northern India, imported and controlled by the Abbo institute, The most thorough end completely equip ped medical institution in the South for the treatment of all chronic and long standing diseases. 24 Liberty Street, West. TIEN TSI* THE FILTHY. Account of tle Pestilential Town Where the Boxer* Arc Manning. From the London Mail. I had Intended to spend only two days in Tien Tsin, but before I had been five hours in the place I was struck by an illness which kept me at the Astor House Hotel for a fortnight and at the Tien- Tsin Hotel for nearly six months. Think of the filthiest European town you have ever been in; multiply the dirt and squalor of it by ten; add to it the amell of a charnat house, and people iC with the canaille of the slums of Paris, and you have a picture of Tien Tsin at its best. As for the streets, they are gloomy, narrow, irregular, indeed almost distorted, for they turn and twist in all directions, while overhead the second stories of the houses are for the most part decorated with signboards and flags and streamers, each more grimy than its neighbor. In every street dozens of ill-favored and greasy loafers stare sulkily at you as you pass, and out of most of the windows during the. afternoon hideous faces peer stolidly from the gloom within. Such is the town that the horde of pil laging and barbarous ruffians ycleped "Boxers,” or “Highbinders,” seem like ly to make their headquarters—at any rate*, for the present and a place better suited to their evil designs i4 would be difficult to find. Yet Tien Tsin and the neighboring ham lets and villages hold a fairly large Eu ropean population. Tien Tsin itself has its season, its race club—managed by a popular sportsman—its polo matches, which are watched with languid interest by many hundred*? of Celestials; its pub lic band, which plays regularly in the Victoria Pork during the season; it week ly newspaper, the Pekin and Tien Tsin Times, and its Oordon Hall for public entertainments. At present this hall is said to be crowd ed with refugees, though it will offer but scant protection if any attempt be made by the insurgents to force an en trance into it. The whole of the native population of Tien Tsin spend their lives in idleness, and during the entire period of my enforced “visit” I did not meet a single white man, woman, or child some of the missionaries alone excepted— who was not pining for “the day of re lease from Tien Tsin." Even while I was there murders were committed frequently, sometimes in the daytime, but oftener by night. Who cotn- these assassinations nobody seem ed to know, and certainly nobody cared to try to find out. In Tien Tsin the apathy of the aborig ines is extraordinary. Only the highest officials take the least interest in public affairs, or in the doings of the world outside their own city walls, and even they would remain comatose did they no? receive grants from the Russian Secret Service Fund—grants which amount in all to a very Jarge sum yearly. And yet. in spite of their secret socie ties, their barabarous practices, their in human acts of cruelty upon occasions, the Chinese of Pekin and Tien Tsin are in some respects quite childish. It is by r.o means uncommon in Pekin, for instance, to see Chinese soldiers amusing them selves by practicing shooting with little bows and arrows. On one occasion, I remember it well, some of these soldiers thought it was the hight of humor to paint on canvas a pic ture of an enormous field piece, which pic ture they then stretched over the town wall. Hundreds of the natives at once flocked out to gaze at the ridiculous daub, and even when they had seen It they re mained staring at it for hours on end. "What is the idea?" I inquired of my in terpreter. "Heel heel" he answered, showing all his teeth, “he startee stranger,” which meant, I discovered subsequently, that the picture was intended to strike terror into ihe hearts of what are now called “the foreign devils.” , Some days later I happened to be dis cussing with a European resident in Tien Tsin the subject of the great loan which had then Just been concluded. “Ah, yes.” he remarked, quite seriously; "it is fortu nate that the business was not through in time. The Chinese kite-flying season opens next week, and when that is on you can say good-by to all business. Our Chi nese here get their heads so full of kites in the kite season that they can’t think of anything else at all.” MANILA WOMEN LAPIDARIES. They Are Skillful In the MnLing of Pretty Thin as. From the Scientific American. The lapidaries of our new Oriental pos sessions are the dark-skinned women of the Tagal tribe, who have acquired their skill and Ingenuity in gem-setting from the artificers of Spain and Morocco. In delicacy of design and execution their work far surpasses that of their masters. Much has been written about the coral Jewelry of Manila (pink coral necklaces, white coral pendants and red coral ros aries like (frops of blood), but the im pression should not be gained that the* lapidary art of the Manila women Jew elers is confined to coral products. Pretty and characteristic as these objects of adornment are, they do not compare In value and boeuty with the chains of woven gold, filigrees of silver and pen dants of pearls and garnets made by these women. Diamonds, amethysts and similar stones arc* not so often met with in tho native Jewelry of Manila; but their rarity is not known, even though they are al most entirely lacking In the trinkets of the natives and foreigners in Manila. Only native gems and minerals, such as garnets, black, yellow and white pearls, coral, mother-of-pearl and gold and silver are utilized by the women Jew elers. All of these island gems are found in the small shops of the native Jewelers, and the manner in which they are work ed up into ornaments of striking beauty and value attracts the attention of an American. A recent importation of many of these most popular Manila ornaments gives promise of their wide introduction into the Fnltrd States. The specimens brought to this country, all the work of women artificers, show that the native lapidaries combine the ability of the Moorish gem worker with the patience THE MORNING NEWS: MONDAY, JULY 10, 1000. of the Chinese and Japanese craftsman. Among these specimens are beautiful and exquisite earrings, necklaces, bracelets, chains, buttons, pins and brooches of every conceivable design. The chains are made of the most delicate strands of almost pure native gold, braided and wov en like a piece of Manila hemp rope, with even the tlnv threads imitated to perfec tion. So delicate and dainty is such a chain that one can hardly believe it pos sible that the women lapidaries beat out the rough gold and draw the gold wire without any of the modern implements used by Western gold beaters. Hntpins of pure gold are made in the form of miniature Malay cfeeses with wa ter lily leaves for handles. Breastpins and atickpins are often thickly studded with stones. Silver and gold filigree work, lace-like in appearance. Is made with rare skill; other products of the women jewelers are necklaces and pendants of dainty gold ferns, flexible and yet strong, with every stem and vine veined exactly as in ihe original plant. Knives, brooches and pocketbooks are cut out of mother-of-pearl, and thickly studded with green and red garnets. Black and white pearls are set in gold buttons and ear rings. Like most of the oriental crafts men. the Manila lapidaries are expert In enameling, on art which they combine with their other work with excellent taste. The necklace may be of gold, enameled blue, and set with gray pearls, or with black enamel studded with red and green garnets. Few of these jewels arc imita tions. Nearly every woman lapidary strives to give an individuality to her work, and her products are proof of her success. The treasures of one shop can rarely be duplicated in those of another. Sometimes the conception may be a lit the crude and lacking in taste; but where there is one such example there will be a dozen that are perfect in every particu lar. The harmonizing of colors and com bining of stones and metals show an in stinctive taste among these illiterate Ma nila lapidaries which D difficult to ex plain. From a standpoint of the American jeweler there is much in the way of orig inality and perfection of design and execu tion that can be learned from these wo men of the Orient. In ail the art they dis play, something of the dark, sinister Moor ish is always suggested, something that is felt in the abundance of Malay creeses, green and golden alligators, dragons and knives of every design and color. TWO DAYS IN A GRAVE. Woman Disinterred and Iwnkcned From Sleep. From the Philadelphia Record. Lexington, Ivy., July 12.—The burial alive and the disinterment of Mrs. An nabel Hart here have created a sensa tion amorg the people who have been skeptical cn the subject of hypnotism. The coffin had a tube at the head which would reach to the surface of tho ground. Mrs. Hart was placed in the coffin Mon day night, after being hypnotized, and lowered into a grave. Here she remained with guards representing a hypnotist and the citizens ke ping constant waich over her. Last night she was dßinterred, after lying in the ground forty-eight hours. She was taken frem the coffin to a plat form, where the hypnotist revived her. When she regained conscious!! ss she was taken with convulsions, and it required six men to hold her. The work was done under the direction of the city physician. Dr. A. S. H*im, and two asscciaies. The physicians, who are interested in the subject, examined the woman clcsely and declared she was in perfect physical condition. She was weighed and had lost only V z pounds dur ing her burial. She says she remembers nothing after she was hypnotized, and that she felt only as if she had slept one night. She declares thar she will attempt ne death test, which is two and a half days. The woman gave the following inter view' for the New Ycrk Journal after her “resurrection "Oh. no, this is not the first time I have been under the ground, and the other t me I was under the ground it was in a coffin, too. "H was on the Fourth of July at Nat mal Bridge, in the Kentucky mountains. We had gone up there on a pleasure trip and Prof. Leon thought b would he a good place to make a trial to see what I could do. It was so far from civiliza tion that should I die he felt safer, and so did I. “I have seen hjjmotic tests where men were buried a daf or so. and 1 thought I could do it if they could, so I allowed him to bury me all day and stood the ordeal well. At night he took me up. I was convinced that I would not fail if buried for a greater length of time, and they Jo say I looked beautiful laid out five feet below the surface of the earth. "I did not feel at all. There is no feel ing. When one is hypnotized the sensi bility is entirely taken away. All I know' was that I was hypnotized in the Park Auditorium ar night, and that I was in the same place when l aw’oke. By consult ing my friends I find that the earth has been revolved twice. I know I was buried, for they told me so, and here is the cof fin. I feel no stiffness in my limbs, nor do I feel any hunger. "After I awoke I drank a glass of warm water and ate a cracker. This morning I ate breakfast as usual. Upon weighing I 'find I have lost one and one-half pounds. It is a fine way to pass the time away, and any one feeling that his time is too alow’ should try it. "I am going to undertake the death test next. I am certain I can live under the hypnotic spell as long as any one, and they tell men have lived two and a half weeks. This is called the death test.” in tham radow daw’oi wadow dawodaw SKINS HIMSELF ALIVE. Laborer’* Animal C’urionn and Snakelike Performance. From- the Philadelphia Record. Omaha. Neb., July 12.—S. O. Bushkirk, who works for F. W. Pierce, a gardener, neat* Florence, sheds his skin once every year. About the middle of every June the epidermis on the palm of his hands and the soles of his feet begins to loosen and harden, while the scarf skin or cuticle on the remainder of his body starts to flake off like dandruff from the head. Within three weeks the old epidermis has entirely disappeared and in its place is anew skin, soft, pink and tender. Bushkirk has several limes permitted physicians to examine him, and was grat ified to learn that they could make noth ing of his case. They found out what he already knew —that he sheds his skin once a year, and there their research ended. Within the last week Bushkirk has Un dergone the phenomenon of desquamation, and as a result is taking an enforced va cation. In his room Bushkirk has several in teresting souvenirs in the form of patches of skin which he has sherl from his hands and feet at various times during his ca reer, and in every Instance these present perfect outlines of the members from which thpy came. For example, the “hark” from the palm of the hand might easily be mistaken at first glance for one-half of a glove, as the fingers and thumb are as perfect re productions of the digits as is possible in a flat surface. Moreover the thick, callous-like skin re tains the mysterious lines of the hand of which palmists make so much. In this connection there is in the Bushkirk case > fact which tends to disprove the entire theory of palmistry, being evidence that the lines change with time and are not unalterably preserved as has been sup posed. Among the gruesome keepsakes is a piece of skin taken from hla right hand when he was 10 year* old. OFFICIAL. f9OOTTQUORTiCENSES[ SECOND UIAHTERLY STATEMENT. City of Savannah, Office Clerk of Council. Savannah. Ga., July 11, 1900. The following alphabetical list of per sons licensed to sell iiquor at retail under provision of section 12 of tax ordinance for 1900. WILLIAM P. BAILEY. Clerk of Council. A. Ascndorf, Fred, corner Jefferson end Alice streets. Anderson, Joseph N.. 29 Randolph strest. Able. Charles, Bay and Abercorn street Abrams, M. D.. 42 Bull street. Anglin, Thomas, Bryan and Barnard streets. Alley & Kelly, Bay lane, near Bull street. B. Brodman, J. D., corner Bolton and Burroughs streets. Barlow, Susan L., 211 Houston street. Badenhoop, J. H. & E. G., 523 West Broad street. Beckmann, George. 112 Whitaker street. Bernstein, J.. 214 St. Julian street. Bunger, H. H., Ogeechee road, near Sarah street. Bel ford, W. T.. 1523 Bull street. R rod man, O. D.. 234 Randolph street. Beytagh, Thomas F., Harris and East Broad streets. Brinkmann, H. C., 22G St. Julian street, west. Bokelmnnn, D., Charlton and West Broad streets. Bohn, H. X. C., 233 East Broad street. Blenges, Fred, 119 West Broad street. Bulcken, John, agent, Taylor and West Broad streets. Bluestein, J. & Cos., 221 Congress street, west. Bookhoop, F. H., Bay street extended. Bohn, J. H. A., Alice and West Broad streets. Barbour. J. S. F., Henry and West Broad streets. Brown Bros., Anderson and East Broad streets. Bouhan, William. 601 East Broad street. Brickman, Charles, 34 West Boundary street. Holey, M., 129 Congress street, west. Buttimer, M. A., Randolph and Perry streets. Buttimer, Patrick. 613 McDonough street, eaet. Branch, S. W. Cos., Broughton and Whitaker streets. Brown. W. R. f 238 Bryan street, w'est. Bewan, J. 0.. cor. Bull and Best sts. C. Connery, C. P., 110 St. Julian street, west. Christopher, George, 102 West Broad street. Cain, Patrick, corner Bay and West Broad streets. Carr, John, corner Houston and Bay streets. Clemens. IT. K., corner West Broad and Henry streets. Cohen. M. G. A’ Cos.. 221 St. Julian street. Cooley, Thomas, corner River and West Broad streets. Corbett, W. F., 23 West Broad street. Cooley, R.. 522 Harrison street. Cordes, John F., Montgomery street and Whatley avenue. Crohan, J. F., Bryan and Whitaker streets. Champion & Evans, 426 Weet Broad [ street. Cottingham. John, southeast corner Drayton and Broughton streets. Cottingham, John, 208 Broughton street, west. Cunningham. R. W. Mrs., Taylor and East Broad streets. P. Dailey & Cos.. No. 15 Farm street. Dierks. A. J., corner Whitaker and Jones streets. Dreeson, H. E., Stewart and Wilson streets. Dierks, W. C., 334 Whitaker street. Derst, George. 709 West Broad street. | Deignan. Daniel, 638 Indian street. Diers, Wm., Liberty and West Broad streets. Doyle, M. J., Market square. Denmark, J. M., 147 Farm street. E. Ehrllcher, Max, 401 East Broad street. Eichholz, S., 1012 Cemetery street. Eichfcolz, E., Liberty and East Broad streets. Effielman J. F.. 614 Liberty street, east. Elsinger. TANARUS., 41 Drayton street. Egan. J. J., 341 West Broad street. EntMman. A. H.. 720 East Broad street. Easterling Whisky Company, Planters’ Hotel. Easterling Whisky Company, Liberty and East Broad streets. Eskedor, W. 11.. 440 West Broad street. Ehlers, George. 647 Indian street. Egan, M . 517 East Broad street. East End Grocery Company, Broughton and East Broad streets. Evans, John T. & Cos., 116 Congress street. F. Freelong, F., 555 Bay street, east. Fitzgerald, Thos. E., 117 West Broad street. Fischer, John F., River and Farm streets. * Fehrenkamp, Henry, 629 Bay street, west. G Gerkcn, L. C. Mrs.. Price and Gwlnnott streets. Grimm. Albert, Gillott and West Broad streets. Grimm, John H., President and Drayton streets. Geffken, H. H., Broughton and Price streets. Gilden, Thomas. 625 Bay street, west. Gildea, Nel\ 124 Broughton street, west. Gildea, Neil, 120 Broughton street, east. Grewe, F. W. E., Ogeechee road. Gerken, Henry, agt., 715 Wheaton street. Groot, Theodore, Jefferson and Liberty streets. Goodman, 8.. 43 Farm street. Galina, Jos. A., 9 Drayton street. Gartelman, W. H., Randolph and Ogle thorpe avenue. Getsinger. M. A. & Cos., West Broad and Harris streets. Gaines, M.. 124 Jefferson street. Graham, C. F., Pulaski House. H. Heath, C. P., 335 Jefferson street. Horrigan, John, Bryan and Houston streets. Hesse. Herman, 134 West Broad streets. Heitman, J. F.. 634 President street, east. Heilman, C. H., 25 East Broad. Herman & Berentheln, 16 Barnard street. Harms, F. A . 444 Tattnall street. Hotchkiss & Nevlll, 301 Broughton street, west. Heitman, A. H., 319 West Broad street. Harms. John D., 624 Bolton street, east. Hart, Francis, 11 Jefferson street. Hicks, R. M., 21 Congress street, west. Helmken, J. H., Liberty and Whitaker streets. J. ' Juchens, F. H., 555 Price street. Jackson, Andrew. 42 Whitaker etreet. Joyce. JamesyJ., East Broad and Whaat on streets. Jernlgan, E. 0., Zubley and Lumber streets. Jones, George IT., 139 West Eroad street. K. Kaiser, J. T.. 1511 Bull street. Kuck. John, 412 Drayton street. Kuek, H. F., Anderson and Abercorn streets. Kracken, Cord, Bay and West Broad streets. Konemann, C. H.. 203 Farm street. Klene, Herman, 134 Bryan street, west. Kaln, M. F., West Broad und Hlver streets. King, George F., 216 Brought on atreet, west. L. Lang. Nicholas. 39 Barnard street. Lankenati, J. H., Liberty and Randolph Btreets. Luerssen, C. F., Broughton and East Bioad afreets. Lange, Herman, 232 West Broad street. Levan, Charles H. t 111 Congress street west. Lubs, John F., corner Liberty and Hab ersham streets. Lynch, John, Taylor and Whitaker streets. Lynch, W. T.. agent. Lumber and Bay street*. Lane, James, Price ar.d Oglethorpe ave nue. Lyons. John & 00.. Broughton and Whit aker street*. OFFICIAL. M Monsees. C. H, Hall and Jefferson streets. Meyer. J. F . 541 Sims street. Meincke, P. A. corner Farm and Bryan streets. Mendel, Carl. 660 Liberty street, east. Meyer, John, Randolph and Anderson streets. Murken, J. H.. Bay and Farm streets. Murken John,Thunderbolt Road. Meyer. J. P., Farm and Bryan streets. Manning. P., 23 Bay street, east. Mullins, Jno, 620 Indian street. Morton, Peter, 212 Broughton street, east. Marttn. A. A. Mrs., President and Ran dolph streets. Morrison Sarah, 509 Oglethorpe avenue, east. Mendel, A, 602 Liberty street, east. # Me. McAlpin, T. K., 52 Price street. McCormick. Wm.. 625 Indian street. McGuire, James. 20 Farm street. Mcßride, T. F., 525 Bay street, east. McGrath & Hansford, 37 Whitaker street. McCarthy, M F. and W. li., 319 Price street. O. O’Brien, C. A., 337 West Broad street. O’Byrne, James, Montgomery and Bay streets. Ohsick, John, corner Bay and W. Broad streets. Ohsick, Chas., 202 Reynolds street. Ott. P. J.. 21 Broughton street, east. O’Keefe, J. Mgr., southwest corner Broughton and Drayton streets. P. Paulson. N., estate, corner Barnard and River streets. Peters, N. F.. northeast corner Bur roughs and Park avenue. Peterson. Peter, 617 Bay street, east. Paeetti, E. V., 15 Broughton street, east. R. Remler, R., Liberty and Drayton streets. Remler, 8., 1019 Wheaton street. Rruuzen, M., 424 Congress street, west. Ripke, John. 229 Drayton street. Raskin, S., 735 West Broad street. Ralntz, F. W. H., Indian and Farm streets. Reilly, L. Mrs.. 12S Bryan street, west. Hooker, John ad Bro., 401 West Broad street. Roentsch. M. * Cos., 266 Broughton street, west. Rouse A- Harris, 49 Barnard street. Ray, W. H., agent, 218 Bryan street, west. S Schroder, Geo., 1002 West Broad street. Schroder, Henry, 401 Broughton street, east. Slem, D.. 539 Jones si reef, west. Sullivan. John J.. 39 Bryan street, cast. Bonders. Philip. Bull and Best street*. Stelljes. George. 502 Gordon atreet. east. Stelnnynn Bros., 44 W'est Broad street. Silverstein. David, 232 St. Julian stieet, west. Sohnaars, F., Anderson and Whitaker streets. Schuenemann, D. H., East Broad and Bolton streets. Stelljes. Henry. 301 Oglethoipe avenue. * Schwarz. George, 315 Congress stresl. W’e-st. Slem. P.. Second and Whitaker streets. Suiter. Henry, Montgomery and Liberty streets. Slater, J. C., Congrecs and Jeffer-on streets. Schultes, Gus., corner Price and York street*. Rtrthmer, John, corner Ann and Brvan streets. Scherer, J H., 127 West Broad street. Steffens. Henry', East Broad and Ogle thorpe avenue. Schlottelberg. D.. Price and Hall streets. Stiles. Josephine E.. 601 Bay street, west! Speight. W. G., 1023 Bolton street, west. Slater. Jas. F.. No. 11 East Broad street Seay. J. W\, Agt., No. 339 West Broad street Stelljes, A.. 215 Randolph street. Sampson, Peter, 302 Bryan street. Schwarz, Geo. C., Congress and Whita ker. Smith, Yv r . T. K., 412 Congress street, west. Schnaars, H. J., Jones and Wilson streets. Savannah Liquor Company, 207 Con gross street, west. Schwarz, Cassle, Anderson and Atlantic streets. Schurman, J. C., 617 Broughton street, east. Stivarlus. O. E., 2420 Bull street. Sheftall. Solomon, 25 Barnard street. Semken, Henry, 2 East Broad street. Schiller, W., manager, 17 Bay street, east. Sullivan. John. 15 Congress street, west. Smith, W. H., 5*17 Liberty street, east T Taylor, J. K., Price and Oglethorpe ave nue. Traub, H., West Broad and Orange streets. Tietjen, Jno. F.. 225 W’est Broad streets. Tienken, F. J.. 638 Liberty street, east. Tholken, Geo. H., 172 Arnold street. Toussaint, Chas., Price and Oglethorpe avenue. Travers, E., Screven House. V Yeruki, Eli, 42 Barnard street. Vollers, Wm., W’est Broad and Taylor streets. W r Williams & Grice, 340 West Broad street. Weitz, 8., 223 East Broad street. W'inter, A.. 144 Barnard street. Wolf. Louis. 423 Congress street, west. Well brock. J. F., 524 Jefferson street. Whiteman, Jas. E.. 510 Oglethorpe ave nue, east. Wood, A. H.. 242 W’est Broad street. W'atson & Powers. De Soto Hotel. Wade, John TANARUS., Oglethorpe avenue and Houston street. W’olters, H. J., 526 Broughton street, east. Wallace, W. M., No. 506 Stewart street. Y Ybanez, E. D., 105 Bay street, east. LEGAL NOTICES. NOTTcio'^TO^DEBTfIRS^XNTT^T^REI^ TORS. GEORGIA, CHATHAM COPNTY.— Notice is h reby g ven to ail persons hav ing demands against Annie Lloyd, late of sail county, deceased, to present them to mo. properly made out, within the time prescribed by law. so as to show their character and amount; and all persons indebted to said deceased are required to make immediate payment to me. Savannah, Ga., July 6, I9M). JORDAN F BROOKS. County Administrator, 15 Bay' st., west. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY.— Whereas, John J. Gnudry has applied to Court of Ordinary for letters dlamissory as guardian of the property of Elisa 8. Gaudry and John Bf Gaudry, formerly minors. These are, therefore, to rite and ad monish all whom It may concern to be and appear before said court to make objection (if any they have) on or before the lirsr Monday in August, next, other wise said letters will be granted. W’ltness, the Hon. Hampton L. Ferrlll, Ordlnjiry for Chatham county, .this the 30th day of June, 1900. FRANK E. KEILBACH. Clerk Ct. Ord’y, C. Cos. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY.—No tIce is hereby given that I have made ap plication to the Court of Ordinary for Chatham county for leave to sell all the real estate belonging to estate of Friday Millen. deceased, for the payment of debts and distribution, and that said order will be granted at August term, 1900, of said court, unless objections are filed thereto JORDAN F. BROOKS, Adm’r Estate Friday Millen, Deceased. June 30, 1900. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY- Notice is hereby given that I have made application to the Court of Ordinary for Chatham county for leave to cell a port of lot No. 6 of the Placentia tract In Chat ham county, Georgia, with the improve ment* thereon, belonging to estate of Mary Play ter, deceased, for the payment of debts and distribution, and that said order will be granted at August term. 1900, of said court, unless objections ire filed thereto. JORDAN F BROOKS. Administrator Estate o t Mary Playtcr. July 6, M CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. - PERSON Ai* •all summer resorts, where a nice head of hair is desired, to enhance youth, vigor and becoming sprig hill ness; ttye latest long, wavy pompadour always looks nice and youthful, in of the wild waves; made to order by the Georgia hair ex pert. 28 East Broughton, Hair, Jewelry and Shoving Supply House; mall orders for bangs, switches, toupee*, wigs, pom padours, promptly filled. ~ FLORAL*" DESIGNS. FLOWERS~AND plants, at Gardner’s Bazaar, agent Oel schig’s Nursery. ART METAL STOOLB. CHAIRS AND tables for up-to-date confestioivers, drag stores and restaurants. C. P. Miller, Agt. "ENGLISH FOLDING GO-CARTS, something new. for the babbit; can bo taken on street cars. C. P. Miller, Apt. 11A Mi M OCKS. HAM MOCKS* CH BAP ones; nice ones; fine ones; closing them out cheap this week. C. P. Miiler. Agent, 207 Broughton, west. "FINE RICE FIELD LAMB AT "B Ac ker’s,” every day; best of all other meats in market. BERMUDA LAWN GRASS SEED, AT Gardner’s Bazaar. CASH BUYERS’ PICNIC EVERY DAY thte week; our large stock must be re duced. and we will exchange it cheap for cash. C. P. Miller, Agent, 207 Broughton, west. SOI ’ Tll HI IN U MBR ELLA FACTO RY; largest umbrella factory south of Balti more; all repairings neatly done; all covers cut from piece; mourning umbrellas made to order; we call your special attention to our fresh stock of alpaca covers. 330 West Broad street; second block of Cen tral depot. RING UP 2464 IF YOU WANT TO hav’e your furniture moved or packed for shipment or storage; 1 guarantee price* the same as I do the work that's given to me. A. S. Griffin, 314 Broughton street, west; mattresses made to order. “if its rugs you want, you can get them cheaper from McGilllff. PULLEY BELT BUCKLES, WORTH 50c, for 30c, at Gardner’s Bazaar. BALDWIN DRY AIR REFRIGERA tors, still lit the lead; also full line of ice boxes, from $3 up. C. P. Miller, Agent, 207 Broughton, west. "MILLER’S AWNINGS GIVE BATI9- factlon; you had better get our estimate and let us put you up one at once. C. P. Miller, Agent. 207 Broughton, west. WATER COOLERS, ALL SIZES, FROM SI.OO up. C. P. Miller, Agent, 207 Brough ton. w'est. M’GILLIS SELLS SIXTY-INCH RUGS —Smyrna patterns—for 99 cents. 'wedding PRESENTS, SOHOuTT presents, presents of all kinds; large va rieties at low prices. C. P. Miller, agent, 207 Broughton, west. "M'GILLIS IS TREAT <>N RUGS, NET*, lace curtains, hammocks, water coolers, pillows, pictures, stoves, bedroom suites, and furniture of every description. "MOSQUITO NETS. 98 CENTS. AND up; all grades of American imported la e with best fixtures, at reasonable prices. C. P. Miller, Agent, 207 Broughton, west. CROQUET SETS. 73c;~CROKINOLE, $1.25, nt Gardner’s Bazaar. M’GILLIS' LACE CURTAINS WILL beautify 3 our parlor. WHEN YOU SEE ~M’GILLIH* SlXTY inch 99 cents rugs, you will buy them. Jti9t can’t help it; will sell in any quan tity. "“FURNITURE MOVED WITH CARE,’’, is a specialty with McGlUla. M’GrLLI9 ~ MOVES. PACKS. SHIPS and stores pianos and furniture; beat work only; no “Cheap-John” prices—no “Cheap- John” Jobs. MEDICAL. HOW ARE YOUR FEET? IF YOUR feet are troubling you. call on me and I will give you relief; I euro Ingrowing nails, corns and all diseases of the feet without pain; charges reasonable; can give the best references in the city; pa tients treated at residences; orders can be left at Livingston’s drug store, Bull and Congress streets; telephone 293. Lem Davis, surgeon chiropodist. HELP WASTED—MALE. GOVERN M ENT PC)BITIONS DON’T prepare for ony civil service examination without seeing our illustrated catalogue of information; sent free. Columbian Correspondence College. Washington, D. C. HELP \V AWED—FEMALE. EXPERIENCED LAUNDRY HANDS can get employment at E. A W. Laun dry, 712 Anderson street, west. BIMPLOYME\ T W A \TED. WANTED AS grapher and typewriter by a lady; three years’ experience. Address Remington, general delivery. ‘A EOUNCf" MAN WISHING T Posi tion as clerk or assistant bookkeeper; willing to start on small salary w r lth chance of a raise.. Address F. G., this office. W A\ T B D—M IftCKLLA u:iM 1. EARTH, SAND. MANURE; PARTIES making excavations and other having earth, sand, manure, etc., can find a place to haul and dump it wiihin city limits; (good hard road to the place), by addressing or calling on Brown Bros., corner Anderson and East Broad ptreet*; telephone 1103. IF YOU WANT A PLACfe TO DUMP earth, dirt, uand, manure, etc., free of charge, Just at city limits, hauling over hard road, write or telephone Brown Bros., corner Anderson and East Broad streets. FOR KENT—ROOMS. nicely" la"rgk, front room, well ventilated, all conveni ences. cheap. 303 President, west. “"DESIRABLE’ FLAT OF THREE rooms; conveniences; desirable locality; reasonable. Four hundred and nine Chari ton, cart. FOR r.e.VI HOUSES. FOR RENT. FROM OCTOBER FIRST, dwellings, 418 and 42u Charlton, eas*; ten rooms; good order; at reasonable rent. G. H. Remshart, 16 Bryan, east. FOR RENT. FROM OCT iT’THREE story brick residence, 312 Liberty street, east; 11 rooms with all modern improve ments Apply McDonough &. Baliantyne’s Foundry. "FOR RENT I)WELI7iNG,"63O"MONT gomery, corjjer Huntingdon; 515 Bay, east, and store. 617 Bay, east. O. IJ. Remslmrt! FOR RENT, PREMISE* no 217 UER ry street, w ‘t, in perfect order and con dition; all conveniences; right rent to right tenant; possession can be given im mediately. Estate Salomon C’ohen, West BtOcd and Kfieets. "thunderbolt, desirably sit uated house on river front; also small house. Inquire two-fourteen Bryan street, east. FOURT E E N-ROOM HODS E, N EAR Central road; every convenience. Apply A. S. Cohen, River and Lincoln streets. TO RENT. RESIDENCES 707 AND 709 Habersham streets, eight rooms each; hot and cold water; immediate possession. Apply W. W. Swinton, 208 Eighth street, east. HOUSE," FURNISHED OR - UNFl’R nished on Sept. 1. Apply at 317 East Hen ry street. "large; fine house; - with'elev! en rooms on Duffy street, near Abercorn. James L. Rankin, 38 Drayton street, FOII RKXT—STORES. " >- STORir”FmrTß >^ ton street, cast; possession immediately. Apply A. Wyily, !2 Bryan street, east. "FOR RENT. STORE AND BASEMENT under Odd Fellows’ Hall, corner State and Barnard streets. Inquire Room 7. upstairs. FOR RENT, I HAT DESIRABLE store and warehouse formerly occupied by George W. Tiedeman & Bro., corner Bay and Montgomery street; In perfect order and condition; right rent to right tenant; can be given immedi ately. Est. Salomon Cohen, corner West Broad and Broughton streets. FOIt KENT—MIftCKLLLA.MSOi;*. HOTEL FOR RENT AND FURNl ture for sale at a batgain; the best hotel in tho city and best location, with good business; I want to go North. For* par ticulars address l*. O. Box 644, Fitzgerald, Ga. FLAT CONNECTING ROOMS. FIRST floor; large hall third floor, suitable for *ny purpose. John Lyon®. FOII SALIO— HEAL LSitTL. "a~SUI mi > "s< M THERN FRONT, 30x117, lane in rear, for one thousand dol lars, fifty cash and five per month, be tween Barnard and Jefferson. C. li. Dor- M tt. ~F( HI SALE. AT AG R EAT BARGAI n" four lots, Including a northwest corner, very cheap, if sold at once. C. 11. Dor sett. FOR SALE, K)R FIVE HUNDRED dollars, a lot on Tenth street, near Mont gomery; terms very cheap. C. H. Dor sett. FOR SALE, THOSE LOTS ON NINTH street, near East Broad, have only been sold <0 first-days parties, who will mak good neighbors; and none other can buy. The terms are very easy, und they are cheaper than any other in the vicinity. C. 11. Dorsett. "for SALE. LOTS ON NINTH STREET near East Broad; no city taxes, at S2OO each; twenty-five dollars cash, and easy monthly payments. C\ H. Dorsett. FOU SALE, LOTSdN NINTH, NEAR East Broad, n< S2(X) each; will soon he advanced to $225; when a lot has been paid for I can arrange to get a homo built. C. K. Dorsett. "'for" SALE, A LOt' foR TWO~llt7N rtred dollars; easy terms, on Ninth stree-t, near East Broad; no city taxation. C. H. Dorsett. RESIDENCES AND RUILDINCTIOTS for sale all over the city. Robert H. Tntem, real estate dealer, No. 7 York street, west. FOR sfo D&Wn AND $5 MONTHLY, 1 you can buy choice lots on Eleventh and Tenth street*, cast, from Savannah Real Estate Exchange. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE, TWO 8-FEET. TWO 4- feet and one 3-feet, upright .show cisea. and several four and five feet low case*, very cheap and in quantities d-aired, at Persse’s Drug Stores, corner Henry and Abercorn and corner tv hi taker and Tay lor streets. "peas: peas: cheap for cow feed.* For sale by J. C\ Sluter, Congress and Jefferson streets. "FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE, SEA ISL and cotton gins and oil mill; located in a thriving town; fine shipping facilities. For information write D. E. Whetstone, FdVt While. Fla. "FOR SALE, SECOND HAND ELEC trlc elevator machinery; good condition. Savannah Eloctric Company, 40 Drayton. N ASH AND CYPRESS LUMBER FOR sale—lso,ooo feet of ash suitable for wheel wrights. carriage maker®, car works und Interior house finish. Also cypress lumber of all sizes. Wo have resumed cutting our famous brands of cypress shingles and will soon have a full line of them for sale. Vale Royal Manufacturing Company. STRAYED. cow with horns and marked in both oars. ®Finder will pleaee return to 318 Oglethorpe, west, and get reward. UOAHUIX&. '^FUIOHSmCD^Ttm^ term* reasonable-; also LiTO* boarders. No. 119 East Liberty street. II 1.41 AES 9 Cim’CES. WANTED, A PARTNER, WITH about S10.00M; one who understands mill ing in long leaf pines; must be willing to take interest in mill and be sober, re liable; money of no value unless first class man. “32.” care News. "CONTROLLING INTEREST IN OLtP established ice business, $6,000 cash; also managers residence for sale, owner leav ing country. Ice. this office. MISCELLANEOUS. ELECTRIC SUPPLIER. DYNAMOS, motors, fans, be!is, light* installed. Sa vannah Electric Company, 40 Drayton. ELECTRO PLATING. ELECTRIC Re pairing, contracting and construction. Sa vannah Electric Company, 40 Drayton. LEGAL MUltLl the is hereby given that I have male application to the Court of Ordinary for Chatham county for leave to eitv of Savannah bonds as follows: One $560 bond, due 1913, numbered 16; one SSO bond, due 1913, numbered 218; one SSO bond, due 1913, numbered 219, belonging to th# ••state of Mary Shoahan and Josephine Sheahan, minors, for the purpose of dis tribution, and that said order will he granted at August term. 1900, of said court, unless objections are filed thereto. CATHERINE GOKTTE, Guardian of Mary and Josephine Shea hnn, Minors. GEORGIA. CHATHAM Whereas, John M. Black has applied to Court of Ordinary for leUers dUmlssory ns guardian of th** property of Sallie F., Joseph B. and Ignatius Black, formerly minors. These are, therefore, to cite and ad monish nil whom It may concern to be and appear before said court to rfiak© objection on or before rhe first Monday in August, next, otherwise, said letter® will be granted. Witness, the Hon. Hampton L. Ferrlll, Ordinary for Chatham county, this th# 30th day of June, 1900. FRANK K. KEILBACH. Clerk Ct. Ord’y, C. Cos. GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY VVherea*. Eben Hillyer has applied io Court of Ordinary for letters of adminis tration on the estate of Warren Palmer Wlllcox. deceased. These nre, therefore, to cite and ad monish all whom It may concern to he and appear before said court to make objection (If any they have! on or before the first Monday In A'UffUst, nest, other wise said letters will bo granted. Witness, the Hon. Hampton L. Ferrlll, ordinary for Chatham county, this the 30th day of June, 1900. FRANK E. KEILBACH, Clerk Ct. Ord’y, C. Cos. GEORGIA, C HATH A M COUNTY.— Whereas. Elisabeth Vollmar has applied to Court of Ordinary to have letters of administration upon the' estate of Flem ing B. Coates, deceased, granted to Jor dan F. Brooks, county administrator. These are to cite and admonish all whom It may concern to be and appear before said court to make objection on or before the first Monday In August, next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness, the Hon. Hampton L. Ferrlll, Ordinary for Chatham county, this tha 30th day of June. 1900. FRANK E. KEILBACH, Clerk Ct. Ord y, C. Ca. 3