The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, July 17, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 CLAY WANTS NO CHINA WAR. <;eoh(.i \ >r\\Tou or> it i he womr.i). Ife nrjjnrd* the situation Critical. CiOifrnneni Onr* Cititen* in 1 liina the Dufy of Protection —Thi* Should Hr \oord'd lUrouah Di plomacy—( lay Kuow* Nothin*; of an i:\ira Session—Gov. * a oilier on the QoriOiou. Atlar.:*. Ju v >' ~S utcr Steve Cay c?mf down t com M a t - ar.d :i confer* r.l w *a i K* word ing the Or :n•<-••• > . •• ->d Yhe e.tuation in * a is r - " r ' : '*!. 1 scncereVy o: r h that this coun try tv ; ■ i u-i • >v* sr V* ■ i Onina it - .1 . * r - >vc; ;m 'it owes to o> r ' China to I ' their lo aid pi* ; - ' i £■ ood -tate*- roanship d<r.A’d# t: a e\ ry isib.e hr o i rotr : them i brou| h and • na . and good tnantgemtot v. iuhocr r*. * • - tv' war “The }> pula: ion of Ch::: i number? 'our • hundred r son - \ 1 : -i there a? a serious one It r* , res ca - tioir sound v i m arxi hi>t- a*s #*'o?!na: -hip to deal w. h the wr i t o: affairs r>w ot frot ting us 1 .m r)t in f\or of resorting to i; van be possibly avoid* i Cor., emu g .in extra session of Congress be Hte :i. ed Sera tor <' a> o-;' ' i have ; no information or. trat lire. l.*:t e?s t •r ; should bo id a term I change in the si tui tion te next f tv i • > > *h :• ir 6.5 probahi sty. t*e ar extra -•? or of Congress iled for the pur,*o of taking some li.iio Go\. Ciindier < i:1 of the Chin tro iMe “It is grow ing more and n ore serious ev ery day I V- rk the gov* rnmer.t snould ! p rotect the Foes o' its enjer.s at ad asz ards." LET HIM OFF %Ci\l\. Not Firn n rromir to Hr Good El acted of Woorivrnrd. Atlanta. July I*s.—“Firis'’ was vrritter on the \Y .. v i-.i inves igation at the Council meeting th.s afternoon Two months ago a .-Mr.rr.itte-e was ap pointed to invtvigaie the condu* of tbe Mayor and to ascertain if he had beer guilty of any at? which would warrant j impeachment. Several wseks wen spent in secret sessions A I A * ar.* who ■ were a;>le to throw any I chi or tr.-e May or s conduct were s :mrv. i e-i as a tr*-?-* ! The alleged insobriety and other trans gressions were fit ly pr>- ; into. and though evklenct- was tak* :: >r the nr. -of se crecy. the tnos: set s. Coral pat:? found their way into the r.-• w - ropers For more -n a rr-ontp nothing was beard from :es Ic\ r*::gat .->n Committee ar and the o r •- n- - - t w ?.t :m n - wou and be dor- Tr af > rr*.or. two report? w-re s ;tr/t>i te* toe Cour l. Al dermen " e h ird Kkpjiir. k ard Coun:f oen Hinrt an i p'r*r>i . rra- Jocity wpert. - w h n they ?.e:d Cey had t* - • trt: * le ha-: to., -i -cme tn.rgs which th. A y o>a.d r - vvnrr.end. r-y were of th cpitior. that s> graf " re port of their proceeding? sheud be re ferred to ire city attorney f r a report Thsy tfc ght the at torney should *v he w nmher the evkdecoe Juettf.ed impe .i nme r.t F e r.d: r g t ? vk caex-cj they recoermer.ded that the evi dence be kept se *^t. Ooun.llmac Ma vdcx submitted a minor ity report. Before rca line it. be said :h * w hen he took the oath of **-e v - ?w to do his duty In v.ew of that Pledge fee could rot sign the majori.y :>:v>rt He thee, began to re*d h:s reper: ,r. n ch hr called for immed. ir* -i ... ni ir. that ... h a cours*- wn? vie maided .•> tbe evidence He was on th* point of c: leg certain portions of h- 5 ;est:mony when Council mar Pop-e r.. se*l ar. p • ti<m Mr Pops sail he the gnt it wa = . .. ftit-ig Coactnittee co be d:vL.g-ed a: that 1 stage Counriknan Mirih.rette moved that both J report? le aid on thf ta '.e rr.ot.c was carried Ccur hm&n M M x aloe.-' voted against *t Th* ended the ioves tigaticr At he *nd ft - Coir I meet ing Mayor wuri m.e :he in front of the htv Ha He was tv center of an enthusiaxm group, and ww kept busy rece.vir § o on. gratia t kxes at the outootne. c\i.m:i> to r. hkf;. Minister From \r*r < incinttnti May .o to Atlanta. Attar • J. V ii —Rfij c r ■WTlmrr peslor of Ntiv;(y Church a! Pr:-* Hill ccr Onclnr.di: ha? v fJ , lo g. Luke; in th.s ;> ar.l ;; is b*.ive<l w:ll acctpl. Shoii'.d Sr Lake . he fa cffui in •- curing Re. Mr Wiimn. an tx.cndcvl f-: r a paster w j be brojgnt to an eod Rtv Char -s Jessi-i was the io> pastor the chur ha 1 Hts health failed several months , v .i he r* signeJ. Hr - * r ' •• After the resigt Mr Jr-- ip the v^s:r > -v-'.ied Ke* Wi Lam K. E' ar.s of ColurrCia S C.. to e ; pi: He tie chr.ed :b- a Ia ■; of extra oathe dna. f S: s r r ,.-ter. Sin v bis declination if the vail St Lukes had nr. undemanding w.:a the ithe-lr.r. and the ex a work req .irei of the mini.- ur has bee. greatjy ■ 14 . -i. Tn - fea tttre wil the--fore tot be in the way of Rev. \Y r .1 c;>t:rg the -al IN KTLWTA. Editor* Spent the Forenoon In U alklng Aboat. At.ant a Jj’y 3* e Georgia Weekly Press As- at. r :ne r.urdrcd and flf.t “ 1 ' morning Xo business w,t tra: - fed. Lut a few hours sjvr.c p.ios ..'Uly :r walking around the city and chatting with eac jr.o:her. At noon :l.c editors left for Athens to partake of inrhe-.-ue this af .rnoor.. anu a banquet to-ntg.o: Tre aar >1 business will -,ik* at E.-srtor. to-m n This years trip a - :!’ Include Toccoa. T 1 a- Augttt* ta Charles- n a:xi he Is'.e of l . ms. T>e c-ffi-er* e as. a: on i W ft Cv-lems. - - rr. \V s S . Ice’.font •awtuff. an > James v. Andersm tiisr. ATTEMItM E MILL UK LARGE. Mnay Expected at the Industrial league Cnnsrntion. Atlanta. July if—Attendance at the .-on v*r-K>n of the A> them Industrial League pr causes to b-t* unusually .urge. INaily H r w?x-r.s w. be- h*-! i Wtdnr*vlay. Thursday and Fr ; i3i> Six bus ies? men have i *e-rted ir.vii.iuon* to be present. T->-morro nr in? mere hi n? will begin to arrive from all parts of the South. A Guaranteed ( urr for Piles. iTvh.r.g b;.Q<! bleedm* or protrud.nff p .es car bo pay a . iruagi?** are aut ' > ft* r.-tai. .!avtu-er? of Pazo i*:Je Ointment t*< re‘ t • iue i*. where ; fails to curt Buy tier l r-' ordutarr ea>e* in six dav? the v..-*- n tovrb-vr. t . > Or.# application give *a<e sc J r itching Instant v This is anew it c ... er> and t* toe onlv Piie remedy aoiJ oa a positive guarantee co cure no pay Price S.k If tour drugs :t don t keep It fu *Uck cd -? .n po-tage stamps and we will forwar 1 same t>j mail Manufacturv 1 tv Men: clue Cos St, Louis Mu M nvfac turer* of Laxative Bromo Quiatat *ad writ'i TeaiCitas Chili Tonlv.-ad, " Wilful Waste Makes Woeful Want. & is as ‘Zi'isteful not to secure evkii you -,eed aii miccht Kt<ce as & v to sqiiAr df 'whit you AlrcAdy possess. Health is priceless possession. You cm scare -t s-.d keep it by taking Hoof s SmsapAnT.a which purifies the blocc. ares disease, and imdgorates the whole syste-n. y/ccc/j & BE At FORI HOI IN ( HIM. doting Stephen Elliott With the Ma rine i orp*—Beaufort News. Be.i uiort. S. C . July If—Lieut. Stephen E.iiott cf the I’r :ted Stales Marine Corps is rendering a good aivount of himself in ;.:* 'r *r t At prtscr.t he is attached to M ; W i.U" ? commard in China Young F o:t is a Beaufort boy the youngest son of Congressman William Elliott. He was ed.; ted at Lehigh University. Beth.e- j hem. Fa . and for eome lime served as j private secretary to his father Several m r*'.' ag>* after passing a rigid exam!- j rat or he was com missioned a second lieutenant in the United Stoles Marine Corps and almost immediately left for i Manila In compliance with order- ass>gn irg him to and tiy n the F illppines. The lie ocnart ha - many friends I * re who have him from childhood, and whose be-: w - tire with him That re wtil prove a credit to his csen profession no I one w h > know - him will doubt Sufti lent of th* Wood of his a -e-tor the gallant v'onfederate General Stephen F.l.kotl. for whom he is tame i courses through his j veins to make him a hero. Mr Frank Entreken of Vineland. N. J j who f* t ree month- past has betn etn plo><yi as foreman n the office of the ! Beaufort G ixftre. died at the re silence of Cci Wii.iam Kill tt to-day. The young mar *1 made mar.y friends her*- by h:s and winning mariner-, and his un r.rr.e.v .lent has cai.-ed much eidnes? in this community. The R*\ Mr. Krrreken cf New Jersey, father of the y .' g rr. in. arrived yester day ad was w.ih him to the erd The remair.s will be taken to his home in New- Jersey. MORE DIFFICULTIES. Mere Placed in the Way of Joel linrt'f* toinpany. At’arM July if —The electric lirht frar. nise of the Atlanta Railway Com pany wer.t through another move to-day in the game in wrv. h the Council arvi the aloermar..: board have been indulg .re New- .ordi loci? were attached which w i probably mak® the franchise less ac r* to the ::t;c*nir.g company, which ad a • idy :ni:mated :ha: >t would not i:rept the grant in ns former shape. The :'.ew franchise must rx'-w go back o the board for approval. The bang*-- made to-day are. in substance, a- rol.ow-: 1 T..e .fe cf he franchise s limited to :w, .y years :r the substitute, instead or fifty years, as ir. the original. ! Bond is require*! to tie given by x security company instead of a personal bond by the company. 4 The scoat:tut- ram*- a definite dis trict in w hich the conduits ahali be tekl before the enterprise snail be considered finished to a working anis The district embra es tne center of tow r The sub stitute requires the company to readjust tV:r poles tvhen grading the street makes :t necessary 5 It also requires the joint use of poles y a 1 ex g companies, or an y tha: rr.a> itereafter enter the held, if i: is prac t. able. Tne amendments were agreed upor. a: i vonferwr. e of a majority of the Coun cil. The changes are regarded as another victory of H M Atkinson over Joel Hurt. LOOKED INTO THFIR CONDUCT. Itlauta Policemen Appeared Before the Hoard With Varying Realta. At na. July IS.—Six patrolmen w*re ir ed at a meeting cf the Police Commis si, ners to-rlgh: Tern Grant was charged with failing to r.port violations of The lr w At the recent trial of Ike Wheeler for the k Hirg cf Jo hr Hambrik. Grant -wore he knew of the relations existing between both men and Lorane Wheeler. He was suspend 1 for thirty days B H. Allen was iropped from the force f3r drinking C. E Crabtree was sus pended t .irty days for being under the irfi -ei of w iskey and going to sleep on his beat. George Harper charg and with ir.discre ti:r. ard unbecoming conduct in arrest ing W C. Phelps, whom he took in charge b> mistake. was acquitted W. A ?arr.*s charged w :h using undue vio -I*nee in arresting a negro, was also ac quitted S D. Hurst was dismissed for visiting a house of questionable reputation. He was tried for a like offense before, but claimed he was try ing to do missionary work. To-right he told the ibmmission ers he was doing detective work, but they did not sanction his course Cases again-: Cap:. Thompson. Detec tive Hewitt and Patrolman Berry were postponed until next Monday night. EDITOR* IT ATHENS. Good Time khovvn ih* Visitors iu the 1 lassie t ity. Athens. Ga July !s—Over one hundred members of the Georgia Weekly Press Association and their wive? are in Ath ens to-dav Many hudies are in the party. Tuev were me: at the depot by the om* raiuee and earned :o the park, where a big barbecue w s given them. TANARUS: * vis.iors i;"i* t*d the State Normal School and the University To-night a re cepdon ar and banquet was given the gentle men it the Ather.aeum <tnd to the ladies at t..e Yo.irg Mens Christian As so latiou. Hon T S Me 11 delivered an eloquent ad drx.-s cf welcome, resper.-es be ng made s . r * •.( Co'eman ir.d others A grand parade over lllurmnaied stre* :s fol loacd thousatuls of lanterns and ether lights b'.&xiiig. The scene is gorgeous, and At .'i. *.t> i:e t'nror.fed by thoti?ar. - - p The . - lea', c a: 10 S*> to-r. ght for Elbe non. BROOMS COST MORE. Mara iu Africa* nud thinn Make Street vneepina Expensive. Atlanta July if,.— Atlanta is out $3-v In cash by reason of ihe Afrit *n ard Chineoe wars The sum i> no* a war lax, but an incre.*-e in he price of tra terul for nc city street sweepi* g rooms Atlanta has six street-sweeping ma chines each supplied with a tremendous rotary broom The life of a broom is five weeks. Constant use on Belgian blocks wears out tbe material. The blooms are made of ra:tar, and bass. Rattan is pre pared for market In China; bass l- pre ;srf lin South Africa The reven: w irs In those hinds have rai-fd the t>riv'e of the m irena’ used ir. the brvv*ms. The N* w York mat factucers can hardly procure the fibres at any price. *nvnnnnli Dnrkt t To-day. Atlanta. July H —'The Savannah docket will be called in the Supreme Court to morrow morning Arguments In a num ber of ertenib** cases was fccaid io-da^. THP7 MORNING TUESDAY. JULY 17. 1900. PF.t I LI %RITIKS OF ( HIM. The Wonderful Svwiem of \ricul tore That I* l’ra'tlced. Washington. July It—Although tie \a mobs wh. i ir.f-t Pt-kin a J tbe larger of Chins, worker! up to • svite freciay and fana:l.'um, have rend*red im j-ossi oie a v *ory ion by <■ - aval la be fcre> of the- Powers ihe great Chinese population pro;*ec i< agricu’.tura> and naturally pc-acefu! a ini pea- --lovinc Agri l.iure. however is most pcirr.\:i\ ani ' • winder s how s.i' h an inmi-r-ta' jx>; .'.adon can b- s.ip porte-.i from t .- soil tin.l the great ev'o: - c-n.•• practiced m ail> is ur.v>-isto>’ On the gre vt plain of Oh a very a\. - able foot of land i • tiiix* \ fnr -tm .• c some; irg an 1 ev*r -ar:i of f*rtillf> returned to the *h. Waters .tr ~'<'•l * 'r irrigation tvrvi ir. na> s laborious > dis:r l u*i over the ?t--. is The Gre*' i ia:r. itself :s re of the most wonderful se\dons o' t.‘;e zk'' - - l" aoc*ut miles in i: c*h varies from >*. to k* raves n w ith c .up'- - g nort. oas rrn par; of t -empire, find con tait — ovet H* 1 • .•* r.tiif? * - derf :iy fertile -oil. Toe most interest ing feature of this ; -i- if- er'rmou? p.'p . adon. as it sup* rts. ik oriirv t > th A • et r- :> of not titan ITT.<>\" , X‘ human beings making it the mos' 1 ly sett.e-i of ar.y part of the world of tho san e size its inhabitants amounting to nearly two-tnirds of the er.tirt pc-pulation of Europe. Of !*trat*js ion I I mportnncc. The most wonderful feature in the phy ?s al y of China is the ex:s:en • of vas' .. of Ic-r-s* itv this portion o.‘ tr.e empire Loes- is a very solid but fri.-iKe earth, orow-msh veHow' in olor. an*l i found in mir.y pia e? from 500 to 1,w30 pet deep. The >ess hiils rise in ;*■•rraoes from twvr.iy to several hundred feet in hight. Every :om of loess i? perforated by small tidies after man ner of root fibers only the direction of these tittle ha rt Is is always from ht*oV ' dvwr.w .-a so that cleavage in the loess ma>- is invariably verd vl. The loess r gion of Chin i perhaps the most broken country in the world, with its *heer cliff-: and upright nods, terrains and deep it ravines. Owing to the ea<e with which it cart h- worked, caves made at the has- - of straight < iiffs. afford homes to millions of people :r. the densely populated north ern provinces where the Boxers hove thus far been most active. Whole villages c1..-ter together in carve*l out vhember#. some of vs..: h extend bark m*.- t. an L‘ ,w ' itet The capalhlitii? of defense in n country such as this, where an invadina army- rr :-t necessarily become lost, and absolutely I>ewildered in the tangle of interlacing ways, and where he defend ers may always remain concealed or have innumerable means of escape, is peculiar ly significant at this time when consid eration is being given to a conquest of Chine. It may not be generally known that the Chinese were the discoverers of coal as a fuel. The Venetian traveler Marco Polo says. It is j fact that all over ♦he country of Cathay vChina) there is a kind of bla k stone existing in the beds of the whi. h they tlig out and burn like firewood. This stone burns bet ter and costs less.” Grct Rlx er*. The river? of China are her glory and there are few our.tries in the world so well watered ar.d none wkh such splendid natural wa*er transiH>rtation f. ilitie? The three great rivers of the empire are the Yang-tse-Kiang iChi.d of th- Ocean, the Hoang Ho (Yellow River) aiti theChu* Kiar.g (Pearl or Canton Riven. Of these the Yangr-tse-Kiang is much the largest, flowir.c through extensive an 1 fertile plains an j finally emptying into the Eastern sea after traversing a dis tar, e o' over 2 • miU-s It? di? harp* I- 1 e?* mated at 1 'W rub;' feet p f r second The bank* of the Yang tse are crowded w*h towns an i xl lagets. the most famous of whi h are Nan kin. and the new treaty port of Hankovr The Hoang Ho or Ye!low River is especially* for i:s frequent and violent floods Its current is very rapid and its course sinuous nearly approaching in length the Yarg-:?e. The Pearl or Can ton river white r.ot nearly so large a? the others is a stream of great importance aivd Innumerable vessels trade upon it* waters. A: some points it spreads into Urge vn it betwr-^ narrow gorge? whirh. if dammed, would afford large etoragi . - ?ior Tne Chinese however, have rot rracticai'y worked out irrigation in its different phases as completely as would be expected of such an agricultural peo- P>- Irrigation, nevertheless, is practice*! to a considerable extent through the use of the waters cf the Grand canal, and by wells The Grand or Imperial car.a! is a work of magnitude. It was con structed in the Seventh century and en *orce \ ir. the Thirteenth century. It traverses the Great Plain ar.d flows with but slight current for a distance of 7 mile? While built for purpose? of com munication. its water* ire used largely for irrigation and thousands of drain* end creek* have been mode to connect with it along its route. tntiqnnted Method*. The mob * of are ar Urt and crude. One of the most picturesque is by means of the wafer wheel which is used where the land to be wat-r.d is w<\' above the channel cf the ri\ -r. The w 1 el is turned by the fore* <f t.;e current and i? perhaps thirty feet high. Ite buckets being section? of bamboo which a? they are raised by the stately motion cf the wheel, empty their contents into troughs or ditches Hollow bamboo p pe? or tube* are sometime? used for di*tr: autlr c water over the fie :*. They te-t upon woollen support* and branch in every ii rection from tne soiuve of supply. chain pump is also a , inmon means cf lifting water, the chain running up from the water on a flan; an 1 being provided with little buckets at intervals, w .; h i.s they reach : e h ghest point and bee.n to descend, dis*. harge the r content* The.-- machines are worked ly buffalos or some. hm*-s by human labor a man working a crank with his feet something after the manner of ruling a bbycle Tne most primitive ar.d laborious met hoi :? i ancie* t weil eweev such as is -een to ft > cn many an old New Ergiard home WORKS AM* MILLS SHIT DO\. lAl>r Sitaaiton In < nlnnbn* Ha< Grown Srrlna,. Columbus, G* , J ; y I.—Th, Columhu* : Iron Work-. ~i .5 s'! p linlr, m l- nr. I ocior* shrp. ih .It; ta,< \ iown th:- ntrrt V- ;.lir The strts- . 8 - . p.o.n>r. tlons. -\>jtro :.irfy ar” *x;votei to jo ■•L" 1 L piHBBH I .Vfl I 1 - N ’■ L like I ( / Jfll , *>c k 1 y I 'f/ . r V*- jfll rr!, Hiit l HIVK ✓,f * - JHM r- w % p£ I Igw II tv To I ji&r' ' . sjkm fvtrv "a man I :n tV ‘* wor’.J I fL/* A “ '** >*v, I * / fiT ■* >■ Hrxdflcld’* I j. / W JI I \ -.t I \ IMI :AT if I \BI I garr ni * w sf-. I yfl v a * . I n miki vou I ■ •reiL The Rejptlitof rure* where other I ■ ir.ediciae* fail, and il doss it right *t V<e I ■ without the diMcreeiSfce estmlnatioQ* *c I ■ abhorert to mode* a r*en. 7t reur% c> n : I ■'r-AA diaorder that * >mn *\cr f I ■ tet. ■ Headache. peT' , teic*lM: ffer pf f*.hn* of th# I H wor.i’,'. rre< ~! t-f ’.mdla'i | ■ wh'ch #.<rtvrtan. and pul* * *top I H to then*. It •* aharre.e** vegetable retnedj I ■ which would rn'l hwrt a tahy. ihac*. jteiy I ■ free from da.-f e:. a* era*,-*. Ywr.r tiragfUt ■ 1 |i If jb Ut *.) xr t*. p*! ■ no msfinp xtcrLAi©* co. tc*.***.** ■ arrtf. VviiTf* Hr'*. - r+n—>. iu* tw yH^9 - DR. STEDMAN’S Teething Powders Tbe Famous Aid to Safe and Painlesa Teething. fVrf b% ■ f th* Over for V PR. STFPMAN opened * branch offira !n An.en •.con* deryy reduces tbecostof in**e.’o*t:y oeiotwated powders. They are put up tn rellcw np per*. The trade mark. * gum iwocet. TRADE MARK k M very packet and on eve-y witboof ft nwne 1? ger.mne. a peickH containing nine powder*. ZS cents. At your druggist s. or mailed poetpa *on rec'elpi of pri'-e. "-<nd for booklet •u’- 'Cr tman i AVepry Ho-for Address J. . Meftt ALTFR, M eet JoL*on St., fcirsmewß, Phils , Pa. So.ii o> UFFMA.N BROS.. Savannah. Ga rut or. a sympathetic strike to-morrow. \l. unions held meeting? this afternoon s.rid ;o-r.:ght appointed committee* to confer with contractors and mill p*-op> They also called a mass meeting of citi tens for Thursday night to consider the strike There i? doubt here a? to whether it aa? Capt. A. R. Davis of Georgia who | perished in China. His brother-in-law. M r . C. I. Groover, of the Enquirer Sun. was confident that Capt. Davis was still m the Philippines. Capt. Davis had many friends in Columbus. JILLTI.Gi, <3ocS DE KALB LODGE NO. f>, I. O. O. F. A regular meeting of the lodge will b# held this evening at 5.30 o'clock at Met ropolitan Hall. Visiting brethren and members of sts ler lodges are cordially invited to attend. C. H. DORSETT, N. G. W. W GROSS. Secretary. GERM AN FRIENDLI SOI II I The annual picnic will be held Wednes day July 18th. on Wilmington Is’and. Clifton leave? foot of Whitaker street 9 o'clock a. m.: Thunderbolt. IO.SOi Afternoon fre-m Thunderbolt 2:30. Any member who has net received his ticket can ge: or.e on wharf from the committee. H. HELLER. Secretary. I \F.AVETTE McIiAWS CAMP, 506. I . C. V. Veterans: A'tend the regular meeting of the Camp ihit?. Tuesday, evening at > o'clock. By order of the commander. A. K WIUSOX. Adjutant SPECIAL. NOTICES. ToTht ROR a. All petit jurors are hereby discharged until Thursday morning next, subject to future notice. By order of His Honor. R Falligar.t. judge. JAMES K. P CARR. Clerk S. C.. C. C. NOTICE TO CITV COl RT JI'RORS. The petit jurors of the City Court reed lot appear until Wednesday. July Is. 1900. at 10 a. m. By order of the Hon. Thomas M. Nor wood. judge. WARING RUSSELL Jr . Clerk. annual ricNic. —of * SAVANNAH COUNCIL NO. 1. : ORDER OF AMERICAN FIREMEN For benefit of Endowment Fund, —at— HOTEL TYBEE. TO-DAY. Wnolf T..-lk6ts 250 COMMITTEE: M. J Brigr.oni. Chairman; A. T Ti> 'ha.k. Secretary: A F M Fjrland. C. O. Godfrey. \V. Pringle. W. H. Williams. J j w. D. Claiborne. D. T. Brun ?or. James W. M Clark. The committee has arranged so that T ihere will be an abundar. e of ice water ! for guests. WHAT DR. PHILLIPS *F GAINES VILLE. Fid.. MVL * Having visited your place wih a view oi making invr-miga tions as to its claims a< a Health Resort and Sani.arium. I cheerfully state that I was not preraied j to find Suwannee Springs so perfect in all : its appointments. Your system of waterworks and sew erage cannot be surp.*se*l anywhere. The healthfulness of localiiy is assured by the dry. porous, satxly soil and the absence of standing water anywhere in the vicinity, ever, after the heaviest rain. Nor was I prepared to find such perfect rrar*ge inent tor the convenience and comfort of your patron* and for the use of the fa mo is mineral water of Suwannee Springs at all hours, both for bathing aid drinking. “Suwannee Springs has to be vis iud and known to be appreciated, ar.d I predl t that ir future you will have, at .11 season? of the year constantly lncreas ; irg numbers of taose ;n search of health ar.d recreation.' NOTIC E OF DIS9OLI TIO\. Savannah. Ga July 16. 1 9X>. Th*' firm of Foye Ac Morrison has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. IVter T. Foye assumes all the liabilities of sail firm and takes all of the assets and will continue the business on his own account. P T FOYE. JAMES L MORRISON. SPEC! AI NOTICE. A” the British steams tip Therapi m l* pre*ented a. our offiot before 12 o'clock, m this day, or i*ayment thereof will be debarred. STRACHAX A- CO.. Consignee*. SAvannah Gw July 17th, 1300. NOTH R. Office of Savannah Waterworks Savannah Ga Jul> 1300. Styles ave; between Louisviile \oad aivi waterworks pumping station will be vlose-1 to th public to-morrow. Tuesday, i July 17. for a t• w hours for the purpose of making repairs to dram. 1 U. KINSEY. Supt. \V %NTTin. Clt v Of Savai TAh Off c- Director of ! u i.c Works. Savannah la July H Bi .s til be re vived at this ofile uni.. .. •<> i. t *on. ity Tuesday July 11. !?• Ur the manure from h? city stable < ar.d :h street * weeping?, etc. frocn the streets and ami, to be deliver ed at city lot for one ytar frvgn date of acceptance of bid. The city reserves tne right to reject any or ail b.ds En velope? \o be marked * Bkls for Manure tt Bid? to be opened in the present cf bidders geo. M GADSDEN Dre tor. LAHI.L \N AHLHOI >i. AND omcK to r*r.t. locrttfi head of •treef. or. Whi fcr* ad. Dow :ccu by iht SuYinr.Ah Carrlaga and Wggoo Cos As thty *l.l g\vt up buait es Ir. •hr city ©n Juc ; o*#r It for rer.t from that data H P SMART. BONUS KXECVTED Br h* Anrh*n Bond n* and Truat Com rn> o' Baitt-uore. \V are authorized to execute k>ca:i> mtned,a:el>- U|<cn ay?!i catson). ai: bonds Ui Judtc-.a! proceeding* In either the state or failed State* course. and o X admictairatora and guardian* FEARING * HtT,U Ag-r.ta Telephone 84. Provident i.-, PALMER HARDWARE COMPANY, HEADQUARTERS FOR Builders’ Hardware Mouldings, Sash. Doors and Blinds. Grille Work, Stair Work, Hardwood Interior Finish. Hardwood Flooring, Turned Work, Columns. Porch Work, Mantels and Grates. Low Estimates Furnished SAVANNAH STEAM LAUNDRY II Congress Street, West. Headquarters FOR FINE LAUNDRY WORK. Phone 383, KODAKS and FILMS, 20 per cent, off on Kodaks. SPECTACLES SI,OO that others charge $2.50. LIVINGSTON’S PRESCRIPTION PHARMACIES, Bull and Congress. Branch 30<J Bull Street. SPECIAL NOTICES. ” D’HOTE. 60c—DINNER—50c Dinner 1 to 3 and 6 to i. Tuesday, July 17. Claret Wine. SOUP. Okra Tomato FISH. Baked Flounder wine sauce Potatoes a I’Algerienne Sliced Tomatoes rjueeo Olives Cdtow Chow Mixed Pickles ROASTED. Ribs Baltimore Beef, dish gravy Stuffed Loin of Veal brown gtavy ENTREES. Deviled Crabs and Orleans Spa tush Fritters, rum sauce VEGETABLES. Mashed Potatoes Rice Stewed To matoes Butter Beans Boiled Roasting Ears PASTRY AND DESSERT. Vanilla Custard Pie Cheese Crackers Fruit Sago Pudding, fruit sauce French Coffee At LEVAN S CAFE RESTAURANT. 11l Congress street, west. Jl ST THE THING. For a delicate lunch, Underwbou's Dev.led Ham la 10 cents cans. Also, A delicious, crisp, sweet Rolled Wafer. Lemon. Vanilla ard Chocolate flavors. We have never had anything finer of its kind. A. M.-& C. W. WEST. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. City of Savannah. Office, Fire Department, Savannah, Ga.. July 11, io. All bids for constructing engirt house No. 6 having been rejected, sealed pro posals for erecting this station in ac cordance with revised plans and specifi cations will be received at the office of the undersigned tint!': 12 o'clock noon of July :s. Successful bidder will be re quired to furnish bond. Plans and specifications ran now be ha 1 by applying at the office of the Superin tendent of the Fire Department, cdm A r of Indian aid Wes; Broad streets. JOHN E MAGUIRE. Supt/ NO IV IS THE TIME TO REN O A ATE. We renovate ar.a remake with hair ticking moss mattresses U. hair and wool mattresses If. We get the s.ze of bedstead and make your mattress to order, witho.t extra charge. Fine curled hair and mo-s mattresses n specially. Our rcedfcatei steam renovator wilt purify ar.d clean as e'l as increase in volume your feather beds and pillows. Renovation of feather beds 15 bolsters p.i.ows 76:. Ail work guaranteed first-class. NATIONAL MATTRESS AND RENO VATING CO. Bell Phone llha. S3l Drayton street. PLASTERERS* AND M ASONS* IP PI.IES. Cement, Lime. Plaster, Hair and River Sand. Prompt delivery Reasonable price SAVANNAH BUILDING SUPPLY* CO.. Corner Drayton and Congress. Fhor.e 51J. PAINTS AND HOUSE PAINTING. - We handle nothing but the VERY BEST grade? of PAINTS ar.d 011.8. and employ the very best painter* to be had. Allow us to make bid on painting your house. SAVANNAH BUILDING "SUPPLY CO.. Corner Congress and Drayton. Phone SIS. Dl l I DEN D NOTItE. Ofli.e Savannah Ga* Light Company, Savannah. July 14 !Sa) A dividend of three and a half per cent, on the apttal *to. k of this company has been declared payable on and after I Wednesday, (he lith inst . to co.kholJ- ; era as of record this day. Transfer oook , will be closed until IS:h Inst A. G. OVERARD Prescient and Treasurer. NOTH 16. The wreck of the burned house-boat Caiman now lying near New Smyrna, will be sold at auction Thursday Aug i ? The wreck will be sold as It lies Sale wil! take place at II o'clock boot at the wreck For further particulars appiv MERRILL-STEVENB ENGINEERING COMPANY. Jacksonville. Fla Tilt UAV TO CLEAN CARPETS. The only way tc get your carpets (top er’.y taker, up. cleaned and taken care of for (he summer u to turn the job over o the District Messenger and Pe.ivery Cos., te.ephote 2. or call at tj Moestgomtry street, and they will make you an esti mate on the coat of the work Prk-en reasonable They also pack, move and Rare furniture and plane*. C. a MED LOCK. Bupt cod Mgr. j Fraik’s Rheumatic Remedy is a wonder. Cures when every other medicine fails. BtSlltESa SO TICKS. Green Ginger, First of the Season. Every housewife will want some of this for pre serving-. It is young and tender, and goes at only 25c a pound. To be had only of The S. \Y. Branch Cos., Corner Broughton an 1 Whitaker. Phones 76. DRIVING IS PI.F. AS ANT IF 101 FEEL SAFE. CM. ee, M If you buy the vehicle ard harness here we guarantee safety, comfort, durability and style. If you are thinking of buying a vehicle and harness call on us AVe are the eaders in styles and prices aS?o. COHEN-KULMAN CARRIAGE AND WAGON COMPANY". Babcock’s ar.d Studehake:.- Representa tives. Morgan & Wright Rubber Tires. Neil Gildea's * NEW Alhambra. Harvard Seer Every Night. Watches. Our line of Watches was se 1* 'ted to suit ali needs. We h*\e the beet—the D. Giver & So:, s Precision Water, the perfect 11 • - ■ for i re work In nidUion. we have the leading mak*s of American Watch* - :r. gold ard >ilver. at 1" ' > io compete .h ar y mar ket. HUNTER & VANKEUREN Jewelers. 14J Bull strict I We Wash To Perfection. (- f/lj (aancfn/ Off* "C Puli Flrett Telephone 7>V) ftSgOtt. One of our clients has p aced In our 1 Ar.d* UZ M to loan cn good Savannah taal ear at* at reaiorwbi* rates of Interest BECKETT A BECKETT. i 44 Pro*, dr cl t tract, tut. LEOPOLD) ADLER, JNO p I 'fi President. :l: D\ C. T. EDIUS. BARRON ‘fi Vice President. Asst ,• V -H, The Chatham Bank savannah h * Will be pleased to receive t-e of Merchants. Firms. Indlv; jJ a - ’* and Corporatlotis. " ' :ia , u, Libera! favors . iHnded Unsurpassed rolleetion facil tie ire prompt returns. ' SEPARATESAVINGSOEPARTMFnt l#N ON DEPOSITS. Safety Deposit Boxes an.l y a .., r rent. Correspondence ‘ S ?f The Cilizenslaik OF SAVA.N.VAU. ‘ ■ir, CAPITAL -5500,00a Business.' “ U H Solicit, Account, of Indlvldn,,. Merchants, Bant, and „ tfc „ c . ' rations. * Collection, handled with economy and dispatch. interest compounded „ art(t| allowed OD deposits in oor S. T t.„ Department. • Tl n Safety Bose. . nd Sto Vaults. ** BRAKTI.ET A. DENMARK. Pre, ld(1 . MILLS B. LASE, Vice Preside," *■ GEORGE C. FRBEMAV, Cashier GORDON L. GROOVER. Asst. Cs, h ,^ SOUTHERN Bli of the S:ate of Georg A Ca P iUU Surplus and undivided proSts—. bErOOi iWU uF TUB oiAlk ‘ GEORGIA. “* Superior facil.uea tor .ra.-.sacting e Ge-• era, .n5..,, T7Ta n *st Collections made on ah points —- acces!hte inrougn oanks nd ban#-,. Accounts of Oaitks, Bankers, Merchant! ar.d other. sohcUcd. Safe Deposit for recL Department of Savings, lnUros: pans* Quarterly. Bells Biearltng Ezchmige on Loodo. a and upward.. JOHM FLAKN-ERT Preellent HORACE A. CRANE. Via, PresiJtot JAMES SrLT.rVAN. Cashier DIRECTORS: JNO. FLANNEIU. WM W GORDON. E. A. WEIL. W. W. GORDON Jt, H A. CRANE. JOHN M EGAN LEE ROT MYERS. JOSEPH FERST H P. SMART. CHARLES ELUA EDWARD KELLY. JOHN J. KIRBY. THE GERMANIA BANK aA v AN.SAh, GA. Capital m*t Undivided pro&t. *,* This tank oners its serd es to corpora tion., merchants .nd individual.. Hu authority to act as executor, .A ednlstrator. guardian. tc. Issues drafts cn the principal cities !, Great Britain and Ireland and co tit Continent. Interest paid or compounded quarterly on deposits In the Saving Department. Safety Boxes for rent HENRY BLUN. President. GEO. VT DEDEMAN. Presldeit, JOHN M. HOGAN. Cashier. WALTER F. HOGAN. Ass t Cashier. Siltil Bis Mill CAPITAL, *.‘550.000. Accounts of barks, merer.ante, cor;-:'*- lions and individuals solicited. Savings Department. interest p-d quarterly. Safety Bexe= ssd S c-rage Vault* k* rent. Collections mace on all points a: sonable rates. Dra::- sold or. a.i the chief cities o' v.f world. Correspondence invited. JOSEPH D. WEED. President. JOHN C. ROWLAND. Vice President, w F. McCAULEY, Cashier. No. Cban trad, M THE fctliilS 111 It OF SAVANNAH CAPITAL. *600,(01. SURPLUS. I * >*. I’KiiLb STATES IjuPOSITOBI. J. A. G. CARSON. President. BEIK.NE GORDON, Vic* Preaidant. W. M. DAVANT, CAsbler. Account* of banka and bankers, of thants and corporation* received u;n the most farorabl* term* consistent *tt safe and conservative banking. BUSINESS NOTICES. ANXIOUS TO SELL For $2,500. A two-* tor y double cottage on a c*r A ore-story cottage on a oom*r e'i a lot sixty feet front by one hundred sod seventeen fee de*p, wifi two wide g::t* * and a lane. So anxious are the owners to ee l t"*t the; will take a part cash and give ixi time on the balance at a low rate o' in terest. C. H. DORsETTT 10 mm Puwei For sale, a Forsaith Newspaper Toit , will fold sheet 27XU. It is Li g:i or>,r * Price r.OO It coe: ongir.aily B.lo® t ’" t we have no us* for it and warn the rxa it occupies. 11 will be an Invaluable adjunct t *** newspaper otfieg. Address MORNING NEWS, Savannah. G“- SPECIAL NOTICES. MOS4II ITOES will not trouble yon If T°° c *llOO4ll SKEET. It l P lr *’** perfume. MELDEItMA i* a tnilel powder that In.tantU l!l pel, the disascreeable odor. arl* n ® from perspiration. OLD *TILE COLD CHBl'l arse, gelrk relief for *n born. skin tronbles. SOLOMONS CO,