The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, July 23, 1900, Image 1

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THE MORNING NEWS. Established 1850. .- - Incorporated ISS3 J. H. ESTILL. President. HAS APPEALED TO US china asks mckinley to use his GOOD OFFICES. WANTS POWERS PLACATED. appeal for mediation comes THAOIGH MINISTER WIT. An Imperial Edict Indued Which As rriK the Government Haw Done All in in Power to Protect the For eigner*—lt Instructs All ChincMe Official* to Protect Foreigner* Wherever They Are—-Policy of the United State*. Washington, Juiy 22.—President McKin ley has received what purports to be a direct appeal from the Chinese imperial fovtrnment to use his good offices to ex tricate that government from the difficult i.nd dangerous position in which it has been placed as a result of the Boxer up rising and the ensuing hostile attitude of the great Powers. Although the exact text of the appeal made by the Emperor of China to France, as outlined in the cable dispatches of yes terday has not been made known here, it is believed that the address to the President is similar in terms To that com munication. In our case the communica tion was made through Minister Wu to the State Department. Thus far a final answer has not been returned. The French government an swered at once, but that answer will not serve us. The United Srates government is conscientiously proceeding upon an en tirely different line of policy in the treat ment of the case. Unfortunately, the Stale Department finds itself alone in this, but, nevertheless, it is convinced that its plan is the best, and it has be hind it the consoling assurance that at present all of the European governments have tacitly admitted that an error was made in the beginning in not following the ccn-mon-sense advice of the United States naval commander at Taku. The point of difference between the ptflte department and the European gov ernments is that the latter are proceeding upon the belief that all of the foreign ministers and missionaries and guards at Pekin have been killed, and insist upon dealing with the Chinese government upon that basis, thereby assuming a hos tile attitude that tends to destroy the last chance of availing of whatever friendly sentiment may yet exist among the powerful Chinese viceroys and the Imperial government itself. Thus the French as Indicated in the four conditions laid down by M. Delcasse yes terday sets an impossible task for the imperial government in its present strait* and tends to drive it at once to moke terms with the Boxers and Prince Tuan’s party. The American Policy. On the ocher hand our government, while not guaranteeing the truth of the advices from the Chinese government as to the safety of the fortign ministers, is willing to accept the statements tempora rily, in the meantime rem tting none of Its efforts to get access to Mr. Conger through the use of military force if need be By following out this policy the state department argues that It retains two chances instead of one. It may reach Mr. Conger with troops and it also may se cure his deliverance through the friendly offices of some of the powerful Chinese officials, which the Powers are not likely to obtain for their own people by follow ing out their present policy. It may be stated also that the United States government has not and docs not Intend to relinquish any part of its claim for compensation and reparation in the ultimate settlement. Its position in that respect it holds will not be affected un favorably by piosecuting its efforts to make use of the friendly sentiments of the Chinfse officials. A particularly deplorable effect of the reasoning of the European governments on this point, in the estimation of our government, is the abandonment of the idea that there is pirticular need for baste and for taking even desperate chances in the effort 10 get the interna tional relief column through to Pekin. May .Sturt by Aug. 1. It is true that the latest advices from Taku Indicates that whereas It was orig inally estimated by the foreign command ers that the expedition could ivot be start ed before Aug. 15, it is now regarded by th*m as possible to make a beginning “tout Aug. 1. But the military experts here, who have been closely scanning ail the reports from Tien Tain that appear to be worthy of credit feel that even no’w the way is open to Pekin and that the march should begin with the force at pres f*t on the Pei Ho, leaving the Powers to bring; up reinforcements to reopen the base, should the tlrst expedition be cut Off. According to the latest official reports *h country around Tien Tsin is clear of hostile Chinese. The flower of the Chinese arrpy in that section has been defeated at Tien Tsin, and these army experts calcu *at*“ that its power is so broken that that Articular army never can be reorganized ,n season to offer formidable resistance. they argue thqt the time is ripe for a stroke of bold generalship, such, for in etance, as French's ride to Kimberley. Mistake of Commander*, further proof of an official character of Mistake made by foreign commanders !n the attack upon the Taku forts is con tamed in a communication Just received the State Department from United States Consul Fowler at Che Foo. He na * transmitted an imperial edict which "a; supplied to him by telegraph by the Chinese Governor of Shan Tung, Yuan Kai, at Tsi Nan, the capital of the Province, it was Issued on July 17 and Tp| aie* to the present hoeKilltles between ( hina and the foreign Powers. The dis containing the edict came to the bl *tt Depaximent in uch coafu**^ Jsatemnaj) iUorning ffetoft, phraseology that it is impossible to da more than approximately state its sense. Tne edict appears to state in beginning that, owing to the trouble existing be tween the Christians and the populace, and to subsequent seizure of the Taku forts, which moused the military lo arms, the imperial court was laying great weight upon its international relations. The Mjnohu generals, therefore, tice roys and governors, are ordered to ascer tain whether the merchants and mission aries of the various nations residing in the open ports are being protected, aud the assertion is made that prefects and magistrates have been sent repeated im perial edicts to protect the legations. Or ders also have been sent to the provincial authorities to protect the missionaries While hostilities have not yet ceased, the Chinese offlcials>are directed to give proteclion to the merchants and others of the various nations in accordance with treaties and must not fail to obey. Murder of Foreigners. The edict refers to the killing last month of the Japanese chancellor, Sugi yama, which it characterizes as startling. It says that a short time thereafter the Gorman minister was murdered while re siding in the capital conducting interna tional affairs. The edict expresses the deepest sympathy on account of his death, and asserts that stringent instructions would be issued to seize the murderer, who must be caught and severely pun ished, after the termination of the pres ent hostilities, together with those who have murdered foreigners and mission aries or taken their property without cause. The language of the edict, as given by Mr. Fowler, on this subject is very much involved, but it appears to exempt from punishment those who have killed foreigners "connected with the war." The Governor of Pekin and the Vice soy of Chill are charged to issue instruc tions to investigate and then to deal in telligently with each case of wrong-do ing. The edict states that recently .evil doers created riots, deliberately rebelled and murdered good subjects, certainly, it says, a deplorable state of affairs. All viceroys, governors and high military authorities are ordered to obtain accurate details, presumably of the outrages com mitted by Chinese and to make such seizures and take such action os the cases warrant in order to stop the dis turbances. Beside the reference to the seizure of the Taku forts as one of the causes of the uprising, the significant feature of the edict is the underlying expression of the desire of the imperial government of China, not only to protect the foreigners, but to make reparation for the injuries they have sustained. That would seem to be the meaning of the instructions to the Chinese viceroys and magistrates to take steps to ascertain the extent of these injuries. Otherwise the edict is mainly argumentative and appears to be an effort to’ extenuate the course of the imperial government. As such it may be properly laid aside for the present, to be taken up for consideration in the final reckoning, and such will be the course of the state department. Oar Only Object. The administration is determined to keep aloof from any movement that would unnecessarily entangle the government of the United States in Chinese affairs. It of course must join heartily with the oth er Powers in the effort to get to Pekin, but it does not follow from that co-oper ation that it will be led into taking part in any bickerings or dissensions that en sue over the future of China after our people have been tak n care of. It is the intenticn of the adm nistration lo withdraw our forces, military and na val, after the Americans in Pekin have be n relieved and wash its hands of Chi nese affairs, looking only to the preser vation of such privileges as it has a r’ght to retain for Americans. A href cablegram was received by S c tetary Long to-day from Rear Admiral Kempff at Taku. He announced that the Newark was going over to Nagasaki to be docked and cleaned. Although he did not say so, it is assumed that he is going wi h her, as she is his flag ship. Five humified United States marines started from this city to-day direct for Chna. They were placed on a special trMn bound for San Frarci-co where they will cross the Pacific cn an army trans port. This is the largest body of marine* that has yet been dlspatchel to the East at and the departure was made conspicuous by the presence of Gen. Heywood, the commandant of marines, and the full Ma rine band. The detachment is command ed by Maj. Dickens. LITTLE NEWS FROM CHINA. Minister Wn Declined to Discuss Ile quest for Mediation. Washington. Juiy 22,-With the excep ti n of the briff dispatch from Admiral Kempff announcing that the Newark was going to Nagasaki, there has been noth ing received in Washington to-day by the state or navy departments regarding China. This was also true of the Chinese lega tion. Minister Wu saying after dinner to night he had not a word frem his coun try to-day. The continues extreme ly optimistic of the safety of the lega tions in Pekin and hopes that the dis patch from Minister Conger received here Friday Is tut the precursor of more de tailed i formation of a s ill brighter ch.r aettr from the Chinese capital. Many of his callers to-day inquired of him about •he report that China had asked the United States government to exercise its good offices for his country in the pres ent crisis, but he declined positively to make any statement on the subject. When Secretary Hay received the Con ger dispatch on Friday he. promptly tele graphed the fact to our ambassadors and ministers abroad, coupling it with the In structions to lay it before the respective governments to which they are accredited, and to urge upon them the necessity for co-operation for the relief of the foreign ers in Pekin. Several replies have been received at the state department in response to the sec retary’s dispatch, but they are withheld from publication for the present. The officials here will abate none of the efforts now making to obtain more definite news and to push forward the relief column on its way to the Chinese capital. KILLED HIS BROTHER-IN-LAW. Aged and Prominent Former Shot Down In n Quarrel. Owensboro. Ky.. July 22.-Robert Bry ant, aged 70, was killed to-day by his brother-in-law, Samuel Kelly, aged 60. The killing followed a quarrel. Bryant was a prominent and wealthy farmer. Kelly shot him twice with a shotgun and then fled, swearing: he would never be taken .alive, but two officers soon arrested him SAVANNAH, GA., MONDAY, JULY 23, 1900. MESSAGE EXPECTED EARLY NEWS FROM FOREIGNERS IN PEKIN LOOKED FOR. THERE IS STILL MUCH DOUBT. EMPRESS IS REPORTED TO BE PRE PARING FOR WAR. Chinese Legation in Isonrion Say the Situation Should Bo Solved Wltliin n Few Days—Foil of Tien Tsin Hom Dhlienrtened the Chinese—Ll Hun*; ( haul’s Trip Ha* Proven a Fail ure—Trouble Expected in Southern Cliinn. London, July 23, 4 a. m. —Sir Chih Chen Loh Feng-, the Chinese minister in London, took the unusual step yesterday of pay ing: a Sunday call ot the foreign office. As Lord Salisbury was absent, the visit was without special result, but its im portance may be gathered from on inter view with the secretary of the Chinese legation. Sir Halliday MacArlney, in which the legation officials seem to have assumed at last something like personal responsibility. Sir Halliday admitted that communi cation had been practically reopened with Pekin and that messages from Sir Claude MacDonald, the British minister, and the other foreign envoys might be expected almost immediately. He said he hoped the trouble would soon be over, since the Chinese government was doing its utmost to overcome the difficulties and to control the lawless element. In hi*! opinion the Americans had taken the most common sense view of the sit uation, and he insisted that China ought not to be misjudged. Against the suspic ion that Li Hung Chang had any but a s'ncere pacific object in view he protested warmly, declaring that all stories about the perfidy and treacherj' of Earl LI were absolutely basele s. With regard to th** projects in the southern province, the Secretary admit ted that there might be small outbreaks, but he said there would be nothing se rious and that Europeans would be quite safe in treaty ports. The long silence he exp'ained as “due probably to the rebels, who have cut the wires and blocked the roads.” Should lie Early Solution. Thus, according to the secretary of the Chinese legation, a few' days more should bring a solution of the great mystery. Nevertheless no one in England believes that the alleged dispatches and edicts are anything by subterfuges to hide the real situation as long as possible and to avert retribution by sowing discord among the Powers. From Shanghai comes a report that the Empress I/owager and the court are mov ing to Brian Fu (?), in the province of Shan Si, to which large stores of rice are being sent, and that, when these arrange ments are completed, the remaining vice roys will declare against foreigners. According to the Che Foo correspond ent of the Daily Mail, the fall of Tien Tsin has so disheartened the Chinese that they are seeking terms of peace. He says that several attempts have been made to send messages to Pekin, but so far with out any knowrn results, and adds that rumors are again current that the Rus sians are reaching Pekin from the north. It 4s impossible to confirm or deny these statements; hut either one might explain China’s efforts to gain time. Lt’* Visit a Failure. Li Hung Chang’s visit to Shanghai seems to be a complete failure. Except the Chinese custom officials, no one has visited him. Sheng, the chief magistrate, gave the consuls a cordial invitation to meet him at luncheon, but all declined. The Shanghai correspondent of the Daily Express pretends to have authority for the assertion that Great Britain will repudiate any credentials Li Hung Chong may bring from the Empress Dowager, and he adds: “Russia, however. Is willing to make terms with Li Hung Chang, whose real mission is to sow’ dissension among the Powers. The British, German and Amer ican residents were resolute against re ceiving him.” The Shanghai correspondent of the Daily Mail declares that the Chinese officials are thoroughly frightened by the fall of Tien Tsin and desire to open negotiations. “Therefore,” he continues, “although all are aware of the horrible Pekin massa cres, every official down to the, humblest retainer has been sworn to secrecy upon the penalty of wholesale executions should the details leak out. They hope, if the Powers once begin negotiations, to stop the military operations, and that matters might cool down.” Humor* From Shanghai. There is the usual crop of Shanghai ru mors at hand this morning. One is that Prince Tuan has been abducted and that the Empress Dowager is again supreme. Another is that the notorious Kang Yi, president o fthe board of war, has been appointed viceroy of Canton. The Tien T.-in correspondent of the Da'ly News says the allies have issued a proclamation announcing that they are net fighting China, hut only the rebels who have been guilty of attacks upon the fore gners. The dec sin to keep at Hcng Kong is supposed to be due to the disquieting proce dings of the “Black Flags” at Canton. It is reported that the Bcgut forts are be ng rearmed by the Chinese with quick firing Krupps and large stores of am munition, and that the Chinese ars mounting guns and laying torpedoes at various advantageous points between Woo Sung ar.d Wu Chang The foreigners and Jcpines* traders have evacuated Niu Chwang, where the roads are now guarded by Japanese marines. All foreign women and children have been advised to leave the farts on the Yang ua Kiarg. Slight skirmishes are reported from Manchuria between the Russians and Chinese. EARL LI COLDLY RECEIVED. Foreign Conanln Decided Not to Call on Him Officially. Shanghai, July 21.—Li Hung Chang, who arrived h< r? to-day on the steamer Apning from Hong Kong, was coldly received. The native officials sent an escort of 'OO armed trorps. but, as the French con sul objected to their passing through the French settlerrunt, they withdrew’ and Ea ly Li landed under an escort of twelve French police. Once out of French juris diction, he was handed to the cosmopol itan settlers, who escorted him to his p ace of residence. The Anping, having munitions of war on boaf'h, violated the harbor regulaticns by entering and was compelled to leave the limits. The consuls have decided not to cal upon Li Hung Chang officially. HWANG SI! ALIVE ON JULY O. Advance to Pekin Will Rcgin When Kussinn Force Arrive*. London, July 23.—The St. Petersburg correspondent of the Times says: “The United States government has communicated to the Russian government for its information that Emperor Kwang Su was living and in full possession of his imperial functions on July 9. “As soon as the Russian Gen. Llnevitch (reported from Vladivos’tock to be march ing to the scene of hostilities with an army corps and a complete artillery bri gade), arrives at Tien Tsin, the advance on Pekin wii 1 begin.” WILL PUNISH MURDERERS. • China Want* to Retain the Friend ship of Germany. Paris. July 22.—The Berlin correspond ent of the Temps says: “It is asserted in Berlin that the Em peror of China has cent a telegram to Emperor William deploring the assassin ation of Baron von Ketteler by the rebels and declaring that the murderers are be ing actively sought and will be punished. He also expressed a hope that the rela tions of China with Germany would not suffer from this state of things. KOREA GETS IN THE FIGItT. Her Troop* Have Already Clashed With the Chinese. Yokohama, July 22.—The Korean gov ernment continues to send troops to the frontier, a collision with intruding Chi nese having already occurred. The Japanese papers express sympathy with the unfortunate Emperor of China, but are unanimous and emphatic in de claring that an alliance between China and Japan is quite impossible. STATE OF SIEGE DECLARED. Riisnlu Call* Ont Re*ervl*t on the Cliine*r Border. St. Petersburg, July 22 —An Imperial ukase issued to-day orders that a state cf siege be proclaimed in the military districts of Siberia, Turkestan and S m iretchinsk, ar.d that all reservists in th se di-tric s be called to the colors. Movement of Briti*h Troop*. Hong Kong. July 22.—The Second Indian brigade has been ordered to remain here. The Biritish first class battleship Go liath and two Indian transports with troops have arrived off Hong Kong. -German !Mi*sionarie* Are Safe. Berlin, July 22—The German consul at Swatau telegraphs under date of July 21 that all the German missionaries from the interior of the province of Kwang Tung have arrived there safely. CAMPAIGN AGAINST YAQUIS. They Clave Been Well Scattered and Are Not So Troublesome. City of Mexico, July 22.—Gen. Luis Torres, governor of Sonora, and com mander-in-chief of the forces against the Yaquls, hes come to this city to make a detailed report of the progress of the campaign to President Diaz and Minister of War Reis. From an interview with him it is gathered that the Yaqute have been pretty well scattered and broke up into small bodies and are not seriously troublesome at present. Several batches of prisoners have been sent to* Guadala jara', and other places with the view of making useful citizens out of them. The general has followed strictly the policy of the government In dealing with them, which is to give them every rea sonable Inducement to return to their farms or get them employment elsewhere without being eny more severe than ab solutely necessary. The Yaquls are really superior people. The large companies operating in Sonora say they make the best workmen, but there are turbulent spirits among them reedy to make trouble. CHINESE FEAR A BOYCOTT. Laundry men in Chicago Forced to Stinpcnd Bn*lne**. Chicago, July 22.—The Chinese popula tion lb perturbed over reports from vari ous parts of the city that because of Cau casian antipathy aroused by the trouble* in the Celestial empire, a boycott has been instituted against Chinese laundries and truck farms. Wu Sung Lee, a banker in Chinatown and probably the richest Mongolian In the city, says four laundries have been forced to suspend business dur ing the past week, and Chinese laundry men generally report a falling off of 50 per cent, in their business. BODIES OF TWO .MEN FOUND. Wound* on the llnul In Same Spot Indicate Murder. St. Joseph. Mo., July 22.—The dead bodies of two men were found to-day on the Maple Leaf right of way thirty miles north of here. Wounds on the head in the same spot on each man indicate mur der. The local police are firm in this belief and they and the railroad detective* ere at work on the case, but give out nothing King of Servla to Wed. Belgrade, July 22—King Alexander, of Servia. has proclaimed his betrothal to Mme. Drega Maschin, a widow, who was formerly a lady in waiting to Quean Na itaaUe, the King’* mother. KILLED AT TIEN TSIN NAMES OF AMERICANS WHO FELL IN B YTTLK THERE. LIST OF DEAD AND WOUNDED. , HEAVY CASUALTY LIST OF THE NINTH INFANTRY*. Private* and Non-Commt**ioned Offi cer* Who Were Killed or Wound ed—Eighteen Member* of the Ninth Burled Nenr the Bnrrnck* on July IS—They Were Interred In Collin* Taken at Tien Tnin—Casunltle* of the Marine Corp*. (Copyright, 1900, the Associated Press.) Tien Tsin. July 15. midnight, via ('he Foo. July 20, via Shanghai, July 22.—Eigh teen members of the Ninth United States Infantry were buried near the barracks this (Sunday) evening. The regiment, paraded. Chaplain Marvine officiated, and the bodies were enclosed in grandees' cof fins. taken at Tien Tsin. Following is a list of the casualties suf fered by the regiment: Killed. Company A, John A. Potter and George H. Buckley. Company B, Or pi. Richard B. Slater and Privates John McPartland and Gotfried Svenson. Company C, Barney Gonyea, Robert B. Gorden. Company D, John H. Porter. Company F. Oscar Olsen, John J. Drehr, Alexander Syoghberg, Caspar Schwert feger and James B. Taylor. Company G, Clyde B. Jamison, William L. Partlow. Frederick F. Reiffenacht, John P. Smith and Dewey Rogers. Wounded. Company A, Arnold Pernzzy, John J. Dimond. Martin Dunphy, George F. Mur phy and John Seymour. Company B, Corpl. Myrtle Conroy, Corpl. John Gallant and Privates Arthur W. Ruggles, Robert Crawford, Henry E. Stillings, Henry Van Leer, Patrick Cox, Frank W. Southworth, William S. Row ley and Clarence J. Mcßride. Company C, Sergts. E. Omcy, T. Perry. Joseph A. Dory and Adelbert Walker; Cotpls. James It. Burton and Peter Sav age; Musician Harry K. Ellis and Privates Snmuel F. Whipps, Richard W. Webb. Calvin Mattl ews, Jol n D. Closson, Ulyss s Jumper, James J. O’Neil, Henry J. Sharer and Robert H. Von Schlick. Company D, Sergts. George Bailey and Edward Got man ; Corpls. Sherman E. Jackson and Silas A. Christenberry, and Privates Thomas L. Maloney, Joseph Munch, Fred E. Newell, Davis Kennedy, Carp 11 L. Gingree, William Murphy and Joseph Ryan. Company E, Privates William G lbert, Joseph MacMahon and Patrick J. Mur phy. Company F, Corpl*. Frank M. Iveonard and Gustav Bartz. and Privates Francis J. Magee, Fred el ok E. Sho- craft, Edward Wright; Arthur Abies, Orln C. Weston, David A. Murphy, David H. Hammond, Harry A. Norton. John P. Dimond and George F. Murphy. Company G, Corpls. Dennis Morlarity. Stepficn Odn and Thomas H. Curren, and Privates Loda B. King, Phillip Wubing and Walker F. Coleman. Company H, Sergt. Westlay Blekhart, Corpls Albert Juhl, Jacob Mengel. Ger hart Heckerman and George Hoar, and Privates Andrew Roden, Woss (Ross) Westerveit, Lewis Irish, John Mclweeney, (McSweeney?), Charles Riley, Ralph Richards and David Morris. M Inn lug. Company B, Private Myron C. Miller. Following Is a list of casualties to the marines: Killed. Sergt. Charles J. Kollo k. Corpl. Thomq<* Kelly and Privates J. E. McConkey and Isaac W. Partridge. Wounded. Sergts. Frederick T. Winters And James Murphy; Corpls. J. MclDonald and Joseph W. Hunt, and Privates A. 6. Chapman, J. Cooney, Robert Desmond, F. T. Egleston, P. J. Kelleher, Laurin G. E. Mclver, C. I). Miller. Calvin J. Matthews, J. C. McGonegal, A. B. Penney, Henry A. Rlkers, John Stokes and J. Van Horne. OUTRAGES I PON CHINESE. Military Will Be Sent to Protect Them at Hock Spring*. Chicago, Ju'y 22—A special to the T mes-Herald fiom Cheyenne, Wyo., s n *: A numb r of outrages have been com mitted by foreigners upon the Chinese residents of Rock Spring**, a coal mining town, 203 mile* west of here on the Un ion Pacific Railroad during the past few days. The state auihorit es fearing a general movement against Chinatown, where more than 500 Chinamen reside, have or dered s veral companies cf tro r p* to be in readiness to move to the scene. Probably two companies of infantry will go io Hock flprirg< to-morrow, when martial law will be proclaimed. Feeling among the foreign laborers at Reck Springs against the Chines * i* at f ver heat, but the s ate tuih rl hs w'll do everything possible to prot ct the Chinamen and prevent bloodshed. TRIED TO DESTROY A POST. The Boer* Were Beaten Off After a Sharp Engagement. London, July 22.—The war office hat re ceived the following dispatch from Lord Roberts: “Pretoria, July 22.—The Boers made a determined attack yesterday to destroy a post at the rail head, thirteen miles east of Heidelberg, which they attacked with three guna and a ‘pompom’ and surround ed They were, however, beaten off after a sharp engagement.before reinforcement* summoned Xrom Heidelberg arrived, * < CUT IN TWO BY CAMPANIA. Hark Kmbloton Sank at Once and Eleven of Her Crew With the Cnptnin W ere Drowned. London, July 22.—A dense fog hung over the Irish channel yesterday morn ing and the Cunard Line steamship Cam pania, on route for Liverpool from New York, struck the Liverpool bark Emble ton, bound for New Zealand, amidships, cutting her In twain. The Kmbloton sank immediately. Seven of the crew were rescued, but It is be lieved the other eleven members of the ship's company, including the captain, v/ere drowned. The Campania had her bows stove in, bin arrived safely at Liverpool five and a half hours late. The Campania was little injured, but had a narrow’ escape ’from a serous dis aster. The fog had dtlayrd her passage s r.ce Filday noon, and a tender went out f.otn Qunnstown four miles, as C.ipt. Walker would not take the liner near shore. At Tuskar light (he fog was becoming denser every moment. When the Cam pania was about thirty miles northeast of tho light a phantom ship rose suddenly wMhout warning, directly across her bows. Thirty seconds later the phantom had be come a solid sailing vessel, into which (he liner crashed, her steel forefoot go ing 'through the F.mblcton like the clean cut of a sword, and dividing her Just abaft the mainmast. The forward half sank Instantly. The s4ern swung vicious ly round and the mast and yards for a moment tore at the Campania. From the instant the phantom came into view' from the bridge of the Campania until the last vosGge of the vessel van ished, some sixty or eighty seconds had elapsed. According to the Embelton’s survivors, for nearly half an hour before the collis ion. the captain and first officer w’ere be low at breakfast, and although the fog whistle of a large tsenmer could he heard every minute, the bark never shifted her course, the helmsman receiving no order. When, at 8:25 a. m , the second officer, to use his own phrase, “heard the rush of a steamer’s hows,” he shouted down to tty captain, who lushed on deck, but he was too late to give an order. The Campunia was under one-third The captain, first officer and pilot were on the bridge. The engines were In stantly reversed and the helm put hard down. No precaution was omllted. Some of the passengers had even grumbled at what they called superfluous caution. After the crash and the sudden cries, the boats were quickly got out. There were no signs of panic; the crew were everywhere at their sta tions; the best discipline was maintained; (he bulkheads were closed and everything possible ivas done to s-ave life. Some of the Campanias’ plates were bent by the collision; her forepeak Ailed with water; her foretopmast was broken short off and her steel rigging torn and twisted The paesengers held a meeting, adopted resolutions of thanks to the captain ami crew and su beer i bed £7OO for the relief of the survivors and the families of the lost. A MILLION IN GOLD DUST. The Steamer Amur Urnußlit Many B'ortnnp, From Alaska, Victoria. B. C., July 22.—The steamer Amur reached here this afternoon bring ing the largest number of rich Klondlkera and more gold than has previously ar rived from the north this season. There Is ot least a million In gold dust on board the steamer mid at least ninety passengers, one-third of whom made for tunes in the far north. The general opnion of these men. who are actually engaged In mining, Is that the output for the year will be 525,000,0ut) This large output is accounted for by the fact that Just as much gold la now being taken out in summer as In winter. A man who w. nt over the creeks to esti mate the output said it was hard to make an estimate us claim own-rs refuse to give the output for fear that the royalty of 10 per cent, will be exacted by the gov ernment. Mrny of the larg st c alms lure ly pay ex|on-es and If they paid a roy alty there wou'd be a !o*s for the year. Doctors say there are no cases of small pox in Dawson, bu: some typhoid. Ar rjngemer.ts for the suppression of disease are the very best. The courts have decided in favor lot owners of Skagway as against Capt. Wil liam M ore. who darns the town site un der squatter's lights (OI.OMHIW HDIIKI.N ACTIVE. They Have Taken I’nnniiis nnd Prob ably Alsu Hold Colon. Kingston. Jamaica, July 22.—CBpit. Mol ler of the German steamer Fiandrla, which arrived here to-day from Colombia, re ports that the government troops enter ed Colon from Panama on July 15. the lat ter city having fallen into the hands of the rebels. He asserts that Colon also Is now In possession of the rebels, having been easily taken on July 16 without a fight. Sabonilla, in the department of Bolivap, Is sufirounded by the Insurgents. The rebels have offered a reward of 51,- 000 for the capture, dead or alive, of Capt. Christensen of the Colombian warship Cordova. On July 14 the Cordova took the Soban l’da guns and ammunition for the garri son. The government proposed to the cap tain of the Kiondrla that he should taka 1,000 soldiers to Colon, but he declined on the ground that Colon was in the hands of the rebels and that the troops could not land. NEW YELLOW FEVER SERI’M. Effect of the Treatment Is Said to Be Marvelous. Vera Cruz. July 22.—The first patient treated with the yellow fever serum by the young Brazilian experimenter, Dr. Belllngzaghl, is fully convalescent. Other pstlents treated are progressing favora bly. There is Intense interest In the ex periments. Patients very low with blark vomit have been treated, and the effect of the serum Is marvelous. DAILY. 58 A YEAR. 5 CENTS A COPY WEEKLY’ 2-TIMES-A-WEEK.SI A YEAR MANY WERE KILLED TWO HUNDRED FILIPINOS SLAUGH TERED IN BATTLE. AMERICANS LOST TWELVE. THIRTY-EIGHT FILIPINOS KILLED IN ONE ENGAGEMENT. Amerienns also linil Eleven Wonod ed—Cnpt. Roberts Hrlensrd on Pnrole nnd Will Not Hetnrn to Cap tivity— Amnesty Resolutions and IDneArthnr's Reply Transmitted to Aguluuldo—A Reply Is Expected NYttlitn n Mouth. Manila. July 22.—1 tls offlolaly announced that Inst week 200 insurgents were killed and 130 surrendered or were captured. On© hundred rifles were taken. Twelve Americans were killed and eleven wounded. This includes (he casualties of Col. Will iam E. Blrkhlmor's engagement with a fojee of th# Twenty-eighth Volunteer In fantry, who attacked 200 Insurgent rifles entrenched two miles east of Taai, kill ing thirty-eight. A detachment of the signal corps, while repairing wires, was twice ambushed. Capt. Charles D. Roberts, of the. Thirty fifth volunteer Infantry, who was captur ed by the Filipinos last May, has arrived here on parole. He will return to cap tivity. Senor Buencamlno last Thursday sent to Agulnald", by means of Aguinald's mother, the amnesty resolutions adopted by the meeting of representative Filipi nos here on June 21. together with Gen. MacArthur’s answer to them and other documents btaring upon the restoration of the peace. It Is understood that Ag ulnaldo will summon nls advisers and that a reply may be expected within a month. Filipinos h*re will give a banquet h-r next Saturday In celebration of Pres dent McKinley's order of amnesty. SAYS DEWEY PROMISED IT. Filipino General Says He Assnred Them Independence. Omaha. Neb., July 22.—A special to the World-Herald from Sioux Falls. S. D., •says: "A lefter has been received by Sena tor H. F. Pettigrew from one of the lead ing commanders of the Filipino army In regnrd to the claims of the Filipino peo ple ns to the understanding that was ar rived at between them and he Ameri cans before the opening of hostilities In the Philippines. The letter says In part: "Slnukwan Encampment, Philippine Islands. April 12, 1900.—Hon. R. F. Petlt greiv nnd G. F. Hoar, senators, Wash ington: "Gentlemen: I have read in som© American papers shat Admiral Dewey, compelled by you and other senators, lovers of truth and Justice, to answer whether he had made to us formal pro misee of Independence, stated that he had never promised Independence to the Fili pinos.' 1. who. In tite name of the Filipino people and of Gen. Agulnaldo and as a represensntive of his, have had the honor to confer several times with the admiral, make to you the following statements that you may use them as you should think more convenient. " "In April, lfi, whon the rupture of liostlllths hr tween Am< r'ca and Fpaln be came imminent,.and in the absence of my chief, Gen. Agulnaldo, who was then at S ngapore I solicited through the Amer ican consul at Hong Kong, Mr. Wlldman, to have some Interviews with Admiral Dwey, with the objec 1 of continuing ihe Interrupted negotiations between Gen. Agulnaldo and Admiral D wey, through Mr. Woid. the commander of the Ameri can gunboat Petrel. My petition was fa vorably r celved and I went with Mr. An dres (iarchitoreno, another Filipino, on board the Olympia In the bay of Hong Kong. "Once on board, the following Interview in French took place through the flag lieutenant, Mr. Brumby, acting as inter preter: ‘Filipino—Admiral, having come to our knowledge that a war between your coun try nnd Spain Is Imminent, we, who have fought the latter for our Independence, ere willing. In obedience lo the desire manifested by you to Gen. Agulnaldo through Mr. Wood, to take part in the war as allies of America, so long as lt be carried on with the object of freeing from the yoke of Bpaln her colonies, giving them their Independence. * “Admiral Dewey—The American peo ple, champions of liberty, wjl undertake this war with the humanitarian object ol freeing from the Spanish yoke the peo ples under It, onel wl.l give you indepen dence and freedom, es we have proclaim ed to the world at large. " 'Filipino—We are very grateful for this generous manifestation of the great American people and being made through an admiral of ihelr navy, we value It more than a written contract, and thereupon place ourselves at your entire disposal.' " ‘Admiral Dewey—l place at your dis posal the ships of my fleet for the convey ance of both the Filipino leaders and the arms you may get. Moreover, I think my government Is willing to supply you with / arms ahd ammunition.’ " •Filipino—We are very thankful to you for this new generosity of the Amerlcitn people, and you may be sure that we are ready to tight at your side for the Inje ptndence of Hie Philippines, even without urnu, as we have done during the recent revolution.” "Admiral Dewey—America Is rich In every respect; she has territories sparse ly Inhabited. Besides, our constitution prevent ‘territory expansion' outside of America, therefore, the Flllplnoa may be sure of their Independence and not a bit of their land shall be taken from them.’ "After these conclusive and forms! statements, the conversation turned to other details concerning the state of the country." The letter is signed "J. Aiejandrlno.” He Is a Filipino general who recently sur rendered to the American forces. Seventh Artillery to Go Eaet. Fort Riley. Kan., July 22.—Rush order* have come for the Seveitth United States Battery of Heavy Artillery at Fort Riley to proceed with all haste to the Orient, calling for order* at Nagasaki.