The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, July 30, 1900, Image 1

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THE MORNING NEWS. Established 1850. .- . Incorporated 18SS J. H. ESTILL. President. ITALY’S KING AN ASSASSIN’S VICTIM Humbert's Heart Pierced by Bressi s Bullet and He Ex pired Within a Few Minutes. STRUCK BY THREE SHOTS AS HE ENTERED HIS CARRIAGE The Assassin Was With Difficulty Saved From Fury of the Populace. |<inc Humbert Had Been Attend ins'n Dint ri button of Trices in Connec tion With a Gymnastic Exhibition—People Cheered Him as He En tered rtis Carriage, and Then the Shots Were Fired Assassin Was Immediately Arrested—People Wanted to Lynch Him. He Came From Prato in Tuscany—Baron |)e Faya. .Much Distressed—Attempt Was Made to Assassi nate King Humbert When He Took the Throne—Prime Minister Saraeeo Has Gone to Monza nail the Rest of the Cabinet Will Follow Him. Monza, Italy, July 30.—King Humbert has been assassinated. He was shot here last evening by a man named Angelo Bressi, and died in a few minutes. The King had been attending a distri bution of prizes in connection with a gym nastic competition. He had just entered his carriage, with hi 9 aide-de-camp, amid the cheers of the crowd, when he was struck by three re volver shots fired In quick succession. One pierced the heart of His Majesty, who fell back end expired in a few min utes. The assassin was immediately arrested, and was, with some difficulty, saved from the fury of the populace. He gave his name as Angelo Bressi, de scribing himself as of Prato, in Tuscany. The prize distribution look place about 10 o'clock. Rome, July 30, 5 a. m.— Signor Saraceo has left for Monza. MINISTERS WOO TO MONZA. New* of Terrible Event Reuelied Rome After Midnight—Prince of \nples Is in the Levant. Rome, July 30, 4:30 a. m—The news of the terrible event did not arrive here until after midnight. Signor Saracco, the prime minister. Im mediately summoned a meeting of the cabinet, and the ministers will start at the earliest possible moment for Monza. The Prince and Princess of Naples are on board the Yela yachting in the Le vant. HE F.AVA MI C H DISTRESSED. Italian Amlinssnflor Would Not Talk In til Notified. New York. July 29.—Owing to the late ness of the hour at which the news of the assassination of King Humbert was received in this city, it was impossible to see either Consul Genral Branch! or Vice Consuls Alberti and Burdese. Baron de Kava, the Italian ambassador, W'as at Seabright, N. J. He was much distressed at receiving the news, but said to the Associated Press that he could not give out any statement until he had been officially notified by his home government. FEDELLI GREATI.Y SHOCKED. Knew Rnmhrrt Well and Said He Won n Good Matt. Kansas City. Mo., July 30.—Jerome Fe <Wi. Italian vice consul in Kansas City, *va* greatly shocked when he learned of MARY MINERS RXTOMBED. Buffered Dentil in a Mexican Mine Near Monterey. Monterey, Mex„ July 29.—The govern ment authorities havo been notified of a terrible catastrophe at Matabuala, a thriving mining camp south of Monterey, in the state of San Luis Potosi. Fire broke out In Ihe La Paz mine, nnd be fore she miners could reach the surface taany of them were entombed and either burned to death of suffocated. The fire faged fiercely for several hours. Eleven bodies have been taken out and others are known to be In the pit. It Is thought the loss of life will reach thirty. " hen the fire was discovered Ramon Go rr',z - the foreman, boldly descended the f haft and went Into the burning chamber for the purpose of aiding the unfortunate thlners, jje was overcome by smoke and perished. His body has been recovered. AI.I, UtlF.r IN NEW ORLEANS. fliarles' llnily Wn* Hurled Secretly in Potter'* Field. New Orleans, July 29.—The city wpa very inlet to-day, and most of the precnutlon- Bry measures have been dispensed with. There have been 1,500 militiamen on duty * n d most of these have been relieved, a •(''all of twenty men being left at the Par l?h Prison with the Gatling guns. The body of Charles was taken out t 6 Potter's field before daylight and burled * ,or ® the public knew anything about It Th|s evening the citizens' police disband Jiatoannal) Mofning iXrtos. the assassination of King Humbert of Italy. “King Humbert was greatly beloved by his people,” sakl Mr. Fedelli, “and I can not conceive why anyone but a crank or an anarchist should wish to take his life. He was good and kind and charitable. I knew him well. He will be succeeded in all probability by his oldest son, the Prince of Naples, who is a young man not yet 30 yeasr old.” He In nn Anurcliint. London, July 30.—Angelo Bressj, the as sassin of King Humbert, according to a special dispatch from Rome, dated to day, is an anarchist. CAREER OF KING HHIBERT. Attempt Made to Annnnninnte Him When He Wn* Frowned. King Humbert was the eldest son of King Victor Emmanuel II and Adelaide, Archduchess of Austria. He was born in Turin in March, 1844. At an early age he attended his father during the war for Italian independence, although he was too young to take an active part in the struggle. He was more closely connected with the movement for the unification of Italy in 1854, and particularly took part in reorganizing, the ancient Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, co-operating with Garibaldi. When the war between Prussia and Aus tria was imminent, Prince Humbert was dispatched to Paris to ascertain the sen timent* of the French with reference to on alliance between Italy and Prussia. On the outbreak of hostilities he hastened to take the field, and obtained command of a division of Gen. Cialdini’s army, with the title of lieutenant general. He was present at the disastrous battle of Custozza. (June 23, 1866), where, it is eaid, he performed prodigies of valor. On Aug. 22, 1868, he married, at Turin, his cousin, the Princess Marguerite of Savoy, daugh ter of Duke Ferdinand of Genoa, brother of King Victor Emmanuel. In November, 1860, a son was born, who was given the title of Prince of Naples. After the oc cupation of Rome by the Italian troops in 1870, Prince Humbert and the Princess Marguerite took up their residence in Rome. Humbert succeeded to the throne of Italy, on the death of his father, on Jan. 9, 1878. As he was entering the cap ita! in November, after his coronation, a man named Passanante attempted to assassinate him. using a poniard. Hie prime minister, who was with him at the time, was severely wounded in the leg. Passanante was condemned to death, but his sentence was commuted by Humbert to imprisonment for life. Humbert was decorated with the Order of the Garter in 1878, and with other orders at various times. He has been an arbitrator in many international disputes, and had the uni versal confidence and esteem of all of his contemporaries. ed, fifty men being detained as an emer gency squad. Mayor Capdevlolle has rigidly enforced his order to keep saloons closed to-day, and Is generally applauded for bringing the city through (he crisis with so little disturbance and bloodshed. The main result of the week's events will probably be the reorganization of (he police force. SHOT AND KILLED HIS WIFE. Kept From Killing Others Only by a Severe Strngrgle. Eldorado, lowa, July 29 —ln a jealous rage, Otto Pennington nt Owassa, to day shot and killed his wife In the pres ence of their two children, and several members of Mrs. Pennington's family - , nud was prevented from taking the lives of all those about him, only by a severe struggle while he emptied his revolve at the objects of his wrath. None but his wife, however, was hit. Pennington had been separated from his family, and the tragedy was the sequel to a long story of domestic unhappiness. The murderer, so far, has eluded capture. FATAL POWDER EXPLOSION. Ten Person* Injnrcd Two of XX'honi Will Prohnhly Die. Springfield. 111., July 29—Ten person# were Injured, two fatally, by the prema ture discharge of the evening gun at the tlllnola National Ouard encampment, Camp Lincoln, this evening. The explo sion was caused by tome one throwing a lighted cigarette Into powder which had fallen to the ground. The accident oc curred In the presence of a large crowd of visitors to LKaearnp. DSAYANNAH, GA„ MONDAY. JULY 30, 1000. FIGHT IS AT A STANDSTILL Lord Roberts Seems to Re Tired of Spending Hi* Energ-ics on n Constantly Retreating; Foe. London, July 30, 3:45 a. m.—Operations In South Africa have again arrived at a sort of standstill. Pretoria telegrams an nounce that Lord Roberts has returned there with his staff, apparently finding it | useless to spend his energies against a constantly retreating foe. Commandant General Botha, with sev eral thousand Boers, like Gen. Christian DeWec, has thus eluded Lord Robert's grasp. Gen. Deiarey is besieging Gen. Baden- Powell at Rustenburg, in Western Trans vaal. The relief force sent to Gen. Baden- Powell’s assistance, under Col. Hickman, proved too weak to be effective, and was obliged to fall back on Pretoria. The operations have been hampered with bad weather, under terms and deluges of rain, accompanied by intense cold. Lieut. McLaren and three Highlanders have died of exposure, as well as many horses and cattle. A dispatch to the Daily Telegraph from Lorenzo Marques, says that President Kruger is now at Watervalonder. He adds that a big fight is expected, and that if the Boers are beaten. President Kruger will trek through Swaziland to Delago.t bay, and take a steamer for Europe. FRENCH AT MIDDLEBt HG. Only One Trniu Captured by Boer* Near Kroonstnnd. London, July 29.—Gen. French has oc cupier! Middleburg, in the Transvaal, and Gen. Pole-Carcw, with the Guards' bri gade, has arrived at Brugspruit, twenty miles west of Middleburg. The war office has received a dispatch from Lord Roberts explaining that only one train was captured on the night of July 21 between Kroonstad and the Vaal and that it contained supplies and two officers and 100 men of the Welsh Fusil iers. RENTER'S MANTA" CASUALTIES. Roer* Driven Into Mountain Pn**c* Iry tile British. London, July 29.—A'dispatch from Fou nesburg, dated July 27, shows that the capture of Fouriesburg was preceded by heavy fighting to force a passage of the passes, which was stubbornly contested for two days. Gen. Hunter's forces had the hardest work in forcing Relief's Nek, his casual ties amounting to about 100. Upwards of 6,000 Boers, with a very large number of wagons, a large quanti ty of stores and many cattle, have now been driven into the mountain passes, where they are watched by British troops. Their escape from that point will be very difficult. A PREMATURE CELEBR ATION. Censored Telegram Say* Filipino Fiesta AVn* a Failure. Manila. July 29, 11:10 p. m. (Edited by the censor).—The two days’ fiesta in Ma. nila, organized by Ser.or Paterno and his political fo.lowers to commemorate the amnesty, resulted in a fiasco. The people were passive, unenthusiastic and not even interested. Falling to perceive and tangible, effect ive results of amnesty, they say they can see no reason for celebrating. Judge Taft and his colleagues of the commission felt constrained to decline to attend the banquet, as they had been in formed that the speeches would favor In dependence, under American protection, and they could not passively lend their acquiescence by being present, Senor Paterno, foreseeing the suspen sion of the banquet without Ihe Ameri cans, frantically appealed to them o at tend, promising that there should be no speeches. The provost's precautions were extreme. The guards were doubled both ways, and the authorities forbade the display of Filipino flags and of pictures of President McKinley and Aguinaldo fraternally framed. The fiesta is generally considered to have been premature and unfortunate. During last week's scouting ten Ameri cans were killed and fourteen wounded. One hundred and eighty Filipinos were killed and sixty taken prisoners. Forty insurgent rifles were captured. AN IRISH DEMONSTRATION. Suggested That the Time I* Ripe for an Irish Rebellion. Cork, July 29.—At the Nationalist dem onstration held here to-day, John E. Red mond. leader of the United Irish party In Parliament, made a vigorous appeal for funds to assist the candidates of.the par ty at the forthcoming general election. He publicly repudiated the statement that the United Irish League was opposed to certain Irish members. William O'Brien and others spoke. Dur ing the meeting handbills were distribut ed discouraging the work of recruiting for the British army and urging that, as England's army was now "discomforted" in South Africa, the lime was ripe for an Irish rebellion. ft ATHHONK STILL IN JAIL. Ill* Attorney* Are Confident of Get ting n RnndNninn. Havana. July 28.—The court before whom Estes G. Rathbone, formerly director of posts of Cuba, was arraigned yesterday, after his arrest on charges of fraud, is sued an order directing that he prisoner be removed this morning to the Carcel; but Lieut. Col. Scott, acting Governor General, advised that he be allowed to remain in the Vivae until It was known whether ball would be secured. Hie attorneyi ore confident of getting a satisfactory bondsman to-morrow. Many persons called upon Mr. Rathbone to day to express their aympathy with him in his predicament. Among them wa* Gen. Lee. HELD AS HOSTAGES CHINESE EDICT SO lUOFERS TO FOREIGN MINISTERS. THE VICEROYS THREATENED. MI ST DEFEND THEIR PROV I\('KS OH 81FFER DEATH. left Hunt) ( haniac When Told He Wn* Incurring Imperial DinpleiiMure by HU Dolny %*ke<l to He Retired on Account of Old Arc- Murder of the M iHNioun ries—Queer Ainerirtin'M In trigue— Minister* Still flelleveil to He Alive. London, July 30.—The Shanghai corre spondent of the Daily Express, telegraph ing yesterday, soys: “Anew imperial edict promulgated this evening urgently orders all viceroys and provincial governors to endeavor to ne gotiate peace with the Powers, whose ministers are ‘held as hostages pending the result of the overtures for the aban donment of hostilities against China.’ “The Viceroys ore also commanded to guard their territories vigilantly against attack and to prevent, by all means in their power, the advance of the foreign troops, especially along the Yang-tse- Kiang. “The deoree soys that the officials will answer with their lives for any failure to execute these orders. “Commands are also given that not a single foreigner shall be allowed to es cape from the interior, where there are still fully 2.000 Europeans, connected with missionary work, in isolated stiuations. Orders to LI Hung ( filing. “When the governor of Shan Tung com municated to the consuls the imperial de cree of July 24, he omitted these important passages addressed to Li Hung Chang: “ ‘lt is admittedly inadvisable to kill all the ministers, but it is equally unwise to send them to Tien Tain. It will he much wiser to keep the survivors at re kin ns hostages. “ ‘You are commanded to hasten to Pekin. You are incurring imperial dis pleasure by delay. You have been ap pointed viceroy of Chi Li. because, with your military experience you will success fully lead the imperial armies against the foreigners in Chi Li, which Yu Lu, the present viceroy, is unable to do owing to his ignorance of military affairs.’ “Li Hung Chang replied to this edict asking to be allowed to retire on account of his age. Murder of (lie ISlMtonnriea. “Sheng now admits that he has had telegrams since July 19 announcing that every foreigner in Pao Ting Fu was mur dered, including forty British, French and American missionaries, and announcing also that two French Jesuits and a thous and converts have been massacred nt Kwang Ping Fu, on the borders of Shang Tung and Chi Li. A majority of the consuls favor strong measures against Sheng’s duplicity. “Local officials assert that the Italian priests murdered in Hu Nan were wrap ped in cotton, which had been soaked with kerosene and were slowly roasted o death. It is believed that all foreigners in Chi Li have by this time been massa cred; and the wave of massacre is spread ing toward Ning Po and Hong (‘how, from which point thirty English and American missionaries are endeavoring to escape in boats down the river to Kiang Su. Offi ciuls here anticipate a general rising along (he Yang-tse-Kiaftg about Aug. 1. “An astounding American intrigue has been revealed to the consuls here In the shape of a skillful attempt, to get the maritime customs placed in the hands of an American missionary named Ferguson, who, although he was on active ally of Sheng in the latter's endeavors to hood wink the world with regard to events in Pekin, wa.e supported by the American officials in his claim to the appointment of inspector general.” Minister* I'rohnhly Alive. London, July 30, 4:15 a. m.—The Shang hai correspondent of the Daily Telegraph, *eya he Js sfiil firmly convinced that the ministers are safe, but, with the excep tion of an alleged message from the Jap anese legation in Pekin, dated July 13, brought by a runner, saying that the le gation was still defending itself, nothing has yet been published giving anything in the nature of proof. On the other hand, the daily increasing reports of the massacre of missionaries and foreigners leaves only the most slen der thread upon which to hang a hope. The general situation is steadily be coming darker, and a crisis is said to be fast approaching. The Shanghai correspondent of the Times, wiring yesterday, says: “I learn that Li Ping Hong and Lu Chuan Lin, Governor of Kiarg Su, both rabidly anti-foreign, are advancing toward Pekin with large bodies of troops. Their advent must seriously affect the situation there. “To-day the consular body decided that the situation demanded the presence of a military force in Shanghai, and the con suls have notified their governments ac cordingly.” TWELVE WERE MIR HER ED. Enullsh Mission (Gallon nt Mug l*o •W n* Dentroyed. London, July 30.—A special dispatch fiom Shanghai, dated yesterday, *ays that the English mission station north of Ning Po, has been destroyed, and twelve missionaries hove been murdered. TWO THOL9A.ND .Ml RDERED. Great Slougliter of Native Christians at Pao Tin* Fu. Tokio, Saturday, July 28.—1 t is reported | from Shanghai that the Boxers attacked I tha missionaries end native Christian* 1 at Pao Ting Fu on July 8. A foreign phy sloian end two thousand converts were massacred. The Chinese Gen. Id Ho Keh, is now marching on Pekin. He has ordereed his i troops to exterminate nil Christieans. Al- | ready one French priest and from 2,000 to 3,000 natives have been slaughtered. IMPORTANT NEWS EXPECTED. Minister \\ n 1m Making n netermined Effort to Get Another Dispatch Front Conger. Washington, July 29.—There is a growing expectation at the state department that news of the utmost importance may be forthcoming at any moment from Pekin. It was even thought that something might be received to-day, but this hope was doomed to disappointment. Thefewca blegrams that were received referred to minor matters and did not touch at all upon conditions in the Chinese capital. It is believed that the basis for this expecta tion is the knowledge on the part of the officials that certain machinery hereto fore set in motion may result in the open ing up of communication through some se cret, but reliable, channels. I Ms known that a second effort has been made by our. own government to get an other message to Minister Conger, but nearly all of the Powers have also resort ed to private agencies in their own in terest with a like object. The fact has just been developed that one of the last acts of the late Col. Lls cum. before his death at Tien Tsin, was to undertake the dispatch of a spy to Pekin. Gen. Dorward. the British commanding of ficer at Tien Tsin, also sent out two mes sages, and it is believed that the Japanese did the same. Pp to date not one of these messengers has returned to Tterv Tsin, nor has there been a single word heard from any of them. This fact, bus no# caused the abandon ment of hope, nnd this is true In partic ular of the message expected from Mr. Conger. Minister Wu is perhaps the ba sis for this hope on our part, and he maintains an unshaken confidence in his original assertion that the news, when it does come, will show that the lega tioners are alive. The message reported to have come through Missionary Wilder, at Che Foo, is regarded as most promis ing. Tin* March to Pekin. Minister Wu had no cablegrams himself to-day, nor had the department any di rectly from China. Nothing further, has been heard as to the date set for the beginning of the movement from Tien Tsin toward Pekin, and it is ald here that this la a detail that must be fixed by tho military commanders upon the spof. A message come to the war department from the quartermaster on the Lenox, an nouncing the arrival of that ship, to gether with she Conemaugh. at Kobe, Ja pan. They have aboard the mounts for the Sixth. Cavalry, and although they will start for Taku at once, not less than five days will be consumed |n this last stage of #he voyage. It is doubtful whether Gen. Chaffee would care to leave Toku without horses for the Sixth Cav alry, particularly as occvrding to ail re ports. mounted cavalry is needed for suc cessful operations in the flat country lying between Tien Tsin and Taku. This fact nlone may delay operations until late in the present week, though at least a portion of the international column may stmt on the day fixed, namely, to-mor row. Assurances received here show' that the Japanese government Is doing all in ps power to facilitate the international movement, and though the good will of the Japanese was never suspected, no fai as the United State* is concerned, the knowledge is gratifying. Secretary Long hod a cable message to-day from the commander of the Buffalo, at Hong Kong, stating that he had sailed for Ti ku. The Buffalo is taking out much needed relief men for th* naval crew-, and also has a lot of stores aboard for the approaching campaign, Lieut. Col. t'oolldge'n iteport. The war deportment received a cable gram from Lieut. Col. Coolidge, who as sumed command of the Ninth Infantry after the death of Col. Llscum, giving a report of the part played by that organiza tion during the fighting at Tien Tsin. The report is as follows: “Che Foo—Corbin, Washington. Six • ompanles Ninth Infantry, under Llscum. with marines commanded by Meade, Join ed British forces under On. Dorward in conjunction wit ir French and Japanese and attacked southwest part of walled dty at daybreak on the 13th. “The Ninth Infantry on the right were east of th** south nnd were protecting the allied forces from flanking fire. After be ing under fire for fifteen hours they were withdrawn to the outer mud wall at night. The Ninth Infantry had sixteen killed, dxty-nine wounded, one missing, out of 420 engaged at this point. Company A posted al the railroad station east of the Pei Ho, was exposed to heavy shrapnel fire, losing two killed and seven wounded in addition to the foregoing. “On the morning of the Mth the Japa nese blew up the south gate, entering the walled city. Allied forces entered town. Assigned the southeast quarter to the Americans for police and protection. Guards were established in the American quarter, which was already on fire. Brit ish commander highly praised American oldiers for arduous work and gallantry In communication to Meade. “Tien Tsin, July 2tf. (Signed.) Coolidge.” THRKATKX# TO KILL Til KM. I Chinese General Warns Powers Not to Advance on Pekin. Berlin, July 2*.— I The Chinese legation in Berlin has received a message from Sheng, director general of railways and telegraphs, saying that he has received a dispatch from Pekin announcing that Gen. Tung Fuh Slang threatens fo kill all the members of the legadon* If the Inter national forces advance upon Pekin. Evidently the legation is embarrassed by the receipt of this dispatch, as the Chi nese minister has not communicated it to t/ie German government. The legation has cabled the viceroy of Nankin requesting him to try to get in fortnatlon as to whether the widow of Baron von Ketteler, the murdered German minister, is still alive. Til lADS ARE THREATENING. Serious Disturbances Expected In Hal Van Province. London, July 30.—'The Canton correspon dent of the Daily Telegraph, in a dispatch dated Saturday, says: “The Triads have become numerous and threatening in Hal Nan. The Tao Tai and the local mandaiins are terror-stricken and decline to protect foreigners. All tlie j missionaries except three have left with their wives and families. The natives of the Nodea district of the island were so frightened that they all joined the ranks of the Triads. “Serious disturbances are expected be tween Aug. 1 and Aug. 15, during the fes tival to l>e held to appease the shades of the dead. The Boxers are charging large sums to the Chinese for passports from Pekin to Tien Tsin. "Lao Yun Fu. the Black Flag chief, has refused to march on Pekin unless Vlcvroy Tak Su will furnish him 20,000 soldiers." INTENDED TO KILL HERSELF. Mrs. Woodward nnd Daughter Not to He \ let 1 inn of Hovers. Chicago. July 29. Mrs. M. 8. Woodward of Evanston, when she wrote the last let ter received by her husband from Pekin, was armed with a live-shot revolver. It was her intention, according to the letter, if the band in the legation were attacked, to use three cartridges on the assailing Chinese. Then if. with what other defenders were doing, the Boxers were not repulsed she had decided to kill her daughter lone with one of the remaining bullets and shoot herself with the la.*t. so they would rot fall alive into the hands of the IVoxers. This piece of news was contained in the letter written by Mrs. Woodward June II last, after she and her daughter had made a futile attempt to escape from Pekin. ADVISED TO ST.AI THERE. Chinn Warned to Protect Mission aries nt Pan Ting Fn. New' York, July 29.—The American Bi ble Society has received a letter from Charles F. Gammon, its agent in Tien Tain, dated June 4 Mr. Gammon, after detailing the events up to the date of the letter. Including the killing of the Eng lish missionaries Robinson and Norman, says: “The missionaries at Pao Ting Fu have thus far, nnd wisely, too, refused to leave there. With the railway destroyed nnd l>oat travel certainly fatal, they cannot leave, and, with the government so u - terly helpless and “the soldiers so thor oughly In sympathy with the Boxers, there Is cause to fear for their safety, although the ministers have warned the officials to give th< m protection. “The railway authorities are fighting hard to maintain communication with Pe kin (the heads of the departments being British), but the line Is daily interrupted by the burning of bridges and stations, and trains are frequently returning, be ing unable to get through. The Chinese troops sent to guard the line have failed ■to accomplish anything, and even If they were not in sympathy with the present anti-foreign movement end lagely mcm ! ers of the Boxer acciety, there is evrry reason to believe that they have secret instructions not 4o punish the Boxers. “Meanwhile, The Powers hove been dally landing sailors and marines, and Tien Tsin is one great military post, full of moving patrols, and with guards station ed at every vulnerable point. Twenty men-of-war are now at the mouth ftf the river and more are coming.“ NOT LIKELY TO GO TO PEKIN. KocklillPs liimt ructions Are “Inves tigate Conditions.*' Chicago, July 29. Special Commissioner William W. Rockhill, appointed by the government to ascertain the true situation iu China, passed through Chicago to-day on his way lo Ihe Orient. Asked if he would endeavor to reach Pe kin to tic-at with tiie Chinese government direct he replied: “I think not, unless circumstances war rant ii and the country Is quiet enough io tender possible *he success of sum an expedition. In the country’s state of fer ment the journey of a party of Europeans or Americans to Pekin could be accom plished only with frightful loss of life, if at nil. “1 shall make my headquarters at Shanghai and Investigate conditions as far northward as circumstances and the troubled conditions will permit. “My sole duty is to keep the President and Secretary of State advised as to the situation. Outside of that, I am not em powered to do anything.” “You are not Invested with plenipoten tiary power, then?” "No.” he answered. “My orders ran be summed up in two words, ‘investigate conditions.' In cose the government has further orders for me, they undoubtedly will be cabled.” STIRRING ADDRESS ON C HINA. lies*. Thomas Mamliull Holds Euro pean Nations II ewpoiml tile. Chicago, July 29.—A striking address on t’hina was delivered before the Moody Bible Institute congregation this after noon by Rev. Thomas Marshall, field sec retary of the Presbyterian Board of For eign Missions, and a Chinese missionary of wide experience and more than na tional fame. He charged that European nations, es pecially England, Germany and Franc* are responsible for all the trouble typified in the national uprising, against foreign ers in China; thnt the missionaries are not to blame, and that the “robber na tions” of Europe, when caught in the act of despoiling the ( of their terri tory and desecrating the graves by run ning railroads through them, are trying to make scapegoat* of the innocent mis sionaries, and are using the Christian evangelizing forces for political and self ish ends. The speaker expressed gratification nt the fa<*t that the government of the United States had taken a noble stand for the in tegrity of China. Rev. A. M. Cunningham, another Pres- minister with ten years’ experi ence m China, followed Dr. Marshall. In dorsing oil the latter said, and describing the Chinese people as by no means as bad as painted. Stopping Shipment of Arms. Rome, July 29.—The Official Journal pub lishes a royal decree prohibiting the ex portation of arms, ammunition or other munition of war to China. , ) Hot Spell llroken In Varla. Paris, July 29 —The heavy which txgen last night and continued to-day effectually broke the hot apell, the long est and most severe that Paris has aver known. Injured In Street Car Accident. Toledo. 0., July 29.—Ten people were in jured in a. turret car accident late to-night, one fatally and two otherg very seriously. DAILY. $8 A YEAR. 5 CENTS A COPY. WEEKLY 2-TIMEJ-A-WEEK.II A YEAR FEAR OF BLOODSHED TROTBLn EXPECTED IN NORTH CAROLINA ELECTION. LITTLE DOUBT AS TO RESULT. THE CON STITT'TIONAL AMENDMENT TV ILL HE CARRIED. Democrat* Will Pot in Their Stnte Ticket nnd the Funinnlntn Arc Re lying <n Capturing the Leg lulnta re nnd Returning Rutler to the Sen ate—Thompson lln* Withdrawn til Favor of Adana People Are Arolined to a High Pitch. Raleigh. N. C.. July 29 —A general elec tion will be held in this state next Thurs day. and the question of the adoption of an amendment to the constitution limiting the electoral franchise will be voted on. There is apparently little doubt an to the result of the election, both os to the amendment and the stnte ticket. It now seems to l>e simply a question of major ity. The opponents of the amendment ac knowledge that it will be adopted. As the amendment and the Democratic stnte ticket will run very close together, the Populists and Republican* have prac tically a!>andonod their state ticket in an effort to elect a majority of the legisla ture and return Butler to the United States Senate. During the first three months of tha campaign they had two state tickets in tlie field—a straight Populist ticket and a straight Republican ticket. There waa, however, nil along |*erfect unity of action by the two state committees and an un derstanding between the leaders of tha two parties that at the proper time before election their tickets w’ould be consoli dated. This consolidated ticket, which Is known as the “fusion ticket.” was made up little more than a week ago, and has l*>en printed and distributed. On it are three Republicans and eight Populist*. The offices assigned to the Republicans nre Governor, attorney general, and chair man of the Corporation Commission. Thompson Expert* Defeat. Dr. Thompson, Populist nominee for Governor, has issued an open letter an nouncing his retirement in favor of Adams, Republican. In thia he practically con cedes the defeat of the state ticket and thus indicate* the future policy of the fusion compaign: “We have under this arrangement the linked force of the Republican members of the Legislature for Senator Butler’* return to the United States Senate, which we could not have secured had I permit ted my name to head the ticket for Gov ernor. I believe that it is of more vain* to the party to re-elect Senator Butler than that I should be Governor. We could lose the state by 20JX)0 and yet save the Legislature. Therefore, if I should lose ihe state ticket, we would secure by this arrangement the re-election of Senator Butler.” Fl|gliting for Leglslntnre. In accordance with this plan, (he fu*- ionists are making n desperate fight for the Legislature, and the campaign is be ing conducted personally by Senator But ler. Republican Chairman Holton is ren dering him all possible assistance. In dose counties ami senatorial districts they nre sacrificing everything for the Legislative ticket. The Democrats, however, allege that the effort is a futile one; that the Leg islature will be safely Democratic, in spit* of all that the fusionistn may do. They claim that a preliminary poll of the regis tered vote shows that they will carry every eastern county, with three doubt ful. In the west they say they can af ford to lose several counties that they carried two years ago. There are now just three more days un til the election. Both sides nre hard at work and active campaigning will con tinue up to Wednesday night. It is the bitterest and most exciting campaign this state ever has known. The battle ha* been fought on the race issue, brought to the front by the proposed franchise amendment, by which 80,000 ignorant ne gro voters are to be disfranchised. Illooilnlieri In Feared. For the past month at least a thousand speeches a day have been made in the state and the people are aroused to such a pitch that bloodshed is feared. So far there has been none and the best element* of both sides hope there may be non*, though in many Eastern counties the rod shirts have declined to allow fusion cam paigners to speak. On account of threat* by Senator But ler and hi* followers to prevent the *l*c tlon, by injunction or other methods, the Legislature will convene here to-morrow nnd adjourn from day to day until elec*- tion day. The Democratic leaders say that If there is Interference on the part of the opponents of the amendment. It 1* certain that there will be serious trouble. a a • A FATAL DRUNKEN FIGHT. ' Two Men Will Prolinhly 1)1* a* m Re. *nlt of the Knenonter. Pueblo. Col., July 29.—While a largo ex cursion from this city was on Veta Pais, near the Spanish t>eks this afternoon, * drunken fight occurred, In which several men from the adjoining mining camp of Russell participated. James Parsons was knocked down with a fence rail in the hands of Louis Vas ques. He is still unconscious and will probably die. A. Y. Orayblll was shot In the abdomen by Charles Campbell and Is dying. Many shots were fired by the ctowd* at Campliell, but he escaped and Is being pur sued by a posse. Both wounded men were brought to Pueblo. Artillery Sturt* for China. Ban Francisco, July 29 —The transport Hancock soiled at 10 o'clock to-day for Taku, China, via Nagasaki, with four batteries of the Third Artillery, number ing 475 men, under command of Capt. Charles Humphreys. Maj. Hugh J. OaL lagher, chief commissary of Maj. den. Chaffee's staff, was amopg the Hancock'a passenger*.