The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, July 30, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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THE WEATHER. Forecast for Monday and Tuesday: Georgia and South Carolina—Local rains Monday. Tuesday, fair in -western, local rains in eastern portions; light to fresh southerly winds. Eastern Florid**—Local rains in north ern, fair in southern portion Monday Tuesday, generally fair; light to fresh southeasterly winds. Western Florida—Local rains Monday. Tuesday, generally fair; light to freoh southwesterly winds. Yesterday's Weather at Savannah- Maximum temperature 3:30 p.m,.90 degrees Minimum temperature 5:30 p. m.. 70 degrees Mean temperature SO degrees Normal temperature 82 degrees Peflciency of temperature 2 degrees Accumulated excess since July 1 5 degrees Accumulated deficiency since Jan. 1 181 degrees Rainfall 2 inch Normal 21 inch peflciency since July 1 3.35 Inches peflciency since Jan. 1 2.87 inches River Report—The hight of the Savan nah river at Augusta at 8 a. m. t7sth me ridian time) yesterday was 11.0 feet, a rise of 0.4 foot during the preceding twen ty-four hours. Observations taken at the same moment of time at all stations, July 29, 1900, 8 p. m., 75th meridian time: Names of Stations. | T j *V |Raln. Boston, clear | 73 | 14 | .00 New York city, clear ...j 74 | 20 | .00 Philadelphia, pt. cloudy.| 76 j 8 j .00 Washington city, cloudy, j 76 6 j .00 Norfolk, clear | 76 j 6 | .00 Hatteras, clear j 78 | 10 | .00 Wilmington, cloudy | 76 |Calm| .20 Charlotte, raining | 76 | L | T Raleigh, pt. cloudy | 76 | L | T Charleston, cloudy | 78 | 8 | .03 Atlanta, pt. cloudy j 78 | L |I.9S Augusta, raining j 76 | L | .02 Savannah, cloudy | 72 ] 8 | .60 Jacksonville, raining | 72 | L | .28 Jupiter, clear | 82 | 6 | .00 Key West, clear | 82 | 8 | .00 Tampa, pt. cloudy | 82 | L j .00 Mobile, pt. cloudy j 82 j 6 | .26 Montgomery, pt. cloudy/| 82 [ 6 j .00 Vicksburg, cloudy | 78 | L | .02 New Orleans, pt. cloudy. | 82 j 6 j T Galveston, clear | 82 | L j .01 Corpus Christ!, clear ...j 82 | 14 | T Palestine, clear j 76 j L j .14 Memphis, cloudy | 80 | 8 j .10 Cincinnati, pt. cloudy ...| 76 | L j .40 Pittsburg, raining | 76 ] 10 j .01 Buffalo, raining j 74 j 42 | .01 Petroit, raining | 80 | S | .06 Chicago, clear j 74 | L | .0) Marquette, clear | 68 j L | .00 St. Paul, clear j 78 [ 6 | .09 Davenport, clear | 80 | L | .00 St. Louis, clear | 82 | 10 | .00 Kansas City, clear | 82 | 6 j .00 Oklahoma, clear | 86 j L | .00 Dodge City, clear j 80 L j .00 North Platte, clear j 82 | 6 | .00 T. for temperature; V. for velocity. H. B. Boyer. Weather Bureau. NOT FROM A CENTRAL SLEEPER. Mr. Halle Soys Central Is >'ot to llla ine for F.vlrtion of Mrs. Miller. Mr. J. D. Haile says that the action for damages brought by Mrs. J. D. Miller of Mclntosh. Fla., against the Central of Georgia Railway Company, of which he is the general passenger agent, is not found ed on any facts that would justify a re covery against the Central. “The sleeping car from which Mr?. Mil ler was ejected, if she was ejected from any, was not one cf those owned and op erated by the Central on its regular trains,” said Mr. Haile. “She boarded in Atlanta a Pullman car which fan from Nashville to Jacksonville, and which was being hauled on the Central train only from Atlanta to Macon. If there was an ejectment or any improper treatment, it must have been at the hands of the Pull man people. I beg leave to state posi tively and upon authority that there was no ejection from a Central Railway deeper, and that there was no improper treatment by any of the employes of the Central of Georgia Railway Company.” There is. of course, an issue of fact be tween Mrs. Miller and her attorneys, Rosser & Carter, of Atlanta, and the offi cials of the Central. She is suing the Central of Georgia Railway, and not the Pullman Palace Car Company for dam ages. though it was a Pullman sleeper, and she claims to have been rudely and discourteously treated by the employes or an employe of the former. What the actual facts in the cose are and whether the- plaintiff or the defendant is in the right, the Morning News cannot under take fo say. The story of the plaintiff’s side of the controversy is taken from the petition filed by her counsel in the office of the clerk of the United States Circuit Court; Mr. Halle gives the contention of the Central. The trial of the case wi.'l decide which is in the right. Railway tickets do not contain a con tract to stop the train and recover any property that a passenger may have drop ped overboard, but Q?e Burlington people seem to be nearly accommodating enough to do this. Recently a pocket book con taining $109.25, a gold ring, four rubies and other valuables, was lost by a pas senger on the Saint Louis-Portlaml Ex press. Just where was not known, and the train was advancing fifty miles an hour. From the first ©top the lose* was wired to Supt. Phelan at Alliance, Neb., who immediately sent out a searching party. The pocketbook and jewels were found near the track, three miles from Whitman, and were returned to the sur prised owner the next day. A law' went Into effect in Virginia on July 1, requiring railroads to furnish separate cars for white and colored pas sengers on local trains. An effort is be ing made to have the provision applied as well to through fast trains and to s a tion waiting rooms. A Colorado road will discontinue the name "brakeman” on irs passenger train?, for the reason that the braking is now done by air instead of muscle, and sub stitute the title “first assistant conductor.' "second assistant conductor,” and so on. W’hile f>62 persons in the United State *rere killed by lightning last year, only 239 passengers were killed in railway ac cidents. “As likely as being struck by lightning” should be superseded by “as likely as being killed on the cars.” re marked the Railway Age, when compar ison with an improbability is desired. Increased traffic and deceased rates Is Mill the annual showing of the railways In the United States. The last figures of *be Interstate Commerce Commission re port an Increase In comparison with the preceding year of 22,109,827 passengers and *0.757,276 tons of freight carried. But the average earnings |>er passenger per mile w *re only 1.925 cen, against 1.973 ient the year before, and the freight revenue was but .724 cent per ton per mile, compared with .753 cent In •he previous year. No other country be gins to show transportation rates so low. The Central Railroad has stopped car rying passengers on its freight trains in ( Borgia. For several years the company permitted passengers holding mileage ***** to travel on freight trains, provided ,h *V signed an agreement releasing the fotppany from any liability for personal injury or loss of baggage. The privilege riding on the train was Important to traveling salesmen. Some time ago a pass *ng*r was Injured on a Central freight ,r aln He claimed that his Injuries re julterl from the Jerking of the train and recovered damages. The Supreme 1 n urt sustained the decision of the lower Co,J rt. which held that the release con tract between the passenger and the com pany was invalid. A W ORD ABOUT THE SPHI3XE9 Aud Some Verses That May Meet Public Approval. Editor Savannah Morning News: I am somewhat of an interloper here, but, hav ing chosen Savannah as my future home, would like to see everything work well here—as though “on golden hinges turn ing,” as my friend John Milton says. The sphinxes have, of late, been the subject of much dispute. I have traveled, perhaps, over more than 50.C0J miles in the last thirty years, both in this country nnd abroad, and, according to my taste (although I may err—who does not, some times?) I think I have never seen great er monstrosities than these same pigmy sphinxes. \V hy should they not We put out of sight? Mhn I was but a boy, in my then old home. Charleston, S. C . I well recollect when the bodies of Bartow and Bee were bing in state in the ci.y hall. Like all bo\s 1 wanted to see all that went on, and I shall never forget that sight and the impression that it made on me. It has been suggested that the monu ments of Bartow and McLaws be erected In some suitable place. Why not remove the objectionable sphinxes and place the monuments there? Everyone who visits the perk would see them, which would not be the case if they were placed in the Park Extension, for not every visitor to Savannah goes that far. Facing each oth*r. these heroes of the lost cause, al beit in effigy, might be considered as hav ing found in Forsyth Park their “Fame's eternal camping ground,” and teach a les son to future generations of valor and virtue, and give food for thought to all the youth of our land who might pass that wa Y* Hugo Knott. Savannah, Ga., July 26. The Riddle of the Sphinx. I had a dream and, in that dream, me thinks; I Faw a monstrous something called a sphinx— A r-or.defcript, sprung from distorted thought. Which only by mankind could have been wrought. For the Creator ne’er produced a thing Like it in all Hie grand Imagining. It seemed I strayed in a cool place yclept. The Forsyth Park—a pre ty spot, that’s kept For r< Creation—often sought by those Who find themselves entangled in the throes Of strange sensations, which come to us all Sometime in life, and hold us In a thrall. It was not when the day was at its hight That first appeared the monster to my sirrht. But at the pleasant hour that is called eve. That I the first impress on did receive, Of the disgusting aspect of the thing. (Which represents nor beast nor human being). Sprinkled all over with electric light. Which dashed upon it all its rays so bright: I stood and gazed upon it for awhile. And could not curb the impulse of a smile. To think (hat such a gross monstrosity Within the human thought could ever lie: Bur so it was, for there the thing appeared Full to the view, looking quite freshly smeared With that new hue for animals—dark green, (For 'tis now in (his unique cdlor seen) Bearing a woman’s face, that’s coarse and bold. And with a pair of wanton 1 paps unrolled To all (he public’s gaze, which doth offend Dally the sight, and surely can but tend To thoughts disgusting to a taste refined— Great heavens! a woman’s and beast's form combined! One half a woman—t’other half a bru(e! A combination that can scarcely suit To be an educator, or impart One thought to cultivate a taste for art! O powers that be. spare ihe comparison! For ’tis a thought one would not dwell upon! There is a gentleman now’ living here. One tv ho moves in an enviable sphere, Possessed of talents, cultured and re fined. And quite aesthetic in his mould of mind, From whom, but very recently, I had The pleasure of hearing a Jeremiad About this celebrated monster, and For which I’d like to warmly shake his hand, And tell him that he said what w r as quite true. For many of hers, and I, thing so. too; For ’tis not elevating, in the least. To feast the eye on woman blent w’kh beast. But rather tends to lower and debase. Instead of elevating thought and taste. Savannah is no* Thebes. On Egypt’s plain Forever let the montrous sphinx remain; But, city fathers, earnestly, I pray You, take this nasty, pigmy thing away; That ye no longer pig-headed will be; Hear my petition, sirs, for, if not, see If ever I will vote for you again— So let my prayer to you be not in vain! O for an Oedipus! to make a call Ui>on ihe Sphinx, and see her (or him?) fall. As before Thebes’ gate 4he monster fell When there came one who could her rid dle tell. \ —Hugo Knott. Savannah, Ga., July, 1900. A QI EEIt C RY FROM FLORIDA. Northern “ I nvn tiers’* of Ynrlon* Sorts mill of Very Little Profit. From the Jacksonville (Fla.) Times-lJnion. An old Florida farmer gave a new comer the following shrewd bit of advice: "We raise two kinds of corn in Florida; one kind is ('ailed Merchant’s corn, worth 80 cents to $1 n bushel; the other is call ed Farmer’s corn, worth 60 to 75 cents a bushel. I advise you always to plant Merchant’s corn.” An important difference between the*e two varieties of corn not remarked ui>on by the old farmer, is (hat one variety is raised with cotton seed and the other with cotton money. The latter kind, very naturally, tastes of money; therefore it makes better corn bread. It has been computed by a distinguish ed scientist that a four-year-old Florida steer travels 18.000 miles In quest of his feed before he is finally brought to the block. This, of course, Imparts length nnd strength to his muscular fibre; and jumping over so many logs In the course of four years tie? knots In it. makes it tough# The Northern steer is raised in a narrow’ field, spends his life in inaction, principally in eating, finishes It in a cramped stall, and is finally wedged Into ,i refrigerator or a ©till smaller tin can. which makes his flesh short, thick, and tender. His car(*as? sells in Jacksonville for 10 cents n pound, the range steers for 6>2 or 7. The principal difference be tween* the two breeds, you perceive, Is that one does the most of his traveling while he is alive, the other after he s dead. Florida farmers ought to raise the breed that travels after U is dead. The greatest objection to this breed is th*4f the ow r ner has to get up in he morning and feed them corn and timothy, ond CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Sp Signature of THE MORNING NEWS: MONDAY, JULY 30, 1000. again at noon, and once more at night, j and batten the cracks in the stable, and feed them cracked ice, especially after they are in the refrigerator; while the other breed will feed themselves wire grass and Spanish moss while the etls in the shade. Another invader of the sacred soil of Florida is the universal Yankee consump tive, but this breed, fortunately, we do r.ot raise in Florida; hence we do not "plant” him—well, hardly ever—but we cultivate him; we “do" him. we harvet-t and we cure him and send him on his way rejoicing. Said a noted dealer in orano nursery stock. “Before the war I sold slaves; after the war I sold Yankees.” Well, is it quite so certain as to who ww sold? The “sick Yankee” comes down here, erects his hotel, and conducts it with his hired help, and when the Flor ida farmer calls to visit him he invites him in and feasts him on Northern cei ery—an article which the Florida farmer wanted to sell him, but could not because he had not enough to make a dinner. He sells the Northern invalid orange trees and fertilizers; perhaps no oranges result, and the Northerner feels that he has been sold. Presently the Flori la farm er ship? some produce to the North, and when it arrives the startling discovery is made (hat the railroatl companies and commission men raised it and It belongs to them. It was not the right variety of produce. The right kind of stuff is raised in gilt-edged crates and the leaves ate made of greenbacks. The railroad compa nies do not raise that kind of produce, it has to be manured with brains, not with fishplates. When the Northerner ships po tatoes and cahhages down here, they are of the right variety. We have to pay good money for them before we get them. As remarked - above, Florida does not raise consumptives, so there is only one variety, the Northern. Bur we do raise tourists, and the variety is different from that of the North. The Northern variety migrate in the winter and they purchase chiefly climate; the Florida variety mi grate in the summer, and they purchase a little climate, hut a vast deal of fash ion, besides wardrobes, carpets, furniture, etc. Florida grows hickory as well as Indi ana. but it does not seem to be of the right variety for the manufacture of wag on spokes. If the trees are cut and shipped up North, however, and the lumber is rasp ed with silver and sandpapered with greenbacks, they make excellent w’agon wheels, which Florida farmers greatly ad mire and purchase. The trouble is with Florida hickories cut to be manufactured here, they are not felled .In the right “sign of the moon.” And the, sign is never right, because in the summer it is too not, and in the winter the people have a crop of Florida’s money-bringers to look after. Among the latest Northern Invaders of Florida and the most unwelcome of all are the rot and the curcullo in our peaches and the blight in our pears. Where once these fruits grew’ in primitive purity and w’Jthout blemish, they are now polluted with these vile intruders, fo that only the utmost vigilance on the part of the grow ers. w'ith spray and Insecticide, can save our crops In decent condition. In the face of the apparent heavy bal ance of trade against Florida—everything invading the state in quest of our ready money—it is some consolation to reflect that Florida must have the money, or these invaders would not be so persistently coming after it. As the farmer said, after he had been swindled out of his year’s crop of cotton 'by the bunko men, “I made my money before I lost it. I can do it again.” WHY HE DOES NOT WRITE. Fond Husband Is Willing, bat Is Forced to Hold His Hand. From the Baltimore Sun. “Liberal reward to any one who will fell me the name of the place w’here my fam ily is spending the summer,” is about the substance of on advertisement which a certain gemleman of this city is thinking of inserting in the Sun. The Chinese situation or the national election are just at present givinig him much less concern than the whereabouts of his charming family. Strange as it may’ seein, the family know nothing of be predicament of its head and would re lieve it at once if it did. In fact, he is in receipt of letters from his w’ife almost daily and she is worried because the let ters are not answered. This peculiar state of affairs came about in this wise; Mr. P was informed some days ago by his wife that she had arranged <o spend some weeks nt a country place and in due time, with the children, she start ed, leaving admonitions to write daily. That evening, w’hen the husband and father had written the “daily loiter,” he discovered he had entirely forgotten the name of the postoffice at which his better half w’as to receive his letters. He ran sacked his memory’, but all to no pur pose. He remembered Pekin, Tien Tsin, Che fu, and even Pcxgeiters’ Drift, but the name of that summer resort—it had gone entirely. Never mind, he would know when his wife wrote. But he had not reckoned on the femi nine method of dating or not dating let ters. It began as most such letters do bc-gin—without date line, just plain “Thursday” written at the bottom, to the left of the signalure. Then he studied the postmark, but it was mailed on a train and unintelligible, anyhow. The days passed. He is still getting letters, dated “Monday” and “Wednesday” and the other days, but containing no inkling of the name of their starting point. M rs p cannot understand why her husband does not write, and her letters contain reproaches mingled wlrh fears that Mr. P is sick; but, she says, sure ly’ If he were sick he would write or tele graph or get someone else to. The husband Is getting grayer rapidly w’ondering how it will turn out, and whether the family will believe him when he tells how’ it happened. DOG STOLE MARRIAGE LICENSE. Heartless Act of Fiancee’s Pet Al most Gnve Her Hysterics. From the New York Times. Chicago. July 27.—I#ast Wednesday Ste phen H. Simpson and Williams decided it was time to marry. He got the licence. He took it to his fiancee. She looked at it and -*aid it was “lovely.’’ Simpson admitted it was “pretty fine. - ’ and that night the girl laid it on a i.i *le in her room. Her spaniel dog ran into the room barking to wake hi? mistress. She awoke and sow’ the dog running out with the precious license gripi>ed firmly between its teeth. She cried. It was no use. The dog w'ould not come hack. This morning Stephen H. Simpson came hack to Clerk Salmonson. “The girl’s dog ran away with the license you gave me last Wednesday, and I want another,” he said. He got it. HELD HIS FEET FOR FAIR RATHE*. | C rowd Sow n Funny, but Brave Res cue nt tlie Shore. From the Philadelphia Record. Atlantic City, N. J.. July 27.—While Miss Addle Brown, a Washington belle, was in the surf for her morning’s barn to-day she was unexpectedly by the current out into deep we:er. Charles Allison, a business man of Philadelphia, saw Miss Brown? danger from a pier. He dropped over the edge of the pier, i to w’hleh he clung with both hands and dangled his feet close to the water. Then he called to Miss Brown to catch on. and so rhe did. Friends held the man’ hands and Life Guard New. omb came to the rescue and took the girl to shore. Allison then dropped and aMempted to swim ashore, but found the current too stroog. ond was being carried out to set when a rope was thrown to him and he was hauled in. GHOST HAD RHEUMATISM. Old Salt Tell* of Meeting a Loqua cious Spirit. From the New' York Times. ” ’Taint always the smell of gunpowder nor the rattle and bang of guns in battle that scare a man most." said the boat swain’s mate during a discussion of fislu* near the navy yard gate the other day. The speaker had worked a gun on the Gloucester under Wainwrlght during the Spanish war. had served ihree months be tween cruises on a rebel gunboat that was shot almost to pieces under him during the Brazilian insurrection, and had iwo fingers missing which had gone to feed a hungry shark off the Nicaraguan coast. "No, Sirree. Not by a long shot," con tinued the speaker positively, blowing the foam off gemly, “and it isn’t always tho tight places a seafaring man gets into in the weather line that will throw’ the gen uine panic into him. I’ve been caught in a howling pampero in Montevideo harbor while going off to the ship in a steam launch, and was on one of ihe old frigaies once that was whirled about for two <lays in a typhoon off the Java coast, and I’ve caught as many hurricanes about the Lee ward Islands as any of this present com pany, I guess, but none o’ these sort of things, as you know, ever propertly makes a feller’s hair rise and sends a paper of needles cavorting up nnd clown his spine. “They is times of that kind that’ll make a man think of home and mother a bit. but I won-In’t call it exactly a scare, and I never run acros* the genooine six strand article in (he fight line but onct. as I recollect, and it came at a lime and place where a man w’ould leastwdse ex pect it. It was ten years ago and more, and whenever I think about the darn-fool occurrence I feel the need of a drink. \ GrneKoine Harbor. “It happened in the harbor of Callao, which place I guess some of you know well, nnd those that do remember old 6 m Lorenzo Island, which stretches gloomy like olong the harbor with big wastes of peculiar lookin’ sand #hat not even will inhabit. Well, we was a lying thPiv in the harbor on the occasion I’m spenkir.' about in the San Francisco, Capt. fvamp eon. and the Chaplain one Sunday was for givin’ us the history of San Lorenzo, which stretched along our storboard side. He said that from the stories of the- Peru vians. old Padre Lorenzo lived around them parts a saving of souls and curing of the sick in the days when the bay didn't have a iainnrl to bless itself with. “One doy the good man was out in the bay in a small boat fishing when a storm came up nnd the padre’s boat was ship pin' water and threatenin’ to capsize, wnen suddenly the land rose up out of the water and left Father Lorenzo nnd his boat high and dry. Thle island was named San Lorenzo. Nothing much ever grower! on It, however, and Iho Peruvians have used it principally for burial ground? Every time Cnlino has a plague of fever (and that's pre(ty frequent) they dumps the dead over San Lorenzo and covers them. Sometimes they didn’t cover them very deep, either, and the climate is so dry, it raining there, that the bodies just dry up. mummylike, and frequent the hair just keeps on a growing. Maybe it’s this that keeps the innabitants con-* fined to one little settlement of fishermen nt the point nearest the city. “Well, as I was saying, we were lying about three miles from the city, and my port of the ship was sent across to San Lorenzo one day for small-arm target practice. I had leave to go ashore that evening, and when we finished target practice the officer in charge told me if T wanted, instead of going back to the ship and getting ashore in the ship’s boat, I could walk down the island to the fishers’ village nnd get one of the dagos there to row me across to the city. The GhoNt’s Walk. “It was getting pretty late in the even ing when I started aeross the. gloomv old island, and the peculiar stories I had listened to about the place made me a little shaky; and the sights was depress ing. Every little while I’d run across a few human hones sticking out of the ground, and here and there would show a dried-up, withered skull. There wasn’t a sound anywhere, ond I began to wish pretty bad that I was in one of the big dance halls in the Call? de Piuro. It was settling dark fast, and I was stumbling on in a panicky way, trying to laugh at my foolishness, when just as I turned a sand humm-uek I came on a sight that made every hair a sail needle. I stopped dead etlll, for I couldn’t ’a' moved a mus cle if my life depended on it. I seemed ;o turn sick all over. \ Rheumatic Spirit. “There, not half a ship’s length away, sticking out of the sand, was a human head, and turned directly toward me. The horror of it was that this head didn’t have the eyes dried up into black holes, but burned 'bright and stared nt me. Stared right into my innermost parts and froze ’em up. This- must have been all for a second, of course, but It seemed an hour that I stood there like a stone, not being able to take my eyes from the thing. The hair was not long, but it needed a comb, and the cheeks were dull and leathery. I had no mind to think of ghost stories or anything. I couldn’t think. My eyes couldn't do nothing but look into them other two coals. Then I saw the face of the thing break into a horrible grin. “ 'Hello, my lad.’ it said in rather a weak voice, but In good old English. You seem to be frightened a bit about some thing. Don’t be alarmed, howsotnever. I’m the captain of that English bark you see over in the harbor there. I'm ’alf lead with rheumatism, and I’m Just over here takin’ the San Lorenzo sand bath. It's great for rheumatics.’ “Then I knew that I’d been a fool and my eye* began to swim, my heart, which had been stopped still, began to pound my ribs like a trip-hammer, and I became as weak as a cat. I sat right down in the sand nnd wiped the sweat off my fevered brown for five minutes. Tin* Head Treated Him. “Then I began (o notice things and saw this British bloke's clothes piled up a doz en yards away, and took In ihe situation. " ‘Yes,’ broke in this weak voice again, ‘I come over her© every evening to this God forsaken place and get this sand treat ment. One of my men Is whh me, but he has Just gone over to the village to get a bit of aguardiente. Here he Is now com ing back wiih it. You’d better have a drop. You don’t look well.’ “The other sailor came up with ih • liquor, and I took a pull nt it that made the botile look sick. 1 finally got across to Callao and got on such a spree that a guard of marines had to round me up and lake me back to the ship a week later, and that’s about he only time I might ?.ay I was really scared In my life." How Lorimer Got Hi* Start. Washington Letter in New York Pa j t. "Did you ever hear,” asked a Chicago man to-day, “how ‘Billy’ r, one of our representatives in Congress, got his start in politics? It whs about fifteen y .irs ago. when Joe Mnckin, Mike Mc- Donald. nnd others of their class were su preme In the management of local public affairs. One of Mai kin's lieutenants came io the chief one day, just after the pri maries had been held, and remarked that there was a young man named Ix>rhrier who ought to be 'taken care of’ before things went any further. Markin an swered that he had no more place* to give. The lieutenant explained to him that Lorimer’s case wafc a very pressing one, as he. kept the street cor rmn ‘round ed up,’ always 'delivered' them, made no trouble, and altogether was too fo be neglected. This interested Marrkln, who sent for Lorimer, and after a talk decided that he was. as described, h man to be taken care of. Taking from his pigeon-hole a list of the names of the m'n selected as candidates at the primaries, he ran over them with tomo care, and finally put a check against that of a Pol sh Jew who had been chosen as a candidate 4&r constable. This was a pretty good Job if all the fees were gathered In, and it struck Maekin that a bright young fel low like Ix>rimer would probably make a good deni more of it than the man who had been picked out; so ha decided that the primary voters must have made a mistake, and running his pencil through the name on the fist he wrote over It that of Lorimer. The substitute candi date was elected, did take, advantage of the opportunities offered. as Maekin thought he would, ond rose steadily in politics until he was landed in a seat in Congress. “I don’t know whether Lorimer ever heard how he got upon that ticket or not. Maekin ha.l a way of doing what he pleased, nnd ‘saying nothing to nobody.’ This practlce.carried to extremes.resulted some time later in sending him to the Joliet penitemiarv for a five years’ term.” M AGAZINES. Continued from Seventh Page.) mala I Have Known,” etc., contributes “Tito, the Story of the Coyote that Learn ed How,” illustrated with a number of his own lnimitahle drawings. Ho describes •he eventful pupyhood am! education of this wonderful little animal, that by her knowledge of the ways of men saved her kind from annihilation. This magazine has been a leader in the use of color for several years. In this number the coior feature Is a series of original landscape drawdngs hy Henry McCarter.ealled “Mid summer.” Interpreting a number of na ture's aspects at this season. The sub jects include "By an Inland Lake,” “In •he High Hills," "In the Depths of the Woods," “A Sunrise Path,” “Rain in Ihe Valley,” "Cliff and Canon," nnd “A Sum mer Moon.” Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. The August number of the Cosmopolitan is a particularly fine one. The illustra tions are excellent, and the articles and stories are of a very high standard. "The Paris Exposition,” by William T. Stead, and illustrations, is one of the best arti cles on (hat subject which have appeared in American magazines. “Some Notable Murder Cases." by William F. Howe, the noted criminal lawyer of New York, Is cer tain to attract wide attention. "What Is a Gentleman?—a Lady?” by Adam Single ton. Is a fine presentation of an interest ing question. There are many other arti ces of me !:. 'lhe Cosmopolitan, living ton, New r York. To the Mountain*. In the nick of time. Just when you are yawning and foefine tired out and broken down, n bottle of Graylwurd is better than a trip to the mountain*. Are you constipated? Take Oraybcard pills. Little treasures—2sc bo box. Rea pers Drug Cos.. Proprietor*.— ad. A High-Grade Institution for Ladies.— Shorter College, Rome, Ga. Write for catalogue.—ad. LEGAL NOTICES. In thr* District Court of (he United States for the Eastern Division of the Southern District of Georgia.—ln the mailer of Mrs. MlnnD 1 Sims. Bank rupt. in bankruptcy.—To the creditors of Mrs. Minnie L. rfims of Manor, in the county of Ware and district aforesaid, a bankrupt: Notice is hereby given hat on the 17th day of July, A. 1). 1900, the sai l Mrs. Minnie L. Sims was d/ly adjudica ted bankrupt, and that the first meeting of her creditors will be held at Bruns wick, in Glynn county, on the 7th day of August, A. D. 190), at dO o'clock in the forenorn. at which time the said creditor a may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, exom’ne the bankrupt, and transact such olhr business as may prop erly come before said meeting. A. J. CROVATT. Referee in Bankruptcy. Dated at Brunswick, Ga., this the 25;h day of July, 190). GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY— Notice is hereby given that I have made application to the Court of Ordinary for Chatham county for leave to sell a part of lot No. 6 of the P.acentia tract in Chat ham county, Georgia, with tho improve ments thereon, belonging to estate of Mary Play ter, deceased, for the payment of debts and distribution, and ihat said order will be granted at August term, 1900. of sold court, unless objections are filed thereto JORDAN F. BROOKS, Administrator Estate of Mary Playter. July 6, 1900, CITY GOVERNMENT. Ofllrinl Proceed I hr. of Connell. Savannah. Ga., July 27, 1990. An adjourned meeting of Council was held this afternoon at 4 o'clock. Present: The Hon. Geo. '.V. Tiedeman, Chairman of Council and Acting Mayor, presiding; and Aldermen Doyle, Schwarz, Hacon and Dixon. No quorum being present the meeting was still further adjourned until the next regular meeting of Council, Wednesday, Aug. 8, 1900, at 4 p. m. WM. P. 11AIDKY, Clerk of Council. BRENNAN BROS., WHOLESALB Fruit, Produce, Grain, Etc. $22 BAY 3TRLKT. WssL Telephone JOHN G. HITLER, Paints, Oils and Glass, sash. Doors, Blind*, and Builder**’ Supplies, Plain and Decora tive Wall Paper, Foreign and Domes Cements, Dime. Plaster and Hair. So,. Agent for Abestlne Cold Water Paint. 20 Congresa 6treet. west, and 19 St. Julian street, west. J. D. WEED * CO •AVAMIAU, UA. Leather Belting, Steam Packing & Hose. Agents for NEW YORK RUBBER BELTING AND PACKING COMPANY. ■ I'IIMER RESORTS. ASHEVII.I.E, N. SELECT BOARD- Ing In choice neighborhood; house mod ern; prices reasonable. Mrs. Marie Tison- Hmlth, 161 North Main street. BOARDING HOUSE, FIRST-CLASS and reasonable rotes. For full pa Oculars, rjies, e'C., andr, ss Mr. I. Baumberger, Saluda, N. C. ! 1 MISCELLANEOUS. STRICTLY I'l RE UNSEED OIL sold at Adams Paint Cos. 'Phone 117. ELECTRO I DATING, ELECTRIC RE pairlng, contracting and construction Ba vai nah Electrical Company. 40 Drayton 15c WORTH THREE B WALL PAPER cUans one room. Adams Paint Cos. 'Phone 117. EDECTRIC SUPPLIES, DYNAMOS, motors, fans, tells, lights Installed, Sa vannah El ctrlcal Company, 40 Drayton. GERMAN MIXED PAINT. BEST mixed paint In market, $1.23 gallon, guar an'ee l, Adams Paint Cos. ( CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. PERSONAL. iTi“i ychTmust get the ring from Fegeos. 2.8 East Brouga ton. My sister got her’s there 11 years ago. and it is to-day as good as new— they have been lucky and happy ever since. Remember my finger’s number is 6 1 ~. You wifi see them in his Jewelry win dow; if you have no time to go, he will j ©end it I" insun-l mall, or ♦: think best; prices range from $1.50 up to sls. FLORAL DEI FW ERS AND plants, at Gardiner’s Bazaar, agent Oel- i schig’s Nursery. ART METAL BTOOLB, CHAIRS AND tables for up-to-date confectioners, drug stores and restaurants. C. P. Miller, Agt. ENGLISH FOLDING GO-CARTS something new, for the babls. can b* taken on street cars. (J. P. Miller, Agt. SOUTHERN UMBRELLA FACT! >RY largest umbrella factory south of Balti more; all repairings neatly done; all covers cut from piece; mourning umbrellas made to order; we call your special attention to our fresh stock of alpaca covers. 330 West Brood street; second block of Cen tral depot. HAMMOCKS. HAMMOCKS. CHEAP ones; nice ones; fine ones; closing them out cheap this w r eek. C. I*. Miller. Agent, 207 Broughton, west. FINE RICEFIELD I AMB AT “BA ker's,” every day; best of all other m ala In market. BERMUDA LAWN GRASS BEED, AT Gardner's Bazaar. FOR CARPET TAKING UP. CLEAN ing. storing and relaying, ring telephone 2, District Messenger Company. IF ITS RUGS YOU WANT. YOU CAN get them cheaper from McGlliia. CASH BUYERS' PICNIC EVERY DAY thi week, our largo stock must be re duced, and we will exchange it cheap fer cash. C. P. Miller, Agent, 207 Broughton, west. RIN(J UP 2464 1F YOU WANT TO have your furniture moved or packet! for shipment or storage. I guarantee prices the same as I do the work that's given to me. A. S. Griffin, 314 Broughton street, west; mattresses made to order, PULLEY BELT BUCKLES. WORTH 50c, for 30c. nt Gardner’s Bazaar. BALDWIN DRY AIR REFRIGERA tors, still in the lead; also full line of ice boxes from $3 up. C. P. Miller, Agent, j 207 Broughton, west. MTI.I.EirS AWNINGS GIVR SATlS faction; you had better get our estimate ond let us put you up one nt once. C. I*. Miller, Agent, 207 Broughton, west. W EPPINO PRES ENTS. SCHOOL presents, presents of all kinds; large va rieties at low prices. C. P. Miller, agent, 207 Broughton, west. WATER COOLERS. ALL SIZES. FROM SI.OO up. C. P. Miller, Agent, 207 Brough ton. w’est. FOR FURNITURE AND PIANO packing, moving or storing, telephone 2, District Messenger Company, the only warehouse in the city especially fitted to care for furniture and carpets. ~M'GILLIS SELLS SIXTY-INCH RUGS —Smyrna patterns—for 99 cents. M’GILLTS IS CHEAP ON RUGS, NETS* lnee curtains, hammocks, water coolers, pillows, pictures, stoves, bedroom suites, and furniture of every descrljrtlon. MOSQUITO NETS, 9S CENTS. AND up; all grades of American Imported ln~© with best fixture*, at reasonable prices. C. P. Miller, Agent, 207 Broughton, wesr. CROQUET SETS. Sc; CROKINOLE, $1.25, at Gardner’s Bazaar. M’GILLIS’ LACE CURTAINS WILL beautify your parlor. WHEN YOU SEE M’GILLIS’ BlXTY inch 99 cents rugs, you will buy them. Just can’t help it; will sell In onv quan tity. ~ M’GILLTS MOVES. PACKS. SHIPS j nnd etores pianos and furniture; best work only; no “Cheap-John” prices—no “Cheap- John” Jobs. “FURNITURE MOVED WITH CARE,” Is a specialty with McGlliia. mmioAk HOW ARE YOUR FEET? IF YOUR feet are troubling you, call on mo i.nd I will give you relief; I care Ingrowing nails, corns and all diseases of the feet without pain; charges reasonable; can give ihe best references In the city; pa tients treated at residences; orders can be left at Livingston’s drug store. Bull and Congress streets; telephone 293. Lem Davis, surgeon chiropodist. HELP WAVIKD—• MAI.K. Lwrlghr to rebuild our mill recently burn ed nt Rich wood. 'WANTED. LICENSED OR EXPE riem ed druggist; state experience and sal ary expected. Drugs, care Morning News. ‘'YOUNG MEN, OUR ILLUSTRATED catalogue explains how we teach bnrber trade in eight weeks; mailed free. Moler Barber College, St. Louis, Mo. III:LP WAXTED-FESIALE. boy about 14 years old to work In store. Address E. W., St. James City, Fla. AOEVrai WANTED. anTed at TIncTT IXZiXXT, agents to represent reliable benefit society; large renewal contracts. U. S. P. Society, Salisbury. Mo. EMPLOY >IENT WADTKI). edge of luml>er. desires position; refer ence given. Address 8. A., care News. "COMPETENT MECHANICS AND LAB orers furnished sawmills, logging camps, miners, turpentine farms, contractors, fruit growers, etc. Addresn 317 West Bay i street. Jacksonville. ~ YOUNG MAN OF GOOD ADDRESS, ! went! position as book keeper; good ref- | enecs. Address L. P. H. t care News. EXPERT ACCOUNTANT WANTS| situation; long experience as bookkeeper. Address Box 227. Postoffice. ROOMS WASTED. and one child, a fiat of rooms, between New Houston and Taylor streets; east of Whitaker. G. L., this office. HOARD WASTED. Scotch family preferred. Address Cash, | Morning News. WA A TED—M XscEL LA * RUTi. WANT FOR eral houses from fifteen to twenty-five hundred dollars. Robert 11. Tatem, real estate dealer. IF YOU WANT A PLAC’D TO DUMP earth, dirt, aand, manure, etc., free of churge, just at city limits, hauling over hard road, writ© or telephone Brown Bros., 'corner Anderson and East Broad a treats. IF YOU WANT GOOD MATERIAL and work, order your lithographed and printed stationery and blunk books from Morning News, Savannah. Go. FOR HEM -ROOMS. ~FLAT\ SIX with bath, first floor; Lyons block; suita ble for any purpose. John Lyons. “FORT RENT, NICELY FURNISHED front room; southern exposure; facing park. 212 Oglethorpe avenue, cast. FOR RENT, ONE OR TWO WELL furnished rooms; ba:h on same floor. 513 ! Last McDonough, ALCTIO* SALES THTS DAY* MONDAY’S AUCTION SALE. SHOES, SHOW CASES, SCALES AYD FI RMTI RE. (. If. DOR SETT, Auctioneer, Will sell MONDAY, 30th, 11 a. m., 22 Congress, west: Three Show Cases, 5 cases Oxford Tiea, 1 pair Platform Scales for hay, largo Stove with water hack, 3 Rclis Matting, Dining Table, Sideboard, Bedsteads, rix foot Standing Desk. Conversation Chuir. Piazza Extension Chairs, Army Cots, Bod I/Dunge, Springs. Mattresses, Sewing Ma chine, Trunks, Ice Che;-t, 26 Horse Col late. and a lot of other articles. FOR HEAT—ROOMS. ITH EVERY modern convenience; good location; ref eiencev-s if desired. 35 Habersham street, neor Broughton. "to KKNT, TWO NICELY FURNISH* ed rooms each suitable for two gentlemen mar badness ctntre of city; all conven* ionce. 109 East McDonough street. FOR RENT. PARLOR FLAT 214 DUFV fy, west; done over new; three rooms. Foil rVCfI T*-HOUSE I. Wuldburg street, west. M. S. Baker. "RESIDENCE OVER DRUG STORE for rent from Oct. 1. Apply to Reed & Cos., Jones and Abercorn. Volt RENT, THAT DESIRABLE dwelling No. 13 Gordon street, west; imme diate possession. I D. Laßoche, Agent. COTTAGE OF 7 ROOMS. sl7 PER month. sf>9 Maple street, M. Joseph. FURNISHED HOUSE OF 10 ROOMS; $2 f > a week. 212 Houston etreet. M. Joseph. RK NT Sli VEN - ROOM HOUSE* 414 Price, street. Apply 310 Liberty, east. FOURTEEN-ROOM HOUSE FOR rent, near Central Rond Apply A. S. Co hen, Ri\er and Lincoln street. FOR RENT. RESIDENCE SOUTH oast corner Bull and Gordon streets, from Oct. 1. C. H. Dorselt. FOR R V N’T. RES ID EN<’ ES 321 AN I> 313 Hall, oast; also 707 and 709 Habersham, all In first-class order; hot nnd cold wa ter; immediate' possession. Apply \V. W. Swlnton. 20S Eighth street, east. THUNDERHOLT, DESIRBLY ~ SlT uatfd house on river front; also small house. Inquiie two-fourteen Bryan street, en st roll RENT—IIOJUiS. For KENT, STOKE AND BASEMENT under odd Fellows' Hall, corner State and Barnard streets. Inquire Room 7. upstairs. NEW STORE. CORNER BULL AND Third streets, for rent; desirably located, for grocery business. FOR KENT. i HAT DESIRABLE) store and warehouse formerly occupied hy George W. Tledeffian & Bro., corner i Bay and Montgomery street; In perfect order and condition; right rent to right ; tenant; possession can be given immedi ately. Est. Salomon Cohen, corner West Broad and Broughton streets. 1 .... - FOR SALE—URAL ESTATE. TWO purchased at ca h sale cheap. Owner leav ing city. "PHJ,” News. FOR SALE, LOTS ON NINTH STREET near East Broad; no city taxes, at S2OO each; twenty-five dollars cash, and easy monthly payments. C. H. Dorsett. "FOR SALE, LOTS ON NINTH. NEAR East Broad, a4 s2t>o each; will soon b© j advanced to $225; when a lot has been paid for I can arrange to get a home i built. C. H. Dorsett. FOR SALK A LOT FOR TWO HUN dred dollars; easy terms, on Ninth street, near East Broad; no city taxation. C. H. Dorsett. “for SALE. THOSE LOTS ON NINTH street, near East Broad, have only been sold 4o first-class parties, who will make good neighbors; and none other can buy. The terms are very easy, and they are cheaper than any other in the vicinity. C. H Dorsett. Xbeautiful site for a dwell* irrg, a corner in Collinsville, 91x115, Duffv nnd ott streets, high ground and beautiful surroundings; can he bought cheap and on easy terms. C. ft. Dorsett. LOT. CORNER OTT AND ROCKF3- feller streets. .VJxllO, with large building on corner, 26x50; at a bargain. C. H. Dorsett. 'THREE STORY ON BASEMENT RES- Idence, southeast corner Bull and Gor don streets, fronting Monterey Square, known s the Wheaton residence. C. H. Dorsett. FOR SALE, NINE ACRES OP’ THE Spear farm on the Thunderbolt road, near the toll gate. It has a large road frontage nnd will make a grand suburban home. C. 11. Dorsett. FO R S A LOVELY SUM MER home, ten ro ms, modern conveniences, in mountains of North Georgia; climate de lightful; pure freestone water; also mln eiul Water In vicinity. If interested, ad dress “T .” this paper. RESIDENCES AND BUILDING LOTS for sale all over the city. Robert H. TH4eni, real estate dealer, No. 7 York street, west. FOII ALL—MiC ULIiAXKOUS. as soft and smooth as velvet; one appli cation relieves the pain and destroys the redness from sunburn, 25c. At Persse’a Drug Stores, Henry and Abercorn and Whitaker and Taylor. HAVE SEVERAL VALUABLE LAW hooka that I will dispose of chtap for cash. "PHJ,” Npws. FOR SALE. SAW MILL. I.OQ CARTS, mules and all necessary tools and tim ber. J. it. Williams, administrator, New berry, Fla. “for SALE. FIFTEEN HUNDRED pound© fishing twine, in skeins; for making fish nets; three sizes; five hundredk pounds each size. J. W. Comer, P. A. FOR SALE FIVE CASES OXFORD ties at auction Monday, 30th, 11 a. m. C. H. Dorsett. FDR SALE7TWO FINE MILK'COWa at 523 William street; can be seen iron* five in the evening till eight-thirty a. m. FOR SALE, ONE BICYCLE. COST as good as new; as good wheel as Is made; in perfect order, for sl2. One dou ble barrel breech load No. 12 gauge shot gun; a fine bird gun, nearly newr; cost $16.50; for $lO. Address E. Lee, Stlllmore, <; FOR SALE, SECOND HAND ELEC - trie devator machinery; good condldon. Favannah Electrical Company, 40 Drayton. ASH AND CYPRESS LUMBER FOR sale—lso,ooo feet of ash suitable for wheel wrights, carriage m kera, car work© and interior house finish. Also cypress lumber of all sizes. We lu;ve resumed rutting our famous brands of cypress shingles and will soon have a full line of them for sale. Val® Royal Manufacturing Company. IlUAllDllH*. SECURE large room and good board, private family. 424 Barnard street. “FRONT SOUTH ROOMS; SUITABLE for gentlemen, with good tabic board. 212 Wer4 Jones street. SCHOOLS AM) COLLEGES. PA NTO PS AC ADE SAY Neah CHAr£U)TTESVILI.E, VA. For bys, Ttilly equipped. Send for catalogue. JOHN' R SAMPSON. A M., Principal. 3