The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, July 30, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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6 A TEXAS WONDER. HalTa Groat Discovery. One small bottle of Hall’s Great Dis covery cures all kidney and bladder troubles, removes gravel, cures diabetes, seminal emissions, weak and lame backs, rheumatism and nil Irregularities of the kidneys and bladder in both men and women, regulates bladder troubles in chil dren. If not sold by your druggist will be sent my mail on receipt of sl. One Mnall bottle is two months’ treatment, and will cure any case above mentioned. I)r. E. W. Hall, sole manufacturer, P. O. Box 629, S. Louis, Mo. Send for testi monials. Sold by all druggists and Solo mons Cos., Savannah, Ga. Read Thin. Dr. E. W. Hall, St. Louis, Mo.: Dear Sir—Please ship me three dozen Hall’s Discovery by first express. I have sod over one gross. It gives perfect sat isfaction. and I recommend it to my customers. Yours truly, H. C. GROVES, Prop. Anti-Monopoly Drug Store. Ocala. Fla., Dec. 13. , THE NEWS OF THREE STATES. HAPPENINGS IN GEORGIA, FLORIDA AND SOUTH CAROLINA. Yomifcr Man Killed by Lightning. Angnsnt's Giant Oakn Are Decay ing—Fund for the State Militia. Political Note*—C leu ring Oat Hya cinth*—Censu* of the Seminole*. Belgian Hare li|dn*try—South Car olina** Primary—Other New* In the Palmetto State. Greensboro HeraW-Journal: Mr. J. H. Hardin had on exhibition at Hall Bros.’ store last week a curiosity in the way of an Irish potato vine, which had not only ihe usual growth of potatoes ©n the roots, but also all up the stem and on the branches of the vine. The curiosity at tracted considerable attention. To Du lid a Rifle Range. The Macon Volunteers are on the look out now for a site for a rifle range, as are other companies of the Second Regi ment, and as soon as a suitable range can be found and put in condition the members of the Second Regiment station ed In Macon will commence rifle practice and develop one of the. most important essentials of the modern soldier—good marksmanship. Cobh for tlie Senate. The Democrats of Franklin held their county primary Friday and settled by bal lot a number of interesting contests that have absorbed public attention for the last few weeks. The results so far as certained show the nomination of Hon. W. H. Cobb, one of the ablest Democrats of Franklin county, for the seat of the Thirty-first district in the state Senate. Hon. W. R. Little Is the nominee of the party for the office of ordinary. McLeod for Representative. Abbeville Chronicle: Hon. George F. McLeod is a candidate for representative, and asks the support of the Democrats in the primary on July 31. He is in every way worthy of the oce, and there is not a better man in Wilcox for the office. Mr. McLeod has been a citizen of Wilcox for many years. He resided in what is now known as Ryle’s Mill when the county was formed, and has the warm, active support of all near whom he has ever re sided. He was a gallant Confederate sol dier, and shed his blood in defense of what he believed to be right, and carried on his head the scar of honorable warfare. Identity Settled. Jefferson Herald: Uncle Pat Waddell’s sister came in from Texas last week. Uncle Pat was at the train to meet her, but as the two had not seen each other in forty-six years this coming September, they did not each other at oil. But when she called, “Where is Patrick?” and he answered, “Here I am,’’ she then saw' a man of mature year** going on crutches, who was but a sprightly boy when last her ey*s beheld him. The sis ter is dividing her time between her brothers. Messrs. P. Waddell and F. Wad dell, and a happy time all are having, too. We w ish her a pleasant stay in Geor gia. Lightning Kill* Young Man. A young man named Willis Hope, son of Elsie Hope,of Banks county, was iklled by lightning.two others were rendered uncon scious by the electric shock, and the barn in which the young men had taken shelter burned to the ground near Maysville late Thursday evening. It seems that Mr. Hope’s son, William Parks and Baxter Smith, were together during the evening, and had gone into the barn to take shel ter from the storm. The barn was soon discovered to be on Are, and upon investi gation young Hope was found to be dead and the other two young men were un conscious. They were removed from their perilous position in time to save them from the flames. The stock was also ea ved. Giant Onli* Decaying. Augusta Chronicle: It is a sad fact that some of the giant oaks on Greene street are victims of decay, and that many of them have recently died and have been cut down. Standing in a room in the government building the other day, a Chronicle reporter noticed fully a ha f dozen of these big trees, the leaves of which show the effects of blight, and are turning brown. What would Greene street be without shade trees? It would be hard to imagine. Cut them all down and you would realize a vast difference, both in appearance and temperature of the at mosphere at this season of the year. It would be almost like converting a beau tiful garden into a desert, with the ex ception of the beauty added to the thor oughfare by the handsome residences thereon. Greene street without its laby rinths of shade trees, would not be the Greene sireet which it is to-day, and has been for years, the pride of August ans and the object of admiration to all visit ors to the city. FLORIDA The people of De Soto county have de cided to hold a county fair, and are or ganizing a fair association for that pur pose, shares amounting to $1,520 having already been subscribed. De Soto is now one of the banner orange counties of Florida, and could get up a display of citrus fruits that would open the eyes of many people who are laboring under the impression that Florida is no longer an orange-growing stole. Raising RelMlau linre*. Suwenneo Democrat: Dr. Van Elderen shipped a box full of young Belgian hares to Mr. J. C. Bates, in Lake City, last week. They are in great demand. The doctor receives $1 for each one, and they breed so fast when once started that there Is always anew supply on hand. This in dustry, the doctor tells us, is far more profitable to raise than chickens, and there Is a ready market for them, either as a food product in season or for pets during summer. When fat they weigh from ten to twelve pounds each. Fertiliser Factories. Gainesville Sun: We know of no good reason why some of the largest fertilizer factories in the country should not he es tablished In Florida. It can easily be demonstrated that the manufacture of fertilizer in this state will prove profita ble. If the money annually expended for fertilizers shipped into this state from abroad were paid to home manufactur ers they would rapidly become rich and all other business interests would be bene fit ed. Wanted a Battleship. Fort Myers Press: The Pensacola News reminds the people of the state that it would be appropriate to present the new monitor Florida with a service of silver plate. It will be difficult to arouse any enthusiasm to thus honor a one-horse monitor, for Floridians feel humbled that the name of their state should be given to one of these small coast defense ves sels, when it has always been the rule to give the name of a state to sea-going battleships. Cold Morale. Ocala Star: Manager Simon Benjamin of the East Florida Ice Manufacturing Company is erecting a large cold storage room on the west side and adjoining the ice factory that will cost something like $1,300 and have a capacity to receive 100,- 000 pounds of meat from the farmers of Marion ar.d adjacent counties. The farm ers should take note of this improvement and see that during the next twelve months their smoke house is next their kitchen and that the while meat of the West is not in it, but the domestic pro duct. Removing the Hyacinths. Jacksonville Metropolis: C. S. Hammatt, who is superintending the removal of hya cinths from Hogan creek, said to-day that while the work was necessarily slow It was thorough. He has two logs lashed to gether at one end and separated at the other end like shears. This is dragged along the creek, gathering in the plants, and others are packed into it with pitch forks and then towarl out into the river and dumped. The creek had almost be come unnavigable owing to the collection therein of hyacinths, and the demand was repeatedly made on the board of public works tot its removal. The board was not opposed to the removal, provided it did not endanger the public health, and Mr. Hammatt's plan does not stir the bottom of the creek at all, and consequently no mud is raised and exposed to the sun. It is astonishing how fast this weed accu mulates, and how densely it covers the water’s surface. On*n* of the Seminole*. Jacksonville Times-Union and Citizen: A report from the census enumerators appointed to take the count of the Semi nole Indians in the southern part of the state shows that it has been, so far, a success—quite up to the expectations of the supervisor and the men to whom the difficult task was committed. A com plete count has been made of the In dians on the east side of the Everglades, and no difficulty has been experienced in getting the information osked. Mr. Fries reports that he has learned that the In dians on the west side are scattered on / a big hunt, and will not return to their villages until the first week in August; consequently, he has delayed his trip to the west for n few days, and will start on Aug. 7 to cross the Everglades by boat from Fort Lauderdale. A story of his experience on this expedition will prove most interesting reading when it shall be published, which, it is hoped, will be done in the near future. The trip is one that has been attempted but a few times before in the history of Florida, and the equipment for <he unusual journey will be most elaborate. But few' men in Florida are sufficiently experienced and familiar with the uncharted waters of the great swamp to undertake the hazardous trip, hut Mr. Fries anticipates no insurmount able difficulty In reaching the Indians or in securing an accurate count of their numbers. SOUTH CAROLINA. The South Carolina Alliance has decided not to distribute its fund of JIS.OOO among the members. The money will be held for emergencies.. Effect of Chinese Tronhle. Charleston Post: A great deal of Charleston capital is invested in cotton mill manufactures and there is much un easiness felt here on account of the war situation in China. The product of the Southern mills Is shipped largely to China and the present trouble ts likely to have its effect upon the sale and manu facture of the product. Bellinger lu Washington. Attorney General Bellinger is now in Washington whither he has gone In the matter of the claim and suit of the fed eral government against the state of South Carolina. He proposes to look carefully into all the records in Washington bearing on these claims and counter claims as well, and prepare hts answer to the doc ument recently served upon the state by the attorney general of the United States. A South Carolina, nelie. Columbia State: D. T. Phillips, the United States consul at Cardiff, under date of July 13 writes Gov. McSweeney saying. ‘‘A very rare £lO note came to my hand lately, l>earing the date of 1775. when South Carolina was a province. The gentleman who handed it to me wishes to dispose ot it. I concluded first to write to you on the subject. I shall forward it to you as soon as I learn Its value.' Of course the state of South Carolina desires to preserve all such relics of her proud past, but if 100 high a value is placed upon the note the Governor will be unable to secure it. Telephone for Sea Islands. The sea Islands off the coast of this state wheil the most famous cotton in the world Is produced are soon to be put In communication with the rest of the world. The Secretary of State has issued a com mission to the Sea Island Telephone Com pany with headquarters in Charleston, which proposes to connect all these Isl ands with Charleston by a telephone sys tem. The company is to have a capital stock of $lO,OOO. The corporators are K. W. Fowles of Wadmalaw Island. 11. Blitch and W. C. Geraraty of Young's Isl and. E. M. Seabrook of Kdlsto Island, C. M. Gibson of Young's Island, and C. Bis sell Jenkins of Charleston. Improvement of the Congnree Columbus State: At last the formal ad vertisement calling for bids for the build ing of the lock and obutment In the Con garee river near Columbia, providing deep water and navigation to the foot of Qer vals street has been issued. Capt. J. C. Sanford announces that sealed proposals are lo be received at the engineer's office In Charleston until noon on Aug. 13, and then publicly opened. The award of the contract and the commencement of the work will follow at once. This has been Columbia's dream for thirty years, and It now looks as if it will not be long be fore railroads will have to get down to the water freight rate basis, and whole sale houses will he seen starling up Id rapid succession. No more pleasing infor mation could be given Columbians than is contained in Capt. Sanford's announce ment. Sonth Carolina’s Primary. The first state primary election Is just one month off. It takes place on Aug. fB. There Is less than a month's more of cam paigning, the last meeting being held in VV. F. HAMILTON, Artesian Weil Contractor, OCALA. FLA. Am prepared to drill wells up to an* depth, tvs use first-class machinery, can do work on auurt notice and 0n0r..,,.. satisfaction. THE MORNING NEWS: MONDAY, JULY 30,1900. THE JOYS OF VIGOROUS MANHOOD. Astounding Success of Dr. Hsthswsy in Restoring the Shattered Nerves of Men to Their Original Healthy Condition. His Treatments for Other Weak nesses of Men. Dr. Hathaway's treatment for that terri ble condition of mental and bodily weak ness, brought about by youthful lgno ranee and folly, or by excesses in later life, is unlike all oth t X ere. It Is r.ot, as most others are, simply a ~ /fj stimulant which acts for n few Wfcej days and then 3Raff leaves the poor, KgAV® deluded patient in worse conds -7 tlon than be afttajAi J>fore. Dr. Hath- CjiV* away’s treat : v " mr-nt cures; It J.Newton Hathaway,M.D. ac,s , on , evc,y weakened por- The Longest Established ,i on 0 f t e Specialist in the South, body. It builds up nerve, tissue and muscular strength, and revitalizes the whole body. The hitherto miserable victim becomes fitted for a husband and a father. This is what Dr. Hathaway’s treatment does, and it does it invariably in every case, never mind how serious the condi tion of the patient. Dr. Hathaway also treats, with the same guarantee of success. Varicocele without operation. Stricture (by a pain less home treatment), Specific Blood Pois oning and other chronic diseases of men, including all Urinary and Sexual disor ders. Absolutely private and confidential con sultation without any cost can be had in Dr. Hathaway’s office. If you live out of town, or cannot for any reason visit the office, he will send you free his latest book and self-examination blanks. J. NEWTON HATHAWAY, HI. D., Dr. Hathaway & Cos., 25A Bryan street. Savannah, Ga, Office Hours—9 to 12 m.; 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p. m. Sundays, 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. Columbia on Aug. 22. While the cam paigners are warming up to their work tne preparations for the election ore being per fected at the headquarters of the Siatb Committee. Already hundreds of copies of the rules governing the primary and of the constitution of the Democratic party are being sent to the several county ex ecutive committees. This year candidates are not permitted to have thei own tick ets printed. It has been determined by the State Committee to have only official tick ets and none others are to be counted. These tickets must be for the respective boxes provided for in the rules, and must have the names of every candidate for ev ery office upon them. The State Commit tee’s officers have already had the tickets for the state officers printed and they ure now being delivered at headquarters. Coal Near Greenville f Greenville News: Greenville county, be sides its wheat and cotton mills and other small excellencies, may soon have another attractive feature that, if indications are w'orth anything, bids fair to be the source of more wealth than all the other riches and resources combined. That production is soft coal. How extensive this find may be only close investigation will prove. Coal has been found. There are samples in pos session of a few men who themselves picked up the specimens that the most un sophisticated can see is coal. These men cannot yet say whether they have stum bled on a “salted mine” or not. The specimens came from a large area and show unmistakable marks of long expos ure to the weather. They were picked up scattered over an old field, but so far no true vein has been located. They are not miners nor geologists, nor mineralogists and cannot, therefore, read whatever signs there may be in the vicinity that might betoken the real existence of this mineral. The location is some ten or twelve miles from the city and it hardly seems probable that any one would have token the trouble to sow an old red field with half a bushel of mineral coal that must have come from Greenville. NO SMALLPOX AT MOULTRIE. Scare I* All Over—A Wedding: and Other Xctys Note*. Moultrie, Ga.. July' 29.—Considerable in dignation is felt by some of the citizens of Moultrie at the exaggerated reports about smallpox here and in tlie county, anti so absurd were the rumors that the au thorities would not take the trouble to correct them. It is with some amusement that it is learned of some of the neigh boring towns are quarantining. The facts about the smallpox are that there was one case here about two months ago, and one case at Dorcun, about fourteen miles north from Moultrie, and no other cases have developed and no uneasiness is felt. The sanitary condition of the town and the facts that nearly all the citizens have been vaccinated relieve the public from any fears about an epidemic. One of the prettiest marriages of the town was that of Dr. R. C. Lindsey, for merly of Iventown, to Miss Jennie McNeill, daughter of Maj. N. McK. McNeill. The ceremony was at Presbyterian Church, and performed by Rev. Mr. McDougal of Thomasville. The prominence of the two families and popularity of the young cou ple brought many people from adjoining tow’ns. The Tifton, Thomasville and Gulf Rail road will put on regular schedule to Thomasville July 31. This will prove quite a convenience to the traveling public. Application for charter for a $500,000 cot ton ginnery at Hartsfleld, in the western part of the county, is being made. This is the very best farming section in South west Georgia. THOMASVILLB’S RAILROAD. The New Schedule* Will Go Into Ef fect on July 31. Thomasville, Ga., July 29.—The new route to Thomasville over the Tifton, Thomasville and Gulf Railroad has been named the Thomasville Route in railroad literature and schedules. Time tables are now out, taking effect July 31. Passen ger trains will leave Tifton at G:3O a. in. and 3:35 *p. m. # arriving in Thomas ville at 12:15 a. m. and 6:15 p. m. The same trains will leave Thomasville al 9:15 a. m. and 1:3) p. m., arriving in Tifton at 12:20 and 6:50 p. m. The dis tance is fifty-five and one-half miles. Counting the terminals, there are seven teen stations, besides five flag stations. Omitting 4he terminals, the full stations ate Lumberv file, Parker’s, Urhana, Ome ga. Anita. Huggins, Obe. Barbers, Aber deen, Moultrie, Sunset, Murphy, Coolidge, Merrills and Duren. The telegraph line will soon be finished. The road is to be pushed on at an early day to Tallahas see, stepH being uiken now to increase Its capital to $1,000,000. W. A. Heath is general manager: W. F. Rudislll. general freight and passen ger agent; 8. Z. Ruff, superintendent, and Mr. Spicer, local agent. The general of fices are located in this city. All hail to the Thomasville Route. No Delay From the Fire. The Parro' Lumber Company, at Rich wood, Ga.. whose No. 1 mill was burned last week, has started to rebuild, and will have the mill replaced and at work in about sixty days. The company’s No. 2 saw mill, planing mills, shingle and lath mills were unharmed, and are run ning as usual. THE FARM AND THE GARDEN. MATTERS OF INTEREST TO AGRI CULTURIST ASD HOUSEWIFE. Tomato Caltnrt—tironln* With and Without Stoke— Peanut Culture. Hon- to Make Slieep Pay—The Plum Crop—Pen Blight—Handling Ben. Aaparngna Runt. Where a small area is grown, as In the ordinary kitchen garden or even in the small market garden within or near the city limits, it pays to apply the intensive system to the growing of tomatoes. In this day of blight and rot it is more es sential than ever to adopt ell the means possible to reduce their evil consequences. In the case of tomatoes the chief means to secure this is to keep the vines clean of the earth. Even in seasons that are not unreasonably wet the loss from rot, as the result of contact with the soil, may be anywhere from 20 to 30 per cent., but in such seasons as the one just past—June- July—the loss has run up to 60 to 80 per cent., where the vines were allowed to lie on the ground. Year in and year out it pays such a tremendous profit to stake the vine* it is a wonder that any gardener or trucker of experience attempts nowadays to grow the crop without resorting to some method that keeps the vines oft the ground, even If it goes no further than planting the vines in double rows, as de scribed In this column previously, and make the vines support each other. This is practicable to the extent that 90 per cent, of the fruit can be kept from con tact with the soil if the crop is properly tended. Several times we have described our own method of growing tomatoes by planting two or three vines to one firm stake, using the variety known as Dwarf Champion chiefly for this purpose, but it is not the only kind that can be planted in this way. Asa rule it is the best, however. Stakes are set up firmly in well prepared ground at a distance of 4x3 feet and three plants are set in a triangle about such stake. In very rich soil where the vine growth is heavy, only two plants are set to a stake. Of all the tomatoes that can be grown in the home garden and that pays several hundred per cent, to stake properly it is the one known in Southern catalogues as the "Moore's Mammoth Tree Tomato.” It is a misnomer to call this splendid toma to tree tomato, however, for It is in no sense a tree, but it does make a tremen dous vine and when suitably staked will grow to a hight of eight to fifteen feet and bear immense clusters of medium sized smooth tomatoes from the ground up. To get the moft of this tomato is should be set to a firm stake ten or twelve feet high to which four or five kegs, or barrel-hoops should be firmly nailed at in tervals through which the vine should be required to grow. Or two light but strong stakes that length should be given to each plant, one on each side a foot from the plant. Wire or common cord can be used to encircle the plant within the slakes. The first laterals that start to grow within two feet of the ground should be pruned off and only two or three stems be allowed to grow up through the hoops on cords. By keeping the laterals clipped off, the vines will grow on up to a hight of twelve or fifteen feet, bearing a large cluster of tomatoes every eight or ten inches. A well-grown vine of this splen did tomato is a beautiful sight. The vines can be set os close as three by three feet or two vines be set to a stake at a dis tance of three by four feet. This is a very excellent variety to plant two in a hill, but the laterals must be pruned ofr. If three plants are set in a hill, the stakes should be set four by four feet and the plants occupy a triangle fifteen or twenty inches each way. A quarter ot an acre grown In this way with the Moore tomato will yield as much merchantable fruit as an acre or more if the vines are allowed to lay on the ground. To set a quarter of an acre three by three feet, two plants to the hill, it would require 1,210 stakes and 2,420 plants. If three plants are set to the hill and hills 4xl feet, it would require 6SO stakes and 2,(lit plants. On good tomato land, with a perfect stand, with proper pruning and cultivation, the quarter of an acre should yield from first fruit to last, June to Au gust, Inclusive, at least 150 bushels of to matoes. With auspicious season, 200 bushels Is quite possible. In the home garden, when less than 500 plants are usually grown a very good method Is to have the Dwarf Champion set in rows, setting the plants twelve inches apart In the row and keeping them upright by having a trellis of strips, one Inch, nailed to stakes on each side of the row, two feet from the ground, the trellis not over six or eight Inches be tween strips. Wire can be used in place of the sawed Rtrlps, running it from stake to stake, keeping It to the stake with the ordinary staple, or a bent nail will do: or the wire can be wrapped over around the stake. When set in this manner the laterals should not be pruned off, but all allowed to grow. Notes on Tomnto Growing—Hovt to Grow Without Stakes. Any one, who has grown tomatoes any length of time knows very tvell that un staked tomatoes ore very unsatisfactory, especially In wet years—a wet June sty. The amateur of experience need not be told that a hundred plants properly staked will yield more perfect fruit than 500 vines that are allowed to lay flat on the ground. In the latitude of Middle Georgia the main crop of tomatoes are set out in April and begin to ripen (most varie ties), about the middle of June. By the Ist of July the vines have set 95 per cent, of the fruit that they will bear. If it should be very wet from the first of June until the middle of the month, blight and rot Is quite certain to do great dam age to ail unstaked vines, and even the staked ones will be subject to loss of a considerable part of the fruit. When less than a thousand vines are grown, it is possible nearly always to pro vide stakes, but when grown upon a large scale—five to twenty acres—there are very few who regard it necessary 4o stake. The plants are eet out, cultivated a few times und left to the elements. If the season is dry it will be allright probably— a crop that Is considered profitable results. The rows are made three or four feet apart, and the plants set three or four feet apart in the row. Now In growing them on a large scale, where there Is no staking, it will be found of marked advantage to set in double rows os is frequently followed) in the case of corn. For instance, lay off the rows five feet apart, after the soil has been well broken. A good application of manure may be made to these furrows, but It Is always well to apply monure broadcast for tomatoes. I.lst on this furrow or not ns may be preferred. When time comes to set out, lay off a scooter furrow on each aide of this first furrow or list, so as to give two feet as the distance be tween the row of plants. This will give two feet and three feet ns the width of the alternating rows; set the plants two feet apart In the rows Just before the plants are large enough to fall over, plow out the narrow middle thoroughl". and at the following hoeing, train the vines towarda this narrow middle, and do>io4 attempt to cultivate that middle again The wider or three feet middle rrny be swept or harrowed two or three times oftener. If not sooner, when the first picking of fruit is made, the vines should be lifted Mf>, and eo moved that the vines at one row will hold up he vines of the other. With a little care in doing this 90 per cent, of the tomatoes will be kept clear of the ground. There is really no need for doing it, but if one chooses, he can put an occasional stake along this nar row row and run a wire along about eighteen inches from the ground to rest the vines on. We commend this plan where one grows a large area of tomatoes, and cannot stake them easily. Handling Bees. A good many people do not keep bees because they have a notion that bees do not like them. It has been pretty well established that in the matter of likes and dislikes everybody is alike to bees, says the Garden and Farm. Some men are more adept at handling them than others, but tha most successful beekeeper is the one who wears a veil ail the time and goes among the bees with a calm determina tion not to strike wildly at the air if one of the colony -begins to buzz about his ears. Bees are not at all averse to a hostile declaration and are ready at ell times to sacrifice themselves in a fight with an an imate being. The only satisfaction a man can get in a fight with a bee is that the Insect dies soon after making his thrust, but this is not sufficient to soothe the pain. The best way to handle bees as well as men Is to take advantage of their weak spots. Some men and all bees are in the best condition to manipulate when 'they are approached through their stomachs. Men are so constituted as to approach and feed on good things without persua sion, but bees must be alarmed be fore they gorge themselves. Smoke is the most convenient thing to use in raising an alarm in a colony of bees. As soon as smoke begins to enter the hive every bee attacks the stores of a colony and eats all the honey it can hold. If a colony is gently smoked and left to Itself for a few minutes it can be handled by anyone. This is equally applicable to all bees when han dling them, but some breeds of bees are more aggressive than others. The native black bees are liable to go out of their way to sting a man, but Italians rarely make the first move toward battle. For this reason Italians should be chosen in selecting a breed. Another good reason for choosing them is that they are the best breed. Asparagus Rust. It is believed that asparagus rust which, If general, would be a serious menace to asparagus culture, has so far been re stricted to limited areas. One quite se rious case was, however, reported to the Indiana experiment station last season, and the assistant botanist, Mr. Stuart, sent out a bulletin containing the follow ing information: Although the rust was known and de scribed In Europe as early as 1805, yet with the exception of California, its pres ence was not reported in this country until September, 1896. At that time Dr. Halsted, of the New Jersey Experiment station, reported in that state. The asparagus rust is due to a para sitic fungus growth. It is a minute plant, deriving its substance from the sap of the asparagus plant. The reproductive bodies of this plant are called spores. There ate three forms of spores corresponding to the three stages of development in its life cycle. These forms are (he aecidlal or spring stage, uredo or summer stage, and the teleuto or winter stage. The last stage is the most conspicuous on the plant because of the darker color of the sporea. Plants affected with rust in the third stage have numerous dark colored pus tules or spots, of irregular shape, distrib uted over their stems and leaves. These pustules contain the winter spores. The spores are founo beneath the epidermis of the plant, and, as they develop, push it out and finally rupture It. With the rupturing of the epidermis the spores ate free to fall to the ground or to be blown about by the winds. Asa matter of fact, however, most of them adhere to the plant through the winter. Under suitable con ditions they germinate in the spring and infest the new plants, producing the aeoidial stage, thus the life cycle Is re newed once more. The injurious effect of the rust is not easily estimated. When severe it causes a premature ripening of the plants, and resuiting decrease of product the ensu ing year,* A continuance of the disease from year to year eventually ruins the plants. No satisfactory remedy has as yet been reported. Spraying the plants with Bordeaux has been attempted, but with little apparent success. Preventive meas ures alone seem to be our only resource. This consists in burning the stalks as scon as they mature. It is preferable to burn over the whole field rather than to cut and gather in piles, because fewer spores are distributed in the operation. The Plum Crop. The annual crop of plums would, ac cording to a s<atistician, be nearly dou ble the regular yield if it were not for the black knot. This disease seems to destroy fully as much as the trees suc ceed In ripening. The warfare against it in some orchards seems almost hopeless, and I have seen farmers fight it for a number of years, and then go through their orchards, cut down every plum tree, burn them up. and plant peach, apple or pear trees in their place. I am not sure but they did the best thing. They had demonstrated to their own satisfac tion their inability to raise plums and to fight off the worst disease that ever at tacked any fruir orchard. Yet it is pos sible to raise good plum trees, and to pro duce fruit that pays well. Where the black knot has become thoroughly estab lished it is not an easy matter to exter minate it. One must keep everlastingly fighting it, and when it seems under the best of control it breaks out with added virulence if the season happens to be very favorable to its grow-t!. The good, old-fashioned Lombard plum tree is particularly aggravating in the way ft gets attacked by the black knot, and It Is so susceptible to the disease that it is almost a hope’ess undertaking to carry an orchard of them through a serious attack. The Japanese varieties of plums are not so susceptible to the dis ease, and I have seen orchards almost re deemed from destruction by grafting these on infected trees after all parts of the latter touched by the fungus had been re moved. A good deal of damage to our plum trees Is done by not properly tliin ning out the fruit, and we thereby weaken the vitality of the trees. Nearly every thrifty plum tree will set two or three times as much fruit as rt can possibly mature, and if the full crop Is allowed to remain on the tree until late, the tree will suffer. The next season the tree I may develop unmistakable symptoms of ! Plum knot. The only way is to protect j the tree in good seasons as well as In I bad seasons, and then when the fungus j diseases are around they will be exemnt I from their attacks. A little prevention Is worth everything, and In the end will save much money. Someiimes when we have fought the plum knot valiantly, and have nearly succeeded In killing it. we spoil al! by a little greediness. An un j expected healthy condition of -the trees Is followed by a large fruit crop, and, thinking to make amends for the losses of the past few seasons, we permit too many plums to remain on the tree. The results are disastrous, and all of our good work Is spoiled. S. W. Chambers. Him to Make Sheep Pay. Sheep hove an advantage over most farm animals by virtue cf the marketable qualities of the carcass and wool, says the Western Agriculturist. When wool is in fair demand at reasonable prices It should pay for the keep of the sheep, with In terest on the Investment, and sometimes a little profit additional. If the wool will do this why should a farmer ask lor more? Sometimes the cry H°t Springs $ M you want Ret rid of money go some springs. Brafp- If you want to get rid of disease, Stay at home and take P. p. p. Llppmnn’s Great Remedy f or Rheumatism and all forms of Blood Poison ■jt-lsL* ing. Dyspepsia. Catarrh and Malaria. James Newton, Aberdeen, Ohio, says P. p. p, dld him moro E ood than three months treatment r at Hot Springs. Ark. „ W. T. Timmons, of Waxahatchle, Tex., says iiis rheumatism was so bad that he was confined i to his bed for months. Physicians advised Hot Springs, Ark., and Mineral Wells, Texas, at which y— - plates he spent seven weeks in vain, with knees so badly swollen that his tortures were beyond en -1 durance. P. P. P. made the cure, and proved It. I V JsSia seif, as ln thousands of other cases, the best blood purifier In the world, and superior to all Sarsa. ’ parillas and the so-called Rheumatic Springs. n. F. Ballantyne, of Ballantyne & HcDonough’i Iron Foundry, Savannah, Oa., says that he has suffered for years from Rheumatism, and could get no relief from any source but P. P. P., which RwMjfepßfii cured him entirely. He extols the properties of B&Tiiw p. p. P. on every occasion. mir mm p ‘ p ' ,s 50,41 by a>i dru ss ,sts * si JUIf bottle; six bottjes, Ss- LIPPMAN BROTHERS, Proprietors, Uppman Block. - SAVANNAH, Qii FIRE PROOF SAFES. We carry the only line of Fire Proof Safes that are for sale in the State. We have a stock of all sizes and a visit to our establishment is cordially invited. To be prepared in time of peace is our motto. Get a good Fire Proof Safe and you will never regret the invest ment. Do not buy a second-hand safe unless you know it has never been in a lire. We will sell you Iron Safes as low as the factory will, with freight added. LIPPMAN BROTHERS, Wholesale Druggists and Wholesale Agents Fire Proof Safes. is heard that wool does not pay. What is meant by this generally is that a cer tain good profit from the wool alone can not be made each year over and above expenses. Even if wool does not pay in this way, the sheep can be made to pay. If the wool will bring in enough to pay for the keep of the sheep and the inter est, look at the profits that should be made in many other ways. The lambs should then represent clear profit, and af ter the ewe has seen its best days of use fulness there is always a market for it. Here is another profit that is not common ly counted in, lor the cost of the ewe is figured up at so much a year, and the price received for it hardly seems to pay for the keeping. One must, in order to be fair -with the sheep, figure out the different profits from the wool, the lambs and the mutton. It is a poor year, indeed, when the wool can not be made to pay for the keep of the sheep, and with prices as they ore now it can be made to bring in a good deal more. One man. of course, makes more In this way than another, because he is able to study the economy of feeding better, and sometimes the conditions for raising food cheaply are in his favor. But no one who attempts to raise sheep for a living can afford to neglect intimate and constant study of this side of the question. The feeling that will keep the sheep in good condition and cost the least possible sum is what we are aiming at. The lambs should be made a regular part of the crop, almost as regular as the wool, and the lambs must be raised at the right season to bring the greatest profit. A good ewe that will drop a lamb regularly and rear it without trouble is a desirable animal. But there is always a tendency to keep good ewes that produce valuable wool and good lambs too long. Remember that the carcass of the ewe itself is a part of the business, and do not keep the animal so long that it will die on your hands or have no marketable value. It is better to raise a few crops of wool and lainbs from her and then send her to maiket. raiding mean, while a good lamb to take her place. In this way we keep up a constant change in the personnel of the flock and never hove any old creatures that have outlived their usefulness. E. P. Smith. I'enr llllght Pear orchards on the eastern shore and in Western Maryland that have been exam ined within the past few days show that in certain varieties such as Bartleits and EeContcs the blossoms and young fruit are practically all dead, says the Mary land Experiment Station. Keifers have suffered much less than some others, not even these when grow ing near other varie ties, that are more suspeciibie to blight are sometimes seriously affected. Since the blossoms dial have been attacked by blight are past recovery the important question is how can the trees themselves be slaved ? The organisms that have destroyed the blossoms are still alive and are working their way downward between the bark and the wood, and unless something is done promptly the lives of thousands of pear trees will be destroyed. Fortunately in most of the trees examined to-day the blight has extended but a little distance below* the point of attack. Hence, by re moving the fruit spurs a large majority of the organisms will be destroyed. In a short time the disease will extend down ward through the spurs into the branches and finally into the trunks of the trees which will eventually become girdled. The only known remedy for this disease consisted in cutting out and burn ing the diseased twigs and branches. If this is done promptly thousands of trees that would otherwise be destroyed by the blight may be saved, but every day re duces the chances of saving the trees. Care should be taken not to spread the disease by means of the knife, and each time after cutting a diseased branch, the instrument used should be dipped in a 5 per cent, solution of carbolic acid or the blade should be wiped with n cloth mois tened with <he solution. The prevalence of the blight this year nrlses from the fact that a number of blighted trees w’ere allowed 10 remain over winter, and to blossom this spring. it Is important, therefore, that we take warning from this experience and see to it that all blighted trees are freed from the blight before the next blossoming season arrives. It is a safe rule to cut whenever and v/herever the blight appears, but It Is especially Im portant that no cases be allowed to win ter over. In numerous Instances, -we have found that the cutting was not severe enough to remove all of the blight, and as a con sequence, the organisms have continued their work almost os rapidly as if no cut ting had been done, until the whole tree top was lifeless. The cur surface should be examined and unless they show per fectly healthy wood and bark, the saw’ or knife should be disinfected and the same branch cut again still low’er. It Is very important that a close watch be ker* upon the trees even after they have been care fully gone over, and should more of the blight appear, it should be promptly re moved. Considering the rapidity w ith which the blight has increased during the pas< tw’o seasons, it is evident that the most heroic efforts must be made to keep it in check or certain varieties of pears in this state will be doomed. If trees now standing are not worth the strug gle they should be dug up and burned at once. i Peanut Culture. The peanut culture has all along occu pied a very prominent place in Southern agriculture, and justly so, for it is one of the most satisfactory crops the Southern farmer can grow, soys the Florida Agri culturist. It is often used as a catch crop when the intended crop proved a failure. In this respect It fills a very val uable position in that it saves a season crop. It can be planted the last of all our ordinary crops and give a good account of itself at harvest time. It can be planted in the water furrow of the corn crop at the last plow’ing. and in some cases give a better yield than the corn crop docs. In cases of this kind, either as a catch ciop or as a supplementary crop, care must be exercised that it is well and properly fer tilized to give profitable results. Where cals and wheat have been grown and the stubble well plowed binder, it gives the most satisfaction in my expe rience. Something in the stubble of these grains contains a stimulant for pen nuts. After the land is well plowed a suitable grade of fertilizer should be applied broadcast and well worked into the soil. The quality of the fertilizer used has more to do with the making and massing of (he peanut than any other crop that I know of. A fertilizer containing more than 2 per cent, nitrogen should never be used on peanuts, because it stimulates too much vine growth and will yield more pops than nuts, and the plant being an air feeder naturally it gets about all the nitrogen required from the atmosphere. The proper analysis of a fertilizer for this crop should be about 10 per cent. iota?h and 8 per cent, phosphoric acid, from 800 to 1,000 pound* per acre of this, worked into the soil a few weeks before planting time, will give very satisfactory results. At planting, furrows should be laid off about three feet apart with * small scooter plow and a couple of nuts dropped in this furrow’ every eighteen inches or so and covered by means of a board in the scooter stock. If the soil is moist and worm, a very slight cover ing is sufficient for germination, hut if the soil is dry, even if worm, they don't germinate very readily; therefore in the case of dry w’cather when planting they should be covered a little deeper than is necessary if w r eather is moist. A great mnny of our farmers never plant thi* ciop until near midsummer, when tho conditions are the most favorable for speedy germination. They claim, and truthfully so. that they make a more satisfactory crop then than by planting in early May, aa some recommend doing. During the earlier stages of the crop* growth the ground must be kept con stantly stirred and all weeds and gras# kept from making any headway. After the crop gets well under way, however. It can generally take enre of itself very well. Four or five workings being -*' l that is necessary, everything of courts depending on the season and amount and frequency of rains. In our gulf country the variety most ir favor of this crop is the Bed Spanish; t hey grow in a very compact bunch that are early harvested, while the old whit® variety, even if they are supposed *o yield a few more bushels per acre, get* scattered all through the soil and 1® difficult to harvest clean by hand. *■ r course, where the crop Is grown for hog feed, the white variety is certainly the best, as tfie hogs will find them however much scattered. In conclusion, T would urge upon oil the farmers of the South to grow as many peanuts os possible, for there is more money in peanuts than there is in eight-cent cotton—a fact which some of your readers may doubt, but it is a certain fact all the same. \otloe. We solicit articles for this department. The name of the writer should pany the letter or arttcl®, not necesearlif for publication, but as an evidence good faith. Questions and communications reUtiva to agricultural and horticultural subjec _ If addressed to Agrl. Editor, Drawer * • MiHedgevllle, Qa.. will receive Immediate attention. • For Over fifty Tears. Mrs. Winslow's Boolhing Syrup has been used for children teething. It sooths* the child, softens the gums, allays all P 9 '™ cures wind colic, and 1 the best rerneoy for Diarrhoea. Twenty-flve cents a botn* —ad.