The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, July 31, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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10 WILL HAVE DEEPER WATER. JtfAYOn HERMAN MYERS WAS SO IN FORMED IX WASHINGTON. j|’inltfd tbr EnjrineerinK DfpaTlJßfnt With Col. Lfi<*r-The fipntlfmfn Were Told Thnt a Survey lv Now Being Made That Will Lead to Deeper Water in the Harbor and Over the nnr—'Thi* Survey Conaein platea the Abandonment of the Old Channel for the New—Advamtiwrea That Would Be Offered by Ihe Change—No Military Department for the South. Deeper water in Savannah s harbor and over ihe bar is regarded by Mayor Myers As e certainty. He believes the survey now being made will lead to this. The be lief was induced by information he re ceived when he called upon the engineer ing department in Washington. The Mayor is now in New York, from •which place he has written of his visit to the engineering department. He was told that the survey which is to be followed iby deeper water, both in the harbor and over the bar, is now' in progress. Col. H. E. Lester accompanied him when he paid his call. Inquiries were made in Savannah when At was ascertained that the Mayor had written regarding the harbor improve ments. It was developed that the survey is being made with the possible view of aban doning the present route from the city lo AMI, using, instead, the south channel. The engineer’s office has directed the purvey for some time. It is probable that it will soon be finished. From the data gathered, a report will be made. This report may or may not be a recom mendation that the south channel be dredged out, and used instead of the north channel. From the positive statement made by the Mayor, it is presumed th;it the department at Washington is strong ly of the belief that the recommendation for the south channel will be made. Two or three marked advantages lor the south channel are enumerated. One of ihe chief is that it is two and a half miles shorter than the present route. It is also considerably straighter, and, therefore, •aßier to navigate. It is said the cost of dredging the south channel from the point where it diverges from the north will be comparatively small. Within the last few years the ex pense of dredging has decreased greatly, owing to the improved processes that have been developed. The suction dredges can remove the dirt far more rapidly and with Jess cost. The necessity for lighters has been removed, sb the dirt is conveyed by Iron pipes to the banks where it is to be dumped. This filling up of the banks on either Bide of the south channel would add to the depth of the stream, for the spread of the water inio the marshes would be pre vented. confining the same quantity to a smaller surface and, thereby, increasing the depth. By the system of emptying the dredgings upon the hanks as the work progresses, this greater depth could be Accomplished. While no authoritative figures could be secured, It Is claimed that the cost of dredging the south channel to a depth of 28 feet would not be more than two jeans' outlay in keeping the channel of the north river cleared. The claim i9 made that the south channel would not fill as rapidly as the north, while It is further declared that It would not be nec essary to establish Jetties. The engineer ing difficulties of the south channel ate hot regarded as nearly eo difficult as those of the nor tit The cost of changing the harbor lights is regarded as Inconsequent. They could *e removed from the north to the south channel, to indicate the course, for a few hundreds of dollars. Citizens are greatly Interested in the scheme for deeper wa iter. and It is hoped that the Mayor’s be lief that it Is In proepect may prove cor rect. Mayor Myers also visited the war de partment, calling upon Secretary Root and Adjutant General Corbin. He was assured that all thought of re-establlsh- Ipg n military department jn the South has been abandoned. Indeed. Mr. Myers wrote it never received any great at tention. MRS. F. V. PETERSON 1)1. tit. Death Came Suddenly After a Long lllnesM. Mrs. F. V. Peterson died last night at about 8:30 o'clock at her home, No. 109 Bolton street, west. She had been ill for a long while, but no severe seizure came until yesterday. She rapidly grew worse, and soon It was seen that the Ill ness was likely to prove fatal. Mr. Peterson was not In the city. He had gone North on business connected With the Seaboard Air Line, for which he is traveling passenger agent. A tele gram reached him, and he will arrive In the city at an early hour this morning. Mrs. Peterson came to Savannah with Mr. Peterson four or five years ago. She lived in Omaha, Neb., before her mar riage. During her stay In Savannah she made many friends, to whom the news of her death will be a shock. To Mr. Peterson his many friends will extend their sympathy in his bereavement. No arrangements for the funeral have yet been made. The announcement of the hour of services will be made later. IN THE FLORIDA CAMPAIGN. Mr. dulllgnon Has Reen Invited to Speak by the Chutmnnn. Hon. Fleming G. dußJgnon will take the stump In Florida In the coming political campaign- He was Invited to do so by Chairman Clark of the Florida Demo cratic Grate Committee and has accepted. It Is not known where he will speak, but Chairman Clark requested that he make it Jacksonville. (lalnesvllle, Ocala or Tampa. The chairman will be glad to have the celebrated Georgia speaker ad dress audiences upon Democratic orlnet plfß at any or all of the places m'ntlontd. Mr. dußtgnon’s health is improving steadily. His law partner, Mr. W. B. Stephens. after communicating with him, advised Mr. Clark of Mr. dußignon’s ac ceptance of the Invitation to* speak. It is probable that Mr. dußlgnon will go to Florida during October. RECOVERED FILL AMOUNT. Ilourke A Mitchell Hasp n Verdict Against Paving Company. Mitchell & Rourke recovered a verdict for $420.60. the full amount sued for, against the Southern Asphalt Paving Company, in the City Court yesterday. The case was placed on trial last Friday and the introduction of the final evidence and the arguments then postponed until yesterday. Mr. W. W. Osborne argued the case for the plaintiffs and Mr. W. R. Leakey for the defendant. The suit was brought to recover payment for a quantity of brick and stone sold by the plaintiffs to the de fendant. They were unable to agree as to how much of the brick and stone had actually been delivered and the suit was the result. Wine! Drink Cook* Extra Dry Cham pagne. Pune Juice naturally fermented. Forty years’ record. Try it.—ad. DR. J. L. SMITH'S CASE. If Reward Is Offered One Man Says He Will Produce the Assailants. There is yet no definite solution of the mysterious assault upon Dr. J. L. Smith, ix>r yet any new theory as far as the police are concerned-, that is likely to lead to an unravelling of the case. There is a possibility, however, that there may be developments to-day. A man, who recently came here from At lanta. and who is at present at work here, said yesterday that he was in possession of the faots in the case, and that if Dr. Srniih would offer a reasonable reward, •he would put him in poescssion of the nr.nies of the men who made the assault, and auefi further information concerning them, as will lead to their arrest if he so deslrc9. The penson, who made this statement has not conferred with the police, nor had he, up to a late hour last night, ap proached Dr. Smith with any proposi tion. < Dr. Smith was still confined to his bed yesterday, but thinks it possible that he may lie sufficiently recovered to-day to go to his home on Liberty street, where the assault took place. His brother of Atlanta js here visiting him, and possi bly may remain for some days, in the effort to ferret out the persons who were guilty of the assault. NO CHEC KS FOR NAMES. Snvnnnali Enunierntorn Have Not Been Paid for W ork. No checks from the government for their services in taking the census have yet been received by the enumerators in this district. It is not known why the delay has occurred, but it Is not confined only to the enumerators of the Savannah district, as complaints have come from others. -In the Macon district there have been no checks as yet, and there, too, the enumerators are wondering about the de lay. None of the schedules sent on from Sa vannah have been returned to Supervisor Henry Blun, Jr., for correction or revis ion. Save for the schedules from a few of the outlying districts of Chatham, all from the county have been forwarded. Capt. Blun regards It a rather a distinc tion that there have been none returned. It is expected the schedules from the out lying districts will soon be forwarded. Capt. Blun says work on them was de layed by reason of the fact that he ex p ndfd mor>‘ time than he had antici pated upon ihe Savannah schedule's, be ing anxious to get them as nearly cor rect as possible. It is not known how r much the enumer ators will receive for their services. They arc paid by the number of names they secure, hut the rate at which they are paid is not given out. Neither the super visor nor the enumerators are allowed to divulge this rate. The Chattanooga enumerators have been paid. The Chattanooga News of recent date had the following about the receipt of checks: Several of the Chattanooga census enu merators have received their checks from Washington. The amounts run from SSO to SI,OOO according to the territory of the enumerators. This quick return of the checks is indicative of thorough organiza tion of the census bureau in Washington, as the enumerators here ten years ago did not receive their checks until long after September following the taking of the census. Some of the enumerators this year will be delayed in their payment owing to the fa<-‘t that reports were referred back to them for correction, and for other causes, but all will have been paid off early in next month. FOR INDIA'S STARVING PEOPLE. Southern Rank Fund Increased Oyer *WO. The fund for the India famine sufferers, being raised through the Southern Bank, has Increased over SIOO since the list of coittrltiiitors was announced In the Morn lrg Ntws several days ago. The extent of the famine and the terrible destitution of the people in the famine stricken terri tory of India is appalling. In a letter to Vice President Crane of the Southern Bank, Sir. I*. T. Chamber lain, chairman of the executive commit tee on India famine relief, points to the situation of the people. Thousands of or phaned children are starving and millions of people aTe without the barest necessi ties of life. Many people when appealed to in behalf of the sufferers refuse to give because they believe it is the duty of the British government to eare for these ppo ple. The British government, Mr. Cham berlain says, has already expended more than fifty millions of dollars, to which must be added many millions of private charity contributed by Great Britain and her colonise and the splendid gifts of America and other coun tries. Over 6,000,000 of people, 1,500,000 being children, are receiving government aid daily. The aged, the young and th* infirm are fed gratuitously. The able bodied are employed at cash wages build ing reservoirs and irrigation works, dig ging wells and building roads. While the suffering has been relieved somewhat by the rains that have fallen in ports of India, they are insufficient to aid the formers, and no harvest can be gathered before October. Until then the distress and mortality from hunger must Increase. The number of people now re ceiving official relief is 6,281,000. The wasted, unfortunate peasant farmers are without seed, and 12 or 13 per farmer meons a harvest and competency in the fall. HE ATEN BEC AUSE A COUNTRYM AN. John Tnnner Rrntnlly \**nnlted hy Three Yonngstera. John Tanner, n young white man, waa assaulted and brutally beaten last night at Liberty and Lincoln streets by three white t>oys whom, he says are Chnndos Holt, Mike Sola and Tom Mallea. Tanner has but recently come to Savan nah from the country, and this according to his story, the boys who beat him, made him. from their viewpoint, the legitimate butt of offensive ridicule and scurrilous Jests until he was goaded Into replying, and then they set upon him with sticks and beat him most unmercifully. He re ceived a welt on the cheek that swelled It to almost twice Its normal size, and also a cut across the forward part of his skull that bled most profusely, together with many other bruises. Persons who were at the scene say that but for the timely Interference of some of the by standers Tanner would have been sert ouefy hurt If not killed outright. When the police arrived all of the as sailants had escaped, but they are known, and will be arrested probably by this morning. Tanner was taken to the barracks, where his wounds were dressed b>- Dr. M. H. Levi, sfter which he went home. To-niglit, To-night at Irle of Hope. Mr. Charles Marks shows himself to his gentleman friends. A $6 pair of shoes will be donated to Barbee & Bandy's guessing cpnteet. A hot supper and • good time, as usual. Go out.—ad, THE MORNING NEWS: TUESDAY, JULY 31, 1900. SEVENTEEN HUNDRED CARS FILL CARS OF PEACHES HANDLED BY GEORGIA HOADS. With Penehei Already Shipped and to Be Shipped ly Express and With the Five or Six Cara That Are Be ing Shipped Daily Now by Freight, the Georgia Crop Is Likely to Ileaeh 2,000 Cara—Even This \nin ker la Mneh Leas Than AVaa Pre dicted—Handsome Photographs of Seenea In Peach Sections in Poaaea aion of the Central. ITp to the present about 1,700 ’cam of peaches have been handled by the three systems of railways entering Savannah, the Central, the Plant System and the Seaboard Air Line. Of the cars handled 1,420 are to the credit of the Central, along whose lines are situated the big orchards of the state. Only the Centra* has yet compiled ac curate statistics of the number of cars of peaches it had handled. Up to Saturday night the number of cars shipped by it amounted to 1,420, the officials of the Plant System estimate the shipments over its lines at between 150 and 200 cars, while the Seaboard people say they have han dled about 110 cars. This would make a tota lof about 1,700 cars, or postlbly a slightly larger number, that have been handled by Georgia lines since the season began. President Egan, of the Central, said yesterday that n few cars of peaches, possibly five or six. are being shipped over the Central every day. The estimate al ready given does not cover the very large shipments that were made by ex press during the early part of the season, and it :s probable that from all sources the Georgia crop will have reached 2,000 cars by the time the last carrier leaves the state. There is a considerable proportion of the North Geor gia crop still to be shipped, and with the shipment of small quantities of the fruit from the orchards in the central and southern sections of the state, added to the. shipments already made by freight and express, it is believed that the esti mate of 2,000 cars is not exaggerated. This, however, is considerably less than was anticipated and predicted during the early spring, 'before the peaches had reached their maturity. Then it was con fidently stated that the Central alone would handle 2,500 cars, and it was ex pected tha< the shipments over the other lines would be proportionately large. The incessant rains that followed the predic tions. with their resultant fruit pests and evils, are responsible for the falling off in the extent of the crop. President Egan has had taken, for use in some of the Central’s publications, a series of handsome and accurate photo graphs, representing the peach industry at every stage. Including the fruit on the trees, the method of gathering it, the packers at work preparing it for ship ment and the carriers of peaches in the cars, ready for transportation to the markets of the North and East. The photographs include also a number of scenes from the peach sections, repre senting the larger orchards.• with the4r packing houses, canning factories and other appliances to make the crop profit able, even under circumstances that might seem unfavorable. The photo graphs will be used in some of the many handsome publications issued by the Cen tral and distributed for the purpose of advertising fruit growing in this state. The Elbertas have about vanished from the Georgia orchards, but other varieties are on the trees and will he shipped in sufficient quantities to supply the home markets for a month or more to come. While few of these fate peaches ore os handsome as the Elbertas. -they are yet qf a doliciousness that fully equals that of the more brilliantly colored fruit and are fully capable of gratifying the epi cure’s sense of taste, even though they do not fully satisfy his sense of the beauti ful. RANK OF FIELD OFFICERS. Generol Order* Issued From Atlnnta Indicate It. General orders have been issued from the adjutant general's office in Atlanta, announcing the appointment and qualifica tion of field officers of Infantry, cavalry and the naval militia. The orders show the relative rank of all the field officers in the state. It is believed that orders will be Issued at a later date, showing the relative rank of the line officers in the service. That of tfce field officers, which is as follows, will be of interest to military men: Colonels—Thomason, R. U., Third In fantry, rank from Aug. 29, 1894, Madison; Lawton, A. R.. First Infantry, rank from April 4, 1896. Savannah; Wooten, W. E., Fourth Infantry, rank from Dec. 15. 1898, Albany; Huguenin, E. D.. Second Infan try, rank from Feb. 1, 1900, Macon: Wood ward, Park. Fifth Infantry, rank from Feb. 1. 1900, Atlanta; Meldrtm, P. W., Fliet Cavalry, rank from E'eb. 1, 1900, Sa vannah. Lieutenant-Colonels—Hopkins, T. N.. Fourth Infantry, rank from Feb. 1, 1894, Thomasville; Aiken. F. D., Commissary Naval Battalion, rank from April 12, 1898, Brunswick; Wyll.v, Thos. S., Firs 4 Infan try, rank from Feb. 1, 1900, Savannah; Gordon, Belrno, First Cavalry, rank from Feb. 1, 1900, Savannah; Adams, W. 8., Third Infantry, from Feb. 1, 1900, Elherton; Burr, A. J., Second Infantry, rank from Fob. 1, 1900, Griffin. Majors—Broughton. C. E., liefitenant commander Naval Battalion, rank from April 12. 1898, Savannah; Nash, J. V. H., Jr.. Fifth Infantry, rank from Nov. 5, 1898, Atlanta; O'Brien, T.. Fourth Infan try, rank from March 24, 1899, Way cross; Screven, Thos., Firs* Infantry, rank from Feb. 1, 1900, Savannah; Patton, W. A., Fifth Infantry, rank from Feb. 1, 1900. Rome; Irwin, J. R., Third Infantry, rank from Feb. 1. 1900, Conyers; Sinclair, B. TANARUS., First Cavalry, rank from Feb. 1, 1900, Darien; Dozier, J. S., First Cavalry, rank from Feb. 1, 1900, Atlanta; Waite, W. P., First Cavalry, rank from Feb. 1. 1900, Dorchester; Dart, R. E., First Infantry, rank from Feb. 1, 1900. Brunswick; Bar ker, W. W., Fifth Infantry, rank from Feb. 1, 1900. Atlanta: Adams. J. W., Sec ond Infantry, rank from Feb. 1, 19)81, Hawkinsvllle; Wylly, R. L., Fourth In fantry, rank from Feb. 1, 1900, Thomas ville; King, A. L., Third Infantry, rank from Feb. 1, 1900, Washington; Grayson, W. L., First Infantry, rank from Feb. 1, 1900, Savannah; Fletcher, H. M., Sec ond Infantry, rank from Feb. t, 1900, Barnesvllle; Teague, N. 0.. Third Infant try, rank from E’eb. 1, 1900, Augusta; Snowden, George L., Second Infantry, rank from Feb. 1, 1900, Macon; Little, John D.. E’ourth Infantry, rank from April 2, 1900, Columbus. FUNERAL OF THOMAS BRENNAN. Tilt* Service* From Hl* Late Resi dence on Price Strt-el, The funeral of Mr. Thomas Brennan took place yesterday morning at 10 o'clock from his late home No. 5,16 price street. The services were conducted by Rev. Father Hennessey. The burial was made at the Cathedral, Cemetery. The pall-bearers were Messrs. Wm. Ro nan, Thomas Sweeny, Joseph Ferllnskl, Barney Goode, B. Brown, and Joseph Harty. Mr, Brennan died early Sunday morn ing from an attack of pneumonia with which he had suffered about three weeks. He leaves a wife and three children, St ES FOR ALLEGED ASSAULT. L. S. Read Claims to Have Been Beaten by a Motorman. The caee of L. S. Read, colored, against Herman J. H. Fall, was placed on trial in the City Court yesterday, and | a considerable portion of the evidence was given to the Jury. The defendants were j tlie owners of the old Electric Railway Company of Savannah, at the time of i the occurrence upon which the claim for damages is based. Read sues for $2,500 for injuries alleged to have been inflicted upon him by the | motorman of a car, upon which he was riding on May 28. 1897. Ha charges in his petition that the motorman committed an assault upon him with the controller, by which the speed of the car is regu lated, at the corner of Gaston and Price streets. This assault, the plaintiff says, was without provocation given on his part, and inspired solely by the motor man’s malice. He further charges that when he went to the transfer office of the company, at the corner of Price and Bolton streers, for the purpose of complaining to the superintendent of the company of the manner in which he had been treated by itr mploye, he was again 6et upon by the motorman. again without provocation, and given another beating with the con troller. Read testified to this alleged -tate of facts in the trial of the case yes terday. His evidence was rebutted by the intro duction of the interrogatories of the mo torman by whom the. assault is alleged to have been committed, W. L. Lipford, who now resides out of the county. Lipford, in his interrogatories, says that Read be esame exceedingly noisy, insolent and of fensive, whe nthe car would not slop for him on the south side of Gaston street, but, under instructions, was moved across the street. The motorman ejected Read from the car. hut uged no weapon and no further violence than was necessary to accomplish this purpose. The trouble at the transfer station oc curred after the motorman was off duty. The negro appeared on the scene and be gan his complaint with an oath, directed toward Lipford, who chanced to be within hearing distance. He says he walked up to the negro, there was a word or two and then he threw Read out into the street and beat him, but used no weapon other than his hands. He admits that the threshing that Read received was a good one. There is quite a good deal of other evi dence that will he submitted when court convenes to-day. The plaintiff Is repre sented in the trial of the case by Messrs. Garrard A Meldrim a fid the defendants by Messrs. Osborne & Lawrence. WILL PLAY FOR SI,OOO. Brnnswlrk and Jacksonville Ball Tennis Here Thlv Week. The Brunswick and the Jacksonville baseball teams will play a series of three games here Thursday, Friday, and Sat urday for a forfeit of SI,OOO. This is the information contained in a letter from Manager Henry Hirsch of the Brunswick team received yesterday by Mr. Dan J. Charlton. By this arrangement Savannahians are assured of some good ball playing as aside from the size of the stake, sufficient to put even some of the big teams on their mettle, the rivalry that has existed be tween the two nines since the beginning of the season will make them play the best ball of which they are capable. That Brunswick can play ball was shown In her recent work here and an equally gooo guarantee of Jacksonville’s ability is found in the fact that on her own grounds, in a series with Brunswick earlier in the. sea son, she made it three straights. That Brunswick duplicated this performance on her own* grounds shows that the teams are so nearly equal that, barring accidents and bad weather, good games are assured. As Manager Hirsch stated when he was in Savannah last week, he prefers to play on the Savannah grounds, both because he wants a neutral ground on which to play these games and because he knows Savannah to be a good baseball city and willing to patronize any clean and clever game. In the recent games the players, partic ularly the outfield, were considerably hampered by the state of the grounds, the long weeds and one or two drainage ditches being responsible for more runs than looked well in the totals. But for the coming series all this will he reme died. The weeds and grass will be cut, the ditches filled and such other im provements as may be found necessary or convenient made. Both Jacksonville and Brunswick are loyal supporters of their respective teams, and as Mr. Hirsch has made arrange ments wifh the railroads to run excursions form both places for this series, there is no doubt that many of the home rooters, will, be on hand to cheer on their favor ites. WILL LET EMPLOYES GO. Many In the Plant System Shop* Ex pect to Be Laid Off To-day. Shop employes of the Plant System are In fear and trepidation to-day. They be lieve that half their number will be laid off, and but few feel certain that they are not among those whose heads are to fall. Until the announcement is made ae to who is to go and who Is to stay, the uncertainty will not be relieved. It is said the force employed in the shops is to he cut down to-day. The offi cials have decided upon this step as a measure of economy. The shops have been running on short time, but one of the men declared last night that this de creased time for working has not accom plished Just what has been sought and that a large number of the employes will be laid ofT. The Health Problem Is muclT simpler than Is sometimes sup posed. Health depends chiefly upon per fect digestion and pure blood, and the problem Is solved very readily by Hood's Sarsaparilla. You may keep well by tak ing it promptly for any stomach or blood disorder. Its cures of scrofula, salt rheum, catarrh, dyspepsia, rheumatism and other diseases are numbered by the thous ands. The favorite family cathartic Is Hood'# Pills.—ad. SCHOLAR Sill ll* FOR THE "TErH." Air. Aaron French'* Gift of S,VH) to Be Complete*! for September 26. This opportunity Is before the young men not only of Georgia, but other states. The enviable position which the School of Technology has taken among the best technical schools of the country and the present great Industrial advance of the South, make the above a prize worthy of the best efforts of all young men eligible for the competition. The school offers degrees in mechanical, electrical, civil and textile engineering, and Its equipment of these deportments is unsurpassed. Its reputation has been made on thorough ness of Instruction of Its graduates. Grad uates of literary colleges are urged to ex. amine the special course offered. A course at the school Is a necessity to any man, no matter what profession he may Intend to follow. Full particulars and Illustrat ed catalogues may be had by addressing Lyman Hall, president, Atlanta, Ga.—ad. For Blnffton. The steamer Alpha will make an excur sion to Bluffton to-morrow, leaving the g:lty at 9a. m. The fare for the round trip Is only 50 cents. The steamer will re turn early In the evening. TREES SHOULD BE PLANTED. SHADELESS STRETCHES ALONG MANY SIDEWALKS. Both the Bennty auil Shade of Tree* Are Mlsseil—Park and Tree Com mission Has no Authority to Set Out Trees nnd Charge a Property Owner, Nolens Yolons, for the Coat. Mr. S. E. The us Says Ihe Commis sion Is Ready to Do This W hen the Property Owners Desire. Before many of the most pretentious homes in the ihost beautiful sections of the city there are wide spaces that are to tally devoid of trees. In some localities these bare places extend the width of sev eral house*, thereby detracting from the general appearance of the neighborhood and showing plainly to the eye that something is lacking. In summer heat, too. sight is not the only sense to which the omission is clear, for the shade that might be enjoyed if trees were where they should be is missed. For a long while it has been remarked that new trees are not set out to any appreciable extent before the homes of Savannah’s citizens. Residents who own their homes are likely to seek to beautify them, but it is observed, on the other hand, that prop erty-owners who lease their houses to others do not seem to care whether or not they have rows of trees before them. Tree planting is not so attractive to some Savannahians as many others believe it should be. The Park and Tree Com mission, a public board, looks after the beautifying of public places, but it leaves arboral improvements of their homes and the houses they let to tenants to property owners themselves, though, greatly as the members of the commission regret it, the trust is not fulfilled: as creditably us it should be. Chairman Daffin of the Park and Tree Commission is in New York. Mr. S. E. Theus, a member of the commission, was asked yesterday if it has authority to peremptorily plant a tree along the side walk before a property owner’s premises and charge him with the cost. His reply was in the negative. Mr. Theus said it has been The custom of the commission for some time to fur nish any sort of tree indigenous to this section that may be desired by a prop erty owner; also setting it out for him at the actual cost to the commission. This cost, ordinarily, is about $1.75 per tree. It varies according to the species of tree desired. The trees are secured from forests near Savannah. It has been found that trips must be more lengthly Phan formerly in order to get the trees. They are paid for by the commission, which makes an agreement with the owners of the lands from which they are taken. To the cost of the tree must be added the cost of digging it up, transporting it to the city on the special truck built for the pur pose and the transplanting. The depletion of the forests near the city has made it necessary for the driver to go seven or eight miles into the coun try before he can secure the trees. For certain species the trip is often longer. Some kinds of trees are becoming rather scarce, and distant forests have to he sought to obtain Them. Mr. Theus said the commission has a perfect right, that being its especial prov ince, to plant trees in the public squares, parks and in the plots that run along the center of some of the streets. But there its power ends. # If it had money enough it could plant trees along the sidewalks, 00, but that is now regarded as a prerog ative of the property owners. If they do not care to have it done, there is no way to force them to it. For some reason the trees in Savannah are not nearly so thrifty as they were some years ago. Those who seek the cause are at fault. Some claim the growth of the trees is interfered with and that the death of many result from the drainage system, which takes away a great deal of the surface water that for merly went to the nourishment of the trees. Others believe the death of many of the great oaks and other trees has been due to the storms that shook them so vi olently as to loose the bark from the trunk. Whatever the cause,* the fact remains that the trees do not show op as well, and Mr. Theus Insists that the beauty of t' n e city demands that they be supplanted by others. When one die?, its place should te taken by a young one, which, in time, may attain the same noble proportions as that which it succeeds. In no other way than by tree-planting, and that by the citizens, can Savannah hope to retain its title as the Forest City or the beauty that has been an accompaniment of the phrase. Col. George A. Mercer, a former mem ber of the Commission, was asked about the r'ght to plant and farce the property owners to pay for them. He re tailed that no such right existed. Proper ty owners, he said, may be assessed for their pro rata of a street pavement, but that is a matter of public convenience. An assessment for tree-planting wou'd not stand the test of law, however, and the Commission cannot resort to that means to secure the co-operation of citi zens in tKe beautifying of the city who will not vouchsafe it without such severe measures. Col. Mercer, too, would be glad to pee the citizens manifest a more general in terest in the matter. Handsome shade trees are a mark of beauty to any city, and the resident sections, especially, should not be despoiled of them through the mere failure of property ow ners whose housefronts are bare of any shade to in vest a very few dollars. Oglethorpe avenue and liberty streets, having the grass plots running their en tire length, with double rows of trees, have more trees than any other streets In the city. It has been noted, however, that many of the trees on these streets are dead. Some of the dead ones stand in the grass plots, while others are along the sidewalks. The Park and Tree Commis sion Is removing the dead trees wher ever they are found. Last fall a count of the dead trees In the city was made, and 1,200 were found. Many have been re moved since that time, and the work con tinues. Citizens, Mr. Theus holds, should help in this work. Where dead trees stand in front of their property, they should, with the eonsent of the commission, be re moved, and new ones should be planted In their places. Both Oglethorpe avenue and Liberty street could be greatly Im proved by this means. Capt. D. G. rurse is a resident of Lib erty street, and, before his home, stand several very handsome shade trees. Capt. Purse was asked whether he thought cit izens should plant trees before their property. His reply Vas to call atten tion to the fact that he himself had planted the trees before his home. That, he thought, was sufficient to Indicate hte views upon the question. He contin ued by saying that everything should lie done by every citizen to odd to the repu tation and prosperity of his town. Even If he should not go beyond It, he can at least aid In the beautifying of the very small portion of the town that he makes his home, planting trees before It that will, in time, odd to the attractions and Impress them upon home people as well as visitors. Capt. Purse said hs doss not bslisvs that an ordinance conld be legally passed to force property owners to plant trees. That is a matter of Individual liberty. The Park and Tree Commission, he says, may plant all the trees It may see fit, but It cannot call upon property owners, whoae place* ore Improved for the cost. The season of tree-planting la drawing near, and those who believe that the gen tlemen mentioned above are correct In their views should utilize the fall for putting out many tree# The Salt that Never Sticks FAVORITE Table Salt Bold In air tight boxes by all grocer*. Five and ten cent sizes. DIAMOND CRYSTAL SALT CO., St. Clair, Mich. HENRY SOLOMON * SON, Sole Distributing Agents. ——l .i eg—a POLITICAL, CUBS CROSS BATS. Forest City* nnd Southsldera to Play nt Auk. It. What promises to be a decidedly inter esting game of baseball will probably be played at Tybee. Aug. 9. The Fores* Cby Independent Club, a political organization that was born of the throes of the last political campaign, will give a picnic, and will take to the island a baseball team composed of Ihe members of the club. The Soulhslde Club, another political club, has a ball team also, and it Is be tween these two teams that the game will be played. The Southsiders are so confident of their ability to "do” the Forest City aggrega tion “good and plenty,” that they have already deposited with Alderman James M. Dixon SIOO. The other side they ex pect to come up with a like sum, and the winners of the game will get the whole amount. The Southside Club is captained by Mr. J R. Creamer. Its battery will consist of Mr. C. C. Hill, keeper of Laurel Grove Cemetery, and Mr. Henry Garwes, of the dry culture department. The battery for the Forest City Club has not yet been given out. Alderman John Schwarz has been asked to be um pire. MULL OCT FOR JUSTICE. lie Will Try to Ileat Justice Nathan* in tlie Second District. Mr. Lacey D. Mell is a candidate for Justice of peace in the Second district. He will run against Justice Isaac Nath ans, the present incumbent. It is said Mr. Mell has the support of Mr. J. S. Collins, who is anxious to pay off scores because of the active support Justice Na thans Is said to have accorded Clerk of the City Court Waring Russell, Jr., in his race against Mr. Collins. Messrs. Frank Van Giesen and Charles Collman are mentioned as candidates also, but both, when questioned, have denied that they are after the place. The latter was formerly incumbent of the position. NO PRESS PEACHES YET. The Later A'HrSetie* Will Soon Pnt In nn Appearance. Press peaches have hot yet appeared in the Savnnah market in any quantity. They will come on later. Press, or cling stone, peaches are so named because of the meat sticking close to the seed, while the clear seed, of which the Elbertas and other w’ell known varieties are examples, break open readily between the fingers when pressure Is exerted. Many regard the press peaches, especially the variety of the old White English peach, as su perior to the Elbertas for eating. One of the produce men said yesterday that many peaches were received In Sa vannah yesterday, but that their quality was not of the best. Many of them were watery and had partially spoiled. The best were sold at $1.25 per carrier. YOUR DAUGHTER'S EDUCATION. How a Good Education Will Help Her in Life. The time has come when it is necessary to educate your daugh'c in order to in sure her any standing in polite society. This being true, the question natura'ly arises as to where would be the best and cheapest place to educate her? Scores of parents who have had this same ques tion to solve say that Brenau College, fotmerly Georgia Fetra'e Seminary, at Gainesville, Ga.,*ls incomparably the be3t. Brenau's solution consists of a well equipped college, with a faculty of the highest s.anding. E'or handsome cata logue address Breuau, Gainesville, Ga. —ad. A Receiving Teller. A receiving teller at a good bank eaid that he was about to get sick. He fell tired all time; sleep did not refresh him; felt as If he ought to take vacation. A pharmacist put him on Graybeard and two bottles completely overhauled him and made him about as good as new. Get Graybeard at all drug stores. Gray beard pills are treasures—2se the box. Respese Drug Cos.. Proprietors,—ad. Cider. We have a nice line of cider in bottles, pure and genuine, from the celebrated establishment of Molt & Cos., of New York. The Russei Cider and the Crab Apple Cider are very good. Llppman Bros., cor ner Congress and Barnard streets. Sa vannah, Ga—ad. First. If well, keep well by taking Johnson’s Tonic. If sick, get well by tak ing Johnson's Tonic. Second. Wise men Insure their lives; wiser men insure their health by using Johnson's Tonic 1 . Third. Johnson's Tonic Is a family physician, ready to answer ten thousand calls at once. Its fee is only 50 c*ents and the good It does Is beyond human reckon ing. E'ourth. Johnson's Tonic costs 60 cents a bottle if it cures. Not a single cent If it does not.—ad. To Brunswick and Return, gl.oo Via the Plant System, Sunday*. In addition to the Charleaton Sunday excursions, the Plant System are selling round-trip tickets to Brunswick, good on Sundays only, at rate of SI.OO for the round trip. Trains leave at 2:10 a. m. and 5:20 a. m.—ad. Before You Travel 4 North or West, address the undersigned for lowest rates to all points via Balti more and Ohio Railroad (Royal Blue Line), finest, fastest and safest trains in the world. Arthur G. Lewis, S. P. A., Bal timore and Ohio Railroad. (Under At lantic Hotel.) Norfolk, Vo.—ad. ■rotch and Irish Whlaklee. Th* finest Imported from Scotland and Ireland are to be had from Llppman Brothers. They ara Imported by that firm In bottles from tne distilleries In Scotland and Ireland. And if you want the cele brated Ola Highland Scotch whiskey, or the Wheeler Irish whiskey, call on Llpp man Brothers tor it. This firm has decided to sell all Imported wines and liquors at retail, which we think la quite an acquiaitlon for our Savannah consume re. Llppman Brothers have something espe cially nice from Scotland called Cherry whlekey, imported from Rutherford of Leith, Scotland, and w* are safe In saying nothing like this has ever been imported In these parts before. It has the most delightful cherry flavor, and the whiskey 4# not of the strongest type,—ad, Great Sacrifice Sale of Odds and Ends in our Harness and Saddlery Department. Congress and Whitaker Sts. LEO FRANK. LADIES* UNDERWEAR. A special offering is made of High Grade Underwear at remarkably low prices, embracing Ladies' Night Gowns of fine muslin. Ladies' Night Gowns of fine cambric, in the ever popular Empire style. Ladles’ Night Gowns of extra fine cam bric; charming styles, to please the most critical taste. Trimmed in the daintiest, prettiest and cleverest way, with lace and insertings. Ladies' Skirt.-, made of special muslin, with lace and Hamburg ruffle. Ladies' Skirts of fine muslin, with threa rows of neat lace insertion and handsome wide lace edge. Corset Covers, made for us, of good muslin, all felled seams, may be had in high or low neck. Corset Covers of cambric, felled seams, lace trimmed, woith double what we ask. Corset Covers, French style, very fine soft cambric, finished in finest style. Ladies' Drawers of fine muslin, wide umbrella ruffle, lace edges. Ladies' Drawers of line muslin, full cut and splendidly made. A great assortment, and remem ber very low prices. LACES AND EMBROIDERIES At Special Figures for This Week, Our stock is very complete and includes; Fine French Valenciennes Lace Edges and Insertions. Nottingham Allovers, striped and scroll designs. Lace Allovers. Ecru and White Oriental, also Black Chantilly Laces. Swiss end Cambric Embroideries, all best work, fast edges. Fine Cambric Embroideries. Pretty Openwork and Fine Cambrlo Edges, suitable for skirt trimming. Allover Cambric Embroideries. OTHER SEASONABLE THINGS AT SPECIAL PRICES. LADIES’ NECKWEAR. All Silk Band Bow Ties, colors only. Puff Ties, colors or black. Fancy Silk and Bumchunda Imperial Ties. Rumchunda "Bat Wing” Tie*. Embroidered and Lawn Ties. Ruehings, all colors. HANDKERCHIEFS. Embroidered, scalloped and hemstitched fine Cambric Handkerchiefs. Ladies' All Linen Hemstitched Hand kerchiefs. Men’s All Linen Hemstitched Unlaun dered Handkerchiefs. Men’s All Linen Initial H. S. Handker chiefs. W’e want you to come and see our prices. LADIES' HOSIERY. Special bargains In Misses' Black Rlche i lieu Ribbed Hose 15c; worth 30c. Bargain Ladles’ Black Lisle Lace Hose 25c; worth 35c. Bargain Ladies’ Black Lisle Lace Hose 69c; worth $l.OO. Bargain Ladies’ Black Lisle Hose, silk polka dot, 47c; worth 75c. Bargain Ladies' Polka Dot and Fancy Striped Hose 19c and 25c. TOWELS. A 50c Towel for 25c. Fine Large White and Colored Borders Damask Towels only 25c. MEN'S UNDERWEAR. MEN’S NECKWEAR, MEN’S II lIP HOSE, AT ABOUT ONE-HALF ITS VALIE. Gente' Half Hose, regular 50c, this week 25 cents. Gents' Half Hose, regular 35c, this week 19 cents. Gents’ Fancy Half Hose, regular Soc, this week 13c. Daniel Hogan, The corner Broughton and Barnard sts. H. I Ml l IS. 125 Cipss St, West, We handle the Yale & Towne Manufactur ing Company’s line of Builders’ Hardware. See these goods and get prices before plac ing your order else where. SCHOOLS A\D COLLEGES. T3ETHEOnUTARTaCADEMY? Bethel Academy, Va. In historic Northern Virginia. Best references almost anywhere In the Union. Thirty-third season begin* Sept. 21st. Illustrated catalogue. Col. R. A. Mclntyre, Superintendent. CHENOWETH 1342 Vermont ave. and lowa Circle, Washington, D. C. Boarding School for young ladles. Send for catalogue. Miss Mary Davenport Chenoweth. Mra. Elizabeth C. Sloan. PANTOPS ACADEMY NEAK CHARLOTTESVILLE. VA. For boys, Fully equipped Send (or catalogue. JOHN R. SAMPSON. A. M . Principal. SEED RYET TEXAS RED R. P. SEED OATS. HAT, GRAIN, FEED, FLOUR, ETC. LEMONS. Vegetables and Produce. New Crop B. E. and Cow Peas. W. D. SIMKINS & CO,