The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, August 01, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 CAN WEAR THEIR UNIFORMS. SAVANNAH COMPANIES WILL NOT HAVE TO CHANGE. Attorney General 11a* Decided That Tlo*c Command* NVliioh llnd on K*tnl>li*liel I nlform Prior to He organisation, tan Retain Them. Former Oflicem May lie Sned for I'ailinK to lletnrn State Military Property Equipment I# Badly Needed. Atlanta. July 31.—A refusal on the ! art of the Savannah to discard their old uniforms for those the state Is now providing, tj-day led Inspector Gen eral Obear to call upon Attorney General Ttrrcll to know If all the state troops could not he made to wear the now uni forms. It stems that several of the Savannah companies which are among the oldest in the state have an established uniform which they have been vising lor many years, and it is not the desire of the members to cast off the clothing for which the company paid and to adopt the new regulation suits. It is the desire of the adjutant general to have ail the troops of the state simi larly uniformed so that there will be no irregularity and he has been working to this end since the reorganization of the militia. As the state is now giving clothing to oil ccmi ini s, so as to have the uniforms the same, the adjutant g n ral thinks that it should be aoapted. After inves tigating the matter the* attorney general decid'd that where a company had an es tablished uniform or batallion had an es tablished uniform, it could not h • com pelled to change unless it so desired. The company, however, must have been or ganized bet ore the reorganization of the state troops. According to Mr. Terrell’s version of the affair, wilich is based on Section 1144 of the political code, the old companies of the state can retain the uniforms that they now have despite tlie- protests of headquarters. After Misulng Property. The state of Georgia may sue some former officers of the militia for proi>erty issued to them while in charge of com panies. There is considerable property of the state which has not been accounted for, and which is scattered among the many former memiiers of the companies that have been disbanded. The bonds of the companies are on file with the inspec tor general, and it may be that if the property is not forthcoming the bonds wMll be brought into use. The property it* of various kinds. Gov. Candler was notified of the fact by the In spector general, and had the matter un der advisement. He has not yet taken any action in the matter, but it is thought likely that he will order the officers to be sued in event the property is not re turned or properly accounted for. The militia companies were fully equip ped before the Spanish-American War, but then some of the companies were disorganized, the state property, consist ing of knapsacks, guns, hats and other articles furnished, to some extent, was not return'd when the retiring officers made their reports. Now the question has arisen as to how to get the property back and to deter mine just who is responsible for it. The articles which may not have been re turned may be worth several thousand dollars. Equipment of any kind is very much needed by the state just at the pres ent. It is the determination of the in spector general to get back as much of the missing property as possible, and where he cannot do so, to collect the amount for what has been lost. BANKS IN FINE CONDITION. State Rank Examiner Hn* Abont Completed III* Work. Atlanta, July 31.—According to State Bank Examiner S. G. Turner, who has just completed the examination of nearly all of the banks in Georgia, those insti tutions ore in fine condition. Mr. Turner has been at work in the various towns of Georgia since Jan. 1. It takes him about eight month** to make the rounds, and he will still be engaged in Atlanta for about three weeks. He eaid this morning the banks had In creased in number, and that they were in splendid condition. According to a state ment made by him this morning, there are less past due papers on hand than In many years. The increase in business has amounted to about 25 per cent, over last year. Mr. Turner has been constantly on the go since the first of the year. He has no special route, but travels from one place to another. A bank never receives notice of his coming, and he always makes the examination as soon as he appears at that institution. His annual report, which will be ready some time in October, will be very inter esting. and will give the exact condition of the Georgia bank-. BROtGIITON GETS DAMAGES. Conftoliflntrri fa il Him $734) n* a Re sult of mi Accident. Atlanta, July 31.—Dr. L. G. Broughton has been paid $750, in settlement of his claim for damages against the Consoli dated Railway Company. The price was agreed upon by arbitrators representing the car company and the preacher. Vice President T. K. Glenn of the Atlanta Railway and Power Company acted for the company. Councilman J. J. Maddox acted for Dr. Broughton. On the night of June 18 Dr. Broughton and his young lady stenographer were re turning from a tent meeting In a buggy. On Whitehall street a trolley can ran \,p behind the buggy and overturned it, throwing the occupants to the ground. Dr. Broughton had a contusion on his head for several days as a result of the acci dent and complained of pains in his back and knee joints. He was not seriously lnterrup’ed In his pastoral work and fill ed his pulpit at the next regular service. ONE WEEK FOII PETITIONS. New Rule Ha* Been Adopted by the I'rlsoii ( ominlmhloii. Atlanta, July 31.—The Prison Commis sion has adopted anew rule. Hereafter one week in each month will be devoted to the hearing of applications for par rule was adopted at a recent meeting of Ihe commission. The first week in each month has been set aside to hear the peti tions. Mny Call Dr. Hawthorne. Atlanta. July 31.—There je a strong probability that Dr. J. B. Hawthorn of Richmond, Tenn.. will be called to till the pulpit of the Second Baptist Church, recently vacated by the resignation of Dr. Henry McDonald. Dr. Hawthorno at one time was pastor of the First Baptist Church, this city. He is one of Ihe most eloquent preachers in this section of the country. The Non-Irritating Cathartic Easy to take, easy to operate— I Hood’s Pills Apollinaris (“THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS") BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTIONS, TAXES ON DEBENTI HES. Effort to Collect Then* From Georgia llnilroad Company. Atlanta, July 31.—Richmond county will probably issue executions against the Georgia Railroad and Banking Company, if that corporation fails to pay taxes on $338,000 worth of Atlanta and West Point debentures. For several years, in fact, until 1899, The Georgia road has been paying the city, county and stale tux on these debentures, which amounted to about $7,000, ail told. Rost year the road failed to give in the returns on the debentures, and when called on to do so, said they had been transferred io the Eouisville and Nash ville Railroad when that company leased the Georgia Railroad some twenty years ago. Judge Eve of the County Court of Rich mond, has raised the point, and it is his contention, that Ihe Georgia Railroad Company is etill liable for the tax. The Georgia road officials say the L*ouisvUie and Nashville is now in control of the debentures. The Louisville and Nashville is a non-resident corporation, and none’ of its track touches in Georgia. Taxes cannot be collected from that road on that account. Demand has been made on the railroad for the taxes, and in the event they arc not paid it is very.likely that executions will be issued against the property of the company. TO SEND TEAM TO SAVANNAH. Governor’* Horse Guuril ftiive Ac cepted ilie Invitation. Atlanta, July 31—The Governor’s Horse Guard have accepted the invitation of flu* Avondale Rifle Association to partici pate in the shoot to be had in Savannah on Sept. 4 and a. The matter was brought up at the me- t irg of the company he and last night and when the vote was tak n every member present was in favor of sending down a team to compere for the prizes which will he announced in the next few days. The team to be sent has not been and tided on. It will be composed of the best shots in the company. It is probable the men will compete on the range here first and then the best marksmen will be sent to Savan nah. If there is not an opportunity for all the members of the troops to shoot here, the score already on the target book of the company will be count'd. The question of sending a team to Sea Girt. New Jersey, has not been taken up As soon as the team which will go to Savannah is selected the men will go lo the range every few days to get in trim for the shoot. It is the intention of the Horse Guard to win the prize offer ed by the Savannahians and ihey will me every effort to he successful. LAURENS SUPERIOR COURT. Two Men Sent Up for Life for Mur der—Other Cute*. Dublin, Ga., July 31.—Laurens Superior Court adjourned lad night lor the term. The most Important cases disposed of were that of Jackson Stanley, a negro, charged with the murder of Paul Blue, another negro, June 9; W. H. Ford ham, for the murder of Oscar Cann on July 4, and Lee Jolly, for the assault of Miss Delk a few days ago. All of the parties were convicted. Stanley and Fordham go to the penitentiary for life, but Jolly es caped with a sentence of twelve months upon the county gang. Ford ham is well connected in this and Wilkinson counties. Ordinary Ford ham of this county is an uncle and the late lion. Benjamin Fordham of Wilkin son county was his grandfather. He takes his conviction very coolly. Stanley, the negro, has asked for anew trial, but it is the opinion of the people that he should be satisfied with the life sentence he received. Frank Webb, Jock Haskins and Charley Davis, who were jointly In dicted with Davis for the murder of Can non, were not tried. A good number of true bilU for the illegal sale of whisky were returned by the grand jury. Five or six bills were returned against a Ma con whisky drummer for taking orders in this county. CINCINNATI'S POPULATION. It Sliu*v* an Increase of 28,004 or 0.7 T Per Cent. Washington, July 31.—The census office to-day made public the population of the city of Cincinnati, O. It Is 325,902, an in crease over the last census of 28,994, or 9.88 per cent. Refu*< a l to Send Him to Jail. Charleston, S. C\, July 31.—1n the Unit ed States Didtrief Court here to-day, Judge Brawley handed down a decision in the D. Sitgreaves bankruptcy case in which he refuses to commit the former Laurens merchant to jail. The court says that while tl\ere is no question of the court’s right to do so, there is not sufficient proof that the money being looked for by the creditors of the bank rupt is still in the hands of SUgreaves, while it was shown in open court that he had gambled away large quantities of it. To Inorfaße It* Capital. Atlanta, July 31.—The Tifton, Thomas ville and Gulf Railroad has been given permission by the Secretary of the Stale to Increase its capital stock from SIOO,OOO to $1,000,000. The road’s officials say they will extend the tracks some fifty miles in the near future. The Ret Prescription for Mnlnrln, Chills and Fever, is a bottle of Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic. It Is simply Iron and quinine In a tasteless form. No cure —no pay. Price 60c.—ad. SPECIAL NOTICES. WHILE WE LIVE. LET I S LIVE 111 THE WAV. Get the best—it's cheaper, tory, more wholesome, and more health ful. You con always act the best at my stalls In the City Market. I keep nothing else. To-day, Prime Beef, Veal and Mut ton, Spring Da mb. Matchless Corned Beef. JOHN FUNK. Phones 557. City Market. IF IT’S NICE, AVE HAVE IT. CANDY-CANDY-CANDY. For a few days, to reduce stock, we will sell our Sac Mixed Candy for 15c lb, Phone 956. HARDEE & MARSHALL, NOW’ AT ItRAMH'S. Having this day severed my connection with the Abercorn Grocery Company, I will In futurr be found at the store of the well known S. \V. Branch Company, where I will be pleased to see and serve all of my friends. TIIOS. W. LYON. Savannah, July 30, THEMOKNIJSG NEWS: WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1, 1900. FUNERAL INVITATION*. PETERSON—The friends of Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Peterson are respectfully In vited to attend the funeral of the lat ter, from the residence 109 Bolton street, west, tills (Wednesday) morning at half past ten o’clock. MEETINGS. i\Tl"Tli"7l To the oflieers and members of the P. E. Club: Y’ou are hereby summoned to meet at yu*i regular place of meeting. A. X. Mordeoal's, Taylor street, west, at 2 p. m., Wednesday, Aug. 1, 1900, lo pay the last tribute of respect to our deceased brother, Geo. A. Mongin. By order of T. H. GREEN, President., ROBT. McINTOSH, Secretary. SPECIAL NOTICES. COURT JI'HOR S. The petit Jurors of the City Courl need not appear until Thursday, Aug. 2, 1900, at 10 a. m. By order of the Hon. Thomas M. Norwood. Judge. WARING RUSSELL, JR., Clerk. TABLE D’HOTE. 60e—DINNER—50c Dinner 1 to 3 and 6 to 9, Wednesday, Aug. 1. Claret Wine. SOUP. Consomme of Tomato. FISH. Small Filets of Red Snapper ala Creole. Potato ala Algerienne. Sliced Tomatoes, Queen Olives. Chow Chow, Mixed Pickles. BOILED. Fresh Fulton Market Corned Beef and Cabbage. ROASTED. Ribs of Baltimore Beef, Yorkshire Pud ding. ENTREES. Fresh Tongues a l'Allemande. Pineapple Fruit Sauce. VEGETABLES. Mashed Potatoes, Butter Beans. Sliced Tomatoes, Rice, Boiled Okra. PASTRY AND DESSERT. Potato Pie, Assorted Cakes. Cheese. Crackers, Fruits. Lemon Water Ice. French Colfeee. At LEVAN’S CAFE RESTAURANT, 111 Congress street, west. MR. S. E. JOl’MMi, OF AUGUSTA, GA., Writes: “Rest assured I will never let an oppor tunity pass for speaking ray heart’s grat itude in behalf of the water of that Grand Old Spring, when, by its use, I received new life and vitality. Y'ou can use my name, if you like, lor I could not with hold It when I feel that there is a possi bility of my certificate causing someone in a like tlx to try the virtues of its waters. When I first heard of and visited your Springs 1 was, and had been, crip pled with rheumatism, walking on crutch es, and reckless as to my future from the torture I endured. Had been to the Hot Springs of Virginia without material ben efit: but after spending about four weeks with you, expressed my crutches home and have not used them since. ’’ All you can drink for 6 cents, at Liv ingston’s. Savannah, July 31st, 1900. The partnership existing heretofore be tween Mr. Bernhard Strauss and Mr. Ed ward Karow is to-day dissolved by mu tual consent. Mr. Bernhard Strauss retir ing. Mr. Edward Karow, in partnership with Mr. Henry Forrer of Liverpool, will con tinue the business under the style of firm of STRAUSS & CO., Liverpool, and KAROW & FORRER In Savannah and New Orleans. All debts due to and owing by the late partnership will be received and paid by the new firms. STRAUSS & CO. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION”. Owing to the death of the senior, the firm of R. Q Cassels & Son. has this day been dissolved. I will continue the business* under the firm name of R. Q. Oassels’ Son, assuming all liabiliiies and collecting all accounts of the old firm. R. FRANK CASSELS, Mclntosh, Ga., Aug. Ist, 19C0. ■JUEt I \L NOTICE. All Ml’t against the Italian ark Francesco, must be presented at our office before 12 o’clock m. this day, or payment thereof will be debarred.’ STRAOHAN & CO.. Consignees. Savannah, Ga., Aug. 1, 1900. CORNED lIEKF. Plenty extra Corned Bref, made espec ially for my trade, by me. . M. S. GARDNER, Phones 675. Wayne and Whitaker. P. S.—Everything choice In meats. Spring Lamb. Spring Chicken,, Spring Vegetables and Fruits. II ELM KEN'S CAFE, Liberty and Whitaker. The only up to date cafe suitable for select parties In the city. One block from De Soto. Phone 646. J. H. HELMKEN, Prop. LOOK. The finest line of Mantels, Tiling and Grates In the city. Prices rock bottom. Save money by seeing our goods before purchasing elsewhere. SAVANNAH BUILDING SUPPLY CO., Corner Congress and Drayton. Phone 519. RED HEART. The beer of all beers is —RED HEART.— All good people urlnk It. WM. BRICKEN, Manager. JUNG BREWING CO. Phone 915. GREENE A- CO., 13S Whitaker. Pletnre Frunic* made to order. Room Mouldings in gilt or colors. Enlarged photoaraplia. Art Materials. REMOVAL NOTICE. Dr. J. L. Former has removed his office to No. 101 Oglethorpe avenue, east, ovfr Knight’s pharmacy. Practice limited lo genlto-urlnary end rectal diseases. Office hours: 9to 1 and 3 to 5. FOR RENT. We have a few desirable flats and houses In first-class locality that we will rent right to right tenants. ESTATE SALOMON COHEN, SPECIAL NOTICES* PAULDING OF LU\G ISLAND CELE uHated pippin apple cider. This pure cider is served on steamer* on the American line, and at the Waldorf-As toria and leading family grocers in New York city. Paulding's Pippin cider Is made from the pure juice of hand picked apples from his own mill on the premises. It is abso lutely pure apple juice, and all the effer vescence is natural, and we guarantee it to be the choicest cider in the world. Leading physicians in New York and Brooklyn recommend this cid*r to their patients Its perfect purity Is guaranteed. In Paulding's Pippin cider, only Long Is land Newton’s Pippins are used The ap ples are left on the trees until late In Oc tober when they are hand picked and placed in a dry room to rip^n. Paulding says “the appl- s are thorough ly crushed in his own mill and the juice pressed out and run into sweet clean casks.” The difference between crushing and grinding apples is very great. You will Know the difference between crushed app eg and ground apples if you take some stems and chew them, you will find that bitter taste which is not with Paulding’s crushed apples. This elder has not the extreme sweetness of the Russet cider, and everyone will find the Pauld 'ng'a Pippin cider just right to take with dinner. LI PPM AN BROS, Sole Agents im Savannah. IT HAS XO EQUAL AS AN APPE TIZER. Mr. G. C. Crom, Route Agent Southern Express Company, say's: "My oldest boy, Curtis, has been a sufferer from indiges tion for the past five years, and I have never found anything to give him relief until I purchased a bottle of Sloat’s Vege table Bitters. It has certainly been a wonderful medicine in his case. We keep it in our house and would not be without it for ten times its? cost. I cannot speak of It too highly, as it has completely made a cure of my boy, who was an In tense sufferer from indigestion.” Traveling men indorse Sloat’s Vegetable Ritters n* a remedy for all form* of indigestion. LHVY’S DISCOUNT NOTICE. TOC WILL SAVE TEN PER CENT. By paying your hill* mm or be* form the 15th Inst. B. H. LEVY ft ORO. ESPECIAL, INOUCBaiESTS AT MARK APPLE'S REPOSITORY. I offer to the public for fifteen days in high grade work, two fine extension top Carriages, 3 open, Carriages, 6 Phaetons, 5 Runabouts, 2 Pneumatio Runabouts, 4 Handsome Traps, 20 Open and Top Spring Delivery Wagons at factory cost, with freight added. This is no humbug. Call and examine for yourself and you will make no mistake. A full and complete line of Harness at cost. Mark Apple Carriage Repository. 320 Broughton street, west, use only the Kelly Springfield Rubber Tire, the best on the market. Phone 773. KMIGHT'S PHARtIAOT SEERS IT FOR LESS. Borated Talcum Be Roach Sait 10c Bryan’s Chill Tonic 2oc Insect Powder, P. D. & Co.’s 40c Palmer’s Toilet Water 50c 4711 Soap ljc Fever Thermometer 60c K; R. C. (Cures Rheumatism) SI.OO Celery and Cocoa 75c Beef, Iron and Wine 75c Fountain Syringes, Bulb Syringes guar anteed. Good goods, courteous treat ment and one price to all. Mail orders solicited. KNIGHT S PHARMACY. Ga. Phone 539. Bell Phone 53D. SAVANNAH POIMIDRY AND MACHINE COMPANY, Builders of Marine and Stationery Boilers, will furnish estimates on new work in competition with Northern and Western manufacturers. Repair work on Engines and Boilers NOW IS THE TIME TO RENOVATE. We renovate ana remake with hair ticking moss mattresses $4, hair and wool mattresses $6. We get the size of bedstead and make your mattress to order, without extra charge. Fine curled hair and moss mattresses o epeclalty. Our medicated steam renovator will purify and clean as well as increase dn volume your feather beds and pillows. Renovation of feather beds $5, bolsters $1.50, pillows 75c. All work guaranteed first-class. NATIONAL MATTRESS AND RENO VATING CO., Bell Phone 1135. 331 Drayton street, HEAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY. We buy and sell real estate, collect rents and negotiate loans on same at 6 per cent. Represent the Travelers' Insurance Com pany, accident and liability departments. Represent the New York Underwriters Fire Insurance Agency and the Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Company. Ail business entrusted to us will be ap preciated and will receive prompt and careful attention. No. 27 Bay, east. Telephones 348. W. C. FRIPP & CO. YOl R PRESCRIPTIONS will bo tilled at Park Avenue Pharmacy while yo wait. We fill them at any hour day or night. The only live drug store in southern section of Savannah. PARK AVENUE PHARMACY, J. L. Branan, Proprietor , Corner Park avenue and Barnard St. So-Phone 1146. GOOD LIQUOR. Get Wilson Whisky at ROBT. REM LER’S. Liberty and Drayton. Head quarters for the best brands. Country trade solicited. No charge for jugs. Phone SIS. " '~l RONDS EXECUTED By tha American Bonding and Trust Com pany of Baltimore. We are authorized to execute locally (immediately upon appli cation), all bonds in judicial proceedings in either the state or United States courts. and of administrators und guardians. BEARING * HULL, Agent* Telephone 324. Provident Bulk.lng. CHARLTON A CHARLTON. Attorneys and Counselors at Law, •Rooms 12, Provident Building. Best and Largest 3 for 5c smoke in the world. INSIST ON HAVING CLOTH TOP CJGARRQS. You will find them on sale everywhere. lkT 1 t 9 “If it's wholesome. New Mackerel! You will want some for breakfast, Just received a choice lot of Fine, Fat, Fresh, White Mackerel. They weigh from 16 to 24 ounces. 20c pound. At Phones 554— MUNSTER’S— Duffy and Drayton. A Marvelous Success. J. PINKUSSOHN & CO., 206 Bay street, west, Savannah, Ga. BONDY & LEDERER, /lakers, New York. OUR FACILITIES ARE UNSURPASSED. SAVANNAH STEAM LAUNDRY II Congress Street, West. Flron? 333, THE ONLY Exclusive Family Liquor Store IN THE CITY. TRY OUR FAMOUS Imperial Nectar Pure Rye Whiskey. Foil Quarts, $1; four bottles, containing full Gallon, $3.50. nr | nm|\rn Q ft ft Sole Proprietors, 43 Whitaker Street. **LLolll ULn (jU UUlf FULL LINE OF CLARET WINES. SPECIAL, NOTICES. SPECIAL NOTICE For Hie Inl'oi'iuntiou of the Pnblic. City of Savannah, Office Clerk of Council, July 24, 1900. The following amended ordinance is hereby published for the information of the public and all persons failing io com ply with Its provisions will without fur ther notice be placed upon the informa tion docket and lined: An ordinance to amend an ordinance passed June 1, 1887. and codified in sec tion 759 of MacDonell's Code of Savannah: Section 1. Be U ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Savannah, in Council assembled. That the above re cited ordinance, which is set out fn sec tion 759, and on page 198 of MacDoneli’s Code of the city of Savannah be, and the same is hereby amended so that all persons referred to in the first part of said section shall be, and they are here by required, to keep two or more boxes or barrels, In one of which -shall be de posited all matter and material of a non combustible character, such as dirt, ashes, manure, tin cans and other non combustible articles, and in the other matter and material of a combustible character, the purpose and intent of this amendment being to keep in separate boxes or barrels the non-combustible and the combustible matter and maierial to be taken up by the scavenger carts. By order of the Mayor. WILLIAM P. BAILEY, Clerk of Council. PROPOSALS WANTED. City of Savannah, Director of Public Works, Savannah, Ga., July 24, 1900. Sealed proposal* will be received at this office until Tuesday, July 31, 1900, at 12 o’clock noon, city time, to furnish the city of Savannah with supplies until Aug. 31, 1900. All proposals must be made on official forms, which can be secured at this office on and after (his dare Envelopes to be marked "Proposals for Supplies." The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Bids to be opened in the presence of bidders. GEO. M. GADSDEN, Director. TUE WAY TO CLEAN CARPETS. The only way tc get your carpets prop erly taken up. cleaned and taken care of for the eummer is to turn the job over t. the District Messenger and Delivery Cos., telephone 2, or cull at 32 Montgomery street, and they will make you an estt mete or.- the cost of the work. Prices reasonable. They also pack, move and etore furniture nnd planoe. C. H. MEDLOCK. Supt. and Mgr. LARGE WAREHOUSE AND OFFICE to rent, located head of Broughton street, on West Broad, now occu pied by the Savannah Carriage and Wagon Cos. As they will give up business In vbe cliy on June ), i offer It fpr rent from that date. H P SMART. TRULY WONDERFUL. WATER COLDWATER ****feiyflgw** paint. A substitute for oil, paint and white wash. Fire-proof nnd weather-proof. An excellent disinfectant. Can be applied by any on* to any kind of surface with any kind of brush. ANDREW HANLEY CO., ole Agent* BUSINESS NOTICES. WFORILOf 30x617. On the block south side of Tenth, be tween Montgomery and West Broad. There are but three lots left. I will sell either of them at the exceedingly low price of $500.00 to close out the block. Very easy terms can be had by appli cation to me. There is a lane in the rear. I also have the corner of West Broad aud Eleventh, 47x117. C. H. DORSET!'. I iu. ei a Telephone u* for HHARVARD MS?) We Wash To Perfection. Office 307 Bull Street. Telephone ioo. OUR STOCK OF CUT GLASS Is nlwuys up to n standard of ex ccllenee. The newest shapes and cuttings being constantly sent us from the- factories. NVe being pioneers in the Introduction of tnt Glass, we have kept to the front in excellence of quality. THEUS BROS. *23,000. One of our clients has placed In out hands $25,000 to loan on good Savannah real estate at reasonable rates of Interest. BECKETT & BECKETT. £4 President street, east. LEOPOLD ADLER. JNO. R. DILLON President. Cashier * C. T. ELLIS, BARRON CARTi’fU Vico President. Asst. Cashier S Tfie Chatham Bank SAVANNAH. Will be pleased to receive the account, of Merchants, Firms, Individuals. Bar.Ka! and Corporations-. ' Liberal favors extended. Unsurpassed collection facilities, lnsur* Ing prompt returns. SEPARATE SAVINGS DEPARTMENT INTEREST COMPOUNDED QUARTER. LY ON DEPOSITS. Safety Deposit Boxes and Vaults fo* rent. Correspondence solicited. The Citizens Bank OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL 5500.000. 'i ruu.acu u Geuerui Uuukiua Baiineai, Solicits Accounts c! Individual*, Merchant*, Uuoka and other Corpo* ration*. Collections handled with safety economy end dispatch. ' Interer compounded quarter!, allowed op deposits In our Savings Department. Safety Deposit Boxes and Storana Vaults. BRANTLEY A. DENMARK, President. RILLS B. LANE, Vlee President. GEORGE C. FREEMAN, Cashier. °™ i!DOiV ~ CnOOVER - Abb*. Cnshlea, SOUTHERN BANK of the State of Georgia. Capital $500,000 Surplus and undivided profits $4Ol DEPOSITORY OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA. Superior facilities tor transacting a General Banking Business, Collections made on all jaoints * accessible through banks and Accounts of Bunks, Bunkers, Merchants and offers solicited. Safe Deposit Boxed tor rent. Department of Savings, Interest payabla quarterly. Sells Sterling Exchange on London £l and upwards. JOHN FLANNERY, President. HORACE A. CRANE, Vice President JAMES SULLIVAN, Coshier. DIRECTORS: JNO. FLANNERY. WM. W. GORDON. E. A. WEIL W. W. GORDON jk H. A. CRANE. JOHN M. EGAN LEE ROY MYERS. JOSEPH FERST H. P. SMART. CHARLES ELLIS. EDWARD KELLY. JOHN J. KIRBY. CAPITAL, $350,000. Accounts of banks, merchants, corpora* tions and individuals solicited. Savings Department. interest paid quarterly. Safety Boxes and Storage Vaults fo* rent. Collections mad© on all points at rea sonable rates. Drafts sold on all the chief cities of thd world. Correspondence invited. JOSEPH D. WEED, President. JOHN C. ROWLAND, Vice President, W. F. McCAULEY. Cashier. THE GERMANIA BANK SAVANNAH, GA. Capital S2OO, aug Undivided profits oO.oOtl This bank otters its services to corpora tions, merchants and individuals. liss authority to act ss executor, ad solnlstrator, guardian, eto. Issues drafts on the pilnctpal cities is Great Britain and Ireland and oo ths Continent. Interest paid or compounded quarterly on deposits In the Saving Department. Safety Boxes for rent. HENRY BLUN. President. GEO. W. TIFDKMAN, Vies President JOHN M. HOGAN, Cashier. WALTER F. HOGAN. Ass’t Cashier. = -’’ 4 No. lull. Chartered, lost THE Hi III! M OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL. $500,C00. SURPLUS, sloo.Ova. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. J. A. G. CARSON. President. BKIRME GORDON, Vice President. W. M. DAVANT, Cashier. Accounts of banks and bankers, mer chants nnd corporations received upon the mot favorable terms consistent with safe and conservative banking. BUSINESS NOTICES. For Rent, Residence 118 Gaston street, west. All conveniences. Can b rented from Ist August. Apply to CHATHAM REAL ESTATE AND IM PROVEMENT CO., Bryan Street, East. 13 Kffintr PINK. For Bale, a Forsalth Newspaper Folder; will fold sheet 25x42. It Is In good order. Price SIOO. It cost originally $l,lOO, but we have no use for It and want the room it occupies. It will be an Invaluable adjunct U> any newspaper o.Hce. , Address MORNING NEWS, Savannah, Ga. ftI’UCIAL .\umuk MOSUL ITOUS will not trouble you If you n*o SIiOOMISKKEST. It I* a plcnaut perfume. MELDfiltMi in a toilet powiler that intantiy dIM pel* the li*!iareenble odor* arlnlnjfl from pernpfrntlon. OLD STYLE COLD CREAM ftSve* quick relief fur *nu burn* and • kiu trouble*. OLOA10!*S CO,