The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, August 01, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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GOOD MORNING! BEGINNING TO-DAY, AUG. i, We lA/111 Place Before You Our Entire Stock of Men’s, Boys’ and Children’s Suits, Odd Trousers and Single Coats At Our Usual SEMI-ANNUAL DISCOUNT OF 25 PER CENT. This sale also includes our ECLIPSE, COLUMBIA, GRIFFIN, WILSON BROS, and our OWN BRAND of NEGLIGEE SHIRTS. Also everything in Underwear, Straw Hats, Derby Hats, such as Dunlaps, Youngs, Millers, Stetsons, and Our Own. announcement does not refer to the ordinary lines of merchandise, but to one of the best and most reliable lines in this country. This is not a case of take what you can get, but ask for what you want, and you will find it here. LADIES’ DEPARTMENT. We also include Tailor=riade Suits, Jackets, all kinds of Top and Underskirts, Underwear, Children’s Suits, Hats and Caps, etc., at 25 PER CENT. OFF OF' THE USUAL PRICE. x B. H. LEVY & BRO. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. UKBSUNAL. get the ring from Fegeas, 28>East Brough ton. My sister got her’s there 11 years ago. and It is to-day as good as new-- they have been lucky and happy ever since. Remember my finger’s number i3 6. You will see them in his jewelry win dow; if you have no time to go. he will send it by insured mail, or express as you think best; prices range from $1.50 up to 415. I desire to communicate with some descendant of William Whaley of James Island, S. C.; his children were Louisa Whaley, who married Jack Ham ilton of Savannah; John Whaley, William Whaley, Jr„ and Thomas Whaley. B. B. Youmans, Rome, Ga. ' BTKAMEK SANTEE. EXCURBION to Warsaw to-morrow (Thursday), leav ing foot Abercom 9 and Thunderbolt 11 o’clock; string band will furnish musio en route, and at the island pavilion, where dancing may be enjoyed; tide suits for bathing; finest beach on the South At lantic; take a day off and enjoy an out ing. FLORAL DESIGNS, FLOWERS AND plants, at Gardner’s Bazaar, agent Oel echig’s Nursery. AIIT METAL STOOLS, CHAIRS AND tables for up-to-date confestioners, drug stores and restaurants. C. P. Miller, Agt. ENGLISH FOLDING GO-CARTS, something new, for the babies; can be taken on street cars. C. P. Miller, Agt. H A MMOCKS, HAM MOCKS, CHE AC ones; nice ones; fine ones; closing them out cheap this week. C. P. Miller, Agent, 207 Broughton, west. FINE RICHFIELD LAMB AT ker s,” every day; best of all other m-als in market. BE R MUDA LAWN GRASS - SEED, AT Gardner's Bazaar. IF ITS RUGS YOU WANT, YOU CAN get them cheaper from McGUlls. CASH BUYERS' PICKIcTEVERY DAY Ihie week; our large stock must be re duced, and we will exchange it cheap fer rash. C. P. Miller, Agent. 207 Broughton, west. KING UP 2464 IF YOU WANT TO have your furniture moved or packed for shipment or storage; I guarantee prices the same as I do the work that’s given to me. A. S. Griffin, 814 Broughton street, west; mattresses made to order. ’ PULLEY BELT — BUCKLES, WORTH 50c, for 30c, at Gardner's Bazaar. BALDWIN DRY AIR REFRIGERA tors, still in the lead; also full line of ice boxes, from $3 up. C. P. Miller, Agent, 707 Broughton, west. MILLER’S AWNINGS GIVE SATlS factlon; you had better get our estimate and let us put you up one at once. C. P. Miller, Agent, 207 Broughton, west. WEDDING PRESENTS, SCHOOL Presents, presents of all kinds; largo va rieties at low prices. C. P. Miller, agent, 707 Broughton, west. W ATER COOLERS, ALL SIZES from $1 00 up C. P. Miller. Agent, 307 Brough ton. west. M'GILLIS SELLS SIXTY-INCH RUGS —Smyrna patterns—for 99 cents. M'GILLIS IS CHEAP ON KUOS. NETS, ku-e curtains, hammocks, water coolers. Pillows, pictures, stoves, bedroom suites, and furniture of every description. _ MOSQUITO NETS. 9S CENTS. AND U P; all grade* of American Imported lace with best fixture*, at reasonable prices. C. P. Miller, Agent. 207 Broughton, west. CROQUET SETS. 73c; CROKINOLE, U. 15, at Gardner’s Bazaar. M'GILLIS' LACE CURTAINS WILL beautify your parlor. ’ FURNITURE MOVED WITH CARE," specialty with McGtlll*. PERSONAL. inch S9 cents rugs, you will buy them. Just can’t help It; will sell in any quan tity. _ M'GILLIS MOVES, PACKS. SHIPS and stores pianos and furniture; beet work only; no "Cheap-John” prices—no "Cheap- John” jobs. MLOICAL. HOW ARE YOUR FEET? IF YOUR feet are troubling you, call on me and I will give you relief; I cure ingrowing nails, corns and all diseases of the feet without pain; charges reasonable; can give the best references in the city; pa tients treated at residences; orders can be left at Livingston's drug store, Bull and Congress streets; telephone 293. Lem Davis, surgeon chiropodist. HELP WANTED—MALE. penters. Walsh & Bland, Jacksonville, Fla. ""wanted, cornet, clarinet or baritone player can get employment; cigarmaker, printer or machinist. Ad dress, gentlemen only, Manager Waycross Band, Waycross, Ga. _ ""WANTED YOUNG MEN AND liA dies to learn telegraphy; half tuition pay able after situation secured; competent teachers; best facilities Southern Tele graph College, Atlanta, Ga. HELP WANTED—FEMALE. ■ preferred, cook, wash and Iron for fami ly of six. Must have best recommenda tions. Isle of Hope, Mrs. J. B. Wiley. WANTED, WOMAN TO COOK AND assist with housework in small family. 422 West Jones street. ""WANTED. TWO GIRLS FOR LABEL- Ing. Call at No. 516 Bay street, east, between 10 and 11 o'clock. "Wanted, a good cook at once-, white or colored. 118 Oglethorpe avenue, west. _ " WANTED—HOUSEKEEPER WITH A boy about 14 years old to work in store. Address E. W„ St. James City, Fla. EMPLOYMENT WANTED. tlon by thoroughly competent lumber and crosstie inspector; quick and accurate; city or country; salary moderate. Address, ■with particulars. Inspector, Waynesvllle, Ga. . "YOUNG MAN WOULD LIKE TO GET permanent position in a wholesale store; can give best of reference. 14, care of News. "Wanted Tat ONCE. POSITION AS bookkeeper or salesman, or both. In gen eral merchandise store, hardware, furni ture, grocery or other business; good ref erence. Address Lee, care Morning News, Savannah, Ga. "COMPETENT MECHANICS AND LAB orers furnished sawmills, logging camps, miners turpentine farms, contractors. EuTgrowers etc. Address 3X7 West Bay street, Jacksonville. hoard wanted. '^yXSqTHD?^BOARD^ W Hope during August for small family. Address Board. P. O- Box 454. WANTED—-MISCELLANEOUS. "T~WANt''IcOR~cTT^ eral houses from fifteen to twenty-five hundred dollars. Robert H. Tatem, real estate dealer. i "WANTED, ONE" FLAT TOP OFFICE i desk, second hand. Address J. B. Frank lin, care Draughens Bros.’ CoUege, stat -1 ing price. THE MOKNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1. 1900. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. ’"?F'IfOu'~VVAN7'A"TFT!^^ earth, dirt, sand, manure, etc., free or charge, just at city limits, hauling over hard road, write or telephone Brown Bros., corner Anderson and East Broad streets. FOR RENT—ROOMS. 'TBwER^LAT^irijASTOjrSTREET^ east; 4 rooms with use of bath; perfect condition; right rent right tenant. $20.00 Est. Salomon Cohen, West Broad and Broughton. ‘ FOR RENT, FLOOR OF THREE rooms in modern house, 307 Jones, east; privilege of bath; hot and cold water; moderate rent to desirable tenant. "FOR GENTLEMEN. NICE FURNTsH ed room; use of bath; southern exposure, Reference, No. 7 Charlton, w. "FOR""RENT7 _ FL~AT OF THREE 3R four connecting rooms; every convenience. 135 Lincoln street. THREE-ROOM FLAT~GOOD 'CONDI tion; best location; all conveniences; will run gas for cooking! Four hundred and nine Charlton, east. "furnished rooms”"to RENT. 110 East State street. 211 WEST BOLTON. UPPER FLAT. Apply on premises or W. B. Sturtevant, II Congress, west. TWO ELEGANT SOUTHFRONT rooms, furnished; gas, bath; all conven iences; gentlemen only. 226 West Liberty. FLAT SIX CONNECT! NT,” ROOMS, with bath, first floor; Lyons block; suita ble for any purpose. John Lyons. FOR KENT—HOUSES. 'Residence on the corner Jones and Lincoln, In first-class order and condition; will rent in flats to congenial tenants or the house entire. Estate Salo mon Cohen, West Broad and Broughton streets. "HOUSE NO. 214 AND NO. 216 WALD burg street, west, between Barnard end Jefferson streets; every convenience; first class order and condition; right rent to right tenants. Estate Salomon Cohen, West Broad and Broughton streets. "BRICK RESIDENCE Wo. 170 HALL street, east; finest locality in the city; per fect order and condition; magnificent home; right rent to right tenant. Estate Salomon Cohen, West Broad and Brough ton streets. "n0T221 perry street, westTcon venlent for business; first-class order and condition; every convenience. Estate Sal omon Cohen, West Broad and Brough ton streets. "RESIDENCE NO. 415 GASTON street, east. between Habersham and Price; will rent as flats to congenial fam ilies. or entire house; every convenience; house in perfect order and condition. Es tate Salomon Cohen, corner West Broad und Broughton streets. 'house 111 GASTON STREET. EAST, first-class order and condition; every con venience; right rent right tenant. Est. Sa lomon Cohen. ""HOUSES, 223, ALSO. 217 WALDBURG street, west; perfect condition; every con venience; right rent right tenant. $25.00 the month. Est. Salomon Cohen. West Broad and Broughton streets. "FOR RENT, 207 HENRY, EAST, LATE- Iy improved. Apply 205 Henry, east. "FOR -RENT, 8“ ROOM HOUSE *47 Tattnall street; all modern Improvements, ! possession given at once. Apply 343 Tatt j nail. I FOR—RENT. COTTAGE 5” ROOMS; I lathed and plastered; not for from Georgia Car Works; six dollars. I. D. La Roche. "RESIDF.NCE” O VKR DRUG STORE for rent from Oct. 1. Apply to Heed & ,Cos„ Jones and Abercom. FOR RENT—HOUSES. 'TcCHTTtE>r?r^JCTN^7r^RESIIMSK!E^U Waldburg street, west. M. S. Baker. FOR" RENT, "that” DESIRABLE dwelling No. 13 Gordon street, west; imme diate possession. I. D. Laßoche, Agent. FOR RENT—STORKS. ’^OlTluENuir^TOUE^ATHrHAin^ under Odd Fellows’ Hall, corner State and Barnard streets. Inquire Room 7, upstairs. FOR RENT] THAI store and warehouse formerly occupied by George IV. Tledeman & Bro., coiner Bay and Montgomery street; in perfect order and condition; right rent to right tenant; possession can be given immedi ately. Est. Salomon Cohen, corner West Broad and Broughton streets. FOR SALE—ItEAL I,STATE. FOR SALE, IN WEST SAVANNAH, lot 12, block 5, 30x100, for two hundred dollars. C. 11. Dorset!. "FOR SALETITOTS ON NINTH STREET near East Broad; no city taxes, at S2OO each; twenty-five dollars cash, and easy monthly payments. C. H. Dorsett. ~FOR~SALE" LOTS'ON NINTH, NEAR East Broad, at S2OO each; will soon be advanced to $225; when a lot has been paid for I can arrange to get a home built. C. -11. Dorsett. "FOR"SALE, A LOT FOR TWO HUN dred dollars; easy terms, on Ninth street, near East Broad; no city taxation. C. H. Dorsett. ~f6r“SALE, THOSE LOTS”ON"N I NTH street, near East Broad, have only been sold to first-class parties, who will make good neighbors; and none other can buy. The terms are very easy, and they are cheaper than any other in the vicinity. C. H. Dorsett. , "FOR SALE; LOVELY SUM MER home, ten rooms, modern conveniences, in mountains of North Georgia; climate de lightful; pure freestone water; also min eral water In vicinity. If interested, ad dress "T.,” this paper. "RESIDENCES AND BUILDING LOT3 for sale all over the city. Robert H. Ta4em, real estate dealer. No. 7 York street, west. Foil SALE—UiSIkUAAEOIA. BENZOIN BALM MAKES THE SKIN as soft and smooth as velvet; one appli cation relieves the pain and destroys the redness from sunburn, 23c. At Perssea Drug Stores, Henry and Abercom and Whitaker and Taylor. "WANTEDT - TO SELL ENTIRE OR one-half interest in telephone line from Thomasville to Cairo; pays 25 per cent.; reason, have more than I can attend to. Address George L. Lowey, Brinson, Ga. "FOR SALE, SAW MILL, LOG CARTS, mules and all necessary tools and tim ber. J. R. Williams, administrator, New berry, Fla. "FOR SALE, SECOND HAND ELEC trlc elevator machinery; good condUon. Savannah Electrical Company, 40 Drayton. "ASH AND CYPRESS LUMBER FOR sale—lso,ooo feet of ash suitable for wheel wrights, carriage makers, car works and interior house finish. Also cypress lumber of ail sizes. We iiave resumed cutting our famous brands of cypres* shingles and will soon have a full line of them for sale. Vale Royal Manufacturing Company. LOST AND FOUND. FOUND, AT TYREE, JULY 26, A small aum of money, whiqh owner can get by Identifying and paying for advertis ing. Address Mrs. E. J. Grimes, Daisy, Ga. UOAHDING. GENTELMBN OR cure nice rooms and board. 303 Tattnall atreet, near Liberty, Those Dinner Sets Must be sold. The prices are cat BELOW COST, And it’s your profit If you buy now. Odds and Ends of China at Any Old Price. Summer Goods at Less than the Makers’ Charge. Some Handsome New Pieces in World-famed LIBBY COT GLASS. mm west no., 11 Broughton St., West. STRAYED. MY PASTURE ON Thursday, red cow with white hack and tall; owner can have it hy paying ex penses. Woodbine Dairy, Thunderbolt road. SUMMER RESORTS. ASHEVILLE, N. C., SELECT BOARD- Ing in choice neighborhood; house mod ern; prices reasonable. Mrs. Marie Tlson- Smlth, 161 North Main street. NEW YORK” CITY, ~23 WEST 25TH street, near Hoffman House; rooms and board, moderate prices, excellent service and table; highest references. Mrs. Bundy. , "hoarding house; FIRST-CLASS and reasonable rates. For full particulars, rates, eic., address Mr. I. Baumberger, Saluda, N. C. ■ ■ MISCELLANEOUS. PAPER HANGING DONE IN BEST style by Interior Decorating Company, 113 State, west. "FOR HARDWARE AND' TOOLSTCJO to Cornwell & Chipman'*. "NEW DOMESTIC SEWING Ma chines; hall bearings, drop head; on easy terms. Penton & Son. "GOLD LINK~CTJFF BUTTON S^THE latest things out. At Koch & Syivans. 46 Whitaker. BEWARE'OF STREET CORNER CON tractors. "Chere are few reliable painters here. Taylor Is one of the few. WE GIVE YOU EITHER DOMESTIC or gloss finish; perfect work. Forest City Laundry, Park avenue. PAINTING DONE BY BEST ~A R tlsts; work guaranteed. Interior Decor ating Company, 113 State, west. "STRICTLY PURE” LINSEED~OIL Isold at Adams Paint Cos. ’Phone U 7, MOUNTAIN RESORTS are delightful p : aces to rest and grow strong, but not very good places to buy SHOES. , Bring in the children before you leave for the sum mer and let us fit them properly. Strong shoes for climbing. Dainty slippers for dress. Seasonable styles for mamma and /y|*yQfy^'\\ We Fit the FAMILY, PRICES are RIGHT, MISCELLANEOUS. ELECTRO PLATING. ELECTRIC RK pairlng, contracting and construction. Sa vannah Electrical Company, 40 Drayton. FOR RANGES AND STOVES, GO~TO Cornweit & Chipman. ~N E EDGES ' FOR” ALL SEW ING ~M A chines, twenty cents per dozen; oil, ten cents half pint. Penton & Son. "THE MOST UP TO-DATI7 WORK IS being turned out by Forest City Laundry. ’Phono 1575. "i NTERIOR DECORATINGCOMPANY, 113 State, west, agent for best metal ceil ings for parlors, offices, etc. SPECTACLES OF THE.BEST GRADE at moderate prices. Eyes tested free. Koch & Sylvan. BEWARE Of JACK LEGS! OUR prices fair; work satisfactory on paper hanging-painting. William Taylor. ”25c WORTH THREE B WALL PAPER chans one room. Adams Paint Cos. ’Phone 117. " FOR FISHING TACKLE, NETS, ETC~ go to Cornwell & Chipman. ATTACHMENTS AND SEWING MA chincs. repaired while you wait; repairs (or poor people free. Penton & Son. "WEDDING PRESENTS IN A LI. Ap propriate designs at all prices. At Koch & Syivans, 46 Whitaker. CHEAPNESS IN PAPER""HANGING and tainting, is getting skilled mechanics at fair prices. See Taylor, Knights of Pythias Hall. "'PHONE 1875" FOR FOREST CITY Laundry. They will call for your linen immediately. ELECTRIC 'SUPPLIES, DYNAMOS, motors, fans, brilt, lights install'd. Sa vannah El’ctrical Company, 40 Drayton. GERMAN MIXED PAINT, BEST mixed paint in market, $1.25 gallon; guar anteed. Adams Paint Cos. a PROPOSALS WANTED. FORT SCREVEN, Tybee Island, Ga., Aug. I, 1900.—Sealed proposals,in triplicate, will be received here until 12 m., Sept. 1, 1900, for constructing 1 store house. U. S. reserves right to accept or reject any or all proposals or nny part thereof. In formation furnished on application. En velope containing proposals should be marked "Proposals for Constructions,” address John L, Hayden, Q. M. Empty Hogsheads. Empty Molasses Hogsheads for sale by C. M. GILBERT & CO. SCI!OOL9 A\D COLIaKCRS. Mt. Washington, Maryland. Thorough English course. Lecture*, de livered. Degrees conferred. Ml. Washing ton Seminary for Boys under 13 year*. Primary and Preparatory courses. Both institution* conducted by Sisters of Mercy. Address MT. ST. AGNES' COLLEGE. EPISCOPAL HIOH SCHOOL, L. M. BLACKFORD, M. A., Principal. For Boys. Jl’hree miles from Alexandria. Va., and light from Washington, D. C. The 62d year opens Sept. 26, 1900. Cata logue rent on application to tho principal at Alexandria. Ldgeworth Boarding & Day School For Girls. ReoperiH Sept. 27. 38tb year. Mrs. 11. P. LEFEBVRE, Principal. Mies E. D. HUNTLEY, Associate Prln. 122 and 124 W. Franklin st., Baltlmore.MiL LEGAL NOTICES. NOTKHd~^rO^T>EBTORs'"^Lr^RirDL. TORS. ALL PERSONS HOLDING CLAIMS against the late Philip Gullmnrlln are re quested to render In an account of their demands, duly verified, to the undersigned and all persons Indebted to him will mak* payment to me. JOHN F. GUILMARTIN. Admr. Estate of Philip Gullmartln. COMFORT For your slock. Th* fly season I* now oa us and the time to us# Tough on Flies, a lotion when applied will prevent you* and cattle ficm being pestered. Try It and be convlr.oed HAY, GRAIN, BRAN. COW FEEDI CHICKEN FEED. etc. T. J. DAVIS. Pbooe 223. XlB Bay street, west. LADIES^ A safe and powerful remedy for functional troubles, delay, pain, and irrepularities, is UAP.IOU N E (CHAP6TEAUTJ Successfully prescribed by Specialists for Dis* eases of Women. Price si.or> of *ll Pruggists, or by mail. P. O. Box aoSi, N. Y. 3