The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, August 01, 1900, Page 9, Image 9

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Can Pacific 87%| Wabash 6% ran South 4Ms| do pref 17% & Ohio mil Wheel. & L. E. B*4l V h . West... 10% j do do 2nd pref. 23', c u. & 0 12514! Wis. cen 13 -•hi., Ind. & L. 23 |Third Avenue ..109 ■jo’ do pref 51 ]Adams Ex .....125 .’hi. A E. 111.... 35 | Am. Express ..131 •’hi. & Northw.ls7%)U. S. Express... 45 R. I. A P... 105141 W.-P. Ex 123 r. C. A 81. L. 58‘iiAm. Cot. 0i1... 33% 501. South 6 | do do pref .... 88% do Ist pref ... 41 |Ym. Malting ... 3% do 2nd pref .. 10 | do do pref.... 19 p.-l & Hudson.ll2 4m. S. & R.... 3r% p 1,. & W 173141 do do pref .... 57% Den. & R- G 17%|Am. Spirits .... 1% do do pref 65%| do do pref .... 17 Prie 10%jAm. S. H#op.... 19 do Ist pref ... 32 j do do pref .... 66 . Gt. North, pref .El 3 !! 1 Am. S. & Wire. 32% Hoc. Coal 134 j do do pref .... 73 Hoe. A'alley .... 8314]Am. Tin Plate.. 21% 111. Central U9%| do do pref .... 76 lowa Central .. 19%]Am. Tobacco ..91 do do prdf .... 46 | do do pref ....128 K. C., P. & G... 16 |Ana. Min. C 0.... 41% L E & West... 26 j Brook. R. Tran. 56% do do pref .... 90 |Col. F. & 1 33 U Shore ....' 210 |Con. Tobacco .. 2414 & N 71% i do do pref .... 7714 Man. L S9%jFed. Steel 31% Met. St. Ry 153141 a nd Pref .... 84% Mex. Central ... 12 |Gen. Electric ..129% Minn. & St. L. 55 jGlucose Sugar .. 5114 Mo do pref .... 92 | do do pref ....100 Mo. Pacific 49!4!Int‘n’l Paper .. 22 M. & Ohio 37%! do do pref .... 65 jl . K. & T 10 |Laclede Gas ... 73 do do pref .... 301i]Nat. Biscuit ... 80 N. J. Central...l2B | do do pref .... 85 X. Y. Central .128%|Nat. Lead 19% Norfolk & West. 32%] do do pref .... 96% do do pref 76%|Na. Steel 23% N. Pacific 50%j do do pref .... 83% t 'iU •*’* joad op op N. Y. A. Br;tke.l2B uni. & Western 20 |N. American ... 13 Ore. Ry. & N.... 42 jp. Const 52 do prfd 76 | do do Ist pref. 83 Pennsylvania ..128%| do do 2nd pref. 62% Reading 16%|P. Mail 29% do Ist pref ... 59 ]People's Gas ... 97% do 2nd pref ... 28 j P. Steel (Car... 39% R. G. Western. 59%| do do pref .... 71% do do pref .... 90 |Pull. Pal. Car.. 183 St. L. & S. F.. 9 ]Stan. R. & T... 5 do do Ist pref. 66 Sugar 120% do do 2nd pref. 32%( do pref 116,% Southw. 10 |Tenn. C. & 1... 67% do do pref 25% U. S. Leather... F% St. Paul 110%| do do pref 68 do pref 170%|U. S. Rubber... 27% St, P & 0 110 | do do pref .... 95% S Pacific 33 j West. Union .. 97 S Railway .... 10%|P. C. C. & St. L. 52% do do pref .... 51%l Bonds. US. Rfg. 25,reg.104 |M. K. & T. 2nds 69 ! do coupon ....104 j do do 4s 90%| U. S. 2s, reg... 100 |M. & 0 84%| do 3s, reg ...I<#H|N. Y. Cen. lsts.loß [ do 3s, eou 110%IN. J. C. gen. 55.122 do new 4s, rg.l32%|tN. Pacific Ss... 66% do new 45,e0u.138%| do do 4s 104 do old 4s. reg,lls%lN. Y., C. & St. do old 4s, cou.U6%i L. 4s 107 do ss, reg 113%]N. & W. con. 4s. 97% do ss, cou 114%|Ore. Nav. lsttf.lo9 D. of C. 3s, 655.123 |Ore. Nav. 45—102% Atch. gen. 4s ...101 |Ore. S. Line 69.128% do-adj. 4s 83%|0. S. L. con. ss. .112 C. Soulh. 2nds. 197%!Read. Gen. 45... 87% C. & O. 4%s 99%j R. G. W. lsts.. 98 do do 5s 116%[ St. L. & I. M. C. & N. con. 75.141%| con. 5s 110 do do S. F. | St. L. & S. F. deb. os 122%| gen. 6s 121 Chi. Ter. 4s .... 92%j8t. P. c0n5015...166% Col. South. 45.. 85 |lt. P., C. & P. C. Ga., cons. 5. 91%j lsts 116% do Ist ine 45 | do do 6s 118% D. &R. G. lsts.lo2 ]3. Pacific 4s ... 79 do do 4a ...*.. 97%]3. Railway 55...108% E. TANARUS., V. & G. |6. Rope & T. 6s 72% lsts |T. & P. lsts 11l Erie gen. 4s ... 68%| do do 2nds .... 55 F. W. & D. C. |U. Pacific 4s 105% Ist 71 |Wabash lsts ...116% Gen. Elec. 5s ...Us%| do* 2nds 103% la. Cen. lsts’..ll3 (W. Shore 4s ....111% K. C., P. & G. | Wis. Cen. Isis.. 88 lsts 70%|Va. Centuries .. 89% L. & N. uni. 4s. 98%| MISCELLANEOUS MARKETS. Note.—These quotations are revised daily, and are kept as near as possible in accord with the prevailing wholesale prices. Official quotations are not used when they disagree with the prices whole salers ask. Country and Northern Produce. POULTRY—The market is steady. Quo tations: Broilers, 20®25c per pair; half grown, 35040 c; three-fourths grown, 45® 50c; hens, 55065 c; roosters, 40c; ducks, geese, and turkeys out of reason. EGGS—Steady at 12013 c. BUTTER—The tone of the market Is steady. Quotations: Extra dairies, 190 20c; extra Elgins, 2202244 c. CHEESE—Market firm; fancy full cream cheese, 11012 c for 25-pound aver age. ONlONS—Egyptian, $2.2502.50 per sack; crate, $1.25; yellow, in barrels, $2.75(53.00. BEANS—Navy or peas, $2.2502.50 per bushel. Early Vegetables. IRISH POTATOES-New, No. 1, $1.75® 2.00 per barrel. EGG PLANT—Nominally; half barrel crates, 60c®$1.00. CABBAGE—Ptr barrel crate, 7@®e. head. UreadMtuft's, Hay and Grain. ELQUR—Market firm and advancing; patent, $4.75; straight, $4.45; fancy, $4.30; family, $4.00. MEAL—Pearl, per barrel, $2.85; per sack, $1.35; city meal, per sack, bolted, $1.25® 1.80; water ground, $1.35; city grist, sacks, $1.30; pearl grits, Hudnuts’, per barrel, $2.96; per sack, $1.37%; sundry brands, $1.3% sack. CORN—Market Arm, white. Job lots, 65c; carload lots, 63c; mixed corn, job lots, 64c; carload lots, 62c. RlCE—Market steady, demand fair; fancy head, 6c; fancy, 544 c. Prime 5 Good 4440474 Fair 4 0444 Common : 344 OATS—No. 2 mixed, carload, 35c; Job lots, 37c, white clipped, 39c, cars; 41c job. BRAN-Job lots, $1 00; carload lots, 9215 c. HAY—Market strong; Western Job lots, 97c; carload lots, 9244 c. Bacon, Hams and Lard. BACON—Market firrft; D. B. C. R. sides, B'/,c; D. S. bellies, B%c; smoked C. R. sides, B%c. HAMS—Sugar cured, 12%@13%c. LARD—Pure, In tierces, 7%c; in 50-pound tins and 80-pound' tubs, 844 c; compound, in tierces, 6%e; 50-pound tins and 80-pound tubs, 6%c. .Sugar sind Coffee. SUGAR—Board of Trade quotations; Cut loaf 6.78| Diamond A 6.38 Crushed 6.7B;Confectioners' A.6.18 Powdered 6.481 White Extra C.. 5.53 XXXX, pow’d .6.18 Extra C 5.7’. Stand, gran ~..6..>BjGolden C 5.7.1 Cubes 6.531 Yellows 5.63 Mould A 6.63| COFFEE—Foard of Trade quotations: Mocha 26c |Prime, No. 3 ...103*0 Java 26c jGood, No. 4 ....lO'je Peaberry 13c |Fair, No. 5 10 c Fancy No. I...ll%c|ordinarj4f No. 6. 9Vie Choice, No. 2..1I I ,s<'!Common, No. 7. 9 c Ifurdtfnre anil tluiding Supplies UMB, CALCIUM, PLASTER AND ' EMENT—Alabama and Georgia lime in fair demand and sell at 80 cents a barrel; special calcined plaster, SI.OO per barrel; hair, 4®se. Rosedale cement, $1.11001.25; carload lots, special; Portland cement, re tail. $2.25; carload lots. $2.02.. LUMBER F. O. B. VESSELS SAVAN NAH Minimum, yard sizes, $10.50® I )1.00: ear sills, $12.00®13.00; different sizes, $14.00 018.00; ship stock, $18.00®22.00; sawn ties, $8( ,l ®8.60; hewn lie*. 85038 c. OlL—Market steady; demand fair; sig nal. 45®60c; West Virginia black, 9012 c; lard. r>Bc; neatsfoot. 60070 c; machinery. 16 ®Bsc; linseed oil, raw, 8744 c; boiled. 75c; kerosene, piffine while, 15c; water white, He; Pratt's astral, 15c; deodorized stove gasoline, drums, 1244 c; empty ell barrels, delivered, GUN POWDER—Per keg, Austin crack ®bot, $4.00; half kegs, $2.25; quarter kegs,/ Southern Railway. Trains Arrive and Depart Savannah on 90 th Meridian Time - One Hour Slower Than dty Time. _______ Schedules In Effect Sunday, June 10, 1900. READDQWNII TO THE EAST! II READ UP! N0.34 j No. 36 No. 36 N0.33 L 20pm|11 20am||Lv Sava nuah Ar || 5 10ara | 3 i sp m , „ I „„ II (Eastern Time.) j I € ,rm fi Blackvilie Lv I 300 am 1 07pm 9 9 n * r Columbia Lv|j 1 25am,1l 25am U 44t>m'l2 t r ...Charlotte Lvj 9 55pm| 8 10am 8 (Warn| Ar i....Norfolk 1.v||.........| Btepaa 1 38pm!|Ar Danville T Lv[fs~4opmjTxSam -3-°° Jrn; 6 L>iipm Ar Rich mond Lv|,l2 Olpmlff (Opm 4 Sam l t- Pm i l^ r Lynchburg Lv j 352 pm 2 50am 7 85am s Charlottesville Lv 2 06r>ml2 61pm •>o3nm fjS aDl,|Ar ..... .Philadelphia Lv j 360 am 6 l’6pra 8 80nm S !- r New York Lv |l2 10am 325 pm —-J?” 1 3 Qopm||Ar Boston Lv | 5 OOprn 10 10 m No - 36 |l TO THE NORTH AND WEST. I] N^bsT - H (Centra 1 Time.) || 12 20anij|Lv dava nnah ; Arl] 5 10am . N. (Easier n lime.) ( 9an am !^ V Columbia Lvf| 1 Kam , Asheville Lv|| 305 pm 7 '!i r Hot apli,l k 9 Lv] 11 45am 5 10amt,Ar Lexinglon Lvl 10 30pm ir‘f m ]! Ar Cincinnati Lv! 8 00pm lf am : Ar Louisville * Lvl 7 45pm 6 00pm,| Ar St. Louis Lvj 8 oiam All trains arrive and depart from the Plant System Station. THROUGH CAR SERVICE. ETC. TRAINS 33 AND 34 DAILY, NEW IfORK AND FLORIDA EXPRESS buled limited trains, with Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars between Savon, nah and New York. Connects tit Washington with Colonial Express for Boston, i oilman Sleeping ,Cars between Charlotte and Richmond and Charlotte and Nor folk. Dining Cars serve all meals beiween Savannah and Washington. TRAINS 35 AND 36 DAILY, THE UNITED STATES FAST MAIL Vestlbuled limited trains, carrying Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars between Savannah and New York. Dining Cars serve all meals between Savannah and Washington. Also Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars between Savannah and Cincinnati, through Ashevll% and "The Land of iho Sky." For complete information as lo rates, schedules, etc., apply to G. GROOVER. Ticket Agent, Plant System Station. JAMES FREEMAN, C. P. and T. A.. 141 Bull street. Telephones—Bell, *SO; Georgia, 850. S. H. HARDWICK. Assistant General Passenger Agent, Atlanta, Ga. MURPHY & CO., INC., Board of Trade Building, Savannah. Private leased wires direct to New York, Chicago and New Orleans. COTTON, STOCKS AAD Gn.UA*. New York office, Na 61 Broadway. Offices in principal cities throughout th* Couth. Write for our Market Manual and book containing instructions for traders. $1.25; champion ducking, quarter kegs, $2,25; Dupont and Hazard smokeless, half kegs, *11.35; quarter kegs, *5.75; 1-pound canisters, *1.00; less 25 per cent.; Troiedorf smokeless powder, 1-pound cans, *1.00; 10- pound cans, 90c pound. SHOT—Drop, *1.50; B. B. and large, *1.75; chilled, *1.75. IRON—Market very steady; Swede, 5%c. NAILS—Cut, *2.60 base; wire, *2.85 base. BARBED WIRE—*3.SO per 100 pounds. Frnit. and Auts. MELONS—*3.oo@fhoo per 100. PEACHES—Six-basket carriers, 75c@ *1.25. PINEAPPLES—*I.SO@2.SO per standard crate. LEMONS—Market steady at *5.00@5.50. NUTS—Almonds, Tarragona, 16c; Ivicas, 16c; walnuts. French, 12c; Naples, 12c; pe cans, 12c; Brazils, 7c; Alberts, 13c; assort ed nuts, 50-pound and 25-pound boxes, 10c. PEANUTS—AmpIe stock, fair demand; market firm; fancy hand-picked, Virginia, per pound, 4%c; hand-picked, Virginia, ex tras, 3%e; N. C. seed peanuts, 4c. RAISINS—L. L„ *2.00; imperial cabinets, *2.25; loose, 50-pound boxes, B@B%c pound. Dried and Evaporated Fruit*. APPLES—Evaporated, 7%@Bc; sun-dried, 6%c. PEACHES—Evaporated, pealed, 17%c; unpealed, 5%©10c. PEARS—Evaporated, 12%c. APRlCOTS—Evaporated, 15c pound; nec tarines, 10%c. Salt, Hide* and Wool. SALT—Demand is fair and the market steady; carload lots, 100-pound burlap sacks, 44c: 100-pound cotton sacks, 45c; 123-pound burlap sacks, 54%c; 125-pound cotton sacks, 55%c; 200-pound burlaps sacks, 85c. HlDES—Market firm; dry flint, 14e; dry salt, 12c; green salted, 6%c. WOOL—Nominal; prime Georgia, free of sand burrs and black wool, 19c; black, 16c; burry, 10c. Wax, 25c; tallow, 3%c. Deer skins, 20c. Cotton Hogging; and Tie*. BAGGING—Market firm; jute, 2'i pound, 9%c; large lots, 9%c; small lots, 2-pound, S%@9c; 1%-pound, B'/*@S%c; sea island bagging, 12%e. TlES—Standard, 45-pound, arrow, largo lots, *1.40; small lots, *1.50. MISCELLANEOUS. FlSH—Mackerel, half-barrels, No. 1, $9.50; No. 2, $8.00; No. 3, $650; Jdts, No. 1, $1.40; No. 2. $1.25; No. 3, Soc. Codfish, 1-pound bricks, 644 c; 2-pound bricks, 6c. Smoked herrings, per box, 20c. Dutch her ring, In kegs, $1.10; new mullets, half barrels, $3.50. SYRUP—Market quiet: Georgia and Florida syrup, buying at 2S@3oc; selling at 32035 c; sugar house at 10015 c; selling at straight goods, 23030 c; sugar house mo lasses, 15020 c. HONEY—Fair demand; strained, in bar rels. 55@60c gallon. High wine basis, $1.23. OCEAN FREIGHTS. COTTON—Savannah to Boston, per bale, 25c; to New York, 20c; to Philadel phia, per bale, $1.00; to Baltimore, per bale, $1.00; via New York—Bremen, 50c; Genoa, 43c; Liverpool, 40c; Reval, 60c; di rect, Bremen, 42c. LUMBER—By Sail—Freights dull; 4o Baltimore and eastward, $1.50 to $6.00 per M., including Portland. LUMBER—By Steam—Savannah to Bal timore, $6.50; to Philadelphia. $8.00; to New York, $6.00; to dock, $6.75; lightered— to Boston, to dock. SB.OO. NAVAL STORES—The market is firm; medium size vessels. Rosin—Cork for or ders, 3s per barrel of 310 pounds and 5 per cent, primage. Spirits, 4s 3d per 40 gal lons gross and a per cent, primage. Larger vessels, rosin, 2s 9d; spirits. 4s. Steam. 11c per 100 pounds on rosin; 2144 c on spirits, Savannah to Boston, and 914 c on rosin and 19c on spirits to New York. GRAIN*. PROVISIONS, ETC. New York, July 31.—Flour market was steady, but without Important demand. Bye flour weak. Corn meal steady; yel low Western, 89c. Barley steady. Rye quiet. Wheat—Spot steady; No. 2 red, 794*0; options opened steady on foreign buying, but cased off and were exceedingly dull within narrow range all day. Disappoint ing cables, less active export trade, and liquidation formed the chief hear Influ ences: closed steady on late covering at a partial *■ not advance; September closed 81V4c: October. SOHc; December, Bt**c. Corn— Spot steady; options opened steady with wheat, after which it advanced on cables, local covering and small coun try acceptances; cloned steady, al un changed prices; September closed, 41 He; December, 4114 c. Oats—Spot weak and lower; No. 2, 26® 264*<" options dull and nominal. Beef steady; family, 10012 c; cut meats steady: pickled bellies, 84,01044 c. Laril firm; Western steamed, $7.15; re fined firm; continent, $7.5007.55; South American, SB.OO. Pork steady. Turpentine steady. Rice steady. BUJter steady; creamery, 1701914 c: state dairy. 1545®1844. Cheese, firm; large white, 944 c; small white, 9%c. Eggs, Steady; state and Pennsylvania, THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1. 1900. 34@17c; Western, at mark, 11@13%c for average lots. ‘ Potatoes quiet; Southern. $1.7001.75. Cabbage steady; Loud Island, per 100, $1.75®2.00. Cotton by steam to Liverpool, 25c. Coffee—Spot Rio, easy; No. 7, invoice, 9%c; mild steady. The emarket for fu tures opened steady at a decline of 5 points, and further sold off, 10 to 15 points, soon a ter the call, in ihe absence of pub lic support and under liquidation, follow ing lower cables from Europe and Brasil, heavier receipts at Rio and Santos, light deliveries from American warehouses, slack spot demand and increased bear confidence. While there was a partial rally later on covering, the under-current of sentiment continued bearish; closed steady at a net decline, of 10 @2O points. Total sales. 24,000 hags, including Septem ber, 8.05@8.10c; November, 8.25 c; Decem ber, 8.3568.40 c. Sugar—Raw. steady; fair refining, 4%c; centrifugal, 96 test, 4%c; molasses sugar steady, 4%c; refined steady but quieter. COTTON SEED OIL. New York, July 31.—Cotton seed oil was fairly steady at yesterday's define, with a less active trade. Prime crude barrels, 33c nominal; prime summer yellow, 36c; butter grades nominal; off summer yel low, 35%c; prime winter yellow, 40@4<11%c --prime white, 3D@4oc; prime meal, *25.00. CHICAGO MARKETS, Chicago, July 31.—A sharp decline in. oats and an equally sharp advance in provi sions were the features of an exception ally dull session on ’Change to-day. Wheat closed at a decline of %c and corn un changed for September. Oats lost %@%c on heavy country dealings and perfect weather, and provisions influenced by light stocks and good cash demand ad vanced 27%c for pork, 7%@10c for lard and 12%c for ribs. Leading futures ranged as follows; Opening. Highest. Lowest. Closing. Wheat No. 3 Jul y 74% 74%@74% 73% 74 All 74 74% 73%@78% 73%@73% S'Tt 75 75%@75% 74% 74%.'u 75 Corn No. 2 July 39% 39%. 39 39 Au ß* 29 39% 38% 38%©38% Sept 38%@38% 38% 38% 38% Oats No. 2 July 29% 21 20% 20% Au K 21% 21% 20% 80%©21 Sept 21%@21% 21% 21% 21\@21% Mess Pork per 100 pounds— July ....*ll 90 *l2 00 *ll 90 *l2 00 Sept 11 85 12 10 11 85 12 02% Lard per 100 pounds— July 6 82% Sept. ... 6 82% 6 87% 680 6 86' Oct 685 6 92% 685 6 87% Short rib per 100 pounds*— July .... .... .... 710 Sept 7 00 7 15 7 00 7 12% Oct 695 7 07% 695 7 05' Cash quotations were as follows: Flour quiet; No. 3 spring wheat, 69@73c; No. 2 red, 76Vz@77%c; No. 2 corn. 39%@39%c; No. 2 oats, 21 %c; No. 2 white, 23%@24%c; No. 3 white, 23©23%.c; No. 2 rye, 60©0%o; good feeding barley, 32@36e; fair to choice malt ing, 42@45c; No. 1 flaxseed, *1.50; prime timothy, seed, *3.10; mess pork, per barrel, tH.95@12.00; lard, per 100 pounds, *6.82%®) 6.85; short ribs sides (loose), *7.004/7.30; dry salted shoulders (boxed), 6%@7c; short clear sides (boxed), *7.50®6.); whisky, basis of high wines, *1.23%; sugars, cut loaf. *6.88; granulated, *6.32; confectioners' A, *6.28; off A, $6.13; clover, contract grade, *B.OO. NEWSFROMTHE WATER FRONT TIG LUCKENBACH SAILS SOUTH. TOWING SUCTION DREDGE, The Big Machine Was Thoroughly Boxcil and Fortified to Resist 110n kh Weather—.Steumer Doretta Hauled Out on Marine Hallway for lieitalra —Bark Carl A'oll Doblen to Begin Loading Naval Store*—Mat ter* of Interest to Shippers and Mariners. The tug M. E. Luckenbach sailed yester day for Vicksburg, Miss,, towing the At lantic, Pacific and Gulf Company's suc tion dredge, which Is to be used there in Connection with a big contract the com pany has been awarded. The tug took on 200 tons of Pocuiiontus coal, end will prob ably etop at Key West and other points along the way to coal. The ease with which she pulled out with the dredge at tracted attention along the river from. Thorough preparations were made by the dredging company to get the big machine through all right. Her sides were strong ly boxed, stacks removed and things put in a compact shape to resist the rough weather she 1s apt to experience before reaching her destination. It is understood that after delivering the dredge the tug has a tow from New Orleans to a North ern port. The steamer Doretta was hauled out on the marine railway yesterday for repairs. She will have her boilers overhauled, and it Is also understood considerable work will be done on her macihinery. The work will be done by the Havannah Foundry and Machine Company under the super vision of Mr. Richard Burns. For some time the Doretta has been running on the Bluffton and Suvanrmh route. She has been handicapped somewhak on account of slow speed. With the improvenitfils It is lnlended to make, It Is said the sttame’ , Air qJMS Line Railway u Double Daily Service Central or 90t h Meridian Time. TIME TABLE EFFECTIVE JUNE 2. 19u0. All trains daily. Trains operated by 90th meridian time—one hour slower than city time. NORTH AND EAST. NORTH AND NORTHWEST. | 44 | 66 7~66~ Lv Savannah |l2 35p|U 59p I Lv Savannah 11 59p Ar Fairfax j 2 15p| 1 54a I Ar Columbia i 36a Ar Denmark | 3 OOp 2 42a ! Ar Asheville 1 40p Ar Augusta j 9 45p 6 55a ;Ar Knoxville 7p Ar Columbia j 4 3Sp 4 3Ga Ar Lexingrtort 5 10a Ar Asheville | 1 40p t Ar Cincinnati 7 45a Ar Hamlet 9 05p| 9 20a Ar Louisville 7 50a Ar Raleigh .'.lll 40p]ll 55s ! Ar Chicago 5 55p Ar Richmond | 5 lOa) 6 40p \r Detroit 4 00p Ar Norfolk | 7 3Sa| Ar Cleveland a 2 55p Ar Portsmouth | 7 25a| Ar Indianapolis 11 40a Ar Washington I 8 45a| 9 SOp Ar Columbus 11120a Ar Baltimore 10 Ota U Ssp - Ar Philadelphia jl2 SOp' 56a SOUTH AND FLORIDA POINTS. Ar New York | 3 05. ; 13a Uf j WEST DIVISION AND N. O. Ar Darien 12 30p 6 OOp ———j ——— Ar Everett 6 50a 5 lOp •r— —5 i- !—Ar Brunswick 18 06a 6 25p r savannah 307 p 5 08a Ar Fernandlna 9 *oa 9 05p Lv -aeksonvilla 7 45p 9 20a A r Jacksonville 9 10a 7 40p Ar Lake City 9 35p 11 2Sa Ar St. Augustine 10 30a Ar Live Oak 10 30p 12 18p Ar Waldo 11 25a 10 41p a "f af,i ? Qn 2 30a 1 19p Ar Gainesville 12 Oln Ar Montlcello 4 40a 320 p A r Cedar Key 6 35p Ar Tallahassee 6 00a 338 pAr Ocala 1 40p 1 15a Ar Qmncy 8 25a 4 39p Ar Wildwood 2 32p 2 40p Ar River Junction 9 40a 6 25p Ar Leesburg 3 lOp 4 30a e u f , acol a • 11 00p Ar Orlando 5 00p 8 20a Ar Mobilo 3 OGa Ar Plant City 4 44p 5 28a Ar Now Orleans 7 40a Ar Tainna 5 Hop 6 30a WEST AND NORTHWEST. j No 19 No 17 Lv~Bavan na h | ki “ n<l East ~ Xo ' 27 5 m ■ No ‘ 31 2:57 * m ; Ar Cuyler | 7 lOpf 8 08a from Northwest, No. 27 5 a. m.: from a p u! > a 'inj, tl<jro ! 11 I ’ >p l 9 1,,u Florida points, Brunswick and Darien, No. Ar Helena |lO 50p|ll 45a 44 12:27 p. in., No. 66 11:50 p. nr. Ar AWani 1 . 3 05a ! 4 55p Trains 31 and 41 carry through Pullman Ar quanta 5 20a 7 3f>n Ar Chattanooga I 945a 1 oi.>a d<y coach to New York, in al FUzeerild ! j 1? ™ r - Ar Cordele | 8 03p Trains 27 and Gt> carry through Pullman Ar Americus ........ * 11! -. * T j..! *’ ! 3 ion qiec P or 10 N ‘ >w lork a,ui day coachtS Ar Columbus | | 5 to Washington. \r vr lba * ny I ! 3 20 p Trains arrive at Savannah from the Ar Birmingham Wcß ‘ and Nortllwest - No ' 18 8:25 p ' m ' Ar Mobile I i'mi Vo-l i No ' 20 8:40 a m ' Ar New Orleans !.!!!]!."! 8M > 7 I Mag nifleent buffet parlor cars on trains Ar Cincinnati rffllSS n is Ar bt. Louis 7 20a j 7 14p j Fov £u i; information apply to D - c - ALLEN, W. P. SCRUGGS, C. T. A., Bull and Liberty sts. s—both p hones—2B P.&T.A., cor. Bull & Bryan sis. F. V. PET ERSON. i— CT , Traveling Pas senger Agent. E - BT - JOHN, l. S. A LLEN, A. O. MACDONELL, Vice Pres, and Oen. Mgr., Gcn’l Pa ss. Agt., Asst. Gen’l Pass. Agent, Portsmouth, Va. Portsmouth, Va. Jacksonville, Fla. will be prepared to render better service on the line. The Swedish hark Carl von Doblen. which has been lied up near the Seaboard Air Line warehouse since she was hauled off the marine railway, will be shifted to day to load naval stores. Capt. Eddie Paine, the popular master of the tug Regis, returned yesterday from Indian Springs, where he spent his vaca tion. Capt. Paine's Improved looks Is a recommendation for the healthful sur roundings he visited. He returns every year improved, but this year his improve ment was so marked that he received nu merous congratulations. While the tug Luckenbach was coaling in Savannah a few of her officers found their way to Rourke & Sons shops, where they were shown through by John Rourke, Sr. The officers pronounced the shops as complete as many in cities where marine work is done on a larger scale than in Sa vannah. The big lathe which was recent ly put in the shops attracted attention. Passengers by Steamships. Passengers by steamship Naeoochee, for New York, July 31.—C. W. Plummer, F. M. Ingersoll. J. M. Ingersoll, G. M. Welt man, Mrs. E. B. Fitzgerald, son and daughter, Mrs. H. E. Stewart, L. L. White, R. S. Nidlock, Henry C. Dyer, Mrs. H. Thompson, L. L. Desbouillons, Mr. Lombard, R. O. Lombard and wife, Misses Lombard, Jacob Scihwab and wife. Rev. P. F. Horan, Mrs. T. Beil, W. S. -Sadler, W. M. Wilder, Miss Jones, Mrs. J. R. For rest, M. H. Dancey, E. Bruen, J. R. Hoyn, Mrs. Arthur Overton, Claude Waller, A. Lender, S. Kimball and wife, Miss Thur man, Mrs. Bailey, A. Minis, James Trot ter and wife, P. Oschsenschiager, George Bell, W*. J. Catheart and wife, Miss E. Roack, Mrs. J. W. Mosby, Miss McClel land, Henry Bardsley, J. W. Mosby, Mr. Bell, Mr. Davis, Miss Duffy, James Mc- Bride, W. R. Kavanaugh, F. P. Galla gher, Dr. George R. Norton, John Osner, J*. Cahill, A. C. Homblin, J. Y. Del Pino. Passengers by steamship D. H. Miller, for Baltimore, last night—Mrs. J. T. Irvin, Mrs. W. E. Swanston, IrviicSwanston, E. W*. White, Mrs. E. W. White, Mrs. M. C. Jennings, Miss M. M. Jennings, Mrs. W. 11. Jennings, Miss L. M. King, J. C. Mathis, D. C. Gurley, J. M. lating, R. It. Barrelt, M C. N’cy, J. B. Loe, W. B. Hall, S, Is West, Miss Rosa O’Hara, Miss May O'Mara, Miss Bessie O'Neal, B. H. Levy, Mrs. B.*H. Levy, Miss Stella Levy, Miss L. Levy, Miss C. Levy, Miss Anna Gaf ken. Miss Ida Owen, iMiss Florence Mc- Clure, Mrs. E. H. Burch, Master Burch, A. V. Berg, Jr., J. M. Solomons, Jr., B. M. Reed, Thomas H. Douglass, F. L. Mitchell, H. W. Hardester, Mrs. Charles Durham, Charles Durham, L. C. West, J. G. Harmlson, .Mrs. J. G. Harmlson, J. S. Harmison, Rice Harmlson, Miss Louise Harmison, Miss Leli Harmison, Mis* S. G. Beard, Mrs. W. P. Haisley, Peter Peace, Mrs. E. Wolford, Miss Mary Dalis, Wal ter Were, Ed. Ware. A. T. Ware, Mrs. A. T. Ware, Henrietta Jones, Miss R. Acke son, Mis* E. Ackeson, Miss M. Ackeson, Miss Alice Ackeson, Mrs. W. W. Adke son. gnvannuh Almanac, Sun rises at 5:14 and sets at 6:58. High water at Tybee to-day at 11:20 a. m. and 11:28 p. m. High water at Savan nah one hour ialer. Phases of the Moon for Angnsl. D. H. M. First quarter 3 10 45 morn. Full moon 10 3 30 eve. Last quarter 17 5 46 morn. New moon 21 9 52 eve. Moon Perigee 12th. Moon Ajiogee 27th. ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES, i Vessels Cleared Yesterday. Steamship Dorotea (Aust), Consullch, Hamburg.—flfrachan & Cos. Schooner Sedgwick, Ilagertby, Philadel phia.—Master. Vessels Went to Sea. Steamship Naeoochee, Smith, New York. Steamship D. H. Miller, Peters, Balti more. Schooner Rob Roy, Norbury, Philadel phia. Tug 11. E. Luckenbach, W'lllin, towing dredge, Vicksburg, Miss. k Shipping Memoranda. Key West, Fla., July 31,—Arrived, steamers Mascotte, While, Port Tampa, and sailed for Havana; steamer Aransas, Hopner, New Orleans, and sailed for Ha vana: Fanlta, Thompson, Nuevltaa. July 31.—Cleared, steamer Charlotte W. Wilmer, Higher, Albany, N. Y. Entered, steamships Westover, Johns, Philadelphia; Seminole, Hearse, New York. Charleston, S. C., July 31.—Arrived, schooners Mary Lee Patton, Stcedman, Norfolk; J. H. Park or, Hammond, New York; Emma C. Knowles, Rodgers, Phil adelphia. Sailed, steamer St. Hubert (Br), War dale, Norfolk. Georgetown, S. C., July 31— Arrived, schooners Bayard Hopkins, Eskridge, New York; Emma C. Cahoon, Baltimore. Baltimore, July 31.—Arrived, State of Texas, Savannah. Sailed, Alleghany, Savannah. Carrabelle, Fla., July 31.—Entered, bark I. H. Marsters (Ur), Frank, Belize. Pensa.ui.l, Fla., July 31.—Arrived, bark Elizabeth (tier), Rumors, Capo Town, via Barbadoes. Cleared, steamship Mayfield (Br), Don ald, Rotterdam and Hamburg. Port Tampa, Fla., July 31.—Arrived, steamer Olivette, Smith, Havana, via Key West; schooner Grade D. Buchanan, Har rington, Pensacola. Sailed, bark Khorasau (Ger), Piel, Yoko hama. Notice to Mariner*. riiol charts end all hydrographic infor mation will be furnished masters of ves sels free of charge in United States hy drographic office in Custom Home. Cap tains are requested to call at the office. Reports of wrecks and UereJictH received for transmission lo the navy department. Foreign Export*. Per Austrian steamship Dorotea, for Hamburg—s.6oß barrels rosin, *15,527; 947 casks spirits turpentine, *20,445.—8y Pa terson-llowning Cos. Also 2,688 tons phos phate rock, *26,881, Con*txrl*e Export*. Ter steamship ]>. H. Miller, for Balti more—4o bbls rice, 3,715 bbls rosin, 39,159 feet lumber. 116 crates pineapples, 18 bbls pears, 22% tons pig Iron, 802 sacks clay, .234 sacks hones, 211 pkgs mdse, 125 pkgs domestics, 163 bales hides. Per steamship Nacoochee, to New York, July 31.—308 bales upland Cotton, 100 bales sea island cotton, 117 bales domestics, 625 bbls cotton seed oil, 2,825 bbls rosin, 200 bbls turpentine, 174,884 feet lumber, 105 hbls rosin oil, 28 cases cigars, 172 bbls fruit, 237 boxes fruit, 197 bdis green salted hides, 400 cases cotton' seed oil, S3 bbls pitch, 25 bills lampblack, 113 pkgs mdse. Per rohooner Sedgwick, for Philadelphia —437,529 feet yellow pine lumber.—Cargo by John A. Calhoun. Wool, Hides Wax, Furs, Honey, Highest market prlcea paid. Georgia Syrup for aale. A. EHRLICH & BRO, Wholesale Grocers and -Liquor Dealers. 111. 113, 115 Bay street, wet*. 1,000,000 HIDES WANTED. DRY FLINTS 1444 c DRY SALTS I34ic GREEN SALTED 644 c R. KIRKLAND, 417 to 421 St. Julian utract, west. 7 (hills * Fever] X DUMB AGUE and J LIPPMAN BROS., Proprietor*, Orotglati, Lipptnan’l Block. SAVANNAH, GA f CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH ENNYROYAL PILLS Original anil Only <irnnln'. ,*|L>fVAFK. Always rrllOtin. I ■ Drnffflit *, %{ tvaa tot In UFO iul ieold mctAllic boxes, •.•!•<! wilt* blue ribbon. Tk* no other. KrfWso •W ws liungtrnui Hubatliullues end ImlUa. I / iff lion*. Buy of your Ltrufiiit, or srutl 4c. in I W *Jr siamps Hr I'srtlpiilnri, TrotlaonlalA V 12* fjf nod “Ilrllrf for I.Htllrs.” m Utter, bj re* ' If turn Mell. 10.OIMI Toatinoeiels Mold by / ell Druggist*. Chlchrster t brnslcel €#., Meetion this J>ss.rr. MnftUon ►yusrr, FHILA.. FAa Bond bj L. W. biauswlg k Cos., Whole, druggists, Ktw Oriosos. Still in the UiiiK-. We wish it understood that we are still prepared to dispense ihe best Soda Water in the city. DONNELLY PHARMACY, Rhone 678, Liberty and Trio®. Plant System. of Railways. Trains Operated by 90th Meridian Time—One Hour Slower Than City Tl?n. BEAD DIIVVV |[ Effectlvs June 17, 900. |[ READ UP. f I *H I 32 I "hi j ft, North aim South, j] 23 I *5 | ta I 5 1 * I . J5 P |,f 20*|12 10p la||Lv iavannah.... Aril"l 50ai 1 fi i' >ll 30j i- lb.i li ,a| 4 19p It) 3ua| 28a ,Ar ...Charleston.... Lv||ll 15p| 5 s©aj 3 lOp 7 41a 800 | 3 28.)j | 7 25p>Ar .... Hlchmond... Lv|' 9 05a| 6 48pf I I l 01a l ;11 20p| Ar ..Wushington... Lv | 4 30aj 3 07p| I s 20aI i u3u Ar Baltimore.... Lvj| 2 55a| 1 46p| - jlO 35aJ S 50a Ar ....Philadelphia.. LV|;l2 20p|ll Bp| - j I 1 l 'P| 7 OOiij Ar ....New York.... Lv|| 9 2p| 8 56uj I I 8 2i'p' op||Ar Bosion Lv|| 100,0,1200 ml — lB i BB i i-ij sii sou nr ii 7t iu ii it* '] : 8 ; ;ij j is.i i.v ....Savannah.... Art iiS 12 10p 11 60s :i SS ~ „f* 50,1 l 7 25a| 4 SOujjAr ... Waysville.... Lv I 7 tbpl I 5 45a| 5 45a| 325 * ‘I 2 30p| 2 l.ipl 2 15|ij 2 15|.| Ar ...Tltamasville Lvl 7 'Op| 7 G)p| 5 45a| 5t5 3 2o Ml aup| 7 40p,12 60a| 9 25a, 7 SOadAr .... Jacksonville.. Lv! 8 supl 8 OOp 8 Ofl.-i 7 30a 5O 0 I 2 ooa| 5 40pj I :Ar Sanford Lv]|l3 05p 100a 100a I 2 20pI 2 20p]|Ar ...Gainesville.... Lv 1 ! - 4 ftr > I 2 16p 3 16|.,iAr C'a!:t Lvj 1 40p - # a ll° 60p|10 00p|10 OOplJAr Tampa Lvl 7 OOa 7 00a 7 35p 7 35p - I s l°u|l 30i>1 10 30p 10 30p||Ar ...,lort Tampa.. I.v'j 6 25a 6 25a 7 00p 7 OOp I I 1 10a| 1 10a| 1 10a!| Ar ...Pttn4a Oordn.. Lv'l | 4 SSp 4 35p u„| |lo 45aj 10 46u.jAr ..St. Augustine. Lvjj 6 20p| 2op| I '■ >- 2 :•••!• '' 2" 1 [Lv ... S.n Hindi.... Lv]|lo 15a|12 lOei | Z I b 4 "U! 2 47a| 4 Gop| 6 oa||Ar Jesup I,v]| 8 20a|10 50p| | - I 8 Ssp l 7 I* a l 6 25p| 8 06a! Ar ....Brunswick .. Lv|| 6 40a| 9 06pj | NORTH, WEST AND SOUTHWEST. 15 ( 63 || ~Via || 5? P ! Sa Y aun “ h ; 4 '- J 2 10aj 5 00p Fogs la Savat,nah Ar 10 15a(TgS 6 4op| 6 40a||Ar ...Jesup.. Lv 8 20a 10 50p s 10a! 9 20,, Ar M’tg’mery Lv 7 43pin 25 6 l to! aI" At’wnm "f* V ,n S 7 ,flp ' ™Ar NashvliU Lv 9 DAM 3 fiOpi Ar.. Atlanta ..Lv 10 4.*p 1- o.| j 30a 13 \ v lx>ui-1 v 0 9 V'n * iitn 7 50 a ' Ar i'k ' '7 ] 7 or, "l 4 &P Ar Ctncinnatt Lv U OOP 5 43p 7 7Z\ Ar' cSSSSJ? Lv i 7 Sp! ’ “*( 1 7 W ' , |l Ar ?*■ ‘* o “'? 3 - p 828 704 a 6 00,, ■ Ar. St. Louia Lv 9 15p 8 OSa! ~ Ar i, r.miU Tv soon J iSa 5 10p, Ar.. Chicago .Lv 8 SOp tOOpj j jf &O ) V 6 40a I 4 15p| JLv.. Atlanta ..Ar 10 35p 11 30a: R 09;.) 9 15p!'Ar.. Chicago Lv 7 00|> ISM 8 Oop 7 15aj'Ar. Mempiinß .Lv .8 2a 9 OOp ——• 9 45aj 7 10a||Ar KansaaCltyLv j C 30p 9 4:.p 4 12p| 3 05a;|Ar.. Mobile ..L.v||l2 58pj12 '20% * (and unmarked tralna) duiiy. 8 80p| 7 40a ,\r n Orloana Lvj) 55aj 7 45p t Dally except Sunday. _ ( a)a||Lv Savannah Ar 10 16a 13 10a only. 1 45a|IS BOpllAr.. Tiflon ...Lv 2 15a 5 20p Through Pullman Hleeping~?ar Service 3 45ai 2 10p Ar.. Albany ..Lv 12 01< 345 p fo North, East and West and tq OToi Vr Columbui L> 10 OOa CoimectlouM made nt Port Tampa with atosiuers for Key Went uml Havana. Leaving Port Tnuipit Moii.liiya, TlmraUnya nml IHninrdayN at 1 1 :<M> p. in. J. H.ePolhemua, T. P. A.; E. A. Armand, City Tkt. Agt.. Dc Soto Hotel. Phone li, B. W. WRKNN, Passenger Traffic Manager, Savannah, Oa. McDonough & ballantyne, . h** Iron llYfachinSsts, Q f AiackaiuJ/tis, R.iiermilitii, nanula ctarrra of Station er, I'.ruitl. GigluM, Vertical >i<l top Munntag l*' Mills, Sugar Mill 4 I ans, Ska Ulna. I’ullere, ata. TELEPHONE NO. 123. Ocean SteamsniD Go. —FOR— New York, Boston —AND THE EAST. Unsurpassed cabin accommodations. All tho coin forts of a modern hotel. Electric lights. Unexcelled table. Tlckota Include mewls and bertlui aboard ship. Passenger Fares Horn Savannah. TO NEW YORK—FIRST CABIN, S2O; FIRST CABIN ROUND TRIP, $32; IN TERMEDIATE CABIN, sls; INTERME DIATE CABIN ROUND TRIP, $24. STEERAGE, $lO. TO BOSTON - FIRST CABIN. $22: FIRST CABIN ROUND TRIP, S3O. IN TERMEDIATE CABIN, sl7; INTERME DIATE CABIN HOUND TRIP, $28.00. STEERAGE, $11.75, The express steamship* of this line are appointed to sail from Savannah, Central (90<h) meridian time, as follows: SAVAXSAH TO NEW VO It It. KANSAS CITY. Capt. Fisher, THURS DAY, Aug. 2, 9:00 a. m. CITY OF BIRMINGHAM, Capt. Burg, SATURDAY, Aug. 4, 10:00 |>. m. TALLAHASSEE. Cupt. Asking, MON DAY, Aug. 6, 1:00 p. m. CITY OF AUGUSTA, Capt. Daggett, TUESDAY. Aug. 7, 2:00p. m. NACOOCHEE, Capt. Smith, THURS DAY. Aug. 9, 3:30 p m. KANSAS CITY, Capt. Fisher, SATUR DAY, Aug. 11, 5:00 p. m. CITY OF BIRMINGHAM, Capt. Burg, MONDAY. Aug. 13. 7:00 p. m. TALLAHASSEE, Capt. Asklns. TUES DAY, Aug. 14, 7:30 p. m. CITY OF AUGUSTA, Capt. Daggett. THURSDAY, Aug. 16, 9:00 a. m. NACOOCHEE, Cupt. Smith, SATUR DAY, Aug. 18, 11:00 p. m. KANSAS CITY, Capt. Fisher, MONDAY, Aug. 20, 1:00 p. m. CITY OF BIRMINGHAM, Capt. Burg, TUESDAY, Aug. 21, 2:00 p. m. TALLAHASSEE, Capt. Asklns, THURS DAY, Aug. 23, 3:30 p. m. CITY OF AUGUSTA, Capt. Daggett, SATURDAY, Aug. 25. 5:00 p. m, NACOOCHEE, Capt. Smith, MONDAY, Aug. 27, 6:30 p. m. KANSAS CITY, Capt. Fiaher, TUES DAY, Aug. 28, 7:00 p. m. CITY OF BIRMINGHAM, Capt. Burg, THURSDAY, Aug. 30, 8:00 a, m. NEW YORK TO BOSTON. CITY OF MACON, Capt. Savafec, FRI DAY, Aug. 3, 12:00 noon. CITY OF MACON, Capt. Savage, WED NESDAY, Aug. 8, 12:00 noon. CITY OF MACON, Capt. Savage, MON DAY, Aug. 13, 12:00 noon. CITY OF MACON, Capt. Savage, FRI DAY, Aug. 17, 12:00 noon. CITY OF MACON. Capt. Savage, WED NESDAY, Aug. 22, 12:00 noon. CITY OF MACON, Capt. Savage, MON DAY, Aug. 27. 12:00 noon. CITY OF MACON, Capt. Savage, FRI DAY, Aug. 31. 12:00 noon. This company reserves the right to I change it* railings without notice and : without liability or accountability there- I for. Sailings New York for Savannah daily except Sundays, Mondays and Thursdays, 6:00 p. m. W. G. BREWER. City Ticket and Pass enger Agent, 107 Bull street. Savannah, On. K. W. SMITH, Contracting Freight I Agent Savannah, Ga. R. G. TREZEVANT, Agent, Savannah, Ga. WALTER HAWKINS, General Agent Traffic Dep't. 224 W, Hay street, Jack sonville, Fla. E. H. HINTON, Traffic Manager, Sa vannah. Ga. P. E. LE FEVRE, Superintendent, New Pier 25. North River, New York. N. Y. FRENCH LINE COIPAGM GENERALE TRINMTim DIRECT LISE TO HAVRE—PARIS (France) Sailing every Thursday at 10 u. m From Pier No. 42, North Klver, foot Morton > 1/Aquitaine Aug. '-’ La Lorraine:..Aug 21 La Tourutne Aug. 9iL'Aquitaine..Aug. Hi) La Bretagne Aug. 10,La lourainc Sept 6 Paris hotel accommodations reserved fur company's pussengers upon application Gene-al Agency, 82 Broadway. New York. Messrs. Wilder A Cos. J. D. WEED * CO BAVAHBAU, GA, Leather Belting, Steam Tailing & Hose. | Agents for NEW YORK RUBBER BELTING AND PACKING COMPANY. Schedules Effective Juno 10, 1900. Trains arrive at and depart from 1 Central Station, Went Broad, foot of , > Liberty street. Both Meridian Time-One hour slower thatf* city lime. Leu ve Savannah: Savannah^ |Macon, Atlanta. Covltig-f M •8 4aam|ion, Mliledgeville and all|g topr* JMliftn, Augusta and In-I l J t 8 46amj termed late points. |f6 OOpnflf {Augusta, Macon, Mont-T p „ ™ (gutneiy. Atlanta, Athena, i 1 9 OOpmjColumhus, Birmingham,(*6 00aof Amerlcua, Eufaula and! |TrOy. _ J j pTybee Special from Au| , |6 lßpmjgusta Sunday only. |slo 38aM|f t 8 00pm| Dover Accommodation. [fifsiaiS t 2 00pm| Guyton Dinner Train < dpi 4 •Dally, tExcept Sunday. 3Suf>d.iy BETWEEN SAVANNAH AND TYB&* 75th meridian or Savannah city tltue. lu..vve savannah. Week Days—<i:2o u. ut., iu.Oj a. m., 3:85 a m., 5:25 p. in., 6:50 p. m., 8:35 p. in. Sundays—7:4s a. m„ 10:05 a. m., 12:05 A m., 8:35 p. m., 5:25 p. tn., 6:50 p. tn., 8 3J p . m. LEAVE TYBEE. Week Days—U:oU a, m.. 8:00 a. m., U:ti am., 6:15 p. tn., 7:40 p. m„ 10:10 p. rn. Sundays—6:oo a. m., 8:35 a. m„ 11:10 ah m, 1:00 p m., 6:EO p. rn., 7:40 p. in., 10:15 p. m. Connections mad* at terminal point* with all trains Northwest, West at) 4 Southwest. Sleeping car* on night trains between Savannah arid Augusta, Macon, .Miami and Birmingham. Parlor cars on day trains between Saw vannah, Macon and Atlanta. For complete Information, schedule* rates and connection*, appl r to W. O. BREWER, City Ticket and Paas eriger sgent. 107 Bull street. W. H McINTYRE, Depot Ticket Agents J. C. HAILE. General Passenger Agent* K. H HINTON, Traffic Manager. TIIBO. D. KLINE, Gen. Sirpertnienderr* Savannah, Ga. MERCHANTS AND MINERS TRANSPORTATION CO. ,j STEAMSHIP LINES. j SAVANNAH TO BALTI MOH.EQ. Ticketa ort sale at company'* oßloea t# Ihe following points at very low rata*: ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. BALTIMORE, MD. BUFFALO, N. T. BOSTON, MASS. CHICAGO, ILL CLEVELAND, CA, • ERIE, PA. HAGERSTOWN. HARRISBURG), PA* HALIFAX, N. S. NIAGARA FALLS. NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA. PITTSBURG. PROVIDENCBfc ROCHESTER. TRENTON. WILMINGTON, WASHINGTON. Flrst-cla*s ticket* Include meal* eng stale room berth, Savannah to Baltimore Accommodations and cuisine unequatedi Freight capacity unlimited; careful ban* dllng and quick dispatch. The steamships of this company are ap* pointed to aali from Savannah to Baltt* more as follow* (standard tiatat; ITASCA, Capt. Diggs, THURSDAY, Aug, 2, 10:00 a. m. ALLEGHANY, Capt. Billups, SATURa DAY. Aug. 4, 11:00 a. tn. TEXAS. Capt. Footer, TUESDAY, Aug, 7, 1:00 p. m. D 11. MILLER, Dapt. Peters, THUR9* DAY, Aug. 9, 2:00 p. m. And from Baltimore Tuesdays, Thurw davs and Saturday* at 4:00 p. m. Ticket Office, 39 Hull ntreef. NEWdPMB COHEN, Trav, Agent. J. J. CAUOLAN. Agent, Savannah. Ga. W. P. TURNER, O. P. A. A D. STEBBINS, A. T. M. J. C. WHITNEY, Trafflp Manager. General Office*. Baltimore, Md. JOHN C. BUTLER^ —DEALER IN— ; Paints, Oil* and Glass, sash. Doors, Blind* and Builder*' Suppllaa, Plain and Docoran live Wall Paper, Foreign and Dom*aC** Cements, Lima, Plaster and Hair. Sold Agent for Abestln* Cold Water Paint. 10 Congr*** street, west, and 19 SC Julias atraet, neat. 9