The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, August 03, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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NO STUMP SPEECHES WITNESS IN POWERS CASE CALLED DOWN BV THE COIRT. STAMPER’S OFFER TO GOLDEN. jT WAS MADE BEFORE TALKING WITH CALEB POWERS, (nllinj; Out of tlie First Kentucky Regiment— An Order Dated Jnne IS Wan Not Executed Until Jnne 30. Court Ruled Out Resolution* Adop ted by the Mountaineer*—Sharpe Ready to L ; *e Hi* Gun to Prevent OusMns; of Republican*. Georgetown, Ky., Aug. 2.—Rev. John Stamper, brother-in-law of Wharton Gold en. was recalled to-day in the trial or j Caleb Powers, charged with complicity in the Goebel shooting. Col. Parks of the prosecution questioned j him as to the part he took in getting Re publicans from Scott county to go to the state capital on Jan. 25. He answered that | h* secured quite a number.* On redirect examination Stamper said his conversations with Golden regarding the money he (Golden) was to receive for convictions were confidential, but that he j nude them public because a man’s life I was in jeopardy. “The witness should not make stump speeches in the court house,” said Judge Cantrill sharply. Stamper declared he had never been au- j thorized by anyone to offer money to Gol den to leave the state before the trial. His memory had been refreshed since adjourn- • rv nt of court yesterday and he desired i to correct the statement made then that hi? offer of $5,000 to Golden was after the talking with Caleb Powers, the defend ant. He said he had the conversation with Golden before talking to Powers. The defense called R. L. McClure of Lexington, a newspaper man. Attorney i Owens asked him if witness Golden had rot said to him that Youtsey was a fool 1 for talking too much and would not get a cent, but that he (Golden) had fixed it before he told his story to the prosecu tion. The pics cution objected and was sustained by the court. An exception was taken. £ Fsr*t Kentucky Called on. Col. C. C. Mengal of the First Ken ucky National Guard, followed. He produced two telegiams received at Louisville on the day of the shooting at 2 p. m., con- i Mining only the words, “All right.” and signed D. R. Collier, adjutant general. Also a letter from Collier, explaining that the words “All right” m*ant for the wit ness to come to Frankfort and bring a regiment and Gatling gun. On cross ex amination the prosecution read this letter to show that Op’.Her had sent the tele grams btf re ar.d rot after noon. Col. Mvngal produced orders signed by Gcv. Taylor for the movement of the reg iment to Fiankfor-. He said he could not evpiain why the order was issued on Jan. 18, the date it bore, ar.d not executed un til the 30th instant. Jn the order. Taylor directed him to obey all orders and sisna’s gi\en him by Adjutant General Col i*r. Mountaineers* Resolution*. Stephen G. Sharpe of Lexington, chair man of the mountaineers’ meeting held on the steps of the capitol Jan. 25, produc ed the minutes and resolutions of that meeting. Before the jury was brought in for the afternoon session, Attorney Brown of the defense, presented the copy of the resolutions, adopted at the meeting of the mountain men, and asked that the paper be read to the Jury. Passionate speeches for and against the admission of the papers nnd evidence were made by Attorneys Brown and Williams. When they hod ceased the judge said: “The paper offered as evidence is clearly incompetent. You might as well read to the Jury Pope’s ‘Essay on Man.’ ” The jury was then brought in and Sharpe again placed on the stand. Wit ness said he told Gov. Taylor and Gen. Collier before Jan. 30 that he had been warned by a Democratic friend to stay eway from Frankfort as the parties push ing the gubernatorial contest had 2,000 rifles there and were ready to use them. Witness was in Gov. Taylor’s office in five minutes after the shooting. Taylor asked him to take charge and prepare to defend the building. He did so. giving orders not to permit the arrest of anyone in the Capitol grounds. Would Do It Again. In response to a question on cross-ex amination Sharpe stated he had in sub stance said to some persons on the Sat urday before the shooting that he was ready to take his gun and either lead oi follow’ to prevent the ousting of the Re publican officeholders. “I am ready to do it now’,” he ex claimed. Frank C. Carpenter was the last wit ness of the day. He was In Frankfort Jan. 7. and was called by the defense to show the state of feeling on the streets of the city immediately after ihe shoot ing of Goebel. He repeated threats he had heard made against occupants of the executive building. While he was being cross-examined court adjourned. COL. BRYAN’S PROGRAMME, He Will Spend Some Time In Lincoln Betfveen Hl* Trip*. Lincoln. Neb., Aug. 2.— W. J. Bryan to day outlined his work for August as fol lows: After the notification at Indianapolis Ang. 8, he will return to Chicago for a few’ days to consult with members of the National Committee. He will then return to Lincoln, where he will remain until Aug. 30, when he will go to Chicago to attend the National Grand Army en campment. During his stay In Lincoln between the Chicago trips Mr. Bryan will complete his letter of aceplance, w hich is now par tially written, and this will he Issued. He "ill also prepare addresses for the popu 11m and Silver Republican notifications. Lillis J. Abbott, head of the Democratic Press Bureau at Chicago, will give ad vance copies of Mr. Mryan’s Indianapolis notification speech to the press either Monday or Tuesday of next week. The time and place for the Populist and Bilver Republican notifications have not yet been fixed. The itinerary doe.* rot take into account Mr. Bryan’* notification by the Poulists *i and Silver Republicans, which Is expected to take place some time this month, and call him from Lincoln. It is believ •d the meeting will be at Topeka. an important conference. Likely tlie Democratic Campaign Will Soon Be Onfllned. Chicago, Aug. 2.— lt was announced to *t Democratic national headquarters that an important conference will he held Jeie on the return of W. J. Bryan from Indianapolis. Senator Jones, chairman of the Democratic National Committee; Tories a. Towne and may lending Dem- C'ciats are expected to be present. ! ** whole political situation, it is said, "dl be discussed, and before Mr. Bryan depa t ts for Lincoln, it is believed the "’hole. Democratic plan of campaign will have been agreed upon, Incluidng the part 10 he taken by 'Mr. Bryan himself. STREETS RAN WITH BLOOD. Chinaman** Account of the Situation in Pekin When Mansacres Were in rrogre**. Chicago, Aug. 2.—A special to the Record from Victoria, B. C. f says: A letter received by a local Chinaman by the steamer Glenogle, dated Chi San Fu, the capital of Shan Tung, on July 2, says Cho Ta. a reformer who evtaped from Pekin on June 26, has given the writer the following information from the capital to June 26; There were 100.000 Boxers and Manehu troops in th*i cap la’ when I left, and numbers more were pouring in from all par s of ihe Chi Li, San Tung, Shen Si and Ho Nan. Their main object seemed to bo plunder and ha*red of foreigners. The gates of Pekin were consequently opened day and night to permit these re inforcements to enter the city. Those in the city had attacked the foreign lega tions continuously for ten days, but w'ere repulsed every time, although they man aged to set fire to a number of houses adjoining the foreign quarters, thereby leaving the latter considerably exposed. I bol ©ve en? cr two foreign houses hrui already been destroyed when I left the c.ty. No de.ent p?is n could get any where near the place for fear of being called a fortigner by the mob. “Not counting the 2,000 to 3.000 converts who have been massacred by the Boxers inside Pekin, it was estimated when I left that over 4,000 peaceable citizens had also been slain in the melee. The streets ran with blood; it was awful. The Tar tar and Forbidden cities were filled to overflowing with Boxers and Manehu troops, which caused a panic among the princes, dukes, nobles and members of the imperial clan, and other banners, who were afraid that they also w’ould be plundered as soon as the Boxers got be yond control, and so by diplomacy they managed to clear both cities of their dan gerous friends, closed the gates and placed strong guards of banner men to prevent further Ingress of outsiders. The Tartar City* gates are now* only opened a couple of hours a day to enable residents to purchase things from the other cities. To show how popular the Boxen? are with the Manehu*. in front of the palaces of each prince, duke and no ble. there are Boxer altars, or recruiting pieces. On June 19 Yung Lu. who had always advocated the suppression of the Boxers, having received dispatches from the vice roys nnd governors south of the Yellow river, urging the same step, thought to back up his policy but quoting the provin cial dispatches at the Grand Council that morning. A great clamor at once arose among the other grand councillors, head ed by Prince Tuan and Yang Yu. who de nounced A ling Lu as a traitor and literally overwhelmed him by their numbers. Fi nally. in spite of the endeavors, of the Empress Dowager to restore order Prince Tuan and Yang Yu cried out that they would take all the responsibil ity of the war against foreigenrs. and rushed out of the grand council chamber, all decorum and etiquette being thrown to the winds. The Empress Dowager left the Council Chamber in despair, and has not been heard of since, nor has the Emperor. They are said to be under the restraint of Prince Tuan’s men in the palace. When this was know*n to the eunuchs and pal ace officials they raised the cry, “Up with the To Tsing dynasty and down with the foreigners!” which was taken up by the populace in the Tartar city. An hour af terward began the reign of Prince Tuan and his clique. We fear greatly for the safety of uor beloved Emperor.” HIS OW\ CAMPAIGN MANAGER. Col. Bryan Will Take Chnut, of It to a Large Extent Him.elf. Chicago, Aug. 2.—The Record to-morrow will say;. William J. Bryan in a large measure will be his own campaign manager this year. Directly after the notification cere monies at Indianapolis next week the Democratic candidate for President will return to Chicago, and, with the help of his party's leaders, formulate plans for the campaign. According to the pro gramme as outlined by J. G. Johnson, chairman of the National Executive Com mittee. Adlai E. Stevenson will come back with Mr. Bryan to this city, and the two will have a large share in arranging the lines for the coming political fight. Mr. Johnson was told by Mr. Bryan over the telphone to help in arranging the pro gramme for the campaign. Mr. Johnson said the candidate would probably be here three or four days. Practically the full roster of Democratic leaders will go to Indianapolis for the notification, and they will return here with Mr. Bryan for a session that will determine in its broad lines the way the campaign is to be con ducted. It is eaid at headquarters that Mr. Bryan is not satisfied with the way the campaign has been run thus far. but he feels that he has learned a good deal of politics since he was a candidate before, and he wants to put it to practical uses. FAILURES DURING JULY. They Were About Double Those of Jnly Last Year. New York, Aug. 2.—Reports to R. G. Dun & Cos., show commercial failures in July 793 in number, with liabilities of $9,- 771,735. Of manufacturing concerns there were 183 defaults, amounting to 95,177.682, and of traders 550, wdth $3,321,366 liabilities. The total last month was about double that of the same momh last year, but it must be remembered that failures in July, 1899, were the smallest, with one excep tion, in any momh cf the 82 for which de tailed statistics have been published by this concern. DISCUSSING THE WAGE SCALE. Tin Plate People Do Not Seem In cline to Give In. New York, Aug. 2—The Amalgamated Association’s delegation and officials of the American Tin Plate Company, Amer ican Steel Hoop Company, American Steel Company and several kindred corporations were again in executive session to-day discussing the wage scale for the fiscal year. The associations later adjourned with out reaching an agreement, to meet in Pittsburg Saturday, Aug. 4. Vice Presi dent Amres of the American Tin Plate Company said the conditions in iron, steel nnd ttnware business did not warrant the increase in wages asked for by the men, and hence it was Impossible to grant it. INSURE CARMACK'S ELECTION. County Primaries Indicate Thai He Will He Senator. Nashville, Tenn.. Aug. 2—County Dem ocratic primaries held throughout Ihe state to-day practically insure the election of Congressman E. W. Carmack to the Doited States Senate. Almost without ex ception where legislative candidates were instructed they were Instructed for Car mack. David R. Snodgrass, chief justice of the state Supreme Court, is the only other avowed candidate. Solace nt Nagasaki. Washington, Aug. 2.—The Solace, with the sick and wounded from China, reached Nagasaki yesterday on her homeward trip. THE MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY, AUGUST 3, 1900. CESSION OF TUTUILA ISLAND. COMMANDER TILLEY SENDS THE FORMAL CONTRACT. “Ifißtrnmrnt of Cfi*ion" a* It I* Call ed I* Signed by TtreitHwo Chief*—Chief* Are Entitled to Re tain Control of Their Town*—No Firearm*, Ammunition or Liquors of Any Kind Can Be Imported Into the Inland. Washington. Aug. 2.-—Commander Ben jamin F. Tilley, In charge of the United States naval station cn the is’and of Tu tuila, Samoa, transmits in a rev ent re port to the navy dfrartmen* upon the condition of affairs on the Island, an * In strument of cession” executed by the chiefs of Tutuila and the United States government. The document fo.mally cedes and tra s fers to Command r Tilley, a** the repre sentative of the United States govern ment, the islands of Tutuila. Manna and all other islands, rocks, reefs, foreshores and waters lying be-tween certain degrees of latitude and longitude named, to erect the same into a terarate district to fce known as the district of Tutuila. The “instrument of cession.” was sign ed by the marks of twenty-two chiefs, with their sea s affixed on the 17th of April laft, immediately prior to the rais ing of the Stars and Stripes over the na val B'ation at Pago-Pago. Chief* to Retain Tlielr Town*. The provisions of the document set forth that the chiefs of the towns shall be entitled to retain their individual control of separate towns, provided the same shall be in accordance with the laws of the United States concerning Tutuila. It also provides that this government shall re spect and protect the individual rights of the people to their land and property, and that should the government require their lands, it shall take the same on pay ment of a fair consideration. On July 10 Commander Tilley visited Rose Island, the eastern member of the Samoan group, which lies seventy miles to the. east of Manua, hoisted the Ameri can flag and took formal possession. This island is nothing but a coral atoll and is of no value. Very stringent regulations have been is sued by Commander Tilley prohibiting the importation of firearms, dynamite and other explosives into Tutuila. An or der recently issued forbids the. importa tion of wines, beers, or liquors, except by permission of the commandant. The na tives are not allow*ed to obtain these intoxicating liquors, hut. says Commander Tilley, the encouraging fact has been de veloped that they apparently do not care for them. FOUND FOR THE PLAINTIFF. Decision In a Lons Pending Family Lawsuit. New York, Aug. 2.—Justice Smith, of the Supreme Court, rendered a decision to-day firding for the plaint ff in the long pending suit of May Thome Branttng tvam against Eunice E. Huff over the will of Joseph Thorne. The suit was over a transfer to Mrs. Huff by Thorne of th= record title of stock paying regular nvonihly dividends of 5 per cent, on $300,000, and various oth er property owned by Mr. Thorne esti mated in all at something like a half mil lion dollars. In 1863 Joseph Thorne and his wife adopted May Lillian Lee, the plaintiff, then nearly two years old. Rich M. Thorne lavished all his affec tions upon her, as did his wife. But ore day in 1892 In the railway station in Boston Thorne met Mrs. Eunice Hulf. Mrs. Thorne, who had spent forty happy years with her husband, sued for divorce. In May, 1897. the old man died. Then Mrs. Hutf produced a paper to prove her claim to his estate. This paper showed that Thorne had assigned his property to Mrs. Huff for the consideration of 81. BOMB CREATED A SCARE. II Was Thought Anarchists Hnd Broke Loose lu Pnterson. New York, Ang. 2.—A small bomb was ac(dentally exploded in a vault of the. old City Hall, now used as a recorder's court, in Paterson, N. J„ to-day. The explo sion caused a sensation and a report that anarchists had attempted to wreck the City hall quickly became current. The bomb, which was seized by the police from an Italian bombmaker a month ago and placed in the vault by the police for safe keeping, was accidentally kicked by one of the city officials and the explosion fol lowed. DEFEATED THE ASHANTIS. But the Losses of the British Were Considerable, Bewai, Ashanti, Wednesday, Aug. I. H. R. Beddoes, with 400 men and two guns, started July 24 to locate the enemy’s war camp. The camp was found, the warriors numbering 3,000 to 1,000 men, three days' marching east of Dotnpoessi. Several hours’ fighting resulted in the defeat of the Asahnlis after a stubborn resistance. Maj. Beddoes' losses were heavy. He and Lieuts. Philips and Swaby were se verely wounded. Thirty men were also wounded. More troops will he necessary belorc the campaign can possibly finish. PRESIDENT IN WASHINGTON. He Expects to Retnrn to Canton, However, To-night. Washington, Aug. 2.—President McKin ley, accompanied by Secretary Cortleyou, arrived here this morning at 7:50 o'clock. He was driven at once to the White House. The trip was uneventful The President expects to return to Canton to morrow night. LOUISVILLE'S POPULATION. It Shows nn Increase of 43,602 or 21.66 Per Cent. Washington, Aug. 2.—The census office to-day announced the population of Louisville, Ky., as 204,731, nn increase of 43,602 over the census of 1890, or 27.06 per cent. Chinese Women ns Slaves. Chicago, Aug. 2.—Four Chinese women are reported *° have been purchased by Chicago Chinamen and it is said ore be ing held as slaves. The women were among the. ones exhibited at Chinese Theater at the Omaha Exposition. It Is claimed that SSOO was the price of each woman and that they have been held In captivity for nearly two years. Acting Mayor Walker to-day Instructed the police officials to liberate the women. Stomach Health means health In every part of the body. Weak digestion will upset the nerves, the blood, the liver, the kidneys. Hostetter'g Stomach Bitters is a well-known remedy for stomach ills, which should be used by every aufferer from indigestion in any form. It Is not an experiment, having been recommended and used for half a century, and its results are certain. Our Private Revenue Stamp covera the neck of the bottle. It tares Hostetter’s Where Others Stomach Fail. Bitters. MAILED FIST WHICH SMITES. Continued from First Page. iron prdached by Empercr William last Sunday on board the imperial yacht Ho benzollern. from Exodus, chap, vil, 7: “And it came to pass, w hen Mos* s held up hs hand, that Israel prevailed; and when he let down his hand, Ama’ek pre vailed.” The subject was “The Holy Duty and Holy Pow*cr of Intercession The reports show that the discourse was quite l eliicose towards China. Of the sol diers g tng thither the imperial preacher said: “They shall be the strong arm which punishes arsifßine. They shall bo the mail ed fist which smites that chaotic mass. They shall be the defenders, sword in hand, of our holiest possessions. True prayers can still cast the banner of the diagrn into the dust and plant the binner of the cross u:ou the walls.” SOME STRIKING SENTENCES. Emperor Compare* the Chinese *o the Amaleklte*. London. Aug. 2.—The Berlin correspon dent of the Dally Chronicle, who reports Emperor William’s extraordinary sermon of Monday on board the Hoheniollern, says that some of the most striking sentences attributed to the Kaiser are the follow ing: “Once again has the heathen spirit of the Am ale kites been raised in distant Asia with great power and much cunning. With destruction and murder it will dis pute the victorious march of Christian customs and Christian faith. “And again is heard God’s command. ‘Choose us out men and go out to fight wdth Amalek.’ A hot and sanguinary strug gle has begun. Already a number of our brethren are over there uhder fire. Many more are traveling along hostile coasts. “You have seen them, the thousand? who, to the call of volunteers to the front who will guard the empire, have assem bled themselves to battle with victorious bann rs. We who remain at home are bound by other sacred duties. Woe unto us if we remain slothful and sluggish while *hey are engagrd in their difficult and bloody work, and If. from our place of security, we only curiously look on while they w*restle in battle. “Not only should w r e mobilize battal ions of troops, but w r e should also and shall set in motion an army of trained people to beg and entreat (or our breth ren that they may strike into the wild chacs with sword in hand May they strike fer our most sacred possessions. We would pray that God, the Lord, may make heroes of our men and take those heroes to victory, and then with laurels on their helmets and orders on their breasts. He may lead them home to the land of (heir fathers. “Our fight will not be finished in one day; but let not our hands grow weary or sink until victory is secured. Let our prayers be as a wall of fire around the camp of our brethren. Eternity will re veal the fulfillment of an old promise— ‘Cal! upon me in trouble and I will deliver thee.’ Therefore, pray continuously.” VICEROY WAS NOT WELL. Bat He Sent a Waralilp as nn Escort to Admiral Seymour. Shanghai. Aug. 2.—Admiral Seymour, on board the British boat Alacrity, started for Nankin to-day to consul* with Liu Kun Yi, viceroy of Nankin, Admiral Seymour wired the viceroy of his intended visit and Liu Kun YI re plied: "I am unwell and cannot see you." Admiral Seymour insisted upon making the visit and the viceroy responded by wire: "I am instructing a warship to proceed down the river to escort the Alacrity to Nankin, in case of misunderstanding in passing the forts.” Making Armored Trains. London, Aug. 2.—A news agency dis patch from Tien Tsin, July 25, reports that Lieut, Gen. Linewitch has succeeded Admiral Aiexleff in command of Ihe Rus sian forces there. The Russians, the dis patch adds, are constructing armored trains in the Tien Tsin shops and intend reconstructing the railway as fast as ths column advances toward Pekin. Gen. Gaaelee Takes Command. Tien Tsin, July 27. via Shanghai, Aug. 1. —Gen. Sir Alfred Gaselee arrived here to day and assumed command of the Brit ish forces. Rnsninn*' Fosttlon Serious. Shanghai, Aug, 2.—Admiral Aiexleff has gone to New Chwang. where the position of the Russians Is regarded as serious. Surgeons for the Far East. Washington. Aug. 2—The following named assistant surgrons have been or dered to San Francis-0 for assignment to duty with troops and siined for foreign ser vice: Patrick McGrath, at Washington, D. C.; D. W. Overtcn at New York: J. P. In ward at Vinita, 1. TANARUS.; E. F, Slater at New Y'ork; J. W. Thornton at Ayrshire, O.; G. M. Van Poole, Salisbury, N, C.; V. J. Hooper, on the transport Sedgwick.and C. B. Mlttelsiaedt and E. C. Schults at New York. Damage to Rusalnn Crnlaer. Philadelphia, Aug. developed to day that the accident to the Russian cruis er Varlag during her trial trip last week was more serious than at first supposed. It will be at least five weeks before she can again leave her docks at Crampa. Three of the crew were scalded by steam when the cylinder head of the port engine cracked. The damage Is estimated at f’O, 00e. Will Be Another Primary. Covington, Ky.. Aug. 2.—The Democratic Btate Central Committee met here to-day and elected ex-Oov. James B. McCreary, chairman of (he Stale Campaign Commit tee, and B. W. Bradburn vice chairman and a member from the state at large. On account of the contest between Trim ble and Moody It was decided that the nomination for Congress in the Seventh District should be referred back to new primaries. Richardson Renominated. Nashville, Tenn.. Aug. 2.—James D. Rich ardson, leader of the minority of the House of Representatives, watt renomi nated for Congress by the Democrats of the Fifth district to-day. He had no op position. Tronhle Among € uni Miners. Keystone, W. Vo., Aug. 2.—A race war among the coal miners Is threatened. In quelling a disturbance the officers killed one negro and Injured several others. The negroes are In the majority and are hold ing indignation meetings. Pnreels Post in Mexico. Washington, Aug. 2.—The Mexican gon erttment haa given notice that parcels post packages weighing up to eleven pounds may be sent In the malls for Con cepcion del Oro, state of Zacatecas. t arried Mach Gold. Sydney, N. S. W., Aug. 2.—The steamer Mariposa, which left this port for Ban Francisco to-day, carried <860,000 in gold. royal S delicious ROYAL Baking . , Powder is indispens- ” able to the prepara- tasty tion of the finest ■ x cake, hot-breads, hot bISCUIt rolls and muffins. Housekeepers are sometimes importuned to buy other powders because they are “ cheap.” Housekeepers should stop and think. If such powders are lower priced, are they not interior ? Is it economy to spoil your digestion to save a few pennies? Alum is used in some baking powders he> cause it is cheap. It costs but a few cents i pound whereas the chief ingredient in a purs powder costs thirty. But alum is a corrosive poison which, taken in food, acts injurious); upon the stomach, liver and kidneys. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 100 WILLIAM BT., NEW YORK. HORTICULTURISTS' MEETING. ANNUAL SESSION OF THE STATE SOCIETY AT PI RUN. President Berckninna Warns Prodne era Against Shipping Poor Fruit. Prof. Scott Tells of Experiments to Kill the San Jnee Scale—Prof. tlunintn nre*M Interesting Paper. The Delegates Tendered on Excur sion Down the River. Dublin, Ga., Aug. I—The twenty-fourth annual session of the Georgia State Hor ticultural Society was called to order in this city this morning by Dr. P. J. Berek mans, the President. On behalf of the mayor of the city, who was unable to be present, C. A. Weddlngton delivered an address of welcome, followed by Hon. L. Q. Stubbs, on behalf of the people gen erally. These addresses were responded to on behalf of the society by Prof. H. E. Stockbridge, director of the Florida Experiment Station. The annual address of President Berck ma-ns was very interesting, and he took occasion to scare some of the fruit grow ers for shipping faulty peaches this year. If this is kept up, he said, the prestige Georgia fruit now has in the markets will be destroyed. He thinks that there should boa fruit inspector in Georgia. Following the address of President Berckmans. Prof. W. M. Scolt, state entomologist, read a report upon the San Jose scale work of the state. Prof. Scott traced the scale as it moved in different localities until it had overspread the en tire state. The scale is now most numer ous along the railroad from Waycross to Bainbrldge and Albany, from Tlfton to Valdosta, Fitzgerald and Oordele, from Thomasvllie to Albany, Smithvllle to Fort Gaines, Americas to Columbus, Cordele to Savannah and from Miicoti to Dublin. This gives the scale a wide range and renders its eradication doubtful. In re gard to treatment, Prof. Scott said until further experiments develop something more satisfactory. we will con tinue to use kerosene in me chanical mixtures with water as soon the fruit crop Is gath ered. Infected trees should be sprayed with 10 per cent, kerosene in mechanical mixture with water. Particular care should be taken in ihe use of kerosene as a summer wash as there is always more or less danger of injury to the trees sprayed. The summer treatment must be followed in the fall as soon as the. foliage Is shed by an application of 20 per cent, kerosene. To obtain good results every portion of the infeted tree must be wet from the ground to the tips of the twigs, and gr<at care should be exercised to pro vutt the kerosene frem running down the trunk of the tree. Bright days should be selected for the work, and spraying should continue late In the even ng. Following the by l rof Scott, tile mcrrdng session adjourned after the ap pointment of the commute s to inspect and report upon the fruit display. The commi tes will report to-morrow. The fruit dlsp’ay ts fine, though not as many varieties are shown as was oxpect ei. 'i he largest display Is by the Georgia experiment station. The principal paper at the afternoon session was by Prof. A. L. Qiialntance of the Georgia experiment station. This paper was mainly Ihe report on biology for the year, and the main feature of Ihe paper was a report of the result of spray - ing peaeh trees wilh Bordeaux mixture to prevent brown-rot. In many cases, he said, almost the <iire product was re claimed by the use of this mixture. Dif ferent specifs of tries gave different re ttul s. but In nearly every ease from 25 10 73 per cent. of the fruit was found to be saved by the use' of this mixture. Prof Qualntance staled that from test* made by him at the Geor gia experiment station showed lhat for maldehyde gas has been of little effect in preventing the rotting of peaches. Much discussion was occasioned by Prof. Quain tance's paper. The following Is the result of Prof. Quaintanoe's experiment with Bordeaux mixture: Hulsteads' No. 63. made two ap plications, the result was thot per cent of the fruit of an unsprayed tree was rotten. The per cent, of a sprayed tree was 64 per cent. Here tvo sprayings re claimed 44 per cent, of the fruit. Hul steads' No. 64, received three application*; 93 per cent, of unsprayed tree was rotten, while on a sprayed tree only 25 per cent, was bad. In this case three applications reclaimed 68 per cent, of ihe fruit. Chi nese Free, Elberta, Triumph, Lady Itigalfl and many other varieties were experi mented with In like manner and the urn* results obtained. At 4:15 the afternoon session adjourned eo that the members could participate In FINE GRADES OF WHISKIES. WHISKIES. WHISKIES. The R. G. Whiskey gallon S 2.00 Glendale Whiskey..... gallon $ 2.50 Crystal Spring Whiskey gallon $3.00 Goiden Wedding Whiskey gallon $3.50 IN CASES OF J 2 LARGE BOTTLES: The Antediluvian Whiekey bottled by Oe borne of New York *l*6o The Peerless Whiekey bottled In bond In Hendereon, Ky *U.O The Peoria Whiskey bottled In bond by Clark Brothers *l2-00 Meredith Rye Whiskey, bottled at their distillery In Ohio *11.60 Golden Wedding Whiskey, our bottling 6*-*0 LIPPMAN BROTHERS, Lippman Block, - Savannah, Ga. the excursion down the river on the City of Dublin. Most of the members went down upon tite boat. The Dublin military band went along and furnished music for the occasion. A NEGRO'S BOLD DEED. Went In White Woman’s Boom but Hint When She Screamed. Lyons, Ga., Aug. 2.—This morning about 3 o'clock the room of Mrs. Peter Clifton was entered by a negro. He came In through a window. When Mts. Clifton discovered that someone was In the room she thought that it was one of the chil dren, who, she says, very often get up and dome to her bed in the night. She asked several times who It was, and the negro answered each time In a whisper. “It's me.” When she reached out her hand and put it on his head and discovered that It was a negro, she became very much fright ened and called for Mr. Clifton, who was sleeping on the back piazza. The negro then Jumped out of the window and ran. She was able to see, as he went through the window, that he was in ilia shirt sleeves and of short stature. Before entering Mr. Clifton’s house he made an attempt to get In Mr. Carl Rog ers' house. Mr Rogers' mother and two sisters were alone in the house, Mr. Rog ers being a way. The noise that he made at the blinds In trying to unfasten them awoke the ladle* and they got up, lit a lamp and sat up the rest of the night. TO WARD OFF EVIL. Propitiating Influences by Spirits of tlie (tltnltll Chinese I’ngodns. From the Engineering Magazine. From the point of view of artistic and essentially Oriental design the pagoda possesses tho most Interest. These singu lar constructions, at least one of which nearly every city possesses, fairiy dot the surface of the country. Their purpose ap pears to be twofold—either ns monument* commemorating the virtues of the munlfl •eence of *ome departed benefactor, or as agents of "feng *hut" (literally "wind and water," the spirit genlu* of good and evil, which, if properly propitiated, will ward off pestilence and famine and |ier mlt only prosperity and happiness *o visit the neighborhood. Those very curious tower* are of great antiquity, Chinese records authenticating their origin at least ns far back us the early part of the Christian era. In size they vary from the little ones, which are nothing more than roadside shrines, to what once the most beautiful and largest—the celebrated porcelain pagoda of Nanking, destroyed in the Talping re bellion. The extraordinary structure had a height of 261 feet, wa built of masonry, and covered with glazed tiles of many colcrr. and was a monument of native skill In erection as well as to artistic sense In design. Unfortunately, most of the largest pagoda* are being allowed to ert mhlo to decay, although some are tended and give hope of standing for othc generations to admire. The prominent one* vary in height from 100 to 200 feet, are usually octagonal In plan, with straight but tapering sides, and always are composed of an odd number of stroies. New Bolivian Minister. Lima, Peru, via Galveston Aue. 2—Dr. Ouachnlli. the new Bolivian minister io the United State*, arrived' here u>-day on route for Washington, accompanied by his sot) and daughter. He will take the next steamer for Panama. MEETING OF ANARCHISTS. TIIKY BDPHATICtLLY lIMNY Kilt. THICK Oh - 1 PLOT. They 4|>|ilanil Bread's Deed lint Hay lie Kilted llnmhert of Hla Owa • Free Will—Anar.-hist. Declare They' Have No Seerela and He Plata — l.lves .if kevernl Paterson. N, J. Men Have Been Threatened. New York, Aug. 2.—Seevral hundred an archists held a meeting In Rartholdi Hall at Paterson, N. J.. to-night, for the pur pose of dismissing the situation In Italy. There were many Frenchmen, a number of Spaniards and a few Austrians In the assemblage, which conalrlel for the most port of Italians. Pasqualle Frank Presided. At the open ing he denounced the newspapets In gen eral and claimed that they were misrepre senting the anarchists. Pedro Keteve, the Spanish leader and editor of a Paterson anarchist publication, was the principal speaker. He discussed the situation In Italy from his own stand point, claiming that the government was bad to the core. He said the poor people of the nation were oppressed and over buidcned by taxes, and because of file Ist t r the ror p-ople could not stay In tha country. He reviewed the work of the '-'o-lalls s In Italy and claimed that their propaganda had done no good; their In tentions might be well, but their methods were not prodcctive of results. He said Jlaly’s only hope was In ths anarchists. They had no secrets, he said, and took no part In plots. He said they did not select by lot or otherwise any person to kill. Hr.scl. he said, had not been sent to kill the King, he did the act of his own free will. Bsteve said that he was not sorry. This was greeted with liughter and applause. Hesolntlons Adopted. Resolutions were adopted a* follows: "We here assembled Intend to state that Bread's deed was the result of the present social state of afTalrs, and there fore we are trying to establish one where violence would not be possible, "We deplore as foolish the Idea that there could have been or existed a plot In this city (Paterson) and protest against those who attribute it to and are trying to make the Italian colony of Paterson responsible for Hresd’s deed." Charles H. Petrie, a silk finisher of Paterson, has received a number of let ters from local anarchists, or what he calls the Mafia, in which his life was threatened. Mr. Petrie I* a prominent member of many societies that have for their object the restriction of Immigration and dis franchisement of certain sections of tha Italians. He l not alone. Six promi nent citizens of Riverside, N. J.. who sharo his beliefs, have also received threatening letters. Some time ago Mr. Petrie was outspoken against allowing the Itallann the use of the public schools at night to teach what they saw fit. He has been threatened for this particularly. He hds armed his household aril the other men who have been threat ened huve applied to the police for pro tection. They Hunt Gov. Roosevelt. Knoxville, Ttnn., Aug. 2.—A special to the Sentinel from Xliddlesboro say* the Republicans of that community have In vited Gov. Roosevelt to speak In Mlddlea horn an<l have guaranteed him an audience of 20,000. 5