The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, August 03, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 WILL APPROXIMATE 55,000. SAVAWAH LIKELY TO MAKE A GOOD SHOWING. Supervisor Hlnn Sn> Ilia Calcnla tiona Are Rnaed I pon nn Increase of 2* Per Cent, and That Other Re ported Estimate* of Hl* Were I n uathorl/ed—This Rate of Increase Won I<l Give a Population of Vbouf K 4.000. Which, in the Light of Re cent Development*. Would He \ ery ha t isfaotory. Savannah may make a better showing fr> the census repons than socne of her citizens have been giving her credit for. In the ordinary course of events the cen sus bureau officials should soon reach Sa vannah and the exact figures may be known in the next few days. In the meanwhile it is Just as well not to underestimate the count. There is reason to believe that the official figures will not all far short of 00.000. It may rot quite reach this figure, but the current estimate of 52,0*00 is very likely at least 2,'<00 too low. This latter estimate was attributed to Supervisor Blur, notwithstanding he has eince strenuously denied having made any estimate at all. Asa matter of fact the figures used by the Morning News were the result of a calculation based upon the hypothesis submitted by Mr. Blun to the effect that Savannah should be satisfied to obtain the same rate of increase as some other larger cities which had already been reported upon. As the gains shown by these cities were only 20 to 22 per cent., a calculation on a similar basis for Savannah approxi mated 52,000. “If Cincinnati only shows a gain of 9 per cent., I think Savannah ought to be sat isfied with an increase of 25 i*-r cent-,’* said Mr. Blun yesterday. “That would give us 54,000 or then-abouts.’’ “You mean to say then that we can expect 54,000 people?” inquired the report er. “I said nothing of the kind,” replied Mr. Blun. “I said that a 25 per cent, increase would give us 54,000." “You think, then, that an estimate of 25 per increase is about right?" Mr. Blun was asked. “That is what I have counted upon all the time," he replied. “Mind you, this is the first time I have made anything ap proaching an estimate. Asa matter of fact, I do not know the exact figures my self, though I could come pretty close to them if I would take the trouble to find the total of a little list of figures I have in my office. Even then I would he h few points off, as I failed to take a mem orandum of the total of one of the enu meration lists." With the light which he has before him Mr. Blum’s remarks as to a 25 per cent, increase, with a result of about 54,- CIOO population, for the city, is very sig nificant. Two months ago any estimate less than 60,000 would have been rejected with dis dain by the average Savannahian, but wiih the light which has been thrown upon the subject and the recent experience of other cities a gain of 25 per cent, is likely to be accepted with a degree of sat isfaction. and promises at the same time to put Savannah well up in the list of growing cities. QIESTION WITH THE JURY. Were the Alignment* to Dixon. Mitchell A Cos. Preference*. Judge Falligar.t charged the jury in the case of W. R. L*eaken, suing a trustee of the bankrupt estate of A. C. Seott, against A. C. Scott and Dixon. Mitchell & Cos., yesterday morning, and the twelve good men and true retired to make up their •verdict. At an early hour this morning they were still wrestling with the prob lem and unable to reach an agreement. A mistrial is probable. The facts in the case were given in the Morning News of yesterday. Briefly they are that Scott has applied for a discharge In bankruptcy from the Until'd States District Court, and his affairs are now -Under investigation by the referee. Dur ing this investigation it appeared that ac count* due the bankrupt and amounting to •bout $1,7u0 had been transferred by him to Dixon. Mitchell & Cos., who were among his largest creditors. The other creditors charged that the as signment of these accounts to Dixon. Mitchell & Cos. were mode when Scott was insolvent, were preferences and should not have been made. The conten tion of the general creditors is that the amount in dispute should be divided among them all, and not go wholly to one firm. TO ROOT FOR BRUNSWICK. Chinaman on the Ground* Thia Afternoon. Chuh Hall, warranted by the Brunswick team to be the only thoroughly American ized Chinaman In the country and a base ball fan of the first water, will be up from Brunswick to-day to root for his own team. It is said that Chuh’s antics and words and gestures of encouragement, as lie urge* the Brunswick players on to victory, are alone worth the price of ad mission. He usually attends the games with a tin horn in one hand and string of cow bells in the other, probably hoping by means of the noise created with these Instruments, to scare away the evil spir its who would otherwise interfere with Brunswick's victory. VICE PRESIDENT HOWARD. JYHI Addre** Epunrih Lcngticra at Grace Church To-night. The Union of Epworth Leagues will hold a rally meeting at Grace Church to-night at 8:30 o’clock. The occasion will be the visit to the city of Mr. W. M. Howard of Bainbridge, first vice president of the •ooiety. Mr. Howard was elected only re cently to his present position, and this will be his first official visit to Savannah. He is in charge of the devotional work of the league and will probably make that phase of the work the principal topic of tils address. Should there be sufficient time after the principal address of the evening it Is ex pected that several speakers will be call ed on for short addresses on the recent convention of the Southern Epworth league, which met last week in Atlanta. WILL FURNISH REPORTS. Georgia Tele phone Company- Get* Weather Contract at Tybee. President W. A. Bisbee of the Georgia Telephone Company received a letter yes terday from the Interior Department at Washington notifying him that the propo sition of his company to furnish the Weather Bureau reports from Tybee had been accepted and that the contract would be closed at once. The Tybee station of the Georgia Company is located in the old Martello lower and is very conveniently situated for obtaining the information re quired by the Weather Bureau. The re ports have been furnished heretofore by the Bell Telephone Company. Bad blood Is a bad thing to inherit or acquire, but bad blood may be made good blood by taking Hood’a Sarsaparil’a.-*d HORSE GUARDS MAY COME. Capt. Hope Write* That Hi* Entire Troop tiny Attend the Shoot. Interest in the state rifle contests to be h< Id here Sept. 3 and 4 has ihorough !y aroused. Col. P. W. Meldrim of the First Regim nt of Cavalry re.criv**d a Id ler yesterday from Capt. Hope, command ng the Governor’s Horse Guirds, one of the troeps of the regiment, saying l-hat two or three teams from that < rgariza tion will be here to participate in the f hcot. Cap . Hope also paid "that lie would make an effort to his entire com mand. His ability to accomplish this, he said, would deperd upon the rate the railroads would agree to for the occa sion. The attendance cf an entire troop of < avalry. and such a crack command as ihe Horse Guards are known to be, would tea great feature for ihe shoDt. Th:se w! o ar* pushing it along here trust that Capt. Hone will be able to make satis factory ai ra* g-meits with the railroads. In view of the interest that has been aroused among the military throughout the state by the announcement of the shoot. Jt has been suggested that it would well to make the event of annual ie currence. Upon the success of the coming c ntfst, doub less, this will depend, and. as the> indications are that the shoot will prove very successful, it is I^*li• that •he incentive of yearly matches may he offered the stato troops to induce them to devote mere time and attention to that inportant adjunct of military training— rifle i>racHce. The state iias rot yet announce! whith er it will defray the cost of tiansro tat ion for teams pirticii ating in ihe shoot, r.or has a per diem for the men been author ized. Could these concessions be secured, it is believed there would b? far more than twenty bams enter the contests. As it i-v that number is expected, but if their expenses could be paid by the state, many cf the out-of-town comma id-; would send trams. This is what is earnestly de sired by thos" in Savannah who arc in terested in the shoot. Though the matter has not been defi nitely deteiminrd, it is believed the visit ing trams will be ouartervi in the armo ries in the city. The plan of camping on the range was favored, but there is dif ficulty about securing tenrage from the state, as the cost of transportation would have to be met. STICK TO THEIR STORY. Good* Shipped by Loeh and Ifnll Will Re Recovered. The only development in the case of Ben *Loeb and T. E. Hall, the shrewd swin dlers who were captured Wednesday* af ternoon by Detectives Garrity and Shea after they had robbed Messrs. Frank & Cos., I. Epstein & Bro., and Eckman & Yetsburg, was the fact that the first lot of goods, that taken from Messrs. Frank & Cos., o,r o part of It, had been expressed from the city. To whom or to what point Superintendent of Police Screven refused to give out, but it is thought to be St. Paul, Minn. The superintendent did say, however, that the goods had been located and would be returned to their owners in due time. The men refuse to talk of themselves or have anything to say other than to re iterate their first story that this is their first job. The police authorities refuse to believe this story, however, and yesterday had the men photographed and also meas ured by the Bertillon system. Their pic tures and other data w T ill be sent to the large Western cities, and in particular to Kansas City, San Francisco and St. Paul, where it is known the men have at some time been, for the purpose of identifying them if possible with their crimes which it is the general opinion they have been connected before their visit to Savannah. It Is probable that the men will be giv en a hearing this morning before the Re corder. They* have secured as counsel Mr. Robert L. Colding. MAiUJFACrntE PINE PRODUCTS. Pine Tar Chemical Company A*k* for Ineorporntion. A petition for the incorporation of the Pine Tar Chemical Company was filed in the office of the clerk of the Superior Court on yesterday and will be advertised, in accordance wiih the requirements of law, once a week for four weeks. The petition names C. W. Bilfinger, G. I.reck and Jacob Gazan as the incor porators of the new company and asks that incorporation be granted for the pe riod of twenty years, with the usual privi lege of renewal at the expiration of that time. The company asks permission to engage in the manufacture of pine tar products of every kind and in addition to the manufacturing industries It proposes to conduct, to carry on a general naval stores, ship brokerage and merchandise business. The works of the company, at the Four Mile Hill, west of the city, were recently destroyed by fire and a very considerable loss was thus incurred. It is the evident Intention to rebuild the old plant at once and to resume opera lions on an even larg er scale than has been the case in the l>asi. The company has a paid-in capital of SIB,OOO and authority is asked to in crease this nt any time, in the discretion of the board of directors, to any sum not exceeding $500,000 and similarly to reduce the amount of the capital stock to the original amount. FIRST NEWS IN TWO MONTHS. Report From Rev. XV. D. King Wn Gladly- Received In Snvnnnnli, The report in the Morning News of yes terday that Rev. W. D. King had reached Victoria, British Columbia, from China was the first news in two months that his Savannah relatives had heard of him. They are expecting him to come direct to Savannah, though no telegraphic advices were received by them to Indicate that this would be the case. Rev. Mr. King left Savannah in Decem ber, 1891, to labor In China under the aus pices of the Gospel Mission Movement cf the Baptist Church. He has done effi cient service among the Chinese. He is a Savannahian and is well known among the people of the oily. His former friends will gladly welcome him and congratulate him upon his escape from the Boxers. HIS LIFE DESPAIRED OF. Policeman J. J. Hnrrett'a Condition Very Serlon*. Policeman J. J. Barrett is very seriously ill at his home on Indian street. Several physicians have been in attendance, and the sick man's life has been almost de spaired of for the last day or two. Bar rett was appointed a member of the po lice force about eight years ago, and has rendered very efficient service. He was one of the police detectives for several years, but was returned to the ranks some months since. RUN OVER 111 A TRAIN. A Negro Had nn Arm and Both of Hl* Leg* Cat Off. An excursion train over the Seaboard Air Line from Columbia yesterday morning brought in the body of a negro who had been killed at Rincon. The negro fell be tween the wheels, and an arm and both legs were cut off. He told the doctor at Rincon that another negro had pushed him under the train, hut thl* was a point upon which no other evidence could be secured. THE MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY, AUGUST 3, 1900. BRUNSWICK WON IN A WALK. TOOK FIRST GAME FROM JACK SONVILLE BY A SCORE OF 20 TO 6. Good Crowd \Yftne**ed a Poor Exhi bition of the National Game. Brunswick Plied Up Six Run* In the First and Three in the Second Inning, Seeming to Throw Jack- Monvclle Into n Stupor From Which It Could Recover—Never in the Game From the Jump—Error* Were Costly One* for Roth Side*—Second Game of Series This Afternoon. A crowd of baseball fans much larger than the game warranted turned out at the Bolton street park yesterday afterncon to witness the initial contest between the Brunswick and Jacksonville aggregations. The Brunswick team walked away from their opponents to the tune of 20 to 6. The game was dull and uninteresting, the Jacksonville players failing into a stupor in the first inning, from which they never entirely recovered. The Brunswick team put up a better article of ball, but even their playing was not of the kind that the fans had been led to expect, and that they believed they would see. A game of baseball is either wildly exciting or stupidly and inanely tiresome; that of yesterday was decidedly* of the latter de scription. } Brunswick was first at the bit, and Wolfe, the first player who faced Oli phant. went to first on a misjudged fly. Hallow'ell also reached first in safety*, and was followed by* Villeneau. In the mean time Ballantyne had fanned ihe air once too often and been retired fiom the plate, but the bases were full when Bud Harp er picked up a stick and walked over to the rubber. There was a plentiful clapping of hands for this old Savannah player, which giew into a roar as he lined out a clean hit that scored Wolfe, and ad vanced the o her men on the bases a peg. With the assistance of a couple of hits and as many* errors Brunswick piled up six runs in its half of the first before it was retired Jacksonville never succeeded in making the circuit for the first two innings, only right men facing Holl'owoll during this time. Brunswick, in its half of the sec ond. added ihree runs to the six it had made in the first and thus attained a safe lead that was almost constantly in creased. Jacksonville players managed to cross the home plate four times during the third inning. Harrison started the ball rolling with a dean hit, and Linton, Con roy and O'Neill repeated the performance, Harrison scoring on O’Neill’s single. A short and hot one from Abbott's bat serv ed to ret're Union at the p ate, Weiss handing it in to in good shape. However, Conroy, O’Neill and Abbott scored on an error and Summer's hit. This was the best run-making that Jacksonville did during the game, never succeeding in making more than one in an inning at any other time. Brunswick made three runs in the fifth, two In .the sixth, five in the seventh and one in the ninth, bringing up its score to twenty. Jacksonville added a run in the fourth and another in the eighth, leav ing it with six to its credit when time was called at the end of the game. Hollo well pitched a good game for Bruns wick and had good support. Oliphant, though he was wild at times end found it difficult to keep them near the plate, and although he was hit freely, was at times very effective. He sprained one of his legs in the first inning and ambled about on a game one for the test of the trouble. It keut him from fielding his position properly and the failure was ex pensive, everything that went slowly along in front of the plate counting as a safe hit. The errors that were made during the game were costly ones for both teams. The second game of the series will be played this afternoon, with O'Neil in the box for Jacksonville. He is said to be a good one and the game of this afternoon is expected, therefore, to be more inter esting. The following is a summary of the offi cial score of yesterday's game: Brunswick— AB. BH. R. PO. A. E. Wolfe, I. f. &s. s.. 7 4 2 1 3 0 Hallowell, p 6 2 4 0 3 0 Ballantyne, c 5 2 2 10 0 0 Villlneau, lb 4 2 2 10 0 0 Harper, 2b 7 2 2 1 2 0 Weiss, s. s 2 12 0 11 Philips, 1. f 5 0 1 0 0 0 Holland, c. f 4 2 3 2 0 0 Garrett, 3b 5 2 1 2 4 1 Kaphan, r. f 4 1110 0 Tola! 49 18 20 27 13 2 Jacksonville— AB. BH. R. PO. A. E. Harrison, 1. f 5 1 12 10 Linton. 3b 3 2 1 4 2 2 Conroy, 2b. A 5 1 1 3 1 2 O'Neil, c. f 4 3 10 11 Abbott, r. f 5 0 1 2 0 0 Middlcbrook, lb 5 0 0 7 0 1 Summers, c 110 110 Crippen, c 4 1 0 5 0 1 Brouthers, s. s 4 1 0 33 2 Oliphant, p 4 2 1 0 0 0 Totals 40 12 6 27 9 9 Score by Innings— Total Brunswick 6 3 0 0 3 2 0 5 I—2o Jacksonville 0 0 4 1 0 0 0 1 o—6 Summary—Two-base hits, Hallowell 2, Ballantyne, Villineau; stolen bases, Har rison. Linton, Brouthers 2, Hallowell 3. Ballantyne 2, Garrett; left on bases. Brunswick 13, Jacksonville 10; bases on balls, by Hallowed 1, Oliphant 11; hit bats man, Hallowell 2; struck out. by Hallo well 6, by Oliphant 3; wild pitches, Oli phant 1. Umpire, Mr. Goodenough. Scorer, Mr. D. J. Charlton. Despite the fact that the game was gen erally uninteresting there were a number of billllant plays, Garrett, for Brunswick, covered the third bag of the series in great shape, and Harrison played a rat tling good game in left field for the boys from Florida. Besides these good plays were made by Kaphan, Linton, Brouthers and Abbott. The fact that the Jacksonville boys rolled Into the city just an hour before yesterday's game is held to accounl for the ompnratlvely | oor showing that they made. This afternoon they will go into the game witli now determination, and with O'Neill in the box they expect to make It a victory for Florida. Wolfe and Ballantyne will be the battery for Bruns wick. A special from Brunswick to the Morn ing News has the following to say: Brunswick, Ga, Aug, 2.—The greatest interest ltcally was centered in the first of the scries of baseball games between Jacksonville and Brunswick for SI,OOO a side, now b< ing played on neutral grounds in Savannah. Returns by innings font the tilst cf the seties were displa'ed in the Elk saloon to-day. and the streets were blocked witli people who cheered th-' good work of the Brunswick team when the score ended 20 to 6 in favor of Bruns wick. It whooped up things considerably, and to-morrow a big crowd of rooters w 11 leave Brunswick for Savannah to place money on the home hoys. Chue Hall, the Chinese mascot, will accompany the, toot ers, and as he has considerable wealth made from a popular restaurant, his wad will add materially to the betting strength. To Brunswick and Hrtnrn. gI.OO Via Ihe Plant System, Sunday*. In addition to the Charleston Sundsv excursions, the Plant System ars selling round-trip tickets to Brunswick, good on Sundays only, at rate of SI,OO for the round trip. Trains lesvs at 2:10 a. to. and 6:20 a. m.—ad. FOR CLERK AXI) CARRIER. Ciril Srrvlpp Examination to nr Hold Here Sept. 5. A special examination of candidates for the positions of carrier and clerk in the Savannah Postofflee will be held on Sept. 5 by the Postofflee Board of Examiners of the United States Civil Service Commis sion. In the circular announcing the examina tion is contained the following informa tion which will be of interest to pro-pectlve candidates: "The examination will con sist of spelling, arithmetic, letter writing, penmanship, copying from plain copy, ge ography of the United States, and reading addresses. The arithmetic will consist of tests in the fundamental principles, ex tending as far as common and decimal fractions and embracing problems. The age limitations are: For clerk, not less than 18 years; for carrier, between 21 and 10 years. Applicants for carrier must be at least 5 feet 4 inches in hight and weigh not less, than 125 pounds. No application will be accepted for this examination unless filed in complete form with the beard at the Postoffice in Sa vannah before then hour of c osing bus iness on Aug. 30. This examination is open to all citizens of the United States, who may desire to enter the service, and who comply with the requirements. All such persons are invited to apply, and applicanis will be examined, graded, and certified with en tire impartiality, and wholly without re gard to any consideration save to their ability as shown by the grade they at tain in the examination, but from those certified the department usually s-lect for appointment eligibly* who are resi dents of the di trlcts in which the vacan cies exist. For application blank, full instructions, specimen examination quesiiors, and in fo: mation relative to the duties and sala ries of the different positions, and the lo caiion of the examination room, apply to Mr. Harry R. Rawls, secretary of the board of examiners at the Postoffice. RESISTED THE OFFICER. Carolina Negro 14 ill Fare Recorder On Three Charges. March Mcßride, a colored man from "Calira,” was arrested in the Central de pot yesterday on a charge of being drunk and disorderly. He objected to ne'.ng sent to the barracks and fought Patrolman Connelly until subdued. He will appear befera the Recorder this morning on the charges cf being drunk and di .orderly, t sisting the arresting officer, and carrying concealed weapons. Thirteen prisoners appeared on the dock et at the Recorder’s Court yesterday morning. By far the greater number of them were up on minor charges and were given the usual sentences with ihe choice of fines or imprisonments. Curry Jackson, colored, who is charg and with the theft of a valise from Jordan Green some time ago was remanded to the City Court, and so was J. W. Hay, white, charged with larceny from C. A. Price. j ; , FROM OLD CAROLINA. The Excursion Season the Best Sa vannnh Has Ever Known. An excursion train of 10 cars arrived yesterday morning from Sumter, 8. C., bringing about 1,000 people, 200 of whom were white. This is the second party of excursionists from that section of South Carolina this week. They cams over the Atlantic Coast Line and Seaboard Air Ur.o. This nay be called the grand exems'on year for Savannah, as there >s hardly a day that one or more train loads cf peo ple do not arrive. They have been coming from the states of Alabama and Fior'da, to say nothing of those from all over Georgia, but especially the cities of At lanta, Augusta and Macon. Now South Carolina is adding to the crowds that want to see the only growing and go ahead city on the South Atl antic c.ast, YESTERDAY HOT AND Ht'MIO. Itntns and Thunderstorms Predicted for To-day and To-morrow. Hot and humid is the best way to de scribe the weather that was Savannah's portion yesterday. The maximum tem perature for the day was 92 degrees and occurred at 3 o'clock p. m., while the min imum was 74 degrees and occurred at 6 a. m. The state forecast for to-day and to-tnor row is for local rains and thunderstorms on tile coast, but fair in the interior. Light north to east winds may be expected. CITY BREVITIES. A meeting of the grand jury cf the Su perior Court has been calld for the af terncon of next Tuesday, when a number of indictments against alleged criminals who are now under arrest or out on bond will he presented by the solicitor general. The regular Friday night ball will be given at Isle of Hope to-night and a good time is in store for those who attend. A five-pound box of candy, donated by Mr. Paul Conida, will be given to the Indy guessing che correct number of people on the pavilion. Cars leave Tenth and Whitaker streets every half hour. SOUVENIR DAY. A Bcnntifnl Fruit Set Presented to All. Friday and Saturday. In order to introduce our new crop of teas and finest roasted coffees we will present to all purchasers of the following articles: One pound Thea Nectar tea 60c One pound Japo tea 75c One pound A. & P. baking powder 45c One pound best pepper 50c One pound best mustard 50c Two bottles extract (any kind) 50c $1 worih of coffee (any kind). 60c worth of tea (any kind). 75c worth of tea and coffee. This beautiful fruit set consists of one large glass srnud, with holder, measuring 12 inches in diameter and 36 inches In cir cumference, heavily engraved, and bevel led edged. They have only to be seen to he appreciated. Don’t blame us if you fall to get one. The Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company, 106 Broughton street, west; telephone 616.—ad. The summer Is passing, have you taken in Ihe Plant System Sunday excursions to Charleston? One dollar for the round trip, —ad. First. If well, keep well by taking Johnson's Tonic. If sick, get well by tak ing Johnson's Tonic. Second. Wise men Insure their lives; wiser men tnsure*%.ieir health by using Johnson's lonic l . Third. Johnson's Tonic is a family physician, ready to answer ten thousand calls at once. Its fee is only 60 cents and the good it does is beyond human reckon ing. Fourth. Johnson'* Tonic costs 60 cents a bottle if it cure*. Not a single cent if it does not.—ad. Summer Excursion Tickets. Are now on sale at the lowest rates to all points via Baltimore and Ohio Rail road (Royal Blue Line). For detailed information apply to Arthur G. Lewis, S. P. A., under Atlantic Hotel, Norfolk, Va.—ad. MAY YET BE VICE PRESIDENT. STILL RELIEVED MR. SCOTT WILL COME TO SAVANNAH. Mr. Morton F. Plant's Election to the Vice Presidency of the Plant Sys tem Regarded ns Temporary—Mr. Scott Said to Hnve Reen Offered the Position and to Have Accepted It, but Hls Contrnct With the Georgia Rnllrnnd Does Not Expire I mil Jan. I—Mr. Plnnt Will Fill in Ihe Interim. A story is afloat among Plant System people that the election of Mr. Morton F. Plant to the vice presidency of the sys tem is to hold good for but a short time. Several have been heard to say that they believe General Manager T. K. Scott of the Georgia Railroad will be made vice president about Jan. 1. The annual elec tion of directors of the Plant System will be held in the early fall, but it is not likely, the story goes, that Mr. Scott will then be chosen, as his contract with the Georgia Railroad will not have expired. It is said an effort was made to induce Mr. Scott to come to the Plant System to fill the position resigned by Vice Pres ident S. R. Knott. Negotiations proceed ed until Mr. Scott agreed, but it was then discovered that he could not get away from the Georgia. He has a contract with the road that will not expire until January 1. After Mr. Knott’s resignation, It was currently reported that Mr. Scott would be the next man. The people with the Plant System who would discuss the matter took that view of it, and it is now gener ally believed that he will yet be at the head of the physical operation of the system. WILLIAMS IS ASSISTANT. Appointed to the Fifth Division nf the Seaboard Air Line. Circulars have been issued announcing the appointment of Mr. C. T. Williams as assistant superintendent of the Fifth di vision of the Seaboard Air Line, with office at Jacksonville, Fla. The appoint ment became effective Aug. 1, It is signed by Superintendent D. E. Maxwell and is countersigned by Vice President E. St. John and General Superintendent V. E. Mcßee. COMPLYING W ITH THE LAW. Railroad* Will Hnve Their Freight Cgr* Properly Equipped. The railrods are continuing their work on their freight cars, equipping them with airbrakes and automatic couplers. They intend to comply with the Interstate Com merce law'. All the cars will not be equipped with the new appliances, as that is not required, but the roads will see to it that there are enough to in sure the proper handling of trains. The law demands that 80 per cent, of the freight cars in a train be equipped with airbrakes. The Interstate Com merce Commission construed that per centage as necessary in order to insure the prompt stopping of trains, but rail road men do not think so many cars are necessary. President John M. Egan of the Central said yesterday that his road proposes complying with the law in all its details, but that in level country forty per cent, of the cars equipped with airbrakes would answer to stop a train promptly. When the Central’s trains are engaged in interstate business, however, they will have eighty per cent, of airbrakes. The Central is still making the attach ments. Mr. Egan says it costs a road from SIOO to $125 a car to put on the air brakes and the couplers. With some of the old style couplers to be supplanted by the new, the cost is greater than with others, as the beams have to be worked upon or replaced. Mr. W. B. Symonds, superintendent of motive power of the Plant System, said that the question of airbrakes and auto matic couplers for freight cars was in a fair way to settle itself. All the rods, he declared, have been having their freight cars constructed with these attachments for several years. They anticipated the law becoming effective and were prepar ing for it. GOES TO JACKSONVILLE. Peterson Stays With the Seaboard. Boyleston Out at Columbia. Mr. F. V. Peterson goes to Jacksonville at traveling passenger agent for the Sea board Air Line. He gave up his position here on Wednesday. He is succeeded by Mr. William Butler, Jr., who formerly filled the position. Mr. Peterson's friends will be pleased to know that he Is con tinued with the Seaboard. Mr. S. D. Boyelston was not retained. He was traveling passenger ag;nt at Co lumbia and had many friends in this city, where he spent two years as ticket agent before going to Columbia. He severed bis connection with Seaboard on Wedsneday. OFFICE AT THE WHARF. Baltimore Tickets Will be Sold There For a Few Hays. The Merchants' and Miners’ Transporta tion Company is fitting up the new office, No. 112 Bull street, that is to be occupied shortly by its ticket agent. The company has abandoned the offide at the rear of Livingston's drug store, which is now be ing prepared for another tenant. Until the work necessary before the new ticket office can be occupied by Mr. Sam Smith he will sell tickets at the Merchants' and Miners' wharf. Under a New Firm Name. The soda and mineral water business conducted in Savannah for the last third of a century by the late James Ray, is to be continued by his son, James C. Ray, and his giandson,James Cullen Ray, un der the firm name of James Hay’s Sons. The business is an old one and. under'the direction of its old proprie or. its products were well known in Savannah and the surrounding country. It will be carried on by anew firm in accordance with the ideals of business inculcated by Its found er, which he pursued with profit to him self and satisfaction to his patrons. Chair cars on Plant System excursions to Charleston every Sunday; engage your seats on Saturdays at the De Soto Hotel ticket office.—ad. A Delicious Smoke. The Herbert Spencer Is an elegant cigar and la truly a delightful enjoyment to inhale the fumes of this fine tobacco; it la exhilarating and dellcloua. See that the name of Herbert Sper.cer Is on every wrapper of every cigar, with, out which none are genuine. The Herbert Spencer cigars are only gold by the box of 60, Conchas at $3.50, and Perfecloa, 64.50 at Llpptnan Bros., whole sale druggists. Barnard and Congresa streets, of this city.—ad. All Skin Diseases Cored By a wonderful ointment called Tetterlna "It la the only thing that gives me relief.” wrltee Mre. M. E. Latimer. Bl'oxl. Misa. She had an itchy breaking out on har skin. It cure* tetter, salt rheum, and ail other skin troubles. 50e per box at your druggist, or send -.tee amount in stamps to J. T. Shuptrlne, Savannah, Ga ud. LOCAL PERSONAL. Mr. N. H. Smith of Sumter is registered at the Pulaski. Mr. D. McEacldn of Dordele Is the guest of the Scr.ven Mr. W. C. Ligon of Cordele is the guest of the De Soto. Mr. H. W. Hall of Atlanta was at the Pulaski yesterday. Mr. William Moran of Sumter is regis tered at the Pulaski. Mr. W. 6. Bennett of Augusta Is the guest of the Pulaski. Mr. Hewitt Creik of Thomasville is the guest of the Pulaski. Mr. William J. Allen of Luray is regis tered at the Screven. Mr. A. H. Brothers of Charleston is a guest of the Screven. Mr. M. E. Hertz of Charleston is the guest of the De Soto. Mr. Paul W. Johnson of Atlanta is reg istered at the Pulaski. Mr. O. P. McKinney of Cordele is reg istered at the Pulaski. Mr. A. S. McMillan of Bartow, Fla., is registered at the Screven. Mr. C. B. Howard, Jr., of Atlanta is reg.stered at the De Soto. Mr. J. W. Baughman of Wagner, S. C., is the guest of the Screven. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Hicks of Reynolds are the guests of the Pulaski. Mr. R. A. Malone of Albany was among yesterday's arrivals at the Pulaski. Mr. F. G. Hodgson of Athens was among the arrivals at the Pulaski yesterday. Mr. J. Kay left via the Seaboard Air Line yesterday for Old Point Comfort. Mr. R. R. Harris of Cordele was in the city yesterday, the guest of the Pulaski. Mr. R. C. Harris of Cordele was in the city yesterday, the guest of the Pulaski. Mr. A. H. Wilder of Sumter was in the city yesterday, the guest of the Pulaski. Mr. A. G. Hicks of Reynolds was in the city yesterday, the guest of the Pulaski. Mr. J. K. Love left for Old Point Com fort yesterday via the Seaboard Air Line. Mrs. K. McGehee of Reidsville was in the ci y yesterday the guest of the Pulas ki. Miss Mattie Hicks of Reynolds was among the arrivals at the Pulaski yester day. Mr. John H. Deveieuxof Charleston was among the arrivals at the Pulaski yester day. Mr. Charles S. Heard of Augusta was in the city yesterday the guest of the De Soto. Mr. Miner Lewis of Montezuma was in the city yesterday, and stayed at the Pu laski. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Powell left via the Seaboard Air Line yesterday for Blowing Rock. Mr. F. j. Pons of Jacksonville was in the city yesterday, the guest of the Screven, Mr.Paul E. Canova of Jacksonville was in the city yesterday, the guest of the Screven. Mr. John W. Dickey of Augusta was In the city yesterday and stayed at the De Soto. Mr. W. B. Freeman, Jr., of Higgston was among the a:rivals at the Pulaski yesterda y. 'Mr. and Mrs. A. Hermann of Eastman were among the arrivals at the Pulaski yesterday. Mr. F. C. Hubbell is due to arrive from New York this morning on the City of Birmingham. Mr. S. C. Powell was among the passen gers of the Seaboard Air Line yesterday for Starke, Fla. Judge William F. Eve and daughter of Augusta were iu the city yesterday, and stayed at the De Soto. ' Mr. W. C. Haslam is a passenger on the City of Birmingham, which will arrive from New York this morning. Mr. Goulding Chandler, formerly of this city, but now doing business in Sumter, S. C., spent yesterday in the city. Misses Mamie Lebey and Maggie Chan dler expect to leave to-day for Asheville, for the remainder of the summer. Mr. J. Merrick Reid, a gentleman well known in this city, where he spent sev eral years of his life, was among the ex cursionists who arrived from Sumter, £>. C., yesterday. Mr. C. P. Miller, president of the Ep worth League of Trinity Church, has re turned from the conference of the South ern Epworth League, which was held at Atlanta. The many friends of Mr. Pascal N. Strong will learn with regret of his illness. He was brought in from Beaulieu last night, and is now at the home of his father, Rev. Charles H. Strong, on Gaston street. Mrs. V. V. Moloy has gone North to pur chase the fall and winter stock for Jack son, Metzger & Co.'s ladies’ suit depart ment. Later on Mrs. Moloy will visit Trenton and Red Bank, N. J., and Wash ington, D. C. Mr. Thomas M. Ray, a former resident of Savannah, and well know:: to many per sons here, but who has been living the last fifteen years of his life in Palatka, is spending some days in the city. Mr. Ray has visited Savannah only once before the present time, since he left here in 1885. Mr. Ray is an ex-alderman and prominent business man of the city he has made his home. The riant System excursion train to Charleston leaves Savannah at 6:20 a. m. Sundays; tickets are sold at one dollar for the round trip.—ad. Sunday Trip* w Brunswick Vln Plant System g I.OO. The Plant System will sell round-trip tickets to Brunswick on Sundays, limited to date of sale, at rate of SI.OO. Trains leave at 2:10 a. m. and 5:20 a. m —ad. To file Mountains. In the nick of time. Just when you are yawning and feeling tired out and broken down, a bottltfof Graybeard Is better than a trip to the mountains. Are you constipated? Take Graybeard pills. Little treasures—2sc 'be box. Res tless Drug Cl. Proprietors.—\d. A Reeelvmg Teller. A receiving teller at a good bank said that he was about to get sick. He felt tired all time; sleep did not refresh him; felt as If he ought to take vacation A pharmacist put him on Graybeard and two bottles completely overhauled him and made him about as good as new. Get Graybeard at all drug atores. Gray beard pills are treasures—2sc the bog. Respess Drug Cos.. Proprietors.—ad. Cider. We have a nice line of cider In bottles pure and genuine, from the celebrated establishment of Molt A Cos., of New York. The Russet Cider and the Crab Apple Cider are very good. Ltppmen Bros, cor ner Congress and Barnard streets' Sa vannah, Ga.—act. For Over Fifty Years. Mrs. Winslow's Soolhlng Syrup has been used for children teething. It soothes ths child, soflens the gums, allays all pain cures wind colic, and Is the beat remedy for Diarrhoea. Twenty-live cento a bottle —ad. French Olive OH. The best ollv* oil In ths world is made by Marcua Alloth of Bordeaux. France, who i* known as making the only finest grade of olive oil, pressed from selected olives. Llppman Brothers are agents for this bouse, and carrjr this olive oil to hot ties sad cans.—ad. Qt \ t \\ a WM. &H. H. V Jk LATTIMORE. lT*** NOT ON YOUR TIN IS THERE A SPECK OF RUST, IF IT COMES FROM OUR STOCK. WE SELL ANTI-RUST TIN It Never Will Rust. If it does, come back and get your money. It's only here you get this TIN. We are exclusive AGENTS, but our prices are not exclusive at all. In fact, we sell you ANTI-RUST TIN as low as you can buy good quality tin elsewhere, and though on the Anti-Rust guarantee. Our stock is full and complete. CUT GLASS. SOLID SILVER, and all the other articles found in a first-class store. OUR PRICES ARE LOWEST. G. W. ALLEN & CO., STATE AND BARNARD STS. m HOSE ASH ItEELSj EDWARD LOVELL’S SO AS, i 113 Broughton Street, West. ] SEED RYE. TEXAS RED R. P. SEED OATS. HAY, GRAIN. FEED. FLOUR, ETC. LEMONS. Vegetable* and Produce. Crop H. E. and Cow Pena* W. D. SIMKINB & CO. BRFNNAN BROS., WMOLESALB Fruit, Produce, Grain, Etc. BAY STREET. West. Telephone ass. COMFORT For your stock The fly season to now •• tis end the time to use Tough on Flies, a lotion when applied will prevent you* boraes and cattle from being pestered. Try It and be convinced. HAY, GRAIN. BRAN, COW FEEI* CHICKEN FEED, eto. T. J. DAVIS, Phone 223. 11* Bay slraet, west. - , • PROPOSALS IVA3TED. PORT SCREVEN, Tybee Island, Ga.. Aug. 1, 1900.—Scaled propoals.ln triplicate, will be received heie until 12 m., Sept. 1, 1900, for constructing 1 store houße. U. S. reserves right to accept or reject any or all proposals or any part thereof. In formation furnished on application. En velope containing proposals should ba marked "Proposals for Constructions," address John L. Hayden. Q. M. SCHOOLS AM) COLLEGES. L. M. BLACKFORD, M. A., Principal. For Boys. Three miles from Alexandria, Vi., and eight from Washlrgton, D. C. The 62d year opens Sept. 26, 1900. Cata logue sent on application to the principal at Alexandria. IF YOU WANT GOOD MATERIAL and work, order your lithographed and printed stationery and blank hooka frosa Horning News, Savannah, Ga.