The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, August 06, 1900, Image 1

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THE MORNING NEWS. Established 1850. - Incorporated ISBS J. H. ESTILL President. MARCHING ON PEKIN advance of allies is said to HAVE BEGUN THURSDAY. PARIS HEARS OF OPPOSITION. foreigners are reported to HAVE A FORCE OF 40,000. Gen. Chaffee Was Delayed in Disem barking— A Dispatch on July 31 Said Advance Had Attain Been De layed—Chinese Slade Another At tack on Tien Tsin—Rnssians Re fined to Let Americans Put Tele phone Wires Along the Railroad. London, Aug. 6, 4 a. m.—The American and British forces began to advance on Pekin last Thursday, according to a dis patch, dated Aug. 2, from Tien Tsin to the Daily Express. "The main body of the allies,” contin ues the correspondent, "marched July 30. Gen. Chaffee was delayed by difficulties of disembarkation. Gen. Dorward, the British commander, had no such obsta cles. and his delay is inexplicable. "The other foreign troops are now half way to Eofa. The force includes 20,000 Japanese under Gen. Yamachuchi, and 30,000 Russians. The British force totals 0,000, and the other foreign troops 7,000. We are weak in artillery. "On Aug. 1, a strong force of Chinese from the native city, attacked Tien Tsin. By a series of brilliant charges, our troops drove the enemy from their positions. The native city is stilt defiant and the allies are unwilling to march troops through its streets, as this would mean an immense slaughter. When the Chi nese saw so large a body of troops marching westward, they apparently be lieved they would have an easy victory over those who were left.” The Disturbing Element. A message to the same paper from a correspondent in Pekin, dated July 22, says: “The women have borne all the horrors with marvelous fortitude and even with cheerfulness. The Chinese wanted peace when the arsenals at Tien Tsin were cap tured and the negotiations bade fair to be successful. Unfortunately Li Ping Heng and Kang Yu (?) arrived here at the critical moment and overthrew the peace party. "Food has been short, but not terribly so, though we have had to be very care ful.” A Shanghai dispatch dated Aug. 4 says: "The first overt attack upon foreigners occured this morning. Three Chinese, supposed to be soldiers tn disguise, tired at a well-known English resident, while he was lying asleep on the veranda of his house. He had a narrow escape. "From various sources come state ments that a large body of Boxers, some estimate them at 3,000, is gathering south of Tien Tsin and threatening communica tions.” Escort for Ministers. The Shanghai correspondent of the Daily Mail announces the reception of an imperial edict, dated Aug. 2. ordering Gen. Yung Lu to select high military and civil dignitaries, together with a sufficient number of picked troops, to escort the foreign ministers to Tien Tsin as soon as they decide to leave Pekin. By the terms of the edict Gen. Y'ung Lu will be held personally responsible for their safety, and he is given full authority to deal summarily with those opposing the peace ful passage of the escort. "By such acts,” concludes the edict,” do we show our good Intentions to people from afar and open our bosoms to them.” Y'okohama advices eay that Gen. Ter euchl has reported to the Japanese gov ernment that It Is not advisable to send more troops to China, declaring that the united force Is now ample to relieve the foreigners In Pekin. Chinese messages assert that in addi tion to causing the execution of high functionaries of pro-foreign tendency. LI Ping Heng has Impeached LI Hung Chang, Llu Kun Yl, viceroy of Nankin, and others on a charge of maintaining relations with foreigners. A Tien Tsin dispatch dated Aug. 1, to Berlin, gives a report of an Imperial edict issued July 27, ordering the recap ture of Taku and Tien Tsin by troops from Shan Tung and the south. Detailed accounts of (he reconnaissance of July 30 say that the enemy’s guns that were attacked near Pei Tsang were only the advanced post and Pei Tsang, it Is be lieved. can only be captured after a hard struggle. ■- Gen. Gaseless and his staff accompanied the reconnaissance, but no British troops were engaged. Advance Reported Delayed. A dispatch to the Morning Post from Che Foo, dated July 30, says: "The Russians at Tien Tsin refuse to oliow the Americans to put up telephone wires on the railroad poles and they claim the railroad, which English engineers are uady to work. "The situation Is critical. The river Is full of railroad sleepers. Hundreds of dead bodies of Chinese, some decapitated, are floating in the streets.” Four more missionaries, according to Shanghai advices dated Saturday, have been murdered near Hankow. The Tien Tain correspondent of the Times, wiring July 31, says: "The previous decision to move to-mor fow has been revised. It Is reported that the American commander ts no*(. unwilling to advance until he Is reinformed. The Japanese reconnoiseance yesterday appar ently Inclined them to favor waiting for further reinformecents. The Russians and French acqulsced. "Gen. Gaselee Is anxious to advance, but his command is so small, only 3.000, that he cannot take the lead. The date for the departure of the expedition la therefore, again uncertain. Commenting upon this dispatch the Time* eaye: *‘Jt is perhaps Inevitable, although un- I Jsatoantral) fHofttints doubtedly disappointing, --that the advance should be delayed.” It will be noticed that the dispatch to the Daily Express announcing that the troops had started is dated two days later than the dispatch to the Times and two ‘lays later than any other dispatch pub lished in London this morning. There is no way of verifying the statements of the Daily Express correspondent. They must simply be taken for what they are worth. RUMORED REPULSE OF ALLIES. Murderous LI Plus Hen? Made Com mander of Chinese. Paris, Aug. s.—The Shanghai corre spondent of the Temps, telegraphing to day, says: “The number of allies leaving Tien Tsin is no better known here than are the facts as to the march itself, but It is rumored that the advance gurad has been repulsed. “Li Ping Heng, former governor of Shan Tung, has been named commander of the Chinese force.” Paris, Aug. 6, 1 a. m.—The French con sul at Shangha, telegraphing Saturday, says: ‘‘Li Hung Chang informs me that Ll Ping Heng was appointed general of the troops in the north of the empire on his arrival at Pekin.” r THEY CAN COM >ll NIC ATE. A Decree Removing Reatriction* From tlie Ministers. Paris, Aug. 5, 7 p. m.—Sheng, director general of railways and telegraphs, has just communicated to the consuls at Shanghai, according to a special dispatch to the Temps, dated Aug. 5, an imperial decree, dated Aug. 2, authorizing the for eign ministers in Pekin to communicate without restriction with their govern ments and ordering their departure for Tien Tsin under a good escort. The French foreign office has received the following dispatch from the French cosul at Che Foo, dated Aug. 2: “The Governor of Moukden, In a pro clamation, has urged the people of Man churia to massacre Christians. Nearly all the missions have been destroyed. The missionaries have organized for defense, and are assisted by other Christians.” EARL LI IS PROBABLY AX.IVE. No Confirmation of the Report of His Suicide. London, Aug. 6, 2:45 a. m.—The Shang hai report that Li Hung Chang had com mitted suicide has not been definitely con tradicted, but all the advices received from that point, up to this hour, indi cate that he is alive. DID NOT COMMIT SUICIDE. Li Hung Chang Is Simply In a Very Despondent State. Shanghai, Aug. s.—The report that Ll Hung Chang had committed suicide is without foundation. He is only in a very despondent state. The Chinese consul here has received a message from Pekin saying that Gen. Tung Fuh Slang has stopped all provi sions goln to the legations. Admiral Seymour arrived at Shanghai to-day. Chinese Fortifying at Pekls. Brussels, Aug. s.—The Belgian vice con sul at Tien Tsin. wiring Aug. 4. says that the Chinese in Pekin are fortifying their position outside the British legation. He adds that all the members of the Belgian legation are in good health. Atgnn Taken by Russians. St. Petersburg. Aug. s.—The Russian war office has received a dispatch from Gen. Grodekoff, dated Khabarovsk. Aug. 5, an nouncing that Algun had been taken by the Russians after a stubborn fight and that the Chinese were being pursued in the direction of Tsitsikar. DE AVET IS SURROUNDED. Boers Say They Will Make a Slnnd at Maehadodnrp. London. Aug. 5.—A special dispatch from Pretoria, dated Saturday, says: "Gen. Christian DeWet is completely surrounded near Reitzburg, and It is Im possible for' his forces to escape through the strong British cordon. "The Boers say they will make a stand at Machadodorp. They are short of am munition and food. Gen. Hamilton, by the rapidity of his movements, prevents reinforcements reaching Commandant General Botha. "It appears that after he train carry ing United States Consul Stowe and fly ing the Stars and Stripes, was derailed at Honlngsprult, south of Kroonstad, concealed Boers tired, killing four. "Many residents of Pretoria have been si n< into exile for having behnved cruelly or shamefully to British subjects before ordering the war. The terms of exile vary, in one instance, reaching twenty live years.” GEN. BADEN-POWELL WOUNDED. Boers Captured Some Prisoners and 324 W agon*. London, Aug. The Lorenzo Marques correspondent of the Dally Express, wir ing Saturday, says: "Transvaal advices declare thal Gen. Baden-Powell was wounded during a re cent engagement at Rustenburg, when the Boer*, according to their account, took some prisoners and captured 324 wagons.” ON A POLITICAL MISSION. Stowe Was Going to Pretoria When the Train Was Captured. Cape Town, Aug. s.—Ths United Btstes consulate here has received no direct com munication regarding the Boer ettaclt up on ths train carrying Unltsd Slates Con sul Stowe, but Sir Alfred Milner. Brltlh high commissioner, has been Informed that those who were captured by the Boers were released at the request of Mr. Stowe, who. It is staled, is proceeding to Pretoria on a special mission of a politi cal character. SAVANNAH, GA., MONDAY, AUGUST (5, 1000. AWAITING A REPLY HAY’S DEMAND FOR COMMINIUA TION WITH MINISTERS. NO SATISFACTORY ANSWER. RELATED DISPATCH FROM CONGER ASKS FOR RELIEF. Relieved la Washington That the Ministers Are Safe—Cipher Dis patches Not Allowed to Pass, ami Even Plain Messages Have Bceu Turned Down—Chaffee Is Meeting: Many Difficulties— No Credence in Report of Enrl Li’s Salcido. Washington, Aug. 5.—A belated dispatch from Minister Conger was received to-day at the State Department. It came through Consul General Goodnow at Shanghai, who transmitted messages received by Mr. Ragsdale, United States consul at Tien Tsin, from Mr. Conger and Mr. Squiers, secretary of the United States legation at Pekin. In effect the advices are the same as those received a day or two ago by the State Department from Consul Fowler, at Che Foo. Mr. Goodnow's message was transmitted to President McKinley at Can ton, and Mr. Adee, acting secretary of state, alter in the day Issued the following statement concerning it: ‘‘Consul General Goodnow, in a cable gram dated Shanghui, Aug. 5, which was received at the Department of State at 4 o’clock this (Sunday) morning, reports the receipt by Consul Ragsdale at Tien Tsin, of messages from Minister Conger, and the secretary of the legation, Mr. Squiers, dated July 21, to the following effoct: “ ‘All well. No fighting since the 16th by agrement. Enough provisions. Hope for speedy relief.’ ‘‘Mr. Goodnow adds that the director of posts, 6heng, had on the sth communi cated to him an imperial edict dated July 30, ordering Jung Lu to provide an escort for the ministers to Tien Tsin when the ministers fix the date. The edict says the miniatera can receive messages not in cipher, but notwithstanding this, plain messages were returned to some consuls on Aug. 4." Belief That They Are Safe. While the messages from Minister Con ger and Secretary Squiers bear date of July 21, the belief, founded not only upon them, but also upon collateral and later information, is that the legatloners are yet safe from at least immediate harm. At present there is no means of knowing whether the minTstcf’s 3the of fer of the Chinese imperial government to provide an escort for them to Tl?n Tsin. but it is surmised they will prefer to remain within the British legation at Pekin until the. arrival of the allied forces. Should they leave for Tien Tsin, in all probability it would be because they re gard it the safer course to pursue. It is thought to be not unlikely that the Chi nese government may be very insistent upon the departure of the ministers. In the hope, if they can be gotten to Tien Tsin safely, the storming of Pekin may be averted. The inhibition of cipher dispatches to the ministers while a serious breach of diplomatic usage. Is not regarded here with apprehension. The Chinese govern ment, ii is pointed out, is suspicious- of the acLions of the Powers and probably has adopted this precaution to prevent com munication to the ministers of details of military movement. It is evident from the adoption of this measure that the imperial government regards itself as antagonistic io. if not actually at war with the Powers. Thus far, no inhibition has been placed upon cipher dispatches passing between the various governments and their consu lar representatives in China outside of Pe kin. Definite Reply Awaited. The Slate Department has taken the ground that the dispatch from the Tsung li-Yamen, delivered at the department yes terday by Minister Wu. Is not an answer to the dispatch of Secretary Hay sent on Aug. 1. In that dispatch Secretary Hay Anally and decisively insisted that free communication with the ministers must be established before any steps would be tak en by this government toward a peaceful solution of the present trouble. This dis patch was sent to Consul General Good now to be by him transmitted to Ll Hung Chang. The message delivered by Min ister Wu to the State Department yester day relative lo the inhibition of cipher dis patches, was sent by the Tsung-11-Yamen on July 30. As of that date. It already had been communicated to Ihe department by Consul Fowler. Obviously, therefore, it could not be a reply to the dispatch sent to Mr. Goodnow by Secretary Hay of Aug. 1. A deAnlte reply to the Secretary's dis patch of the Ist instant is awaited, with some concern, not to say anxiety. It is the final word of the United States gov ernment In the pending negotiations. The demand must be acceded to. If trouble of serious character Is to be averted. Minister Wu is not In the city to-day, having gone to Cape May to pass Sunday with his family. It was said m the Chinese legation that he will probably re turn to Washington to-morrow. No dis patches of consequence were received at the legation lb-day, and, it Is said by the legation attaches, no message will he made public from the legation In the ab sence of the minister, unless message* should come which, by reason of their Im portance, should require immediate trans mission to the State Department. Chaffee's Dlftlcnltle*. Neither the war nor the navy depart ment made public any dispatches dgrlrg the day. official* of both departments an nouncing that no dispatches of public In terest had been received. That Gen. Chaf fee is encountering difficulties that are proving serious, there is little attempt to ibnceal. The debarkation of troop* and cavalry horses Is being accomplished with the utmost difficulty. It Is said that the big tansports can approach the landing at Taku no nearer than twelve or fourteen miles. Vessels drawing more than fifteen feet of water are forced to lie far out In the gulf. This necessitates the use.of 'lghters for the transportation to Ihe shore of both men and horses, making the de lation of a considerable force a task sur rounded with Innumerable obstacles. Add ed to the sctual difficulties are the Incon veniences placed upon the troops. Rslns are almost Incessant, heavy fogs are prev alent and the water of the gulf Is exceed ingly rough. That the advance upon Pekin actually began no later than Friday Is well as sured now. Official* of the war depart ment at 111 decline to diacus* the latest message of Gen. Chaffee, daled Friday, which he announced that ths Amerl- can. British and Japanese forces were making the start without the remainder of the allies. While no reasons for the reticence of the department are given, it is well understood that Gen. Chaffee's dispatch at this time cannot be given to the public, as it contains information intended only for the guidance of the offi cials here in the formation of a policy of campaign in China. The report of the suicide of Li Hung Chang te wholly discredited in official circles here, and no Information has been received regarding it to-night, either by our government or at the Chinese lega tion. J SECRETARY LONG ON CHINA. Thinks the Ministers Safe hut Con ditions Are Serious. Boston, Aug. s.—Secretary of the Navy John D. Long is at his Hingham home for a vacation. In an interview on the Chinese situation he said that everything looked brighter when he left the capital. Continuing, he said: “I think, when the allies reach the Chi nese capital, they will find Minister Con ger and the other Americans there, with him alive.” ‘‘Do you think there *lll be a war be tween China and the other nations of the world on account of w’hat has been done?” ‘‘That, of course, I cannot say at pres ent. The condition of affairs is very serious. It is impossible to say what the outcome will be. I do not feel like criticizing Li Hung Chang, for he has been placed In a very peculiar and em barrassing position. Until we get at the facts, it is impossible to talk Intelligent ly about the Chinese government or statesmen.” ‘‘Are any more of our warships or ma rines to be sent to China?” was asked. ‘‘l think not,” was the reply. ”Wc have about 1,000 marines there now’, or w’ill have with the 500 that have recently sail ed from San Francisco.” PORTER DECLINES TO SAY. Qnarantine Kept on hat It In Not Certain That Cases in Tampa Are Yellow Fever. Tampa. Fia.,Aug* s.—State Health Offi cer Porter declined to make a public state ment of the fever situation tonight ex cept that there was no change. The day passed without report of sus picious cases. At present there is only one case in existence about which there is any question, and that is the case of the laun dryman Parker. Baker is entirely out of danger. Dr. Porter, the state health officer, and Dr. White, the Marine Hospital surgeon, are still silent as to whether or not there has been any yellow fever in the city at all. They continued their examinations to-day, but declined to report a definite diagnosis. Dr. Porter said to-night that whether or not there are any further developments, the quarantine would be maintained for at least two weeks. In case there is any infection from the cases already reported new cases may be expected to develop to-morrow. The travel out of the city on to-night's trains was not as large as under norma! conditions. The people have quieted no ticeably, and there is no apprehension or panic. The cordon of guards about the city held up hundreds of people last night and to day who either wished to get In or out of the city. were turned back. WYMAN HEARS FROM TAMPA. Marine Hospital Is Making; Thor ough In ventlgntlon. Washington, Aug. 5. Such Information as has been received by Dr. Wyman, of the Marine Hospital Service, to-day from Tampa shows that there is no change In Ihe yellow fever situation there. There have been no new cases developed. The officials of the service are conducting an Investigation into the condition of af fairs. CHARLESTON’S QUARANTINE. Railroad* Notified Not tn Bring Pas senger* From Tampn. Charleston, S. C.. Aug. s.—At a special meeting held to-day the Charleston Board of Health drew up a letter to all the rail roads entering the city notifying them that in view of the fact thal yellow fever has been developed at Tampa, they will be required to decline to bring passengers or baggage from that place here. The or der is tantamount to the establishment of quarantine against Tampa. WAY BEHIND THE RECORD. Near Liner DrntNchlnnd Made n glow Trip Across. New York, Aug. s.—The new Hamburg- Amerlcan Line steamer Deutschland, the completion of whose voyage ha* been awaited with much Interest, anchored off the Send.v Hook lightship at 10:47 o’clock to-night, after a voyage of six days, eight hour* and three minute*. The record of the Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse from the same port, made hi No vember, 1899. Is Ave days, seventeen hours and thirty-seven minutes. The Deutsch land is therefore behind the record of the crack North German Lloyd steamer, four teep hours and twenty-six minutes. TWO YOI NG MEN DROW NED. One of Them Leaves a Wife and Eight Yonng Girls. Charleston, 8. C., Aug. s.—While land ing a party of about 100 excursionists from the steamer Latta, at Klawah Island, at about noon to-day, a small boat contain ing fourteen men was swamped and Wal ter L. Daggett and J. L. Hope were drowned. Twelve swam ashore. Daggett and Hope were good swimmer*, but for some unknown reason failed to reach the shore. Mr. Daggeit was manager of the Dag gett Printing Company, and a leading member of the Knights of Pythias. He leave* a widow and eight young children, all girls. Hope was abount nineteen and unmar ried. As clerk In it grocery store he sup ported himself and his widowed mother. The bodies have not been recovered. Secretary Hay la 111. Boaton. Aug. 5—A special to the Jour nal from Surapee, N. H.. aays that Secre tary of State Hay Is HI. but not seriously, lie contracted a no and on the way from Waahlngton. A physician, who was called In, found Secretary Hay suffering nervous exhaustion, due to tha arduous labors at Washington. A LEGISLATIVE BODY NEW FUNCTIONS FOR THE PHILIP PINE COMMISSION. WILL HAVE CHARGE OF FUNDS. MANILA BANKS HAVE FORMED A COMBINE ON GOLD. There Has Been an Increase of In surgent Activity During: the Last Three Weeks—The Entrapping of Lieut. Alataetter's Little Com mand—Manila Policeman Wound ed Commission Looking: Into Property of Friars. Manila. Aug. s.—On Sept, 1 the commis sion, headed by Judge Taft, will become the legislative body of the Philippines, with power to take and appropriate insu lar moneys, to establish judkMal and edu cational system* and to make and pass all laws. No money will he permitted to be drawn from the Insular funds except by au thorization of the commission. Judge Taft and his colleagues will also exer cise certain executive functions. For in stance, they will appoint Judges, offi cials in the educational department and officers of municipalities, which the com mission will establish pending elections. Gen. MacArthur will be the executive head to enforce the laws of the commis sion, and he will conduct the government in accordance with the same until the commission recommends to President Mc- KinJey the appointment of a civil gov ernor. The only three bank* In Manila have formed a ring to reduce arbitrarily and without Justification the rate of exchange for American gold. This has caused wide spread indignation and many difficulties for commerce and minor business. The banks, however, are obdurate. More Insurgent Activity. There has been an increase of insurgent activity during the last three weeks, es pecially in the way of ambushes and at tacks upon small parties. First Lieutenant Alstaeiter of the Engi neer Corps, w ith an escort of fifteen men, w’as taken In ambush in the province of Nueva Ecija, Luzon, by a large force. The Americans fought until their ammu nition was gone, and as they were sur rounded, there was nothing to do but sur render. One man was killed and three were wounded. Gen. Lacuna, who was in command of ths Insurgents, returned the wounded with a letter promising to treat the pris oners well. Lieut. Hulestoerg (?) was ambushed and killed near Santa Cruz, province of La guna. Five Americans Captured. Five men of the Twenty-fourth Infan try were captured in Nueva Ecija, but Sergt. Schmidt, of the Twelfth Infantry, with seven men, trailed the captors an<i killed five. Capt. Lara, of the Manila native police, was dangerously shot by an unknown as sailant yesterday while on the street. He had been effectively enforcing regulations and had made enemies among the Fili pinos, some of whom have long threaten ed vengeance. Lara had been generally accused of gross corruption in office and specific charges were filed against him by an Amerkan officer. At the suggestion of Archbishop Cha pelle, Judge Taft had been examining the heads of the religious orders as well as Mgr. Nozaledas and other ecclesiastics, preparatory to the time when It would be necessary to take definite action regard ing the affairs of the fflars and the church. It appears that the real estate holdings of the friars are smaller than hod been expected. BULLETS IN THEIR HEADS. Van and III* Wife Murdered or Com mitted Suicide. Philadelphia. Aug. s.—Robert W. Sin clair, aged 51 years, a fruit commission merchant In this city, and his wife, Annie E., aged fifty-two years, were both found dead last light with a bullet hole In each of their heads, In front of their- summer home at Green Tree Station. Whether It was a case of murder or suicide will prob ably never be known. STILL AFTER THE SULTAN. He Is Again Asked lo Pay American Demand Promptly. Constantinople, Aug. s.—Mr. Loyd Grls com, United Stale* charge d'affaires, to day renewed hi* demands upon the Otto man government for comi*nsatlon for the losses of American citizens during Ihe Ar menian massacres. He Insisted upon a prompt decision. Ilenth* From Heal In Chicago. Chicago, Aug 5. The heat to-day caused two deaths and several prostra tions. The temperature was 98, and prom ises to be higher to-morrow. ACCOMPLICE OF NALSON. Another Man Arreslrd for the As ■ nul on the Shall. Paris, Aug. 6.—The French poll;* have arrested at Abbeville Auguste Vallelte, a dangerous anarchist, who Is supposed to have been the instigator of Salson's at tempt upon the Shah of Persia. Vallelte left Paris Immediately after the crime. He and Salson will he confronted. To-dny the police tried to discharge Bol son's revolver, but not one of the Ave cartridge* exploded, because of the way In which he had died the hammer. Kina of Seirvls Wedded. Belgrade, Aug. s.—King Alexander to day wedded Mme. Drags Maschln, the ceremony being performed with great pomp. Death of Hlehop Steal-. Portland. Me., Aug s.—ltt. Rev. JaVnes Auguatin Henly, Bishop of the Roman Catholic diocese of Maine, died at his .episcopal residence thfi afternoon. OUTBREAK OF THE BOXERS. Traced ly Superstitions, They At tacked and Killed Chrlutlna* Wherever They Pound Them. New York, Aug, s.—Tn a letter from the Rev. Father Marque*, the superior of the Roman Catholic missionaries in the province of Chi Li, China. Just receiv ed here, he says that at the beginning of the Boxer outbreak the Chinese au thorities sought to protest the Christians. He tells how the native Christians fought against the Boxers and defeated them. “The Boxers say that by the help of certain incantations," writes Father Mnr quet. "they became invulnerable as soon as the spirit to which they surrender themselves has taken possession of them. But whenever a Christian is present or wherever a church stands, the spirit, they say, does no* descend upon them, and so they cannot become invulnerable. In fact, not far from the Christian estab lishment of Tvhu Kin Ho, three of those who had been initiated volunteered afier their incantations o be fired at. Tho first of them was instantly killed, while the two others were wounded mortally. "It was market day and the Boxers, afraid of losing their prestige before the people, proclaimed loudly that this was the fault of the Christians. They spread the news that neophytes had killed one of their adherents and wounded the others, and declared their intention of getting rid of the Christians, sacking their houses and burning their churches." lieu Inii I m of the Trouble. Of the beginning of actual trouble Fath er Marquet writes: "With the exception of three cbmmunl tics, which foreseeing what was uhout to happen, had armed themselves and two others, which were protected by Fagan village chiefs, every Christian establish ment at Kin Tcheou was sacked. At Leou Pa Tchoang, a Christian who wanted to save his house, was stabbed, then an In flammatory fluid was poured over his body and set on fire while he was still breath ing. A few days later It was the turn of tiie Christian establishments of Pou Tcheng. Koo Ho and Tong Koang. The district of Father Andlauer, the real hotbed of the Boxers, suffered most. “The Boxers, nuniliertng 800. attacked the Christians at Ton Tai Kon, not far distant from our residence. The Chris tians had taken up arms. Intrepid, though few in number, the Christians waited for the Boxers and from the roofs of their houses spread death and havoc in the ranks of the enemy. The Boxers fled, but son rallied at the sound of their tom tom in a neighboring village and again were getting ready to storm the village when trumpets were heard which had the effect of throwing them into disorder and made them take flight permanently. The approaching force was a troop of cavalry of the regular army, which Father Becker, in a most pressing latter, had requested the mandarin to dispatch to his help. The cavalrymen came in great haste, and, though they reached the scene of action too late to take part in the victory they at least scattered the enemy. Mnn> Communities Devastated. “Altogether forty-five Christian com munities were devastated, in which no re ligious service of any kind can be le-,1. Should the soldiers, which were sent to our help, be recalled by events occurring on the seacoasts or at Tien Tsin, we would again be at the mercy of these countless hordes, who cherish in their hearts an implacable hatred of Europeans and the Christian religion." KILLED BY TRAIN ROBBERS. fimiff Wini Tliroiijtli I'niiirnKfrii in a l*u 11 inn n nml .Vliiriirrril an Old Man Who RaalNteil. Sallna, Kan., Aur. s.—Union Pacific cast bound passenger trnln No. 4, which left Denver last night, was held up by two men several miles west of Hugo, Cos!., ninety miles thla side of Denver. The passengers In Iha Pullman sleepers were robbed of their money and valuables. An old man named Fay, a resident of California, who had been visiting In Den ver and was on his way to St. Uouis, re fused to surrender his valuables and llrcd a shot at one of the robbers, but missed. Thereupon the robbers fired, one shot entering Fay's mouth and coming out at the hack of his held, killing him almost Instantly. The robbers stopped the train, Jumped off and escaped. The robbers got on one of the sleepers near I.tmon and after the train had start ed, the men made a noise at the door. The conductor, thinking they were tramim, opened the door to put them off. The rob bers, who were masked, pointed a pistol at hts head and ordered him to lead the way through the coaches. All the pass engers were asleep and the conductor was ordered to wake them one at a lime. The frightened passengers were told to keep quiet or they would be killed, and at the same time were asked to hand over their money and valuables. The robbers obtained about SKO In cash and a number of gold watches and other pieces of Jew elry. The robbery look place a few min utes before 1 o’clock this morning. The body of Koy, who was killed, was taken off at Hugo and shipped to Denver. H was 68 years of age. and a promi nent Odd Fellow of California. The conductor, who was compelled to hold the bag while the robbers received the passengers' valuable, lost his watch, and asked that It be returned to him. In order that he might run his train' on time. The robbers gave It back. After ransacking the two coaches the men made the conductor pull the bell cord, but the train was going so rapidly that the robbers were taken to Hugo be fore it slowed up enough to enable them to Jump. They compelled the conductor to get off ahead of them, so that If any of the pasesngers had been in waiting they would have shot him first. After the robbers had dismounted they ordered he conductor to return to his train. Miss Bhaw of Dover, a passenger on the train, arrived fn Ballna tills morning. She stated that when the train was entered ty the men everyone was asleep and very few knew anything of what was going on until they were awakened by the robbers. When the men came to her berth a plvol was pointed at her face and she was told to lie quiet and hand over her valuables. With great preaence of mind she opened her pocket book, let a number of bills fall out, and then handed the purse, containing tutus silver, to the robbers.'ll FOII TUB NORTH POLE. Rnnendslil Will Sail Aug. 11 on ■ Scliooenr of 44 Tons. Berlin. Aug. i.—Capt Banandahl, of the Imperial army, who has been arranging for an expedition In search of the North Pole, will set sail from Hamburg Aug. 11 on the Matador, a tlshlng schooner of 44 tons burden. He now intends to enter Um po.k ice east of BplUtoergeo, DAILY. *8 A YEAR. 5 CENTS A COPY. Weekly 2-times-a-week.h a year RIOT OF ANARCHISTS FORTY-FIVE POLICEMEN CALLED OCT IN CHICAGO. MRS. PARSONS WAS TO SPEAK. FOLLOWERS THOUGHT SHE WAS BEING ATTACKED. The Hall Hn<l Cloned and Mrn. K’arnonn Wan gtandtug In a Donr rrmy Where tho Police Thonchl She Wan Making an Inflammutory Speech Twenty-five People In jured and a Lot of Annrrhisttc Lit erature Cnptnrcd. Chicago, Aug 3 —An anirrhlst riot oc curred thin afternoon at the comer of Twelfth and Halestead ftreets In which twenty-five people were bruised In a struggle With fotry-flve policemen, sum moned to quell the disturbance. l>’lve persons were arrested, among them being Mrs. Lucy Parsons, widow of Al bert R. Parsons, who was executed Nov, 11, 1887. In Chicago for nldtng and abetting the bomb throwing In the llaymarket riot. She was charged with disorderly conduct, obstructing the street and resisting an of ficer. The others arrested were Paul Vandree, charged with distributing Incendiary liter- Httire; Clement Pfuetzner, charged with assault, disorderly conduct and obstruct ing the street; Herman Goodman, charged with distributing Incendiary literature; Abtaham E. Delstadt, charged with dis orderly conduct, obstructing the street and resisting an officer. A mas* meeting had been called at West Side Turner Hall, n4 which speeches were to he made by Mrs. Parsons and other* on the topic, “The Execution of the King of Italy.” The call concluded, "Workmen, come In crowd* and show that the feeling of brotherhood I* strong among you.” Mrs. Parson* wa on her way to the hall, but finding It had been dosed by the police, she stepped Into a shaded door way lo rest. Soon a crowd formed, and a police officer, pushing through the crowd, caught a glimpse of Mrs. Par son*. Beginning of the Riot. Thinking she was making an anarchis tic speech, he endeavored to disperse ths crowd. Hlb efforts were tn vain, and the officer sent In a call for reinforcements. Additional officers arrived and Immedi ately a general fight was precipitated. Fists and clubs were used, and the offi cers, finding themselves being worsted, sent In n riot call. The number of police was Incretsed to forty-five, and they rushed Into the throng. Mrs. Parsons was seized. It is claimed she resisted arrest, and her associates fought for her. Bricks wers thrown, clubs were wielded and a fierce struggle ensued before the crowd was Anally dispersed. Clement PfuJtzner, one of those ar rested, was badly cut in the hand. A number of children In the crowd were knocked down in the melee and trampled upon, but none was Injured seriously. In all twenty-dive persons were badly beaten and bruised. AnnrehlMtlr Literature. Afier ihe affray numerous small card* were found on Ihe street and- In the vicin ity, containing two verses’ of poetry, urging the workingmen to be free, to throw off the yoke of bondage and tight for liberty, and to lay down their lives If necessary to overthrow Ihe government and attain freedom. The card bore the heading: "Workingmen, Emancipate Youraelves.” The police assert that these card* were printed Its Ban Eranclaco, and were re ceived here by the anarchlata several daya tigo, and have been secretly distrib uted. A large quantity of literature, ad vocating anarchy, and a book containing the name* a is) addresses of several hun dred anarchistic sympathizers were fouud by the police. VICTORIA THE NEXT VICTIM. Itonat Made by Related Brother-in law of Bresel. Bueno*. Ayre*, Aug. s.—Oulaeppe Css tagnl, a brother-in-law of Bread, haa se cured passage for Montevideo, after fall ing to secure the return of pnssage money to New York, which he paid three week* ago. He boasts that Bread committed a highly commendable deed and asserts that Queen Victoria will be the next vic tim. Some clerks' In a British shipping of- Aee here gave him a horsewhipping for his remark* regarding the Queen. It Is not known whether he will sail for Mon tevideo or New York. Looking for an Accomplice. New York. Aug. s.—The Italian conaut at New York has sent a telegram to Capt. Usher of the West Hoboken police, ask ing him to search for a woman who ts suspected of being concerned In some way with the plot lo assassinate King Hum bert. Chief McCluskey will begin to-mor row Si systematic search for the woman among the Italian colony. The chief de clines to give the name of the woman at present. IN IN lIHITISH TERRITORY. Commissioner Tltninn on the Porca lilne District. Seattle, Wash., Aug. 6.—C. H. Til man. United States commissioner In the mat ter of the International boundary between Alaska and Cunada, has arrived from tho North. He and F. W. King, the British commissioner, have been setting monu ments in accordance with the agreement reached In the modus vlvendt. Tltman stales that Glacier. Bouldec Rock and other creeke which the miners claim con stituted a portion of the Porcupine dis trict, are now In British territory. Ho said: ** "Porcupine river and all of Ua affluents are defined by tho modus vlvendl. Gla cier and Boulder Rock creeks are on tha Canadian aide, and will be *o long as Ahe modus vlvendl Una ts recognized.