The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, August 06, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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ONE-TENTH FOR THE CHURCH. REV. ED. F. COOK ON THE POWEn OF MONEY. God*fl Claim Ipon Man** PomMlorn Ont> of the First Lennon* Taught in Scripture—The World Xot Conquer ed for Christ, Because Christians Hare Not Complied With Scrip tural Requirements in l>evotin& Their Mean* to the Work of the Church— Bishop Haygood Quoted on Money—lts Immense Powers for tiood and E*vll* A large congregation for midsummei worshiped at Wesley Monumental Church yesterday. The sermon was preached by Rev. Ed. F. Cook, the pastor. His theme was “The Power of Money for Good or 111.” His text was from Proverbs 3:9: •‘Honor the Lord with thy substance.” In introducing his theme. Mr. Cook said: “God’s claim upon our possessions is well established in Scripture. One of the,very first lessons taught the human family was God s claim upon a proportionate part of man’s time and possessions. This lesson God has taken pains to keep ever before his people. It was emphasized in build ing the Tabernacle in the wilderness, in rearing the magnificent temple of King Solomon, and God projected the Kingdom of Christ in this world, with its great scheme of redemption for the race, upon ihe supposition that his people would pay him one-tenth of all they possessed, and beyond that find ample scope for the ex pressions of love and gratitude in free-will offerings. If God’s plan had been carried out by his people this world would long ago have been brought to Christ. “All reasonable Christians admit that it is the Lord who giveth power to get wealth, and that possessions are talents for which, as stewards, we must give ac . ount to the Lord. Yet, with these unde niable truths ever present with us, the church is crippled in all her operations for want of financial means to c&rry forward her enterprises. We are doing little tnore for the evangelization of the heathen world than playing at missions; destitute portions of the home-field are left with out suitable places of worship and the means of grace; educational institutions languish or die, all for want of money— and this occurs at a time when the church is rich and increased in goods’ as never before. Things will be no better, but rather worse, until there is more liberal and systematic paying by all classes of Christians. Just at this point there is imperative need of a revival of practical wisdom. We must understand God’s esti mate of money in its relation to the king dom of Christ. There are but three sources of power in Christ’s kingdom: First, the purchase power of consecrated money: second, the evangelistic power of Chris tian character; third, the supernatural lower of the Holy Spirit. We have ever placed an exalted estimate upon the Influence of truly good and beautiful character. We are coming better to un derstand the doctrine of the Holy Spirit. But the selfish world is slow to learn of God’s need of money and slower to un derstand the immeasurable power of dol lars in the kingdom of Christ. “Money rightly obtained is a vital force in the kingdom of Christ. It takes money to ryn anything. It cakes money to main tain a town, city, state or nation. It takes money to run a bank, or lodge, or school. It takes money to run a small family. It takes money to run the com merce of the world. As money is in dispensable to every movement of com merce or of nations, so likewise it is an mdlspensible force in the onward move ment- of the kingdom of Christ.” Mr. Cook then said: “Money is a lat ent power, like stored-up electricity. Elec tricity is a great power for the benefit of man when understood and rightly used; but a great danger when in the hands of ihe ignorant or vicious. Money is a great power for good in the hands of the good, but a tremendous evil in the hands of the ignorant and vicious. "Money is an active power ever pres ent with the man who possesses it. With So I have power to purchase a hat; with SIO,OOO I have power ro purchase a home: with many millions I have power to own and operate railroads or manufacture goods for the use of nations. Transfer this money to the kingdom of Christ and it loses none of its power. It is still the power that brings things to pass. With $5 I can send out a few Bibles and tracts; with SIO,OOO I can easily support ten missionaries in the field; with mil lions of dollars an army of missionaries could be equipped and sent forth to lake the world for Christ. The poverty of the church explains the delay in the evange lization of the world. The poverty of the church is caused by our disregard of God’s plan for providing revenue for Hiff kingdom.” Mr. Cook referred to the frequent mis quotation and misapplication of the fa miliar passage, “The love of money is the root of all evil.” He said not money; but the love of money is the root of evil. Money is one of the greatest bless ings on earth, and one of the greatest forces In the kingdom of Christ. But the inordinate love of money, the greed of gain is destructive to character and ruinous to the nation. I once heard Bishop Haygood say, in substance, in one of his magnificent addresses: ”‘I am not about to commit the folly of denouncing money; that having and money’s worth make for any human soul the chief good of life. I do utterly deny. In itself it is not good at all; per verted, It is a curte. Making money as the end and aim of life is a foolish and unmanly thing; making money as a means to an end may be a very wise, and also a very noble, occupation. The power that Is In money to do good Is the one quality In it that gives it worth, that entitles it to respect, that lifts it above dirt and corruption. Measuring men by mere money gauges is heathenism. Making money having the chief end, and money-getting the chief occupation of life, work* out the most deplorable result* in the thoughts and lives of men. When the richest becomes the foremost than, and one richer than the richest the ideal man, we forget why a man is sent into this world, and cease to know what a man really is. Confusion enters into all our conceptions of human life. We apply false tests to ourselves as well as to others, we “oall evil good and good evil;” con science loses its polarity, and virtue dies at the root. When men choose occupa tions simply to make money; seek office only for salaries, perquisites, and, above all. opportunities; In a word, when money !• the *nd and money-getting the business of life, character and usefulness become •*eondary, whereas character and useful ness are in human life what God cares tor, and what a wise and good man prizes at>ove all the world.’ "Sometimes concrete illustration* are more helpful in getting at the very truth of things than elaborate argument* or ex haustive statements. Few of us realize how despotic this money ideal has become. Nothing is more foolish than the making of wholesale indictments of our times or of our people, unless it be the blindness that will not see a storm-bearing cloud till it burst* in desolating fury. “Of the evi'e brought to view, only In these remarks, Illustrations abound. Men known to be unprincipled are honored for their bank accounts. Men of fortune, and controlling the influences that command fortune, con hold high office, and feel themeelves too safe to need vindication when charged with Infamous crimes. Ii no longer startle* us when an election to the United State* Senate even not infre- Quently turns upon the gold, rather than the brains, virtue or patriotic service of candidates. It no longer shocks us that the “barrel” enter* a* an essential factor Into many elections, and not a little leg elation. It has become so common-place as hardly to be a scandal that party man agers calculate the price of purchasable voters and ‘levy contributions’ to meet what they call ‘legitimate expenses.’ Big men make combinations that crush all weaker rivals, organize ‘trusts’ that rob the people, and are called financiers In ravenous greed they are the sharks of the business world, and, as to conscience, they are the successors of the Barbary pirates, who scourged the Mediterranean s-ome generations gone. If they succeed, tney enter the charmed circles of our im mortals. A mi.lion dollars covers a mul titude of sins, and many millions are of the essence of nobility. Thousands of people, finding to support them voices not a few :n hireling newspapers, count ed it unpatriotic that a minority in the Legislature of Louisiana refused a bride of twenty-five millions, and cursed the only men who struggled to save the vir tue and honor of the state. So high is money, so low is honor. How. can there be honesty in business, purity in politics, righteousness in gov ernment. or i rue virtue anywhere, while money is the essential element in our ideal of human success? How can it be otherwise than that our politics should be corrupted, (hat legislation should be pois oned, that government should be de bauched under Ihe tremendous stimulus of an all-abounding idolatry of gold? How can it be otherwise than that a fatal paralysis should strike down social and civil virtue? How can it be otherwise than that the Church of God it self should be paralyzed in her forward movement for the salvation of the race when the money ofthisgreat nation,a holy trust, is prostituted to the evil ends of lust and ambition," Mr. Cook quoted Matthews,6: 19-20: "Lay not up for yourselves treasures on earth, etc., but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven," etc.. He showed how the mas ter refers in this to the use of money, warning against the accumulation of rkti es for riches sake, that they may be con sumed upon the lusts of the flesh, but di rected thot even the money that man can make should be invested in the eternal kingdom. Mr. Cook said that every dollar invested in the development of character, that every dollar invested in education, that every dollar invested in the spread of the gospel, that every dollar invested in the uplift of humanity is so much riches stored up in heaven. The speaker concluded the discourse by saying we must provide the money for the maintenance and spread of the great kingdom of Christ. God has provided the plan. His plan as revealed In the Word is the payment in His kingdom of one-tenth of one’s income and the free will offerings prompted by gratitude and love. Mr. Cook urged n faithful study of the scriptural plan and a contemplation by the church of rhe conditions resulting from the neglect thereof. His final words were an earnest appeal to the church to accept God's challenge: "Bring ye ail the tithes into the store house, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of Hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.” Matthew. 3:10. And in the strength of this promise to go forth for the conquest of the world through a revival of the religion of Jesus. RAILROADS THAT LEAD. How the Great Systems Rank in Their Mileage. The beneficent work of concentrating many email and often unprofitable and In efficient railways, says the Railway Age. into few large and well-managed systems has been going on with surprising rapid ity in the last few years. Hundreds of roads that started out on an Independent caitcr, have gone through bankruptcy,and fortunately passed into the control of com panies able to operate them successfully. Hundreds more have become parts of im portant. systems by lease or by voluntary sale of a controlling interest in their se curities, and others still have been built under separate charters and in due time amalgamated with the parent company. So by purchase, lease, majority control and actual consolidation the evolution of sys tems has gone on, to Ihe advantage gen erally of the individual properties and al ways to the benefit of the public by im provement in transportation facilities, and the railway manager now handles thou sands of miles more effectively than his predecessors worked their little lines of a few hundred miles before the era of ex pansion. To ascertain to what extent the sys tem-making movement has progressed, the Railway Age has undertaken to tab ulate a list of all railway companies In the United States and Canada, which con trol over 2,000 miles of lines. It finds, as will be seen below, that over 147.000 miles of road are now controlled, either by direct operation or through subordi nate organizations, by twenty-eight cor porations, and that several of the sys tems have already passed the surprising figure of 10,000 miles each, without any indication that the limit has yet been reached. The following table shows the mileage controlled on July 1, 1900, by each of the companies named. Including track laid this year or otherwise acquired. The figures will serve to correct various er roneous answers that have been given to the question, which are the largest rail way systems in point of mileage; and they will show also, to those familiar with the relative magnitude of the principal roads, that some notable changes In po sition have occurred in the present year as the result of recent purchase and lease; Railway Systems of 2.000 Miles and Over: 1 .New York Central 10.410 2 Pennsylvania 10,392 3 Canadian Pacific 10.013 4 Southern Pacific 9,362 5 Chicago and Northwestern 8,463 6 Chicago, Burlington and Quincy.. 8,001 7 Southern 7,887 8 Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe... 7.880 9 Chicago. Milwaukee and St. Paul.. 6,437 10 Union Pacific 5,584 11 Northern Pacific 5,449 12 Missouri Pacific 3,324 13 Illinois Central 3.263 34 Great Northern 5.201 15 Louisville and Nashville 5.077 16 Grand Trunk 4.656 17 Chicago. Hook Island and Pacific. 3.771 18 Baltimore and Ohio 3.005 19 Boston and Maine 3.21.3 20 Colorado and Southern 2.584 ?t Seaboard Air Line 2,540 22 Erie 2.307 23 Missouri, Kansas and Texas 2.100 24 Wabash 2,358 25 Atlantic Coast Line 2,373 56 Lehigh Valley 2,;78 27 Plant System 2,140 28 New York, New Haven and Hart ford 2,047 Total miles 147,061 CITY BREVITIES. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. McQueen of Glen wood are stopping at the Pulaski. Tne steamship City of Augusta, Cap tain Daggett, arrived this morning about 2:30 o’clock from New York. Nl there 1, noth. oflTT* ,0 rnual | | Si** the Bitter a. THE MOKNUSG NEWS: MONDAY, AUGUST 6, 1900. FEVER IS NON - EXISTENT. INDICATIONS POINT TO CONCLUSION THERE IS NONE IN TAMPA. Health Officer Brnuner Authorized Thin Statement in Hl* Summary ol the Situation—Now Regarded a* Very Improbable Thot Quarantine Will Be Declared—Sanitary Board Met and Took Thi* View of the Matter No Neee**lty Apparent. Shipment of llouHcliold Good* From Tampa to Savn-nuah Stopped. “You may say that present indications point to the conclusion that there is no yellow fever existent in Tampa, and, con sequently, to the further conclusion that there will be no quarantine declared by Savannah.” Thus Health Officer W. F. Brunner, in reply to question*, asked him by a Morn ing New* reporter last night in regard to the yellow fever situation in Tampa and its effect upon Savannah. Dr. Brunner did not care to divulge the source of the Information from which he deduced these conclusions, but that it has come to him from Tampa, and from one who Is a yel low fever expert and fully able to judge the situation and diagnose the alleged cases of yellow fever, there is no doubt. Dr. Brunner’s manner was confident and his assurance that the danger point, if there had ever been one, had been passed, seemed to be firm. He sfated, nevertheless, that no relaxation had been permitted in the precautions for the pro tection of the city against possible infec tion, bu* that on the contrary they had even been increased. A meeting of the Sanitary Board was held at 1 o’clock. In the absence of Mayor Myers, Acting Mayor Tiedemau I* the chairman of the board and presiding at the meeting. Besides the acting mayor and the health officer, the other members of the board who are now in the city were present. It was decided that the present situation did not warrant a quarantine against Tam pa and that none should be declared un less there was a material change for the worse. The inspection of passengers and baggage from the suspected city was thought sufficient protection for present necessities, but as an additional precau tion It was decided to instruct the rail roads and express company not to accept household goods of any kind from Tampa for Savannah. This instruction was com municated to the express and railroad offi cials by the health officer at once, and the regulaiion will go into effect to-day. It was indicated at the meeting of the board that from information received from the health authorities of Charles ton, Augusta, Brunswick. Valdosta and Thomasville, these cities are but waiting for the issuance of a quarantine procla mation by Savannah to follow the exam ple and declare a quarantine of their own. The understanding that their re sponsibility was increased by this addi tional weight induced the members of the board to consider the question even more seriously and determined them not to de clare a quarantine unless the situation demanded it. Over and above the relief that will come with the positive statement that there is no yellow fever, springing from sympathy with the city alleged to have been infected and from the fact that a quarantine always results in Injury to business and husiness interests, the health authorities here will feel a glow of satisfaction should their course be vin dicated and upheld by such an announce ment. They understand that quarantine is a serious thing and that it can only be justified by a real necessity. That they have done everything for the protection of Savannah and its people that the ex igencies of the situation have demanded and yet nothing that would tend to in jure or interfere with its business, cannot be otherwise than the cause of consider able pride and gratification. SEABOARD CERTIFICATES. First One for 100 Share* Is*aed for President Williams* Son. Mr. John Skelton Williams, president of the Seaboard Air Line, was in Baltimore last Friday. The distribution of the new securities of the company cn account of the loan certificate* begun in the morn ing, being issued through the Continental Trust Company. The stock given as a bonus and the new notes with coupons attached are to replace the old loan certificates. It was stated that it would require at least a week to complete the work, as there will be a total of 17,000 share* of preferred stock, 51,000 shares of common Rtock and 680 new notes issued on account of the loan for $3,400,- 000. The first certificate was reserved for Mr. Williams, who as soon a* he arrived in Baltimore notified the Continental Tru*t Company to Issue the cerdflcate in the name of his 3-year-old son, John Skelton Williams, Jr. It was for 100 shares, and will be held by Mr. Williams until his son is of age. FAMINE’S LEGACY. Half a Million Orphans In Need of Help. New York. Aug. s.—News by cable from India’* viceroy, the Governor of Bombay, and other officials, from American mis sionaries and from newspaper correspond ents, report a general rainfall In the fam ine-stricken districts and prospects bright er than at any time for the past two years. This means that the gaunt, woful, hid eous figure of Famine is being literally drowned. River beds which for twenty four months have been bared to the sky and baked by the sun till rockhard, are now gradually softening into their natural muddiness. Streams are manifesting signs of life. The water In the few weils which were not drained by the long drought arc growing deeper and fields, meadows, farms, grazing grounds, garden-plots. In fact the whole parched earth, Is giving promise of generous fertility, as In the years gone by. But these are after all. only signs and promises, ikhlch. while restoring hope to the hearts of the stricken millions, must not be taken as meaning that the famine is at an end. Famine may be dying, but she Is not yet dead. She still stalks abroad In all the western and central provinces, and for at least three months to come uhc will continue her deadly work. As the cause of the awful distress and deaolaiion was lack of rain, it will take a very long, steady rainfall to restore the ground to a condition rich enough to yield. With the exception of a one-hour shower on July 20 of last year, the present rain fall Is Ihe first Western India has known for four and twenty months. Hence.'not until rain has fallen continuously for weeks and weeka. will the ground be suffi ciently soaked and softened to assure the raising of a crop. Moreover, millions Of head of cattle, In deed, 90 per cent, of all the cattle, have died, for want of fodder; and farmers will remain lied hand and foot till government supplies new live stock to replace the old, whose bones lie scattered the country over. Therefore, desperate distress still exists. Utter desolation la still the lot of millions. If the government were r.ow to withdraw Its aid. shut up the relief worke and poor houses, if American comrubutions were now to desae and missionaries to stop their work. 10,000,000 homeless, helplesa people would be In Imminent danger of starving to death. Furthermore, since the rain has come. scores of thousands who have been *aved from death by starvation, are threatened with death by exposure. Blankets and clothing are scarce; only about one per son in every thousand possessing a half way decent garment. M< .awhile, famine has written her will on the face of the land. She is leaving Christendom a legacy in the form of hun dreds of thousands of homeless, helpless orphans. The million men and women, who. after indescribable suffering, have succumbed, since the famine began, not only to star veuion, but to ffver. plague and cholera besides, have left fully half a million fatherless, motherless children. When the government closes its relief works, its poor houses, sending million* of absolutely penniless people lo their desolate homes to begin life's struggle over again, what is to become of the imrentless, ownerless children? Who is to shelter them, clothe, feed, instruct them, and fit them for lives of usefulness? I have myself just returned from India, and I can truthfully write that of all the sad sights to be seen in the famine dis trict, the most pitiable is the starving child. Not a few, but tens of thousands, are wandering along the highways, waifs of a desert country, living drift-chips on a shoreless sea. Their mothers and fath ers have died of starvation, ami now they *V*vo not a soul in the world to turn to. no kith, no kin, not a single heart among tfieir own people to look after them. It is in the rescue of these orphan*, waifs from the highway of death itself, that the missionaries devote a large part of 4heir working hours. Once inside a mission compound, the poor, little star veling. if care and food have not come too late, is supported by funds sent to the missionaries by the American people. Among the many starving orphan chil dren gathered in from the fields by Dr. Taylor and his wife, missionaries at Ah medabad, there came one little girl who insisted on entering the house. She came into ihe library, and after a brief look about, lisped in her own tongue, “Please, may I die here?” and then threw' her self down on the floor and went to sleep. It is gratifying to odd that the long sleep and the hot milk afterward given to this child saved her fre m death, and she was added o the fold of Orphans in Mr. Tay lor’s care. Rven in the streets of Bombay there are hundreds of famine children wander ing about. With sunken eyes, hollow' cheeks and indented temples, with weary, weak, skeleton, legs, they totter, by the dozen, in the footsteps of the European, crying, “Salam. Sahib”—which is their wav of saying “Peace to you.” Then slapping their hollow and naked stomachs to emphasize their need of food, ihey con tinue their piteous supplications, begging for enough food to keep them alive just another hour. Sometimes a mother accosts one, a babe in her arms, trying its little best to get food from the dry, parched breast—and this mother also entreats you, saying: “Give us something to eat, and God will bless you with many children.” The group of waifs about her cling as if by instinct -to her scant, ragged skirt, rip if they felt that since this woman is mo:her to the babe she will act also as a kind mother to all who snuggle? up to her. Saving the children, In famine time, is cne of the most encouraging phase* of re lief work, while to see children starve, to know that they, the helpless ones, can not be helped, that they must die by inches for want of food, is a condition of affairs that wrings the heart. Thousands of these orphans are now in the hands of American missionaries, hav ing been plucked by them from the jaws of the famine, but they must soon be turned out to starve unless the mission aries receive the means to purchase food for them. Bishop Thobum. the dpan of mission aries in India, who is now in this coun try for the recovery of his health, said: “The highways are covered with people, many’ of whom are mere walking skele tons, vainly’ seeking a region where food can- he found. Children, whose parents have perished, are wandering everywhere. The spectacle is one of the most painful w’hich can be found on earth. The cries of the orphans, if they could only enter into the ears of all good people in dis tant lands, would stir rhe Christian world *o such a movement of sympathy and he;p as has never been witnessed on earth.” From Rev. R. A. Hume. Ahmednagar, I have received a letter saying: “I have seen within the past few days young mothers with new-born children, who have not tasted food in several day*. Hun dreds of children deserted by their par ents, who could not bear to see them die of hunger, have come to our house pa thetically holding out their tiny hands. A heart cf s<one w’ould melt at the sight of such suffering.” The missionaries. Indeed, foreseeing the legacy which Famine would surely leave, have throughout the period of distress employed famine labor at 4 cents a day government rate—in building the numer ous mission orphanages with which the famine district is now dotted. They built these houses of refuge, that, they might be in readiness when the relief camps close# to receive the orphaned children who will then be turned adrift with no one to care for them. But whence is to come the money for the support of these helpless little ones? A plan for the solution of this problem hns been formed by Dr. Louis Klopsch, proprietor of the Christian Herald. He says: “Living expenses in India are light. The expene of caring for the five hundred thousand orphans, while stupendous in the aggregate, is yet easily wit hip reach when considered one by one. It is not to be expected that any one per son should assume the whole responsi bility. yet every one can do something. “Five cents for every working day or thirty cents a week will clothe, feed, tthelter and instruct a child, and there are but few people who cannot undertake the responsibility for one child, giving part themselves and collecting the bal ance from friendo and neighbor*. To every person so contributing, will b given the nemo and address of the orphan for whom they have assumed responsi bility, and once every three month* they will receive an English letter from India, either from the child or from It* teacher, reporting the progress it is making, I am wure the charitable, sympathetic peo ple of our prosperous country will prove equal to the occasion and ten* of thous ands of famine waif* will be saved for lives of Christian influence.” Dr. Klopsch’* paper will receive all pledges to this end. and will cable the money to India free of all expense, and weekly report* of pledges received ivIJl be cabled at the same time. This course will enable tne missionaries to take, promptly and quickly, a many children as there are pledges. If It be desired that the children be Wm. wisdom The wisest wisdom Is the ' BFMpfIWL wisdom of health. Moth KSpovS# er ' s Fnend is a wise linl ment. It was made after | who ft\t that j ate woman’* suffering;. | Mother’s Friend win the \ BfMkJS* result of this work and it J € L does >ll it was Intended I UESa *o(lo- heirs women throng) 8? *hls dr-a flul time Wfthi' 1 she need fear nothing It is for external ue. and by its T KMjJXsB winderfulpenetratingprop H ertlea ao strengthens the H 4 ■H muscles to bear the strain M !v thst there is almost no rain. Gat 18 MeUier , rnsoSitthsSrsastors || sbottis. HT Tel ll* ,Dri!.t. nisei.,-res Cs atlseu, Os B 8 ?T r he Hiatt raise toss, ■■ e Mj/yy ter* Rely la Sort, •’ @EZ3KS2£SSS£;ESS received in the orphanages of any partic ular denomination, and this wish is Ciearly expressed at the time when the pledge is made, it will be conscientiously respected; or if preference for either sex is expressed, such preference will also be faithfully respected; and every pledge for one year, and every remittance, how ever small, toward* orphan support will he promptly acknowledged in public prim. A plan on similar lines was adopted by Dr. Klopsch. for the support of orphans after the famine of 1897. The plan was successful, and since that year the money sent to India, through his paper, has sup ported thousands of the helpless? ones. Just back from India himself. Dr. Klopsch is enthusiastic in his praise, of ihe magnificent work now being carried on by Christian missionaries among the or phans of tlic 1897 famine. On the day of his arrival in Bombay. fiOO of these famine waifs greeted him with songs and ad dresses and presented him with a copy of the New Testament, primed in India, in the Marathi language. This orphan work, he says, is ihe hope of the nation, and the work of the Interdenominational Com mittee. which distributes the money sent to India, though the Christian Herald de serves unstinted praise. The committee referred to. the only one of ihe kind, is composed exclusively of American missionaries representing every denomination in India. There are no Hindu or Mohammedan members. There is no other organization in India that an do the work of distribution so effectually. The money passes from the committee at large to the Central Denominatial Com mittees, in proi>onion to the need of their respe< tive fields. These missionaries, than whom there are no better men and wom?n on the earth, at the |>eril of their livs are tolling amid famine and cholera and plague to save the dying people. The work of distriution is done under their personal supervision. Their high char acter, and the nature of their regular work, peculiarly fit them for this special relief service which they conduct without one cent of pay, so that the money sent them goes intact to buy food for the starv ing. No other way of sending R elief could be so successful. A High-Grade Institution for Ladles.— Shorter Colbge, Rome, Ga. Wr.te for catalogue.—ad. LEGAL NOTICES. chatfiam county^ Whereas, Julian Schley has applied to Court of Ordinary for letter* of adminis tration on the estate of Donald M. Me- Alpin, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admon ish all whom it may concern to be and appear before said court to make objec tion (if any they have) on or before the first Monday In September, next, other wise said letters will be granted. Witness, the Honorable Hampton L. Ferrill, ordinary for Chatham county, this the 4th day of August, 1900. FRANK. E. KEILBACH, Clerk C. 0., C. C. . GEORGIA, CHATHAM COI’NTY- Whereas, Jordan F. Brooks, county guar dian, has applied to Court of Ordinary for letters of guardianship on the estate of Alice Agoos, Isaac H. Agoos and Ja cob A. Agoos. minors. These are, therefore, to cite and admon ish all whom it may concern to be and appear before said court to make objec tion (if any they have) on or before the first Monday in September, next, other wise said letters will be granted. Witness, the Honorable Hampton L. Ferrill, ordinary for Chatham county, this the 4th day of August, 19G0. FRANK. E. KEILBACH, Clerk C. 0., C. C. GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY Whereas, Langdon C. West has applied to Court of Ordinary for letters of admin istration on the estate of Charles N. West, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite end admon ish all whom it may concern to be and appear before said court to make objec tion (if any they have) on or before the first Monday in September, next, other wise said letters will be granted. Witness, the Honorable Hampton L. Ferrill, ordinary for Chatham county, this the 4th day of August, 1900. FRANK. E. KEILBACH, Clerk C. 0., C. C. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY.— Whereas, James M. Simms has applied to Court of Ordinary fer letters dinmlssory as admlnislrator on the estate of Ulysses L. Houston, deceased. These are. therefore, to cite and ad monish all whom it may concern to be* and appear before said court to make objection (if any they hav*) on <?r before 'he seventh day if September, next, oth erwise said letters will be granted. Witness, the * Honorable Hampton L. Ferrill, ordinary for Chatham county, this the sth day of June, 1900. FRANK E. KEILBACH, Clerk Ct. Ordinary, C. Cos. GEORGIA. (HATH AM COUNTY- Whercas. Eldr°d OefTck°n has applied to Court of Ordinary for letters dlsmissory as administrator on the estate of James H. Geffcken, deceased. These are. therefore, to cite and ad monish oil whom it may concern to he and appear before said court to make objection (if any they have) on or before the s*vtnth day cf September, next, oth erwise said letters will bi granted. Witness, th • Honorable Hampton L. Ferrill. ordinary for Chatham county, this the sth day of June, 1900. FRANK K. KEILBACH. Clerk Ct. Ordinary, C. Cos. GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY.— Whereas, Carleton Cole Champion has applied to Court of Ordinary for letters dlsmissory a* executor of the will of Francis J. Champion, deceased; These are. therefore, to cite and ad monish all whom it may concern to be and appear before waid court to make ob jection (if any they have) on or before the sth October next, otherwise said let ters will be granted. Witness, the Honorable Hampton L. Ferrill,Ordinary for Chatham county, this the 3d day of July, 1900. FRANK E. KEILBACH, Clerk Court Ordinary, C. C. BRRNNAN BROS., WMOLESAL3 Fruit, Produce, Grain, Etc. BAY STREET. West. Telephone §*. YOURSELF! Use Sic for unnatural lierharfloe. Inflammations, rrltettons or ulceration# >t ni scoui men,hrsnaa. rainless, and not aatrioe , *ent or poisonous. Mold bj Ibrngglsta, or aent In plain wrapper, br express, prepaid for •I no, nr 3 bottles, f. ii. Circular sent on mqoeck J. D. WEED * CO SAVANNAH, QA. Leather Belting, Steam Packing & Hose, Agente for NEW YORK RUBBER BELTING AND PACKING COMPANY. Empty Hoflsheads. Empty Molasses Hogsheads for sale by C. M. GILBERT & CO. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. rcaioKAi. aware? Dressmakers, tailor*, barbers, bankers, editors pr any persons using scissors, either for lace work, cutting bonds or Chinese clippings, that all scis sors stamped with the name Fegeas are sharpened free of charge by the old ex perienced barber, 2* East Broughton, hair, Jewelry and shaving supply house; the place for fine razors, scissors, shears: bar ber chairs for sale or ren<: barber shops bought and sold. IS YOUR"I RON SAFE FIRE - PROOF? We ore selling Ihe celebrated Stiffel & Freeman’s fire proof safes. The makers have a standing offer of SI,OOO for every safe that does not preserve Its contents. Drop us a postal and our safe man will call on you. C. I’. Miller, Agt. FOR~CARPET TAKING UPT’CLEAN tng. storing and relaying, ring telephone 2, District Messenger Company. HAVE YOUR OLD MATTRESSES renovated, one dollar; returned same day. Telephone 4143. riNB RICHFIELD LAM* AT 'BA ker’s," every day; best of all other meats In market. “O A RDNER'S BAZA AR. AC, EN T FOR Kimball's antt-rheumitlc rlrg. They have given relief to those who have worn them. You sufferers try them. , ONE PARLOR ORGAN AND “6 N E Chapel organ, both 111 good condition; will be sold cheap. C. P. Miller. Agt. IF ITS RUGS YOU WANT. YOU CAN get them cheaper from McGlllls. RING UP 2464 IF YOU WANT““TO have your furniture moved or packed for shipment or storage; I guarantee prices the same as I do the work that’s given to me. A. S. Gridin, 314 Broughton street, west; mntlresses made to order. “WATER COOLERS. RALIhVIN RE frlgerators, hammocks, lawn chains and all summer goods closing out at lowest prices. <’. P. Miller. Agent. GARDNER’S BAZAAR. AGENT FOR Oelsrhig's nursery, headquarters for floral <ifcorations; designs, plants and cut flow ers. FOR FURNITURE AND PIANO packing, moving or slorlng. telephone 2, District Messenger Company, the only warehouse In the city specially tilted lo care for furniture and carpets. “MILLER'S AWNINGS INCREASE circulaiion of air and keep out the heat. You need one. Let us put it up at once. C. I’. Miller, Agent. M’GILLIS SELLS SIXTY-INCH RUGS —Smyrna patterns—for 99 cents. ’ MOSQUITO NETS. ALL GRADES - OF American and Imported lace nets, with host fixtures; prices low, C. P. Miller, Agent. M GILLIS IS CHEAP ON RUGS. NETS, Inca curtains, hammocks, water coolers, pillows, pictures, stoves, bedroom suites, and furniture of every description. WISE BUYERS ARE PLACING their orders for furniture and carpets lo be delivered any time this fall. We have plenty of bargains for early buyers. See us to-day. C. P. Miller. Agt. GUARANTEED FOUNTAIN PEN? $1 At Gardner's Bazaar. SOUTHERN - UMBRELLA - FACTORY; largest umbrella factory south of Balti more; all repairings neatly done; all covers cut from piece; mourning umbrellas made to order; we call your special attention to our fresh stock of alpaca covers. 330 West Broad street; second block of Cen tral ddpot. M'GILLIS’ LACE CURTAINS WILL beautify your parlor. • A CASH INVESTMENT-IN-FURNl ture and carpels with me to-day will prove Immensely profitable to you. Verbum sap. C. T. Miller. Agt. I AM PREPARED TO - UPHOLSTER parlor and dining room furniture. In leath er, eillt, damask, and other fabrics. In the best manner. Special facilities for reno vating curled hair, moss, and cotton mat tresses. All classes of work skillfully done. I have none but experienced me chanics and will guarantee satisfaction. C. P. Miller, Agt. M'GILLIS MOVES, PACKS, SHIPS and stores pianos and furniture; best work only; no "Cheap-John" prices—no "Cheap- John” Jobs. WHEN YOU SEE M’GILLIS’ SIXTY - lnch 99 cents rugs, you will buy them. Just can’t help it; will sell In any quan tity. ■ WE ARE READY TO SHOW LARGE lines of furniture for bedroom, dining room, parlor and office. Also choice line of carpets, mattings, window shades, art squares, rugs, lace curtains, etc. It will pay you to see us to-day and make your selections. C. P. Miller. Agent. "FURNITURE MOVED WITHCARB7’ Is a specialty with McGlllls. MEDICAL. w how""ajuTyour’T?ket? Tf^your feet are troubling you, call on me and I will give you relief; I cure ingrowing nails, corns and all diseases of Ihe feet wllhout pain; chargee reasonable; can give the best references in the city; pa tients treated at residence*; orders can be left n< Livingston's drug store, Bull and Congress streets; telephone 293. Lem Davis, surgeon chiropodist. HELP WANTED—MALE. WANTED—A GOOD BAR BOY. AP ply this morning half past ten. Custom House Shades. Bull and Bay Lane. “CARPENTERS WANTED FIRST, das* earpenlers wanted at Albion Hotel, Augusta. J. H. McKenzie & Bon. “WANTED? A GOOD ORDER “COOK at Levan's Cafe, 111 Congress street, west. WANTED, BROOM MAKERS. AD dress Box 556, Charleston, S. C. HELP WANTED—FEMALE. COOK. FIRST-CI.ABH COOK WANT ed. 208 Fifth street, west. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS SER vanl, one who understands plain cooking; good wages to the right party. Recom mendation required. 405 Tattnall. “EXPERIENCED “HANDS CAN GET employment at E. & W. Laundry, 712 An derron, west. EMPLOYMENT WANTED. AS STENCL graphe-r by young man of eight years experience In railway service. Address L., this office. “wanted - position by young man as clerk or enter machine shop under Instruction. Have had eighteen months experience. Address K, Morning News Officet “Wanted at once, position as bookkeeper or salesman, or both. In gen eral merchandise etore, hardware, furni ture, grocery or other business; good ref -1 rence. Address Lee. care Morning News, Savannah, Ga. ROOMS WANTED. WANED, FURNISHED OR UNFUR nlshed rooms for light housekeeping; lo cation must be flrst-class. Address H., News ‘office. W A NTED .FURNISHED FLXf OR cottage for two months; must be In de sirable location. Address X Y S5, News of fice. WANTED. TO" RENT .“FROM - BEPT 1. flat of 8 or 4 furnished rooms, suitable for housekeeping and convenient to busi ness center. Address Holbrook, this office. W ANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. 'lf TO DUMP earth, dirt. sand, manure, e4e.. free ol charge, Just at city limits, hauling over bard road, write or telephone Brown Bros., corner Anderson and East Broad strssta. FOR RENT—ROOMS. '7A>w¥R^t^T7irijAaTO>rSTßEET! east; 4 rooms with use of both; perfect condition; right rent right tenant. $20.00 Est. Salomon Cohen, West. Broad and Broughton. "SicfiS FURNISHED ROOM* IN modern house; every convenience. Includ ing hot and cold bath. 11 VV. Oglethorpe. "“FLAT: SIX CONNECTING ROOM3. with bath, first floor; Lyons block: suita ble for any purpose. John Lyons. PLEASANT ROOMS FURNISHED OR unfurnished, with or without board; rea sonable for summon months. 120 West Taylor. Ftlll ItIAT-HOI MA "'TtESmENFE ON TIIE CORNER Jones and Lincoln, lrt first-class order and Condition; will rent In flats to congenial tenants or the house entire. Estate Salo mon Cohen, West Broad and Broughton Streets. HOUSE NO. 214 AND NO. 216 WALD burg street, west, between Barnard and Jefferson streets; every convenience; first class order and condition; right rent to right tenants. Estate Salomon Cohen, West Broad and Broughton streets. BRICK RESIDENCE SO. 120 HALL street, east; finest locality In the city; per fect order and condition; magnificent home; right rent to right tenant. Estate Solomon Cohen, West Broad and Brough ton street* NO. 22l PERRY STREET. WEST* CON venient for business; first-class order and condition; every convenience. Estate Sal omon Cohen, West Broad and Brough ton streets RESIDENCE NO. 41f> GASTON street, east, between Habersham and Price, will rent as fiats to congenial fam ilies, or' entire house; every convenience; house in perfect order and condition. Es tnto Salomon Cohen, corner West Broad and Broughton streets. “HOUSE 411 GASTON STREET. EAST\ flrst-class order and condition; every con venience; right rent right tenant. Est. Sa lomon Cohen. RESIDENCE OVER DRUG STORE for rent from Oct. 1. Apply to Reed & Cos., Jones and Ahereorn. street, west; perfect condition; every con venience; right rent right tenant. $25 00 the month. Est. Salomon Cohen, West Broad and Broughton streets. FOR RENT. LARGE 12-ROOM HOUSE. 453 Broughton street, east, us a whole op lit flats. A K. Wilson. 223 Congress street, west. FOR' RENT. 3 ROOM HOUSE 317 Tattnall street; all modern Improvements, pos-cssion given at once. Apply 349 Tatt nall. FOR RENT THAT DESIRABLE dwelling No. 13 Gordon street, west; Imme diate possession. I. D. La Roche. Agent. FOR RENT, OCT. 1, RESIDENCE 211 Waldburg street, well. M. S. Baker. FURNISHED'HOUSE FOR THE SUjfi n;er. to parties without children. AppijS 12D West Taylor. FOR RENT, FROM'Oc’T. irnWELL: ings, 418 and 42) Charlton, eaet, ten rooms ami 111 good order. G. 11. Remshart, IS Bryan, east. " THUNDERBOLT. LARGE HOUSE: excellent stand for business; also small house. Inquire twe-fourtren Bryan street, east. ‘Foil - RENT, RESIDENCE3 321 AND 313 Hall, east;nlso 7H7 and 709 Habersham; all In flrst-class order; hot and cold water; Immediate possession. Apply W. W. Swinton, 208 Eighth street, east. rOli HE3T-STOHBI. under Odd Fellows’ Hall, corner Stale and Barnard streets. Inquire Room 7, upstair*. FOR RENT. i HAI DESIRABLE store and warehouse formerly occupied by George W. Tledeman & Bro., corner Bay and Montgomery street; In perfeoc order and condition; right rent to right tenant; possession can be given immedi ately. Est. Salomon*Cohen, corner West Broad and Broughton streets. * ""i ii, 1 FOR KENT—MISCELLANEOUS. Is for rent. No use to write, but If in fer! sted meet me at said hotel Aug. f im 10. Frank C. Owena. FOR SALK—REAL ESTATE. FOITsALdrXoTS^N^UNTfrSTIGoET near East Broad; no city taxes, at S2OO each; twenty-five dollars cash, and easy monthly payments. C. H. Dorsett. “FOR SALE. A LOT FOR TWO HUN dred dollars; easy terms, on Ninth street, near East Broad; no city taxation. C. H. Dorsett. FOR SALE, THOSE - LOTS ON NINTH street, near East Broad, have only been sold 4o first-class parties, who will make good neighbors; and none other can buy. The terms are very easy, and they are cheaper than any other In the vicinity. C. H. Doraett. “for - SALE, t/OTB - ON~nTNTH, NEAR Eaat Broad. a S2OO each; will soon ba advanced to $225; when a lot has been paid for I can arrange to get a home built. C. 11. Doraett. “for bale: LOVELY SUMMER home, ten rooms, modern conveniences. In mounialne of North Georglu; climate de lightful; pure freestone water; also min eral water In vicinity. If Interested, ad dress ”T ,” this paper. “ RESIDENCES AND BUILDING LOT* for sale all over the city. Robert H- Ta*em, real estate dealer. No. 7 York street, west. FOB SALK—MISCELLANEOUS, BENZOIN BALM MAKES THE SKIN as soft and smooth us velvet; one appli cation relieves the pain and destroys tha redness from sunburn, 25c. At Pereae'l Drug Stores, Henry and Abe r corn and Whitaker and Taylor. FOR SALE, FINE UPRIGHT PIANO, walnut bedroom suite, 4 show cases, an tique mahogany sofa, tables, whatnots, pi ano, bureaus, washstands. Wilson, 28 Congress street, west. WILL BE HOED AT YOUNGLOVB 'A Sipple auction Tuesday, a fine milk cow, with young calf three weeks old. FOIt SALE. SECOND HAND ELEC trlc elevator machinery; good condition. Savannah Electrical Company, 40 Drayton. “ash and ctpres/tjtmber 'for sale—lso,ooo feet of ash suitable for wheel wrights, carriage maker*, car work* and Interior house finish. Also cypress lumber of ail sizes. We Itave resumed cutting our famous brands of cyprese shingles and will soon have a full line of them for sale. Vale Royal Manufacturing Company. BOAUDINM. ROOMS~WITH or without board. 212 West Jones street. “A FEW GENTLEMEN CAN “be Ac commodated with rooms having southern exposure and board by applying at N. N„ care Anderson and Whitaker street*. MISCELLANEOUS. THE MOST SATISFACTORY PAINT to use Is the German ready-mixed; $1.25 gallon. Adams Paint Company. E LECTRcPl’LATING“ELECTRIC RE palring. contracting and construction. Sa vannah Electrical Company. 40 Drayton. OUR PACKAGE I B WALLPAPER cleaner will clean one room. Adams Paint. 104 Congress, week. ELECTRIC SUPPLIED DYNAMOS, motore, fans, bells, lights installed. Sa vannah El ctrtcal Company, 40 Drayton. “OO'TO THE ADAMS PAINT COM pany to buy paints and oils, sash, doors and blinds. 3