The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, August 06, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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MARim ISTBIMGESCB. Matter* of Interest to Shipping Men Generali}-. It Is not known s'et to what extent the wharves of the Seaboard Air Line will be used by naval stores men. A few of the factors have announced their inten tion of using the wharves, enough prob ably to assure the company a liberal share o.’ this patronage, but others have signi fied their Intention of continuing to use the old yards. One of the large receivers of naval stores, is said not to be par ticularly anxious to have Its stuff deliv cied on the other side, claiming that it 1- more acceptable on this side. While i is not known what preferences buyers here expressed, it has not been generally understood that stuff will not be altogeth e acceptable on the island. The con cern referred to has its receipts by ihe Florida Central and Peninsular, and the Georgia end Alabama Railroads delivered at either the Plant System or the Cen tral yards. Many of the naval stores people have already done so, or have sig nified their intention of storing receipts or. the other side. Lumber exporters have largely decided to locate on the terminal property, and wilt make all their coastwise shipments from that side. Reports of t’nited States Shipping Com missioners for the year ended June 3(1, 1900, rendered to the Bureau of Naviga tion show 142.632 shipments, discharges and reshtpments of seamen on American \ - -eels at those offices compared with 122.468 for the previous fiscal year. The expenses have been $55,431 compared with $>(,651. The average services per man cost 39 cents, the lowest in the past seven y.ars. Besides duties enumerated the commissioners a4 various ports have as sisted without pay in the shipment of crews for army transports. There are now twenty commissioners’ officers, the of fice at Mobile having been re-established and an office established t Honolulu oil June 14. Shipments, discharges and re shipments at New York were 48,469, com pared with 35,627 for the previous year. Boston and Port Townsend show consid erable increases. Shipments and reship inents aggregate 90,325, divided by nation ality-into Americans 32,333, British 18,180, Scandinavians 16,735. Germans 8.419, Ital ians 1,186, French 635, other nationalities 12.506. These figures include in many in stances repeated shipments of the same men. The percentage of Americans is 35, compared with 36 the previous year, mail steamships raising the American average. The number of Scandinavians is practically unchanged, the increase being in German and British subjects. Ship ments and reshipmetits on steam vessels numbered 47,409 and on oil sail vessels 42,916. Passengers by Steamships. Passengers by steamship City of Au gusta for Savannah, Aug. 3.—J. H. Chap pell, J. Bridge and wife, C). M. Heard and wife, J. P. Heard and wife, W. H. Clemons and wife. N’. Aprea and wife. Miss L. Louis, Miss T. Aprea, C. R. Creasy, Miss Stoppei, Miss S. H. Gehe ken. J. A. Gray, H. M. Beck, A. A. Moser. Miss H. Hooke, E. 9. McCreary, A. X. Bryan, E. B. Chase, Chas. Snyder. R. P. Ditmars, J. E. Grady. H. W. G. Baker, P. A. Mock. J. H. Evans, Rev. H. J. Anett, D. S. Branden, J. A. Sava reae, C. C. Robertson and wife, P. Sid dal, W. A. Collier. T. W. Stanfield and wife, A. Halstead, L. Witkooski, William Johnson, and 4 steerage. Savannah Almanac. Sun rises at 5:18 a, m,, and sets at 5:53 p. m. High water at Tybee to-day at 3:07 a. m. and 3:49 p. m. High water at Savan nah one hour 4ater. I'baaca of ihe Muon for Angnst. D. H. M. First quarter 3 30 45 morn, Full moon ....3 0 3 30 eve. Last quarter 37 5 48 morn. New moon 24 9 52 eve. Moon Perigee 32th. Moon Apogee 27th. ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. Vessels Arrived Vesterday. Schooner C. C. Wehrum, Cavalier, in tow from Port Koval. Schooner John G. Schmidt, Norbury, Philadelphia. Vessels Went to Sea. Steamship Laura (,Br), Yule, Hamburg. Shipping Memoranda. Charleston, S. C., Aug. s.—Aprived steamers Carlb, Ingram, Jacksonville, and proceeded to Boston; Algonquin. Platt, New York; Navahoe, Johnson. Boston, and proceeded to Brunswick; schooners Pasadena, Higher. New York; Goodwin, Stoddard, Ardreaeon, New York; S. B. Marts, Holloway, Baltimore. Key Wsat, Fla., Aug. 5 Arrived, steamers Olivette, Smith, Port Tampa, and sailed for Havana; Daphney (Nor), Havana, ordered quarantine Tortuga?; schooner Sophia Behrman, Tampa quar antined; Holyoke, Tampa, quarantined. Sailed, steamer Miami, Delano, Miami. Port Tampa, Fla., Aug. s.—Arrived, steamer City of Everett, Idtverge, Phila delphia; Masootte, White, Havana, via Key West. Sailed, steamer John Morrison (Br), Balls. St. Nazaier, via Norfolk. Carrabelle, Fla., Aug. s.—Cleared, hark Topdale (Nor), Martin, White Haven. Brunswick, Ga., Aug. 2.—Arrived, schooners R. Bowers. Henderson. Provi dence; Wesley M. Oler. Harriman, New London, via Delaware breakwater; Wal tham. Baxter, Noank; Jennie Lockwood, Cookson, Boston. Cleared 2d 1 ,6 teamer Rio Grande, Johnson, New York. Sailed 2d, bark Kotka (Nor), Ertksen, Hamburg; brig Sensat (Sp), Pons, Ca*a Blanca, (for orders); schooners Eliza J. Pendleton, Hutchinson. Reedy Island; Gladys, Butman, Perth Amboy. Notice to Mnrlnera. Pilot charts and all hydrographic infor mation will be furnished masters of ves sels free of charge in United States hy drographic office in Custom House. Cap tain* are requested to call at the office. Reports of wrecks nnd derelicts received for transmission to the navy department. New York. Aug. 3.—The inspector of the Third Lighthouse District gives no tice that the following changes and addi tions have been made in the buoyage of Newark bay. New Jersey. New Buoys—A second class nun buoy, Painted red and black In horizontal stripes, established in 10 feet at mean low water, "t the junction of the Hackensack and Fart-ale rivers—Center of dritw pier, New ark and N. Y. R R. bridge, N5-16K: cen ter of draw pier, N. A N. Y. R. R. bridge, over Hackensack river. NE74E: Elbow hem-on. SBW34W. A red third class nun buoy, without number, established in 9 feet at mean low water, off Centerville. Bergen Neck—Corner Stake Post light, RW by W; Passaic lighthouse, N by elb. Change*—A second class nun buoy sub stituted for red spar buoy No. 4, near Passaic lighthouse. A third class can buoy substituted for black spur buoy No. 8- on the port side of the channel, In Newark bay. In both eases the magnetic bearings re main unchanged. Coastwise Exports. Per steamship Birmingham to New York. Aug. 4.-287 bales upland cotton, 309 hales sea Island cotton, 691 bales do mestics, 285 barrels cotton seed oil, 1,983 barrel* rosin S9B barrel* turpentine. 308.- 2(6 feet lumbar. 85 cases cigars, 1.101 bar rels fruit. 591 boxea fruit, 333 tons pig Iron, SO’ bundles hides, 16 ba'.es sweepings, 239 cases cotton aed oil. JO barrels rosin oil, 4.558 oak staves, 534 packages mdse. "St* Southern Railway. Trains Arrive and Depart Savannah on 90 th Meridian Time One Hour Slower Than Ct ty Time. Schedules in Effect Sunday, June 10, 1900. HEAD DOWNn " TO th E EAST. || read up. N'O.M I No. 96 n hj'S.-fti’No.fc" I II (Central Time.) | | 12 20pm 12 20am ,Lv Savannali Ari 5 10ara| 3 lOptii . „ II (Eastern Time.) i 1 S pro 1 28a ra l|Ar Blackville Lv| 3 OOarnl 1 37pm ? ® 19,m Ar Columbia Lv 1 26um,1l 25am 9 lopen; 9 46am Ar Charlotte Lvj 9 55pm| 8 10am 23pm’ Ar Greensboro Lvj 7 10pm| 5 48ani 5 oaam l Ar Ndffofk Lv|; | B~oopm -f ,! am ' 1 38ptn H Ar Danville Lvjf"4bptn| _ 4^am 6 00am; 6 26pm Ar .... Rtch mond Lv||l2 01pm111 00pm 2 40amj 3 43pm<|Ar Lynchburg Lv 362 pm 2 nOam a&am| 5 3opmjjAr Charlottesville Lv I 2 06pm 12 6tpm 7 3oam| 8 50pmj,Ar Washington Lv 111 15am 9 50pm It m 35f>m Ar Baltimore Lv | 8 22am 8 27pm 35am, 2 56amj|Ar Philadelphia Lv I 350 am 6 05pm f * 23am ;Ar New York Lv 12 10am 325 pm 8 30pmi 3 00pm|;Ar Boston... Lv j 5 00pm 10 10am No 38 il TO THE NORT H AND WEST. Ij N0.36 JJ (Central Time.) || 12 20am||Lv Savannah Aril 5 10am U (Eastern Time.) 6 30am jLv Columbia Lv|| 1 ram 9 30am!|Lv Spartanburg Lv|| 6 16pm 12 10pm||Lv Asheville Lvj| 305 pm 4 02pm Ar Hot Springs Lv 11 46am 7 20pm! Ar Knoxville Lv | 8 25am 6 10am | Ar Lexington Lvj|lo 80pm 7 45am Ar Cincinnati..t Lv|| 8 00pm 7 50am Ar Louisville Lvjj 7 45pm 6 OOpmjjAr st Louis Lvj] 8 OSam All trains arrive and depart from the Plant System Station. THROUGH CAR SERVICE, ETC. TRAIN’S 33 AND 34 DAILY, NEW YOR K AND FLORIDA EXPRESS Vestt buled limited irains, with Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars between Savan nah and New York. Connects at Washington with Colonial Express for Boston. Pullman Sleeping Cars between Charlotte and Richmond and Charlotte and Nor folk. Dining Cars serve all meals betwean Savannah and Washington. TRAIN’S 35 AND 36 DAILY, THE UNITED STATES FAST MAIL Vestlbuled limited trains, carrying Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars between Savannah and New York. Dining Cars serve all meals between Savannah and Washington. Also Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars between Savannah and Cincinnati, through Asheville and “The Land of the Sky.” For complete Information as to rates, schedules, etc., apply to G. GROOVER. Ticket Agent. Plant System Station. JAMES FREEMAN. C. P. and T. A.. 141 Bull street. Telephones-Bell, 850; Georgia, 850. S. H. HARDWICK, Assistant General Passenger Agent. Atlanta, Ga. MURPHY & CO., INC., Board of Trade Building, Savannah. Private leased wires direct to New York. Chicago and New Orleans. COTTON, STOCKS AND GRAIN. New York office. No. 51 Broadway. Offices In principal clttee three lgbout the South. Write for our Market Manual and hooi^contidnlng^nstr^otlons^for^traderja VESSELS ROUND FOR SAVANNAH. Steamship*. Clematis (Betg), 1,900 tons, Leenaers; sld. Shields, July 24. Axminster (Br). 1.23} tons, Spink; sld. I’omaron, July 30. Ship*. Heinrich (Ger), 1,453 tons, Sager; at Nar va, May 8. Germanic (Nor), 1,269 tons, Sunde; pd. Dover, July 6. Bark*. Maria Adelaide (Ital), 460 tons, Olivari; eld. Genoa. June 6. Ze<flro (Ital)', 584 tons, Patuzo; sld. Genoa, July 21. Frieda (Ger), 1,164 tons, Falk; sld Ant werp, June 28. via Barbados. Italia (Nor), 80S tons, Andersen; sld. Ant werp, June 11. Carl Haastad (Nor), 849 tons, Olsen; sld. Table Bay, June 30. Sonora (Nor), 534 tons, Tellefsen, sld. Deal, July 26. Cyprian (Nor), 883 tons. Haneen; sld, Brunsbutlel, June 25. Anna (Ger), 1,257 tons; sld. Rotterdam, June 29. Zeflro (Ital). 646 tons, Pelleraho; sld. Ge noa, July 21.. Russell (Nor), 607 tone. Hansen; sld. Ham burg. July 10. B. D. Metcalf (Nor), 1,157 tons, Duus; sld. Garston, July' 17 Ramona (Br), 404 tons, Treleaven; sld. Cape Town, June 21. Schooner*. C. C. Wehrum, 376 tons, Cavalier; to tow from Port Royal. Martha S. Beroent, 375 tons, Rulon, sld New York, July 13. Levi S. Andrews, 599 tons, Brown; sld. Boston, July 23. Samuel B. Hubbard. 333 tons Mehaffy; sld. New York. July 27. Maud H. Dudley, 328 tons, Oliver; sld. New York. Aug. 3. Longfellow, 228 tons, Hannah; sld. Fall River, Aug. 3. Alice McDonald, 605 tons, Brown; sld. New York, Aug. 2. Chas. H. Valentine. 536 tons, Jayne; sld. New York, July 31. For Tybee. Bark Elezer (Nor), 560 tons, Marcussen; pd. Prawle Ft., July 8. WEEKLY MARKET REVIEW. Cotton Decline* on Improved Crop Prospect*—Stock* Very Dull, The cotton market was more active, and the activity was caused by increased pressure to sell, as has been forecasted here several times. The immediate cau*e of the selling was probably the decided improvement in crop prospects, aided by unsatisfactory trade and unsettled affairs in Asia and Europe. The market closed at nearly the lowest point, August about 70 points lower at 8.52; new crop months about 36 points lower, October Bc. The week was very favorable for the growing crop, and the Chronicle's report was exceptionally so. Perhaps that jour nal has never published a better one at this season of the year. These favornble conditions ruled all through July and guarantee a substantial advance in the next bureau report. It is stated that Southwest Texas will have a good deal of new cotton for delivery on August con tract* in New Orleans. A marked change has come over public sentiment—from op timistically bullish, as it wos a fortnight ago, it Is now pessimistically bearish. As usual, the general run of New York com mission houses were urging purchases when the market was a cent higher, and urging sales now. It has been repeatedly suggested here that high prices next fall could not be expected If the crop promised fairly well; with a good crop and such depressing out side influences the south should not be unprepared to see a decline of perhaps two cents, Yet there will be reactions, and sharp ones, and sales are not recommended ex cept on such spurts; and even then noth ing earlier than November delivery. The recent decline is no proof that August manipulation has been definitely aban doned. but at least a motley crowd of un deslred "taller*'' have been ’’frozen out." The stock market was very dull, only a few specialties showing any degree of ac tivity—such as sugar, tobacco and Brook lyn all of which closed at some de. rllne The general list shows few material changes and interest is lacking. There are numerous bull tips out concerning the specialties, but the course of the mar ket appears to be governed by the caprice of manipulators. However, purchases on weak spots seem advisable. There was only small change In wheat, but corn declined 1 somewhat on brilliant crop accounts. Provisions looked like do ing better until the report of fever In Florida chilled the ardor of the bulls. As vet however, there has been no serious break Would favor selling grain and pro vision* on firm spots. ' Wm. T. Williams. THE RICK M4HKET. While the movement last week was frac tionally short of it* predecessor, former THE MORNING NEWS: MONDAY. AUGUST 0.” 1000. characteristics in the rice markee main tain and a widespread request for samples Is regarded as the happy precursor of bus iness to follow. All grades in domestic and foreign receive consideration and prices in the latter have again hardened in response to advancing markets abroad. Advices from the South note good in quiry at at] points and under limited sup ply full recent figures are easily obtain ed. Contrary conditions still wait upon the growing crop; drought along the At lantic coast and daily rainfall in Louisi ana and Texas. Cables and correspondence from abroad note continuation of former activity and recent advances are fully maintained. Tal mage, New Orleans, telegraphs Louisiana crop movement to date: Receipts, rough, 923,780 sacks; lost year, 721.350 sacks. Sales, cleaned (est), 245,615 barrels; last year, 181,150 barrels. Steady; fair inquiry, Taimage, Charleston, telegraphs Caro lina crop movement to date: Receipts 62.276 barrels. Sales, 61,323 barrels. Fair demand. Visible Supply of Cotton. From th* New York Commercial and Financial Chronicle, Aug. 3. The visible supply of cotton to Aug. 2, as made up by cable and telegraph, is as follows: Continental stocks, as well as those for Great Britain and the afloat, are this week's returns, and consequently all European figures are brought down to Thursday evening. But to make the to tal the complete figures for Aug. 3, we add the item of exports from the United States, including in it the exports of Fri day only. 1900. 1839. Stock et Liverpool, bales.. 304.000 1,047,000 Stock at London 10.000 7,000 Total Gt. B. stock 314,000 1,054,000 Stock at Hamburg 23,000 32.000 Stock at Bremen 116.000 226.000 Stock at Amsterdam 3,000 Stock at Rotterdam ano 300 Stock at Antwerp 3,0(0 4 001 Stock at Havre 115.000 196,009 Stock at Marseilles 3.000 6.00) Stock at Barcelona 76,000 92,000 Stock et Genoa 29,000 49.000 Stock at Trieste 7,000 25,000 Total continental stocks. 372,200 633,900 Total European stocks. 686,200 1,667.301 India cotton afloat for Europe 22,000 39,000 American cotton afloat for Europe 87,000 115,000 Egypt, Brazil, etc., afloat for Europe 13,000 13,009 Stock in U. S. ports 115,121 368.059 Stock in U. S. interier (owns 49.473 230,013 U. S. exports to-day 16.316 4,239 Total visible supply 989,110 2,457.210 Of the above, totals of American and other descriptions are as follows: American— Liverpool stock, bales .. 215,000 972.')00 Continental stocks 337,000 561,0 K) American afloat for Eu rope 87.000 115,000 United States stock 115,121 368,058 U. S. interior stocks 49.473 230,613 U. S. exports to-day 16,316 4,239 Total American 819.910 2.250,910 Total East India, etc. .. 169.200 206.300 Total visible supply 989.110 2,457.210 The imports Into continental ports the past iveek have been 29,000. The above figures indicate a decrease in the cotton in sight to date of I,4oo,l(i0 bales, as compared with the same date of 1R99. a loss of 983.958 bales from the corre sponding date of 1898, and a decline of 270,987 bales from 1897. RANKER CLEW'S VIEWS. The Fiuanolal Outlook it* Seen From Wall Street. New York, Aug 4.—The market has been dull and uninteresting; strong In spots and weak tn spots; but displaying in general a firm and healthy undertone. Absentee ism is the chief obstacle to an advance at thla time. Many of the big leaders are away on pleasure; and, until their return, any concert of movement towards an ag gressive advance in prices is impossible. The public never Jump into the market without distinct signs of leadership. There is an abundance of money seek ing Investment. At present this is not going into either bonds or stocks; but both Investment and speculative buyers ore waiting until the market develops more visible strength. The reasons for antici pating a better market later on are plen tiful and sound. The most serioua impedi ment to speculative operations has been the Chinese situation. Fears that serious foreign entanglements of aome sort might arise which would derange the foreign money market*, draw gold from New York and send back Arterlcon securities, very naturally deterred any upward movement in this market. Other retarding Influences have been the crop uncertainties and the signs of trade reaction shown by declin ing prices and curtailed production tn the Iron and textile trades. Election doubts have not been a factor worth notice thu# far. Railroad earnings are generally showing wonderfully good results, when It ts re membered they compare with two phe nomenal years. Such gains cannot al ways be expected. At the same <ime ex penses are often Increasing very heavily; hence unreasonable expectations of extra dividends are likely to meet with disap pointment. A number of road* have late ly increased or paid their flrst dividends, and this fact haa proved h* strongest Seaboard Air Line Railway J Double Daily Service Central or 90t h Meridian Time. TIME TABLE EFFECTIVE JUNE 2. 1900. All (rains daily. Trains operated by 90th meridian time—one hour slower than city time. NORTH AND EAST. NORTH AND NORTHWEST. | 44 | 66 j " j 66 Lv Savannah (12 35p]U 59p I Lv Savannah 11 59p Ar Fairfax j 2 15p| 1 54a | Ar Columbia 4 36a Ar Denmark j 3 00p| 2 42a Ar Asheville 1 40p Ar Augusta | 9 4op| 6 55a Ar Knoxville 7 30p Ar Columbia j 4 3Spj 4 36a Ar Lexingion 5 10a Ar Asheville | j 1 -top Ar Cincinnati 7 45a Ar Hamlet | 9 05pj 9 20a j Ar Louisville 7 50a Ar Raleigh |ll 40pjll 55a Ar Chicago 5 55p Ar Richmond | 5 ioa| 5 lOp Ar Detroit 4 OOp Ar Norfolk | 7 38a| Ar Cleveland 2 ttp Ar Portsmouth | 7 25a| Ar Indianapolis 11 40a Ar Washington | 8 46aj 9 30p Ar Columbus jll 20a Ar Baltimore 10 08ajll Ssp ——— Ar Philadelphia 12 3t)p| 2 56a SOUTH AND FLORIDA POINTS. Ar New York 3 08p| 6 13a i 27 j 31 • lll Lv Savannah 5 08a 307 p WEST DIVISION AND N. O. Ar Darien 12 30p 6 OOp —— j— —j —~ — Ar Everett 6 50a 5 10p y - tet I _ Ar Brunswick 8 05a 6 25p L\ Savannah 1.... 3 07pj 5 08a Af Ferr.nndlna 9 3t>n 9 05p Lv Jacksonville 7 45pi 9 20a Ar Jacksonville | 9 10a 7 40p Ar Lake City 9 3Spjll 28a Ar St. Augustine 110 30a Ar Live Oak 10 30p 12 18p Ar Waldo jll 25a 10 41p Ar Madison 2 30aj 1 19p A r Gainesville 12 Oln Ar Montlcello 4 40a| 320 pAr Cedar Key 6 35p Ar Tallahassee 6 OOaj 3 3Sp Ar Ocala 1 40p 1 15a Ar Quincy 8 25a| 4 S9p Ar Wildwood 2 32p 2 40p Ar River Junction 9 40a 5 25p Ar Leesburg Slop 4 30a Ar Pensacola . 11 OOp Ar Orlando 6 00p 8 20a Ar Mobile | | 3 05a Ar Plant City 4 44p 5 28a Ar New Orleans | j 7 40a Ar Tampa 6 SOp 6 30a WEST AND NORTHWEST. „ - Trains arrive at Savannah from North f" „ - L^ 1 '^ 17 and East—No. 27 sa. m.. No. 31 2:57 p. m.; Ar Cuyier | 7 lopl 8 08a from Northwest. No. 27 on. m ; from ”' n ,? sboro I 9 9 43a Florida points. Brunswick and Darien, No Ar Helena |lO 50p 11 45a +* 12:27 p. m„ No. 66 ll:oO p. m. Ar Macon j j 05a| 4 15p Trains 31 and 44 carry through Pullman Ar Atlanta 1 r, 7 35m ! Ar Chattanooga 1 9 46 a : 1 00a steeper and day coach to New York. In al I |H 3p ' eluding dating oar. Ar Corded** ' j 1 * ® p Trains 27 and 66 carry through Pullman Ar Amends *ieper to n-w York and day coaches Ar Columhus |j r, 20p j to Washington. Ar Albany j j 3 j Trains arrive at Savannah from tha n£ n, F 0 1! ery 1 1 7 4 °P west and Northwest, No. 18 8:25 p. m. Ar Mobile* .;;;; "*■ 8:40 - m - Ar New Orleans . 8 30ni 7ml Magnificent buffet parlor cars on trains Cincinnati n.nd . Ar St. Louis I 7 - 16 p j £,' or full information apply to WM. BUTLER, JR., W. P. SCRUGGS, Traveling Passenger Agent, P. and T. A., cor. Bull and Bryan sts., _ _ Savannah, Ga. E. BT. JOHN. L. S. ALLEN. A O. MACDONELL, Vice Pres, and Gen. Mgr., Gon'l Pass. Agt.. Asst. Gen'l Pass. Agent, Portsmouth, Va. Portsmouth. Va. Jacksonville. Fia. What Is this Man Good For? p • (Xdpptnan’s Great Remedy) overcomes at once the acute eymptoma of •very form of Nervous Derangement, aad soon makes the patirnt robust and ambitious. P. P. P. is the best combination of green roots and barks that was ever pnt together for the cure of 'Weakness, General Debility and Nervousness. It is a good tonic and the best Blood Purifier In the world. P. P. P. is Nature’s specific for Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Catarrh, Malaria and all forms of Blood Poison and Scrofula, whether la adults or children. s P. P. P. is sold by all druggists—di a bottle ; six bottles, $&. * Lippmaa Brothers. iSSsmalN*' Savannah. FIRE PROOF SAFES. We carry the only line of Fire Proof Safes that are for sale in the State. We have a stock of all sizes and a visit to our establishment is cordially invited. To be prepared in time of peace is our motto. Get a good Fire Proof Safe and you will never regret the invest ment. Do not buy a second-hand safe unless you know it has never been in a fire. We will sell you Iron Safes as low as the factory will, with freight added. LI PPM AN BROTHERS, Wholesale Druggists and Wholesale Agents Fire Proof Safes. support which the market has had. There arc a number of 4 per cent, dividend pay ers with permanent prospects, which are likely to sell at considerably higher fig ures when the investment demand again sets in. A good many buyers are hold ing off for lower prices, who may al any lime be obliged 40 shift their position. HOOK VOTICBS. "The Empire of China, Past and Pres ent," by Gen. Tcheng-Kl-Tlng, John Henry Gay and others. Rand, McNally A Cos., New York, publishers. Paper, 3u cents. This is a timely publication. There Is a very general desire at this time to know something of the history of China, lo (hi* volume, a very good idea is obtained of China, past and present. "Love I/etters, a Romance In Corre spondence," by Harold R. Vyone. Zim merman’s, 156 Fifth avenue, New York. Cloth, 5 cents. "Love Letter*, ’’ appeals to the heart rather than the head, and the plot and style of the story harmonize prettily with torrid climates. It is not exactly a hot weather story, but it goes well with hammocks and iced drinks. "The Repentant Magdalene and Other Stories," by 'May Isabel Fisk. Zimmer man's. 156 Fifth avenue, New York. Cloth, SO cents. Theae nre bright and entertain ing stories. They are Just the thing to amuse one during leisure hours these summer days. J&flXilt *. The August number of the North Amer ican Review is an excellent one. Beven articles are devoted to "The Crisis In Chi na," and each of them regard* it or dis cusses It from a different point of view. John Barrett, who was formerly our min ister to Siam, defines “The Duly of Amer ica" at. this momentous Juncture. Lieut. Carlyon lielluirs of the Royal Navy, who was naval attache to the British legation l at Pekin, points out “The Responsibility of the Rulers" for the lamentable condi tions existing in the Celestial Empire. Demetrius C. Boulger expresses the fear that the partition of China is inevitable, and insists that America must prepare to take her share of territory unless she would suffer commercial * ffacement in the Far East. George It. Smyth, president of the Anglo-Chinesc College ai Foochow gives the best account that has yet been published of the "Causes of Anti-Foreign Feeling in China.” A Japanese diplomat tells wht his countrymen think of the situation. Robert E. lewis, an American genileman resident In Shanghai, who has traveled Iri nearly every province of China, describes, in an article entitled 'The Gathering of the Storm,” outrages which have been systematically perpe trated upon foreigners In China for a space of two years; while Charles K. Holder demonstrates. In "America's Treatment of the Chinese,'’ that the United States i* not without blame for the resentment cherished by that people against the na tions of the West, Booker T. Washing ton, president of Ihe Tttskegee Normal and Industrial Institute, replying to Prof. J. R. Straton's recent article, contends Dial "Education Will Solve the Race Problem." H. G. Wells, the popular English novelist, reviews with apprecia tion arid admiration the work of the Amer ican novelist, the late Stephen Crane. There are n number of other article* of a high standard of excellence. The North American Review, Franklin Square, New York. | • • —Col. John W, Geary, the last alcalde under Htianlsh rule and the first Mayor of San Francisco, has been Invited to take part In California's semi-centennial oelo brallou of Its admission day. Plant System. of Railways. Trains OprratM by 90th Meridian Time—One Jlo*:r Than Tlra*- KEAI* DQVVfy |, Effective June 17. JW. |j MEAD UP. _ * A6 ItHj ag j j "jj North"*a nd fcoutTH j] j 36" •'__L *—!— 6 46ji ti L*oa ( L2 lop 645 j 2 10a ,i,v ... .Savannah. .TT Ar | 1 6oaj 7 •■>.; . lupili l)a H 30p l- lfe.l 11 60a j 4 19p t lo 30a | G 28a ;l Ar .. .charleston.... Lvjjlt 15p| 5 Ma! 3 lOpJ 7 j j 3 23aj,...jfc.| 7 26p jAr Richmond... Lvl| 9 05| U 48p', J I ' ! 7 01| 11 80p; Ar ..Washington... Lv 4 30a, 3 07pj I j I I 8 20a| i 03:t|.Ar ....Baltimore Lvj; 2 o;'*aj 1 4Gpj J I - W S B 0 jAr Philadelphia . L\ j 13 20p’ll 33pf ! I - -30 p S OOpjlAr IJogion Lvii 1 (K*;> 1200nl! | i - | 33~rte j~a" j soTTTTr - ,o , (34 ~T I6 ■_ 5 'JUpi 3 25 p, g Usa| 5 Sal 2 15a|,Lv Savannah.... Ar 1 4{[| 12 lop|li 56a, 10 15a 8 05p| 5 4jp l 0 50aj 7 35a| 4 50a‘,Ar WaysviUe.... Lv 7 Ot),.' J 6.(pa[ 5 46al 3 25a J- ®2“l SOP! 2 ISPI 2 15pj 2 15p| Ar ...Thomnsvllle Lv! 7 00p| 7 <p| S 4 ,a| 5 45a, 3 25a 10 80p| 7 40|>;1U 50aj 9 7 30a|,Ar Jacksonville.. Lvj! 8 3b|>| 3 oopj S OOaj 7 30a 5 Ot)a I 2 >!■! 5 40p I jAr Sanford Lvj 12 06p| I 1 OOiij 1 UOa I I | 2 2i)pj 2 20pj|Ar ...Gainesville .. Lvj! ,| 2 40p| |.., I I | 3 !6p| 316 pAr Conla Lvil | 1 40,. | I I jio 60pjlo 60p Ar .SI. Petersburg.. Lv : | 6 00n! I 7 U 0 00p 10 00|)|10 00p; jAr Tampa L\ I 7 (oa| 7 00a| 7 35p 7 35p - I 8 lOajlO 30pjl0 30p 10 3np Ar ....Port Tampa.. Lv|| 6 25a| 6 25aj 7 OOp 7 OOp I I 1 10aj 1 10a| 1 10ajjAr ...Punta Gorda . Lvj ! j 4 35p 4 35p - I I jlO 45a110 t.'.a Ar . .St. Augustine. Lvfj 6 2.ip' I |9pj I 5 00p! 2 15a| :i Sp 5 20a] Lv ... Savannah..,. Lv 1“ 15a u 10a j I fi Pl 2 47aj 4 50p| 6 40a||Ar Jesnp Lv|| 8 20:i 10 50p| | ...._ I 8 Ssp| 7 10a| 2sp| 8’Ar ....Brunswick .. Lv|| 6 40aJ 9 06p| | | NORTH, WEST AN D SOUTHWEST 6 oepi ~ -Oa jLv savannah Ar 10 Ua:l2 16a | HjOp i , ~,v , . ,RS 0 45p| 6 40a||Ar . Jesnp.. Lv| 8 30a|10 50p| st 0.,: 9 20p Ar .M'tg mery Lv 7 to;,,11 25a ***“ llfP| Ar " ’’ v ,! ®? a “ 7 JOpj 6 50a ,Ar Nashville Lv | 9 00a 221 B *®“ J WpjAr.. Atlanta ..Lv 10 Lp 12 06P| 2 30a 13 l',| 'Ar Ix.ulvllle Lv ' 2 55a 9 12p 9 1 5 “ * Ar (7hi ‘ ’'j ® ® J’} a 7 05a| 4 05p||Ar Cine tnnatt I.v jll OOp 5 45|> ( 30l> 7 50a Ar. lavuisi ille I.V . 45a t 4.ip 7 COa! 7 IKIn 1 ,Vr *4t 1 nuts 1 , 4 X 7 30p 7 4Sa| Ar find,mail Lv 8 30a 7 t)p l V 7 lbp Ar <■ 3 8 7 04a 6 OOpijAr. St Lonls Lv| 9 15p SOSai 7 15a SJflphAr.. Chicago Lvj 8 3(>p 9 OOp 7 j jj ( M *O ® 5 40aj 4 iSpjlLv.. Atlanta ..Art 10 SSpffTJOai 8 oSa| 9 DpUAr Chicago .Lv j 7 OOp t 50T 8 06p| 7 15aj Ar. Memphns .Lv | 8 30aj 9 00p‘ 9 45a] 7 10a||Ar KansasCUyLv|| 6 30p| 9 45p 4 12p| 3 05aj|Ar.. Mobile ~Lv||l3 sp|l2 20a “(and unmarked train*! daily? ~! 8 3 °‘>l 7 40a ! |Ar N ' Lv H 7 7 t Daily except Sunday. j oopj . : a|Jt*v Savunnah Ar||lo 16a 12 10a jSunday j 45n 13 30p Ar.. Tifton ...Lv 2 16a 6 209 Thfough F’ullman Sleeping- Car Service ■ 3 45ai 2 10p Ar.. Albany ..Lv 12 01a 346 p to Not .1 Wot ana to Florida rttbui Lv 10 00a ConneetlonN muole nl Tmnpn with wtruiner* for Key West mul Hnviinn. I.envinß Port Tnnipn Mondays, Thurlny and Saturdays at 11 jOO i. m. .i i\ Pdthemua, T P A ; •:. a. Arntand. City Tkt. Act.s Da Boto Hotel. Pho B. W. WRENN, Paanencer Traffic Manager. Savannah. Oa. McDOAOUGH & BALLANTYNE, Z Iron Machinists, n c 1 tUacV.uiitha, Bollrrin. kee, aiannf* rlurrri of Sluliu*. •rr nad I’.rtskl. Kailiim, V*r(le*l and lop Kuoni.a '‘''’JS Vara Mill*, Muar Mill aad I'aai, sba Itlng, V*llr>, eta. a ef" TELEPHONE NO. 123. V" Ocean SieainsiilD Go. -FOR IMe w York, Boston -AND THE EAST. Unsurpassed cabin accommodation!. All the comforts of a modern hotel. Electric lights. Unexcelled table. Tickets Include meul! and bertha aboard tihlp. Passenger Pares Irom Savannah. TO NEW YORK-FIRST CABIN. S2O; FIRST CABIN ROUND TRIP, $32, IN TERMEDIATE CABIN, sls; INTERME DIATE CABIN ROUND TRIP, *24. STEERAGE, $lO. TO BOSTON FTRST CABIN, $22; FIRST CABIN ROUND TRIP, $36. IN TERMEDIATE CABIN, sl7; INTERME DIATE CABIN ROUND TRIP, $38.00. STEERAGE, $11.75. The express steamships of this line ar# appointed to sail from Savannah. Central (90th) meridian time, aa follows: 84VAMAH TO NEW VOHK. TALLAHASSEE, (’apt. Asklns. MON DAY, Aug. 6, 1:00 p. in. CITY OF AUGUSTA, Capt. Daggett. TUESDAY, Aug. 7, 2 OOp. m. NACOOCHKK, Capt. Smith, THURS DAY. Aug. 9. 3:30 p m. KANSAS CITY. Capt. Fisher. SATUR DAY, Aug.' 11, 6:0(1 p. m. CITY OF BIRMINGHAM, Capt. Burg. MONDAY, Aug. 13. 7 00 p. m. TALLAHASSEE, Capt. Asklns. TUES DAY, Aug. 14, 7:30 p. m. CITY OE AUGUSTA, Capt. Daggett. THURSDAY, Aug. 16. 9:00 a. m. NACOOCHEE, Capt. Smith, SATUR DAY. Aug. 18, 11:00 p. m. KANSAS CITY, Capt. Fisher, MONDAY. Aug. 20. 1:00 p. m CITY OF BIRMINGHAM, Capt. Burg, TUESDAY, Aug 21, 2:00 p. m. TALLAHASSEE, Capt. Asklns, THURS DAY, Aug. 23. 8:30 p. m. CITY OF AUGUSTA, Capt. Daggett. SATURDAY, Aug. 25, 6:00 p. m. NACOOCHEE, Capt, Smith, MONDAY. Aug. 27, 6:30 p. m. KANSAS CITY, Capt. Fisher, TUES DAY, Aug. 28 7:00 p, m. CITY OF BIRMINGHAM. Capt. Burg. THURSDAY, Aug 30. 8:00 a. m. NEW VOHK TO BOSTON. CITY OF MACON, Capt. Savage. WED NESDAY. Aug 8, 12:00 noon. CITY OF MACON, Capt. Savage, MON DAY, Aug. 13. 12:00 noon. CITY OF MACON. Capt. Savage, FRI DAY, Aug 17, 12:00 noon. CITY OF MACON. Capt. Savage, WED NESDAY, Aug. 22. 12:00 noon. CITY OF MACON, ('apt. Savage, MON DAY. Aug 27. 12:00 noon. CITY OF MACON, Capt Savage, FRI DAY, Aug. 31, 12:00 noon. Tills company reserves the right to change Us sailings without notice and without liability or accountability there for. Sailings New York for Savannah dally except Sundays, Monday# and Thursdays, 6:00 p. m. W. O. BREWER. City Ticket and Pnss enger Agent, 107 Bull street, Savannah, .Ga, I E. W. SMITH. Contracting Freight Agent Savannah. Ga. R. G. TREZEVANT. Agent, Savannah, Oa. WALTER HAWKINS. General Agent Traffic Dep’t, 224 W. Bay street. Jack sonville, Fla. E. H. HINTON, Traffic Manager, Sa vannah. Oa P E I.E FEVRE, Superintendent, New pier 26. North River. New York. N. Y. MERCHANTS ANO MINERS TRANSPORTATION CO. •TG4X9HII 1 LINES. SAVANNAH 'INI H tI.TIVIIIHE. Tickets on sa'o st company’s offices to the following imlnts at very low rales: ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. BALTIMORE, MD. BUFFALO, N Y. BOSTON, MASS. CHICAGO. ILL. CLEVELAND, O. ERIE. PA HAGERSTOWN. HARRISBURG. PA. HALIFAX, N S NIAGARA FALLS NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA. PITTSBURG. PROVIDENCE. ROCHESTER TRENTON. WILMINGTON. WASHINGTON. First-class tickets include meal# am] stata*rcom berth. Savannah to Baltimore Accommodation* ami cuisine unequaled. Freight capacity unllmtt-d; cateful hun ting and quick dispatch. The atcaouhlps of this cotjj.any are up pointed to sail from Savannah to Daltl* more as follows (standard time): TEXAS, Copt. Foster, TUESDAY, Aug, 7. 1:00 p. m. D. H. MILLER, ('apt. Foster, THURBs DAY, Aug. 9. 2:03 p. m. TEXAS, (’apt. Eld ridge, TUESDAY, Aug. 7, at 1:00 p. ni. D. 11. MULLER, Capt. Peters. Till9RS* DAY, Aug. #, at 2:00 p. m. ITASCA. Capt Diggs, SATURDAY, Aug. 11, at 4:00 p. m. * ALLEGHANY, Capt. Foster. TUESDAY, Aug 14. at 8:00 p. m. TEXAS, Capt. Kldtldgc, THURSDAY, Aug. 18. at 9:00 a. m. I) II MILLER. Capt, Peters. SATUR* DAY, Aug. 18, at 12 noon. ITASCA, Capt. Diggs, TUESDAY, Aug. 21, at 3:oa p. m. ALLEGHANY, Capt. Fostor, -THURa DAY, Aug 23, at 4:00 p. m. Texas. Capt. Eldrldge, SATURDAY, Aug. a), at 6:00 p. m. And ftotn Raltlmorb Tuesdays. Thura daya and Saturdays at 4:(0 p. m. Ticket Office, ,19 Bull street. NEWCOMB COHEN. Trav. Agent. J. J. CAROLAN, Agent, Savannah, Ga. W P. TURNER, G. P. A A. D. STEBBINS, A. T M. J. C. WHITNEY, Traffic Manarer. i General Offices, Baltimore, M<t I JfPP£ Syffly Schedules Effective June 10, 3990. Trains arrive at and depart from t Central Station. Weat Broad, foot at Liberty street. 90th Meridian Time—One hour slowar than dty lime. "HS Arrive Savannah; JMacon. Atlanta, Covlng-j *8 45am|ton, Mllledgevllle and allj*6 00pm |inleimediate polnta. | . JMillen, Augusta and ln-| t 8 45am|tern>dlate points. |to 00pm (Augusta, M, tcoii, Montd ~ Igoniery, Atlanta. Ath.ns,| •9 OOpmJColunibus, Birmingham, j*S 00am lAmerlcus, Eufaula and| jTybee Special from Au-| |8 15pm|gusta Sunday only. ||lo 25aiis t 6 <Wpm| Dover Accommodation. Jfl 48a ni t 2 00pm| Guyton Dinner Train. jt4~oaffrzs •tjaliy. tEx cep' Sunday. (Sunday on4y. BETWEEN SAVANNAH AND TYftKfi. 75th meridian or Savannah city tlaae. iatev'b £>av A.N.NAH. Week Da>-6:20 u. ui., iu;oa a. m., 3:35 p. ni., 5:25 p. rn., 0:50 p. m., 8:35 p. m. Sundays—7:4s a. in., 30:0a a in., 32:15 p_ m., 3:35 p. in., 5:25 p. m„ 6:50 p. m., 1;33 p. m. LEAVE TYBEE. Week Days—6.oo a m.. 8.00 . m., U:l4 am., 5:15 p in., 7:40 p. in., 10:10 p. m. Sundays—6:oo a. in., 8:35 a. m„ 11:10 a. rn, 1:00 p m, 5:50 p. m„ 7:40 p. m., 10:10 p. m. Connections made at terminal points with all uulns Northwest, Weat and Southwest. Sleeptng cars on night trains between Savannah and Augusta, Macon, Atlanta and Birmingham. Parlor car* on day trains between Sa vannah. Macon and Atlanta. For complete Information, schedules, rates and connections, apply to W G. BREWER. City Ticket and Pass*. tnger Agent. 107 Bull street. W. R McINTYHE, Depot Ticket A rtr-- J. C. HAILE. General Passenger Agent. E H. HINTON, Truffle Manager. THBO, I). KLINE. Gen. Superintendent, Savanneh. Ga. Wool, Hides Wax, Furs, Honey, Highest market prices paid. Georgia Syrup for sale. A, EHRLICH & BRO; Wholesale Grocers and Liquor Dealers, 111. U 3,115 Bay street, west. 1,000,000 HIDES WANTED! DRY FLINTS Ulge DRY SALTS 13Hc GREEN SALTED ffe, R. KIRKLAND, 417 (o 421 St. Julian street, west 7