The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, August 07, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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SAVANNAH box WORKS’ BANKRUPT Schedule* Show Amieti of jR4,400 in Excesa of Ltabflitlen. William H. Bellinger, proprietor of the Savannah Box and Basket Works, filed his application for a discharge in bank ruptcy In the United States District Court on yeaterday afternoon. The interesting and unusual feature of the bankruptcy is that the schedules show assets of more than $4,000 in excess of the liabilities. The total liabilities as shown in the schedules amount to $&\143.43, while the assets amount to $24,565.75. Of the debts about $7,500 represent mortgages on prop erty in the North, not connected in any way with the affairs of the Savannah Box and Basket Works. A Northern corpora tion also holds a deed to secure debt upon the property, situated west of the city, upon which the plant is built, amounting to $4,500. The rest of the indebtedness is due to various parties in Savannah, for claims of various character, the unpaid payroll, which is entitled to a preference under the bankruptcy law', amounting to about S2OO only. The assets are scheduled at $5,000 for the property on which the plant is sit uated, $11,250 for the stock, fixtures and machinery and $7,50') for the property in New York state, upon which there are mortgages. Various other minor assets brirg the total up to the figure first given. The business was originally start* and by the present proprietor and John G. Rum bold. the latter selling out his half inter est to the former some months ago. About $15,000 has been sunk in the busi ness since it was begun, not because it should have been unprofitable or because it was badly managed, but, as appears from the statement of those interested, from the lack of working capital to carry it on properly and with a due regard for economy. The lack of this capital was fatal. It is the practice of the truck and fruit growers of the state to delay their orders for crates and carriers until late in the season, so that they may estimate with correctness the number of these articles they will need. The fruit and vegetable business are uncertain in themselves and the growers never know until they are almost ready to begin marketing their crops just how large they will be, and In consequence just how many packages they will need. They are accustomed, there fore, to delay their orders until the last moment, so that they will not, through an over-estimate invest capital in an arti cle that is totally unproductive, and w’hich is kept during the winter at the cost of considerable space, trouble and expense. This practice of the growers, owing to the small amount of working <‘apital at the disposal of the owner of the Savan nah Box and Basket Works, compelled him to make most of his products during a comparatively limited season of the year and to sell them at once. He could not manufacture largely during the dull months and then wait for orders, and his inability to do 60 has resulted in the lose of the capital invested. It is believed that all the claims will bfc paid in full and this will be certain if someone with sufficient capital can be induced to purchase the property and continue U in operation. The constant growth of the fruit and vegetable indus tries in this state ought to render the manufacture of boxes and other packages for these products profitable. Mr. Bellinger was Induced to file his application for a discharge in bankruptcy by reason of his present inability to turn his assets into cash and to pay his credit ors in full. The petition will be referred this morning to Referee A. H. MacDon ell, before whom the first meeting of the creditors will be called. The bankrupt is represented by Mr. Emile Newman. SHOULD REQUIRE LICENSE. Correspondent Advocates England's Lmv for Pistol Toters. Editor Morning News: Having for many years been astonished at the fre quent and reckless manner in which murders are committed. I wish to put before some of >our abler readers in this and other sta tea an idea, w'hich by the way did not originate with me, hut is one of the many famous criminal law-s cf Great Britain—and no one denies that the criminal laws of England are among the best in the world. The object in view is to make it almo-t impossible for men of bad reputation to obtain ammunition. The party desring ammunition must go before a magistrate or court of orlinary and state under oath that he wants a license to purchase am munition for legitimate purposes, for which he pays, say, one dollar p;=r year, and, after giving name and address has no trouble in getting it. He then go°s to ihe dealer and buys the ammunition ho wants The dealer is also licensed and under bond to sell no ammunition at any time to any person without reading the applicant’s license and making an en try of name and address in book kept for the purpose. This law throws obstacles in the way of having the fver ready pis tol In working order and everybody knows that an empty pdstol is compara tively harmless. If one of our representatives would draft and have passed a bill in this state embodying and improving on above sug gestions it would I’ve no doubt be the means of preventing many a soul's un prepared departure out of this world. I earnestly hope some abler pen than mine will take up and agitate this sub ject until it becomes not only a state law but a law in all this glorious country. P. F. SOLDIERS FROM WAYNBSBORO. Burke Light Infantry Will Be In Sa vannah To-day. The Burke Light Infantry will reach Sa vannah this morning over the Central Railroad from Waynesboro. The company will travel by special train. First Lieu tenant Floyd L. Scales will be in com mand. and it is understood that he will bring about 35 men. The company will take the street cars for the rifle range, where all the members will have a try at the targets. The trip is made for this especial purpose, as no adequate facilities for practice are afford ed at Waynesboro. Lieut. Scales ious to have the company’s figure of merit in rifle shooting as high as possible, and for this reason the trip was determined upon. Capt. W. E. Coney, adjutant of the First Regiment, of which the Burke Light In fantry is a company, will meet the com mand and spend the morning at the range to aid Lieut. Scales In every way possi ble. Commissary Sergeant A. C. Common of the First Regiment and Sergt. Guille Bourqin of the Oglethorpe Light Infantry will also be, at the range to aid the vis itors. The Waynesboro troops will go to Tybee in the afternoon, where a surf bath will he enjoyed. This feature of their trip will be very pleasant. Ml BRAY MISSED HIS BIRD. Bat In C liurged With Attempt to Mur der Just the Sume. Bureaugard Murray, colored, was ar f sted last night by Constable Jim Moore °f Magistrate Naughtin’s Court on a charge of as.-oult with intent to murder. Murray and another colored man i amed Joe Bird lived, up to the time of the ass:nle, on ihe Ogeecheo roid. Sun day thi y quarrelled and Murray, it is charged, unmindful of the game laws and conaiderirg all bird* legitimate marks for hla gun. t ok a p >4 shot at Joe, hut m ss •i him He will be given a hearing l* fora Magistrate Naughtin this morning. Pierctfsw |f Favorite % I Prescription! ffetnaie weakness^ g, It makes eak women CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS PERSON AjU aware? Dressmakers, tailors, barbers, bankers, editors or any persons using scissors, either for lace w r ork, cutting bonds or Chinese clippings, that ail scis sors stamped with the name Fegeas are sharpened free of charge by the old ex perienced barber, 28 East Broughton, hair, jewelry and shaving supply house; the place for fine razors, scissors, shears; bar ber chairs for sale or ren; barber shops bought and sold. fS*YOUR~IRON SAFE FIRE PROOF? We are selling the celebrated Stiff el & Freeman’s fire proof safes. The makers have a standing offer of SI,OOO for every safe that does not preserve its contents. Drop us a postal and our safe man will call on you. C. P. Miller, Agt. FINE R ICEFIELD I.AMBAT''BA ker’s,” every day; best of all other meats in market "gardnersTbazaar, AGENT FOR Kimball’s anti-rheum tic rii.g. They have given relief to tho.-e w’ho have worn them. You sufferers try them. , ONE PARLOR “ORGAN ~ AND ONE Chapel organ, both in good condition; will be sold cheap. C. P. Miller, Agt. IF ITS RUGS YOU WANT, YOU CAN get them Reaper from McGillls. RING UP 2464 IF YOTJ WANT TO have your furniture moved or packed for ehipment or storage; I guarantee prices the same as I do the work that’s given to me. A. S. Griffin, 314 Broughton street, west; mattresses made to order. " WATER COOLERS,~ BALDWIN RE frigerators. hammocks, lawn chairs and oil summer goods closing out at lowest prices. C. P. Miller, Agent. GARDNER’S BAZAAR, AGENT FOR Oelschlg's nursery, headquarters for floral dccorations; designs, plants and cut flow ers. ' MILLER’S AWNINGS INCREASE circulation of air and keep out the heat. You need one. Let us put it up at once. C. P. Miller. Agent. “M’GILLIS SELLS SIXTY-INCH RUGS —Smyrna patterns—for 99 cents. ""MOSQUITO NETS. ALL GRADES OF American and imported lace nets, with best fixtures; prices low. C. P. Miller, Agent. M GILLIS IS CHEAP ON RUGS, NETS, lace curtains, hammocks, water coolers, pillows, pictures, stoves, bedroom suites, and furniture of every description. 'WISE BUYERS ARE PLACING their orders for furniture and carpets to be delivered any time this fall. W T e have plenty of bargains for early buyers. See us to-day. C. P. Miller, Agt. GUARANTEED FOUNTAIN PEN~SI At Gardner’s Bazaar. M’GILLIS' LACE CURTAINS - WILL beautify your parlor. A CASH INVESTMENT”IN~FURNI ture and carpets with me to-day will prove immensely profitable to you. Verbum sap. C. T. Miller, Agt. fAM PREPARED TO "UPHOLSTER parlor and dining room furniture, in leath er, eilk, damask, and other fabrics, in the best manner. Special facilities for reno vating curled hair," moss, and cotton mat tresses. All classes of work skilUhilly done. I have none but experienced me chanics and will guarantee satisfaction. C. P. Miller, Agt. M' G ILL IS MOVES, PACKS] SHIPS and stores pianos and furniture; beat work only; no "Cheap-John” prices—no “Cheap- John” jobs. WHEN YOU SEE M’GILLIS’ SIXTY' \ inch 99 cents rugs, you will buy them. Just can’t help it; will sell in any quan tity. 'WE'ARE READY TO SHOW LARGE lines of furniture for bedroom, dining room, parlor and office. Also choice line of carpets, mattings, window shades, art squares, rugs, lace curtains, etc. It will pay you to see us to-day and make your selections. C. P. Miller, Agent. •’FURNITURE MOVED WITH~CARB7’ 1b a specialty with McGllTta. MEDICAL. Pennyroyal Pills are the best. Safe, re liable. Take no other. Send 4c stamps for j>artlcularß. “Relief for Ladies," In ! letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Cos., Philada., Pa. HOW ARE YOUR FEET? IF YOUR feet are troubling you, call on me and I will give you relief; I euro ingrowing nails, corns and all diseases of the feet without pain; charges reasonable; can give the best references in the city; pa tients treated at residences; orders can be left at Livingston’s drug store. Bull and Congress streets; telephone 293. Lem Davis, surgeon chiropodist. HKU* WANTED—MALE. A wants a bright young man as clerk; one who writes a good hand, is quick <it fig tires and fast stenographer. Address M., Box 447, Savannah, Ga. "'\VAN T E dT”A GOOD ORDER COOK, at Levan’s Cafe. 11l Congress street, west. WANTED, GOOD FARM HAND. WHO understands trucking and is willing to work. D. B. Lester. CARPENTERS WANTED - FTRST c'.ass carpenters wanted at Albion Hotel, Augusta. J. H. McKenzie A Son. SIB.OO PER WEEK AND EXPENSES o tin up-to-date man or woman, to repre sent us in surrounding towns; no can vassing; permanent position. Address, with references, R. H. Woodward, Balti more. THE MOKNJNG NEWS: TUESDAY, AUGUST 7, 1900. HELP W ANTED—MALE. '"vvantet^Tyou^^ years of age, with good reference*, to do collecting, ais© to make himself generally useful. Bicycle, care News. DRUG SALESMAN WANTED] PARTY wishing to go in the country can get $25 per month with board and lodging, pro viding he is a licensed druggist. Address Lippman Bros., Savannah. Ga. MANAGER 'FOR BRANCH OFFICE at Savannah by old established house; salary SIOO month; also liberal commis sions on sales; S6OO cash and references required. Address Box 581, Philadelphia, Pa. AG E NTS WA NT El*. \vXNTED^^SENERXir >- National Life Insurance Company, U. S. A., on renewal contract; company char tered by special act of Congress; full paid capital. $1,000,000; a Mason preferred. Ad dress, seating experience, E. A. Fox, agency director, Atlanta. *"51,500 CAN BE MADE DUB INC, CAM paign season selling our campaign ties; greatest sellers ever introduced; territory going; writer immediately; full line white and fancy rubber collars; enclose stamp Dept. C., M. A M. Mfg. Cos., Springfield, Mesa. EMPLOYMENT WANTED. ~~wanteK^employment^ ored man; tool dresser for stone cutters. 109 ChatUon street. " WANTED 7 POSITION AS BOOK keeper by young man of 21. strictly sober, steady, reliable, and highly recommended as to his competency. Address Park, care Hicks’ Restaurant. WANTED, AT ONCE, POSITION AS bookkeeper or salesman, or both, in gen eral merchandise store, hardware, furni ture. grocery or other business; good ref erence. Address Lee, care Morning News, Savannah, Ga. BOOMS WANTED. WANTED. TO RENT. FROM SEPT. 1. fiat of three or four unfurnished rooms, suitable for housekeeping and convenient to business center. Address Thompson, this office. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS IN modern home; every convenience. 16 West Oglethorpe. FOR RENT, NICELY FURNISHED front southern rooms; all conveniences; use of telephone. At 30i Oglethorpe ave nue, west. WANTED, TO RENT," FROM" SEPT 1, flat of 3 or 4 furnished rooms, suitable for housekeeping and convenient to busi ness center. Address Holbrook, this office. WASTED—MISCELLANEOUS. "7f - ToiT’\van7''a”~plac earth, dirt, sand, manure, etc., free of charge, just at city limits, hauling over hard road, write or telephone Brown Bros., corner Anderson and East Broad streets. OLD NEWS PA P E Ra. 200 for 2ft cant* At Ru*ines Office Morn km New*. .'1 -L - - ... I MW FOR liENT—ROOMS. east; 4 rooms with use of bath; perfect condition; right rent right tenant. $20.00 Est. Salomon Cohen, West Broad and Broughton. ~FURNIBHED~ROOMS, MODERN IM- ' provements, south front. 126 West Tay lor. "FLAT, SIX CONNECTING ROOMS', with bath, first floor; Lyons block; suita ble for any purpose. John Lyons. FOR RENT—HOUSES "Residence on the corner Jones and Lincoln, In first-class order and condition; will rent In flats to congenial tenants or the house entire. Estate Salo mon Cohen, West Broad and Broughton streets. HOUSE NO. 214 AND NO. 216 WALD burg street, west, between Barnard and Jefferson streets; every convenience; first class order and condition; right rent to right tenants. Estate Salomon Cohen, West Broad and Broughton streets. "BRICK RESIDENCE NO. 120 HALL street, east; finest locality in the city; per fect order and condition; magnificent home; right rent to right tenant. Estate Salomon Cohen, West Broad and Brough ton streets. NO. 221 PERRY STREET, WEST; CON veniont for business; first-class order and condition; every convenience. Estate Sal omon Cohen, West Broad and Brough ton streets RESIDENCE NO] 415 GASTON street, east, between Habersham and Price; will rent as flats to congenial fam ilies, or entire house; every convenience; house in perfect order and condition. Es tate Salomon Cohen, corner West Broad and Broughton streets. House 4h gaston street! east, first-class order and condition; every con venience; right rent right tenant. Est. Sa lomon Cohen. RESIDENCE OVER DRUG STORE for rent from Oct. 1. Apply to Roed & Cos., Jont/g and Abercorn. "HOUSES * 223. ALSO, 217" WALDBURG street, west; perfect condition; every con venience; right rent right tenant. 226.00 the month. Est. Salomon Cohen, West Broad and Broughton streets. ‘ FOR rent! LARGE 12-ROOM HOUSE, 453 Broughton street, east, as a whole or in flats. A. K. Wilson, 223 Congress street, west. “for rent! THAT DESIRABLE dwelling No. 13 Gordon street, west; imme diate possession. I. D. Laßoche, Agent. ' for' RENT, OCT. 1, RESIDENCE 211 Waldburg street, west. M. S. Baker. rOH RENT—STORES. FOR RENT, STORE AND BASEMENT under Odd Fellows’ Hall, corner State and Barnard streets. Inquire Room 7, upstairs. FOR RENT! IHAI DESIRABLE store and warehouse formerly occupied hy George W. Tiedeman & Bro., corner Bay and Montgomery street; in perfect order and condition; right rent to right tenant; possession can be given immedi ately. Est. Salomon Cohen, corner West Broad and Broughton street*. J-Hf 11 FOR HEAT—MISCELLAKEOrS. Is for rent. No use to write, but If In terested meet me at said hotel Aug. 8 to 10. Frank C. Owens. FOR SALE—HEAL ESTATE. SAW’ MILL LOCATION FOR SALE, with about ten thousand acres and plenty more adjoining of very fine timber, close to railroad; oil cash; cheap. Write J. C. Ausley, Iron City, Ga. FOR SALE, LOTS ON~NINTH STREET near East Broad; no city taxes, at 1200 each; twenty-five dollars cash, and ea*y monthly payment*. C. H. Dorsett. “fors'ale! a lot FOR TWO HUN dred dollars; easy terms, on Ninth street, near East Broad; no city taxation. C. H. Dorsett. for' saIe!"THOSE LOTS ON NINTH street, near East Broad, have only been sold to flrst-clasa parties, who will make good neighbors; and none other can buy. The terms are very easy, and they are cheaper than any other in the vicinity. C. H. Dorsett. nm sale, LOTS ON ninth, near East Broad, at 8200 eagh; will soon be advanced to 8226; when a lot has been paid for I can arrange to get a home built. C. H. Dorsett. . *>OR SALE. LOVELY SUMMER home, ten rooms, modern conveniences, in mountains of North Georgia; climate de lightful; pure freestone water; also min eral water in vicinity. It Interested, ad aress • TANARUS„” thl* paper. FDR BALB-HI&AL KVTATIfc. for sale all over the city. Robert H. Talem. real estate dealer. No. 7 York afreet. west. *Ol4 JLLL— HAfelttLLt.MtOUS. BALM MAKES THE SreiN as soft and smooth as velvet; one appli cation relieves the pain and destroys the redneaa from sunburn, 25c. At Persse’a Drug Stores, Henry and Abercorn and Whitaker and Taylor. LADY’S WHEEL. COM FA RATTv ELY new. for sale, for cash. Call at two-twelve Waldburg, west. FOR SALES* BLACK SMITH AND horseshoeing shop; beet local ion in city; good reason for selling; good trade estab lished. Address H. 8., this office. WILL BE SOLD AT _ YOljN <l TX)VE _ & Sipple auction Tuesday, a fine milk cow. with young calf three week* old. ASH ANI> CYPRESS LUMBER FOR *ale— f6ei of ash suitable for wheel wrights, carriage niakets. car works and interior house finish. Also cypress lumber of all sizes. We have resumed cutting our famous brands of cyprea* shingles and will soon have a full line of them ror sale. Vale Royal Manufacturing Company. LOST JlllO FOUND. LOST. LADY’S GOLD WATCH. Dou ble caee; B. C. engraved on top; lost be tween Georgia telephone office, Charles Marks’ and Broughton and Lincoln streets. Reward if left at 227 President street, east. TOST? WHILE COMING FROM LAU rel Grov© Cemetery, or in getting on Bat tery Park and Collinsville car; diamond earring, black setting. Reward if return ed to Woif’s Nursery. UOAADIIVK PLEASANT SOUTH ROOMS. WITH or without board. 212 West Jones street. " FCRNiSHErTROOMS. WITH BOARD; also table boarders. 119 East Liberty street. A FEW GENTLEMEN ~C AN ~BE AC commodaicd with rooms having southern exposure and board by applying at N. N., care Anderson and Whitaker streets. SUMMER RESORTS. THB MITE INN. MILL SPRINGS. Polk county. North Carolina; healthful, restful; comfortable rooms and good country fare, at. $4 a wee*c; sls a month; hidden among the mountains, ten miles’ drive from Tryon, N. C., the nearest rail road point. Address A. M. Boone. MIBCELLAKEO US. THE MOST SATISFACTORY PAINT to use is the Gorman ready-mixed; $1.25 gallon. .Adams Paint Company. OUR PACKAGE 3 B WALLPAPER cleaner will clean one room. Adams Paint, 104 Congress, west. 'GO TO""THE* ADAMS' PAINT~"COM pany to buy paint* and oils, sash, doors and blinds. flooD Positions f4^^ ECURED i | B/ actiVe Vide Nll&YouhgMm MS^^YfOWIEM our practical (oiJrse Of ?r COLLEGES Send for faialcyue I.EOAL NOTICES. IT appearing to the court by the peti tion of C. B. Younglove and J. D. Good man. copartners under the firm name of Younglove and Goodman, that A, P. Greene, on the fifth day of November, 1894, executed and delivered to the said Young'love and Goodman, a mortgage upon the following lots of land lying in said county, to*wit: All those qertain two (2) lots of land situate, lying and being In the county of Chatham and state of Geor gia, and known on a map or plan of sub divisions "A’’ and "B" of the McNish tract, made by E. J. Thomaa, C. B , May 23. 1889. as lots numbers seventy eight (78), and eighty-seven (87). in blocks "H” and ’T" of said sub-divieion, each having a frontage of thirty (89) feeet on Fifth street, and a rectangular dapth along Washington street of one hundred OOO) feet, said McNish tract being located near the intersection of Montgomery street, extended with the Savannah, Flor ida and Western Railway, all of which will fujly appear, reference being had to a map of said sub-division recorded in the office of the clerk 6t the Superior Court of Chatham county, Georgia, book of deeds, 7 E’s, 466; for the purpose of securing the payment of a certain promis sory note for the sum of Two hundred end sixty dollars ($260). made by the said A. P. Greene on the fifth day of Novem ber. 1894, and payable to the said Young love and Goodman, due thirty (30) days after date, with interest from the first day of August, 1894, at the rate of eight (8) per cent, per annum, which said note aald A. P. Greene refuses to pay: It is therefore ordered that the said A. P. Greene pay into this court, on or before the first day of the next term thereof, the principal and interest due on said note, and the cost of this proceeding, or in default thereof the courr will proceed as to justice shall appertain. And it is further ordered tnet this rule be pub lished in the “Savannah Morning News.” a newspaper published in said couiyy of Chatham, once a month for four months, or be served upon the said A. P. Greene, or hi* special agent or attorney, three montha previous to the next term of this court. In open court, thin July 24. 1900. R (kFALLIGANT, Judge E. J. C. of Ga. A true extract from the minutes. JAMEH K P. CARR. Clerk S. C., C. C., Ga. IN th* United State* Dikfict Court Enstern Division of <he Routhein DtMrlct of Georgia. In the matter of W. P. Golden, a bankrupt. Jn bankruptcy. To •hr creditors of W. P. Golden o* Bruns wick In the county of Glynn and ds trict aforesaid, a bankrupt: Notice Is hereby given that on the first day of Au gust, 1900. the said W. P. Golden w r as duly adjudicated a bankrupt; and tha the first meeting of his creditors will b* held at my office, in the city of Brunswick, on the 22nd day of Auguat, 1&00, at lo o’clock in the forenoon, at which time the said creditors may atr*n l, t re>ve their cl '*ns. (.pikdnt t, trustee, examine the bank.upt an.l transact such other business ut i.u y properly come before said meeting. Dated at Brunswick, Ga., this Aug. 4, 199) A J. CKO V ATT Referee in Bankruptcy. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CRED ITORS. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY —No tice l* hereby given to all persons having demands against Mary Ann Theus, late of said county, deceased, to present them to me, properly made out, within the time prescribed by law, so as to show' their character and amount; and all person* in debted to said deceased are required to make immediate payment to me. Savannah, Ga.. July 5, 1909. JOHN J. BURNS, Executor. LEGAL SALES. CHATHAM’S SHERIFFS SALE FOR STATE AND COUNTY TAXES. Under and by virtue of certain tax ft. fas for various years, issued by James J. McGowan, tax collector of Chatham county, in favor of the state of Georgia and county of Chatham against the fol lowing named persons and the below de scribed property for the various years. I nnve levied upon the said property of the persons hereinafter mentioned, and will offer the property for sale at public out cry before the Court Houte door of Chat ham county, in the city of Savannah. Ga.. on the FIRST TUESDAY IN AUGUST. 1900 (said Tuesday being the 7th day of said month), during the legal hours of sale, to satisfy said fl. fas. Defendants notified of levy, time and place. Terms cash. Purchaser* paying for titles THOMAS J BWEENY. Sheriff C. C., Ga. PRIOR YEARS. Behnken. Wm. E.-Three lots Rowland subdivision. Bethesda Tract—Eighty-three acres cf land in White Bluff district, |vart of the original Bethesda grant, boumied as fol low's: On the north, south and east by the lands of the Union Society, and on the weet by the Montgomery road and the lands of Union Society, formerly Apple ton’s. Bing. Ellen and Isaac—Lot No. 5 of sub division of five lots, Law ward. Ifizzard, Caesar—Eight acres. White Bluff. Bradwell, Anne—Ten acres Hugenln tract. Brown. Eleanor—Lot No. 29, Haywood ward. Brown, John H.—Lots No. 16. 17, McNish tract. • Brown. Est. Marion J.—Lot No. 55, Ditt mersville. Brown. Rebecca and Children —Lot* No. 150, 151, MeJen No. 10 ward. Cumirdng, E*t. Emma —Part of lot No. 30, Bartow ward, and improvements. Dasher. Homer R.—Eleven acres land, five miles White Bluff road. Davis. Abbie and Children—Lot No. 24, Garden lots, west. Davis. Ann R.—West half of lot H, Mid dle Oglethorpe ward. Dickerson. Benjamin F.—Thirty acres of land, Ogeechee Dillon. Sarah—Lots No. 8, 9. 10, Block 1. East Savannah. Evans, Alfred—Port of lot A, Magazine ward. Givens. Alice—Ten acres land, five miles Augusta road. Gibbons, Jeff—Twenty acres land, Mon teith. Glatigny, E. E., Trustee—Five and two ihirds acres land. Thomas ward. Golden, H . et al—Ten acrea land, Buek halter. Gould. Robert H.— One hundred and fif ty acres, twelve miles Ogeechee road. Grant. James L.—Ten acres land, four miles Ogeechee road. Gray. Sarah M.— One lot Thunderbolt and improvements. Green, Est. Charles—Lot No. 8, Ditt mersville, and Improvements. Green, Marla—Lot No. 32. Southville ward. Green. Est. Ned—Lot No. 2, Woodvllle, and improvements. Green. Zeltna—Lot No. 81, Dittmersville, and improvements. Hall, Jane M.-Two hundred and fifty one acres land, Whitmarsh Island. Harley, llattle A.—Part of lot No. 29, GlUmersville ward, and improvements. Heldt, Madge O.—Lots Nos. 6-1, 65, Dltts marvtlle. and improvements. Heyward. Est. Joseph—Lots Nos. 62, 63. Hamilton tract and improvements. Houston. Et. Wm. F.—Lot No. 91, Owens ward, and improvements. Houston. Wm. L—Lot No. 41, Atlantic ward, and improvements. Howard. Lydia—Lot No. 2 Heyword ward, and improvements. Jackson, Charles—Five acre* land, five miles Augusta r ad Jackson. Simon—Lot No. 78, Dittmers ville. and improvements. Johnson. Louis W.—One-fourth lot No. 43, Marshall ward, and improvements. Jones, Jrririiah—Eight acres land, Mil ler Station. Joyce, Ellzabetb-North half of lot, Screven ward, and improvements Kennedy, Edw. J.—Five lots Tybee. Larkin. Aspasia. w*-st part of north half of lot No. 11, Middle Oglethorpe ward. Law Lucy—Lots Nos. 40, 41, East Sa vannah, and improvements. Lloyd, Ann—Lot No. 8, Johnson ward. Lucas, Jonathan—Twenty lots, Lamar tract. Madden, BrMget—Lot No. 58, Screven ward. Magill. Eliza H.—150 acres land, Hugue nin tract. Mongin. Henry—On© acre land, Bona venture tract. Morel, John R.-rart of lot No. 32, El liott ward. Murray, William—Lot No. 67, Hender son tract. Isie of Hop^. McKeever, Diana—Five acres of land, 5 miles S., F. & W. Railway. McKenny. Est. Mlnda—Twelve and one half acres land, White BlufT. Noble. Richard—Lot No. 72, Brownsville, and improvements Duttersldfs, Andrew J.—Lots Nos. 24. •', Pooler. Screven. Est. Sylvia A—East one-half of lot No. 19, North Oglethorpe ward, and improvements. Heabrook. Alfred—Seventeen acres land, 12 miles Augusta road. Simmons. E*L Phillis—Lot No. 107, Hamilton tract, and improvements. Sims, James M —One-half of lot No. 34. North Oglethorpe ward, and Improve ments. Smith, John H.—Lot No. 7, of Garden lot. west. No. 24, Choctaw ward, and im provements. Sons and Daughters, Louisville—Lot and improvements In Louisville, C. C. Speed, et al, Mollle—’Two and one-half acres of land, Tatemsville, and Improve ment*. Spring, Henry ll.—Lot No. 13, Spring field. Stafford, Stephen A.—Lot No. 11, Miller sub-division. Lover’s Lane, and improve j ments. Thomas. Est. Houston H.—160 acres land. Sandfly Station Thompson. Hairlet—West one-half lot No. 33. Lee ward, and Improvements Thompson, Thoma*— Five acres land, 5 miles Augusta road, and improverm nts. Tufts, S. & Bliss. C.—East one-half of lot No. 5. Derby ward, and improvements. Veates, Christian B —Two lots. Pooler. Washington, Esther—Part of lot No. 1), Middle Ogle thorp* ward, arid improve ments. Waters, David, lots No. 4,6, 7, Law ward, and improvements. Watts, estate Robert, lot No. 14, Ditt mersville, and improvements. Whltly, Frank, part of lot No. 31, Screven ward, and improvements. Williams. Sol, Jr., tate, lot No. 80. Hull’s subdivision, Kingsland, and im provements. Wlilloms, Sfepheny, lot ”D,’' Atlantic ! ward, and Improvements. Wilson, Birenfi. lot “D,” Thunderbolt, and improvements. CHATHAM SHERIFFS SALE FOR STATE! AND COUNTY TAXES. UNDER and by virtue of certain tax fl. fas. for the year 1899. Issued by Jamel J. ! McGowan, tax collector of Chatham coun ty, in favor of the state of Georgia and county of Chatham against the following named persons and the below' described property, I havo levied upon the said property of the persons hereinafter men tioned and will offer the property for sale at public outcry before the Court Hous* door of Uhatham county, In the city of Savannah, Ga.. on the FIRST TUES DAY IN AUGUST, 1900 (said day being the 7th of said month), during the legal hours of sale, to satisfy said fl. fas. De ' fendants notified of levy, time and place. ! Terms cash. Purehasers paying for Cities. THOMAS J. SWEENY. Sheriff C. C., Ga. 1899. Anderson. John D.. lot No. 30 of sub division, Meldrlm, No. 14, and improve ments. LEGAL SALES. Archer. Jennie P.. iot No. 40, Padelford ward, and improvements Burroughs-. Renty. iot No. 21. Smithvllle. Cole, Charles, lot No. 19, Law ward, and improvements. Cockshurt. Louisa A., western one-half of lot No. 14. Troup ward, and Improve ments. Crohan, Sarah, eastern one-half of lot No. 4. Greene ward, and improvements. Cumndng. J. H.. lot No. 23. Gragg's sub division. Thunderbolt. Franklin. S. and S. C.—Lots 10. U, In block one. Bloomingdele. Faries, Est. A F.—Western one.half 0 f lot No. 2 Laßoche, tythlng. Heath cote ward. Godfrey, Ewt. W. O.—Thirty acres land. Cedar Grove. Hahn. Prank—la>l No. 6. Kingsville and improvements. Handy, Est. Cyrus—Thirty-six acres land. Buck halter. Howard. Wallace C\— I.*ot No. 15, Rep pard ward, and improvements. Kelly. Mrs. M. E. S.—Lot No. 17. Pitt mersvlUe. Lovering. Helen M.—Part of lot No. 6. Crawford word, and improvements. Mell, Mrs J. V —Twenty acres land. White Bluff. Owens, George W . trustee Ijot No. 18. Crawford ward, and Improvements. Posey, et. al., Jane—Lot No. 21, Garden trustees . Purse, Daniel O —One lot No. 196. John son ward Rumbold, P. E.—Machinery, etc., facto ry on Louisville read. Robertson. Mary E.-Twenty-four acres land. Isle of Hope, and improvements. Stone et al.. George H—Eight lots Dale ward. Segie, Isaiah D.—Part of lot No. 20, Screven wool, and Improvement* Spalding. James—Part of lot No. 39, Elliott ward, and Improvements. Tynan, Est. J. W —Southern one-half of lot No. 17, Pulaski ward, and Improve ments Taylor. Janie F. G.—One-half of lots 2 and 3. Wadley Owens ward, and Improve, ments. Waldhauer, Jane P.— Eastern one-half of lot No. 7, Jackson ward, and Improve ments. Walsh. Estate Michael—lx>ts 14 and 16. Choctaw ward, and improvements. Weeks. Mary E.—Lot No. 19. Haywood word. Wellman. Olive E.—lx>t nt Pooler, and Improvement*. Wilmington L Sr Imp Co.—Eleven hun dred and sixty-flvo acres land. Wilming ton Island. CHATHAM SHERIFF'S SALE. STATE OF GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY.—Under and by virtue of a fl. fa. issued out of Chatham Superior Court in favor of Burras & Klopfer vh Lou a Collat, 1 have levied upon the following described property of the defendant, to wit: Seven (7) lots of land known In plan of subdivision of Farm lots eight (8) and nine (9) Morris tythlng,. Percival ward, south west of the city of Savannah, drawn by E. J. Thomas, civil engineer, on July 16, 1899. known ns lots two (2) and four (4) Block C; lots six (6). eight (8) and ten (10) Block 8; lots twelve and fourteen (12 and 14) Block Q; also lots eleven and thirteen (11 and 13) Block D. lielng parts of lots six (6) and ten (10) Third tythlng, Anson ward. Said above described prop erty being situate, lying and being in ihe county of Chatham and state of Georgia. And I will offer for sale at public outcry before the Court House door of Chatham county. In the city of Ravannah, Ga.. on the first Tuesday in August, 1990. the said above described property of the *ald de fendant during the legal hours of sale, to satisfy wild fl. fa. Terms cash, purchasers paying for titles. T. J. SWEENY. Sheriff C. C.. Oa. CHATHAM SHERIFF’S SALE. GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY.— Under and by virtue of a fl. fa. issued out of the Superior Court of said county, In favor of Carrie A. Van Gelsen vs. Mar tha Colston. I have levied on the following described property of the defendant, to wit: All that ten (10) acre tract of land situate at White Bluff, in Chatham coun ty. Georgia, with the Improvements there on. said tract being formerly the property of Emma Grayson, and conveyed to said Martha Colston by Sheriff deed June 13. 1898, and I will offer the said above de scribed property of the defendant for sale at public outcry before the Court House door of Chatham county* in the city of Savannah, Ga.. on the first Tuesday in August, 1900, during the legal hour* of sale to satisfy said fl. fl. Terms caeh, purchaser paying for title*. THOS. J SWEENEY, Sheriff C. C., Ga. CITY SHERIFF’S SALE. Sheriff’s Office, CUy Court of Savannah. Savannah. Ga., July 10, 1900. UNDER and by virtue of an execution and amended execution Issuing out of the Court of Savannah in favor of Nich olas Lang against Anna Reden, I have this day levied upon the following describ ed property as the prpperty of defendant, to-wit: All of that lot, tract or porcel of land situate, lying and being in said county and state, about four (4) miles from the city of Savannah, on the Skidaway Shell Road, containing thirty-three (33) acres, more or less, and being the south ern one-half (%) of lot number nine (9), in the plan of the sub-division of that part of the Placentia plantation, lying east of the Skidaway shell road, made by Wil liam Hughes, county surveyor of Liberty county, January Ist, 1863, said tract of land being described in a deed from Susannah H. Howe et al., to John Asen dorf, dated August sth, 1884, and recorded in Book 5 L, folio 219 et seg.. of the record of Chatham county, an follows, to-wit: All of the southern one-half (*£) of that lot of land In the county of Chatham, known a* lot rumber nine (9) of the Plnncentta tract; said lot number nine (9) being one of the sub-division of the tract of land formerly the property of John P. Williamson, deceased, and sub-divided by William Hughes, surveyor of Liberty county. In January, 1853; said one-hnlf (Va) part of said lot being bounded on the north by lands belonging to the eatate of Dr. Royal, on the east by a salt marsh, on the south by lot number ten (10), and on the west by the Skidaway shell road, the southern boundary line of said lot magnetically being 8. 71, E. 64 20. And I will proceed to offer same for sale at pub lic outcry, on the first Tuesday In August, 1900 (same being the 7th day ofthe month) during the legal and usual hours of sale, in front of the Court House door in Chat ham county, to oatlsfy said execution and amended execution. Defendant notified of levy. Property dtacribed In execution. Terms cash, purchaser paying for titles. E. J. WHELAN. Sheriff C. C. 8 OLt> NEWSPAPERS. 200 for 25 cent*, at Business Office Morning New*. sm kl * F m Gentlemen who have stout, fleshu feet we ask to kindlu call and examine our SDecialtu for them, Whu wear a clumsu, lookinu shoe when we can dress uour feet in a neat, stulish and same time com fortable shoe at as small a price as uou pau for the or dlnaru kind? This Is a special last and must be seen to be appreciated. No one else has it. Come to-dau. GEIL 8t QUINT PHONE m. *O6 BROUGHTON, WEST. AUCTION SALES THIS DAY. celebrated' yacht'dragoon AT AICtIOK. I. D. LA ROCHE, Auctioneer. On TUESDAY, the 7th day of August, 1900. before the Court House door, during the legal hours of sale, I will sell for caah to the highest and best bidder, The celebrated yacht Dragoon, with two full suit? of sails, several extra .“ails, be sides spinnaker and balloon jib. Fine awn ing. She 1* fully equipped with every thing necessary for such a yacht. Sha can be made one of the finest cruising yacht? ever built in this country. ELEGANT PROPERTY 4T AUCTION. I. D. LA ItOCHE, Auctioneer. On TUESDAY, the 7th day of August, 1900. before the Court House, during the usual hours of tale. I wlli sell that ele gant lot No. 32 Berrien ward and improve ments. bounded north by Taylor, earn by Tattnall, south by Wayne, and west by Jefferson streets. This is one of the finest properties on the market, not fur from where the Union Depot will be. TWO-STORY DWELLING AT A f'TION. I. n. LA HOCHK Auctioneer. On TVKSDAY, the 7th Oay of August, lflito, 1 will sell before the Court House, Dwelling No. 743 Gwinnett street, east, including lot 30 feet by 100. Thl* la a nice piece of property. LEG AI S ALES. y hTikh'i ff's X\T.eT " Sheriff’s Office. City Court of Savannah. Savannah, Ga . July 10, lots). T'NDER nml hy virtue of an execution UaulnK out of the City Court of Savan nah In favor of Mary D. Drown attains! Jami s R. Dooner, executor of will of Janie* Dooner. deceased, I have this day lev ed upon the following described prop erty as the property of defendant, James Dooner, deceased, now in the hands of James R. Dooner. executcr of will of Jame* Dooner. deceased, to wit: All the western portion of all those cer tain ihrec (S) lots of land situate, lying j and being in the extended limits of the city of Savannah, county of Chatham and state of Georgia and known on the map of said city as lots numbers ninety nine (83). one hundred (100) and one hun dred and one (101) Springfield plantation, said wtstern portion of said lots lying adjacent and as a whole containing twelve and three quarters (128i) acres, 1 more or less, bounded on the north by lot j number one hundred and two (lOd) Springfield plantation, ea-d by the Spring field canal or drain, south by lot number ninety-eight (1)8) Springfield plantation, and west by Stiles avenue. And I will proceed to offer some for sale at i übllr outcry <n the first Tuesday In August. l'JtX). (some htlng Ihe seventh day of the month), during the legal and usual hours of sale. In front of th ■ Court House door In Chatham county, to satis fy said execution. Defendant notified of levy. Prnp-rty described in execution. Terms cash, purchaser paying for tttleß. E. J WHELAN. Sheriff C. C. S CITY SHERIFF'S SALE. Sheriff’s Office. City Court of Savannah. Savannah. Ga.. July 12. ISHIO. UNDER and by virtue of an execution issuing out of the City Court of Savannah In favor of the Standard Building and leoan Association of Montgomery, Ala., agmnst James McGuire, 1 have this day lervled upon the following described prop erty as the property of defendant, to-wit: All Ihnt lot, tract, or parcel of land, situate, lying and being In the county of Chatham, and state of Georgia, and In the city of Savannah, and known and des ignated on the map of the said city the northern half of lot nineteen, North Oglethorpe wuid, having a front on Ol ive street of seventy-three feet and nine Inches and a rectangular depth, fronting on Farm street, of forty-eight feet and five Inches, together with all unrj singular the hereditaments and appurtenances therunto belonging or In anywise apper taining. And I will proceed to offer same for sole, at public outcry, on the first Tues day In August. 1900 (same being the 7th day of the month), .luring the legal and usual hours of sale. In front of the Court House door In Chatham county,- to satis fy said execution. Defendant notified of levy, Property described In execution. Terms cash, pur chaser paying for title*. E. J. WHELAN, Sheriff C. C. 3. I.EGAI. ROTH ES. CHATHAM COUNTY- Whereas. Patrick O'Connor has opplted to Court of Ordinary for letters of admin istration on the estate of John Green, de ceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admon ish all whom It may concern to be and ap pear before said court to make objection (If any they have) on or before the first Monday in September, next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness, the Honorable Hampton L. Ferrlll, ordinary for Chatham county, this the sixth day of August. 1900. FRANK E. KEILBACH. Clerk C. 0., C. C. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY.- Notice 1* hereby given that I have made application to the Court of Ordinary for Chatham county, for leave to sell lot* Nos 57. 58, 69, 60, 61, and an lneerest m lot No. 56. of a subdivision of East Chip pewa on the Montgomery and Water* road*, In said county, belonging to estate of L. M. Warfield, deceased, for the pay ment of debt* and distribution, and that sal.l order will be granted at September term, 191/0, of said court, unless objections are filed thereto. H. C. CUNNINGHAM Administrator, c.t.a., Est. L. M. War field. Aug. 6, 1900. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY.- Whereas, Philip M. Ru*sell and Waring Russell, Jr., have applied to Court of Or dinary for letters dlsmls-sory as executors of the will of Sarah J. Woodfleld, de ceased. These are, therefore, to die and admon ish all whom It may concern, to be and appear before said court, to make objec tion (If any they have), on or before the eighth day of November, next, otherwise said letters will be grunted. Wllnese, the Hon. Hampton L. Ferrlll, ordinary for Chatham county, this, the sixth day of August, 1900. FRANK E. KEILBACH, Clerk C. 0., C. Cos. 3