The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, August 07, 1900, Page 9, Image 9

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Bt. L. & S. F.. 9V 4 | ? Hope & T. 5 do do Ist pref. 67 | Sugar 12t'i do do 2nd pref. S3> 2 do pref ........116 St L.. Southw. WilTenn. C. & Iron. 70% do do pref 26>,i]U. S. Leather ... 19% St. Paul 111%| do do pref .... 681; do do pref ~..171 U S. Rubber ... *6% St. P. & 0 110 | do do pref 93 S. Pacific 33%| W. Union 7i% S. Railway 10%|R. I. & S id do do pref 52(i| do do pref .... 51% T. & Pacific.... 14%|F C. C. & SI L SO Bonds. f. S. 2s ref. reg 103'i| Mo. K. & T. 2ds. 67 j do dbup 103*41 <*o is 91% do 2s, re* 100 M. &O. is 54% do 3s, reg 108%|N. Y. C. l9ts 1<)8% do 3s, coup 109141 N. J. C. gen. 55.122 do new is, reg. 132%! No. Pac. 3s 65% do new 4s, c0u.13254j No. Pac. is 1041s do old 4s, reg.. 115 |N. Y. C. & St. L. do old 4s, c0u.,115 j is 10714 do ss, reg 113 |N. & W. con. is.. 97% do ss, coup 113 |Ore. Nav. lsts 109 D of C. 3 655....122 | do is 1026* Atch gen. 4s 10114! O. S. L. 6s 125 do adj. is 84 | do consol 5s ....11214 c. of G. con. ss. 91*t Read. gen. is 87% do Ist Inc. bid.. +4% R. G. W. lsts 9814 do 2nd Inc 13 j St. L. & Ir. M. Can So. 2nds—loß% consol 5s 110>4 C & O. iV4 99V St. L. & San F. do 6s 116141 general 6s 122 C & Nw. con. |St. P. ctonsols 167 7s 140 [St. P. C. & P. C & Nw. S. F. I lsts 117 Deb. os 122 j do 5s 11814 Chi. Term. 4s— 92141 So. Pac. is 79 Col So. 4 82 |So. Ry. 6s 108% U. & R. G. lsts. 102 |S. Rope 44 T. 6s. 7214 do 4s 98 | Tex. & Pac. lsts.lll% Erie gen. is .... 68141 do 2nd® 56 F. W. &D. C. |U. Pac. 4a 10514 lets ... 71 IWabash lsts ....116 Gen. Elec. 55....115 j do 2nds 101 lowa. C. lsts ...113>4| West Shore i5...112 K. C. P. & G. |Wts. Cent. Ist*.. 88V4 lsta 70 |Va. Centuries ... 89% L &N.U. 4s ... 9714! New York, Aug. 6.—Standard Oil 529g533. MISCELLANEOUS MARKETS. Note.—These quotations are revised daily, and are kept as near as possible in accord with the prevailing wholesale prices. Official quotations are not used when they disagree with the price* whole. ealers ask. Constry and Northern Produce. POULTRY—The market is steady. Quo tations: Broilers. 20<g25c per pair; half trown, 35(§40c; three-fourlhs grown, 45@ 50c; hens, 56<§S5c; roosters. 40c; ducks, geese and turkeys nut of season. EGGS—Steady at 12®14c. BUTTER-Tne tone of the market Is steady. Quotations: Cooking, 18c 1 ; extra dairies. 19®20c; extra Elgins, 22c. CHEEISE—Market firm; fancy full cream cheese, ll@l2c for 25-pound aver age. ONlONS—Egyptian. 52.25@2.50 per sack; crate, $1.25; yellow, in barrels, $2.75©3.00. BEANS—Navy or peas, $2.25@2.50 per bushel. Early Vegetable!!. IRISH POTATOES—New, No. 1, $1.75© 2.00 per barrel. EGG PLANT—Nominally; half barrel crates, 50e<351.00. CABBAGE—7@Sc head. Breadstuff*. Hay and Grain. FLOUR—Market firm and advancing; patent, $4.75; straight, $4.45; fancy, $4.80; family, $4.00. MEAL—Pearl, per barrel, $2.85; per sack, $1.35; city meal, per sack, bolted, $1.25® 1.30: water ground, $1.35; city grist, sacks, $1.80; pearl grits, Hudnuts - , per barrel, $2.95; per sack, $1.3714; sundry brands, $1.32% sack. CORN—Market firm, white. Job lots, 68c: carload lots. 63c; mixed corn, job lots, 64c; carload lots, 62c. RlCE—Market steady. demand fair; fancy head, 6c; fancy, 544 c. Prime . 5 Good 4%@4% Fair ~;.4 @4',4 Common 354 OATS —No. 2 mixed, carload, 35c; Job lots. 37c; white clipped, 38c, oars; 40e Job. BRAN—Job lots, $1.00; carload lots, 9254 c. HAY*- Market steady: No. 1. timothy. 15c job; 90 cars; No. 2,90 c job; 85 cars. Bacon. Hams and Lard. BACON—Market firm; D. S. C. R. sides, 854 c; D. 8. bellies, B%e; smoked C. R. side®, 844 c. HAMS—Sugar cured, 12%f?13%e. LARD—Pure, In tierces. 7%e; in 50-pound tins and 80-pound tubs, 854 c; compound. In tierces. 654 c; 60-pound tins and 80-pound tubs, 654 c. Sngnr and Coffee. SUGAR—Board of Trade quotations: Gut loaf 6.7B|Dlamond A 6.18 Crushed 6.7*.Contentloner3' a.6.18 Powdered 6.45! White Extra C.. 5.43 XXXX. pow'd .6.4BExtra C 5.88 Stand, gran 6 iß|Golder> C 5.73 Cubes 6.53: Yellows 5.03 Mould A 6.53 J COFFEE—Board of Trade quotations: Mocha 26c | Prime, No. 3 ...1054c Java 26c |Good, No. 4 ....1054c Feaberry 13c |Fair, No. 5 10 c Fancy No. l...lj%c|Ordinary, No. 6. 954 c Choice, No. 2. .Us4cl Common. No. 7. 9 c Hardware anil Bulging Supplies LIMB, CALCIUM, PLASTER AND CEMENT—Alabama and Georgia lime in fair demand and sell at 80 cents a barrel; special calcined plaster, SI.OO per barrel; hair, 4@sc. Rosedale cement, $1.20@1.25; carload lots, special; Portland cement, re tail. $2.25; carload lots, $2.00®2.20. LUMBER F. O. B. VESSELS SAVAN NAH—Minimum. yard sixes, $10.30tg>11.0o; car sills, $12.00® 13.00; different sizes, $14.00 @18.00; ship stock. $18.0o@22.0O; sawn ties, $8.00@8.50; hewn ties. 35©38c. OlL—Market steady; demand fair; sig nal, 46@50c; West Virginia black. 9®l2c; lard. 58c; neatsfoot. 60®70c; machinery, 16 <g*2sc; linseed oil, raw, 3754 c; boiled, 75c; kerosene, prime white, 15c; water white, 14c; Pratt's astral, 15c; deodorized stove gasoline, drums, 1254 c; empty oil barrels, delivered. 85c. GUN POWDER-Per keg, Austin crack shot, $4.00; half kegs. $2.25; quarter kegs, $1.86; champion ducking, quarter kegs, $2.26; Dupont and Hazard smokeless, half kegs, $11.35; quarter kegs, $5.75; 1-pound canisters, $1.00; less 25 per cent.; Troledorf smokeless powder, l-pound cans. $1.00; 10- pound cans, 90c pound. SHOT—Drop, $1.50; B. B. and large. $1.76; chilled, $1.75. IRON—Market very steady; Swede, 5540- NAILS—Cut, $2.60 base; wire, $2.85 base. BARBED WIRE—S3.SO per 100 pounds, straight goods, 23®30c; sugar house mo lasses, 15® 20c. HONEY—Fair demand; strained. In bar rel*, 55®60c gallon. High wine basis, $1.23. Frnlt* and \ut*. MELONS-$3 00(35.00 per 100. PEACHES—Six-basket carriers, 75c® $1.25. PINEAPPLES—SI.SO®2.SO per standard crate. LEMONS—Market steady at $5.00. NUTS—Almonds, Tarragona, 16c; Ivicas, 16c, walnuts, French. 12c; Naples, 12c; pe cans, 12c; Brazils. 7c; filberts. 13c; assort ed nuts, 60-pound and 26-pound boxes, 10c. PEANUTS—AmpIe stock, fair demand; market firm; fancy hand-picked, Virginia, per pound, 454 c; hand-picked, Virginia, ex tras, 3440; N. C. seed peanuts, 4c. RAISINS—L. L., $2.00; Imperial cabinet*, $2.25; loose, 50-pound boxes, B®B%c pound. Dried and Evaporated Krnlta. APPLES-Evaporated. 754®*c; sun-dried. 654 c. PEACHES—Evaporated, pealed, 17%e; unpealed, 954®10c. PEARS—Evaporated, 12%c. APRlCOTS—Evaporated. 15c pound; nec tarines, io>4e. Cotton Bagging and Tie*. BAGGING—Market firm; Jute, 254- Pound, 9>40, large lot*. 954 c; email lot#, 2-pound, 84t0"e; 154-pound. B<4@%c; * island bagging, 1254 - TlES—Standard, 48-pound, arrow, large lots, $1.40; small lots, $1.50. Salt, llidea nml Wool. SALT—Demand 1* fair and the merket steady; carload lots. 100-pound burlap racks, 44c; 100-pound cotton sacks. 45c; I*s-pound buriwp rack". 54%c; 125-pound cotton sack*, 55'gc; 200-pound burlap* Mtckg, 85c. * Southern Railway. Train* Arrive and Depart Savannah on 90 lh Meridian Tima-On* Hour Slower i- j , Than City Time. Schedules in Effect Sunday, June 10, 1900. READ DOWN! | TO TH E EAST.' |1 READ &K N0.34 I No. M || No. 35 | NosT J II (Central Time.) 12 20pm:12 SOamjjLv Savannah Ar|| 5 10am| 3 iSpro , „ | li (Eastern Time.) || I 2 " pm l 6 28amj|Ar Blackville Lv|l 3 OOaml 1 37pm o 5 10am: Ar Columbia Lv. | 1 25am|U 25am 9 10pmj 9 45am, ( Ar Charlotte Lv 1 , 9 65pm| 8 10am 33pn>j|Ar Greensboro Lv|| 7 10pm| 5 48am 8 00am| Ar Norfolk '. Lv|, .“8 OOpnt 12 51am| 1 38pmj Ar Danville ~~ Lv[j~'4opmjTSSS 6 OOami 6 25pm. Ar Rich mond Lvj] 12 01pmill 'Opm 2 40am, 3 43pml|Ar Lynchburg Lv , 3 52jim| 2 50am ♦ Joam, o 35pmI!Ar Charlottesville Lvll 2 06pm|12 6ipm I "~ m l * OOPmlfAr Washington Lvj 'll 16am 9 50pm 11 m|U Ar Baltimore Lvjl 8 22arri 8 21pm J n? am ‘ l 66am N Ar PliiUHelphia Lv,; 3 50am| 6 06pm " ““Pm: 6 23am ]Ar New York Lv| !12 lOaml 325 pm 2opm, o Copm||Ar Boston Lv)| 5 03pm|10 10em No3 !l TO THE NORTH AND WEST. jpNo^ 12 20am||Lv Savannah 1..... Arjl 5 10am . „ U (Easier n Time.) || 6 30amjjLv Columbia Lvj| 1 rum 9 oOam||Lv Spartanburg Lv|! 6 16pm 13 10pm,jLv Asheville Lvji 306 pm 4 02pm[|Ar ;.... Hot Springs Lv; 11 45am 7 20pm|!Ar Knoxville Lv 8 26ara 6 10am; Ar Lexington Lv 10 30pru 7 45am! Ar Cincinnati Lv 8 00pm 7 50am| Ar Louisville Lv| 7 46pm 6 00pm;; Ar St. Louis Lvj 8 08am All trains arrive and depart from the j’lant System Station. THROUGH CAR SERVICE. ETC. TRAINS 33 AND 34 DAILY, NEW YORK AND FLORIDA EXPRESS Vestl buled limited trains, with Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cara between Bavan nah and New York. Connects at Washington with Colonial Express for Beaton. Pullman Sleeping Cars between Charloitc and Richmond and Charlotte and Nor folk. Dining Cars serve all meals between Savannah and Washington. TRAINS 35 AND 36 DAILY, THE UNITED STATES FAST MAIL Vestibuled limited trains, carrying Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars between Savannah and New York. Dining Cars serve all meals between Savannah and Washington. Also Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars between Savannah and Cincinnati, through Asheville and "The Land of the Sky." For complete information as to rates, schedules, etc., apply to G. GROOVER. Ticket Agent. Plant System Station. JAMES FREEMAN. C. P. and T. A.. 141 Bull street. Tolephones-Bell, 850; Georgia, 850. s. H. HARDWICK, Assistant General Passenger Agent. Atlanta. Ga. MURPHY & CO., INC., Board of Trade Building. Savannah. Private leased wires direct to New York. Chicago and New Orleane. COTTON, STOCKS AND GRAIN. New York office. No. Cl Broadway. Office# in principal cltte# throughout the South. Write for our Merkel Manual and book containing Instructions for trader*. —e—— m" ..ILJHBBWa HlDES—Market firm; dry flint, I4c; dry salt, 12c; green salted, 654 c. WOOL—Nominal; prime Georgia, free of sand burrs and black wool, 19c; black, 16c; burry, 10c. Wax, 25c; tallow, 354 c. Deer skins, 20c. MISCELLANEOUS. FlSH—Mackerel, half-barrels, No. 1, $8 50- No. 2, $8.00; No. 3, $6 50; kits. No. 1. $1.40; No. 2, $1.25; No. 3.85 c. Codfish, 1-pound bricks, 654 c; 2-pound bricks, 6c. Smoked herrings, per box, 20c. Dutch her ring, in kegs, $1.10; new mullets, half barrels, $3.50. SY'RUP—Market quiet: Georgia and Florida syrup, buying at 28@30c; selling at 32®35c; sugar house at 10@>15c; selling at OCEAN FREIGHTS. COTTON—Savannah to Boston, per bale, 26c; to New York, 20c; to Philadel phia, per bale, $1.00; to Baltimore, per bale, $1.00; via New York—Bremen, 50c; Genoa. 43c; Liverpool, 40c; Reval, 60c; di rect, Bremen. 42c. LUMBER—By Sail—Freights dull; to Baltimore and eastward, $4.50 to $6.00 per M.. including Portland. LUMBER—By Steam—Savannah to Bal timore, $6.54); to Philadelphia, $8.00; to New York. $6 00; to dock, $6.75; lightered— to Boston, to dock, $8:00. NAVAL STORES—The market Is firm; medium size vessels. Rosin—Cork for or ders, 3* per barrel of 310 pounds and 5 per cent, primage. Spirits, 4s 3d per 40 gal lons gross and 5 per cent, primage. Larger vessels, rosin, 2s 9d; spirits. 4s. Steam. He per 100 pounds on rosin; 2154 c on spirits. Savannah to Boston, and 954 c on rosin and 19c on spirits to New York. GRAIN, PROVISIONS, ETC. New York, Aug. 6.—Flour very dull, with buyers 10&15c under the market and indifferent. Winter patents, $3.85@4.25; Minnesota patents, $4.10®4.45. Rye flour quiet. Cornmeal steady. Rye quiet. Barley dull. Barley malt dull. Wheat—Spot firm; No. 2 red, 7954 c. Op tions opened steady on foreign buying and higher cables, eased off at midday under big Southwest receipts and the visible supply increase, then rallied -with corn, and on unfavorable weather abroad. Closed firm a 4t®siC net advanoe. Sep tember closed 8054 c; December closed 8254 c. Corn—Spot steady; No. 2,4454 c. Options firm, advancing on hot weather in Kan sas. After a midday reaction on talk of showers again improved on big clearances and closed steady, at 54®5ic net advance. September closed 4354 c; December, 4054 c. Oats—Spot firmer: No. 2,26 c. Options dull and about rteady. Beef steady. Cut meats steady. Lard rum; Western steumed, $7.1754; re fined quiet; continent, $7.50; South Ameri can, $8.00; compound, 654©654c. Pork steady; family, $14.50@15,50; short clear. $13.00® 15.00: mess, $12.75® 13.50. Cheese firm; large white, 9%©964c; small white, 1054 c. Tallow dull; city, 4 7-16®414c; country, 454®4%c. Petroleum quiet. Rosin quiet. Turpentine easy; 43®43>4c. Rice quiet. Coffee—Spot Rio quiet; No. 7, Invoice, 954 c; mild quiet; Cordova nominal. Fu tures opened steady at unchanged to 10 points higher and ruled exceptionally dull, following half-holiday at Havre and con flicting Brazilian market reports. Rio cabling advance, Samos a decline and both places large receipts. Slack ware house deliveries and procrastinating spot buyers in this country and no public spec ulation whatever. The market finally eased off later under profit-taking. Closed steady, 5 points higher to 5 points re* low er Total sales, 24,250 bags, Including September. 7 65<37.70e; October, 7.75 c; De cember. 7.9087.95 c. Sugar—Raw dull and easy; fair refining, 454 c centrifugal 96-*test, 4 13-16 c, Molasses sugar 4c; refined easy. Standard A, 5.90 c; confectioners' A. 5.90 c; mould A, 6.85 c; cut loaf 6 50c: crushed. 6.50 c; powdered. 6.20 c; granulated. 6.10 c; cubes, 6.25 c. Butter steady; creamery, 17®20c; state dairy, 14@19c. Eggs steady; state and Pennsylvania, at mark. 14817 c; Western, at mark. 11© 1314 c. for average lots. Potatoes quiet: Southern, $1.25®1.70; Long Island, $1.625481.75. ..... Peanuts steady; fancy hand-picked, 4c, other domes4lc, 2'4©4c, Cabbage quiet; Long Island, per 100, $1.75 @2 25. Cotton, by steam, to Liverpool. 2oc. New York, Aug 6.—Cotton seed oil In active again and barley steady, without Change. Prime crude barrels 33c nomi nal prime summer yellow. So'jc; butter grades nominal; off summer yellow. 35c; prime winter yellow, 408 4054 c; prime white, 39©40c; prime meal, $25. CHICAGO MARKET*. Chicago Aug. 6 —Grain markets to-day were influenced by weather conditions, lioth as cgat'd* tone and amount of busi ness The weather locally was too hot for the traders, but wet weather in Eng land helped to give the market a firm ton* September closing at 84®'4c ad vane* Hot winds in Kansas resulted In an advance of 84c In com. Oats closed 5,5(1,,. higher tuid provisions unchanged to Sc hiffhet’. The future* ran#d follows: Opening. Highest. Lowest Closing Wheat No. 2 All g 7454 7 T4V4874H , ot 75 WA *554 747, 7'i Oc,.' 75\©T3 7 ) 7654 7544 7554®7ti54 THE MOENING NEWS: TUESDAY. AUGUST 7. 1900. Corn No. 2 Aug 38 54 3854, 375403754 38 Sept 3754®37‘4 38 375* 37*4 Oct 36H@37>4 3744 3654 37*4 Gets No. 2 Ag 2154 2154 31 ©2154 3154®21>4 Sept 2154,02154 2144 3154 21%@21*4 Oct 2154 21"4 2154 21*4021% Mess pork, per barrel— Sept $1175 $1195 sll 7254 $1185.. Oct 11 77*4 u 95 11 7754 11 8754 Lard, per 100 pounds— Sept .... 6 7754 6 82% 0 7754 6 82% Oct 6 80 6 85 6 80 6 85 Jan 6 70 6 70 6 6754 6 70 Short ribs, per 100 pounds— Sept 7 03 7 1754 7 05 7 1 5 Oct 7 0254 7 10 7 02% 7 10 Jan 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 Cash quotations were as follows: Flour quiet; No. 3 spring wheat, 7107854 c; No. 2 red, 765407754 c; No. 2 corn. 8854 c; No. 2 yel low, 39%c; No. 2 oat*. 2144022 c; 2354023**0; No. 3 white, 22545>384c; No. 2 rye, 48%@49%c; good feeding barley, s©3Gc: fair to choice malting, 3®A3e; No. 1 flax seed, $1.36;.N0. 1 Northwestern, $1.36; prime timothy seed, $3.20; mess potY per barrel. $11.80011.85; lard, per 100 pounds, $6.80® 6.8254; short ribs sides, (loose), $7.0607.30; dry salted shoulders, (boxed). $6.7507.00; short clear sides, (boxed). $7.8007.70; whis key. basis of high wines, $1.23%; clover, contract grade, SB.IO. NEWS FROM THE WATER FRONT HR ITISII HARK CARL. VON DOHKI.N WATER LOGGED AT' BRUNSWICK. She Is Round far Rnenos Ayres nntl Hits n Cer*n of 2,550 Barrels of Rosin—l'robnlily Ran Into a .Stiff Northeaster Off the Cosst—ltalia n ilark Anixelo Castellano to Load Cargo of Lumber for Alicante. Spain—. The Ferry to Hutchinson's Islnnd Matter* of Interest to Ship pers anil Mnriners. News came from Brunswick yesterday of further trouble to the little British bark Carl von Dobeln, which went to sea Saturday, bound for Buenos Ayres, with a cargo of 2,550 barrels of rosin, valued at $7,960.31. The vessel was reported ar rived at Brunswick waterlogged. It looks like the vessel is lo have inter minable trouble, this being the continua tion of a series of mishaps which have damaged and delayed her. flhe was leak ing at the Delaware Breakwater when about lo leave for Savannah recently, and was there deserted by her crew and de layed for several days. She reached here leaking. She ivas hauled out on the ma rine railway, and caulked lo the water line. It was thought these repairs would b) sufficient to tide her to her destina tion. The former agent of the bark here gave it as his belief ihat she probably run into the heavy Northeaster which pre vailed off the coast, thereby causing her further damage. The vessel is owned by Capt. Williams, her master. If she is not too badly damaged she will probably have further repairs made at Brunswick and proceed. If she is condemned the vessel and cargo will probably be sold there. To Load Lumber for Alicante. The Italian bark Angelo Castellano. Capt. CaiMce. arrived yesterday from Na ples. She was docked at the Gordon wharf, where she will discharge ballast. After finishing this she will shift to the Georgia Lumber Company’s wharf to load lumber for Alicante. Spain. Thin will be one of the first solid cargoes of lumber taken from Savannah tor some time. It will consist of lumber of various sizes. Ferry to Hntehlaaon'* Island. It is apparent from the large number of persons who go and return from Hutchinson’* Island daily, that it will not be a great while before the need of r larger and more commodious ferry will come. Every day probably finds an addi tional number of persons going lo the island, either for work or on business, and the demand for a quick and commo dious boat will be more urgent iater. The ferry now in ua* doe* not carry nearly all passengers from the other side, as is evidenced by the large number of bateau* that fill the river about the time the isl and laborer* knock off. Capt. Daggett of the steamship City of Augusta, was circulating among friend yesterday. He mlsaed two trips to Sa vannah, due to his illns* In New York. He was warmly received In shipping cir cle*. The schooner* Samuel B. Hubbard, Capt. Mehsffy. arrived yesterday from New York, with a cargo of salt, con signed to Gilbert & Cos. The schooner Josephine Ellicott, Capt. Raye, arrived yesterday from New Bed ford. She is light. The schooner Millie R. Bohannan, Capt. Smith, arrived yeeterday from Philadel phia with a cargo of coal. Passeagera by Steamship*. Passenger* by steamship Tallahassee for New York yesterday,—P. C. Thomas end wife. Mies E. Kllduff, Ml** C. Kll duff. Mr*. J. D. Kllduff. S t>. Moort Walter langs, Mrs. Herman Langs. Ml*! Sadie Smith. T. J. Miller, *•#* Jennie D. Kllduff and friend, Mrs. It, fichroder, John H. Schroder, Georfe ScbOTfter, LUI; Seaboard Air TH&," 8 Line Railway Trains operated by 80th mer.dlan time—One hour slower than city time. NORTH AND EAST. |44 | ~66 SOUTH & FLORIDA POINTS 27 | 31 Lv Savannah jT© Ssp|U 59p Lv. Savannah | 5 08a| 307 p Ar Fairfax ' [ 2 13p| 1 54x Ar. Darien |l2 30pj G 00p Ar Denmark | 3 OOpj 2 42a Ar. Everett i 6 50u| 5 10p Ar Augusta 9 45p| 6 55a Ar. Brunswick 8 05a 6 25p Ar Columbia | 4 38pj 4 36a Ar. Fernandina j 9 30a, 9 o,'ip Ar Asheville 13 lCp Ar. Jacksonville 9 M.t 7 40|> Ar Hamlet 9 05p| 9 2Ja Ar. St. Augustine 10 30a; Ar Raleigh jll 40p|U sf Ar. Vt’aiilo 11 25ai10 lip Ar Richmond 5 10a 5 40p Ar. Gainesville ;12uln Ar Norfolk 7 38a; 5 50p Ar. Cedar Key 6 33p Ar Portmouth ] 7 25a 6 00p Ar. Ocala 1 top 1 15a Ar Washington I 8 45a 9>p Ar. Wildwood 2 32p| 2 40p Ar Baltimore TO 08a|ll 35p I Ar. t/eesburg | 3 li>p 4 Pei.. Ar Philadelphia ;12 30p; 2 76a | Ar. Orlando | 5 OOp s 20a Ar New Y’ork )3 08p| 6 13a I Ar. Plant Ciiy 4 44;v; 5 28a Ar Boston ~| 9 00p! 330 p , Ar. Tampa 5 HOp 630 i "WEST AND NORTH WEST. No 19'No. 17 £ oik ! ""i":!! j Mp Lv Savannah | 6 30p 7 25a Ar. Madison | 1 19p 2 ;io.i Ar Statesboro j 9 15p' 9 4oa Ar. Montlrello | 3 20pj 4 40a Ar Collins „| 8 46pj 9 45a Ar. Tallahassee | 3 38p| 6 00a Ar Helena jlO 50p ll 45a Ar. River Junction | 6 25p| 9 Ipa Ar Macon | 3 05a| 4 15? Ar. Pensacola |ll 00pj 6 30p Ar Atlanta | 5 30aj 7 33p . Ar Chattanooga j 9 4'| 1 00a Ar Abbevill | 13 36ip Trains arrive at Savannah from North Ar Fitssrrald I I *<P East-No. 27. Da. m. : No. 31, 257 p. ir..; Ar Cordele | J 1 40| Ar Americus 310 p from Florida points, Brunswick and Da- Ar Columbus |' 20p r jen—No. 44, 12 27 p. m.; No. 11 50 p. m.; Ar Albany j I 320 p Ar Montgomery | j 7 40p ,rom ,h> "> 8,1(1 Northwest-No. 18, Ar Birmingham 11 35a|1220nt 825 p. m.; No. 30, 840 a. m. • t I', P ? Magnificent buffet parlor car* on (rains Ar New Orleans j 8 90p 7 40a Ar Cincinrati 7 30p 4 of.p 17 and 18 between Savannah and Mont- Ar St. Lou s | 7 20aj 7 16p pomery. Trains 31 and 44 carry through Pullman rleeper and day coaches to New York, including dining car service. Trains 27 and 66 carry through Pullman sleepers to New York, and through coaches to Washington. For fu 1 information, anply to W. P. SCRUGGS, P & T. A.. WM. BUTLER, JR.. Trav. Pass. Agt., Phone No. 28—Bull and Bryan streets. Savannah, (a Phone No. 28. E. ST. JOHN, V. P. & G. M. Portsmouth. Va.. 1.. S. ALLEN, Q. P. A. To the Mountains. In the nick of time. Just when you are yawn ing and feeling tired out and broken down, a bottle of Graybeard is better than a trip to the mountains. Are you constipated? Take Graybeard Pills. Little treasures. 25c the box.- Respess Drug Cos., Proprietors. Schroder, Henry Schroder, Miss Clara A. Bartley, W. R. Hlllhouse and wife, M. Clifford, Salisbury Huff, Chas. R. King, J. W. Crosby, Mrs. A. McFarland, iMrs. W’alker, Miss Atldie Pierce, Mrs. E. I’. Guptlll. P. B. Russell and wife, Amelia Russell, D. M. Russell, Alcorn Russell, Mrs. Chas. J. Harris, Henry Zeliner, Dr. w. D. Taylor, T. F. Wimberly, Mrs. M. Clifford, Mies Ethel Clifford, Mis* Me- Collough, C. A. Robinson. F. M. Mitci ener, John C. Wheatley, Mrs. Virginia D. Young. MiSs Mollie Nelson, M(ea MoShane. Miss Annie MoShane, Miss Lillian Fitz gerald. 8. D. Moore, S. A. Raymond, and 9 Intermediate. Passengers by steamship Nacooohee, New York for Savannah, Aug. 4.—A. G. Forbes and wife. Miss C. E. Forbes. Miss B. Hill, B. C. Wetherby, R. M. Hackney, V. J. Deorr, O. Lion, C 8. S. Archer, Mrs. E. Loughlon, Col. Cadman and wife, Miss R. Cadjnan, L Oiienaoser. Miss E. W. Harr, J. F. Pulido. J. A. Openshaw, Mrs. A. C. Haskell. 8. Goldberg. A. D. Samuels, C. fl. Wood. F. 11. Smith, J. M. Turrentine, T. P. Emerson. R. D Es mond, W. Noble, L. Noble, W. Ward, Mies L. Dale. E. Batnburg, S. Less, F. Bell, J. Small. Passengers by steamship D. H. Miller, from Balllmore.—J. A. Moore, Mrs. J. A. Moore, G. F. Dixon, D. T. Garnett, W. S. Roger, J. Z. IJoudaon, E. Roach. flavannalt Almanac. Sun rises at 5:18 a. m., and aet* at 6:57 p. m. High water at Tybee to-day at 4:12 a. m. and 4:48 p. m. High water at Savan nah one hour later. Phases of the Moon for Antraat. D H M. First quarter 3 10 45 morn. Full moon 10 3 30 eve. Last quarter 17 8 46 morn. New moon .....24 9 52 eve. Moon Perigee 12th. Moon Apogee 27th. ARRIVALS A AID DEPARTURES. Vessels Arrived Yesterday. Bark Angelo Castellano (Ital), Cacace, Nuple*.—Dahl & Cos. Bark Frieda (Ger). Falk. Antwerp.— Paterson-Dowtving Company. Schooner Samuel B. Hubbard, Mehaffv, New York —(Master. Schooner Josephine Ellicott, Raye, New Bedford.—Master. Schooner Millie R. Bohannan, Smith, Philadelphia -Master. Vessel* Went to Sea. Steamship Tallahassee, Asklns, Nw York. Steamship Silverdale (Br). Balls, Bremen and Legan. Shipping Memoranda, Jacksonville. Fia.. Aug. Entered, schooner# W. T. Donnell, Tomlin, Phil adelphia; Joseph W Hawthorne, fierier, Boston; J. 8 Hoskln*, Crockett, Bal I more; steam lug Abram Mini*, Avery, Kry Writ, with barge Edith. Fernandina. Fla Aug. 6.—Arrived, on sth, schooner I.evi 8. Andrew*. New York, Port Tampa, Kl#., Aug. 6. Sailed, steamer Mescolie. White, Havana, via Key Wesi; tug Daunalete. with schooner EL Frank Neally, Jones, Havana. Beaufort. 8. C., Aug. 6.—Schooner Vio la Reppard from Port Royal, for Bos ton. wind liound at Bay Point. Charleston, 8. C„ Aug 6.—Arrived steamers Iroquois, Kemble, Jacksonville and proceeded to New York; Mount o*-’ wald (Br), Bond, Hamburg, via Norfolk schooner George B. Congdon, Bnylee. New Y'ork. Sailed, steamer Algonquin, Platt, Jack sonville. Pensacola. Fla.. Aug. 6.-Arrlve,), steamship* Casos (Br), Cullen, Kingston; Nicaraguan (Br), Japha. Clenfuego*- Chancellor (Br>, Whedborne, East Lon don; Pensacola, Simmons, Galveston; whip Kings County (Br), Salter, Philadelphia; schooner Vicay Hermano, Clark, Sagu.i la Grande; tug Monarch. Eldrldge, Por: Tampa. Sailed. Steamer Uadetono (Span), Genoc chea, Liverpool. Cleared, hark Amerikn (.Vor), Marchu*- sen. Port Natal Road* for orders. Liverpool, Aug. 6.—Arrived, steamer Tampican, Pensacola. Stornaway. Aug. 6.-Arrived, eteamei Nor, Port Hoyai. Baltimore, Aug. 6.—Arrived, steamer Alleghany, Savannah. Philadelphia, Aug. 6,—Arrived, steamer Edward P. Avery, Fernandina. Coastwise Exports. Per steamship Tallahassee to Netv York, Aug. 6.—101) bales upland cotton. 250 hales sea Island notion, 250 bales domestics, 7>'t barrels cotton seed oil, 229 barrels ronin, 72 barrels turpentine. 348.741 feet JumlMc] 303 bundle* hide*. 30 barrel# rosin oil. 496 barrels fruit, 214 boxe* fruit, 12 bales woo), 38 <#se* cigar*. 90 tons pig iron, 4 bales sweeping*, 151 bales fibre, 139 package* mdse. COMFORT For your stock. Tb# fly season I# now wo os and tb* tlms to us* Tough on Flies, a lotion when applied will prevent your horse* and cattl# it can being pestered Try It and be convlnosd HAY, GRAIN, BRAN. COW FEED, CHICKEN FEED. eta. T. J. DAVIS. Phone 2282 1U Bay street, west. K INCOMES BROW MONEY WILL EARN 106 A MONTH. TIEST! Thelntutor iFund payi semi-monthly. Th olrteut eatabllahwl In America. No certificate holder ha* ever lot a cent. Payment* made to all ■ub§rrlbcr every lft days. No trouble. No delay. Mourt refunded on demand. Write to-day fr- par ticulars. free to any addraaa. a i F.. MU KF.V A (O, Bond Dsyt No hit Hudson Building. Ns* York. Empty Hogsheads. Empty Molaseee Hogshrsds for ■ale by C. M. GILBERT & CO. M Morphine and Whiskey hab its treated without psir or confinement. Cure guarso* teed or no pay. H H. VHAL, Mon gr Lithts springs lisa. Itariuß. Bex 8. Austell. Ua. Plant System. of Railways. Trains Operated by 90th Meridian Time—One Hour Slower City Tima# READ bOWS: j Effective" Aug. 5~19t0~| RE A D * V P. fj* j i il6 j7B || North and SouIE |j j 35 6 45pj 6 20a 12 lt>p f> 45a" 2 05a~Lv . 7 Savannah..... Ar 43a~7~550jY IplT 1 aTHo^ 12 16a,il 50 j 4 iyp,lo 3os| b 28ajjAr ...Charleston..,, Lvjjll 15p| 5 50aj 3 10p| 7 41a| 3 j j 3 23a, | 7 26p ,Ar Richmond... Lvj; 9 Gou| G 48p| ! * I I 8 2U.*j j i Qgaj Ar Baidniore.... Lv|j 2 55a| 1 46p, | i - ;10 35aj 3 50aj|Ar —Philadelphia . Lvj 13 30p ll 33p| ! ! I i 1 I'ipj | 7 00a Ar New York.... Lv, 9 liopi 8 55.i, j ! - 1 1 8 30p; 1 8 00p|]Ar Boston . i*\ l OOpil2Oont __L j 3 1_65~|~53 |2s || ~ Boutm 78 Jo S jss r "l6~ 5 0O|>! 3 lsp| 8 05a! 5 30x| 3 17*||Lv Ar|j 1 40 t|l2 IC#|l2 10r,ll 5hS 19 15a 8 o,i|>; 5 4.,p 10 50a 7 35u 6 25# Ar Waxerosa.. . I,\:lit i,si> 5 45u; 5 %5a 3 2.> . 12 50a| 9 ;iop| 2 15pj 2 15pj 2 15p|;Ar ...Tbsmusville Lv 7 (Op! 7 00p| '■> 45aj 5 -15*, 10 Sop 7 40p 12 stti 9 25a| BV# jAr ... Jack onvllle,. H s >;> 8 00p! gOb 7 30a 5 00# I 2 03aj 5 40p, | ||Ar Sanford Lv jl2 05p| | 1 00aj 1 00a j | 3 16p[ 3 16pi|Ar Coala Lv|| | 1 40p| j j 10 50p|10 50p Ar .SI. Petersburg.. Lv!| |6 00u| | | 7 30aj 10 OOpflO 00p|10 00pj|Ar Tampa Lvj| 7 00a| 7 00a| 7 35p| 7 35p | 8 lOajlO 30p|10 30p 10 80p |Ar —Port Tampa.. Lv | 6 25a| 6 25aj 7 OOp; 7 OOp I j l 10,ij 1 10a| I 10a jAr ...Pun,a Gorda.. Lv | | | 4 35p| 4 35p I | 110 45.110 46.!!Ar . .St. Au guatine. l.v!: 6 arp; 6 30p| j l op : |s# |i p , Kai., ...BkVanhah.... Lv 10 15# l: 10a 1 | 9 85p| T 10a| 6 28p| I 05a||Ar ....Brun awlek... Lvj| 6 40a| 9 05p| j j NORTH. WEBT AND SOUTHWEST. 15 | 58 |! Via Jexup. || 16 | 36 15 35 j|Via Montgomery.! 16 78 5 o'p. 5 20a' Lv Savannah Ar 10 1 ft 12 10a 5 OOp 8 0?a Lv Sa\ annalt Ar 10 15a 1 J .oa 4 46p| 6 40a]|Ar ...Jesup.. Lv|| 8 20a|10 50p 8 10a 9 20p Ar M'lg'mery l.\ 7 45pi1l 25* 8 00a 1 15p| Ar.. Macon ..Lv 1 OOa 330 p 7 10p| 6 50a Ar Nashville Lvll 9 non 2 21# 6 20a 3 BOp Ar.. Atlanta ..Lv 10 45p 12 05p 3 30a|13 25p|; Ar Ix>ulsville Lv I 2 56a 9 12p 145# 8 40|> Ar ChaTooga Lv 605 p 6 45a 7 05a| 4 05p \r < inclnnali Lv II OOP 5 44p 7 800 7 50aj Ar. Louisville Lv 7 45a 7 45p 7 20a 7 16p||Ar St. Louis Lvll 3 6ap 8 23. 7 30p 7 45a | Ar Cincinnati Lv| 8 30a 7 oop |j (L. A N.) |i 7 04a 6 OOpi Ar. St. I.ouis Lv 9 15p 8 08a 7 32a ||Ar St. Louis Lv|| 8 OOp 7 lsa| 5 lOpI Ar.. Chicago Lv 8 30p 9 OOp || (M. A O.) |j "5'40.1 4 ihpj'jLv.. Atlanta .Ar :H> Ssp ifTK s W;l * Ispj|A„ Chicago Lvll 7 1 50p 8 Oop 7 15aI Ar. Memphns .Lv I 8 20a 9 OOp .. . 9 45a 7 lOajlAr KansasCltyLv j 6 30p 9 4Sp 4 12p| 3 05a||Ar.. Mobile . .Lv|l2 58p|12 20 ~n,l utimarKed Maine) dal y. * 3 ° l>l 7 4U ' , ' Ar N <>r!< *‘* n9 !2! 7 sia| 7 45p t Dally except Sunday. 5 00p| 6 20a||liv Savannah Ar| 10 lfa|l2 10a {Sunday only. 1 4ftail2 30p"Ar.. Tifton ...T#v 2 IBaj 5 20p Through Pullman Sleeping <?ar Bervlce 345 bi 2 10p Ar.. Albany ..Lv 12 Olnj 345 p to North. East and West, and to Florida I 8 20p Ar Columbus Lv 110 00a Coanaettom mstle st Port Tump a with steamers for K*y Went and Ilavnnn. l.eavinK Port Tniupa Mondays, Thnrsilnys and Saturdays at 11 ><H> p. in. j H. Polhsmus. T. P A.; B. A. Armand, City Tkt. Agt.. T>c> Hotel. Phone 71. B. W. WRBNN, Passenger Traffic Manager, Savannah, Ga. McDonough & dallantynu, Iron Founders, j Machinists, iUsck.uiGhs, Helltrwiktn, amiol, eturer* of Station- % .JuHj srr and Fwrtwble kaat irv, Vertleal and Top kuonlug Wr * Mills, logar Mill and I’aas, 9k* lll**, FsUrya, ns. PL TELEPHONE NO. 123. "fr Ocean StGdinsliiD Go. -FOR- N e w Y or k, Boston —AND— THE EAST. Unsurj)aeßed cabin accommodations. All the comforts of a modern hotel. Electriu lights. Unexcelled table. Tickets Include meals and* berths aboard ship. Passenger Fares ironi Savannah. TO NEW YORK-FIRST CABIN. S2O; FIRST CABIN HOUND TRIP, $32. IN TERMEDIATE CABIN. sls; INTERME DIATE CABIN ROUND TRIP, $34. STEERAGE, $lO. TO BOSTON t— FIRST CABIN, $22: FIRST CABIN ROUND TRIP, $36. IN TERMEDIATE CABIN, sl7; INTERME DIATE CABIN ROUND TRIP, $28.00. STEERAGE, $11.75. The express sleamships of this line aro appointed to sail from Savannah, Central (904 h) meridian time, a* follows; SAVANNAH TO .NEW YORK. CITY OF AUGUSTA, Capt. Daggett, TUEBDAY. Aug. 7, 2:00p. m. NACOOCHKE, ( ap4. Smith. THURS DAY, Aug. 9, 3:30 p. m. KANSAS CITY, Capt Fisher, SATUR DAY, Aug. 11,-5:00 p. m. CITY OF BIRMINGHAM. Capt. Burg, MONDAY, Aug. 13, 7.1)0 p. m. TALLAHASSEE, Capt. Asking, TUES DAY, Aug. 14, 7:30 p. m. CITY OF AUGUSTA, Capt. Daggett, THCKSDAY, Aug. 16, 9:00 a, m. NACOOCHKE, Capt. Smith, SATUR DAY, Aug. 18. 11:00 p. m. KANSAS CITY, Capt. FiKher. MONDAY. Aug. 30. 1:00 p. m. CITY OF BIRMINGHAM, Capt. Burg. TUESDAY, Aug. 21, 2:00 p. m. TALLAHASSEE, Capt. Asklns, THURS DAY. Aug. 23, 8:30 p. m. CITY OF AUGUSTA. Capt. Daggett, SATURDAY. Aug. 35, 5:00 p. m. NACOOCHKE, Capt. Smith. MONDAY, Aug. 27, 6:30 p. m KANSAS CITY, Capt. Fisher, TUES DAY, Aug 28, 7:00 p m. CITY OF BIRMINGHAM, Capt. Burg, THURSDAY, Aug. 30. 8:00 a. m. NEW YORK TO BOSTON. CITY OF MACON, Capt. Savage, WED NESDAY, Aug 8. 12:00 noon. CITY OF MACON, ('apt. Savage, MON DAY. AUg. 13, 12:00 noon. CITY OF MACON, Capt. Savage, FRI DAY, Aug 17, 12:00 noon. CITY OF MACON, Capt. Savage. WED NESDAY. Aug 22, 12:00 noon. CITY OF MACON, Cap*. Savage, MON DAY. Aug. 27. 12:00 noon. CITY OF MACON, Capt. Savage, FRI DAY, Aug. 31, 12:00 noon. This company reserve* the right to change 14* sailings without notldfe and without liability or accountability there for. Sailings New York for Savannah dally except Sundays, Mondays and Thursday*. 5:00 p. m. W. G. BREWER, Clly Ticked and Pass enger Agent, 107 Bull street, Savannah. Ga E. W. SMITH, Contracting Freight Agent. Savannah. Ga R. G. TREZEVANT, Agent, Savannah, Ga. WALTER HAWKINS. General Agent Traffic Dep't, 224 W. Bay afreet, Jack sonville, Fla. E. H HINTON. Traffic Manager, Sa vannah, Os. P. R t.E FEVRE, Superintendent, New Pier 25. North River, New York, N. Y. MERCHANTS AND MINERS TRANSPORTATION CO. ■TfSAMSHIP LINEN. SAVANNAH TO RtI.TItIOHK. Tickets on sale at company'* office* to the following point* at very low rates: ATLANTIC CITY. N J. BALTIMORE MD BUFFALO, N. Y. BOSTON, MASS CHICAGO, ILL. CLEVELAND. O. PA HAGERSTOWN. HARRISBURG, PA HALIFAX. N. H NIAGARA FALLS. NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA PITTSBURG. PROVIDENCE. ROCHESTER TRENTON. WILMINGTON. WASHINGTON. Flrat-('la*s ilcket* include meal* and state room berth. Savannah to Baltimore Accommodation* and colain* unequaled. Freight capacity unlimited; careful ban ting and quick dlepatrh. The steamships of this company are ap pointed to salt from Savannah to Betti more u.s follows (standard time*: TEXAS, Copt. Eldrldge. TUESDAY. Aug. 7, at 1:00 p. m. D. H. MILLER, Capt. Peters, THURS DAY, Aug 9, at 2:00 p m. ITASCA Cap! Diggs, SATURDAY* AKg 11. at 4:00 p. m A LEECH AN Y, (’apt. Foster, TUESDAY, Aug. 11, at 6:00 p m. TEXAS, Cupt. Eldrldge, THURSDAY* Aug. 16, at 9:00 a. m. P H. MIDLER, Capt. Peters, BATTTT*a 1 DAY, Aug, IS, at 12 noon. ITASCA, Capt. Diggs, TUESDAY, Augv 21, at 3:00 p. m. ALLIXHIANY, Capt, Fostor, -THITRSk. DAY, Aug, 23, at 4:00 p. m. TEXAS, Capt. Eldrldge, SATURDAY, Aug. 25, Bt S:00 p. m. And from Baltimore Tuesdays, Thurs days and Saturdays at I:A> p m Ticket < ifflce. 39 Hull street. NEWCOMB COHEN, Trav. Agent, J. J. CA ROLAN, Agent, Savannah, Qa. W. P. TURNER, G. P. A. A. I) STEBRINS, A. T. M. J. C. WHITNEY. TralTlu Managpr. General Offices, Baltimore, Md. jffpD filk BY CO. y Schedules Effective June 10, 1900. Trains arrive at and depart from Central Station, Went Broad, foot of . Liberty afreet. Wth Meridian Time—Ona hour slower than city lime. Leave Arrive " Savanna h: S^ivunnab: | Macon, Atlanta, Covtng-f ~ *9 4uam|ton, Mlltedgevtlle and allj*6 00pm l-Mlller, Augusta and ln-| tß_tsaro|termediate polnta. |t 00pm jAuguata. Macon, Mont-j s- sromsry, Atlanta. Athena,| •9 00pm,Columbus, Birmlngnam |*l 90am [Amerlcu*. Eulaula andl (Troy. | ITybee Special from Au-| ~ I* lpm|guata Sunday only. ||lo 25ata t 6 00ptn| Dover Accommodation. |T7 Warn t 2 00pm| Gtiyion Dinner Train. |H Otipm •Dally. tExcept Sunday. (Sunday only. BETWEEN SAVANNAH AND TYBBHX 76th meridian or Savannah city lima. bb.l > b SAV ANNAH. Week Dayo-4).20 a. ui., mo- a. m., 3:35 p. nr., 6:25 p. in., 5:50 p. m„ 6:35 p. m. Sunday*—7:4s a rn., 10:05 rn., 12:06 pc m., 3:35 p. in., 5:25 p. rn., 6:50 p. in., 8:30 p. m. LEAVE TYBEE. Week Daya—6:oo a. m.. 6:00 a. m., Ullt am„ 6:15 p. m., 7:40 p m , 10:10 p. m. Sundays—6:oo a. tn., 6.35 a. m., 11:10 a, tn. 1:00 p m . 6:50 p. m , 7:40 p. rn., io : ij p. rn. Connections made at terminal polnta with all tralna Northwest, West and Southwest. Sleeping cars on night trains between Savannah and Augusta, Macon, Atlanta and Birmingham. Parlor cars on day trains between Sa vannah. Macon and Atlanta. For complete Information, schedules, rate* and connections, apply to W. G. BREWER, City Ticket and Pass anger Agent, 107 Bull street. W. R McINTYRE. Depot Ticket Agent. J. C. HAILE. General Pa-senger Agent. E. H. HINTON, Traffic. Manager. THEIO. D. KLINE, Gen. Superintendent. Savannah. Qa. Wool, Hides Wax, Furs, Honey, Highest market prices paid. Georgia Syrup for ssla A. EHRLICH & BRO* Wholesale Grocers and Liquor Dealers, 111, UI, UI Bay street, west 1,000,000 HIDES WANTED' DRY FLINTS DRY BALTS IJHe GREEN SALTED 6V*c R. KIRKLAND, 417 to t2l Bt. Julian street, west. OLD NEWSPAPERS. 200 for 35 cents, at Butineea Office Morning News, 9