The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, August 12, 1900, Page 12, Image 12

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12 Lcicty At cool, delightful Tybee, where one rnay so soon forget the heat of the town, this has been the gayest of weeks. Tuesday evening at the hotel there was a charming progressive euchre party, at which Mrs, Charles F. Graham won the ladles' prize, a lovely pin tray, and Mr. Jacob Ldppman the gentlemen's prize, a pearl and silver mounted blotter. The other players were Mr. and Mrs. James Benson, Mrs. Jacob Lippman, Mrs. R. W. Baughn. Mrs. Grigg of Montgomery, Mr. C. F. Graham and Mr. H. Jenson. Mrs. E. W. Cubbedge chaperoned a party of young people at the dance on the same evening. They were Miss Lucy Boyd. Miss Eula Gamble. Miss Angie Cub bedge, Mr. Edward Thompson, Mr. Law rence Lee, Mr. Frank deC. Heyward and Mr. Montague Boyd. Mr. and Mjs. George J. Mills have gone to Saratoga. Mrs. Abram Minis and Miss Minis are spending the summer at Magnolia. Mass. Mrs. Jane Garmany is now in New' York, having recently returned from a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Brandt, in London. Mr. and Mrs. John Schley Haines and Miss Haines entertained at supper Wed nesday evening in honor of Miss Lucy Boyd. Their guests were Miss Boyd, Miss Schaeffer, Mr. Clarence Connerat, Jr., Mr. Ravenel Gignilliat and Mr. John Betjeman. Miss Eula Gamble is the guest of Miss Angle Cubbedge. Mr. and Mrs. George J. Baldwin have gone to Lake Chautauqua. Dr. and Mrs. John D. Paige will sail this week for New York. Mrs. George W. Owens is spending sev eral weeks at Cape Cod. Miss Lucy Boyd, who has been visiting Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Boyd, returned Thursday to her home In Oxford, Ga. Mr. Abram Minis is at Ashcroft. B. C., from where he will start shortly on a hunting expedition through Western Can ada and probably Alaska. Miss Jennie May and Miss Katherine Marvin are with Miss Maud Smith at Montgomery. Mrs. McLeod, Mrs. R. M. Hull and Mas ter McLeod Hull, are staying at Hick ory, N. C. Mrs. G. M. Sorrell is at Saratoga. Miss Lina Woodbridge will leave to-mor row for Ooburg, Can., to Join Mrs. Arthur S. Haines, who is spending the summer there. Miss Woodbridge will probably make a stay of some length at the North, and during her absence the office of treas urer of the Fresh Air Home will be filled by Mrs. Ralston Wylly. Mr. J. Nevett Steele, Jr., returned Mon day from a short visit to Bluffton, and left Tuesday for New Y’ork. Mr. F. C. Battey and Dr. J. G. Van Marter will go North to-morrow, on their way to Canada. After a short stop in New York and Boston they will proceed by way of Halifax and Cape Breton, to the Interior of Newfoundland, for a six weeks' expedition, reindeer hunting end salmon fishing. Miss Georgia McAlpin, who has been spending some time at Highland Falls with her elster, Mrs. H. W. Johnson* will leave shortly to visit in St. Paul. Mr. John W. Huger returned Monday from his European trip, and left yester day for New York. Mrs, T. S. Wayne and Miss Mary Wayne, who are now at North Hatley, Con., will leave shortly to visit Mrs. Wards at Port Hope, Ont. They will re turn to Savannah about the middle of Sep tember. Mr. and Mrs. Julian Hartridge and Mas ter Jo Hartridge, are guests of Mr and Mrs. Leslie Russell In Canton, N. Y.‘ Mr?. George Cope will le*ve to-<lay to join Mrs. Freeland and Mrs. Edward C. Mercer at Mr. Airy. Dr. H. H. Martin will return to-morrow from a two months’ stay at Hotel Tybee. (Mr. George F. Termille went North Wedneeday. After a few days’ stay at his home in Baet Orange, Mr. Tennlllo will leave with a party of friends for a trip of several weeks on the steam yacht Duchess Most of the time will be spent cruising about Ix>ng Island sound, with probable atops t Narraganpett, Newport, and other neighboring resorts. Mis# Mary Hopps hae returned from a visit to Miss Clermont Huger in Bluff ton. Mr. and Mrs. William Langhorne Wil son will return this week from a two months' stay at their cottage. Hotel Ty bee. Mrs. Hollins K Randolph passed through the city in the early part of the week on her way to Virginia. In a party which spent Friday evening at the Yacht Club were Mr. and Mrs. James Menzies. Dr. and Mrs. William C. Hobdy. Lieut. and Mrs. W. S. Whitted. Miss Ellen McAlpin. Miss Fraser of At lanta. Mr. H. Wiley Johnson and Mr. E. O. Watkins. Mr. Mills R. Lane sailed Thursday for New York from where lie will go to Boston to spend about two weeks. Master Macolm Maclean. Jr., will return this week from Cherty Hill. Mies Elizabeth Haskell, who has spent the past three weeks at the White Sul phur, has gone to Warm Springs, Va. Mr. W. Gordon Harrison will return to day or in the early part of the week from a visit to Brandon and Virginia Beach. Miss Nona Wylly U visiting friends in Minneapolis. Mr. John Sullivan 6ehley sailed Tuesday for New York. Mr. H. Wiley Johnson left yesterday to Join Mrs. Johnson at Highland Falls, on the Hudson. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Elliott and their family will return this week from Green brier White Sulphur Springs. Mr. E. O. Watkins left yesterday for a short visit to his sister in Biaunton, Va., after which he will spend some time at Warm Springs and the Greebrier White 3u!phur. Mrs. A. C. Haskell, who has been st.iy ii.g at Mountain Rest, near I>ake Mohonk, returned home during the week. There was another charming euchre par ty at Hotel Tybee Wednesday evening. Mia. James Benson received the ladies 1-rize, a silver buckle, while the gentle men’s prize, a handsome cut-glass cologne bottle, was carried away by Mr. Benson. The other guests were Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Dugger, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Everitt. Mrs. C. F. Grafham. Mrs. R. W. Baughn, Mrs. Jacob Lippmau. Mrs. J. M. Sadilcr, Mrs. A. P. Riddell and Mr. Dudley Williams. Mr. John J. Stoddard and Miss Isabel S-toddard are spending the season at Green brier White Sulphur Springs. Mrs W. D. Dearlng and her two little daughter* left Monday for Clarkesvllle. Mazier McKay Pea ring is spending some time at Isle of Hope. Mrs. James H. Hunter and Master George Cope Hun’er are spending a fort tiighc with Mrs. Thomas Mills in Grif fin. Miss Julia T. Hunter will return with her mother. Mr. Hugh M. Comer left Thursday for New York. Mrs. Walter Hartridge and Master Julian Hartridge returned Friday night from a visit to Mrs. J. L. Graham in Guyton. Miss Frances Charlton is spending some weeks very pleasantly in Charlottesville, Va. Miss Jessie Chisholm came to the city yesterday from White Bluff. Krv. Charles H. Strong will leave this k week for Highlands, N. C., where Mrs. St t ong is spending the summer. Mrs. Samuel Adams and children re turred home during the week from Tyhee. Miss Alice Prioleau of Beaufort was the guest of Mrs. Tracy Hunter for several days during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Cunningham and Miss Sarah Cunningham have returned from a visit to Mrs. Cleveland in Au gusta. Mis. Joseph Thompson chaperoned Miss Margaret Schley Thompson and Miss Nellie Roberts at Hotel Tybee Thursday evening. Mrs. Otis Ashmore left Wednesday for Detroit where she will visit friends for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Pascal Strong who have been in the city for several days, will re turn this week to Beaulieu. Mr. Neyle Colquitt of Atlanta was the guest of Mr. Richard Charlton during the week. Mrs. Ben Gails and her daughter, Frieda, arrived home Monday from Ty bee after a three months sojourn there. Mr. W. W. Simpson left last night to spend ten days at his home in South Carolina. Miss Mabel Freeman has returned from Isle of Hope where she was the guest of the Misses Fretwell. Maj. W. A. Wilkins returned Thursday from the North. Dr. W. H. Bulloch and his sons have gone to Gettysburg, S. C., for a visit. Mrs. Merritt W. Dixon and Master Mer ritt W. Dixon,'Jr., loft Thursday to spend the rest of the season in Pennsylvania. Miss Flossie Wade of Quitman is the guest of Miss Mabel Freeman. Miss Inez McLeod left last month to visit relatives in Aiken, S. C., from where she will go to Saluda to spend the re mainder of the summer. Mrs. H. E. Dreeson arrived home dur ing the week from Tybee. In a few days she will leave for the mountains Of North Carolina. Mr. George W. Beckett arrived home Thursday, after nn extended trip through Massachusetts and Connecticut. Miss Black returned this week from a visit to Mrs. William Kehoe, in Guyton. Mrs. C. L. Parks and her son, of Oliver, are visiting Dr. and Mrs. S. J. Lanier. Mr. C. 8. Wood returned Tuesday from New York. Mr. A. G. Guerard, Jr., went North yes lerday. Miss Nelle Reynolds and Miss Mary Murphy left Friday for Waynesville, N. C. Mr. H. Weber has returned from his summer trip to Europe. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Train and their son went to Tennessee Monday to spend about six weeks ar White Cliff Springs. Mrs F. W. Btorer nnd children and Mrs. N. P. Corish ond Miss Eleanor Cor ish left Friday for Waynesville, N. C. In a party from Norfolk that spent Wednesday night at Hotel Tybee W'ere Mr. William W. Gwathney, Jr., Mr. V. E. Mcßee. Mr. I). N. Bacot nnd Mr. B. F. Brubaker. Mr. George Ford left Friday night to spend several days at his home, in Co lumbus, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Burdell are guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Cart, in Charles ton. Miss Agnes Lyons returned yesterday from Guyton, where she has been visiting Mrs. William Kehoe. Miss Nell Reilly was the guest of Miss Nelle Reynolds several daya during the week. /* Miss J. W. Myddleton left yesterday for White Springs. Miss Anna Hayes of Louisville, Ky., is the guest of Mrs. Henry La Far. Miss Edith Stillwell. Miss Leila Morgan. Miss Ellen Morgan. Miss Marion Cooper. Miss Katherine Johnston and Mr. F. M. Burner formed a pleasant supper party at Hotel Tybee Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Player and children left last night for Hendersonville, N. C., where they will spend a month. Mrs. Clarence A. Coburn is visiting friends in Dalton. Dr. F. C. Wilson has returned from Ala bama. Friday afternoon at Hotel Tybee there was a very pleasont euchre party, at which the successful players were Mrs. Javob Lippman and Mrs. Benson. The other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Everltt of Huntsville. Mr. and Mrs. Dugger, Mrs. Charles Graham. Mrs. R. W. Baughn, Perfect Food” 1 Health” " ‘Prolongs Life ” | BAKER’S i BREAKFAST; COCOA ; “Known the world over. , . . Received the highest in- I ■mkjh doraements from the medical. practitioner, the nurse, and 1 agsfflm the intelligent housekeeper | If llftv and caterer."—Dm tctic and V ' ram Hygienic Gaulle. I Walter Baker & Cos. lw. ! erf!? DORCHESTER, MASS. Tr*ds-N*rk I on Evory Ptckagt Etubli*h4 17*0. THE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY, AUGUST 12. 1900. 14 Broughton Street, West. Ladies’ Furnishings. - ■ —■ It will pay you to anticipate your needs and come down and do a little shopping with us while we are having our bargain and remnant sale. Remember our Buena Tonic tor the complexion; excellent tor freckles and tan. Mr*. Grigs. Mr*. J. W. Saddler. Miss Smith and Mr. Benson. Miss Ila Lee has returned home to Brunswick after a delightful visit in Sa vannah. Mr. J. W. Mclntyre returned Thursday from Lake George, where his family Is spending the summer. Mr. T. H. McMillan and his family are spending some time at Saratoga. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Glascock of Birming ham passed through Savannah during the week on their way North and spent a day or two at Tybee. Mr. James G. Corbett is visiting rela tives in Wilmington, N. C. Mrs. Fred Harms and her little daugh ter. Ruthie. arrived home from Tybee Monday evening. Mr. Wm. B. Adams is the guest of Mr. Frank Kehoe at the Kehoe cottage, Ty bee, for a few days. Mrs. A. P. Riddel, who has spent some weeks very enjoyably at Hotel Tybee has returned to her home In Montgomery, Ala. Miss Jessie Freeman is visiting rela tives in Brunswick. Mrs. A. M. West left Monday for Ogee chee. Miss Rita Roth sailed for New York yesterday. Mrs. W. W. Osborne left Thursday for Pennsylvania, where she will spend sev eral weeks. Mrs. Isaac G. Haas and her children, who have been spending some time at Waynesville, have gone to Blue Moun tain, Md., for the rest of the season. Mr. Haas returned to the city Thursday. In a pleasant party from Montgomery stopping at Hotel Tybee are Mr. and Mrs. S. Grigg, Mrs. J. M. Saddler, Miss Eva Heyton and Capt. Dudley Williams. Mr. A. J. Merkle is making a short stay at Sharon. Miss Delannoy left Thursday for Thom aston. Mr. J. A. Walden of Atlanta Is spend ing some time at Hotel Tybee. Mr. J. J. Carolan left Thursday night for Knoxville. Mr. D. O'Connor has gone to New- Y'ork. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Everitt and Miss Smith of Huntsville are staying at Hotel Tybee. Mr. John T. Evans has gone to Sharon for a short visit. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Marks will leave this week for the mountains of North Carolina. One of the enjoyable events of the past week was a trip to Wilmington Friday evening on the tug McCauley. Capt. Van Avery. After a pleasant trolley ride to Thunderbolt, the party took the boat at the club house about 9 o'clock The Sap perlo orchestra was aboard and furnished the music for the occasion. On reaching Wilmington dancing was indulged in on the pavilion until i2, when light refresh ments were served. Capt. and Mrs. Usina chaperoned. Among those who composed the party were: Misses Marlon Cooper, Nlca Usina, Josie DorSutt, Rena Falllgant, Ella Morgan. Ada Robertson, Ethel Still well. Esste Coleman of Spartanburg, S. C., Kate Johnson of Waycross, Ella Lou Rob ertson, Leila Morgan, Belle Twiggs, Julia Bythewood, Emma Pearl Shackleford, Clare Williams of Richmond, Va., and Messrs. John G. Rambo, YVilliam J. Shu mate, Robert A. Davidson, William S. Bowen, Robert J. Travis, F. W. Ensor, L. C. Raoul, W. J. Moody, William Baldwin, Horace Stillwell, Quincy Hodges. Charles E. Fairbanks of Philadelphia. Joseph Tlt zell of Vicksburg, Miss., William Jones Walker, Roberts of Baltimore, and many others. Mrs. John M. Thomas and Miss Edith M. Thomas left last night for the moun tains of Virginia, and will visit later some of the resorts in New Y’ork. Rev. and Mrs. J. L. Scully and Miss Mar gery Scully have gone to Toronto for the rest of the summer. Mrs. H. Y’. Cohen is at Mendham, N. J„ for the summer months. Mr. ond Mrs. J. R. Sheldon are spend ing the season in the Adirondacks. Mrs. Clara Bloodworth Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Bloodworth. Miss Ruby King of Athens is visiting Miss Rena Falllgant at Montgomery. Miss Edwinia YVood of Columbus is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Lattl more on Barnard street. Mrs. E. H. Abrahams, Miss Peria Abrahams and Mr. Edmund Abrahams ■MI- THE JIIi BEE HIVE, Cutting down prices and giving customers the ben efit of bargains —or in other words making it an object for them to buy at the Bee Hive what they’d hav’e to pay more for some place else. READ THESE CONVINCING OFFERS: Bleached Cotton Towels, good size Sc Checked Glass Towels, red and blue check 8c Bleached Honev-comb Towels. 16*30 In. be Bleached Cotton Towels, Marseilles and Honey-comb patterns. 19x40 inches— 9c Bleached Damask Towels, hemmed ready for use. red border. 15x27 Inches c Bleached Damask Towels, red border. fringed. 16*36 Inches 10c All-Linen Bleached Damask Towels, knotted fringe, colored borders and all white l^c Bleached Batin Damask Towels, double hemstitched, red and blue borders. 113x46 inches >c Bleached Huck Towels, 18x36 Inches.... 15c will leave Wednesday to spend the rest of the summer at the North Carolina re sorts. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Chosnult and Miss Constance Chesnut will go North to moriow to sp?nd some weeks at Saratoga, Lake George. Later they will go to Can ada. , Mrs. G. I. Taggart and Miss Taggart are the guests of Mrs. George L. Painter in Muncy, ra. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Walthour are at Saratoga. Mr. and Mrs Edward Workman, Miss Dorothy and Miss Margery Workman left Thursday for New York on their way to New Hampshire for the rest of the season. Mrs. YV. F. May and son, Hugh, have returned from a visit to South Carolina relatives Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Redding are visit ing Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Remshart, at White Bluff. Mrs. Davis Freeman and Miss Georgia Freeman will leave this week for the mountains of North Carolina. Mrs. James J. Graham will go North this week to visit relatives at Staten Isl and. Mrs. W. B, Stillwell returned during the week from Atlanta. Mrs. M. E. Roberts left yesterday for White Springs. Dr. and Mrs. B. P. Oliveros went North during the week to spend some time at the Thousand Islands. Mrs. W. H. Gordon entertained at cards Tuesday evening in honor of her nieces. Miss Nana Gordon and Miss MarF ari A Nelson. Among the other guests were Miss Gross, Miss Mamie Kline, Miss Ma mie De Christ, Miss Gertrude Lyons, Miss Emily Cole, Mr. Oliver, Mr. Schu mate, Mr. George Hopkins, Mr. George Gordon and others. Mr. John Rebarer is expected Tuesday from New Y'ork to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rebarer. Rev. W. C. Schaeffer is spending some time at Upward, N. C. In a party that spent Tuesday evening at Isle of Hope, chaperoned by Mrs. E. H. Abrahams, were Miss Gussie Moses of New York, Miss Pearla Abrahams, Miss Etta Lovenstein, Mr. Edmund Ahrahoms, Mr. Abram Falk and Mr. Read Abrahams. Mrs. H. Jensen is at Bayport, L. 1., for the season. Mr. Frank Robertson Is visiting rela tives in Richmond, Y'a. Miss Edith Stillwell and Miss Florence Adams will go North Tuesday for a stay of some length, visiting New York, Bos ton and New Bedford. Miss Mamie Lynch and Y(iss Annie Lynch gave a straw ride to White Bluff Monday evening in honor of their guest, Miss Damour of Brooklyn. Mrs. Connel ly of Atlanta chaperoned the party, in which were Miss Agnes Rourke, Miss An nie Kehoe, Miss May Palmer, Miss Viola Sullivan, Miss Kate Lyons, Miss Ida Groves, Miss Bertha Lord, Mr. John But ler, Mr. Frank Golden, Mr. Joseph Hef ferman, Mr. Joseph McGovern, Mr. James Lynch, Mr. John Bell, Mr. Edward O'Brien and Mr. Joseph Broderick. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rosenheim are spending the summer at Auburndale, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Davidson will leave about the loth Inst, for a visit to Mrs. Davidson's old home at Jacksonville, Ala. Mr. J. J Kirby gave ad lightful launch party cti the Neva S. Thursday afternoon. His gu-sts weie Mr. and Mrs. F. X. Douglas. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ha a lam. Mr. and Mts. J. E. Grady, Miss Jumon vllle. Miss Maud Fleming and Miss Kate Oaudry. Miss Anna Harmon has returned from YVaycross. and will sail to-morrow for New York, on her way to Lake George Miss Lena Flaum will leave this week for the North. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Lynch have gone to New York. Mrs. M. A. Cohen is at home after a visit to her daughter in Atlanta. Miss Lucy Bloodworth will return this week from Sea Cliff, L. I. Mrs. A. McFarland i spending some time in the Catskills. Mrs. Edward Lovell will go North this week to visit her dmight#, Mrs. Robert S. Cepe in New York. Mrs. C. E. Stults. Mrs. H. A. Stult=, ,M!ss Marguerite Stults and Master Carl Turkish Bath Towels. 15*38 Inches 5c Turkish Both Towels, extra heavy. 22x40 Inches 8c Fancy Striped Turkish Bath Towels, 13x38 Inches 9c Bleached Turkish Bath Towels, good weight and quality 12V4c Bleached Turkish Bath Towels, extra heavy, mottled red border, 23x36-In.. ,20c Extra size Blenched Turkish Bath Towels, elegant quality, size 27x61 1n...29c Bleached Huck Towels, hemstitched. fancy borders. 20x40 Inches 20c All-Linen Cheeked Doylies 2c All-Linen Bleached Damask Doylies .. 4c Turkey Red Doylies, fancy patterns 4c Bleached Napkins, 5-8 size, a dozen ~.60e Bleached Napkins, 3-4 slae, a dozen ...Me OUR ELECTRIC FANS Will keep you cool while you examine these bargains, and many others to be found in our various departments. White Skirts. Women’s very excellent 'j quality White Pique Skirts | M I Qrt —perfect in all particulars }■ jhl /M and the kind sold up tos3 | each, now.. J Ladies’ Sailor Hats that were $l.OO, now 49c. White Goods. Just received, 25 pieces ) White Lawn, the 15c kind, - Monday ) 1W U Gents’ White Hemstitched Linen Handkerchiefs, worth 35c, at 21c Notions. 2 packages Hair Pins To Safety Pins per dozen 2c Cotton Tape per piece lc English Pins per paper So Stockinet Shields per pair 8c Ladies’ White Lawn Dressing Sacques, trimmed with embroidery, worth $2.50, at $1.69. Stults have retumtd from Tybee where they spent the past fortnight Mr. J. M. Solomons was host at a Charming dinner Monday, in honor of Miss Gussie Moses of New York. The other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Max YVolff, Miss Nell YY’olft, Miss Peria Abra hams, Miss Maud Hendricks and Miss Nellie Abrahams. Miss Bessie Whatley, who Is now tak ing a summer course at the New York College of Music, is at 134 West Thirty fourth street. Mr. and Mrs. Furber will leave Wednes day for the Black Mountains. Mr. and Mrs. Delannoy will go North Tuesday to visit relatives in Brooklyn. Miss Nana Gordon and Miss Margaret Nelson, accompanied by Miss Mamie De Christ will return to-night to Atlanta to attend’ the wedding of Miss Annie Nelson. Mrs. D. M. Farmer will leave this week for Catoosa Springs. Miss Maria Naughtin of Brooklyn is visiting her sisters, on Gordon street. Mr. YV. A. Reaves is spending his va cation at lookout Mountain. Mr. Joe Savarese of Philadelphia is the guest of his mother, Mrs. M. A. Sava rese. Mrs. G. B. Whatley will return this week from New York. Mrs. T. J. O'Brien and Miss Katie O'Brien will leave this week for the mountains of New York. Master John Respess entertained a few of his friends yesterday at an ice cream supper upon the occasion of his fifth birth day. Among those present, were Geor gia Nichols, Jewel Varnadoe, Sadie Wright. Elba Respess, Arthur Y’arnadoe. Each guest was presented a little box of Conida's candy. Miss Bess Phillips from Middle Georgia, is visiting Mrs. Z. D. Respess, 112 Henry street, east. Among those who enjoyed dancing at Tybee Thursday evening were Mr. and Mrs. J. N. McDonough. Misses Annie Sa varese. Irene Haveley, Annie Corbett, Missie Hanley, Aggie Mahoney of Augus ta. Louise Savarese, Mamie Hansen, Messrs. Joe O'Connor, Jack Comer, F. Walker and C. Ray, and D. O'Leary of Augusta. Miss Emma Savarese is the guest of Miss Edna Broughton at the Mpadows. Miss Maude Farmer will go to Black shear shortly to spend several weeks. Mr. Marion W. Hughes has gone to Charleston to spend some time. Dr. Frank P. Foster entertained with a delightful luncheon at the Waldorf-As toria last week. His guests were Dr. Charles A. L. Reed of Cincinnati, Dr. L. de Flasse, and Dr. W. E. Fitch of Sa vannah. Miss Lizzie Moriaty has gone to Fer nandina for a fortnight. Miss N. Paulsen entertained a few of her Savannah friends at dinner Tuesday at her summer home in. Hendersonville, N. C. The house was beautifully deco rated for the occasion. Among those pres ent were Miss C. Hansen, Mrs. M. Mehr tens. Miss Jessie Steggins, Miss Alice Werner, Miss Meta Ebberwein, Miss Norma Hansen, Miss Marie Hansen and Master George Hansen. Miss Agnes Mahoney of Augusta, Ga., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. N. McDonough. Miss Nellie Roberts is the guest of Miss Ethel Collins in Collinsville. Miss Marguerite Hanley is spending the summer in the mountains. Mrs. H. Y. Righton, Misses Eva and Julia Righton will leave during the week for Dansvllle, N. Y. On Saturday afternoon Master Willie Barthelmcss entertained in honor of his eighth birthday. Master Barthelmess proved himself a charming Htt’.e host. Cakewalking and games amused the little ones for a while, after which they were served with refreshments, which they greatly enjoyed. Among those present were the Misses Genie Sanders, Edna Jenkins, Frieda and Gertrude Suhr. Meta Clark, Mable ond Sophy Cerveau. Masters Johnnie and Ben Sanders, Johnnie Cer veau, Philip ond Herbert Clark, Johnnie Suhr, Robbie and Marshall Clealand, Tommie Laßoach, Willie Wynn and oth ers. Miss Ethel Helmken left Tuesday for Rockawuy Park. L. I. After spending a few days with her sister. Miss Dahla Kil lers. they will go to Albany, thence on to Saranac Lake, where Miss Ethel will be the guest of Mrs. Thomas Dewey, at Edgewood Inn. She will also visit Mon treal. Mr. and Mi's. J. H. Helmken gave a de lightful dinner party last week in honor of Rev. Dr. Bowers. The tables were beautiful in cut glass and silver, large bowls of American Beauty roses adorned the table. Those present were: Dr. Bow ers of Philadelphia, Rev. Mr. Bowers oi' St. Mark's Lutheran Church, Rev. W. C. Schaeffer, D. D.. Mr. Carl Schaeffer,Misses Maud and Florence Schaeffer, Mr. Wolf, Mr. William Walter, Mr. and Mrs. Will iam Dierks, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rich, Mg. Mills, Mr. Harry Rawls, Mr. Carl Brant of St. Louis, Messrs. Stelllng and Clausen of Augusta, and Miss Ethel Helmken. Waycross Society. Miss Carrie Mayo has returned from an extended visit In Albany. Miss Flora Smith of Ruskln was the guest of Miss Mamie Beavers a few days ago. Miss Edna Arnold has returned home. She was n guest at Col. W. YV. Sharpe's, on Gilmore street. visit to Waycro# relatives. Prof. Cook is principal of the Darien High School. Miss Nora Lee Smith and her ulster. Miss Ado, are spending some time In the Waycross colony at SI. Simons. Mrs. H. E. Lester and children have re turned home from MHlen. Rev. M. Campbell Stryker and wife are expected home thla week. Mrs. C. H. Wilson has as her guest her Waists. \ Women’s handsome colored ’ and white Lawn Waists, j ft ( some tucked, others of all- hllj over embroidery, the kind ! sold up to $4, now J T owels. 100 dozen Large Linen } Huck Towrels, the 18c kind, V Iji- Monday ) 3IU TI,e "fr* l 14 East Broughton St. Ribbon, the latest, best and cheapest. All-silk, heavy satin and taffeta, assort ed colors. Write for samples and prices. No. 1 Baby Ribbons, lc yd., 48c spool. No. 2 Ribbons, %-in., 2Vic yd., 20c bolt. No. 4 Ribbons, 44-in., 5c yd., 38c bolt. No. 5 Ribbons. 1-in., 5c yd.. 45c bolt. No. 7 Ribbons, l'i-In., 6c yd., 50c bolt No. 9 Ribbons, lV£-in., 8c yd., 75 bolt. No. 12 Ribbons, -2in., 10c yd., 90e bolt. No. 16 Ribbons, 2U-in., 12V4c yd.. $l.lO bolt. No. 22 Ribbons, 244-in., 16c yd.. $1.35 bolt. No. 40 Ribbons, 3V4-in., 17Vic yd., $1.60 bolt. No. 80 Ribbons, 4-in., 20c yd., $1.85 bolt. No. 100 Ribbons, 5-in., 25c yd„ $2.25 bolt. All above run ten yards to bolt. We mail ribbons free all over United States. EDI (AT ION All. Colleoe^-^ Forty miles east of Atlanta. Situation high and healthy. No liquors sold in county. Intercollegiate games pro hibited. Full college courses offered leading to A. 8., B. Ph.. and B. 8. Degrees. Entire necessary expenses with in S2OO. 03rd annual session begins Sept. 19. 1900. For catalogue and full information, address C. 18. Bowman, Pteeioent. WASHINGTON SEMINARY" Twenty three teachers.- graduates of Wellesley* ~i- D . , , . t Harvard. Randolph Macon and Baltimore Woman s College. Primary. Academic, Music. Art. Elocution and Business courses. Small classes in* dividual T7ork- New building. Home life.* Pupils enter Vassar. Wellesley and Randolph - Ma con on certificates. Next session begins Sept. b. For illustrated catalogue address P Mrs. W. T. CHANDLER. Principal. LLEWELLYN D. SCOTT. Principal. cousin. Mrs. Leonard Weedman, of St. Augustine, Fla. Prof, and Mrs. C. E. Cook are on a Miss Carrie. Strickland has returned home from Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. Joel Lott hove gone to Gaskin Springs for an outing. Mr. H. Murphy and family. Alvin John son and family and Hon. L. A. Wilson and family are at home again, after a va cation of a month on St. Simon’s. Rev. J. M. Glenn left Monday night for Lake Park, where he joined his mother. Mr. Williams, the gentleman who has t'harge of the pumping station at Atkin son, was taken by surprise on Sunday. One of his daughters went out driving with a young man by the name of Jacobs. They drove to the home of a magistrate and were married. Mrs. J. L. Sweat, wife of Judge Sweat, accompanied by her daughter, Miss Lula M., and son, Lee L., have gone to Waynes vllle, N. C., for a vacation of a few w r eeks. Mrs. B. A. White of Brunswick is visit ing her sister, Mrs. H. L. B. Wiggins. Mrs. J. L. Crowley has returned from St. Simon’s. Mrs. J. E. Fretwell left Thursday night for a visit to her brother. She has not seen this brother before in thirty years. •Alexander Wright and wife are at home, after an outing on St. Simon's Island. A. R. Bennett and family have return ed home. Miss Annie Smith is at home a£ain, after an extended visit with Mrs. S. A. Luke, in Thomasville. Mrs. M. V. Smith of DuPont was in town Wednesday on her way to New York and New Jersey, where she will spent some time. The Gaskin Springs camp meeting will occur early in September. A number of new cottages are to be built. Miss Winnie QuarUrman came In Wednesday from Marlow and spent the day with her sister, Mrs. J. R. Whitman. That night she left for North Georgia, where she will spend .‘■•ome weeks. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Whitman will spend a month at St. Simon’s. Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Redding are on a visit to Savannah. Mrs. J. R. Willis is at home again, af ter a visit with her sister, Mrs. J. S. Frierson, at Sofkee, Ga. T. H. Morton, Jr., snd wife are spend ing some time, the guests of Mr. Mor ton’s father, Mr. T. H. Morton. They are frem Port Tampa, Fla. The Sunday School people of Manor are irg havirg a big rally and p cnie in the n ar future. Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Strickland visited Mrs. Strickland’s mother, Mrs. Charlotte Parker, this week. They live In Black shear. The Way cross Rifles and their friends anti ipate an * njoyable outing at Gaskin String. The Ruskin band will furnish music for the hoys. Mr. Meade and family of Waresboro have moved to Waycross. The Epworth League Conference to be held here in October will attract a large crowd of young people from over the Way cross district. The date proposed is Oct. 12 to 14. There are fifteen leaguers in the district, and Mr. E. P. Peabody is the sec retary. Miss Daisy Goldsmith is on a visit here from Brunswick. Miss Mabel Cook of Brunswick is visit ing friends in town. Mrs. If. L. B. Wiggins has as her guest her sister, Mrs. Ben White, from Bruns wick. Mrs. R. W. Faison has returned home from a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Gilbert, at Jarratt, Fla. The annual sermon to the Waycross fire men will be preached, probably, Aug. 19. at the evening service by Rev. J. M. Glenn, at Trinity Church. Mrs. John W. Adams and chl'dren have teiurncd home from White 8j rings. Miss Lizzie Bird is spending some time at Gaskin Ppringa. J. L. Stephens and wife are at home again after an extended visit with hit* Toilet Articles. 25c English Tooth Brushes...lsc Turkish Bath Soap Good Sponges 4 0 I Large bottles Ammonia 5c j Colgate's Toilet Waters 74 0 1 Wheeler & Wilson Improved No. 9 BaJ Bearing Sewing Machine at cut prices. We exchange and sell any way. J. & P. Coat's Best Spool Thread 50c do; H. & B. Sewing Silk 4c spool; 40c dozen. Fine Tooth Brushes 9c each: 95c dozen. Rice Buttons lc card; 10c dozen cards. Pearl Buttons 2Vie to }oc dozen. Nlee Ladies' Leather Pocketbaoks 20c et Nice line Y’alenetennes Laces lc to 6c yard, Nice line Linen Lace lc to 10c yard. Brush Edge Skirt Binding 4c yard. Fine Gloria Silk Umbrella 98c each. Dressing Pins lc to 4c paper. Columbia Safety Pins, 2 dozen for sc. Safety Hooks and Eyes lc card; 5c box. English Needle Books 4c each; 35c dozen. people in North Carolina, his first vfcl in 15 years. Mrs. I’imcr is visiting her daughter Mrs. C. M. Martin in Folkston. Mrs. C. H. Fickcn is sojourning at Gas kin Spring. Miss Lattimer of Eastman is the gued of her uncle, W. H. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Goodrich and Mrs, E. B. Goodrich lave returned from St S mon’s. Miss Osie Groover, of Thomasville will visit Miss Jessie Haire next wek. Mrs. C. T. Beavers and her daughter, Miss Mamie, hive returned fr'tn Ashe ville, N. C. The Misses Wade and Miss Furlong of Nicholls are visiting Mrs. W. H. Miller. Mrs. J. G. Bird is with her husband* •Sergt. Bird, at .Gaskin 6prlng. Queer Place* of the World. From London Answers. Doubtless the most unique spot in Eu rope is the little village of Alrenberg, where on its border four countries meet. It is ruled by no monarch, has no soldiers, no police, and no taxes. Its inhabitants speak a curious jargon of French and Ger man combined and spend their days ini farming the land or working in the valu able calamine mine of which it boasts. The little town of Stanley, in the Falk land Islands, possesses the most unique school service ever known. Two travel ing school masters are provided by the government, who visit the different fami lies where there are children and give in struction. The length of their visit de pends on the astuteness of the children, and they may spend days and weeks a* the case may be, at one house alone. A town boasting a railway station which cost $20,400 to erect and a duly anointed stationmaster. and having no train serv ice, is unique beyond dispute. Lundee. in New Jersey, is in this predicament, the in habitants having actually no trains, al though their fine station is available for any amount of traffic, and the reason giv en for this strange fact is that so long os the trains run through the inhabitants ought to be satisfied. There is a place in the middle of > Pacific ocean well known to mariners where ther.e is never any Christmas day. This is owing to its being in the one hun dred and eightieth degree of longitude ana directly opposite to Greenwich, and. 1 fore, twelve hours ahead of Greenwich time. In a journey around the globe th other twelve hours would have to he mark ed out of the navigator’s calendar, and if this point crossing the antipodes is touch ed Christmas eve then there can be no Chistmas day. t In one of the West Indies group there If a colony of some 800 white* and blacks where there are neither town# nor village** nor fresh water supplies. In fact, there is such a scarcity of everything that t. government has to send food and emploP ment to the inhabitants to keep them f r,r * starving. Salt fish and sweet .potato are the staple food# of the Anguilla?. the only water obtainable is bracki?h tainted by the sea. —The Wichita Eagle nay*: "Gen. A<ln* R. Chaffee, thp commander of T'ncle SaW* troops In the Chinese empire, has a hroi. er living in this city. Everybody km* him who knows the Salvation Army. ■ Nelson Chaffee has been one of i,a zealous members for several years. He the quiet little old man with * whiskers who has hammered the biz ,iru ' of the Salvation Army so long that t. memory of the oldest citizen runneth n to the cohtrary. He always wears a r Jacket ami a cap with a wide red ba about it. There never was much music his drum heats, but for all that every l * ll watched him with Interest, for every he gave the sheepskin a lick there zeal and sincerity In it." To the Mountains. In the nick of time. 11n- Just when you are yawning and teei a tired out and broken down, a botl Oraybesrd Is better than a trip *0 mountains. Are you constipated? Take pills. Little treasures—2sc 'he box. l ier peso Drug Cos.. Proprietor*.—d.