The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, August 19, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 FAMOUS DODGE LAND SUITS. EXAMINER TALI.BY H AS BEEN TAK ING TESTIMONY. Will Report <o .Indue Speer and the IJtißntion May Soon He Honiul Ip. Titlen to Half a Million lore* of Land iu DUpnte—Till* the Liti gation That Caused So Many HomlcldeN in Dodge fonnly. Dublin, Ga., Aug. lg.-Spccial Kxamincr J. N. Talley, who has been in Dublin since Monday taking testimony in the last batch of 225 oases filed by Norman W. Dodge in his celebrated “Bill of Peace” suit against various and sundry citizens of Lowndes. Dodge, Montgomery and Tel fair counties, yesterday adjourned the hearing until next Wednesday. The or iginal number of suits filed was 400, but 175 have been compromised, leaving 225 yet undisposed of. When Examiner Talley finishes his work end makes his final report to Judge Speer U is believed that this litigation, which has extended over many years and cost a number of lives, will come to an end. A number of years ago William E. Dodge of New York purchased large tracts of timber lands in this state. He erected large sawmills and extensively engaged In the lumber business. His headquarters were at Eastman, nnd through his efforts anew county was formed and rained Dodge. From the first trouble was had over the lands bought by Dodge. Almost ©very lot was claimed by other parties. In a number of instances a compromise was effected, Dodge taking the timber and the other claimant the land. Most of the rases, however, were hotly contested. For twenty years past it is highly probable that Dodge was either tho plain lift or defend ant in most of the civil cases tried by the courts in Dodge, Telfair, Montgomery and Laurens counties. 0 A few years ago Mr. Dodge died, his eon, Norman W. Dodge of New York, coming into possession of the property. At this time the person giving the most trouble was Luther A. Hall, a shrewd but conscienceless lawyer, w ho lived at East man. Hall at some time previous had charge of Dodge's legal affairs, and, therefore, knew the weak points in his claims. After leaving Dodge’s employ lie began the manufacture of land titles, and was very successful in having his claims passed upon favorably in the state courts as against Dodge. Norman Dodge car ried the matter to the federal courts, and secured a restraining order, preventing Hall from interfering with the lands. Hall disregarded this injunction, and was sent to the Chatham county jail for three months by Judge Speer for contempt. He was released from jail but a few’ days before the case against him was to be finally disposed of. Just n day or two before court Capt. John C. Forsyth, the main witness against Hall, was murdered at his home, at Normandale. Suspicion poin4ed to Hall as the instigator, and he was arrest ed and tried for conspiracy. Along with half a dozen or more others he was con victed and sentenced to the Ohio penitentiary for. life. where he died a year or two ago. On the morning after the assassination of Capt. Forsyth. Andrew J. Reneau, who was supposed to have . hand in the murder, u.s killed by the posse that was endeavoring to track the murderer. Later Lucius L. Williams, who was wanted far refusing to obey the mandates of Judge Speer’s court, was killed while resisting or rest. Several other homicides can be traced to the Dodge litigation directly or indi rectly. In eomc instances it Is highly probable that the real owner of the land is not Dodge, but there is no doubt but that his eloim to most of it is just. Examiner Talley conducts his court very informally. He uses one of the rooms on the lower floors of the Court House, and n casual observer would not dream that the titles to more than hnlf a million acres of Innd were being passed upon in the room, so quietly is the inves tigation being held. The hearing In the several counties will probably continue several weeks longer, and then the last chapter of the bloodiest civil suit ever filed In Georgia will be reached. REV. PICKETT LEADS THEM. He Henris One of Two XVnrring Fac tions of n Cong relation. Atlanta. Aug. IS.—Rev. Taddous Pick ett, whose chief claim to fame lies in the fact that he twice ran for Congress against Allen D. ’Candler, now Governor of Georgia, being defeated on both occa sions, has come to the front within the paat few days, acting in the capacity of a sort of a human wedge with which the congregation of the Fifth Baptist Church is bring split wide open. The trouble arose over anew church building, a part of the congregation de* firing to move the location, and another faction wanting to retain the old building at the corner of Bell and Gilmer streets. Rev. J. C. Solomon, pastor of the church. Is In command of the forces that wanted to move, while Rev. Pickett, who just recently caine to Atlanta from Carters ville. Is leading the opposition. The old church has >een sold to ne groes, but an injunction suit by the other faction hold up the male. This feature o* the epiit is pending in court. The fac tion in favor of retaining the old church held a meeting last night in the basement of the church. Rev. Thed Pickett con ducted the services, assisted by Rev. Mr. Stearns. This morning a committee from the tabernacle faction went to the church and literally closed It up by placing padlock's on the door. Mr. l' A. Pittman, Mr. Carson and Mr. Hatsfieid, deacons, were in the party. They claim the Rev. Mr. Pickett end his followers in the church have no right to enter the building since It ha© been sold by the church. Pickett and his followers now threaten to break the locks to-morrow and hold •ervices, as they claim they have a right to do. any way. GOVERNOR WAS ADVISED. That There Waa No Farther N'eeil for Troop* in Liberty City. Atlanta, Aug. 18.—Gov. Candler received a telegram from Sheriff Brewer of Lib erty county to-night, saying that the tie (groes in that locality, who had been giv ing considerable trouble during the last few days, had dispersed, and that there was no longer an Jr tired of the Liberty Outtrde. a cavalry troop called out yes terday. as all trouble had apparently ended. The citizens, who had armed themselves, have returned to their homes and order las been restored. Some further arrests Mtay yet be made. —“Why do you consider him to be an artistic liar? Did you ever catch him in • lie?” “No; but appearances are againM him.” “How so?” *1 know that he lived for two or three years at Shanghai.”— Chicago Post. ‘There are so many barks on the s* a.” remarked the girl who was leaning over rail. “Perhaps they com* from the iy*ean greyhounds,” ventured her tall com panion. -Philadelphia Record. 44 A Miss is As Good as a Mile. ,f If you are not entirety well. you are itl. Illness does not mean death's door. It is a sense of •weariness, a " tired feeling,” a life filled with nameless pains and suffer ing. In Wc of cases the blood is to blame. Hood's Sarsaparilla is Nature’s corrective for disorders of the blood. Remember MARRIAGES. MULLER-PEAROE.—Married, at Bish op’s residence, Saturday morning, Aug. 18, by Rev. Father Kennedy, Mary M. Pearce of Savannah and John L. Muller of San Antonio, Tex. DEATHS. ither’s farm. Boy street extension. Aug. 18, f\ E. G. Fell, Jr. Funeral this (Sunday) afternoon at 6 o'clock at farm. Charleston papers please copy. riNEHAL INVITATIONS. FOLDING.— Relatives, friends and ac qu.iinronces of Mrs. C. B. Colding and Dr. nnd Mrs. R L. Weed, are respectfully invited to attend' the. funeral of Irma Blanchard, daughter of the former, from No. 212 Liberty street, west, this after noon, at 4 o’clock. DAVIS—The relatives and friends of Mr. and* Mr*. Jaynes W. Davis are re spectfully invited to attend th© funeral of their youngest son. Roland, at 4:30 o’clock this afternoon from residence, 416 Bryan street, east. ELMORE.—The friends and acquaint ance* of Mrs. Jane Elmore, F. M. Oohtjn and Helen Elmore are respectfully invited to attend the funeral of the latter from the First Congregational Church this (Sunday) afternoon at 5 o’clock. New Orleans and Boston papers please copy. ROBERT'S—The friends and acquaint ances of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. L. Roberta are invi-ted to attend the funeral of their infant son, Russell Hewitt, from residence 403 Bolton street, east, at 6 o’clock this (Sunday) afternoon. Interment in Laurel Grove Cemetery. •FECIAL NOTICE*. NOTICE TO CITY COURT JURORS. The petit jyrore not engaged in the trial of the case of Elizabeth Evans vs. Savan nah, Florida and Western Railway Com pany need not appear until Tuesday. Aug. 21st, 1900, at 10 a. m. By order of the Hon. Thomas M. Norwood, Judge, WARING IUTSSELL, JR., Clerk C. C. 9. AROUND THE HORN. # Steamer leaves foot of Whitaker street SUNDAY, at 3.30 p. m., passing Thunder bolt and Warsaw Sound. This will be a lovely trip. Fare 50c. GEORGE U. BEACH. . * —— | jrijf MALT l 3 ce I S ! - I r : MEAD. - ;j~ , OVE COnNEH LEFT. All of the corner® from Third to Seventh streets on Barnard. Inclusive, have been sold to parties who will build handsome homes upon them. 1 have only one corner, 6econd and Bar nard, unsold. This !s 30 (or 60 feet) by 117, with a lane in the rear. There are yet some very choice Inside lots unsold, all having lanes in the rear, with the new system of house drainage sewers and water mains. Some very (lne corners on Jefferson, from Second to Sixth, are unsold. These are thirty-five and a half feet front, with depths 112, 117 and 122 feet. . VVe are keeping up (lie reputation of this as tho choice residential locality of the southern section. One price only is ask ed, nothing added, except interest, if cash is not paid. Having superior facilities, assistance can be rendered to those who want to bul'.d at once. C. H. DORSETT. A OR EAT INDUCEMENT. The Hotel Tybee offers to the public for the balance of the season, effective Mon day. Aug. 20, a rate of 15 cents for use of bathing suit, towels and bath house, and children 10c. There will also be grand prizes offered for the most graceful and longest dancer Tuesday and Thursday nights. There will also be prizes offered to children guessing the largest number on Pavilion Wednesday and Friday after noons. Bring your baskets and the little ones to Tybee and have a good time. CHAS. F. GRAHAM, Prop. ft VLT Ac MBA D. TUB FAWH S S\A FRANCISCO IHnuern up to the ataudarri of Hie r HUlnr ."<• men Is. Our price only lr*e. Hi'Kiilur boarilerM meal tii*kel reiouimblf. ,IOK C’HAXC i, Proprietor, 114 Drayton Mtroet. liii. WAY TO CILIA lAltrus. The only way tc gef your carpets prop. erl> taken up. cleaned and taken cam of for the siiminer *s to tum lha Job over to the District Messenger and Delivery Cos., telephone 2. or call at 32 Montgomery street, and they will make you en esti mate or. the coet of the work Prlcaa reasonable They also pack, trora and •tor# furniture end piinoa. C. a MLDDOCK* Bupt and Mu. THE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY. AUGUST 10, 1900. .FECIAL. NOTICE*. TO THE PUBLIC. Having recently purchased the business of the Savannah Electrical Company, at 40 Drayton street, we are better than ever prer-ared to execute all orders promptly and satisfactorily. Our repair shop Is complete with up-to-date machinery and skilled labor, which enables us to do your repair work at reduced prices. Thanking our friends and the public for past patronage, and asking for a contin uance of came, we are, Yours to command, ELECTRIC SUPPLY COMPANY, JOSEPH S. WALKER, JAMES A. LARKIN, * Proprietors. Georgia and Bell Phones 62. Georgia and Bell Phones 643. No. 40 DRAYTON STREET, and No. 112 DRAYTON STREET. THIS MAY BE WHAT YOU INKED. The ftrentent known remedy for all forma of Indigestion and n sure cure for Diarrhoea 1* bloat's Vege table Bitters. Call at lift Whitaker afreet and get a sample bottle. Come early, as we will give away a limited num ber on Monday to parties suffering from Indigestion or Diarrhoea. BLOAT BROS. CO. MALT 5c 31ElAD. HEAT CH ASERS. Try the combination—a comfortable seat, electric fans and a delicious cool drink. COMDA'S 601)4 AND SHERBETS are Justly popular; they are cor rectly served and the best made. TRY OUR NEAPOLITAN ICE CREAM For Sunday delivery leave your or ders early in the week. CONIDA’S ICE CREAM PALACE. CHOICE CREAM. The best Cream and Sherbets to day at MASONIC TEMPLE PHARMACY. Send In your dinner order. WHITAKER AND LIBERTY. ESPECIAL INDUCEMENTS AT 414 UK APPLE'S REPOSITORY. I offer to the public for fifteen days in high grade work, two fine extension top Carriages, 3 open Carriages, 6 Phaetons, 5 Runabouts, 2 Pneumatic Runabouts, 4 Handsome Traps, 20 Open and Top Spring Delivery Wagons at factory cost, with freight added. This is no humbug. Call and examine for yourself and you wLI make no mistake.' A full and complete line of Harness at cost. Mark Apple Carriage Repository, 320 Broughton street, wesi, use only the Kelly Springfield Rubber Tire, the best on the market. Phone 778. ■ AVANNAH FOUNDRY AND MACHINE COMPANY, Builders of Marine and Stationery Boilers, will furnish estimates on new work in competition with Northern end Western manufacturers. Repair work on Engines and Boilers AN OPPOHYIMTA. We have a surplus stock of electrical supplies, amounting to more than five thousand dollars,which must be disposed of. Let us estimate on anything you re quire In the electrical line, and you will save 50 per cent. ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO , Stores, 40 and 112 Drayton Streets. 'Phones: Both Georgia and Bell, 62 and 643. M 4 I.T 5c MEAD. MAI.T MEAD. Family orders supplied gl.iifl per cnee two dozen pints. Delivery prompt. < . 11. MO43KUB, U racer, Telephone, Bell >o. SST. Hull nnd Jefferson. Best and Largest 3 for 5c smoke in the world. INSIST ON HAVING CLOTH TOP CIGARROS. You will find them on sale everywhere. WE WASH TO PERFECTION 0... .TOT Bull Slr.K. 'Phone TOO. NOT A PROPOSITION, BUT AN ESTABLISHED FACT. J. PINKUSSOHN & CO., 39 Bull St, cor. Congress st. lane. BONDY & I.EDERER, Hakers, New York. KODAKS SPARKLETS Makes Soda Water at home. Films. Photo. Supplies, Craphophones and Developing, Robin- sold and repaired. , EYEGLASSES and SPECTACLES, son s Bath Cabinets. JIOO that othc „ charge J 250 If you have RHEUMATISM be sure and get a bottle of, FRANK’S RHEUMATISM CURE. It never fails. Price #1.50 bottle. When cured you remain cured. LIVINGSTON’S TWO PHARMACIES. Bull and Congress. Branch 309 Bull Street. PHONE 293. BOTH PHONES. PHONE 382. i SPECIAL. NOTICES. XEvTvT^iAnLIGrUOTEnDINNERSr 50c—DINNER—50c. Dinner 6 to 9, Sunday. Aug. 19. Claret Wine. SOUP. Diamond Back Terrapin. FISH. Eillets of Bass au Court Bouillon. Potatoes ala Parisienne. Sliced Tomatoes, with French Dressing. Chow Chow. Mixed Pickles, Queen Olives. ROASTED. Ribs of Baltimore Beef nu jus. Stuffed Loin of Vea!, Tomato Sauce. ENTREES. Scrambled Brains on toast with fine herbs Spanish Fritters, Rum Sauce. VEGETABLES. Mashed Potatoes, Asparagus ala Cream. Rice, Stewed Tomatoes, Candied Yams. PASTRY AND DESSERT. Pear Pie, Assor'e.l Cakes, Fruits. Cheese, Crockers. Peach Sherbet. French Coffee. LEVAN'S CAFE AND RESTAURANT, 111 Congress street, west. HY4VS BUSINESS COLLEGE, Rooms 27 and 29 Provident Building. DAY AND NIGHT SESSIONS. SUMMER SESSION NOW IN PRO GRESS. Stenography (Munson, Graham or Pit man!, typewriting, bookkeeping, English branches, penmanship. Short thorough practical courses. Latest and best meth ods. Students prepared directly for busi ness. Our graduates always give satis faction. Take advantage of our summer session; enter now and fit yourself for a position. Special night session for those who are employed during the day. Send for catalogue. M. E. RYAN, Principal. MALT 5c MEAD. ~l\ N igiit’n'pii ahm AC'Y, OPEN ALL NIGHT. Beef, Wine and Iron 75c Roach Salt (guaranteed) 10c K. H. C M.OO Talcum Powder, borated 5c Palmer’s Toilet Waters 50c Empty Capsules, luo for 6v T. P. Dyspepsia Tab ots Free Imported Castile Soap 50 * Insect Powder, P. D. & Cos 40c Trusses 50c to LCO Syringe*, Fount <ln 75c lo 18.00 Thermometer (Fever) 50c to 12.00 We lead In everything In our line. KNIGHT'S PHARMACY, Ua. Phone 533. Bell ritone 639. BUSINESS NOTICES. to SENSIBLE ECONOMY. is the verdict of our satisfied and exten sive line of customers. We always carry the largest and most complete stock in VEHICLES and HARNESS in the state of Georgia, and when in need examine our line. You will be surprised at the extent, and at the close prices we offer. COHEN-KUL.UAN CARRIAGE AND WAGON CO., Broughton and West Broad Streets. Babcock Buggies. Sole Representatives. Auburn Wagons. Oil! TINNERS C-AN Do pretty nearly everything in the way of repair work. They have not tried to re pair watches or mend broken hearts, but they have done everything else we can think of. aa. R. L. CLANCY rtSp. 113 Whitaker St. OTk&ttJ&a ■— “ Both Phones 1131 "SPEAKING OF ELLEN" or mny other woman of koocl tnute, would le ilulluhictl to receive out* of tlione beautiful Art l.arapit, or n novelty In Sterling Oliver, or 11 pretty t lock, a* a birtli<la> or other nunfierinr) present. Will you not make her happy t t onic and nee how reasonable they arc. Hunter & Van Keuren, Jfweler*. 143 Bull street. STORE FOR KENT. The large Rouble stores corner Slate. President and Whitaker stieets, known as the Whitfield building. Can be renled in whole or In part from Oct. 1. Apply W. M. & W. E. CONEY. To be comfortable this hot weather the * feet should be kept as cool as possible. The wise thing is to put the feet into our cooling Oxford Ties . . . Great Reductions in Oxford Ties. 1.50 per pair In Black Kid we have a great variety from SLSO to $3.00 per pair, which formerly were much higher. Among these you can not help hot find the style you prefer. Our goods are the best; all our prices are the least. OUI^ Will Please You. SAVANNAH STEAM LAUNDRY II Congress Street, West, Phone 383. #A Ten-Dollars Spent LADEVEZE’S PICTURE FRAME FACTORY You Will Make Your Home an Attractive One and Give It ah Air of Refinement. We employ nothing but expert workmen that will not botch your work as others do. Our stock of Moulding Is ten times larger than that of any of our competitors, and our prices are the lowest known. 105 TO 107 CONGRESS STREET, W EST. = ~ ~~~ THE ONLY Exclusive Family Liquor Store IN THE CITY. TRY OUR FAMOUS Imperial Nectar Pure Rye Whiskey. Full Quarts, $1; four bottles, containing full Gallon, $3.50. BELSINGER &CO SoleFropriet - O H A^ ,,,t * kerSlr -‘ ULLOIII ULII Ul UUlf FULL LINE OF CLARET WINES. WHY IS IT That so many dealers are saying they have Coffee "just as good as” Waldorf-Astoria? There must be some reason. If you do not know, ask your neightjor. Or, j better still, get a can of the "real and only" Waldorf-Astoria and sea for yourself. ' Phones SS4 MUNSTER ? S Ouffy and Drayton. BUSINESS NOTICES. duringliiFdull SUMMER WEEKS is a good time to have your watches put in condition. We are better pre pared than ever for this work. Re peater*. Chronographs and ordinary watches of the finer grades put in condition now, can be splendidly regulated. We give proper attention to the cheaper grade of watches, producing the best results possible. Look into it and avoid the busier season. THEUS BROS. OKARMA, Shoe Manufacturer. Daily Production 30 Pairs. To keep our plant moving we reduced prices on all grades. Come and see how we make them. I t I Broughton. East. For Rent, Residence 118 Gaston street, west. All conveniences. Can be rented from Ist August. Apply to CHATHAM REAL ESTATE AND IM PROVEMENT CO., 14 Bryan Street, East. BLSINCS9 NOTICES. A. LDesbouillons 43 Bull Street. We have a pretty line of Solid Gold Cuff Buttons in plain, chased, amethyst, or with diamonds. As pearls are now all the rage we have pretty Scarf Pins and Pearl Jewelry of all sorte. specially Brooches. A. L. DEBBOUILLONB, 43 Bull street. To Iteier Piste. For sale, a Forsatth Newspaper Folder; will (old sheet Zlxfe. It la In good order. Price *IOO. It coat originally $l,lOO, but we have no use (or It and want the room It occupies. It will be an Invaluable adjunct to an newspaper office. Addresa MORNING NEWS, Navanuah, Ga. New Mouldings. Picture frames made to order. Best work. Lowest prices. Gkeene & Cos., •FECIAL SUTICU. WE BIY AID SKI.I. HML ESTATE, Negotiate loan, on same at 5 per cent, and collect rents, Represent The Travel ers’ Insurance Cos., accident and liability departments. Represent the New York Underwriters Fire Ins. agency. Represent the Greenwich Fire Ins. Cos, Represent the Phoenix Mutual Life Ins. Cos. All busi ness entrusted to us will be appreciated, and will receive prompt and careful at tention. No. 27 Bay street, east. Tele phone 348 W. C. FRIPP * CO.