The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, August 19, 1900, Page 20, Image 20

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20 CRUSHED TO DEATH BY A CAR. LITTLE LOUIS FRIEDMAN ( UT.HT BENEATH THE WHEELS. Ilnn From Behind Truck and Start ed to Cross the Track a Fevr Feef Ahead of on A pprnitch ill r fnr. Tripped and Fell I nder the W heels and He Hied a Fc*v Min ute* Afterward—The Accident n* Seen by the Companions of the Lnd—lniuent Will lie llell To-day* Louis Friedman, the 3-year-old son of Bamuel Friedman of No. 513 Orange street, was run over yesterday afternoon by car No. 23 of the E. & W. Beit and died five minutes after being taken from the track. The accident occurred shortly before 1 o’clock on West Broad street, near Bryan. The car, in charge of Motorman J. W. Hilton and Conductor I*. Pennington, was northbound and running at the average rate of speed. Hilton’s story of the affair is that he was running at the usual speed, but with out any current on.becauseof the nearness to the track oj a heavy two-liorse truck. There was considerable traffic on the street at the time and he was keeping a sharp lookout and the gong constantly ringing. When quite near the truck, he says, three small children ran from be hind it and started across about eight feet in front of the car. Two of them got across the track by a close shave, being missed by the car by about two feet, but the third, who was the smallest, tripped and fell directly in the midddle of the track and was under the car before it could be stopped. The wh els passed over him crushing in his head and inflict ing oih'r bruises on Ids body and legs. The car was stepped within a few feet of the place where the child had fallen and both motorolan and conductor got down to give such assistance as was pos sible, hut a by-stander had already picked up the boy and taken him to the western sidewalk in front of he Ocean Drug Co.’s store. He was taken in the s ore and giv en all attention possible, his wound be ing washed and a doctor telephone for, hut he di-.d within a few' minutes after being to kin in the sore, and before he could be reached by a hysioian. The motorman also telephoned for a dec or fr m a neigiilioring store, but the order was countermanded as the boy was dead when he returned to the scene of the accident. The dead child, from the story of his brother Paul, and sister, Esther, who were with him at the time of the accident, and who are the tw’o children which the mo torman says the car so narrowly missed, had gone across the street with him to buy some candy and were returning home. Paul is 5 years old, and the girl probably ti year or so older. According to Esther’s etory she saw the car approaching and attempted to prevent Ixiuis from crossing the track by catching him by his trousers band, but when she caught him he had tripped and fallen and before he could get up the car was upon him. Paul, ac cording to this story, had crossed the track ahead of the other two. He seem ed to know very little of the matter, but l>oih he and his sister were naturally very much excited and not in a condition to re call clearly all of the circumstances of the accident. Coroner Goette was notified of the ac cident and arrived at the store where the child lay a short lime after the acci dent. He gave permission for the re moval of the body, which was immedi ately taken by friends to the home of the parents. The motorman was arrested by Patrol man Halford, but was released later by order of the coroner. There were four passengers on the car at the time of the accident, a lady, two colored women and a colored man. They left within a few minutes and could not be found, but their names are in the pos session of the coroner, and they may be summoned to appear at the inquest, which will take place to-day. No other eye witnesses to the accident other than the passengers were to be found, though there doubtless were others, as the street In that vicinity of the accident is usually pretty well filled at the hour when the affair occurred. Manager Lofton of the Savannah, Thunderbolt and Isle of Hope Railway called at the house of Mr. Friedman, and told him that the company would pay all expenses incident to the funeral if he cared to have it do so, but his offer was not accepted. FIRST BALE OF SEA ISLAND. It Come* T!i§* Yenr From M. C. Lee of Berrien County. Butler, Steven? & Cos. received the first Lale of sea Island cotton of the new crop yesterday. The cotton was grown by M. C. Lee of Berrien county, nnd was shipped by Knight, Godwin & Cos., of Mllltown, Go. The hale was classed as fancy Geor gia. It was sold at private sale to Duck worth & Cos. The first bale last season was received a few* days earlier. Considerable attention is being directed just now to the condition of the sea island crop. After investigations recently sev eral interested in this cotton reported that the crop was not in satisfactory con dition in many sections of Georgia, Flor ida and South Carolina. In fact, the im pression was that “mains,” or the cotton raised on the mainland, would not proba bly turn out as well os was expected. On the islands, however, the crop was re ported to be in first-class condition, and the understanding is that a fine yield will be made on those lands. The second bale of sea island cotton will probably reach Savannah to-morrow. It was shipped to Butler, Stevens & Cos., yesterday by W. T. Lane of Valdosta. -Mull Bose* Defaced. The street letter boxes have been neat ly and artistically painted at considera ble expense to the government, and yet wkhin a few' days after the painting was completed, thoughtless persons or mis chievous urchins have defaced many of the boxes by scratching them and mar ring the work of the iKiinter. The mat ter Is in tjie hands of the inspector, and an example is to he made of the first one against whom proof is obtained. 11l Id-Sum mcr Selling. JocLkou, Met**ter A Cos. YlumnifiKe Price* for Lit dies’ t nder m unltne. One lot ladies' corset covers, 15c. One lot ladies’ drawers, 25c. One lot ladies’ chemise. 89c. One lot ladies’ night dresses, 49c.—ad. Ilentli of Little llolnnd Unvl*. The frhnds of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Davis will sympathize w ih them In the loss of th<ir little six months-old son, Roland, who died last night fi m i complication ofdlouses. The fune al will tak* place this afternoon from ih residence, 41t> Bryan sire, t, cas , at 4 30 o’clock. Mld-Siiintiier *cllinu It ii in in ngo Price*. Jackaon, Metzger A To, One lot linen crash, fc yard. One lot linen towels, 9c each. Two lots embroideries; Dot No. 1. 7.' yr<l; tot N<* 2,9 c yur<\ ARE ORGANIZING FOR BRYAN. Local Politician* Prepare to Get Into the Rand-vrttKon. A number of Savannahlans got together one night last week and decided that it. was a gaod time to organize a Bryan- Stevenson Club. Being of the order of politicians denominated as “practical," the leaders no time was lost in. effecting an organization. Maj. J. Kerris Cann was elected presi dent, Mr. Frank W. Campos secretary and the following were named a vice presidents: Col. Waring Russell, Col. P. A. Stovall, Judge Samuel Reynolds, Mr. Thomas J. Shefcall, Mr. A. A. Lawrence, Mr. William Welsh, Mr. William Harden, Col. John Schwarz, Mr. J. R. Creamer, Mr. William Kehoe, Jr., Mr. Frank Mc- Dermott, Dr. J. G. Keller, Mr. J. J. Hor rigan, Mr. E. A. M. Schroder, Mr. Wil liam T. Hussy, Mr. Arthur Cummings, Mr. C. F. Keilbach, R. M. Hitch, Mr. F. M. Oliver, Mr. J. C. Bernhardt. Mr. I. G. Haas, Judsc M. Naughtin, Mr. T. J. Sweeny, Mr. R. L. Colding, Mr. A. M. Lefflor. As the gentlemen named are all of un questioned fealty to the Democratic party, they will doubtless accept the honor con ferred and lend their efforts to inject some local enthusiasm into the campaign. Secretary Campos has already forwarded an application for the admission of the club to the William R. Hearst League of Bryan and Stevenson clubs and ex pects a notice of acceptance in a day or two. “We already have 327 applications for membership,” said Secretary Cam pos yesterday, “and ex pec* to have double that number by our next meeting. We should easily gee up a club of 1.500 to 2,000 registered voters. As soon as the weather moderates a little we will hold a rally at the Theater.” Mr. Campos was asked If the club pro poses to take a hand in the congressional tight, and replied no, that it was simply a Bryan and Stevenson affair. HICKS CONFESSES THE THEFTS. Took Money and Stamps and Spent It Entertn Inlng Friends. Frank Hicks, the office boy of the Chatham Bank, who was arrested last Monday on the charge of robbing the bank of several small amounts of money and some stamps, and who has since been confined in the station house, has con fessed to the thefts. The exact amount the bank officials did not care to give out, but it is compara tively of little moment, the boy’s arrest having been caused more to teach him a lesson than as a punishment for the loss. The boy’s disgrace, according to the view' of his employers, is attributable en tirely to the bad company he has recently been keeping, and! the consequent tempta tion that a life of dissipation hod ex erted. Hicks, in his confession, said the money he took was spent not for his own ben efit, or at least only partly so, and that with the remainder he entertained his friend*. As an example of this enter tainment Vhe told of the spending of sls. one of the sums he took. He first bought a suit of clothes for $5, and with the re mainder, took several friends on a jaunt to the Isle of Palms. Another source of expenditure, he said, w'as the entertain ments at Isle of Hope. The employes of the bank are Inclined to look charitably on the boy's short comings on account of hie youth, but the matter has not yet been brought officially to the attention of the bank directors, and i* is not known whether they will con sider the matter in the some light and content themselves with discharging the l>oy, or w'ill insist on pushing the case against him. C . K. G. FELL, JR., HE AD. Had \ever RiTOrpretl From Disease Contracted During Spanish War. Mr. C. E. Gadsden Fell, Jr., died at his father's farm, two miles west of the city, on the Bay street extension, at 9 o'clock last night. This will be sad news to the many friends of a bright and promising young man. who will share in the grief of the father and relatives. The deceased had been in declining health for some time, and the members of his family were aware that his hold upon life was precarious. He was a member of the Savannah Volunteer Guards’ Battalion and volunteered, with his company, for the Spunish-American War. He was a sergeant in Company K of the Second Georgia Kegiment, and ren dered faithful service. It was this ser vice. however, which led to the break down of Ills health. He contracted cold and fever, and his system became very much weakened. After being mustered out of the service he appeared for a time to regain his strength, but the seeds of consumption had been sown and the dread disease slow ly gained upon him. He spent Ihe last year in the mountains of North Caro lina, but without obtaining the hoped-for results. He returned home about six weeks ago, since which time he has rapidly declined. The deceased was 23 years of age, and a young man of bright and attractive mind. He was well known among the younger people of the city, and was held in regard by his companions, as well as by many of Ills seniors. The funeral will take place at 6 o'clock this afternoon from the home of his father, on the Bay street extension. I AT REST 1\ IdlltEl. GROVE. Ur. G. tlriil t’s Fnnernl Attended hy Solomon*, I.oilgc of Mason.. The funeral of the late Dr. George M. HeUlt took place yesterday afternoon at Laurel Grove Cemetery where the burial was made. The body was brought to the city over the Central road shortly after 6 o'clock. It was met at the depot by Solomon's Lodge of Masons, of which the dead man was a member, and which ac companied the remains to the cemetery and performed the Masonic burial rite. The church funeral services were con ducted by Rev. Bascom Anthony of Trin ity Church. A number of friends were at the cemetery and the offerings of llow ers were many and beautiful. • A FIREMAN'S LAW* PARTY. Will Be Given by tin* Lady Friend, of Engine Company An, .**. The firemen lads of Engine Company No. 5, who ore at present at Camp Me guire, as they have named the green where they are encamped, awaiting the completion of the stone floor in their house quirters, will return to the engine house to-morrow night. The ladles of the neighborhood have promised the la>ys an ice cream festival to celebrate the event, and it will be given to-morrow afternoon on the green where they are now camped. -a-. •lucU.on, Metsgcr A Cos. II i il-Sil in me r Selling. It ii in inn ge Friers for Lawns, Ladle.* shirt \\n!t. One lot figured lawns, 3>.c. One lot ladies* shirt waists, S9c.—ad. To Brunswick unit Return fI.OO vln the I'lun! System, Sunday. In addition to the Charleston Sunday excursions, the Plant System sre selling round-trip tickets to Brunswick gnud on Sundays only, nt rate of gun for th* round trip. Trains leave at 2.10 a. m. and 4.20 a. m.—lid, THE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY, AUGUST 10, 1900. NEARLY $1,000.000 INCREASE. SHOWING MADE IIA SAVANNAH’S BOARD OF TAX ASSESSORS. Exclusive of Railroad*, tlie Increase In Something Over S7<H,OOa-l*cr- Monul Property Show* mi increase of $2r>9,54r mill Henl F*tnte :* Gain of sl3l,so.l—Railroad Return* Ex pected to Increnne From Slightly Over $1,000,000 to $ 1.250,000— I The Inreaae the LargcMt Maile in Tax Value* in Recent Year*. The assessed value of the taxable prop erty of the city has increased nearly three-quarters of n million during the present year, according to the figures of the Board of Tax Assessors and Receiv ers. Secretary J. H. H. Osborne of the board has just completed his summary of the work of the board for the year and the result is a very gratifying one, show ing as it does that the indications of pros perity have not been misleading and that Savannah has kept pace with the rest of the country in the march of progress. While values have fallen off in some classes of property the deficiency has been more than made up in other lines and the total shows one of the healthiest increases that the tax assessors have ever been able to report. The following comparative figures of the assessments for 1900 and 1899 are of inter est: 1900. 1899. Stock In trade $ 2,099,120 $ 2,003,160 Personal property 6.737,775 6,859.330 Banking 2,386,405 2,103,6**5 Shipping 654,025 651,265 Totals 10,877,325 10.617,420 Increase 259,905 Real estate 25,380,274 24,938,769 Increase 441.505 Total increase $701,050 This does not include the assessed valu ations of railroad properties, the returns for which are made to the Controller General in Atlanta, and the amount of as sessments reported to the propert authori ties here. The taxable value of the rail road property of Savannah last year was $1,016,310. This year the hoard counts upon an assessment of at least $1,250,000. This will give an additional increase of $233,61*0, making a total increase in taxa ble property for the year of $934,740, or nearly $1,000,000. This is a pretty good showing for one year and the tax assessors have reason to feel proud of their work. There were many reluctant property owners, and It required considerable work and no little tact to get returns from many parties which the board felt wa: ranted in accept ing. Even with this there was a consider able falling off in returns of stocks and bonds, it being appar nt that seme of the wealthy citizens have transferred their securities elsewhere in order to avoid the payment of tuxes. This explains, in part, the falling off in the item of personal property. A part of this decrease, how ever. is only apparent as a considerable amount of property heretofore returned as personal proper y comes in this year under the heads of banking and railroad and partially accounts for the increase in those c.lumns. On the whole, however, the increase is one w'hich will doubtless be viewed with satisfaction by the city fathers, and may lead them to consider the advisability of a slight reduction in the tax rate. ROBBED IN HIS ABSENCE. Baralar* Went Through the Resi dence of Mr. S. E. 11. Gillespie. An old negro woman, in the course of her inspection of the premises, discovered yesterday afternoon that the residence of Mr S. F. B. Gillespie has been entered and burglarized, the thieves having left plentiful evidences of their visit. Mr. Gillespie lives at No. 103 Duffy street, east, but, with Mrs. Gillespie, is now absent from the city, having gone North on his vacation some two or three weeks ago. His house closed up for the time of his absence, but the old negro woman w r as left in charge and has been accustomed to make, regular visits for the purpose of seeing that everything was all right and of cleaning up the premises. When she entered the house yesterday afternoon the rooms presented a scene of wild confusion. Drawers in bureaus, cabi nets and sideboards had been forced open, the doort* connecting the rooms had been battered from their hinges, as if with an ax, the floors were strewn with various articles of household use and everything was in wild disorder. The station house was notified of the fact and Deiec ive Stark was and tailed to make an investigation. He found that the burglars had effected an entrance thro, gh a window in the rear, having cut soma of the slats, broken a pane of glass and thus got to th latch. The burglary has be n commi ted since last M:nday, when the hoiue was inspected by the negro woman. The extent of the loss is not known, as nofcody knows just what Mr. Gillespie left a tout the place. <He has been wired of the fact. An id. a of what is mbsing will assist ma erially in the detection and ar rest of the criminals. B. MORRIS NOT KNOWN HERE. Man Lost From Kantian City Not n Itenfirient of Savannah. Nothing further than the facts already stated in the Morning News could be learned yesterday as to the identity of B. Morris who i supposed to ha-e leaped overboard from the Kansas Ci:y Friday morning, while on a tilp frem New York. No inquiry about the man was made yesterday at either the Cential Railway or the ba: racks, nor could anyone be found in the city who knew’ him. There is no record on the books cf the Oc an S eamsl ip Company- of having sol 1 h m passage geing North, and the generally accepted theory Is that he was cith r a resident of some other city on his way here to s cure w\rk. ir had board and the ship while not in his rigr.t mind, ei her from drink or mental trouble. A Record In Blood. The record of Hood’s Sarsaparilla is lit erally written in the blood of millions of people to wh, m it has gt en po d h alth It is all the time curing di eases of the stomach, nerves, klin ys and bleed, and it Is doing good every day to thousands who are taking it for p< or appetite, tired feeling and general debility. It Is the best medicine money can buy. Hood’s Rills are non-irritating. Price 25 cents ad. Mountain! E\<*nr*ion Via Central of Georgia Railway, Au K iint 22, Lookout Mountain, Tenn.. and return.sll 60 Monteagle. Tenn., and return 12.50 Sewanee, Tenn., and return 12.40 Relative low rales to nil summer re sorts in North and South Carolina. Tick ets on sale Aug. 22. good to return on any regular train prior to Sept. 3, 1900. For further information, rates, tickets, sleeping ear reservn*tons, etc., apply at ticket office. 107 Bull street, and Central passenger station.—ad G. Fa nt I ill, Merrliiint Tailor. High elm ladle* tailor-made costumes, made to order from tn* latest out tern* and moat select stock.- ad. TWO DROWNED NEAR EDEN. The mi rt* r tun ii Hrotlifr* Lo*t Their Liven In tlie Ojgeeohee. Mr. Edward Quarterman and hie young er brother, e lad of perhaps 13 years, were drowned in the river near Eden, on the Central of Georgia Railway’, at>out 10 o'clock yesterday morning. It was in the effort to save the life of the lad that the elder Quarterman lost his own. The hoy was swimming in the river, and had rowed himself across the stream to the opposite hank. Arrived there, he left the boat and attempted to swim hts way back, his brother watching the ef fort from the bank. When the laryd had almost been reached the boy’ became ex hausted and pank. Immediately his brother plunged in aft er him. clothed and booted as he then was, and attempted to get the lad out of the water. Frightened by the danger end half-unconscious, the lad clung to his brother’s neck, end In this position they both tank and were drowned 1 . No assist ance reached them until it was too late to avail. Both were brothers of Mr. Luther H. Quarterman, a clerk in the offices of the Central at Savannah, who resides at Eden. The elder had, through hie own exertions, accumulated sufficient money to take him through college, and expected to return to his studies in the course of a few weeks. The bodies have been recovered and cof fins were sent from Savannah to Eden last night. It is understood that the iKxlies are to be carried to Flemington, on the line of the Plant System, where the funeral will take place. The parents of the two unfortunate brothers are liv ing at Marlow. POLITICIANS WILL TI’RN OUT. \ First District Caucus to Be Held at tlinesville Tuesday. There will be an interesting political gathering at Hinesville Tuesday’. The prime object is the settling of the sena torial contest in the Second District, but there will be other features. Mr. R. M. Martin and the other mem bers of the Finance Committee for the First Congressional District, appointed some time ago by the national committee man from Georgia, have called a rally of the politicians of the First District to discuss way’s and means, and to take the necessary steps for beginning a Bryan campaign fund. This fund, of course, is not intended to be used in this state, but will be turned over to the National Com mittee for use in doubtful states. A number of invitations have been is sued to the rally, and it is expected that every’ county in the First District will be represented. Mr. J. Robert Creamer will attend from Savannah and probably oth ers. Besides national matters the politi cians will discuss matters nearer home, including those affecting them personally. It is predicted that the meeting will mark the inception of a movement to bond the counties of South Georgia to gether to assure in future a fairer division of the political patronage of the state between the two sections than has here tofore prevailed. It is Liberty county’s time to name the senator from the Second District, and the contestants are Messrs. Smiley and Wad nell. An account of the deadlock in the County Convention, and the referring of the question to the delegates from Mcln tosh and Tattnall counties for decision, has already’ been published In the Morn ing News. Regarding the job as a tick lish one, and desiring to have ail the light possible on the subject, the delegates from Mclntosh and Tattnall have concluded that the proper place to hold the conven tion is in Liberty county, and it will ac cordingly be held at Hinesville. The contest is n spirited one, and it may’ not be easy to reach a decision. NEW FIRE ENGINE HERE. Will Be Set Up anl Tested at F*lre fiend quarter*. The new LaFrance fire* engine, which the city recently bought, arrived yesterday and was moved from the wharf, to fire headquarters, at Indian and West Broad streets. The La France company will send a man here to unpack the steamer and put it together. It is about the same as the last engine the city bought, and which is now in use at headquarters. Foreman Campos said last night it was not known to w'hich station the new steamer would be assigned, but this will be decided upon by Supt. Maguire later. There was some talk of putting it at En gine House No. 1, but the impression is that the steamer is too wide to go through the station doors without widening them, and this will not be done. It is possible, in case the doors are too narrow, that the steamer now at headquarters will be sent to Engine House No. 1 and the new engine will be left at headquarters. Savannah is now pretty well supplied with fire apparatus. The new steamers are of the finest make, and throw' a stream with great force. It will doubtless be a sourJe of gratification to insurance agents, as well as property owners, to know that the city is well protected against fires so far as up-to-date apparatus will do it. RECORDER'S COI RT CASES. Tlie Average \amber Disponed of In llie I mini \\ ay. In i he Recorder’s Court yesterday Wil lie Green, the colored boy charged with entering the house of Richard Washing ton for the purpose of burglary, was turned over to the Superior Court. Joe Netvson, and Will Mack, charged with stealing a ride on the Plant System cars, are held subject to the authorities of Liberty county, where the offense is said to have been committed. The ease of Mack Wiggins, charged with criminal assault was continued 1 . Adelaide Saunders, colored, charged with having thrown bricks at B. Cashin of No. 721 Henry street lane, and also with hewing assaulted and stabbed A. Lloyd of No. 269 Park avenue lane, was also re manded to the lock-up, and her case con tlnued - 4,11A4 Auuuul Aloii n t a I u Excursion via Southern llnilwny. Very low rafts to principal North Car i llna resorts. Special train, luxurious day coaches will leave Plant System station 7;CO a m. rntlroad time. Aug. 22nd, tick ets limited Sept. 3rd, good returning on regular traits Jas. Freeman, city pas si utter and ticket agent, 141 Bull a reel. Phone 830 —ad. Jackson, Metzger A to. Mid-Summer Selling, niininmaii Prices foe Silks. One lot figured novelty silks. 25c yard. One lot colored crepe de chine, 15c yard. ad. >1 Id-Summer Selling. Jackson. Metzger A Cos. II ninmn it e Prices (or All Summer Goods. One lot while lawns, 354 c yard. Five lots while quilts, drummers' sam ples, 10l No. 1. 89c; lot No. 2. 98c, lot No. 3. 8109, lot No. , 81.29, lot No i *1.39.- UP TO NINETY-NINE DEGREES. Al GI ST 1 fWH) NOT A M ATCH FOR AU GUST YET. A Shortage of Half a Degree a Day Till* Year Compared With La*t August—The Month an Unusually Dry One—The Kaiufall Short Near ly Four Inehe* —Cooler Weather on tlie Way. Savannah’s temperature yesterday while it did not make a record, equalled the highest point that has been reached this month, and year. The mercury climbed to 99 degrees, which has been equalled on ly once this summer. The minimum was 75 degrees, giving a mean of 87 degrees. The state forecast for to-day is for lo cal rains and cooler weather in the north, and lair in the south. To-morrow, it is predicted, will be fair. Light southwest winds may be expected. While this month may r seem to have been exceptionally hot, it has not been as hot as last August up to date by an average of half a degree a day. Last August averaged up to and including the 18th, 84 degrees, while the present month has so far been only 83% degrees. The palm for hot weather goes to last Au gust, also, on individual days. During that month there were three days on which the mercury reached the century mark. So far this month the highest mark reached is 99 degrees, and that has been reached only twice. Possibly the greatest variation in the weather of the two months, however, has been in the rainfall. During the present month the fall to date has been only .55 of an inch, making a shortage for the month of 3.70 inches, and for the year of 7.01 inches. Last August the rainfall at the present date had been just one inch heavier. Pimples on the face are not only an noying, but they indicate bad blood. Hood’s Sarsaparilla cAirea them by’ puri fying the blood.—ad. SUPPLIES PLENTIFUL. Tlie Market Well Supplied With All the Season Afford*. The abundance of supplies in the city market demonstrates that as soon as stuff goes out of season, there is some thing else to take its place on the stalls. This is true in the vegetable departments, and it is equally true with meat dealers. To the thrifty dealer the importance of making a frequent change in the line of supplies offeredl appears specially’ import ant. It so appears to Logan, and he ac cordingly makes the frequent changes. It is this as much as any other one thing that has won him patronage. Freeh meats served in the best of condition is the guarantee he gives customers. Veg etables at your own price.—ad. “A Day’s Doing*’* To Be Given Away Mondiry and Tues day. Th : s beautiful lithographed picture in a handsome gold frame; all ready for hanging up; size 11 by 22 inches; will be given away free to all purchasers of one pound A. & P. Baking Pow’der. Don't fall to get one. The Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company, 106 Broughton street, west. Telephone 616 —ed. New Attraction* nt Hotel Tybee. The Hotel Tybee will reduce the price for bathing suits the balance of the sea son, beginning to-morrow, from 25c to 15c. Children 10c. A prize will be offered Tuesday and Thursday’ nights for the most graceful and longest dancer. Prizes W'ill also be offered children guessing the number of persons on pavil ion Wednesday and Friday afternoons. These inducements are made to attract crowds the remainder of the season, and doubtlss many will avail themselves of them, and go down to Hotel Tybee. Plenty Time for Tjbee Trains. Everything Is in preparation to-day (or a fine dinner at Hicks. Go there. You will meet the rest of us there. We hove plenty time to get din ner end catch the Tybee train. Return ing to the city in ample time for our supper.—ad. A torpid liver mode active, a bad head ache relieved by using Saratoga Aron dack Water. All you can drink for 5 cents at Solomons' drug store. Bull and Charlton streets.—ad. Wnr Map of Chlnu. Rand-McNally’s War Map of China, showing the Chineses empire, British In dia, Japan, Philippine Islands, French In doo-China, Slam, Malaysia, Corea, etc., mailed 4o any address for 25 cents. For sale at EStlll's News Depot, 43 Bull street, Savannah, Ga. “Anew line of elegant fire proof safes from the largest manufacturers in the United States can be se?n at Dippman Bros, wholesale druggists In this city. Price and qua ity will be of Interest." —ad. Wellington to He Slllil. The beautiful photographic views of "Wellington,” displayed in the show win dows of Messrs. Theus Bros., and Ludden & Bates, are attracting much attention They certainly represent a magnificent property, and It Is claimed, they only give a partial idea of its beauties and ad vantages. There being a pretty spring water lake, salt water bathing, fishing, etc., etc., which must be seen to be ap preciated. Take Thunderbolt cars.—ad. A Doctor's Ailvlce Free. About Tetterine, Dr. M. L. Fielder of Ec lectic P. 0., Elmore county, Alabama, says: "I know It lo be a radical cure for letter,salt rtieum, eczema and all k r.dred diseases of (he skin and scalp. 1 never prescribe anything else in all skin trou bles.” Send 60c in si amps for a box of If postpaid, to the manufacturer, J. T. Shup trine, Savannah, Ga., if your druggist doesn't keip It.—ad. I.adles' Tailor Marie Continues. High class Indies' tailor-made costumes made to order from latest patterns and most select stock, by G. Fanllni, merchant tailor.—ad. Eighth Annual Mountain Exenrsion to Xorlli null South Carolina I'oln Is. The Seaboard Air Dine Railway will sell cheap excurßion tickets to the moun tain resorts in North and South Carolina Aug. 22. good to return until Sept. 3. For full particulars apply at city ticket office, corner Bull and Bryan streets, or 'phone 28.—ad. At Estlll's sm Depot, Ho. 4.1 IlnH Street. Savannah Morning News, New York. Boston. Philadelphia. Baltimore, Charles ton (B; C.). Jacksonville (Fla.), Cincinnati, New Orleans, Washington (D C.). Chica go, Augusta (Ga ), Ailania. Macon ((la ). and other prominent dallies; also (he va rious monthlies and weeklies, new books and everything else usually found In Arst-cUsa nawa depots.-ad. Love Sway* the World. Be considerate, matters not what the occasion, whether at your own fireside, or in the world. A kind word, a warm pres sure of the hand, a kind, soft glance of the eye, bring glad feelings of joy to the recipient, but be honest with it. Don’t stint your kindness, don’t be miserly with your caresses; let your heart shine in your eyes, and your actions cast sunshine in the pathway’. So you will banish gloom and sadness. Help all you can to lift up and you will be of some w’orth to your fellow’ beings. Remember, that death comes to all; sorrow and gloom, the cer tain lot of all of us. You can soften the blow, comfort the widow and soften the hard places for the orphan, by an ade quate amount of good, sound life insur ance. Such is the policy con ract of the Massachusetts Mutual, that while it comes as a protection and a provider for the widowed and fatherless, it has proven a friend in need to many’ a man when the pinch of hard times causes sleepless nights. These poiieies have cash values, loan values and paid-up (participating) values for every year beginning with the second. The dividends make the cost less every year, and when once you succeed in getting a policy in the Massachusetts Mutual (it is not every man who applies that gets accepted) you will, like others, value it as one of your best investments. We w’ould like to show you a specimen policy. Send us your age and address. Harty & Apple, managers for Georgia, the Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company, No. 117 Bay streeA, east, Sa vannah, Ga. We want a few active, reliable agents, and offer good contracts to those who come well recommended.—ad. SCHOLARSHIP FOR THE “TECH/* Mr. Aaron French’* Gift of S.IOO to Be Competed for September 2(>. This opportunity Is before the young men not only of Georgia, but other states. The enviable position which the School of Technology has taken among the best technical schools of the country and the present great industrial advance of the South, make the above a prize worthy of the best efforts of all young men eligible for the competition. The school offers degrees In mechanical, electrical, civil and textile engineering, and its equipment of these departments is unsurpassed. Its reputation has been made on thorough ness of instruction of its graduates. Grad uates of literary colleges are urged to ex amine the special course offered. A course at the school is a necessity to any man. no matter what profession he may intend to follow'. Full particulars and illustrat ed catalogues may be had by addressing Lyman Hall, president, Atlanta, Ga.—ad. Jack*on, Metzger A Cos. Mid-Summer Blanket Sale. One lot 11-4 California blankets, $3.99. One lot 11-4 Caliofrnia blankets, $4.99. Free blanket storage; Vb cash secures either quality at sales figures, balance Jan be paid on delivery.—ad. Mountniu Excursion via Plant Sys tem. For trains leaving Savannah Aug. 22, the Plant System will sell round trip tickets to Lookout mountain, Tenn., $11:60; Monteagle, Tenn., $12.50; Sewanee. Tenn., $12.40. All tickets limited to return to Sept. 3. This line offers double daily ser vice to the above points, and schedules are shorter and more convenient than any other line. If you are thinking of making this trip, ca 1 at city ticket of fice, De Soto Hotel, ’phenes 73.—ad. Ai:nunl Mountain Excursion via Southern Hallway. Very low* rates to principal North Car olina resorts. Special train, luxurious day coaches will leave Plant System station 7:(X) a. m. reilread lime, Aug. 22nd. tick ets limited 3rd, good returning on regular trains. Jas. Fieeman. city pas senger and ticket agent, 141 Bull street. Phone 850. ad. A Fever-Stricken Cam is. Everett City, Ga., July 21, 1900.—1 am a strong believer in and advocate of the use of Johnson’s Chill and Fever Tonic. I know what it will do. 1 have tried it in Cuba and the low lands of Mexico. I have been a soldier in my time and have found the Tonic invaluable in cases of camp fever. Only those who have been in the Tropics as soldiers can comprehend tho horrors of a fever-stricken camp, miles and miles away from its base of supplies. It was in such places that Johnson's Tonic came in. You did not need any Calomel or quinine or any other drug. Stick to the Tonic and you will be able to eat embalmed beef again. Yours very truly, Chas. F. Roden. —ad. Excursion to Macon nnd Mllledge vllle, August 21, Central of Georgia Railway will sell ex cursion tickets. Savannah to Macon and Milledgeville and return, at rate of $2.50 for the round trip, for train leaving Sa vannah at 8:45 a. m., Aug. 21; tickets to bear limit returning to Aug. 23, 1900.—ad. Jackson. Metzger ifc Cos, Mid-Summer Blanket Sale, One lot 11-4 California blankets, $.3.99. One lot 11-4 Caliofrnla blankets, $4.99. Free blanket storage; % cash secures either quality at sales figures, balance can be pnid on delivery.—ad. Annnnl Mountain Excursion via Southern Railway. Very low rates to principal North Car olina resorts. Special train, luxurious day coaches will leave Plant System siation 7:CO a. m. railroad lime, Aug. 22nd, tick ets limited S pt. 3.d, good returning on regular trains. Ja . Freeman, < ity pas singer nnd ti fc t agent, 141 Bull street. Phone 850—ad. The summer is passing, have you taken In the Plant System Sunday excursions to Charleston? One dollar for the round trip, —ad. Chair cars on Plant System excursions to Charleston every Sunday; engage your seats on Saturdays at the De Soto Hotel ticket office.—ad. Sunday Trips to Hrnnswlek t la Plant System, (1. The Plant System will sell round-trip tickets to Brunswick on Sundays, limited to date of sale, at rate of SI.OO. Trains leave at 2:10 a. m. and 5:30 u in.—ad. The Plant System excursion train to Charleston leaves Savannah at 6:30 a. m. Sundays; tickets are sold at one dollar for the round trip.—ad. Tlie Arngnn. Teachtree street, Atlanta, Oa., under new management. Cafe of rats excellence Recommends Itself for ihe notable char acter of Its guiss. Free eoaches. Sco vllle Bros —sd. Jaekeon, Metsger A Cos. Mid-Summer Selling, Rummage Prim for StlUa. One lot figured novelty silks, gse ysrd. One lot colored crept de chine, 15c yard —*d. I Wc are still selling $5 and $6 TAN SHOES ** $3.75 3l Pair. Edwin Clapp and A. E. Nettleton Shoes. Good Things Come Seldom. Only a few days more. Sale stops Sept. Ist. U BROUGHTON ST..WEST. Our “King” Full Kay Harness, for light driving, at $17.69. Regular price $22.50. Worth while to examine it. Congress and Whitaker Sts. LEO FRANK. Now is the time to think about Stoves and Ranges. It will pay you to investigate our summer prices. Perfect, Royal Magic and Othello Ranges {STmk/t! on } Make your purchases before the rush is on. \ f or ‘ k^“° Wm. & H. H. Lattimore. Soli Pnmoroioof school FOR ROYS BETWEEN 8 AND 20. Thorough preparation for college or bus iness. Boys may enter at any time. Next fall the school will bo moved to new quarters fully equipped for A MILITARY SCHOOL. Further particulars from the principal, ORMOND B. STRONG, Islington House, Highlands, N. C. Catalogues may he had for the asking at Solomons’ Bull street drug store. Morton’s School for Boys. The fifteenth session of this school which is the largest and best equipped private school in this city, commence# Oct. 1. Thorough Instruction In all de partments. Students from this school en ter the State University on Principal# certificate without entrance examinations* Special instruction for those wishing to enter the. U. S. Academies. For catalogues or other information ad dress, J. R. MORTON, M. A Principal. COMFORT ~ For your stock. The fly season is now cm us and the time to use Tough on Flies, a lotion when applied will prevent jO'ir horses and cattle from being pestered. Try it and be convinced. HAY. GRAIN, HR AN, COW FEED, CHICKEN FEED, etc. T. J. DAVIS. Phone 223. 118 Bay elroel, J. D. WEED ft CO IBVMBBII, ÜB, Leather Beilin?. Steam Packing & Bose. Acenla for NEW YOKE RIIRBEH BELTING AND RACKING COMPANY. OLD NEWSPAPERS KO for 2 OMIA •* 4)UflnM Office Morning New*,