The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, August 19, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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SELF WASTED—FKMALB. “vvXnted! uady stenographer (or two weeks; must have commercial experience. Address Vacation, this of fice. WANTED. EXPERIENCED HANDS at Savannah St am Lat ndry. Lumber and Margaret streets-. all ladies who want tcTmake money at homo without capital, no can vassing. should send 10 cents for samples. Address Review, 16 East Hunter street, Atlanta, Ga. ■"WANTED, AT 212 EAST GASTON, A competent, neat and wiillivg colored girl. EMPLOYMENT WANTED. a respectable young woman, position as house girl, cook and nurse in small family; for ref erences • and particulars, address H. Rurke. AlexanderviUe, Ga. WANTED, BY AN HONEST,' HARD work! g country boy of 19, something to do. Will werk for actual living expenses as a starter Would lk; to g;t with a mercantile establishment. Address Al bert, care Morning News. SITUATION WANTED; REFINED young lady desires position as companion to lady or as governess for small chil dren. Address “Violet," care Morning News. EXPERIENCED CLOTHING MAN wants a position. Address P. M. 8., this office." " REAL'ESTATE AND GENErTiTcOL lector; rent collections a specialty; give me a trial; prompt returns made. Wm. B. Puder, 208 Habersham. LADY OF REFINEMENT DESIRES position as governess or as companion. Terms moderate. Address May, Morning News. GOOD RELIABLE WASH " WOMAN wants washing at any time. Apply 24 East Charlton lane. COTTON CLERK. AMERICAN 24 wishes to change; familiar with f. o. b. ocastwise and export; seven years exper ience. Address C. I. F„ this office. "wanted, a positiotTas travel: ing salasman by young married man; ten years’ expsrpnee and personal acquaint ing with Florida uade; best references. R. Coulter general and livery. COMPETENT MECHANICS AND laborers furnished saw, mills. logging camps, miners, turpentine farms, contrac tors. fruit growers, etc. Address Huber’s Labor Agency, 317 West Bay street, Jack sonville, Fla. POSITION WANTED BY AN EXPER ienced lady stenographer, and typewriter. Addre.s S. 8., care general delivery. HOUSES WANTED. MODERN leniences; centrally located; not over sls. Address “Convenient," News. SMALL HOUSE IN GOOD LO" oaity; modern conveniences; rent ch- ap; occupy now or October. Address "Star," News office. YOUNG MARMED COUPLE WISH to rent small furnished house or flat. Ad dress Manhattan, Morning News office. ROOMS WANTED. parlor flatTT or^T^rocSmr nioe locality; rent reasonab'e. Will occupy Immediately or Oct. Address "Haste,” News office. WANTED, NICE. COOL FLAT OF three rooms, unfurnished; convenient to business; in private family, or would rent part of house with select party. Ad dress Permanent, News office. “WANTED, TO RENT BY OCT. TTfUß nished flat of four rooms with refined fam ily mal located convenient to business; state terms and location; references re quired. Address “Bolanyo,” this office. >\ AVl'lil* tIISCfcILI.ANEOIS. IF YOU OWN PROPERTY AND Yant it rented, place it in our hands; we Vi e more calls for houses than we are Ale lo supply. Youmans & Demmond. IF YOU ARE TIRED OE HUNTING f< \a house to rent, and have about made M'U’our mind to buy one, call on us; wo liat\ several desirable homes which we, tan Veil cheap. Youmans & Demmond, IVovYlent building. MOISEY TO DOAN ON IMPROVED city pt\>perty, one to five years; low rate of Intel list. J. E. Fulton & Bon. WANTED, YOU TO GIVE ME * A chance %ben you are buying or selling real estatv especial attention given all business It trusted, E. G. Black. wanted' two boarders in pri vate family! $3.50 per week. 420 Macon street. ca=t.\ WANTED,t' 'O BT’Y OR RENT FlßST tlass dairy fOj 5 years, with privilege of leasing. Addff ?s D. R., this office. WANTEtD. t< PURCHASE FOR ONE of my cuetomfEi a, a nice home, central, for about five Th.uaandi. E. G. Black. WANTED} - Bo COUPLE.'FLAT FOR light houeekeepkig must be centrally lo cated, and rent mo lerate. Address, stat ing full particular.-, J. D. K., this of fice. WANTED, ONE ORTWO BOARDERS, private family. 317 President street, west. PARTIES'NEEDING FIRE, LIFE, AC eident or liability Insurance, desiring to buy or sell real estate, or to have their rents collected, or to negotiate loans on real estate, to call on W. C. Frlpp & Cos. EVERYBODY INTERESTED 1N property to see our Real Estate Bulletin; in It are facts and figures worth consider ing. Youmans & Demmond. e WANTED”LADY'S WHEEL; GOOD condition, cheap. Address 0., this office. WANTED, TWO OR THREE UNFUR nished rooms for light housekeeping. Ad dress K., News office. WANTED, COUPLE TO RENT, FLAT In house with couple. Address “House keeping," care News. MONEY TO LOAN AT 5 PER CENT. Interest. W. C. Frlpp & Cos. WANTED, YOUR REAL ESTATB~TO sell either at private or auction sale; cen assure you prompt sales. E. G. Black. ,#> 4 IF YOU WANT A PLACE TO DUMP earth, dirt. sand, manure, etc., free of charge. Just at city limits, hauling over hard road, write or telephone Brown Bros., corner Anderson and East Broad streets. POR HEAT— ROOMS. COMFORTABLY FURNISHED HALL room, facing south. 118 East Harris erect. FOR rent TWO NICELY FUR nished single rooms. If. Hull, west. Apply to R. Jenkins, 111 Broughton, west. A FEW ““GENTLEMEN CAN GET pleasant furnished rooms; single or on suite; rent reasonable; private family. 211 Jones, west. for rentTtwo LARGE FURNISH *d rooms on second floor; bath, hot amt cold water, with or without board; south ern exposure. 412 Gwinnett street, west. NEWLY FURNISHED SOUTHERN rooms with board. Apply 30 Macon street, east. FOR - RENT FOUR ROOMS. WITH hsth and closet, eight dollars, 439 Price street. . FOR RIOT, SEVERAL DESIRABLE rooms, neatly furnished and convenient ° bath; for gantleman, or couple without children, ifi Liberty elreet, wsat TO RENT, FURNISHED OR LNFUR nlshad room*; hot end Add water. U State street, east. FOIt HENT—ROOMS. NICELY FURNISHED. OOOL ROOM, five dollars a month; hath privileges. 121 East Congress. FURNISHED ROOM WITH BATH. $1 week, for rent. 210 East Broughton styt-et. FOR RENT, FLOOR OF THREE rooms, centrally located. 307 McDonough street, west. ONE OR TWO GENTLEMEN CAN find nicely furnished room, southern ex posure, bathroom attached. 214 West Harris street. FOR RENT, NICELY FURNISHED larjpe, airy, southern front room; ail con veniences; use of telephone, at 304 Og'e thorpe avenue, west. FOR RENT, TWO NICELY "Fl’R nished ccnnecilng rooms; suitable for young men 27 Jones street, east. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH board, singly Of en suite; private family; references, oil Jones, east. FURNISHED ROOMS,’ MODERN IM provements, south front. 126 West Tay lor. FLAT, SIX CONNECTING ROOMS, with bath, first floor; Lyons block; suita ble for any purpose. John Lyons. “for RENT, ONE OR TWO FITRNISH ed southern rooms. 244 Oglethorpe ave nue, east. TO - ONE OR MORE GENTLE MEN, suite of furnished rooms; also separate rooms. 108 Gaston, east. A" LOVELY“ ROOM, ALL CONVEX iences; cheap to right party. 101 Perry street, west. TWO LARGE" CONNECTING ROOMS, suitable for housekeeping, water and sink, second floor. 514 West Charlton. FOR RENT, A LARGE SOUTH ROOM near Pork Extension; private entrance. Address Brown, Morning News. PLEASANT ROOMS, NIC E LOCA tion; good t-able; reasonable rates, at 322 Harris street, east. RENT, THREE ROOMS, "SEPARATE yard and water; five dollars month. 644 President, east. FOR RENT, TWO CONNECTING rooms, suitable for light housekeeping; also basement suitable for office. 120 Hull street, west. FLATS FOR RENT. '"oNlT’oF flats In Savannah; northwest corner Har ris and Barnard, second floor five rooms; rent reasonable to right party. Youmans & Demmond, Provident building. ""FOR RENT. THREE-ROOM - FLAT, second floor; seven dollars month. 420 Duffy, west. THREE CONNECTING ROOMS WITH private bath; price, $12.00 per month. 314 President street, west. FOR RENT, ONE FLAT. 533 MARGA ret street. “TO RENT. TWO VERY PLEASANT flats with bath. 3 West Charlton- street. ~FLAT OF FOUR ROOMS, 322 Broughton, east; ten dollars. Apply in drug store. “TCf RENT. FLAT, - .123 BARNARD; rooms; all southern on long plazza. FLAT OF FOUR NICE ROOMS; southern exposure. 111 Duffy, west. “FOR RENT, - NICE FLAT ~NOT~II6 Liberty street, west; rent cheap, Pren dergast & Cianahl, 6 Bryan street, east. FOR RENT, FLAT, 214 BROUGHTON street, east; $13.30 per month; recently put in first-class condition. J. E. Fulton & Son. “FOUR-ROOM PARLOR FLAT; ALL conveniences; In excellent location. Ap ply 503 West Anderson. PARLOR FLAT OF THREE ROOMS completely furnished for housekeeping; linen, dishes, gas stove; all conveniences, private family. 148 Lincoln street. FOR - RENT, " FROM OCT. 1 TWO flats, 607 Barnard street. Apply to G. C. Mathews, C. of Ga., down freight ware house, West Broad street. FOR _ RENT," ELEGANT FURNISHED flat, with every comfort; no children de sired. 36 Habersham, near Broughton. "FOR - RENT - ONE UPPER FLAT with conveniences; cheap rent to good tenant; in -good location. 107 West Per ry street. FUR RENT,"FLAT OF 4 ROOMS WITH bath. 135 Lincoln street. “FLAT AvK ROOMS, WITH BATH, most desirable portion of the city. Call or adddress 224 Gwinnett street, east. "FLATS - FORT RENT," 221 PARK AVlf r.ue, east; will be rented in flats; lovfr rent to desirable tenants. Reilly, 106 Drayton street. FLAT OF - 4 OR; 5 "CONNECTING roems; bath on same floor; a good chance for light house keeping; small tent. 117 Gordon, west. “FOR RENT. BASEMENT FLAT, three rooms deep; 246 Montgomery street; newly renovated and painted. “for"rent, flat with"allTcon veniences. 27 Jones street, east. 211 WEST BOLTON, UPPER - FLAT. Apply on premises or W. B. Sturtevant, 11 Congress, west. FOR RENT—HOUSES FOR RENT. THAT DESIRABLE RES idence 206 New Houston street, west, with all latest improvements. Apply et C. S. Deutitch. 8 Hull street, west. "FOR" RENT,' FROM OCT 7 J, RESL denee 118 Henry street, east. Apply 120 Drayton ssreet. “FOR RENT,“DWELLIG HOUSE, 120 Waldburg street, east; possession Aug. 1. Apply 113 Broughton street, west. 209 HENRY, WEST, OCT. 1; S3O“ AP piy room 9 Provident building. FOR RENT, SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE, No. SOB Montgomery street. “FOR RENT, RESIDENCES 321 AND 313 Hall, east; also 707 and 709 Habersham; all in first-class order; hot and cold wa ter; immediate possession. Apply W. VV. Swlnton, 208 Eighth streef, east. " lIOI'SE. BISMARCK, NEAR BUR roughs street; five rooms; seven dol lars and a half per month. S. Mendel, 202 Bay, west. FOR RENT, 406 AND 410 ABERCORN street; immediate possession. Apply R. S. Claghorn, 110 Bryan, east. “EIGHT-ROOM '"'HOUSE 318 DUFFV street, west; all modern conveniences; pos session Oct. 1. Apply 140 Whitaker sireet. “for rent*"brick dwelling in good repair, with large yard, corner Hall and Abercorn streets. Kollork & Screven. RESIDENCE ON THE CORNER Jones and Lincoln, in flral-clas* o,rder and condition; will rent In flats to congenial tenants or the house entire. Estate Salo mon Cohen, West Broad and Broughton streets. “1211-13 BARNARD STREET. TWENTY two dollars. 110 Henry, west, fifteen dol lars. 211 Duffy, east, twenty-five dollars. 752 Gwinnett, east, eight dollars. You inans & Demmond, Provident building, FROM OCT. 1, 206 TAYLOR EAST: 106 Henry, east, three stories each, will rent cheap to right party; 211 NValdhtirg. east, thlrty-flv* dollars; should be seen to be appreciated; nine and thirteen Duffy, west, twenty-five dollar* each; 5 Gordon, east excellent location and magnificent house; 212 Waldburg east, very commo dious and atlrsctlce; 218 Henry, east, only thirty dollars Youmans ft Demmond, Provident building. FOR RENT. DWELLING ON EIGHTH Hreet, second door trom Uncoim - slon Oct 1 Apply R. H- Oagborn, UK Bryan street, east. THE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY, AUGUST 19, 1900. FOR RENT—HOUSES. FOR RENT. MODERN FLAT. 207 Broughton street, east; sepaiate bath and kitchen and every- convenience. J. E. Ful ton & Son. LARGE RESIDENCE! 113 LIBERTY street, west, for rent; outbuildings and stables; possession Oct. 1. J. E Fulton & Son. FOR RENT FROM - OCY 1," RE3l dence, 110 Duffy street, west; all modern Improvements. J. E. Fulton & Son. For, RENT, DESIRABLE DWSUe ing, 1311 Barnard street; all conveniences, $26 per month. FOR RENT FROM OCT!T,“tHAT DE sirable residence. 105 Bolton street, west, near Park Extension; possession can be given immediately. J. E. Fulton & Son. FOR .RENT, LARGE DOUBLE RESl dence, 118 State street, east; large grounds and outbuilding; every convenience. J. E. Fulton & Son. FOR RIS.NT.~TWO-STORY HOUSE. 220 Park avenue, west: seven rooms and bath; $lB per month; immediate possession. J. E. Fulton & Son. FOR RENT, RESIDENCE! - US“DUFFY street, west, near Whitaker; all conve niences; large yard; $22.30 per month; im mediate possession. J. E. Fulton & Son. FOR RENT, NEW RESIDENCE, 202 Second avenue, east, corner Abercorn; $26 per month; possession Oct. 1, or immedi ately. J. E. Fulton & Son. FOR RENT, RESIDENCE. 120 HENRY street, west; southern exposure; large yard; $25 per month. J. E. Fulton & Son. “No. 906 WHITAKER STREET. NEAR Bolton, for rent, from Oct. Ist; five bed rooms; all modern improvements. J. E. Fulton & Son. FOR RENT FROM SEPT.“I7 THAT DE sirable store, and dwelling, northwest corner Duffy and Jefferson streets, now occupied by Mr. Benjamin G dts. J. E. Fulton & Son. FOR "RENT. RESIDENCE, 209 HA i7l street, west, near Barnard; possession Sept. lor Oet. 1; s3l per month. J. E. Fulton & Son. FOR RENT FROM OCT. 1, LARGE residence, 424 Barnard street, facing square; all conveniences. J. B. Fulton & Son. “"FOR RENT, THAT SPLENDID RESl dence, 105 Oglethorpe avenue, cast; all modern improvements; in first-class order. J. Et .Fulton & Son. “FOR"RENT, .NEW MODERN REST dence, 220 Park avenue, east; $26 per month. J. E. Fulton & Son. FOR" RENT. RESIDENCE. 320 HAH rls street, east; S3O per month; possession Oct. 1. J. E. Fulton & Son. “THAT SPLENDID RESIDENCE, 214 Huntingdon street, east, for rent; large grounds, choice location; possession Oct. I. J. E. Fulton & Son. FOR - RENT, -RESIDENCE), 811 LlN coln street, near Gwinnett, $25 per month. J. E. Fulton & Son. “FOR RENT, REsIDF.NCE7"II 18"7jJ3F ferson street; all conveniences; S2O per month. J. E. Fulton & Son. FOR" RENT “from - OCT. 3, PtESl dence, 109 Jones street, east, near Dray ton. J. E. Fulton & Son. FOR RENT, LARGE RESIDENCE,“U7 Jones street, west; choice location; posses sion Oct. I. JJ E. Fulton & Son. FOR - RENT FROM" OCT. l!~ REST dence, 117 Perry street, west; all conve niences. J. E. Fulton & Son. FOR RENT, LARGE RESIDENCE, 105 Perry street, west; possession Oct. 1. J. E, Fulton & Son. FOR" RENT,“ DESIRABLE - MODERN residence, 317 Hall street, west; possession Oct. 1, or immediately. J. E. Fulton & Son. FOR REINT FROM OCT. “1, RESl denee, 118 Duffy street, east, near Aber corn; all modern conveniences. J. E. Ful ton & Son. FOR “RENT PROM OCTOBER, 1312 Bull street, s2l per month. J. E. Fulton & Son. FOR “RENT RESIDENCE, 306 AN derson street, east; $25 per month; posse sion Oct. 1. J. E. Fulton & Son. "THAT - ELEGANT - RESIDENCE, 115 Gwinnett street, east, for rent, from Oct. 1; large grounds. J. E. Fulton & Son. FOR RENT FROM OCT. I,“MODERN flat, 239 Jefferson street; sls per month. J. E. Fulton & Son. FOiTrENT, RESIDENCE. 16 ANDER son street, east, S2O per month; possession Oct. Ist. J. E. Fulton & Son. FOR R EXT, NEW RESIDENCE, 7 Second avenue, east; $22 per month; pos session Oct. 1. J. B. Fulton & Son. “FOR RENT, NO. 124 HARRIS street, east; now undergoing repairs; im mediate possession. Prendergasi & Ga nahl, 6 Bryan street, east. FOR RENT, NO. 106 HULL STREET, east; good location for boarding house or renting rooms; possession given imme diately. Prendergast & Ganahl, 6 Bryan street, east. FOR RENT, NO. 101 PERRY STREET, east, corner Drayton street; possession given Oc. 1; property will be, thorough ly overhauled. Prendergast & Ganahl, 6 Bryan street, east. poll RENT. NO. 41 EAST BROAD street; nice house for small family. Pren dergast & Ganahl, 6 Bryan street, east. FOR RENT. FROM OCT. 1. NO. 312 Habersham street, centrally located and in good repair. Prendergast & Ganahl, 6 Bryan street, east. FOR - RENT, FROM OCT. 1, NICE new house on Anderson, between Dray ton and Abercorn streets. Prendergast & Gnnnhl, 6 Bryan street, east. 515 AND 519 DUFFY, WEST, 6 ROOMS and bath. sl4 per month; immediate pos session. W. J. Miscally, Jr. DO" THIRD. EAST, 6 ROOMS AND bath, $lO per month. W. J. Miscally. Jr. 415— broughton; west. 6 rooms; possession immediately. W. J. Miscally, Jr. _ 203 - 'GWINNETT, NEXT TO BAR nard, 9 rooms, all conveniences, S4O from Oct. 1. W. J. Miscally, Jr. 205 AVENUE' EAST - LARGE house, with outhouse; rent cheap. W. J. Miscally, Jr. GORDON, EAST, CORNeITi7iNCOLN, 9 rooms, with outhouse, ,$45 per month, from Oct. 1. W. J. Miscally, Jr. 1 o“jO NE Si EAST. ELEGANT' Resi dence, desirable In every way, SSO per month, from Oct. 1. W. J. Miscally, Jr. LOW RENT, COTTAGES ON Louis ville avenue nnd Morgan street, Pooler; healthily located; four dollars per month to desirable tenants. Call on Mlrhael Mc- Evady, Pooler, or Henry Solomon & Son, city. “FOR RENT, RESIDENCE, 318 BOL ton street, west, seven rooms, all con veniences; newly papered anti painted, s2l per month; lease for one y< ar. Apply to J T Shuptrine, corner Congr-as and Jeffer son s reets. “FOR RENT. HOUSE. 347 TATTNALL street, containing eight rooms and bath. Apply 349 Tattnall street. “FOR RENT, A COTTAGE OF FIVE rooms. 207 Third avenue, east of Abercorn. Key 21 West Charlton. FOR RENT. 392 HENRY STREET, corner of Lincoln. Apply within. “thunderbolt, large house. with ample grounds; fine situation for business Inquire two-fourtsen Bryan street, en I. Ton RENT, THREE STORY PRICK No. 118 Presld' ret, it, eight room* and !n (list elstg order. s\n>. XI. Pud*', Jot Habersham. NOR KKKT— dOISKS. RENT CHOICE R ESIDENC £; every convenience, corner Gordon and Tattnall streets; thirty dollars. Peter Reilly. FOR RENT. " THREE-STORY BRICK dwelling near Central depot; eighteen dol lars. Peter Reilly. 106 Drayton street. FOR - RENT. THREE-STORY RE3T dence, fronting Chatham Square, Taylor and Barnard streets; sixteen dollars. Peter Reilly.a FOR RENT, MODERN BUILT RE3l dence; every convenience. 219 Waldburg street, west; thirty dollars. Peter Reilly. FOR RENT, COTTAGE NEAR WHITE Bluff tollgatc, six dollars. Peter Reilly, 105 Drayton. FOR RENT. A LARGE RESIDENCE, twelve rooms; pantry and bath room; out building; stables and servants’ rooms; low rent. Peter Reilly, 106 Drayton street. FOR RENT7“7O3 BARNARD STREET, second from Hall street; possession given at once. Apply to Walthour & Rivers, Drayton and St. Julian streets. FOR RENT. NO. ~ 701 BARNARD street, corner Hall; parties can have Im mediate pbsseslson. Apply to Walthour & Rivers. “FOR “rent,' 4m" PARK AVENUE, west, corner Montgomery street. Apply to Walthour & Rivers, Drayton and St. Julian street. FOR - RENT 409~ PARK AVENUE, west; possession given at once. Apply to Walthour & Rivers, Drayton and St. Ju lian streets. FOR RENT! NO. 101 JONES STREET, cast, corner Drayton; possession given Oct. 1, 1900. Apply to Walthour & Rivers, Drayton and St. Julian streets. FOR RENT. 201 DUFFY STREET, east mar Abercorn street. Aopiy to Wal thour & Rivers, Drayton and St. Julian streets. FOR RENT, NO. 112 JONES STREET, east, between Drayton and Abercorn streets; possession given Oct. 1. Apply to Walthour & Rivers, Drayton and St. Ju lian street. Ft R RENT, NO. 12 >“jONES STREET, east;*possession given Oct. 1. Apply to Walthour & Rivers, Drayton and St. Ju lian stieet. “FOR RENT, SMALL "COTTAGE AT Thunderbolt, rant cheap. Apply to Wal thour & Rivers, Drayton and St. Julian streets. ’ FOR RENT, 313 HALL STREET, west, possession given Oct. 1, 1900. Apply to Walthour & Rivers, Drayton and St. Johan streets. FOR" RENT NO 906 BARNARD street; immediate possession. W. C. Frlpp & Cos. FOP. RENT, NO. 626 PRICE“STREITT; immediate possession. W. C. Fripp & Cos. FOR RENT, NO. 126 TAYLt Hi' EAST, S4O per month. W. C. Fripp & Cos. “For RENT, DESIRABLE - RESl dence on Park Extension. W. C. Fripp & Cos. FOR RENT 215" TENTH - STREET, west. Apply to W. C. Fripp & Cos. “FOR RENT, THAT DESIRABLE RES idence No. 309 Liberty street, east; pos session given Sept. 1. Apply No. 10 Bull street, or at residence; terms reasona ble. George W. Earles, agent. " HOUSE NO. 214 AND NO. 216 WALD burg street, west, between Barnard and Jefferson streets; every convenience; first class order and condition; right rent to right tenants. Estate Salomon Cohen, West Broad and Broughton streets. “FOR RENT, THAT DESIRABLE residence, southeast corner Duffy and Barnard streets; all modern conveniences; stables on premises. Apply T. A. Ward, West Broad and Bay streets. "FOR RENT. TnFDHAYTON STREET. Apply J. C. Puder, ’phone 253. " FOR RENT, THAT DESIRABLE“RES dence No. 309 Liberty street, east; pos session given Sept. 1. Apply No. 10 Bull street, or at residence; terms reasonable. George W. Faries, agent. “FOR RENT, 5167528“AND 530“MONT gomery, corner of Huntingdon; 515 Bay, east, and 420 Charlton, east. G. H. Rems hart, 16 Bryan, east. “BRICK - RESIDENCE NO. 120~ hall street, east; finest locality fn the city; per fect order and condition; magnificent home; right rent to right tenant. Estate Salomon Cohen, West Broad and Brough ton streets. “HOUSES 223, ALSO 217 WALDBURG street, east; perfect condition; every con venience; right rent right tenant; $25.00 the month. Est. Salomon Cohen. West Broad and Broughton streets. FOR RENT, 14 OGLETHORPE AVE nue, west. M. S. Baker, agent. roil BEST—STORKS. OE BEST drug store stands in this city. Apply to Platshek & Cos. “FORRENT, “siIITIABLE' FOR STORE or office; southeast corner Montgomery and Perry street lar.e. FOR RENT NOi 38 DRAYTON street, near Broughton street; possession given Oct. I. Apply to Walthour & Riv ers, Drayton nnd St. Julian streets. TO'RENT'FROM IST SEPTEMBER, store and dwelling, West Boundary and Indian lane; a good business stand. Ap ply to R. S. Claghorn. 210 ißryan street. “FOR REST. 125 BAY STREET,'EAST; suitable location for wholesale business. Apply to Walthour & Rivers, lrraylon and Bt. Julian streets. “for - RENT,—FROM "OCT. 1. STORE, No. 314-6 Broughton street, west; three stories on cellar; large store; rent cheap. Prendergast & Ganahl, 6 Bryan street, east. “FOR RENT,' IHAI DESIRABLE •store and warehouse formerly occupied by George W. Tiedeman & Bro., corner Bay and Montgomery street; in perfec4 order and condition; right rent to right tenant; possession con be given Immedi ately. Est. Salomon Cohen, corner West Broad and Broughton streets. HOTEL* FOB HEXT. ’“voT“vßirTHOKou?nTrrY“^^ lng the Morrison House, and will rent It low to the right party. An excellent op portunity. no better location In the city for small hotel. Youmans & Demmond, Provident building. FOB REST—MISCELLANEOUS. 'soTth "basement ROOMS for physician's office or school, facing park, WS Gaston, east. FOB SALIC—KIIAh ESTATE. dred dollars; easy terms, on Ninth street, near East Broad; no city taxation. C. H. Dorsett. “FOP. sale; HAN DSO.MK RES I denoe, twelve rooms, papered; all mod ern Improvements; large lot; Gwlnne4t street. Address O. K., care News. FOR SALE, THREE CORNER LOTS, between Whitaker and Barnard. G. 11. Romshart, IS Bryan, east. for sale, Those lots on ninth street, near East Broad, hove only been sold to first-class parties, who will make good neighbors; and none other can buy The terms are very easy, and they are cheaper than any other In the vicinity. C. 11. Dorsett. FOR SALE, ON F;.vri TERMS, MOD ern ten-room house, all rooms connect and all separate; three large halls; bath room, etc., 418 Henry street, east. Apply at Launey Studio. 21 Broughton, west. FOR SALE. LOTS ON NINTH, NEAR Eaat Broad, at S2OO each; will soon bo • dvapeed to 1221; when a lot has been paid for T ran arrange to get • ►'""t built. C. M. Dorsett. Foil SALE—REAL ESTATE. ■^iF^rAir^vHcr^ffEKn^s^ro^iTi through this world without making an ef fort to get ahead will find himself in a sad Wight as old age creeps on. If you l>ut your money in improved real estate, you have the safest and best investment in the world; and, besides, Reta larger return than from any other source where you have equal security. Think of this* Kight houses renting forty dollars monthly, for three thousand; fourteen houses rent ing for eighty-four dollars monthly, seven thousand; two new houses on Bolton street, east, and tw o In rear all renting Tor sixty-live dollars monthly; six thousand takes them if sold quick; Two houses on Waldburg renting for fourteen fifty monthly for thirteen hundred. If these don't suit we have lots of .others. You mans & Demmond, Provident building. SIX NEW HOUSES RENTING FOR twenty-four dollars per month, only two thousand to quick buyer. There is room on the lots to build six additional houses. A golden opportunity. Youmans & Dem mond, Provident building. STORE AND LARGE DWELLING southeast corner York and Price streets at a great bargain. Youmans & Demmond. rF YOU ARE HAVING TROUBLE to rent a house, why not buy a home. We have a number of desirable ones to offer, and can arrange terms to suit. See 2209 Whitaker street, three thousand. Northwest corner Abercorn and Henry is a nice place and location and can be sold right; 403 Duffy, east, a comfortable home for thirty-one hundred: 413 liolton, east, lot 45 feet front, thirty-twrf fifty, and many others. Youmans & Demmond. BEAUTIFULLY LOCATED COTTAGE on Bull street, only two thousand dollars; also new residence on Hull street, very cheap. Youmans & Demmond. EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE ON DU-FFT street which rents for twenty-five dollars per month, only three thousand; may con sider offer twenty-seven fifty. Will pay handsomely as Investment. Yotnnans & Demmond. DESIRABLE HOME AND VERY large lot only twenty-eight hundred; two hundred and fifty cash, and balance monthly or any way you desire; only six per cent, interest. Youtnans & Demmond. A SPLENDID LOCATION FOR A residence; lot 30x117, for $500; easy pay ments. C. H. Dorset!. FINE CORNER PROPERTY ON West Broad and Second; well improved and rented. C. H. Dorsett. LARGE DOWN-TOWN RESIDENCE. we<l adapted to boarding house keeping. C. H. Dorsett, CORNER RESIDENCE~ON~LTRERTY street, east; easily used for business. C. H. Dorsett. ~THE~WHEATON RESIDENCE, BULL and Gordon; or for rent from Oct. 1. C. H. Dorsett. FINE CORNER LOTi 62x117, ON Weils Square, near Eighth Street School building; lane in rear. C. H. Dorsett. ’ELEGANT“ LOT ON TENTH, BE tween Bull and Drayton. C. H. Dorsett. “FOR S M.K. sit TENTH STREET, west; rents seven dollars; large 4-room house, best condition, artesian pump in yard; lot 30x120 to a lane; price $676; terms $75 cash, bolancte $lO month; great bar gain! Platshek & Cos. FOR SALE, TWO ACRES BEST LAND on Louisville paved road, 2Vs miles from city, road front, electric railway accom modations; price $200; a genuine snap! Platshek & Cos. I’URSA LE, HOMES AND REN TING property in every part of the city, $350 up wards; bundling lots $25 and upwards; you lose money if you don’t see u. Platshek & Cos., reel estate bargain sellers, 110 rryan, east. FOR SALE. SFA'ERAT/nESTR ATU.U residences In choice locations; also fine lot of Investment properly. J. E. Fulton & Son. FOR SALBTcHOICE LOT ON SIXTH street, east, near Abercorn; one thousand dollars. J. E. Fulton & Son. LOTS IN WARING TRACT, A FEW can be bought on these easy terms of SSO cash, balance SIOO per year, at 6 per Cent. W. J. Mlscally, Jr. “ATT"SACRIFICE. SO-FOOT LOT - ON Gwinnett street, east of Savannah. Flor ida and Western Railway. W. C. Fripp & Cos. TWO-STORY, SEVEN-ROOM FRAME house, 215 Tenth street, near Barnard, cheap. W. C. Fripp & Cos. “for sale. thirtyTfoot LOT. facing west, Whitaker, between Eighth and Ninth street. W. C. Fripp & Cos. FOR SA LE, 60-FOOT LOT, BULL, BE \ween Ninth and Tenth. W. C. Fripp & Cos. FOR SALE!"NO. 122 EAST DUFFY’’, northwest corner of Abercorn; a bargain. W. C. Fripp & Cos. FOR SALE, DESIRABLE HOME AT White Bluff, cheap. W. C. Fripp & Cos. " FOR SALE. DESIRABLE HOME, ISLE of Hope, cheap. W. C. Frlpp & Cos. FOR SALK, FOUR HOUSES ON Purse street; a good Investment. W. C. Fripp & Cos. "FOR “BALE, BRICK BUILDING ON large lot on Bay street. west; suitable for wholesale business or good site for bak ery. W. C. Frlpp & Cos. “FOR SALE, ONE OF THE MOST DK slrable residences In the vicinity of Gwin nett and Whitaker streets. W. C. Frlpp * Cos. ’FOR;"SALE, THIRTY—(3O) FOOT LOT on Gwinnett, between AbercOrn arid Lin coln streets; la a burgaln. W. C. Frlpp & Cos. •" FOR SALE. EIGHTEEN - (ft) LOTS ON Gwinnett street, east; good investment. W. C. Frlpp & Cos. FOR SALE, FINE' BRICK REBl dence on Jones, between Drayton and Abercorn streets. W. C. Frlpp & Cos. DESIRABLE BUILDING LOT ON Brady street. W. C. Frlpp & Cos. FOR SALE. LOT 72X105 SOUTHEAST .corner Anderson ami Abercorn; price low for the lot. E. G. Black. FOR"' SALE, SEVERAL LOTS “ON First, between Abercorn and Lincoln. E. G. Black. “FOR sale; 12 HOUSES ON PAUL sen und Bolton streets, bringing good rental. E. G. Black. FOR SALE, 60-FEET LOT ON PARK avenue, between Whitaker and Howard. E. G. Black. • FOR BAI;e7~60-FEKT LOT'oN “BULL, between Ninth and Tenh. E. G. Black. “FOR SALE. NICE CORNER ON SEV enth: can be bought very cheap. E. G. Black. ‘FOR BALE,' 5 Esfi ON WATERS avenue and New Houston; very best cor ner left. E. G. Black. FOR SALE, 7 COLLINSVILLE LOTS at a bargain. E. G. Black. FOR SALE OR FOR RENT, AT A bargain, No. 507 Ninth etreet, west; come at once. FOR SALE. TWO TWO-STORY bricks, corner Hall and Barnard; will sell one or both. E. G. Black. FOR SALE. 39-FEET LOT ON"*HXTH, between Drayton and Abercorn, for one thousand. E. G. Black. “for SALE. IN THE EASTERN BEC tion, emill home cheap; room on lot for another house. E. G. Black. FOR SALE, 12 IyOTS IN A BLOCK facing 0 each on Eleventh and Twelfth streets, between Barnard nnd Jefferson, sixty-live hundred will buy them all; see me if you wish a good thing. E. U. Black, 6 Bryan, east. FOR HALE CHEAP, TWO CORNER lots In Collinsville; highest and beat 10-1 1 cated. Apply to Georg* A. Mercer, Jr. FOH SALE— SbAL AJTA'fB. ners in Collinsville; something you can make money on at tho price. B. G. Black. 3-STORY ON BASEMENT BRICK residence, on Jones, east of Bull, desir able in every particular; part cash, bal ance us rent. W. J. Mlscally, Jr. 7-ROOM RESIDENCE ON ELEVENTH, near West Broad; small cash payment, balance on easy terms. W. J. Mlscally. Jr. FOR SALE. LOTS ON NINTH STREET near East Broad; no city taxes, at S2OO each; twenty-five dollars cash, and easy monthly payments. C. H. Dorsett. “FOR"SALE. LOT 30X125, FACING south on Eleventh street, near Barnard. S. Mendel. 202 Bay, west. evil 4ltkUki4A.Yli.uiA THE 'sToN as soft and smooth as velvet; one appli cation relieves the pain and destroys the redness from sunburn, 25c. At Fersse’s Drug Stores, Henry and Abercorn and Whitaker and Taylor. “REMINGTON NO. ~2 TYFEWRITER; good machine for student to practice on; twenty dollars. Typewriter, Morning News office. “FOR SALE," SECOND-HAND TYPE wrlter, In perfect order; a trial will con vince you that it is worth nearly double what is asked for tt. Address Dens more, News office. FRUIT J ARS - ONE QUART "MASON r S fruit jars, complete, with rubbers, 5c each, at Bernstein’s, 303 Broughton street, west. ■"LARGE size oraphophone out flt for $35 cash; cost SSO. 319 East Hull, for particulars. TURPKNTINE~WE HAVE A GOOD locathn for large operator. Gifford Com pany, Jacksonville. MILCH COWS FBI SALE; IF YOU want a good cow, reasonable, call 471 West Boundary. FOB SALE COTTON SEED MEAL and baled hull* in car lots. Fort Gaines Oil and Guano Company, Fort Galnea Ga. FOR" SALE, SAW “MI LU“ CAPACITY, 3U.0U0 feet, with, land, timber rights, tram road, locomotives, mules, wagons, log carriers, blacksmith shop, tools, eitc. Ap ply to W. W. Aimar. ’\VILI7sELL SI2.OO~GAS~STOVE FOR $6.00; In perfect condition; used short time only; big bargain. 405 Henry street, eat. ""FOR SALE, A CHINESE GANDER; he is a handsome bird; price $5. Addresi George Mansfield, Darien, Ga. “saw mill for sale, “ will sell at a bargain for cash, one sew mill com* plete, 35 to 40 thousand feet daily capacity, consisting of engines, boilers, mill fer riage, blacksmith shop, dry kiln, locomo tives, 33 head large mules, log caU6, chains, and general equipment. For full partlculara. apply to Eastman Lumber ComiMiny, Eastman, Ga. “YOUNG JERSEY BULL FOR SALE;~A beauty. Call 471 West Boundary street and see him. “Ip OR SALE—BAR a.-nu REBTAURANT doing SIB,OOO dollars per year. Best location In Macon; established 1880; good thing for right party. Address P. O. Box No. 36, Macon, Ga. “FRU IT JARS. 'OXE QU ART M A SON’S fruit Jars, complete, with rubbers, fic each, at Bernstein’s, 303 Broughton street, xveM. """aSH AND CYPRESS LUMBER FOR sale—lso,ooo feet of ash suitable for wheel wrights, carriage makers, car work* and Interior house finish. Also cypress lumber of all sizes. We hr-ve resumed cutting our famous brands of cypress shingles and will soon have a full line of them for Bale. Vais Royal Manufacturing Company. "FOR SALE,~ONE FINE SPRINGER. Apply J< ffer.or> and street. “ FOR SALE, A BLUE FLAME'KERO seno stove, cheap. 307 McDonough street, west. ’’FOR SALE. BARBER SHOP; AN OLD established tftand; will sell cheap. Apply P. A. Meincke, 583 Bryan street, west. ToU SALK, RAZORS AND SAFETY razors, honed straight edge, sharpened, concaved, and hollow ground. Cutlery and cash registers repaired, ftteel heelplates and razor straps, best for sharp edges. Orders left care Abe L Byck, No. 10 Bull street, cigar store. Leave your name and address on article to he repaired. Robert McDonough, Savannah, Ga. “FOR SALE, HORSESHOEING AND blacksmith shop; best stand in city; good trade, established; good reason for sell ing. Address H. S., thte office. FOR SALE. TWO CHEAP HORSES and one mule. Apply In rear 24 East Broughton. IIOAIID WANTED. “"young man desires BOARTh private family; south room. Board care Morning News. UOAJtDINM. street, tast; railroad men preferred; all conveniences necessary. FRONT ROOM WITH'BOARD“AT“n3 Jones street, west, “can ACCOMMODATE A ~FEW boardera with good board and pleasant rooms and good board. 120 Hull street, west. SEVBRAD GENTLUMEN ‘ CAN SFL cure board in private family, $3.60 per week. 524 Montgomery. "a“FEW YOUNG MEnTcaN BE Ac commodated with fine large rooms apd board In southern 1 irt of city; private family. Address Home, Morning News. 81.11KE.6S CHANCES. WANTED, RESPONSIBLE FIRM wants office manager at Savannah; sal ary, $1,500 and liberal commission; S7OO cash nnd reference required; position per manent. Address Manufacturer, 1333 Cherry, Philadelphia, Pa. •'HONEST SPECULATION - " SEN D for my "method" of "Security Invest ments.” If you are satisfied with reason onahle profits. Investments by this method In stocks and grain have earned Irv 30 days more than a mechanic earns In 60. Send for free particulars. Cus tomers and bank references. Richard Jones, Investment broker, 40 Exchange .Place, New York. STRAYED. WITH white forehead, strayed In my Held, on Waters road, Klngstonvllle. Owner ean hnve same by proving properly and pay ing expenses. Rev. James Green. “strayed onto deptford“pi7an tatlon. one red cow. Owner can have same by proving property and paying expenses. Apply Deptford Plantation. COM AND FOUND. ““fOT NdTa“BABY'“'DHE^TIjT^ M ADl son equate. Find r can have the sirne by calling at lx East Macon e rect, and proving property; also pay for ad. LOST, POINTER BITCH ON ioTH; while lemon ticked, lemon oti spot or right ear and head. Reword If returned to 119 Park avenue, east. L. L. Burpee. LOST. FROM THE PASTURE OF MR. Sam Reynolds, Aug. 9 or 10, one brfndla yearling, light nose; three years old. Re turn to 1801 Ogeechec road and be re warded W. C. Ford. LOST, BABY CAP, WEDNESDAY sfte'noori, Jitnry, between s' hi aker and Barnard streets, with two gold pins Lib e! tewurd U It turned to 901 Waldburg, west, STOIJFjN. 16. a gold hunting case watch. laving t ini lals “C. O. H.” on ou side of cat and on the inside the inscr.pfi n: "Pi sented to my son, Charles O'Hagan, his 21st birth lay.” A wii ab>, rewad w be paid by me for its return. E. O’Haga OiTerman. Ga. BDICATIO.XAL. "the SEMINA? will reopen Oct. 2, at 808 Drayton stre< Savannah. Ga.; for particulars, a<kfr Mis* Anna Stnrr, 315 Fourth street. Elyr. O. Mrs. Louis G. Young, principal. SIMIIEH RESORTS. SUMMER BOARD’ IX MARIETT Large, cool house in delightfully shar~ grounds; excellent water; no no malaria. Address Box 85, Mariet Ga. MISCELLAIVEOUS. ARE YOU ANXIOUS TO SELL YOU house quick for cash? See Fegeas, ... East Broughton. INTERIOR DECORATING OF AL kinds done by skilled workmen. Interi Decorating Company; see us early. “to XG -K U K LAUNDR Y w X I your work in the very best style; yo clothes bust longer when done by ua; \ tuke pains thoi they ore not torn, a that they are washed clean and nice ironed; prices reasonable and sruisfactl guaranteed; special rotes given to far. Hies. Will call for laundry if not convet lent to bring It. W* are located on 3 Broughton street, east; give u yoi work. ' MATTRIisSEtf RENOVATF.D AN! worked over thoroughly; best moss mai tresses made to order. David Clark, U. Jefferson. FOR HA R 1 'WARE AND TOOLS, G' to Cornwell & Chlpman's. “THE STAR THAT LEADS THEY nil; New Dorms-tlc Machine, with bal bearings. IN nton & Son. CHEAPNESS IN PAPER HANGING and painting, la getting skilled mechard. at fair prices. See Taylor, Knights o Pythias Hall. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS: PLAN find specifications for a school building, t be erected at Statesboro, Ga., can le see at office of Mayor; nlso at office of th architect, L. F. Goodrich, Augusta. Ga and at office of H. J. Lamar & S<on, Mt con, Ga. Bidb for the erection on<i con pletion of this building will be receive by tho Mayor, until 6 o'clock p. m., o Sept. 4. 3900. The right to accept or rc Ject any or U bids is reserved. Addre*. J. W. Wilson. Mayor, Statesboro, Ga. “LET US CLEAN YOUR CLOTHE3 B Resorcin© antiseptic process. New Yor Steam Dye Works, \Vhi,taker-S at streets. UPHOLSTERING DONE IN BEST style and in best workman-like manner, price reasonable. David Clark, 141 Jeffer son. A BOTTLE OF~ FINE will be the thing these days; none b* pure u at William Dlers, West Rroa . and Liberty. “ HAVE YOUrf CLOTHES CUEA MED repaired and pressed, properly by tho** who know bow Perfect satisfactlor guaranteed. Sterling Pressing Club, 32 York. west. WE GIVE YOU EITHER DOMESTIC or gloss finish; perfect work. Forest City Laundry, Park avenue. “PAINTING AND KALSOMINING done by experts at Interior Decorating Company; ‘phone 1051, “THE MOST UP-TO-DATE work' IS being turned out by Forest City Laundry. ‘Phone 1575. FOR RANGES AND ST6vES, Go' TO Cornwell A Chlpman. "special saleTof gold watches tills week; latest designs. Koch & Syl van, 46 Whitaker street. “SINGER— NEEDLES. “THREE FOR five cents; gill oil with dozen free. Penton & Son. FULL LEATHER TOP" TIIREI2 quarter buggy, In first-class condition. Cecil C. Pacettl, 140 Whit aker street. WE CLEAN CLOTHES BY THE RE sorclne antiseptic process. Try us. Newt Y'Ork St'am Dye Works, AVhllaker and State. "5.000 PIECES OF CROCKERY, FROM one cent up; top buggies frnip thirty dol lars up: all have got to go. M. Nathan, 224-26 Congress street, west. BEWARE OF JACKLEGS! OUR prices fair; work satisfactory on paper hanging-pointing. William Taylor. “THE MOST SATISFACTORY PAINT to use is the German ready-mixed; $1.25 gallon. Adams Paint Company. LADIES'"LACE PINS AND NECK laces; newest patterns. Koch & Sylvan, 48 Whitaker. “STOVES RANGBS" HKATER3, FUR naces, scales, syrup pumps, and connec tions for soda tanks, overhauled and re paired; also other machinery of all kinds and household repairs promptly attended 10. J. F. MoAullffe, 49 Drayton etreet. “LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, I'M ready with spring stock of umbrellas, par asols repaired and recovered; locks and keys. M. Dominltz, Corner Oglethorpe- Barnard. Ga. Phone 1059. “OUR" PACKAGE 3 B” WALLPAPER cleaner will clean one room. Adam* Paint, 104 Congress, wen*. “IF YOU WANT good’ MATERIAL and work, order your lithographed and printed stationery and blank books frooa Morning News, Savannah. Cm. “GO TO THE ADAMS PAINT COM pany to buy paints and oils, sash, doors and blinds. ‘PHONE " 1575" FOR FOREST CITY Laundry. They will call for your linen Immediately. WALL PAPER," PAPERHANGINO done In bc.G style by Interior Decorating Company, 113 Slate, west. ■“BEWARE OF STREET CORNER CON tmotors. There are few reliable painters hero, Taylor Is one pt the few. "ATTACHMENTS AND MACHINE RE palrvd while you wait; all work guaran tied. For poor people free. Penton & Son. "Tt" DOESN'T “PAY TO'PRESS DIRT or gasoline In fine clothes N>w York Steam Dye Works, Whltaker-Siate. "FOR FISHING TACKLE, NETS, ETC?, go to Cornwell & Chlpman. "HAVE — YOI T R CLOTHES CLEANED, repaired and priss and, properly by thoge who know how. Perfect satisfaction gi aranteed. St-rlng Pieielng Club, 19 Yoik west. “HI lOCTACLES OF TI?E BEST GRADE at moderate prices; eyes tested free. Koch & Sylvan. Good Positions aV^ECURED 15L ; Women ■ iv our practical (oJrse rt|CHMONj)*g /" BUSINESS • CoLLEßEß.!^6f^^g' inJ/brCuituya* tiA-. CUA 1 j! 5