The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, August 21, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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RABBIT PLAGIB THREATENED. government InvMtlgatlng the Im portation of Belgiun Hares. From the New York Evening: Post. Washington. Aug. 11.—The Belgian hare 1? the subject of an investigation which Dr. T. S. Palmer, assistant chief of the biological survey in the department of agriculture, has undertaken with a view of discovering whether its wholesale im portation and propagation does not in volve a great danger to our fruit-growing and kindred interest®. In California and other states of the far West, the jaek rabbit has long been regarded as a pest, and In Australia and New Zealand the wild rabbit has proved most destructive. These facts convey a warning which Secretary Wilson believes we should heed. Before 1864 rabbits were unknown in Australia. In that year the proprietor of ] arwon Park, near Victoria, introduced a few specimen® of the common rabbit of Europe. The animals were turned loose, nnd little was thought about them for fourteen years. At the end of that time they had conquered the continent. They had multiplied till, like the seed of Abraham, the offspring of the first half dozen pair were as the sands of the sea. They ate everything that was green, ruining the sheep ranches, gnawing the hark of fruit trees, and attacking garden vegetables and other small crops. The in jury wrought to agriculture nnd herding interests was estimated at millions of jounds yearly. Then the people awoke to the necessity of checking the scourge. Under the stim ulus of legislation in South Australia, Victoria, Now South Wales. New Zea land, Queensland and Tasmania a slaugh ter began in 1879. It spread till not less than 19,182,539 rabbits were destroyed in New South Wales alone In 1887. For twenty years the Australian governments and the farmers have kept up a steady fight against the rabbits. Every manner of death-dealing has been tried, from pois on to “electrocution.” Up to 1888. the gov ernments had expended more than $5,000,- 000 in their efforts to exterminate the At one time a reward of $25,000 was offered for the best practical means of killing the animal by wholesale, aitfl solutions were proposed by 1.456 persons. No one secured the prize. The only way ihe Australians have discovered for es caping from the rabbit is to fence him out Thousands of dollars are spent an nually on rabbit-proof fences. The experience of this country with the ja k-rabbit is another bit of harrowing history. In the Western states bouniios are offered, amounting in some places to five cent® a head. Kansas has paid more th.rn $50,000 in rabbit bounties. In Califor nia it has been found necessary to or tnnize regular rabbit drives in order to reduce their number. In these drives, a troop of men afoot and on horseback, s.-our the country in an extended skirmish line, beating the brush and driving the animals before them, and finally into the wide mouth of a corral made of light wire fencing with a V-shaped opening, of which the two ends are several miles apart. Then the corral gates are closed and the rabbits are beaten to death with clubs. At a Grand Army rabbit drive at, Fresno, Cal., two years ago. 30,000 rabbits were killed. In the San Joaquin valley it is estimated that 500,000 rabbits were killed in drives between 1888 and 1898. It has been observed that the wolf and the coyote have shown that they can be very useful to nan by killing rabbits, and in many West ern states it has been found best to take the bounty off the bigger beast® in order that they might become more abundant and prey upon the smaller ones. But we have not yet had recourse to the Austra lian device of inoculating the rabbits with I measles This experiment was not whol | ly successful, as the healthy animals showed an unwillingness to take the dis ease. These are a few of the things Secretary Wilson and Dr. Palmer hav* in mind as i they watrh the Importation and distrlbu [ tion of the Belgian h*ire. “The Belgian I bare in capitviiy will probably do no I harm." said Dr. Palmer, in discussing the matier. “We are not prepared to say it will do any harm anyway. But we are apprehensive of what may happen in case proper safeguard® ore not taken. While in the West recently. Secretary Wilson heard f vt there were no less than 50,000 Belgian hares in Los Angeles alone. As they were introduced only a year ago la®t win der this is a large increase. We have been old that several thousand have broken ' b linds and are at liberty. It is almost inevitable that sooner or later the anl-- in ils should break or burrow out, and if i proper check were not applied might gain a foothold in this country and rival the pest of Australia.” The history of the Belgian hare in this < ountry is brief, but full of action. As nearly as can be learned it began with an article in one of the Sunday newspa- Ters of Eos Angeles. The article was written merely as an interesting feature, but there was an immediate response of interest and inquiry, and hare raising sprang into a thrifty “back-yard indus try.” It grew fat on newspaper advertis ing and spread to Denver, Kansas City, Chicago and Indianapolis, and has even manifested itself in some Eastern cities. Tt was .first exploited for its profits, on the ground that there was a market for the meat at fifteen to twenty cents a iw>und, and for the fur for the manufac ture of electric seal. But the rapid spread of the industry and the demand for good breeding animals soon resulted in mak ing the hares too valuable to kill. The values have increased to the point where they are believed to be largely specula tive, as in the case of the Dutch tulip mania, and fine animals are now held to be worth from SSOO to SI,OOO aplecte. That the rabbit has a commercial value and utility is not denied by the Depart men of Agriculture. On the contrary, Secretary Wilson calls attention to the fact that our felt hats are made from rab bit fur, and that the greater part of this fur is imported from Australia. Some of it comes from Europe, and the smallest part from the wild rabbits of this coun try. in one year, from July, 1894, to July, 1895, London imported from Australia 52,560,000 skins, at a total value of $1,000,- 000. A third of the London importation come® later to New York. It is estimat ed by one of the leading hatmakers of the East that his industry consumes 48,- 000,000 skins a year, yielding 3,000,000 pound® of fur, valued at $1,960,<K)0, ex clusive of the cost of cutting. The skins are also used for making jujube, sjzing and glue At present prices, however, the Belgian hare is more valuable to the fancier than to the hat-maker. The department has no figure® to show how many have been imported during the last eighteen months, but is is known that they are coming in a steady stream, from the frequent telegrams of inquiry which arrive from express and steamship companies, wheth er theie are any government regulations to b® observed In respect to them. They all have to pay duty. They might be ex empted if the owner® could submit to the department a "stud-book” showing their high pedigree, but no such records have been submitted. The department may decide, if its In vestigations warrant it. to take some ac tion in regard to the wholesale importa tion of hare®. Otherwise, it will confine * fs If to recommendations to local /author ltl*s and the distribution of useful infor mation. In reply to a flood of Inquiries, department desires to state that no literature on the subject has been pre- Par*d. Frederick Walter Huiseberg. who was recently killed In the Philippines, was a son of Dr. John Huiseberg. sur- Rfon-mJor in the British In dian army. He was graduated ft'm the Yale Medical School In l Vl \ a leader of his class in scholarship, **nl received h competitive appointment t< the house staff of the Connecticut Gen eral Hospital, which position he resigned to enter the medical service ot the army. CASTORIA */• /\ \ \xAVV XV. V ; vx Vx X ■ _s’ - ... for Infants and Children. Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It destroys Worms and allays feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teeth ing Troubles ami cures Constipation. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. The Kind You Have Always Bought jy Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years. IMCU B CU BS VS CHICAGO. One Pays Members SSOO on Birth of the First Baby. From the New York Journal. Chicago, Aug. 18. —There are two social organizations In Chicago which cannot be duplicated in any other city in the Unit ed States to-day, if, indeed, in the world. In a sense, they are protective as well as social. They have been in existence now for over a year, and each has much good recorded to its credit. The first was started early last year, wdth quiet little headquarters in one of the busiest office buildings on La Salle street. It was properly chartered, and began life wdth this one motto: ‘‘With a mission and without a muzzle.” It claims to be co-operative in every sense of the word, and that membership is as necessary for young married people as sunshine is for flowers. Any married couple may join this so ciety by paying a fee of sl, and from time to time, as the occasion comes, by paying such necessary assessments as are levied per share in the benefits named in its certificate. When a baby is born to a member, the certificate of the attending physician, properly sworn to, is all the proof that is necessary to entitle the mother to re ceive in sixty days a sum not to exceed SSOO. This amount is dependent upon -the assessment, which is made upon all mem bers of $1 each. The membership is limited to I.OCO fami lies, and as fast as one becomes entitled to draw its due is dropped from the list and anew candidate taken in. The full quota of members has been filled since last January. Members must have belonged to the so ciety for one full year before they are eligible to partake In its benefits. So far there have been twenty-seven as sessments and the amount of SSOO has been paid over in each case. The. as sociation has copyrighted its name and literature so as to avoid, if possible, competition. The whole business is con ducted very quietly, and is purely local in its character. When the season of 1890 opened a so city was formed on the North Side, which was finally extended to Evens ton and Oak Park, having for its object pro tection against the “dreadful men on the part of its members, who are all young ladies from 17 to 30 years of age. These damsels do not Intend that the matri monial part of their lives shall be built on the sands, so they have formed them selves into a mutual protective alliance, W hich is both for offensive and defensive work. ~ . The method of looking into the charac ter© f u youn man is simple, but deck - edlv effective. A meeting is called, and each member who has a loverof whom she i= the least bit doubtful, gives his name and as many of the particulars as she deems advisable to the club. All is held in the strictest secrecy. A committee is then named from among those present, and then there begins a measuring up of virtue, morals and men tal trait®, by the side of which the Ber tillion eystem sinks into* insignificance as to physical details. Woe to the young man who has broken his former engage ment without good cause, to him who spends his late hour® of nights in Chicago, and puts poison in his mouth in the shape of intoxicants. Private inquiries are made by many young women who are curiously inclined, so It goes without saying that every pebble on the beach will be turned up in on effort to get at the bottom df facts. At the next regular monthly meeting the young ladie® meet with their judg ments all formed. A regular ballot is taken, as in society halls, on the question of admitting to membership. No one has any chance of knowing who desposits the black balls. Three of these will condemn the suitor. In order that the applicant for know,- edge shall know upon what Judgment the vote was cast. the. member blackballing a swain has neatly typewritten the causes which led to her action. This statement is not signed, but sets out the facts. "Drinks and swears, “was engaged to two girls in Milwaukee at the same time last year,” "has been divorced in New York, or “bets on the races.” These explanations are all inclosed and mailed to the anxious inquirer. So far it 6cems that jealousy h® not played any part in determining a ver dict . _ bears feast on salmon. Fiah So Thick They Can Scoop Them Out With Tlielr raw®. From the New York Journal. Kansas City, Aug. 18.—Dr. C. D. Rogers, a delegate-at-large from Alaska, starts home to-*day, tfad enough to get oway from this torrid sun. He said he was go ing where bear® eat so muchlish they are themselves unfit for food. The grizzly notably at this season of the year is so fishy that he is not palatable. Even the clumsy black bear gets enough to make him smell like salmon. how do bears fish?” a man who sat in the Midland listening to the Jolly little de!egate-at-large inquired "They throw them out of the water with their puws and then pick them up in their mouth®.”• This was as mysterious as before, but the doctor explained. He said: “I ought first to say that one packing company put® up 200,000 cases of salmon in our region a year, and it is only one of many companies. There are fourteen salmon to the case, and you can figure It up for yourtelvec. Salmon nre salt water fish, but they like to spawn in fresh water. For that reason they come up the river and climb the small fall®. It Is pitlful to see them trying to scale the Naha Falls Being forty feet sheer, the effort I® hopeless, hut the fish try and try until they are tired out and have to stay where they are. They get wedged in rhere so tight it is possible to walk on them. Bears get them under, these con ditions. They find them wedged even at the falls which they are Jumping. "When the salmon come a cry goes from Sitka to Mount VcrstovSe ‘The salmon nr* coming; the salmon are coming!’ Salmon D the beef of Alaska. Whin we get sal mon we also get salmon trout. Following the wake of the salmon coroes the trout. He is there for no good purpose. He eats THE MORNING NEW S: TUESDAY, AUGUST 21. 1900, the salmon spawn and so destroys mil lions. But he is there and there is no driving him off.” Dr. Rogers says high prices ore fiction in the Klondike. “We get a very good tenderlo-in steak there for $1.25,” he says, “in a cafe that is not to be excelled north of San Francisco. There is not a cent piece in the whole territory. We use nothing less than the nickle. Everything at the bar costs 25 cents, whether it is a glass of beer or spirits. Cigars cost about 15 cents, but we make a very good one there to sell for three for a quarter. Cold storage has made beef reasonable and even vegetables do not command the high prices of old. Laundry work is reason able. I think collars are done up for 5 cents, cuffs for 10 cents and shirts at the rate of 15 cent® each. “Life there has its charms. I get mail now every fifteen days. When I first went there 1 got it about every two months. It is a good place for the young man to go even if he has no taste for mining.” The doctor was at one time; the only physician in his section of the woods. He wiil not ®ay what he charged for a visit, but the other delegates who came here with him say that sometimes he would be sent 200 miles across country, nnd if a baby was not worth its weight in gold. 4t cost nearly as much. But those old days are gone, although Dr. Rogers is said to have substantial reminders of their being. He is now preparing to operate in Nome, where the latest gold excitement is. Instead of gold he has coal, and his mine is said to be the only fuel within a range of 200 miles. I’n Trie* the Mhirrtriilwt. From the Chicago Times-Herald. When paw came home a few days ago all her up he sed: “At la°t the nun are Getting some com mun sent®. They are going to Wair shurt waists. That's wnat they ot of Done long ago. What’s the use of Having on a vest and coat that cost twenty dollars When you mite be getting seme Enjoyment out of Life, walring a ninety cent shurt waist that Let’s you keep as Cool as a Koweum ber just olfin ihe ice? They are lots and lots of Things happening every little While to make a buddy think wimmen would be Better off if They new more, but they have sent® enuff to Wair shurt waist® enny Way. I'm going to Get the habbut.” “Goolnuss graciotls, paw!” maw sed. “You surely ain’t in Ernurst. are you?" “Of corse I am,” paw told her. “Why shouldn’t I be?’’ “I don’t believe Enny man that Has enny self Respect would do such a Thing.” “Tnat shows where you haven’t ennv Logick,” paw anserd. “If it’s right for Wimmen to wair them T don’t see why the Men ot to be Afrade. Look at the Old Roamuns. They ust to Go around with a table ('loth slung over one Shoulder and keep rumfertable. I bleevo ihat’s what made Them so grate, too. Hew can Enny l uddy have nobull thots when They are nferly roasten becoz they Are such foo’s as to Go around with Four or five layers of heavy cloth on that they <£on’t need Only for looks? There’s the Secret of the downfall of the Hewmun race. Close are to Blame becoz we haven’t enny more Grate men. If we would get up in the morning and rap a sheet around us in sted ot having to Dress haff an Our or so we would have that mutch more Time to Ftuddv and think and get to be filosofers and poets aid tilings. I'm going to get a Shurt waist to-morrow.” After maw thot about it a while she told paw they wasn’t enny use spending the mutiny B<fore he new whether he Would Like the shurt waist or not. Our hired Gurl is a Large gurl with brol sholder* and no Corsuts worth notusing. so maw borrowed One of h**r shurt waists that was just washed and Got paw to Try it on. It was a pritty good Fit, only it Wouldn’t tuck int-o the Top of paw’s trousers very Far, but He looked at Him self in the Glass and sed: “Of corse if I was getting a new’ One it would Fit a little belter in Some spots, but this looks pritty well.” Uncle Wesley and Aunt Grace came over while paw was keeping Cool nnd Uncle Wesley sed he Bet paw dassent wair it in The street. “Just to siio you,” paw told him. “I’ll go Down to the drug store and Get ome slgars if you’ll furnish the quarter. I s’pose they will be Fools around to skoff. hut What does filosofer nead to care for such people when he knows posturrity Is agoir.g to give him Justice? look at the nobull men that Got their names handed down the furthest. They all had to Get skoffed at by people that nobuddy herd of Afterwards. But what did they care? They let Hum skoff. That’s my motto.” He was down neerly to The church at tb corner when an Ice wagon Came along with three Men in it. And they began o sVoff ar.d Thro chunks of ice at paw. Then some Boys came from a Lot of dif ferent ways, skoff en as hard as They could, and the wimmen got out on the frunt portehe®. In a few minits paw came home All out of Breth wdth three Dawgs nnd a Lot of peeple af/er him Th** shurt was mostly Slipped up under His arms becoz Uncle Wesley sed It had the Risi’g inflecktlon. When the mob went away paw came Out of the closet where He hid while The skoffen was Gting on and maw and: “Why didn’t you Iv*t them skoff? What doe® a filosofer need to Care whin ne knows Posterrlty is going to Give him Justice? ’ Paw got to Looking kind of Far away and sed: “If you wouldn’t always he so blamed Afraid I mite pay a few s. nts for Sum thing for myself some time. 1 wouldn’t of put that thing <*n an 1 mebhy I mite ♦ f Got over the noehun b* for * to-rror row!” Georgl *. —The kia 4e, or the household fox, Is a favorite pet of Chlneee women, who are also extremely fond of a variety of the Angora cat. The ordinary cat of Bout hern China is. like the Manx, tailless It Is occasionally Ufed for food, but is not so popular as horse and dog flesh. When raised for the table It Is rice and \ egerables. —ln a Poughkec ps'e, N. Y., newspaper last Funduy the folowirg marriage no tice appeared: Holder—Close—At Jersey City. July 22 by Rev Charles J. Allen. Charles E. Holder to Lillie W. Clow, both of Poughkeepsie. THE WEATHER. Forecast for Tuesday and Wednesday— Georgia and South Carolina: Local rain and cooler Tuesday; Wednesday showers; light to fresh southwesterly winds. Eastern Florida: Local rains and thun d’erstorms Tuesday; cooler in northern portion; Wednesday showers; light vari able winds. Vestai day's Weather at Savannah— Maximum temperature 2:30 p. m 102 degrees Minimum temperature 0:15 a. ra. 79 degrees Mean temperature 90 degrees Normal temperature 81 degrees Excess of temperature 9 degrees Accumulated excess since Aug. 1 70 degrees Accumulated deficiency since Jan. 1 113 degrees Rainfall : 00 inch Normal 20 inch Deficiency since Aug. I 4.48 Inches Difleieney since Jan. 1 7.79 inches River Report—The hight of the Savan nah river at Augusta, at 8 a. m. (75th me ridian time) yesterday, was 6.4 feet, a fall of .4 foot during the preceding twen ty-four hours. Cotton Region Bulletin. Savannah. Ga., for the twenty-four hours ending at 8:00 a m , 75th meridian time, August 20, 1900: Stations of |Max.| Mln.|Rals Savannah district. |Tero.|Tem.| fall Alapaha, Ga.. dear ! ‘,O 74 j'.oo Albany, clear :...| 101 | 76 | .00 Americus, clear j 93 j 75 | .00 Bainbridge. clear | 97 j 75 | .00 Eastman, clear | 103 I 76 | .00 Fort Gaines, clear | 98 | 77 | .00 •Gainesville. Fla., clear.] 99 | 77 | T Mlllen, Ga.. clear | 105 | 73 | .00 Quitman, clear j 98 [ 75 | .00 Savannah, clear | 99 | 79 | . T Thomasvllle. clear | 99 ] 77 | .00 Way cross, clear | 104 | 76 j .00 • Received too late for telegraphic av erages. Special Texas Rainfall Reports: Palestine, .26; Corpus Chrlstl. 24; Beau mont. .18; Beeville, .18; Brenham, .08; Dal las, .10; Houston. 1.46; Huntsville. .32; Lampasas, .02; Long View. TANARUS.; Luling. .44; Sherman, TANARUS.; Temple, .02; Waco. .70. 1 ,I>lst. Averages. I No. | 1 1 ■ Bta-!Max I Min.|Rain Central Stations. |tlonsjTem.|Tsra.| fall Atlanta ...| * 12 | "as | 74 j~704~ Augusta j 11 | 100 | 76 | .00 Charleston | 5 | 98 t 76 j .00 Galveston | 28 | 90 ! 70 ; .22 Little Rock | 13 | 96 | 70 | .01 Memphis | 16 | 96 | 74 | .00 Mobile j 10 | 96 | 72 j .02 Montgomery j 8 | 98 j 74 | .00 New Orleans | 15 j 92 j 70 | .10 Savannah | 12 | 100 | 76 | T Vicksburg | 10 | 94 | 70 | T Wilmington | 10 | 96 I 76 | .00 Remarks.—Excessively high tempera tures continue, particularly over the eastern districts. Showers have occur red in the Atlanta, Little Rock, New Or leans. Galveston, Vicksburg and Savan nah districts. Observations taken at the same moment of time at all stations, Aug. 20, 1900, 8 p. m., 7oth merdinn time: Names of Stations. | T~f- V~~|Ram. Boston, clear ,| 66 | L | .00 New York city, pt. cldy..| 70 | L | T Philadelphia, cloud.-/ | 66 | 6 | .10 Washington city, ralningj 70 j 8 | .08 Norfolk, cloudy I 78 j 6 | .00 Hatteras, cloudy | 72 | L 11.10 Wilmington, cloudy | 76 | L | .12 Charlotte, clear | 86 | L | .00 Raleigh, clear | 76 | 6 | .22 Charleston, pt. cloudy ...j 86 | 10 | T Atlanta, clear j 86 | 10 | .00 Augusta, clear | 96 | L | .00 Savannah, clear j 86 | 6 | .00 Jacksonville, pt. cloudy.] 86 ( 10 j .00 Jupiter, clear j 80 | L j .00 Key West, clear | 83 | 8 j .00 Tampa, cloudy | 80 | L | .01 Mobile, clear | 86 | 6 | .00 Montgomery, clear | 92 | L | .00 Vicksburg, clear j 86 i L j .00 New Orleans, clear j 88 J L ) .00 Galveston, clear | 84 j L | .00 Corpus Christi, elear ~..| 84 j 16 ] .00 Palestine, clear ...j 86 | L | .00 Memphis, clear | 84 I 8 j .00 Cincinnati, pt. cloudy j9O j 8 | .00 Pittsburg, cloudy j 74 | L | .01 Buffalo, cloudy ] 70 | 8 ] .18 Detroit, raining | 68 | L j .44 Chicago, cloudy | 74 j 18 | T Marquette, raining j 62 j L j .02 9. Paul, pt. cloudy | 86 | 12 | .00 Davenport, clear | 90 | L | .00 St. Louis, clear | 94 | 12 ; .00 Kansas CUy, clear ; 92 j 10 j ,Oo Oklahoma, clear | 88 j 12 j .00 Dodge City, clear | 90 I 12 | .00 North Platte, cloudy |B6 j 6 | .09 T. for temperatu re; V for~ve!oeltyT" H. B. Boyer. Weather Bureau. PITTBUnU FELL DOWN. Tnnnelilll Wot Easy nnd His Team Dopy on Bnses. Pittsburg, Aug. 20.—Tannehlll was easy, and his team was dopy on base running, which explains Pittsburg's defeat. Atten ance, 1,300. The score; R.H.E Pittsburg 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0-2 5 2 New York 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 I—4 13 i Batteries—Kannehill and Schriver; Mer cer and Grady. Won n Slugging Notek. Si. Louis, Aug. 20.—Cincinnati had much the best of a terrific slugging match to day. Young was knocked off Ihe rubber, and Hughey, who succeeded him, was hit just as hard. Score: R.H.B. St. Louis 0 0 1 2 1 2 0 1 0— 7 16 i Cincinnati ...0 0 3 1 6 1 0 4 o—ls 20 1 Batteries—Hughey, Young and Criger; Breitenstein and Kahoe. Attendance 700. Other Games. At Kansas City—Kansas City, 6; Mil waukee, 4. At Buffalo—Buffalo. 3; Detroit, 2. At Chicago—Chicago, 6; Minneapolis. 4. At Cleveland—Cleveland, 7; Indianapo lis, 3. At Syracuse—Boston, 7; Syracuse. 0. At Hartford—'Brooklyn, 7; Hartford, 2 Regular games—At Providence—Provi dence, 3; Toronto. S. Second game.—Providence. 1; Toronto. 4. At Worcester—Worcester, 7; Montreal, 10. Second game—Montreal, 6; "Worcester. JL At Philadelphia—Philadelphia, 2; Atlan tic City, 0. Will Move in Friday. The work on Ihd Chatham Hank build ing has been so nearly completed that the hank expects to occupy the building Fri day. ARE YOU' ' BANKRUPTinhealth, constitution undermined by ex travagance in eating, by disre garding the laws of nature, or physical capital all gone, if so, NEVER DESPAIR Tutt’s Liver Pills will cure you. For sick headache, dyspepsia, sour stomach, malaria, torpid liver, constipation, biliousness and all kindred diseases. Tutt’s Liver Pills an absolute cure. PRINTING TIIE Lithograph and Printing Department of the Morning News is one of the largest in the South. It is equipped to do the best work in all branch es of printing. Its plant is modern and is operated by skilled people . . . BANK BOOKS- Bank {looks of all kinds is our specialty. Checks. Deposit Slips and general bank stationery the Morning News docs in a superior style And no bank. It matters not how small, should be without our lithograph checks and books. MANUFACTURING PLANTS— We make u specialty of doing cut work os well as lithograph work for all manu facturing plants, not only In Georgia, but in Alabama, Florida and the Carolina*. Under this heud is embraced Guano Fac tories. Plow Works. Turpentine Plants. Saw Mills. Foundries, Breweries, Machine Shops, in fact ail kinds of enterprises of this character. COMMERCIAL WORK— A business man. no matter where he does business, can't afford to be without neat stationery. If ho does nothing but sell eggs he ought to have It. The Morning News makes a specialty of doing neat lobs for country merchants. And It takes pleasure in sending samples with prices from which selections may be made. COUNTY RECORDS - Record Books for counties, Tax Books, Official Stationery for towns and cities, Legal Blanks and forms of every descrip tion we are equipped to do quickly and cheap and well. LITHOGRAPHING— Lithographing is a branch of the business to which especial attention is devoted. It is the largest establishment in the state and is operated by the best artist* in the country We cheerfully furnish estimates and submit samples of lithograph work. When writing to us address the Morning News Job Department. Do not think that you are consum ing our time by asking us questions and writing for estimates. Whether we get your order or not. we shall be glad to offer the best we have. Morning News Job Department, SAVANNAH, CA. Rapidly Moving I Parlor Suits, Reed Rockers, Refrigerators, Mosquito Nets, Matting, Rugs arid Portieres, Window Shades, arid all seasonable Goods At Very Low Prices in anticipation of our trip to 112 Broughton street, west, Oct. 1. LINDSAY & MORGAN, Old Rost Office. * for LADIES. iHORTER COLLEGETs^ • l " “ ' “ 11 Nltimtlon tiwa'itiful t'lluinte -1 dlghtfiil ami invigorating Health rword ' 1 I 1 unparalleled. Home comfort* '••refill auiiervision Young glrli received All I I I / > live with the faculty In tlie eollefe Hialldlnga worth fl&o.onu Equipment 1 1 1 / , I ' excellent, well eppuirted latiomtoriei. Rood gymnmwhmi f-tr Faculty, lerge, 1 1 J / jSIT* l compoted of ul>! and ***|ierien< ed profeewom <’nuret** extensive nnd l 1 | Ax thorough. In line with those givn in the leading univeriitioa A large Knduw- i 1 i ™cnt, ensuring etudents ■ ipcrlative advantages at moderate cost Th Trustees 1 IW'-iBNH }f b 1 it* ♦■ J ftant number f <holarshlps to deserving y<>ung ladies Art nnd I - locution i B&i' >I slSflflHKi departments ablv conducted Mimic Faculty unsurpassed in America, musical i , equipment excellent A PRIZE PIANO (gift <.f generous friend of \ . /.vX 1.. ‘:W J 4 Jlutflioiii. t for rl„ i.r.r work Tt... i. a tw..|hM,n4-4allar I i Mullet A’ lluvl* rlann-perhaps the grandest prize <\er ..ffrred i 1 - J 1,1 ai ‘* 1,1 ' Vll| ld During the past term all spa. e was filled , 1 ► | ****••• do well to make early application for admission In September I RESULTS ON THE Tl’BF. Ilotv tlie lini*N<*K Hnn Ypitfrday nt the Sit ra toga Track. Saratoga, N. Y., Aug. 20.—Racing re sults: First Race—Six furlongs. Gal i Day, 0 to 5, worh, with Godfrey, 60 to 1 and 20 to 1, second, an<J Excels, 12 to 5, third. Time 1:15. Second Race—One mile and three six teenths. King Bramble, 9 to 2, won, wich Kunja, 60 to 1 and 20 to 1, second, and Walt Not, 7 to 2, third Time 2:01%. Third Race—Grand Union Hotel stakf**, Part 11, value, $6,000, six furlongs. Far Rock iway, 8 to 5. won, with L#ady Schorr, 7 to 1, and 9 to 5, second, with Longshore man, 5 to 1. third. Time 1:14%. Fourth Race—One mile. High Jink®, 11 to 10. won, with Villa V. 30 to 1 and even, second . with Hood’s Brigade, 7 to 1, third. Time 1:4' %. Fifth Race—One mile and a furlong. Gonfalon, 9 to 1, won. with The Kentuck ian, 6 to 5 and 2 to 5, second*, und Advance Guard. 16 to 5, third. Time 1:10%. >♦ Expect to Win In %tlnntn. The Chatham Baseball team will leave for Atlanta this morning, fourteen strong, to play serlPF of three games with the Dcppen® of that city. The, Chatham® go up flushed with their recent victories here over the Atlanta University team and ex pect to win at least two out of the three' game® of the series. IF Sills (If! I fill# lit DOES NOT CURE ALL lariol Fevers end dlls YOUR DRUGGIST WILL REFUND YOUR MONEY Every Bottle Guaranteed. MANUFACTURED BY COLUMBIA DRUG C 0„ SAVANNAH, CA 8., 1.81. OF HOPE ’Y AND C. BS. R’T. Si MKUL LU For Isle of Hope, Montgomery, Thunder bolt, Cattle Bark and West End. Dally except Sundays. Subject to change without notice. ~ ISLE OF HOBE. l.v. i i>y for 1. of H.| Lv. Isle of Hope. 630 am from Tenth | 6 W arn for Bolton’ 7 30 am from Tenth I 600 am for Tenth 8 80 am from Tenth | 700 am for Tenth 9 15 am from Holton | 8 00 am for Tenth 10 30 am from Tenth (10 00 am for Tenth 12 00 n'n from Tenth 11 00 am for Bolton 1 15 pm from Bolton |ll ao am for Tenth 230 pm from Tenth | 2 00 pm for Tenth 3 30 pm from Tenth | 2 40 pm for Bolton 430 pm from Tenth I 3 00 j,m for Tenth IDO pm from Tenth 400 pm for Tenth 30 pm from Tenth j 600 pm for Tenth 730 pm from Tenth | 700 pm for Tenth )30 pm from Tenth | 8 00 pm for Tenth 30 pm from Tenth | 900 pm for Tenth 10 30 pm from Tenth 110 00 pm for Tenth MONTGOMERY. Lv city for Mong’ry. j Lv Montgomery 830 am from Tenth I 7 15 am for Tenth* 2 M pm from Tenth I 1 16 pm for Tenth 630 pm from Tenth | 6 00 pm for Tenth CATTLE PARK. Lv city for Cat Park|~Lv. CatTlo PaHtT # 30 am from Bolton | 700 am for Bolton 7 30 am from Bolton j 8 00 am for Bolton 1 00 pm from Bolton | 1 30 pm for Bolton 2 30 pm from Bolton I 3 00 pm for Bolton 7 00 pm from Bolton | 7 30 pm for Bolton *OO pm from Bolton f 8 30 pm for Bolton THUNDERBOLT. Car leaves Bolton street Junction 6:30 a. m. and every thirty minutes thereafter : until 11:30 p. m. Car leaves Thunderbolt at 6:00 a. m. and every thirty minutes thereafter until 12:00 midnight, for Bolton street Junc tion. FREIGHT AND PARCEL CAR ' This car carries trailer for passengers on all trips and leaves west side of city market for Isle of Hope, Thunderbolt and alt Intermediate points at 9:00 u. m., 1:00 p. m., 6:00 p. m. Leaves Isle of Hope for Thunderbolt, City Market and all Intermediate points at 8:00 a. m . 11:00 a. m., 3:40 p. m. WEST END CAR. Car leaves west side of city market for West End 6:00 a. m and every 40 minutes thereafter during the day until 11:30 p. m. Leaves West End at 6:20 a. m. nnd ev- | ery 40 minutes thereafter during the day until 12:00 o’clock midnight. H. M LOFTON. Oen. Mgr JOHN C. BUTLER, —DEALER EX Paints, Oils and Olass, saah. Doors, Blind#, and Bulldeia' Buppllas. Plata and Dscora tlvs Wall Paper. Foreign and Domes:*-, Cmente. Lima. Plaster and Hair Sou, Agent frr Ahestlns Cold Water Paint, 10 Congress street, west, and 19 8L Jullao a treat west OLD NEWHPAPKRB. IW for 31 owls, at Buainees Office Morn ms New#. AN OPEN LETTER From a Good Little- Woman in Sorth Carolina. How Cured her when e<er>thing eiss foiled, k graieful friend always. Below we publish a letter from a great suf ferer from nervousoewa, I and a general broken down condition of the system. The cure is not an unusual one for Gravbeard. Many such letters are received ev ery week. Here is the letter: Allison, N. C., July 2. Isoo. Rtfpcs® Drug: Company, Savannah, Ga.: I Dear Sirs: I write to trll you how grataful I am that Graybe&rd was tnveiHed iNarly all my life I have been a great sufferer from nervo jnes. I could not sleep. I ate very httle. I lot flesh nil the time. My complex ion gol sallow. Nothing pleased me. Our family doctor did all ha could for me. He worked patient ly, but everybody noticed that I kept going down hili. People thought 1 had consumption. One day I happened to pick up a little booklet with the picture of a candle lon it. It attracted my attention. J read it. It was of deep Interest to me. The next day I bought a I bottle of Graybeard. I had net I taken the full bottl® before I felt better. I have token tdx bottles, und have just bought three more. I have gained flesh, l huvon’C felt 1 better since I wus a child. Every , thing •* eat I digest. And I have a splendid appetite. 1 can laugh at amusing thing®. I imagine I fee* like othe-r people. Everybody eo glad to ®ee me so vigorous looking and so healthy. I would not take SI,OOO for the benefit I have received from Gray ben rd. It i? a wonderful remedy, and l fu’.ly bolleve it saved !my life. I can't thank you enough. Your® truly, MIBS NANNIE JONES. We claim exactly all this for Graybeard. It’s no new thing to ns. It has cured many just such ailments. It is purely a vegetable compound, and for building up a broken down, nervous system it is truly won derful. For eradicat ing old and deep seated diseases, as catarrh, eczema, dyspepsia, can cer, rheumatism, it has no equal on earth. It is free of mercury or pot ash, and begins to build up the sick man from the first. GET IT AT DRUG STORES OR WRITE TO ■ Ml. Proprietors, Savannah, Ga. 7