The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, August 22, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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4 |?eto£ Ucrnlßg New* Building. Savannah, Ga. WEDNESDAY, AI OI'ST 22, IDOO. Registered at the Postofflce in Savannah. The MORNING NEWS is published every day in the year, and is served to subscribers in the city, or sent by mail, at 70c a month, $4.00 tor ©lx months, and s£.oo for one year. The MORNING NDW9, by mail, six times u week (without Sunday issue), three months, $1.60, six months $3.00, one year $6.00. The WEEKLY NEW’S, 2 issues a week, Monday and Thursday, by mail, one year, SI.OO. Subscriptions payable in advance. Re mit by postal order, check or register**! letter. Currency sent by mail at risk ot senders. Transient advertisements, other than special column, local or reading notices, amusements and cheap or want column. 10 cents a line. Fourteen lines of agate type—equal to one inch square in depth— is the stundard of measurement. Contract rates and discount made known on appli cation at business office. Orders for delivery of tjie MORNING News to either residence or place of business may bo made by postal or through telephone No. 210. Any irregular ity in delivery should be immediately re ported to the office of publication. Letters ajid telegrams should be ad dressed “MORNING NEW’S,” Savannah, Ga. EASTERN OFFICE. 23 Park Row, New York city, H. C. Faulkner, Manager, INDEX 10 KEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Special Notices—Bruno Pfeiffer of Pfeiffer Ga.. on the Merrits of Suwanee Springs Water; Plasterers' and Masons' Supplies; Lively at Tybee Hotel, Charles F. Graham, Proprietor; Malt Mead, George Meyer; John Funk, City Market; Levan’s Table d'Hote. Business Notices—Harvard Beer, C. P. Conery. Don't Leave Town—Byck Bros. Amusements—Una Clayton, at Theater, Matinee and Night. Steamship Schedule—Merchants and Miners' Transportation Company. Railroad Schedule—Seaboard Air Line Railway. Sauce—Lea & Perrins' Worcestershire Sauce. Mineral Water— Apollinaria Medical—Munyon’s Kidney Cure; Dr. Hathaway Company; Hostetter's Stom ach Bitters; Woman's Friend; K. R. R.; Hood's Pills; Horsford’s Acid Phosphate; Casioria. Cheap Column Advertisements—Help Wanted; Employment Wanted; For Rent; For Sale; Lost; Personal; Miscellaneous. Tlio Weather. The indications for Georgia to-day are for local rains and coder weather, with l’ght to fresh southerly winds, and for Eastern Florida local rains and cooler In northern portion, with light variable winds. Roumania and Hulgaria are getting fready to keep the war god busy when the troubles in South Africa and China have petered out. There is a good opportuni ty here for a test of the international arbitration scheme which seems übout to be forgotten. 1 Another evidence of England’s decadence has been noted. Her railway trains do not run as fast as those of America and Franoe. This fact Is said to have alarm ed some of the London editors, who have proceeded to score the railroad managers for their deficiency. They are also scor ing the English shipbuilders who have al lowed the Germans to outdistance them With their trans-Atlantic liners. Can it be that these arc straws which indicate that England's supremacy Is seriously threat ened? The shirtwaist man Is evidently In fa vor with the fair sex. The proprietor of a Roekaway Beach dancing pavilion, after making an effort to bar him out alto gether, finally decided to leave the mat ter to a vote of his women Out of GOO votes cast, 593 were in favor of permitting the shirtwaist man to dance, while there were only seven ballots against him. It is time now for some of the stiff-necked proprietors of restau rants and public resorts to climb down from their altitudlnous perches. A dog that spoke like a human being Is the latest wonder in France. Seven rep utable citizens of the seaport town I'Orlent are the authorities for this re markable story. They verily believe that this dog contained the transmigrated soul of a dead mariner of that place. The beast wandered into the former home of the deceased mariner about four years ago. According to the story of the seven witnesses upon oath, the other day the dog gave utterance to a moan, stood upon his hind legs end in an unnatural voice uttered these words: ‘'Adieu, wife and children; adieu friends;” then he fell stone dead. Nothing can shake the con viction of the witnesses, and it Ih stated many of the residents of I’Orlent are deeply incensed because the Catholic Church authorities decline to hold relig ious services for the ffiurlal of the dog. —— , Anew and Important field that present* Itself for mission work, according to United States Consul General Gowdy at Paris, Is among Americans stranded In foreign countries. Mr. Gowdy hos had considerable experience along this line during the Paris Exposition on account of tlje hundreds who have gone to Paris hoping to get work to keep them going wMle uWe, and many others who seemed to be of the opinion that they had to go o Paris in order to buy gold bricks. All of these are stranded there and arc be sieging the American consulate for aid to return to their homes. Another incident of the same kind is the situation in which some 800 Christian Endeavorers who went abroad under contract with a tourist agency find themselves. They are strand ed In different pert* of Switzerland and Prance because the hotel* and railroads have repudiated their contracts with the agency in question, and few of them have motwy enough to buy return tickets. 1 her** Is no pioviston made by the gov ernment for aiding needy Americana tibroud, all of whic h lead* Consul General Gowdy very appropriately to suggest that hereUi lies an important end an Interest >' field for mlsaiouaty wotw SPANIARDS WIST STAND ASIDE. It looks very much as If those who were the leaders In the revolution in Cuba are afraid they will not. af ter all, be put in control of the Island w hen the time for choosing a government comes. The letter of Gen. Maximo Gomez, published in our dispatches yesterday, Indicates the existence of this fear. In his letter he says the coming constitu tional convention should consist wholly of genuine revolutionists, and that no body should be allowed to enter the con vention who formerly defamed the revo lution. “Let the Spaniards stand aside,” ho says, "until all can enter equal through the gates of the republic.” Some of tfco ablest men of Cuba were not In sympathy with the revolution. In fact, many of the largest property own ers were against It. They are prepared now, however, to do everything in their power to advance the interests of Cuba. They have a great dtal at stake, and iu legislative matters would naturally Ire conservative. The revolutionary cle ment, however, does not trust them fully. According to its view there might be danger that these property owners would endeavor to open a way for annexing the island to the United States. In the President's proclamation piovid ing for the constitutional convention, one section defines the object of the conven tion as being "to frame and adopt a constitution for the people of Cuba, and. as a part thereof, to provide for and agree with the government of the United States upon the relations between that government and the government of Cuba.” Against this portion of the proclama tion the President has already received a very strong protest from some of the leading men of the revolutionary ele ment. The basis of this protest is clear ly the fear that the convention may be composed of men who will fix the rela tions between the United States and Cuba so that annexation will be an matter. Some of the signers of this protest say that if the convention meets with authori ty to fix relations between Cuba and the United States they will leave the con vention. if they are members of it. It Is probably that they speak for the revo lutionary element. This element Is de teimined, apparently, to control the con vention, and to make a constitution in every respect satisfactory to itself. It takes the position that it inaugurated the revolution which resulted in separ ating the island from Spain, and that therefore it should be entrusted with the government when Independence is at tained. It is probable that at the bottom of the whole matter is the question of bur. dening the island with a big debt to pay the claims of the soldiers of the revolu tion. If the revolutionary element gets control it may be reasonably expected that it will issue bonds to pay the claims of all of those who took part In the revo lution. These claims might, and perhaps would, amount to $100,000,000. If the prop erty holding element gets control of the convention It is safe to say that the claims will be kept within a very rea sonable limit. Will the President respond favorably to the protest and change his proclama tion? It is doubtful. The objectionable section was no doubt put Into It for a purpose, and after careful consideration. But, if he does not change it, is there not likely to be trouble over the conven tion? b , , FLORIDA'S SId’BI'AIH COURT. If what was stated yesterday in the City Court of this city, during the trial of a railroad case, is true, and we have no reason to doubt its truth, Florida needs additional judges on her Supreme Court bench. The case? in question was e damage suit against the Savannah, Florida and West ern Railway. The accident for which damages were claimed occurred in Florida and the plaintiffs are citizens of that state. The railroad can be sued in that state just as well as In thlß. For several reasons the case ought to have been tried In that state, one of them being the cost of bringing witnesses to this state, and another being that It is hardly just to take up the time of the courts of this state with cases which ought to be tried in Florida. The statement In question was that the case was brought in this county because it was likely to go to the Supreme Court whatever the finding of the jury might be, and that the Florida Supreme Court was so far behind with its docket that there was little probability of getting a decision from it in less than five or six years. No doubt the Florida Supreme Court is overworked. It has more to do than it ought to have. It cannot keep up with the business that is brought before it. The result, doubtless, la that In many cases the delay in getting a decision amounts almost to a denial of justice. In most of the Southern states the judges of all of the courts are overworked and underpaid. The Supreme courts have more t'ases brought before them than they can do Justice to. It Is not surpris ing therefore that they get years behind their dockets. It Is false economy to put more work on judges than they can do well and to pay them salaries far below what they would be able to earn tn the practice of their profession. It Is difficult to make legisla tures understand, however, that it would pay the people to deal more liberally with the Judges. Mr Thomas Nelson Page. the. author. Is out In some recent scathing comments upon the general character and composi tion of New York and Newport society. Mr. Page concludes with the assertion that It is not true, as was stated tn a leading New York pulpit, that the eyes of 50,00(1,000 Americans are upsn the mem bers of the "400" as exemplars, and he believes the 50,000,000 Americans will sus tain him. However much deserved, it Is not likely that Mr. Page's finger of scorn will cause New York society to quiver. Asa matter of fact, quivering is some what out of Its line. It Is said that the death of Collis P. Hunttnwtem make* possible the most gl gantto railroad combination ever known, and that the greater railroads of the coun try will soon be dominated by less than a dozen Wall street men. A combination between the tlx trunk lines to she Pa cific roast Is now being talked of. This would be a financial under taking of such magnitude a* to make avu the ordinary ■ajdlllonairs aliudd.r, THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22. 1000. MONEY OR TERRITORY? The United States are the only Power which has suffered by the attack which China made upon the legations at her capital that do not want to take indemnity in territory—at least that is the presump tion. It Is said, of course, that England and Japan are against the dismemberment of the Chinese empire, but it is noticeable that England has already landed troops at Shanghai so as to be ready to grab the rich valley of which that city is the port, and there is no doubt that there are sec tions of China that Japan would like to and would willingly take. But If the United States refuse to accept terri tory in what will they get their indemni ty? It is a well-known fact that China has no money. Within the last few years she has borrowed about $500,000,000 from Eu rope, but she cannot borrow any more—at least until she has a far more stable and reliable government than she has at pres ent. Indeed, it is doubtful if financiers in any part of the world would lend her money now. There is no certainty that she will be able to prevent her govern ment from being overthrown and tier territory from being distributed among the Powers which have invaded her. If the United States are not willing to accept territory and cannot gel money how will they get compensation for the lives of their citizens killed while defend ing the legation in Pekin, and for the ex penses of the relief army? This is now an interesting question. We have been blam ing England, Germany and Russia for their eagerness to get hold of Chinese ter ritory—the most desirable parts of the empire—but il seems they have been look ing out for their indemnity. From pres ent indications the outlook for the United States getting indemnity of any kind is not very promising. The American people want their army withdrawn from China at once. No doubt that course is the one which ought to be pursued, even if by pursuing it the chance of getting indemnity would be lessened. To remain on Chinese soil and become entangled with European Powers might eventually cost a great deal more than the amount of the indemnity likely to be obtained from the Chinese government. CHARLESTON’S GREAT NEED, We do not see anything in. the Charles ton News and Courier as to the effect the long drought is having on that city's wa ter supply, but the reports which reach us from other sources lead us to suspect that Charlestonians ore in no danger of injuring themselves this hot weather by drinking too much water, except when the trains pass through with well-tilled water c'oolers. Cisterns do pretty well as long as the rains come frequently, but they get mighty low when there is a drought, and cistern water from well nigh exhausted cisterns is not the most wholesome in the world. Charleston’s ar tesian water, os is well known, is not the kind that makes one feel grateful on a hot day. We have no doubt that those Charlestonians who have had a taste of Savannah's art'esian water have wished themselves in this city a thousand times since the present hot end dry spell of weather began, for it is about the best water there is in the country. We are sure that Charleston would stand a much better chance of getting the coveted naval sta tion if she had an ample supply of good drinking water. ROOSEVELT ON THE STUMP. Gov. Roosevelt has been having a long talk with the President on the political situation. It is not improbable that the President invited him to Washington in order to give him a little advice before he starts out on the great stumping tour in the West and Northwest which has been so extensively advertised. There is no doubt that he needs a good deal of advice. The speech he made re cently at St. Paul, Minn., does not ap pear to have done the Republican ticket any good. He said things that seem to have embittered a good many Gold Dem ocrats that might have voted the McKin ley-Roosevelt ticket. The attacks on him for that speech have been so general and so hitter that he has been compelled to write several letters of explanation. He wrote one to a Rough Rider friend In Ala bama. and another to Gen. Palmer of Illi nois. In the Rough Rider letter he practi cally denied that he said the things attributed to him, and in the Palmer let ter he virtually admitted that he said them, but claimed that a meaning had been given to them different from that which he intended. That he is a reckless speaker on the stump there is no doubt. A man who has to write explanations of his speeches can not do his party a great deal of good. It is a safe prediction that Gov. Roosevelt, on the stump, will do his party a great deal more harm than he will do it good. If the truth could be known it would ap pear, probably, that the President and the Republican manage™ would be glad if he would stop making speeches during the campaign and would agree to submit its political articles intended for the newspa pers to Mr. Hanna. The important discovery. Just announced from Paris, by which vitiated air may he revivified and restored, will, If it proves a practical sutcess, be of inestimable value in many of the arts. Two French chem ists have made a preparation of bioxide or peroxide of sodium which they assert will give off oxygen and absorb the car bonic acid gae from the breath and from combustion. The greatest value of such a discovery, if successful, is that It will make it possible to prevent disastrous ex plosions in mines as well as deaths from breathing oaritonic acid so often found at the bottom of mining shafts It will also he of value to the diver and other artisans, but chiefly will it be a boon to the miner who is now surrounded with so much danger. In the cheap-meal discussion a remark able Instance has been found In Valparai so, Ind. Judge William Cole Taleott and his wife, of that place, huve lived for sev eral years at a total expense of only $1 per week, or $.12 per year for food. Flour, eorn meal, sugar and salt are about their only articles of diet, and with the plain est food they believe that they will live longer and retain better health than would otherwise he the ease. Judge Tuleoit Is S.l years old and his wife ten years younger, but both are hale and hearty. Perhupa after a while the cheap meal en thusiast will discover a family of ten giving In luxury on a dollar a month. There is a division of opinion among members of the Senate who have been in terviewed with reference to whether the American troops in Uhina should be brought back, now’ that the ministers hove been rescued, or should be allowed to remain there for other*purpo.-es which hi present seem to be shrouded in mys tery. Senator Hacon of Georgia takes the view’ that if our legation is tufe. our army should be withdrawn from Chin a-s speed ily as possible, and the question of in demnity left to diplomatic negotiation. The majority of the senators interview ed. both Democratic and Repub lican, agree with this view, though some think that we should remain and aid in carrying out the pro gramme of the Powers looking to restor ing order. The interviews indicate clear ly that the question is not o party one, widely divergent opinions being express ♦■d by members of the same party. The weight of opinion, however is in the di rection which Senator Bacon very prop erly suggests, since the American troops are not in China for the purpose of mak ing war upon that country. The 1,400 Cuban school teachers who have been spending several weeks in the United States, af ter concluding a very interesting visit to Washington, are now’ doing New York, where they wiil remain until the latter part of the week when they will take transports to return home. Per haps this trip of the Cuban teachers will be one of the best things that has yet hap pened to aid in preparing the island for the great responsibilities which are be fore it. It will undoubtedly be produc tive of important results in training the minds of those to whom, in the future, Its policies must be entrusted. PERSONAL. —Mrs. Hearst, the widow of the Senator, has announced her intention of giving to the University of California a liberal sum for the erection of a psychological labora tory. —Thomas Nelson Page Is the latest au thor to testify to the virtues of tobacco as a brain stimulant. He is himself a smoker, and always smokes just before taking up his pen and more or less while writing. —Walter W’arder, who, in the absence of Gov. Tanner, is acting governor of Illinois, w’on popularity in Chicago during the Haymarket riots by his fearless action before the mob and the ready aid he gave the wounded. —Victor Emmauel. the new King of Italy, besides having a good collection of old coins, has gathered what is probably the finest collection, of 6tamps owned by any one man in Europe. Upon this he has spent many years and very large sums of money. —The late Col. Charles Scott Venable of the faculty of the University of Vir ginia, was one of the greatest benefactors of that institution, and, besides his own gifts, secured, through his influence, the large telescope from Leander McCormick, and gathered the $75,000 for its endow ment. He was the author of many well known textbooks. lilt IGHT BITS. —Somebody to Fall Back On.—“ Dickie, I hated to whip you, but you are so bad I had to.” “Well, never min', ma; when gran'ma comes, an’ I tell her 'bout it. you’ll be sorrier'n' y’ are now.”—ln dianapolis Journal. —Political Curiosities. Watts “l've got an uncle out West who ownes two good gold mines and he is going to sup port Bryan.” Potts—“l’ve got you beat. My barber Is a Middle-of-the-Road Pop ulist.”—lndianapolis Press. —A Gejgraphlcal Simile—“lt strikes me," said the first sensible man, "that Bryun wants the earth.” “Y'es," the other agreed, “and it strikes me he’ll resemble the earth pretty soon.” ‘ln what way?' "He’ll be flattened at the polls."—Philadelphia Press. —From a Wife’s Diary.—“Ah me! Yes terday my husband exclaimed, 'Parbleu!' at golf. This evening he has just ex claimed. 'Hcot, mon!' at my fete eham petre. How humiliating to be married to such a clod of a man, with no soul, none of the finer sensibilities!"—Detroit Journal. —Emulation.—Mamma (bent on convey ing a lesson in deportment)—'Tommy, did you notice what a noise Eddie Sta pieford made in eating when he was here yesterday?" Mamma's Boy—“ Yes; but he can t make half as much noise as I can. Just listen to me eatin’ this mush and milk!"—Chicago Tribune. CURRENT COMMENT. Of the effect of the Chinese trouble on cotton manufacturing, the Columbia Stale (Dem.) says: "It is, of course, ab surd to claim that a continuance of war or insurrection in China will cripple the cotton manufacturing Industry of the South, for our exports to that country have not amounted to 10 per cent, of the values of our textile products. Neverthe less, it is a very serious matter for a num ber of mills which have been running ex clusively on goods for the Asian trade, and the largest of these are in South Carolina. An official of the Southern Rail way Informs us that the Chinese crisis has had the effect of decreasing very heavily the shipments of cottton cloth from this state over the lines of his sys tem. Enormous quantities of these export goods, he says, are piled up at the mills, the terminals of the Pacific railways ore blocked with them and at Shanghai the accumulations caused by the arrest in transit of goods destined for the interior are such that the wharves are crowded with tarpaulin-coveted bales.” Speaking of the proposed investigation into the management of affairs in Cuba, the Washington Post (Ind.) says: "Col lusion between the Republican members of the Senatorial Committee and the heads of the various departments in general and the war department In iwrrtlcular to stifle all Investigation and suppress all facts ts Indicated by the present state of af fairs. It is a condition which the honest and patriotic citizens, who has the good name of the United States at heart, is powerless to remedy. He can only protest.- And the Post, in emphasizing the manner in which- the Cuban investigation Is being smothered. Is voicing this protest, though with no hope of successful result. Mill ions of dollars, wrung from de|>endent Cu bans. have been expended on all sorts of contracts Bnd for all manner of things. Hundreds of thousands of doOurs have been stolen. The public is entitled to see the figures, but the war department locks the hooks In ll> official vaults and laughs the people to scorn." The Cincinnati Enqulrsr (Dem.) says: "Last year Postmaster General Charles Emory Smith stumped the state of Ohio in the face of the fact that the fil ite Committee was blurkmalling his i tars Mini clerks, uud he knew It N„ doubt he will come again this year, undoi the old conditions, with Ilia additional eon adeutriiea that those engaged In postal frauds In Cuba urn not to be punished If tha administration can help It.'' Storyctten. President John Quincy Adams once as serted that he ‘Would not give 50 cents for all the works of Phidias or Praxiteles,” adding that he ‘ hoped that America would net think of sculpture foh two cen turies to (ome.” 1 On hearing of this, sa> the Chicago Daily News, William Morris Hunt, the foremost American painter of his day, dryly inquired: “Do*© that sum of money really represent Mr. Adams' es timate of the sculpture of those artists, cr the value which he placed upon 50 cents?” When Capt. Jack, the chief of the Mo docs, once the terror of the whites, was ■ captured and übout to be executed, a j clergyman waited upon the tough old chieftain to offer consolation. He ended up a long exhortation by saying: “And if you repent of your wickedness in fight ing goo d white men the Great Spirit will permit you to go to heaven.” With all of the po’iteness in the world Captain ; Jack inquired: “Do you think you will j go to that place?” “Certainly,” said the j minister, * If I should die to-day I would be there before night.” Quick as a flash came the answer: “If you will take my place and be hanged to-morrow I will give you forty ponies.” The offer was not taken and the clergyman Bought heaven by a less direct route. Mozart, being once on a visit at Mar seiMes, went incognito to hear the per formance of his ‘‘Villatiella Rapita.” He had reason to be tolerably well satisfied till, in the midst of the principal aria, the orchestra, through some trror in the copying of the score, sounded a D-natural where the compo.sre had written D-sharp. This substitution did not injure the har mony, but gave a commonplace character to the phrase and obscured the sentiment of the composer. Mozart no sooner heard it than he started up vehemently and, from the middle of the pit, cried out in voice of thunder: “Will you play D-sharp you wretches?” The sensation produced in the theater may be imagined. The actors were astounded, the woman who was singing stopped short, the orchestra followed her example and the audience, with loud exclamations, demanded the ex pulsion of the offender. He was accord ing seized and required to name himself. He did so. and at the name of Mozart the clamor subsided, arid was succeeded by shouts of applause from all sides. It was insisted that the opera should be re-be gun. Mozart was installed in the orches tra and directed the whole performance. This time the D-sharp was played in its proper place and the musicians themselves were surprised at the superior effect pro duced. After the opera Mozart was colls ducted in triumph to his hotel. Anecdotes of “Gu*” Thomas. Somewhere in the northeast corner of his brain in the bark of his big square head Mr. Augustus Thomas, the play w i ight, keeps a fund of more or less hu morous stories which he draws on occa sionally for the edification of his friends, says the New York Mail and Express. Mr. Thomas roomed in a 6xß “apartment” in Kansas City, Mo., in the days when the playwright was just about to but had iot yet “arrived.” as V e French say. He had written “Editha’s Burglar.” and received an occasional remittance from New York when It was being played as a curtain raiser at one of Mr. Frohman’s theaters. He was not overburdened with w’ealth at the time, and was familiarly known ss Gus. A strapping big ex-prize fighter who was a “bouncer” at a variety theater in Kansas City halted Mr. Thomas in the street one hot summer day and poured a tale of woe into his ear. “Look here, Gus. I asks you Is it square?” said the “bouncer.” “Is what .square, Bill?”’ “Why, this here game that Kiralfy’s playing. He’s fooling all the people out here, and the little summer snap I’m with is up against it for fair.” “You must be mistaken,” replied Mr. Thomas. “Mr. Kiralfy enjoys an excellent reputation in the theatrical business.” “Ah, come off! Why, Jook here, Gus! This man Kiralfy comes along with a spectacular show, and advertises it so as to make people think they got to rush out and see it the first few nights, or it’ll be gone before they get a chance. Ain’t he billed his show as ‘The Last Days of Pom-pe-yi-yi, eh? And ain’t the show been running for three weeks? Last days! That’s a fine way to gull the public! Why doesn’t he tell the truth, and say ‘All Summer of Pom-pe-yi-yi’ or something near the mark like that?” After Mr. Thomas came to New York and wrote “Alabama” for A. M. Palmer a friend met him in the lobby of the Madi son Square Theater. “Why. hello, Gus! Glad to see you. old man ” “Sh! Don’t call me ‘Gus’ If you love me,” replied the playwright, looking anx iously around. “Why you’re Gus Thomas ” “No; you’re mistaken. It's Mr. Augus tus Thomas on the play bills. Just look out there in that placard and see. I was Gus when I came here; just plain Gus to everybody; but Mr. Palmer quickly ex tracted all the banjo out of my name and decided that so long as I am connected with his theater I must be Mr. Augustus Thomas.” .lust Told of Mark Twain. Mark Twain, like many other notabili ties, has been assailed with the question of what books have influenced him. says the Golden Penny Magazine, and to one inquirer he replied with characteristic courtesy and humor: “The books that hace most influenced my life? With pleasure. This is the list: ‘The Innocents Abroad.' ‘Roughing i It,' ‘Huckleberry Finn,’ ‘Prince and Pauper,' ’Tom Sawyer.' 'Yankee at the Court of King Arthur.’ 'Personal Reminiscences of Joan of Arc,' •Pudd'nhead Wilson.' ‘Following the Equator,’ and the publications of the late firm of Charles L. Webster & Cos." Another correspondent, who was evi dently anxious that the books which had Influenced Twain should influence her. wrote requesting him to send her some of his books for sale at a church bazar. Clemens complied with her request, and instructed his publLdiers 111 the following terms: “Please charge £2 against me. and for the same sell me several of my books, making a discount to me that will make the £2 go as far as possible, for the cause is a pious one. Don’t send the books to me. Send them to Mrs. , Birming ham. I don’t know the lady, but she has applied to nv- on behalf of her husband's church. Going to hold a church fair there, and wants some of my books to sell to the godly. I have assured her that the same shall be done, I being rather down on the godly, though I did not tell her that." Nor In his distress does his hu mor forsake him. When the reporters cir culated the story that Mark Twain was dying In poverty In London, he observed gravely, "Yes. lam dying—of course. I am dying. But Ido not know that lam doing it faster than anybody else.” His Name Led All the Heat. “14 makes me tired to read these out landish names!" exclaimed the hotel guest, according to the Omaha Worid- HeraJd, ns he threw down his paper and leaned back In his easy rhalr. "A people who use such jaw-breaking names ought to be wiped off the face of the earth. How is a fellow going to re member them? There were those awful Boer names to begin with. Now we are getting a dose of heathen Chinee names that 1s enough to drive a fellow to drink. I’m not going to read the newspapers any more until I know this Chinese end South African business has been set tied." The guest threw away hie cigar and sauntered up to the dsk. "Guess I'll go to bed," he said to the clerk. “All right, eir,” said the clerk, tapping a hell. “What name, please?” The gueat turned the register toward him and pointed his finger to his name. It was: “Jedekluh Kzeklal Bquttldock. Passu onuquody, Mo,’’- The Quakers Are Honest People. §The Quaker Herl Tonic Is not only a blood purifier, but a Blood maker for Pale, Weak and De bilitated people who have not strength nor blood. It acts as a tonic, It regulates digestion, cures dys pepsia and lends strength and tone to the nervotra system. It Is a medicine for weak women. It ts a purely vegetable medicine and can be taken by the most delicate. Kidney Dis eases, Rheumatism and all diseases of the Blood. Stomach and nerves soon succumb to its wonderful effects upon the human system. Thousands of people in Georgia recommend it. Price SI.OO. QUAKER PAIN BALM Is the medicine that the Quaker Doctor made all of his wonderful quick cures with. It’, anew and wonderful medicine for Neuralgia. Toothache. Backache, Rheumatism, Sprains, Pain in Bowels; in fact, all pain can be relieved by It. Price 25c and 50c. QUAKER WHITE WONDER SOAP, a medicated soap for the skin, scalp and complexion. Price 10c a cake. QUAKER HEALING SALVE, a vege table ointment for the cure of tetter, eo zema and eruptions of the akin. Price 10c a box. FOR PALE BT ALL DRUGGISTS. 8.. 1.81. OF HOPE R’Y UNO C. 8 8. R’Y. St lIEUI LE For Isle of Hope, Montgomery, Thunder bolt, Cattle Park and West End. Dally except Sundays. Subject to change without notice. ISLE OF HOPE. * Lv. City for I. of H.| Lv. Isle of Hope. 630 am from Tenth | U 00 am for Bolton* 730 am from Tenth j 600 am for Tenth 830 am from Tenth | 700 am for Tenth 9 15 am from Bolton | 8 00 am for Tenth 10 30 am from Tenth 10 00 am for Tenth 12 00 n'n from Tenth 11 00 am for Bolton 1 15 pm from Bolton 11 30 am for Tenth 230 pm from Tenth 2CO pm for Tenth 330 pm from Tenth 240 pm for Bolton 430 pm from Tenth 300 pm for Tenth 680 pm from Tenth 400 pm for Tenth 630 pm from Tenth 6CO pm for Tenth 730 pm from Tenth | 700 pm for Tenth 830 pm from Tenth | 8 00 pm for Tenth 930 pm from Tenth 1 9 00 pm for Tenth 10 30 pm from Tenth |lO 00 pm for Tenth |H 00 pm for Tenth MONTGOMERY. Lv City for Mongry.j Ev. Montgomery. 830 am from Tenth 715 am for Tenth* 230 pm from Tenth 115 pm for Tenth 630 pm from Tenth 600 pm for Tenth CATTLE PARK. Lv city for Cat. Park! Lv CAttle Park. G 30 am from Bolton f*7 00 am ' for Bolton 730 am from Bolton | 8 00 am for Bolton 100 pm from Bolton j 1 SO pm for Bolton 230 pm from Bolton | 3 OO pm for Bolton 700 pm from Bolton j 7 30 pm for Bolton 800 prn from Bolton | 8 30 pm for Bolton THUNDERBOLT. Car leaves Bolton street junction 5:30 a. m. and every thirty minutes thereafter until 11:30 p. m. Car leaves Thunderbolt at 6:00 a. m. and every thirty minutes thereafter until 12:00 midnight, for Bolton street junc tion. “ FREIGHT AND PARCEL CAR. This ear carries trailer for passengers on all trips and leaves west side of city market for Isle of Hope, Thunderbolt and all Intermediate points at 9:00 a. m.. 1:0O p. m., 5:00 p. m. Leaves Isle of Hope for Thunderbolt, City Market and all intermediate points at 6:00 a. m., 11:00 a. m., 2:40 p. m. WEST END CAR. Car leaves west side of city market for West End 6:00 a. m. and every 40 minutes thereafter during the day until 11:30 p. m. Leaves West End at 6:20 a. m. and ev ery 40 minutes thereafter during the day until 12:00 o'clock midnight. H. M. LOFTON. Gen. Mgr. IF SliD'S HIMiC DOES NOT CURE ALL Mil fowls and Chills YOUR DRUGGIST WILL REFUND YOUR MONEY Every Bottle Guaranteed. MANUFACTCRKD BY COLUMBIA DRUG C 0„ SAVANNAH, CA SUMMER UESO.tTa. CHARMING RESORTS For health and pleasure along the line of the Tallulah Falls Ry Cos. To those seeking summer homes attention is in vited to the delightful mountain resorts along the line of the Tallulah Falls Ry. Close connections are made with ail Southern Railway trains. You can leave Atlanta 7:50 b. in., 12 o’clock noon, and 4:30 p. in. Comfortable and convenient hotels and, boarding houses are located at Demorest. Clarksville. Naroochee Val ley. Turnersville. Tallulah, Tallulth Falls, and in Rabun county. Any of these places can be reached In a three hours' ride from Atlanta. This is one of the most beautiful and picturesque sections of the South. The climate is cool and salubrious and the water the purest and best in the world. For fur ther information applv to SAMVEL C. DUNLAP, General Manager, Clarksville, Ga. HOTEL VICTORIA Broadway, sth avenue and 27th st., New York city. Entirely new: absolutely fire proof; European plan. Rooms. SI.OO per day and upward. ROBERT T. DUNLOP. Manager. Formerly of Hotel Imperial. @Cy*E YOURSELF! 'KWiSS or uk.rstlona 't JJJ .“ r Ju * n*euib r !ia, PkiDlm, %nd not utrin* , R p nt or polioDoui. Mold by Drarfllk, or sent In plain wrapper. Circular *fnt on rwjDkiA Good Goods—Close Prices. Send us your orders. Soups, Patent Medicines, Drugs, Rubber Goods. Per fumery, Toilet Powder, Combs, Brushes •ic. DONNELLY DRUG CO.. jPhou* 871. gi Liberty and Prloa str Ocean Sieainshig Go. -FOR- New York, Boston —AND— the east. Unsurpassed cabin accommodations. All the comforts of a modern hotel. Electrta lights. Unexcelled table. Tickets lnclud, meals and berths aboard ship. Passenger Fares From Sanßuk. TO NEW YORK-FIRST CABIN. S2O FIRST CABIN ROUND TRIP, $32; TER MEDIATE CABIN. sls; INTERME* DIATE CABIN ROUND TRIP. $24. STEERAGE, $lO. TO BOSTON FIRST CABIN, $22; FIRST CABIN ROUND TRIP, $36. IN. TERM EDI ATE CABIN, sl7: INTERME DIATE CABIN ROUND TRIP. $28.00. STEERAGE, $11.75. The express steamships of this line r, appointed to sail from Savannah. Centrtl (90th) meridian time, as “dHows: SAVANNAH TO NEW YORK. TALLAHASSEE, Capt. Askins, THURS DAY, Aug. 23, 3:30 p. m. CITY OF AUGUSTA, Capt. Daggett, SATURDAY, Aug. 25. 5:00 p. m. NACOOCHEE, Capt. Smith. MONDAY, Aug. 27, 6:30 p. m. KANSAS CITY, Capt. Fisher, TUES DAY, Aug. 28, 7:00 p. m. CITY OF BIRMINGHAM, Capt Berg, THURSDAY, Aug. 30. 8:00 a. m. TALLAHASSEE. Capt. Askins. SAT URDAY, Sept. 1, 9:00 p. nil CITY OF AUGUSTA, Capt. Daggett, MONDAY. Sept. 3. 11:30 a. m. NACOOCHEE, Capt. Smith, TUESDAY, Sept. 4, 12:30 p. m. KANSAS CITY, Capt. Fisher, THURS DAY. Sept. 6. 2:30 p. m CITY OF BIRMINGHAM. Capt. Berg, SATURDAY. Sept. 8. 4:00 p. m. TALLAHASSEE, Capt. Askins, MON DAY, Sept. 10. 5:30 p. m. CITY' OF AUGUSTA. Capt. Daggett, TUESDAY, Sept. U, 6:30 p m. NACOOCHEE, Capt. Smith, THURS DAY, Sept. 13, 8:00 p. m. KANSAS CITY, Capt. Fisher, SATUR DAY', Sept. 15, 10:00 p. m. CITY OF BIRMINGHAM, Capt. Berg. MONDAY. Sept 17, 12:00 noon. TALLAHASSEE, Capt. Askins, TUES DAY, Sept. 18. 1:<0 p. m. CITY OF AUGUSTA, Capt. Daggett, THURSDAY. Sept. 20, 2:39 p. m NACOOCHEE. Capt. Smith, SATUR DAY, Sept. 22, 4:00 p m KANSAS CITY, Capt. Fisher, MONDAY, Sept. 24, 5:00 p. m. CITY OF BIRMINGHAM, Capt. Berg, TUESDAY. Sept. 25, 5:30 p. m TALLAHASSEE, Capt. Askins, THURS DAY, S pt. 27, 6:30 p. m. CITY OF AUGUSTA, Capt. Daggett, SATURDAY, Sept. 29, 8:0) p. m. NEW YORK TO BOSTON. CITY OF MACON, Capt. Savage, WED NESDAY'. Aug. 22, 12:00 noon. CITY OF MACON, Capt. Savage, MON DAY. Aug. 27. 12:00 noon. CITY OF MACON. Capt. Savage, FRI DAY, Aug. 31. 12:00 noon. CITY' OF MACON. Capt. Savage, WED. NESDAY, Sept. 5, noon. CITY OF MACON, Capt. Savage, MON DAY', Sept. 10, noon. CITY’ OF MACON. Capt. Savage, FRI DAY. Sept. 14. noon. CITY* OF MACON, Capt. Savage, WED NESDAY, Sept. 19. noon. CITY OF MACON, Capt. Savage, MON DAY, Sept. 24. noon. I CITY’ OF MACON. Capt. Savage, FRY- I DAY", Sept. 28, noon. This company reserves the right to change Us sailings without notice and without liability or accountability there for. 1 Sailings New York for Savannah daily except Sundays, Mondays and Thursday, 5:00 p. m. W. G. BREWER. City Ticket and Pass enger Agent, 107 Bull street, Savannah. Ga. E. W. SMITH, Contracting Freight Agent. Savannah. Ga. R. G. TRBZEVANT, Agent. Savannah, Ga. WALTER HAWKINS. General Agent Traffic Dep't, 224 W. Bay street, Jack sonville, Fia. E. H. HINTON, Traffic Manager, Sa : rannah, Ga. P. E. LE FEVRE, Superintendent, New Pier 25. North River. New York. N. Y. MERCHANTS AND MINERS TRANSPORTATION CO. STEAMSHIP LINES. SAVANNAH TO BALTIMORE. Tickets on sale at company's offices to the following points at very low rates ATLANTIC CITV, N. J. BALTIMORE. MD. BUFFALO. N Y. BOSTON, MASS. CHICAGO, ILL. CLEVELAND, 0. ERIE, PA. HAGERSTOWN. HARRISBURG, PA. HALIFAX. N. S. NIAGARA FALLS. NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA. PITTSBURG. PROVIDENCE. ROCHESTER TRENTON. WILMINGTON. WASHINGTON. First-class tickets include meals and state room berth. Savannah to Baltimore Accommodations and cuisine unequaled. Freight capacity unlimited; careful han ltng and quick dispatch. The steamships of this company are ap pointed to sail from Savannah to Balti more as follows (standard time): ALLEGHANY. Capt. Foster, THURS DAY. Aug. 23, at 4:00 p. m. TEXAS. Capt. Eidrldge, SATURDAY, Aug. 25, at 5:00 p. m. D. H. MILLER. Capt. Peters, TUES DAY, Aug. 28 . 6:00 p. m. ITASCA, Capt. Diggs, THURSDAY, Au*. 30, 7:00 p. m. ALLEGHANY, Capt. Foster, SATUR DAY, Sept. 1, 10:00 p. m. TEXAS, Capt. Eldridge, TUESDAY, Sept. 4, 1:30 p. m. D. H. MILLER, Capt. Peters, THURS DAY, Sept. 6, 3:30 p. m. And from Baltimore Tuesdays, Thure days and Saturdays at 4:00 p. m Ticket Office, 39 Bull street. NEWCOMB COHEN. Trav. Agent J. J. CAROLAN, Agent Savannah, Ga. W. P. TURNER. G. P A. A. D. STEBBINS, A. TANARUS, M J. C. WHITNEY. Traffic Manager. * General Offices. Baltimore. Md BRRNNAN BROS., WHOLESALB Fruit, Produce, Grain, Etc. >2* BAY STREET. West. Telephone SM. JOBS C. BUTLER, -DEAJLEtt if.— Paints, Oils and Glasa, aaah, Do°r. and Builder*' Plain and Pecore* live Wall Paper. Foreign ana Dome* Cement*. Id me. Piaster end Hair. Agent for Abestlne Cold Water Pain' ID Congress street, went, and •treat, wnau