The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, August 22, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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COURT-MARTIAL FOR HARRIS. MEMBER OF THE BURS WILL. BE TRIED BY OFFICERS. Orders Issued for the (onrf by the Xctiiitf Adjutant General—Cha Is Corporal Harris* Alleged Mis conduct l |>on tlie Blues' Trip to Louisville—Not Known That Others W ill Appear Before the Court—Per sonnel of the Court-tnartlnl. Atlanta. Aug. 21.—An order for a court martial to be held in Savannah on Aug. 17 was issued to-day by Acting Adjutant General Phil O. Byrd. The principal, if not the only, business before the court-martial will be the trial of Corpl. Harris of Company M, First In fantry, for alleged misconduct on the oc casion of the visit of his command to Louisville, Ky., during the recent Confed erate Vetera-ns’ reunion. Following is a copy of the order: Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 21.—Special Orders No. 1611. A general court-martial is ap pointed to meet at Savannah, Ga., at 8 p. m., Aug. 27, 1900, or as soon there after os practicable, for the trial of such persons as may be properly brought be fore It. Detail for the court, Lieut. Col. Thomas S. Wyl!y, Jr., Firs* Infantry; Maj. Thomas Screven, First Infantry; Capt. Patrick Gleason, First Infantry; Capt. Charles S. Richardson, Fllr?t In fantry; Second Lieutenant George H. Richter, First Tnfantry; First Lieutenant David C. Barrow, First Infantry, Judge advocate. A greater number of officers cannot be assembled without Injury to the service. Immediate example being necessary, the could will sit without regard to hours. By command of the Governor. “Phil G. Byrd, “Acting Adjutant General.” The troubles into which Corpl. Harris of the Republican Blues got himself will be generally remembered. Besides the charges of disobedience of orders and other acts of insubordination filed against him bedause of his conduct at Louisville, the company commander garnished his salary with the Central Railroad for money advanced. TEACHERS WERE ENTERTAINED. Cabling Were the Gaecti of tl*e Xcw York Hoard of Education. New York, Aug. 21.—The visiting Cu ban and Porto Rican teachers were the guests of New York city to-day, their immediate hos*s being the Board of Ed ucation. They were taken to several points of interest, which included Gen. Grant s tomb in Riverside Park, Colum h a University, a publ c school, Central Park and tbe Aquarium at the Battery. After listening to an address of welcome delivered by Acting Mayor Guggen h> they sat dnvn to an o en air banquet on the Mall irf Central Park. The party left to-night for Phlladel ph a. LETTER TO CARDINAL VICAR. Pope Disapproves the Propaganda of Prntestn ntism In Italy. Rome. Aug. 21.—The Pope has addressed a letter to the cardinal vicar, in which he ►ets forth the danger of the free propa ganda of Protestantism in Italy, especially in Rome. He observes that this propa ganda is permissible by law, but goes on to show how painful to him is the situ ation resulting from it, since he cannot oppose the propaganda. Leo recommends that the cardinal vicar strengthen the work of preserving the faith; and he exhorts Cathodes to unite in an effort to minimize, as far as possi ble, the damage caused by sectraian propaganda. TO BE AT CHICAGO. Ylrynn anil Roosevelt Will Occupy the Same Platform. Chicago Aug. 21 —lt was announced Bt Democratic headquarters to-day that Vitn. J. Bryan wjuld be in Chicago La bor Day and speak at the picnic to b? held in connection with the Labor Day cel'bratfon. If this plan is adhered !V it will result In Gov. Roosevelt and Col. R van appearing on the same platform Mr. Bryan’s original intention was to go to Cleveland on Labor Day, but accord ing to the announcement made by Mr. Schilling, he has changed his mind. CALLED HIM A NEGRO. Dclnfour Resented Thin nnd Shot Rudolph Eschmnn. New Orleans, Aug. 21.—A shooting af fray occurred to-day on a truck farm owned by Rudolph Eschman. Mr. Esch man called a neighbor, Louis Delatour, a negro, The latter secured a revolver and. upon returning, shot both Esehman and his step-brother. Frank Doothy. A general tight occurred, and all the men are in the hospital. Esehman cannot recover from hi? injuries. FOR OHIO NAVAL MILITIA. Auxiliary Gunboat Will Be Tried for Tbelr Practice. Norfolk, Va., Aug. 21.—The auxiliary gunboat Hawk, which is now being quite handsomely fitted out at the navy yard here and which it was at first thought was going to the Philippines and China, has been ordered to the Great Lakes for use as a practice boat for the Ohio Naval Militia. She will make the trip via the St. Lawrence river. SHOT THHOL’GIf THE HEART. McAllister Was Killed While Trying to Get Out of the Way. Newport -News. Va., Aug. ?I.—William McCabe and William Begnall became in volved in a quarrel in the latter’s saloon to-day. The barkeeper drew a revolver and fired at McCabe. Jam' - s W. McAllister, a printer from Raleigh. N. C., who was an innocent bystander, received the bullet in his heart, while endeavoring to get out of the way. Begnall is in Jail. CAMPAIGN OPENED. Sedalla, Mo.. Hnd n Crowd of 40,000 Out for the Democrats. Sedalia, Mo., Aug. 21.—The Democratic eampaign In Missouri was opened to-day in the presence of nearly 40.000 persons. The principal addier-ees were made by Hon. A dial E. Stevenson, the vice presi dential candidate, and A. M. Dockery. Democratic candidate for Governor of Missouri. Shut Down for a Week. Halem, Mass.. Aug. 21 —Owing to the general dullness of the market, the N>umkeag Cotton Mills here will shut down for one week, beginning Aug. 23. They employ about l.fton hands. Officer* of Florists. M.w York. Aik 21—At th meeting of fie Society of American F.oii*t todav J. C. Vaughan of CM.ago was elecitd P r <aldent and E Q. MW of Richmond, Va, vice president FARMERS I* MEETING. President of the National Farmers* Congress Made an Address. Colorado Springs. Col , Aug. 21.—R. G F. Candage of Brockline, Mais., acting president, to-c'ay called to order, in the High School (Auditorium, the twentieth annual se s on of the National Farmers' Congress. There was a large attendance. Gov. Charles S. Thomas. Miyor Robin son and others delivered addresses cf welcome, to which responses were made by members of the Congress. Responses ko we’coming addresses were made by Secretary B. F. Stahl of the Congress, Col. B. F. Clayton of lowa, in place of \?a;or G. M Ryals of Savannah, Ga., who was absent, and by President Worth of the North Dakota Agri:u'tural Col lege. President R G. F. Candace delivered his annual address. It was, in part, as follows: “It is estimated at the present time —and there are yet many million ac'res of rich, unimproved farming lands to be oc cupied—that the United States produce one-fenmh of the world’s wheat, 60 per cent, of its cotton, 75 per cent, of its corn, beside large crops of oats, barley, rye and other farm products, and that the exports of them, with the products of forests, manufactures and of mines, amount in the aggregate to more than a thousand million of dollars annually. In the year 1898-99 the exports were as follows: Products of agriculture $ 784.959.087 Products of forests 42,126,964 Products of mines 28,832.608 Products of fisheries 6,025,446 Products of manufactures 338.675,558 And all others 3,281,559 Total $1,203,931,222 “In importance, magnitude and value the products of the soil represented by the delegates to this Congress overshadow all other interests making for the comfort, happiness and well-being of our country' and its people. “Without them animal life could not exist. With them all animal life, wheth er In palace, cMtage, house or hovel, are made comparatively comfortable and happy, so far as external things make for comfort and happiness. “The magnitude and abundance of these things showered upon us from year to year by the bountiful hands of Provi dence we are no more capable of compre hending than we are of enumerating the kernels contained in a billion bushels of wheat. “And their value, reaching forward to many billions of dollars, a sum far be yond any standard we can se up of in dividual measurement, leave us amazed at the gigantic proportions they assume. “It is not my purpose to here enum erate them, as only estimates and not re liable statistics, are at hand o enable me to do so, but we shall all look for ward with interest for the reports of the United States census of 1900, which will doubtless give us a clear idea of the valuo and wonderful growth of the agricultural interests of our great and prosperous country. “I have been greatly impressed, how ever, by the magnitude and value of one of the minor branches of agricultural in dustry'—that of eggs and poultry. The value of eggs laid in this country in a single year is estimated a4 $100,000,000, and the increase in fowls at $30,000,000 to $40,- 000.000 more! And we enjoy Che golden voiced cackle of the farm-yard fowl as she makes known the fact that she is a national wealth-producer to the annual amount of $140,000,000!” MIST TAKE SHORT ROVTES. Comptroller Trseewell Give* a De ei*ion of Interest to marshal*. Washington, Aug. 21.—Controller Trace, well of the Treasury Department, In disal lowing the mileage account of a Virginia marshal. Insists that deputy marshals shall use the shortest practicable route in taking their prisoners to jail or in serving warrants. In the case In question, the shortest route lay through the famous Shooting Creek country, where it is said moonshiners made it almost impossible for deputies to convey their prisoners in safety. The controller says in part: “The government cannot afford even in directly to encourage by a show of fear a resistance of its processes by a few ig norant nnd vicious mountaineers known to infest region in question. It is to be understood by them and all others that the Federal government, in making arrests for violations of its laws. wTI make them and execute them and not violate its own laws a sregards the mileage of its officers for fear of these outlaws. The govern ment is perfectly able to coup with these law-breakers and law-defiers, and will fur nish its officers all necessary assistance to enforce its precepts according to its own methods. It is not its method to sneak its prisoners through out-of-the-way places in order to avoid those persons who seek to defy and nullify its mandates.” ROOSEVELT WENT HOME. I)c*irc<l to Have Hl* Expressed Views Aeeord With the President**. Washington, Aug. 21.—Gov. Roosevelt left for New York this morning on the 10 o’clock train. When asked for informa tion as to his visit, the Governor stated that he came especially to see the Presi dent. desiring to talk over matters con cerning the campaign and also regarding his itinerary. The President and Gov. Roosevelt dis cussed various campaign policies, together with the feature** of the letters of accept ance which are soon to be made public. It is the desire of Gov. Roosevelt as a vice presidential candidate to have his ut terances during the coming Western tour thoroughly in accord with the views of the presidential candidate, and he also de sire* to give expression to and m ikes fea tures of the issues which the President deems most important. TWIN CITIES’ POPULATION. Ceuan* Bureau Give* Figrure* for St. Paul and Minneapolis. Washington, Aug. 21.—The census office to-day made public the census returns from St. Paul and Minneapolis, Minn. The population of St. Paul Is 163,632; an increase over 1890 of 30.476. or 22 89 per cent. The populattorv of Minneapolis is 2-12.718; an increase over 1890 of 37,980, or 23,05 per cent. MASSIVE IRON FI RN ACE. I* to Be Built at Rose Hill, Preaum n Itly. l*y Brown Bros. Knoxville. Tenn., Aug. 21.—A massive iron furnace is to be built at Rose Hill, Va., near Middlesboro, Ky. Brown Bros., New York banker?, are said to be Inter ested in the enterprise. The builders con trol 6.000 acres of ore land at Rose Hill. Horsford s Acid Phosphafe A Great Tonic. It invigorate* and strengthens, re | lievea nervousness and headache, and I creates a good appetite. I Genuine beu> Mine Hoasroeo's on wrapper. THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22. 1900. HANNA IN NEW JERSEY. Opened the rnnipnign nt Asbnry Pnrk—The Chairman Made n Laudatory Speech. New York. Aug. >l.-Senator Hanna, chairman of the Republican National Committee, opened the campaign of the Republicans of N*w Jersey at Asbury Dark, N. J., to-night. An Immense crowd, mere than could be accommo dated, gathered in and about the audi tormm by the siashoie. The senator was roundly cheered when he entered the building. He was introduced to the au dience by Frank Appl by, president of the. Asbury lark City Coun 11. S natDr Hanna, after thanking the audi nee for the hearty r ception acccrded him. said: “We are on the eve of a political cim paign, second to in importance, one on the issues of whhh depends he pros perity of tne country. Hut 1 leave the and scussion of that matter to abler hands, to thOS3 who will soon address you. “I want to sound a note of warning to night which the importance of the cam paign justifies. I want to call your at tention to 'the duty before you, 1104 only to individuals, but to the whole country. This is a duty that is not transferable. It cannot placed on your neighbor. It is your individual duty. “The time is at hand when every man is called on to contribute what he can to perpetuate this administration. It has been demonstrated beyond any doubt that the policy of the Republican party and of President McKinley (applause) stands for everything which means the welfare and w’ell being of the country at large. “You cannot shirk this duty, because every man who has any property must feel that it is his right as much as any one’s and that he must fight in his own interests. “A note of warning has come from the national Republican headquarters. I am responsible for that (cheers). I know the nature of the contest which is before u r , and I can tell you that you cannot afford to take anything for granted or to miss n trick (laughter and applause). We are confronted with a dangerous foe and Bryanism Is in the balance, and if that Is killed now, it is killed forever. “I will now quote from one of Gov. Roosevelt’s speeches, recently delivered by him, in which he says: ‘Every man who loves his country is called upon now to stand shoulder to shoulder and maintain the prosperity which has biven us so much.’ That is materially true. “There have been two object lessons presented to the people of this country. In 1892, under a Republican administra tion, we found ourselves in prosperity, the spindles were all busy in the fac tories and industrials were busy on every hand. Then came a change. The peo ple said they wanted a change, and they got it. “I will not picture to you how labor was then out of employment, and how, month after month, it grew worse. You know all about that as well ns I can tell you. The people 4hen wanted another change, and they got It. And what a change it was and how the spindles be gan to spin again in'fhe factories, result ing in happy homes and firesides all over the land. “Now do you mant another change and go back to the conditions that prevailed in 1897? (Cries of ‘No, no.’) Then you must do your duty. 1 want New Jersey to set an example to the whole country—one that shaul be seen and recognized all over the land. (Applause.) “Overconfidence is the worst feature of this campaign. No one can be blamed for confidence in what the outcome will be after three years of President McKin ley, but remember that we have an enemy which may be called the ‘Cuckoo’ party, which is composed of men of every shade of political opinion, every crank and ev ery’ nihilist. They are all against us. We must be active, and it is to impress tihs upon you that I am here to-night, and to tell you your plain duty. In conclusion, let me say. you must not neglect it.” Senator Hanna was followed by Col. Curtis Guild. Jr., of Boston, who spoke at length on the issues of the campaign. MOTION FOR A NEW TRIAL In the Powers Case Will He Filed To <ln> —Other Cases. Georgetown, Ky., Aug 21.—The motion fra new trial In the case of Caleb Pow ers, ex-secie ary of state, convicted cf complicity in the aasas ination of the late Gov. Goebel, will be filled with Judge Cantrill to-morrow. Commonwealth’s Attorney Frankln soys if the proseeut on is cDnv.nced Youtsey is real y ili, the commonw'ealth will withdraw its objections Thursday and allow the case to go over till Oc tober. The physicians say he is not well to-day, and there seems little probability of a trial at this term. The trial of Bar ber Weaver, who Is charged with con spiracy in the Powers case. Is set for to-morrow. PREPARING FOR VETERANS. %rraiißonirnts for Two Meetings Be ing: Mode In ( linttonoogn. Chattanooga. Tenn., Aug. 21.—Commit tees of the City Council, Chamber of Commerce, the Society of the Army of the Cumberland and Confederate veterans have begun active preparations for the assembling of veterans Oct. 8 to 12 next untier the auspices of the War Department for Inspection, correction and verification of all the historical work of the National Park Commission upon the several battle fields included in the park. The same committees, assisted by oth ers, are also preparing for the first an nual reunion and encampment of the Na tional Association of Spanish-American War veterans upon the same dates. WAS HOT AT CHARLESTON. Six Prontratlona, Two Filial, Were the Record for the Day. Charleston. 9. C , Aug 21.—There were six prostrations from heat here during the day, two % of the cases reported prov ing fatal. Gage Williams and William Harrison, n gro s. who were overcome at t e Atlantic Phosphate Works, died within an hour of thdr pro t rat ion. The other patients are all dcing well. They are Irene £mi<h, an unknown woman; A. Balger of 38 Alexander street. Georg.* Hoffman of Knoxville, Term., and a co -ed man named Wash W 1 Hams. The high st temperature registered here duiing too day was 99 degtees. Whitman 11. at Lnrneil. Newport, R. 1.. Arg 21 —Th tennis match, which exc tfd the most interest of any ever played in Newport, was wen by Malcom D. Whitman, na lonal cham pion s nee I*9B. who defeated W. a Lamed by steady all-round playing By \anquishing Darned, Wht man Is now in pumanent possession of the champion ship cup. At the end cf the play the score stood: Malcom D. Whitman, champion, heat W A. Lamed, challenge r, 64. 1-6. 6-2, 6 2. _ Five Millers Smothered. Isaquah. Aug. 21.—Five miners were smothered to death In the Isaquah Coal Company* mines to-day. A brush fire spread to the mouth of an air shaft. Ig nited the timbers and whs sucked down by the ventilator fan Into the workings, where eighty men were employed. Ilurrln fur Governor. Wilmington. Del., Aug. 21.—The ‘‘re-r --ular,” or Dupont, faction of the Repub lican party fyelri its state convention in this city io-day and nominated Martin B. Harris of Newcastle countv for (joy. ernor. THE NEWS FROM DO(GLAN. Three Tragedies Reported From the Neighboring Country. Douglas. Ga.. Aug. 21.—0n Friday last, near John W. Gillis* still in the southern portion of Coffee county, Joe Arnold shot and mortally wounded Ponder McLendon, who died on Saturday and was buried on Sunday. From the best obtainable information. Arnold was In the house of Catherine Dawson, a notorious young white woman, The McLendon brothers wort and called her up, telling her to strike a light that they had a letter for her. Arnold told her to strike no light, and dsked: “Who are you, anyway?” McLendon, advancing, answered: “I am one of the hoys you read about.” Ar nold replied: "Yes, 1, too. am one of the boys you read about,” striking Mcb mlon a severe blow* with his fist. McLendon’s brother sprang between them and separ ated them. Arnold drew his pistol, reach ed nround the peacemaker and fired the fatal shot. At the October term of Coffee Superior Court a true bill was returned against this Catherine Dawson, charged wrlth keeping a lewd house. She was tried in the City Court yesterday under this charge. A verdict of guilty was returned, and she was sentenced by Judge Dart to pay a fine of S4O and all cgsts or serve six months in the chain gang. Her attorney gave notice of ap|>eal. She is apparently very young in years. In Berrien county, on Friday night, John Ellis, late of White Springs, Fla., shot, and. It is thought, fatally wounded, John Clements. It is alleged that Ellis Is want ed at White Springs for a similar offense recently committed there. On Saturday night, in the same county, Tom Brogden shot and supposedly fat-illy wounded Jack Edenfield. All the iarties are white. Mr. J. L. Shelton, assistant cashier of the Union Bank, is off on a two-weeks' vacation visiting relatives in Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Garrett of Sumner are visiting relatives in this city. Solicitor General John W. Bennett of the Brunswick Circuit, Mrs. Benneit and children, arrived in the city yesterday and will try the health-giving waters of Gaskin Spring. CHANGE MEMORIAL DAY. That Ist lint tle G. A. R. ( onuniinil er-ln-Chlef Want*. Chicago, Aug. 21.—Gen. Shaw', comman der-in-chief of the Grand Army of the Re public, arrived in the Chicago to-night to consult with the Executive Committee on the last details concerning the coming celebration, which, he says, promise* to be the largest and most successful en campment in the history of the organiza tion. “Our membership is decreasing rap idly every year,’’ said the commander, “and soon the Grand Army of the Re public will be ti thing of the past. I hope, however, that before we pass out of ex istence we will change the Memorial Day from the 30th of May to the last Sunday in May. Memorial Day should be given over to patriotism and inspiration, and not to l>oat racing and ball games. “I shall recommend at the National Con vention that the date be changed, and while I cannot say what the action of the delegates will be. I hope to find that they are all with me.” PHOTOGRAPHIC RECORDS. Wnnderfnl Re.nlts Seenml ly F,t periinenta at Put-in-fln v. Toledo, 0., Aug. 21.—During (he session of the Ohio and Michigan Photographers’ Association at Put-in-Bay to-day experi ments were made with wonderful results. A negative and finished print was made at 10 o’clock at night to test the utility of artificial light. The experiments were conducted by C. H. Smith and David P.os ser of Pfrttsburg. The negatives were made with four sec onds' exposure by acetylene gas. The print was made w ith artificial light. The total time consumed in the operation, be ginning with the exposure and ending with the finished picture mounted on a card, was eight minutes and twenty-four seconds. This is the world’s record. SHOI'LD III] AT TAKI. Expected (lie Hancock Han Reached the Chinese Port. Washington, Aug. 21.—The transport Hancock left Nagasaki on the 17th of this month, an it is believed tiiat she has arrived at Taku. She had on board four batteries of artillery. These batteries did not have artillery with them, but are ex pected to do service as infantry until their guns can be sent to Taku, if it Is decided to send them. The Hancock also look 50® marines, which are expected to do service in China. The transport Stephens has left Ma nila for Taku, carrying twenty-five wag ons and teams for service in the quar termaster’s department in China. IA I ATE REST OF El SION. Two tougres.innnl Candidates W ith drew In linnsas From the Rare. Hutchinson, Kan., Aug. 21.—Claude Du val and I. P. Campbell, respectively Dem ocratic and Populist candidates for Con gress, from the Seventh Kansas District, have withdrawn from the contest, so that fusion might be effected. A convention will meet here in Septem ber to nominate a fusion candidate. Friends of Jerry Simpson are at work, and it is asserted that the ex-Congressman will be a candidate. THE SHERMAN FOR CHINA. Tlie Transport Sulled With Oxer 1.000 Olfieers and Ren. San Francisco, Aug. 21.—Tlie transport Sherman sailed to-day for Nagasaki with troops and supplies destined for China. On board the vessel ore battalion* of *he Second, Fifth and Eighth Regiments, to gether with general officers, surgeons, hospital corps and signal corps men. There are over 1,000 officers and men on the transport. Wouldn't Extend tlie Rule. Chicago Aug 21.—The dire-'tots of the ( h cago Board of Trade to-day dt Clintd to extend the sixt.v-day rul, as regards the publication or t|tt ta ions on futures. This means t h a’ tre board will adhere to it* pre art practice of llml’ l nj! quo ta ions to the second mmth of* futures. §§ow Women May Keep Young The real secret of youthful features in women ia regular menstruation. If there is an irregularity of any nature if the menses be suppressed or too scanty, too profuse or painful —the trouble will show in the face. The eyes will be encircled with black, the skin sallow; blotches and pimples will appear, and the sufferer, although young in years, will appear old in looks. The un< falling remedy ia Braopiclo’s Female Reculator It cures all ills of the womanly or gans, Palling of the Womb, Leucor rbcea or Whites and Bearing-down Pains. Cures Backache, Headache and Nervousneas, all of which are due to weakness in the same organs. Ir* bottlee • nM ty Dragpitu Ur SI. %u iJuoniLu azivuroa qo , aiu>, 0* FI. FAN. FOR HACK TAXES. Lovindea County Wnntn Them for 22 Vfnr From the WeMrrn I nlnn. Valdosta, Ga.. Aug. 21.—Tax Collector W. T. Staten has issued tax fi fas. against the Wetsern Union Telegraph Company for taxes from 1878 to 19*0, twenty-two years In nil. The taxes alleged to he due the county amount to about S6OO, not counting the interest. Officials of the te egraph company hive been here two or three times to adjust the matter, but it is understood that they failed to come to any agreement. It is also undeistood the county officials agreed to accept the regular amount for all of the iaxe.' due and not count Inter est. but the telegraph officials would r.ot agree to this, alleging that the assessed valuation of their property was too much. It is understood hat the shviiff will enuke a levy to-morrow, and then the mat ter will go into the courts. The case will be watched with Interest. Mrs. J. S. Adkins of the Mineola dis trict died suddenly lrt night. She was seized with a constat!ve chiil and died in a little while, though she was in ap parently good health up to the time of the attnek. Two negroes and eight mules at Lake Park were struck by lightning lift Satur day while hauling timber to the mill there. Two of the mules were killed and one of the negroes was knocked senseless, but recovered later. The biggest watermelon of the season was brought in yesterday by J.W.Hire* of Lake Park. It weighed 130 pounds, and is on exhibition here. An effort will be made to keep it in cold storage until the State Fair, though It is expected that still larger ones wl'l be brought In. os one weighing as high as 149 pounds was brought here last year. ->♦ • i INVESTIGATED TUB KILLING. A Coroner's Jury Looked Into the Tragedy nt Geneva. Orlando. Fla, Aug. 21—Sherlff Ander s>n tnl Justice of the Peace Lee iv iurned this morning from the tcene of the Saturday night tragedy at Geneva. Justice Lee, acting as coroner. Impan eled a jury yesterday and proceeded to h id an inquest on the b:dy of J. W. Pre vatt, who was killed by W. A. Tillis. Th<re were no witnesses to the affair except J. F. Prevatt. brother of the dead man. who went with him to Tlllls' house, where thetrouble occurred He claimed that they went to hire Till-, who is a carpenter, to build a lighter. The neigh bors declare, however, that there had been bad blood between the Prevatts and Tillis for a year or two; that they were not on f caking terms, and conse quently the story about hiring him to build the boat Is and scredited. Tillis has made no stat mentsgand la doing no talking. He has had no pre liminary hearng. His side of the, affair will come out loier on. The coroner’s jury rendered a verdict, finding that J. W. Prevatt came to h!s death from a. gunshot wound, presumably at the hands of W. A. Tillis. They de clined to sign any other kind of a ver dict. Justice Lee says that the friend ship and sympathy of the entire com munity I" with Tillis, and that Prevatt had few friends. Several of the resi dents of the section came over with the sheriff's party this morning, Mr. Tillis being of the number. The Morning News representative has interviewed some of these and finds that their declarations l>ear out the statement of Justice Lee in regard to the sympa thy of the community. It will probably develop, however, that Prevatt had friends who will take a different view of the ease. R AILROAD COMMISSION MET. Dor. Not Fane,- Hie Im-rraer In Rnte. on Florida Honda. Tallahassee, Fla., Aug. 21.—The railroad companies doing business In Florida, hav ing recently Issued anew classification affecting all classes of freight and in creasing the rate on many kinds, inde pendent of the Florida Railroad Commis sion. the commission has cited the Com panies to appear before it and show cause why such action was taken. The following representatives of the railroads came to Tallahassee on Monday and have had a session with the commis sioners; W. A. Blount, F. C. Shepherd and J. W, Lurton of the Louisville and Nashville; James Menzles of the Plant System; Smith D. Pickett of the Atlantic. Valdosta arid Western; J. P. Beckwith of the Florida East Coast Railway, J. M. Cutler and Judge John I. Hall of the Geor gia Southern and Florida, W. H Pleasants of the Seaboard Air Line, J. Herlong and L. E. Barker of the Gaines ville and Gulf Railroad end W. R. Halle of the Southern Express Company. The commissioners want the railroad companies to go back to the former class ification or to adopt o new one recently prepared by them, making general reduc tions in freight Charges. James Graham. Thomas Weeks, James Youmans and William Granam, fugutive* from justice in Lee county, Florida, are said to be in the state and defying ar rest, and the Governor has offered Jioo reward for the arrest and delivery of any or each of the men to the sheriff. FLO It! ISA CHOI'S. Average Condition nnd V'ro.peetl ve Yield Net Forth. Tallahassee, Fla., Aug. 21.—The Monthly Bulletin for July, issued by the state de partment of agriculture, gives the fol lowing general averages as lo condition and prospective yield of crops, as lompar ed with the same months last year: Condition—l’plind cotton, 76; sea Island cotton, 84; corn, 88; sugar cane, 98; held pens, 97; rice, 97; velvet beans, 100; sweet potatoes, 93; peanuts, 96; cassava, 95; hay, 101; egg plants, 100; tobacco, 88; bananas, 100; guavas, 96; orange trees, 130; lemon trees, 143; lime trees, 97; grape-fruit trees, 105; horses and mules, 97; cattle, 102; hogs, 95; sheep, 92. Prospective Yield—Upland cotton, 71; sea Island cotton. 81; corn, 90; sugar cane, 101; held peas, 97; rice, 97; velvet beans, 120; sweet potatoes, 98; peanuts, 97; cassava, 90; hay, 107; egg plants, 96; tobacco, 79; bananas, 108; pineapples, ill; guavas, 83; oranges, 119; lemons, 91; limes, 95; grape fruit, 114. Treated AA Ifls 4 ontcnipt. New York. Aug. 2). The World go-mor row will ray that Bob Fltzrlmmon* has been offered SIOO,OOO by a Canadian of high financial standing to lose his fight with Sharkey, and that Fitzsimmons treated the suggestion with contempt. The prop osition is said <o have come in a letter from Montreal. Stinson the Winner, Cambridge, Moss.. Aug. 21.—Will Stin son" of this elty defeated Burnt Pierre and Albert Champion In a hotly contest ed twenty-live miles motor-paced race at the Charles River Park to-night. His time was 42 minutes 5 seconds. Nominated White. Louisville, Ky., Aug. 21.—The Prohibi tion Slate Convention to-day nominated for Governor John D. White of Manrhee ter, Clsy county, formerly a Republican congressman from ihe Eleventh district. FnuaM n Tnenty-Hound Dratv, Troy, N. Y., Aug. 21.—Martin Flnherty of Lowell, Mass , and Jack Hamilton of Troy fought s twanty-round draw at the Manhattan Athletic Club To-night, • < • ,° ® Y? Pimples, Blackheads, Red Rough, Oily Skin PREVENTED BY TtTTILLIONS of Women Use CUTICURA SOAP, exclusively, ■*■*■*■ for preserving, purifying, and beautifying the skin, for cleansing the scalp of crusts, scales, and dandruff, and the stopping of falling hair, for softening, whitening, and healing red, rough, and sore hands, in the form of baths for annoying irritations, inflammations, and chafings, or too free or offensive perspiration, in the form of washes for ulcerative weaknesses, and many sanative antiseptic purposes which readily suggest themselves to women and mothers, and for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. No amount of persuasion can induce those who have once used it to use any other, especially for preserving and pu fying the skin, scalp, and hair of infants and children. CUTI CURA SOAP combines delicate emollient properties derived from CUTICURA, the great skin cure, with the purest of cleansing ingredients and the most refreshing of flower odors. No other medicated soap ever compounded is to be compared with it for preserving, purifying, and beautifying the skin, scalp, hair, and hands. No other foreign or domestic toilet soap, however expensive, is to be compared with it for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. Thus it combines in ONE SOAP at ONE PRICE, vir., TWENTY-FIVE CENTS, the BEST skin and complexion soap, and the BEST toilet and BEST baby soap in the world. /iitimra C° m P |c * e External and Internal Treatment for Every Humor, lUlltUld conirtmtlng ot Cuticura Hoxr (25c.), to clean** the akin of cru§U and ecle nod noften the thickened cuticle,Cuticura Ointment (50c.) -w * n Instantly alley Itching, irifinimoatlon, and irritation, and aootbe and’ TflO 901 1 91*20 and CuTKUIU Rttfloi.vENT (60c.), to cool and clcanae the blood. A Hinui.e Bbt ie often sufficient to cure the moat torturing, dinligurtof and humiliating akin, acalp, und Mood humors with lose of hair, when all clee fails. Pottba I>. AMO C. Coai*., Bole Drops., Boston. “How to Cure Face Humors and all other Humors,” fr os. THE WEATHER. Forecast for Wednesday aod Thurs day: Georgia and South Carolina Local rains and cooler weather Wednesday. Thursday lair; light to fresh northerly winds. Eastern Florida—Local rains, and cool er weather in northern portion Wednes day. Thursday fair; ilght variable winds Yesterday’s Weather at Savannah- Maximum temperature 3:30 p. m 100 degrees Minimum temperature 6:30 a. m 77 degrees Mean temperature 88 degrees Normal temperature SO degrees Excess of temperature S degrees Accumulated excess since Aug. 1 78 degrees Accumulated deficiency since Jan. 1 103 degrees Rainfall 00 inch Normal 26 Inch Deficiency since Aug. 1 1,71 Inches Deficiency since Jan. 1 8.03 Inches River Report—The hight of the Savan nah river at Augusta, at 8 a. m. (73th me ridian time! yesterday, was 6.3 feel, a fall of 0.1 foot during the preceding twenty four hours. Colton Region Bulletin, Savannah, Ga., for the twenty-four hours ending at 8 a. m., 75th meridian time, Aug. 21, 1900. Stations of |Mox.| Miri.|Rais Savannah district. |Tm. |Tem.| fall •Alapaha, Ga., clear ....! 95 j 75 .no" Albany, clear | 102 | 77 | .00 Amerlcus, clear 99 j 76 j ,oo Balnbrldge j 99 | 76 | .00 Eastman, clear j 101 j 78 | .00 Fort Gaines, clear j 98 j 77 | .CO •Gainesville, Fla., clear j 98 j 79 j .00 Mlllen. Ga., clear j 105 | 73 j .00 Quitman, clear 98 74 | .00 Savannah, clear j 102 77 | .00 Thomasvllle, cle^. - \ list j 79 ,o Waycross, clear | 107 j 76 .00 •Received too lute for telegraphic aver ages. Special Texas Rainfall Reports—Colum bia, .10; Houston, .10. |,!>isi. Averages. No. | 1 1 Sta-'MX I Mtn.|Kate Cantral Station* |tlon*:Tem.|Tara | fall Atlanta ~| 12 ~ 56'j 74 02" Augusta | 10 | 102 | 74 | T Charleston | 5 j too | 76 j T i Galveston | 29 92 j 72 | .01 Little Rock 12 91 72 .02 Memphis j 16 ;96 74 j .01 Mobile | 10 | 96 | 72 j .09 Montgomery | 8 | 98 | 74 ,tf> New Orleans | 15 | 94 I 72 , .00 Savannah j 12 j 100 j 76 { .oo Vicksburg | 10 | 94 | 72 | .00 Wilmington | 10 | 98 [ 72 | .08 Remarks.—While the excessive temper atures continue over the belt, over the Savannah, Augusta and Charleston dis tricts the heat has been particularly In tense, Light and widely scattered show ers have occurred over North Georgia, Ihe t’ut'olinas and In the Galveston, Little I Book nnd Memphis districts, i Observations taken at the same moment of time at all stations, Aug. 21, 1900, 8 p. m., 76th meridian lime: Nenies of Stations. I T | *V |RaUk Boston, clear | 66 I 14 j .00 New York city, cloudy .. 70 | 6 j .00 Philadelphia, cloudy j 68 i L j .02 Washington city, cloudy.,| 70 | 6 | .22 Norfolk, cloudy | 76 | L | .01 Hatter,is, cloudy j 82 8 .00 Wilmington, thoudy j 84 , L | T Oharlotle, cloudy | 76 | L I T Raleigh, raining | 76 | 6 | T Charleston, clear | 86 j 10 j 00 Atlanta, clear 86 j 6 | .00 Augusta, cleur | 92 8 .00 Savannah. pt. cloudy ....j 86 [ 8 j .00 Jacksonville, pt. cloudy..| 90 | 6 | .00 Jupiter, clear | 82 j 6 j .00 Key West, clear |B2 | 6 18 Tampa, cloudy | 80 j 8 j .00 Mobile, clear ; 86 | 6 ! .00 Montgomery, clear j 92 | L | .00 Vicksburg, clear | 88 | L | .00 New Orleans, clear | 88 | 8 | .00 Galveston, clear j 84 | L j .00 Corpus Christ), clear j 84 | 14 | .00 Palestine, clear | 86 | L j .00 Memphis, clear | 99 j 8 .00 Cincinnati, cloudy | 80 ; L j .0# Pittsburg, c otldy | 78 | 6 | .Oil Buffalo, clear I 70 | 10 .00 Pe:rolt, clear j 74 6 | .00 Chit ago. cloudy | 70 18 i .00 Marquette, cloudy | 62 | L .00 St. Paul. pt. cloudy | 84 j L j .00 Davenport, cloudy | 78 | L , .00 St.. Louis, cloudy 84 | 14 j .00 Kansas City, cloudy jB2 6| T Oklahoma, clear [ 92 8 | .00 Dodge City, pt. cloudy ~| 90 | L | .00 T. for temperature: V. for velocity. " H. B. Boyer. Weather Bureau. i , , hexxs From Tliomnsville. Tt.omast 11 e. Ga , Aug. 21.-Ralph and Clyne Ntc! cf tMs city will have charge of S. W. Mays A Co 's Stanch office In Dothan, Ala Maya * Cos. are buying nearly all the cotton in this section. Mrs. Athlenln Mllly Braswell died last Tuesday et fer home tuar Ocklocknee, It this county. Brunswick Hnd n Storm. Brunswick, On,, Aug. 21—A heavy wind ur.d rainstorm passed through Brunswick to-rlght. It lasted about ten minutes, and did some dnmage to roofs and win dows. No one was hurt, and a few hun dred dollars will cover the damage ap parent at a late hour'* inveetlgatloih 5